Quake 3 - Arena

Quake 3 - Arena

17.10.2013 14:51:10
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- PC/DREAMCAST Version -
Strategy FAQ
By: Peter "dcdaytona" Papadopoulos
Email: sk3lt@hotmail.com
Version: Final
Last Updated: 28/06/01

•[ Disclaimer ]•

This FAQ/Walkthrough is the property of its creator, Peter
Papadopoulos. It may not be posted on any website without the
permission of Peter Papadopoulos. It may only be recreated
electronically and was created for your personal and private use
only. It may not be altered or modified in any way and it may not
be sold or claimed by another person. You may not take anything out
of this FAQ/Walkthrough without the permission of Peter Papadopoulos.
You must follow this Disclaimer word for word and if you breach this
disclaimer legal action will take place. All information in this
document was compiled by Peter Papadopoulos. Any other information
is copyright to their respective owners.

The 'dcdaytona' ASCII Image at the bottom of the FAQ/Walkthrough was
created by Peter Papadopoulos . Copyright Protected.
All Rights Reserved. No part of the image can be modified, copied or
reedited without the prior author's permission.

Quake 3: Arena© is copyright ©1999/2000 Id Software, Inc. Quake© is a
registered trademark of Id Software. Quake 3™, the Id Software name are
trademarks of Id Software, Inc.

This document is protected by International Copyright Law, so don't
even think about taking/altering it without my permission.

This Document is Copyright© 2001; Peter Papadopoulos.

If you want to use it on your site, please e-mail me at

The latest version can always be found from http://www.gamefaqs.com and

The sites that don't need to ask me for permission are:


•[ Updates ]•

28/6/01 [Final]

- Final Version
- Email Address Changed
- Homepage Changed

07/5/01 [v1.21]

- Minor Change

03/5/01 [v1.2]

- Added site to list.

27/4/01 [v1.1]

- Minor Changes

07/4/01 [v1.0]

- Everything New

•[ Contents ]•

Contents - You are reading this now
Frag Strategies
- General Tips
- Tricky Maneuveurs
- Control Setup
Command Listing
In Closing
Email Info - Please read before emailing me

•[ Introduction ]•

I have been a First Person Shooter fan ever since the original
Quake© and Duke Nukem 3D© came out. I played Quake© alot (mainly
the multiplayer mode over the next which was exremel sweet :D)
and when Quake II© came out I immediately bought it but was
dissapointed with the multiplayer on the game. But then Quake
3: Arena© came out and took multiplayer and made a full game out
of it. No single player... only multiplayer, I bought it straight
away and loved it. Quake 3© is a fantastic game and it's only
rival is Unreal Tournament©.

This FAQ is meant to give your some strategy/tips etc. on the game,
so if you happen to have anything you want to contribute then
send it to sk3lt@hotmail.com

Thanks and read on :D

•[ Weapons ]•

If you want to be the Q3 Fraq King then you have to know which
weapon to use when you a fighting someone, so here are the list
of weapons available and their strenghts and weaknesses:


The Gauntlet is a your melee weapon and should always be used
when there is a group of people or when you don't have any other
weapons left.


- Can take off quite alot of health if used
- Never run out of ammo
- Combined with the Quad Damage can do amazing amounts of damage


- Only effective at close range
- Too slow


The machine gun is a all around good weapon which should always
used to finish off a job or to spray your bullets amongst a group
of people.


- Fast rate of fire
- Direct impact upon fire
- Effective at any distance


- Does little damage
- Chews ammo quickly


All First Person shooters have to have a shotgun. The shotgun is
perfect to use when facing enemies that are close up and the closer
your range is to the target the more damage it takes.


- Very Powerful from close range
- Can hit multiple enemies from a distance


- Does little damage the future away you are
- The bullets spread out over a long distance so you might actually
miss the target all together.

Plasma Gun

Very similar to the machine gun but this time firing balls of plasma
instead of bullets... like with the Machinegun, it is good for
clearing out a room.


- Fast rate of fire
- Powerful


- Chews ammo quickly
- Easy to dodge plasma

Grenade Launcher

A great gun that has many strenths and only a couple or weaknesses.


- Gibs almost anything that moves
- Great for groups of enemies
- Great around corners
- Good from high places


- Slow loading
- Not very good in a frantic battle

Rocket Launcher

Oh my how I love this Gun!!! The feeling seeing a rocket slowly
guide its way to the target and see a rainfall of gibs at the end
of it is soooo satisfying. Always shoot a bit in front of your
character and always aim at the feet of the target.


- Great for groups of enemies
- Great for campers
- Great from distances
- Big splash damage


- Not very wise to shoot up close
- Slow travel speed, which is very easy to dodge

Lightning Gun

Looks good in action but not a very good all-round gun


- A Silent Weapon


- Very Limited Range
- Very Rare in the game
- Not enough strength
- You have to hold the lightning on the enemy to be effective

Rail Gun

I really really really love this gun! :P It's basically a souped
up sniper rifle (if you have seen the movie Eraser you would know
its the gun off there but this the one in Q3© can't zoom through
walls :C)


- Can Zoom in really far
- Can kill with one hit


- You need to be really good with the mouse
- Slow rate of fire


Remember the BFG (Big ****ing Gun :P heh) from Doom? Well this time
it has been changed and basically is a powerful plasma gun that is
like shooting with a rocket launcer with a faster rate of fire.


- Power
- Fast rate of fire


- Quickly chews through ammo
- Very very rare to find.

•[ Enemies ]•

Anarki (Cybronic Human)

Always seeking an edge, this cyber-board surfer paid with his
humanity for a seemingly endless array of cybronic implants.

Angel (Humanoid Robot)

Although certainly not a classical beauty, Angel was created by a
sculptor to be his ideal companion. She quickly proved herself to be
a creature of hate, not love-killing her maker in a berserk fury.

Biker (Human)

Biker is crude and coarse: a bully who gets his kicks out of
hammering helpless opponents. He may not be smart or brave, but he's
brutal as hell.

Bitterman (Human)

This hero of the Strogg War may also be its most tragic victim. While
a captive on Stroggos, vile experiments transformed his flesh into
something both far more and far less than human.

Bones (Human Skeleton)

This fearsome foe showcases the powers of the Vadrigar, for it has no
true life of its own. But it begs the question: Where do the gibs
and blood come from??

Cadavre (Undead Human)

Cadavre is a brutal murderer who couldn't be executed. The electric
chair, gallows, and gas chamber only made him meaner.

Crash (Human)

Once, she was Doom's military instructor. Now the Arena Eternal tests
Crash's mettle to the extreme-extreme patience, that is. She is the
trainer who introduces new warriors to the skills of battle.

Daemia (Human)

The bounty hunter, Daemia, long ago stopped caring who or what was
in her sights. Enemies are enemies whether they're human, alien, or
demons from the pits of hell.

Doom (Human)

Long after everyone else on Phobos was dead, he kept fighting,
determined to send out a warning to Earth before the demons could
claim him.

Gorre (Cybronic Human)

Born in the breeder tank of a genetics lab and nurtured in a cybronics
workshop, Gorre was created to be the ultimate warrior...at least
in his own mind.

Grunt ( Human)

A mentally shattered veteran of the invasion of Stroggos, Private
Nathan Grunt is still fighting a war that ended years ago.

Hossman (Human)

Easily mistaken for a big, clumsy oaf, Hossman is a deadly opponent
whose agility is a match for his fearsome strength.

Hunter (Human)

When her village on Tau Ceti was decimated by the Sorg, Hunter vowed
to seek out and destroy the reptiloids wherever they might hide.

Keel (Cybronic Human)

Lance Corporal Ben Keel died during the Spiker Insurrection-only to
be revived as a humanoid battle machine by scientists experimenting
with captured alien biotechnology.

Klesk (Alien Chitinid)

Half religious zealot, half gifted mystic and all bizarre alien,
Klesk cleanses his soul with the purifying fire of combat.

Lucy (Human)

A former prison guard, Lucy crossed the line and ended up on the
other side of the bars where every hour was a battle for survival.

Major (Human)

A veteran of the Stroggos campaign, Major Wayland is haunted by the
memories of her fallen troops and the parasites that killed them.
It may be that she believes she's still fighting that long-concluded

Mynx (Human)

Fashion model, master assassin, or adult entertainer: Which is the
real Mynx? She's part viper, part black widow, and all woman.

Orbb (Alien Cybronic Construct)

Designed by the Vadrigar to monitor combat in the arena, Orbb
evolved beyond his specifications and became a deadly combatant.

Patriot (Cybronic Human Vampire)

A twisted combination of cybronic implants and super natural powers,
Patriot is a throwback to the days of nationalism-before mankind
found other enemies among the stars.

Phobos (Human)

An experienced veteran, he led the invasion of the demon-haunted
tunnels of Phobos. There, he was betrayed by superiors who thought
they could learn more from watching him die than by studying his

Ranger (Human)

Originally a slipgate explorer, the man called Ranger has faced and
escaped certain death a thousand times on a thousand worlds. His
experiences have left him more alien than human now.

Razor (Human)

During a time of civil unrest on Earth, Razor and his gang of
vigilante followers enforced a rigid, brutal code of justice in the
Pacific Northwest. Razor never admits defeat and shows no mercy in
defense of order.

Sarge (Human)

A grizzled combat veteran with plenty of scars to prove it, Sarge is
the master of modern warfare. He's clever, determined, and deadly.

Slash (Cybronic Human)

A young force-blade punk from the streets of Los Angeles, Slash
became a test bed for the hottest cybronic implants, turning her
into a barely-contained bundle of energy.

Sorlag (Reptiloid Alien)

This mercenary Sorg merchant long ago resolved to do whatever it
took to get ahead, no matter how many others had to die in order to
line her coffers.

Stripe (Human)

Raised on the mean streets of a post-apocalyptic city, Stripe avoided
crime and drugs by being tougher than the gangs and pushers.

Tankjr (Cybronic Human/Strogg Crossbreed)

The spawn of a human Tank Commander and an Iron Maiden of Stroggos,
Tankjr is a sadistic bio-tech nightmare.

Uriel (Gargoyle)

For untold eons, Mankind has known and feared Uriel's diabolical kind.
The aura of evil and death hanging around this gladiator is enough
to send a chill down the spine of any opponent.

Visor (Cybronic Human)

Visor is an enigma who says nothing about his past, letting his
weapons do all his talking for him.

Wrack (Human)

Wrack is a shell-shocked Slipgate War veteran who relives countless
battles through a haze of imagined glories, half-remembered facts,
and exaggerated personal abilities.

Xaero (Mutated, Cybronic Human)

The most dangerous enemy in the arena, Xaero embraces honorable death.
He longs for the day when he will meet the opponent who frees him
from the shackles of life eternal-if such a warrior exists.

•[ Frag Strategies ]•

Here are a few strategies to help you become the Frag King of Quake III:

General Tips:

All Your Ears Are Belong To Us:

Heh, well this actually is a major element of strategy in Quake 3© and if
you can hear your enemies running around try to pinpoint where abouts in
the level they are... for example if you hear the sound from the left of
you then go towards the left until the footsteps get louder and then you
will find your enemy. Although note that this can be used vice versa so
instead of running try walking.

I'll be back ... or will you?:

Most people run into a Quake 3© game thinking that they are a major Frag
King and just attempt to mow down everyone they see, sure it will get
you 1 or 2 kills but you will die very quickly. If you plan your attacks
and defense then you can manage up to 50 kills if you are good enough
(if you can get up to 50 kills without dying then you are already 'The
Frag King' so you might as well stop reading now and kick some ass in the

*Click*.... oh ****!!!:

That sound... *click* man how you hate hearing that sound in Quake 3©.
If you don't know what I am talking about, picture this.... you are
in a heavy battle facing 2 other enemies and you are just about to kill
them when all of a sudden *click* yes that's right you have run and of
ammo and before you know it, you have a rocket implanted into your ass
and your body parts are 5 feet away in all directions. Pretty scary huh?
Well this is what you do to help - Keep a mental note on how much ammo
is left in your weapon and count down every time you fire. When you
know you are running out of ammo, retreat away to a safe spot to either
reload or change guns.

Everybody *bounce* wit' me:

You may find those bounce pads to be extremely annoying but when you master
the technique of using them you can be able to dodge bullets or rockets or
even get the almighty quad damage.

*zzzzuiop* ... WTF?:

Hehe those personal teleports can be annoying if you are just about to kill
the enemy and then *zzzzuiop* he/she has dissapeard. This is good on your
side as if you are about to die then you can just get out of there... but
the only bad thing about it is, if you do teleport you may actually reappear
right where you just where since it is random.

Tricky Maneuveurs:

Rocket Jumping - Ahhh... A true Q3 professional is able to rocket jump to
any heights without losing that much health. To perform a rocket jump you
need to look down at the ground and fire a rocket from the rocket launcher,
but as soon as the rockets impacts the ground you need to jump so that
the rockets' blast radius propells you through the sky to your desired
location... the only problem is getting the timing right, but with lots of
practice (and not to forget frags) you will be rocket jumping in no time.

Strafe Jumping - Similiar to Rocket Jumping but this time instead of making
you jump higher it actually increases your movement speed. The way to do
this is to press Strafe and Jump at the safe time whilst moving forward.
It may be hard to do at first but you will get used to it sooner or later.

Control Setup:

Having a mouse/keyboard setup that you are comfortable with is a very
important issue if you wish to improve your fragging skills. Below is
my Personal Setup and you can copy it if you want:

Mouse 1(left): Attack
Mouse 2(right): Zoom

Up Arrow: Forward
Down Arrow: Backward
Left Arrow: Strafe Left
Right Arrow: Strafe Right
Shift: Jump
Ctrl: Crouch
Enter: Use Item

And all the other commands can be left to default.

I find this setup to be really confortable and I use it for all FPS games.

•[ Command Listing ]•

Here is a list of some console commands that you might need to use in Quake
III: Arena©.

To enter the commands, press the ~ (tilde) key and a screen should come up.
Enter you commands in this screen and then press the ~ (tilde) key again to
get out of the screen and return to the game.


\cg_thirdperson x

Replace x with 1 to turn the command on or 0 to turn it off
(e.g \cg_thirdperson 1 turns it on)

Use this command to toggle thirdperson view (when the view is outside of
the body rather then through the eyes) on or off.

_fullbright x

Replace x with 1 to turn the command on or 0 to turn it off
_fullbright 0 turns it off)

Increases the brightness of the lighting in the game.


Restarts the program so if you changed your resolution before it applies the
changes with you having to quit out of the program and launch it again.

\cg_drawgun x

Replace x with 1 to turn the command on or 0 to turn it off

Makes the gun dissapear from your screen so if the game is running
slowly then you can turn this off to increase the frames per second a

\cg_gibs x

Replace x with 1 to turn the command on or 0 to turn it off

Toggles the gibs visibility on or off.

\cg_draw3dicons x

Replace x with 1 to turn the command on or 0 to turn it off

Toggles the 3D character heads in your HUD on or off.

\cg_shadows x

Replace x with 1 to turn the command on or 0 to turn it off

Use this to turn shadows on or off

\cg_fov xx

Changes your viewing area to any number you replace xx with... the default
number is 90. I would suggest not touching this command at all, unless you
wan't to get dizzy.

\timedemo x

Replace x with 1 to turn the command on or 0 to turn it off

Use this command to turn on your timedemo settings, once its on go back to
the main menu and go to demos then watch one of them and when it has finished
playing press ~ (tilde) again to see your Frames Per Second rating.

\cg_drawfps x

Replace x with 1 to turn the command on or 0 to turn it off

When turned on it displays a number in the top-right hand corner which shows
your current Frames Per Second number.


Unlocks all movies

•[ In Closing ]•

Thanks for reading my Quake 3© Walkthrough, if you wish to contact me please
read the section below for more information and some general email guidelines.
This happens to be my 6th Walkthrough created and all files can be found at

You can see my contributer recognition page which lists all my FAQs and Reviews
at: http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/5357.html

Peter "dcdaytona" Papadopoulos

|Other FAQs by me: |
|Playstation: | FAQ LISTING |
| +---------------------------------------|
| | Tenchu 2 Rikimaru Walkthrough |
| | Tenchu 2 Ayame Walkthrough |
| | Tenchu 2 Tatsumaru Walkthrough |
| | Tenchu 2 Walkthrough |
| +---------------------------------------|
| | Dope Wars FAQ |
| | Quake III Hints/Tips |
|All of my FAQs can be found at: |
| |

•[ Email Info ]•

Ok I have a few rules about emailing me... they are very simple rules
and have to be followed!

I will respond but _not_ include these types of email:

• Comments about the FAQ/Walkthrough
• Problems you are having with the game

I will _not_ respond but will include these types of mail:

• Corrections to the FAQ
• Tips that you may have to contribute
• Questions you may have related to the game
• Anything related to the game that you find interesting

I will _not_ respond and _not_ include these types of email:

• Info that has already been included in the FAQ
• Bad points about the game
• Chain letters
• Hate mail
• Mail asking me to send you the latest version of the FAQ.
All latest versions are found at GameFAQs
• Asking for permission to use this FAQ/Walkthrough on your site

So there you go if you don't follow the above rules then I will
ignore your email and make sure that the Subject header is properly

If you keep emailing me asking to let me allow my FAQ on your site
then I will be forced to ban your email address.

My email address is faqs@dcdaytona.com

•[ Credits ]•

Jeff Veasey - For creating GameFAQs.com and for accepting this FAQ
Id Software - For creating the game and also for the character
ME - For writing this FAQ
YOU - For reading this FAQ

•[ Disclaimer ]•

This FAQ/Walkthrough is the property of its creator, Peter
Papadopoulos. It may not be posted on any website without the
permission of Peter Papadopoulos. It may only be recreated
electronically and was created for your personal and private use
only. It may not be altered or modified in any way and it may not
be sold or claimed by another person. You may not take anything out
of this FAQ/Walkthrough without the permission of Peter Papadopoulos.
You must follow this Disclaimer word for word and if you breach this
disclaimer legal action will take place. All information in this
document was compiled by Peter Papadopoulos. Any other information
is copyright to their respective owners.

The 'dcdaytona' ASCII Image at the bottom of the FAQ/Walkthrough was
created by Peter Papadopoulos . Copyright Protected.
All Rights Reserved. No part of the image can be modified, copied or
reedited without the prior author's permission.

Quake 3: Arena© is copyright ©1999/2000 Id Software, Inc. Quake© is a
registered trademark of Id Software. Quake 3™, the Id Software name are
trademarks of Id Software, Inc.

This document is protected by International Copyright Law, so don't
even think about taking/altering it without my permission.

This Document (c) 2001; Peter Papadopoulos.

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Engl. Leitfaden

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