Beyond the Beyond

Beyond the Beyond

10.10.2008 14:05:31
Beyond the Beyond

Guide- Robert Paulson

This walkthrough contains detailed directions on how to sucessfully beat
the game. This walkthrough also includes every possible secret I could
find in the game. This walkthrough can be used by anyone, but not for
profit. Please email me if there are any mistakes at . This walkthrough can be recopied as long as
credit is given. This document Copyright 1999 Robert Paulson.

Version 1.01

Table of Contents
1. Credits
2. Spells
3. Weapons/Armor
4. Walkthrough
5. Items

1. Credits-
Robert Paulson (a very updated version)
Steven Edelman New Jersey ( (I didn't
write it, I just updated it)
Kevin, Dallas, U.S.A(
Kelvin Fong, Singapore, Southeast
Nur Hendra (
& Last but not least our friend who wrote the first
version of this FAQ,
Iwata Shoji (

2. Spells


Escape: Will return the party to the entrance of a cave, level, or
Fire: Throws ball of fire at enemies. Level 1 and 4 will target one
enemy while other levels will
target multiple enemies.
Heal: Will restore VP to a member of your party. Level 1- will restore
up to 13 VP, Level 2- 20,
and Level 3- 30 VP.
Illusion: Blinds enemies. Level 1- will affect one enemy, Level 2-
Mystery: A random spell that can hurt or help enemies
Steiner: Steiner attacks enemies with flame
Thunder: A lightening bolt hits enemy. Level 1 and 4 work on one
opponent, while the other
levels will work on all opponents.


Awaken: A sleeping ally is awaken. Level 1- affects one ally, Level 2-
affects all allies.
Cure: Heals an harmful condition, like an antidote.
Heal: Will restore VP to a member of your party. Level 1- will restore
up to 13 VP, Level 2- 20,
and Level 3- 30 VP.
Heal Rain: Restores VP to all allies.
Holy Light: A beam of energy hits enemies. Level 1- affects one enemy,
Level 2- affects all enemies.
Silence: Cancels the magic power of enemies. Level 1- affects one enemy,
Level 2- affects all enemies.
Steal: Steals Magic Points from an enemy and gives to spell caster.

Prince Edward-

Attack: Allies strength is increased. Level 1-affects one ally, Level 2-
affects all allies.
Confusion: Confuses the enemy . Level 1- affects one enemy, Level 2
affects multiple opponents.
Fire: Throws ball of fire at enemies. Level 1 and 4 will target one
enemy while other levels will
target multiple enemies.
Ice: Throws a ball of ice at enemies. Levels 1 and 4 work on one enemy,
the other levels work
against multiple enemies.
Silence: Cancels the magical power of enemies. Level 1- affects one
enemy, Level 2- affects all enemies.
Thunder: A lightening bolt hits enemy. Level 1 and 4 work on one
opponent, while the other
levels will work on all opponents.

Attack: Strengthens an ally. Level 1-affects one ally, Level 2- affects
all allies.
Firedrake: A Fire Drake attacks all enemies.
Steal: Steals Magic Points from an enemy and gives to spell caster.
Summon: Summons a random monster to attack enemies. Level 1 affects one
enemy, Level 2- all enemies
Titan: A Titan is summoned to attack all enemies.
Tolle: A Wind creature is summoned to attack all enemies.
Undhine: Summons a giant monster to attack all enemies.

Awaken: A sleeping ally is awaken. Level 1- affects one ally, Level 2-
affects all allies.
Confusion: Confuses an enemy. Level 1- affects one enemy, Level 2
affects multiple opponents.
Illusion: Blinds enemies. Level 1- will affect one enemy, Level 2-
Slow: Slows down the enemy. Level 1- Affects one enemy, Level 2- affects
all enemies.
Wind: A blast of air attacks the enemies. Level 1- affects one enemy,
Level 2- affects all enemies.

Cure: Heals an harmful condition, like an antidote. .
Defense: Increases the defense of an ally. Level 1- affects one ally,
Level 2- affects all allies
Heal: Will restore VP to a member of your party. Level 1- will restore
up to 13 VP, Level 2- 20,
and Level 3- 30 VP.
Heal Rain: Restores VP to all allies.
Holy Light: A beam of energy hits enemies. Level 1- affects one enemy,
Level 2- affects all enemies.
Sleep: An enemy is put to sleep. Level 1- affects one enemy, Level 2-
affects all enemies.
Wind: A blast of air attacks the enemies. Level 1- affects one enemy,
Level 2- affects all enemies.


Escape: Will return the party to the entrance of a cave, level, or
Fire: Throws ball of fire at enemies. Level 1 and 4 will target one
enemy while other levels will
target multiple enemies.
Heal: Will restore VP to a member of your party. Level 1- will restore
up to 13 VP, Level 2- 20,
and Level 3- 30 VP.
Illusion: Blinds enemies. Level 1- will affect one enemy, Level 2-
Mystery: A random spell that can hurt or help enemies
Steiner: Steiner attacks enemies with flame
Thunder: A lightening bolt hits enemy. Level 1 and 4 work on one
opponent, while the other
levels will work on all opponents.

3. Weapons and Armor

Weapon Armor
Short Sword-100 +5 Light Shield-70 +2
Middle Sword-280 +10 Wood Shield-110 +4
Long Sword-490 +15 Steel Shield-230 +7
Broad Sword-850 +21 Spike Shield-370 +9
Great Sword-1,500 +28 Heavy Shield-
Tempest Sword-2,200 +36 Battle Shield-620 +13
Rune Sword-3,000 +44 Mithril Shield-760 +14
Guardian Blade-7,000 +52 (+2 Def) *Chaos Shield-910 +17
Mystic Blade-8,500 +62
Counter Blade-10,000 + Cloth Jerkin-80 +3
Mithril Blade-12,000 +79 Leather Plate-140 +5
Dragon Blade- + 88 Bronze Plate-240 +7
Iron Plate-430 +10
Steel Plate-750 +13
Silver Plate-1,300 +
Dragon Scale-2,300 +18
Mithril Scale-4,000 +21
*Evil Scale-12,000 +25
Hero's Scale- +

Weapons Armor
Middle Axe-120 +4 Leather Bracer-60 +1
Steel Axe-300 +11 Gauntlet-100 +3
Broad Axe-520 +23 Power Gauntlet-210 +4 (+2pwr)
Tomahawk-870 +31 Rune Gauntlet-460 +9
Battle Axe-1,600 +41 Mazin Gauntlet-590 +12
War Axe-2,300 +48 Warrior's Gauntlet-640 +6
Tempest Axe-3,200 +54 (+5spd) Mithril Gauntlet - 720 +15
Rune Axe-5,300 +68 *Demon's Gauntlet - 900 +18
Earth Breaker-9,000 +89
Grimys Axe-7,400 +80 Bronze Mailû110 +3
*Demon Axe-13,000 +97 Steel Mail-320 +6
Chain Mail-590 +8
Heavy Mail-1,150 +11
Great Mail-2,000 +14
Mystic Mail-3,800 +17
Mithril Armor-6,500 +20
*Evil Armor-11,000 +25

Weapons Armor
Wooden Rod-80 +2 Cloth Hood -50 +1 Cloth Garment-90 +3
Short Rod-250 +6 Leather Hood-100 +3 Travel Garment-150 +5
Bronze Rod-450 +11 Magical Hood-100 +3 Leather Garment-260 +7
Iron Rod-830 +18 Travel Hood-210 +5 Magic Cape-400 +10
Steel Rod-1,350 +23 War Hood-300 +6 Wind Cloak-720 +13(+2 spd)
Lunar Rod-1,780 +30 Wizard Hood-420 +8 Wizard Cloak-1,000 +16
Shd Rod-2,300+38,+2Def Mystic Hood-530 +10 Mystic Cloak-2,000 +21
War Rod-3,200 +46 Summoner Hat-680+12 Cloak of Light +
Elder Wand-4,600 +52 *Death Hood-800 +15
Tempest Rod-6,200 +67(+3Spd) Gundalf Hood- +
Stun Rod-6,200 +46
Drain Rod-11,000 +68
Defense Wand-8,300 +73
* Malicious Rod-14,000 +

Weapons Armor
Wooden Rod-80 +2 Cloth Hood-50 +1
Short Rod-250 +6 Leather Hood-100 +3
Bronze Rod-450 +11 Magical Hood-100 +3
Iron Rod-830 +18 Travel Hood-210 +5
Steel Rod-1,350 +23 War Hood-300 +6
Lunar Rod-1,780 +30 Wizard Hood-420 +8
Shield Rod-2,300 +38 (+2Def) Mystic Hood-530 +10
War Rod-3,200 +46 Summoner Hat-680 +12
Mage's Staff-4,500 +51 *Death Hood-800 +15
Elder's Wand-4,600 +52 Gundalf Hood- +
Tempest Rod-6,200 +67 (+3 Speed)
Stun Rod-6,200 +46 Cloth Garment-90 +3
Drain Rod-11,000 +68 Travel Garment-150 +5
Magic Staff-10,000 +69 Leather Garment-260 +7
Wizards Staff-8,800 +75 Magic Cape-400 +10
*Malicious Rod-14,000 + Wind Cloak-720 +13 (+2spd)
Wizard's Cloak-1,000 +16
Mystic Cloak-2,000 +21
Cloak of Light +

Weapons Armor
Wooden Rod-80 +2 Ribbon-40 +1
Short Rod-250 +6 Silk Ribbon-90 +3
Bronze Rod -450 +11 Holy Ribbon-160 +5
Iron Rod-830 +18 Angel Ribbon-250 +8
Steel Rod-1,350 +23 Goddess Ribbon-340 +11
Lunar Rod-1,780 +30 Athena Ribbon-480 + Shield
Rod-2,300 +38 (+2 Def) *Devil's Ribbon-700 +10
War Rod-3,200 +46 (+14pwr)
Priest's Cane-4,800 +55 Floral Dress-70 +2
Tempest Rod-6,200 +67 (+3spd) Travel Dress-120 +4
Stun Rod-6,200 +46 Journey Dress-220 +6
Drain Rod-11,000 +68 Battle Dress-380 +9
Seraphic Cane-9,000 +81 Tempest Dress-700 +12
*Malicious Rod-14,000 + Fairy Dress-970 +15
Seraphic Robe-1600 +17
Goddess Robe-7250- +
*Robe of Darkness-9,500 +20

Weapons Armor
Leather Glove-3,800 +50 Scarf- +9
Power Knuckles-6,600 +69 Silk Scarf-470 +11
Mystic Knuckles-9,500 +77 Power Scarf-730 +
*Cursed Scarf-1,000 +14

Gi-1,700 +12
Battle Gi-3,000 +17
Dragon Gi-5,400 +21
*Shadow Gi- +
Mystic Gi- +

Weapons Armor
Darts-2,500 +46 Bandanna-320 +8
Short Knife-3,300 +53 Sailor Bandanna-450 +11
Throwing Knife-4,900 +63 Wind Bandanna- +13
Dagger-6,000 +72 Storm Bandanna-750 +15
Mithril Dagger-6,800 +77 Oath Bandanna-880 +
Mystic Dagger-9,000 + *Cursed Bandanna-950 +18

Soft Leather-1,800 +11
Hard Leather-3,100 +14
Strong Leather-5,700 +17
Pirates Leather-7,700 +19
Captain's Leather-11,000 +
*Demon's Leather-10,000 +24

Weapon Armor
Short Sword-100 +5 Light Shield-70 +2
Middle Sword-280 +10 Wood Shield-110 +4
Long Sword-490 +15 Steel Shield-230 +7
Broad Sword-850 +21 Spike Shield-370 +9
Great Sword-1,500 +28 Heavy Shield-
Tempest Sword-2,200 +36 Battle Shield-620 +13
Rune Sword-3,000 +44 Mithril Shield-760 +14
Guardian Blade-7,000 +52 (+2 Def) *Chaos Shield-910 +17
Mystic Blade-8,500 +62
Counter Blade-10,000 + Cloth Jerkin-80 +3
Mithril Blade-12,000 +79 Leather Plate-140 +5
Bronze Plate-240 +7
Iron Plate-430 +10
Steel Plate-750 +13
Silver Plate-1,300 +
Dragon Scale-2,300 +18
Mithril Scale-4,000 +21
*Evil Scale-12,000 +25
4. Walkthrough

1. The Village of Isla- Short Sword, Antidote, 2 Herbs, Light Shield,
Flask, Storage trunk.
* After going through the introduction and dialog sequence, go to the
south west corner of your room and search the bottom left barrel for a
herb. Galahad will give you a flask. Your first task will be to go into
the cave near the mountain village and obtain the mystic water. The only
clue he gives you is to go to the right when you encounter a fork in the
road. Then go to the Basement and search the sword on the wall to find a
Short Sword. Then look in the storage trunk. Search the barrel under the
Short Sword and the barrel to the left of the wood for an antidote and
herb. Make sure you take the 2 herbs and 4 antidotes with you from the
storage trunk.
* Be sure to look in places like pots, stoves, casks, armor/swords on
the wall and occasionally in bushes.
* Then go to the church to save your game.

2. In the Cave near Isla village.- Source of Wisdom, Spirit water
* Once you enter the Cave of Spirits, you'll find that Annie has gone in
on her own. In the cave you will encounter monsters at every new screen.
Make your way along the path until you see a forking path. Take the
right path, which will lead you to the spirit water. Go south and then
go to the far east wall. After that go north up the stairs, the spirit
water is to the north. After getting the spirit water go back to the
forking paths. Now take the left fork and go down the stairs. On the
next floor go left to get the treasure, a Source of Wisdom. Then go
north to the stairs. Then go west to the stairs. On the next floor go
south to the stairs.
* At the lava pit Annie will be captured by a Kraken, don't worry. Your
friend dragon will tell you to do anything possible to save Annie.
Simply use the mystic water on the lave pit. The kraken will spit Annie
* Annie will then join you. Go back through the cave and go back to the

3. Back in the village of Isla.
* After watching a sequence Percy will join you. After he joins save
your game at the church.
* Then head towards the town of Marion which is north. On your way you
might want to take this time to boost some of your levels and earn
money. Be sure to fight outside of town to get some money because you
will need about 400 dollars to buy equipment and money.

4. Marion - Ring of Defense, Smoke bomb, Prison Key, Royal Pendant,
Monster Bait, Helium Ring.
* One of the best items here is the Monster Bait and Smoke Bomb. Each of
these can be sold for a lot of money which will help you early on in the
* When you enter Marion, you will get to watch a little sequence where
the castle guards are after Samson.
* After watching the sequence stock up on items and weapons because this
is the last chance you will get. While you are here go to the cemetery
and search behind the northwest tombstone to find the Ring of Defense.
If you search the northern section of the flowerbed in the castle
compound you will find a treasure chest with a smoke bomb inside. Look
under the table in the second house to the right, in the northwest
section of town for a Monster Bait which you can sell for some serious
* Talk to the man standing outside the northwest house for a sequence.
After stocking up go to the house where Samson came out of and go search
under his desk. Then go down the stairs and hit the hidden switch which
will move the tombstone and reveal some stairs. Go down those stairs and
into the dungeon. Fight one group of 2 bats and then 1 group of three
bats. You will then come to a rock which you can move. Go down the
stairs and continue north. After this you will meet Samson.
* After another sequence he will join you. As soon as you go up the
stairs go the chains on the wall and search for a Helium Ring. In the
cellars of Marion Castle you will see Edward awaiting his rescue. The
key to unlock his cell is located in the next room to the west. You will
have to fight Bandore troops in order to get the Prison Key. Edward will
then join you when you open up his cell.
* Afterwards, on your way back through Marion Castle, another sequence
will follow. The sorceress Ramu will end up casting a curse on Samson.
This curse will make it so Samson can not move, if he attacks the curse
will deal him + damage of the attack or Samson will just attack
regularly with no side effects.
* Your party will split up as soon as you enter the tunnel. Edward will
give you the Royal Pendant to show the pastor at the Border church.
After you get out head towards the church.

5. The Church- Resist Jewel, Antidote
* The church is located to the southeast of Marion.
* Before entering the church explore the forest on the eastern edge of
the building. You will find a treasure chest with a Resist Jewel
inside. Use this on one of your characters. It will reduce magic damage
by half and its effects last forever. Now enter the church and search
the eastern barrels to find an antidote.
* Show the pastor the Rosaria and he will lead you to Samson and Edward
* Next you will have to go and solve a puzzle by moving the blocks
around to solve the picture. Whatever you do don't go back before or
after you solve the puzzle, you will die. You should only work with the
six bottom pieces of the puzzle.
* After this save your game by talking to the pastor. Then go into the

6. Underground- Blizzard card, Herb, Source of Agility.
* Once you enter the cave give Percy's items to another character
because he will leave you soon. Search the middle vase near the entrance
of the tunnel for a Blizzard card.
* After you open the gate Percy will leave you.
* Go east to the stairs. Before you go up the stairs search the middle
barrel for a herb. On the next floor go to the eastern stairwell. Open
the treasure chest to get a Source of Agility. The go back down to where
you made the turn east and go north. At the fork, take the west path and
talk to Brother Thomas. Guide him out and he will allow you to save your
game at the inn. Then go up the east fork and up to the stairs.
* On the next floor go east and outside. Go into the house and go to the
inn. After that save you game.

8. Mountain Side Inn- Healing Herb.
* Here you get a chance to go the inn and save your game. Before you
enter search the eastern bush of the two directly above the well for a
Healing Herb.

7. The Cave up North
* If you want you can go to the north cave. In this cave you will
encounter a sleeping dragon in the east which you will be unable to do
anything about, yet. The north path leads nowhere.
* The only option you have is to try the tree path.

8. The Tree Path- Steel Mail, Counter Jewel, Source of Life.
* Follow the path on the first floor to the stairs. On the next floor
just push the acorn in to the hole and continue.
* Go up until you reach a forking path with two acorns nearby. Take the
left path which will lead you to a Steel Mail. Go back down the stairs
and fall through the hole. Go back up like before and now take the
right path. Push the acorn into the hole and go up the stairs. Then push
the acorn into another hole and go up. Now go push the acorn down, then
go around and push it to the east. Then circle around and push it right
down. The go around and push it into the hole. Now go around to the hole
and push the acorn to the east leaving it at the first opening, then go
up. Then push it up and then to the east. Then push it south and then
west right above the hole. The circle around the north and push it into
the hole. Then go onto the vine. On the way crossing to the other tree
take the first vine down to get the treasure on the second to last floor
which is a counter jewel.
* Cross over to the next tree. There will be many holes to jump in. Some
of the holes will have webs underneath them which bounces you back up.
On the top floor fall down the hole to the far west. On the next floor
go to the far east hole and fall down that. On this floor go around and
fall down the hole to the slight west and north of the southernmost
hole. Here you will find a Source of Life.
* Fall down the hole right above the chest. Then go to the far west hole
located near the north. Then fall in the hole one to the south and 4 to
the right of it. Then exit to the south. Go into the cave to the east.

9. The Following Cave- Counter Orb
* Head to the north taking each path that goes east until you reach the
stairs. Then take the east path which leads you south to a treasure
chest with a Counter Orb in it. Then go back up the path and continue
going north until you reach the stairs. Then head down the south path
which leads you to the outside. By this time you be around level 8 or 9.

10. Zalagoon- Nothing in the town.
* To reach the town go to the east and slightly north.
* First go the inn and save the game. Next go to the castle. After the
sequence you will be denied entrance to see the king or queen unless you
take a test which they will inform you of.
* Now is the only time to buy weapons or armor. If you do not have
enough money to buy weapons fight so you can get money.

11. The Sewers- Source of Magic, Smoke Bomb, Bronze Key, Herb.
* You next step is to go into the sewers. Go into the sewer under the
item shop. Go straight down and search the barrel for a source of magic,
exit and go back up the sewer. Now go to the sewer under the church.
Cross the bridge to the south and search the barrel to the west for a
Smoke Bomb. Then exit and save your game.
* Go back into the sewers near the south and above the gate to enter
Zalagoon. Then cross the bridge to the east and follow the path to the
west and then north. Instead of crossing the bridge that starts to go to
the east, go north past the bridge and jump into the water. Then go
north through the tunnel. Work your way north along the wall and then go
south. Cross the bridge that goes east and search the barrel to the
south of you for a herb. Then walk into the water and press down until
the current takes you. Climb back up and follow the wall and then go up
the stairs. This leads you to the bar. Search the Treasure chest for the
Bronze Key. Now work your way through the tunnel. Now go the bridge and
work your way to the door. Use the bronze key and open it. Then head
north cross the river at the north and go into the dungeons of the
castle. Then go straight up the ladder and into the castle courtyard.
*You will then meet the queen and her guardian. She will meet and talk
with you. Then exit the sewers and go to save your game. On your way the
messenger will tell you to go to the castle..

12. Back at the Castle
* During the sequence, it will eventually come to a point where Samson
will be asked to see if he can lift a column to prove his identity. But,
since Samson is cursed he will be unable to lift the column and prove
his identity. After a few idle threats of execution you leave the
castle. You are now unable to buy weapons and armor.
* Now you have to go back through the sewers to meet with the queen in
the castles courtyard.
* Here she will give you the mystic seed which will help you in one of
the following tasks. You job here is done so go to the inn and save your

13. The Village of Ophera- Monster Bait, Healing Herb, Smoke Bomb, Flame
* This little town is located in a desert to the southeast of Zalagoon
near the ocean coast.
* Look in the top floor of the inn under the table to find Monster Bait.
Search in the top left bush underneath the weapon and item shop for a
Healing Herb. Look in the top right house and search the vase for a
Smoke Bomb. Go to the house to the right of the church and search the
vase for a Flame Card.

14. The Ancient Temple
* You probably noticed this temple on your way to Ophera. Ignore the
temple now because the monsters are still powerful for you to defeat.
However you will later come back to this temple which is located to the
northwest of Ophera.

15. Luna- Nothing in Day
* This town is one of the most unique towns you will come across in this
game. During the daylight, it does not seem as much, but by night it is
a party saloon.
* While you look around you might see some treasure chests simply lying
around but you will not be able to get them until night. The only way to
get night is to get the moon-shell which is located in the ancient
* You should not get the moon-shell yet however. Instead you should
stock up on weapons and supplies. After saving you game and going to the
inn you should head up north to a cave which will lead to the town of
* An interesting money making trick is once you have about $2,000 or
$3,000 go to the Mystic Vase seller and buy as many as you can. Then go
to the weapon shop. Some of the Mystic Vases will in be good vases like
the FireDrake Vase and Tornado Vase. Sell these if you want. Then go to
the person in the same room with the Mystic Vase seller, he will buy
your regular vases. You can do this as many times as you want but not
after Discipline Island.

16. Cave North of Luna- Magic Emerald, Broad Sword, Power Gauntlet, Flame
* In order to get to Simone you will have to pass through this cave. The
cave has hard creatures so unless you are at a high level you should
have a lot of supplies.
*As soon as you enter the cave, go to the stairs. On the next floor go
south and out the door to find a treasure chest with a Broad Sword in
it. Next, go back through the door and continue going north and through
the hole in the wall and enter the stairs. On the next floor climb the
vine to the left and continue north. Climb the stairs and then head
east, and then continue south. At the two doors, chose the western one
and climb the two vines going north. You should reach a ledge that has
the Magic Emerald on it. Get that and climb down till you see a door on
your right, go thorough that. Head south to the two doors again and this
time take the eastern door. Go through that and climb the vine, enter
the cave and find the Flame card, which is located in the Treasure chest
to the north of the stairs. Once you get that go up the stairs. Take
the stairs and head north to the next stairs. On this level take the
vine to the upper platform and go to the west to find the Power
Gauntlet. After that head south following the path and go through the
door. Then climb the vines to the top and go through the flower patch
and into the door. Then follow the path and go all the way east and then
go up the northern path, it should be the second north one. Then go
north again and up the stairs. Now go north again until you reach the
stairs. Then go south and around the bend to another stair. Go down
that. Now just head south to the door to reach the outside of the cave.
* After you exit the cave head east to Simone.

17. Simone- 2 Source of Agility, Antidote, Tempest Jewel.
* Go to the inn and save your game. Talk to the man outside the house to
the north of the church who says his son is missing. Go inside and talk
to the woman. Then head west to another screen. Enter the house and talk
to the man. He says that he needs the Magic Emerald to complete his
potion. Use the Magic Emerald and he takes it from you. After the
explosion talk to the blob who is inside the house and he will follow
you. Now exit the house and make your way to the left of the house.
Wiggle your way through the trees until you stand outside of the house
to the left of where you saw the treasure. The wall is hollow so push
left and you will see the treasure. Open it to receive a Source of
Agility. Now go back to the main town and go into the southwest house.
Look in the boiling pot for another Source of Agility.
* Now head north to the mystic tree. Search the vases to find an
Antidote. It is located down a floor and right beneath the stairs in the
collection of vases. Then make your way around and down until you have a
choice of two stairs to go down. Chose the one which is through the door
and to the north. It leads you to the Tempest Jewel. Get that and go
back down to the other stairs. At the bottom of the tree a sequence
takes place. In the tree there is a treasure chest. You can't get it
* After talking to the priest go to the mystic rock and try to break
through. Once your done with that buy weapons and supplies.
* Just before you leave Simone your trailing yellow blob will turn into
Tont the mighty wizard. He will start at level one so go back and save
your game again. Exit Simone and fight four battles. If Tont's levels
don't give high stat boosts, reset the game and try again. (Each level
the enhancements gained are different). By this time Tont will have
become powerful enough to survive a trip back through the cave. Your
task is complete so you can move on. After exiting the cave head towards
to Ophera.

18. The Ancient Temple.- Smoke Bomb, Moon Crescent, Dragon Card,
FireDrake Vase.
* Go back to Ophera after getting Tont and save your game and go to the
inn, then stock up on supplies.
* Enter the temple and go to the stairs going up to the north and right
of you. Then on the top floor of the temple go to the west and then
north to get to the vine that is going down. Go down that vine and head
to the stairs to the east which bring you to the next floor. On this
floor go south and work your way around to the stairs. Then hit the
first switch and follow the path and hit the second switch but don't
follow it, but go east. Then go north to get to the stairs in the
northeast section. Go down those stairs.
* On this floor go south of the stairs and hit the switch. Then go back
north and walk around the outskirts of the floor going west. Then go
south and hit the switch. Go down the stairs and to the east. At the end
of this path is a treasure chest with a Smoke Bomb. After getting the
treasure go south all the way to the bottom. Then work your way to the
east, go up the stairs, hit the switch and then go down to the next
*On this floor first hit the switch to the south and then hit switch to
the north of you. Then go east to the stairs but go around them and
follow the path on the outskirts of the maze to hit the other switch to
the south. Then go back to the stairs and go down them. Then simply
follow the path and go up the stairs. Then go south and down the stairs
to the next floor.
*On this floor go north and then east so you can hit the switch to the
north. Then go to the east and then north to hit the next switch. Then
go down the western stairs. Now go all the way east and then south to
get the treasure chest, which is a Dragon Card. Now go back up the
stairs and go to the last switch that you hit. Hit that switch and make
sure that if you go down the eastern stairs the path is clear. Now go
back to the original switch that you hit and hit it again. It should be
at the north position on the right side, Follow the path and then go
down the eastern stairs. Follow this path until you see a fork in the
road. Go to the east and then go up the stairs, then down the stairs to
the next floor.
* Then just go down the stairs to the south and walk your way north
through the winding path and then east and up the stairs to the next
* Here comes the hard part. Try to follow these instructions perfectly.
On the last floor, walk south to the last switch and activate it. Then
walk south until you reach a switch in the southeast section of the
maze. Now activate this switch and then walk to the east. Then walk east
again until you reach a switch to the immediate west of the treasures.
Hit this switch so the path bisects the treasures. No go back south
following the eastern wall. Go down the stairs and then at your next
chance go north and get the treasure chest which is the FireDrake Vase.
Now go back up the stairs and go west to the switch and hit that so you
can go all the way to the west. Then go north to the switch in the top
left corner and hit that so you have access to the switch to the south
of that. Walk south and hit the switch in the bottom left corner and
walk back up to the switch in the top left corner and hit that so the
moving platforms are to the north. Then walk along the western wall
south and go down the stairs and follow the path taking every north path
until you get the Moon Crescent which is in the treasure chest. Now use
the escape spell or a guiding branch. Then go north up the stairs and
then on the next floor go west and up the vine and then go out of the

19. Luna in the Nighttime- Source of Growth, Healing Herb, Monster Bait,
Critical Jewel.
* Go back to Luna from Opera. While you are still outside of Luna use
the moon-shell to turn day to night. Reenter Luna and you will see a
part of it you have never seen before.
* Near the town entrance you will find the Critical Jewel. Go to the bar
and talk to the people there. Then get the treasure by climbing up the
ladder to the north and get a Source of Growth. The ladder to the
northeast leads to a Healing Herb. In the building next to that you can
play match maker. Then go to the beach and talk to the people. Also
search the bottom left table to find a Monster Bait. Then go to the
bottom of town and enter the doors to buy weapons and armor.
* Save you game and leave Luna. Reenter Luna which is now daytime. Go
south and east to the dock which has two men sitting down and talking.
One will offer you the Statue of Gaea for the Moon-Shell. Accept the
offer because you will need it for your next task. After trading the
Moon-Shell save your game.

20. Mist and Rainbow Valley.- Angel Ribbon, Source of Vitality.
* These valleys are located slightly to the south and east of Luna. To
reach the town of Jonowan you will need to go through these valleys. The
mist valley is first. Go into the Mist Valley and head in northeast
direction all the time. Once you reach the top there is a fork to the
left or right. Make a left and get the treasure chest, which is the
Angel Ribbon. Continue going right after getting the chest.
* You will see a dragon which has the unique ability to drag you across
the river. Go to the bottom right of this section and you will see one
on the shore. Go in front of it and it will bring you over. Work your
way up and avoid the dragons that will drag you back to where you were.
Go north until you see a dragon facing north. Go to the right of him to
be pulled to the east shore. Then go to the right and north to be pulled
up. Then go north again to be pulled up. From where you are now go 1w 1n
5w 7s 1e 2s 1w 2s 1e and then south until you are to the right of the
treasure. Search the chest for a Source of Vitality. Then go north and
you will be pulled to the east shore. So just go north again so you are
pulled to the north shore. Now go west and north until you see a little
place where you can go onto the northern ledge. Go onto this ledge and
west so you can be pulled to a southern shore. On your way north all
ways stay to the western edge of land so this way the dragons will not
pull you across. Soon you will reach Rainbow Valley.

21. Rainbow Valley
* This valley is rather simple. Start out by going left and north and
work your way up. Then go east under the waterfall, north and then west.
Then climb the vine to the north. Then go south and to the west and a
dragon will pull you over to the eastern shore. Then go north and make
sure you don't get pulled over by a dragon on the western shore.
Eventually you will leave the Rainbow valley. Then go southeast to

22. Jonowan- Source of Wisdom, Monster Bait, Cure Herb.
* As you walk through town you will find out the Domino and his ship are
on the island. Also Ghustan is here in between the two houses in the
north. Then go to the first house southeast of the entrance and search
the vase to find a Source of Wisdom. While your at the inn search under
the table to get a Monster Bait. Go to a pond which is located to the
west of inn. Search the statue that you find there. Then go to the north
east corner and search from the middle of the four rocks where the
statue told you to search which is one east and three to the north of
the center of the four rocks. You will find another statue where you can
put the statue you obtained back at Luna. This will open a path to the
next island where you will get the Vase of Life. While here search the
bush that is one north of the middle for a Cure Herb.

23. Tower North-East of Jonowan- Vase of Life, Battle Dress, Battle Axe,
Steel Plate
* After crossing the bridge it will disappear. Go north to the tower.
Enter the tower and on the first floor is a statue where you can make
the bridge reappear if you want to go back.
* On the next floor there is only a circle of light around you.
Everything else on the floor is shrouded in darkness. There are
fluorescent squares on the ground. They suck your MP by 5. If a statue
follows you, you must make it so it goes onto a statue icon and stops
following you. Also beware of holes in the floor which will drop you
down a level.
* On the second floor the lights are out, but the exit is easily located
in the northwestern corner. Just pass the row of three Guardian Statues
and you'll find the stairs.
* On this floor as you walk down you will find yourself being shadowed
by a statue. Simply walk as far north as you can go and then go west by
the lake to a statue icon where the statue will stop. Then go east from
there to the staircase. Make sure you don't fall into the hole.
*On this floor pass the guardian statues to the west and one will follow
you. So just head north and place it on the icon and then go up the
stairs to the fifth floor.
* On this floor the statue will follow you early so just head south to
take care of it. When you place it on the icon make a u-turn so you
don't get stuck in a space where you can't get out. Then go west to the
stairs. Then go back down the stairs and go east across the magic drain
icon and you will find a treasure chest with a Battle Axe.
*Form the stairs head north to two statues and above them will be a
treasure chest with a Steel Plate inside. Once you get this head back to
the stairs and then go northeast to the stairs to the next floor.
*On this floor you will be followed right away so go 5w 4s 2e 6s 4w 4s
2e and you should see the statue in the middle of a magic draining icon
and a hole. Now go 2e and go north to find the Battle Dress. Make your
way to the northwest corner. The exit will be here but first there is
another statue that follows you. Starting from one right of the new
stairs go 6e 4s 2e 2s 6e then go about 4 south and the icon should be
near you. Then go back to the stairs and go up that to the next floor.
* On this floor you must face the big boss so heal your party up as soon
as you are on the next floor. Make sure your levels are high for your
characters. Constantly use fire spells or fire cards/vases. The Water
Demon has about 700 VP so this will be your hardest battle yet. After
beating him you go into a sequence where you meet Domino and he gives
you the Vase of Life which you need to use at the Ancient Temple.
* Then exit the castle and go back to Jonowan to save. Go back through
Mist and Rainbow valley. Then go to Ophera to save your game.

24. Back at the Ancient Temple- Great Mail.
* Now that you have both the seed and the pot you should enter the
temple and go straight up to the altar. Use the magical pot (it becomes
placed there.)
* After doing that, place magical bean in the magical pot. A bean stock
will suddenly grow that will allow you to get to the upper reaches of
the temple.
* Climb on the vine and go up a floor to the opening with the vine
coming out. Go up the vine.
* Here is another puzzle that you must complete. There are drops of
water that you must search and bring over to flowers and small leaves.
This will allow you to go to another level or cross over. So on the
first floor go north to the droplet and search it and then go over to
the flower and search that so that the flower will grow. On the next
floor go south and west to the droplet, then carry it north to the
flower. Climb the vine and on this floor get the treasure chest, which
contains the Great Mail and climb back down. Then go west and north to
the droplet and carry it south and east to the flower. Then climb that
vine which leads to the next floor.
* On this floor go to the northeast corner and scoop up the water. Then
bring it east to the flower and climb the vine. Now go north and scoop
up some water and pour it onto the small leaf to the south. Then go back
to the water again and scoop it up and go to the flower to the west and
north. Pour the water onto the flower and go up the vine.
* From here go west to the droplet and pour it on the small leaf to the
east. Follow the path to the next droplet and scoop some water up and
pour it on the small leaf to the north. Now go back to the droplet and
scoop up some water and then go to the flower to the west. Climb the
vine to the next floor.
* On this floor go east to the second droplet and scoop up the water
from the east side and then go east and pour it on a small leaf. Now go
north to the second droplet, scoop up the water and pour it on the
flower to the southwest. Now go up this vine.
* On this floor go northwest and then east to the droplet. On the left
side of it scoop up the water and head north to put it on the small
leaf. From here go east past the flower and then south to the water
droplet. Scoop up the water and pour it on the small leaf to the east of
it. Then go south and around to the west and go down the vine. Now east
past the flower to the water droplet. Scoop up the water and head north
and to the west to pour it on the flower. Go up the vine. From here go
to the east and north to the water droplet and pour some onto the small
leaf to the north. Now scoop up some water from the drop to left and go
straight north to the flower and pour the water on it. Now climb the
vine to the Tower of Arawn also known as the Upper Ancient Temple.

25. Upper Region of the Ancient Temple- Tempest Sword, Light Orb, Ancient
tablet, Hammer.
* The puzzle that you will encounter here is based on the concept of day
and night. The day blocks will be raised when you go through the night
rooms and vise versa.
* On level one go north and either east or west to get to the south
* On level two go to the west and around and then go into the middle and
then south to the stairs.
* On level three go clockwise around and then out into the daylight in
the south entrance. From the circular room go to the west and back in
the door with the moon symbol on it. Now go west and back down to the
stairs that led you to this floor. Now go back up and to the east to
collect the Tempest Sword. Now go back to the stairs and up again. Then
go north to the stairs and go up them.
* On this floor walk north to the outer balcony and then travel east in
the circular room. You should see the Hammer on the ground. Search for
it. Then go back out the moon door and walk along the west passage and
then go south following the west wall until you find the stairs.
* On this level walk north and around until you see the exit to the
north. Now in the circular room go west to the crack in the ground and
use the Hammer facing it from one spot to the right. Now fall down the
hole and walk west to the sun door. In order to go back up walk around
to the north and east. Then go south to the stairs. On this floor just
walk a couple of steps to the north and go up the stairs to the next
* On this floor go south and around to the door on the south side. In
the circular room go east to the moon door. Once you are back inside
travel along the southwest wall. Follow the path to the stairs which are
located in the middle of the floor.
* Go north to a room with three shiny gems on the wall. Search the 1st
and 3rd one. Then search the middle one. You will meet Arawn who will
explain much to you. At the end of this sequence he will give each of
your character's a light orb and you will also get an ancient tablet.
(One of many that you need)

26. The Shrine in Simone- Wind Cloak.
* He will then teleport you to a temple that is near Simone. The man
will explain what has happened to Awran and he will lift Samson's curse.
He will also clear away the magical rock guarding the shrine in Simone
so you can pass it by.
* After the sequence exit the temple. There is a treasure at the bottom
right after you exit the temple which is the Wind Cloak. Continue going
left until you reach Simone. Save your game and go the inn.
* Next take the north path that you passed. It will lead you to a cave.

27. The Cave north of Simone-Healing Herb.
* This cave leads you to the entrance of the cave that is almost
directly south of Zalagoon.
*As soon as you enter head east and north. Here there will be a fork
with one path going down and one going up, take the north fork. Then go
to the east and then south to get the treasure chest, which is a Healing
Herb. Then go north up the stairs.
* On the second floor go north and around to the fork. Take the north
path up and then keep on going north till you see the stairs in the
northwestern corner. Go up the stairs to the next floor.
* On this floor keep on heading north and then once your at the top
head west and you will see some soldiers. At the end there are two
Zalagoon soldiers that you must defeat. In order to pass through. These
sub-bosses are very hard so be prepared. These soldiers take about 500
VP each. After beating them go north and slightly east to Zalagoon.

28. Zalagoon.- Guiding Branch, Iron Plate, Cure Herb, Music Box, Ring of
Power, Tornado Card, Heavy Mail, Monster Bait.
* As soon as you enter Zalagoon you will notice that there is a lack of
activity. So first go to the inn and then try to go to the castle. A
messenger will appear and will tell you to meet Bison whom you can reach
through the sewers. So now go to the inn and save your game.
* When you reach Bison he will instruct you to head to the courtyard and
to block Glades attempt to sue for peace with Bandore. However, be sure
to take the stairs down from Bison's chamber to reach a treasure room
with a Guiding Branch, Iron Plate, Heavy Mail and Cure Herb. The Heavy
Mail is located in the second armor to the right. The cure herb is one
barrel to the left of the center barrel near the south wall. The Iron
Plate and Guiding Branch are in the treasure chests.
* When you enter the courtyard the king will grant Samson a second
chance. Samson will succeed and the king will finally accept the truth
and agree to send his forces to Marion. Here Glade will swallow a
magical pill and transform into a hideous monster. Make sure who have
some Mage's Potions because this battle will not be easy. Glade has
about 900 VP.
* When Galade is defeated, the king will allow you to take whatever you
want from the castle. When you awake from bed search the western table
for a music box which has 46 songs for you to listen to! Take the
stairs west of the king's throne to his bedroom. Search the top right
closet in the king's bedroom for a Ring of Power. Go into the cook's
room and search the fireplace for a Monster Bait. Now go into the
courtyard where Samson took his test of Strength. Now go to right
columns and search behind the top one for a Tornado Card.
* Now go outside and look in the weapon shop and buy some new weapons
and armor.

29. The Dragon Cave.- 2 Healing Herb, Smoke Bomb, Thunder Card.
* Once you have defeated Glade and gotten everything you need head
southwest to the bridge. It appears that the Zalagoon forces are unable
to cross. So now head northwest of Zalagoon and enter the Dragon Cave.
* At the entrance follow the path until you cross the bridge and then go
north to find a treasure chest with a Healing Herb inside. Then go south
until you see the stairs. Go down them. On the next floor go south and
then across the bridge go up the stairs and then down the stairs. Then
go north across the bridge and open the treasure chest, which is a Smoke
Bomb. Then go south across the bridge and then west into the hole. Then
go north. Here you can look at the pretty tombstone and sword. The
treasure chest in the house is locked and you can't get it yet. So then
go west and then south. Fall in the hole to the next floor.
* You should see two indentations where you can fall down. Take the one
to the right. When you fall down you should see the dragon. Now go to
the east and then go back into the hole. Now go east until you reach the
water and then go south. Open the treasure chest for a Thunder Card.
Then go north as far as you can go and you should see the stairs. Go
back up through the hole in the north wall past the broken house and
then drop down the hole to the south and west. Now take the western
indentation. Open the treasure chest which is a Healing Herb. Then go
south and west to the entrance. Once you are outside go to the mountain
cottage and save your game.
* Now head back through the cave going basically southwest. Once you
arrive at the border church you find out that the pastor has been
arrested for aiding you. First head south to the bridge. Here you have
to fight some Bandore soldiers. But once you defeat them the other
soldiers can come across. The first group of two soldiers is easy, fight
the warrior up front and then the archer in back. The soldiers on the
left are weaker then the commander who possess 500 VP and he is the
archer on the right. Now head northwest to Marion.

30. Marion.- Smoke Bomb, Steel Key, Tornado Card, Mage's Potion, 2
Source of Defense, Thunder Card, Source of Power.
* Return to Marion and you will see that the Zalagoon soldiers are
winning. As soon as you enter the tower go north through the flower
garden on the left and you will see a treasure chest. Open it for a
Smoke Bomb. Now go through the door to the north. You will see some
Bandore soldiers fleeing. Follow them through the castle. When you reach
the back gate you'll be helpless to stop the king of Bandore who is
escaping. From here head back to the second level and enter the southern
door, which leads to the balcony. Walk northwest and climb the western
tower. You will see Ramue placing a curse on someone (Percy). She
kindly leaves some monsters for you to fight. Beat them and they will
leave behind the Steel Key. Get the key and then go to the eastern
tower. Open it to find the King and his advisor imprisoned. Then head
back through the door. Now go back to the gate and open it with the
Steel Key for a sequence.
*After the sequence to talk to Edward and Samson. Don't worry they won't
leave you. So now go down out of the throne room and take the eastern
staircase to the king's bedroom. Search the left closet for a Tornado
Card. Now go back down the stairs and search the painting to the right
of you. Now go back down the stairs to the first floor and go east to
the treasure room. Open the treasure chest for a Thunder Card, Source of
Defense and Mage's Potion. Now go to the room which is to the left of
the stairs. Search under the table for a Source of Power.
* Now exit the castle, buy new weapons and save your game. Now is the
perfect time to go to Annie's house to store some items that you don't
need. Now go into the northwest house and search the pot for a Source of
Defense. Once you have done this save your game and go west to the

31. Bandore.- Healing Potion, Mage's Potion, Source of Growth, Monster
Bait, Ring of Revenge, Unicorn's Horn, Flame Scroll, Chain Key,
Angels Acarnia.
* When you enter the bridge pass the guards and go across. On the other
side of the bridge Samson and Edward appear and rejoin your group. Go up
the stairs and there is a treasure chest with a Mage's Potion and the
vase contains a Healing Potion. Go up the stairs and then search the
vase in the corner for a Source of Growth. Now exit the bridge.
* Now head west and north and once the water stops going up head south
and west. There is another bridge to cross to the south. Cross it and
then head east and once you reach water head south until you are past
the stream and then head east and north and then east past another
mountain range. Then head south past another stream and then go east and
north until you reach Bandore.
* Go to the inn and search under the unoccupied table for a Monster
Bait. In the top floor of the inn is a treasure chest that cannot be
opened until later in the game. Go into the top left house and talk to
the people. Also search the bottom right vase for a Ring of Revenge.
Then talk to the person outside who is right next to the house. Then go
south and you will see the boy use a secret entrance to go into the
cave. Now go to the right side of the top right house and search the
middle barrel to find a Unicorn's Horn. The entrance can be found by the
daylight. The hole is near the inn. Now go to the weapons shop, and then
save you're game.
* Now go into the cave using the hole in the outer wall. From the
entrance go north past the first fork and at the second fork go to the
left path and then go north. Open the treasure chest at the end of the
path for a Flame Scroll. Then go back south and take the right floor
north to the exit into the basement of the castle.
* From here head east to the opening north between the barrels then go
east to library and fight the soldier for the Chain Key. Then exit
through the north stairs. There are five soldiers here that will attack
you. There is one at each corner and one in the middle. They are very
easy to defeat. Now go south to a fork then west, then south at the next
fork. Then go to the eastern stairs. Then head south and then east to
talk to Sir Kevin. While your there you may see a treasure chest but you
can't open it until later on. Lord Kevin has a bunch of stuff to tell
you. After he's done talking he tells you to hide. So just go back up
the stairs and wait for a sequence. Now go south down through the castle
gate. Now go east and then north to get to the treasure chest which is
an Angel's Ocarina. After this I went to save my game and get refreshed,
but if your characters are up to it, go north and then west to the other
stairs opposite the ones you went down to see Lord Kevin before. Now go
up the stairs. This leads you to the throne room. Now go south, outside
to the balcony and then go west to the Volcano.

32. Volcano.- Silver Key, Gold Key, Death Hood, Critical Orb, Robe of
* Now go east and then follow the winding path. Soon a sequence will
follow where you are captured by Shutat and Ramue and they leave you
four monsters to battle. Defeat them and then Percy will throw you down
the Silver Key which will enable you to open the doors. Now continue
following the path and go up the stairs. Then go north and then east,
then north to the cave.
* On the first floor go east and then north, skirting the lava to the
stairs in the northeast corner.
* On level you start in the center of the cave. From here go to the
northwest corner through the lava for a treasure chest which contains a
Death Hood. From here go south and west, until you reach the far end.
Then go east to the stairs.
* On the third floor walk east and take the first northern passage. Go
north through some lava and open the treasure chest. Inside is a Robe of
Darkness. Now go back down and take the second northern passage. Now
from here go east and north and then go up the stairs.
* On level four you start in the southern region of the map. Go east and
then north through the lava to a treasure chest, which has a Critical
Orb. Now go back down and then west and follow the path north as it
loops around to the northeastern section of the map. Now exit the cave.
* Now you have some fresh air to breathe. From here continue going north
and east and follow the path. ( Here you might notice a cave entrance
that has a rock in front of it. It supposedly leads to Zeal which you
can later go to. However there is no known way of getting in there so
for now just bypass it ). Go down the stairs following the path go down
some more stairs Soon you will have reached the bottom of the core of
the volcano. A sequence follows with Yeon, the fat green guy and Sir
Kevin. After they fall into the lava go east to a short cave. Go inside
and go northeast until you see the gold key pick it up. Now go back
outside. Now you have to travel all the way back through the cave!!!
Here you have a choice. Once you're inside the cave itself you can cast
escape. However this brings you back all the way to the beginning of the
windy path so you have to walk almost all the way there again or you can
just go back through the cave. I cast escape because it takes less time.
* Upon exiting the cave you are now on the winding path that took you to
the Volcano. Now continue going west until you meet the three way fork.
This fork is after the stairs that brings you higher up. Go to the same
place if you cast escape just go east instead of west. Take the west
path and follow it until you reach a door. Use the gold key to open it
and go north into a mini-cave. Just go northwest all the time until you
reach the exit. Now go north then west down the stairs and then continue
going west. Now you reach the docks.

33. Docks.- Healing Potion, Wind Vase.
* Now go north and search the first barrel for a Healing Potion. How
search the northwestern barrel for a Wind Vase. Now exit the docks.
Domino comes and talks to you. Eventually he joins your party. Now go
north and onto his ship.

34. Ship.- World Map, Dragon Card, Healing Potion.
* Once you are on his boat don't talk to him. First go down stairs and
then down some more stairs to Domino's quarters. Search under the table
for a World Map. Now go back up and go down the other stairs. This
should lead you into a barrel room. Search around for a Dragon Card and
Healing Potion. If you want, you can read the book in Domino's quarters
to find out his quest for revenge. Once you have done this go talk to
him. He joins your party so someone else in your party has to leave. Put
him at Marion Castle.
* Once you're in control of the boat go back and land at Bandore. Go
into the town, go to the inn and save your game.
While your at Bandore go into the castle and down to the floor where you
got the Chain Key from the guard. Now go south and to the stairs leading
down. Now just go to the gate and use the Gold Key. Enter and search for
the Ancient Tablet. Now go back and save your game. Now comes the fun

35. Leave.- Resist Orb, Demon's Leather, Reviving Herb, Monster Bait,
Guiding Branch.
* Once you are out of Bandore use the light orb to go to Marion. Exit
Marion and head west and then north to your ship. Then head north and
slightly west until you reach a big grassy plain. Dock and head north to
the village of Leave.
* As soon as you enter Leave head to the inn and search the bed to the
left for a Resist Orb. Now go north to the house above the inn. Search
the vase for a Demon's Leather. Now go above the weapons/item shop and
search one of the two bushes for a Reviving Herb. At the bottom left
house search under the table for a Monster Bait. While you are here buy
any new weapons and armor. There is a Guiding Branch in the left bush
above the Healers House.

36. Barbaros.-
* From Leave follow the coast heading northwest. Go past the first land
opening. Follow the reef until there is another opening. Sail up the
opening. At the fork take a right and then dock up at the north. Follow
the path until you reach Barbaros.
* As you enter Barbaros you enter a sequence where Lorele who is the
king's daughter, does some butt kicking. When you meet the king he will
say that to prove yourselves you need to go to Discipline Island. Once
you have done this he will give you a piece of the Ancient Tablet. After
you have saved your game and restocked, exit the town and use the Light
Orb to go to Marion. Once you are at Marion talk to your character and
choose yes and when you go to exclude someone choose anyone and position
them at Luna. Then exit Marion and use the Light Orb to go to Luna. From
Luna sail west to Discipline Island.

37. Discipline Island.- Chaos Shield, Mystic Blade, Source of Courage,
Source of Power, Blizzard Scroll, Healing Potion, Heavy Shield.
*Go to the house to the immediate left of the weapons shop and search
the barrel for a Chaos Shield. Talk to the girl who is in front of the
house and then follow her. Search the vase for a Source of Courage.
* Your characters cannot advance unless they are on Level 20 or above.
*Once your ready go north to the shrine. Go to the southeast room and
search the bottom right vase for a Blizzard scroll. Then go talk to the
man in the purple robe. After the sequence you are warped to a room.
* First head north and go up the stairs. Then go north and step on the
purple square. From here go 1n 2w 1n 1w onto the red square. There
should be a treasure chest along the north-west wall which is a Source
of Power and another one somewhere which contains the Heavy Shield.
*Here are the proper steps to reach the Mystic Blade. (Make sure you are
on the elevated level) Go onto the tiles until you reach the first
purple one to the right. That has a box type shape with a hollow center.
(You can see treasure in top right corner) The step on the gray/green
tile that is north and west you- follow the path! Once you step on that
tile go 1N 4E 1N 2E 2S, then search. You get the mystic blade and are
warped back to the Man in the purple robes. Now you can advance any
character that is level 20 or above.
*Go to the girl who had the potion of courage in her house. Talk to her.
Save your game and equip the mystic sword, then exit the town. Steiner
has grown.

38. Merlin.- Tornado Scroll, Tempest Orb.
* From Discipline island use your boat go south and to the west
slightly. Merlin is located north-east of Marion. It is where to
mountain ranges dip down and meet. Get off your boat and walk around
(two steps) until you enter an invisible cave. Search the first pot and
Merlin appears. Choose any character to learn Revive, most likely Annie.
After that talk to him again and search the torch holders on either side
of him for a Tornado Scroll and Tempest Orb. Get the items and leave.
Use the Light Orb to go to Luna. Talk to your character and choose yes,
then select a character and put him at Barbaros Castle. Exit Luna and
use your Light Orb to go to Barbaros Castle.

39. Barbaros- Demon Gauntlet, Thunder Scroll, Bronze Key, War Rod, Wind
Bandanna, Healing Jewel, Ancient Tablet.
* Return to Barbaros castle and you will find it all in ruins. Ramue and
Shutat have destroyed it with the battleship.
* Walk into the throne room and you will see the king. He rambles on
about some things and then dies. Collect the Ancient Tablet. In the
eastern hall walk past the priest's room to the stairs going down. Walk
four steps down and then push on the wall. You will enter a room. Talk
to the guard and he will give you the Bronze Key. Go down the stairs and
free Lorele. She runs off, but before you go after her, open the
treasures to the south of you. You will find a War Rod, Wind Bandanna,
and a Healing Jewel.
* Now return to the throne room. Here Lorele pays her last respects to
her father and then joins you. Now go to the second floor balcony, the
west one. Go west and north to the vases an barrels. Search the left
vase for a Thunder Scroll. From here walk straight south and then east
along the outer wall. Then when you can't go any farther talk and you
will find a hidden merchant who sells great things. Now make your way to
the east balcony and search the barrel to the far right to find a
Demon's Gauntlet.

40. Mistrall.- Ice Ring, Monster Bait, Dragon Scroll.
* To find Mistrall hop on your dragon and head to the northwest corner
of your map.
* First save your game and then go north, across a bridge to the east
and then search the bush for an Ice Ring. Now go west and go to the
weapon shop. Buy all the goodies you want. Then go west across another
bridge and into the smith's house. Talk to the smith and he will tell
you to go over to the Ice Cave to find Mithril Silver for him to make
weapons and armor with. If you want to do this you have to wait until
you get a better flying machine.
* Now go to the house west of the inn and search under the table for a
Monster Bait. Then go south to the back of the next house and then west
to the bush which has a Dragon Scroll under it. Now go to the west and
south of this house and search under the wood, which is in front of the
house and to the left for a Cursed Bandanna.

41. Pity.- Battle Gi, Mage's Jewel, Power Knuckles, Throwing Knife,
Ancient Tablet.
* Pity is located to the west and south of Bandore. It is on a big
island surrounded by reefs.
* The concept of this cave is based on the concept of shrinking and
getting bigger. On the first floor go north and then east. In the first
southern passage there is a treasure chest that contains a Mage's Jewel.
Get that and go back north and then go east and then south down the
other passage. Now go up the stairs to the next floor.
* On this floor walk north and touch the green mushroom to shrink. Then
follow the path and go through the crack to the north and then up the
ladder to the next floor.
* On the third floor touch a red mushroom to get big so you can walk
over the rocks. Look for a green mushroom along the western wall and
south. Touch it and walk counter clockwise around the circle of red
mushrooms to the crack in the northeastern wall. If you slip up and
touch a red mushroom you have to do it over again. Touch a red mushroom
and then go up the ladder.
* On the fourth floor go west across the rock and touch a green
mushroom. Then go west and through a hole in the northwest corner to
collect the Power Knuckles. Ride the leaf across the water and return to
the floor. The exit to this floor can be found south of the hole that
you fell into to get the treasure.
* On the fifth floor head north and touch the green mushroom to shrink.
Now go to the east and go south through the hole and get the treasure
chest which is a Throwing Knife. Now go back through the hole and touch
a red mushroom to get bigger and walk up the stairs. Now walk north and
go up the ladder to the next floor.
* On the sixth floor walk north and then go up and down the stairs. Then
go south. Watch the holes and don't go down them. Walk south and shrink
down and then go north and ride the leaf east. Then touch the red
mushroom to get big and then fall down the hole. Then head north to the
ladder. Go up that and then walk north again to the ladder and the next
* On the seventh floor go east and touch the green mushroom to shrink.
Then walk north past the ladder and go through the hole in the wall.
Then go west and ride the leaf to the west. Now go north past the first
red mushroom and go through the wall and then touch the next red
mushroom to get big. Then go east to the ladder. On this floor go east
and touch the green mushroom. Then walk directly south of the red
mushroom adjacent to the green mushroom. This leads you through a crack
in the wall to a room with a treasure chest. Open it to find the Battle
Gi. Then go north and get big. Climb back through the ladder and go down
a level. Go south through the crack and ride the leaf directly south.
This brings you all the way to the eastern side of this level. Go north
through the crack in the wall and touch the red mushroom to get big and
then go up the ladder to the next floor.
* On level eight go south and touch a green mushroom. Then ride the leaf
to the north. Be careful and make your way north and ride the next leaf
to the north. Then go north and collect the Ancient Tablet. Now use a
Guiding Branch or the Escape spell to exit.

42. Ocean Pyramid.- Cursed Scarf, Fire Ring, Devil's Ribbon, Battle
Shield, Torch, Silk Scarf, Mage's Jewel.
* Go around near the center of the map and you will see four islands
that form a diamond around a shoaled area. Go to each of those islands
separately and place each tablet in a spot. The Ocean Pyramid will now
rise. Search before you use the tablets. On the north island search the
right torch to the south of where you placed the tablet for a Cursed
Scarf. On the west island search the left torch south of where you
placed the tablet for a Fire Ring. In the south island search the top
right torch to find an Evil Scale. On the east island I found nothing.
* ( This place contains many mysterious. Search everywhere. I did not do
this. There are most likely many hidden treasures to be found. ) Land
Steiner on the Pyramid. On the first floor go east and then north up the
corridor. Then head west to the stairs.
* On the second floor travel south along the west wall until you see the
first eastern passage. Follow it to the east and step on the button
which will deactivate the spikes.
* On the third level you will see a row of Mummy Statues. Go east to the
wall and then south and push on the Mummy Statue. It should move to the
left. Then go past that and go west to the last passage. Then go north
through the passage to find a treasure chest. Open it to find the
Devil's Ribbon. Then follow the passage to the right. Then go south
taking every western passage. At the end is a Mummy Statue. Push it
south, then east and then north to a switch which will deactivate the
spikes. Then head north to the stairs and search he mummy statue to the
top and right of the stairs for a Mage's Jewel. Then go down the stairs
to the next floor.
* On the fourth floor head south until you reach the bottom. Head west
past the empty torch and keep going west until you reach the wall. To
the north of you, you should see three passages going north. Take the
middle one and follow it until there is a gap. Now cross over to the
west and head up all the way to the top. Then go to the east and open
the treasure to get a Battle Shield. Then head south until you reach a
room with one Mummy Statue. It should be the next room on your right. Go
into there and search the Mummy Statue for a Torch. Now go back south
and then east to the empty torch holder. Use the torch and it lights up
and a passage is pushed down. Then head to the west and then up and then
a couple steps east and then north again to the stairs.
* On the fifth floor go south until you reach a big room and then
directly west. Then go north to find a treasure which has a Silk Scarf.
Then as soon as you walk out head to the east past the big room. At the
first southern passage you see after the big room go south and then when
it opens up go to the east and then south to the stairs.
* On the sixth floor go north to the statue and push it onto the switch.
Then go back down and then west and push the statue north to block the
Lion's fire-breath. Then head east to the stairs.
* The seventh floor is fairly easy. Simply push each of the three
statues onto its respective switch. There are two statues at the bottom
and one in the northwest corner. Then head back to the opening which is
located in-between the two statues at the bottom. Once you step in the
middle of the room a sequence takes over. Dagoot comes, stuff happens.
Steiner gets wounded and eventually you end up with a high flying
* This pyramid is really cool. Now you can access the Ice Cave and go to

43. Steiner- Source of Life.
* Between Zalagoon and Marion is a valley with a temple that you can
now access. Enter then temple and you will find a cult of Dragon
worshippers. Go down to the second floor. You will find Steiner at the
center. Steiner is now healed up and goes back to Isla for your
convenience. Now go up and search the top left light where Steiner was
for a Source of Life. Now go back to Mistrall and save your game.

44. Ice Cave ( Optional ).- Grimy's Axe, Dagger, Helium Ring, Flint,
Storm Bandanna, Mithril Silver.
Ekidona- 404exp.-71 gold -Can get Drain Statue from-
Manticore Elder- 394exp.- 74 gold Snow Wolf- 409exp.- 60 gold
Snow Bear- 414exp.- 78 gold Ice Giant- 439exp.- 72 gold
Ice Dragon- 452exp.- 76 gold Lich- 362exp.-100 gold
Hippogriff- 332exp.-67 gold Dead Armor- 402exp.-105 gold

* You start in the north central section of the cave. From there go
south past the spikes. Follow the path to the west and go down the
stairs. On the second level go right and north. You will see a treasure
chest. Open the chest to find Grimy's Axe. This weapon has great power
but also decreases your speed. Go west for a while and then go north
until you reach the frozen lake. Go directly to the south of the frozen
lake. Each time you move on the ice you slide 3 spaces unless you hit a
obstacle which stops your motion. For example, up[3] means that you go
up once and you slide a total of 3 spaces. Start below the farthest
patch of frozen lake. Go up onto the ice up[2] Then go up[3] left [3]
up[3] up[3] right[3] and then up to the entrance.
* (Third floor) On the next floor go to the east. On the most southeast
patch of ice go up [2] up [3] right [3], up 3 times [9] here you should
be up against the wall with an entrance to the north and left of you.
Then go all the way left to get the Helium Ring. Then fall down any hole
to drop a level. On this level go south from there to get the Dagger.
Then go north to the entrance. From the north entrance on the third
floor go back to your original starting place. Do the exact same thing.
Now at the wall go right[3] then up[3] and to the right 2[6]. From
there, on dry land go south to the entrance.
*(Fourth floor) Go down and follow the path to the stairs.
*(Fifth floor) Go to the right, up the stairs and down the slide. Then
go north and west until you reach the treasure chest has a Storm
Bandanna in it. Then go to the south all the way. Then go west to the
stairs. Go up the stairs and onto the top ramp. Go down that and it
moves you to the upper west corner. Then go to the far south ramp. It
moves you to the east. Then go onto the far north ramp and down it. It
will lead you up to the treasure chest. Inside the chest is the Flint
stone. Go back to the east ramps. Go back down the one to the far south.
This leads you to the ramp in the north west corner. Go down the middle
ramp. This leads you to the upper east corner to the stairs.
*(Sixth floor) Go northeast. Then go up the stairs and down the ramp.
Then go north to the stairs down them.
*(Seventh floor) Go west up the stairs and circle around going counter-
clock wise until you reach the pot of oil. Then use the flint while
facing it. The oil ignites and melts the ice door to the north. Go
through the door to collect the Mithril Silver. Then cast escape or use
your guiding branch to exit the cave.
*Go back to the town and give the smith the Mithril. He will tell you to
come back in a while. So exit the town and then go back in. Waste some
time by visiting some towns. Then go talk to the smith and he will offer
you a deal on the dagger which is 1,300 cheaper then store. After saying
either yes or no, go to the weapon shop where there is a bunch of new
goodies. Buy them and then go to the inn and save your game.

45. Island in the Corner.- Mystic Staff, Final Tablet, Seraphic Ring.
* Enter the temple and walk north along the row of torches and search
the first torch west of the red carpet for a Mystic Staff. Now go to the
northeast corner and push the torch to the right by performing a search
to the right of the torch.
* Descend down each flight of stairs until you reach the bottom of the
temple. At the bottom you'll find Dagoot, a Lich, and a Necromancer.
These guys are very easy, you should have no problem. Once they are
defeated, climb the platform and collect the Final Tablet.

46. Zeal.- Silence Orb, Evil Armor, Source of Magic, Drain Rod,
Monster Bait.
* Zeal is located slightly south of Bandore and to the east. Search the
barrel in the northwest corner of town to find the Evil Armor. Now go to
the northeast corner and search the barrel for a Source of Magic. Now
search the barrel west of the tavern for a Drain Rod. Then go inside the
tavern and search under one of the tables for a Monster Bait. Go to the
second floor of the inn and search under the table for a Silence Orb.
Once you bought all your weapons, went to the inn, and saved your game,
head to the south to enter the Sand Caves.

47. Sand Caves.- Shadow Gi, Mystic Dagger, Healing Jewel, Source of
Vitality, Thunder Vase, Demon Axe.
* This is a little sketchy compared to usual.
* This cave is a real pain which is one of the reasons why you aren't
getting a detailed walkthrough. This cave is demented. You have to watch
out for holes in the ground that will drop you down a level. When you
see a shadow of a hole try to remember the general area of it on the
next floor.
* On the first floor you start out in the southeast corner and the
stairs are in the southwest corner. On your way there take the hardest
route possible.
* On floor two head south but be very careful because there are a few
sand holes here. At the southern end you will find the Mystic Dagger.
Then go north to return to the main cave. Walk along the eastern wall
and then head north and then east. The stairs are in the northeast
corner along with more sand holes. To the south of the stairs is a
Healing Jewel.
* On the third floor walk south along the southern passage and then walk
northeast, and then south along the eastern wall. The exit lies in the
southeast corner. In the center of this level is a Source of Vitality.
* On the fourth floor head south to the edge of the screen. From here,
walk east along the wall and then continue north until you reach a fork
in the road. Follow the northwest path to the find the stairs.
* On the fifth level, walk east along the northern wall slowly bearing
south. As soon as you see the first lake walk through the center and
head for the far eastern wall. Walk north along the wall and continue
until you reach the exit in the northwest cavern. In the passage to the
far west you'll find a Shadow Gi.
* On level six head south and at the fork take the left path. Be careful
because there is a sandhole where the path narrows down to two spaces.
Then head south to get the Thunder Vase. To the far west is the Demon's
Axe. Once you have what you want take right path of the fork and follow
it. When you are walking here try to hug the wall so you don't fall into
sand holes. Eventually you see a Black Knight.
* The Black Knight is really Percy but in order to get him you must wait
and not attack him for 10-15 rounds of battle. However I did cast spells
like defense, confusion, sleep, and drain. Eventually the curse is
broken and Percy can join you.
* When you leave the cave walk slightly west and then south to the town
of Quamdar.

48. Quamdar.- Gundalf Hood.
* In the town you can rest at the inn for 500 Gold. Search the barrel in
the house which is located in the northwestern corner of town. Inside
the barrel you will find a Gundalf Hood. Go to the weapons and armor
shop and buy all the necessary upgrades. You can also talk to the town's
people who will give you a different perspective on Shutat.

49. Dragon. - Skeleton Key, Dragon Blade, Reviving Herb, Tornado Vase,
Mystic Gi.
* Exit Quamdar and return to the Dragon Cave. Go to the area where the
Dragon was a sequence occurred and find the Skeleton Key.
* Go the house that you saw broken down. Inside the house you will find
a treasure chest. Open it to get the Dragon Blade. Exit the cave and
head to Simone. Go into the mystic tree and down to where the treasure
was. Open the door and then the chest to get a Tornado Vase. Then exit
Simone and head to Bandore. Go to the top floor of the inn to get the
Mystic Gi. Then go into the dungeons of Bandore castle and go to the
cell to the left of where Sir Kevin's was. Open the cell door and the
treasure chest to get a Reviving Herb.
* After you are done raising your levels and done buying supplies return
to Quamdar.

50. Abyss.- Hero's Scale.
* Here is a real brief description on how to get through the Abyss. On
the first floor you get to fight Yeon. He doesn't have that many VP,
only 1,150. After you defeat him it might be wise to go out and save
your game.
* First you need to find a room that has two orbs in it. Once you are in
this room take the light orb and make your way through some more floors
to deposit it in a different room. Then go back and do the same for the
dark orb. When you are carrying an orb the statues of the opposite power
glow and will prevent you from passing through there area.
* Once you bring the last orb to the room a sequence occurs. Eventually
you end up fighting Ramue and Shutat. Ramue is weaker and only has about
1,200 VP. Defeat her first and then concentrate on Shutat who has about
1,500 VP. Once they are defeated comes the real challenge. An alien
comes who is the mastermind behind all this. He ha about 4,000 VP. He
also casts Soul Blast which does about 20-30 damage but if you used the
Resist Jewels as I recommended the damage is decreased by half. He also
attacks multiple times per round.
* Once he is defeated you get to watch an ending which could have been
better, but sets the scene for a sequel.. I hope.

5. Common Items

Ancient Tablet: A magic scroll that allows you to raise the Ocean
Pyramid when all four of its sections are collected and used in their
corresponding temples.
Angel's Ocarina: ( 2,000 ) Restores Vitality Points to the entire party.
Antidote: ( 20 ) Cures poison and paralysis afflictions.
Awaken Stone: ( 1,150 ) Works like an Awaken Spell level 2.
Blizzard Card: ( 1,000 ) Works like and Ice Spell level 3.
Blizzard Scroll: ( 3,000 ) Works like an Ice Spell level 4.
Bronze Key: Used to open the door in the sewers in Zalagoon. Given to
you so you can rescue Lorele
Chain Key: Received by killing a Bandore solider and used to open the
cell door to Sir Kevin's cell.
Confusion Feather: ( 1,300 ) Works like a Confusion Spell level 2.
Confusion Powder: ????
Counter Jewel: ( 1,000 ) Enhances the chance to perform a Counter Attack
for one member only.
Counter Orb: ( 1,000 ) Enhances the chance to perform a Counter Attack
for all members.
Critical Jewel: ( 1,000 ) Enhances the chance to perform a Critical
Attack for one member only.
Critical Orb: ( 1,000 ) Enhances the chance to perform a Critical Attack
for all members.
Cure Herb: ( 200 ) Cures paralysis and poison afflictions.
Drain Statue: ( 2,000 ) Sucks MP Points from a magical enemy. ( Item
From Ekidona In Ice Cave )
Dragon Card: ( 2,000 ) Works like a Steiner Spell level ¢.
Dragon Scroll: ( 5,000 ) Works like a Steiner Spell level 1.
Fire Ring: ( 10,000 ) Works like a Fire Spell level 3 and adds +2 to
your power.
Flame Card: ( 1,000 ) Works like a Fire Spell level 3.
Flame Scroll: ( 3,000 ) Works like a Fire Spell level 4.
Firedrake Vase: ( 10,000 ) Works like a Fire Spell level 5.
Flask: Used to collect Spirit Water in the Cave Of Spirits (First Cave)
Gold Key: Found in the cave where Kevin dies. Used to open the gate to
the pier where the king is killed.
Guiding Branch: ( 400 ) Returns party to the entrance of a maze.
Hammer: Found in Awarn's Tower and used to open a crack in the tower.
Healing Herb: ( 100 ) Restores 25 Vitality Points for one member.
Healing Jewel: ( 1,000 ) Restores all Vitality Points for one member.
Healing Potion: ( 500 ) Restores all Vitality Points for one member.
Helium Ring ( 10 )
Herb: ( 10 ) Restores 15 Vitality Points for one member.
Ice Ring: ( 10,000 ) Casts the Ice Spell level 3, can be repaired when
broken by use.
Illusion Potion: ( 200 ) Works as an Illusion Spell level 1.
Illusion Powder: ( 1,150 ) Works like an Illusion Spell level 2.
Light Orb: Allows the party to transport instantly to any city a
dispatched member resides in.
Mage's Jewel: ( 1,500 ) Restores all MP points to one person.
Mage's Potion: ( 600 ) Restores 20 MP Points to one person.
Magic Bean: Component used to enter the Tower of Arawn.
Monster Bait: ( 200 ) Enhances the likelihood of enemy attacks.
Moon Crescent: Used to enter Luna at night.]
Music Box: ( 100 ) Plays up to 46 different tunes for your listening
Mystic Vase: ( 200 )Tip-By as many as you can then go to weapon shop
owner and sell some will be very good vases Tornado ect.
Prison Key: Used to free Prince Edward from his dungeon cell.
Resist Jewel: ( 1,000 ) Decreases magic damage by enemies by ¢ forever
for one member.
Resist Orb: ( 1,000 ) Decreases magic damage by enemies by ¢ forever for
all members
Reviving Herb: ( 10,000 ) Restores one dead party member.
Ring of Defense: ( 10,000 ) Increases defensive power by 3.
Ring of Power: ( 10,000 ) Increases attack power by 5 and can cast the
Attack Spell level 1 spell.
Ring of Revenge: ( 6,000 )
Seraphic Ring: ( 10,000 ) Increases the users defense by 2 and can cast
Heal Rain Spell level 1.
Silence Crystal: ( 1,050 ) Works like a Silence Spell level 2.
Silence Orb: ( 1,000 ) Works like a Silence Spell level 2 on all
Silver Key: Dropped by Percy to open the door on the path to the
Skeleton Key: Allows you to open any locked door or treasure chest.
Slow Card: ( 1,200 ) Works like the Slow Spell level 2.
Smoke Bomb: ( 500 ) Enables the party to escape successfully.
Source of Agility: ( 600 ) Raises the user's speed.
Source of Courage: ( 600 ) Raises the user's level by one.
Source of Defense: ( 600 ) Raises the user's defense.
Source of Growth: ( 600 ) Raises the user's Experience.
Source of Life: ( 600 ) Raises the user's Life Points.
Source of Magic: ( 600 ) Raises the user's Magic Points.
Source of Power: ( 600 ) Raises the user's attack strength.
Source of Wisdom: ( 600 ) Raises the user's intelligence.
Statue of Gaea: Used to open the walkway to and from Gaea Island.
Steel Key: Used to open the gate so that you can follow the king of
Bandore .
Tempest Jewel: ( 1,000 ) Enhances the chance for a Double Attack for one
member only.
Tempest Orb: ( 1,000 ) Enhances the chance for a Double Attack for all
party members.
Tempest Ring: ( ) Increases Speed by
Thunder Card: ( 2,000 ) Works like the Thunder Spell level 3.
Thunder Scroll: ( 5,000 ) Works like the Thunder Spell level 4.
Thunder Vase: ( 20,000 ) Works like the Thunder Spell level 5.
Torch: Used to light the oil in the Ice Cave.
Tornado Card: ( 1,000 ) Works like the Thunder Spell level 3.
Tornado Scroll: ( 3,000 ) Works like the Thunder Spell level 4.
Tornado Vase: ( 10,000 ) Works like the Thunder Spell level 5.
Unicorn's Horn: ( 1,200 ) Cures afflictions of all the party.
Vase of Life: Used to collect Nature's Water and to enter the Tower of
Vision Crystal: ( 300 ) Allows a greater field of vision to the party on
the Map screen.
War Amulet : ( ) Increases the Defense and Agility for all members
Wind Vase: ( 15,000 ) Works like the Wind Spell level 5.
World Map: ( 3000 ) Allows the users to study their relative positions
on Earth.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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