Need for Speed 3: Hot Pursuit

Need for Speed 3: Hot Pursuit

10.10.2008 14:05:26


The Need For Speed 3: Hot Pursuit

Schwerer Wagen:
Drücke Start um das Rennen zu beginnen. Bevor der Lade-Schirm
erscheint, drücke und halte Start + Select + X gedrückt bis der
Lade-Schirm verschwunden ist. Dein Wagen wird schwerer und bei
einer Kollision mit anderen Fahrzeugen fliegen diese von der

Polizei mit neuem Akzent:
Drücke Start um das Rennen zu beginnen. Bevor der Lade-Schirm
erscheint, drücke und halte Oben + R1 + L2 gedrückt bis der
Lade-Schirm verschwunden ist.

Versteckte Wagen:
Gib im Password-Schirm "spoilt" ein und Du kannst den El Nino,
Mercedes und andere fahren.

Deutsche Polizei:
Drücke Start um das Rennen zu beginnen. Bevor der Lade-Schirm
erscheint, drücke und halte Oben + R2 + L1 gedrückt bis der
Lade-Schirm verschwunden ist.

Spanische Polizei:
Drücke Start um das Rennen zu beginnen. Bevor der Lade-Schirm
erscheint, drücke und halte Unten + R2 + L1 gedrückt bis der
Lade-Schirm verschwunden ist.

Italienische Polizei:
Drücke Start um das Rennen zu beginnen. Bevor der Lade-Schirm
erscheint, drücke und halte Links + R2 + L1 gedrückt bis der
Lade-Schirm verschwunden ist.

Französische Polizei:
Drücke Start um das Rennen zu beginnen. Bevor der Lade-Schirm
erscheint, drücke und halte Rechts + R2 + L1 gedrückt bis der
Lade-Schirm verschwunden ist.

Drücke Start um das Rennen zu beginnen. Bevor der Lade-Schirm
erscheint, drücke und halte Oben + X + Dreieck gedrückt bis der
Lade-Schirm verschwunden ist.

Erweiterte Optionen:
Gewinne Knockout und Tournament im Simulationsmodus.

Wähle den Aquatica-Kurs und schalte Nachtfahrt und Wetter aus. Halte
nach der großen Kurve an, wenn Du ein Signalhorn hörst und Du siehst
die Titanic vorbeifahren.

Power Hupe:
Drücke Start um das Rennen zu beginnen. Bevor der Lade-Schirm
erscheint, drücke und halte Start + Select + R1 +L2 gedrückt bis der
Lade-Schirm verschwunden ist. Wenn Du nun hupst, fliegen die anderen
Wagen durch die Luft (sofern sie nicht zu weit weg sind).

Extra PS:
Drücke Start um das Rennen zu beginnen. Bevor der Lade-Schirm
erscheint, drücke und halte Links + Quadrat + Kreis gedrückt bis der
Lade-Schirm verschwunden ist. Du erhälst ca. 25% mehr PS.

Langsameres Spiel:
Drücke Start um das Rennen zu beginnen. Bevor der Lade-Schirm
erscheint, drücke und halte Oben + X + Dreieck gedrückt bis der
Lade-Schirm verschwunden ist. Das Spiel ist ca. 20% langsamer also
einfacher zu kontrollieren.

Polizei Wagen:
Gebe folgenden Benutzernamen ein: PLCARS

Station Wagon:
Gebe folgenden Benutzernamen ein: HOOPTY

Mac Truck:
Gebe folgenden Benutzernamen ein: MACTRK

Donut Truck:
Gebe folgenden Benutzernamen ein: CHOCL8

Schnellere Beschleunigung: 4PND

Neue Kurse & Wagen:
Um jeden der vier gesperrten Kurse zu erhalten, schaffe die vierte Runde in der
Meisterschaft mindestens jeweils mit dem dritten Platz oder besser. Jede
weitere Runde schaltet einen neuen Kurs frei.
Um den Jaguar zu erhalten, belege den ersten Platz in Anfänger-Meisterschaft.
Um den Mercedes zu erhalten, belegen den ersten Platz in der Experten-Meisterschaft.
Um den neunten Bonus-Kurs zu erhalten, belege Platz eins im Knockout für Anfänger.

Zusätzliche Kameraperspektive:
Gebe folgenden Benutzernamen ein: SEEALL
Zusätzliche Perspektiven sind nun während der Wiedergabe auswählbar.

Bonus Kurse:
Gebe einen der folgenden Benutzernamen ein, um den zugehörigen Kurs zu fahren:
Kurs Beschreibung Name
The Room Toy car track PLAYTM
Caverns Underground track XCAV8
AutoCross Canyon track XCNTRY
SpaceRace Space station track MNBEAM
Scorpio-7 Underwater track GLDFSH
Empire City Bonus track MCITYZ

Gebe einen der folgenden Benutzernamen ein, um den zugehörigen Wagen zu fahren:
Wagen Name
Jaguar XJR-15 1JAGX
Mercedes Benz CLK GTR AMGMRC
El Nino supercar ROCKET

Um einen Burnout zu machen, schalte Deinen Wagen auf neutral und drücke eine der
Bremsen, gebe dann Gas während Du weiter die Bremse hälst und schalte dann in
den ersten Gang, Bremse und Gas weiter halten.


The Need For Speed 3: Hot Pursuit

Crash other cars:
Press Start to load the race after selecting the game options, then immediately
hold Start + Select + R1 + L2 before the loading screen appears. Keep the
buttons held until the loading screen disappears. Beep the horn during game play
to flip the other cars.

Heavy car:
Press Start to load the race after selecting the game options, then immediately
hold Select +Square + X before the loading screen appears. Keep the buttons held
until the loading screen disappears. Bump into other cars during game play to
push them off the road.

Police with new accent:
Press Start to load the race after selecting the game options, then immediately
hold Up + R1 + L2 before the loading screen appears. Keep the buttons held until
the loading screen disappears.

Secret car's code:
Go to the options screen and select the password screen and type in spoilt it
will get you the Elnino ,marsaides benz and more

German police:
Press Start to load the race after selecting the game options, then immediately
hold Up + R2 + L1 before the loading screen appears. Keep the buttons held until
the loading screen disappears.

Spanish police:
Press Start to load the race after selecting the game options, then immediately
hold Down + R2 + L1 before the loading screen appears. Keep the buttons held
until the loading screen disappears.

Italian police:
Press Start to load the race after selecting the game options, then immediately
hold Left + R2 + L1 before the loading screen appears. Keep the buttons held
until the loading screen disappears.

French police:
Press Start to load the race after selecting the game options, then immediately
hold Right + R2 + L1 before the loading screen appears. Keep the buttons held
until the loading screen disappears.

Slow motion mode:
Press Start to load the race after selecting the game options, then immediately
hold Up + X + Triangle before the loading screen appears. Keep the buttons held
until the loading screen disappears.

Advanced options:
Win both Knockout and Tournament on simulation mode.

Select the Aquatica track and disable night driving and weather. Stop on the big
turn after you hear a horn to see the Titanic pass by.

Power Horn:
Enter the following code after you hit Start before the loading screen shows up.
It will affect the race in any game mode. Press Start + Select + R1 + L2. This
will make the cars around you flip into the air when you beep your horn.

Extra Horsepower:
Enter the following code after you hit Start before the loading screen shows up.
It will affect the race in any game mode.Press Left + Square + Circle. This will
give your car 25% more Horsepower.

Slower Game:
Enter the following code after you hit Start before the loading screen shows up.
It will affect the race in any game mode.Press Up + X + Triangle to make the
game 20% slower, making it easier to control.

Police Cars:
Enter these as a User Name: PLCARS

Station Wagon:
Enter these as a User Name: HOOPTY

Mac Truck:
Enter these as a User Name: MACTRK

Donut Truck:
Enter these as a User Name: CHOCL8

Faster Acceleration:
Enter as password: 4PND

New Tracks & Cars:
To earn each of the four locked tracks, advance past the fourth round of the
tournament in third place or
better. Each advance will give you a new track.
To earn the Jaguar, place first in the beginner tournament.
To earn the Mercedes, place first in the expert tournament.
To earn the ninth bonus track, place first in the beginner Knockout.

Additional camera views:
Enter SEEALL as a name on the options screen. Additional views normally only
available during replays will be
available under the options screen.

Bonus tracks:
Enter one of the following names at the options screen to race on the
corresponding track.
Track Description Name
The Room Toy car track PLAYTM
Caverns Underground track XCAV8
AutoCross Canyon track XCNTRY
SpaceRace Space station track MNBEAM
Scorpio-7 Underwater track GLDFSH
Empire City Bonus track MCITYZ

Bonus cars:
Enter one of the following names at the options screen to race with the
corresponding car.
Car Name
Jaguar XJR-15 1JAGX
Mercedes Benz CLK GTR AMGMRC
El Nino supercar ROCKET

To do an awsome burnout, put your car in neutral and put one of the brakes on
and then floor the gas with the brake still aplied and shift into 1st gear with
the brake and gas still on.
Thanks to whoever first posted the "rocket" code. With it and a
little hackery, I obtained the following list of codes for NFS3. I
believe that this may be complete, but there are some intriguing
strings in the game executable that suggest that there could be more.
To anyone who wants to use these on a web site, please give credit to Thanks. Now, without further ado, here are the
fully tested cheat codes for Need for Speed III. Enter the following
as your name in the options menu:
playtm - activates "The Room" hidden track, race on a toy track in a
children's room.
xcav8 - activates "Caverns" hidden track, race in a cave with lots
of obstacles; cool lighting.
xcntry - activates "AutoCross" hidden track, race in a canyon.
mnbeam - activates "SpaceRace" hidden track, race on a space station;
nifty spacecraft docking outside.
gldfsh - activates "Scorpio-7" hidden track, race in a underwater
colony. This is the coolest of the hidden tracks IMHO.
mcityz - activates "Empire City" bonus track
seeall - appears to do something, but I'm not sure what
spoilt - activates all cars, including "El Nino", and all tracks except
for the hidden ones.
1jagx - activates the Jaguar XJR15
amgmrc - activates the Mercedes Benz CLK GTR
rocket - activates "El Nino" bonus car, which has max stats in all
For anyone interested in how I got the codes, I pulled the encrypted
codes are out of the game by mounting the CD in Linux and using the
strings command on various files until I noticed 12 strings that
cooked like someone had encrypted them.
I was betting on the fact that most people use XORing as a simple way
to encrypt stuff. Simple XORing against ASCII text results in strings
that have a particular look to them. As well, XORing has the property
that it is reversible by performing it again with either of the two
values. Armed with the known plaintext "rocket" and 12 encrypted
strings, I wrote a short C program to figure out potential encryption
keys and use them to attempt to decrypt (ie. XOR) all of the potential
codes. From there, it was a matter of simple looking at the output of
the C program until I reached a set of 'decrypted' strings that looked
like english words.

New Tracks & Cars:
To earn each of the four locked tracks, advance past the fourth round of the
tournament in third place or
better. Each advance will give you a new track.
To earn the Jaguar, place first in the beginner tournament.
To earn the Mercedes, place first in the expert tournament.
To earn the ninth bonus track, place first in the beginner Knockout.

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