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by Michael Walsh
Ver 1.1
July 10, 2001

Questions? Additions?
E-mail me at:
Put "Revenant" in the Subject Line

i. Intro: About Revenant
ii. The Ability Scores
iii. Fighting in Ahkuilon
iv. Using the Magics of Ahkuilon
v. Things You Should Know
I. West Ahkuilon
a. The Keep
b. Town of Misthaven
c. The Forest
d. The Druhg Camp
e. The Ancient Tower
f. Arakna Island
g. The Ogrok Camp
II. The Caves
a. The First Caves
b. Kragg Mountain
c. The Infested Swamp
d. The Maze of Darkness
e. The Spiral Arm
f. The Queen's Crypt
III. East Ahkuilon
a. The Ruins
b. The Pit
c. The City of the Children
d. The Underground Pyramid
e. The Chase of Sabu
f. The Slave Camp
g. The Nahkranoth Lair
IV. Anserak
a. Red Labyrinth
b. White Labyrinth
c. Green Labyrinth
d. Blue Labyrinth
e. Orange Labyrinth
f. Yellow Labyrinth
g. Purple Labyrinth
h. Yhagoro At Last
vi. Character Experience Chart
vii. Skill Experience Chart
viii. Jong's Combination Moves
ix. Weapon & Item Shop Inventories
x. Armor Shop Inventories
xi. Spell Chart
xii. Cheat Codes
x. Other Works
y. Previous Updates List
z. Legal Information

Intro: About Revenant

Revenant is one of those games that came out on the heels of a certain
other title released by Blizzard. The gameplay in Revenant is quite similar
to that other game. However, there is enough in this game to make it worth
playing. Fans of that "other game" should find this game to be a lot of fun.
This is truly one of the most exciting and entertaining action/RPG games that
I have ever played. I hope you enjoy playing it!

The Ability Scores

Like many other role-playing games, your character in Revenant has several
ability scores. They will affect how your character fights and controls
magic. Below are the ability scores in Revenant, as well as a description of
each one. The descriptions are taken straight from the game manual.

| Ability Score | Description |
| Strength | "The pure muscle power of your character. The higher |
| -------- | your Strength stat, the more damage you will do. This |
| | also determines which armor you can wear, as all armor |
| | has a Strength minimum in order to equip it." |
| | |
| Constitution | "The toughness of your character. A higher |
| ------------ | Constitution means more Hit Points and more Fatigue |
| | Points. This means you can stay in the fights longer |
| | and not tire as quickly. |
| | |
| Agility | "The offensive dexterity of your character. Higher |
| ------- | Agility means your character will hit more in both |
| | Hand to Hand and Ranged combat." |
| | |
| Reflexes | "The opposite of Agility, Reflexes is the level of your |
| -------- | coordination between mind and body when reacting, such |
| | as avoiding blows. The higher your Reflexes, the |
| | harder you are to hit." |
| | |
| Mind | "The stat that governs all aspects of magic in |
| ---- | REVENANT. A good Mind stat means that you will have |
| | more mana at your disposal, and you will gain an edge |
| | in spellcasting." |
| | |
| Luck | "The amount of good (or bad) fortune your character |
| ---- | has. A high luck stat means that you will do |
| | everything slightly better. You will hit more often, |
| | a lock more often, etc. The actual help this gives |
| | you is very small, but a small margin might be just |
| | what you need. A low Luck stat means that you have |
| | bad luck, and things will be generally harder to pull |
| | off. |

Each time your character gains another level of experience, he may add 1 or
more points to these scores. For the first 15 levels, you may add two points
anywhere you would like - even two in the same score! However, starting at
level 16, you only receive 1 point per level of experience.

So which stats are the most important? To some degree, that is is a matter
of opinion. However, regardless of whether you want to go toe to toe with
every enemy, or stand back and sling mighty spells, there are some universally
beneficial stats. So, without further ado, my ranking of the ability scores:

1. Strength - Needed to use weapons AND armor.
2. Constitution - Gives you hit points; needed to wear armor.
3. Mind - Gives you tons of mana per level. (replace with Agility if you
don't cast spells often)
4. Reflexes - Helps in avoiding attacks, but you can do this by dodging.
5. Agility - Helps you land blows with weapons. (replace with Mind if
you are not going to be a hand to hand fighter)
6. Luck - It is nice to have, but... pass.

Fighting In Ahkuilon

There are three main types of attacks that you must master before you ill
become a whirling Revenant of destruction. They are: The Thrust, Swing, and
Chop. Every time you swing a weapon, your Fatigue Meter goes down; don't
worry - it will go back up to full on its own. Each attack takes off a
different amount of Fatigue Points. In addition, each attack deals a
different amount of damage.

| Attack Type | Fatigue Used | Damage Inflicted |
| Thrust | Low | Low |
| Swing | Medium | Medium |
| Chop | High | High |

Another thing that is not represented in the chart above is that the Swing
has a real long reach, making it my attack of choice.

In addition to these basic attack types, you will also learn attack
combinations throughout the game. See the section entitled Jong's Combination
Moves near the end of this document.

Using The Magics Of Ahkuilon

The magic system in Revenant is quite unique. Rather than scribing your
spells in a scroll book, you will use the power of 12 different Talismans.
You can combine them together in order to make new spells. In addition, you
can place four of these spells in your Quick Slot, so that you may cast them
whenever you like! To make a spell, do the following:

1. Go to the Spell Builder screen. (click the purple pouch icon)
2. Click on one or more of your Talismans.
3. When you place them in the correct combination, click on the
rectangular button at the bottom. Whether you successfully cast it
or not, it is added to your known spells list.

There are a total of 12 Talismans in Revenant. Below is a listing of them,
by name:

| Chaos Ocean |
| Death Sky |
| Earth Soul |
| Law Stars |
| Life Sun |
| Moon Ward |

One final note about casting spells. Your ability to successfully cast a
spell is dependent upon two factors: The level of your Invoke Skill, and the
Skill Level of the Spell. See the Spell Chart near the end of this document
for more information.

Things You Should Know

Before you enter the walkthrough portion of this document, there are a few
concepts and items relating to the game that you should understand. Please
take the time to read this section; it is short, but important.

PATCH: The current Patch for Revenant is Version 1.22. For those who do not
------ know, a patch corrects problems that were not found in the original
game before it was sent to the stores. On occasion, they also add
new features to a game. Revenant's patch does both of the above. You
can download the latest patch for Revenant at:

I played the game using Patch Version 1.22. You should make sure
that you are using Patch Version 1.22 before e-mailing me to say that
something is incorrect in this document.

DIRECTIONS: There are countless directions given within the walkthrough
----------- portion of this document. To understand them, understand that
north is at the top center of your screen. Therefore, northeast
is toward the upper-right corner of your monitor. (as you might
think it would be)

MULTIPLAYER: There is a multiplayer option in this game. However, it will
------------ covered within the body of this document.

ABILITY SCORES: There are two important points that you should remember
--------------- regarding ability scores. First, remember that you choose
which statistics you wish to improve BEFORE you go up in
level. Second, be aware that you can improve TWO stats (or
one stat. by two points) up until level 15. After this, you
only get to add ONE point to your scores per level.

STORES: The three stores in Misthaven will expand their inventories
------- throughout the course of the game. The Weapon and Armor Shops will
receive new wares according to your character level; see the charts
near the end of this document for more information. The Item Shop,
however, receives its new items based on certain events being
completed within the game. Refer to the charts near the end of this
document for that information as well.

In a similar manner, Jong will teach you new attack combination
depending on your character level.


Prepare to dive into a very captivating adventure. You will take the role
of Locke d'Averum, a recently resurrected revenant. You have no knowledge of
your past, and it seems unlikely that you will ever fully remember all of it.
You have also forgotten many of the skills you possessed in your former life,
but you will be able to re-learn them. Behind you lies a forgotten past;
before you lies an uncertain future. Time to set out in search of...

I. West Ahkuilon

O--------------O O----------------------O
| 1a. The Keep | | Recommended Level: 1 |
O--------------O O----------------------O

You will begin the game in the Keep, which is home to Lord Tendrick, among
others. You will be greeted by both Lord Tendrick and Sardok, who is the
resident wizard. Question them and you will learn what you are, (a Revenant)
why you are alive again, (Sardok summoned you) and what you are supposed to do
(Lord Tendrick's daughter Andria has disappeared, and you must find her).
Sardok and Lord Tendales will not send you out into the world unprepared: you
will receive some help in the form of items. Sardok will give you:

Level 1 Magic Scroll
Life Talisman
Soul Talisman
Moon Talisman

Lord Tendales will also present you with some much needed materials:

Red Cloth Shirt
Brown Cloth Pants
Black Cloth Boots
Short Sword

It is a good thing that you are given some supplies, because you will
immediately be attacked by a member of the Children of Change cult. You can
either defeat him using your bare hands, or you can use the newly-obtained
Short Sword that Tendrick gave to you. Defeating Rahul the Monk will earn you
10xp, which will not only go toward advancing your character's level, but will
also go toward the Skill Level of whichever weapon you used to defeat him.
Now Sardok and Tendrick will have a brief conversation regarding Rand, the
guard who has apparently been slacking off lately. He is thrown in jail and
is to be executed. Once this conversation is over, head southwest through the

Continue southwest down the hall. You will meet a guard named Steffan.
You can talk with him if you want, but it is not necessary. In one corner of
the room is a chest, but it is locked. Continue going southwest and you will
encounter another guard, this one is named Miyamoto. Miyamoto can tell you
some more about Sardok, Lord Tendrick, and Andria.

Head east from Miyamoto, and you will discover a chest. Inside is:


Return to Miyamoto and head southeast. When the path opens up into a room,
take the stairs to the lower level. The area with the bluish brick floor and
the iron bars leads to the jail. You will come across a guard named Gow, who
provides interesting coversation. Next, head to the cells and talk to Rand.
He will tell you about the Children, as well as where they might have come
from. Now make your way back out of the jail, and head northeast, toward the
Throne Room. On your way, the path will branch off to the northwest and
southeast. Head to the southeast first. You will find a room with a glowing
Teleporter and a chest. The chest contains:


There is another chest to the north of the Teleporter room, but it is
locked. Now return to the main hall and take the northwest path. You will
find another chest in here, which has:


Finally, return to the main hallway and take it to the northeast. You will
reach the throne room. You should talk to Lord Tendrick and Sardok, filling
them in on what you have learned from Rand. Sardok persuades Tendrick to
execute Rand immediately. A small cutscene begins, which shows Rand being
executed in a most grotesque manner. When it is finished, you will be at the
entrance to the Keep. Exit through the door and head outside.

O-----------------------O O----------------------O
| 1b. Town of Misthaven | | Recommended Level: 1 |
O-----------------------O O----------------------O

After a brief jaunt down the road, you will arrive in the town. The size
of this place can be a bit intimidating to the first time visitor, so I will
give directions to all of the major attractions, building-by-building. You
will visit this place often during your journeys, so it will not take long to
become familiar with this place. For starters, head west from the door to the
Keep. After going down a flight of stairs, head west. Enter the first door
that you come across.

Inside, you can talk with Pauline, Karen, and Verhooven (The women are
especially excited at having a real, live representative of the undead in
their home). There is a chest in this house which has:

Letter to Styxx
Magical Rose

Now head back out to the main road.

Jong's Dojo

From the House, head southwest. Enter the next door you find. Inside, you
will find that there are no people, but there are a few doors. Enter through
the unlocked door and you will find yourself in the yard. Here you will meet
Jong, the Combat Master. You will be visiting him periodically throughout the
game. He will teach you newer and more powerful combat maneuvers. Right now,
he will teach you the "Charging Thrust." You will have to gain some
experience by fighting before he will teach you more. Head back out to the
main road.

Item Shop

From Jong's Dojo, head south and take the stairs down to the lower level.
Head southeast until you see a door on the right (the blue-roofed building).
This is the Item Store. Inside, Hruthford is sweeping the place up. He will
take time out, however, in order to sell you anything you need. He tells you
to check back with him from time to time, since he sometimes puts new items up
for sale. At this point in the game, Hruthford will sell you:

| Pouch - 100gp |
| Meat - 150gp |
| Fish - 150gp |
| Bread - 120gp |
| Apple - 100gp |
| Cheese - 100gp |
| Bracelet of Fortune - 750gp |
| Ivory Pendant - 500gp |

When you are finished, exit the shop.

Herb Shop

From the Item Shop, head west. There is a sign above the door with a
potion on it. Enter through the door and you will find yourself in the Herb
and Remedy Shop. Elanhi, who is the shop owner, would like to offer you a
number of remedies. He will sell you the following goods:

| Lesser Healing - 250gp |
| Lesser Mana - 250gp |
| Lesser Restoration - 500gp |
| Greater Healing - 900gp |
| Greater Mana - 900gp |
| Greater Restoration - 1,750gp |
| Enchanted Healing - 1,500gp |
| Enchanted Mana - 1,500gp |
| Enchanted Restoration - 2,750gp |
| Cure Poison - 100gp |

When you are done shopping, leave the store.


From the Herb Shop, head east, passing the Item Shop. Then turn northeast
and take the next door on the left. This is the Library of Misthaven. Inside,
you will meet Geralt. He is one of the most learned men in all of Akhuilon.
If you have any questions regarding anything in the game, it would not hurt to
stop by the library and see what Geralt knows. The two bookshelves on the
lower level of the building have:

Potion of Lesser Restoration
Potion of Lesser Healing

Be sure to check the bookshelves on the upper level as well. You can find
a total of six books, all of which will provide you with the history of the
region. The books are:

Military Intellegence on the "Children of the Change" Cult
Predatory Creatures of Akhuilon
The Warrior Clans
The Cataclysm
The Church

Once you are done exploring, head outside.

Weapon Shop

From in front of the Library, head northeast. At the end of the street,
you will find the Weapon Shop. Talk with Gina. She will present you with a
selection of weapons. You will also want to check by her store periodically,
since she will offer new weapons (depending on your character's level. See the
Weapon Shop Inventory section near the end of this document). At this point
in the game, she will offer the following weapons:

| Short Sword - 195gp |
| Club - 210gp |
| Stone Axe - 255gp |
| Bone Pickaxe - 225gp |

After purchasing any implements of destruction, head back outside.

Armor Shop

From the Weapon Shop, head southwest until you reach a staircase, which you
should take to the lower level. You will be in a marketplace area. You
should search all the containers that comprise the marketplace; many of them
contain various types of food. From the staircase, head northwest. There is
a man named Lucas who will give you some useful information. Enter the
building next to him. This is the Armor Shop.

In the Armor Shop is a chest, but it is locked. Talk to Cronos, the shop
owner. He has some armor for sale. As is true with the Weapon Shop, the
armor available is dependent on your character level. Unless otherwise noted,
there is no difference in the different colors of armor (except, of course,
the color. There are some armors later in the game that have different
properties based on color). At this point, he will sell you the following

| (Black, Blue, Brown, Red) Cloth Boots - 10gp |
| (Black, Blue, Brown, Red) Cloth Pants - 10gp |
| (Black, Blue, Brown, Red) Cloth Shirt - 10gp |
| (Black, Brown, Red) Leather Gloves - 250gp |
| (Black, Brown, Red) Leather Helmet - 250gp |
| (Black, Brown, Red) Leather Chest Plate - 500gp |
| (Black, Brown, Red) Leather Boots - 250gp |
| (Black, Brown, Red) Leather Leg Plate - 500gp |
| (Black, Gold, Silver) Studded Gauntlets - 500gp |
| (Black, Gold, Silver) Studded Helmet - 1,000gp |
| (Black, Gold, Silver) Studded Chest Plate - 1,500gp |
| (Black, Gold, Silver) Studded Boots - 500gp |
| (Black, Gold, Silver) Studded Leg Plate - 1,500gp |

When you are done equipping yourself, head outside.

The Docks

From in front of the Armor Shop, head southwest. You will pass another
door on the way; that house belongs to Gus, whom you will meet later. Keep
heading south. Once on the docks, (wooden ground) continue southwest until
you are at the end. Take the northeast path. There is a ship here; board it.
You can search the crates here for the following:


Now you should return back to the marketplace area.

The Inn

Once you are in front of the marketplace, head east, then north. Continue
north to the end of the road. The last building on the street is the Inn.
Enter the building.

Like any typical Inn, there are many people to meet here. The first person
you should talk to is Gus, the man in the striped shirt who is sitting at the
table. He will give you information about the Ancient Tower, saying that you
should talk to either Sardok or Geralt about it. He can also enlighten you on
the topic of the caves. Apparently, the Ogrok's have built their camp around
the entrance to the cave. Therefore, you must deal with them first. They are
looking for the Amulet of Rogoss, which is located on Arakna Island. He says
that he can take you there, if you do a favor from him first. He gave a woman
a Diamond Ring, but she left with it. He would like you to go and retrieve it
for him. The woman's name is Harowen, and she can be found in the Ancient
Tower. He tells you to talk with either Sardok or Geralt if you want to learn
more about the tower. He also claims to be related to Sohail the Ogrok
Slayer. He then gets up to leave, and it is quite obvious that he is a wee
bit inebriated.

Walk upstairs. You will see a very large man in some wicked looking armor.
This is Bayne. He tells you that he would love to go Ogrok hunting with you
someday. This is one of the 4 characters that you can use in the multiplayer
game. He will not join you in the single player game.

Head southeast into the first room upstairs. There is some gold in the
chest. Now exit and head to the second room. There are two people in this
room: Karl and Maureen. If you search the chest in this room, you will find:


The Pouch is a valuable addition to your inventory. Now you can place food
items or extra quest items in it. This will keep your main item inventory
cleaner. Now exit the Inn.


From the Inn, go southwest. Pass the first door you come to and enter the
second. You should be in an ordinary house. Search the bookshelf for:


Now enter the back room. Open the chest here, and you will receive:

Lesser Mana Potion

Now that you are done here, exit the House. From this house, head
southeast through the Town Gate. You are now in the Forest. Prepare for some

O----------------O O------------------------O
| 1c. The Forest | | Recommended Level: 1-4 |
O----------------O O------------------------O

You will want to be sure and stay in the western section of the Forest.
Enemies tend to get stronger as you head east, so stay close to town,
especially during your first couple of levels. If you run across something
NOT on the list, and you are between Levels 1 and 4, you might have gone too
far east.


From the town gate, head east. When you see a sign that says Olihoot,
continue to the east. You will reach a small tree with an old man sitting out
in front. This is Olihoot. Talk to him and he will tell you about the Caves
and your memories. After he is finished talking with you, he will give you
the Sky Talisman. Now you can form some new spells!

From Olihoot's house, head northeast. Just past the hermit's house is a
chest with:


You should now return to the town Library.


Talk with Geralt about the Ancient Tower. He will tell you that you need
to find the Golden Sun Key in order to enter the tower. The key is in the
possession of a man named Jason. Apparently, Jason has been captured by
Druhgs and is about to become their dinner. You will need to rescue him in
order to get the key. First, however, there is another quest that you should
complete first.

Bone Yard

From the town gate, head northeast. You will come to the Bone Yard. The
first enemy that you are likely to encounter is Styxx. He is most likely the
strongest enemy you have faced thus far. Take him out using your longer
ranged attacks. Once he is defeated, walk up to the large crypt and place the
Magical Rose atop it. the treasure chest to the left of the crypt will open.
Search the chest for:

Emerald Ring

To the north of this chest is another chest, but it is locked. Return here
once you have fond some lockpicks. In the chest is:


This next step is optional, but if you would like some more treasure, then
leave the Bone Yard and head northwest. There is a chest near the shore with:


Now head back to the town gate.

O--------------------O O------------------------O
| 1d. The Druhg Camp | | Recommended Level: 4-5 |
O--------------------O O------------------------O

From the town gate, head southeast. At the "Ancient Tower/Druhg Camp"
sign, head east. When you reach the second sign, (just north of Olihoot)
follow the road to the northeast. Continue past the Bone Yard sign. You will
pass the Misthaven sign. Now head northeast until you reach the water.
Follow the water's edge east, then northeast. When the waters end, you will
be at the "Druhg Camp/Ancient Tower/Ogrok" sign. From here, head northwest.

Continue northwest, even after the path curves to the north. Among some
rocks, you will find a chest with:

Greater Healing Potion

From the chest, head due east, ignoring all roads. You will come to
another chest. This one contains:

Greater Healing Potion

Head north from this chest until you come to a road heading northeast.
Follow that path, and you will come to the Druhg Camp. You will face several
Druhgs here; Under Druhgs, Mongrel Druhgs, and Thrushers are all here. In the
center of the camp, tied to a stake, is Jason. After you have cleared the
camp of all the Druhgs, talk to Jason. You will untie him. He will give you
the Solaria (Golden Sun Key). Now, search the chest to the right of the stake

Animal Fur Helmet
Animal Fur Gauntlets
Animal Fur Chest Plate
Animal Fur Leg Plate
Animal Fur Boots
Ball Racker

There is also a chest to the northwest of the stake. That one will yield:

Earth Talisman
Bone Sickle
Level 2 Magic Scroll

You should now head back to town. The Ancient Tower only has one enemy in
it, but it is quite a difficult battle. In fact, it may be the single most
difficult battle in the game! You will want to stock up on all types of
potions. In addition, you will want to gain a couple more levels. Use the
Recommended Level Guide below for an idea of where you should be. In this
case, I would highly recommend the highest level you can get. Level 7 would
be a good idea.

O-----------------------O O------------------------O
| 1e. The Ancient Tower | | Recommended Level: 5-7 |
O-----------------------O O------------------------O

From the town gate, head southeast. At the "Ancient Tower/Druhg Camp"
sign, head east. When you reach the second sign, (just north of Olihoot)
follow the road to the northeast. Continue past the Bone Yard sign. You will
pass the Misthaven sign. Now head northeast until you reach the water.
Follow the water's edge east, then northeast. When the waters end, you will
be at the "Druhg Camp/Ancient Tower/Ogrok" sign. Head northeast. Your will
soon arrive at the Tower.

Inside, talk with Harowen. She is the women to whom Gus gave his Diamond
Ring. She tells you that it is at the top of the tower. There is a chest
next to her that has:


Morganna is another character from the multiplayer version of the game. To
the left of Morganna is a town teleporter. To the right of Morganna is a warp
tile. Be prepared for a tough battle!

Top of Tower

The good news is that there is only one enemy to fight in the entire tower.
The bad news is that the one enemy you are to fight is an ill-tempered dragon!
Sidious is his name, and burning you to cinders is his game. He has 800hp,
making him the toughest enemy you have faced thus far. General tips to win
are to avoid his fire breath - not only does it hurt you, but you are
temporarily unable to fight back. Now is a good time to practice the use of
the block button.

If you manage to defeat him, you will notice that there are 5 treasure
chests lining the wall. The first chest, on the far left, has:

Diamond Ring
Ocean Talisman
Lesser Healing Potion

The second chest contains:

Lesser Mana

The third chest hides the following:

Lesser Mana Potion

The fourth chest yields:

Lesser Restoration Potion

The final chest will give you:

Fenrus Collar

Once you are back down on the lower level of the tower, talk to Harowen
again. When you are finished here, take the town teleporter back to


Check at the Weapon and Armor Shops to see if there is anything new. New
inventories arrive according to what level you are. Every third level,
beginning with three, at least one of the shops adds items to their inventory.
(See the table near the end of this document for more detailed information)

Gus' House

From the Armor Shop, head southwest. Enter the next house. This is Gus'
House. (remember Gus, the drunk at the Inn?) Give him back his Diamond Ring.
He is now willing to take you to Arakna Island.

O-------------------O O------------------------O
| 1f. Arakna Island | | Recommended Level: 6-7 |
O-------------------O O------------------------O

Be aware that you this will be your only chance to visit Arakna Island.
Once you leave the island, you can not come back. Ready to continue? Here we

From Gus, go northwest. Just off of the trail is a locked chest with:


Head northeast along the trail. Follow the path as it turns to the
northwest. When the path heads straight north, go west toward the water.
There is a chest here with:

Cure Poison

Return to the path and continue north, then northwest. Right before the
path curves to the west, head south. There is a chest hidden here with:

Amulet of Channeling

Return to the path, and head north until you reach the waterline. There is
a chest here with:

Lesser Mana Potion

Return to the trail and head west, then southwest. Stay near the northern
shore; there is yet another chest, this one has:

Lesser Healing Potion

Just to the west of this chest is ANOTHER chest. This one has:

Woodland Boots
Woodland Chest Plate
Woodland Leg Plate
Woodland Gauntlets
Woodland Helmet

Head south along the trail. Search the western coast for a chest

Lesser Healing Potion

Head directly east from this chest all the way to the coast to find a
locked chest with:

Cure Poison

Now return to the path and follow it southeast. At the end of the trail,
head north. There is a locked chest here with:

Lesser Healing Potion
Cure Poison

Now go east. There is a teleporter here. Step onto it. When you
reappear, you will be greeted by three Recluses. Kill them and head
southeast. You will now have to face the second boss of the game. Widowett
is a fair challenge, but not as difficult as Sidious was to defeat. When she
is dead, continue to the southeast. At the end of the path is a chest

Stars Talisman
Amulet of Rogoss

Now return to Gus and have him sail you back to Misthaven.

Item Shop

You should check out the Item Shop while you are in town. This is one of
the only two times in the game that this shop will get new items, so enjoy it
while you can. Hruthford will now offer you the following additional items:

| Sigil Ring - 4,000gp |
| Emerald Collar - 3,200gp |
| Amulet of Cunning - 2,000gp |
| Fire Ruby Ring - 2,500gp |

Before you embark on the next mission, you might want to make sure that
your Hand Combat Skill level is up to 3. If it is not, fight some enemies in
the forests to build your Combat Skill level. You should now be strong enough
to freely roam the entire Forest. Before you set out for the Ogrok Camp,
there are several Treasure Chests awaiting your touch. Below is a list of
their locations. Pay close attention to the land markers so that you will be
able to find these chests.

| Treasure Chests in The Forest |
| 1. North of Ancient Tower near northern coast - 1,500gp |
| 2. From "Ancient Tower/Druhg Camp/Ogrok Sign" go SE, S, then SE |
| path. Head E until you reach a river - Lesser Healing Potion |
| 3. From #2, go E to bridge, but don't cross it. Go S - Sausage, |
| 1,000gp, Fenrus Collar, Cure Poison. |
| 4. From #2, go E until you encounter an Earth Golem. Go SE to dead |
| giant. Head N - 120gp, Lesser Healing Potion. |
| 5. Near where you encounter Earth Golem - 1,500gp, Cure Poison. |
| 6. SE of dead giant. Chest is near coast - 1gp, Lesser Healing. |
| 7. From giant, go E until you reach the trail. Follow trail E and |
| NE. When you see mountains, head NE. There are Skeletons |
| guarding the chest - 1,000gp, Greater Restoration Potion. |

When you are ready, head to the Ancient Tower, and prepare to travel to the
Ogrok Village.

O--------------------O O------------------------O
| 1g. The Ogrok Camp | | Recommended Level: 6-8 |
O--------------------O O------------------------O

From the Ancient Tower, head east, ignoring all the paths. You will reach
a rock wall and a chest with:

Greater Mana Potion

Follow the rock wall to the southeast. You will find another chest. This
one has:

Lesser Restoration Potion

Follow the river south and southwest until you reach a bridge. Cross over
it and head south until you reach an east to west trail. Go east along this
trail. You will soon reach the front door of the Ogrok Camp.

Talk with the Gatekeeper. They will let you into the camp if you have the
Amulet of Rogoss. Once inside, you learn that you will have to defeat their
champion in Hand Combat if you would like access to the caves. You will fight
with Baez in the Battle Arena. If you defeat him, the Ogroks will become more
friendly toward you. You will also receive a new weapon - the Soul Cleaver.

While you are in the Ogrok Camp, you should take some time and search for
treasure. From the Ogrok Chief, go north until you find the rack of dead
hanging animals. Northwest of here is a chest with:


Further to the northwest is another chest. This one has:

Cure Poison

Head south from the Battle Arena to find a chest with:

Lesser Healing Potion

Now go southeast from the Battle Arena and cross over the bridge. Just on
the other side is a chest with:

Band of Regeneration
Level 3 Magic Scroll

From this chest, head southeast, then northeast. There is a chest outside
the entrance to the Caves with:

Lesser Mana Potion

Now you should be prepared to enter the Caves.

II. The Caves

O---------------------O O------------------------O
| 2a. The First Caves | | Recommended Level: 7-9 |
O---------------------O O------------------------O

This is where the game begins to pick up in difficulty. In addition, the
areas become more complex. For that reason, I have included maps to go along
with some of the more complex areas. In the beginning, however, the Caves are
rather straightforward. Onward!

Olihoot is waiting for you at the entrance to the caves. He warns you not
to trust anyone. He also gives you the Sun Talisman. To the west is a town
teleporter, in case you need to return to Misthaven.

Head to the northwest. Be careful as you move - those fire geysers are NOT
decoration! Continue following the path to the northeast. You will soon be
able to choose whether you want to go to the northwest or to the southeast.
Head southeast. Kill the Green Dragon who is guarding a chest. In the chest

Red Scalemail Chest Plate

Now head west to the end of the trail. Climb the stairs and head
northeast. Next, climb down the stairs and go southeast. Near a table and
some chairs is a locked chest with:

Lesser Restoration
Cure Poison

Now head northeast until you reach the wall. To the northwest is a chest,
which has:

Lesser Mana
Red Scalemail Helmet

From here, head to the southeast. The walls will become greenish. NEar
another table and chairs is a chest containing:

Red Scalemail Boots
Red Scalemail Gauntlets

From this location, there is a path heading to the northeast, which is
guarded by an Earth Golem, and a path heading east. Go down the eastern path.
You will find 2 Issathis guarding a locked chest, which contains:

Lesser Healing

Head northeast then south from the chest. Walk down the stairs and pick up
the scroll. Now head southeast. Near the end of the path is a new (and
annoying) enemy - the Cinderate. As you might imagine, this priest
specializes in... fire, fire, fire! You can take either of the two sets of
stairs heading northeast and east; they both lead to the same spot. After you
defeat the Green Dragon, continue to the northeast.

When you reach the Graveyard, continue to the Northeast. Next, take the
branch-off to the southeast. There are three chests here. Going in
counter-clockwise order, the first one has nothing. The second one contains:

Red Scalemail Leg Plate

While the third one will yield


Now go northwest from here. Follow the winding trail to its end in order
to reach the exit.

O--------------------O O-------------------------O
| 2b. Kragg Mountain | | Recommended Level: 9-11 |
O--------------------O O-------------------------O

From the entrance to the area, head west to the stairs. Take them down to
the lower level, and kill the Cinderate who dares to impede your progress.
Now head west When the path splits to the southwest and the west, go
southwest. Next, take the stairs south. When the path forks to the northeast
and the east, go east. Take the stairs down, and prepare to "dance" with 2
Skeletons and a Cinderate. (who says that fire and the undead don't mix?)
There is a chest near the stairs which contains:

Blackened Axe
Lesser Mana

Backtrack up the stairs and to the left. Climb up the second set of
stairs. Now go west and climb down that set of stairs. From the stairs, make
your way westward. You will pass another set of stairs; ignore them. There
is a locked chest at the end of your westward jaunt which contains:

Cure Poison

Now climb the stairs, go west until you reach another set of stairs, and go
up them. Go west until you are at the end of the passage. There is a chest
heal which will give you the following:

Amulet of Thunderbolts

Return to the east, going down two flights of stairs, and up another one.
When you reach the area with the yellow crack in the center, head north and
west. Defeat the Monk who is waiting there for you, and go up the stairs.
Head east and go up another flight of stairs. Now go west. The path will
split to the northwest and also continue west. First take the west path.
When the path splits to the north and south, go north. There is a chest here

Lesser Healing

Now backtrack to the stairs on the northwest path. Take the scroll from
the remains, then go upstairs. From here, head east. Along the north side of
the trail is a staircase which will take you north. It will take you to a
Town Teleporter, if you need one at this point. If you do not need to return
to Misthaven, continue to the east. You will travel down 3 flights of stairs.
Once you reach the bottom, head northwest. You will run into another one of
your favorite masters of immolation - the Cinderate. Just past him is a
locked chest with:


Continue northeast, going up the flight of stairs that you find. Then head
west and you will reach the exit. Yay!

O------------------------O O--------------------------O
| 2c. The Infested Swamp | | Recommended Level: 10-12 |
O------------------------O O--------------------------O

First things first. You will meet up with a new enemy - the Sirocco. This
red ninja is DEADLY FAST!! You should be very careful about how you fight
him. For starters, if you have not yet learned the joys of using the [block]
button, now would be a REALLY good time to do so. One tip I can give you is
to block his attacks until his Stamina runs low. Then nail him! Anyway, once
you have mastered the somewhat fine art of dispatching annoying red ninja,
climb up the stairs and kill the Ogrok who is mulling about. In the locked
chest you will find the following:

Greater Healing

Now head back down the stairs. The path splits to the west, south, and
southeast. Go southeast, and take the stairs down. Now travel east and you
will find the entrance to a mini cave. Enter in.

Fire Cave

This is the first of two mini caves situated within the Infested Swamp.
Within this cave are only two Monks and a Cinderate. Dispatch them and head
southwest. Loot the chest for:

Greater Restoration
Bottle of Spores

The Bottle of Spores appears a bit out of place, but you will need it soon
enough. Now you can leave the cave.

NOTE: Perhaps it was only because I was playing in this area REALLY late
at night, but I found it frightfully amusing when a Monk would
accidentally jump onto a Fire Geyser. Heh, heh...

The Infested Swamp

Once you have returned to the main swamp area, make your way back to where
you first entered the swamp. Then take the western path. Climb the two
staircases and continue west. The path will lead you to a large open area.
From here, head north and climb up the stairs. There is a chest here with:


Now go back down the stairs and head west. There will be two sets of
stairs. One of them leads you southeast onto some lilypads. The other one
heads southwest. Take the latter stairs. Ignore the first staircase heading
north that you find, but take the second one. Go all the way to the west and
open the chest that you find there. Inside is:


Now backtrack and use the first set of stairs (the ones that you ignored).
There is a series of 5 staircases. After climbing the third one, head west.
Defeat the Sirocco who blocks your path. Next, take the path to the southeast
and enter the mini cave.

Fire Cave 2

This is the second of the two mini caves i the Infested Swamp. Unlike the
first mini cave, this one is somewhat more complicated. For starters, take
the first path you find to the north. At the end of the trail is a chest with:

Celtic Boots

Now return to the entrance to the mini cave and head west. Take the stairs
that you find to the north. Continue north up two more staircases and exit
the cave.

The Infested Swamp

From the entrance to Fire Cave 2, head east and climb up the stairs that
you find there. Go west and you will find an extremely odd structure. Go
into your inventory, find the Bottle of Spores, and drag it onto the odd
structure. A mushroom ramp will magically appear. Yippee! Climb up and
enter (or rather, exit) the cave.

The Forest

I imagine that you did not think you would end up here! You might have
seen this "unreachable" chest earlier in your travels within the forest.
Well, what are you waiting for? Open it to find:

2 Greater Restoration Potions
Enchanted Mana Potion
Blue Scalemail Helmet
Blue Scalemail Gauntlets
Blue Scalemail Boots
Blue Scalemail Leg Plate
Blue Scalemail Chest Plate

You should now re-enter the Infested Swamp.

The Infested Swamp

Backtrack all the way to the beginning of the Infested Swamp. Now take the
path to the south. The path will curve to the west and split. There is a
double staircase that heads north, and a path going west. Go west. When the
path ends, take the stairs to the south. Head east onto the lilypad path.
You will come to a chest containing:

Greater Mana
Level 4 Magic Scroll

Now backtrack to the double staircase, and head northwest. Go west past
the tombs. The path will curve to the south and then to the east. Pick up
the scroll that you find lying on the ground and head east to the end of the
path - and to the exit.

O--------------------------O O--------------------------O
| 2d. The Maze of Darkness | | Recommended Level: 11-13 |
O--------------------------O O--------------------------O

This is the point of the game, in my opinion, where the maps become more
complex. At any rate, I have provided a quick way to get all of the treasure,
pass by the town teleporter if you need it, and finally reach the exit to this

Chest A

From the start of the maze, head northeast until you reach the end of the
trail. You will find a chest that has: Greater Mana, Meat.

Town Teleporter

From this chest, go northeast, then southeast. Take the path to the
southwest. The first path to the southeast leads to the Town Teleporter.

Chest B

Backtrack to the start of the maze, and take the path to the southwest.
Follow it all the way to the end, then follow the path northwest. The first
trail you find heading to the northeast will lead you to a locked chest with:

Chest C

Backtrack once again to the start of the maze, and head northeast this
time. At the very end of the path, go northwest. The first path to the
southwest leads to a room with a locked chest containing: Meat, Bread.

Chest D

Head back out the the hallway and continue to the northwest. when the path
splits to the southwest and the northeast, go southwest. You will have to
fight a Green Dragon, but there is also a chest containing: 1,000gp.

Chest E

Continue to the northwest. At the end of the trail, head southwest.
Ignore all of the paths that lead to the southeast; keep heading southwest.
You will eventually have to choose between heading southeast and northeast.
Follow the path to the northeast, and you will reach a room with a chest.
Inside the chest is: Cure Poison, 1,500gp.

Chest F and the Exit

Remember the series of paths that led southeast back along the trail - the
ones I told you to ignore? Backtrack to the southeast trails, and take the
second one to the southeast. You will eventually be forced to choose between
going northeast and southwest; both lead to the same place. Whichever route
you take, you should find a path heading northwest. It soon spills into a
room. The chest in the room contains: 500gp, Greater Healing, Celtic Helmet.

You will also find the exit here. Pass through to enter the next area!

O--------------------O O--------------------------O
| 2e. The Spiral Arm | | Recommended Level: 11-13 |
O--------------------O O--------------------------O

You are nearing the end of your journeys through the caves! From the
start, head southwest. You will be accosted by Siroccos and Monks. Continue
to follow the trail as it winds in several different directions. Near the end
of the passageway, you will be attacked by a Spider Queen and some lesser
spiders. After dealing with them, you will find yourself in an open area with
water to the northwest. Your goal in this area is to find five levers. These
levers will open the five locked gates that bar your passage to the cave exit.
For starters, head northwest, and climb the stairs. There is a chest here

Ice Arrows x25

This should be a hint that you will soon find and be using a Bow. But do
not get TOO excited; you only get to use it for one battle. Climb back down
the stairs and head southwest.

Lever 1

While heading southwest, take the first path that you see heading
southeast. You will see a chest, which contains:


From the chest, head southwest. the path will curve to the northwest. You
are now in a fire and lava area, filled with Sirocco. On the far wall is the
first lever. In the chest, which is near the lever, is the following:

Ranger Sword
Greater Mana

Now backtrack to the beginning of this section and head west.

Lever 2

As you travel west, you will encounter a new enemy - the Zombie. If you
continue heading west, you will eventually come up against a wall, but there
should be a path nearby heading southwest. At the end of this short trail is
the second lever.

Head back to the beginning of the short trail, and continue going
northeast. Along the shore of the lake is a locked chest with:

Cure Poison

Lever 3

From the chest above, follow the edge of the water to the north. You will
have to contend with more Zombies. Take the first path the the northwest. It
will twist and turn for a bit, then it will deposit you in a swampy area
filled with Zombies. Great... This area is simpler than it may look. Just
head to the northeast and take the stairs up. Before you climb the stairs,
you should open the chest next to them. The chest yields:


Once you have climbed the stairs, head northwest to the wall. There is
another chest here, this one containing:

Greater Healing
Cure Poison

From the chest, go southwest. Before climbing the set of stairs that you
find at the end of the path, be sure to open the chest for:

Greater Restoration

Finally, once you have climbed the stairs, head all the way to the
northeast. The third lever is here. Once you have used the lever, make your
way back to the underground lake, and head northeast.

Lever 4

Heading northeast along the underground lake, you will encounter multiple
Spider Queens. They can be quite a challenge at this point. At the end of
the trail, you will see a path heading to the southeast, and two paths heading
to the northwest. Take the left path to the northwest. You will find a chest
that contains:

Cestus of Slicing

The second trail to the northwest contains the five locked gates. You will
eventually travel down this path in order to reach the exit, but you still
have two more switches to find. So for now, travel southeast.

You will cross over the lake at one point. After you cross the bridge,
take the first path to the northeast that you find. This path is pretty much
straightforward. Along the way, you will find a chest which contains:

Celtic Chest Plate

When you come to a fork in the road that heads to the southwest or the
northeast, take either path, for they both lead you to the same place.
Whichever path you take, you will find a path heading to the northwest. Take
it and you will find the fourth lever at the path's end. Now backtrack to the
bridge that spans the underground lake, and head south.

Lever 5

Head south from the bridge that you used to cross the underground lake.
You will eventually find a path heading to the southeast. There should also
be some Siroccos in the area for you to beat on. Take the southeast path and
follow it to its end. When you are faced with a choice of going southwest or
northeast, head northeast. Follow the trail as it winds to the southeast.
Along this path, you will have to contend with a Spider Queen and her babies.
There is a chest on this path which contains:


From the chest, head southwest, and take the first path to the northwest.
Here you will find the fifth and final lever. After you have used it, head
back to the trail with the five locked gates (just to the east of where you
got the Cestus of Slicing). Now would be a good time to head back to
Misthaven if you are running low on supplies, especially potions. You are
about to face a challenging boss. When you are ready, take the path with the
five unlocked gates. Continue going northwest. There are Spider Queens who
will try and slow you down, but they should be fairly easy by now. When you
are faced with a choice of two staircases heading to the northwest, choose
either one of them. The path will jog to the northeast. You will see a large
orange-floored room up ahead. Do not enter this room if you are not yet ready
to face the mighty Solifuge!

O-----------------------O O--------------------------O
| 2f. The Queen's Crypt | | Recommended Level: 12-14 |
O-----------------------O O--------------------------O

Once you have entered the orange-floored room, stay along the southeastern
wall. There is a chest here with:

Ice Arrow x25
Greater Restoration

When you are ready, take a deep breath... and head northwest. Solifuge
will drop from the sky. This beast has 5,000hp!!! If you haven't figured it
out already, the Longbow and the Ice Arrows are not for decoration - use them!
First, freeze Solifuge with an Ice Arrow. Then use your strongest attack
combo on him. You should be able to hit him with two combos before having to
freeze him again. In order to quickly switch from your Longbow to your Sword,
do the following:

1. Press [X] to bring up your Longbow.
2. Fire an arrow at him. When he is frozen:
3. Press [C] to draw your sword. Now pummel him. After two combos,
repeat steps 1 through 3 again.

When you finally manage to kill it, Solifuge will drop the Copper Key.
Head to the northwest corner of the room and drag the Copper Key from your
inventory onto the portcullis (gate) in order to unlock it. Head down the
short path in order to enter the Queen's Crypt.

Once you are inside the Queen's Crypt, make your way toward the raised
platform in the center of the room. You will see a vision of Andria, Lord
Tendrick's daughter. Climb the stairs. To the southwest of the center of the
platform is a chest containing:

Level 5 Magic Scroll

Now go north from the platform. The chest here contains:

Greater Mana
Greater Healing
Spirit Pendant

From this chest, head southeast, passing the hall heading to the northeast.
You will find ANOTHER chest with:


Now take that path to the northeast that you passed up earlier. You will
find the exit to the caves, and... Sardok?!? It turns out that he could have
transported you here all along. However, you needed to become stronger, which
is why he made you travel here on foot. There is also a Town Teleporter here.
He tells you to accompany him to the Keep. Use the Teleporter and return

The Keep

Head to the throne room and report what you have discovered to Lord
Tendrick and Sardok. They tell you that you should visit the shops in town to
purchase items. However, the new inventories in stores depend on your level,
so if it isn't a multiple of 3, forget it. However, you might want to stop by
the Library and talk to Geralt. He can tell you some things about the Ruins,
which is the next major area that you will be visiting. When you are all
supplied and ready to go, use the Teleporter to return to the caves, and pass
through the cave exit. You are now in the ruins of East Ahkuilon.

III. East Ahkuilon

O---------------O O--------------------------O
| 3a. The Ruins | | Recommended Level: 12-15 |
O---------------O O--------------------------O

From the entrance to the caves, head northeast and cross over the bridge
that you find. Continue northeast, where you will find another bridge to
cross. Once on the other side, continue northeast. You will meet a strange
man named Navarro Al Xace. He is yet another one of the characters you are
able to play in the Multiplayer game, but can do nothing with here. Head
northeast into the maze arae.

You will find yourself in a maze. There are several chests that you need
to collect, both on the outside and on the inside of the maze itself. For
starters, before you enter the maze itself, head northwest. You will be faced
with Spider Queens and Druids. There are two chests on the left side of the
maze. The first one has:


While the second chest contains:


Now make your way to the maze entrance and head southeast, exploring the
right outside edge of the maze. You will face Zombies in this area. There
are also two chests on this side (hooray for symmetry!). The first one

Empty Vial

The second one, which is northeast of here, is guarded by a White Dragon!
This chest contains:

Blue Flower.

The Maze

The maze itself is small, but quite complex for me to explain in the
traditional manner. Rather, I will tell you what is in every chest. Many of
the chests contain items that you WILL need to pick up, so be sure the get
them all. I have placed a * next to any item that you MUST have to
continue. Use this as a guide while traveling the maze. The exit is on the
northeast wall.

| List of Maze Treasures |
| *1. Empty Vial |
| 2. Greater Mana, Cure Poison |
| 3. Valkyrie Sword |
| 4. 500gp |
| *5. Water Vial |

Once you are on the other side of the maze, you will find yourself in the
graveyard. There is a new enemy located here - the Wraith. They are quite
powerful, so take care. In the graveyard, there is a chest in the north
corner which contains:


From this chest, go southwest, climb the stairs, and head northwest.
Follow the path as it curves to the northeast. Defeat the Spider Queen and
continue to the northeast. At the end of the path, head southeast to the end.
There is a locked chest here with:


Now head back to the northwest. Turn to the southwest, but take the first
path that you see to the northwest. Follow this path to its end, killing the
Spider Queen that you find along the way. There is a chest at the end of the
path which will yield:

Ring of the Arcane

Now return to the graveyard. Head to the southeast corner of the
graveyard and climb the stairs. Head to the southeast, ignoring the path to
the northeast for now. At the end of the path there is a Druid and a Wraith
waiting for you. Dispatch them and head southwest. Along the way, you will
battle more Zombies and Wraiths. At the end of the path is a chest with:

Issathi Claw

Now backtrack to the northeast, and continue to the northeast, past the
place where you encountered the Druid and the Wraith. At the end of the path,
you will find a chest with:

Acid Vial

Remember the path that you ignored earlier, the one that headed to the
northeast? Backtrack and take this path now. You will be in a large room
filled with Wraiths. Yippee! In the southeast corner of the room is a set of
stairs, but for now, walk past the stairs and head northeast between the
stairs and the wall. You will reach a chest that contains:

Empty Vial

Now head back and climb the stairs. Follow the path to its end, where you
will find a chest containing:

Greater Restoration
Nightshade Boots
Nightshade Gauntlets
Nightshade Helmet
Nightshade Chest Plate
Nightshade Leg Plate

You should now return (once again) to the graveyard, this time taking the
wide staircase to the northeast.

There are tons of undead here. (well, maybe not a ton, but at least
1,000lbs worth) The Zombies should be pretty easy for you by this time, but
the Wraiths are still a challenge. Before proceeding up the very wide set of
stairs, open the chest to the left of the stairs to find:

Empty Vial

There will be two paths heading northeast. Take the one on the right. You
will find a chest with the following items:

Greater Restoration
Gate Portal Scroll

You will find yourself in an area with a locked portal and six alters. By
now, you have also amassed quite an odd collection of items. You should have
all of the following:

| Ritual Items |
| 1. Four Empty Vials |
| 2. Root |
| 3. Blue Flower |
| 4. Issathi Claw |
| 5. Bone |
| 6. Water Vial |
| 7. Acid Vial |

First, go to your inventory and drag each of the items numbered 2 through 5
in the above list onto an empty vial. You should now have six vials with
something in each of them. Now drag each vial from your inventory onto one of
the six alters. After placing them all in the alters, the portal opens. Now
pass through the portal.

Once you have stepped through the portal, you have only a staircase, a
Zombie, and a White Dragon to contend with. At the top of the stairs is the
entrance to the next area.

O-------------O O--------------------------O
| 3b. The Pit | | Recommended Level: 13-15 |
O-------------O O--------------------------O

You are now in the pit of the great ruins of West Ahkuilon. Head southeast
for a bit and you will be treated to a cutscene with Sabu and Jhaga plotting
great evil. Once you regain control of your character, continue to the
southeast. The hall will eventually deposit you into a room with a Town
Teleporter, in case you need to return to Misthaven. There is a chest by the
teleporter which contains:

Greater Restoration

Now head down the stairs, but beware of the volleys of arrows which will
come streaking from the wall. They are quite effective at killing you, so be
extra careful and slow. Once you are down the stairs, you will reach a large
open area with an island in the center, surrounded by water. On that mini
island is a building, but the door is locked, so you will be unable to enter
it - for now. You will also get a taste of a very evil new enemy - the Dark
Revenant. Essentially, these characters are the same as you with regards to
many of their abilities. They like to cast a fire bolt at you, then close with
you and attack with their very effective combat skills. There are three paths
(besides the one you entered the area from) that lead out of this room: One
in the northeast, one in the southwest, and one in the southeast, which can be
reached by crossing over the water. For starters, take the southwestern path.

As you travel along the path, notice the rows of holes in the ground.
Spikes will shoot up from these, and they really hurt. At the end of the path
is a room which is occupied by a Druid. After ridding the world of another
annoying monster-summoner, search the chest for:

Blackened Morningstar

There is also a gate here, which leads to the basement. However, it is
currently locked. Head back to the room with the island in the center and
take the northeastern path.

This area is similar to the one you were just in. There is another Druid,
eagerly waiting to sharpen your sword on his body... Search the chest in this
room for:

Ward Talisman
Level 6 Magic Scroll

There is another locked gate in this room, similar to the other room. It
also leads to the basement. Now return again to the room with the island in
the center, and take the southeastern path.

You will pass through a garden-like area, which is occupied by a Wraith.
At the end of the path, you can choose to go either to the southwest or to the
northeast. Go to the southwest. Once you reach the corner, you must contend
with a White Dragon. After killing it, loot the locked treasure chest for the


From here, head southeast. The path will curve to the east and then to the
northeast. You will come upon a red warp tile which is guarded by a Dark
Revenant. After dispatching of your evil twin, step on the warp tile.

You will be transported northwest across the water onto a small island.
There are three more warp tiles here. The one on the bottom returns you to
where you came from. Take the farthest left warp tile. You will be
transported to a tiny island with a chest. Inside is:

Greater Restoration
Temple Key

Return to the island with three warp tiles, and take the one on the right.
You will be transported to another tiny island. This one has a lever on it.
After using the lever, you should make your way back to the room in which you
found the Ward Talisman. You can now open the portcullis and enter the


From the stairs, head to the southwest. You will fight a couple of Dark
Revenants along the way. Eventually, you will reach an open area with a raise
platform in the center, and six paths branching off in every direction. The
paths that head to the north, south, east, and west all have warp tiles on
them that do not function. The path heading southwest leads to a staircase
that will return you to the upper floor.

First, climb the raised platform in the center of the room and fight the
Dark Revenant. There is a chest here with:


Now climb back down and take the path to the northwest. At the end of the
path is a temple, but it is "guarded" by an Earth Golem, which should be
nothing more than an amusing joke by this point in the game. Defeat it, and
use your Temple Key to unlock the door and enter the Temple.


Head northwest and up the stairs. Note the gate on the northeastern wall
right before you climb the stairs. You will be back here later. Many of the
initial enemies that you face in this area are incredibly weak, but they soon
become quite strong, so do not become too overconfident!

There are three paths, all heading to the northwest. Start by taking the
center path. The path will take you to a room that is guarded by a White
Dragon. On the right side of the room is a chest with:


Next, head all the way to the top northwest corner of the room, and pull
the lever. Remember the building on the island surrounded by water which you
could not enter because it was locked? Well, it is no longer locked. Before
you rush over there, however, step on the warp tile. This will transport you
to a chest which contains:

Ninja Boots
Ninja Gloves
Ninja Mask
Ninja Shirt
Ninja Pants

This armor, besides being quite effective at protecting you, actually gives
you a +2 Agility bonus, rather than taking 2 from that stat! Plus, it looks
really cool! Now you should make your way to that building on the island.

When you open the gate and enter the room, you should climb the stairs and
search the chest for:

Black Dragon Helmet
Black Dragon Gauntlets
Black Dragon Chest Plate
Black Dragon Leg Plate
Black Dragon Boots
Temple Key

Now, do you remember that gate in the Temple that was right at the base of
the stairs? You should now return there and use this new Temple Key on that
locked gate. Once inside, all you have to do is defeat the Druid that is
waiting for you. Open the chest in this room for:

Holy Boots

Step on the warp tile to progress to the next area.

O------------------------------O O--------------------------O
| 3c. The City of the Children | | Recommended Level: 15-16 |
O------------------------------O O--------------------------O

You have no reached the city of the Children of Change! Now you KNOW that
you are getting closer to your goal! To start, open the portcillis and head
southwest, defeating the Dark Revenants along the way. On the northwest wall
is a gate. Enter it.

Chamber of Horrors

This is the torture chamber. As you will soon see, there are a few of
these rooms in the city. Enjoy! There is an Ogrok Torturer here that you can
talk to for a chuckle. Other than that, there is nothing of note in here.
Head back out to the main hall.

Now continue to the southwest, and enter the next door that you see on the
northwest wall. You have stumbled into the kitchen!


You should talk to the Ogrok Chef. He will intimate to you that many of
the creatures who serve the Children of Change do so against their will.
Apparently, someone is using a control spell on them. Again, return to the
main hall.

From the entrance to the kitchen, head southeast and cross the bridge.
There is a Town Teleporter nearby in case you are feeling the urge... the urge
to return to Misthaven. Otherwise, turn and head northeast. Enter the first
door that you come upon.

Chamber of Horrors 2

First, defeat the two Vashars that occupy this room. Next, search the
chests for a meager amount of treasure. The first three chests, which are in
front of the jail cell, contain: (from top to bottom)

#1 - Morning Star
#2 - Lesser Restoration, 50gp
#3 - Greater Healing, Lesser Mana

The chest on the other side of the iron bars contains:


Now leave this Chamber of Horrors and return to the mail hallway. Continue
to travel to the northeast. Ignore for now the paths that you come across
heading to the southeast and northwest. You will soon come upon another door.
Enter in.

Priest's Chamber

Inside this building you will find Wanet the Priest. He informs you that
not all the priests serve the Children of Change cult. He claims to be
seeking a way to bring the cult down from the inside. Whether or not you
believe him, you should search the chest in this room for:

Holy Gauntlets

Now return to the main hallway, and head northeast once again. This time
you will come to a somewhat more ornate door. Enter the building.


First of all, you will be greeted by some old friends: Vashars, and
Kanthas and Acolytes (oh, my!). After you defeat them, search the two chests
behind the counter. The left one contains:

Dark Revenant Scroll

While the right one hides:

Law Talisman
Cure Poison

After you are done with your looting spree, return to the main hall. From
here, go southwest until you reach the path to the southeast that you passed
up a while ago. At the end of this path is a room with a raised platform in
the center. Defeat the White Dragon who resides here and climb the platform.
Search the chest that is there for:

Greater Healing
Gauntlets of Chaos

Now make your way back to the Town Teleporter. From here, go northwest and
cross over the water. After crossing the bridge, head southwest. Along the
path you will find a chest containing:


There is also another White Dragon here to... entertain you. Now follow
the path as it jogs to the northwest. Continue along the path, an you will
eventually face a new enemy - the dreaded Shadow Minion. Not only is this
enemy a ninja, meaning that he is fast and deadly, but he can also turn
invisible. If this happens, you can not hurt him. The same can not be said
about the effectiveness of his weapons, however, so don't just stand there -
run! He will eventually become visible again. Defeat him, and continue to
the end of the path, where you will find a warp tile. Step onto it.

You will find yourself in another part of the city. From here, head
northwest. Climb the stairs and follow the path. You will eventually be
heading southeast. Defeat the Dark Revenant guard, and take the first path to
the southwest. In this area are two more paths, both going southwest. Take
the lower path to its end and step onto the warp tile.

You will be transported to the lower level of this room. Nearby is an
alter with a sword on it. The sword is a Flamberge, and it is quite powerful
and wicked looking (with big, pointy teeth). Return to the upper level, and
head northeast to the hall. Now turn and go southeast. Follow the path as it
curves to the southeast. You will run across a ninja convention here - Shadow
Minions and Ramages! After defeating these enemies, take either of the two
paths to the southeast. You will end up in a large, rectangular room.

The path is guarded by two White Dragons, as well as Shadow Minions. Make
your way to the center portion, which is surrounded by water on three sides.
There is a chest here with:

Greater Mana

Head southeast from the chest until you reach the end of the room. Open
the gate on the northeast wall to exit the area.

O-----------------------------O O--------------------------O
| 3d. The Underground Pyramid | | Recommended Level: 15-17 |
O-----------------------------O O--------------------------O

Right at the beginning of this area is a Town Teleporter, in case you need
to return to Misthaven. If you do not, then head down the staircase. Once
you reach the bottom of the stairs, head to the northeast, fighting Dark
Minions and Dark Revenants all the while. Along the way, you will come across
two chests. The first one contains:

Greater Healing

And the second one yields:

Cure Poison

You will eventually come to a gate. Open it and pass through. You will
find another chest containing:

Wyrmm Key

You should immediately head back to the Town Teleporter at the beginning of
the area and head back to the Keep.

The Keep

If you may recall, there was a chest in the Keep that you could not open,
even with your lockpicks. Head to that chest, which is north of the Town
Teleporter. Use the Wyrmm Key on the chest, and you will receive:

Wyrmm's Tooth Sword

This is the second most powerful sword in the entire game! Now, return to
the underground by means of the teleporter.

The Underground Pyramid

Make your way back to the chest which held the Wyrmm Key. Follow the path
to the end and you will find a warp tile. Step onto it. From where you
appear, head southwest. Beware of the arrow traps along the way. No less
deadly are the Dark Ogrok's and a new enemy - the Dorogar. This enemy, in my
opinion, is probably the single most difficult non-boss enemy in the game.

Continue to the southwest, and you will arrive in a room with several Dark
Ogroks. Kill them all and head to the alter in the center of the room. There
is a Bastard Sword lying there, just waiting for an owner (of course, with
that Wyrmm's Tooth Sword, it's kinda pointless). When you finally reach the
end of the path, turn and head southeast.

You will come to a small room with a White Dragon and two chests. The left
chest is locked, and will give you:


You should also search the right chest for:

Holy Leg Plate

Now continue to the southeast to reach the pyramid itself. The pyramid
itself is simple: it is essentially one long path which winds back and forth.
You will note that I said "simple." I most certainly did not say "easy." A
cast of your favorite enemies are here to greet you in force. The three most
notable (and powerful) are: Dorogars, Shadow Minions, and White Dragon. Since
this area is so straightforward, I will mention the chests you will find along
the way according to what level they are on. There is a chest on almost every
level, so get your looting gloves ready:

| Level | Chest Contents |
| 1 | Greater Healing |
| 2 | 1,500gp, Cure Poison |
| 3 | 2,000gp, Cure Poison |
| 4 | 2,000gp, Greater Healing |
| 6 | 5,000gp |
| Top | Dragon Eye Pendant |

At the top of the pyramid, you will find a warp tile. Step onto it in
order to progress to the next area.

O-----------------------O O--------------------------O
| 3e. The Chase of Sabu | | Recommended Level: 16-18 |
O-----------------------O O--------------------------O

First thing to do is to slaughter the two Dark Ogroks who are standing
guard. Then open the chest in the room to find:

Door Key

Use the Door Key to open the locked gate and continue to the northwest.
Continue along the path as it swerves to the northeast. Go through the first
door on the northwest wall. In this room, you will come face to face with
Sabu for the first time. After a short bantering of words, he will disappear,
leaving you alone to loot the chests in this area. The chest on the left has
nothing in it, so go right and flip the switch. Then search the chest that is
next to the switch for:


Return to the hallway and continue to the northeast. After opening another
gate, you will be in a room with long, rectangular pools of water. You will
also encounter a new (and in my opinion, very ANNOYING) enemy - the Arcanist.
Between two of the pools is a chest, but it is empty, so forget about it.
Just continue to head northeast.

You will eventually come to a four-way intersection. Sabu is also here.
You will watch as he flips a switch and heads off to the northwest. When you
can once again move, search the chest in this room for:

Golden Morningstar

Now you should head to the southeast. Follow the path, fighting Arcanists
and Dorogars along the way. Eventually, you will overhear a conversation
between three Ogroks. I found this to be the most amusing part of the entire
game. Besides their conversation, which contains a not-too-subtle reference
to a title by another game company, but they also have fun names. Eventually,
though, you will have to storm the room and kill Mort, Urgg, and Slagg. While
you are at it, search the chest for:

Greater Healing

Head northeast from here, and follow the path as it curves to the
northwest. In the corner, you will be assaulted by two Shadow Minions. In
the corner is a chest, which contains:

Earthen Gauntlets

From the chest, head southeast and take the next path to the northwest. In
this room, you will be confronted by a ghost who apparently knows you. He
will reveal more bits and pieces of your past. He instructs you to take what
is in the chests in front of you, which you certainly do not need to be told
twice to do. The left one yields:

Hallway Key
Exit Door Key

While the right one gives up:

Level 7 Magic Scroll

Now head back to the hallway and continue southwest along the path. When
you reach the end, use the Exit Gate Key to unlock the gate. You will find
yourself back in the four-way intersection room. Use the Hallway Key on the
northwest door and head in that direction.

Follow the path as it twists. Along the way, you will find a chest


Keep following the path and you will once again stumble upon Sabu. This
time, he will release two War Kanthas to attack you. They are much tougher
than regular Kanthas, but they are still no match for Locke. Now head to the
southwest until you come to a room. Sabu will try to personally attack you
this time, but he will fail. He then will disappear. Search the chest in
this room for:


Head southwest from here. You will once again be attacked by enemies. In
the next room that you arrive in, search the chest for:

Holy Chest Plate

From here, go northwest. Along the way, you will face a new enemy - the
Stone Golem. He is not too terribly difficult to defeat, and he yields a lot
of experience. At the end of the path, step on the warp tile to proceed to
the next area, and to continue chasing Sabu.

O--------------------O O--------------------------O
| 3f. The Slave Camp | | Recommended Level: 17-19 |
O--------------------O O--------------------------O

From the start of this level, head to the northeast. At the end of the
path, turn and head southeast. Again, turn down the first path to the
southwest. Open the chest that you find here to receive:

Gothic Key

This key will open the chest in the Armor Shop, the next time you find
yourself in Misthaven. From this chest, head southeast. Take the second path
you find going northeast. The path will branch off in two directions. Each
branch has a chest. The left chest has nothing, while the right chest yields:

Holy Helmet
Enchanted Healing

You should now have the complete Holy Armor set. When fully equipped, this
armor will give you +15% to your health. Quite useful, and it looks pretty
cool as well! Backtrack and take the first path (the one that you passed up
earlier) to the northeast. Follow the trail at it curves to the southeast.
Along the way, you will find a chest containing:

Enchanted Restoration

Now return to where you received the Holy Helmet, and go southwest. The
first path that heads to the northwest will give you:


Continue moving southwest. When you reach a four-way intersection, turn
and go southeast. At the end of the spiraling path is a chest with:

Cure Poison

Now return to the four-way intersection, this time going southwest. When
the path comes to an end, turn and head southeast. When this path ends, take
the stairs up and go northeast. Follow the path, and take the first path you
find going southwest. There is a chest here with:

Greater Healing
Greater Mana

Take the path to the end, passing by the stairs. Now head northeast a few
steps, then go northwest up the stairs. You will encounter a new enemy here:
the Burning Praetor. There is a chest at the end of the path, which contains:

Greater Mana
Greater Restoration

Now, go back downstairs and head northwest, then northeast. After a fight
with the always annoying Arcanist, and a Stone Golem, you will reach a room
with two chests. The upper chest holds:

Magic Sceptre

And the right chest yields:

Enchanted Mana

Head southwest and take the stairs down to the lowest level. Head
southeast and go down the stairs. Defeat the Stone Golem and War Kanthas.
Once you have dispatched your foes, head northeast. When the path branches
off to the northwest and the southeast, head northeast. At the path's end,
turn and head east. There is a chest here with:

Greater Mana

Now head northeast to the corner of the room, then head southeast. Take
the next path that you find to the southwest. There is a chest here with:


Return to the southeast path and follow it to its end. Now turn and go
west. There is a whole collection of enemies here for your slaying pleasure.
There is also another chest, yielding:


From the chest, head east, then go northwest. Take the path to the
northeast path when you come across it. You will then encounter Sabu once
again, along with his two pet Kanthas. He will teleport you into the Slave
Camp. Wonderful!!

Slave Camp

There is a Town Teleporter just southeast of where you enter the camp.
Time to head back to the Armor Shop and see what is in that chest.


Make your way to the Armor Shop. Inside, head over to the chest, and use
the Gothic Key to unlock and open it. Inside you will find:

Gothic Leg Plate
Gothic Helmet
Gothic Chest Plate
Gothic Boots
Gothic Gauntlets

When you are done making any other necessary purchases, head back the Slave

Slave Camp

Head northeast from the teleporter. When you reach the room with the green
center, head to the northeast side of the room. Talk to the Slave Druhgs that
are working here. They will tell you that you will have to kill Sabu before
they will truly feel that they are able to escape. From here, head northeast
down the corridor. It will take you to a room with some War Kanthas in it.
Defeat them and continue going northeast. At the end of the path, climb the
stairs and go southwest. Take the path to the southeast.

You will meet Shegra the Druhg hottie! She finds you to be QUITE
attractive. She is quite the flirtatious little Druhg. Anyway... she offers
to help you kill Sabu, but you must pay her price. You must give her a kiss
first. Go ahead and do it - it won't _kill_ you, since you are already
an undead.

Now return to the hall and head southwest. At the end of the trail, use
the Entrance Key to unlock the gate and enter in. You will be treated to a
small cutscene where you will be shown sneaking up from behind Sabu, drawing
the weapon that Shegra gave you, and plunging it into the evil priest. He
proceeds to die rather unceremoniously. There are also two chests here, both
of which you should thoroughly loot. The left chest holds:


While the one on the right will enrich you with:


Now step on the warp tile. You will appear back at the beginning of the
Slave Camp. Head northeast to where the Slave Druhgs are, and tell them about
Sabu's death. They will be free at last, free at last... Now head back to
the southwest. Use the Entrance Key to unlock the gate on the southeast wall.
Proceed inside and step on the warp tile.

O------------------------O O--------------------------O
| 3g. The Nahkranoth Lair | | Recommended Level: 18-20 |
O------------------------O O--------------------------O

From the start of the area, head northeast. Step on the warp tile that you
find there, but you had better be ready for a fight.

You will encounter Sabu's superior, Jhaga, in this area. Prepare to fight
a wizard! He will teleport to different areas of the room, but he follows a
pattern that is easy to learn. He will also summon Dark Revenants to aid him,
but you ought to be able to cut through them easily with your Wyrmm's Tooth
Sword. He will also cast a fire bolt at you each time that he teleports. A
good strategy is to stand in the center of the room, dodging fire bolts as
they come your way. When he reaches the center of the room, let him have it!

Once you defeat him, you will be transported to another area. Once again,
you will see an image of Andria. Head northeast. Before climbing the stairs,
open the chest for:

Enchanted Healing
Level 8 Magic Scroll

To the northwest of the stairs is another chest, containing:

Alpha Gem Necklace

Now head northeast up the stairs. You will come to a skeleton seated upon
a throne. You will bend over to pick up a shiny something or other... When
you finally wake up, you will find that you are no longer in Nahkranoth land.


You wake up to somehow find yourself in front of Olihoot's home. Search
your inventory for a surprise: You now have the complete Nahkranoth Armor
set!!! (note that there is no Helmet) This is the best armor in the game.
Each piece gives you +15% to both your health and your mana. Even better, you
can wear your favorite helmet with it.

Olihoot will tell you much more about your past. He also begins to tell
you about Sardok, but before he can finish, the devil himself shows up and
kills Olihoot! He then demands that you meet him in the Keep. What is worse,
you don't have a choice!

Item Shop

Before going to the Keep, you should stop by the Item Store. Hruthford has
received some new items.

The Keep

Report all that you have learned to Lord Tendrick and Sardok. An argument
between Lord Tendrick and Sardok soon begins, with the wizard gaining the
upper hand and killing Lord Tendrick!! He will tell you that the only way to
rescue Andria and defeat Yhagoro is to travel to the demon plane, Anserak.
Sardok is the only one who can take you there.

IV. Anserak

You will now have to traverse a series of colored labyrinths. As you will
soon learn, there are similar goals in each maze: You must find the Crystal
in the maze, and take it to a special portal. (which I will call an Unlock
Portal) You can then head to the exit. Each Crystal unlocks a door in the
Purple Labyrinth. In this series of labyrinths also lies the ultimate weapon,
Angsaar. It has been broken into pieces, however, so you will need to
re-construct it. Let us begin!

O-------------------O O--------------------------O
| 4a. Red Labyrinth | | Recommended Level: 19-21 |
O-------------------O O--------------------------O

From the start, head southeast, and go down the stairs. At the four-way
intersection, head northeast. There is a Town Teleporter here. Now go
northwest, and you will come to a chest which holds:

Labyrinth Scroll

Head southwest from the Town Teleporter, then turn and go southeast. Take
the first path to the southwest. The first path that you pass going northwest
heads to the exit. Take the second path northwest. You will enter a large
room with three chests. The chest on the far left has:

Enchanted Healing

The second chest yields:

Red Crystal

And the third chest hides:

Enchanted Mana

Now head southeast, then northeast down the hall. When you reach the large
room, continue to the northeast. You will find two chests. The left chest
will give you:

Level 9 Magic Scroll
Death Talisman

The right chest will offer to you:

Berserker Sword

Continue to follow the path to its end. This is the location of the Unlock
Portal. You will use the Crystal and unlock the first of seven doors. Now,
backtrack to that path you passed by earlier, which led to the exit. Step
through the portal.

--- Note that the rest of the labyrinths are not this easy!!! ---

O---------------------O O--------------------------O
| 4b. White Labyrinth | | Recommended Level: 19-22 |
O---------------------O O--------------------------O

From the start of the area, head southeast. Take the next turn to the
southwest. Ignore the first path northwest, but take the second one. Now go
to the northeast, where you will find a chest with:


The hilt is one of the three parts that make up the Angsaar sword. Make
your way back to the start of the area, and head northeast from there. Once
you arrive at the four-way intersection, go northeast. Climb up the stairs
and defeat the BLUE Dragon that is waiting for you. There is a chest here

Enchanted Healing

Now return to the four-way intersection and go southwest. Head down the
stairs and continue southwest. Another Blue Dragon and another chest are
waiting for you. The chest holds:


From here, head southwest then southeast. When the path branches to the
southwest and to the southeast, head southeast. At the end of the path, turn
and go northeast. There is a chest here with:

Enchanted Mana

Now return once again to the four-way intersection, this time going
southeast. Soon, you will see the Unlock Portal. From here, go northeast.
At the end of the room are two chests. The upper chest has:

Amulet of Power
Chaos Talisman

While the lower chest will yield:


Return to the Unlock Portal and head southeast. Take the first path that
you come to northeast. Ignore the next northeast path that you find, but note
that it leads to the exit. Continue on the the path's end. At the end of the
path, head northeast. You will find a chest which contains:

White Crystal

Now return to the Unlock Portal and use the Crystal. Two doors down, five
to go. Return to the path that you passed by earlier, and take it to the exit

O---------------------O O--------------------------O
| 4c. Green Labyrinth | | Recommended Level: 20-23 |
O---------------------O O--------------------------O

From the start of this area, head southwest. When you reach a four-way
intersection, go northwest. At the fork, take the right path. There is a
chest here with:

Level 10 Magic Scroll

Now return to the four-way intersection and go southwest. You will come to
the Unlock Portal. From here, turn and go northwest. You will find a chest

Enchanted Mana

Head southeast to the path's end, then turn and go southwest. Follow the
path as it corves to the southeast. For now, ignore the stairs to the
northeast. You will reach a room that contains a Burning Praetor and an
Invoker. There are paths to the northeast, southeast, and southwest. First
take the top northeast path. You will come upon a chest with:

Wyrm Tooth Necklace

Now head back to the room that you wre just in and head southeast. At the
end of the path, turn and go southwest, then southeast, to the end. Now head
northeast. There is a chest here with:


Return to the chest which held the Wyrm Tooth Necklace, and take the upper
path to the southwest. At the end of the path is a chest with:

Cure Poison

Now go northwest, then southwest. The first set of stairs that you come to
heading northwest lead to a Town Teleporter and the exit. Take the second set
of stairs to the northwest. Along the way, you will come across another chest
loaded with:

Dwarven Axe

In the room at the end of the path is a chest with:

Green Crystal

Now return to the Unlock Portal and use the Crystal. After this is done,
head back to the exit.

O--------------------O O--------------------------O
| 4d. Blue Labyrinth | | Recommended Level: 21-24 |
O--------------------O O--------------------------O

You are almost halfway done with these silly labyrinths!!! Anyway, head
southeast, and take the first path that you find to the southwest. In the
center of the room is a chest with:

Blue Crystal

Yay!! HOWEVER, it is guarded by a RED Dragon, and they take a while to
kill. Once this is done, backtrack to the start of the area and head
southeast. At the fork, head northeast. Take the first path northwest. You
will run across a chest along the way which contains:


Continue along the path and take the first path that you find to the
northwest. there is a chest in this room with:

Enchanted Mana

Now go southeast, then turn and head northeast. You will come to the
Unlock Portal for this labyrinth. From the portal, head northeast, and when
the path ends, turn and go northwest. There is a chest here with:

Barbarian Sword

Now backtrack to the southeast. The first path to the northeast leads to
the exit, but if you want some more treasure, continue along to the southeast.
When the path ends, head southwest and go downstairs. Take the first
staircase that you come to southeast. At the bottom of the stairs is an
Infernal Golem, as well as a chest containing:

Enchanted Healing

Now head south and southeast to find a chest containing:


Finally, make your way back to the passageway leading to the exit. (east of
the Barbarian Sword) Along the way to the exit is a chest with:

Cure Poison

Enter the portal to finish the area.

O----------------------O O--------------------------O
| 4e. Orange Labyrinth | | Recommended Level: 22-25 |
O----------------------O O--------------------------O

Only three labyrinths to go until the final showdown!! Again, head
southeast from the start. Defeat the Infernal Golem and continue to the
southeast. Follow the path to its end. You will pass through two rooms. At
the end of the path, turn and head northeast. There is a chest here with:

Orange Crystal

Now follow the path to the southwest and then northwest. Take the first
passage that you find heading northeast. The path will curve and go
northwest. You will eventually enter a room with two paths: one to the
northwest, the other to the southwest. The southwest path will bring you to a
chest containing:


You should now enter your inventory and combine the Hilt, Handle, and
Blade. Congratulations - you have the ultimate weapon, Angsaar!! This sword
rocks!! Now take the northwest path. There is a chest there with:

Enchanted Mana

Make your way back to the room with paths heading in all four directions.
Continue on to the northeast until the path ends. Then head southeast, and
finally, northeast again. Kill the Red Dragon who dares to impede your
progress, then head southeast. In the next room that you come to, head
northeast. There is a chest at the end of the path which contains:

Cure Poison

Backtrack to the southwest, northwest, southwest, then northwest again.
Take the first path that you come to which goes northeast. Continue down this
path until you come to a room with a pool in the center. There is a chest to
the left of where you enter which contains the following:

Enchanted Healing

Now head northwest, and take the stairs up. Here is the location of the
Unlock Portal. From here, go southwest until you reach another large room
with a pool in the center. There is a chest in this room which has:

Enchanted Mana

Head southeast and take the stairs down. Continue southeast down another
set of stairs. From here, head northeast until you reach the exit.

O----------------------O O--------------------------O
| 4f. Yellow Labyrinth | | Recommended Level: 23-26 |
O----------------------O O--------------------------O

Only two more labyrinths to go!!! And, you guessed it - head southeast.
You will reach an intersection with paths heading northeast, southeast, and
southwest. Take the path (not the stairs) southeast and then go northeast at
the fork to find a Town Teleporter. Otherwise, go northeast from the
intersection. There is a chest here which contains:

Cure Poison

Now go northeast up the stairs. There is a chest here with:

Enchanted MAna

Make your way back to the four-way room that you were in earlier, and head
southwest. At the end of the path is a set of stairs northwest, and another
set going southeast. Take the stairs to the northwest. There is a chest here
which will yield:

Enchanted Restoration

Now head southeast, ignoring the first staircase to the northeast that you
come across, but taking the second set. At the end of this path, turn and
head southeast. Ignore the stairs. The path will split into three different
paths. Take the center path. The second room you enter has a chest with:

Yellow Crystal

From the chest, head southeast until you reach the end of the path. Now go
southwest and then southeast again. In this room is a path to the northeast
and southwest. Head southwest, then go northwest once again. There is a
chest located here which is hiding:

Enchanted Healing

Now head back to the chest in which you found the Yellow Crystal, and go
northeast from it. The first room houses the Unlock Portal. The second room
has the exit portal.

O----------------------O O--------------------------O
| 4g. Purple Labyrinth | | Recommended Level: 24-27 |
O----------------------O O--------------------------O

This is the last labyrinth!! And, why break tradition - head southeast to
the Unlock Portal. From here, go northeast and take the first path that you
find to the northwest. At the end of the path is a chest with:

Enchanted Restoration

Return to the Unlock Portal and head northeast, then southwest. At the end
of the path, turn and again go northwest. There is another chest here, this
one housing:

Enchanted Mana

Now go southwest and then northwest. Yet another chest waits for your eager
hands. This one will bestow upon you the following:

Enchanted Healing

Now return to the first chest and head southeast to the end of the path.
Now turn and head southwest. There are two chests in this room. The upper
one will give you:


While the lower one will yield:

Cure Poison

Now go northeast, and then turn and head northwest. Take the first path
that you see heading northeast. Once you are in the rather large room, go
southeast to the end of the trail. There is a chest here with:

Purple Crystal

Now you can return to the Unlock Portal, where you will unlock the final
door. Return to the room that lies just northwest of where you got the Purple
Crystal, and head northeast through the 7 now-unlocked portals. The exit lies

O------------------------O O--------------------------O
| 4h. Yhagoro At Last | | Recommended Level: 25-30 |
O------------------------O O--------------------------O

This is a very simple level. Just head northeast. To the southeast is a
Town Teleporter; your last chance to chicken out... or to stock up on potions.
After climbing up the stairs, you will finally come face to face with Yhagoro.
Obviously, the two of you are unable to come to a reasonable agreement
regarding Andria and the world, so it is time to draw steel and fight!

Yhagoro is a dirty fighter. He will use magic on you that hurts a lot.
The worst of it is, you can not avoid all of his magic attacks! Later in the
fight, he will use a sort of telekinesis to throw huge objects into you.
Finally, he will cast Nullifier every once in awhile. This will cancel out
all spells. Add to all of this the fact that he has 15,000hp and 10,000mp!!!

There are two ways to fight Yhagoro. The hard way is to avoid his green
magic attack. You want to maneuver in close and use your strongest
combinations, which should be the Dragon and Spider combinations. He will not
cast much magic if you remain in close. However, that deformed Nahkranoth
Claw that he is wielding sure can hurt!

Now for the easy way: Cast invisibility. The dumb demonic oaf will not
only be unable to hit you, he won't even try to dodge your attacks!

When you defeat Yhagoro, sit back and enjoy the ending. You have certainly
earned it!

Character Experience Chart

Below is a chart with the total amount of experience points Locke needs to
reach each new level. It is quite feasible to reach the maximum level of 30
throughout the course of normal gameplay. Do not confuse the experience
points for Locke's levels with the experience points for his Skills. That
information will be presented in the next section.

Character Experience Chart

| Level | Experience Points |
| 1 | 0 - 299 |
| 2 | 300 - 699 |
| 3 | 700 - 1,199 |
| 4 | 1,200 - 1,799 |
| 5 | 1,800 - 2,499 |
| 6 | 2,500 - 3,299 |
| 7 | 3,300 - 4,199 |
| 8 | 4,200 - 5,199 |
| 9 | 5,200 - 6,299 |
| 10 | 6,300 - 7,499 |
| 11 | 7,500 - 8,799 |
| 12 | 8,800 - 10,199 |
| 13 | 10,200 - 11,699 |
| 14 | 11,700 - 13,299 |
| 15 | 13,300 - 14,999 |
| 16 | 15,000 - 16,799 |
| 17 | 16,800 - 18,699 |
| 18 | 18,700 - 20,699 |
| 19 | 20,700 - 22,799 |
| 20 | 22,800 - 24,999 |
| 21 | 25,000 - 27,299 |
| 22 | 27,300 - 29,699 |
| 23 | 29,700 - 32,199 |
| 24 | 32,200 - 34,799 |
| 25 | 34,800 - 37,499 |
| 26 | 37,500 - 40,299 |
| 27 | 40,300 - 43,199 |
| 28 | 43,200 - 46,199 |
| 29 | 46,200 - 49,299 |
| 30 | 49,300 (maximum) |

Skill Experience Chart

Skills can have a variety of effects upon your character. Some skills will
increase your fighting effectiveness, depending on the type of weapon you are
using. Other skills will help you open locked chests, or even cast spells.
Every time you successfully complete an action, (say, picking a lock or
casting a spell) that skill will gain experience.

Weapon skills (Sword, Axe, Bludgeon, Hand, and Bow) increase in a slightly
different manner. Every time you kill an enemy with one of the five weapon
types listed above, you receive experience for using it. The amount of
experience that your skill receives is the same as the amount that your
character receives. All of the skills have the same skill chart, so refer to
the chart below to see how your skill level is progressing.

Skill Experience Chart

| Level | Experience Points |
| 0 | 0 - 299 |
| 1 | 300 - 699 |
| 2 | 700 - 1,199 |
| 3 | 1,200 - 1,799 |
| 4 | 1,800 - 2,499 |
| 5 | 2,500 - 3,299 |
| 6 | 3,300 - 4,199 |
| 7 | 4,200 - 5,199 |
| 8 | 5,200 - 6,299 |
| 9 | 6,300 - 7,499 |
| 10 | 7,500 - 8,799 |
| 11 | 8,800 - 10,199 |
| 12 | 10,200 - 11,699 |
| 13 | 11,700 - 13,299 |
| 14 | 13,300 - 14,999 |
| 15 | 15,000 - 16,799 |
| 16 | 16,800 - 18,699 |
| 17 | 18,700 - 20,699 |
| 18 | 20,700 - 22,799 |
| 19 | 22,800 - 24,999 |
| 20 | 25,000 - 27,299 |
| 21 | 27,300 - 29,699 |
| 22 | 29,700 - 32,199 |
| 23 | 32,200 - 34,799 |
| 24 | 34,800 - 37,499 |
| 25 | 37,500 - 40,299 |
| 26 | 40,300 - 43,199 |
| 27 | 43,200 - 46,199 |
| 28 | 46,200 - 49,299 |
| 29 | 49,300 - 52,499 |
| 30 | 52,500 (maximum) |

The maximum level for skills is 30. However, reaching level 30 in just ONE
skill, let alone all of them, is quite unfeasible.

HINT: Here is a hint to save you a lot of time. There are many more
swords in the game than there are Axes and Bludgeoning weapons.
Furthermore, the swords are more powerful, in general. The most
powerful weapons are also swords. So build up your Sword Skill as
your main weapon skill - but don't forget your Hand fighting!

Jong's Combination Moves

One of the aspects of the game that make it stand out is that, throughout
the course of adventuring, you can return to the Weapons Master, and he will
teach you new combat maneuvers. Your character will not be able to use these
maneuvers until Jong has "taught" them to you, so knowing the button commands
ahead of time won't help you.

Every time your character reaches a certain level of experience, Jong will
offer to teach you a new attack combination. These combinations are extremely
powerful; it is in your best interest to return to Jong AS SOON AS you gain
the appropriate level. Below is a chart which will tell you the name of each
attack combination, the button command required to perform it, (according to
the yellow text that appears in the bottom left corner of the screen) and,
finally, the level at which he will teach the combination to you.

Jong's Attack Combinations

| Name of Combination | Button Command | Level Learned |
| Charging Thrust | [Thrust] from a distance | Level 1 |
| Spinning Slash | [Swing] from a distance | Level 3 |
| Jumping Chop | [Chop] from a distance | Level 6 |
| Tiger Combination | [Ctrl] + [Swing] x2 | Level 9 |
| Puma Chain | [Thrust]x3 while walking | Level 12 |
| Cobra Chain | [Swing]x3 while walking | Level 15 |
| Scorpion Chain | [Chop]x3 while walking | Level 18 |
| Spider Combination | Press [W] x3 | Level 21 |
| Dragon Combination | Press [E] x5 | Level 24 |

Weapon & Item Shop Inventories

The Weapon Shop, which is run by Gina, will sell a variety of weapons
throughout the course of the game. However, at the beginning of the game, you
will only be able to purchase a few of her wares. As you reach certain
levels, her inventory will expand. This means that you can theoretically stay
in one area and build your level so that it is very high, and then buy awesome
weapons, all while you are still in the beginning stages of the game. (this is
what I did. My weapons were always one step better than the ones I found in
the dungeons)

Below is a chart which shows the weapons that Gina will sell to you, the
cost of each weapon, and at what character level the weapon will appear in her
shop. To see the original list of Level 1 weapons, please refer to the
walkthrough. Enjoy!

Gina's Weapon Shop

| Weapon Name | Weapon Type | Cost | Level Available |
| Spiked Bat | Bludgeon | 630 | Level 3 |
| Studded Club | Bludgeon | 570 | Level 3 |
| Maul | Bludgeon | 1,500 | Level 6 |
| Morning Star | Bludgeon | 1,800 | Level 6 |
| Sickle | Axe | 1,800 | Level 6 |
| Flanged Mace | Bludgeon | 2,400 | Level 6 |
| Pointed Maul | Bludgeon | 2,520 | Level 6 |
| Long Sword | Sword | 4,950 | Level 9 |
| Broadsword | Sword | 5,400 | Level 9 |
| Bastard Sword | Sword | 10,500 | Level 12 |
| Claymore | Sword | 10,950 | Level 12 |
| Katana | Sword | 19,500 | Level 15 |
| Flamberge | Sword | 20,700 | Level 15 |
| Charred Claymore | Sword | 34,500 | Level 18 |
| Spiked Maul | Bludgeon | 36,000 | Level 18 |
| Shining Razor Mace | Bludgeon | 58,500 | Level 21 |

Hruthford's Item Shop also gets new items as the game progresses. However,
his new items are based on completed events, rather than your level. Here is
a list of the additional items that Hruthford will sell throughout the game.
To see the original list of Level 1 items, please refer to the walkthrough.

Hruthford's Items

| Item Name | Cost | When Available |
| Sigil Ring | 4,000 | After Arakna Island |
| Emerald Collar | 3,200 | After Arakna Island |
| Amulet of Channeling | 2,000 | After Arakna Island |
| Fire Ruby Ring | 2,500 | After Arakna Island |
| Band of Fury | 10,000 | After Jhaga |
| Emerald Bracelet | 10,000 | After Jhaga |
| Gloves of Striking | 4,000 | After Jhaga |
| Necklace of Courage | 6,000 | After Jhaga |
| Earthen Gauntlets | 2,000 | After Jhaga |

Armor Shop Inventories

The Armor Shop, which is run by Cronos, will sell a variety of armor
throughout the course of the game. However, at the beginning of the game, you
will only be able to purchase a few of his wares. As you reach certain
levels, his inventory will expand. This means that you can theoretically stay
in one area and build your level so that it is very high, and then buy awesome
armor, all while you are still in the beginning stages of the game.

Below is a chart which shows the armor that Cronos will sell to you, the
cost of each armor set, (the cost of the WHOLE set, not each piece!) and at
what character level the armor will appear in his shop. To see the original
list of Level 1 weapons, please refer to the walkthrough. Enjoy!

| Armor Name | Cost | Level Available |
| Chainmail Armor Set | 14,000 | Level 6 |
| *Bone Armor Set | 5,000 | Level 9 |
| Barbarian Armor Set | 48,000 | Level 9 |
| Plate Armor Set | 108,800 | Level 15 |
| Spiked Armor Set | 132,800 | Level 15 |
| Samurai Armor Set | 166,200 | Level 21 |

* This set only has Boots, Chest Plate, and Leg Plate.

Spell Chart

Throughout the course of the game, you will come across a total of 12
Talismans that can be combined to create spells. There are many spells in the
game! Normally, you would have to wait until you found a scroll during your
travels in order to know what spell uses what Talisman combination. However,
you can create any spell once you have the appropriate Talismans, even if you
have not yet found the appropriate Magic Scroll. Furthermore, even if your
Invoke Skill Level is not high enough to cast the spell, it will still be
added to your list of known spells. Below is a chart showing ALL the spells
that you can create once you find a Talisman, even if you can not yet cast
them. Also included is the cost in Mana, as well as the spell's Skill Level.
The values for Mana Cost and Spell Skill Level come directly from the game

NOTE: Here is a rundown on Spell Skill Levels. If the difference
between your Invoke Level and a spell's Skill Level is more than
2, (meaning that your Skill Level is LOWER than the Spell Skill
Level) then you will not be able to cast it.

If your Invoke Level is 1 or 2 less than the spell's Skill Level,
you can cast it, but you will fail sometimes.

If your Invoke Skill Level is greater than the spell's Skill
Level, you should have few, if any, problems. The spell still
might fail, however. Just not very often.

Spell and Talisman Chart

| Spell Name | Talisman Needed | Skill Level | Mana Cost |
| Advanced Healing | Law, Life, Soul | 23 | 274 |
| Anti-Magic | Sky, Stars | 6 | 56 |
| Armageddon | Earth, Sky, Stars | 22 | 274 |
| Aura | Life, Soul, Stars, Ward | 26 | 268 |
| Blood Drain | Life, Soul, Sun | 13 | 165 |
| Cataclysm | Earth, Life, Law, Sky | 6 | 146 |
| Charm | Stars, Sun | 12 | 101 |
| Crystalism | Chaos, Death, Sky, Stars | 25 | 307 |
| Cure Poison | Life, Sky | 2 | 21 |
| Dexterity | Soul, Stars | 6 | 56 |
| Essence Drain | Chaos, Soul | 26 | 230 |
| Fire Ball | Stars, Sun | 13 | 124 |
| Fire Flash | Moon, Sky | 1 | 26 |
| Full Paralysis | Life, Moon, Soul, Ward | 24 | 206 |
| Fire Wind | Soul, Stars, Sun | 10 | 135 |
| Fist Mastery | Life, Soul | 3 | 41 |
| Heal | Life, Soul, Sun | 11 | 135 |
| Ice Bolt | Ocean, Life, Sky | 22 | 206 |
| Ice Storm | Ocean, Law, Life | 19 | 242 |
| Immortal Might | Chaos, Earth, Moon, Soul | 27 | 255 |
| Invisibility | Sky, Soul | 15 | 99 |
| Iron Skin | Earth, Moon, Ward | 17 | 234 |
| Lightning Bolt | Sky, Sun | 10 | 101 |
| Maelstrom | Chaos, Death | 27 | 1,018 |
| Mana Drain | Moon, Soul, Stars | 14 | 124 |
| Meteor Storm | Earth, Sky | 4 | 56 |
| Might | Soul | 3 | 26 |
| Nourish | Life | 2 | 34 |
| Nullifier | Soul, Ward | 21 | 181 |
| Napalm | Law, Sky, Sun | 19 | 181 |
| Neural Paralysis | Life, Soul, Stars, Ward | 18 | 146 |
| Ogre Strength | Earth, Law, Moon, Ward | 20 | 181 |
| Poison | Moon | 1 | 34 |
| Physical Paralysis | Life, Moon, Soul | 9 | 79 |
| Quicksilver | Earth, Ocean, Sky | 23 | 206 |
| Regeneration | Earth, Life | 5 | 113 |
| Rock Storm | Earth, Law, Sky | 16 | 146 |
| Restore Life | Law, Life, Soul | 27 | 509 |
| Swift Strike | Moon, Ocean | 5 | 64 |
| Shadow Fist | Moon, Stars | 9 | 126 |
| Speed | Life, Soul, Stars | 8 | 79 |
| Stone Skin | Earth, Moon | 8 | 126 |
| Swamp Pit | Earth, Life, Ocean | 7 | 105 |
| Teleport | Ocean, Sky, Stars | 12 | 81 |
| Troll Blood | Law, Life | 17 | 293 |
| Tornado | Earth, Sky, Stars | 7 | 79 |
| Vampiric Drain | Death, Life, Soul | 25 | 307 |
| Weapon Mastery | Moon, Sky, Soul, Sun | 20 | 290 |

Cheat Codes

I currently have no cheat codes for the game Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter,
or Trials of the Luremaster. If you have cheat codes that you would like to
share, e-mail them to me. I will put them in this section, and you will be
fully credited for having provided them.

Other Works

This is a list of FAQ's written by me. The latest versions of all of
these FAQ's can be found at:

Unless otherwise noted, other sites might also carry this FAQ, but I will
always send new updates to first.

| Works to Date |
| |
| Icewind Dale - Store Items |
| |
| Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter - Store Items |
| Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter - Walkthrough |
| |
| Icewind Dale: Trials of the Luremaster - Walkthrough |
| (included in Heart of Winter Walkthrough) |
| |
| Invictus: In the Shadow of Olympus - Walkthrough |
| |
| Revenant - Walkthrough |
| |
| *Sea Dogs - Walkthrough |
| |

* Available ONLY at -

Version Updates

Version 1.1 Corrected several grammar and spelling errors in
July 10, 2001 the document. Added Cheat Codes section (but no
138k codes yet) Updated Other Works section.

Version 1.0 This FAQ is first published. Added complete
July 2, 2001 walkthrough of game. Added expreience and item
137k charts. Updated Other Works section.

Legal Information

I am in no way, shape, or form affiliated with Eidos Interactive or Cinematrix
Studios, Inc. I had nothing to do with the creation of this game, nor did I
have anything to do with the people who made it.

This FAQ may be posted on any site provided an email is sent to me FIRST
stating where the FAQ is to be posted, and an existing URL is provided within
may not be translated into any other language or dialect. Nothing may be
added, removed, or rearranged in any way, shape or form and then republished.
This FAQ MUST remain in its original form. (revenant.txt) The author of this
FAQ reserves the right to recall this FAQ from any site, at any time, and for
any reason as he sees fit. This document may NOT be sold for profit, nor may
it be included in any package or promotion receiving a profit. By possessing
this document, you accept all the terms and conditions which accompany it,
both expressed and implied. Violation of the United States Copyright Laws is
a crime. Plagiarism is also a crime.

This document is Copyright 2001 by Michael Walsh.
Revenant is (C) 1999 Eidos Interactive.
Revenant Patch 1.22 is Copyright (C) 1999 Cinematix Studios, Inc.


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