Puppen, Perlen und Pistolen

Puppen, Perlen und Pistolen

15.10.2013 09:33:46

The Dame Was Loaded

The Dame was Loaded is made by Beam International Pty Ltd.
This walkthru is based on the Australian PC CDROM release (which I
believe is identical to the US CDROM release and probably
identical to the Philips CD-I version)

JULY 29th

You start at your desk. The wooden box to your right is a storage
location I didn't find a use for the ring inside, but you can store
other things in here. On your desk is a picture of Angela, a
camera, and a fountain pen. The typewriter is your control panel.
Take the picture of Angela.

Click on the left side of the screen, where the cursor turns into an
This is your partner Ralph Spencer. Talk to him and he'll suggest a
few things, mentioning Jake's.
Grab a cigarette from the pack at the front of Ralph's desk.
There's also a plunger hanging from the sink that can be taken, as
well as a dirty postcard - neither were really needed. Look at the
calendar above sink - today's date.

You have to go out the front door, where the landlord is waiting. He
wants $150 (see your online notes), but you can stall him by giving
him only $50.
This leaves you with $64.95, and you'll need to raise the rest
within 7 days or you get kicked out (which won't necessarily keep
you from winning).
But, you'll also have to spend money during the course of the case, so
you'll need more than just $100.

Exit out the front door (or back) and Anger goes to his car. The horn
and radio work here, but what's really important is the glove
compartment and the trunk latch. By clicking on the trunk latch to
the left of the radio, Anger goes back to the car trunk - a place
where you can store things (take what you want to put into the trunk
out of your inventory first).
By clicking on the glove compartment, Anger opens his map. When you
start the game, Scott knows about these locations:

first map page:
Anger's office
Mac's Barber Shop
Meg's Diner
Police Station (Officer Denton)
Newspaper Office (Frankie)

second map page:
Jake's Joint
Boarding House (forget going here, it's just for reference)

third map page:
Client (forget going here until the end of the game)

If you click on the map where nothing is marked, you go back to the
car view. When you're in the car, you can step back outside (to where
you just were) by moving the arrow to the left side of the screen,
near the steering wheel.

Open the map and click on the Barber Shop to drive there

Barber Shop (12:30 pm)
Read the paper on the bench:
Mayor Announces New Crime Reform
Click on chair to get a shave
note the comment about Periwig (a race horse) and the phone call
(Mac is a bookie)
Note that you can grab the hair on the floor here. You don't need it
for awhile, so don't bother.
Mac is very closed-lip; asking questions about the case will get you
Go to ......

Meg's Diner ( 1:00 pm)
Click on the menu and choose the donuts.
Click on the coffee to drink it and the donuts to eat the first
Your next stop is the Police Station, so hold onto that second
Click on the receipt in the upper left corner to pay the bill
Go back to the counter view. I saw no value to leaving a tip, so
Go back to the car and drive over to ....

Police Station (1:45 pm)
Ask about Dan Klein - never heard of him
Ask about Angela Donald
Give picture of Dan Klein to Denton
Dan Klein is known around town as Dan Small (Klein...Small..
get it?)
Ask about Dan Small and Denton gets testy
Give donut to Denton and he leaves the room to get some coffee
Grab the raid roster in the box on the right
Clubs to be raided on August 1...including Jake's "Dog Alley" club
Be sure roster is in inventory before Denton comes back
When he returns, ask Denton about Dan Small again
low life, hangs around with bad crowd
Head out and go to ....

Newspaper Office ( 3:00 pm)
Ask Frankie about Dan Small and Angela Donald - no real info
Click on back door (the morgue)
Ask morgue about Dan Small - no info

Go back to office
NOTE: Whenever Scott drops his hat, pick it up. If you fail to do
this later in the game, you'll pay for it with his life.

At 6:00 pm, head to Jake's Joint ("Dog Alley")
You start with Jake's "speakeasy" door.
Knock on it to get Jake to come to the door.
Do Jake a favor and give him the raid roster from the Police
Inside, you meet your poker buddies:
Red Randall
This is where you can earn money, by playing poker.
This is also where you can get info about what's going on around
town - but you have to play a round of poker to ask a question.
To start a poker game, Click on your wallet and drop a buck into
the pile of cash on the table.
After a round, ask about Dan Small and you learn a new name -
Freddi Creel
After the next round, ask about Freddi Creel - crushed in crusher.

When done, head back to the office and go to sleep on the couch

Day 2 -
7:00 am
read paper - heat wave
get shave - Mac mentions Creel

get donut

Ask morgue about Freddi Creel - killed on June 15
You learn about O'Brian's Foundry, Thumbs McKenzie, and
Creel's widow Louise Creel
Ask morgue about Thumbs McKenzie
Pal of Freddy's, currently in the jail

Ask Frankie about
Louise Creel - closed-mouth

Police Station
Ask about Freddi Creel
Ask about Thumbs McKenzie - caught at Creel's murder site.

Go to Louise Creel's apartment (map 2)
Click on door knocker
Ask Mrs. Creel about
Freddi - doesn't know what he did for a living
Thumbs - said Freddi owed him money
Dan Small - don't like him. Associate of husband.
She then asks who hired Scott
Angela Donald - Louise Creel's sister, different fathers.
They didn't like each other

Give Louise Angela's picture
Give Louise Dan Klein's picture

Move cursor to the left side so Scott can look at the room
NOTE: This is going to be a timed event, so you have to be
(reasonably) quick
On the fireplace mantle is a reddish blob that is a decanter of
Click on it and Louise will leave.
Go back to the couch view and open her purse on the couch
She'll notice if most things are gone, but you can grab a
Exit the screen and quickly go back to the left room view.
Grab the painting above the fireplace and you'll find a safe.
Click on the safe to get a close-up view, then click on the screen
bottom to go back.
Click on the painting again to put it back.
Click on the crystal cabinet to the left of the fireplace.
If you open it now, you'll get caught.
Go back and wait for Louise to come back.

Once she leaves,
Click on the crystal closet and use the hairpin on the lock.
Grab the brown box in the back and exit the closeup.
Put box on the small cigarette stand to the left of the crystal
Note the background where Louise is standing.
Put the box back in the cabinet and wait until Louise comes back
She'll check her bag but won't notice the missing hairpin.

(alternately, to get to the cigar case or into the safe (once you
have the combo, you can go back and talk to your partner Ralph -
he'll offer to call her (automatically) next time you visit, to
keep Louise out of the room longer).

You now know about a bank - The First National.
Ask Louise about the diamond robbery there.

Exit and head to....

Jail (map 3)
Thumbs will dummy up, until you give him the cigarette
Ask about
Dan Small - he, Freddi, and Thumbs pulled a job together
First National - might know something about that.
Find Dan Small and we'll have a chat
Freddi - tried to chisel me out of my part of the loot.
Said to meet him, but he was dead when I got there.
Louise - sister of Angela
Thumbs - I was set up

Give Thumbs the photo of Dan
Give Thumbs photo of Angela - Dan's girl

Exit. So....who really did kill Freddie Creel and why?

Foundry closes at 4:30 - I was too late

Police Station
Ask about First National - no clues, and a lot of diamonds

Exit and open trunk
Get the tire iron out of the trunk.

After 6 pm Jake's Joint
Ignore Jake but play poker.
Ask about
First National - we don't know nothing about that
Thumbs - Said he had a score to settle.
Give picture of Dan - they all call him Dan Small instead of
Dan Klein

Go back to office and sleep on couch

New Day

Head out to the Foundry (you lose $1)
Click on reddish lever on two bronze disks on left of cage
this is the lever for triggering the crusher
NOTE: Do NOT operate this unless crusher cage is closed!
Click on the cage to open the crusher
On the bottom of the crusher is a loose board that can be examined.
You'll see something red.
Click on it and you see that Scott's fingers can't reach it
You need something long and thin.
Try the tire iron....too thick.
But, exit the close-up
Put the tire iron into the crusher, close the door and flip the
Open the cage, grab the flattened tire iron and use it to remove a
pencil from that loose board.
Go to car, put tire iron in trunk and get wrench if you don't have

Palm Tree Motel (map 2)
Ask clerk about Dan Small
Show Dan's picture to clerk
Give him $10 and his memory returns
Dan was in room 11, about a month ago.
Give him another $14 to pay Dan's bill and you can examine his
Take stethoscope
Take picture of Dan and Angela - examine it once it's in your
Exit close-up and clerk says he knows something...but can't
remember what
Give him $2
Another P.I - Carl Brewer - was asking around about Freddy.
Click on keys behind clerk - room 11 is occupied.

Go up stairs.
Knock on room 11's door.
Click on his face with your P.I's license
(or use the camera from your desk).
When you wake up (you get knocked out for 2 hours), the room is
now unoccupied (if you use the camera, it's busted - it isn't
needed later).

You can either use the hairpin to enter the room, or pay for the
key ($2).
Note that the hairpin can only be used three times before it will

Hotel Room 11
Click on the light switch to the right of the closet (& below the
Something up in the lamp shade. Walk over to the left and move the
Now go back to the right and click on the ceiling lamp and you get
a railway locker key #29B.

Move the bed back and go to the left.
Flip the switch to the right of the bathroom door.
Go into the bathroom.
The sink is stopped up - use the plunger from your office sink if
you have it (not essential).
Use the wrench on the pipe underneath the sink and you'll get a
This ties Freddy in with the First National Bank diamond theft.

Exit room, drop off key with clerk, and exit to car.
Open map - you now have locations for Carl Brewer's office and

Railway Station
Use locker key on 2nd door from the left, on the top.
Inside you find a small book with some odd numbers and letters
the last page is significant.
F.C stands for Freddy Creel - this is his safe's combo.
The combo is FC: L-5 R-8 L-1 which translates to:
Turn the lock left 5 times
Then turn the lock right 8 times
Then turn the lock left 1 times

This locker can be used to store things, although there is a really
good chance you could lose it all later. Nothing that will prevent
you from finishing, though.

It wouldn't hurt to wait here, so you can check Louise Creel's door
until she's not home (knock twice to be sure). Then you can use the
hairpin on the lock, and open the safe. Top open the safe, move the
picture over the fireplace, click on the safe to get close, and use
the stethoscope on the safe. You should now have an arrow on either
side of the safe dial.
Per Dan Small's notebook, click on the left side 5 times, then on the
right side 8 times and then once again on the left. Inside the safe
is an insurance form on Freddy Creel.

This isn't germane to the case, but adds useful color on Louise's
personality - especially later.

Newspaper office
Ask about Carl Brewer and you learn he's dead (Scott apparently
already knew that)
Ask about First National - held up by 3 men, diamonds never found.

Ask morgue about
Carl Brewer - last person to talk to him was his landlord
First National - 3 goons held up bank & robbed them of diamonds.
Just as police showed up, so did 6 other armed
These 6 were arrested and are now in jail.

After you ask about First National, Frankie kicks you out.
Waiting in the car are two goons (if you've seen safe and cigar
box, and have found diamond).
They take you to ....

The Warehouse
When you wake up, click on the map to get a closer view.
Click on it again to flip it over.
When you wake up, send them somewhere.

Once Dumb Charlie and Smart Charlie leave,
Click on the step to stand up,
Click on the step again to go forward.
Examine the red box - a fire alarm that works by breaking the
Go forward twice more to get closer to the alarm (and glass!).
Now click on the alarm button 3 times so Scott rocks close
enough to break the glass.
Click down at the bottom of the screen and you'll see glass.
Click on the piece closest to his right hand.
Take the crumpled map.
Click on the brown box on the left and take a bottle of whiskey.
Exit warehouse.

note from Louise.
Ralph tells you that the case you were going to be on was given to
Pinkerton's Agency, so you now have more time for your current
However, there was a break-in here ...guess what's missing.
Right - anything useful, like the diamond

5:45 pm Go to Louise's
Her place has been ransacked - she says by Big Joel Jones.
The cigar box is missing
The safe is open (yep, those goons took Dan Small's book)
the safe is empty
NOTE: (if you had already cracked the safe, you know there was
some jewelry _and_ a life insurance policy on Freddy Creel

Click on the back door to go into....

Louise's Bedroom
Get photo that spilled out of blue jewelry box in lower left
Freddy and your poker buddy G-G. G-G is a gambler.
Click twice on fur in back - silver fox fur
Click twice on hat on closet - wide brimmed hat
Click on yellow blobs on right side nightstand - Scott takes sewing

Go back to main room and ask Louise about
Big Joel Jones - said he had unfinished business with Freddy.
Wanted to look around the apartment
G-G - associate of Freddy's
Dan Small - he was Freddy's friend
Angela Donald - I don't know anything about her death.
Possibly related to this case
First National - Don't know anything about diamonds
Show her picture of G-G and Freddy

Jake's Joint
Red Randall is missing from game
Ask about
Big Joel Jones:
runs this town. A racketeer.
1 in 3 crooks works for him...(notice where they look)
Angela Donald - let her go, or you might join her
First National - diamonds stolen and no one's found them
Show 'em Freddy and G-G shot -

go back to office and go to sleep.

August 2

When you awaken, you get kidnappers' note:
they have Frankie and want diamonds within 5 days
Put the ransom note in the desk box (you won't need it).
Pick up fountain pen out of holder on left side of desk

Read paper
Thumbs is dead, killed by same 6 guys that showed up at bank
after diamond heist.
Grab some of the hair on the floor between the chair and Mac
Get a shave - Mac comments on your bruises
He gets a call betting on a horse called Periwig - odds are 28:1

Get a donut

Police Station
Answer "Diamonds" and Denton promised to have the warehouse checked
out (the next time you come here, he'll say they found nothing at
the warehouse)
After giving him the donut, click on the box on the right
List of raids of off-track betting shops, including Mac the
When he comes back, ask Denton about
Joel Jones - owns part of the force
G-G nothing
Thumbs - Frankie's article got him killed.
You get kicked out after asking about Thumbs

Newspaper office
Click on drawer on right
Click on large makeup container - Scott hides his bruises
Grab gun and laundry ticket

Click on phone to call the morgue
Ask about Joe Jones - get address of Blue Angel club and
mansion Ask again - has hunting cabin, but no address known
Now that Frankie isn't here to stop you, ask about Angela
Angela was sole witness to arson of Sweet Dreams club, which
burned down. The Blue Angel club built on same location.
Ask about Frankie - went with a big guy and a little guy in a
green sedan. Something about fresh mountain air.
NOTE: If you know about the description of Angela's death
from Denton, I believe Scott will realize this is the same
car used when Angela was killed.
1st National - diamonds stolen on June 15th.
one bandit wore a brown jacket with leather patches.
Man in brown had the diamonds.

NOTE: If you broke into Carl Brewer's office, you don't need to deal
with the laundry ticket

Here's the basic scenario for Brewer's office

Carl Brewer's office
Brewer's door is locked. If you ring the buzzer on the side of
the door, you know he's not there.
There's nothing in here you _need_ (you can find what you need
later, somewhere else) and you'll have to use the hairpin to
pick the lock

- the hairpin has a limited life of 3 uses.
Inside are three items, including a tuxedo in the closet on the
left (the other items might be useful, but I didn't need them)

However, I'm taking the alternate route, which involves getting the
tuxedo via the laundry ticket so I didn't go into Carl's office.

Look at the laundry ticket - the '10' is written in red ink.

Red Dragon Laundry (map 1)
Give the man the laundry ticket and you get a dress.
Note that there is also a tuxedo (although I can't
figure out how you're supposed to know this) here and a
yellow-green bellhop's. Go back to car.

Mickey (middle poker player) is in the car
Both G-G and Red have been nervous since this case started
Ask about
Joel Jones - owns cops. Has two goons: Smart Charlie and Dumb
G-G - very jumpy. Been asking about you
Red Randall - Don't trust him
1st National - No one's tried to sell them yet
Thumbs - Thumbs & company heard about diamonds and pulled heist
before other gang could.

Click on closet and put dress in there.
Click on the dress and choose the left icon - Wear.
Scott finds Frankie's notebook and learn about the Blue Angel
Take the dress.

Talk to Ralph - I played the second choice
(I don't know if first choice is really an option, but it might

Put Frankie's notebook in storage - you won't need it again.

Red Dragon Laudry
Give back the dress - you get Ticket 10 again (and lose a quarter).

Put ticket on desk.
Fill your fountain pen with the red ink in the middle bottle on
the right
Click on the ticket with the pen and choose 20 - the tuxedo
(I'm cheating here, because I've know I need it for the Blue
Click on the glue bottle in the upper left with the hair from
Mac's and you make and wear a mustache

Red Dragon Laundry
Give ticket 20 and get tuxedo

Blue Angel Club 4:40 pm
Old location of Sweet Dreams nightclub
If you wait until 7 pm and then go back in, you can get in the
With no moustache, you get punched out. If you have the mustache
on, you don't get hit but if you don't have the tux on or didn't
have a shaved that morning you're told to leave. For now, just

If you go back to the office before 5 pm, Ralph leaves and is shot
out in the alley, telling you with his dying breath that he was
shot by someone wearing a brown jacket with leather patches. You
can take his gun and keys, but do it quick before the cops get you
as they'll get mad if they find a gun on you. If you learned about
the 1st National diamond heist info at the police station, Scott
might link the brown coat.

If you stay away from the office, then two policemen tell you about
Ralph being gunned down when you return - you'll get his keys, but
not his gun (which you don't need). Either way, you spend two hours
at the police station.

Back at the office, Scott guzzles down the whiskey bottle and
passes out.

August 3

Go to the closet view and click on it. Put the tux in the closet
and try to wear it - the trousers need to be stitched up.
Using the sewing kit from Louise's, it's a snap.
But, since it's morning, he can't wear the tux.
Exit the closeup and look at Ralph's desk.

Use Ralph's keys on the green filing cabinet (once).
Look up:
Angela - singer at Sweet Dreams, which burned down on June 15th.
Red-headed man left club via back door before fire.
On June 18th, a green sedan with 2 men in it shot

Read paper - Ralph's death
Ask about Ralph
Give Raid Roster to Mac
Although you're wearing mustache, get a shave (or you won't get
into Blue Angel Club)
Get more hair off the floor

Police Station
Ask about Ralph - goes to get file on Angela
Click on the evidence box
Click on the matches - Sweet Dreams matches
Click on paper - tenement fire in building owned by Joel Jones.
Red-haired man seen standing around, enjoying
the fire.
One of the bodies was Mickey Murphy, your poker
Grab lump of charcoal at bottom of box

When Denton comes back with file
3 .44 caliber bullets found in wall.
Witness saw woman, wearing silver fox fur and large hat, running
from the scene.

Ask about
Mickey Murphy - gas bomb set off fire

Make another mustache (makeup is still ok)
Ask copyboy (morgue) about:
Mickey Murphy - died in Aug 4th fire

Office 6 pm
Wear tux by clicking on it and choosing the left icon ( if you
haven't used the sewing kit from Louise's back room, do that now)
With your tux, makeup, and mustache, go to

Blue Angel Club.
Wait until 7pm (when it turns dark) and exit the car and you'll get

Back Stage
Open Janitor closet and wear janitor's jumper suit
Click on dark, burnt area to left of door if you didn't get any
charcoal in the evidence box at the police station. You can get
a piece here.
Click on office door

Club Office
NOTE: You have only a limited time before you will be caught -
if you're fast, you get away _Scott_ free (pun intended!)
Here you meet the esteemed Joel Jones
Note 3 pictures behind desk - one is a cabin called Pinewood
Open filing cabinet
Angela - Sweet Dreams was losing money
Red Randall - receipt for "consulting" work as a wrecker -
keep this!
G-G - real name: Ashley
Francine - a file of all her stories on him
Thumbs - wasn't on Jones' payroll.
Click on desk
Use charcoal on white notepad - racing tip. Take it.
Exit Club and go to

Jake's Joint
G-G's there by himself, on the run. Will sell info for right price
Ask about anything and he clams up.
Give him racing tip from Club Office - you're now set up to meet
him here tomorrow night.

As always, be sure to pick up the hat when it falls.
This time, it will be shot at.
Remove tux by clicking on the inside of the closet, then take it.

Day 7 Aug 6
Makeup and mustache have worn off

9:00 am Newspaper
Ask copyboy about Joel Jones again now that you know more about the
If you get to the newspaper early enough (it takes 6 hours), you'll
have enough time to find the address for the cabin. Else, come
When you do, you'll now have a new address on map 3.

Try Louise Creel's 4:30 pm
Ask about
Angela -

6 pm Jake's Joint
G-G stays just long enough to tell you that there's someone at the
Hotel Seville, room 78 that you want to talk to. (now have
Seville on map 1).

Hotel Seville
If you try to get in without a mustache, the manager calls the
house detective and you're thrown out. If you have a mustache or no
makeup, you are asked to leave. You must be clean-shaven, have
makeup to cover your bruises, and be wearing a bellhop's uniform
(I could have cheated and got it earlier, but Scott had no reason
to want it so I didn't get it).

Go to sleep back at the office

Aug 5

Red Dragon Laundry
Give tux back to man and you get dress
Give dress back to get another Ticket 10

Get shave (don't get hair to make mustache)

Newspaper 9:00 am
Use makeup again
Put ticket on desk and use pen on it - choose #18 - bellhop
NOTE: If you rescue Frankie before changing the laundry ticket,
you can still sit at her desk _sometimes_. You'll have to
keep checking her office until she's not there. And the only
place I found to modify the ticket is her desk.

10:00 am Head to Big Joel's Cabin
Drive to cabin - car crashes but you end up there anyway.
Click on wall to right of door to change your view
Click on Frankie's hair and you get hairpin and pick locks
Click below fireplace, on floor, to turn view back
Grab the bear trap on wall just to left of window, then use the
trap on the window
Quickly, click to right of the door so that you're hidden from
view when the goon comes in within a second or two later
Big Joel is arrested

Now 5:15 Go to Red Dragon Laundry
Give the counter man Ticket 18 and you get the bellhop uniform

Back to office (save Temp)
Knock at door - it's the landlord looking for his $100. If you
don't have it, or you blow him off, you'll be told you're being
thrown out in 3 days (no loss). I didn't have enough money in
either of the two games I played.

At 6:00 pm, go to Jakes Joint
Red Randall is here
Ask about Red Randall - he spouts off and says there's no evidence
Give him Red's Receipt and he's arrested

Back at office, it's now 8 pm.
Put bellhop uniform in closet, then click on it to wear it.

Hotel Seville
In lobby, without mustache but with shave, bellhop uniform, and
makeup to cover the bruises, you're given the passkey and head
Use key on door's lock (above knob)

Hotel Room
Once again, you have a limited time.
Click on the closet on the left
Click on the brown jacket twice
If you were at office when Ralph got shot, you'll make
connection to his murderer.
Click on the nightstand in the lower right
Click on Oregon directory - falls open to the Smalls
Take postal receipt

Click on nightstand on other side of bed just to note bullets
Click on bathroom door

You need to hide - click on curtain
Now wait until curtain opens
you'll first hear someone enter the apartment and then they'll
come into the bathroom.
When the curtain opens, quickly punch the guy in the face by
clicking on his head (not body!).
(If you do it wrong, he escapes and you get arrested)
Use shaving kit (on wooden box next to tub) on man to discover he
is really Freddy Creel

Exit the hotel room
Freddy Creel is booked on Dan Klein/Small's murder

When Mrs Klein shows up
I gave the money back
Ask about
Angela - you learn why Brewer was on the case.
Dan -
1st National - she leaves diamonds on floor, by desk

Click on bottom of screen when done
Change to view of desk/closet/couch and get box of diamonds

Go to car - Louise jumps in
She can't be trusted - click on her door
Quickly click on her purse to grab her gun
Your call:
is she unaware of what went on (click on the door)
or part of the scheme (click on the steering wheel)?

Either way, take the diamonds to Denton at the Police Station

For me, the ideal ending was that Scott decides to take Denton's
advice, and go vacation up in Oregon.... near a former client.
If that's your choice, there's a map location for that.

Copyright 1996 by Dave Timoney. All rights reserved.
Permission is given by the author for distribution of this file for
non-profit means, as long as the file is un-modified. Further rights
of distribution require contacting the author.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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