The Adventures Of Maddog Williams In The Dungeons Of Duridian

The Adventures Of Maddog Williams In The Dungeons Of Duridian

25.09.2013 07:02:09

FAQ/Walkthrough for



Author: Tom Hayes
E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com
System: PC
Updated: 2nd April, 2006
Version: 1.1


1. Introduction
2. Walkthrough
3. Item List
4. Point List
5. Copyright Information


1.1: 2nd Apr, 2006 (Format update)
1.0: 22nd Jun, 2005 (First version)


1. Introduction


Maddog Williams is an adventure game made by Game Crafters. It features Maddog
Williams as an inventor living in the town of Marinor. Having received a
reputation for bad inventions after his latest device catapulted a glass of
beer at a vicious thug in a pub, Maddog decides it would be best to leave. As
he collects his belongings, Maddog stumbles upon a cave where a sacrifice is
about to start. A quick rescue mission later, and a grateful maiden informs him
that her father is being held captive by an evil wizard in the dungeons of
Duridian. Maddog decides to make the long journey to the dungeons to save him.


2. Walkthrough



The game starts in Maddog's house, where he is woken by his alarm clock
invention. "Open dresser". "Get socks". "Get sword" on the shelf. Walk down the
steps and "get bread" from the table. "Open cabinet". "Get mug". West. "Open
box" on the counter. "Get coins". "Get beer server". South. East. A pirate
walks toward Maddog in this area. Press F1 to enter fight mode and keep tapping
shift to defeat the pirate. South. South. South. West into the cave. North-west
to the stone image room. "Say stop" to stop the sacrifice. West to the altar
room. "Untie rope". "Get amulet". "Get rope". East. North. West. "Get rope" on
the wagon. North. Enter the pub. "Give beer server to Frank". "Fix beer server"
to start a fight in the pub. "Cut rope" with the sword to be thrown out of the
pub. North. West. "Give bread to elf" and "get potion" that he offers. South.
"Buy axe" from the miller. "Get axe". South. West to enter the forest.


North. North. North. North. North. "Get mushrooms" (Maddog will automatically
test one and faint). Continue north to the clearing. East to the area with the
door. "Speak softly friend and enter" to open the door. "Show amulet to gnome"
and he will ask Maddog to enter his house. Enter the house. Wait for the gnome
to finish his story and offer a flask filled with the waters of changing to
Maddog. "Get flask". Exit the house. South. West. Continue south to the area
with the tree near the sand. "Cut tree with axe" and then "push tree" to make
it fall into the sand. Walk west to the other side of the tree. Continue north
to the ancient village. "Get bucket". "Climb into well". "Put amulet in
indentation" and walk north through the door to enter the cavern.


West. West to the sand room. Type "Throw mushroom" and walk into the middle of
the sand to be attacked by a monster. Quickly press return to make the creature
go to sleep. North. Defeat the troll. "Get staff". South. Type "throw mushroom"
and press return when Maddog is caught by the monster again. South. East. East.
"Climb under bridge". East. "Break lock". "Get lock". "Open door". "Get diary".
North. North. North. If there is a spider web behind the left doorway, then
walk south and east to enter the snake sculpture room. If there isn't a spider
web, "pull lever". North. East. East. "Get snake head". "Put snake head on
snake". Down. East. "Smell water" of each pool to find the clear liquid. "Fill
bucket with water". "Throw water on fire". North. Walk through the simple
random maze and go through the tunnel to exit the cavern.


A cyclops is guarding the path to the village. Type "Drink flask" and walk east
toward the cyclops. Quickly press return when it walks toward Maddog to
transform into a rock. The cyclops will kick the rock toward the village, where
Maddog will eventually return to his normal self. North.


"Open door" and enter the tavern. "Give staff to man" at the bottom-right
corner of the tavern. "Get lamp" from the table. "Get matches" from the shelf
above the fireplace. "Open door" and exit the tavern. North. Walk to the middle
door and "knock door". "Show amulet to man". East. "Get jug" from the lake.
South. East. Walk down the mountain path. "Rub potion on self". Walk toward the
creature and it will run away. East. East. "Throw jug on mud". "Throw match on
mud" to dry the mudpit. North. "Rub lamp" to make the dragon appear. Complete
the arcade sequence by pressing shift to defeat the three dragons. The dragon
will land at the castle.


North. North. North. Defeat the guard and "search guard" for gold pieces. West.
Walk to the north door and "open door". North. West. Defeat the guard and
"search guard" for the keys. "Unlock door". "Open door". North to resuce the
maiden. South. East. South. East. East. "Get apple". "Open door". North. East.
"Unlock chest". "Get scepter". Walk up to the mirror and answer the three
questions that it asks. Enter "Malthaic Powers" as the magic words. East. "Push
chest". West. South. South. West. West. North. "Open door". North. Walk to the
middle of the room and jump over the gap. "Tie rope to rope". "Tie rope to
torch". "Climb down rope". East. North. "Sit on throne". "Put scepter in
indentation" to travel to the dungeons.


West. "Get rock". West. "Get rock". North. Defeat the guard. "Get rock". East.
"Get rock". East. "Get rock". "Put bucket on chain". "Put rocks in bucket".
North. "Open chest". "Get container". East. "Open chest". "Get coins". South.
South. Defeat the guard. West. Walk toward the crack and "drink tonic". North.
"Open chest". "Get elixir". East. Walk only on the cracks of the tiles. East.
South. East. "Give socks to man". West. South. Jump on the stone and "get gem".
Drop into the water and swim to the other side of the cave to exit the pool.

West. "Open chest". "Get warball and chain". "Wear warball and chain". Walk
south to avoid the arrow. Continue south. Defeat the guard. East. Jump across
the pillars. East. "Open chest". "Get coins". North. "Put gem on pedestal".
North. North. "Open sarcophagus". "Get in sarcophagus". "Open door". North.
"Open chest". "Get elixir". North. East. Defeat the dragon. "Get breastplate".
"Wear breastplate". West. West. Defeat the guard. West. "Free man". "Pull
torch". West. Up. Up. Up. East. "Break mirror" to complete the game.


3. Item List


Made by using the short cotton rope on the short hemp rope. It is tied the
torch in the room with the gap in the castle.

Found on the table in the library at the castle.

Bought from the miller in Marinor. It is used on the tree near the sand in
the forest.

Found on the counter in the antique shop at Maddog's house. It is given to
Pete in the pub.

Found on the shelf on the fireplace in the tavern at the village. After the
jug of XXX has been thrown on the mudpit near the village, the box of matches
are used on the mudpit to dry it.

Found on the table after giving the staff to the man in the tavern at the
village. It is rubbed in the area after the mudpit to make the dragon appear.

Found in the room with the dragon in the dungeons. It is worn by Maddog.

Found by using the empty bucket on the clear liquid in the stone image room
in the cavern. It is thrown on the fire in the stone image room.

Found in the cupboard in the dining room at Maddog's house.

Found by opening the door after the bridge in the cavern.

Found in various chests in the dungeons. They are used to restore Maddog's

Found in front of the well at the ancient village. It is used on the clear
liquid in the stone image room in the cavern. It is used on the chain in the

Found in the gnome's house in the forest. It is drunk in the area with the

Found on top of the rock in the pool in the dungeons. It is used on the
pedestal in the dungeons.

Found after rescuing the princess in the cave in Marinor. It is shown to the
gnome in the forest. It is used on the indentation at the bottom of the well
in the ancient village. It is shown to the man in the middle house north of
the tavern in the village.

Found in the lake in the village. It is thrown on the mudpit near the

Found by searching the guard after defeating him in the castle. They are used
to open the door to the maiden's room. They are used to open the chest in the

Found on the table in the dining room at Maddog's house. It is given to the
elf in the area west of Maddog's house.

Three mushrooms are found on the tree in the forest. Maddog eats one
mushroom. The other two mushrooms are used on the monster under the sand in
the cavern.

Found by giving the loaf of bread to the elf in Marinor. It is rubbed on
Maddog in the area with the creature near the village.

Found in various rooms near the start of the dungeons. The six rocks are used
on the empty bucket on the chain.

Found by breaking the lock on the door after the bridge in the cavern.

Found in the chest in the bedroom at the castle. It is used on the
indentation in the throne in the castle.

Found on the wagan in the area south of the pub in Marinor. It is tied to the
short hemp rope in the inventory.

Found on the floor after rescuing the princess in the cave in Marinor. It is
tied to the short cotton rope in the inventory.

Found in the chest in the room with the statue in the dungeons. It is drunk
in the room with the spiked ceiling in the dungeons.

Found in the dresser in the bedroom at Maddog's house. They are given to the
man in the cell in the dungeons.

Found at the back of the troll's room in the cavern. It is given to the man
in the tavern at the village.

Found on the floor in the room with the snake sculpture in the cavern. It is
used on the snake sculpture.

Found on the shelf in the bedroom at Maddog's house. It is used to cut the
chandelier rope after starting the fight in the pub.

Found in the chest after the room with the dragon statues in the dungeons. It
is worn to avoid the arrow in the dungeons.


4. Point List



3 3 Get the socks.

6 3 Get the sword.

9 3 Get the bread.

12 3 Get the mug.

15 3 Get the beer server.

20 5 Defeat the pirate.

25 5 Stop the sacrifice in the cave.

40 15 Untie the rope.

43 3 Get the amulet.

46 3 Get the rope in the cave.

49 3 Get the rope on the wagon.

54 5 Give the beer server to Frank.

59 5 Fix the beer server.

69 10 Cut the rope with the sword.

74 5 Give the bread to the elf.

77 3 Get the potion.

80 3 Get the axe.

83 3 Get the mushrooms.

93 10 Say the password to open the door.

96 3 Show the amulet to the gnome.

101 5 The gnome will invite Maddog into his house.

104 3 Get the flask.

109 5 Cut the tree with the axe.

114 5 Push the tree.

119 5 Walk to the other side of the tree.

122 3 Get the bucket.

132 10 Put the amulet in the indentation.

142 10 Throw the mushroom at the monster.

147 5 Defeat the troll.

150 3 Get the staff.

153 3 Throw the mushroom at the monster.

158 5 Climb under the bridge.

161 3 Get the lock.

166 5 Open the door.

169 3 Get the diary.

172 3 Get the snake head.

177 5 Put the snake head on the snake.

180 3 Fill the bucket with water.

185 5 Throw the water on the fire.

190 5 Exit the cavern.

200 10 Drink the flask in front of the cyclops.

205 5 Give the staff to the man.

208 3 Get the lamp.

211 3 Get the matches.

214 3 Show the amulet to the man.

217 3 Get the jug.

220 3 Avoid the creature.

235 15 Dry the mudpit.

245 10 Rub the lamp.

260 15 Land at the castle.

270 10 Defeat the guard.

280 10 Defeat the guard.

283 3 Search the guard for the keys.

293 10 Rescue the maiden.

296 3 Get the apple.

299 3 Get the scepter.

309 10 Say the magic words to the mirror.

319 10 Push the chest.

324 5 Jump over the gap.

329 5 Tie the rope to the rope.

334 5 Climb down the rope.

339 5 Put the scepter in the indentation.

342 3 Get the rock.

345 3 Get the rock.

355 10 Defeat the guard.

358 3 Get the rock.

361 3 Get the rock.

364 3 Get the rock.

379 15 Put the rocks in the bucket.

382 3 Get the container.

392 10 Defeat the guard.

402 10 Walk through the crack.

405 3 Get the elixir.

410 5 Give the socks to the man.

413 3 Get the gem.

418 5 Exit the pool.

421 3 Get the warball and chain.

426 5 Avoid the arrow.

436 10 Defeat the guard.

446 10 Jump across the pillars.

451 5 Put the gem on the pedestal.

461 10 Open the door.

464 3 Get the elixir.

479 15 Defeat the dragon.

482 3 Get the breastplate.

492 10 Defeat the guard.

507 15 Free the man.

522 15 Break the mirror.

564 42 Complete the game with 213 gold pieces.


5. Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2005-2006 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of
this document can be found at
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