Final Fantasy Legend

Final Fantasy Legend

15.10.2013 21:11:59
--- WalkThrough---

By Robert Paulson

This walkthrough gives a detailed look into Squaresoft's Gameboy game
Final Legend 1. This document Copyright 1998 Robert Paulson. This
document may only be used for non-profit purposes and credit must be
given. If you see any mistakes or have any new information, contact me
at for corrections.

Version 1.00

1. Characters
2. Walkthrough
3. Weapons
4. Armor
5. Items
6. Magic
7. Monster Chart
8. Mutant Abilities

1. Characters-----------------------------------------------------------

Humans- Have high HP, can have Str/Agil/HP bought for them. A male human
starts out with more strength than a human female. A human female starts
out with more agility.

Mutants- Mutants have low HP but have abilities. These abilities if
used, mature and become very powerful.

Monsters- A monster can change by eating the meat of another monster.
There are many combinations that are possible. Try to find the best
monster and stick with him.

2. Walkthrough----------------------------------------------------------

---------World 1 (Tower Bottom)---------

1. Base Town
* As you begin the game you are faced with a decision. You need to
choose your fighting group. Possible combinations are 4 humans, 2
humans - 2 mutants, and 2 humans - 1 mutant - 1 monster.
* The last group is probably the best choice, because the group is well
rounded. If you choose a Human Female first you have an advantage over a
Human Male. The Human Female starts out with a Saber, which can be sold
early on for a lot of money. Then you could buy the best equipment early
on, which will make it that much easier for you on your journey.
* First you need recruit a party at the Guild. Go directly north from
your starting point, and talk to the person to the right of the octopus.
If you can afford any armor or weapons buy them. The Weapon shop and
Item shop are to the northeast of the Guild Recruiter.
* You should fight around the town until you have enough money to buy
some Gold Armor and new Weapons. Remember to use your Mutants abilities
so they will advance in power.

2. Town of Hero
* Go northeast and across the bridge. Now head south and a little east,
until you reach the Town of Hero. Go into the town. In order to get into
the Tower, the statue in the middle of town must have the King Sword,
Armor, and Shield. There are three kings and each has one piece of
* While you are in town buy two Bows, and whatever other equipment you

3. Castle of Armor
* From the Town of Hero go northeast through the forest. Then follow the
river west and cross the bridge. Then go east and into the castle. Go
talk to the king who is on the second floor. He says that he wants to
marry a girl in South Village, but she won't consent to marry him.

4. South Town
* Exit the Castle of Armor, go over the bridge and head south. Keep on
going south until you see some streams and bridges. Stay to the right,
and keep going south until you see the town. Go into the town.
* Restock on the necessary items. Then go to the northwest corner of
town. The girl who won't marry the king is below the person from the
House of Life. She says the Bandit King is threatening her town so she
can't marry.
* Exit the town and go southwest. Find then cave entrance and go into
the Bandit Cave

5. Bandit Cave
* Go east, follow the passageway, and go down the stairs.
* Go west until you reach the wall and then go south, until you see a
door. Go into the door and follow the passage west. Then go north until
you see the Bandit King. Save your game before you talk to him, and have
the Bows equipped.
* The Bandit King has 82 HP. He also has a special coating that will
poison any party member who deals damage to him with a hand held weapon.
Your battle hardened group shows no mercy and finishes the Bandit King
* Follow the passage back and go through the door. Then go east until
you reach the wall and then go north. Go through the door and open the
chests for a Potion, Strong, and Bronze Shield.
* Now exit the cave.

6. The Castle of Armor
* Go back to South Town and go to the Inn. Also talk to the girl who
wouldn't marry the king before. She says she is very happy now. Exit the
town and go north to the Castle of Armor. Talk to the King and he will
give you the King Armor. After you're done talking with the King equip
the King Armor which will greatly increase your defense by 20 Defense.
* Exit the Castle of Armor.

7. The Castle of Sword
* Go to the Town of Hero and go to the Inn and buy new Weapons and some
Magic spells. Exit the Town of Hero and go west, hugging the mountains
south of you. Keep on going west until you see a path going through the
* Follow the path through the woods and head south until you reach the
bridge. Then cross the bridge, go east, and follow the path to the next
bridge. Then go north and into the Castle of Sword.
* The enemies here are more powerful then the ones you have faced
before. Don't talk to the people wandering around because they will
attack you. Take the west path to the wall and then go north to the
wall. Then go east and at the first intersection go south. Then go up
the stairs.
* Go north and then east. Go south to the wall, west, and then up the
stairs. (The stairs to the north lead to a dead end). Go north and save
your game before you talk to the King. He says you must defeat him first
if you want the King Sword.
* The King is very powerful and has a strong attack. He has about 99-114
HP. Once the King has been defeated equip his sword with your strongest
character. It has unlimited uses and is the most powerful sword you can
get at this time.

8. Castle of Shield
* Exit the Castle of Sword and go to the Castle of Shield. Go up the
stairs and north. The Steward murdered the King and is going to place
the blame on you!
* There are two Asigaru and one Skeleton who battle against you. This
fight is very easy. Once you have defeated the Steward go through his
hidden passage. The hidden entrance is the second space to the right of
the throne. Go north and through the wall.
* Follow the passage around and go down the stairs. Save your game and
talk to the Steward. The Steward is very weak. (I killed him in one
shot). You get the King's Shield. Go to the Town of Hero and heal
yourself at the Inn.

9. The Statue of Hero
* Before you go to the statue make sure you have every character
sufficiently supplied, equipped, and powered up. Then unequip all your
King Items. Then use them by double clicking them on the Item screen.
You will receive the Sphere which will unlock the door to the Tower.
* Try leaving and the monster Gen-Bu will attack you. Gen-Bu can use the
spell Shell which will protect him. He can also you the spell Gas to
deal around 25 damage to a character. He has about 129-150 HP. Once he
is defeated go to the Inn and go north to Base Town

10. Tower
* Go to the Tower door and search it. The door is locked by the power of
Sphere. Go to your Item list and go down the Item Sphere. Choose the
Sphere and the door will open. Then go into the Tower.
* Floor 1 * Go north and through the door.
* Floor 2 * Now go south until the path splits. Take the west path, go
north, and then go through the door. Go north and through the door.
* Floor 3 * Go west and enter the first door you see. Go northeast and
enter the town of Paradise. You can talk to the people but they don't
tell you anything important. Exit the town and head south. Search the
pool at the bottom of the screen to restore all your HP. Then go back
into the Tower. Take the north path and then go west at the fork. Go
through the door. Go north and through the door.
* Floor 4 * Go north and at the fork take the west path. Go west all the
way to the wall. Go north to the healing spring and refresh yourself.
(South door is a torture room with Gargoyles and humans). From the
spring go south to the fork, east to the intersection, and north through
the door.
* Floor 5 * Go west into the room and open the chest for the Colt
Weapon. Go east, north and through the door. This room has a door which
leads to a new world, and another which leads to a higher floor. Right
now it's only possible to go the Ocean World or back to the Tower Base.
The southwest corner of the room has a healing spring. Go to the
northwest corner of the room. Talk to the man and he tells you to "Talk
to the Old Man." Go north and through the door. You will emerge outside
and in the Ocean World.

---------World 2 (Ocean)--------

1. Port Town
* Go southeast and into the town. The Weapon Shop sells Gold Helmets and
some new Weapons. Buy some upgrades for your Humans. The HP 400's are
expensive so it might be better to buy Strong and Agility for your
Humans. The next step is to get yourself a floating island.
* Exit the town and go north into the cave.

2. Underwater Caves
* Go east, north to the intersection, east to the wall, and north. Go up
the stairs and you will exit onto an island with another cave entrance.
* Go into the new cave. Go west, north, and east at the intersection to
the wall. Then go down a little and east to the wall. Then go north and
up the stairs. The floating island is the top island on the west coast
of the island.

3. East Island Village
* From where you got the floating island sail north until you can just
see the black boundary of the Ocean World. Then sail east until you see
an island with forests at the bottom of you screen. The dock to the
island is on the east side. Dock at the island and go into town.
* This town sells new and very expensive Weapons and Armor. Now would be
a good time to fight for gold. Many monsters here are very hard so save

4. South Island
* To get to this island go south from East Island Village. South Island
is small and has a hut in the middle. The Southern Island that the
town's person referred to, is not in the way south of this world, but in
the middle-east side of this world.
* To reach the Old Man you have to go through a maze, but luckily there
are no monsters. Go north to trees, east to the trees, north to the
trees and then west. BE CAREFULL. The sandy patch that is near the Old
Man will warp you out of the island so don't step on it. Just before the
sandy patch go south, west, and then north.
* Talk to the Old Man and he says "The Airseed is on the palm tree in
the center. Now you can step on the sandy patch to exit the island.

5. Palm Tree Island
* Directly south from the South Island is Palm Tree Island.
* Dock and stand before the Palm Tree, not on it, and search the Palm
Tree to get the Airseed.

6. Underwater Town
* The whirlpool is located near the northwest corner of the world. Once
you have the Airseed go into the whirlpool. You can now walk underwater.
Get off you floating island and go south until you start walking on land
that has seaweed type stuff on it. Then go east and enter the town
* You need to get the Red Orb. To do this you need to go to the
Sea Palace, but before you do this, you should buy the new Armor and
power up your Humans.

7. Sea Palace
* Go outside the town, go south and go down the stairs.
* Go east and the south into the narrow passage. Follow the passage
around and then go down the stairs.
* Go west and then go north up the fourth passage. (seventh passage
leads to empty landmass with clouds.) Once you reach the stairs go up
them. You should emerge outside the cave but still underwater. Head
south for a long time and go into the Sea Castle.
* The Sea Castle has Octopus guards which will attack you if you bump
into them.
* Floor 1 * Go east past the stairs and follow the passage to the
Northeast corner. Go into the door and walk north to the treasure. Open
the chest for a Blue Key. Exit the room and go up the stairs that you
had passed before.
* Floor 2 * Go west to the end of the room, then south to the bottom,
then east, and then up the stairs. (Room to the north is empty)
* Floor 3 * Follow the passages north and then west to the room in the
northwest corner. Open the chests for a Grenade, Silver Armor, and Cure
Spell. Then exit and follow the passages to the southwest corner. Then
go up the stairs. (You may need to wait for the Octopus guards to move)
* Floor 4 * Travel clockwise around the room and then go up the stairs.
* Floor 5 * Go north into the room that is packed with orbs. Go to the
top right corner of the room. Walk two spaces to the left. Then one
space down. You must be facing the orb that is 2 down and 2 left. Then
hit the "A" button to search.
* You find the Red Orb but Sei-Ryu comes and attacks you. He has 491-633
HP. Use your most powerful attacks. If you do, he will be defeated in no
time. Now exit the Sea Castle and return to the surface.

8. South Island (Old Man Island)
* Go into the hut and talk to the Old Man. The Old Man asks you a
riddle. If you add up the total cost of what he tells you it will equal
the cost of a Battle Sword. Have the Battle Sword in your inventory and
then talk to him again. He will give you the Blue Orb.
* Now go into your Item inventory and double click the Red Orb and then
Blue. They will combine and give you the next Sphere for the Tower.
* Exit the Old Man's hut and go to Port Town which is just east of the
Tower. Power-up your characters and then go into the Tower.

9. Tower
* Floor 5 * Go south a little and then east. Use the new Sphere and go
into the door. Go north and through the door.
* Floor 6 * Go east, south, west, and through the door. Then go north
and into the door.
* Floor 7 * Go north up either path. Then go north into the door. You
are now out of the Tower. Go north until you reach a row of statues that
look like fishes. Go and step onto the first statue. If you press the
"A" button you will get a message. Then press the "A" button three times
while on the second statue to get three X-Potions. If you hit the button
more than three times you will get a fight. Then go south and back into
the tower. Then go back south as far as you can go, then west and north
into the door. Then go west into the room and open the treasure for a
Musket. Then go east and north through the door.
* Floor 8 * Go east into a large room. In the northeast corner is a
Healing Pool where you can regain your HP. Go north, east, and south.
(The second Healing Pool you passed doesn't work. Take the first door
that you see. Go north and through the door.
* Floor 9 * Head west, then north and through the door. The room here is
filled with beds and has a few people. There is an Inn in the southeast
corner. There is a House of Life in the southwest corner. The Gargoyle
in the northwest corner says that the four fiends which are controlled
by an archfiend. Exit the room and go west and then go south until there
is a path going west. Then go west, north, east, north and into the
door. Go west and open the treasure for a P-Knife. Now go east, north
and through the door.
* Floor 10 * Go south by the fish statues to the bottom of the screen.
The go east and talk to the person in black. He says that "The ruler of
this world is a guard, and if you want to meet him become a guard. "
Then go east through the short narrow corridor, then north, and through
the door.

---------World 3 (Sky)---------

1. Sky Town
* You have now emerged into Sky World. Go west and into the town. From
the citizens of the town you will hear of a hidden town, the ruler
Byak-Ko who needs guards, and a Resistance group.
* Your first task is to buy some new Weapons and Armor. The last thing
for you to do, is to save your game, and go into the Pub. Go talk to a
guard and he will attack you. Dispatch the guard and you will be sent to

2. Floating Castle
* Byak-Ko will hire you and give you your first assignment. Your job is
to capture Jeanne and bring her to him. He then sends you to a Glider
which you can fly around in. Step into the glider and fly out of the

3. Hidden Town
* Near the northeast corner of this world is a square cloud 2x2 spaces
in shape. Move onto the cloud and move clockwise until you get into the
* One person tells you that the White Sphere that you need is enshrined
in the clouds. Another person that Charles the resistance leader, had
twins. One person says that to get the White Sphere, its necessary for
the twins need to be together.
* This town also sells new Magic, Weapons and Armor. Buy what you need
and then go back to Sky Town if you need to strengthen your Humans.
Otherwise head back to the Floating Castle which can be found in the
near the southwest corner of the world.

4. The Resistance Base
* From the top right corner of the castle go north until you run into
some trees. Get off your glider and go into the igloo which is in the
middle of the forest.
* Go to the bottom right corner of the room. Talk to the castle guards
and they say that they have it "under control." Your characters attack
the guards. (a Garlic, Sabercat, and P-Worm). Once you have defeated
this group talk to the girl. She asks you to save her sister in the
Floating Castle.
* Exit the Rebel Base and go to the Floating Castle.

5. Floating Castle
* Enter the castle and go east. Then go north up the stairs and into the
door. Go south, east and into the next door. Go south, east and into
another door. Go south, then north up the stairs and into the door. Go
north, east and down the stairs.
* Go east and into the door. Go north, east, north, west, north, and
into the door. Go north and open the treasure for a White Key. Exit the
room and go north, east, north and into the door. Go to the corner and
fight the monsters. After this easy fight talk to Millie. Just as your
ready to leave Byak-Ko comes and tells you that he knew that you were
his enemy. Millie also shows her true colors and turns traitor on you.
You are then thrown into jail.

6. Jail
* Talk to the inmates. One inmate wants to get to the glider and the
other tells you that he couldn't bend the bars despite his strength. Go
up the bars and hit the "A" button a couple times. You take care of it
with no problem.
* Exit the jail cell and go east. Go to far east cell and search the
bars to find a talking sword. You get the Revenge Sword. Go north and
fight the Imp. Once you have defeated him go up the stairway.
* Now go west, north, east, north, west, and then up the stairway. (To
right of the stairs is a locked door which you will come back to later.)
* Go through the door in the northwest corner of the room. Go north,
east and talk to the guards who are guarding the treasure chest. (Four
Imps). Open the chest for the Jail Key. Now the locked door that you
passed two floors ago can now be opened. Go to the door and into the
storage room. (Top Left= X Potion, Top Middle= Elixir Top Right= Revive,
Bottom Right= L-Saber, Bottom Middle= Giant Fist, Bottom Left= Death
* Go back to the room where you got the Jail Key and go north through
the door. Go south and climb into the glider that works. Exit the Jail.

7. Floating Castle/Rebel Base
* You are one cloud to the west of where the Floating Castle was. Go one
cloud to the east and north. The Floating Castle is now hovering over
the Rebel Base.
* Enter the Rebel Base and look around. Since nobody is there, go into
the Floating Castle. Then exit the Floating Castle right away. Save your
game and go into the clearing where the Rebel Base used to be. Your
character walks north to find Byak-Ko, Millie, and Jeanne. Byak-Ko tries
to kill Millie but Jeanne steps in the way and saves her sister.
* Byak-Ko has about 1000 HP. This is a very easy fight if you use your
most powerful weapons. Once he has been defeated Millie cries over her
sister and the White Sphere is made.

8. Loose Ends
* With Byak-Ko defeated you can no longer go to the Hidden Town. Your
only option is to go to the Sky Town.
* Go to the Inn and buy replacement Weapons if you have to. Use your
spare money to power-up your humans. Around this time they should have
about eighty strength and agility.
* Now go west and into the tower.

9. Tower
* Floor 10 * Go south, a little west, north and walk to the door. Use
the White Sphere and go into the door. Go north and through the door.
* Floor 11 * Go west and refresh yourself at the Healing Pool. Then go
south, west, north and through the door. Go north and through another
* Floor 12 * Go south down the narrow corridor, then west, and into the
door. You are now outside the tower on a large cloud. From standing on
the Tower go west. Now stop so that you are standing on the fourth space
to the right on the top row of clouds. Then go south and get the
treasure. After getting the Elixir go back to the Tower. Then go down
south until your about 1 screen north of the bottom. Then go 3 or 4
steps right and right the jet stream north. You should pass over the
chest so you have to open the treasure chest while your moving. If you
do get this treasure you will be rewarded with a Vampric Sword. There is
a Potion that is not worth the effort to get. It's in the lower, middle-
left area of the cloud. After getting the Items go north and back into
the Tower. Go east to the room with fake Healing Pool, then north and
into the door. Go west and open the treasure for a Saw. The Saw has a
50% chance of connecting and when it does, it is fatal. Then go east,
north and through the door.
* Floor 13 * Go to the first fish statue, go north, and then into the
door. (Door above third fish statue leads to a weird place with thirsty
octopuses. Go west and open the treasure for a Army Helmet. Then go
east, north, and up through the door.
* Floor 14 * Go west until you reach a Healing Pool. Heal yourself, then
go east and take the first path going south. Follow this path to the
bottom of the spring. Then go east and into the door. You are in a lake
and the people are endanger of drowning. Go onto the spot that looks
like a whirlpool. You unplug the lake and fall down a floor to where the
octopuses were. Now go south, east to the last fish statue and north to
the door. Then go north and through another door. Now go back into the
door where the lake was. The area is covered with trees and a castle can
now be seen. Enter the castle. Open the treasure chests for a P-Sword,
Elixir, Revive, and X-Potion. Go back into the Tower. Go west, north,
west, south, west, and north into the door. Then go north and through
the door.
* Floor 15 * Go east to the second path going north. Go north and
through the door. (The healing pool in the southeast corner is not worth
getting). Go north and through another door.
* Floor 16 * Go south and talk to the man dressed in black. He tells you
that you can only run against Su-Zaku. Then take the door to east of the
door you just got out of.

---------World 4 (The Ruins)---------

1. Underground Tunnels
* If you take a couple steps you should be attacked by Su-Zaku. When he
attacks just run. You are unable to kill him at this time. Head for the
tunnel entrance in the northwest corner. Go west and follow the girl.
Then go down the stairway. Go west and down another stairway. Go west
and an Atom Ant is attacking the girl.
* Once you have defeated the monster she tells you that the town is
straight ahead to the west. Go west and then up the stairway to emerge
outside the tunnel.

2. Southwest Town
* Go west into the town. There is a Weapon and Item shop on the second
floor in the building in the middle of town. Then go to the building in
the northeast corner of town.
* Enter the Pub and your character gets into a fight right away.
Fortunately he is the brother of the girl you helped. Instead of
fighting him he gives you his motorbike which will avoid most of Su-
Zaku's attacks. Hop onto the bike and leave the town.

3. The Library
* Go into the tunnel northeast of town. Follow the path, west, north,
east, and then north at the three-way intersection. Go north and up the
* Take the tunnel to the southeast. Then go east, down through any
passage, east, and up the stairway. Go east and dismount from your bike.
Then go east and into the Library.
* Go east, north and up the stairs to the second floor. Go to look at
the first shelf. Your character looks around and finds that the town is
14 spaces east and 15 spaces north of the Library. Search the middle
bookcase on the third row up from the bottom for the Stone Spell. Then
exit the Library.

4. Akiba
* Exit the Library and hop onto your Bike. You can go the amount of
spaces that you were told to go. The location can also be found by going
two spaces left of the Northeast Town and then south into Akiba. If you
still are having trouble finding Akiba, its also four spaces east of the
topmost right corner of the big lake in the northeast corner of the
* Enter Akiba and go north. Go into the first door that you see on the
west side. Open the treasure for a Revive and then exit the room. Go
north and enter the next door on the west side. Open the treasure for a
X-Potion and exit the room. Go east, south, and take the first door to
the east side. Open the treasure for a Catcraw and then exit the room.
Go south and take the next door to the east. Open the treasure for a
ROM. Then exit the room and then exit Akiba.

5. Northeast Town
* Go north and enter the town. You can buy almost anything you want at
this town but first you have to exchange your ROM for a Board. To do
this, go east and north at the third stall. Go past the worm and north
through the opening in his booth. Go east and talk to the man in the
northeast corner of the town. He will give you the Board in exchange for
your ROM.
* Once you have accomplished this you can buy new Weapons, Armor, Items,
and upgrades for your Humans. Try if possible to have your Humans fully
developed now. Have over 600 HP and 99 power and agility. If you are
done doing everything you needed to do exit the town.

6. Southwest Town
* Take the tunnel to the southwest. Go to the stairs in the southeast
corner. Take the tunnel to the northwest. Go up the stairs on the west
side of the tunnel. Take the tunnel to the west of the Library. Take the
stairs in the northwest corner of the tunnel. Go up the stairs in the
south section of the tunnel and then go into the town.
* Go to the Pub and talk to So-Cho. You rest for the night and in the
morning you wake up in a single room. Go south and out the door. You try
to leave your friends at the Pub behind because of the danger, but they
come anyway.

7. Secret Tunnel
* Go east and into the tunnel. Follow the Bike to the east. Once you get
to the end of the bridge get off you Bike and talk to the people on the
other Bike. Then follow them east and down the stairs.
* Get off your bike and talk to them again. So-Cho says he will wait for
you. Then go east, south, east, south, west, and enter the Power Plant

8. Power Plant
* Floor 1 * Go counter-clockwise and up the stairs.
* Floor 2 * Go counter-clockwise and get off your bike. Talk to the Evil
Eye and defeat him. Keep on going counter-clockwise and then go up the
* Floor 3 * Travel clockwise and go past the red Plutonium spikes. So-
Cho will come. Talk to him and he will destroy the spikes to make a path
for you. Unfortunately he dies, but he does give you the Band Helmet. Go
up the stairs.
* Floor 4 * Pick up the Plutonium object. Just as you pick it up a
Machine attacks you. The Machine has about 1,000 HP. Once you have
defeated it you appear back at the Southwest Town.

9. Southwest Town
* Enter the town and look around. Su-Zaku has destroyed every living
creature in the town except for the person in the Inn and House of Life.
Go to the Pub and pick up the Bike. Now when you ride around outside of
the town you will fight monsters, not Su-Zaku. Now is a good time to get
money for good weapons which can still be bought at the Northeast Town.

10. Skyscraper
* Go to the northwest corner of this world. If you ride along the left
path of this world you should see the Skyscraper. Get off your bike and
enter the building.
* Floor 1 * Go north but don't go into the door. Instead travel counter-
clockwise and go into the door in the northwest corner. Go east and you
will be moved up. Take the door right next to you.
* Floor 2 * Go south and stand on the space in the east wall. Go 4 east
and north 5. Then go 5 east, 8 south, 5 west, 1 north, 3 west, 5 south
and go into the door. Go the northeast corner of the room and open the
chest for a Hyper. Exit the room and go back up the hidden path 5 north,
3 east, 1 south, 5 east, 3 north, and 5 east. Now go south until you
reach the wall. Then go east 8 steps on the hidden path. Then go south,
east and into the door. Take a step east and you will be moved to the
north. Then go into the door.
* Floor 3 * Go east to the second corridor that goes north. Travel north
to the four-way intersection. Go east to the wall and then north into
another area. Travel east for a very long distance and at the end, go
south through the door. The southeast door has only a X-Potion in it. If
you need to get that then do, but otherwise go into the west door of the
two doors that are next to each other. Go west and you will be moved
down. Then take the door to the next floor.
* Floor 4 * Go south to the wall. Then go 5 steps east. (East door is
empty). Go 5 north, 3 west, 3 north, 5 west, and north into the door. Go
west and you will be moved south. Go north through the door.
* Floor 5 * Go east to the wall and 4 steps south. Go through the wall
and north into the room. Go west to get an Elixir and then exit the
room. Go south and back through the wall. Go south, east and into the
first door that you see. Go west and you will be moved south. Then go
into the door.
* Floor 6 * Go east to the wall, south to the wall, west to the
wall, north to the three-way intersection, east to end of the corridor.
You will have taken a staircase that actually works. Go west, north and
east along the train station. Enter the subway car that has its doors
* Go west and into the next subway car. Go west and talk to the
passenger who tells you that Su-Zaku is to the west. Then go west into
the next car. Go west and into the next car. Go west and into the next
car. (The girl sitting down is an Evil Eye). Go west into the next car.
Go west, save your game, and talk to the man.
* The enemy goes up to the top of the car and you follow them. Talk to
Su-Zaku and then double click on Erase-99. Then get ready for a fight.
Su-Zaku has about 1,500 HP. If you use your best attacks the battle
should be a breeze. If you get meat and if your the right monster you
can transform into a Dragon. I was a Rakshasha and transformed into
Dragon 5.
* After the fight you visit So-Chao's grave and his sister gives you the
fourth Sphere.

11. Tower
* Go back to the Northeast Town and buy replacement Weapons and extra
Weapons. This next part is very long any you need every advantage you
can get.
* Once you are done stocking up go into the Tower
* Floor 16 * Once you have entered the Tower travel clockwise to the
door. Cross the spikes and use your final Sphere to break the seal. Go
through the door and then go north and into another door.
* Floor 17 * Go east to the second set of stairs that goes north. Go up
the stairs and follow the path to the north. Then go west and into the
door. Go west and get the treasure in the northwest corner of the room
for a Door. Go east, north and through the door.
* Floor 18 * Go clock-wise and enter the first door you see. (The
Healing Pool is a fake. The other door leads to a few misguided people
who think that Ashura the fiend, is a hero). Go west and open the
treasure chest for a Magnum. Go east, north and through the door.
* Floor 19 * Go north and then west. Go to the stairs and go down the
east side. After you have stopped go east to the Healing Pool. Then go
west and through the door. Go south and head down the long stairs. At
the end talk to the dead guy. After reading the journal you will get the
Nuke Bomb. Go north and exit the room. Go east and use the escalator to
go back north. Then head east and go through the door in the northeast
corner of the floor. Go west and open the treasure for an Aezis Shield.
Then go east, north and through the door.
* Floor 20 * Go west and take the first path south to the far wall. Go
to the seventh bookcase and go north through a secret door. Open the
chest for the spell Flare. Go west and exit the room. Go east and
through the door. Go north and through the door.
* Floor 21 * Go west, take the first path north and go through the door.
Go the southwest flower patch and go into the hut. The Old Man will give
you the sword Excalibur. Exit through the door in the northeast corner.
Go south down the path to the far wall. Then travel counter-clockwise to
the Healing Pool. Then go east and into the door. Go west and open the
chest for a Glass Sword. Go east, north, and through the door.
* Floor 22 * Go southeast and talk to the person in black. This is your
last chance to go back to any other floor you may want to visit. Once
you are ready go north through the middle of the column. You will be
brought up and through the door. Go north and save your game. Then talk
to Ashura.
* Ashura offers you a deal, but your characters decide to fight him.
Ashura is very powerful and has attacks like 4Heads and Flare. Ashura
has about 2,000 HP. Once he is defeated go north. Just as you are about
to open the door you fall into a pitfall

---------World 5 (Base Town)---------

1. Base Town
* You are now back at Base Town but the Tower is completely different.
Now you have the opportunity to talk to the characters you have met on
your journey. There are also new and expensive Weapons available for you
to buy. Once you have what you need talk to the man in black who is
standing next to the Tower.
* He tells you that the road to paradise is behind the doors.

2. Tower
* Use all four Sphere's to open the door. Once they Sphere's have been
used go north through the door.
* Floor 1 * Go west and open the chest for a Ninja Fist. Then go east,
north and save your game. Then talk to Gen-Bu2 for a fight. He has about
1,500 HP. At this time it might be wise to go back out and sell your
Giant's Fist so you have more room.
* Then go back into the Tower and go north through the door. Go east and
up the left side of the escalator. Then go through the door. Go north on
the left side of the escalator and go through the door. Go north up the
escalator and through the door. Go west and then north up the left side
of the escalator to the monster. Save your game and attack. Sei-Ryu2 has
1,200-1475 HP. Once he is defeated open the treasure for Arthur Armor.
Then go east and through the door.
* Go west and then north up the escalator. Go east and through the door.
Go west and then north up the escalator. Go east and through the door.
Now go west, north up the escalator, east, and through the door. Go
west, north up the escalator, east, and through the door. Go east and up
the right side of the escalator. Save and talk to Byak-Ko2. He has about
2,000 HP. Once he is defeated open the treasure for a Shoe. Then go
north and through the door.
* Go north up the escalator and through the door. Now go north up the
escalator and through the door. Go north up the escalator and through
the door. Now go north up the escalator and through the door. Go north
up the escalator and through the door. Go east and north up the closest
escalators to the top. Save your game and talk to Su-Zaku2. If you have
the Sun Sword use that. You might score a Critical Hit and kill him
instantly. He has about 2,500 HP. Open the chest for a Masmune. Go west
and then go through the door.
* Go north up the escalator, west, and through the door. Go north up the
escalator, west, and through the door. Go north up the escalator, west,
and through the door. Go north up the escalator, west, and through the
door. Go north up the escalator, west, and through the door. Go north up
the escalator, west, and through the door.
* Almost every step you take you will encounter a fight. Go north up a
long escalator and then go through the door.

3. Creator
* If you save your game here you can never go back into the Tower unless
you use a Door. If you search the orb a small portion of your HP will be
replenished. You can do this until your HP is full. Then go to the
northwest corner and talk to the man in Black
* The Creator will tell you about what you have been doing. Then you
fight him. The Creator can be defeated very easily by using a Saw. He
has about 5,000 HP. Good weapons to use against him are the P-Sword,
Glass Sword and Masmune. Once he is defeated watch the credits roll.


3. Weapons--------------------------------------------------------------

Weapon- -Cost -Special Use
Hammer -25 -
Long Sw -132 -
Axe -412 -
King Sw - -Can kill enemies with a Critical Hit
Battle Sw -989 -Answers riddle
Katana Sw -2060 -
Rune Sw -9,800 -Use against magic enemies
Coral Sw -9,880 -Use against water enemies
Ogre Sw -9,880 -Use against Goblins and Ogres
Silver Sw -10,712 -
Ice Sw -23,880 -Use against fire enemies
Flame Sw -24,000 -Use against cold enemies
Elec Sw -24,700 -Use against water enemies
Dragon Sw -34,600 -Use against dragons
Defend Sw -48,000 -Will deflect enemy blows
Sun Sw -67,980 -Use against undead
XCalibur Sw - -Hits group of monsters
Glass Sw - -Strongest sword in game
Masmune - -Very strong sword
Rapier -24 -
Saber -2,060 -
L-Saber -10,480 -
CatCraw -23,200 -
Vampric Sw -10,000 -Drains enemy HP and give to character
P-Knife -3,800 -
P-Sword -32,000 -
Punch -500 -
Kick -1,100 -
Headbutt -2,100 -
X-Kick -4,100 -
Judo -8,100 -
Karate -15,100 -
Counter -5,100 -Hits enemies back with double the damage
Whip -80 -
E-Whip -800 -
Saw -125 -Kills enemies in one blow
Revenge Sw - -Deals enemies double the damage dealt to you
Colt -80 -
Musket -800 -
Magnum -8,000 -
SMG -400 -Hits group of enemies
Grenade -800 -Hits group of enemies
Bazooka -4,000 -Hits group of enemies
Balkan -8,000 -Hits group of enemies
Missile -40,000 -Hits all enemies
Nuke Bomb - -Hits all enemies
Hyper -100,000 -Hits all enemies
Bow -50 -
Long Bow -8,000 -
Great Bow -32,000 -
Laser -10,000 -
Rock -100 -

There are three different types of weapons in this game. The first
kinds are Melee Weapons such as Long Swords and Rapiers. The Melee
Weapons also has three sub-divisions. Agile characters should use
weapons like the Rapier and Saber. Strong characters the Long Sword and
Battle-Axe. Magic characters should use the P-Knife or P-Sword
The second kinds of weapons are Skill Weapons. Punch, Kick, and
Head Butt deal little damage at first. But as you use them more and more
the damage dealt is higher.
The third kind are Range Weapons. SMGs and Bows are long range
weapons. The damage dealt and if the blow lands at all is based on
Agility and how often the character uses the weapon.

4. Armor----------------------------------------------------------------

Armor- -Cost -Effect
Bronze -80 +4 Def
Gold -125 +8 Def
King - +20 Def
Silver -2,500 +13 Def
Dragon -8,500 +19 Def/Prevents most magic
Suit -18,000 +25 Def
Arthur - +38 Def
Power -100,000 +70 Def
Bronze -40 +3 Def
Gold -175 +5 Def
King - +6 Def
Silver -600 +8 Def
Army -6,000 +17 Def
Band - +25 Def
Dragon -20,000 +22 Def
Bronze -12 +1 Def
Gold -150 +3 Def
Silver -500 +4 Def
Giant -5,000 +6 Def +10 Str
Ninja - +15 Def
Bronze -40 -Evade 30%
Gold -400 -Evade 40%
King - -Evade 100%
Silver -4000 -Evade 50%
Flame -5,500 -Useful against Ice attacks
Ice -6,000 -Evade 60%
Dragon -8,000 -Evade Elec, Fire, Ice, Poison attacks
Aezis - -Evade 100%
Geta -3,000 +7 Def +10 Str
Hermes -8,500 +7 Def +10 Agil
Shoes - +10 Def +10 Magic

5. Items----------------------------------------------------------------

Item- -Cost -Use
Potion -50 -Will restore 30-50 HP for a character
X-Potion -200 -Will restore 90-150 HP for a character
Elixir -10,000 -Will restore all HP
Eyedrop -500 -Cures Blindness
Needle -500 -Cures stone
Antidote -100 -Cures poison
Bell -100 -Cures sleep
Symbol -500 -Will remove a curse on a character
Shocker -100 -Cures paralysis
Pan -100 -Cures confusion
Revive -15,000 -Will bring party member back to life
Heart -10,000 -Will give a Character an extra life
Door -5,000 -Transports your group to the bottom of a tower
Arcane -10,000 -Will restore the uses of an Weapon or Item
HP 200 -100 -Increases the HP of a character slightly
HP 400 -1,000 -Increases the HP of a character moderately
HP 600 -5,000 -Increases the HP of a character the most
Strong -300 -Increases Strength of character
Agility -300 -Increases Agility of character

6. Magic----------------------------------------------------------------

Magic- -Cost -Use
Cure -1,000 -Will regain some HP of a character
Fire -500 -Will attack enemies with fire
Ice -500 -Will attack enemies with ice
Elec -500 -Will attack enemies with electricity
Fog -500 -Will hit enemies with fog of poison gas
Flare -50,000 -Will hit enemies with the power of nuke
Sleep -500 -Will put enemies to sleep
Stone -5,000 -Will cover enemies with layers of stone
Death -5,000 -Will hit enemies with powerful blast
Rod -1,000 -Functions like Cure spell
Wand -750 -Functions like Fire spell
Staff -5,000 -Will confuse enemies
Book -500 -Will destroy undead monsters
Tempter -5,100 -Will confuse enemies

6. Monster Chart--------------------------------------------------------

Incomplete at this time... but getting there.

Monster HP | Str | Def | Agil | Mana | Weak X | Strong O
Albatross 20 | 6 | 3 | 9 | 4 | ------ | Quake
Clipper 20 | 4 | 9 | 7 | 6 | Ice | ------
Goblin 20 | 9 | 6 | 4 | 3 | ------ | ------
Skeleton 20 | 5 | 2 | 4 | 7 | Fire | PAR/WP
Lizard 40 | 5 | 7 | 4 | 2 | Ice | ------
Wererat 40 | 8 | 4 | 5 | 7 | ------ | ------
Oni 60 | 14 | 9 | 7 | 5 | ------ | ------
Red Bull 60 | 8 | 7 | 5 | 4 | Ice | ------
Slime 60 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 8 | Fire | PAR/WP
Snake 60 | 9 | 11 | 7 | 5 | Ice | ------
Wolf 60 | 12 | 8 | 10 | 5 | ------ | ------
Zombie 60 | 9 | 4 | 3 | 6 | |
Big Eye 82 | 8 | 12 | 6 | 22 | ------ | Quake
Condor 82 | 11 | 6 | 14 | 9 | |
Dragon Fly 82 | 12 | 17 | 18 | 11 | Ice | Quake
| | | | | | -Warning
Gargoyle 82 | 11 | 8 | 9 | 12 | ------ | ------
P-Frog 82 | 8 | 11 | 6 | 4 | |
Phantom 82 | 6 | 5 | 14 | 15 | Fire | Quake
| | | | | | Weapon
| | | | | | Change
Piranha 82 | 11 | 9 | 14 | 6 | Elec | Fire
Worm 82 | 9 | 5 | 4 | 8 | Ice | ------
Gecko 103 | 12 | 14 | 7 | 5 | Ice | ------
Ghoul 103 | 15 | 6 | 5 | 10 | Fire | Para
Jaguar 103 | 18 | 12 | 16 | 7 | ------ | ------
Red Bone 103 | 12 | 6 | 8 | 17 | Fire | PAR/WP
Werewolf 103 | 17 | 7 | 11 | 13 | ------ | Weapon
Hornet 126 | 18 | 25 | 26 | 17 | Ice | Quake
Serpent 126 | 16 | 21 | 14 | 9 | Ice | ------
Atom Crab 150 | 18 | 32 | 12 | 10 | Elec | Fire
Eagle 150 | 23 | 14 | 38 | 21 | ------ | Quake
| | | | | | ûWarning
| | | | | | -Stealth
Mantcore 150 | 22 | 21 | 30 | 31 | ------ | Quake
Mosquito 150 | 22 | 30 | 31 | 21 | Ice | Quake
| | | | | | -Stealth
Raven 150 | 19 | 11 | 25 | 17 | ------ | Quake
Rhino 150 | 21 | 16 | 14 | 9 | Ice | ------
Siren 150 | 14 | 21 | 23 | 30 | ------ | ------
Woodman 150 | 26 | 18 | 11 | 24 | Fire | ------
Catwoman 175 | 30 | 14 | 21 | 23 | ------ | Weapon
Shark 175 | 23 | 21 | 30 | 14 | |
Beetle 202 | 19 | 40 | 38 | 29 | Ice | Quake
Gazer 202 | 20 | 29 | 18 | 49 | ------ | Quake
| | | | | | -Warning
Imp 202 | 26 | 23 | 24 | 27 | ------ | Quake
Sabercat 202 | 35 | 25 | 33 | 16 | ------ | -Stealth
Anaconda 231 | 30 | 39 | 28 | 19 | Ice | ------
Clam 231 | 26 | 24 | 25 | 16 | Elec | ------
Garlic 231 | 25 | 26 | 15 | 16 | ------ | ------
Harpy 231 | 30 | 19 | 39 | 28 | ------ | Quake
P-Worm 231 | 26 | 16 | 15 | 25 | Ice | ------
Ogre 262 | 55 | 34 | 32 | 22 | ------ | ------
Amoeba 295 | 34 | 32 | 33 | 22 | Elec | Fire
Atom Ant 295 | 28 | 55 | 53 | 41 | Ice | Fire
BuruBuru 295 | 28 | 27 | 54 | 55 | Fire | Ice
| | | | | | Weapon
| | | | | | Quake
| | | | | | Change
Clayman 295 | 50 | 37 | 25 | 48 | Ice | Para
Crab 295 | 37 | 61 | 26 | 24 | Elec | Fire
Jelly 295 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 44 | Fire | Quake
| | | | | | PAR/WP
Seeker 295 | 29 | 41 | 27 | 67 | ------ | Quake
Triceras 295 | 49 | 38 | 36 | 25 | Ice | ------
Crawler 330 | 38 | 25 | 24 | 37 | Ice | ------
Gunfish 330 | 42 | 40 | 54 | 28 | Elec | Fire
Mou-Jya 330 | 50 | 25 | 24 | 37 | Fire | Para
Stoneman 330 | 55 | 41 | 28 | 53 | ------ | Change
Thunder 330 | 47 | 32 | 74 | 35 | ------ | Quake
| | | | | | -Warning
| | | | | | -Stealth
Snowcat 368 | 61 | 46 | 59 | 32 | Fire | Ice
Ten-Gu 368 | 47 | 32 | 60 | 45 | ------ | Quake
Thorn 368 | 41 | 42 | 27 | 28 | ------ | Poison
Ammonite 409 | 51 | 49 | 50 | 35 | Elec | Fire
Behemoth 409 | 60 | 47 | 45 | 32 | Ice | ------
Hydra 409 | 51 | 65 | 49 | 35 | Fire | Weapon
Nue 409 | 55 | 54 | 71 | 72 | ------ | Quake
Lamia 409 | 39 | 54 | 56 | 71 | ------ | ------
Demon 454 | 56 | 53 | 54 | 57 | ------ | Quake
| | | | | | Fire
Giant 454 | 87 | 56 | 54 | 39 | ------ | ------
Lavaworm 454 | 51 | 35 | 34 | 50 | Ice | Fire
Minotaur 454 | 71 | 39 | 54 | 56 | ------ | Weapon
| | | | | | -Warning
Tororo 454 | 36 | 35 | 34 | 65 | Fire | Quake
| | | | | | PAR/WP
Watcher 454 | 44 | 60 | 42 | 94 | ------ | Quake
| | | | | | -Warning
Cocatris 501 | 66 | 47 | 99 | 64 | ------ | Quake
| | | | | | ûWarning
| | | | | | -Stealth
Warrior 501 | 60 | 42 | 44 | 77 | Fire | PAR/WP
Wraith 501 | 47 | 46 | 83 | 84 | ------ | Quake
| | | | | | Change
| | | | | | -Weapon
Cicada 551 | 70 | 88 | 89 | 69 | Ice | Quake
Gummy 551 | 44 | 43 | 42 | 77 | Fire | Quake
| | | | | | PAR/WP
Ironman 551 | 84 | 65 | 47 | 82 | ------ | Damage
| | | | | | Change
Scorpion 551 | 52 | 89 | 87 | 70 | Ice | ------
Blackcat 606 | 89 | 70 | 87 | 52 | ------ | -Stealth
| | | | | | -Warning
Dragon 5 606 | 76 | 74 | 56 | 94 | ------ | Quake
| | | | | | Fire
Elec Eel 606 | 71 | 69 | 88 | 52 | ------ | Fire
| | | | | | Elec
Evil Eye 606 | 57 | 75 | 55 | 99 | ------ | Quake
| | | | | | -Warning
Garuda 606 | 71 | 52 | 88 | 69 | ------ | Quake
King Crab 606 | 70 | 99 | 53 | 51 | Elec | Fire
| | | | | | Stone
Ko-Run 606 | 71 | 88 | 69 | 52 | ------ | Weapon
| | | | | | Poison
Rakshasa 606 | 88 | 52 | 69 | 71 | ------ | Weapon
Rock 606 | 76 | 56 | 99 | 74 | ------ | Quake
Scylla 606 | 56 | 74 | 76 | 94 | ------ | Quake
Specter 606 | 56 | 55 | 94 | 95 | ------ | Quake
| | | | | | Change
| | | | | | Weapon
Sphinx 606 | 75 | 74 | 94 | 95 | ------ | Quake
Squid 606 | 71 | 69 | 70 | 52 | ------ | Fire
Baku 666 | 88 | 71 | 69 | 52 | Ice | ------
Beholder 666 | 63 | 81 | 61 | 99 | ------ | Quake
| | | | | | -Warning
Bone King 666 | 75 | 55 | 57 | 94 | Fire | Weapon
| | | | | | Change
Demon King 666 | 76 | 73 | 74 | 77 | ------ | Quake
| | | | | | Fire
F-Flower 666 | 70 | 71 | 51 | 52 | Ice | Fire
Fireman 666 | 95 | 75 | 56 | 93 | ------ | Damage
| | | | | | Change
Ghost 666 | 63 | 61 | 99 | 99 | ------ | Quake
| | | | | | Weapon
| | | | | | Change
Ki-Rin 666 | 82 | 80 | 99 | 99 | ------ | Damage
Lilith 666 | 62 | 80 | 82 | 99 | ------ | Damage
Mantis 666 | 82 | 99 | 99 | 80 | ------ | Quake
| | | | | | Poison
| | | | | | -Stealth
| | | | | | -Warning
Phoenix 666 | 82 | 62 | 99 | 80 | ------ | Quake
| | | | | | Fire
| | | | | | -Warning
Salamander 666 | 70 | 88 | 53 | 51 | Ice | Fire
Sandworm 666 | 71 | 52 | 51 | 70 | Ice | Quake
| | | | | | -Stealth
Scarab 666 | 62 | 99 | 99 | 81 | ------ | Quake
| | | | | | Poison
Tiamat 666 | 99 | 80 | 62 | 99 | ------ | Quake
| | | | | | Damage
Titan 666 | 99 | 76 | 74 | 56 | ------ | ------
Anubis 729 | 99 | 62 | 80 | 82 | ------ | ------
Athtalot 729 | 82 | 79 | 80 | 83 | ------ | Quake
| | | | | | Damage
Dagon 729 | 81 | 99 | 63 | 61 | ------ | Poison
| | | | | | Stone
| | | | | | Fire
Fenswolf 729 | 99 | 81 | 99 | 62 | ------ | Poison
| | | | | | Fire
Ghast 729 | 95 | 56 | 55 | 75 | Fire | Ice
| | | | | | Para
Jorgandr 729 | 82 | 99 | 80 | 62 | ------ | Quake
| | | | | | Change
Kraken 729 | 82 | 80 | 81 | 62 | ------ | Fire
Leviathan 729 | 82 | 80 | 99 | 62 | ------ | Quake
| | | | | | Fire
Lich 729 | 81 | 61 | 63 | 99 | ------ | Ice
| | | | | | Weapon
| | | | | | Change
Mazin 729 | 99 | 81 | 62 | 99 | ------ | Change
| | | | | | Damage
Nike 729 | 82 | 62 | 99 | 80 | ------ | Quake
| | | | | | -Warning
Pudding 729 | 57 | 56 | 55 | 94 | ------ | Quake
| | | | | | PAR/WP
Susano-O 729 | 99 | 82 | 80 | 82 | ------ | Damage
Basilisk 795 | 81 | 99 | 63 | 61 | ------ | Change
| | | | | | -Warning
Darkrose 795 | 81 | 82 | 61 | 62 | ------ | Ice
| | | | | | Poison
| | | | | | Para
Ganesha 795 | 99 | 82 | 80 | 62 | ------ | PARA/WP
Gigaworm 795 | 82 | 62 | 61 | 81 | ------ | Quake
| | | | | | Fire
Hi-Slime 795 | 63 | 62 | 61 | 99 | ------ | Quake
| | | | | | PAR/WP
| | | | | | -Stealth
Revnant 795 | 99 | 62 | 61 | 82 | ------ | Ice
| | | | | | Para

Monster | HP | Attacks
Albatross | 20 | Beak 25
Clipper | 20 | Pincer 20
Goblin | 20 | Nail 30
Skeleton | 20 | Bone 25
Lizard | 40 | Bite 20
Wererat | 40 | Tusk 10
Oni | 60 | Nail 30 / Horn 10
Red Bull | 60 | Horn 10
Slime | 60 | Melt 10
Snake | 60 | Bite 20
Wolf | 60 | Bite 20
Zombie | 60 | Nail 30
Big Eye | 82 | Sl-Gaze 20
Condor | 82 |
Dragon Fly | 82 | Nail 30
Gargoyle | 82 | Nail 30
P-Frog | 82 |
Phantom | 82 | Chill 10
Piranha | 82 | Tusk 10
Worm | 82 | Bite 20
Gecko | 103 | Nail 30 / Tusk 10 / Tail 10
Ghoul | 103 | Nail 30 / P-Fangs 20
Jaguar | 103 | Nail 30 / Bite 20
Red Bone | 103 | Bone 25 / Poison 25
Werewolf | 103 | Tusk 10
Hornet | 126 | Bite 20 / Poison 25 / Honey 10
Serpent | 126 | Bite 20 / Poison 25
Atom Crab | 150 | 2Pincer 10 / Bite 20
Eagle | 150 | Beak 25
Mantcore | 150 | Nail 30 / Tusk 10 / Poison 25
Mosquito | 150 | Nail 30 / Bite 20 / Drink 10
Raven | 150 | Nail 30 / Beak 25
Rhino | 150 | Horn 10 / Head 5
Siren | 150 | Tail 10 / Armor 3 / Sing 3
Woodman | 150 | Punch 25
Catwoman | 175 | Nail 30 / Tusk 10
Shark | 175 |
Beetle | 202 | Bite 20 / Saw 20
Gazer | 202 | Beam 10
Imp | 202 | Nail 30 / Fire 10
Sabercat | 202 | Nail 30 / 2Tusks 10
Anaconda | 231 | Bite 20 / Poison 25 / Strict 20
Clam | 231 | 8Legs 5 / Shell 25 / Ink 10
Garlic | 231 | Tentacl 25 / Nose 15 / Stench 10 / Honey 10
Harpy | 231 | Nail 30 / Bite 20 / Sing 3
P-Worm | 231 | Bite 20 / Web 10 / P-Skin 25
Ogre | 262 | Punch 25 / Bite 20 / Sleep 10
Amoeba | 295 | Melt 10 / Bother 10 / Acid 3
Atom Ant | 295 | Nail 30 / Bite 20 / Acid 10 / D-Beam 10
BuruBuru | 295 | Chill 10 / Tremble 10
Clayman | 295 | Punch 25 / Gas 10
Crab | 295 | Pincer 20 / Nail 30 / Blind 10
Jelly | 295 | Melt 10 / Bother 10
Seeker | 295 | Gaze 10 / Beam 10
Triceras | 295 | 4Horns 10 / Bash 3
Crawler | 330 | Bite 20 / Tail 10 / Web 10 / P-Skin 20
Gunfish | 330 | Bite 20 / Squirt 10
Mou-Jya | 330 | Nail 30 / Poison 25 / P-Fangs 20
Stoneman | 330 | Kick 20 / Bash 3 / Gas 10 / Quake 3
Thunder | 330 | Beak 25 / Thunder 10
Snowcat | 368 | Tusk 10 / Nail 30 / Ice 10
Ten-Gu | 368 | Beak 25 / Punch 25 / Ice 10 / Tornado 3
Thorn | 368 |Tentacl 25 / Bite 20 / Drink 10 / Strict 20
Ammonite | 409 |
Behemoth | 409 | Bite 20 / Tail 10 / Bash 3
Hydra | 409 | Tail 10 / 4Heads 5 / Gas 10
Nue | 409 | Nail 30 / Gas 10 / Bite 20 / Tail 10 / P-Fangs 20
Lamia | 409 |
Demon | 454 | Nail 30 / Sleep 10 / Fire 10
Giant | 454 | Punch 25 / Kick 20 / Elec 10 / Ice 10
Lavaworm | 454 |
Minotaur | 454 | Horn 10 / Axe 10
Tororo | 454 | Melt 10 / Bother 10
Watcher | 454 | Sl-Gaze 20 / Gaze 10 / Beam 10
Cocatris | 501 | Nail 30 / Petrify 5 / S-Skin 5
Warrior | 501 | Bone 25 / Axe 10 / Sword 15 / Saw 20
Wraith | 501 | Sleep 10 / Ice 10 / Touch 5
Cicada | 551 | Nail 30 / Bite 20 / Drink 10 / Sing 3
Gummy | 551 |
Ironman | 551 | Kick 20 / Bash 3 / Flame 10 / Gas 10
Scorpion | 551 | 2Pincer 10 / Poison 25 / Tusk 10 / Teleport 5 /
Gas 10 / Mirror 10
Blackcat | 606 | Nail 30 / Bite 20 / Gaze 10 / Stop 5
Dragon 5 | 606 | Nail 30 / Blind 10 / Tusk 10 / Flame 10 / Ice 10
Elec Eel | 606 | Bite 20 / Fin 30 / Electro 10 / Elec 10
Evil Eye | 606 | Flash 10 / Beam 10 / Gaze 10 / Gaze 5
Garuda | 606 | Nail 30 / Tornado 3 / Beak 25 / Blind 10 / Elec 10
King Crab | 606 | 2Pincer 10 / Bite 20 / P-Fangs 20 / Elec 10
Ko-Run | 606 | Tusk 10 / Strict 20 / Poison 25 / Ice 10
Rakshasa | 606 | Tusk 10 / Fire 10 / Ice 10 / Mirror 3
Rock | 606 | Nail 30 / Beak 25 / Blind 10 / Tornado 3
Scylla | 606 | Tail 10 / Fire 10 / 4Heads 5 / Whirl 3 / Poison 25 /
Gaze 5 / Ice 10
Specter | 606 | Sleep 10 / Ice 10 / Stone 5 / Touch 5
Sphinx | 606 | Nail 30 / Riddle 3 / Tusk 10 / Fire 10 / Cure 10
Squid | 606 | Bite 20 / Gas 10 / Ink 10 / Elec 10 / Strict 20/
8Legs 4
Baku | 666 | Nail 30 / Teleport 5 / ESP 25 / Nose 15 / P-Blast 5
Beholder | 666 | Beam 10 / Gaze 5 / D-Beam 10 / Explode 1 / Gaze 5 /
Gaze 5
Bone King | 666 | Sword 15 / Stop 5 / Elec 10 / Fire 10 / Ice 10
Demon King | 666 | Nail 30 / Teleport 5 / Sleep 10 / Fire 10 / Ice 10
F-Flower | 666 | Tentacl 25 / Nose 15 / Burning 25 / Fire 10
Fireman | 666 |
Ghost | 666 | Drain 10 / Raise 3 / Gaze 10 / Stop 5 / Touch 5
Ki-Rin | 666 | Nail 30 / Tornado 3 / Horn 10 / Teleport 5 /
Elec 10 / Raise 3 / Cure 10
Lilith | 666 | Tail 10 / Flame 10 / 6Arms 5 / Gaze 5 / Strict 20 /
Quake 3 / Elec 10
Mantis | 666 | Tusk 10 / 2Swords 10 / Drain 10 / Elec 10
Phoenix | 666 | Nail 30 / Revive 3 / Beak 25 / Flame 10 / Burning 25
Salamander | 666 | Nail 30 / Tusk 10 / Burning 25 / Flame 10
Sandworm | 666 | Bite 20 / Tail 10 / Sand 10 / Quake 3
Scarab | 666 | Bite 20 / Raise 3/ Acid 10 / Teleport 5 / Bash 3 /
Stench 10
Tiamat | 666 | Poison 25 / Ice 10 / 4Heads 5 / Flame 10 /
Thunder 10 / Gas 10
Titan | 666 | Kick 20 / Cure 10 / Sword 15 / Teleport 5 /
Sleep 10 / Fire 10
Anubis | 729 | Nail 30 / Uncurse 10 / Tusk 10 / Care 5 / Ice 10 /
Raise 3 / Mirror 10 / Revive 3
Athtalot | 729 | Sword 15 / Raise 3 / Gaze 10 / Teleport 5 /
Flare 3 / Stop 5
Dagon | 729 | 2Pincer 10 / Whirl 3 / Bite 20 / P-Fangs 20 /
Elec 10
Fenswolf | 729 | Nail 30 / Teleport 5 / Tusk 10 / Revive 3 /
Flame 10 / D-Fangs 5
Ghast | 729 | Nail 30 / Poison 25 / Stench 10 / Touch 4
Jorgandr | 729 | Bite 20 / Teleport 5 / Strict 20 / Revive 3 /
Quake 3 / D-Fangs 5
Kraken | 729 | Bite 20 / Elec 10 / 8Legs 5 / Gas 10 / Ink 10 /
Whirl 3 / Strict 20
Leviathan | 729 | Fin 30 / Elec 10 / Bite 20 / Whirl 3 / Tail 10 /
Electro 10
Lich | 729 | Elec 10 / Teleport 5 / Ice 10 / Stop 5 / Flare 3 /
Mazin | 729 | Sword 15 / Quake 3 / Bash 3 / Flame 10 / Beam 10
Nike | 729 | Sword 15 / Gaze 5 / Elec 10 / Tornado 3 / Blind 10 /
Mirror 3
Pudding | 729 | Melt 10 / Bother 10 / P-Skin 25 / Gas 10
Susano-O | 729 | Sword 15 / Tornado 3 / Elec 10 / Revive 3 / Ice 10 /
Teleport 5 / Burning 25
Basilisk | 795 | Nail 30 / Gas 10 / Bite 30 / Gaze 5 / Poison 25 /
P-Skin 20
Darkrose | 795 | Nose 15 / Gaze 5 / Drink 10 / Sleep 20 / Stop 5 /
Ganesha | 795 | Nose 15 / P-Blast 5 / Tusk 10 / Gaze 10 / Bash 3 /
Teleport 5 / Gas 10
Gigaworm | 795 | Bite 20 / Tornado 3 / Tail 10 / Teleport 5 /
Strict 20 / Fire 10
Hi-Slime | 795 | Melt 10 / Gas 10 / Bother 10 / P-Blast 5 /
Hypnos 21
Revnant | 795 | Nail 30 / Touch 5 / Poison 25 / Heal 10 /
Stench 10 / P-Skin 20

8. Mutant Abilities-----------------------------------------------------

As your Mutant uses more abilities and as the game progress, a
wider variety of skills can be used. These are the all of the Mutant's
abilities in the game

Skill -Number of Uses -Effect

ESP -25/50 -
Flame -5/10 -Attacks enemy group with fire
Ice -10 -Attacks enemy group with ice
Gas -10 -Attacks enemy group with gas
Electro -10 -Lowers enemies agility
Stench -10 -Lowers enemies attack
Power -3/6 -Boosts casters strength
Armor -3/6 -Boosts casters defense
Mirror -10 -Multiplies caster
Barrier -10 -Increases groups defense by 10
Burning -25 -If enemy attacks caster, damage is
dealt to the enemy

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