Kingdom of Loathing

Kingdom of Loathing

08.10.2013 14:49:23
Trophy FAQ
Kingdom of Loathing
By electrosho
Version 1.02
Table of Contents

2.The Trophies
3.Frequently Asked Questions
6.Copyright Info
7.Contact Info

Hello, and welcome to my Trophy guide. I am electrosho on GFaqs, and I am
ShoTheBandit in Kol. I made this Faq because I wanted to help people, and
because I was bored waiting for rollover. I hope this Faq helps you in getting

2.The Trophies

Name:Little Boat
How to get:Take 100 shore trips
How to get (In Detail):I don't think this trophy needs that much of an
explanation on how to get it. You can take trips by
going to The Shore, Inc. It is located in the Desert
Beach. To have access to the Desert Beach, your going
to need to have the Bitchin' meatcar.
Notes:-Your shore trip counter is reset if you ascend.
-It'll take you 300 adventures and 50,000 meat to get this trophy.

Name:Big Boat
How to get:Take 1000 shore trips
How to get (In Detail):Again, I don't think this trophy needs an explanation.
I don't want to repeat myself, so If you need to find
out how to get to The Shore, Inc., check the above
Notes:-Your shore trip counter is reset if you ascend.
-It'll take you 3000 adventures and 500,000 meat to get this trophy.

Name:I Heart Canadia
How to get:Drink 30 white Canadians
How to get (In Detail):Probably don't need an explanation, but I guess I
should say where to get white Canadians. You can get
white Canadians at The Barrel full of Barrels, or you
can make it by cocktailcrafting a glass of goat's milk
and a bottle of vodka.
Notes:-You can check how many white Canadians you have drunk so far by
clicking on the Favorite Booze button in your profile.
-Ascending does NOT reset how many white Canadians you have drunk.

Name:100 Pound Load
How to get:Have familiars with a total weight of at least 100 lbs
How to get (In Detail):I'm almost 100% sure that you don't need an
explanation. If you need to figure out what kinds of
familiars you are missing, please check one of the
Faqs on Familiars.
Notes:-Only unbuffed weight counts toward the trophy, you can't use skills
and equipment to raise your familiars weight.
-Familiars with 0 kills don't count, they must have at least 1 kill.

Name:300 Pound Load
How to get:Have familiars with a total weight of at least 300 lbs
How to get (In Detail):I'm almost 100% sure that you don't need an
explanation. If you need to figure out what kinds of
familiars you are missing, please check one of the
Faqs on Familiars.
Notes:-Only unbuffed weight counts toward the trophy, you can't use skills
and equipment to raise your familiars weight.
-Familiars with 0 kills don't count, they must have at least 1 kill.

Name:Silver Yeti
How to get:Use the Yeti Protest Sign 10 times
How to get (In Detail):The Yeti Protest Sign was available by adventuring at
The Icy Peak during the Penguin Mafia era.
Notes:-This trophy is no longer available unless you have a sign because the
sign no longer drops

Name:Golden Yeti
How to get:Use the Yeti Protest Sign 100 times
How to get (In Detail):The Yeti Protest Sign was available by adventuring at
The Icy Peak during the Penguin Mafia era.
Notes:-This trophy is no longer available unless you have a sign because the
sign no longer drops.

How to get:Build a Pagoda at your campsite
How to get (In Detail):To build a Pagoda, first you must use a Elf Farm
Raffle ticket while having a ten-leaf clover to get
pagoda plans. Next you must use the Hey Deze map while
having a heavy metal sonata, heavy metal thunderrr
guitarrr, and a guitar pick in your inventory. This
will get you a Hey Deze nuts. Then use a ketchup hound
with the pagoda plans and the Hey Deze nuts in your
inventory to make the Pagoda.
Notes:-Although the only thing you actually need to build the Pagoda is the
pagoda plans and Hey Deze nuts, both of them are not tradable so you
can't buy them. Everything else can be bought at the mall, etc.
-If you ascend, you must build a new Pagoda because everything in your
campground disappears when you ascend. This means that you must buy
the trophy before you ascend.

Name:Platinum Skull
How to get:Eat 5 bowls of spaghetti with Skullheads
How to get (In Detail):To make spaghetti with Skullheads, you must use the
skill Advanced Saucecrafting to make a sauce of the
ages by saucecrafting a Knob sausage and a scrumptious
reagent. Then you must use Pastamastery to combine
sauce of the ages with dry noodles.
Notes:-You can check how many spaghetti with Skullheads you have eaten by
going to your private profile and then clicking Favorite Food.
-Ascending does NOT reset how many spaghetti with Skullheads you have

Name:Disgusting Cocktail
How to get:Drink 5 tomato daiquiris
How to get (In Detail):A tomato daiquiri can only be obtained when a
Bartender-in-the-box explodes.
Notes:-Ascending does NOT reset how many tomato daiquiris you have drunk.
-You can check how many tomato daiquiris you have drunk by going to
your private profile and clicking on Favorite Booze.

Name:The Ghuol Cup
How to get:Eat 11 pans of ghuol guolash
How to get (In Detail):You can get ghuol guolash from the monster gluttonous
ghuol which is located in The Defiled Cranny. After
you undefile the Crypt, you can find more gluttonous
ghuols at The Misspelled Cemetary. You can also get
ghuol guolashs when a chef-in-the-box explodes.
Notes:-Ascending does NOT reset how many ghuol guolash you have eaten.
-Go to your private profile and then click Favorite Food to find out
how many ghuol guolash you have eaten.

Name:Der Toastdieb
How to get:Steal toast from an opponent in PvP
How to get (In Detail):There's nothing special, all you have to do is steal
toast from an opponent in PvP.
Notes:-Since it is very hard to steal toast from an opponent, I would
recommend making another account and giving it toast.

Name:Easy Come Easy Go
How to get:Discard a pretty flower
How to get (In Detail):You can get a pretty flower by selecting to attempt to
steal a flower in PvP.

Name:Bouquet of Hippies
How to get:Eat 420 herb brownies
How to get (In Detail):You can make herb brownies by cooking herbs and Uncle
Jick's Brownie Mix together.
Notes:-To check how many herb brownies you have eaten, go to your private
profile and click on Favorite Food.

Name:Weeping Pizza
How to get:Eat 5 white chocolate and tomato pizzas
How to get (In Detail):The only way to obtain white chocolate and tomato
pizza is from an explosion of a chef-in-the-box. If
you want your chef to blow up quicker, I would
recommend cooking a bunch of plain pizzas.
Notes:-To check how many white chocolate and tomato pizzas you have eaten,
go to your private profile and click on Favorite Food.

Name:Black Hole Terrarium
How to get:Have familiars with a total weight of at least 500 lbs
How to get (In Detail):I'm almost 100% sure that you don't need an
explanation. If you need to figure out what kinds of
familiars you are missing, please check one of the
Faqs on Familiars.
Notes:-Only unbuffed weight counts toward the trophy, you can't use skills
and equipment to raise your familiars weight.
-Familiars with 0 kills don't count, they must have at least 1 kill.

Name:Failure to Communicate
How to get:Eat 50 Lucky Surprise Eggs
How to get (In Detail):You can make a Lucky Surprise Egg by cooking a cocoa
eggshell fragment and another cocoa eggshell fragment
to make a large cocoa eggshell fragment. Then, you can
cook two large cocoa eggshell fragments together to
make a cocoa egg. After that, cook the cocoa egg with
a ten-leaf clover to make a Lucky Surprise Egg.
Notes:-To check how many Lucky Surprise Eggs you have eaten, go to your
private profile and click on Favorite Food.

Name:Tiny Plastic Trophy
How to get:Have all 32 Tiny Plastic Series 1 Figurines in your Display Case
How to get (In Detail):You can get figurines by eating a Lucky Surprise Egg
or by using a doll house. The doll house can be made
by toymaking four wooden blocks and three felts. The
method to make a Lucky Surprise Egg is in the
explanation section of the Failure to Communicate
Notes:-You must put the figurines INTO your Display Case. Just having them
won't work.

Name:99 Red Balloons
How to get:Use 99 Red Balloons in a group
How to get (In Detail):Use the Use Multiple button to use all 99 at the same
Notes:-You don't get the trophy if you use the balloons one at a time.

Name:Gadget Inspector
How to get:Collect ten clockwork keys
How to get (In Detail):Clockwork keys can be found in the Thugnderdome. Since
the Thugnderdome is non-accesible without a Moxie
Zodiac sign, this trophy is not available without
ascending once.
Notes:-It doesn't count if you buy any keys. They must all be found by
adventuring in the Thugnderdome.
-It's okay to sell or supertinker the keys once you get them. They
don't all need to be in your inventory at the same time. You just
have to get ten from the Thugnderdome.

Name:Boss Boss
How to get:Beat the Boss Bat, the Bonerdagon, and the Knob Goblin King with
the Super-Secret Canadian Mind-Control Device set on 11
How to get (In Detail):The Super-Secret Canadian Mind-Control Device is
located in Little Canadia which is an area only
available to people with a Mysticality Zodiac sign.
This means that this trophy is un-available to people
who haven't ascended and chosen the Mysticality Zodiac
Notes:-Setting the Device to 11 raises the level of the enemy by 11.

Name:Jack of Several Trades
How to get:Permanently acquire all five skills from Fragnk, the Regnaissance
How to get (In Detail):Fragnk is located in the Gnomish Gnomads Camp which
can only be accessed if you have a Moxie Zodiac sign.
Because of this, you can't get this trophy if you
haven't ascended and chosen the Moxie sign.
Notes:-It doesn't matter if you acquire the skills in hardcore or normal.

How to get:Complete the Defend the Gourd Quest 21 times during a hardcore
How to get (In Detail):You can take the Defend the Gourd Quest at the right
side of the tracks. Seal Clubbers and Turtle Tamers
will have to collect Knob Goblin firecrackers,
Pastamancers and Saucerors will have to collect razor-
sharp can lids, and Disco Bandits and Accordion
Thieves must collect spider webs.
Notes:-If you ascend, you will have to restart and do the Defend the Gourd
quest from the very beginning.
-It will take 315 of the item to complete the quest 21 times.

Name:Let My Bugbears Go!
How to get:Receive the One Day in the Life adventure in the Bugbear Pens
How to get (In Detail):First of all, you must have a Muscle Zodiac sign, or
you won't have access to the area required for this
trophy. Once you have a Muscle Zodiac sign, you must
defeat Felonia, Queen of the Spooky Gravy Fairies, and
then talk to Zapruder, the Mayor of Degrassi Knoll.
Then adventure in the Bugbear Pens with the Bugbear
costume on until you get the adventure.

Name:Trivially Skilled
How to get:Permanently learn the zero-level skills for each of the classes
How to get (In Detail):The zero-level skills that I am talking about are the
skills that you automatically have when you start with
that class. The skills are, Seal Clubbing Frenzy,
Patience of the Tortoise, Manicotti Meditation, Sauce
Contemplation, Disco Aerobics, and Moxie of the
Notes:-You can acquire the skills in hardcore or normal.

Name:This Lousy Trophy
How to get:Have an account before Ascension rolled out
How to get (In Detail):Ascension rolled out on June 9, 2005.
Notes:-No longer available unless the trophy is at the Trophy Hut for you.

Name:Three-Tiered Trophy
How to get:Eat a three-tiered wedding cake
How to get (In Detail):Since the three-tiered wedding cake gives 35 fullness,
you can only eat this item during a Feast of Boris
with a Stomach of Steel. You can buy a three-tiered
wedding cake from The Gift Shop after completing your
7th ascension.

Name:Friend of Elves
How to get:Defeat 10 of Uncle Crimbo's reindeer with the Unionize The Elves
sign equipped
How to get (In Detail):The reindeer could be found by adventuring at Crimbo
Town Toy Factory.
Notes:-No longer available because Crimbo Town, the place where Crimbo Town
Toy Factory was located, was removed at the end of December, 2005.

Name:Reindeer Hunter
How to get:Defeat 100 of Uncle Crimbo's reindeer with the Unionize The Elves
sign equipped
How to get (In Detail):The reindeer could be found by adventuring at Crimbo
Town Toy Factory.
Notes:-No longer available because Crimbo Town, the place where Crimbo Town
Toy Factory was located, was removed at the end of December, 2005.

Name:Brass Bowling Trophy Trophy
How to get:Take the shiny brass bowling trophy from the fireplace in the
Strange Leaflet Quest
How to get (In Detail):To obtain the trophy, after you light the stick,
before you go into the woods, come back to the house.
Before lighting the fireplace, examine it. You can get
trophy by typing in to pick it up.
Notes:-Sometimes, the trophy is not there. If that is the case, you have to
ascend and do the quest again and hope that it's there.

Name:Look, Ma! No Pants!
How to get:Have no pants equipped after the turn of the new year (2006)
How to get (In Detail):None
Notes:-No longer available.

Name:Slice and Dice
How to get:Take a 20-pound Stab Bat with you through the astral gash
How to get (In Detail):The astral gash is the portal like thing that becomes
available to go through after you beat the Naughty
Notes:-Buffs and equipment don't count.
-You must ascend with the Stab Bat, you can't leave it in your

Name:Gender Bender
How to get:Undergo 30 sex changes in The Sleazy Back Alley
How to get (In Detail):You can undergo a sex change when you get the
adventure Under the Knife.
Notes:-Each sex change costs 500 meat, so 30 sex changes will cost you 15k.
-You don't need to have 30 sex changes in the same run. They are
counted through ascensions.

Name:Golden Meat Stack
How to get:Visit the Trophy Hut with 1,000,000 meat during a hardcore run
How to get (In Detail):All you have to do is visit the Trophy Hut with
1,000,000 on hand.
Notes:-If you leave the Trophy Hut without buying the trophy and then your
meat goes under 1,000,000 meat, you will be ineligible to purchase
the trophy.

Name:Your Log Saw Something That Night
How to get:Add the text "Laura Palmer" to the notes section of your Quest Log
How to get (In Detail):You have to actually click the submit button or else
you won't be able to buy the trophy.

Name:Little Chickadee
How to get:Achieve 1000 or more drunkness
How to get (In Detail):The Dungeons of Doom potion that gives you 1-3
drunkness is the best way to go.
Notes:-If you haven't bought the trophy and rollover comes, the trophy will
become unavailable, because rollover resets drunkness.

Name:The Three Amigos
How to get:Donate 1,000,000 meat to each of the three statues in The Hall of
the Legends of the Times of the Old
How to get (In Detail):The Hall of the Legends of the Times of the Old is
located in The Big Mountains. To donate to Boris, you
will need Boris's Key, to donate to Jarlsberg, you
will need Jarlsberg's key, and to donate to Sneaky
Pete, you will need Sneaky Pete's key.
Notes:-The meat you donate is cumulative and you don't need to donate all of
the meat in the same run.

Name:Festive Dismemberment
How to get:Use a Knob Goblin Firecracker on July 4th
How to get (In Detail):Knob Goblin Firecrackers can be found at the Outskirts
of Cobb's Knob.
Notes:This was first available in 2006. Not sure if available next year.

Name:Best Meal of My Life
How to get:Eat 60 White Citadel burgers, 10 White Citadel fries, 4 Cherry
Cloaca Colas, and 4 Diet Cloaca Colas
How to get (In Detail):White Citadel burgers can be bought at the White
Citadel for 100 meat, White Citadel fries can be
bought at the White Citadel for 80 meat, and the
Cherry and Diet Cloaca Colas can either be bought at
The White Citadel for 80 meat, or be found at The
Barrel full of Barrels.
Note-To check how many White Citadel burgers, White Citadel fries, Cherry
Cloaca Colas, and Diet Cloaca Colas you have eaten, go to your private
profile and click on Favorite Food.
3.Frequently Asked Questions

Q.I did what you said but I didn't get my trophy!!!
A.Make sure you did exactly what it says, and remember to check the Trophy Hut
to see if the trophy is available.

Q.Are trophies free?
A.No, besides the fee to meet the requirements in order to have the trophy
available, you also need to pay 10,000 meat to the Trophy Maker for the

Q.Where is the Trophy Hut?
A.It is in the Market Square which is in Seaside Town.

Version 0.3
-All sections except section 2 finished for now
-Trophies up to the Golden Yeti trophy is done

Version 0.375
-Trophies done up to The Ghuol Cup
-Updated some sections

Version 0.45
-Trophies done up to Failure to Communicate

Version 0.7
-Trophies done up to Three-Tiered Trophy

Version 1.0
-All trophies done for now

Version 1.01
-Added the Best Meal of My Life trophy

Version 1.02
-Hosted on another site

This section contains all the places and peoples that I would like to thank in
this guide.

-CJayC, for making a great site
-Jick and Mr.Skullhead, for creating Kol
-Kol Wiki, I can't thank them enough, I learned where to get most of my
trophies from this website. This is a great place to go if you are stuck on
something! (
-Me, for making this
-You, for reading this
6.Copyright Info

Don't steal my Faq, I worked pretty hard on it. If you want to host it on
another site, tell me first, cause chances are high that I'll say yes. As of
now, the only sites that are allowed to host this is

-GFaqs (

If you see this Faq anywhere besides the above locations, please notify me.
Kingdom of Loathing and anything having anything to do with it is the property
of Asymmetric Productions.

Copyright 2006 electrosho
7.Contact Info

If you wish to contact me,please put "Kingdom of Loathing-Trophy FAQ" into the
title so I don't delete as spam.My email is listed below.

This is the only email address that I will respond to, so please send to this
if you have any questions, or reporting any errors, etc.
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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