Kingdom of Loathing

Kingdom of Loathing

13.10.2013 20:12:37
My FAQ is about the Strange Leaflet in the kingdom
of loathing. You get from the council of loathing when you
reach level nine. This is a really basic guide where I
really tell you what to type and you just sit back and get
it done. But of course if you want the satisfaction of
completing it without help I strongly suggest you read no

! 0. history

! 1. Quick guide

! 2. Advanced guide

! 3. Words to type

! 4. Items

! 5. Thanks

! me

! 7.Legal Crap

0. History

Currently version 1
May 7 2006 finished my rough draft

1. Quick guide
Simple, yet sweet, lazy but productive. My guide will help
you achieve the process of completing the leaflet. ENJOY!
This will just get you through it all without reading

open door


grab sword



grab stick

cut hedge


light stick



kill serpent

open chest

look behind chest

look in hole




light fireplace

grab boots

examine fireplace
( When you do this there are multiple possiblities, if you see a bird type
plover,If you see a wellhouse type plugh, a ship means type yoho and
if you see a house then type xyzzy. If you see a brass bowling trophy
the say get trophey)


put on boots



random direction (about six times)

climb tree

get egg

throw egg at bird


search leaves

climb tree

throw ruby at bowl

climb up

cleesh giant

get pinky ring


(Cleesh is the spell from the scroll if you bother reading
what happens.)

2.Advanced guide

open door

(You open the door.

You are standing in an open field west of a white house.
The front door of the house is standing open. You hear a
gurgling stream to the south, and a path leads north into a
dense forest. There is a small mailbox in front of the


(You enter the house.

You're in the house. The house's only furnishings are a
plain wooden table, a single chair, and a fireplace on the
north wall. The fireplace is unlit.

An ornate sword hangs above the mantel)

get sword

(You take the sword.

You're in the house. The house's only furnishings are a
plain wooden table, a single chair, and a fireplace on the
north wall. The fireplace is unlit.)


open mailbox

(You open the small mailbox. You see inside:
a leaflet.

You are standing in an open field west of a white house.
The front door of the house is standing open. You hear a
gurgling stream to the south, and a path leads north into
a dense forest. There is a small mailbox in front of the

get leaflet
(You take the leaflet.

You are standing in an open field west of a white house.
The front door of the house is standing open. You hear a
gurgling stream to the south, and a path leads north into
a dense forest. There is a small mailbox in front of the

read leaflet
(It's an advertisement for an adventure game called
"Kingdom of Loathing". Sounds pretty fun -- maybe you
should tell all your friends about it.

You are standing in an open field west of a white house.
The front door of the house is standing open. You hear a
gurgling stream to the south, and a path leads north into a
dense forest. There is a small mailbox in front of the

(You walk north from the field.

You are on a forest path north of the field. A cave leads
into a granite butte to the north. A thick hedge blocks
the way to the west.

A hefty stick lies on the ground.)

get stick
(You pick up the stick.

You are on a forest path north of the field. A cave leads
into a granite butte to the north. A thick hedge blocks
the way to the west. )

cut hedge
(Thwickety thwack, you cut down the hedge with your sword.

You are on a forest path north of the field. A cave leads
into a granite butte to the north. A small trail leads to
the west.)

(You go west.

You're in a clearing west of the forest path. There is a
huge, crackling bonfire here)

light stick
(You hold the stick in the flames until it lights. Voila!
A torch!

You're in a clearing west of the forest path. There is a
huge, crackling bonfire here.)

(You leave the clearing.

You are on a forest path north of the field. A cave leads
into a granite butte to the north. A small trail leads to
the west.)

(You walk into the cave, your torch aloft.

You're in a dark and dank cave. A treasure chest sits near
the rear wall, with a dangerous-looking serpent coiled
around it.)

kill serpent
(Your sword makes quick work of the serpent.

You're in a dark and dank cave. A treasure chest sits near
the rear wall, surrounded by hacked-up serpent bits.)

open chest
(You open the chest, and remove the glorious treasure from
You acquire an item: Frobozz Real-Estate Company Instant
House (TM)

You're in a dark and dank cave. An empty treasure chest
sits near the rear wall.)

look behind chest
(You discover a tiny hole in the wall behind the chest.

You're in a dark and dank cave. An empty treasure chest
sits near the rear wall.)

look in hole
(You find a grue egg in the hole!
You acquire an item: grue egg
You're in a dark and dank cave. An empty treasure chest
sits near the rear wall.)

(You exit the cave.

You are on a forest path north of the field. A cave leads
into a granite butte to the north. A small trail leads to
the west. )

(You walk south, back to the field.

You are standing in an open field west of a white house.
The front door of the house is standing open. You hear a
gurgling stream to the south, and a path leads north into a
dense forest. There is a small mailbox in front of the

(You enter the house.

You're in the house. The house's only furnishings are a
plain wooden table, a single chair, and a fireplace on the
north wall. The fireplace is unlit.)

light fireplace
(You poke your torch into the fireplace until it catches,
you twisted firestarter. Soon a blazing fire lights up the
shadowy corners of the room, revealing a pair of large

You're in the house. The house's only furnishings are a
plain wooden table, a single chair, and a fireplace on the
north wall. The fireplace is lit, and crackling merrily.
You also see a large pair of boots in the corner of the

get boots
(Okay, got 'em.

You're in the house. The house's only furnishings are a
plain wooden table, a single chair, and a fireplace on the
north wall. The fireplace is lit, and crackling merrily.)

(You leave the house.

You are standing in an open field west of a white house.
The front door of the house is standing open. You hear a
gurgling stream to the south, and a path leads north into a
dense forest. There is a small mailbox in front of the

put on boots
(With some difficulty, you strap on the boots. Hydrophobic!

You are standing in an open field west of a white house.
The front door of the house is standing open. You hear a
gurgling stream to the south, and a path leads north into a
dense forest. There is a small mailbox in front of the

(You hesitate for a moment, and then cross the stream.
Every molecule in your body explodes at the speed of light.
Well, okay, not really. You do get a little mud on you
while climbing up the opposite bank, though. Yuck.

You are on the southern bank of a wide stream. A path leads
south into dense, dark forest.)

(You hesitate. The forest is thick with old, gnarled trees
and tangled masses of brambles, and precious little light
pierces the thick canopy. If you go in there, you probably
won't be able to find your way out again.

You are on the southern bank of a wide stream. A path leads
south into dense, dark forest.)

(You buck up your courage, and stride bravely into the
forest. You get lost almost immediately.

You are in a maze of twisty little forest paths, all alike.
Gaps in the dense, forbidding foliage lead north, south,
and west.)

(You push north through the thorns and branches. At least,
you think that's the way you went.

You are in a maze of twisty little forest paths, all alike.
Gaps in the dense, forbidding foliage lead west, south,
and east.)

(You push east through the thorns and branches. At least,
you think that's the way you went.

You are in a maze of twisty little forest paths, all alike.
Gaps in the dense, forbidding foliage lead south, north,
and east.)

(You push south through the thorns and branches. At least,
you think that's the way you went.

You are in a maze of twisty little forest paths, all alike.
Gaps in the dense, forbidding foliage lead north, south,
and west.)

(You push west through the thorns and branches. At least,
you think that's the way you went.

You are in a maze of twisty little forest paths, all alike.
Gaps in the dense, forbidding foliage lead east, south,
and west.)

(You push west through the thorns and branches. At least,
you think that's the way you went.

You are in a maze of twisty little forest paths, all alike.
Gaps in the dense, forbidding foliage lead south, east,
and north.)

(You push south through the thor...

All right, by now you're probably as sick of this stupid
maze as I am. Let's skip ahead a bit.
You stumble out of the dense forest into a clearing.

You are in a clearing, with a particularly tall tree
growing in the middle of it. On the ground, you see a pile
of leaves.)

climb tree
(You hoist yourself into the lower branches of the tree and
start climbing. It's a long and difficult climb, and
eventually you're forced to stop and rest.

This tree is unusually tall -- you can't even see the
forest floor any more, as you've climbed above the canopy.
There are several other things to see here, though: a
nearby branch holds a small bird's nest, which contains a
large egg encrusted with precious jewels; a soccer ball is
wedged in the branches out of your reach, with a roadrunner
perched on it, holding a large ruby in its beak; and there
is a bowl of petunias, also out of your reach, with what
looks like a scroll entangled in the flowers. )

get egg
(You have to stretch to reach it, but you manage to get the
egg without losing your grip on the tree.

This tree is unusually tall -- you can't even see the
forest floor any more, as you've climbed above the canopy.
There are several other things to see here, though: a
nearby branch holds a small bird's nest; a soccer ball is
wedged in the branches out of your reach, with a roadrunner
perched on it, holding a large ruby in its beak; and there
is a bowl of petunias, also out of your reach, with what
looks like a scroll entangled in the flowers.)

throw egg at bird
(You take careful aim, and pitch the egg at the roadrunner.
It flaps out of the way with a squawk, dropping the ruby,
which plummets past you.

This tree is unusually tall -- you can't even see the
forest floor any more, as you've climbed above the canopy.
There are several other things to see here, though: a
nearby branch holds a small bird's nest; a soccer ball is
wedged in the branches out of your reach, with a roadrunner
perched on it, glaring at you; and there is a bowl of
petunias, also out of your reach, with what looks like a
scroll entangled in the flowers.)

(You carefully make your way back down to the forest floor.

You are in a clearing, with a particularly tall tree
growing in the middle of it. On the ground, you see a pile
of leaves.)

search leaves
(You dig around in the leaves, and find a large ruby, which
you pick up.

You are in a clearing, with a particularly tall tree
growing in the middle of it. On the ground, you see a pile
of leaves.)

climb tree
(You hoist yourself into the lower branches of the tree and
start climbing. It's a long and difficult climb, and
eventually you're forced to stop and rest.

This tree is unusually tall -- you can't even see the
forest floor any more, as you've climbed above the canopy.
There are several other things to see here, though: a
nearby branch holds a small bird's nest; a soccer ball is
wedged in the branches out of your reach, with a roadrunner
perched on it, glaring at you; and there is a bowl of
petunias, also out of your reach, with what looks like a
scroll entangled in the flowers.)

throw ruby at bowl
(You carefully lob the ruby into the bowl -- two points!
The roadrunner flaps excitedly up to the bowl and scrabbles
around in it for the ruby, knocking the scroll out of it
in the process, and then flies away. You snatch the scroll
out of the air as it flutters down.

This tree is unusually tall -- you can't even see the
forest floor any more, as you've climbed above the canopy.
A nearby branch holds a small bird's nest, and a soccer
ball and a bowl of petunias are wedged in the branches,
both out of your reach.)

climb up
(You eventually reach the top of the tree, and discover to
your surprise that it serves as one leg of a massive
table. You carefully crawl over the edge of the tabletop
and look around in amazement.

This massive table is laid out for a light meal of epic
proportions. The Giant himself is watching you intently,
with his chin in his hands. "How about a guessing game?" he
asks. The Giant sets two shot glasses, as tall as your
knees, on the table in front of him. The glass on the left
is filled with a glittery, pungent liquid. The one on the
right is smoky and thick. "One is poison and one is not,"
says the Giant. "Guess right and I'll take you into

cleesh giant
(You cast Cleesh at the Giant. With a loud POP, he turns
into a huge fat toad, as tall as yourself. "RIBBIT!" it
rumbles angrily, then hops away, knocking over the glasses.

This massive table is laid out for a light meal of epic
proportions. The two giant shot glasses have been knocked
over, and the contents have spilled and drained away. The
Giant's pinky ring lies in a puddle on the table.)

get pinky ring
(You hoist the ring up off the table, and onto your
shoulder. Heavy, but not unmanageable.
You acquire an item: giant pinky ring

This massive table is laid out for a light meal of
epic proportions. The two giant shot glasses have been
knocked over, and the contents have spilled and drained

3. words you should type

When you exmine the fireplace there are a few possibilities

If you see a bird type plover

If you see a well type plugh

If you see a house type xyzzy

If you see a ship type yoho

If you see a brass bowling trophy say grab trophy


Frobozz Real-Estate Company Instant House (TM)

description:This is a portable house, with a label on it
reading "Frobozz Real-Estate Company Instant House. (TM)
Just add water!"

Type: usable
Cannot be traded.
Cannot be discarded
Quest Item

Grue egg
This is an egg laid by a grue. You're assuming a grue will
hatch from it.

(Cooking ingredient)
Type: familiar
Cannot be traded.
Cannot be discarded

giant pinky ring
This pinky ring is more like a silver hula-hoop. It's
engraved with skulls and weird squiggles, and it's damned
heavy, but not unmanagable.

Type: accessory
Mysticality Required: 35
Selling Price: 100 Meat.

75% Chance of Preventing Negative Status Attacks

NOTE: You may not equip more than one of this item at a

5. Thanks

well right now I haven't got any e-mails about stuff I need
to change so this will be pretty short.

Jick and Skull head: For making this awesome game that
consumes my time

My Parents: For buying me a computer
My Brother: For introducing this game to me

6. Contact me

I am Kydos on the GameFAQs boards. In KoL I am Kydos or
My name is Nathan Lemmik, my email is or

If there is anything I missed please E-Mail me and I will
do m best to add it, and credit you accordingly.

I am the only owner of this guide, and if you are not
GameFAQs and wish to use my guide please contact me! It
isn't ethical to take guides that aren't yours and it isn't
cool, so Don't steal my guide.
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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