

15.10.2013 15:52:14

for the PC

Ultimate Weapons FAQ

by Lunion

version 1.03

starts Jul 07 2006
finished Jul 08 2006
last update Mar 16 2007

Copyright 2006-2007 Lunion

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction.............................................lun1
1.1 The Purpose of This FAQ.............................lun11
1.2 Overview of The FAQ.................................lun12

2. Totems? What's That?.....................................lun2

3. Altars Locations.........................................lun3

4. Totems Locations.........................................lun4

5. Maximum Runes Setting....................................lun5

6. Best vs Ultimate Weapons.................................lun6

7. End Credits..............................................lunthx

>>[Note]: lunxxx is for the purpose of easy and simple navigation using the
find function in your notepad (by pressing ctrl + F). For example,
just press ctrl + F, input lunthx, and press enter, will make you
jump directly to the [end credits] section. In case you're wondering
lun stand for my name [Lunion].

1. Introduction lun1
Hi! My name is Lunion, and welcome to my Ultimate Weapon FAQs. This FAQ was
made along with the completion of my walkthrough for Sudeki (also posted on
GameFAQs). Enjoy! ^-^/
1.1 The Purpose of This FAQ lun11
This FAQ is made to help you get all the ultimate weapons, including but not
limited to, the locations of all totems and altars that you need to get the
ultimate weapons. Also included in the guide is the best runes setting for all
ultimate weapons, to make the most of those weapons. And finally, there's a
small section that covers the best weapons for each character.
1.2 Overview of The FAQ lun12
This FAQ is intended to help you get the ultimate weapons as soon as possible,
regardless of how you play the game. I listed all totems and altars locations
in a chronological order (according to my Sudeki Walkthrough). If you just want
a quick information of ultimate weapons and locations, then this is the perfect
FAQ for you.

2. Totems? What's That? lun2
In your journey, you'll find 4 different kinds of totems. They are wolf, eagle,
cat, and dragon. These totems can be use to get your ultimate weapons. How?
There are 4 different kinds of Altar spread throughout Sudeki, each correspond
to their totems counterparts. If you offer a total of 4 totems to the
corresponding altar, you'll unearthed your ultimate weapons. Only specific
characters can offer totems, this will be explained in the game. Below is the
list of all totems and their altars.

3. Altars Locations lun3

>> Kariston Altar (Tal)
1. Illumina Countryside, in the path to New Brightwater
2. Devil's Belch Canyon. Near Crystal Reef.

>> Olivitess Altar (Ailish)
1. Outside of Brightwater village.
2. On the pathway to Aklorian Stronghold.

>> Mo Altar (Buki)
1. On the path to Shadani-Mo village.
2. Near Crystal Reef. On the path to Devil's Belch Canyon.

>> Lebius Altar (Elco)
1. On Rivet Point. On the path to Transentia.
2. Devil's Belch Canyon. Go down to Elco's flying grounds.

* The names in brackets are the names of the only characters that can offer
that specific kind of totems.

4. Totems Locations lun4

Wolf Totem :
1. Right outside Illumina City. You can get this very early in the game.
Push the button at the top of the stairway, and quickly go down to the door
that just opened.
2. Gives a [party invitation] to Treebor in New Brighwater (the fat, fishing
3. Just after you arrived in Transentia, use Tal to solve a block puzzle.
4. Transentia City, 3th floor. Climb a ladder behind a drilling machine and use
Tal to talk to the robot guard. You have to fight a powerful robot to get
the last Totem.

Eagle Totem :
1. Athlos' Sack, near Brighwater beach. Use Ailish to dispel it.
2. Illumina Countryside. Use Ailish to dispel a well and go down. You will find
the chest in there.
3. Shadani Temple. Found in the room of the green incense (keep going after
the fountain room).
4. In Transentia 5th floor. Use Buki to climb the wall and use the key that you
get from miss Milly's sidequest (her house in the same floor) on the power
plant. You will find the totem inside.

Cat Totem :
1. In Brightwater village. Enter Kirklin's tent in Shadani Encampment after
you get the key (by finishing Sunder-Rah's sidequest). Use Buki to climb
the wall.
2. In Copper Field, just befor Rivet Point. There's a wall that you can climb
to press a switch. Don't go back up, instead continue to the back and climb
another wall. You will end up in some sort of cave. The totem is inside the
3. Behind the sand waterfall on the road to Shadani-Mo village. Only Buki can
reach it.
4. Talk to Malik in Shadani-Mo village. You will be able to enter the Trials
of Mo just outside the village. Use Ailish to dispel the wall and use Buki
to face the trial. If you win all 5 trials, you'll get a cat totem.

Dragon Totem :
1. Copper Field. In the path to Transentia. Make Elco fly and press the green
switch, and quickly enter the door that just opened. It's just before the
bridge to Rivet Point.
2. In the same place where you get Tal's 3rd Wolf Totem. Use Elco to climb a
ladder, cross the platform, and climb another ladder. Once there, go fly to
a hidden platform opposite of the machine platform (just fly there, you
can't see it). This is the most well hidden Totem.
3. In Temple of Mo. In the fountain room, use Elco to reach a far chest.
4. Complete Heart's sidequest (the robot-girl in Transentia) to get it. You can
find Heart's Heart in level 3 mines in Transentia research center (only
after you beat Krenn).

* You can get Tal's, Buki's, and Ailish's ultimate weapons as soon as you get
to Transentia. Elco's weapon can only be acquired after you beat Krenn in
Transentia's Research Center (because of the last totem).

5. Maximum Runes Setting lun5

>> Tal's [Runic Blade]
1. Jagged Edged
2. Soul Seeker
3. Soul Seeker

* This setting give Tal a high base power, as well as a chance to inflict a
critical hit, once every two attack.

>> Ailish's [Nightshadow]
1. Jagged Edged
2. Jagged Edged
3. Spirit Bite

* This setting allows Ailish to recover her SP in battle, allowing her to cast
more powerful Skill Strikes in return. The high base power and the high rate
of fire will fill her SP bar in no time.

>> Buki's [Staeysekin]
1. Jagged Edged
2. Jagged Edged
3. Soul Seeker

* With a high critical rate from the start, this setting will boost Buki's base
power, and at the same time giving her an even higher chance of inflicting
critical attacks, once every two attack.

>> Elco's [Plasma Launcher]
1. Jagged Edged
2. Jagged Edged
3. Spirit Bite

* Similiar to Ailish, this setting will allows Elco to recover his SP, allowing
him to cast [Nano-Enchancement], boosting party's attack powers, and giving
double damage in return.

You'll notice that I don't use any "Fang" runes in my setting. Why is this?

>>[edged vs fang runes]
While it seems like a convenient ability to absorb your enemies life, the
fang runes will lose it usefullness towards the end of the game, as we will
be getting a huge number of healing items. The other drawback is your party
member have to attack, making it more risky for melee fighters. Besides, the
amount of HP restored is not that big, forcing you to use healing items in
the end.

On the other hand, with Spirit Bite runes setting as mention above, we can fill
Ailish's SP bar so quickly that she'll never have to fear running out of SP,
allowing her to cast [Witch's Kiss] which will restore the entire party's HP

>>[Note]: This settings are used in my walkthrough for Sudeki. For more in-the-
field strategy of runes and ultimate weapons usage, please consult
my walkthrough.

6. Best vs Ultimate Weapons lun6
The best and ultimate weapons for Tal and Buki is, of course, their own
ultimate weapons [Staeysekin] and [Runic Blade]. For Ailish and Elco, this is
a different story.

For most people, Ailish's and Elco's ultimate weapons are only their second
best weapons. The best weapons for them are [Wizardwood Staff], Ailish's
weapon which you can get earlier at Transentia's Research Center (almost at the
same time as you get her ultimate weapon) and [Ion Fluxinator], Elco's initial
equipment (Elco has it from the start).

The main reason for this is their attack patterns. [Wizardwood Staff] and [Ion
Fluxinator] both have the same attack pattern: a lightning beam attack that can
pierce multiple enemies, executed at the speed of light. Which is considered to
be the best attack pattern in the game.

For your information, the attack pattern of their ultimate weapons can be
described as: a rapid fire of energy bolt, blasting any enemies that is
unfortunate enough to be in their line of fire.

This is their weapons in comparison, stating both strengths and weaknesses:

[Wizardwood Staff & Ion Fluxinator] vs [Nightshadow & Plasma Launcher]
+ pierce through multiple enemies - hit the first enemy
+ hard to block - easy to block
+ very strong critical attack - very weak critical attack
+ at the speed of light - has a traveling time
- has a reload time + almost no reload time
- one blast attack + rapid firing attack

* Because it's executed in the speed of light, [Wizardwood Staff & Ion
Fluxinator]'s projectile are very hard to block, while you'll find most of
the time, enemies will be blocking [Nightshadow & Plasma Launcher]'s

* Critical attack : It's because the base damage of those weapons aren't equal.
For example, Elco's [Ion Fluxinator] gives 680 damage to an enemy, and his
[Plasma Launcher] gives (rapid) 80 damage everytime it hits an enemy. When he
inflicts a critical hit, it will look like this:

[Ion Fluxinator] : 680.........1360 (critical)..........680...........680....
[Plasma Launcher]:

So you see, [Ion Fluxinator] has a total advantage in critical strike because
of its high base power.

For that reason above, people continue to look upon [Ion Fluxinator &
Wizardwood Staff] as Elco's and Ailish's best weapon. It should be clear that
you're better off using these weapon in normal battles when there's a lot of

Of course, for Boss Battles (which only happen one for Ailish and none at all
for Elco after they get their ultimate weapons) there's no reason not to use
their ultimate weapons. There's only one enemy, and bosses never block either.

The best runes setting for [Wizardwood Staff & Ion Fluxinator]:
1. razor edged
2. spirit bite

7. End Credits lunthx
If there is any mistake about crediting you, please inform me at

-[insert your information here] for posting this FAQ
-Kaichern tee for inspiring me to start writing FAQ
-Climax for making the game
-Rudvich for being a good and supporting friend
-Lunion for making this FAQ

Thanks for all my friends and families that help me and support me all the way
from start to finish.

Ultimately I thanks everyone that contribute FAQS to help other people in need.

See ya! ^-^/

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