Alien Virus

Alien Virus

13.10.2013 05:35:27

ALIEN VIRUS - Version 1.97
Walkthrough and Secrets Guide
By Alex N. Kenny (

Last Update : 22nd September 2000


Alien Virus is one of the coolest games I ever played. The plot may suck,
but the graphics and the vast amount of items you can collect astound me.
The backgrounds are excellent and the sound is terrific. Plus, if your good,
you can beat the game in 40 minutes, which I like if I just want a quick, fun

I stress to write to me if you don't understand something, for I hate it,
personally, when I'm stuck somewhere when I'm using an inaccurate
walkthrough, so, always ask questions.

I'm not going to make an acknowledgments, or, "Well Done Man!" list. I love
it when people write to me to say how good my FAQ was, or how bad it sucked,
but those words are just for my eyes, and I thank you for your criticism.


Unpublished work 2000 Alex N. Kenny

Please notify me if you want to use this walkthrough at anytime, anywhere.






Alien Virus has taken over my life. I play it almost every day I can, just
looking for new things. Of course, it got boring, so I got addicted to the
Resident Evil series, then I decided, after Alvin C WebCraft's excellent RE3
Nemesis FAQ inspired me, to go the final step and write a walkthrough for one
of my favorite PC games.

Anyway, in Alien Virus, you are Joshua Stone, a man sent to deliver some
equipment to a faraway space-base called Zeus. By coincidence, Joshua's
girlfriend, Cara Oceana, works as a genetic researcher at Zeus, and they plan
to get together and go back to Earth. For Joshua, the trip lasts a month,
and he'll be frozen for twenty seven days. Everything is going fine, but
when Josh lands in Zeus' hangar bay, it's deserted and dark…

Even though there's not much more to it than that, you'll have to find out as
you go. Alien Virus is a quick little jaunt to collect items and save your
girlfriend. Don't worry, there's more, but like I said, you'll have to find
that out for yourself.


The Interface of Alien Virus is very simple, but I highly stress that
beginners read this section so, not only do you remember it, but do you don't
accidentally think the right mouse button is Examine and left mouse is open
door and you go and get yourself copped up by the fans in the ventilation
shafts. Oh, and you didn't know how to save…

Let's start with the stuff on the left and work our way over.


KNOWLEDGE BAR - I call the bar where the text appears the "Knowledge Bar",
because all the information during active play is displayed there.

SAVE - To save your game, click on this button and select a space to save it
in. Then, notice the text in your Knowledge Bar. Erase the text there by
pressing the Backspace key and type in the name you want. Then press Enter.

LOAD - To load a previously saved game, click on load to bring up a list of
saved games. Click on one to continue where you left off.

THE COMMAND BOX - The command box is hued in green and contains four
sections, each which contains a word.

This function lets you use an object in your inventory or on screen. Click
on it, then click on an object to use it. Or, to use an object with an
object, click on 'Use', then the object, then the other object. To use an
object in your inventory with something on the screen, click 'Use', then the
object in your inventory, the object on screen.

To take something, click 'Take', then click on the object. It will
transferred to the last space in your inventory.

To open a door, box, safe, panel, etc. click on the 'Open' button, then the
thing you want to open. To open a door, however, you can just right click on
the door itself.

To close something, click 'close', then the object. You should never have to
use this command during the game.

Click on this to scroll through your inventory forwards.

Click on this to scroll through your inventory backwards.

Your inventory is where all items go after you Take them. It is made up of
twenty sections with six slots in each. To scroll through the sections, use
the up and down arrows located to the left of it.

This is the options center.

The volume level of the music and sound.

The volume level of the speech.

**Speech/No Speech**
This turns the speech on and off.

This turns the text on and off.

To exit the game, click here. Then click 'Yes' to quit, 'No' to return to


Lets you Examine objects on the screen. Moves you forward or backward.

Opens doors.

Moves your hand across the screen (the little crosshairs). This is basically
your hand. You need it.


Wire Stripper
This is an essential tool that you'll use a lot throughout your adventure.
Use it to cub cables and wire.
Found: Inside the Toolbox inside the Cockpit of your ship.

Strong tape. Use it to fix broken cables.
Found: Inside the Toolbox inside the Cockpit of your ship.

A short length of cable. Use it with the battery so you can hook it into the
Robot in the Hanger.
Found: Inside the Toolbox inside the cockpit of your ship.

An ink cartridge. Give it to the Human Interface later in the game so he can
print out a map of the ventilation system for you.
Found: Inside the Lower Hanger Storage Room on the upper shelf.

A dead battery. Use it with the Energy Tap to charge it up, then use it with
the Robot.
Found: Inside the Lower Hanger Storage Room on the lower shelf.

A dry, dirty rag. You may be able to soak something into it, though.
Found: Inside the Lower Hanger Storage Room on the rim of the trash can.

A simple light with no bulb.
Found: In the Cross on the left wall.

Memory Card
Use this to store codes from the robot's memory. You can open doors with
this after the codes have been transferred.
Found: In the Lower Storage Room; inside the second drawer from the left on
the top row.

Neon Bulb
A light bulb. Use it with your lamp to get it working.
Found: In the Lower Work Area, below the drawers above the workbench.
Also found in the Elevator, on the ceiling.

An empty jar. Use it hold something you can't…
Found: Lower Work Area, on workbench.

Empty boxes.
Found: Both are in the Core Storage Room, inside the cupboard.

Socket Wrench
A tool used for various actions. Probably the most important item in your
Found: In the Core Storage Room, inside the cupboard.

Explosives that go BOOM! Use it to open the safe in the Security Safe Room.
Found: In the Core Storage Room, under the table inside the cardboard box.

A medium sized paint brush.
Found: Maintenance Storage Room on shelf.

A machine that stores data.
Found: Given to you by Quevivis Karde inside the Core Power Room.

A card you can use to open doors.
Found: Given to you by Quevivis Karde inside the Core Power Room.

A sturdy fire axe. Useful. Can cut through almost anything.
Found: Inside glass case on left wall in the Security Office.

A rescue flare.
Found: On lower shelf on back wall of the Security Office.

Control Room Card
Use this to access the Control Room.
Found: In drawer in the Lower Study Office.

An item you'll need at the very end of the game. Without a bulb, it's
Found: In drawer in the Lower Study Office.

Fire Boxes
Fire proof boxes.
Found: Both are found in the destroyed safe.

Destruct Key
The card you need to activate the self destruct system.
Found: Inside one of the fire boxes.

Resizer Gun
Just what it says. It shrinks and enlarges different items. A very useful
Found: Inside one of the fire boxes.

Structure Map
A map of Zeus.
Found: Inside on of the fire boxes.

Ventilation Map
A map of Zeus' first ventilation network.
Found: The Human Interface gives it to you when you supply it with an ink

Small Food Packet
A small amount of cold food.
Found: In the Locker Room, behind the open locker.

Space Suits
Space suit for protection when you and Cara do your Moon Walk late in the
Found: Both are in the Locker Room, hanging on the left wall.

A perfect companion for your Brush.
Found: In Main Storage Room, on shelf.

Color Card 1, 2, and 3
Key cards that open doors in the Cell Block.
Found: On the floor outside your cell.

A small metal key.
Found: When you search the corpse in the Cell Block, you get this item.

A pair of handcuffs.
Found: When you search the corpse in the Cell Block, you get this item.

Datapad Card
A keycard to use in the Datapad.
Found: When you search the corpse in the Cell Block, you get this item.

You use this to show the Captain where the exit is late in the game.
Found: Inside the Second Cell, on shelf.

Straight Jacket
Tough material. Useful.
Found: Inside the Second Cell, on bed.

Metal Piece
A sharp piece of metal. Can cut almost anything.
Found: Inside the Third Cell, on floor.

Charge Block
A dead battery.
Found: Inside Secret Room, in the robot's paunch.

Security Key
A small metal key.
Found: Inside Secret Room, in the robot's paunch.

Sticky stuff. Useful.
Found: Inside Secret Room, in the robot's paunch.

Large Food Packet
A self heating meal. Very tasty.
Found: In the kitchen, comes out of vending machine when power is supplied to

Oxygen Tank
A full tank of oxygen. Give it to Cara when you get her to safety inside the
station late in the game.
Found: In Elevator, inside glass case on right wall.

A metal chain.
Found: There are two of these. One is found in the Elevator, the other in
the Upper Hanger Storage Room.

Use it to melt away the Elevator's Brake. ZOOM!
Found: Inside Elevator Storage Room, on floor.

A small packet of grease.
Found: After Renza-Boro throws it into the vent behind her, you'll find it in
the last section of the second ventilation network.

A small shard of plastic. Use it later to cover the hole in a power pipe.
Found: In the Waiting Room, on the floor.

A plant. It has no use, but you must collect it to get the Office Key under
Found: In the Reception Area, on desk.

Office Key
A large metal key.
Found: Under the Bonzai in the Reception Area.

Use this with the torch to get it working.
Found: On the floor in the Reception Area.

A model of Zeus.
Found: On table in the Computer Room.

A large generator. You need it to power up a robot.
Found: In the Upper Hanger Storage Room, on floor.

A stiff drink. Use it to bribe Shorts.
Found: In the Upper Hanger Management Office, on table.

Hanger Key Card
Use it to get the cargo crane moving.
Found: In the Upper Hanger Management Office, inside cupboard on right wall.

Broken Power Crystal
A broken power crystal.
Found: In Main Power Room, in last tube on the right wall.

Good Power Crystal
A power crystal that works.
Found: In Main Power Room, in the first tube on the right wall.


Joshua Stone - The main character. He came to Zeus to deliver sensitive
equipment, and, after his mission was over, he planned to get together with
his girlfriend Cara Oceana, and go back to Earth. A man in his thirties,
he's sensitive and has no problem defending himself.

A.R.T. - The robot who runs Joshua's ship. He has artificial intelligence
and is Joshua's best friend. A.R.T. takes on the form of a computer monitor,
and you get to see it late in the game.

Info-Bot LC-93 - The Info-Bot is an important thing to have around when you
want to unlock doors anywhere on the Hanger level. You need to stick a
battery in him first, however. The Info-Bot is user-friendly and loves to
help anybody.

Quevivis Karde - An engineer that works for Zeus. A man in his late
twenties, he is dehydrating when you meet him. To get him to talk, give him
water. He tells you a bit about what happened on Zeus before you arrived,
and then he dies from lack of fluids in the body.

Human Interface - A malfunctioning unit, the Human Interface computer prints
you a map of the ventilation network and talks funny. That's all. The most
annoying thing in the game.

Angelo Parico - A security guard and a suspicious man, you meet Angelo after
you drop down from the first Ventilation Network. After a brief
conversation, he knocks you out and arrests you. While in your cell, you
witness Angelo's demise. He got impaled by an Alien.

Maxar Sandred - Sick as a dog, and delirious with fever, Maxar never talks.
Long time buddy of Angelo Parico, he was attacked by an Alien and lived to
tell the tail. Randell Carillion spends his time taking care of Maxar.

Randell Carillion - A man in his early sixties, with gray hair, and a redneck
accent, you have a lengthy conservation with him in the Upper Engineers Bay.
He's very demanding, but has a nice heart. Listen to his story. He'll fill
you in even more on the strange events around Zeus.

Renza-Boro - Another engineer, Renza-Boro never talks. He just sits there
working on stuff, but you can thank him for his grease after he throws it up
into the vent behind him.

Cara - Your girlfriend. You find her near death, tangled up in her own belt,
strapped to the antenna array of the station. Once you cut her free, she'll
basically close up the mystery, and hint you that the station needs to be
blown up.

Shorts - This guy sits around the corner from where the groups are located,
guarding the place. He's mean, but likes Cara. Give him some liquor and
he'll let you pass.

The Captain - A chickenhearted fellow, the Captain demotes himself and makes
you the leader because he doesn't want to be held responsible. But, you can
use your new rank to access the computer system. An old man with glasses and
a UK hat on, you'll get pretty annoyed after you talk to him.

Ukido Systems Network - The computer terminal that activates the self
destruct mechanism. It can also connect you to A.R.T., which is essential to
get the survivors off of Zeus. You'll love this thing after you've become
Captain, otherwise, it won't let you onto anything.

Mr. Ukido - You never see or hear Mr. Ukido, but, boy, do you hear about him!
A mean man, he's just interested in using Zeus as a cage, and the staff as
the guinea pigs. After the station blows up, it is rumored that he lost over
three billion dollars.


The Lower Levels

You start the game in Zeus' Lower Levels, and eventually work you way up to
the Office Complex, the highest point in the station. The Lower Levels is
mostly made up of storage rooms, a few work areas, a hanger, locker rooms,
and the core, not to mention the Control Room, the Security Office, and two

Area 1
Lower Hanger Bay

After the opening cinema finishes, you appear inside the Lower Hanger
Bay, with an old rusty robot and your ship infront of you. The left wall is
lined with piping, and you see a small building with a broken door to your
right. Way in the back of the hanger, another door leads to Hall 1.
However, it's locked. Get a good feel for your controls, then, position your
crosshair over the Cockpit of your ship. In the Knowledge Bar, you should
notice the statement: "Examine the Cockpit". Now, right click with your
mouse to enter the Cockpit.

Area 2

The Cockpit of your ship is a small cramped space with only two items of
interest. The centerpiece is called the control panel, and you should notice
a big white button beneath the first monitor, north a bit from the joystick.
If you can't find it, then just move your crosshairs around until the text:
"Examine the Button" appears in the Knowledge Bar. Now, in the Command Box,
(the area in your panel hued in green), click on the word 'Use', then
position your crosshairs above the big white button. The Knowledge Bar
should display the text: "Use the Button". Click on the button. You'll hear
a sound to indicate you did it right. Next, notice the small Toolbox to the
right of the seat on the left. If you can't find it, use the previous method
of moving your crosshairs around until the Knowledge Bar says: "Examine the
Toolbox". In your Command Box, click on the word 'Take', then click on the
Toolbox. You should get the Wire Strippers, Tape, and Cable. These items
appear in your inventory. Left click anywhere outside your ship to return
to the hanger.

Area 3
Lower Hanger Bay

Back in the hanger, your first objective is to gain access to the small
building to your right. Notice the little computer, (we call those
keyreaders or scanners), to the left of the door. Now, if you look very
closely, you can spot two black cables running from the keyreader into the
ground. If you can't see all that well, or if they just blend in too much,
move your crosshairs around until the Knowledge Bar reads: "Examine the
Broken Cables". Once you find them, click on the word 'Use' in your Command
Box, then click on the Wire Strippers in your Inventory. After that, move
your crosshairs over the Broken Cables and click on them. Suddenly, sparks
and electricity shoot out of them! Now, Use the Tape on the Broken Cables in
the same way described. After the wires have been fixed, Right Click on the
door to the right of the keyreader.

Area 4
Lower Hanger Storage Room

Rusty walls, eroding drums of waste, and a foul smell greet you in here.
A metal shelving unit sits bolted to the floor, and a black plastic trash can
filled with rubbish stands near you. Two giant slabs of metal lean against
the upper right corner, and a water bottles sits on its side. Welcome to
your first storage room! Anyway, down to business. Click on 'Take' in your
Command Box and click on the Cartridge, a rectangular shaped black box, that
sits on the upper shelf. It will get transferred into your inventory. Next,
do the same thing for the Battery, on the lower shelf, and the Cloth hanging
from the brim of the trash can. Now, click on the Cloth in your inventory
and then click on the water bottle that's tipped over. The cloth will be
shoved into the top. Click on 'Take', then click on the Cloth, which is now
soaked with water. Exit the room by Right Clicking on the door.

Area 5
Lower Hanger Bay

Now it's time to get that robot working. First, click on 'Use', and then
on the Cable in your inventory. Then click on the Battery. The cable should
snap into it to make a Recharge Block. The Battery is still dead however.
Now, Use the Recharge Block with the Energy Tap located on the back of your
Ship. If you can't find it, it's the bulky box with the blinking white
light. The switch you hit in the Cockpit earlier turned it on. You should
hear the sound of energy being transferred. Now the Battery is full of
juice! Click on 'Open' in your Command Box, then click on the Battery Box of
the robot. Just move your crosshair down the body until the Knowledge Bar
reads: "Open the Battery Box". Click here. If you even look close enough,
there's a little brown rectangle to indicate the Battery Box. Now, Use the
Recharge Block with the Battery Box, and you'll snap it in. Now the robot
works. Click on its face to Chat with it.

Conservation #1
Info-Bot LC-93

Click on all of the questions in order. Here's the conversation:

Info-Bot: Hello Sir. How may I help you today?

Joshua: Have you seen Cara?

Info-Bot: I'm sorry, but I do not have records on any other members of
personnel except the deck crew.

Joshua: Where is everybody?

Info-Bot: I don't know. My systems tell me that I have been off for 3 days.

Joshua: What are you?

Info-Bot: I'm an Info-Bot Model LC-93. I am programmed to offer assistance
to anybody in the Hanger Bay.

Joshua: Who are the Deck Crew?

Info-Bot: A standard crew is made up of 8 personnel ranging from the Deck
Officer to the service technicians.

Joshua: What was the last thing you recall?

Info-Bot: The last thing I was aware of was an important visitor coming to
the station. The standard security requires that all non-essential droids
are shut down.

Joshua: Thanks. I've got to go.

Info-Bot: Bye.


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