South Park

South Park

11.10.2013 13:23:51
South Park FAQ
By Ed the Moogle
Version 1.2

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latest version is available at Check the latest
version before emailing me with questions.


Power Ups
Enemy Strategy
Multiplayer Characters
Multiplayer Tactics
Other Stuff

Power Ups

Cheesy Poofs- Restore 10 Health. Found often in the early levels.
Snacky Cakes- Fully restore Health. Very rare.
Double Fire Rate- You fire twice as fast for about 15 seconds.
Mr. Hanky- Mr. Hanky takes hits for you, and damages enemies if they get
too close.
Armor- Similar to the armor in Turok, absorbs damage until it's
Invincibility- BEEFCAKE! Makes you invincible for about 10 seconds.
Speed Up- You run faster for about 5 seconds. Needed to complete level


To power up weapons, press Up or Down on the Control Pad.
Ammo means the ammo found on pickup, and Max ammo means the most you can

Snowball Ammo: N/A Max. Ammo: Unlimited

This is your basic weaponry. It's the weakest of any weapon, and you
should find a better one as soon as possible. But it can be powered up
into the Yellow Snowball, a slower but more powerful version.

Dodgeball Ammo: 10 Max. Ammo: 80

This is slightly better than Snowballs. You can either throw them
normally, which isn't very powerful but you can grab them in midair and
reuse them, or throw them more powerfully which does more damage and is
faster but you can't grab them and reuse them.

Sponge Dart Gun Ammo: 50 Max. Ammo: 200

It fires really fast, but it's really wimpy. But you can power it up so
that you crank it four times and then fire a big sponge dart which does a
good amount of damage.

Plunger Gun Ammo: 1 (Blech) Max Ammo: 100

The Plunger gun fires plungers that stick to the enemy, then fall off
after a while. After they fall off, you can pick them up and reuse them.
It's second mode of attack is to turn it sideways and fire three plungers
at a time.

Alien Warpo Ray Ammo: 25 Max Ammo: 250

The Alien Warpo Ray has three modes of attack. It fires a pirahna that
chomps on the enemy, or a yellow ray that bounces off walls and shrinks
the enemy in Multiplayer mode (but consumes 20 energy), and finally a
purple ray
that is very powerful (80% damage!!!) and turns the enemy into an animal
in Multiplayer mode (but consumes 25 energy).

Dancing Gizmo Ammo: 100 Max. Ammo: 100

This weapon is useless in Story mode, but in Multiplayer it makes your
opponent sing and dance uncontrollably for a few seconds, leaving them
open to attack. You can also choose to set it down and wait for some
sucker to pick it up, which will render them helpless for a few seconds.

T&P Dolls Ammo: 5 Max. Ammo: 20

The Philip doll is a lot like a grenade. You throw it and it explodes
into a big fart cloud, damaging anything within it's range (and quickly
draining an enemies' health in Multiplayer). The Terrance doll is more
like a proximity mine: you throw it and it waits until someone gets close
(even you) before exploding into a fart cloud. If no enemies come in
range after a few seconds, it'll explode automatically.

Sniper Chicken Ammo: 12 Max. Ammo: 24

The Sniper Chicken has the best range of any weapon (and does 70% damage
in Multiplayer!). You can zoom in using the Up or Down on the Control
Pad, and then shoot them before they even see you. But for up-close
battles, use a different weapon. It's fire rate is very slow.

Cow Launcher Ammo: 2 Max. Ammo: ???

The Cow Launcher is the deadliest weapon in Multiplayer mode. If you lock
on and then fire, it can kill an enemy in one hit. If you just fire
without locking on, it just explodes, similar to a T&P doll.

Enemy Strategy (I already have a boss guide on

Episode 1

Turkey: They're pathetic! A single Snowball or Sponge Dart will finish
them off! They travel in huge numbers, though, so be careful.

Turkey Tank: They're also terribly wimpy. They have no means of attack
except charging at you, and try to make a run for the town when you
weaken them significantly. Finish them off with a few Dodgeballs.

Episode 2

Clones: They're pretty wimpy and they throw snowballs at you. Throw a
Dodgeball or two to defeat them.

Clone Tank: They make a run for the town as soon as you see them, and
they send out several clones to distract you. Destroy them with a flurry
of Dodgeballs, then concentrate on the Clones.

Episode 3

Cows: Damn, I hate these things. They ram into you to do damage. Mow them
down with Dodgeballs or T&P dolls.

Aliens: They move pretty slowly, but they fire a powerful beam. Take them
down with a T&P Doll or a few dodgeballs.

"Cop" Aliens: A quick shot from the Sniper Chicken when they stop should
be enough to defeat them.

BIG Alien: Hit them with several dodgeballs to defeat them. Luckily,
there's only one of these. You'll know it when you see it.

UFO's: Down them as quickly as you can with Dodgeballs, otherwise you may
not be able to stop them from reaching the town. They have no weapons
except to drop cows on you.

Episode 4

Robots: They can only damage you by running into you. Stomp them with T&P
dolls or Dodgeballs.

Red Robots: They can't move, but they can shoot lasers. Take them out
from a distance with the Sniper Chicken.

Green Robots: They can move and shoot lasers. Destroy them as quickly as
possible with T&P dolls.

Robot Tanks: The only way to damage them is to shoot the hatch. Destroy
them before the robots they make overwhelm you. Use the Sniper Chicken to
make it go faster.

Episode 5

Tank: They do a lot of damage, but a few Snowballs or a Dodgeball will
finish them off.

Planes: They move fast and are really annoying, but a single Snowball
will take them out.

Cars: Damn, I hate these things. Use Dodgeballs to wipe them out quickly.

Evil Dollies: Take them out from a distance with Snowballs. Luckily, they
aren't very durable.

Jack-in-the-box (Tanks)- Shoot the head when it pops out and fires at
you. You can't hurt it while it's in the box, so don't even try.


OMGTKKYB- All Multiplayer characters enabled
BOBBYBIRD- Master Cheat
ASSMAN- Invinciblity
VEGGIEHEAVEN- Skinny Characters
MEGANOGGIN- Big Heads (every friggin game has this code now, and it's not
even that cool)
THEEARTHMOVED- Level Skip activated
PLANEARIUM- Pen and Ink Mode
CHEATINGISBAD- Mr. Mackey enabled
ELVISLIVES- Barbrady enabled
OUTRAGE- Big Gay Al enabled
HAWKING- Ned enabled
STARINGFROG- Jimbo enabled
SLAPUPMEAL- Marvin enabled
PHAERT- Philip enabled
RAFT- Terrance enabled
LOVEMACHINE- Chef enabled
CHECKATACO- Wendy enabled
FISHNCHIPS- Pip enabled
KICKME- Ike enabled
ALLWOMAN- Cartman's mom enabled
DOROTHYSFRIEND- Mr. Garrison Enabled
GOODSCIENCE- Mephisto enabled
MAJECTIC- Alien enabled

Multiplayer Characters


+ He's pretty short, and his dark clothes make him hard to see against
some objects.
- Stands out on light-colored backgrounds.


+ He's short.
- Bright colors.


+ He's short, and he cusses a lot.
- Bright colors, and he's fat.


+ He's pretty short.
- Very bright colors. Plus, they have to kill Kenny.


+ Umm...None really.
- Stands out nearly anywhere.


+ She's short.
- She's also wearing bright colors.


+ He's short too.
- He's annoying, and his clothes are really easy to see.


+ He's REALLY small.
- He starts with 25% Health. Arrgh!


+ He has to fart.
- He stands out nearly anywhere.


+ None, really.
- Like Terrance, he stands out nearly anywhere.


+ Blends in to dark backgrounds (sorta).
- Stands out anywhere else.


+ None, really.
- Stands out almost anywhere.


+ He's short, and hard to see in dark areas.
- He starts with 50% health!

Mrs. Cartman

+ None, really.
- Stands out nearly anywhere.

Mr. Garrison

+ None, really.
- Stands out nearly anywhere.

Mr. Macky

+ He's skinny.
- His head is REALLY big.


+ He can clone stuff.
- He's fat and he stands out.


+ Blends in with the snow.
- Stands out anywhere else, VERY tall.

Big Gay Al

+ Umm...I'll get back to you.
- He stands out really badly.


+ Not much.
- He stands out, like most characters.

Multiplayer Tactics

-Try to stay in a high place and snipe 'em.
-Weapons and items always reappear in the same place, so stay near an
invincibility or really good weapon. No one will be able to beat you.
-Try to sneak up on the enemy and pop 'em with the Warpo Ray or Dancing
-In smaller arenas, keep moving.
-SIDESTEP! It's really good for dodging attacks!
-If someone is playing as a smaller character, use T&P dolls. That way
you don't have to aim.


In Stage 2-3, before fighting the boss, walk directly into the brick wall
near the SWAT trucks. You'll find some armor and a box of Cheesy Poofs.

In Stage 3-4, you can get on top of the bus by going to the right side of
the room and standing on one of the green platforms. It will lift you up
onto a catwalk, where you can jump down on top of the bus.

Anyone know how to get in that tank with the Clones? (there's a box of
Snacky Cakes in there!)

Other Stuff

E-mail me at if you have any questions or corrections.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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engl. FAQ

11.Oktober 2013

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