Dragon Warrior 2

Dragon Warrior 2

17.10.2013 04:33:59
Dragon Warrior 2 FAQ: version 1.2--by Daniel Wagoner
Completed February 3, 1996
Revised March 22, 1996


Most of the game is self-explanatory. It plays pretty much like any other
RPG. The A button brings up the menu, and accepts commands in windows. The
B button cancels commands in windows. Press start to begin the game. Select
is not used. HP means Hit Points, when your hit points reach 0, you die. If
one person in your party dies, you must revive them with a spell, item, or a
visit to the house of healing; sleeping at the INN will NOT revive dead party
members! If your entire party dies, you will lose half your gold, and the
person who last saved your game will revive only the Prince of Midenhall.

MP means Magic Points, each spell costs a certain amount of MP. The Prince
of Midenhall cannot use spells. If someone is poisoned, cursed (by equipping
cursed things), or dead, you can remedy this at the house of healing, for a
price. You can only save your game with a king (or, if there is no king,
someone else may save your game). BE SURE TO HOLD RESET WHILE TURNING THE

Doors can be opened by using the right key, or with the OPEN spell. The
silver key opens silver doors only, the golden key opens gold doors only, the
jailer's key opens jail doors only, and the OPEN spell opens any door (thus,
you may sell or discard your keys after learning OPEN). ***IMPORTANT*** All
weapons and armor MUST be equipped before they are effective!!!


At the end of Dragon Warrior 1, Princess Gwaelin and the hero (the one
who slew the Dragonlord and is a descendant of Erdrick the Great) journey far
to find a new kingdom to rule. They create the kingdom of Midenhall, to the
east of Alefgard. Gwaelin bears three children. The oldest prince is given
Midenhall, the youngest prince is given Cannock, and the princess is given
Moonbrooke. The descendants of these three will be your party. Now, watch
the opening of the game as Moonbrooke is attacked by minions of the evil
wizard, Hargon...

Medical Herb--restores some HP.
Antidote Herb--removes poison.
Wizard's Ring--restores 15-30 MP; may be used repeatedly until it breaks.
Fairy Water--same as REPEL spell.
Wing of the Wyvern--same as RETURN spell.
Leaf of the World Tree--same as REVIVE spell.
Dragon's Bane--USE this item to equip it on someone, it reduces effectiveness
of spells like SLEEP and STOPSPELL on that person.
Dragon Potion--if you are lucky, metal babbles might drop this. It allows
you to save your game anywhere!

(C=Prince of Cannock, M=Princess of Moonbrooke, D=amount of damage done to
each enemy)

NAME MP Caster Target Description
HEAL 3 C One Ally Healing--restores about 30 HP
HEALMORE 5 M,C One Ally Healing--restores about 50 HP
HEALALL 8 M One Ally Healing--restores all HP
ANTIDOTE 3 C,M One Ally Healing--removes poison
REVIVE 15 C One Ally Healing--revive with 1HP, not in battle
SLEEP 2 M One Enemy Group Indirect Attack--puts enemies to sleep
STOPSPELL 3 C One Enemy Group Indirect Attack--blocks enemy spells
DEFENCE 2 M All Enemies Indirect Attack--lower enemy def. power
FIREBAL 2 C One Enemy Attack--small fireball, 20D
INFERNOS 4 M One Enemy Group Attack--vacuum attack, 30D
FIREBANE 4 C All Enemies Attack--wall of fire, 30D
EXPLODET 8 M All Enemies Attack--large explosion, 60D
DEFEAT 4 C One Enemy Group Attack--kills enemies instantly
SACRIFICE 1 C All Enemies Attack--caster dies, enemies destroyed
RETURN 6 C All Allies Other--warps party to last place saved
OUTSIDE 6 C,M All Allies Other--warps party out of cave/tower
REPEL 2 M - Other--weaker enemies don't attack
STEPGUARD 4 C,M All Allies Other--protects from barriers/swamps
INCREASE 2 C All Allies Other--increases def. power
OPEN 2 M Door Other--opens any door
CHANCE 15 M Random Other--random effects, try it!

(note: Make sure you equip everyone with a Dragon's Bane when you get to
Tantegel (use the USE command, not EQUIP command))

Prince of Midenhall: He can equip all weapons and armor. The best equipment
for him is: Thunder Sword, Erdrick's Armor, Erdrick's Shield, and Erdrick's
Helmet. The Thunder Sword casts INFERNOS when used in battle, but that is not
a very good spell... It is a very strong sword, however; even stronger than
Erdrick's Sword. The Thunder Sword and Erdrick's armor are found in the cave
to Rhone, the armor protects the hero from barriers and swamps!! Erdrick's
Shield is found in Cannok castle, and Erdrick's Helmet is found in the Shrine
of the Holy, in the Southeastern part of Alefgard.

Prince of Cannock: He can equip most weapons and armor. The best equipment
for him is: Falcon Sword, Magic Armor, and Shield of Strength. The Falcon
sword only adds +5 to his attack power, but it allows him to attack TWICE per
turn. It can be purchased in the town of Tuhn near the Moon tower, as can
the Shield of Strength, and Magic Armor. When you use the Shield of Strength
in battle, It has the same effect as the HEALMORE spell, which is very useful!

Princess of Moonbrooke: She can equip few weapons and armor. The best
equipment for her is: Staff of Thunder and Water Flying Cloth. The Staff of
Thunder casts INFERNOS in battle, and can be obtained by defeating the mad
clown in Midenhall. The Water Flying Cloth can be made by Don Mahone in Tuhn,
if you give him the Magic Loom and Dew's Yarn. Even though she can't equip
it, give her a Shield of Strength. She CAN use it in battle to produce the
HEALMORE spell on herself.

Experience Levels:

Here is an exp. chart; it gives suggested levels for traveling to each
place in the game. All levels given are for the Prince of Midenhall, as your
companions' levels will always be lower than his. The maximum levels for
each character are: Prince of Midenhall--50, Prince of Cannock--45, and
Princess of Moonbrooke--35. Everyone will reach these levels after
accumulating a total of One Million exp. each.

Place Level

Midenhall 1
Leftwyne 4
Cannock 5
Cave of Bravery 6
Cave West of Cannock 9
Hamlin 10
Tower of Wind 14
Lianport 15
Tantegel 15
Zahan 16
Wellgarth 16
Charlock 17
Tower South of Alefgard 19
Beran 19
Tuhn 20
Osterfair 20
Tower of the Moon 21
Sea Cave 23
Rhone Cave 24
Hargon's Castle 30


You begin with the Prince of Midenhall. You must locate the Prince of
Cannock first. Go to Cannok castle, follow the various leads you get, until
you find him in the INN of Leftwynne. Go west and get the silver key in a
cave. Make sure the Prince of Cannok knows STOPSPELL before going south to
Hamlin. In Hamlin, notice the dog that follows you. Go West to Moonbrooke
castle (or what's left of it...) and talk to everyone there (including the
flames). You will find out that the Mirror of Ra is in the swamp where the
four bridges can be seen.

This swamp is found Southeast of the castle. Search in the swamp to find
the mirror, take it back to Hamlin and use it in front of the dog and
behold! the dog is really the princess of Moonbrooke!

Now, get up levels until the princess learns REPEL, and the Prince of
Cannock learns RETURN and OUTSIDE. Go to the tower of wind southeast of
Hamlin (you must head northeast first, and go along the beach to get there)
Climb the tower and find the cloak
of the wind.

Have anyone equip the cloak, then head west of Moonbrooke until you find a
tower. Climb the tower and jump off the North end of the top of the tower.
With the cloak of the wind on, you will land across the channel. Continue to
the Northeast to the port town.

Talk to the woman and defeat the demons. (Make sure you stay at the inn,
and revive anyone who might be dead before fighting the demons!) The
grateful woman will give you a ship.

Head north until you reach a shallow area in the sea. Search there to find
the treasure. Take it back to the port town and exchange it for the echoing
flute. This flute will tell you where a crest is hidden.

Next, go East of the port town to Alefgard. Go to Tantegel castle, talk to
everyone, make sure you buy Dragon's Banes for everyone, and save. Go across
the river to Charlock castle, and get Erdrick's Sword. Now explore the world
in your ship.

Go to Zahan, south of Osterfair, and search where the dog leads you to
find the Golden key. Now go to Cannock and get Erdrick's Shield, and to
Midenhall to find Erdrick's Token. Go to the Shrine of the Holy in Alefgard
to get Erdrick's Helmet. Go west of Zahan to the island with a lone tree.
This is the World Tree; you can get one Leaf at a time.

Go west to find the town of Wellgarth and find Roge Fastfinger in the
jail. To do this, buy the blank spot in the item shop to get the jail key.
Explore the jail to find Roge Fastfinger; he will give you the watergate key.

Now, go to the North tower of the Dragon's Horn, located south of
Lianport. Get the Dew's Yarn on the third floor. After learning STEPGUARD,
go to Zahan and get the Magic Loom. Now you can go to Tuhun, follow a river
Northeast of Beran in your ship to reach it. Go to the watergate North of
town and open it with the key. Give Don Mahone the yarn and loom.

Cast return, save the game, quit, restart, and return to Tuhn for the Water
Flying Cloth. Now sail to the tower of the Moon and find the moon fragment.
Go to the Sea Cave south of Osterfair to find the Eye of Malroth. In the
cave, make your way to the floor filled with lava (the water flying cloth
will protect the princess from the heat, but STEPGUARD won't work.) and head
all the way left to the stairs. Take them and beat the two Mad Clowns for the
Eye of Malroth.

Go to Beran and use the travel door. Exit the shrine and go west to a
swamp. In the swamp use the Eye of Malroth to open the cave to Rhone. Now,
get all the crests before proceeding to Rhone (see below for locations).

Go north of Osterfair with all the crests to Rubiss' island. He (or she?)
will give you Rubiss' Charm. The cave is fairly large with many tough enemies
and traps. Upon entering the cave, go down to the basement to find the crest,
then head to floor 2. On floor 2, head east from the stairs and go past 2
intersections. Take the 3rd intersection down; this leads to floor 3. Go
all the way right on floor 3 to get Erdrick's Armor. Next, go all the way up
to the stairs that lead to level 5. After arriving at level 5, go down 1
step and left 1 step to fall to level 4. In this large room, head to the
lower left. There is a pitfall 1 step up and 1 step right from the corner.
Fall in it to find the mighty Thunder Sword.

Make your way back to level 5. Now, to avoid the numerous hidden holes,
follow these instructions: down 2 steps, left 2, down 4, right 3, and down
1. You are now at level 6. Make sure you choose the right path, or you'll
be lost! These steps will tell you which direction to go when you have a
choice, otherwise, follow the path until you reach an intersection, then go
in the direction stated. From the stairs, head right; at the first
intersection, go up, follow the path, then turn right, now you are in a small
room with a block in the center. In the "middle" of the block, there is a
pitfall, so just go around the block, exit this room to the right. Now take
the upper path, next head left, keep going up at the next intersection, and
finally head right to the stairs. The stairs lead to Rhon e!! But you're
not out of the woods yet! Make a break for the shrine, which is Northeast of
the cave exit. This shrine contains a healer who will totally restore you,
revive any dead party members for free, and even save your game!

Now, go south of the shrine and fight Cyclops and Silver Batboons to raise
levels until you learn Defeat and Explodet. Now fight giants and others
around the shrine. Raise the Prince of Midenhall's level to at least 30. Go
to the castle of Rhone by going west then south from the shrine; walk along
the mountains.

Enter the castle and... what?!? It's Midenhall!! or is it?? Use Rubiss'
Charm to break the deception. There are no random enemies on the ground
floor of the castle. Go past the throne to an odd looking block surrounded
by a barrier. Use the Eye of Malroth now. You will be taken to floor 2.

There are enemies on floors 2 and 3. After reaching floor 4, there will be
no more random enemies, but Hargon has 3 guardians: Atlas, Bazuzu, and
Zarlox. If you die after defeating any or all of these guardians, DO NOT
SAVE, but head back to the castle. The guardian(s) you killed will stay dead!

Note: I'll use my character names to make it easier: Daniel=Prince of
Midenhall, Artho=Prince of Cannock, and Gwen=Princess of Moonbrooke.) To
kill Atlas, have Daniel attack, have Artho parry, use Shield of
Strength(SOS), or cast INCREASE, and have Gwen cast DEFENSE or use SOS.
Revive anyone who died.

To kill Bazuzu, have Daniel attack, have Artho parry/SOS, and Gwen cast
SLEEP (it actually works sometimes!). Revive any dead. To kill Zarlox, do
the exact same thing you did for Bazuzu.

To kill the mighty Hargon, have Daniel attack, Artho cast STOPSPELL (yes,
it works on Hargon, the "master wizard"!), and Gwen parry/SOS. Boy is Hargon
a wimp! Congratulations! You did it! You beat Hargon...

Uh oh!!!! He has a hidden master!!!!! Meet Malroth, he's really mad, and
he wants his eye back! Have Daniel attack, have Artho cast INCREASE,
HEALMORE on Daniel, or SOS, and have Gwen cast DEFENCE, SOS or cast HEALALL
on Daniel. Malroth knows the HEALALL spell, so he's tough to beat! He can
also attack you at about 70 damage points (he only attacks once per turn,
thank goodness!) He can also breathe fire that causes 50-70 damage on each
of you!! If you beat him, you win the game! You will now be able to travel
all around the world and talk to everyone, whith no enemies to worry about!
Head to Midenhall after you finish and watch the ending!

Crest Locations:

Take the five crests to Rubiss' shrine (located north of Osterfair by ship)
to receive Rubbiss' Charm. The echoing flute will help you locate the crests.
If you still can't find them, look below.

Sun Crest: Sail west of Zahan, to the fire shrine search in the upper right
corner to find the crest.

Water Crest: Once you have all the keys, go to Hamlin and fight the demons
to get the crest.

Star Crest: There is a tower South of Alefgard. Climb it, and follow the
old man to the treasure chest. Surprise! He is a demon. Defeat him to get
the crest.

Moon Crest: Beat the tiger in Osterfair and the king will give you the crest.

Life Crest: Search the bottom floor of the cave to Rhone to find this crest.

Dragon Warrior 2 FAQ by Daniel Wagoner. My E-mail addresses are:
Internet: Daniel0777@AOL.com
America Online: Daniel0777

If you have anything to add to this FAQ, or find any errors, please let me
know, and I will update the FAQ.

Dragon Warrior 2, spells, characters, and items in the game are all copyrights
of ENIX corporation.

You may freely distribute this FAQ as is, but if you change anything, get my
permission before distributing it.
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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