

01.10.2013 14:26:44
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Game Developer: Monolith
FAQ Created: 10/24/05
Version: 1.0
Author: Thebest99 AKA Ben Sam

I- Introduction
2- Controls
3. Basic Story
4. Weapons & Enemies
5. Levels

-Interval 1
--CP-Ouch that hurt.

-Interval 2: Initiation
--CP Human Milkshakes
--CP Assault on...Water Treatment Plant?
--CP This aint the Matrix BITCH!
--CP Hey where?s your mom?!

-Interval 3: Escalation
--CP We don't want to harm you, but kill you!
--CP-Time for a dive...

-Interval 3: Heavy Resistance
--CP Hey I'm hearing a lot of noise are you alright?
--CP Fill The Tub
--CP Real Heavy Resistance
--CP The End

-Interval 3: Bad Water
--CP Down the shaft of your gun.
-Interval 3: Exeunt Omedous
--CP Blackout
--CP Stop Scaring me like that!

-Interval 4: Infiltration
--CP Were in...now what?
--CP Pinned Down
--CP In we go!
-Interval 4: Watchers
--CP MGS Friend...
--CP Reboot!
--CP Cubicles

-Interval 5: Extraction
--CP Office Space
--CP Demolition Ignition!
--CP Elevators pfff give me stairs.
--CP Scared of heights?

-Interval 5: Blind Side
--CP Secondary Enemy!
--CP Back up we go!
--CP Could it possible get any worse?
--CP Hi were just dropping by to say die.

-Interval 6: Interception
--CP On my Honor...
-Interval 6: Unauthorized Personnel
--CP Turrets...I hate em...
--CP Most Vulnerable from the sky!
--CP This aint Macross...
--CP Get em a mile away

-Interval 6: After Image
--CP Too many people not enough bullets.
-Interval 7: Redirection
--CP Yup, there?s more.
--CP Stairway to hell
--CP Is this your floor?

-Interval 7: Flight
--CP Where is the HOSTAGE
--CP First Cloned Soldiers, Second Robots, Third Mechs, now flying
Robots shooting lasers.
--CP I'm not rocky, stop with the damn stairs already.
--CP Trains, Helicopters, and cars. Wait Scratch Trains.

-Interval 8: Desolation
--CP What already?
--CP No one survives....except a few.
--CP Kentucky Fried Replica Soldiers.

-Interval 8: Point of Entry
--CP What now? A humvee coming through the wall? Yup Humvee through the
--CP Hit and Run
--CP Hit and Run Ii
--CP The Commander is in the Vault!
--CP Heavy+Heavy+Soldier=Running A lot!
--CP Repeating Soldiers
--CP You again?

-Interval 09: Incursion
--CP Dug your own grave!
--CP Damaged Pipes!
-Interval 9: Bypass
--CP Yellow-Blue...
--CP You guys...AGAIN II
--CP You could of taken the helicopter but NOOOOOOOOO!

-Interval 10: The Vault
--CP Commence Destruction!

-Interval 11: Retaliation
--CP Please stop!
--CP Good Night Alma
6. How to deal with enemies.
7. The Conclusion understanding the story.
8. Misc
9. Credits



This FAQ was created for the game F.E.A.R on normal mode, so if you're
going to play on a harder difficulty mode some things MAY change
That I don't really know of, so if people whom have played on another
setting wish to send me tips and hints then I will gladly add them.
I didn't really didn't want to play this on a harder mode the first
time so I set it on normal and this FAQ is simply for this mode, from
I know the only difference is more enemies and slighter more damage. My
main set is not to give out spoilers; my FAQ is simply the dealing with
your missions.
I will try hard to keep this rather spoiler free so only look if you
are desperate for help. FEAR it's self is a FPS/Horror game as I have
classified it, and is about you the player who is

Recruited into the First Encounter Assault Recon (Basically they made
this up so they could use the word FEAR as the game and have a bigger
meaning) a special force that deals with Paranormal


This guide was created for simple and right to the point matters. Keep
this in the mind that this game is simply going on one path, so if I
say turn right then you should be in the same position as I am in,
when you are exiting and heading out. Remember that rooms go to the
opposite sides. I also have a lot of slang in here.

HK-Health Kits
Med Kits- Above
BPV- Bullet Proof Vest

Controls of F.E.A.R

A-Step Left
D-Step Right
Left-Turn Left
Right-Turn Right
Right CTRL- Side Step
Q-Lean Left
E-Lean Right
Right Mouse Button-Fie
Left Mouse Button- Melee
G- Throw Grenade
F- Use
Shift- Aim/Zoom
H-Holster Weapon (Why would you do that?)
6-Remote Bomb
5-Proximity Grenade
4-Frag Grenade
1,2,3- Weapon in a slot
Z- Use Med Kit
Quick Save- F5

This is your basic Setup for F.E.A.R or any other FPS,I would suggest
configuring it to your liking, I personally did away with CTRL and made
my wheel the SlowMo key, it's faster mainly because I

had FN in the way of my CTRL. So set this up to your liking.

Basic Story

The story of F.E.A.R is simply that your a super fast agent who is part
of the First Encounter Assault Recon, you have been called to take out
a man Named Fatell who is a telepathic commander who

has taken control of the prototype Replica Army, an army that can be
controlled by Fatell. You are assigned to go in and stop him and the
replica soldiers but in doing so it seems you are distanced

away from him more and more so, driving you into the world in which all
this started. This is the basic outline of the story.


Weapons and Enemies

In the course of the game you will have to fight a variety of different
enemies, while doing so there is only way to combat such and that is
with your weapons. You start off with a SMP and from

There on you gather different weapons. You can only have 3 weapons and
3 types of grenades so if you run out of ammo you can swap it for
another weapon. As for as the A.I go this game has this on

Lock down, the A.I is simply beautiful, the enemy think like you would
think and adapt to each situation. So don't think about your opponents
just running up to you and dieing, they take cover and

They will flush you out with grenades only to be caught in a trap with
a shot gun into your face. Enemies will jump out windows knock stuff
down, they don't want to do and they work like a squad.

Don't underestimate any of your enemies nor should you run in blind
folded. Take your time and make your shots count.

I'm not going to give the exact names of each weapon because I can't
remember each one but I do know the basic weapon name for each one so
don't get pissed.

Name: Power: Description
Pistols: 3/5: They're pistols that can be duel wields, these are
extremely power when together and this can make them unbalanced but
good weapons none the less.

Machinegun:3/5: A sub machine gun that has plenty of ammo all over the
place, but the rounds deplete extremely fast. The accuracy is off as

Shotgun:4/5: A high powered shotgun which has tremendous power in
close-combat. Long range attacks aren't advised; this weapon is great
but has slow reloading.

Assault Rifle?s/5 : An assault rifle which has great firing rate and
pretty decent accuracy this is a very well rounded weapon. The problem
is it runs out of ammo pretty fast.

Penetrator: 4/5 : Also known as the Nail gun, this weapon fires high
velocity stakes into the enemy and can pin them to walls. This is a
pretty fun weapon. Good accuracy as well.

Plasma Rifle: 5/5 : This is the strongest weapon in the game against
non armored opponents. This weapon obliterate enemies but the ammo is

Multi-Rocket Launcher : 5/5 : I also refer to this as a missile
launcher as it fires 3 rockets at a time, pretty strong weapon if used

3 burst Rifle : 5/5 : This weapon is very rare but the damage from the
3 burst attack takes out most enemies very quickly.

Repeating Cannon: 4/5 : I can't quite understand this weapon except it
is the best weapon to use in SlowMo, this weapon fired high velocity
shots which can take out multiple opponents, but the

handling and aiming is the complete downfall, it takes some time
getting the skill of this weapon.

Frag Grenade: 5/5: A grenade which can kill a mass of soldiers rather
quickly if timed right, scarce as well especially when you really need
Proximity Grenade: 5/5: A mine like grenade in which when an enemy gets
close it shots up into the sky detonate. Good for setting up traps.
Remote Grenades: 5/5 : A very special weapon that comes in handy with
dealing with Mech since they can stick to them, throw it and detonate
it when you want.

This covers most of the weapons, how one plays will determine how you
will handle each weapon and what you will want. I personally stuck with
Shotgun:Plasma:Repeating Cannon during the end of the

game during the majority of the game I stayed with Shotgun: Pistols:
Assault Rifle.


There are a lot of enemies in this game with different varieties so be

ATC- They are security, they where blue and are only thinking of
killing you and the Replica Soldiers. They are some what weaker then
Replica Soldiers and much easier to kill then replica Soldiers,

I would recommend dealing with these foes with the shotgun. The ATC
have a good rate of sneaking up on you so be careful

Replica Solider Light-Light armed soldiers who basically do patrolling
and stick with the team. They aren't to hard to deal with but their
team work can get rather aggregating easily. Assault rifle

Or any high powered weapon will do.

Replica Soldier Medium Heavy armored soldiers who are more opt for
battle then light, they are harder to kill and can take much more hits
then the lights. Only one way to deal with these types and

That is to blast their heads off.

Heavy Soldier- You won't get swamped with tons of these if at all 3 to
2; these soldiers have huge shielding around their body and usually
carry a nail gun. These guys are pretty hard to deal with

Early in the game with light reflexes but with more reflexes they
become easier to kill. Hit their head and try to take them out as fast
as you can, near the end of the game they may carry rocket

Launchers and plasma rifles, if so be careful. They can take extensive
hits so be ready for a drawn out battles both long and close range.

Mech Soldiers- 1 or 2 is the max of these you will face at 1 time, they
are dropped off and they can bust through walls. These guys are
annoying and they usually come with rockets or lasers. They

Are both very deadly, these types of soldiers can take a lot of damage,
but it is usually just a 1-1 between you and them. Remote Grenade
strategies to lure them out and then blowing them up is a

Great way of dealing with these types of soldiers. SlowMo and the
shotgun strategy also work quite well.

Air Units- These are flying robots whom shoot lasers out you. They are
just damn annoying since they can kill you so fast and they usually
come in groups. Deal with these like you would turrets and

Go into SlowMo with the shotgun and blast them away.

Ceiling Turrets- Turrets which target and shoot at you, simply go into
SlowMo and deal with them with the good old shotgun.

Stealth Replica Soldiers- There is very few of these enemies mainly
because they're so dangerous. They cloak their bodies and wait to
attack and are extremely agile and hop all over the place. You

Can notice them since they seem like blurry movements, you need to
shoot them to bring them out of their cloak. Only a few shots are
needed to take them out, the best way to deal with these types

Of enemies is SlowMo if you have no juice for it, the fight will be
rather tough.

Souls- You see these in the other world they deplete your health like
crazy but die in 1 shot, you only deal with them very seldom. Except
near the end of the game, just shoot them to kill them.


Interval 1: Beginning

The first level, first get head down a bit until you reach the opening
blocked by some wooden boards, right click your mouse and break them
down so you can go forth and head to where you see the

Garbage can with the fire blazing out of it, next to it is a door.
Press the F key to enter follow the hallway into the building until you
reach the extremely dark room, here the game will instruct

You to press X to turn on your flash light do so and proceeded. Until
you reach the room where one of your team members meets up with you,
here you will need to find a way around to meet up with

Him. Go to the room all the way to the right and up on a desk you will
find a Health Booster, this will permanently increase you're health.
From there you will exit the room on the side of the

Stairs, head up the stairs and then head to the left since the front
double doors are blocked by the table, you will come up towards an
obstacle which will then bring up the message that you need

To press the space bar to jump over it, do so and heads down the hall
into the room with the windows. You will come to the door way which is
half blocked meaning you need to press C to crouch and

Go under the boards. Now through the hallway again, you will come up to
2 doors leading to the same room, go into the one with the light and
head to the door with a lock, shoot the lock off and

Proceed up the stairs into the next room. The door way is locked of
course but your good friend will open it up.

CHECKPOINT- ouch that hurt.

Now head into the room and head to the left and go out the door and
head out until you see the guard, and then you will be instructed to
search the area. So go through the door and up the stairs until

You?re out on the roof, head all the way to the left and head through
the next door and follow the hallway and then you will be back out side
head to the right. A short sequence will begin past here

then it will request that you rejoin the team, go back the way your
came and the level will end.

(Pretty simple, gets you use to the controls, after this level it is a
different ball game.)

Interval 2:Initiation:

You now are equipped with a small machine gun, after landing go meet up
with the team up by the gates. They will instruct you to open the
gates, on the right by the cargo boxes there is a path head

past it until you see the half lifted door, crouch inside and head to
the box with the shiny green Reflex Booster, take it and head back out
to the right and up the steps, open the door and go on

down the path all the other doors are locked just go up until you find
the room with the blood puddle. There you will need to flip the switch
in which your team will instruct you to meet up with

them, so go back down and meet up with them past the gates.

CHECKPOINT- Human Milkshakes.

Now you will have new orders our to rendezvous with Jankowskis team so
head on past the creates to the left until you reach the door on your
right and head inside, follow the hallway until you hear

some Replica Guards talking. There are 2 of them in the next room, now
this is your first fight with 2 of them, so go in and shoot them by
strafing all the way in past the box to take cover peek

out to shoot each one in the head and kill them. Head all the way down
into the room where the dead person is laying and pick up the med kit
that is on the shelf, press Z to use a med kit when you're

low on life. Now head out and go up the stairs, the double doors on the
left do open but they just lead to an enclosed area. Now while heading
up the stairs going around the rails go into the room

On the right and pick up another Health Kit (Now referred to as HK).
Now leave the room and go around the corner, here you will see a board
ramping up into a boarded window, break it down and

Crouch till you land on the awning and then head right and drop off the
roof. Now enter the door to enter the next building.
CHECKPOINT- Assault on...Water Treatment Plant ?

Now head on until you hear the guards talking about their losing
transmission with Echo Zero, here you will be instructed to do melee
attacks so run and jump and kick that soldier which will

Instantly kill him, the soldier outside will see you and begin
shooting. Go underneath and shoot the guard, there will be 2 other
guards so crawl back under and go behind the box for cover and fire

From there. Now inside go through the door until you enter another room
with a HK pick it up, another Soldier will be waiting dispose of him.
There is also a pistol on the Desk which if you pick up

you will now be able to duel wield the pistols head outside and deal
with another guard, head all the way up past the truck and go inside
the building, there may be another Guard outside poking

around, for secure thoughts go out and find him and kill them. In total
there should be about 6 to 7 guards in this area give or take a few,
once you have disposed of them go in through the other

buildings door. Now head on in until you reach the warehouse. Once
inside go to the first row of boxes where you see 2 boxes and jump on
them, then jump on the shelf to pick up a booster for

Reflexes. Head on to the room filled with light until you hear the
guards talking again go in and dispose of the 2 guards from your right,
go around to the one room on the right, there should be a

Guard here, fire off at him and kill him. Then go to the room all the
way to the left and pick up the HK, once you have done this jump
through the window where you killed the one guard and pick up

Some Frag Grenades (FG) and a Bullet Proof Vest by the locker and
another Health Kit, head out into the next area where you will be
confronted by 2 or 3 more guards. Kill them and proceed to the

Next rooms until you reach the stairs go up until you see one guard
walking by the window. Kill the guard and go on through to the left and
go out and keep going to the left you will be brought to

Another room with the Assault Rifle and a bullet proof vest, walk on
out and head out down the hall and past the door with the broken
window. This room is blocked, head out to the right and then

Jump on the boxes to your left you need to flip the switch so you can
cross to the other side, before you hit the switch, grab the grenades
on the desk and listen to the message and get the pistol

On the desk blocking the door. Now hit the switch but don't go rushing
out, have your FG ready to be thrown and wait there until the cargo
goes on by, once the door opens 2 more guards will be

Running out, at this time toss a well placed grenade to kill them both,
and then jump up on the cargo and head all the way back and cross the
cargo and into the door the guards exited through.

CHECKPOINT- This aint the Matrix BITCH!

To the right of you there is a shelf with a HK and to the left there is
a room with some pistol ammo and some Bullet Proof Vest pick up both
and head on around the corner until you hear again more

Guards talking. Head through the door you should see a guard pop him in
the head, there should be another 2 guards around there. Dispose of
them as well; you can let them go up the stairs to get

You or you can kill them while they're below you. Which ever works with
you, once its safe go through the door and down the steps. Head out
either the Cargo door or the double door, you will be

Instructed to use Slow mow (Control Key) to dispose of the guards, do
so since there is a load of guards out here. Entering Slow Mow doesn't
mean that you slowed down time, in the sense game wise

You did, but your character is super face and in this mode you can do
more damage and dodge. There is about 7 guards out here, use everything
as a shield and let your slow mode to dispose of them

If you need to, you don't ACTUALLY have to but it will help, now head
on out to the right and down the steps.

CHECKPOINT- Hey wheres your mom?!

Once in the room you can grab the Machinegun ammo and head down the
hall, until you go into Infinite Slowmotion for a bit, wonder around
past the bloody boxes to the room on the right and make you

Way around until you find the Health Booster. Pick it up and head back
through the room of bloody boxes and head into the next area with 2
corpses, go up the stairs into the room and jump out the

Window and head all the way down the hall and the level will end.

(Well this Level snapped you into killing mode, from here on it gets
harder. So prepare your self)


Interval 3: Escalation

Well from here on head around the corner and go down the stairs to
enter the building, once inside make your way to what looks to be a
generator room and pick up the HK on the shelf, go up the

Steps and make your way out side cross the bridge and make a left into
the building. Check the message and flip the switch to make the bridge
access turn around to the other side, head out the

door and cross the bridge. Climb down the ladders and make your way
through the rooms and then walk down the steps. Now go right from here,
make your way down and go into the second area by the

Dead body to pick up a Health Booster. Now head right and climb up the

CHECKPOINT- We don't want to harm you, but kill you!

From here jump into the water and pick up the HK on the barrel then
crouch under the pipes and climb up the ladder and make your way to the
door to the building. Now go up the stairs and deal with

The 2 guards in this room, one on the right and one behind the front
boxes. Deal with them and head to the right into the room to pick up a
Bullet Proof Vest (BPV). Now head out around the right

and get ready to deal with 2 more guards, kill them and go right and
head down the steps. You should see an opening with pipes go on through
to pick up a Reflex Booster. From here go back up the

steps Now directly to your left there is a gate with a lock, blow it
off and climb up the ladder and head forward and make a left and run
across the pipes. You will need to break down a grate to

Enter the next area, before proceeding blow off the lock to the other
door and make your way across the room. Here there will be 3 guards,
deal with them and deal with the other who follows. Go to

The room to the left and pick up a HK and then go right follow along
and pick up the BVP and some weapons on the Canister. Head into the
next room to deal with 4 more guards, after killing them go

into the little office area to pick up a HK, from here make a right and
go up the ladder and make a left then aright and go through the door.

CHECKPOINT- Time for a dive...

Head around the corner to find a BPV some Assault Rifles and a HK,
enter to the left and use the laptop. Pick up the HK in this room then
exit down the hallway into the flickering room and pick up

grenade and a BPV, and from here make a left and go through the double
door. You will have to deal with 6 soldiers so go into SlowMo and kill
them, on the right on the cargo boxes is a BPV, in the

Room next to it is a HK a weapon and a BPV. Exit and head to the right
and go through the door, make your way around till you come to the room
with water. Jump in and swim to the left so you can

Latch on to the ladder and make your way across the bridge into the
next area. From here go up the steps and make a right to pick up a HK
then continue up the steps and make a left and then make a

Right, make your way to the ladder and climb down. Then make your way
around the left and drop into the water to end the level.

(Not to tough and you get to swim in some water.

Interval 3: Heavy Resistance

Go to the left and crawl into the hole and head up to pick up the HK
then head back out and go right, from here jump on the pipes to get out
and get ready to deal with one soldier. After dealing

With the soldier go into other room to the left and pick up an HK and a
grenade. Then head to the right and go down the hallway and pick up the
HK and the BPV, go back out and cross the grates to the

other side.

CHECKPOINT- Hey I'm hearing a lot of noise you alright?

From here you will have an above advantage on some of the soldiers (7
of them) kill them and then pick up the HK on the toolbox and one on
the control panel, find the stairs and make your way up

The stairs and go right to pick up some armor and some grenades and
make sure to listen to the message. There is a HK on the left wall by
the door get this, head back out and keep on heading

Forward, make a left and on the right of you by the shelf is a HK, BPV,
and an assault rifle. Pick them up and go around the shelf and exit out
the door.


Once exiting the door there will be a fight with 12 soldiers
encompassing the whole area. Around 7 or 8 will come out, so use slow
mow and all the obstacles to your advantage, once you deal with

then head on the platform then go down and up another set making sure
you pick up the HK on the Tool Box, from here go down the long pathway
and make a right, here you will need to deal with around

4 guards 1 on top and 3 on the bottom, kill them all. Now go down into
the gap and pick up the Reflex Booster, then climb on up and enter into
the next door. Head down the pathway, and you will

Notice that part of the bridge is blown out. Continue and head right
and jump on the pipes then go left and pick up the BPV, head back down
and make another left. Here you can pick up some

Grenades an assault rifle and a BPV. Get the HK on the shelf and exit
through the door exit and make a right and head down the path and turn
the wheel that is on your right head back out, and jump

over the railing hop from box to box and enter the next area.

CHECKPOINT- Real Heavy Resistance

From here make a left and kill the 4 guards that will appear on the
bridge from here head on straight up till you reach a staircase, go up
and make a left to pick up a HK then go right and down the

Other stair set. Here you will need to defeat 4 guards. Kill them and
grab the Proxy grenades, and the HK. Go down and go up and make a right
when you see the HK on the ledge, there is a soldier

On the above bridge kill him. Don't cross the bridge yet but set some
Proxy grenades on one side of the bridge to the other then pick up the
BPV on the Barrels, make your way about 3/4 across the

Bridge and deal with the appearance of a heavy and 2 soldiers. Lead the
heavy across the bridge to kill the guards and to damage him. Dealing
with your first heavy is going to be difficult but use

Your weapons and aim at his head and go into slow-motion. If you have a
shotgun this will make it somewhat easier but the pistol will do, from
here he will drop the Penetrator which you can take if

You like, cross the bridge and enter through the doorway. Make your way
until you see the 2 guards take off, before going that way jump on the
barrel and get the BPV on the box. Go back all the way

Down and grab another BPV and a HK and a Health booster. Go back up and
continue the way the other Guards left. Head on through and take care
of the 2 guards, now jump in the water and climb the

Ladder and turn the valve jump in the room to cross to the other room
and grab a HK. Then from here climb up the ladder and continue across
the bridge, enter the next area and break down the

Create and drop in.


Make your way down the shaft and break through the vent and enter the
next level.

(Well your first heavy was rather tough but as long as you have your
reflex and you aim at the head they're not to tough.)

Interval 3 : Bad Water

Well your main goal is to get to the lower level, so follow suit and go
down the ladder, once your off the ladder go left then turn right then
make another right down the stairs. Make a left and

Head into the room and go out till you see the camera. There is a gap,
below a body with a gun and some grenades and a Health Booster guarded
by the gate. Head across the yellow bridge go inter

the next room and make a right up the stairs across the bridge and go
into the room to check a message and pick up a pistol, go back down and
make a right and go into the room with the long gap

Drop in and make a right and another right, follow suit to pick up the
health booster, head out and make a left to climb up the ladder. and
head right and then make a left and follow the hallway,

Once in the world destroy the one soul and head through the door. head
right and pick up the HK go behind the dumpster and break down the
grate and head in through the air vents. Make your way

through and then you'll see a sitting guard, head right and up the
steps and go speak with him, after this pick up the HK and BPV, Once
your done speaking with him you will be assaulted by 7

guards. Take care of them, then head through the busted down door, go
through here and kill the one guard on patrol. Head on through the door
and take care of the 5 guards around your area. From

here go up the stairs and make a right, there will be another BPV to
pick up, do so and make your way down the stairs, will most likely have
to deal with about 5 soldiers do so and to the left on a

Barrel is a HK, with in the corner is the Penetrator and some grenades.
GO through into the room with a lot of machinery. Go up to the right
across the stairs and go left and make a left up the

Other stairs head across and pick up the HK and make yet another left
into the doorway. From here go all the way down the hall and enter the
next room go down the stairs and pick up another HK and

Head back out. Then from here go right down the hall. Now if you want
to get the Reflex booster, go to the room with the yellow ladder and
the body dangling, go up crack the Grate and head

Upwards all the way and make a left from here just follow the pipes and
it will lead you to the reflex booster.

CHECKPOINT- Down the shaft of your gun.

From here head down the hall and make a right then make another right
on the grates, take care of the 2 guards and the one taking cover, make
a left and take care of another 2 guards, from here make

A right and through the door make another right drop down and this ends
this level.

(Long and desolate this level was)
Interval 3:Exaunt Omedous

From here go all the way around until you enter the room with the
ladder, there is a HK on the shelf from here go up the ladder. To much
surprise they have set up a proximity grenade for what

reason? Anyway continue up and jump the railing and make another right/
now go all the way down and exit through the door.


From here shoot the proxy grenades and head back and turn left to grab
a grenade and a pistol then head back out and smash that vent cover and
crawl through, Head down the ladder on the right and

Make your way through the water and then go right and down another
waterway, from here take another right and another until you again hear
guards speaking. There is 3 of them take care of them and

Head on through and up the ladder. Then go right and up another ladder
go all the way to the left and jump on the pipes then jump over the
railing and go left. Now head down the path and make a

right head across the bridge and go all the way down and make another
right and go into the room t pick up a HK and a Health booster now jump
off and go the way you came and go into the room of

Water where there is a ladder to the left and go right up another
ladder. You will be on the other side of the Electricity head to the
left and flip the switch, then go up and to the left up the

Stairs. There is also a HK on the little push cart and make your way
up, by the Laptop is a BPV. Pick it up and use the laptop. Now head out
of the room and go right down the stairs.

CHECKPOINT- Stop scaring me like that!

From here go right and bust down the lock off the fenced door, go in
and pick up the proxy grenade, crouch and go down the hallway. Pick up
the ASP rifle the health booster and head on into the

Other room and pick up the remote grenades open the door and head down
the stairs. You will have to deal with 5 guards, kill them and then
enter the room and go around until you reach the balcony.

Head through the door and kill the guard on the top and take out the
guard on the bottom. To the left is a wheel with a BPV, get it if you
must walk up the stairs to be assaulted by 5 guards. Kill

Them and make a left into the hallway. Make your way until you hear a
guard say wait for his signal. You are about to be flanked go in and
head to the left picking up the HK, 7 or so guards will

Bust out so use the long hallway and the boxes for cover. After you
defeated them take the remote grenades and go down the hall that you
previously came from and set up a trap, from here go back

Into the room and up the stairs up the stairs and position you?re self
so you can jump the rail and go through the hallway exit. Once you get
halfway through go into SlowMo, a Heavy should appear

With 3 guards, run down the hallway and wait for them to come into the
trap then blow them to smithereens. Now there should be just a heavy
and 1 soldier, take care of the soldier and the heavy here

As well. If your life is running extremely low ( No Health Kits and
your around 40 ) Draw them outside, then from there use the ACP to pick
them off, strafe back and forth so not to get hit. After

you killed them go back into the room they came in and head up the
stairs pick up the HK make a right make a left through the door, go
down and make a right to pick up another BPV and some

grenades. Head out from this room and go out and make a right and
another right and go down stairs. From here you should hear a


from this point go into the rooms to pick up a proxy grenade and an
assault right head out to the next room and jump out the window, on the
barrel is a HK and a BPV, in the area total there are

Just too many to count. There is 1 heavy and I mean a shitload of
soldiers, ranging from about 14 to 9. This is a very tough area, so you
will be using SlowMo and shielding to recover your Fast

Meter. Once you have done so, go around killing and dodging being
killed. Once you have cleared all the enemies out the Interval ends.

(This whole interval I would say was pretty chaotic, but guess what?
It's going to get worse.)

Interval; 4: Infiltration

Well you are spotted and all of your team mates are killed, this is
going to be tough but you will just need to bear through it, first
there will be 3 guards coming out the doors. 2 will be coming

Up from the side and 3 more on the bottom right. What do you do? 1 take
the shotgun and run up and kill all 3 of the guards in the building
grabbing the HK and the BPV and the weapon. Wait here

Until one of the guards comes checking, pop him in the head and get
ready for war, head right and pop the soldier coming up the stairs,
duck and kill all the enemies around the vicinity. Now head

Through the door pick up the BPV and get ready.

CHECKPOINT- Were in...Now what?

From here go on down the steps and go left to pick up a HK, pick off
the 2 guards and jump down and proceed around the machine, you will
have to deal with 2 more guards. Keep on heading out making

Sure you pick up the HK on the left of you, now step out side.


From here there are a total of 8 soldiers who will try to kill you.
Take off the 2 guards in the front and dash to the left to pick up some
grenades, then go to the right and make your way up the

Stairs. Kill all the guards up and make your way to the right. Now make
another right picking up the HK on the barrel and taking out the 4 or 3
soldiers around the area, once you have check around

The rows of machines for a reflex booster then make your way up the
stairs. In the next room you will be flanked by 3 soldiers, take them
out and head up the stairs into the room and pick up the HK

The BPV and any thing you need, then make your way to the next area.


Well this is the last section take out the 5 or so guards go down the
stairs and jump in through the roof to the next level.

(Well that was one hell of a battle but now...it is going to get

Interval 4 : Watchers

Well go to the desk jump over it and go into the room, make a right and
go up the theater stairs and make a left and another left. Now go right
down the hall and make another right and go down the

hall and open the door to pick up a HK head back out and go left and
make another left and go through the room with the dead ATC guard and
go through that door and go left again. Now go down the

Hall and go in the right office to pick up a HK then go to the left
office. Now go check the message and head on through to the right.

CHECPOINT- MGS friend....

Go to the right up the stairs and into the first office, here you will
encounter 2 new enemies. The Stealth Soldiers, these guys are annoying
so if you have your shot gun go into SlowMo to take

them out. Now where you first met up with the Stealth Soldier go in
there to grab the HK. Now head on down until another Stealth Soldier
pops out, kill him and enter the office. Grab the HK on the

Left and listen to the messages on the phone. From here head on out and
then to right and up the stairs. To the right is another room with a
HK. Don't bother checking any of the cubicles they hold

Nothing of importance. Instead go all the way to the right into the
office by jumping over the obstacle, grab the grenades BPV and climb up
from the broken soda machine and the ceiling panels are

And crawl through the vent and drop down, now go through the office
until you?re jumped by 2 Stealth Soldiers and put them down. There is a
HK on the left room other then that, make your way to the

Sofa and use the lap top, then head left down the hallway, Jump over
the cart and head left into the room with the HK jump on the boxes to
get a Reflex Booster and follow along to get a HK, head

Back down and make a left through the door. Head left and pick up
another HK and make another left and go down the hallway. Head into the
office and check the message. Now head on to the right and

Then get ready to take on some more guards. Use the top floor as an
advantage or go down the steps to try and do a sneak attack, there is
about 6 to 7 guards here. From here to into the office

Complex, the right room has a HK and the top left has a BPV, go here
and then go behind the wall and open the door. You will end up in a
nice armory type place; there is a lot of shit to pick up

Here and I would suggest doing so, go over to the controls to activate
the security system.


Head back out to where Norton was and get ready for some more guards,
deal with the 4 of them and make your way down the hall way to where
the gate opened up, go in and pick up the BPV. Then go

Inside the room and all the way at the end to the right activate it to
reboot. Now soldiers will come in (around 5) take them out and go out
the door way.


From here go down the hallway and turn right, then go up some more and
turn right, you should see some dead employee. Don't bother looking in
the cubicles head to the slippery sign and make your

Way through the construction site, in the first area to the left is a
HK, then from here go right and go through the hallway, there really
isn't that much need for instruction, it is again very

Straight forward. Towards the left is another HK. Go on through and to
the left and right are both med kits, keep going to the right and then
make another left. Just head around until you see

Flames out the door and exit through them. Fight the souls and then go
right and up the stairs until you come to the Health Booster, head back
down and towards the wall there is another HK. From

here head on around until you reach the room of a lot of blood, here
Jin will walk in and then you'll be instructed to go further, so head
out through the door and jump down to the next floor.

(This ends this interval and from landing on the roof to this room
things are getting crazy.)

Interval 5: Extraction

Well walk on down the hall, a stealth ninja will appear but quickly
retreat, to the right ( Where the Stealth Ninja Ran off to) you can
find another HK, out of here go left and another HK will

Appear, you will soon find your self in the office complex. There are
quite a few enemies (5) top and bottom takes care of them. All the way
at the end of the office are a HK, BPV, and a shotgun in

The left cubicle. To the right is a message, head left and through the
next room, there are 2 soldiers that will come take them out and
proceed to the right. Go into the next area, the left

Office has a message check it then go make a left. Go down the hallway
and make another left.

CHECKPOINT- Office Space

Go into the room and head right, there are 3 soldiers, take care of
them and pick up the BPV, then make a right open the door and grab the
HK. From here make your way to the back and make a right.

CHECKPOINT- Demolition Ignition!

The office to the right from you in the hallway has an HK pick it up
and proceed to the right, go around the hallway corner and go into the
right office to pick up a HK. Here on out go right and

Make another left and dash to the desk to pick up a HK and some
grenades. The elevators will start coming down and a chuck full of
soldiers plus 1 heavy will be assaulting you, so use cover as much

As you can while you take them all out. From here on go back through
the hole in the wall and head to the hostage, Then you need to find the
one soldier and exit across the room to turn the

elevators back on,

CHECKPOINT- Elevators pfff give me stairs.

From this point head left and by the desk you can pick up the HK now
go behind the wall into a small complex of offices the left one has a
HK, and the upper right one has a shotgun, BVP, and a

Health Booster. Once you collected these go back out and go up the
stairs. Go up and follow through till you make a left then turn right
in the first office to gather another HK, the next office

Has a message. Go around the corner until you reach the next elevator
room, go around into the office and listen to the message, activate the
elevators and go in the elevator and activate it. Once

you exit there is a HK right in front of you from here go right and
jump on the barrel and jump on the boxes until you can jump on the
pipes, go knock the vent cover off to enter the ventilation

Air ways. Towards your right is another cover breaks it down to see
where all the employees have ended up. Go to the door north west and
pick up the HK, once out the door use the laptop and go down

The hallway.

CHECKPOINT- Scared of heights?

Well from this way go out the window and shimmy across the ledge to the
open window go inside to grab a hk, go through the hallway until you
hear some guards speaking, There are 2 guards that will

come in from the west, take them out and go out to the right and deal
with about 4 to 5 guards, Go to the right to pick up some grenades and
some Armor. Go out to the right and take care of 3 more

Guards make your way to the right and pick up the 2 HK sitting on the
toolboxes. Take care of 4 to 5 of the guards in the next area. Then go
around and pick up the BPV, jump down and head to the

Right or left both will end up in the same place. Take out the 8 or 9
guards. Go up till you see piled up boxes and jump on them head right
and then shimmy and jump over the rail, bust through the

Door and kill another 6 or 7 guards. To the right is a Reflex booster
get it and exit by jumping down, head all the way to the right till
you see the glow of a soda machine, here you will make a

Left. Go all the way up on the ladder and the ramps picking up a HK on
the way. Once you reach the door blockaded go all the way to the left
and jump on the box and hop over to end the level.

(This was a pretty hectic but at the same time a pretty tranquil level)

Interval 5- Blind Side

Go out side, and you will be greeted by four soldiers, take them out
and proceed right. Keep on going until 4 soldiers come out to take you
on, dispose of them and go up the ladder and go through

The door, here you will be greeted again by another squad. Taken them
out and pick up the armor on barrel. Now make your way around to the
right and follow the stairs and so forth and pick up a HK,

From here you will see some weapons lying by the box with some armor
and a HK, now head till you hear the radio going. Jump off the rail and
gather some of the health on the right.

CHECKPOINT-Secondary Enemy!

Once out on the roof top you will be confronted by the ATC, these guys
are plentiful but they're not very hard to kill. There will be 2 on the
rooftops in the back and god knows how many you will

Run into, there are a lot and even I lost count from the dozen of ATC I
blasted into hell. Defeat most of the guards and enter the door. Here
there will be a HK on the shelf make a left and go up

The stairs. The lower section only leads around the back and it has a
proxy grenade and some BPV. On top you can gather armor and a health
kit, the armor is on the box while the HK is on the right

Of the box. Now go out side and go left, you'll see 2 more ATC kill
them and jump down and head into the door on the right. There is a
health kit on the left on your way in, make your way through

The hallway and make a left to gather another HK. Once you've done this
jump over the railing to fall into the water, swim until you see a
ladder and climb up it. Go around and walk down the

pathway, shoot the lock off and you will get thrown right back into the
water, climb back out and proceed down the same path and head left to
pick up a reflex booster. Head back out until you see

The damaged walkway, go walk up and head right.

CHECKPOINT- Back up we go!

From here make a right crouch down and make a left and go under pass
the pipes. Make your way out and go left to pick up a med kit, then
head back right and make a left. Walk down the walkway only

to watch it get destroyed go back and jump off the side rail and crouch
down. Make your way across, as you can see 2 areas are blocked by gas,
once you get to the other side jump off the rail

crouch and go under until you come out, you can pick up a med kit in
here as well, go up the stairs and turn the valve to close off the gas.
Now go make your way around when you come out the

Blocked door and go around and climb up the ladder, then make a left to
enter the next area.

CHECKPOINT- Could it possibly get any worse?

Well in the next area go right (not on the upper part right) once your
in the next room cross the bridge and turn the valve to let in the
water which will lift the boxes blocking your path, go in

And swim into the hole until you come out on the other end. Here you
will climb up the ladder and head to the right and flip the power on.
Then go around and climb up the ladder and then exit out

The gap into the room with the broken walkway.

CHECKPOINT- Hi were just dropping by to say die.

Go out to the right and make a left, an elevator will come down
accompanied are 2 soldiers and 1 heavy. Eliminate them and get on the
elevator and ride up to the top.

This will end this interval.

(This was a rather short level with most of your time just trying to
get back up to the surface.

Interval 6- Interception

Well once you exit the elevator you will be surrounded by replica
soldiers around 4 to 5 of them take them out, and make your way up the
stairs into the Shipping room, but before that to the right

Of you will be a BPV pick it up if you need the armor. Once in the room
you will have a med kit next to your some grenades and a BPV with your
occasional weapon. Pick what ever is needed and go

Out through the door and head right into another office space. Go in,
in the right of the room is a proxy grenade pick it up and head
straight. There you can pick up a HK, go back out and head

Right through the door and make another right and go up the stairs. Go
through the room and head left.

CHECKPOINT- On my Honor...

Head down and make a right, on the desk you'll find a proxy grenade.
Head all the way down and make a left and a right into another lab like
room. Here you can get a HK and a Health Booster also

Check the message, once you're finished go back out and continue to the
right and exit through the door, pick up the grenades on the left on
the table then exit out the right. Go around the corner

Only to be flanked by 4 to 5 soldiers kill them and head to the left to
pick up a med kit. Head to the right to pick up 2 HK and 1 assault
rifle. Then exit to the next room, around the country is

Another med kit pick it up if you need it, then head out to the right
make your way around until you enter a room with a pistol on the table
and a HK, there will alas be some BPV and some weapons

On a containment box. You will also have to deal with some more guards.
There are only 2 in this area and another 2 when you go down the stairs
and appear in the other room, once in the other room

There?ll be 2 HK and one BPV once you?re done exit out the door. Jump
off the balcony to deal with 3 guards, after doing so head right and
turn into the office, check the message grab the health and

Turn off the security lock down. Now go out the new opened door and up
the stairs, now go to the right and climb the ladder and once you get
off the ladder turn to climb another ladder. Then shimmy

Over the ledge and break down through the cover and drop down the

(This Norman guy is getting very annoying.)

Interval 6: Unauthorized Personnel

From the ventilation head right and drop down then make another right
and another until you come across the ceiling turret. 3 well placed
shots from the shot gun will deal with it. Now go back up

The shaft and go to the new path and drop down, from here go down the
way to the door on the left to pick up a HK and the Remote Grenades on
the pulley outside. Head down the hallway and deal with

the ceiling turret then go back down and break the fenced door on your
left and pick up the HK on the wall to the right, then go inside and
flip the power switch and head back out and make a left

Into the next room. In here you can use the laptop, also pay notice to
the blue prints, these are the AU. Very pesky enemies you will be
dealing with very soon. Go into the next room in the right

And go right and get the HK on the left, go out the door and deal with
yet another Ceiling Turret. From here head left into the small storage
room for a HK and a BPV. Once your done go over into the

Lab rooms. From the door go left into the next lab room and grab the HK
then go out and deal with. Head left and turn right and then make
another left to a lock door, then head back the other way.

CHECKPOINT- Turrets...I hate em....

Well head on down and take out yet another Turret and to the left of
that turret is yet another one. Once they're both taken out head right
into the room and check the message machine, after doing

so continue down the hallway and go up the steps and turn right and go
down the stairs picking up the HK, go under the underground way and
make a right to pick up another HK, then go back down the

Other way. Then climb up the ladder and exit the room.

CHECKPOINT- Most Vulnerable from the sky!

Make your way down the hallway, when 2 soldiers will appear, shoot them
before they reach you in SlowMo. Then wait till the other 2 come to
take you on and deal with them in SlowMo. Then enter the

Room and take the HK and go down the stairs and take the HK and the
Reflex Booster. Head right and get ready for some pretty tough fights.

CHECKPOING- This aint Macross....

Head on back and take out the 5 to 4 guards around the area, from here
go left into the room and you'll see an activation switch; before you
hit it go around and collect HK and the BPV when you're

Finally ready do a QS and switch it on. Down will come a very new enemy
firing a lot of missiles towards you. It isn't human but you need to
use your Remote Bombs to make it easier, there is no

Real weak point to this type of enemy. Grenades and the missile
launcher and the handy shotgun will take care of him. After you
destroyed the Mech, go to the lift that it came down on and go up,

From here go right and across to the other side. There is a room go
left to pick up an assault rifle and a BPV. Head back out and continue
on your way. Now head all the way to the right and up the

Ladder, go around and crouch down and go into the ventilation and drop
down into the next room. The room will be locked down so head to your
right and go around the gate and up the ladder then go

Down the hallway and then up the ladder, then drop through the vent. Go
to the control panel and turn the security lock off. Then go to the
right and check the messages and pick up the Health

Booster and the HK at the same time. Once finished go out into the once
contaminated room and use the laptop, and pick up the BPV and the
weapons surrounding. From here exit to the right and head

Left all the way past the windowed ceiling.

CHECKPOINT-Get em a mile away.

From this point go into the door and grab the HK then go right and
activate the Cam-Turret, kill all the guards before your turret gets
blown up. Once finished go over and crouch under the window

and turn right. Go through the cubicles and kill all the guards in the
SlowMo. Then take out the other 3 in the other area, once finished head
out the door that says exit. Now head out and go left

Quick before the guards get you, go up the stairs and kill the other 6
guards in SlowMo. Go past their bodies and pick up the BPV, then make a
right and go into the room and grab the HK, Now head

Over to the balcony and jump off.

(This was a pretty intense level but if you passed it you won't have.
Too much trouble with the others.)

Interval 6: After Image

Just head on don't worry about the turret it is broke, Head down and
make a left and another left to pick up a health booster, go down
further and make another left to pick up a HK and check your

Messages. From here go down the hall and turn right, there you'll find
another HK. Head on out the next door and go down and pick up the
reflex booster. From here go left and go up the stairs and

Exit the room. Next go down the hall way and make a left through the
door and keep going through all the pipes. You will immerge with some
ATC guys, kill them all head right and pick up another HK,

Now go right and take out more ATC guards. From here go left and use
the laptop once you've finished go down to the last office and pick up
some armor. Now go down the hall and let the enemies kill

Each other until you're needed to take them out. Once you think its
some what safe go in the room and collect all the weapons you need and
grab the HK. The most likely outcome is ATC being wiped

Out. Head down the hall and take care of the 2 soldiers and defeat the
1 heavy. Head on out through the once locked door.

CHECKPOINT-Too many people not enough bullets.

From here make your way till you reach the stair case; here take
position and try to take out the guards across the hall. Then kill the
2 soldiers outside. Make your way down the hall and turn

Right and go to the office on the right and check the message and pick
up the remote grenades to the left. Head out, the room on the right
also contains a HK. Make your way down and deal with 2

More soldiers turn right and deal with the heavy and the 2 soldiers.
Then go to the window and quick save, use the rifle or anything with
good zoom in, and inch out and take out the Soldier by the

Farthest bush and then the one to the closet. Now go all the way up to
the ledge and throw all your remote grenades. Now go over to the lower
right balcony and jump off, a helicopter will fly by

Dropping off another Mech, draw him to your remote bombs and then
detonate them and then use the Rocket Launcher if you have it to
destroy him. Head all the way down and take out the 2 guards coming

From the right take them out and back step and look for another guard
carrying a plasma rifle. Kill him and enter the small office conference
room and take the HK, BPV, and the grenades. Now head all

The way up to the right and go up the steps and go inside the building.
Soon you will be at the cafeteria where the lights will go out, so take
care of the guards you can see by throwing grenades

To lighten up the place. Try using the newly acquired Plasma Rifle to
quickly eliminate them from this earth, then head on down and flip the
power make your way and chuck a grenade killing 2 other

Soldiers. Now bust through the window and drop down and end this

(This one Interval had a lot of intense action but for me I died quite
often for being reckless.)


Interval 7: Redirection

Well after falling you are in a pretty quite area, head to the left
where you see the lights coming out the building, and crash through the
window, head to the right to use the Laptop, once your

done go left and down the hall, you should see a dim lifted room, go in
and grab the proxy grenades and anything else and check out the camera
screen, once finished exit the room and go down the

hallway to your right and then enter the elevator upon leaving go up
into the office and check the message on the phone, after doing so head
out and go to the left and enter another office room and

Use the laptop. Now don't bother with any of the rooms, just go on down
the hallway until you reach the office cubicle down the hall, then go
right and enter the first door on your left and check

The message. Your new task will to locate Harlan Wades office, go down
the hall till you see the blood splattered wall, you'll hear some type
of Cell Phone ringing, thus shoot at the ceiling until

A body drops down. Once this has occurred head back to the elevators,
one of the elevators will go down just a little so you can get on top
of it. Then head to the right, jump over the railing and

climb the ladder up to the next floor, then shimmy across the ledge
over the railing and all the way up to the top, here you can get a best
and some grenades. Go down the ladder and enter the room

and open the door, go all the way to the right when you hear someone on
the phone, enter the room and check the message go back out, then head
down the hallway.

CHECKPOINT-Yup, there?s more.

There is no need to check the office on the left head to the right and
snatch the HK on the shelf and slowly go out, you will be confronted by
3 guards on the bottom and 2 on the top, just go in

Slow motion, take out the Shot Gun and pound led in all their faces,
you should be able to get all this done while only and if suffering
little to no damage. Now once on top you will be confronted

4 or so guards in the complex office area dispose of them. Now from
whence you came head to the right and check the phone message. Leave
the room and head around to the right and grab the HK (You

Could also get it without entering the room from the outside window)
now head down the hall and enter into the left and grab the HK and go
to the small area of offices to pick up some grenades. Now

Go to where you see the soda machines and head down the hall until the
gate goes down and chuck a grenade and the chasing guard, this will
make him back up. Now go in slow mow and blast him away.

Go around the corridor until you reach another set of soda machines, on
the right there is some glass and offices bust through and grab the med
kit and head into the next office for another med

Kit and a shot gun, then go out and use the laptop on the table. Now go
around that cubicle and down the hallway, here you will be confronted
by 2 guards. Dispose of them and get the last one in

The room, now head in and go to the room on the left and activate the
gate. Then go into the room next to it, and get what you need from the
gun rack. Now head to the Cam-turret and shoot all the

Guards as you can. Now we head back out to the gate that closed on us
before we could get through.

CHECKPOINT- Stairway to hell

Alright walk your way through the thrashed room and make your way to
the left and go up stairs to grab your self a Bullet Proof Vest, you
will want this especially for the next area. Head back down

And go into the next area. Here you will be confronted with 3 soldiers
and 1 Elite Soldier, deal with the 3 and then let loose on the Elite.
Once Dealt with deal with any other soldiers coming a0
.and then grabs the HK and go around the corner. Get ready from here on
out for a fight with around 18 or so soldiers With 1 elite, so be
prepared for a lot of fighting. This is nothing more the time

To use your reflexes. Charge in and kill all the soldiers, there are
around 5 in the first area and go into the small office space to get
the Reflex Booster. Run up the stairs and kill a few more

Soldiers, and around the corner kill more soldiers, and around the next
kill some more soldiers and take out the Heavy Soldier as well. Once
you cleaned up most of the enemies check to the right

room where you fought the Heavy and get a HK and a Health Boost, on the
way to the room on the left pick up the BPV and then pick up the HK and
some Frag grenades. Now head up into the room at the

Top to pick up another Health Kit and some grenades and weapons. Now
head around the corridor to meet one hell of a nightmare, soldiers and
a heavy packing the Plasma Gun. This is going to be very

Bad so draw the soldiers out and kill them all, don't waste any slow
mode for them. Once you dealt with them (HOPEFULLY YOU SAVED THAT
PLASMA WEAPON) run in and shoot the plasma gun into the Heavy,

It?ll take a few but it will go down. Once the Heavy has been taken
out, go all the way to the corner to pick the med kit, and then into
the door to meet up with Alice. Once this scene is over with

Check the messages and the lap top and get ready to head to the roof.

CHECKPOINT- Is this your floor?

Well you need to evacuate Alice, so go all the way back to the bottom
floor, you will be confronted by about 5 guards, dispose of them and
get in the elevator. This will be a VERY interesting ride,

Take out that plasma rifle and on each floor go out and zap those
guards while collecting weapons and med kits. You will eventually go
about 3 floors until the power goes out. The elevator will

Stop and you will need to go and flip the power on. Upon doing this the
Elevator Closes and you?re left on the floor. Go around until the gate
shuts on you. Once you?re in the new room open the door

And run up the stairs. Once you?re out of the stair way room there are
2 soldiers awaiting your arrival to the left, pop them and get the guys
on the top. Head back and let them come down the stairs

And kill any who do, if not go up and deal with them. Once you have
disposed of these soldiers it is up the stairs again. Once you?re up
here there is another door which has another set of stairs,

The door is locked so you have to climb the boxes and enter the shaft,
drop down below to finish this level.

(Wow, this level was crazy as shit. So make sure you use quick save
often so you don't need to start all over.)

Interval 7: Flight

Well now here comes a helicopter filled with enemies, get ready for
some scoping. Pick off the enemies that you can that are coming off the
helicopter, once you have dealt with them head around the

Now blasted door. The door on the right is locked and you have to face
around 4 to 5 enemy soldiers. So toss some grenades and kill them all.
Now that you disposed of the trash head on up to the

Door when you?re then greeted by a screwed and chopped voice. Here we
go into another building.


So were in a building and not far down you come in contact with 2 more
soldiers and below there are soldiers and everywhere you see there is
soldiers. Kill them all, well you already knew this so

Deal with them and head across and go down the stairs. Head all the way
to the door on the right, here in this room you can get a HK which if
you were like me, needed it pretty bad. There is also a

pistol here so if you want to switch out a weapon for it or gather the
ammo go for it, now go around the pipes till you enter another room
with stairs which lead down, follow down and enter the

Next room and pick up the med kit. Now go through the door and go down
the hallway and head to the left first to pick up a Health Booster then
go into the office to listen to some messages. Once

Your finished up here go around and down the hallway, don't bother with
any of the offices since they have nothing to offer. Once you?re out of
the hallway you will see a laptop on the table check it

And proceed to the next area.

CHECKPOINT- First Cloned Soldiers, Second Robots, Third Mech, now
flying Robots shooting lasers.

Well proceed until you reach the stairs go up, turn right, then turn
left and now your at the room with the windows, here flying robots
will bust out and shoot lasers at you. If you have a

Shotgun they aren't too much of a problem. I have no real name for this
enemy but were going to call them Air Units. There are 2 of them and
the best way of dealing with these is slow mow. Continue

Forward until another bust in to try and kill you, dispose of it. Now
go forward and exit through the broken window which the AU broke in
through, but wait there?s more. 2 more AU will come

Popping out now fire like hell at them and shimmy your way around the
building side, then lower you?re self upon the roof. Run across the
vent and go in the door, make sure you get the HK on the wall

Then climb up the ladder. Now go out and enter the door, or if you want
to go with style bicycle kick your way through the window. Now make
your way down the hall and make a left, the room on the

Right has no purpose. While you're down here another AU will bust in,
blow that annoying thing to pieces. Go around till you see the pistol
the desk, get ready for 2 soldiers to come out the

window. Slow Mode through here and shoot them before they reach the
floor will usually instantly kill them. There is another soldier whom
will be coming down the steps, kill him and let some of your

Slow motion recovers. Then go up the steps when 2 AU will pop in,
destroy them then listen to the Radio Broadcast and head out to the
door on the right, go in and grab the very needed med kit and

Out the door you go.

CHECKPOINT- I'm not Rocky, stop with the damn stairs already.

Well were at another staircase, but as you proceed another door will
bust open and some more guards will be coming up, throw a proxy in the
bottom right of the stairs below. Then wait, they will

Eventually run and all get blown to smithereens. I have in some
situations noticed 3 guards so stay on the safe side and crouch down
while you go down the stair case. Floor 8 you can go

Through, open this door and go into the next to be introduced to your
good friend(s) HK. Go out and go all the way down to the last floor
around the stair case is a Reflex Booster. Now go up to

Floor 5 and walk into the office to listen to some more messages. Leave
this office and go around until you hear "Squad Stay Down." yes as you
can already guess, more soldiers but where could they

Be? Go down the hallway to be assaulted by 3 soldiers. Yet to save your
self some health set up some proxy grenades. This will deal with one of
them, from here you can assault the other 2 and kill

Them. Now go into the room they all busted out of a pick up a BPV some
grenades and be on your way, Now that you dealt with them go around the
hall till you get to some more soda machines, get ready

For about 6 guards to kill, dispose of them. Once you have there is a
Penetrator around the corner on a sofa, if you want you can pick it up.
Now head to the office area and use the laptop. Then go

To the room and flip the power on. Head out the office area and make
your way to the elevator.

CHECKPOINT- Trains, Helicopters, and cars. Wait Scratch Trains.

Well now you have to run your ass ALL THE WAY to the roof, while again
battling your way for survival. When you first exit the elevator head
down a bit to pick up a HK, go up the long ramp to be

Confronted by 4 guards. Take care of them and then get the 2 HK. Now go
up again to be faced with more men and a heavy, Defeat them all and
carry on through the door and up the stairs until you

Reach the roof. This ends Interval 7.

(Wow this was one hell of an Interval, heavies and all the crazy shit
that you don't want to see.)

Interval 8 : Desolation

Well it seems you?re in an abandoned building with you being the only
one to survive with no real injuries. So they're sending you in to deal
with the coming threat. So make your way out and up the


CHECKPOINT- What Already?

Make your way to the left and bust down the boards and then head right.

CHECKPOINT- No one survives....except a few.

Well now the enemies have infiltrated and you have to make your way up
the steps. Go to the right and bust up some of the soldiers, you will
come across a heavy in here so deal with that guy as fast

As possible then kill any of the remaining soldiers around you. Now
head all the way out from whence you came an pick up the HK and the FG
and some BPV, then make your way to the floor with the

Gap, on the other side you will see a Reflex Booster, well you can't
get that now and you have to drop down to the next floor, where plenty
of guards 5 or so will be waiting for you. Drop down and

Dispose of them and head left to get a med kit then head right to pick
up some Remote Grenades and a BPV. Now head to the door on the right
(It leads out side) then go into the door that goes back

Into the building, on your left you will find some more soldiers,
dispose of them. Then head left up the staircase of rubble to enter the
room with the Reflex Booster. Now go through the room of

The previous slaughtered guards. Head up to the left and through the
door way, you will see a corner room with boards and on the right an
opening. I would suggest a quick save right here, now go

through the door way and inch up and through your remote grenades, go
further and you will have to face a Laser Mech, once he drops down
detonate the Bombs, then while still in a infinite Slow

Motion Mode, take out your shot gun and take him out. Once he is out go
back to where he fell out of and crawl under the door.

CHECKPOINT- Kentucky Fried Replica Soldiers.

Well now that you dealt with the trivial Laser Mech, head on through
around the corner there is another gap but from the window you can see
the 2 stationed guards. Kill them both from here then

Duck. There are 3 soldiers who are using the Plasma Gun, this
means...Whip out your Plasma Gun and fry each one. Now make your way
and leap over the gap onto the loose boards, here I would also

Suggest A QS. Now head around the corner and duck, there are 4 soldiers
all equipped with a Plasma Rifle. There is one in the building by the
windows and 3 on the left roof building. No hesitation,

Once they are in your sights shoot, if you even have a second delay YOU
WILL GET YOUR ASS FRIED. Once you dealt with them head along the way,
then duck behind one of the air shafts and fry the 2

Guards or 3 on the bottom, (One Usually heads to the top) then make
your way to the right; as soon as you do more Soldiers will come from
the windows with plasma rifles, about 4 of them. Kill them

And head along your way, here you will run into (Regular Armed thank
god) Soldiers, but before so go backwards until you see a weapon just
lying there. This is the Repeating cannon, this is pretty

Neat but I didn't use it to much, it's no killer like the Plasma Rifle
but it does its share of Damage. Dispose of them and make your way
through the door, head right from here to collect a BPV and

The Plasma Rifle Clips. Go around the hallway until you see a table in
the back, inch your way up and on the left in the room is a guard, kill
him and 2 of his friends will follow dispose of them.

Now go in the rooms and check you will hear more guards out side, find
the windows so you can see them climbing down the ladder. Kill them,
you will see a huge gap in the floor but don't drop in,

Check some of the rooms for HK BPV and a Health Injector, then go
through the hole in the floor and make your way through the hallway
until the level ends.

(Well this wasn't too tough of a level but sure was one banged up
Interval 8: Point of Entry

Now you?re out side and you?re informed that the Replica Soldiers are
over, no big deal. Head along the way until you see another open
spacious area. There will be a broken down car in the rode, while

Your about to exit, go into Slow Motion Mode, and shoot the on-coming 2
guards. If you aim correctly you can take them both out, once they are
killed a Humvee with 3 replica guards will come after

You only to stop and let them exit. If you have any more grenades, toss
one and kill them. If you don't just dispose of them like you would any
other, going into Slow Motion before they get out is

A good idea, in here you can find a HK and a BPV. Now once you have
obtained these items go over to the window and break down the boards to
enter yet another building.

CHECKPOINT- What now? A Humvee coming through the wall? Yup Humvee
through the wall.

Now in the building snatch the 2 HK on the Shelf?s, and head through
the door, in a minute a Humvee will crash in letting out about 5
Soldiers, slow motion and kill them. Back up all the way near

The office and head in to grab 2 more HK. There is a door on your left
but don't use it, go back out to draw some more soldiers to dispose of
them. Try to use the truck as cover and the office as

Much as you need to regain your slow motion. Once you dispose of them
take out your weapon (Repeat Cannon or Shotgun) and disarm the Heavy
with the Missile Launcher, be swift and make sure all

Your hits go to the head and stay in close combat. If you do so the
Heavy won't use the Missile Launcher but will still melee attack you,
kill him and be on your way. Head to the steps to pick up

Some grenades and a BPV and then go to the Humvee and get the 2 HK then
jump on the boxes and over the fence.


Well while you?re over the fence make your way to the door on the right
and head up the steps, you will have to deal with about 6 or 7 guards.
Shoot some missiles to clear them out quickly and

Quickly go over the bridge to the other side. Shoot more missiles at
the Soldiers jumping the fence, this should wipe them out quickly. Once
you finished off with these enemies go and jump over the

Railing and go around the alley, jump on the boxes and go through the
window to pick up an HK, then go around to the left and up the stairs
and exit through the door back to the roof tops.


Well over the fence to be greeted by another Humvee head back the way
you came and move to the side, this will let you avoid being killed.
Now go on your way all the way down to the trashcans and

pick up the grenades, then head up the steps into the building through
the office door to pick up the HK and back out and down the hall, go
through the doors and around the pipes and into the

Grates. Crawl and then drop into the next room.

CHECKPOINT- The Commander is in the Vault!

Well after emerging; pick off the 3 soldiers on duty around the rubble.
Then jump on the rubble and go onto the ledge and head to the wall
where you can see the Reflex Booster, jump up and keep

Hitting F to pick it up earlier then expected. Then go up the ladder
once you get back up shoot the 2 guards on the other side. Now go all
the way and jump down, before heading right go around and

Up the other ladder and into the room the guards came out of to pick up
a Penetrator and some BPV. Then head back down and down the hallway and
around the gap to pick up some shotgun ammo and the

Reflex Booster if you didn't get it, then go down the whole and go down
the long hallway, don't go down the ramp but head right and go around
the railing by the Humvee go into the next room to pick

Up the HK, Now go down and past the Humvee and by the steam room to go
into the next area.

CHECKPOINT-Heavy+Heavy+Soldier=Running a lot!

Now past here you will come into contact with some more soldiers around
4 including the Heavy, but don't worry the heavy is packing the HV
Penetrator so you won't need to worry about being fried or

Blown to chunks, just being nailed to the wall. Defeat all these guys
and search the area to receive HK, BPV and all types of grenades. Make
your way up the stairs to face another heavy and some

Soldiers. Dispose of them and go around and go down stairs making sure
you properly nail the sucker before he gets you. Now down the stairs
make a right and into the room to pick another HK. Now go

Back out and down the perilous hallway and jump on the canisters to
retrieve the missile launcher. There will be some more soldiers so test
out the missile launcher and kill them. Now go down the

Hallway and make a left into the doors and head down the stairway.

CHECKPOINT-Repeating Soldiers

Head along the side to pick up the HK, then peek out the door and shoot
a plasma beam to the one soldier then wait for the other to exit the
room. Go around and pick up the grenades on the wheel

And head up the ladder. Go through the rooms and you'll see a brightly
lit room with 2 HK and a shotgun. Grab em and then you're informed of
the ATF boys are coming your way. Head out and to the

Left and go through the doors and get ready.

CHECKPONT- You again?

Well down the dark hallway you go around until you come to the broken
floor. Head all the way down until your assaulted by 2 Stealth Ninjas,
take care of them and make your way up the stairs. Yet

another Stealth Ninja will follow you up there, blast his ass away,
then go around until yes you got it....ANOTHER Stealth Ninja Jumps out
to try and take care of you, but a proper blast of the

Shotgun will do him in, make your way across the board to the right and
enter into the room and go down the stairs and through the door.


Ah the glory of enemies fighting each other, here you see the ATC
getting blasted by a missile launching mech. Don't bathe in it to long
since you will have to deal with this guy so take out the

Repeater Cannon and attack it from the windows does this for a bit, and
then goes down stairs until it bust through the door, go in slow motion
and destroy it. Once you're finished get ready for another

Battle with a mech. These guys aren't too tough as long as you take
your time and use SlowMo when you engage them. Once you defeated them
head back to the destroyed building and pick up the HK here,

Then go all the way around the buildings into another. There are 8 ATC
guards here, dispose of them, if you go to the right one will sneak
behind you, so go around to the left. After you cleaned out

This room goes into the small room and get a HK. Then make your way to
the blue button and turn it on revealing a secret room with a lot of
weapons. Now make your way around the room and down the

Bridge and get the Health Booster go back across and head left flipping
the switch for the elevator. Go into the elevator and you will go into
another room, shoot the guy flying around. Then go back

Into the elevator to exit the level.

(Well this level pretty much was crazy from beginning to end, but wait
there is so much more.)

Interval 09 - Incursion-

Well from the beginning of this level get ready to fight a turret, if
you have the shotgun go in and take it out in SlowMo then head to the
middle part with all the power and grab the HK now you

can go right or left but it doesn't really matter but if you go left
you need to deal with another turret do so, and then jump up on the
pipe and crawl down the air vents and get the grenades. Head

Back out and go down the ladder and make your way through the pipe
complex and back up the ladder. Now you will need to deal with some ATC
well a lot of them on the upper floor clear them out, or

Of what you can and go around the corner, take out the rest of the ATC
here. From here go into the complex and get grenades weapons and some
HK and a BPV and check the laptop, after this head to

the room next to it and find the ladder and crawl up on it, then crouch
and crawl on the pipes until you come to the pipes enclosed by the
wall, drop down to view a message.

CHECKPOINT- Dug your own grave!

From here go up the stair case and enter the next room to the left is a
HK and to the right lies around 4 enemies, watch your self since some
of the canisters will explode. Take care of them and

Search the area; this is the upper area so most of the guards should
have been disposed of. You can find weapons and some BPV up here, from
here go around the bend till you see a room with another

Turret go in and destroy it. Hear you can find a repeater cannon and a
BPV and a Reflex Booster. Going out the door you will be blocked so you
will have to head to the left, another turret take it

out and get the HK on the right. GO out the door and go past the
opening and take out the ATC guards. You don't need to go in here just
now, keep going till you find the BVP by the leaked fire,

Take this and go in and kill all the guards. There is about 6 or 7 of
them make sure you watch out as they have a high tendencies to just
sneak up on you after you killed them gather the health

around the room and go to the right and down the stairs and prepare for
a good slaughter of ATC guards, now head down and head left as you will
notice more guards, dispose of them and jump the

Table to get the BPV and also all the gates will be closing down, so
head down the hallway into the office to the laptop. From here you will
see an opened hatch with a ladder, climb down it.

CHECKPOINT- Damaged Pipes!

Once your down the ladder you will an ATC guard run off chase after him
till you see him down the hallway, dispose of the 2 guards from afar,
then get up close and turn to your right and blast the

Other guard, head left to pick up the HK and go through where the third
guard was hiding. Crawl under and make your way till you see the gate
with the lock, blow it off and head down the pipes and

make a right then a left and go past the room with the steam, then look
ahead and take care of the 2 ACP guys, grab the BPV and the grenades
and head right and then turn the wheel and up the

Ladder. Then crawl into the shafts and drop down.

(This Level wasn't too bad.)
Interval 09- Bypass

Well make your way through the shaft all the way down into the room.
View the sequence of what you wanted to do through out the game. You
now have new objectives is to divert power to the vault

Door. From here make a left and go down the hallway and down the
ladders they lead to a pipe room, go around to reach the HK kit on the
box and walk up the steps and make your way down the

corridor, be prepared to face 2 Guards from the get go, once you dealt
with them there is some grenades and an HK with a Repeater Cannon below
you, pick them if you wish and head back up and take

Care of the other 2 guards. Then pick up the BPV and head left to the
power generator room, either left or right you need to go to both and
flip the switches, from here go back to where you came

From and the door that was locked will be open proceed through.

CHECKPOINT- Yellow-Blue....

Go up the ladder and follow the room, once you see the huge fire
warning box immediately prepare to deal with 3 guards, kill them and
scavenge the place. Head up stairs to use the laptop, to the

Right and crawl to pick up a HK and a Proxy grenade, head back out and
then go to the left drop in and go forward and break down the grate and
enter then make your way around and make sure you go

Up the steps to get a HK and a Reflex Booster, then make your way
through the rooms to pick up another HK. When you make your way around
you will be in another room filled with about 8 or 9

Enemies kill them all and make your way to the next door. But as you
can see it doesn't work. Jump off into the room and collect the BPV and
get the HK near the lower stairs and head on into the

basement for the Blue Power Generator, on the left is switch hit this,
but go down the ladder you will notice the other switch doesn't work
because the cargo create is blocking the way go on up,

and make a right into the door use the laptop get the HK and grenades
head back out, go to the ladder left of the room of the laptop, climb
up and hit the switch, climb down and go around and

Jump down and hit the switch. Once you finished this
Go back up and enter the locked door.


Well head on around until you meet up with your good ol Air Unit Buddy
all 3 of them, you know how to handle them, so quickly take care of
them. Make your way around the corridor and up the stairs,

All the way up. You should see a room that looks like one of those
printing press machines or something like that, you can't get in the
door since it is malfunctioned so you have to go around and

Bust in through the ventilation shaft, Insider you can get a BPV and a
Missile launcher. Now see the right machine wait till you see no
canisters and go into it, you will drop to the next level,

Follow through to enter the next power room. Hit the first switch and
go all the way down, make a right and go down the steps to listen to
the messages then go up the railing and hit the next

Switch and enter the next location.

CHECKPOINT-You could have taken the helicopter BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

From here on walk up the stairs and kill the 2 guards and then take the
HK and the BVP and make your way to the elevator leading down exit the
door and head to your left where you will be assaulted

By those pesky AU. Destroy them all and make your way past the vault.

(This was rather easy for being so late in the game; you should go
through this level in a breeze.)

Interval 10 - The Vault

Well once you get off the elevator head right and down the hallway,
here you will end up in a sequence where you have to fight. I'm not
even going to spoil this.

CHECKPOINT- Giving birth from the dead!

Going up the elevator you will meet Harlan, the door will open and now
you make your way around. This time you won't be taken to the other
world as the new bodies will be coming to yours. Use the

Cannon to destroy them on your way pick up the BPV and the HK along the
way to. This is a VERY simple path so just follow suit, you will come
in contact with multiple parties of the souls, kill

Them on your way you'll reach the reactor room, head up and to the
right and go up the elevator.

CHECKPOINT-Commence destruction!

Once on top, head to the right and hit the switch, the generators will
come out, blow them all up and get ready for a black out. Now head
through the open door and make your way down the hallway

Battling souls. Kill them and make your way through this area, again
very straight forward. Once you reach the elevator it is time to go
back up. Exit the vault on 02 and get ready to deal with

More souls dispatch them and then head up into the next elevator.

(End of Interval 10, this was a rather hectic one but pretty simple.)

Interval 11- Retaliation

Well now you need to get the hell away, so make your way across the
room picking up the Shotgun ( ^_^ YES REUNITED!) and blast away at any
soul trying to kill you. There is a ton of HK around here

pick them up because you will need them, as you make your way down the
hall you will be blind sided by more souls so blast them away and make
your way down the hall into the warehouse, go around

Here pick up that BPV and HK and take out the Souls. Make your way up
and around the broken shelves into the next area.

CHECKPOINT- Please stop!

Make your way up to the right until you come into a very large room,
get down and get the HK and get ready for waves upon waves of souls.
Take them out as fast as you can. Once you finished with

All of them pick up the BPV and the HK and drop down into the gap.

CHECKPOINT- Good Night Alma

Crawling make your way around until 2 soul?s pop out to kill you, take
them out. Go down the hallway and defeat a party of souls keep going
and make sure you QS. You will then be taken to fight

alma. Take care of her and you reach the end of the game.

6. How to deal with enemies!

With F.E.A.R being a FPS there is one thing that will always be and
that FPS is about skill and reflexes. Hesitation is not needed in a FPS
you must shoot when the enemy first comes into contact. Through out
this strategy guide I rarely go into deep thought on how to deal with
each encounter with soldiers. Since almost all squads can be dealt with
the same all you need to know is the way on doing so.

1. How many? When you encounter soldiers the usually come in groups of
3 and 5 and usually average out to 8 or 9. This is a lot of people
against 1 man, this is why there is SlowMo (This is so you can see
what your character is doing. Logically he is just to fast but they
have to slow it down so you can control such speed) this reflex is the
key to getting through the game. Knowing when to use it and when not
to use it, just don't use it every where it is a waste. Only use this
when against extreme odds. Such as dealing with mechs and Heavies. It
is also advised to use this in parts where you?re pinned down.

2. So how do I kill them all? When you come up against a squad they
work like a squad, pay attention to things that they say so you can
adapt to the situation. They don't act alone they are always working
like a team and they can trick you into their own traps, so always pay
attention to your surroundings. You never want to take a position where
enemies can come up behind you, but you don't want to take a position
in which you can get boxed in. When facing unaware enemies, chuck a
grenade into the crowd to kill a majority and heavily injure the
others. This is especially so if you want to survive in most parts of
the game. Don't waste your grenades, make sure they hit and just don't
throw them into a firefight where the enemies can see and dodge. You
always want to use walls and such to make the grenade bounce on angles
to get to the destination. Angling and figuring out where the grenade
has a high probability of landing is especially useful.

3. You're not God! Keep this in mind that you have life, so always use
cover as much as possible. This whole game is about cover so use it,
the more you get use to always using cover the easier it is to deal
with the enemies. In all actual reality this is probably the important
key to being successful in F.E.A.R

4. The head! Head shots hurt, always aim at the head in any type of
fight always keep in mind what your weapon is meant for. Shotguns are
meant for close range while rocket launchers are used for long range.

There isn't all that much to say, the biggest asset to this game is
having a mind.

7. The Conclusion Understanding the Story! Spoilers

In summary: you, the main character, were the first prototype created in the
Origin project. Fettel was your brother, as you were both conceived by Alma .
Alma was Harlan Wade's daughter, and she was used as a maturation chamber for
the Origin prototypes. After it was discovered that Alma could still reach out
to Fettel, despite being unconscious, Origin's directors decided to kill Alma,
and seal her body in that giant sphere within the Vault. This much is told to
us in the game, but then things get complicated.

After the credits roll, Genevieve Aristide is heard making a phone call to the
Senator, stating that the first prototype was a success. You can interpret
this to be in reference to the main character. Knowing this, it is plausible
that the entire point of the game was an extreme test of the prototype's
abilities, and that Aristide, with the Senator's help, created the situation
purposefully by re-opening the Vault. This isn't a far-fetched conclusion, as
there was a message left on a phone within the game that stated Genevieve had
called the Senator to bring in military troops. Under the guise of a hostage
taking at the Armacham building, the Senator provided the prototype with ample
soldiers to test his skills on. That soldier is you, and assuming you beat the
game, you performed up to expectations.


( Thank you for this man)
8. Misc or F.A.Q

Q: Who the hell are you?
A: Thebest99 I been here for a while and was some what active but I got
tired of the morons in particular forums going on and on about my own
spelling. This was of course a long time ago.

Q: Is this your first guide?
A: NO, this is my second well actually 5 my first was Tribes: Aerial
Assault but the other ones I lost when my computer crashed.

Q: Will you make any other guides?
A: Yes in the future I hope so; I am right now deciding whether it is
worth my time to write a Q4 FAQ.

Q: Hey how come you use a lot of commas and so forth?
A: It has, become, a habit for some reason. It isn't the best grammar
but I try not to use it all the time.

Q: I don't like your FAQ!
A: Then don't read it.

This will conclude the small Question segment

I would like to give credit to

Sierra and Monolith for creating and publishing this game!
GAMEFAQS for hosting this FAQ!

I don't know whom else, but remember this game is copyrighted to their
respected owners and this guide in no way or form has any affiliation
with either company. This guide is to only be viewed on GameFaqs. If
you wish to host this FAQ then E-mail me at Taaraven@aol.com with the
subject title F.E.A.R FAQ!

Benjamin Sam 10/05

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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