Sacred Mirror of Kofun

Sacred Mirror of Kofun

18.10.2013 05:35:17

The Sacred Mirror of Kofun
An Adventure Game by Enteractive, Inc.

Credits: Rosemary, Karen, and Flo

Go see EDWARD first. Do what he says. See Jean Michel. Look around and touch
things until EDWARD says "your card is ready." You will get video from Steve
Grant regarding John Braddy. Go get your card and put it into the card reader
(right of Automap) - it has the yellow button). You will get video of Ann Fong
arriving on board.

Insert CD #2 at prompt. Go back to EDWARD. Touch square screen. Click on
first "D" in EDWARD's name - this is the Datastorage. Touch each entry and
transfer all items to encyclopedia or album. Go to the "E" in EDWARD. This
the encyclopedia. Now back out and go over to the intercom. You can now
your shipmates. First talk to Paul Sinus (Cabin #4) - ask all questions on
row; when he signs off, go back and ask middle row, then third row. Keep
back until you ask all questions. Next, talk to Ann Fong - same procedure.
Next, talk to Luciana Capucci - same procedure.

Go to the automap.

Click the ABC button. See the red square on Hawaii? Touch it. A red line
appears. Now sail to Palau. When you get there, push the green "start"
You will get about halfway there and be interrupted by a video from John
Go to Datastorage and view it. New file will be installed. These
will also be installed: 151-46-30E/7-23-55N. You get Keywords Bais +John
Braddy + Legend + Palau + Worldwide Heritage. Press the green " check" mark
send them to either the encyclopedia or data storage.

Go to the "W" in EDWARD's name - that is the World Web. Enter the keywords
the space at the top. Put them all in at once. Search results: Bais,
from John Braddy to W.W.H. Touch each one and send them to Datastorage or
Encyclopedia. Go to Datastorage and look at Message from John Braddy to
You will get the John Bgraddy Enigma. The solution is:
(Push return). "Check" it to album. Push Analyze. Keywords from this
are: 48th Naval Guard Force + Daikisan + Kofun + Mirror + Nara + Truk.
search results are: Daikisan Sailors, Truk, People of Truk. "Check" them
and look them up. Each time you look something up you must send it to the
Encyclopedia or Datastorage, or Album.

Go back to the Automap.

Finish sailing to Palau and push "start" again. Now you have three dive
to do. Choose ISC No. 1. Back out from map. You will see curved arrow
showing in black border below the screen. Move until it turns into a
Click (I call this Warp). You now face a screen showing different areas of
ship. Move your cursor over them to see where they take you. Click on the
"Angel Shark". You wil be prompted for CD #3. You are now facing a monitor
with a black screen and yellow boarder Save your game here. My game
often, but when I saved every Dive, I didn't have this problem. Click on
"go" . You will be taking pictures. Pay close attention. There are five
pictures to this dive. Your camera lens changes when there is something of
interest. If you miss one, you can go back down by touching the X and then
"go" . Let the dive run out naturally. When you get back up, you will get
video from Jean-Michel. Coordinates will be installed to "Alert Dive".
that you do not always get an Alert Dive - it varies from game to game, so
be worried if you don't get one.) You are now back on deck. Go to automap.
You will see new location "Alert Dive". Don't go there yet! You must
the ISC #1 dive. Go to EDWARD. Talk to him. Go to Datastorage. Look at
#1. You know you have all the pictures because the Bio-analyze and Analyze
buttons show up. Click on the first picture. Touch Bioanalyze. You get a
chart. Drag picture number one into the oval shape at bottom of chart. The
encyclopedia will show up to help you. You need to sort the pictures by
category. Here are the answers:
1. Common Cnidaria
2. Not Bio-analyszed
3. Common Fish
4. Common Fish
5. Remarkable fish
Word Export to Dr. Capucci will appear at the top of chart when all entered.
Click there and you get 15%. Push return and click Analyze. You get
Coral Bleaching + Reef Ecosystem. Check to album and enter these words into
World Web. Search results are: Coral Bleaching, Reef Ecosystem. Send
them to
the encycloopedia and look them up.

Back out and go back to the Automap and set sail for ISC #2. Dive here.
procedure for this dive. Nine pictures:
1. Common Fish
2. Common Fish
3. Cojmmon Fish
4. Remarkable Mollusc
5. Common Echinodermata
6. Mremarkable Cnidaria
7. Rare Fish
8. Rare Fish
9. Rare Fish
Bio-Analysis export results - 50%. Push "return" then "analyze" to get
keywords: Manta Ray+ Remora. Go to Web and search on these two together
search results: Manta Ray, Symbiosis, and Mutualism. Send them to
and look them up.

Go back to Automap and do the ISC #3 dive. This dive is more complex. You
to come up for air several times. There ar eight pictures. X's will appear
when screen stops. Each one goes in a different direction. Bioanalysis:
1. Rare Mollusc
2. Remarkable Fish
3. Remarkable Fish
4. Remarkable Fish
5. Common Fish
6. Common Fish
7. Common Fish
8. Common Fish
Be sure to look up each one and "check" it to the encyclopedia or album.
to Capucci results are 42%. Keywords: Nautilus + Barracuda + Shark.
Resutlts: Barracuda, Nautilus, Shark Class, Shark Attacks. Send them to
encyclopedia and look them up. Talk to EDWARD - he is impressed.

Now, do the Alert Dive - three pictures. You will come up naturally. Back
You will have video. Jean Michel wants to protest. Talk to EDWARD, he
makes a
comment. Go to Datastorage and check out Alert Dive. You can't bio-analyze
analyze - it is too poluted. "Check" it to album, back out, and go to the

Now go fiind Braddy Coordinates on map. Minus zoom and get far away view of
map. Sail to Truk, map comes close up, you can now see Braddy Coordinates.
Press ABC to see location of islands, sail rest of way to Braddy Site.

Braddy Coordinates Site: four pictures. You will be prompted for CD #2.
photos, come up, go to Dataatorage and look for Shinkoku. Bio-analysis:
1. Common Fish
2. Remarkable Fish
3. Common Cnidaria
4. Can't bio-analyze
Bio results 12%. Get keywords Bombs + Hailstone + Truk + Wrecks. Go to Web
search on all keywords for results: Truk, The People of Truk, Daily Pacific
09/30/98 (explosions), Wrecks in the Truk Lagoon, Artificial Reef - the Truk
Wrecks, Shinkoku, Fujikawa, Nippo. Yamagiri, Rio, Betty Bomber. Check them
Datastorage or Encyclopedia; look them up. When viewing Fujikawa, Nippo and
Betty Bomber, ED will install coordinates to these sites. Now go to
again and look up the Daily Pacific 09/30/98. Analysis keywords: Coral +
Ecosystem + 2nd World War + Truk. Go to Web and search on keywords for
Truk, The People of Truk, the Second World War in Micronesia, Operation
Hailstone. Transfer them and then look them up. Back out and go to
Sail to Nippo.

Nippo Dive: three pictures. Can only Bio-analyze one picture: 1. Common
Keywords: Eten + Hailstone + Truk + Wrecks + Military Installations.
results: Eten, Truk, The People of Truk, Wrecks in the Truk Lagoon,
Reef, the Truk Wrecks, Shinkoku, Fujikawa, Nippo. Yamagiri, Rio, Betty
Transfer/look them up. You will get coordinates for Eten. Talk to EDWARD.
back to Automap. Sail for Fujikawa.

Fujikawa Dive: nine pictures. Can only Bioanalyze 3,4,6:
3. Common Fish
4. Common Cnidaria
5. Common Fish
You will see ID tag with numbers on it: 12469. These are clues to be used
later. Keywords: Hailstone + Truk + Wrecks. Search Results: Truk, The
of Truk, Wrecks in Truk Lagoon, Artificial Reef, The Truk Wrecks, Shinkoku,
Fujikawa, Nippo, Yamagiri, Rio. Transfer/look them up. Go to Automap and
to Betty Bomber.

Betty Bomber Dive: Five pictures in cockpit; none in tail section:
1. Common Fish
2. Common Fish
3. Common Fish
4. Common Echinodermata
5. Bioanalysis results 10%. Keywords: Betty Bomber + Hailstone + Truk +
Wrecks. Search results: Betty Bomber Message, Betty Bomber, Truk, The
of Truk, Wrecks in Truk Lagoon, Artificial Reef, the Truk Wrecks, Shinkoku,
Fujikawa, Nippo, Yamagiri, Rio. Transfer/look up all, especially the Betty
Bomber Message.

Go to Automap and sail to Eten (this is an Island). Back out and go to the

On Eten Island, walk forward five steps. On your right is a leaf where your
arrow will show. Move the leaf to get the machete. Step forward until you
to a vine covered wall. Cut the vines with your machete and go through the
door. Go left into the next door. Go through the building, turn around and
come back in. See the board in the corner? Move it to get the pick axe.
back around and go out the door that has the grafitti on the outside wall.
Angle left. Go one step to the crossroad. Turn left and walk forward until
come to an old building (this is headquarters). Look around inside and you
see a schedule on the wall. Take a picture of it. Look around and find a
of rubble in the corner. You can't do anything with it yet. Leave the
building. Move forward three steps to a path. Move forward four steps to
grotto. Go in. Knock down the blocked passage with the pickaxe. Go to the
and turn around. When you come back out look for a drawing on the wall to
up near the ceiling. Step out of cave. Move forward two steps to path.
left. Forward, forward, forward, angle, angle, forward to crossroads. Turn
left to go to the beach. (If you pause by the coconut tree too long, you
get hit on the head and sent back to your room.) Turn around at shore.
forward until you see flower garden. Pass the flowers two steps, come to a
path. Turn right, forward one step. See a rodent? Follow him left into
bushes. You will see a cannon. Move closer. Move the leaves and pick up
crowbar. Click left and you will face the side of the cannon. Turn right.
Walk forward to crossing path. Turn right. Walk five steps to cross roads.
Turn right to flower garden. Step forward until you get back to the
with grafitti. Go in, turn around and come back out. Angle left to
again. Turn right. Walk forward three steps to pillar building. Look
Follow the lizard up the wall to see map of island. Move out, go forward to
crossroads. Turn left to flower garden. Walk forward six steps back to
grafitti building. Turn around at doorway. Angle forward to crossroads.
left and walk to old building (headquarters) again. Find the rubble pile.
crowbar to move rubble. Touch the chest. Now use the pick axe to clear
stones. Touch chest again and it will open only if you know the combination
the lock. You do! 12469. In the open trunk is the Japanese decoder.
the third spindle from the top on right. Place it in the decoder. Push all
buttons (keys) down once - any order. Now take a picture of the decoder.
will say that's it! Go back to ship. You can go to the beach and stand by
coconut tree to get hit on the head (or find your way back through the
You are now in your room. Look around. Have a snack. Warp to the bridge.

Talk to EDWARD. In Datastorage analyze the Eten Photos. Analyze the Betty
Bomber Message again. You will get the enigma. Answers are
Put symbols in, left to right, example: 4 goes in first square, three in
square, etc. Push return. ED will talk to you. Keywords: Daikisan +
Search results: Daikisan Sailors, Eten. Transfer/look them up. Talk to
EDWARD. Go to intercom and talk to Sinus (now in Station Bay). Ask all
questions. Coordinates will be installed to Daikisan. At intercom, talk to
Fong, ask all questions. Talk to Capucci, ask all questions and she will
you coordinates to Daikisan (Capucci) site. Edward will install them.

Go to automap. You need to zoom out of close-up map. Sail to Palau to see
Daikisan (Capucci) Site. Dive. Two pictures here. You are looking for a
bottle at the end of dive. Take the two pictures and come up for more air.
Dive again and come up naturally, and you will have the bottle in your
inventory. ED says nothing so you don't know you have the bottle unless you
look in your inventory. Go to EDWARD and put the bottle into the scanner
the right of EDWARD console where you picked up your card). The bottle
into a letter. New file will be installed. Go to Datastorage and look at
Check out the Daikisan (Capucci) photos. One key word: Daikisan. Search
results: Daikisan Sailors.

Now look at Letter from Japanese Sailor in Datastorage. Talk to Capucci on
intercom for help to translate it. ED will install new file. Go back to
Datastorage and look at the Letter from Japanese Sailor (LC). New keywords:
Mirror + Ishuta + Melikeok. Search results: Daily Pacific 02/05/99.
and look up in data storage. New keywords: John Braddy + Kofun + Mirror +
+ Worldwide Heritage. No new search results. Back out! You have video.
file is installed. Go to datastorage and look at Braddy Extraordinary Site.
You get enigma. Remove all these names: John, John, Braddy, ISC, ISC,
Palau, Steve. Keywords: Ngarol. Search results: Ngarol Map.
up Ngarol Map in datastorage. Back out! Coordinates will be installed. Go
automap, find and sail to Ngarol site.

Ngarol site: This is a short dive. There are two pictures. Analyze them.
cannot bioanalyze (0%). Analyzing these photos has unlocked a hidden file.

Talk to Sinus and rest of crew on intercom about missing photo. Now go to
EDWARD's World Web, and on the input line, type in (from your keyboard)
DIVE_PHO.JB1 and get personal files of staff:
Jean-Michel Cousteau
Paul Sinus
Ann Fong (Notice Ann's file is unauthorized)
Chris Young.
Touch Ann's name. The password you need to type in is her father's name YI
(be sure to leave a space). Press return. New file is installed. Find it
datastorage. It is dive_pho.jb1. Analyze for keywords: Giant Clams.
results: Tridacna Clams. Transfer/look up. Back out. ED will install
coordinates. Head to automap. Dive to Ngarol again. You will be
by video from Paul Sinus. Continue your dive to Ngarol Four pictures.
back on bridge deck you get video from Jean-Michel. Look up Clam City
Report in
data storage. Keywords: giant clams + Aquaculture. Search results:
Diversity, Aquaculture, Giant Clam Farm, Tridacna Clams. Transfer/look up.

Data storage: look at Braddy Site. Analyze it.
1. Can't bio-analye
2. Rare Mollusc
3. Rare Mollusc
4. Rare Mollusc
Bioanalysis result 13%. Analyze the pictures. Keywords: Giant clams +
Poacher. Search results: Tridacna Clams. Transfer/look up. Back out!
now have video. New coordinates installed to Local Authorities site.

Go to automap and sail to Palau. You get closeup of map showing sites.
Continue to Local Authorities Site. Dive there. Save game here. (I always
save before each new dive.) There are eight pictures:
1. Rare reptile
2. common fish
3. common fish
4. remarkable fish
5. remarkable fish
6. remarkable fish
7. remarkable fish
8. common fish.
Bioanalysis results 45%. Keywords: Napoleon + Symbiosis + Shark. Search
results: Napoleon Wrasse, Shark Class, Shark Atatcks, Symbiosis +

Now analyze the Braddy video again. It is different this time; you get the
Braddy Enigma. Touch the rectangular pictures at the top. You will get
sentences to choose from as you touch each picture:
Picture one - choose sentence one; picture two - choose sentence two;
three - choose sentence two; picture four - choose sentence three; picture
- choose sentence one; picture six - choose sentence three; picture seven -
choose sentence two. Click on yellow return words and a new file will be
installed. Go look up Napoleon Legend in data storage; coordinates will be
installed to Peleliu. New keywords: Peleliu + Bai + Napoleon. Search
Napoleon Wrasse. Transfer/lookup.

Go to automap. Find Peleliu, it is dry land! Go to the island. On
Peleliu, go
forward, angle left, then forward four steps. Angle right to see hut (Bai).
There is a parrot just ahead on stone perch in front of Bai. Touch him and
will move. There is a flat stone on top of the statue. Move your cursor
just under top stone until your arrow shows, click, you will get a note from
Braddy. Back out. Turn left two times to the Bai. Walk around the house.
Check under the Bai until your arrow shows down. You will find a flashlight
a snake. Take your crowbar and nudge him. (Save your game before doing
To move the snake you must touch the crowbar to the Bai above the snake and
will crawl away. You can now take the flashlight.

You need batteries for the flashlight; they are in your bag. Angle left
you get to the flattened well ruins. Pass over the circle of stones. See
alligator? He will get you if you are not fast enough to pass him. Check
see where your forward arrow shows up. Click there immediately. Now walk
forward until you see the monkey climbing the tree. Watch where he drops
bag. Your arrow will show up there. Click. Look around to notice the
parts in different areas when you rest on it (the wavy areas). There is one
the center left - that is where your bag is. This is hard to do. Move very
slowly over this area. The grass will part to show arrow. Take the bag and
will open. Take the battery and it goes automatically into your flashlight.
Back around and walk seven steps back to Bai. Enter from the front. Move
flashlight over the pictures and click. You will get a closeup. Look for
pictures with a "B" carved somewhere in the picture. When you find one,
take a
picture with your camera. There are five pictures to get: Three going in
two coming back through. Don't go all the way out the back door, turn
just before the opening and come back through. You are done here on

Go back to the Antares and analyze the Peleliu Photos. You will get a new

enigma. Put words in this order: Captured, Jail, Taken away, Island,
Select the proper word from list. Move the pictures around to place in
order. Click yellow return button. Back out! Keywords: Stoneheads + The
Islands. Search results: Stoneheads, The Rock Islands. Transfer/look up.
Back out and you get video of Paul Sinus. Go to Braddy at intercom. Ask
all questions. Coordinates will be installed to Jelly Fish Lake. EDWARD
installs coordinates again. Go to automap, sail for Jelly Fish Lake. (We
now on CD #1.)

Dive Jellyfish Lake. Nine pictures. Cannot bioanalyze them. Analysis
keywords: Jellyfish + Nutrition + Reproduction. Search results:
Jellyfish/Medusa, the Eating Habits of Jellyfish, Jellyfish Reproduction.
Transfer/look up. In datastorage look at JellyFish Lake Prevalents. You
new enigma:
1. Put dirt on bottom of ocean floor
2. Place jellyfish egg into the water
3. Now place jellyfish into water
4. Now the green cone shape - put it on right side near bottom
5. Place the polyp in the water to left side.
Takes a few tries. You will get lots of little jellyfish. New keywords:
Jellyfish + Nutrition + Reproduction. Search results: Jellyfish/Medusa,
Eating Habits of Jellyfish, Jellyfish Reproduction. Transfer/lookup.

Go to intercom. Talk to John Braddy. He has new information. After first
of questions, ED will install new file. Be sure to check it out. Talk to
You will notice he is shutting down. Keep talking until he does. Warp to
Station Bay. You will see Paul Sinus trapped. Upon arrival there, turn
left to
see this. Watch him until screen changes. Turn to the right and pick up
flame thrower that is hidden in the side of the Poseidon. Walk up the
stairs to
room #4. Use the flame thrower to open Paul's room door. Once inside, pick
the computer boards beneath the desk. Go to the small EDWARD and get
screwdriver. Now see the little panel on this small EDWARD? Open it with
screwdriver. Put the computer boards on the desktop. Move the disks into
black box you just pulled out from EDWARD. They go in this order: Leave
slot blank, then M - E - K. Now touch the open hole to put it back. ED
now work again. You will see red words come up on square screen if you got
correct. Warp or walk back to bridge to talk to EDWARD.

Now you can look in datastorage. View the Letter form Japanese Sailor
Keywords: Mirror + Ishuta + Melikeok + Phosphate. Search results:
Exploitation, Naru, Palau Mines, Daily Pacific 02/05/99. Transfer/look up.
Back out from the search and ED will install coordinates to Anguar.

Go to automap and sail to Anguar (Island). Go to island. Walk forward
you come to a stone statue. Take a picture of it. Walk past statue, turn
around and face it to get picture of the face. Walk back to where you
Walk forward until you come to a path that turns left. Go down one step.
right. Take a picture of the bush on right side of hole. Fall into the
Turn around, take the machete and cut the branch near top of hole. Once
turn around, take machete to cut away the bush. You will find a board to
over the hole. Now cross over the hole. Take about three steps. To the
you will get an arrow. Go there. See the skulls? Take a picture. Press
skulls in order: TA -NA-KA. Once you are through the gate, turn right three
times until you see the bird. You will cut a path to the right of the
and up. A little arrow shows you where. Once through, the arrow angles
You will see an old building with a ladder and a lizard. You need to cut
brush here. Go forward and then left into the ruins.

Look around until you see an arrow leading through a small doorway. Go a
farther and you will come upon a gravestone. Using the letters in the
on the gravestone, click on them to spell the word YASUSHI. A gold stone
appear. Before you know it, you get knocked out. Once back outside, step
forward passing the building. There is a mirror hanging in the tree. If
touch it you will be trapped under a net. You can cut your way out, but it
takes awhile. Go back to the ladder. Turn around and head right to old
Once in you will be trapped. Use your crowbar on the leaning metal fence.
Angle left at ladder and then move forward until you see an arrow angling
Keep turning and checking. I had a hard time getting back to path. Turn
Note: If you come up on two little skulls on the path, one has an eye on
head, the other a circle. Always touch the one with the eye, or you will
killed. Another path has an animal trap -- use your crowbar on it, then you
pass. Find your way back to stone statue. Look on the ground. The gold
eye is
now there. Put the eye in the statue. Notice a beam of light shining into
at right. Go in. Nothing to do there. You are done on Anguar Island.

Go back to ship. Talk to EDWARD. Talk to Braddy. He will ask you about
notes. He wants you to find them. Talk to Sinus, ask all questions.
will install new file. Go check out your new access card after you talk to
Fong and Capucci. Talk to EDWARD. He eavesdropped on Sinus and Ann Fong.
in datastorage at "Eavesdropped Conversation". Put your ID card in the
Go to Ann Fong's room. Take the paper from FAX machine on desk and the page
the bed. Break the vase. Go to Capucci's room and open the closet. Move
clothes to get the note from the white blouse pocket. It is not easy to
Put all the documents in the scanner and ED will install a file for each of
them. Look them up in datastorage. Braddy Note will tell you where to set
Poseidon. You get enigma:
1. Cuttlefish
2. Heteroconger
3. White tip reef shark
4. Grouper
Click site research; ED will install coordinates to Ngarol. Keywords: Eggs
Molluscs + Communication + Snake + Plankton + Eels + Mutualism + Ampullae.
Search results: Animal Communication, Behavior/Reproduction, Jellyfish
Reproduction, Shark Reproduction, Plankton, Sea Snakes.

Go to automap and sail for Ngarol. You have to get really close to Ngarol
have the map zoom into a closeup of the bay. Find Braddy's Notes Site.
around the sandbar to come in from bottom right where it is least shallow.
and take 20 pictures.
1. common cnidaria
2. common fish
3. common fish
4. common fish
5. common cnidaria
6. common fish
7. common cnidaria
8. remarkable fish
9. remarkable fish
10. common cnidaria
11. common gish
12. rare mollusc
13. rare mollusc
14. remarkable fish
15. rare reptile
16. rare fish
17. remarkable fish
18. common echinodermata
Bioanalysis results 90%. Keywords: Eggs + Cuttlefish. Search results:
Cuttlefish, animal communication, behavior/reproduction, jellyfish
shark reproduction. Back out from search and ED will install coordinates to
nite site.

Now look at Tanaka FAX in datastorage. New keywords: Melikeok + Yasushi +
Tanaka + Daikisan + Kunio Tanaka. Search results: Daikisan Sailors, Daily
Pacific 03/24/99. Transfer/look up. From Daily Pacific you get keywords:
Braddy + Kofun + Mirror. Search results are 0. I don't think you need to
at Daikisan Sailors again as you get prompt for CD #2. Nothing new to see.

Go to automap. Dive again to Braddy Notes Site, it will be the night dive.
There are 13 pictures here:
1. common fish
2. common fish
3. common fish
4. common fish
5. rare crustacean
6. rare crustacean
7. common cnidaria
8. remarkable fish
9. common mollusc
10. remarkable fish
11. common cnidaria
12. remarkable echinodermata
13. common fish
Bioanalysis results 68%. Now ED tells you to stick your card in sub and
payload. New keywords: Polyp + Moray. Search results: Cnidaria.
Transfer/look up. You will get video.

Go stick your card in the yellow button on the Dive Station console. Now
the Poseidon. When the two lines turn green and the light turns green, you
the Poseidon in the right spot. Touch "go". The Poseidon will set itself
You will get video from Jean-Michel. EDWARD will install new file.

Go to datastorage and look at Change of Heart. Go to intercom and talk to
Braddy. Go to Ann Fong's room again and take the note from the second vase.
Put the note in the scanner and ED will install new file. In datastorage
at Melikeok Indications. Go to automap. Find the Braddy notes site. The
spot to find this mirror is above the "Y" in Braddy. ED will say "good".
dive. Save game before you dive. The mirror is in the cave. You get auto
ending video. You have won!

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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