Age of Empires

Age of Empires

17.10.2013 15:04:43
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Age of Empires
Technology Trees in-depth guide

By G1GGY (c)2006

Visit my website:
Where you can find the latest FAQs/Walkthroughs, reviews, and in-depth guides,
plus special stuff you won't find anywhere else.

==========================Table of Contents====================================

A note on contents. Rather than scrolling, you can copy the heading including
the asterisk (*), press Control + F, and paste the text to find the heading.
This saves you time as you don't have to scroll the whole way down.

=A Guide to the Guide*

=Version History*

=Technology Trees*

How to read the trees*

Full tree*

=Unit requirements*



=Legal Information*

=The Last Word*

==========================A Guide to the Guide*================================

This guide was created mainly through the book which comes with the Age of
Empires gold edition. I don't know if the book comes with other versions, but I
found the book annoyingly complex, so I decided to simplify the information in
it, in the hope that it will help others.

If you find any incorrect info, or just have a question, email me, or visit my

|Sites that have my permission to host this walkthrough:|
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |

My Email is: ||

Thanks, and enjoy the guide.

==========================Version History*=====================================

17 June 2006 - Started the guide

[Version 1.0 - 19 June 2006] Technology Trees complete, Unit requirements
section complete. This will probably be the last update, unless I either discover
something major that I missed out, or someone tells me of something major that I
missed out.
FAQ, Credits, Legals, and The Last Word all done.
[Accepted on (My Site!)]
[Version 1.1 - 30 August 2006] ASCII art and typing errors

==========================Technology Trees*====================================

These are the technology trees for Age of Empires (no expansion), according to
the game's manual.

How to read the trees*

The trees should be read horizontally (--> way). Each tree contains information
about the civilisation's strengths and bonuses, as well as the tree itself. The
purpose of each tree is to identify which units, buildings, and technologies can
and can't be created by each individual civilisation. If you look closely at
the trees, you will notice that they all contain less than the Full Tech Tree.
That is because different civilisations can only access certain items, to
increase the realism of the game.

On the trees, buildings are indicated by a plus (+) preceding them, units by a
minus (-), and technologies by an equals sign (=). If you see a line of minuses
(--) or vertical lines (|), then following the path will take you to a building,
unit, or technology that can only be accessed once the item at the start of the
path has been accessed. For example, the path from the Granary to the Market
indicates that you can't build a Market until you have a Granary.
Notes and Exceptions:
-No Government Centre technologies are related, they are simply written in line
to save space.
-No Temple technologies are related, they are simply written in line to save
-Before you can research Composite Bowman, you must research Improved Bowman
(this may be unclear on the trees).
-Before you can research Heavy Horse Archer, you must research Horse Archer
(this may be unclear on the trees).
-Before you can research Broad Swordman, you must research Short Swordman.
Before you can research Long Swordman, you must research Broad Swordman.
None of these units are related to Axeman (this may be unclear on the
-Wonders are not mentioned on the individual technology trees, but they can be
built by all civilisations.

Full tree*

This tree contains all buildings, units, and technologies. If you are playing a
game where "Full Tech Tree" is turned on, this is what you will be using.

Stone Age |Tool Age |Bronze Age |Iron Age
+Dock | | |
-Trade Boat | |-Merchant Ship |
-Fishing Boat | |-Fishing Ship |
|-Light Transport| |-Heavy Transport
|-Scout Ship |-War Galley |-Trireme
| | |-Catapult Trireme -Juggernaught
| | |
+-|+Watch Tower |+Sentry Tower |+Guard Tower +Ballista Tower
+Granary-----+-|+Small Wall |+Medium Wall |+Fortification
| | | |
| | +-|+Temple |=Fanaticism
| | | |-Priest |
| | | |=Astrology |=Jihad
| | | |=Mysticism |=Afterlife
| | | |=Polytheism |=Monotheism
| | | | |
+-|+Market-------+ | |
|=Domestication| |=Plow |=Irrigation
|=Gold Mining | | |=Coinage
|=Stone Mining | | |=Seigecraft
|=Woodworking | |=Artisanship |=Craftsmanship
| | |=Wheel |
|+Farm | | |
| | | |
| +-|+Government |
| | Centre |=Engineering
| |=Architecture |=Ballistics
| |=Writing |=Alchemy
| |=Nobility |=Aristocracy
| | |
+Town Center | | |=Wonder
-Villager | | |
| | |
+Storage Pit-+-|=Leather Armor |=Scale Armor |=Chain Mail
+-|=Toolworking |=Metalworking |=Metallurgy
+-|----------------|=Bronze Shield |=Iron Shield
| | |
| +-|+Academy |
| | |-Hoplite |-Phalanx -Centurion
| | | |
+-|+Stable-------+ | |
| |-Scout | | |
| | +-|-Cavalry |-Heavy Cavalry -Cataphract
| | +-|-Chariot |
| | | |-War Elephant
| | | |
+Barracks----+-| |-Short Swordman|-Long Swordman -Legion
-Clubman | |-Axeman | -BroadSwordman|
| | | |
+-|+Archery Range+ | |
|-Bowman | | |
| +-|-Improve Bowman|
| | | -Composite Bowman
| +-|-Chariot Archer|
| +-|---------------|-Horse Archer
| | | | -Heavy Horse Archer
| +-|---------------|-Elephant Archer
| | | |
| +-|+Seige Workshop|
| |-Stone Thrower |-Catapult -Heavy Catapult
| | |-Ballista -Helepolis


+40% Archery Range unit fire rate
Villagers 30% faster

Technology Tree:
Stone Age |Tool Age |Bronze Age |Iron Age
+Dock | | |
-Trade Boat | |-Merchant Ship |
-Fishing Boat | |-Fishing Ship |
|-Light Transport| |
|-Scout Ship |-War Galley |-Trireme
| | |
+-|+Watch Tower |+Sentry Tower |+Guard Tower +Ballista Tower
+Granary-----+-|+Small Wall |+Medium Wall |+Fortification
| | | |
| | +-|+Temple |=Fanaticism
| | | |-Priest |
| | | |=Astrology |=Jihad
| | | |=Mysticism |=Afterlife
| | | |=Polytheism |=Monotheism
| | | | |
+-|+Market-------+ | |
|=Domestication| |=Plow |=Irrigation
|=Gold Mining | | |=Coinage
|=Stone Mining | | |=Seigecraft
|=Woodworking | |=Artisanship |=Craftsmanship
| | |=Wheel |
|+Farm | | |
| | | |
| +-|+Government |
| | Centre |
| | |=Ballistics
| |=Writing |
| | |
+Town Center | | |
-Villager | | |
| | |
+Storage Pit-+-|=Leather Armor |=Scale Armor |=Chain Mail
+-|=Toolworking |=Metalworking |=Metallurgy
| | |
| +-|+Academy |
| | |-Hoplite |
| | | |
+-|+Stable-------+ | |
| |-Scout | | |
| | +-|-Cavalry |-Heavy Cavalry -Cataphract
| | +-|-Chariot |
| | | |
| | | |
+Barracks----+-| |-Short Swordman|-Long Swordman -Legion
-Clubman | |-Axeman | -BroadSwordman|
| | | |
+-|+Archery Range+ | |
|-Bowman | | |
| +-|-Chariot Archer|
| +-|---------------|-Horse Archer
| | | |
| +-|+Seige Workshop|
| |-Stone Thrower |-Catapult -Heavy Catapult
| | |-Ballista -Helepolis


Double wall and tower hit points
+30% priest fate rejuvenation rate
+30% stone mining speed

Technology Tree:
Stone Age |Tool Age |Bronze Age |Iron Age
+Dock | | |
-Trade Boat | |-Merchant Ship |
-Fishing Boat | |-Fishing Ship |
|-Light Transport| |
|-Scout Ship |-War Galley |
| | |
+-|+Watch Tower |+Sentry Tower |+Guard Tower +Ballista Tower
+Granary-----+-|+Small Wall |+Medium Wall |+Fortification
| | | |
| | +-|+Temple |=Fanaticism
| | | |-Priest |
| | | |=Astrology |=Jihad
| | | |=Mysticism |=Afterlife
| | | |=Polytheism |=Monotheism
| | | | |
+-|+Market-------+ | |
|=Domestication| |=Plow |=Irrigation
|=Gold Mining | | |=Coinage
|=Stone Mining | | |=Seigecraft
|=Woodworking | |=Artisanship |=Craftsmanship
| | |=Wheel |
|+Farm | | |
| | | |
| +-|+Government |
| | Centre |=Engineering
| |=Architecture |=Ballistics
| |=Writing |=Alchemy
| |=Nobility |=Aristocracy
+Town Center | | |
-Villager | | |
| | |
+Storage Pit-+-|=Leather Armor |=Scale Armor |
+-|=Toolworking |=Metalworking |
+-|----------------|=Bronze Shield |
| | |
| +-|+Academy |
| | |-Hoplite |
| | | |
+-|+Stable-------+ | |
| |-Scout | | |
| | +-|-Cavalry |
| | +-|-Chariot |
| | | |
| | | |
+Barracks----+-| |-Short Swordman|-Long Swordman -Legion
-Clubman | |-Axeman | -BroadSwordman|
| | | |
+-|+Archery Range+ | |
|-Bowman | | |
| +-|-Improve Bowman|
| | | -Composite Bowman
| +-|-Chariot Archer|
| +-|---------------|-Horse Archer
| | | |
| +-|+Seige Workshop|
| |-Stone Thrower |-Catapult -Heavy Catapult
| | |


+80% Long Swordman and Legion hit points
+2 Tower range
-30% Priest cost

Technology Tree:
Stone Age |Tool Age |Bronze Age |Iron Age
+Dock | | |
-Trade Boat | |-Merchant Ship |
-Fishing Boat | |-Fishing Ship |
|-Light Transport| |
|-Scout Ship |-War Galley |-Trireme
| | |
+-|+Watch Tower |+Sentry Tower |+Guard Tower +Ballista Tower
+Granary-----+-|+Small Wall |+Medium Wall |+Fortification
| | | |
| | +-|+Temple |=Fanaticism
| | | |-Priest |
| | | |=Astrology |=Jihad
| | | |=Mysticism |=Afterlife
| | | |=Polytheism |=Monotheism
| | | | |
+-|+Market-------+ | |
|=Domestication| |=Plow |=Irrigation
|=Gold Mining | | |=Coinage
|=Stone Mining | | |=Seigecraft
|=Woodworking | |=Artisanship |=Craftsmanship
| | |=Wheel |
|+Farm | | |
| | | |
| +-|+Government |
| | Centre |
| |=Architecture |=Ballistics
| |=Writing |
+Town Center | | |
-Villager | | |
| | |
+Storage Pit-+-|=Leather Armor |=Scale Armor |
+-|=Toolworking |=Metalworking |=Metallurgy
+-|----------------|=Bronze Shield |
| | |
| +-|+Academy |
| | |-Hoplite |
| | | |
+-|+Stable-------+ | |
| |-Scout | | |
| | +-|-Cavalry |-Heavy Cavalry -Cataphract
| | | |
+Barracks----+-| |-Short Swordman|-Long Swordman -Legion
-Clubman | |-Axeman | -BroadSwordman|
| | | |
+-|+Archery Range+ | |
|-Bowman | | |
| +-|-Improve Bowman|
| +-|---------------|-Horse Archer
| | | |
| +-|+Seige Workshop|
| |-Stone Thrower |
| | |-Ballista -Helepolis


+20% Gold mining speed
+33% Chariot and Chariot Archer hit points
+3 Priest range

Technology Tree:
Stone Age |Tool Age |Bronze Age |Iron Age
+Dock | | |
-Trade Boat | |-Merchant Ship |
-Fishing Boat | |-Fishing Ship |
|-Light Transport| |-Heavy Transport
|-Scout Ship |-War Galley |-Trireme
| | |-Catapult Trireme -Juggernaught
| | |
+-|+Watch Tower |+Sentry Tower |+Guard Tower +Ballista Tower
+Granary-----+-|+Small Wall |+Medium Wall |+Fortification
| | | |
| | +-|+Temple |=Fanaticism
| | | |-Priest |
| | | |=Astrology |=Jihad
| | | |=Mysticism |=Afterlife
| | | |=Polytheism |=Monotheism
| | | | |
+-|+Market-------+ | |
|=Domestication| |=Plow |=Irrigation
|=Gold Mining | | |
|=Stone Mining | | |
|=Woodworking | |=Artisanship |=Craftsmanship
| | |=Wheel |
|+Farm | | |
| | | |
| +-|+Government |
| | Centre |=Engineering
| |=Architecture |=Ballistics
| |=Writing |=Alchemy
| |=Nobility |=Aristocracy
+Town Center | | |
-Villager | | |
| | |
+Storage Pit-+-|=Leather Armor |=Scale Armor |=Chain Mail
+-|=Toolworking |=Metalworking |=Metallurgy
| | |
| +-|+Academy |
| | |-Hoplite |
| | | |
+-|+Stable-------+ | |
| |-Scout | | |
| | +-|-Chariot |
| | | |-War Elephant
| | | |
+Barracks----+-| |-Short Swordman|
-Clubman | |-Axeman | |
| | | |
+-|+Archery Range+ | |
|-Bowman | | |
| +-|-Improve Bowman|
| | | -Composite Bowman
| +-|-Chariot Archer|
| +-|---------------|-Elephant Archer
| | | |
| +-|+Seige Workshop|
| |-Stone Thrower |


Academy units 30% faster
War Ships 30% faster

Technology Tree:
Stone Age |Tool Age |Bronze Age |Iron Age
+Dock | | |
-Trade Boat | |-Merchant Ship |
-Fishing Boat | |-Fishing Ship |
|-Light Transport| |-Heavy Transport
|-Scout Ship |-War Galley |-Trireme
| | |-Catapult Trireme -Juggernaught
| | |
+-|+Watch Tower |+Sentry Tower |+Guard Tower +Ballista Tower
+Granary-----+-|+Small Wall |+Medium Wall |+Fortification
| | | |
| | +-|+Temple |=Fanaticism
| | | |-Priest |
| | | |=Astrology |
| | | |=Mysticism |=Afterlife
| | | |=Polytheism |
| | | | |
+-|+Market-------+ | |
|=Domestication| |=Plow |=Irrigation
|=Gold Mining | | |=Coinage
|=Stone Mining | | |=Seigecraft
|=Woodworking | |=Artisanship |=Craftsmanship
| | |=Wheel |
|+Farm | | |
| | | |
| +-|+Government |
| | Centre |=Engineering
| |=Architecture |=Ballistics
| |=Writing |=Alchemy
| |=Nobility |=Aristocracy
+Town Center | | |
-Villager | | |
| | |
+Storage Pit-+-|=Leather Armor |=Scale Armor |=Chain Mail
+-|=Toolworking |=Metalworking |
+-|----------------|=Bronze Shield |=Iron Shield
| | |
| +-|+Academy |
| | |-Hoplite |-Phalanx -Centurion
| | | |
+-|+Stable-------+ | |
| |-Scout | | |
| | +-|-Cavalry |-Heavy Cavalry
| | | |
+Barracks----+-| |-Short Swordman|
-Clubman | |-Axeman | |
| | | |
+-|+Archery Range+ | |
|-Bowman | | |
| | | |
| +-|+Seige Workshop|
| |-Stone Thrower |-Catapult -Heavy Catapult
| | |-Ballista -Helepolis


Double catapult unit hit points
+1 Archery Range unit attack
+4 War Ship range

Technology Tree:
Stone Age |Tool Age |Bronze Age |Iron Age
+Dock | | |
-Trade Boat | |-Merchant Ship |
-Fishing Boat | | |
|-Light Transport| |
|-Scout Ship |-War Galley |
| | |
+-|+Watch Tower |+Sentry Tower |+Guard Tower +Ballista Tower
+Granary-----+-|+Small Wall |+Medium Wall |+Fortification
| | | |
| | +-|+Temple |
| | | |-Priest |
| | | |=Astrology |
| | | | |
+-|+Market-------+ | |
|=Domestication| |=Plow |=Irrigation
|=Gold Mining | | |=Coinage
|=Stone Mining | | |=Seigecraft
|=Woodworking | |=Artisanship |=Craftsmanship
| | |=Wheel |
|+Farm | | |
| | | |
| +-|+Government |
| | Centre |=Engineering
| |=Architecture |=Ballistics
| |=Writing |=Alchemy
| |=Nobility |=Aristocracy
+Town Center | | |
-Villager | | |
| | |
+Storage Pit-+-|=Leather Armor |=Scale Armor |=Chain Mail
+-|=Toolworking |=Metalworking |=Metallurgy
+-|----------------|=Bronze Shield |=Iron Shield
| | |
| +-|+Academy |
| | |-Hoplite |-Phalanx -Centurion
| | | |
+-|+Stable-------+ | |
| |-Scout | | |
| | +-|-Cavalry |
| | +-|-Chariot |
| | | |-War Elephant
| | | |
+Barracks----+-| |-Short Swordman|
-Clubman | |-Axeman | -BroadSwordman|
| | | |
+-|+Archery Range+ | |
|-Bowman | | |
| +-|-Chariot Archer|
| +-|---------------|-Horse Archer
| | | | -Heavy Horse Archer
| +-|---------------|-Elephant Archer
| | | |
| +-|+Seige Workshop|
| |-Stone Thrower |-Catapult -Heavy Catapult


-30% ship cost
+2 Composite Bowman range
+25% food in farms

Technology Tree:
Stone Age |Tool Age |Bronze Age |Iron Age
+Dock | | |
-Trade Boat | |-Merchant Ship |
-Fishing Boat | |-Fishing Ship |
|-Light Transport| |-Heavy Transport
|-Scout Ship |-War Galley |-Trireme
| | |-Catapult Trireme -Juggernaught
| | |
+-|+Watch Tower |+Sentry Tower |
+Granary-----+-|+Small Wall |+Medium Wall |
| | | |
| | +-|+Temple |
| | | |-Priest |
| | | |=Polytheism |
| | | | |
+-|+Market-------+ | |
|=Domestication| |=Plow |=Irrigation
|=Gold Mining | | |=Coinage
|=Stone Mining | | |=Seigecraft
|=Woodworking | |=Artisanship |=Craftsmanship
| | |=Wheel |
|+Farm | | |
| | | |
| +-|+Government |
| | Centre |=Engineering
| |=Architecture |=Ballistics
| |=Writing |=Alchemy
| |=Nobility |=Aristocracy
+Town Center | | |
-Villager | | |
| | |
+Storage Pit-+-|=Leather Armor |=Scale Armor |=Chain Mail
+-|=Toolworking |=Metalworking |=Metallurgy
+-|----------------|=Bronze Shield |=Iron Shield
| | |
| +-|+Academy |
| | |-Hoplite |-Phalanx -Centurion
| | | |
+-|+Stable-------+ | |
| |-Scout | | |
| | +-|-Cavalry |
| | | |
+Barracks----+-| |-Short Swordman|-Long Swordman
-Clubman | |-Axeman | -BroadSwordman|
| | | |
+-|+Archery Range+ | |
|-Bowman | | |
| +-|-Improve Bowman|
| | | -Composite Bowman
| | | |
| +-|+Seige Workshop|
| |-Stone Thrower |-Catapult -Heavy Catapult
| | |-Ballista -Helepolis


+30% hunting efficiency
All Elephant units 50% faster
+50 Trireme fire rate

-30% Farm food production

Technology Trees:
Stone Age |Tool Age |Bronze Age |Iron Age
+Dock | | |
-Trade Boat | |-Merchant Ship |
-Fishing Boat | |-Fishing Ship |
|-Light Transport| |-Heavy Transport
|-Scout Ship |-War Galley |-Trireme
| | |-Catapult Trireme -Juggernaught
| | |
+-|+Watch Tower |+Sentry Tower |+Guard Tower
+Granary-----+-|+Small Wall |+Medium Wall |+Fortification
| | | |
| | +-|+Temple |=Fanaticism
| | | |-Priest |
| | | |=Astrology |=Jihad
| | | |=Mysticism |=Afterlife
| | | |=Polytheism |=Monotheism
| | | | |
+-|+Market-------+ | |
|=Domestication| | |
|=Gold Mining | | |
|=Stone Mining | | |
|=Woodworking | | |
|+Farm | | |
| | | |
| +-|+Government |
| | Centre |=Engineering
| |=Architecture |
| |=Writing |=Alchemy
| |=Nobility |
+Town Center | | |
-Villager | | |
| | |
+Storage Pit-+-|=Leather Armor |=Scale Armor |=Chain Mail
+-|=Toolworking |=Metalworking |=Metallurgy
+-|----------------|=Bronze Shield |=Iron Shield
| | |
+-|+Stable-------+ | |
| |-Scout | | |
| | +-|-Cavalry |-Heavy Cavalry -Cataphract
| | | |-War Elephant
| | | |
+Barracks----+-| |-Short Swordman|-Long Swordman -Legion
-Clubman | |-Axeman | -BroadSwordman|
| | | |
+-|+Archery Range+ | |
|-Bowman | | |
| +-|-Improve Bowman|
| | | -Composite Bowman
| +-|---------------|-Horse Archer
| | | | -Heavy Horse Archer
| +-|---------------|-Elephant Archer
| | | |
| +-|+Seige Workshop|
| |-Stone Thrower |-Catapult


-25% Elephant unit cost
+65% Catapult Trireme and Juggernaught fire rate

Technology Tree:
Stone Age |Tool Age |Bronze Age |Iron Age
+Dock | | |
-Trade Boat | |-Merchant Ship |
-Fishing Boat | |-Fishing Ship |
|-Light Transport| |-Heavy Transport
|-Scout Ship |-War Galley |-Trireme
| | |-Catapult Trireme -Juggernaught
| | |
+-|+Watch Tower |+Sentry Tower |+Guard Tower +Ballista Tower
+Granary-----+-|+Small Wall |+Medium Wall |+Fortification
| | | |
| | +-|+Temple |=Fanaticism
| | | |-Priest |
| | | |=Astrology |=Jihad
| | | |=Mysticism |=Afterlife
| | | |=Polytheism |=Monotheism
| | | | |
+-|+Market-------+ | |
|=Domestication| |=Plow |=Irrigation
|=Gold Mining | | |=Coinage
|=Stone Mining | | |
|=Woodworking | |=Artisanship |=Craftsmanship
| | |=Wheel |
|+Farm | | |
| | | |
| +-|+Government |
| | Centre |=Engineering
| | |=Ballistics
| |=Writing |=Alchemy
| |=Nobility |=Aristocracy
+Town Center | | |
-Villager | | |
| | |
+Storage Pit-+-|=Leather Armor |=Scale Armor |
+-|=Toolworking |=Metalworking |
+-|----------------|=Bronze Shield |=Iron Shield
| | |
| +-|+Academy |
| | |-Hoplite |-Phalanx -Centurion
| | | |
+-|+Stable-------+ | |
| |-Scout | | |
| | +-|-Cavalry |
| | +-|-Chariot |
| | | |-War Elephant
| | | |
+Barracks----+-| |-Short Swordman|-Long Swordman -Legion
-Clubman | |-Axeman | -BroadSwordman|
| | | |
+-|+Archery Range+ | |
|-Bowman | | |
| +-|-Improve Bowman|
| | | -Composite Bowman
| +-|-Chariot Archer|
| +-|---------------|-Elephant Archer
| | | |
| +-|+Seige Workshop|
| |-Stone Thrower |


-30% Villager cost
Double wall hit points

Technology Trees:
Stone Age |Tool Age |Bronze Age |Iron Age
+Dock | | |
-Trade Boat | |-Merchant Ship |
-Fishing Boat | |-Fishing Ship |
|-Light Transport| |
|-Scout Ship |-War Galley |
| | |
+-|+Watch Tower |+Sentry Tower |+Guard Tower
+Granary-----+-|+Small Wall |+Medium Wall |+Fortification
| | | |
| | +-|+Temple |=Fanaticism
| | | |-Priest |
| | | |=Astrology |=Jihad
| | | |=Mysticism |=Afterlife
| | | |=Polytheism |=Monotheism
| | | | |
+-|+Market-------+ | |
|=Domestication| |=Plow |=Irrigation
|=Gold Mining | | |
|=Stone Mining | | |
|=Woodworking | |=Artisanship |=Craftsmanship
| | |=Wheel |
|+Farm | | |
| | | |
| +-|+Government |
| | Centre |
| |=Architecture |
| |=Writing |
| |=Nobility |
+Town Center | | |
-Villager | | |
| | |
+Storage Pit-+-|=Leather Armor |=Scale Armor |=Chain Mail
+-|=Toolworking |=Metalworking |=Metallurgy
+-|----------------|=Bronze Shield |=Iron Shield
| | |
| +-|+Academy |
| | |-Hoplite |
| | | |
+-|+Stable-------+ | |
| |-Scout | | |
| | +-|-Cavalry |-Heavy Cavalry -Cataphract
| | +-|-Chariot |
| | | |
| | | |
+Barracks----+-| |-Short Swordman|
-Clubman | |-Axeman | -BroadSwordman|
| | | |
+-|+Archery Range+ | |
|-Bowman | | |
| +-|-Improve Bowman|
| | | -Composite Bowman
| +-|-Chariot Archer|
| +-|---------------|-Horse Archer
| | | | -Heavy Horse Archer
| | | |
| +-|+Seige Workshop|
| |-Stone Thrower |-Catapult
| | |-Ballista -Helepolis


+15% Villager hit points
+50% catapult unit fire rate
Double Farm food production

Technology Tree:
Stone Age |Tool Age |Bronze Age |Iron Age
+Dock | | |
-Trade Boat | | |
-Fishing Boat | |-Fishing Ship |
|-Light Transport| |
|-Scout Ship |-War Galley |-Trireme
| | |
+-|+Watch Tower |+Sentry Tower |+Guard Tower +Ballista Tower
+Granary-----+-|+Small Wall |+Medium Wall |+Fortification
| | | |
| | +-|+Temple |=Fanaticism
| | | |-Priest |
| | | |=Mysticism |
| | | |=Polytheism |
| | | | |
+-|+Market-------+ | |
|=Domestication| |=Plow |=Irrigation
|=Gold Mining | | |
|=Stone Mining | | |=Seigecraft
|=Woodworking | |=Artisanship |
| | |=Wheel |
|+Farm | | |
| | | |
| +-|+Government |
| | Centre |=Engineering
| |=Architecture |=Ballistics
| |=Writing |=Alchemy
| |=Nobility |=Aristocracy
+Town Center | | |
-Villager | | |
| | |
+Storage Pit-+-|=Leather Armor |=Scale Armor |=Chain Mail
+-|=Toolworking |=Metalworking |
+-|----------------|=Bronze Shield |
| | |
| +-|+Academy |
| | |-Hoplite |-Phalanx -Centurion
| | | |
+-|+Stable-------+ | |
| |-Scout | | |
| | +-|-Chariot |
| | | |-War Elephant
| | | |
+Barracks----+-| |-Short Swordman|-Long Swordman
-Clubman | |-Axeman | -BroadSwordman|
| | | |
+-|+Archery Range+ | |
|-Bowman | | |
| +-|-Chariot Archer|
| +-|---------------|-Horse Archer
| | | | -Heavy Horse Archer
| | | |
| +-|+Seige Workshop|
| |-Stone Thrower |-Catapult -Heavy Catapult
| | |-Ballista -Helepolis


-25% Horse unit cost (includes horse archers)
Villagers 30% faster
+30% ship hit points

Technology Tree:
Stone Age |Tool Age |Bronze Age |Iron Age
+Dock | | |
-Trade Boat | |-Merchant Ship |
-Fishing Boat | |-Fishing Ship |
|-Light Transport| |-Heavy Transport
|-Scout Ship |-War Galley |-Trireme
| | |-Catapult Trireme -Juggernaught
| | |
+-|+Watch Tower |+Sentry Tower |
+Granary-----+-|+Small Wall |+Medium Wall |
| | | |
| | +-|+Temple |=Fanaticism
| | | |-Priest |
| | | | |=Afterlife
| | | |=Polytheism |
| | | | |
+-|+Market-------+ | |
|=Domestication| |=Plow |=Irrigation
|=Gold Mining | | |=Coinage
|=Stone Mining | | |=Seigecraft
|=Woodworking | |=Artisanship |=Craftsmanship
| | |=Wheel |
|+Farm | | |
| | | |
| +-|+Government |
| | Centre |=Engineering
| |=Architecture |=Ballistics
| |=Writing |=Alchemy
| |=Nobility |=Aristocracy
+Town Center | | |
-Villager | | |
| | |
+Storage Pit-+-|=Leather Armor |=Scale Armor |=Chain Mail
+-|=Toolworking |=Metalworking |=Metallurgy
+-|----------------|=Bronze Shield |=Iron Shield
| | |
| +-|+Academy |
| | |-Hoplite |-Phalanx -Centurion
| | | |
+-|+Stable-------+ | |
| |-Scout | | |
| | +-|-Cavalry |-Heavy Cavalry -Cataphract
| | | |
+Barracks----+-| |-Short Swordman|
-Clubman | |-Axeman | |
| | | |
+-|+Archery Range+ | |
|-Bowman | | |
| +-|-Improve Bowman|
| | | -Composite Bowman
| +-|---------------|-Horse Archer
| | | | -Heavy Horse Archer
| | | |
| +-|+Seige Workshop|
| |-Stone Thrower |-Catapult -Heavy Catapult
| | |-Ballista -Helepolis

===========================Unit requirements*==================================

Certain units can't be built without researching a technology first. They are
detailed in this section.

| Unit or Building | Required Technology |
| Juggernaught (Iron Age - Dock) | Engineering (Iron Age - Gov. Centre) |
| Ballista Tower (Iron Age - Building) | Ballistics (Iron Age - Gov. Centre) |
| Centurion (Iron Age - Academy) | Aristocracy (Iron Age - Gov. Centre) |
| Cataphract (Iron Age - Stable) | Metallurgy (Iron Age - Storage Pit) |
| Chariot (Bronze Age - Stable) | Wheel (Bronze Age - Market) |
| Legion (Iron Age - Barracks) | Fanaticism (Iron Age - Temple) |
| Chariot Archer | Wheel (Bronze Age - Market |
| (Bronze Age - Archery Range | |
| Heavy Horse Archer | Chain Mail (Iron Age - Storage Pit) |
| (Iron Age - Archery Range) | |
| Heavy Catapult | Seigecraft (Iron Age - Market) |
| (Iron Age - Seige Workshop) | |
| Helepolis (Iron Age - Seige Workshop) | Craftsmanship (Iron Age - Market) |


I am often asked these questions, so I'm hoping that you'll stop after seeing
this. If you have a question that isn't written here, feel free to email me
( Alternatively, you can ask on my forum, which can be found

Registration is instant, so be sure to join the forum, and get your questions
Q. Y0 dawg, Cn U hlp m3 w1t A03?

A. No, I only help people who can speak english. Note, if you live in a non
english speaking country, and your english isn't perfect, that's OK. Just no
n00bish talk!
Q. I think you missed something on the Persian tree. Where's the Academy, I saw
it when I was playing?

A. You were obviously playing with a full tech tree, because Persians can't get
an academy. It's sad, but true.
Q. What are catapult units...and horse units...and elephant units?

Catapult Units: Stone Thrower, Catapult, Heavy Catapult.
Horse Units: Scout, Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry, Cataphract, Horse Archer, Heavy
Horse Archer.
Elephant Units: War Elephant, Elephant Archer.
Q. Can I ask you general questions about the game?

A. Yes, but only simple ones. This isn't a walkthrough, so you can't expect me
to know everything. Ask someone who wrote a walkthrough instead.
Q. Why do my catapults hurt my units?

A. Firstly, for realism, and secondly, because the game's makers never bothered
editing that "glitch". It makes it more realistic, so don't complain.


Thanks go to:

-CJayC and GameFAQs (for hosting this guide, and having a great site)

-any other site that hosts this guide with my permission

-The wonderful AoE guide that comes with Age Of Empires: Gold Edition. I
recommend the game just for this book, it'll save your arse in history
assignments =D

-R3AP3R (my editor, and FAQ-writing friend)

-and anyone who asked me questions (I hope my answer helped!)

===========================Legal Information*==================================

First off, this guide is Copyright 2006 G1GGY.

Second, I take no part in the production, programming, directing, distribution,
or otherwise making of the game. That honor goes to:Microsoft, and Ensemble
Studios. Not me.

Finally, this may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web
site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation
of copyright.

Also, all trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by
their respective trademark and copyright holders.

===========================The Last Word*======================================

Well, I usually have a long speech telling you how great this game is, which I
put here. At least, I do on my walkthroughs. But today, I was just too lazy,
so all you get is this. Sorry.

On a brighter note, don't forget to visit my website,
where you can, amongst other things, find my walkthroughs, and read the
emotional speech you might have missed out on.

That's all from me. Keep playing, and I'll keep writing!


Another product of...
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Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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