Star Trek - The Next Generation - A Final Unity

Star Trek - The Next Generation - A Final Unity

06.10.2013 21:27:57
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"A Final Unity"

F.A.Q. Vers. 1.0
By Steve Commisso

====Table of Contents====
| I. Review (IMHO) |
| II. Battle Tactics |
| III. Walkthrough |
| IV. Credits |
| V. About This FAQ |

| I. Review |

Overall, Star Trek TNG - A Final Unity is a pretty good
game. It has good sound effects that come right out of the
show. The storyline is great! It has good computer animated
clips. A few of the negatives are that there is NO lip sync
whatsoever and the graphics are kind of cartoony (I don't
really mind). I wish the game was longer.

| II. Battle Tactics |

The main thing here is for you to take Worf off of the
Tactical and command it yourself (The DELEGATE button). Once
your in control, you want to click on the button marked
TACTICAL. A list of pre-programmed movements come up. At the
beginning of a battle, you might want engage the Star
Maneuver under the ATTACK movements. While in the Star
Maneuver fire a spray of torpedos at the enemy ship. When you
get close to the enemy ship, use one of the BREAK movements.
The Large Loop works well. While in the middle of the Large
Loop, quickly switch over to WEAPONS movements. Use the
Deadly Strafe. It will automatically move and fire at the
enemy. After that use the Hitman (also under WEAPONS
movements). Next, go to FOLLOW movements and pick Shadow.
Click on the torpedo and phaser buttons to fire. After that
go to BREAK movements and select the Immermann Twist and
repeat the process until the enemy ship is destroyed. If this
doesn't help you, load an earlier saved game, put it on the
ENSIGN level and then fight using this process. You can also
mix up tactical maneuvers to make your own deadly combos.
IMPORTANT: If the enemy starts its Self-Destruct sequence,
guide your ship away using the WARP movements.

| III. Walk-Through |
(This Walk-Through is for the CAPTAIN level)
(Remember to save frequently)

Talk to Riker
Select "Let's give it a try..."
Select "On screen."
Select "You have committed an act of war..."
Select "We'll have to take that risk."
Select "Before this discussion goes any further..."
Select "Give me a moment..."
Select "Set course for the Ruinore Sector..."
Talk to T'Bak
Proceed through conversation and decide to visit Shanok
Select "On screen."
Go to the transporter room and select: Riker

Equipment: Tricorder
Med Kit
Medical Tricorder
On the station...
Walk to door
Walk to trapped woman
Have Crusher use the medical tricorder on the woman
Fire the phaser on the lowest setting at the cable
Have LaForge tricord the cable, piece of cable, and the power
Have Crusher talk to LaForge
Walk back to the hall
Use the transporter panel
Lock on to the piece of cable by pushing the lock button
Push the energize button
Walk back to the woman
Have Crusher use the med kit on the woman
Talk to the woman
Proceed through conversation and select "I'll be back to
check on you later..." DO NOT SELECT "...transport you to
our ship."
Take the turbolift to engineering
Have LaForge tricord the strange machine
Walk to Lab 4
Take the invertor coupling and the wave convertor off of the
equipment cart
Use the control panel
Click the large button in the lower left-hand corner
Click the Group 3 button (Shutdown group 3)
Select "...stay at the station..."
Take the turbolift to Crew Deck 2
Talk to the woman
Take the Turbolift to Administration
Use the control panel on the right side of the room
Take the turbolift to Crew Deck 2
Talk to the woman, she'll give you the security code
Take the turbolift to Administration
Use the control panel on the right side of the room
Click the top button
Click the middle button
Take the turbolift to Engineering
Walk to main engineering
Have LaForge talk to the man
Select "'s my job to work miracles."
Select "It looks like you could use an extra pair..."
Go back to where the strange machine was
Use the invertor coupling on the hole in casing
Use the wave convertor on the hole in the casing
Back on the ship...
Select "Set course for Horst III..."
Contact Shanok
Proceed through conversation
Contact Chancellor Daenub
Select "Set course for the Ruinore Sector..." (If this occurs
before you can contact the Chancellor, contact him while
warping to the Ruinore Sector
Select "On Screen."
Proceed through conversation and don't select "The Enterprise
is already engaged in..."
Select "We shall respect your laws..."
Go to the transporter room and select: Data

Equipment: Tricorder
Medical Tricorder
Med Kit
On Morassia...
Proceed through conversation
Select Crusher (Morassians respect females and she has
expertise in medicine so use her for the rest of the time
you are on Morassia)
Get fruit
Give fruit to monkey
Go to the laboratory
Get all 3 carcasses
Tricord all 3 field units
Get all 3 field units
Get bioprobe
Put each of the carcasses one at a time on the bio table and
look at each of the holographic scans
Put each of the carcasses one at a time on the sonic scope
Tricord the computer
Tricord the comm port
Select "...Tracker Melas."
Proceed through conversation
Go to the Constable's office
Talk to the the Constable
Proceed through conversation
Go to the laboratory
Tricord comm port
Select "...Consultant Iydia."
Proceed through conversation
Go to the shuttle dock
Take the microgenerator
Go to the marine biotope
Use the microgenerator on the power port
Use the aquatic field unit on one of the jellycorals
Use the bioprobe on the aquatic field unit
Get the aquatic field unit
Use the aquatic field unit on a another jellycoral
Use the bioprobe on the aquatic field unit
Get the aquatic field unit
Use the aquatic field unit on a different jellycoral
Use the bioprobe on the aquatic field unit
Get the aquatic field unit
Use the aquatic field unit on the last jellycoral
Use the bioprobe on the aquatic field unit
Get the aquatic field unit
Get the microgenerator
Go to the bogforest biotope
Use the microgenerator on the power port
Use the tropical field unit on tunnel 1
Use the bioprobe on the tropical field unit
Get the tropical field unit
Use the tropical field unit on tunnel 2
Use the bioprobe on the tropical field unit
Get the tropical field unit
Use the tropical field unit on tunnel 3
Use the bioprobe on the tropical field unit
Get the tropical field unit
Use the tropical field unit on tunnel 4
Use the bioprobe on the tropical field unit
Get the tropical field unit
Get the microgenerator
Go to the canyon biotope
Use the microgenerator on the power port
Use the rocky field unit on the caverns
Use the bioprobe on the rocky field unit
Get the rocky field unit
Use the rocky field unit on the pit
Use the bioprobe on the rocky field unit
Get the rocky field unit
Use the rocky field unit on the crater
Use the bioprobe on the rocky field unit
Get the rocky field unit
Get the microgenerator
Go to the shuttle dock
Use the microgenerator on the charging unit
Go to the laboratory
Use all 11 of the samples one at a time on the sonic scope
Tricord the comm port
Select "...Healer Zzolis"
Proceed through conversation
Go to quarantine shelter
Talk to Watcher Tzudan
Proceed through conversation
Go to the Constable's office
Talk to the Constable
Proceed through conversation
Go to the shuttle dock
Walk to the shuttle
Use the utility trunk
Exit (It leads directly to the quarantine shelter)
Use console 2
When the creature arrives, use console 1
Use console 3
Back on the ship...
"...take us into range."
"Let him go..."
Contact Shonisho Epsilon VI
Talk to Data
Talk to Riker
Talk to Troi
Contact Shonisho Epsilon VI
Talk to T'Bak
Proceed through conversation
Go to the transporter room and select: Riker

Equipment: Phaser
On Frigis...
Proceed through conversation
Go to closest pyramid
Talk to Stamblyr
Proceed through conversation
Talk to Stamblyr again
Proceed through conversation
Walk to far pyramid
Proceed through conversation
Go to the desert go to the pyramid
Talk to Nachyl
Proceed through conversation
Walk to sculpture
Talk to gatekeeper
Use answers that mean "I don't know."
Go in the door
Tricord the sign
Walk to landing area
Talk to Chancellor Laraq
Proceed through conversation
Go to the desert
Go in the Seekers temple
Go in the door
Use tricorder on the sign
Use the controls
Talk to Aelont
Proceed through conversation
Go to the vault
Use the thermacode key on the vault
Get the device
Get the golden ring
Get the staff of light
Use exit
Go to Chanters temple
Have LaForge use the device on the instrument
Use the golden ring on the hole
Go to the Questers temple
Use the staff of light on Madia
Use orchestrian (Travelling Music)
Use orchestrian (Watch Your Step) (label this orchestrian
Get orchestrian (label this orchestrian "2")
Walk back 2 squares
Use orchestrian "2"
Get orchestrian (label this orchestrian "3")
Walk back 2 squares
Use orchestrian "3"
Walk forward 3 squares
Use orchestrian "1" (Watch Your Step)
Get orchestrian (label this orchestrian "4")
Walk back one square
Use orchestrian "4"
Get orchestrian (label this orchestrian "5")
Walk back 2 squares
Use orchestrian "3"
Walk forward 2 squares
Use orchestrian "1" (Watch Your Step)
Walk forward one square
Use orchestrian "5"
Walk forward one square
Use orchestrian "4"
Use the blue talisman on the niche in the wall
Get the manuscript
Back on the ship...
Select "Set course for the Ruinore Sector..."
After getting the distress call, contact Starfleet
Contact Commander Chan
Select "We're on our way."
Contact Commander Chan
Proceed through conversation
Contact Commander Chan
Select "On screen."
Select "Set course for Horst III..."
Go to transporter room and select: Picard

Equipment: Phaser
On Frigis...
Talk to Chancellor Laraq
Proceed through conversation
Back on the ship...
Select "Set course for Horst III..."
Go to the transporter room and select: Picard

Equipment: Phaser
Isolinear rod
Rod programmer
On Horst III...
Tricord spires, rubble, platform, and cavern
Look at spires, rubble, platform, and cavern
Fire a full phaser blast at the rubble
Walk through passage
Tricord screen and generator
Have LaForge look at the screen
Use the rod on the aperture
use the programmer on the rod
Tricord the screen
Take the rod
Walk left
Tricord pit, mounting, and instrument
Beam up
Back on the ship...
When arrived at Allanor, go to the transporter room and
select: Picard

Equipment: Phaser
Isolinear rod
Rod programmer
On Allanor...
Fire a full phaser blast at the 3 seals
Walk through vent
Have Laforge use the panels
Use the rod on the port
Use the programmer on the rod
Select MORE
Select MORE
Select DONE
Select OK
Select OK
Take the rod
Walk right
Use the tricorder on the large drone
Walk back to the landing area
Use the tricorder on the drone
Take the foreign object
Go to the repair drone room
Walk to the door
Tricord the door
Use the logic inhibitor on the circuitry
Use the tricorder on the drone
Remove the logic inhibitor
Walk through door
Use panel
Use rod on port
Use the programmer on the rod
Take the rod
Use panel
Use rod on port
Use the programmer on the rod
Take the rod
When the lights on the charging unit go down to one, use the
Use the rod on the port
Use the programmer on the rod
Take the rod
Fire a full phaser blast at the charging unit
Walk right
Follow the aliens
Talk to the Alien on the far right
Select "We're trying to find out why two fleets..."
Select "We just want to prevent the device from falling..."
Select "We have not found any such rods..."
Select "We have expertise..."
Select "No..."
Select "We can look after ourselves..."
Walk right use panel
Click the bottom button on the left side
Click the left button on the top
Click on the bar gauge
Exit quickly
Walk to where your team is standing
Walk to arches
Walk right
Tricord the lights
Fire a phaser blast at the sensors
Have Data tricord the sensors
Select YES
Shoot the 3 sensors
Walk through the door
Walk down the stairs and north
Use the panel
Use the rod on the port
Use the programmer on the rod
Select CHART 45-NX-D
Quickly, tricord the chart
After the Chodak have left, look at the panel
Select Exhibit #227
Select VIEW
Read the article
Select Final Message
Select VIEW
Read the article
Select Communique #763-r
Select VIEW
Read the article
Walk down
Walk up the stairs
Shoot the 3 sensors
Walk left
Walk up
Use the panel
Click the middle button on the left side
Click the right button on the top
Click the bar gauge
Quickly exit
Walk to where your team is standing
Walk to the landing area
Tricord the list(?) in the back of the room
Beam up
Back on the ship...
Select "You're right Number One..."
Select "Evasive maneuvers."
(You might want to save right here if you want to watch the
video clips in the holodeck. You won't have any other
chances to do so.)
On the Unity Device...
Walk to interior bay
Walk to alien device
Select Worf
Walk to transporter
Select Data
Walk to transporter
Select Butler
Walk to transporter
Select Picard
Walk to transporter
Walk to glow
Select either response
Walk left
Proceed through conversation
Walk to shuttle
Select "Agreed..."
Walk to door
Select "Yes..."
Talk to Admiral Brodnack
Use table
Use disk half on left receptacle
Push button
Use table
Push button
Use table
Push button
Select "Even if we defeat Brodnack here..."
Select "No..."
Look at the generator
Look at the field emitter
Look at the field coil
Look at the 2 air gaps
Use table
Remove disk half
Look at generator
Use disk half on disk half
Use disk on lower air gap
Use disk half on disk half
Use disk half on disk half
Look at generator
Use disk on lower air gap
Use disk on lower air gap
Walk right
Use artifact 3 times to get everyone across the gap
Take the symbol
Walk in the door
Use the symbol on the door with the niche in it
Walk in the door
Walk to the stasis chamber
Use panel
Select "...used for the good of all."
Walk right
Walk to tower
Use panel
Push orange bar
Select YES

That's it. Enjoy the ending.

| IV. Credits |

AUTHOR: Steve Commisso
SPECIAL THANKS TO: Many people that helped me on this game on the product
support hint board on AOL. Also, the Spectrum Holobyte
hint line.

| V. About this FAQ |

This FAQ is the first FAQ I have ever made. In fsct, it's the first document
I've ever made myself and uploaded. I hope you liked it

This FAQ may be uploaded to other BBSs and networks and may also be updated.
You do not need permission by me. (Why should I care?)

Steve Commisso

E-mail comments and suggestions to

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