Treasure Hunter

Treasure Hunter

17.10.2013 13:16:02


Treasure Hunter is another gorgeous educational adventure by CRYO. It is
about a young man who seeks fortune
to help his uncle building their own maritime museum. The graphics is a
knock out, but it has a weakness on its
savegame option. If you save this game on a location, it has a possibility
that you couldn't load it at that same
location. It always load the game at the outdoor scheme or at the main room
inside a big building. So save it wisely.
Their on-line hints is marvellous. If you've been stucked for several
minutes, the computer will show a sign. Click
on it and it will give you a mild clues on what to do next. It won't spoil
everything because you have to solved the
clues first. One more thing, sometimes the answer of some puzzle lies in the
movie sequence inside your computer,
so check it out again and again. You have 5 missions to solve and many
gorgeous place to visit. And now for the
game ....

Our story begin with the arrival of Tuck Pinckerton's nephew, that is YOU.
Uncle Tuck wants to built a special museum about
treasures from all over the world. He wants you to collect some treasures to
fill in his museum. First of all he wants to test you
with a simple mission : find 3 peoples in town that hold the pieces of
treasure map. These peoples are : Captain Blake, George
Townsend, and Lucy Campbell.
Captain Blake is very easy to find at the Old Bob Tavern. Talk to the
barman. Buy a beer from him and told him that you
work with the museum. He will tell you to find Captain Blake (he is sitting
on the right side from the door). Approach him and
talk with him. He'll give you the first piece of the map. You can talk to
Joss Timbeel, the sharks specialist, on the left table to
find out about shark. Pay him some money (until 7 times) to know the whole
stories about sharks.
George Townsend, the diver, lives in the wodden house beside the tavern. Pay
him $1000 and he will give you the second
piece. Note : if you want to you could repay your uncle's another debts at
the hotel. Pay it partially first (it's $5000). Next time
when you asked him for a loan you'll get it easily.
Lucy Campbell, the archaelogist, lives beside the local grocery store to the
northeast side of the town. Talk to her and she'll
give you the last piece. You'll find her at the window after knocking at her
door. Return to your uncle after retieving the map.
Give him the map and he'll give you the first mission.

Uncle Tuck will give you a computer to work with. Go to your yacht at the
harbour and use the vidcom in your computer
(that's the only place you can use your vidcom). Contact Yolanda and ask
about San Antonio. Her fee is $200 per day. So
use your limited budget wisely. Fly to Seville (it costs you $2000).
First go to the second floor via the grand staircase. Look at the Registrate
Book on the third table. It costs Yolanda $600 for
searching the name San Antonio. The result is H2. Now head to the archive
room on the third floor via the left door on the top
of the stair. Climb it and turn left at the first intersection. Walk through
the door and find the H2 shelf. Ask Yolanda to find
some info about San Antonio (it costs her $2000 or 10 days work). Look at
the new data in your computer (click on the ship
picture then on the x-spot).
Next ask the museum guard at the front desk about San Antonio. He'll suggest
you to look at the statue of St. Antonio on the
terrace upstair. Go there (it is behind the door at the end of the corridor
on the top of the stair). Turn to the left and walk
through the small path to the statue of St. Antonio. Examine the name plate
under the name and click the name Don Juan de
Lara Moran 1611-1622.
Go down stair to the main room and head into the exhibition room behind the
red curtain in front of the front desk. Check out
the computer on the far end to the right. Watch some Spanish gallion
history. Notice the name Bartholomeu Diaz (1621). You
can look around for gaining some info about Spanish gallion. Notice the
picture beside the red curtain, especially on the left
picture. Go out and ask the guard aboout Don Juan.Say that you are studying
the history of trade between Spanish and
America. Answer : Bartholomeu Diaz. He'll give you a key to the log room on
the fourth floor.
Go to the log room via the spiralcase behind the door to the archive room.
Use the key to open the door. Ask Yolanda to find
Don Juan's log (it costs her $1400). The log will tell you about the route
of San Antonio. Check out the new data and notice
that it sails from Cartagena - Nombre de Diaz - Vera Cruz. Where have you
seen this same picture ??? Oh yeah, the left
picture beside the red curtain in the exhibition room. Go there and check it
out. Ooopps, the guard has changed the picture
with a new one. This time is the picture of the ship : Limpia Conception and
its route to Havana. Check out the new data
(notice the name Havana).
Go outside and try to walk through the door beside the front desk. When the
guard ask you, tell him that you search for
Havana. Go inside to the storage room. Find Havana's shelf. Ask Yolanda to
search for Limpia Conception (it costs her
$1000). Now walk through the other door in this same room to the Flag room.
Read the book on the center and notice the
Havana coat of arm. Search the cabinet with same coat of arms symbol (it's
the left most cabinet). Ask Yolanda to find
something there (it costs her $2000). Two names will appear : Don Navarro
(the captain of Limpia Conception) and Marquis
of Mestealerge (the owner of the ship). On the way out, pick up the glasses
inside a small chest in the storage room.
Check out Don Navarro's log in the log room (it costs Yolanda $2000). Then
head downstair to the front desk. Give the
glasses to the guard and he'll tell you that new archive has come. He puts
it under the grand staircase. Check out the new
archives and ask Yolanda to browse the Vera Cruz archive to find San Antonio
document (it costs her another $600). She'll
find a document with a map on it. The document will tells you the story that
connect San Antonio and Limpia Conception.
Now go back to the front desk and examine the desk carefully. Notice the
combination number : 5714. Head to the archive
room and head to the door with a panel on its side. Enter the number and
you'll enter the final room. Ask Yolanda to search
the room (it costs her $4200). And you'll have the exact map of the
treasure. Report this finding to your uncle and prepare
your expedition team.
First, you'll have to find some money for the expedition. Go to the hotel
and ask for a loan. He'll give you $500.000 if you
share 50% of the finding to him. I think you have no choice for this. Accept
the offer. Darn, he reduce the money too for
repaying your uncle's debts. Then ask Captain Blake to navigate your ship.
Don't forget to ask Lucy Campbell and George
Townsend to join your team. Now go to your yacht and click on the computer.
Click on the ship picture, x-spot, and finally
sail to the spot. Watch the movie sequence.

Check out the incoming message on your vidphone. Your uncle wants you to
find the wreck of Monmouth 1702. First,
contact John and ask him about the ship. John will give you another ship
name : Vigo. Contact Yolanda to know about Vigo.
Yolanda tells you that Vigo was arrived along the French's ship : Chateau
Renault. Ask Pierre about it. When you have all the
infos about the ship, check out the data in your computer. Now, a message
from your uncle will arrive. Notice that he wants to
show you his new map. But .... alas, your uncle got sick and is sent out to
the hospital. Try to contact him again, this time Mrs.
Peabody is on the vidphone. Check out to his house. Mrs. Peabody won't let
you in. You have to find another way to get
Check out her character from other people in the village. From the barman in
Old Bob Tavern (after you pay him $2 for the
beer), you know that she loves Crystallized fruit very much. Go to Frank
Bishop store, the local grocery. Buy the fruit for $10.
Bring the fruit to her and choose this conversation option :

I'm trying to make an amends
You shouldn't work so hard
You should try a sea water therapy
I'll pay for you ($2000)

Then go out for a while before you return to the house. This time she won't
be on your way. Go upstair to the main room. First
remember her message to water her plants. Luckily you do what she said,
because here you'll find the key to your uncle's
study room. Go back downstair and use the key to unlock the door to the
study room. Look at the fireplace. On the top of it,
there's a picture of the ship Monmouth 1702. Move the picture and you'll
find a locker. Unlock it with this combination from
top left to bottom right : 1702. Hey, that's your uncle journal and the map.
Prepare your team again exactly like what you did before on mission 1. Then
go to the location and watch the movie

After you received another message from your uncle to search a wreck in
Malta, fly to the castle. Talk to the Knight of Malta
about the shipwreck at the front gate. He promises to help you after you've
found the begining of the story (yup, it's somekind
of a test). Go through the stair to the terrace of the castle. Turn right
and head to the stair. Enter the door and you'll arrive at
the tomb. Turn right and open the confession booth. Pick up the flashlight.
Go out to the terrace. Follow the path to the door
on the other end. Go pass through it to the dining room.
Climb the stair to the veranda. Read the book. After moving the book, notice
there's a switch. Turn the switch to close all the
curtain in the room. Climb down and notice there is a star on the ceiling.
Use the flashlight with the star. It will point out to the
pictures beside it. Examine the pictures. Then turn around, the Knight of
Malta should be standing in front of the door. Talk to
him and reveal another story of Sainte Marguerite.
Now go to the old temple (the door is right in front of the stair to the
front gate). Before entering the old temple, find a plague
on one of its corner (I believe is in front of the door to the dining room,
beside a locked door). Click on it and notice the order
of the knights. Now enter the old temple. Circle the fountain garden and
step into the small cell. Turn right and open the book
on the table. Find out the symbol of : Sepulchre, Temple, St. John, and
Teutonic according the order on the plague. Then get
out. Circle the fountain garden again to the opposite corner. There should
be a pushing tiles on the wall. Push the tiles
according the order of the symbol. You'll hear a click if you push the right
Get out and walk straight to the locked door. Step into it to the throne
room and talk with the Knights. After he tells you a
story, he'll give you a key to unlock the door to the cemetary (it's above
the dining room door). He wants you to pick up the
"gift" for him. Go to the cemetary and use the key to unlock the door. Find
a shovel inside. Now head back to the front gate.
This time turn to the left and follow the archway to the ruin. Use the
shovel to dig out the ruin. Enter and open the trunk in the
cell. Inside you'll find the "gift", it's a statue of a Falcon. Bring this
gift back to the Knight. He tells you to go directly to a place
where you can get fed (it's in the dining room). Go through to the other
door to the theatre. Watch the movie until it ends.
Now find the Knight in his cell. Talk to him. Now he asks you for a drink
and give you a clue on where you can get his will.
He said that he got sick while cleaning a chapel. All right, now go to the
tomb. Go straight to the chapel. Behind the chapel
you'll find a small jug. Bring this to the Knight and he'll finish the story
of Sainte Marguerite.
Go back to your hommie and prepare your expedition team like usual. This
time the hotel owner will give $1.000.000 as a
financial capital.

Another incoming message will call you. Your uncle informs you that he has a
competitor in the village. His name is John
Seymour. You'll have to talk to his wife, Emma, in the village. She is a
tough woman to talk to. His house is the big wooden
house beside the cinema. She told you that John has gone to the Indian Ocean
to the islands of Madagascar and never
returned. She wants you to find him. Go to his cellar and try to find some
clues to where he is about. Look at the wooden
board near the ship model. You'll find a name : Emerald Island.
Ask Captain Blake about this island. He said that one of the Portuguese
ship, the Trindade, has sunk there. I think this is a job
for Yolanda. Contact her immedietly. Yolanda tells you that the ship was
captured by an English corsair, Thomas Blackbone.
Ask John about this character. After that, ask Captain Blake about the
Emerald Island once more. Then fly there.
First, talk to the merchant about the pirates. She offers you a video of
pirates for $10 if you want to. Accpet that and watch
the video by clicking on the monitor. Then ask the merchant about Blackbone
and Seymore. She tells you that before
Seymore's death, he always chatting with Native the young guy beside the
boat. Go find Native and ask him about the
Trindade. Tell him that you are descend from Thomas Blackbone and that he is
a great man. Then buy his map for $10.000.
Go back to your base and match it with the fragment of the map in John's
cellar. Prepare your team as usual. This time bring
Jos Timbell, the sharks specialist, along.
But after spending sometime in the Madagascar ocean, nothing shows up. You
only found John's skeleton near the Devil
island. One of your diver has found a unique pendant beside the skeleton.
Bring this pendant back home and combine it with
the maps in cellar. Hey, that's it. The location of the treasure is not in
the ocean but in the island. Fly back to Madagascar and
enter the cave of Blackbone.
Follow this route through the maze (F : Forward, L : Go left, R : Go Right,
TA : Turn around, TR : Turn right, TL : Turn left) :
F, Climb the stair and F, F, R enter the cell, TA, F, TR and get the
sandbag, TL, F, TR and put the bag on the elevator
(it will secure the grate for you), TL, F, F, F (climb the stair to the
skeleton), R to the top, R pass the hanging bridge, R
pass the log to the winch, turn the winch to open the grate below.
Go back to the skeleton, L, L (enter the open grate), F, F, TL (until you
see a belt), take the belt, TA and climb the
pole, TR and use the belt to secure the pipe, TR and climb the pole.
TL, F, TR, F, F, TR, F, TR, F, TL, F, TL F, F TL, F TR, F, climb the stair,
TL, F, and follow the path to the end. You
arrive at the treasure cave. See what you want to see that get out through
the hole on the ceiling.

Go to your yacth and turn on the computer. John will contact you and tell
you about the story of the American steamer, the
Southern Star. Ask your uncle, Tuck, about the steamer. He wants you to see
him at his house immediately. Go see your uncle
and talk with him. He said that he will contact you again soon for the info
about the steamer. Go back to your yacht and turn
on the computer. Listen to what your uncle said to you. Review the new dat
on your computer. Then wait for a while before
your uncle can contact you again (you can do this by walking around the
village for a while). Then go back to your yacht again
and turn on the computer. Listen to what he said. He tells you that Joss'
ancestor has rode the ship long time ago.
Go see Joss at the Old Bob Tavern. Talk to him and buy his ancestor's diary
for $1000. Then go to his house (it's the building
in front of the lighthouse). Enter it and find the diary on the small table
beside the bed. Read it (alas, the last pages is missing)
and review the new data. Go back to Joss and ask him about the lost pages.
Pay him another $2000 for the pages. Then go
back to his house and look at the message board. Read the note there. Go
back to the tavern and ask Captain Blake about
Joss Timbell. He will give you a telescope. Go directly to the lighthouse
with the boat that tied up in front of Joss' house. Use
the telescope at the window. You'll see the coordinate of the wreck.
Prepare your team once more. Your investor will give you $2.000.000 this
time. Go to the wreck site and watch the movie

After the last mission to find the Southern Star, your uncle is invite you
to his house. Go there and talk to him. He'll invite you
to visit the new Maritime museum. Go there and watch the exhibits. It's a
tour of historical education. After that, return to your
yacht to see a surprise .........


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