Metal Gear Solid

Metal Gear Solid

13.05.2008 16:52:35

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******************* S O L I D *******************
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for the Sony PlayStation (import version)
by Rudy Hendrawan

Unpublished work Copyright 1998 Rudy Hendrawan

This FAQ is for private and personal use. It can only be reproduced
electronically, and if placed on a web page or site, may be altered as long as
this disclaimer and the above copyright notice appear unaltered and in full.
This FAQ is NOT to be used for PROFITABLE or PROMOTIONAL purposes. This
includes being incorporated, reprinted, or otherwise used by magazines, books,
guides, etc., in ANY way. This FAQ was created and being maintained currently by
Rudy Hendrawan ( All copyrights and trademarks are
acknowledged that are not specifically mentioned in this FAQ.

I'll Make it Simple : this FAQ is MINE there is NO unauthorized use of this game
FAQ ANYWHERE unless it is shown in its MAY put this FAQ on your
site but ONLY in its COMPLETE FORM. I do not write this walkthrough so some hack
writers can sit back and get paid for it.

Metal Gear Solid is (c) Sony Computer of Entertainment and (c) Konami of Japan

***** Table of Content ******

0. Version
1. Forewords
2. Control
3. Item & Weapon List
4. Complete Walkthrough
5. Stuff
6. Translation (need someone to help me!)
7. Credits

########## 0.VERSION ###########
Version 0.1 (14/09/98) - Initial release, already contains complete walkthrough.

########## 1. FOREWORDS ###########
Metal Gear Solid is combination of an action with little RPG elements (maps,
items, etc). But this game differs from the other action games. Other action
games just use more brawn than brain. This game uses brain (& patience) a lot.
The game is about a spy, inflitrating an enemy base. This guy is not supposed to
be discovered, so instead of shooting all the enemy, this guy waits, avoids
direct confronta-tion with guards, avoids vidcams, and so on.
This game has the best action scene EVER, not seen in any other games. Shoot a
helicopter with a stinger laucher, guide a rocket to hit power generator in the
other room, swings from the top of the building, uses C4 like a pro, etc - the
list goes on and on. And this game features the coolest enemy bosses, too. After
playing this game for some time, I know that Konami's staff really put their
hardest effort and a lot of time on this game.
I really like the first Metal Gear on 8-bit NES. It was the game I considered
very special. Sometimes, I still play it. When this game screenshots appeared on
game magazines, I was so happy to know that one of my favourite games sequel is
coming to my PSX. I even bought the import version of this game even though I
cannot read Japanese at all and the game will be released in US on October 22,
just a month away.
This is my very first FAQ. I do not want to write this at first, but this game
is so GREAT.
This is an advice for you, Playstation Owner : Buy the game if you are impatient
to know what a great game it is. But if you miss the import version, save your
money and buy this game before it solds out !!

NOTE : This FAQ is not complete. It is mainly because I could not read any
Japanese. I really need someone to help me translating the story or the scene.
And if anyone have any questions, corrections, translation, or anything else
concerning this FAQ, just e-mail me at I would try my best
to help.

########## 2. CONTROLS ###########
Directional Pad : to move your character (Solid Snake), to choose the
inventory, or weapon,etc.
Square : to grab the enemy or use weapon.
Circle : to punch the enemy. Press it repeatedly to combo.
X : to crouch, or to duck. Press it with the directional pad to move.
Triangle : use it to look from the first person view.
R1 : Toggle between empty hands or weapons.
L1 : Toggle between using your inventory or not.
L2 : Select an item from your inventory
R2 : Select a weapon from your inventory
Select : is used to enable Radio Mode.
Start : to pause the game.

That's the basic moves. Snake can do more advance moves,such as :
a. Hold Direction pad to the wall : Snake will flatten himself to the wall.
Press the directional pad while holding the direction to the wall will enable
Snake to walk sideways. Press X will make Snake duck.
b. Hold Direction pad to the wall + X : Snake will knock the wall. This move
will attracts enemy's attention.
c. Tap Square repeatedly (no weapon): Snake will break the enemy's neck. While
holding the enemy, Snake can use it as a shield against other enemy's shooting.
d. Tap Square + directional pad (no weapon) : Snake will flip the enemy.

########## 3. ITEMS & WEAPONS ###########
Here's a list of the items that you will find in Metal Gear Solid. BTW, you can
access them by pressing L2 Button
a. Ration : use this to fill your life bar. You can only bring limited number of
b. Diazepam : use it to stabilize yourself while you are in the sniper mode.
c. Thermal Goggle : use it to find infra red traps, mines on the ground, and so
on. Get it on LV1 - Enemy's Base A
d. LV1 keycard : use this to open LV1 door. Given by DARPA
e. Cardboard Box A : use this to cover yourself. Get this in LV1 - Enemy's Base
f. LV2 keycard : use this to open LV2 door. Given by old man after defeating
g. Disc : don't know what the use of it. Given by the old man after defeating
h. Mine Detector : uses to detect mines on the ground - combines with your map
(radar). Get it on LV1 - Enemy's Base A (LV2 door).
h. LV3 keycard : use this to open LV3 door. Get this after defeating tank.
i. Gas Mask : use this to cover yourself from the poisonous gas. Use this to
protect yourself from poisonous gas. from LV B2-enemy Base B.
j. LV4 keycard : use this to open the LV4 door. Get it from Otacon.
k. Night Vision Goggle : Use this to see in the dark area. From LV B2 - Enemy's
Base B.
l. Cardboard Box B : to disguised yourself from enemy. Get it from the LV B1 -
Enemy Base B
m. LV5 keycard : Use this to open LV 5 door. Get this from Meryl.
n. PAL key : Use this to operate Metal Gear - Get this from Meryl.
o. Ketchup : Use this to fake death. Get this from Otakon in prison.
p. Scarf : Don't know what to do with this. Get it from Otacon in prison.
q. LV6 keycard : Use this to open LV6 door. Get it from Otacon in prison.
r. Body armor : To protect yourself against enemy's shot. Get it from LV B2
Enemy Base B.
s. rope : use this to go to Communication Tower B. Get this from Communication
Tower A.
t. LV7 Keycard : Use this to open LV7 door. Get it from Vulcan Raven.
u. Time Bomb : It's a trap to kill you. Throw this away. Get it from the Snake's
inventory, and from the water in Central Base.
v. Camera : to take a picture.
w. Stealth : use this to make yourself invisible. Get it from Ocerot at the
ending 2.
x. Bandana : from Meryl at ending 1.

3B. Weapons
a. Grenade : it's a grenade...Don't you know it ??
b. Stun Grenade : use this to stun enemies.
c. Chaff grenade : use this to make cameras jammed.
d. Claymore mines : blows when the enemy walks on top of it.
e. C4 : explosives. Trigger it to blow.
f. Socom : Snake's first gun. Can be combined with a surpresser. Get it at LV 1
Enemy Base A.
g. FAMAS : Machine gun. Holds a lot of ammo. Get it at LV B2 - Enemy Base A.
h. Nikita : Remote Controlled Missile. Get it on LVB2 - Enemy Base A.
i. PSG1 : a sniper rifle. Get it on LV B2 - Enemy Base A.
j. Stinger : A Missile Launcher. Very Powerful. Get it Communication Tower B.

########## 4. COMPLETE WALKTHROUGH ###########
Note : In this walkthrough, I included special notes, called the stuck notes. I
put these notes on every difficult points, which most of the people are stuck. I
give ONLY HINTS, not FULL EXPLANATION on the notes. When playing a game, I
enjoyed to find out things by myself, not by reading a full walkthrough. That's
why I put these notes on, so that the people who feels the same way as I do just
browse my walkthrough, find the hints they're needed, and finish it by
themselves. And if they still can't solve it, They can read the more thorough
explanation below the notes. HAVE FUN !!


*******1st Act*******
You finally arrives in the enemy base. The animation shows that Snake is coming
from the water, using the diving suit. While he was hiding, the colonel calls
him on channel 140.85 ( Maybe he wants to congratulate snake for coming in the
enemy base ^_^. Enough said. Let the action begins !! ).
There are 3 enemy on this place, and 3 ration to get (even though right now you
can only bring two rations at this time).
The rations are : in the south west corner (in the water), in the north east
corner, and in the south east corner.
Kill the first two enemy, then wait for the third enemy to come in the elevator.
Enter the elevator to go to the outside enemy's base.

**Solid Snake open his diving suit, and open his goggle, revealing his face.
When he stand up, the title METAL GEAR SOLID appear. Ain't it cool ?? ( And you
thought that the first action was cool !! That is just the intro, you know ??

*******Outside Enemy's Base*******

The colonel & Naomi calls Solid Snake (140.85) thru the radio (need translation)

**Solid Snake hide behind the container, watching his enemy (Liquid ??) flies
the chopper.**

The Colonel & Naomi calls Snake again (140.85) and introduces Mei Lin. Mei Lin
tells you that you can contact her in channel 140.96. From now on, if you want
to save your game, contact Mei Lin in 140.96 and choose the first option.

**Snake walks around and uses his scope to explore the area. The colonel tells
him what to do.**

After the animation, go to the south west corner to get a ration. Go east to the
snow, and go north. Hide behind the container, and kill a guard there. There's a
ration to the left of one container, too. Go to the truck in the middle area.
Jump behind the truck. Get the Soceey's Base Aom gun. Go to the southwestern of
the truck. Get a chaff grenadex3, but be very careful with the lights.
Go west from there to go to a room with a camera. The animation shows that Snake
notice the camera. Go behind the container. When the camera look at the other
way, get the stun grenade.
You have got all the items you need in this place. You can now proceed to go to
the air duct. There are two air ducts that we can go. The first is the duct in
the north west corner, guarded by the camera. The second duct is in the
upstairs, in the middle section. You can choose which duct to go, it doesn't
matter because they all lead to the same place (The 1st level of enemy's base).
Before you enter one of the duct, the Colonel will call you through the radio
(140.85). And when you are in the duct, someone will call you to the radio, too.
It's Master Miller on 141.80. Go through the duct. If you choose to enter the
upstair duct, you will see the animation of 2 enemy talking to each other. Each
duct contains one ration inside.
The colonel will call you again on 140.85.

*******1st Floor of Enemy's Base A*******

If you choose to get in the lower duct, you will arrive in the lower level, but
if you choose to enter the upstair duct, you will arrive in the upstair, too.
Assume you come through the upstair duct. Go to the left to get chaff grenade
x3. Go right, but be careful because there's a camera there. Go south a little
bit and enter the open door to the right. Get a thermal goggle there. Go
downstair after avoiding the camera. There's a box of Socom bullets under the
stair. Take it then go into the elevator in the north middle part. Push the
button beside elevator using O button.
Inside the elevator, go to floor B1.

*******Floor B1 of Enemy's Base A (Prison Cell Area)*******

When you go out of the elevator, Mei Lin calls you at 140.96. After receiving
that call, go along the aisle to the south, then to the east. On the end of that
corridor, there's a duct containing a ration and a stair to the north. When you
position yourself in front of the ladder, the Colonel will call you at 140.85.
Answer that call, then climb the ladder.

***In The duct****
Just crawl through the duct. Then you will come to the junction. Turn left on
the junction, and crawl until you reach the air holes. Use the look button
(Triangle) + press Down on direction pad to see animation of a guard in the
toilet. Proceed crawling farther to get Socom bullets. Go back to the junction,
and go left. Crawl until you see the air hole, and look through the air hole (
with triangle + Down) to see Meryl doing sit up in her cell. Crawl again, and
the Colonel will contact you through your radio at 140.85. Proceed crawling
farther, and you will see this animation :

**Snake finally reached Office Chief DARPA's cell. Snake looks through the air
hole, opens the airhole, and goes down to the cell. Then Solid Snake has a very
long conversation with DARPA. This conversation brings Meryl attention, so she
overhear it through the prison's wall. One soldier comes across the cell and
warns DARPA not to talk to loud. DARPA continues his conversation with Snake. He
told Snake about Metal Gear, Psycho Mantis, and PAL Card. Near the end of his
conversation, DARPA gives Snake a LV1 Keycard. This keycard can open LV1 doors.
Suddenly something struck DARPA......something mysterious !! DARPA is in pain,
and died. Meryl hears DARPA's voice, then starting to bang the prison cells.**

After the animation, crawl under DARPA's bed. You will find a ration there. At
this time you should be hearing the guard was knocked down by someone. Then the
prison cell door is opening. Go outside the cell ........

**Snake cautiously go outside. He looks on the floor, seeing the guard that he
previously saw in the duct was only wearing underwear. He was knocked down and
tied up. Suddenly a rifle pointed at Snake's head. Snake turn around. The girl
who pointed the rifle at him shouts at Snake, told him not to move.(By now I
think we all know that the one pointing the rifle at Snake is Meryl. She wears
the guards uniforms). With his lightning speed, Snake manages to point his gun
at her. They were talking so loud that they do not realize that there are three
guards by the door. The door opens, and the guards come in.**

Shoot the three guards with your Socom gun. There are 2 box of Socom Bullets.
You can take them if you run out of bullets. Sometimes the guards drop Socom
bullets or Ration. After the three guards died, the alarm rings. Three guards
come to attack you and Meryl. Meryl will kill these three guards (animation).
Three guards appear again. Kill them all. Three guards appear once again. Kill
them again. Then the last three guards throw three grenade on the floor. Avoid
them by moving towards the door. Then kill the last 3 guards.

**Meryl go to the door, and check if everything's safe. After she feels it is
safe to go outside, she runs to the elevator. Snake follows her, suddenly Snake
remembering / feeling something. There's another animation, about a person's
tied up in a room, being questioned or tortured. There was three other men
inside that room (Psycho Mantis, Liquid Snake, and I don't know the other person
). The animation is back to Solid Snake. Solid Snake try to follow Meryl. Meryl,
who is now inside the elevator, start shooting at Snake, preventing Snake to
follow her. Snake jumps to avoid the bullets, and takes cover behind the wall.
The elevator door closes. After that Solid hears a sound outside the elevator
door. A floating figure appears.... it is PSYCHO MANTIS. He is saying a few
words then dissapeared into thin air.***

Then Naomi calls Snake at 140.85. Answer that call, then go into the cell door
again. Go south to the computer room. Get the Socom Bullets near the table. Go
east to the toilet to get more Socom Bullets. Then go outside to the elevator,
heading to Floor B2.

*******Floor B2 of Enemy's Base A (Weapons Room)*******

When you comes out of the elevator, wear the thermal goggle. There are 4 path to
the south. Three paths from the left contains trap door. You can see it through
the goggle.
There are 7 doors in this room. 6 doors to get the weapons, and 1 door to the
south. Right now you can only open 3 doors.
Use the 1st level key card to open north middle door - get C4 explosives.
Go to the south middle door to get Socom Bullets.
Use the 1st Level key card to open south west door - get grenades.

############## STUCK NO 1 #################
Where should I go from here ??
---------------- ANSWER -----------------
Check the wall in level B2
there's a wall that you can blow using C4.

Check the south western corner wall. Using the look button (triangle), you will
see that the colour of that wall is diferrent from the other. Equip C4, then
push yourself to the wall. Stick the C4 to the wall by using Square button. Move
away, then press Circle button to blow the C4. The wall will be broken,
revealing a path.
Going through the path, you will find that the path leads to nowhere. But by
using the look button again, you will see that the wall on the right can be
blown too. Blow that wall and go through. Use the look button again. Blow the
wall on the east and the northeast (there are two paths to take). Before going
any further, I suggest you check your Socom Bullets. If you're running out of
it, go get them first or you will be sorry. Then go to the northeast hole in the

**Snake goes through the hole in the wall. There is a room behind that wall.
There's 4 pillars inside the room and 1 big pillar on the center of that 4
pillars. An old man is tied on the big pillar. There's lots of wire connecting
the 4 pillars with the old man. Snake tries to help this old man. But when he's
coming close, the old man told Snake to stay away. There're bombs everywhere
near the old man's body, connected by those wire. When Snake try to come close
again, there's a shot out of nowhere. Snake jumps to avoid the bullets. An enemy
shows up with his 6-bullet gun, demonstrating his skill with his gun by spinning
his gun around and around ( WHAT A COOL ENEMY ... ^_^). Then the enemy
challenges Snake for a fight.

*****BOSS NO 1 : OCEROT*****
Use your Socom gun. Ocerot will try to keep his distance with you. So run
around, trying to get a close distance with him so you can shoot him. But don't
waste your bullets here. There's only 3 box of Socom Bullets in this room. One
of the box is positioned near the wire, so I don't advice you to get it, unless
you are really short of bullet. And if you do, I suggest you get the bullets by
crawling. DO NOT TOUCH THE WIRE. If you do, the bombs will explode, and the game
will end. Try to get clear shot of Ocerot. And shot twice if you have the
chance. This is an easy enemy....REALLY EASY, unless you are short of bullets.

**Ocerot hides behind one of the pillar, reloading his gun. When he jumps out to
shoot Snake, then something's happening. A very fast and invisible figure move
infront of Ocerot, cutting his right hand, which is still holding a gun.
Ocerot's jumps back, holding his arm painfully. Then that invisible figure
cutting all the wire, so fast that the old man tied to the wire is released even
before the bombs blow away. The mysterious figure then revealing himself to be
seen....IT's a Cyborg Ninja (One of the coolest character EVER in a game ^_^
!!!). Ocerot runs away. Snake points his gun to the ninja. The cyborg Ninja
shouts and shaking his body (???) then dissapear befor Snake can take any
Snake then talked to the old man, The old guy talks about Metal Gear, and
there's a film about a rocket and military bases (???). Then the old man gives
the 2nd level Keycard and a disc. Suddenly something strikes the old man, just
like DARPA. The old man died without Snake knowing what or who does that.**

Then Solid calls the Colonel, Naomi, and Mei Lin at 140.85. After the
conversation, Snake's life got longer and he can carry more of his inventory.
Socom Bullet - 25 -> 49
Grenade - 8 -> 12
Stun Grenade - 3 -> 6
Chaff Grenade - 3 -> 6
C4 bomb - 4 -> 6
Ration - 2 -> 2 ( doesn't change )

Go back to the weapon's room. Note that there are guards guarding this place
right now. With the lV2 Keycard, you can now open the southeast door to get FA
MAS (Machine gun) and 2 box of bullets. Be careful with this room. Use your
thermal goggle before you take FA MAS. There are 2 red lines on the ground. It
means that there are infra red trap. Avoid the infra red ray by crawling under
it. Go to the elevator and go to the 1st floor.

*******1st Floor of Enemy's Base A*******

Do you notice that the tank on the right is missing ??? I won't spoil the fun
right now.
Go to the northeast corner. Use the keycard to open the 1st level door. Take the
Socom Suppresser. With this suppresser, you can shoot a guard without the alarm
Go upstairs and open the 1st level door to the west. Get a chaff grenade and
cardboard box A. Get out of this room and go to the northeastern door (LV2)
beside the camera. Get the mine detector.

############## STUCK NO 2 #################
Where should I go from here ??
---------------- ANSWER -----------------
Use your radio to contact Meryl.
Find the right frequency

Press Select button to access the radio. Use your radio to contact Meryl at
140.15. She will help you open the big gate downstairs (near the lift). Just
wait until she open the gate. After that gate is open go through that gate. BUT
BEWARE....Use the thermal detector. You will see 5 infrared ray trap in this
area. If you touch the light, the gate will be closed and the room will be
filled with poisonous gas. You will die instantly.

*******Open Area with Snow*******

GOGGLE. You will see that there are Claymore bombs under the snow. They will
explode if you step on them. Instead of trying to avoid them, crawl along the
minefield. You will get the claymore mines in your inventory ^_^. Get all 5
mines and check & equip your grenade in your inventory. Equip rations, too. Then
go to the north ......

**Solid Snake sees a tank heading in his way (that's why the tank in the LV B1
is missing), with Vulcan Raven riding on it. Raven shoot the mortar to Solid.
Solid Snake jumps to safety.**

*****BOSS NO 2 : TANK*****
The key to defeat the tank is to approach the tank and throw grenades in the
tank. You must approach the tank in this way : Go south, approaching the gate
where you come from, then go to the easternmost path, and go north. After you
reach the safety rock, you will see a path along the snow that is lower than its
sorrounding. Crawl in this path to the west. You cannot get shot by the tank,
because the snow is higher than the path ( you are protected by the snow
sorrounding you ). After you reach the western part, go north and hide behind
the iron pillar. When the turret is not heading your way, approach the tank and
throw the grenade on the tank. Run around the tank and throw grenades. After 2
hit, Vulcan Raven will fall from the tank, and a guard will replace him. Throw
grenade two more times to the guard, and it's over.

**Solid Snake approaches the guard, and take the LV3 keycard from him. After
Solid Snake goes to the Enemy Base B, the animation shows that Vulcan Raven is
still alive. **

*******1st Floor of Enemy's Base B*******
Solid Snake gains longer life and more inventory space.
Socom Bullet - 49 -> 73
Grenade - 12 -> 16
Stun Grenade - 6 -> 9
Chaff Grenade - 6 -> 9
C4 bomb - 6 -> 8
FA MAS Bullet - 101 -> 151
Claymore - 6 -> 8
Ration - 2 -> 3

Note : before going any further, now that Snake gets the LV3 card, go back to
floor B2 of Enemy's Base A (Weapons Room). By using the LV3 card, Solid Snake
will be able to open the northeastern door - containing a Nikita Launcher and
it's missiles. TRUST ME....YOU WILL NEED IT !!

After taking the Nikita Launcher and go back to Enemy's Base B, proceed to the
north gate by crawling. You will get a radio call from the Colonel and Naomi
(140.85). There are rules that you must obey in this room :
1. You cannot use any weapon except for chaff grenade.
2. You cannot be detected by the camera or the enemies. If you got caught, the
enemies will release poisonous gas in the room.
There are some items in this room : chaff grenades in the north western part
(behind the missiles), FAMAS bullets in the south east wall (under the camera),
and Socom bullets on the norhtwestern part of the truck.
Proceed upstairs, and go into the elevator. Go to level B2 ( We don't need to go
to level B1 right now).

*******Floor B2 of Enemy's Base B *******

After you go out from the elevator, go east and press yourself to the wall. You
will see a man on the other side of the wall. That's where you want to go right
now. After that, go to south by using LV3 key. There are 2 cabinet-like-full-of-
holes devices on the left and right side. Those are air purifiers. You see the
door in the south have yellow colour. That's because the room in the south has
poisonous gas.
Use the 3rd level keycard to open the south door. Beware of the poisonous gas.
You can only stay for a limited time only in that room.
When you entered the room, You will see this animation.

**Snake surprissed to see that the floor on this aisle is electrified. Solid
Snake then looks at the wall, tries to find where the source of the electricity
comes from. The animation shows where the power generator are. But it's in the
other room.**

Then Snake had a call from someone that is not known (the vidcam shows no one).
I think that man is trying to say that Solid Snake has to destroy that generator
to proceed.

############## STUCK NO 3 #################
How do I destroy the Power Generator ??
---------------- ANSWER -----------------
Use your remote controlled Nikita Missile.

Solid Snake has to use the Nikita missile to destroy the power generator. It
takes a few practises to do that. Do you know that you can control the Nikita
missile ?? Just shoot it, and control it with your directional pad. Shoot the
Nikita Missile and guide it through the aisle to the south. When there's a T
junction, guide the missile to the west into another room. Then guide the
missile to the northern room. Beware that the missile can be shot by the camera-
controlled gun, and the missile can explode if it hits the table, cabinet, and
wall. After the missile go tho the northern room, guide the missile to the
easttern room and guide it so the missile hits the power generator. The floor is
now safe to walk on, but beware....the poisonous gas is still in there. So go to
the north room between the air purifier, so you can breathe normally again.

There are 3 doors in the aisle :
1st door (northern east) : contains rations
2nd door (middle east) : you can not open it right now (LV4)
3rd door (south east) : contains gas mask.

Use the gas mask to protect you from the poisonous gas. The gas will still
affects you, but you will be able to stay longer in the gas filled room.

Go south through the electric-before-floor. Go to the east and enter the door.
Be careful of the camera-controlled-gun. Go to the air purifier. Right now you
should be hearing a fight in the other room.
Go to the east room and to the north, using the LV3 card.

** Snake walked into the aisle. He stunned. The aisle filled with dead people.
Bullets hole everywhere in the wall. Blood stains are everywhere, on the wall
and on the ceiling**

Go north, then .....

** A soldier comes from the north. Seems like he was really hurt. Then he fall
and died **

Go a tiny little bit to the north again, and .......

** Snake hears a machine gun and someone's screaming . Snake runs to the voice,
and see something's weird. Snake sees a soldier floats on the air, as if
something that is not seen holding him. The soldier then be thrown by that
'something' to the floor - dead. That something now revealing himself. He was
the cyborg ninja who cut Ocerot's hand. Now the ninja go to the northern room.
The door's lock is broken.**

Go follow the ninja - enter the northern door, then ......

** Snake sees Otacon (the man that you saw behind the wall before) is frightened
by something that can not be seen...something transparent. Otacon is so afraid
that he pissed on his pants ^_^. The ninja revealed himself in front of him.
Snake walks towards Otacon, and Otacon suprissed by Snake, thought that Snake is
Ninja's friend. The ninja turned around and talk to Solid Snake. Feeling that
the ninja's attention is drawed by Solid Snake, Otacon sneaks behind Ninja, run,
and hide inside a cabinet. Then ninja feels very angry and asked Snake to fight

*****BOSS NO 3 : CYBORG NINJA*****
Use only punches and kicks (O button), because the ninja can deflect your shots
with his sword and avoid your bombs by jumping (including your C4 bombs).
Punch him 2 times, then there's animation where ninja puts away his sword. Now
use hit and run tactic. Avoid his spinning kick. DON'T EVEN THINK THAT YOU ARE
can break through windows, so just stay away. Sometimes he will try to stomp
After his energy is depleted to 50 %, ninja now uses his 'transparency'
technique. Run around to find him ( and of course, kick and punch him ) before
he finds you and kick your ass !!
After you managed to find him 3 times, the animation will shows that the Ninja
is now hurts. He will now stay appear and fight like a man.
But beware, when you try to punch him, he will dissapear and appear behind you &
punch you from the back. The tactics is : punch once then go away from him.
After he punches, go back and punch him.
After all of his energy depleted, the ninja is not dead yet. There's some
explosion in his body. Don't go near because the explosion can hit you. The
explosion is sometimes big, sometimes small. Wait when the explosion is small,
approach him, and kick him. Do this three times, and you'll win.

**Ninja Ralks to Snake, admitting his defeat. Then suddenly Ninja starts to
shake again, slamming his head on the floor, making loud noise, screams, go
away, and dissapear.**

Snake calls his Colonel & Naomi - 140.85

**Snake calms Otacon that is still hiding in the cabinet, and manages to get him
out of there. Snake talks to Otacon, asked him questions. Snake becomes
impatient with Otacon's answer. Snake grabs Otacons by the collar. Then he
releases him, and Otacon starts to tell the story about Metal Gear. The story
continues with a film about the nuclear bomb in Hiroshima 09/08/1945. Then
Otacon shows Snake that he can make himself transparent, just like the Ninja.
Snake then called Meryl at 140,15. Something's happening to her and the radio's
out. Otacon gives Snake a LV4 Security Card. Then Otacon tells a story about
robots (Policenauts??), then Otacon tells Snake that Snake can contact him at
frequency 141.12. Otacon then uses his transparent technique, and goes away.**

Solid Snake gains longer life and more inventory space.
Socom Bullet - 73 -> 97
Grenade - 16 -> 20
Stun Grenade - 9 -> 12
Chaff Grenade - 9 -> 12
C4 bomb - 8 -> 10
FA MAS Bullet - 151 -> 201
Claymore - 8 -> 10
Nikita - 12 -> 12
Ration - 3 -> 3

Get FAMAS bullets in the middle east and south east corner. Get a chaff grenade
in the Southeast corner, and ration on the north of chaff grenade.
Go back to the electrified-before-floor. You can now open the 2nd door - get 2
boxes of stun grenades.
Go south to the junction and go to the left. There are 4 doors on the east.
1st door (north east-LV4) contains Night Vision Goggle.
2nd door (middle north east - LV3) contains 2 boxes of Nikita Missiles
3rd door (middle south east - LV3) contains 1 box C4 and 2 boxes of grenades.
4rd door (south east - LV6) - you can not open it yet.
Go north then go east ( where the power generator was) - there are 1 box of
chaff grenades and one ration.
Go back to the elevator. Go to the floor B1.

*******Floor B1 of Enemy's Base B *******

Go into the men's toilet ( that's the west door). Go to the northernmost toilet
- get a ration there. Get out of men's toilet then go to the south door. There
are 5 door in this room. Get a box of stun grenades in the northwest corner.
Open the northwest room - get Cardboard box B and a box of ration.
Open the southeast room - Get Famas Bullets and Socom Bullets
Open the northeast room - get nikita missiles there.

################### STUCK NO 4 ####################
Where should I go from here or what should I do ??
---------------------- ANSWER ---------------------
Find Meryl. She disguised as one of the guards

One of the 2 guards in this room is Meryl. When she sees you, she will get out
of the room and run to the women toilet (that's the east door that you can't
open - Now you know why you can't open that door ^_^).
Go to the northernmost toilet ......

**Snake finds a set of the guard's uniform. Suddenly a rifle is pointed behind
his head. Snake turns around to finds out that it's Meryl who points the gun at
him. Meryl and Snake introduces themself. Snake interested on Meryl's tattoo on
her left arm. Then they have a very long conversation. Meryl gives Snake PAL Key
and 5th level card. Meryl gets out of the toilet, waits for Snake there.**

Go outside, then go to the south room. Now that you have the 5th level key, you
can now open the southwest door. Get Diazepam (you'll need it later) and 3 box
of FAMAS bullets. Get out of the room to join Meryl, and go to the aisle beside
men's toilet. Open the door using the 5th level keycard. There's 5th level door
there. When you approach the door, Meryl will approach that door,too. Approach
Meryl, then ......

**Meryl suddenly has headache. Then the animation shows what inside the room (in
B/W) - from the eye's of something / someone's floating. You can hear his
breath. That something is floating approaching the door fast. Meanwhile Meryl's
headache suddenly lost. She asks Snake to open the door. But Snake is feeling
strange about meryl. She is not herself anymore. Her voice sound
different.....Mysterious, isn't it ??**

Note : After the animation, try pressing the look button (Triangle). You will
see that you are no longer looking from your eyes, but from Meryl's eyes ( or
from someone's inside Meryl, maybe ?? )

Open the door, and go inside. Animation will show that the door shuts behind
you. Wander around the room and you will see ....

** Meryl is controlled by someone's behind her. That someone is the one that
Snake saw in front of the elevator after DARPA died. He is Psycho Mantis. Meryl,
under Psycho Mantis' control, points her gun at Snake.**

The Colonel and Naomi calls Snake at 140.85
Now Snake is ready to face boss no 4.

Meryl is pointing her gun at Snake. She tries to shoot you, but you mustn't hurt
her - How ??
There are two ways to confront Meryl :
1. punch her until she's unconscious. This is not a good way to treat a lady, so
don't use it.
2. use your stun grenade. Meryl will fall down.
Then there's animation where psycho Mantis appears in front of Snake - floating.
Snake points his gun on him.
Then the screen turns to black for the 1st time (it's normal - everybody I know
experience it !! ). Then he begins to attack you.
Use your punches and kicks only to defeat him. Don't use your bombs, cause they
will explode as soon as you throw it. And don't use your gun, because he is
really good at avoiding your bullet.
Psycho Mantis has 5 patterns, so watch it carefully. Here's how to defeat them :
1st pattern : Mantis dissapears for a short time, then he appears in other
places - throwing a force ball on you. He does this 3 times. To defeat this
pattern, use the triangle button to see from Mantis' eyes. From his view, you
can predict where he's hiding. go there and punch him.
2nd pattern : Mantis uses his telekinesis to raise 3 chairs in the room and uses
them to protect himself from you. The chairs are circling on Mantis, making big
and small circles. To defeat this, crawl and move beside Mantis (still
crawling), then get up and punch him after the chairs' gone.
3rd pattern : Mantis uses 2 vases from the table to attack you. To defeat this,
crawl and wait until the vases' gone, then punch him.
4th pattern : Mantis uses 3 deer heads to attack you. To defeat this, crawl and
wait until the deer heads' gone, then punch him.
5th pattern : Mantis uses books from the cabinet and pictures from the wall to
attack you. To defeat this, go to the upperleft corner, near the statue. Wait
until Mantis comes there, then punch him.

After Mantis' energy depleted to 50%, he will control Meryl again to attack you.
Use the stun bomb again on her. After that, he control Meryl again. He orders
Meryl to commit suicide. Use the stun bomb again on her.
Now Mantis starts to use the 1st pattern over and over again. Find him all the
time, and punch him. After his energy's become 15%, he will combine his
technique. First, he uses pattern 3 & 4. Then he uses pattern 2 & 5. To defeat
him, just crawl to avoid those things, wait until they're gone, then get up and
punch him. You'll defeat him.

1. Don't get discouraged while fighting Mantis. Mantis is really good avoiding
your punches. You maybe will only land one sixth of your punches.
2. If you cannot defeat Mantis, there's an easy way to do that. Just lose to
Mantis once, then continue. When you begin this fight, break the statue on the
northwest and northeast corner. After this, Mantis will not be able to avoid
your punches as good as before.

Colonel and Naomi calls Snake at 140.85.

**Psycho Mantis is nearly died. The animation shows that his spirit is flying in
the room. he tells Snake that there's a secret passageway behind the cabinet in
the northeast. Then Mantis asks Solid to open his mask. Meryl saw Mantis' real
face then shocked. She seems to recognize. Mantis then tells a story to Snake.
Then he asked Solid to put his mask back on. A this last breath, he uses his
telekinesis technique to move the cabinet. Then Mantis is died.**

Solid Snake gains longer life and more inventory space.
Socom Bullet - 97 -> 121
Grenade - 20 -> 24
Stun Grenade - 12 -> 15
Chaff Grenade - 12 -> 15
C4 bomb - 10 -> 12
FA MAS Bullet - 201 -> 251
Claymore - 10 -> 12
Nikita - 12 -> 16
Ration - 3 -> 4
Diazepam - 6 -> 6

Get FAMAS bullets in the upper left (near the statue).
Go to the passageway behind the cabinet - there're ration, fAMAS bullets, and
Socom bullets beside the stair.
Go to the door to the north.

*******Cave Area*******

**Meryl speaks to Solid. She seems to know this cave. Then she leaves Solid

Go east, then go north. Use your Night vision goggle if you can not see clearly.
Ther's a box of raton and a hole in the wall where you can see Meryl in the
other side of the wall. Go south to get Socom bullets. Then go back to the west.
Take the north path (snow covered). Crawl to the hole in the wall. Go north till
you reach the junction (there's water in the floor). Go west to get FAMAS
bullets.Then go back to the junction and go East. Then go south on the junction.
There're two holes that you can go into in the south west area, to the south and
to the east. Go to the south first to get FAMAS bullets, Diazepam, and ration.
Then go back and go to the east hole to meet Meryl (see that the wolves are all
fond of Meryl ^_^).
There's a ration behind Meryl. Then open the north door using your keycard.


**Meryl says to Solid that the path is full of booby traps (claymore mines), so
Solid have to be very careful about it. Then Meryl show Solid how to get pass
the mine field.**

Guide Snake to follow Meryl's footprint, then ......

**Suddenly, from unknown place, a sniper is targetting Meryl. Seeing the infra
red on Meryl's body, Snake warns Meryl about the danger. Meryl doesn't move
because she's so surprissed. She just follows the red mark pointing at her body,
then down to her left leg. Then Meryl's got shot on her left leg. Meryl screams.
Snake jumps to safety. Then the sniper shoots Meryl at her right leg. Meryl goes
down. Her pistol drops. Meryl tries to reach for her gun, but the sniper shoot
Meryl on her left hand. Snake wants to get close to help her, but he can't.
Meryl knows that somewhere in the tower there's a sniper aiming at them.**

################### STUCK NO 5 #########################
How do I shot the sniper ??
---------------------- ANSWER --------------------------
You have to go back to Enemy Base A to get Sniper Rifle

Solid then get called by the Colonel and Naomi at 140.85.
After some time, you will see that you cannot get close to Meryl, because the
sniper shots you first. Get 4 claymore mines from the snow. Then the Colonel
contacts you again in the radio - orders you to get the sniper's rifle in the
floor B2 Enemy's base A ( I know, it sucks - but we have to save Meryl ).

Go back to the elevator - go to floor 1, then go out to the south. Cross the
open area (snow) again. This time, please be careful. The enemies have put some
camera and more claymore mines on the ground. Go to the elevator, then go to
floor B2. Get the sniper rifle (PSG1) in the northwest door - use the LV5
keycard to open it. Be careful, there are infrared traps on this room. Use
thermal goggle.

The colonel calls Snake again at 140.85.

After you pick up the rifle, go back where Meryl was shot ( It's a long way
again ). You will see that Meryl is no longer there. You can only see Meryl's

*****BOSS NO 5 : SNIPER WOLF*****
Use your sniper rifle. Find the enemy. Shoots before the enemy does. If you ran
out of bullets, you can get one box of bullets to the left. Don't waste your
bullet, because it is limited. If you feel that Snake is not stable anymore, use
Diazepam. Diazepam is a pill or drug to keep a sniper calm. Shoot her a few
times, then she's down.

Solid Snake gains longer life and more inventory space.
Socom Bullet - 121 -> 145
Grenade - 24 -> 28
Stun Grenade - 15 -> 18
Chaff Grenade - 15 -> 18
C4 bomb - 12 -> 14
FA MAS Bullet - 251 -> 301
Claymore - 12 -> 14
Nikita - 16 -> 20
Ration - 4 -> 4
Diazepam - 6 -> 8

Go north, then check the ledge on the left wall. There's a box of PSG1 bullets.
Go north until you come to the tower. Then go west to get a box of ration. Go
behind the barrel to get a box of Socom Bullets. Go to the right. There's a box
of FAMAS bullets under the stairs. Go upstair and get a box of PSG1 bullets.

*******NOTE : NOW IS THE RIGHT TIME TO SAVE if you have a free block in your
memory card. Some people says that the choice you are about to make in the next
scene will affect the ending of this game, so SAVE !! This way, you do not have
to play from the start to see 2 ending of this game. *********

Go downstairs and head towards the LV6 door to the right (even though you know
that you can not open it ^_^). Then ....

**The alarm rings when Snake approaches the door. Two soldiers come from Snake's
behind and point their rifle on Snake. Then Sniper Wolf comes along with the two
soldiers. Sniper Wolf asks Snake to drop his gun. Snake drops his gun and raises
his hands. Sniper Wolf admires his enemy, then scratches Snake's left cheek.
Then one of the soldier hit Snake in the bakc of his neck. Snake falls
When Snake begins to regain his consciousness, he can only see 6 lights, like in
the operation room. Snake cannot move. His hands and his legs are tied to the
bed. Snake can hear 3 people are talking. Then the bed rotates, so the Snake is
now in standing position. Snake can see that 3 person : Liquid(??), Sniper Wolf,
and Revolver Ocerot. Snake talks to Liquid, then Liquid got called from someone.
Liquid leaves the room. The conversation continues - than Sniper Wolf leaves the
room, too. that leaves Snake with Ocerot. Ocerot is about to torture Snake.**

You control Solid Snake right now. Snake has two choices in this place :
1. Do not surrender. Tap O (circle) repeatedly.
2. Surrender. You can do this by pressing Select.
Assume you did not surrender. Ocerot will try to torture you three times. There
are two bars on the screen :
1. Life bar - it's Solid's life bar.
2. Time bar - it's shows how long the torture will end.
The object of this scene is : Snake has to survive the torture. Ocerot will
torture you three times. During these torture, Snake's life bar must not empty.
When the torture begins, tap O repeatedly to fill the life bar. Tap really fast,
because the life bar carries on to the next torture. The 2nd torture is longer
than the 1st torture, and the 3rd torture is the longest. If you don't make it,
you will have to load the game, because there's no continue option.
Snake then is put in jail. In the corner of the jail, Snake sees DARPA's corpse.
When you press L2 or R2, you will see that Solid doesn't have anything in his
inventory. No stuff, no weapon, ZIP.
There's a guard walking around Snake's jail - sneezing all the time.
Then the Colonel and Naomi call Snake at 140.85.
After the call, the guard will go to the cell door, and call you for more
torture (Actually the guard says : It's Showtime !! ). You are brought into the
torture room once again. Survive this torture again. Then Snake is put in the
jail once again.
### If you choose to surrender in the game, this is where you will start. In
other words, if you choose to surrender, you will automatically put in jail and
don't have to endure the second torture.

The Colonel calls you at 140.85 again.

Wait for a moment, use the look button on the guard. You will see that the guard
will have a stomachache. It was so sudden and so bad, that you will see the
guard running very fast to the toilet ( I think it's about to explode ^_^ ).
After the guard leaves you, wait for a moment. Someone will call you at the
door. It's Otacon !!

**Snake is so relieved to see Otacon. After they have a conversation, Otacon
gives Snake a bottle of ketchup, a scarf, a LV6 Security card, and a ration.
Then Otacon hear that the guard are coming back. Then Otacon leaves.**

Now you got to act fast!! You want to get out of the prison. There are two ways
that I know to escape from the prison, but you got to do it before the guard
arrives from the toilet.
1. Use the ketchup by equiping it and press O button. You have to do it before
the guard arrives. Snake will pretend to be dead. The guard arrives, sees that
Snake is dead, then open the cell door to check him out.
2. Hide (crawl) under the bed. When the guard arrives, he will think that Snake
has escaped. He will open the prison door to check him.
Then what should we do with the guard ? You can kill him, but there's a more
amusing way!! Run from the guard, go otside the cell, bo north, then east. You
will see a LV6 door on the north and a ration on the south. Pick the ration,
then open the LV6 door. You will see the animation that the guard runs after you
and finally be able to point you with his rifle. But he has a stomachache again
!! So he will leave you and go to the toilet ^_^.
Look to the right of the torture bed. You will see there is a red box. Pick it
up. It's Snake's belonging. There's an animation where Snake go behind the
torture bed, changing and equiping his stuff back ( NOW WE'RE BACK IN BUSINESS

NOTE 1 : Check your inventory (L2 button). Please check if you are carrying a
time bomb. Sometimes the enemy put a time bomb on Snake's inventory. When the
time bomb runs out of time, it will explode. The explosion will kill Snake

################### STUCK NO 6 ####################
How do I get rid of the bomb ??
---------------------- ANSWER ---------------------
Wait until a mysterious man calls you in the radio,
Then throw the bomb.

NOTE 2 : After the torture, sometimes Snake will catch cold. ( IT'S TRUE !! ).
Maybe because he don't wear any shirt in the prison. SO from now on be careful
while hiding, sometimes Snake will sneeze. The enemy can hear it, and will check

To get rid of the bomb, you must wait for the mysterious man to call you.
usually he will call you 1 minute before the bomb explodes. To throw the bomb,
hold L2, and press the directional button to choose for the time bomb, then
while still holding the L2 button, press O button. It's the same way of using a
ration or Diazepam.

Open the door on the east, with LV6 keycard, but be careful with the camera-gun.
When you open the door, you will see that the area is familiar to you. IT'S
LEVEL B1 at ENEMY BASE A. But the enemy has put 2 camera + gun outside the
elevator, so you have to be very careful.

Go to the elevator and go to floor B2. Pick every ammo there, and go to the
place where you fought Ocerot. Go south and go east. Now you can open the 2
doors that are previously locked. Open the lower door to get stun grenades and
chaff grenades.

Go back to the elevator to Level 1, and proceed to Enemy's Base B.

******* Enemy's Base B *******

We're here just to collect the items that we cannot get previously.
Go to the elevator - floor B2. Go south to the electric-before floor. Go south
until you reach the junction, and take the left path. You can now open the south
east door. It contains body armor.
Go back to the elevator - floor B1. Go to the south and open the middle west
door (LV6). You will get medicine. This medicine will cure Snake's cold.
Then go to the place where Meryl got shot.

**Solid looks at the place where Meryl get shot by the sniper. The floor is
still covered with Meryl's blood. Snake got a flashback about Meryl's getting
shot. Then the Colonel, Naomi, Miller, and Mei Lin call you at 140.85.**

After the animation, proceed north to COMMUNICATION TOWER A.

Go enter the LV6 door where you previuosly get caught. Go along the aisle, and
pick FAMAS bullets, & Socom bullets along way. Now check your FAMAS bullets, and
equip FAMAS. Enter the door to the west. The camera will spot you, the alarm
will go off, and guards are coming, trying to catch you !! At this place Snake
doesn't have to sneak. He will have to fight all the guards. Get the Stun
Grenades and Rope, then go south - open the door. Go upstairs fast. Shoot
enemies that are trying to catch you. Run upstairs as fast as you could.
Eventually you will find LV6 door. When you approach it, Otacon will call you at
141.12. He told Snake not to open the door. Just go upstairs (you cannot open
the door anyway). There's a lot of ration, FAMAS bullets, and Socom bullets on
the way, so pick them up.
On the top floor, you can get Socom Bullet and FAMAS Bullets. Go along the path
and you will come to a ladder with ration on the south of the ladder. Pick the
ration and climb the ladder. Then open the door at the northeast corner (LV6
door). You're on the roof now.

**Solid Snake arrives at the roof. He examines the roof, and notice that there's
a sattelite disc. Below the sattelite disc, there's a LV 6 door on the nearby
building (Communication Tower B).**

Go to the stair to the north, then ...

**Solid Snake is on its way to the sattelite disc. Suddenly some missiles strike
the disc, causing the disc to be broken. The disc fall to the ground below.
Snake jumps to safety. While Snake is wondering who shot the disc, suddenlu
Liquid Snake with his chopper comes from behind. Apparently, it was the chopper
that shots the Sattelite disc. Snake runs towards the Communication Tower B
roof, but the path there is damaged by the missiles that wrecked the Sattelite.
Snake could not cross, but Snake has to reach that LV6 door he saw before, so

Equip the rope, and go to the fence in front of you.

**Solid Snake ties the rope on the fence, while the chopper blows the building
behind Snake. Snake comes down the building and lands on a ledge. Liquid's
chopper comes and try to shoot Snake**

Snake got call from the Colonel - 140.85. Apparently, the Colonel explains to
Snake how to use the rope.
Press X button to jump down - you can swing to the left and to the right by
holding the directional button.
Press O to climb - it's not much use.

The objective is : to go down to the bridge that connect the Communication Tower
A to Communicaton Tower B. On the way, avoid gas and the chopper's bullets. Keep
going down until you arrive in the snowy area.

In this area, you can pick a ration to your left, and a C4 to your right. DON'T
TRY TO CROSS THE BRIDGE FIRST. By using your scope, you can see that three
guards are guarding the bridge on the other side. If you get to close, the
guards will start shooting at you and you won't be able to shoot them. Instead,
use your Nikita Missiles to kill them. Usually it takes about 3 missiles to
bring them down. You will know whether the guards are dead by listening to the
music. if the music fades, then the guards are all dead. Cross the bridge. Near
the end of the bridge, the chopper will appear in front of you and try to shoot
you. Use your keycard to open the door to the west. Don't forget to pick the
ration along the way.
Inside the room you will find Stinger Launchers and Stinger Missiles. Then open
the door to the south.

Go south to reach the elevator. Press the elevator's button. You will see that
the elevator is not working. Check the elevator by walking to the elevator's
gate. Then go back to the door, and now take the path to the right (behind the
elevator). Get grenades, FAMAS bullets, and Socom bullets. Go east, and climb
down the stairs. Keep climbing down until you find that the stairs are broken.
Go up again to the elevator. Before reaching the elevator ...

**Snake hears someone is trying to operate the elevator as well. Snake hides
behind a pillar, getting ready with his gun. When he jumps out to point the gun,
he finds out that the man is Otacon. Otacon had a long conversation with Snake.
Then Otacon makes himself dissapear, and go to the stairs leading to the bottom

Now you can go to the east - go upstair. But beware, everytime you climb the
stair, use the look button. There're camera-with-gun on the top wall. Use the
chaff grenade to make the camera jammed. Then climb upstairs again. There're 4
sets of camera, so you will need 4 chaff grenade to go to the top.
On the top floor, you will see a ladder leading upstair. Instead of climbing the
ladder, go along the south path to get 2 box of stinger missiles, chaff
grenades, FAMAS bullets, and ration. By now you should have a full inventory of
Stinger Missiles (20/20). Now go back and climb the ladder. Go through the door
on the northeast side. You will reach the roof.

** The chopper appears in front of Snake. Liquid talks to Snake, then he flies
his chooper to attack Snake.**

*****BOSS NO 6 : CHOPPER (HIND)*****
Use your stinger missiles to shoot the chopper. Stay beside the container in
front of the door. This container will be your safety place. It will be your
'shield' against the chopper's bullets, so don't go to far from this container.
There's a ration on the south west area of the container, and a stinger missiles
on the south east corner. Don't waste your stinger missiles, so don't shoot if
you don't have a clear shot.
Use your radar to know the chopper's location. If the chopper is shooting from
the south, take cover on the north of the container, etc. Use your stinger radar
to check where the chopper is. Usually the chopper flies below the building. So
shoot the chopper only when the chopper flies above you. If you put the
crosshair of the Stinger on the chopper, the stinger will lock on the chopper.
But in some cases, the lock does not guarenteed to be sure hit. For instance, if
the chopper is too far, then the missile will miss.
When you hit the chopper 4 or 5 times, the chopper will go away, and an
animation shows that the chopper is shooting the south area. Go to the north
before the missile hits you.
Shoot the chopper 8-10 times again, then the chopper will fire it's last
missiles. Avoid it by running to the south west corner. Then the chopper is
toasted !!

**The chopper is starting to fly unstable. Liquid is panic. The chopper falls
apart. Then the chopper falls to the ground. Liquid screams "
SSSNNNNAAAKKEEEEEEEE !!!". Then the view changes : from the Snake's back. Snake
is watching an explosion causing by the chopper.**

Solid Snake gains longer life and more inventory space.
Socom Bullet - 121 -> 168
Grenade - 24 -> 32
Stun Grenade - 15 -> 21
Chaff Grenade - 15 -> 21
C4 bomb - 12 -> 16
FA MAS Bullet - 251 -> 351
Claymore - 12 -> 16
Nikita - 16 -> 24
Stinger Miss. - 20 -> 25
Ration - 4 -> 5
Diazepam - 6 -> 9

Otacon calls Snake at 141.12. He tells Snake that he has fixed the elevator.

Go back down to the elevator - don't forget the security cameras!! You still
have to use 4 chaff grenades to go to the elevator. Then press the button on the
ellevaotr. You can use the elevator now.

**Snake enters the elevator. Suddenly the elevator bell rings. Snake feels
confused. Is there something wrong ??**

Then press the elevator button to go to floor 1. The elevator door closes, and
the elevator starts to move. Suddenly Otacon calls at 141.12. He says that some
guards are in the elevator, too. They're using the transperency technique, so
Snake can not see them.

Now is fighting time. Kill 4 transparent guards. Use FAMAS or C4.
After they're all be killed, enjoy your ride to the 1st floor.
Go out of the elevatior, then go west. follow the path to get a ration and a box
of PSG1 bullet (behind the elevator). Go in front of the elevator, and get a
chaff grenade. Open the door in the south east corner. There're 2 boxes of PSG1
bullets, guarded by a camera -equipped-gun. Then go through the west door. Get 2
SOCOM bullets and 2 FAMAS bullets. Be careful, there are 3 cameras in this room.
Open the door in the end of the aisle - that's to the north.

*******Open Area - Snow II*******

Go to the north, and ...

**A sniper shoots Snake**

Then Snake got calls from Otacon - 141.12. In the conversation, suddenly Sniper
Wolf interrupts.

*****BOSS NO 7 : Sniper Wolf - 2nd Encounter*****
Use your sniper rifle (PSG1)- It's sniper vs sniper fight !! Like before, shoot
her before she shoots you - it's a game of speed and accuracy. Sniper Wolf hides
behind trees. Just follow her down, then shoot her when she tries to shoot you.
If you runs out of bullets, you can get them on the west and on the east
(there're 2 boxes). Pick a ration on the south east corner. Use Diazepam to calm
you if you become unstable.

Solid Snake gains longer life and more inventory space.
Socom Bullet - 168 -> 192
Grenade - 32 -> 36
Stun Grenade - 21 -> 24
Chaff Grenade - 21 -> 24
C4 bomb - 16 -> 16
FA MAS Bullet - 351 -> 401
Claymore - 16 -> 16
Nikita - 24 -> 28
Stinger Miss. - 25 -> 30
Ration - 5 -> 5
Diazepam - 9 -> 9

After the fight, go north a little bit, then .....

**Snake approaches Sniper Wolf, who is now waiting for her death. She coughs,
her blood mixed with her coughs. Then she has the last conversation with Snake
(listen to the Background song - It's perfect, Does it make you want to cry ??).
Sniper Wolf asks Snake to end her pain ( to kill her ). Snake points his gun on
her. Otacon, watching the scene from far, feels very sad for Sniper Wolf. Sniper
Wolf asks Otacon to bring her her rifle. Otacon brings the rifle to her. She
hold the rifle, and asks Snake to shoot. Otacon does not have the courage to
watch this, so he turns his back and covers his ears. Then the camera zooms out
fast, the screen becomes all white, then..... BANG !!
Snake uses the scarf to cover her face, then he leaves the place. Otacon shouts
to Snake while watching Snake leaves. Then he makes himself dissapear, and leave
the place too.**

You are now free roaming the snow field area. There's a lot of door. I list them
all :
- There are 2 doors on the west. The northern one (LV6) contains 4 Nikita
Missiles and guarded by 1 camera. The southern one contains Cardboard box C and
2 rations, guarded by 2 cameras.
- There are 2 doors to the east. The north one contains 2 boxes of PSG1 bullets,
2 boxes of Socom Bullets, and 3 boxes of FAMAS bullets no camera. The south one
contains 2 boxes of chaff grenades and 1 box of grenades, guarded by 2 camera.
- There are 3 doors to the north. The left door leads to the enemy's last base.
You cannot open the middle one right now, because it's LV7. The right one
contains 1 box of diazepam, 1 box of stun grenade, and a ration - but the place
is covered with claymore mines.

Go to the north - northwest door, which leads to the enemy's Last Base. Avoid
the cameras, go to the north west corner to get a box of Socom bullets. Go east,
then go downstairs........ DISC ONE Ends.

**************************DISC TWO WALKTHROUGH**********************

*******LV 1 of Enemy's Central Base*******
Go downstairs, and open the door. Go north and go west to the bridge to get a
box of chaff grenade. Then go to the bridge on the south, leading to the west
wall. Press yourself to the wall, then walk sideways to the south to get a box
of Socom bullets. Then walk sideways to the north to reach the north bridge. But
be careful - there's a crane moving around. If this crane hits you, you will
fall to the molten iron and burned to death !! Walk sideways and press X to
duck. When the crane moves above you, get up (by pressing X again) then go to
the north bridge. Go north and go downstairs. You will find Socom bullets under
the stairs. You can find a ration if you take the west path (downstair), and you
can find C4 explosives if you walks to the south. Go north and downstairs.
There's a box of socom bullets under the stairs and There's a door on the
northeast. Don't enter this door first. Go through the south - it leads to STEAM
bullets and 2 boxes of Nikita Missiles. Crawl to the south west under the pipes.
You can get 2 box of Stinger Missiles, and 1 box of chaff grenades. Go back
through the STEAM ROOM - go north. Open the door to the northeast.

In the next room, go north and you will see and elevator is coming to your way.
Before you go to LV B1 with the elevator, explore the room first - There's 2
boxes of FAMAS bullets on the south west, and 1 box of Socom bullets on the
northwest corner. Get 2 boxes FAMAS bullets on the east, and get one box of
Socom bullets behind the east container. Now you are ready to go down with the
elevator. Just press the buttons on the panel with O button.

**Just as the elevator starts to move down, 3 guards appear from behind the
container. They jump on the elevator.**

Fight those 3 guards with your FAMAS rifle. These guards are tougher than the
ordinary guards. If you want to kill them fast, you can throw them outside the
elevator. After those bad guys are dead, proceed to LV B1 of the enemy central

*******LV B1 of Enemy's Central Base*******

Go north of the elevator, then go to the east. There's a camera-equipped-gun
inside. Get a Socom bullets on the north. NOW USE YOUR THERMAL GOGGLE and go
south. There are claymore mines on the south side. Crawl to get the Claymore
mines. While still crawling, go to the southeast corner to get ration and to the
north east corner to get a box of FAMAS bullets.
Then go down with the elevator. Press the button on the panel - Use O button to
do that.
Now you are going down on the elevator. There are a lot of birds circling you.
Then Master Miller calls you at 141.80. Enjoy the ride to floor B2.

*******LV B2 of Enemy's Central Base*******
This place is so...chilling. You can see that this place is colder than any
other place in this base.
Go west behind the container to get Nikita Missiles and C4 bombs. Then go to the
east containers to get ration and Nikita Missiles.
Then open the door on the north.

**Snake go into a big-refrigerator-like room. There're a lot of raven birds in
there. Then Snake sees someone lying on the container in front of him. The
person stands up and talk to Snake. It's VULCAN RAVEN, the one who attacks Snake
with the tank (remember boss no 2 ??). Vulcan Raven jumps down to meet Snake.
Now Vulcan Raven is fully equipped. He has this HUUUGGGEEEE Gaitling Gun (looks
cool, isn't it ??). Then Vulcan Raven demonstrates his ability - the ability to
control the bird. A bird lands on Snake's shoulder, stay there then leave. After
a few words, Raven is now ready to fight Snake.**

*****BOSS NO 8 : Vulcan Raven - 2nd Encounter*****
Don't walk in front of him, he will shoot you wildly. Instead, use Nikita
Missiles. Guide the Missile so it hits him. But don't underestimate him, he can
shoot your Nikita Missile if he sees it. So guide your Nikita Missile to hit
him from behind or from side. You have to guide it around the container - not in
the staright line so he will have tough times to gun it down. If Raven getting
close to you, predict which path he will take and plant claymore mines and C4
bombs. There are Stinger Missiles, Nikita Missiles, and ration. After a few
hits, Raven starts to shoot at containers, so the containers are falling down,
blocking several ways. Raven are now moving much faster than before. Claymore
mines don't work on him right now, so use the Nikita Missiles only.

**Vulcan Raven is now hurting very bad. Bloods are everywhere on his body. He
talks to Snake, and give him the LV7 keycard. And then he tells Snake about
DARPA's dead - while in prison : After Snake went away from the cell, Vulcan
Raven came and picked up his body. It was not DARPA's after all !! It was
someone disguising as DARPA. After telling him the story, he orders the birds to
eat him !! The birds are starting to eat him, then Snake leaves him. When Snake
turns around, he finds that Vulcan Raven's body is no longer there. The birds
have eaten him completely. **

Solid Snake gains longer life and more inventory space.
Socom Bullet - 192 -> 217
Grenade - 36 -> 36
Stun Grenade - 24 -> 27
Chaff Grenade - 24 -> 27
C4 bomb - 16 -> 16
FA MAS Bullet - 401 -> 451
Claymore - 16 -> 16
Nikita - 28 ->
Stinger Miss. - 30 -> 35
Ration - 5 -> 5
Diazepam - 9 -> 9

Then Snake got calls from the Colonel and Miller, taliking about Naomi at

Note : You can now go back to the snowfield area to open the 7th level door. It
contains 4 Stinger Missiles and guarded by 3 camera.

After you defeat Vulcan Raven, open the door on the north. Get a box of chaff
grenade on your left. USE YOUR THERMAL GOGGLE. You will see that there are 2
trap doors on the floor. After crossing the trap doors, take a box of ration.
Take a look around with triangle button. There are a lot...A LOT of camera-
equipped-gun. So use your chaff grenade to distract the camera. Cross the
bridge. You can go to east to get 3 boxes of Stinger Missiles. Open the door to
the north, but before doing that get a box of Stinger Missiles in front of the

*******METAL GEAR REX's ROOM*******

Go downstairs to the north then ........

**Snake is now standing in front of METAL GEAR REX !! (Man, look how big it is

Go north to the junction then take the path to the left. Get a chaff grenade on
the corner. Then go to the north, and go downstairs to get a ration. There's a
river to the west. There are sometimes items in the river (the position of the
items are random), but you will take damage in the water. To check whether
there's an item or not, use your thermal goggle. Go back upstairs and go back to
the front of Metal Gear Rex. Take the east path now, and go downstairs to get
FAMAS and SOCOM bullets. Go back upstairs and proceed to the northeast. There's
a ladder there. Before you climb the ladder , Otacon will call you at 141.12.
Climb the ladder afterwards.

Go east to pick up the chaff grenade. Go back to the junction and take the west
path. Go south to get FAMAS bullet. Go to the north. Just before you climb the
ladder, Otacon will call you again at 141.12. Climb the ladder afterwards.

There's a ladder to the left, but you maybe want to explore the area first. Go
to the north path to get FAMAS bullets, chaff grenades, and 2 boxes of stinger
Missiles. Now you are ready to climb the ladder.

Now you are on top of Metal Gear REX. Otacon and the Colonel will call you at
141.12. Now climb down the ladder to the left.

Go along the path to the north, west, then south. Get FAMAS bullets, and 2 Socom
bullets on the way. Go east a little bit, and climb stairs to the south. Then

**Snake sees two persons in the Control Room. They are Revolver Ocerot and
Liquid Snake (apparently he's not dead from the helicopter blast !!). They're
talking about their plan. Snake hides behind the wall to hear their
conversation. They talked about project FOXDIE (??) and project OUTER HEAVEN
(??). Without Solid's knowledge, there's a camera near Snake.
Snake calls Otacon at 141.12. Otacon explains to Snake how to use the PAL Card.
He also explain about the three mark on the computer. One of the mark is the
same as the mark on the PAL card.
Then Ocerot sees Solid in the camera. Ocerot shoots at Solid. Solid is so
surprissed that he dropped the PAL card. The PAL card is now falling to the
river below. Snake tries to catch the card, but he doesn't make it. Liquid calls
Snake from the control room, and the Control Room's door closes.**

The alarm rings. The guards are coming at Snake. Kill the guards. Run back to
the top of Metal Gear Rex. The guards will stop following you. Go downstairs.
You must look for the PAL key in the water. Sometimes you will get a bomb. If
you do, Master Miller will warn you at 141.80. Drop the bomb by accessing the
inventory screen (L2) button, selecting it by using directional pad, and while
still holding the L2 button, press O button.

NOTE : I'm not sure where the PAL key is, because the items' places are random.
But I think that the PAL key is brought by the mouse. Go hit the mouse, then the
PAL key will be dropped by the mouse. But I'm not sure about this - Can someone
confirm this ??

After you get the PAL card, go back to the control room (where Oceron and Liquid
having a chat previously). Use the chaff grenade to make the cameras jammed.
Then use the PAL key on the computer lap top according to the symbol. Look at
your PAL key's symbol in your inventory. Go to the computer with the same
symbol. Then there will be an animation where the square thing behind the
computer go down, and the card will go out of the computer. Now you have to put
the PAL key with the same symbol on the computer.

################### STUCK NO 7 #######################
Where can I find the 2nd and 3rd PAL key ??
---------------------- ANSWER ------------------------
You don't find them. You change the symbol.
PAL keys symbols change according to the temperature.

Now this is really tricky : The symbol on the PAL key can change. The change is
depend on the temperature on the room you're at. The yellow symbol (C) appears
when you're on a normal temperature room. The blue symbol (W) appears when
you're on a low temperature room - cold. The red symbol (Z) appears when you're
on a high temperature room.

I suppose you have put the yellow card into the computer (yellow color is the
default color). To change the card color to blue, you have to be in a room where
the temperature is low, such as : the room where you fight Vulcan Raven, or the
snow area outside. Stay there for about 2 minutes, then the card color will
change automatically. Then go to the Control room to insert the second card into
the computer. Then go back to the elevator to floor B1. On the elevator Master
Miller will call you at 141.80. Proceed to the elevator to level 1. Go south to
the STEAM ROOM (the room where there pipes and steam everywhere - It's a high
temperature room). Stay there for two minutes, then the card symbol will change
to red. Make your way back to the control room on Level B2. On the elevator,
Naomi + Colonel will call you at 140.85. Naomi will tell you about a guy name

Go to the Control Room - once again, use the chaff grenade to make the cameras
jammed. Then equip the PAL key then walk to the right computer.

**The square thing behind the computer go down. All keys are opened. The
computer says that Metal Gear is now ready to use !! Snake is so surprised. He
thought that the PAL keys are supposed to stop it !!
Then 141.80 Miller calls, thanking Snake for 'helping' him to operate Metal
Gear. Snake is so surprissed and angry. Then the Colonel appears on the vid cam
and angry at Snake. Miller opens his glasses, and change his hair, revealing
himself. MILLER TURNS OUT TO BE LIQUID SNAKE ALL ALONG !! Miller used Snake to
operate the Metal Gear REX, without Snake even knows it !!. Then Liquid sounds
the alarm. The door in the Control Room closes, and the room now is filled with
poisonous gas !!**

Equip your gas mask, then use your radio to call Otacon at 141.12. Otacon will
try to help you. Wait, then Otacon will call you at 141.12, tells you that he
manages to override the security. The door now opens.
When Snake goes out from that door, he sees Liquid is running towards the Metal
Gear REX. Get a ration to the south then follow Liquid. you will see the

**Snake sees Liquid is standing beside Metal Gear REX. Snake points his gun on
him, but Liquid says something that makes Snake put down his gun. Then they have
a conversation (something about FOXDIE and Naomi). After a long talk, Metal
Gear's cockpit is opening. Snake quickly points his gun on Liquid, trying to
shoot him. But Liquid is faster. He jumps into the Metal Gear REX's cockpit,
closes it then starting the elevator. Snake jumps to the Metal Gear REX's base.
Then the base elevate until it reaches the upper floor.**

*****BOSS No 9 : METAL GEAR REX*****
Use your stinger missiles. Aim at the disc on the Metal Gear REX's left
shoulder. Lock on it, then shoot. The tactic is : shoot the Disc, then run
between Metal Gear REX's feet to the back. Wait for Metal Gear REX to turn
around, and shoot the disc again. By running between the legs, Metal Gear REX's
homing missiles will miss. But avoid going near his right leg. He will stomp you
- and if you hit, you will die instantly !! Do this until he defeats. But
remember, don't waste your life bar because the fight will continue.

***Animation*** - THE COOLEST ANIMATION IN THIS GAME ^_^ !!!
**Metal Gear REX is now broken. It seems to malfunction. When Snake approaches
it, suddenly Metal Gear REX starts to move again towards Snake, try to stomp on
him. Snake retreats, then a figure running and jumping from Snake's behind
towards Metal Gear REX. It's Ninja or should I say Grey Fox !! Grey Fox helps
Snake by holding Metal Gear's leg. Metal Gear REX try to stomp Ninja, but Fox
dodges, and jump backwards. While on the air, Fox uses his right arm to shoot
Metal Gear Rex's Disc. The disc malfunctions for a little while, giving time for
Fox to hide behind the container with Snake. Snake and Fox had a conversation,
while Metal Gear REX is trying to find them by shooting all the containers. Fox,
thinks that hiding is useless now, tries to reach for the Stinger Missiles. He
jumps, dodges every Metal Gear REX's attack. But When he jumps in front of Metal
Gear REX, Metal Gear REX fire his laser beam. This laser beam cuts Fox left arm.
Fox jumps backward, trying to shoot REX with his right arm, but before he does
that, Metal Gear REX runs forward and slams Fox on the wall with its head. Now
Fox is stuck between the wall and Metal Gear REX's head. Fox is still trying to
shoot the disc. Metal Gear REX now retreats. Fox drops to the ledge in the
second floor. The cockpit now open. Liquid talks to Fox. Fox shouts to Snake,
ordering Snake to shoot Liquid. Snake aims his stinger to Liquid, but he seems
to hesistate. Liquid, in Metal Gear REX, then push Fox from the ledge to the
floor, then stomps him on his body. Fox speaks to Solid. But then Metal Gear
REX walk backwards, stomping over Fox whole body !! Fox is dead. Solid Snake
feels so angry and start to attack REX.**

*****BOSS NO 10 : METAL GEAR REX - 2nd Encounter*****
Use your stinger missiles again. Now aim for Liquid inside the cockpit. Use the
same strategy as before, until he is toasted !!

**Metal Gear REX seems to be malfunction. When Liquid tries to stomp Snake,
Metal Gear REX becomes unstable. Metal Gear Solid is now wrecked. There are
explosions everywhere. The explosion hits Snake, and throws Snake to the wall.
Snake is unconscious. Then Liquid comes walking to Solid. Then the screen fades.
Then the animation shows Liquid talking to Snake on the top of Metal Gear REX
(which is now wrecked). The place is now surrounded by fire. Snake is being
tied up by Liquid. After a long conversation, there's a real live video about
scientists, and about the Desert Storm operation in Iraq (1991). After another
long conversation, Liquid shows Snake that he had Meryl !! Snake's so surprised
to know that Meryl is not dead. Meryl is lying unconscious and being tied up
too. Snake calls the Colonel on 140.85. After the chat, something's happening.
Snake asks Mei Lin, then someone (unknown) appears in vidcam and talks to Snake.
After the conversation on the radio, Liquid releases Snake and asks him to fight
one on one. To get the situation more exciting, Liquid put a time bomb beside
Meryl and put the timer for 3 minutes.**

*****BOSS NO 11 : LIQUID SNAKE *****
You don't have anything on the inventory or weapon, so you can only uses punches
and kicks (O button). Approach him, then punch him. Don't go near the edge of
Metal Gear, you can fall down ( Not exactly fall, because you will be hanging on
the edge and manages to get up - but it will waste a lot of time ). The time
limit is 3 minutes. If time is up, then Game Over. Beat him up. If his energy is
low, he will use his dash attack on you. Go away from him, wait for his dash,
then dodge at the right time. He will miss the attack and stand still for
sometime, leaving himself vulnerable. Punch and kick him at this time. you will
defeat him.

**Liquid falls from Metal Gear Solid to the Ground. While falling he shouts :

Then go to the ending animation.

There're two endings in this game. The ending depends on which choice you made
on the torture room. If you choose to hang on, then go to ending 1, but if you
choose to surrender, then go to ending 2.

********ENDING ANIMATION I********
Note : This ending will occur if you choose not to surrender when you are

**Snake walks toward Meryl, untie her, then wake her up. Meryl awakes, and she
hugs Snake. She feels so glad to see Snake. Then they have a little chat.
Suddenly Otacon calls from 141.12. Then Snake jumps down from Metal Gear REX.
Meryl jumps to Snake's arm. Then there's an earhquake. Meryl runs to get an
orange jacket (??) then runs to the door - Go to the Chase Scene**

********ENDING ANIMATION II********
Note : This ending will occur if you choose to surrender when you are tortured.

**Snake walks toward Meryl, untie her, and then try to wake her up. But Snake is
too late. Meryl is dead. Snake cries aloud, calling Meryl's name. Suddenly
Otacon comes from behind. Then he talks to Snake. Then there's an earhquake.
Snake and Otacon jumps down from Metal Gear REX head to the ground and run to
the door - Go to the Chase Scene**

********CHASE SCENE********
Note : the difference between the two endings on this scene is just Meryl and
Otacon. The story is the same, just different person. Meryl for ending 1 and
Otacon for ending 2.

Go to the right through the door. Pick a ration there. Then go left. You can
pick a ration beside the stair. Get the ration, climb the stairs, and go to the
door on the left.

Animation will show that Meryl (or Otacon) will be seen by the camera. The alarm
rings and the 3 guards are coming your way. Fight the guards with your puches or
kicks, while Meryl (or Otacon) tries to start the jeep. When the jeep starts, go
to the Jeep. Snake will now uses the gun on the jeep. The gun has unlimited
ammo. Meryl (or Otacon) will be the driver. Use your gun on the barrel outside
the gate. The barrel will explode and the gate will be open. Meryl (or Otacon)
will drive jeep through.
After some driving without any enemy, then Meryl (or Otacon) have to stop the
car because there's a barricade. Blow the baricades by shooting at the barrels
in front of the barricade. Kill 2 guards there. Then Meryl (or Otacon) will
drive through. After some driving, they will be stopped once again by the second
barricades. Shoot all 3 guards there. Then go through.
After a few minutes of safe driving, then a jeep approaches from behind. IT'S
LIQUID SNAKE !!! (Oh man.... How can I kill this man ???). Liquid is trying to
follow you and bumps you with his car. Just shoot him. After a few shots, the
camera will change. Shoot him again. After a few shots, the camera will change
again, like the first one. After a few shots, Liquid is now trying to shoot you
from the side. Aim your gun to him. If you aim correctly, Liquid will be shot
everytime. Then Liquid will try to bump your car from the side. Shoot him. Then
Meryl (or Otacon) will try to warn you that there's a cliff outside. Liquid
accelerate his car, and suddenly stops in front of your car. The two car crash
each other, and fall to each side.

***The Last Ending Animation***
Snake and Meryl (or Otacon) is trying to get up, but they can't. Their feet is
stuck on the car. From Liquid's car, Liquid manages to get up. He holds his
rifle, and comes to Snake. Snake and Meryl (or Otacon) are trying to free
themself, but they can't. Liquid points his rifle on them. Then suddenly, Liquid
falls to the ground. Apparently he is hurt too much. Then Liquid died in front
of them. ( I think it is natural for Liquid to die this way...Imagine : He
survived on the chopper crash, on Metal Gear Rex, falls from Metal Gear REX, and
has his car turned to its side - It's enough !!)
Snake and Meryl (or Otacon) manages to free themself from the car. Then the
Colonel calls at 140.85. Then Naomi speaks through the vidcam ,too. Now Snake
and Meryl (or Otacon) walk to the streets, then they go down to the beach.
There's a cave, containing a Jet Ski. Snake and Meryl (or Otacon) ride the Jet
Ski. Meryl gives Snake a bandana (or Otacon gives Snake the stealth item - to
make yourself transparent). Then they go on the Jet Ski.

************************* END GAME **************************

########## 5. STUFF ###########
- Complete the VR training ( 10 levels ). You can get Time attack opetion on VR
- Finish the game. If Meryl's alive, you will get a bandana, but if Meryl's
dead, Otacon will give you Stealth item.
- Finish the game, and you will get no radar option on the Special Menu.
-When you finish the game, you will be asked to save the completed game. After
you save, the colour of the letter changes. I have finished the game twice.
First I got Jaws ranks (got a stealth) - the colour of the letter turns to
yellow. Then I finish the game the 2nd time, got Leopard rank (got a bandana).
The colour of the letter changes to red. Does Anybody knows what the colour
means ?? Does it represent how many times I completed the game or does it
represent what rank I got, or something else ???

########## 6. TRANSLATION ###########
Not available yet. I need someone to help me on this one.
Mail me at

########## 7. CREDITS ###########
I'd like to extend my thanks and appreciation to the following:
1.Thanks to God, for everything.
2.Thanks to Konami, for making the COOLEST game right now that I know. You
really did A VERY GOOD JOB - CLOSE TO PERFECT !!. Thanks for the exciting
moments that I have while playing your game. Keep the good work, guys !! I liked
Metal Gear (8-bit NES version), and I LOVE this sequel. I couldn't wait for the
next sequel (if you have a plan on doing that).
3. Thanks to TS63 boys (Ical, Wildan, Chairul, Senna, Didit, Abdi, Krisna,
Denny, Thoriq, etc). You are the reasons I'm writing this FAQ. Thanks.
4. Thanks to my friends at Dynamic labs and at Sion. You are great. Thanks !!
5. Thanks to VEGA store & it's group in Bandung, who sold me this game. Please
do not copy, alter, or sell this walkthrough without my permission. I have tried
so hard to write this FAQ. Thanks !!
6. Thanks to Metal Gear Solid Unofficial Homepage (,
where I got the information about the names of the characters, and other
information. Thanks !!
7. Thanks to Kamui ( for all his help. You always help me out
everytime I e-mailed you on BFM. Thanks Man! Without you, I won't be able to
finish the game.
8. Thanks to David Presnall, for all of your help, too. You always give me an
extensive explanation on BFM. What could I do without you?
9. Thanks to psxtwyst, for sending me a walkthrough on BFM.

This FAQ is dedicated for someone that I adore (CM). You're my inspiration -
always. God Bless You.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Megatrainer (für US-Version)

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