Legend of Legaia

Legend of Legaia

10.10.2008 14:05:36
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Legend of Legaia - FAQ version 1.4
by Asura


Blah...blah....blah...as usual. Well, my work almost at the last phase.
probably post a couple more version until my research is finish. I found
rare items (Mettle Goblet) that would enable you to use Arts without using
AP. Check the Bio Castle section. I still searching for the others 2 rare
Seru Encounter and Something Good. If you find them, please email me. In
future, I'll make the items and accessories list and including where you
get them. Please be patient for the list. Right now, I'm still playing the
for the second time and trying to find anything that I missed before.
before you start reading the walkthrough, please check the secret and tips
section first (specially the tips section).

What's new !

New stuff in version 1.4 :
- Make the shop list along with the secret stuff you can get with Platinum
- Add new items in the walkthrough and find Mettle Goblet in the game
- Camera Stone function and where to use it
- Add new tips (check the correspondent section, specially Lapis)
- Correction on the previous mistake
- Add tips section in the faq

New stuff in version 1.3 :
- Make some correction from the previous version
- Put new items in the walkthrough
- Location of the seru monster
- Adding combo section
- Fishing tip in Buma
- New place where you could use the Platinum Card
- The place where you could use the Camera Stone

New stuff in version 1.2 :
- Corrected the mistake
- Make the dropped and stolen item list from the enemy
- Arange the magic section
- Make a tip on how to beat Lapis
- Easy win against Berserker
- Add some more secret
- Additional stuff on the walkthrough

New stuff in version 1.15 :
- Platinum Card
- Arange the secret section.

New stuff in version 1.1 :
- Mary's Diary secret reveal (thanks alot too many people that response
to this one).
- Swimsuit secret reveal.
- Solve my War God Icon problem.
- New hidden Ra-Seru Magic.
- Chicken King trick.
- Confirmation about Juggernaut Spell.
- Confirmation about Ra-Seru Mule Magic

Post your question at http://www.InsideTheWeb.com/mbs.cgi/mb440458

Send your input and anything else to : asura_lord@hotmail.com
Please be nice and email me if you wanna use or put my faq on your page !
(Any suggestion on what I need to add to my faq is more than welcome)

Here is some useful tips before you play the game :
- Save everytime you find a save point. You might not know what could
- When you fight the boss or stronger enemies :
- The more damage you do, the weaker their regular combo attack.
- If the enemy ever touch the ground, you are close to kill him.
- Always heal when your HP is close to half, coz you might not know if
enemy will use his special attack. For a boss that cause you huge
try to keep your HP at full.
- Equip your character with Defender Chain will help to block the
combo attack (won't work on tough boss).
- You can raise you Healing Magic faster by doing this :
- Equip someone with Mei's Pendant, then use the healing magic (vera,
or spoon).
- Un-equip Mei's Pendant, and equip it again.
- Use the healing magic again.
- Repeat it again and again.
- To gain level 99 faster :
- Equip everyone with Crimson Book (you can steal the book from Puera
- Equip someone with Bad Luck Bell to increase the encounter.
- Go inside juggernaut (bio castle) and bring alot of Magic Fruit (you
also steal and get from the enemy there).
- Wondering arounf inside it to fight tougher enemies.
- Use you most powerful magic (equip spirit talisman if you plan to do
or attack (equip Mettle Gem and Mettle Goblet along with Soul Gem) to
finish it quickly.

Content :

I. Walkthrough (area by area)
Drake Kingdom :
- Rim Elm
- Hunter's Spring
- Drake Castle
- Snowdrift Cave
- Rikuroa Mountain
- Drake Castle (revisited)
- Water Gate / Road To Biron Monastery
- Biron Monastery
- West Voz Forest
- Biron Monastery (revisited)
- East Voz Forest
- Zeto's Dungeon
- Ancient Wind / Water Cave
Sebucus Islands :
- Jeremi
- Vidna
- Octam
- Shadow Gate
- Octam (Underground)
- Fire Path
- Octam (Underground)
- Vidna (revisited)
- Octam (revisited)
- Ratayu
- Mt. Letona
- Ratayu
- Dohati's Castle
- Octam (revisited)
Karisto Kingdom :
- Sol
- Usha Research Center
- Uru Mais
- Usha Research Center (revisited)
- Nivore Ravine
- Buma
- Sol (revisited)
- Buma (revisited)
- Mt. Dhini
- Soren Camp
- Zora's Floating Castle
- Soren Camp (revisited)
- Conkram
- Conkram (past)
- Rogue Tower
- Conkram (past)
- Jette's Fortress (Absolute Fortress)
Final Showdown :
- Rim Elm (before juggernaut)
- Uru Mais / Seru-Kai (Noaru Valley)
- Rim Elm / Juggernaut (Bio Lab)
II. Art Moves and Combos
- Vahn
- Noa
- Gala
III. Magic
- Dark
- Earth
- Fire
- Light
- Thunder
- Water
- Wind
IV. Secret Ra-Seru Spell
V. Slot Machine
VI. Fishing
VII. Sol's Entertainments
VIII. Dropped and Stolen Item
IX. Shop List
X. Secret
XI. Credits


I. Walkthrough (area by area)


Drake Kingdom :

Rim Elm :
Items : Magic Leaf, Healing Leaf X4, Hunter Clothes, Mei's Pendant, Point
There's not much you can do here before the mist come. Thus, just talk to
people and pick up the magic leaf in the cupboard at the house on the
right part of the town. Also, check the cupboard in Vahn's house for
leaf. When you finished explore the town, go to the beach and talk to
Choose the third option to practice with him. After that there will be
sequence and the mist will come. Go to the weapon shop and talk to the
to get 3 healing leaf. Then go to Mei's house and tell her that the mist
come (1st choice). After that tell her to go to your house (1st choice).
you did this and take Mei to Vahn's house, Vahn's would get Mei's pendant
when he left the town. If not, you can only get this item later on inside
juggernaut when you talk to Mei again. Whatever you choose, go to the
tree to receive Vahn's Ra-Seru (Meta). Before you do that, you could raise
some level and fight the Gimard. When you need to recover your HP, just go
Vahn's house and talk to Nene. She will recover your HP. However, if you
your Ra-Seru, Nene won't give you the medicine that will recover your HP.
Then head back to Vahn's house and tell his father to gather the
(you can talk to Mei also) near the genesis tree. After the sequence, exit
Elm and Mei would give you Hunter Clothes and Mei's Pendant (if you save
Re-enter Rim Elm again and go to the weapon shop. Go upstair to the 2nd
and open the drawer that you can't open before. There is a Point Card
the drawer. After that go downstair and buy some equipment for Vahn. Do
buy survival knife because you'll get it soon. Therefore, just save your
money for smething else. Exit Rim Elm and stop by Hunter's Spring.

Hunter's Spring :
Items : Healing Leaf
All you need to do here is to talk to Lezam and pick up the healing leaf
the chest on the lower right corner of Hunter's Spring. You could also
your HP and MP at the spring on the right side. You could also build up
level and learn new art. Use the spring whenever you need it coz it's
After you finish with Hunter's Spring, just follow the path to the Drake

Drake Castle :
Items : Sunrise Key, Lightning Key, Star Key, Mountain Key, Healing Leaf
Fury Boost, Survival Knife, Magic Leaf, Fire Book I.
This is pretty easy. You just need the key to open the gate to proceed. On
first floor, take the left room to get the Sunrise Key to open the gate to
2nd floor. There is a Healing Leaf in the chest on the upper left corner
main room on the 2nd floor. Take the door on the south (doesn't matter
one because both of them is connected). In the next room there is a Fury
at the bottom of the middle left of the screen, where the Table in the
room and the falling chair. After that take the Lightning Key on the upper
right corner of the room. Proceed to the 3rd floor. There is a Survival
in the chest in the left room on 3rd floor. Check the lower right corner
same room for Magic Leaf. The Star Key is on the other room. Take the
Leaf on the 4th floor in the chest on the upper left corner. Take the door
the south (doesn't matter which one) and enter the throne room (the middle
The left room in the throne room is the King Bedroom where you could find
King's letter in the chest and Mountain Key. The right room is a place
where you
could sleep and recover your HP and MP. Also, there are save point and
I in the chest. Notice that you need Fire Book I to learn Vahn's first
Hyper art
(Tornado Flame). Open the mountain gate and exit the castle. Now head to
PS : If you find yourself hardly ever beat the enemy here, try to use
Somersault + PK Combo combination (Up-Down-Up-Up-Left)

Snowdrift Cave :
Items : Healing Shroom X4, Nail Glove.
Surprise......you are now controliing Noa instead of Vahn. There is a save
point where you start the game. Talk to Terra and follow her. She will ask
three questions in 3 different place of the cave. The answer of the first
question is the third choice. Second choice is the answer of the next
After you answer the 2nd question, pick up the Healing Shroom on the floor
(pink mushroom look alike). The answer for the 3rd question is the fourth
choice. After that go to the right and pick up another Healing Shroom. Now
enter the practice Room. There is another Healing Shroom in this room on
left side. All you need to do here is to practice to gain some level and
arts. Your enemies is Red and Black Piura. After each battle you could
talk to
Terra to Replenish your HP and MP. After the 2nd battle is you talk to
she will teach you something (you won't need it if you look at my art
Anyway, from that point each time you talk to Terra she will ask if you
to go back to eat. Refuse her offer coz you need to built some level
Actually after you beat all the piura, she will force you to go back and
nothing you could do about it. Just follow her to the first room you
Talk to Terra once more in this room before she join you. Just follow the
and exit the cave. Don't forget to pick up another Healing Shroom on your
out. You might want to get close to the Zeto's dungeon (where the mist
and pick up Nail Glove in the chest. Then head back to Rikuroa Mountain.

Rikuroa Mountain :
Items : Healing Leaf X2, Scarlet Jewel, Power Water, Guardian Water,
Speed Elixir, Vahn Fist, Healing Bloom X2.
You will play as Noa and Vahn in this part. First you control Noa until
reach the Genesis Tree. Then you'll control Vahn until you join Noa (or
versa). Make sure that Noa learn Tempest Break before you enter Rikuroa
Mountain. Just follow the path and pick up some items in the chest. There
a healing leaf in the chest near the save point before you enter the cave.
Inside the first cave, you can find Scarlet Jewel and Power Water in the
There is a boss waiting for you at the end of this cave (Golem). Just
your attack on him and let Terra do the healing job. Tempest Break 3 times
should do the job. This is an easy battle. You'll get Guardian Water from
Golem. You'll automatic exit the cave. Now enter the second cave and take
Phoenix inside the chest. You can save your game before you exit the cave.
After the sequence, you will control Vahn again. Just follow the path and
jump from one stone to the other. Before you reach the last stone on the
north, take the south path first to pick up Speed Elixir in the chest.
head back to the north and enter the cave. You'll arrive at the T
Take the right path first to take some goodies. Follow the path and exit
cave. Then enter the second cave.At the second cave, you'll jumping again
one stone to the others. After you 6th jump, instead you jump up, take the
right jump to pick up Healing Leaf in the chest. Then proceed to the top.
Follow the path to exit the cave and pick up Vahn Fist at the outside of
cave. Now head back to the first cave where the T intersection is. Take
left path now and pick up the Healing Bloom in the chest before you enter
the 2nd cave. Save your game at the save point before you join Noa to
Caruban (boss). If you manage to increase your Gimard level, then it
be usefull here. Noa should use her Tempest Break and Vahn healing when
necessary. Vahn Hyper not that good here because Caruban is a fire
When you beat Caruban you'll get Healing Bloom. After reviving the genesis
tree, head back to Drake Castle.

Drake Castle (revisited) :
Items : Water Key, Platinum Card, Healing Leaf, Swift Water, Fightning
Healing Leaf X10 / Healing Leaf X5 / Magic Leaf.
When you enter the castle, there will be a sequence and the king will
give you the water key. After that, go to the left room in the throne
room and check the upper left corner for Platinum Card. Now go back to the
previous room and enter the room to the right in the throne room to sleep
and save your game. You can talk to the people in the castle to gain some
information. After that go down to the 2nd floor to pick up Healing Leaf
in the chest. Back to 1st floor, pick up the Healing Bloom inside the left
room and Swift Water in the right room. There something you could do in
the castle courtyard. When you talk to Noa in front of the weapon shop and
she ask what money is, answer that you don't know and the arm dealer will
give you fighting robe for free. Now, when you talk to Noa in front of the
item shop, there are 3 possibility. You could get 10 Healing Leaf if you
answer all Noa's questions correct. You'll just get 5 if you answer 2
correct. Finally, you just get Magic Leaf if you don't have any correct
answer. Here is the correct answer :
1. Healing Berry
2. Escape from dungeon
3. Wats
However, there's nothing you gain from Noa's question in front of the inn.
After Noa rejoin your party, go back to the weapon shop and buy a better
equipment for Noa. Do whatever you want! Then leave the castle.

Water Gate / Road To Biron Monastery :
Items : Wind Book I, Phoenix, Life Water.
Enter the water gate beside the castle and put the water key into the
gate controller. Then take the Wind Book I in the chest. Now, head for
Monastery. On your way, if you press L1 to see the map, you'll notice that
there are 2 entrance to Zeto's dungeon from the south. The first entrance
contain Phoenix in the chest. The second entrance contain Life Water in
chest. Don't foeget to pick up these items before the mist around the
entrance is gone. After that, just head straight to Biron Monastery.

Biron Monastery :
Items : Power Elixir, Phoenix, Medicine, Healing Bloom, Ivory Book.
When you enter Biron Monastery, flip the lever to open the door. Then
the man to the next room. After the sequence, go to the next room and
examine the big statue for Power Elixir. After the sequence with Maya, you
go upstair. The left room is where you can sleep. The middle room, where
save point is. You could also buy some equipment and item. Examine the pot
the upper right corner for Phoenix. Check the lower right corner to get
Medicine (insisible chest). Remember the woman below the table, she will
you food to recover your HP and MP later on when the mist arrive. When you
finish your business here, go to the room to the right where there is a
in front of it (that is Maya room). Talk to the guard and watch the
After that go up and enter the room in the middle (between 2 stair) and
the pot for Healing Bloom. Talk to Zopu to trigger the party. At the
you can talk to everyone, but you just need to talk to Gala and Songi to
Zopu enter the room. Talk to Zopu again and you'll be asking to revive the
genesis tree. Whichever you choose, you'll always end up with the West Voz
Forest and Songi will get the East Voz Forest. On your way to West Voz
you might want to stop by the entrance of the Zeto's dungeon to pick up
Ivory Book.

West Voz Forest :
Items : Medicine X2, Healing Leaf, Shield Elixir, Fertilizer, Magic
Door Of Light, Noa Feral, Healing Bloom, Ra-Seru Egg, Deep Sea
At the first intersection, take the right path first to get medicine in
chest. Then go to the left and pick up Healing Leaf in the chest. In the
screen when you are in the open field, you should see green tunnels on
left and right side. Take the left tunnel first to pick up Shield Elixir
Fertilizer. Now go back and you can either use the right tunnel or the
path to take another medicine. Go back again to the open field and go
On the next screen, look for the right path (almost invisible) to get
Amulet. When you arrive at the river, check the small plant on the left
Check once more and use fertilizer to make it grow. Go pass the river to
next screen. Take the Door Of Light in the chest. At the intersection, go
to pick up Noa Feral in the chest. Take the green tunnel to the left
to the chest) to get Healing Bloom. Go south and then to the left. You can
save your game at the save point if you want. Examine the genesis tree and
you'll get Ra-Seru Egg. After a sequence, go back to the Biron Monastery.
However, before you headed back to the Biron Monastery, check the northern
part from the dead genesis tree to get Deep Sea Jewel (it's not in the
a little left from the northern bush.

Biron Monastery (revisited) :
Items : Guardian Water.
When you're back to Biron Monastery, you'll see many monks laying on the
floor and Gala will leave your party. Don't worry, it's just for
Go to Mary room and check the pot for Guardian Water. Then read Maya
After that go to the kitchen (the room beside Maya room). Talk to the
below the table and she will cook for you. The food will recover your lost
HP and MP. Save if you want and buy something also if you want to. Go to
the East Voz Forest exit and Gala will join you again. Now head for East
Voz Forest.

East Voz Forest :
Items : Healing Flower, Weed Hammer, Magic Leaf, Guardian Water, Cure
Amulet, Antidote, Survival Club, Azure Jewel, Medicine, Healing
Leaf X10.
Follow the path until you reach the crystal grass and take the green
to your right. Go up pass the first intersection. At the second
go to the left to pick up Healing Flower. Go back at the intersection and
headed north. At the third intersection, go to the right. Take the Weed
Hammer and hack the grass on the south to get into the chest contain Magic
Leaf. Now go back to the first intersection (or you can do this later) and
hack the crystal grass to get Guardian Water. Back to the intersection
and go north all the way to the next screen. Just follow the path until
reach the crystal grass again and destroy them. Then take the left tunnel
to get Cure Amulet. Go back and continue north. On the next screen in an
open field, take the first left tunnel and make your way to the two
chest that contain Antidote and Survival Club. Proceed north (you need to
destroy the crystal tree) and exit to the tunnel on your right. Go north
the nearest chest to get Azure Jewel. Then go south and take the right
Follow the path and hack the crystal grass on your way. Take the Medicine
the chest before you enter the tunnel. Save your game to the save point
because the boss is waiting ahead. You might want to go back to Biron
again to
recover your HP and MP before fight this boss. Unless, you want to use
Magic Leaf, I would suggest to go back to Biron. Hopefully, your Noa is at
level 11 so she could use Super Art. If not, try to gain some more
The next boss are two Viguro (you can absorb Viguro with the help of Ivory
Book). Try to kill one as fast as you can, because two are too much to
If you got Theeder and already increase the level, that would be a good
(gizam also could work). After you beat the bosses, revive the genesis
and you're done. You'll start at Biron Monastery again. Talk to Maya at
kitchen for ten Healing Leaf before you go to the Zeto's Dungeon.

Zeto's Dungeon :
Items : Thunder Book I, Healing Leaf, Healing Flower, Fury Boost, Healing
Bloom X2, Short Sword, Shield Elixir, Phoenix, Medicine, Magic

Burning Jewel, Tempest Jewel, Door Of Light, Mettle Ring.
When you enter the dungeon, just follow the path and pick up the Thunder
I at the intersection beside the stair. Take the right path first to pick
Healing Leaf on the north and Healing Flower on the south. Go back to the
intersection where you get the Thunder Book I and take the left path.
you take the stair to the left, go around the bottom of the stair to get
Boost. Now take the stair and continue. At the next intersection, take the
left path to get Healing Bloom. Go back and take the right path. At the
end of
your way, take the elevator down and pick up the Short Sword in the chest
behind the elevator. You can save if you want. Now exit the room and
the path. At first intersection, go to the right and enter the room for
Elixir. Go back and continue to the south. At the next intersection, go
and enter the room to get Phoenix in the chest. Go back again and follow
path to the right. At the next intersection, take the left path first if
want to get the medicine. The south path lead to the next intersection.
the south first to get Magic Leaf. Go back and take the right path. At the
next intersection, actually 2 doors on your north and south, take the
Bloom in the north room and Burning Jewel in the south room. Proceed to
next intersection. You can get Tempest Jewel in the north room and Door Of
Light in the south room. Save your game before you proceed and fight Songi
with Gala by himself. This battle is pretty easy as long as Gala has Vera
plenty of Healing Leaf (I prefer Vera since Vera could recover more HP).
get Mettle Ring if you beat Songi. Continue and enter the next room. Take
elevator down and save your game because Zeto is waiting for you. Just
the path and you'll meet Zeto in front of the Mist Generator. Vahn's
Flame works nicely (since Zeto is a water element). Whenever Zeto cast
Wave, use spirit at the next turn to reduce the damage of the Big Wave.
battle should be easy. After you beat Zeto and destroy the mist generator,
you'll start at Biron Monastery again. Now, take the exit to the West Voz
and enter the Ancient Wind Cave (follow the side of the river).
PS : If you go back to Rim Elm, and go to Mei house, you can watch some
sequence and then Maya will ask Vahn to find Noa parents. You might
fight the bee, but it still hard to beat at this time. You might want
learn miracle first before go back and fight the bees.

Ancient Wind / Water Cave :
Items : Silver Compass, Wisdom Water, Door Of Light, Healing Bloom, Magic
Door Of Wind X2.
There is no enemy in this cave, so feel free to wondering around. At first
intersection, take the left path first and enter the room. Check the
beside the bed for Silver Compass. Flip the lever to open the door to the
room in the cave. Also check the barrel behind the Old Man that sell
weapon to
get Wisdom Water. Go back and take the north path to enter the next room.
the next intersection, take the right path first to get Door Of Light in
chest that you can hardly see on the right side. Go back and continue. At
next intersection, take the north path first to get Healing Bloom. Then
the right path to enter the room. Say yes to the Old Lady and you'll rest
have a dream. When you wake up, talk to evryone in this room and don't
to check the barrel on the upper left corner of this room for Magic Water.
you wanna leave, the Old Lady will give you 2 Door Of Wind. Exit the cave
cave name become Water Cave) and head to Jeremi.

Sebucus Islands :

Jeremi :
Items : Phoenix, Target Chain, Healing Flower, Power Water, Guardian Ring,
Speed Ring, Healing Leaf, Healing Bloom, Healing Fruit, Speed
Forest Amulet, Fire Book II, Zalan's Letter.
When you enter the town, the people already turn into seru. Thus, you
gain any information from them. You can pick up the chect now or later
you revive the genesis tree at the Sky Garden. If you wanna pick it up
here the direction. At first intersection, go to the right and enter the
weapon/item shop. Pick up the Phoenix in the chest and go downstair and
the shelf for Target Chain. Go back to the first intersection and head
At the next intersection, take the right path and enter the house to pick
Healing Flower in the chest. Go back and take the left path and enter the
Go to the basement to pick up Power Water in the chest. Exit the Inn and
north to the bar. Check the shelf on the upper right corner for Guardian
Go back to the 2nd intersection and enter the tower to the north. At the
room where the elevators are, pick up Healing Leaf in the chest on the
right corner of the room. Take the elevator on the upper left corner of
room. When you exit the elevator, go south and take another elevator. At
next room, take the upper right elevator first to pick up Speed Ring. Go
and take the lower tight elevator. When you exit the elevator, take the
right elevator first to get Healing Bloom. Go back and take the upper left
elevator and turn on the switch. Go back and take the lower left elevator.
Exit the room to the south and save your game. Before ythe maze, go to the
right from the save point (not the most right path, the one before it) and
head to the north until you hit the dead end. Search the wall of plant in
front of you to get Healing Fruit. Now go back and enter the maze (it's
easy) and pick up the two chest near the boss that contain Speed Elixir
Forest Amulet. Be sure to heal your party first before talk to the boss
(Berserker). One person in your party should act like a healer. Vahn would
nice (since Noa can inflict the most damage for the combo attack, and Gala
too slow to become a healer). Everytime Berserker inflict one of your
a great damage, heal that person. Stay healthy because when the Berserker
going to die he will cast Stone Circle that can do around 400+ to all your
party. You'll get Fire Book II from him.
Tips : Use Nighto against Berserker for easy win.
After you beat the boss and revive the genesis tree, go back inside the
and take the elevator down to the first floor. After a sequence, you'll
at the basement on the Inn. Talk to people (especially Zalan to get his
and buy some new equipments. You can always come back and stay free in
Now Head to Vidna.

Vidna :
Items : Fishing Tackle Set, Healing Leaf X10, Door Of Wind, Healing
Magic Leaf, Phoenix, Yuma's Ring, 10 coins, Zalan's Crown
Talk to all people, specially PEPE and the guy in the beach. Talk to the
in the beach beside the fishing rod (you gotta check the fishing rod
and he will give you Fishing Tackle Set. Check the cupboard inside Item
for 10 Healing Leaf. Check the cupboards on the 2nd floor inside the Inn
Door Of Wind and Healing Flower. Also check the cupboard inside the weapon
shop for Magic Leaf. You might want to go to the house to the very left
talk to Palas, then enter the house to the right of Palas house to get the
message about Haris and Octam (remember the clue that Sashia told you).
house is on the upper left corner. Go to his house and you'll get Yuma's
Now enter the house in the middle (the big house) and talk to the guy near
the slot machine to get 10 coins. Also in this house, check the drawer
the sleeping man to get Phoenix. You can try to play the slot machine, but
I doubt you could win with just 10 coins. Now head back to Jeremi and talk
Zalan. You'll loose Yuma's Ring, but Zalan will give you Zalan's Crown and
owe you. With the Fishing Tackle Set, you can fish to get a good
By the way, the fishing Spot is on the island between Jeremi and Vidna,
follow the other path that not go to either Vidna nor Jeremi and you
should be
in the fishing spot. Try to use Normal Tackle to get a better fish. When
done, or if you choose not to fish, go to Octam.

Octam :
Items : Speed Elixir, Swift Water, Healing Bloom, Star Pearl (Jeremi).
There's no one in this town, so all you need to do is to pick up the
treasure and find another clue. You can find Speed Elixir inside the house
the right. Read the paper in the dresser inside the Inn. Pick up the Swift
Water in the invisible chest inside the house to the left. Check the upper
right corner if this house to find the chest (hardly can see). Go out and
north between this house and the weapon shop. Check the Tall grass in the
middle to get Healing Bloom. You can go upstair and check room to the left
some information. Go down and enter the door between the stairs. Follow
path down and check the color stone on the floor. Remember the position of
the element. Now read the 4 books of prophecy to open the secret passage.
Enter the secret passage and there will be a sequence with Cara and you'll
know where the Star Pearl is. Now go back to Jeremi and talk to Zalan to
Star Pearl. After that, go to Shadow Gate.
PS : Try to absorb Orb while you're in Octam.

Shadow Gate :
Items : Magic Leaf, Miracle Water, Healing Flower X3, Life Ring, Wonder
Fury Boost, Shield Elixir.
After the sequence with Gi Delilas, check the stone in front of the Head
Statue and corespondent in correct way to open the path. Remember the clue
in Octam when you check the color stone? If you forget here the clue :
- North -Earth
- East -Wind
- South -Water
- West -Fire
When the path is open, go check and use Star Pearl to make it accessiible.
Don't forget to pick up Magic Leaf in the box at the upper left corner. Go
the upper right corner (behind the big bush) and search for Miracle Water.
At the underground, just follow the path and when you're at the first
section, take the left path to get Healing Flower. Go back and take the
path. Pick up another Healing Flower on your way. At the next
take the right path to get Life Ring. Go back and take the left path. At
next intersection, go up first to get Wonder Elixir. Go back and take the
path. At the next intersection, go north to the room with Healing Flower
the chest. Go back and continue left. Pick up Fury Boost on your way. At
next intersection, take the right path to get Shield Elixir. Now go back
take the south path to exit th cave. Now you're in underground Octam.

Octam (Underground) :
Items : Door Of Wind, Healing Flower, Fury Boost, Life Water, Medicine,
Magic Water.
Buy some new equipment and after an earthquake sequence, talk to the girl
in red and follow her to Hari's house. Go inside and talk to people. Now
to the big house in the middle and go to the 3rd floor to talk to the
Hari will wake up. You can pick up the treasure first before talk to Hari.
In the third floor of the big house, take the Medicine in the chest and
check the barrel near the desk for Magic Water. Check the shelf in the
basement of the Inn for Door Of Wind. Go north from the Inn and take the
Healing Flower in the chest. Go to the house left to the big house and
the barrel (close to the bed) near the right wall for Fury Boost. Go back
Hari house and check the shelf for Life Water. Talk to Hari from the past,
present and future. Exit the house and head for the Fire Path tunnel
left corner of the town).

Fire Path :
Items : Wisdom Water, Speed Elixir, Healing Bloom X3, Magic Leaf, Gala
Healing Flower, Phoenix/Life Water, Door Of Light/Magic Water,
Book II, Guardian Chain, Incense, Power Water.
This is a long way and Xain (boss) is waiting for you at the end. Conserve
your MP for healing purpose. When you enter the first cave, just follow
path. At the first intersection, go to the right to get Wisdom Water in
chest. Now take the left path and continue following the path. At the next
intersection where the big pillar in the middle, go down and take the
path. At the next big pillar go to the right and follow the path to get
Elixir. Now back to the second intersection and go to the right. Pick up
Healing Bloom on your way to the next cave. In the next cave, enter the
pillar (look for the light from the pillar) and get the Magic Leaf.
to the second pillar and enter it from the left to get Healing Bloom. Exit
the pillar and head to the south first. Enter the big pillar there to get
Mace. Go back to the 2nd big pillar and proceed to the left. Go to the big
pillar on the left to get Healing Flower. Now go to the north. Save your
before enter the cave. After a sequence, hop onto the floating stone to
proceeed. When the stone stop, take the treasure nearby for Phoenix (if
wait until the magma frozen, it will become Life Water). Hop onto the
again and choose to go on. At the next area (you can see Xain), take the
path first to get Door Of Light (if you wait until the magma frozen, it
become Magic Water). Heal your party first before talk to Xain. You need
talk twice to Xain (try to answer no if he ask if you're his enemy).
you need to answer yes when he ask if you're his enemy. If you equip Gala
Speed Ring, his speed should be fast enough right know and you can make
the healer. If not, then Vahn should be the healer. Give him the best
you have. If he hit you with Bloody Horns (600 plus damage) heal that
If he use Bull Charge, use spirit at the next turn to reduce the damage of
Terio Punch (attack all). You'll get Wind Book II if you beat him. After
he will freeze the magma. Go to the right first to pick up Guardian Chain.
Head to the left and go down and right to get Incense in the chest. Go
and head north. Follow the path and pick up another Healing Bloom on your
At the next intersection, go to the right first and take the stair. Follow
path to get Power Water. Go back (you can slide your way back) and take
north path to enter the cave. Make your way back to Octam.

Octam (Underground) :
Items : Miracle Water.
Talk to the mayor and we will ask you to get Spring Salts. Do not forget
check the statue of future Hari near Hari ex-house for miracle water. Now
to Vidna.

Vidna (revisited) :
Items : Shield Elixir, Healing Flower, Magic Ring, Spring Salts.
When you enter the town, you'll notice that the windwill stop working. You
can play the slot machine now because there is a man selling coins. Go to
Danpa's house and go down to the basement. Use the elevator to go down.
There is a man beside the slot machine that sell coins. You can play if
want to get some good accessories. Talk to the people to find out what
happened to this town. After that, go to the machine room (the house in
upper right part of the town) to pick up the Spring Salts. When you enter
room, take the stair down to the intersection. Go to the right to pick up
Healing Flower. Go back and go to the south to pick up Shield Elixir. If
go to the left from the intersection, you'll get the Spring Salts. Check
machine on the upper left corner for Magic Ring. After that, head back to

Octam (revisited) :
Items : Slowness Chain.
Go talk to the mayor inside the shrine and he'll give you Slowness Chain
exchange for the Spring Salts. Now go to Ratayu.

Ratayu :
Items : Magic Leaf X2, Healing Bloom, Door Of Wind, Ivory Book, Healing
Flower, Swift Water, Healing Berry, Fury Boost, Speed Elixir,
When you enter the town, there is no one that you can talk to (except
Just pick up the treasure chest and enter the palace. There is a Magic
inside the Weapon Shop. You can read the letter on the table inside the
Pick up Healing Bloom inside the Item Shop. You can get Door Of Wind
the house next to Item Shop. In the house next to this house, you can get
Ivory Book. Inside the palace, you can get another Magic Leaf on the upper
right corner. At the next room of the castle, take the middle left stair
go outside to get Healing Flower. Go back and take the lower right stair
go outside to get Swift Water. Go back and head to the throne room (upper
north room). Pick up the Healing Berry in the chest on the right side of
throne, and Fury Boost and Speed Elixir on the other side. Talk to Saryu
sit on the throne chair. He'll give you Letona Key without a fight (how
Now head to the Mt. Letona.

Mt. Letona :
Items : Wisdom Ring, Magic Leaf, Guardian Water, Power Ring, Incense,
Bloom, Wisdom Water, Healing Fruit, Magic Fruit, Thunder Book II.
Enter the mountain by using the Letona Key. Save your game at the save
if you want to and proceed to the north. At the first intersection, go to
left (a small path to the left) to get Wisdom Ring and Magic Leaf inside
treasure chest. Go back and continue to the north. At the next
go north and enter the cave to get Guardian Water. Go back and head to the
right. Follow the path to the next intersection. Go south first to pick up
Power Ring. Go back and continue to the right. Enter the cave. At the next
intersection, go north. At the next intersection, go to the left and
the path to get Incense and Healing Bloom. Go back to the previous
tion and head to the north. Follow the path and exit the cave. Pick up the
Wisdom Water before you enter the next cave. At the next intersection, go
the right to pick up Healing Fruit. Then go to the left. Save your game
head to the top. Get the Magic Fruit near the genesis tree before go down.
Songi will appear and you must fight him to release the barrier around the
genesis tree. After you beat him, you'll get Thunder Book II. After a
where you revive the genesis tree, go back to Ratayu. You might want to
before enter Ratayu again.

Ratayu (revisited) :
Items : West Ratayu Key.
Talk to people and buy some new equipment before talk to the girl in
at Inn. After you talk to the girl, there will be some sequence and Noa
take her place. When Noa is in the castle (in front of Juggernaut more
precisely), talk to the girl in the middle and she will be swallowed by
Juggernaut. After the event, try to go out and Saryu will appear. You then
conrol Vahn and Gala. Go straight to the palace and to where Noa is
room). Try to equip Ivory Book on both of them if you want to absorb
(You will fight 2 Kemaro that guard the entrance). Go straight and follow
path until you get Noa and fight Van Saryu. Be careful of his Earthquake
attack that can do 500+ damage to all. After he use Jugger Power, his
Earthquake attack can do 700+ damage. After the battle, Saryu will regain
sanity and he will give you the West Ratayu Key. Finish your business here
and you can stay in Inn for free. After that head to the West Gate. Next
Dohati's Castle.

Dohati's Castle :
Items : Wonder Elixir, Healing Flower, Power Elixir, Healing Bloom,
Healing Fruit, Life Water, War Soul, Fury Boost, Healing Berry,
Fruit, Shield Elixir, Power Water.
At the first intersection in Dohati's Castle, go to the left first. At the
next intersection, go to the south to pick up Wonder Elixir. Go back and
to the north. Enter the room (see the light coming out of the room) to the
north and pick up Healing Flower. Now go back to the first intersection,
go to the right. Enter the room to the north (see the light) to pick up
Elixir. Go out of the room and continue the path to the right. Step on the
moving stair to the 2nd floor. Follow the path and enter the room to the
to get Healing Bloom. Go back and continue to the south pass the moving
that go down (do not go down). At the next intersection, go down first to
Phoenix. Go back to previous intersection and head to the north. Exit the
and follow the path to the next tower. At the next intersection, go up to
Healing Fruit. Now head left and follow the path. At the next intersection
the moving stair, go to the left (not the left stair) to get Life Water in
chest. Go back and you can take the left stair right now. Go right and
the path. At the next intersection, go down to get War Soul in the
chest. Go back and head to the right to exit the tower. Follow the path
enter the next tower. At the next intersection, go up to get Fury Boost in
chest. Go back and head south. At the next intersection, go up to get
Berry in the chest. Go back and head south. Follow the path and take the
up. Go up first to take Magic Fruit and then go back (do not take the
down) and head to the left to exit the tower. Proceed to the next tower
save your game. Go up to the next intersection and go right to get Shield
Elixir. Go back and head to the left to get Power Water. Go back and head
the north to the mist generator to fight Dohati. Be careful of his Chaos
that can do 400+ to all of your characters and give toxic problem. After
beat him, you'll be back at Ratayu Castle again. After a sequence with
go back to Octam.
PS : - If you go back to Jeremi, there will be a sequence where Zalan and
finally meet each other. Pepe then will give you Miracle Water.
- If you go back to Vidna and talk to Danpas at the basement of his
he'll give you Chicken Heart.

Octam (revisited) :
Items : none.
Talk to the people and buy some new equipment. Then go to the right room
the top of the shrine. Talk to the guy in green and he'll open an elevator
for you. Take the elevator up and go to the top to talk to the guy with
hand (Dr. Octopus from Spiderman?). He'll take you to Karisto Station.
then station and head to Sol (north from the station).
PS : Check the tree left to the store to find 3,000 gold and buy the
kit for 3,000 gold. When the mist is gone, come back again and talk
the owner and tell him the thruth and he'll give you Vitality Ring.

Karisto Kingdom :

Sol :
Items : Healing Fruit, Magic Fruit, Miracle Water, Power Elixir, Genesis
Seedling, Magic Water, Guardian Water, Life Water, Power Water,
Healing Berry, Wisdom Water, Swift Water, Wonder Elixir, Phoenix,
Mary's Diary, Speed Elixir, Wonder Amulet, Golden Book, Astral
Sol is a big tower, so I would give you the brief map of Sol. There are 8
floors in Sol, 1 basement and 7 floors (not including the top). Here is
list of room from the basement to the top :
B1F : - Control Room
1F : - Item Shop (connect to the Item Shop Back Entrance)
- Exit (where you came from)
- Inn (connect to Sol's Diner)
2F : - Arm Shop
- Sol's Diner
3F : - Item Shop Back Entrance
4F : - Inn
- Jazz Club
- Muscle Dome
5F : - Sol Fever Disco
- Sol Broadway
6F : - Bakery
- Arm Shop
- Warehouse
7F : - Community Hall
- Sol Cafe
- Sol Dayschool
Top : - Biron Temple
When you first enter Sol, there is no people that you can talk to below
4th floor (except Gaza), so just go up and watch the sequence with Gaza.
After that, just go up and talk to the people on the way. Buy some new
equipment. You might want to skip the Sol Fever Disco and Muscle Dome
for right now. Enter the Community Hall to pick up Healing Fruit. You can
also get Magic Fruit inside Sol Dayschool. Now go to the top floor, don't
forget to save your game first. Pick up the Miracle Water on the upper
left corner of the top floor and Power Elixir on the lower left corner.
Enter the Biron Temple, and watch the sequence. The leader of the temple
(Old Geez) will give you Genesis Seedling. Talk to the monk (the upper
left monk) and he will recover you HP and MP. Go outside and fight Gaza
for the first time. Be very careful for his Astral Slash attack that could
do 1000-1100+ damage to a single character. So keep your HP above that
point. After the fight Songi will come and take Gaza away. You can come
back inside the temple and talk to the monk to recover your HP and MP
Now, all you need to do is to get Soru Bread. The bakery sell Soru Bread,
but there are way too expensive. The cheaper way to get Soru Bread is to
buy them from Muscle Dome (you could also buy Gold Card and enter the
Contest, read the Sol Entertainment section). Eight Soru Bread is equal to
800 coins. There are 3 options you can choose. First, it's the easy one if
you already get at least 50-100 coins is to play the slot machine. With
turbo pad, just do whatever you can to make the square, X and circle
to be pressed all the time (with the auto-fire on). Try the machine on the
lower right. If you would do this, I would suggest you go for the big
See the item list that you could won with the slot machine on the seperate
section. Another alternatif if to play Baka Fighter which is quite easy
(see the Sol Entertainment section for more detail). If your level high
enough, you can enter the Muscle Paradise fighting. The Beginner Course
give you 818 coins if you win. Decide what fit you best. After obtaining
8 Soru Bread, go down to the 3rd floor and enter the Item Shop Back
Take the Magic Water from the Sage Chest and check again the Sage Chest
give him Soru Bread. Still in this room, take the stair down and get the
Guardian Water from the Sage Chest and also give him Soru Bread. Go down
stair and pick up Life Water from Sage Chest and give him Soru Bread. Go
outside and go up pass the exit (where you came) to the next room (Inn).
Enter it and take the Power Water from the Sage Chest and give Soru Bread
as usual. Go down stair first and pick up Healing Berry. Don't forget to
him Soru Bread. Now go 2 stair up and pick up Wisdom Water from the Sage
Give him Soru Bread as always. Go outside and go down to the next room
Shop). Take the Swift Water from the Sage Chest and feed him Soru Bread.
the stair up in this room and get the Wonder Elixir in the Sage Chest. As
usual, give him Soru Bread. Don't forget to pick up Phoenix from regular
treasure chest beside the Sage Chest. Go down to exit the room and head to
Control Room (the room before the Sage Guard Dog statue. Check the device
watch the sequence with Dr. Usha. The path to the basement will be open,
you can proceed to the basement now. Go down to the next room. Check the
shelf in this room for Mary's Diary (Bring the diary to the monk on the
on the top of Sol Tower, and the monk will teach you some art). Proceed to
next room to get Speed Elixir. After the next room, you can pick up Wonder
Amulet in the chest. Golden Book is in the chest at the next room. Save
game at the next room before going down stair. Check the big pannel in
of you in the next room. Go to the right and check the pink pannel to
the electricity that block your path. Go down to the left and take the
path first. Check the light blue pannel to disable the electricity. Now go
around clockwise and go up to the left. Check the dark blue pannel and go
south. Check the yellow and red pannel. Go down to the north and go to the
Go up to and go to the north. Check the white and red pannel. Go down and
the big pannel to the south. Go right and check the green pannel. Go down
check the light blue pannel on the north first to open the path to the
Enter the warrior square and you'll fight Gaza again. This time he got
Be careful of his Astral Wave that could do 800+ on a single character and
Neo Star Slash could do 1300+ to all of your character. Stay healthy and
could beat him. After you beat him, he will united with the Genesis
and there is a genesis tree over there. After that, you will get his
(only Vahn can equipt this sword). When the mist gone, the shop and Inn
4th floor is open again. Go to the Inn and talk to the Emperor Etora at
basement of the Inn to get the password to enter Usha Research Center.
your business here and head to Usha Research Center. Stop by at Buma to
some sequence (there is also another reason why you want to stop by Buma,
because you can use Door Of Wind later if you want to come here).

Usha Research Center :
Items : Healing Berry, Magic Fruit X2, Ruin Key.
Inside the tower, check the sign and then check the tube next to it. Enter
the password (X, X, Triangle, Circle, Square), and Dr. Usha will send an
elevator. Get in the elevator and you'll go up. You can talk to the girl
next to the item shop to recover your HP and MP. Pick up the Healing Berry
inside the chest on the upper right corner (beside the bed). Go upstair
check the shelf for Magic Fruit (next to the desk). Go upstair and take
another Magic Fruit inside the chest. Talk to Dr. Usha and after that, go
to Uru Mais. When you go down, Mrs. Usha will ask you some question.
all correct and you'll get the Ruin Key. (you'll be force to find the
answer). Here is the answer : 1. Uru Mais
2. Dream dreams
3. The Fire Doplet
4. Usha Research Center
After getting the key, head to Uru Mais.

Uru Mais :
Items : Healing Berry, Fire Doplet, Magic Grail.
After the sequence and you regain control of your characters, take the
Berry inside the chest in the room. Head to the top of the shrine after
After a sequence, there will be 3 doors open, lower left, lower right, and
north. You gotta enter all three open doors. Lower left door leads you to
Noa's Dream and she will learn about her past and about her family. North
leads you to Gala's Dream and he will learn something about Songi. Lower
door leads you to Vahn's Dream and Vahn will remember about his past and
telling not to blame himself. After each dream, you'll be back again at
top of the shrine. You gotta go again to another door until you complete
the three dreams. Then talk to Tiegs that surround you to learn something
about seru. Then talk to the Tieg in the middle. He will then give you the
Fire Droplet. Now head back to Usha Research Center.
PS : If you enter Uru Mais again, go around the shrine counter-clockwise
you will find Magic Grail on the northern part of the shrine (close
the shrine).

Usha Research Center (revisited) :
Items : TimeSpace Bomb X4, Healing Berry X5, Healing Fruit X5, Magic Fruit
Back to Usha Research Center, check the tube again and Dr. Usha will send
the elevator. Get inside and go upstair to talk to Dr. Usha. He'll give
4 TimeSpace Bombs in exchange for the Fire Doplet. Go down and Mrd. Usha
ask you some question again. Answer all correct and you'll receive 5
Berries, 5 Healing Fruits, and 5 Magic Fruits. Here is the answer :
1. Nivora Ravine
2. Entrance to Nivora Ravine
3. Three seconds
4. To awaken Buma's genesis tree
Now head to Nivora Ravine (the mountain on the right side of Buma). You
just teleport to Buma so cut the time.

Nivore Ravine :
Items : Warrior Icon, Mettle Gem, Rainbow Jewel, Spirit Jewel, Fury Boost,
Magic Fruit, Thunder Book III, Wind Book III, Fire Book III,
Enter the cave after the sequence where you bomb the entrance. Follow the
path outside the cave and pick up Warrior Icon in the chest on your way.
your game before proceed. At the next intersection, you'll split into
Gala will take Thunder Ravine, Noa will take Wind Ravine, and Vahn will
Fire Ravine. You start with Vahn at Fire Ravine. Enter the cave nearby to
Mettle Gem. Go back and continue to the left. Follow the path until you
move any further. Change to Noa (press the square button once), and go to
nearby cave to get Rainbow Jewel. Go back and continue to the left until
step on the blue sign on the floor. Change to Gala and follow the path.
the cave to the north before you take a left turn. Pick up Spirit Jewel in
the chest and go back and continue to the left. Follow the path until you
not proceed any longer. Switch back to Vahn and check the obstacle right
You should be able to push it. Follow the path and enter the next cave to
up Fury Boost. Go back and continue follow the path until you reach the
obstacle (the spike). Switch to Noa and proceed to the left. Check the
pannel on the wall before you go to the north. Follow the path and enter
cave to pick up Magic Fruit. Go back and continue until you arrive in the
middle of the cave. Switch to Gala and follow the path. Push the Snowball
so Vahn can use it as a step to move foward. Follow the path until you
the middle of the cave. Switch to Vahn and just follow the path to enter
middle cave. After a sequence with the Delilas Family, you'd have to fight
them seperately one on one. You got time to change your equipment (if you
equip Vahn with Astral Sword, change it back to his regular weapon) and
your party. The Delilas Family has the same pattern of attack
super attack). Thus, in every three turn you must use spirit to reduce
super attack. The first fight is Gala against Che Delilas. Do not
his attack. His special attack Megaton Press do more damage than the other
As long as you use spirit every third turn and heal when necessary, you
be able to win this battle. Try to use miracle since his super attack
charge your AP meter to the max. You'll get Thunder Book III if you win.
next battle is Noa and Lu Delilas. Same like previous battle, use spirit
3 turn. Lu is quite weak, so you won't have big problem. You'll get Wind
III from her. The last battle is Vahn and Gi Delilas. This guy is a pain
the butt because he is the same element with Vahn. Thus, Vahn attack can't
much damage (only 2/3 compare to Noa and Gala damage). His regular attack
more damage than Lu. To reduce the pain, you might want to equip Vahn with
Defender Chain. Still it is a long battle. You'll get Fire Book III after
beat him. After the sequence where the Delilas Family unite with Koru,
your game and heal your party first. The next battle with Koru is very
Here the deal, Koru won't kill your party, his attack is weak. The only
problem you have is that you have to finish him before he cast Doomsday at
5th turn. Give Vahn Mettle Gem, War Soul, and Power Ring for max damage.
your best combo (miracle on him). Gala might want to cast Kemaro (if you
it) because he is a good magic user. Noa can use miracle (give Noa Power
and War Soul if you got an extra one). If you still can't beat him, use
point card (hopefully you do plenty of shopping to earn plenty of points).
You'll get Healing Fruit when you beat him. Watch the sequence where the
escape from Koru's body and melt the ice. Head to Buma (you can stop by at
fishing spot near Buma if you want to fishing).
PS : You can pick up the Legendary Rod between the two beds in Usha
Center. This is the best Rod in the game.

Buma :
Items : Music Score, Healing Fruit, Magic Fruit.
When you enter the town, there will be a sequence where you revive the
tree and Cara will show up. Go down after that, and there will be another
sequence with Soren and Cara will give you her Music Score. Check the fire
place in Cara house (north from the Inn) for Healing Fruit. Pick up Magic
inside the chest in Inn. Buy some new equipment before you go to Sol.

Sol (revisited) :
Items : none.
All you have to do here is go to the Jazz Club and give the Music Score to
pianist. After hearing the song, Grantes will realize something and will
the room to go to Buma. You can play in Muscle Dome if you want to. After
finish your business here, go back to Buma.

Buma (revisited) :
Items : Light Ra-Seru Egg, Soren Flute.
Go to Cara house and after a sequence she will give you her Light Ra-Seru
and Grantes will give you his Soren Flute. Bring this Ra-Seru egg to Zalan
Jeremi (use door of wind) to turn the egg into Light Talisman (you'll need
this magic soon). After that head to Mt. Dhini.

Mt. Dhini :
Items : Unholy Icon, Phoenix, Wonder Amulet, Healing Berry, Good Luck
Go north and check the sparkle gold thing to open the entrance. Save your
before proceed to the north. Follow the path and go south at the first
section to get Unholy Icon. After that head north and enter the cave. At
next intersection go to the right to pick up Phoenix. Go back and go south
the next intersection. Go to the left and follow the path to exit the
Follow the path and pick up Wonder Amulet on your way. Pick up Healing
when you exit the 2nd cave. Enter the third cave, and at the intersection
up the Good Luck Bell to the left. Go back and exit the cave to the north.
to the top and play the Soren Flute. Watch the sequence and you'll be in

Soren Camp :
Items : Healing Fruit, Wonder Elixir.
Talk to people and buy new equipment. Get the Healing Fruit inside the
shop. You can sleep free at the Inn. Go to Elder house and pick up Wonder
Elixir inside the chest before talk to the elder. After that, go save your
game before talk to Luctes. He and the others Soren will take you to
Floating Castle.

Zora's Floating Castle :
Items : Healing Berry, Magic Ring, Life Water, Evil God Icon, Soren
Magic Water.
Enter the castle, and at the frst intersection go to the left. At the next
intersection, go down first to enter the room and pick up Healing Berry.
back to the previous intersection and go to the right. Follow the path to
next intersection. Go to the right to get Magic Ring inside the room. Go
and head south. Follow the path until you enter another room with another
intersection. Go to the right and follow the path and enter the room to
north. Move the lever in this room and go outside to step on the elevator
go down. Go south to the next intersection and go to the right to get Life
Water. Go to the left and enter the room on your way to get Evil God Icon.
Continue following the path to the next room. Go to the left and use the
stone there as a step to reach the big tube to the secret room. Talk to
blue folks (Puera) and fight him. After that, move the lever and go back
the previous room and continue to the north. Enter the room in the next
and check the switch on the wall first. Then check the device to get Soren
Secret. Go back and continue to the left to the next area. Go downstair
save your game before proceed to the next room. Fight the 2 Puera that
the entrance. Move the lever to your left and right to open the door.
the room and proceed to the throne. After the sequence where Zora arrive,
to the left room behind the throne to pick up Magic Water. Go back and
the middle door. Whatever answer you choose, try to exit the room to the
south and you will fight Zora. Be careful of her Glare attack that can
your character into stone. While her Dark Typhoon do 1000+ damage to all.
After you beat her, follow Songi to the next room and watch the sequence.
When you regain control of your character again, exit the castle (you got
6 minutes). Luctes will save you and bring you back to Soren Camp again.

Soren Camp (revisited) :
Items : Door Of Wind.
After a sequence with the elder, talk to the guy on the right side of
shop and give him Soren Secret. He will teach you some arts, but you
know them by now (see the art list). Talk to Luctes and he will give you
Door Of Wind before taking you to Conkram.

Conkram :
Items : Spirit Jewel, Lost Grail, Healing Fruit, Wonder Elixir, Seru
After a sequence, go to the right and pick up Spirit Jewel in the chest.
Go north and take the stair up. However, before you taking the 2nd stair
to the top, go to the left to pick up Lost Grail. Now enter the castle.
After a sequence, go upstair to meet Queen Minea (Noa's mother). After the
sequence, go to the left room to pick up Healing Fruit. Take the stair up
from the upper right corner to the roof and pick up Wonder Elicir in the
chest. Now go to the first floor and go to the upper left to talk to the
guard over there. They will let you pass and just go straight to the
to meet King Nebular (Noa's Father). He will give you Seru Flame. Now go
upstair where the queen is and enter the right room behind the queen
room). There will be an event where you go to the past.

Conkram (past) :
Items : Power Water, Guardian Water, Magic Fruit, Wisdom Water, Swift
Not much you can do here, so just pick up the treasure and go sleep at
Go to the first floor of the castle and go to the left and enter the room.
Pick up Power Water in the chest and go back to the previous room. Exit
castle to the south and take the Guardian Water near the left stair. Go
and get Magic Fruit to your right (at the corner). Enter the first house
the right to enter Biron Dojo. Pick up Swift Water while you're here. Exit
room and go to house north from Item Shop to pick up Wisdom Water. Now
head to
the Inn and spend a night there for free. In the morning, go outside and
the sequence. After that, go to the castle and head to the basement.
the path down to the laboratory. Save your game before you enter Rouge

Rogue Tower :
Items : Magic Armband, Phoenix, Guardian Chain, Fury Boost, Miracle Water
You can only get into the teleport when the floor is not shaking, or else
will be back to the first spot. It is very hard to explain one by one, so
would just tell step by step in which teleport you should use. There are
floor in Rogue Tower (4th floor is where the Rogue Head is).
1st Floor :
- Step on the teleport in front of you.
- Use the teleport to the right where you are.
- Use the teleport on the lower right corner in another room.
- Take the next teleport on the left room to get Magic Armband.
- Go back to the previous teleport and take the one in the right room.
- Use the teleport on the left side of the room.
- Use the teleport on the left of the room to get Phoenix.
- Go back and use the one on the lower left corner.
- Enter the big teleport to go to the second floor.
2nd Floor : (you need to beat the sub-boss first to trigger the big
- Use the teleport that far from you (not the close one).
- Take the teleport on the lower lef corner.
- Take the next one on the left inside the room.
- Use the teleport on the lower right.
- The next one is inside the room to the south to get Guardian Chain.
- Go back and use the one on the lower right corner to get Fury Boost.
- Go back and step on teleport on the upper right.
- Check the Crystal thing to fight the sub-boss (Berserker Lv.2). You'll
Miracle Water if you win.
- Use the teleport nearby to go back again to the entrance.
- Step out from the teleport and step on again.
- Use the teleport on the upper right (outside the room).
- Take the one to the left.
- Prepare to fight again (Caruban Lv.2). You'll get Miracle Water.
- Use the teleport nearby.
- Step on the teleport to the south.
- Step on the big teleport to go to the third floor.
3rd Floor : (same like the 2nd floor)
- Take the teleport to the north.
- Take the nearby teleport.
- Use the upper right teleport to fight Berserker Lv.3 (you'll get Miracle
Water if you win).
- Go back and use the upper left one.
- Use the upper left teleport.
- Take the teleport nearby.
- Use the one on the upper left.
- Take the upper left teleport.
- Go inside the room on the upper left and step on the teleport to fight
Caruban Lv.3 (you'll get Miracle Water as usual).
- Go back and use the one on the right (outside the room).
- Save your game before entering the big teleport to the 4th floor.
4th Floor :
Just go south until you reach the middle and an event will happen. You
fight Rogue. Just remember that you can attack him on the first turn and
spirit on the next turn. He will use Element Change at the first turn and
attack at the next turn. He will change again and attack again next turn.
keep in mind to attack and spirit, attack and spirit, and so on. Don't
to heal when necessary. His elemental attack can do around 900-1000+
to all even you already use spirit. After you beat him, there will be an
event and you'll be back to Conkram (past).

Conkram (past) :
Items : Nemesis Gem, Minea's Ring.
After a sequence, the king will give you the Nemesis Gem. Go to the room
the left (where you can't enter before) and use the stair to go up and
the queen. She will give you her ring (Minea's Ring). Now go back
and enter the mirror room to the right. You'll be back to the present. Now
head to Jette's Absolute Fortress.

Jette's Fortress (Absolute Fortress) :
Items : Life Armband, Rainbow Jewel, Golden Claw, Wonder Amulet, Unholy
Wonder Elixir, Great Axe, Warrior Icon, Lost Grail.
When you enter the fortress, there will be an event where Noa throw the
Nemesis Gem into the fortress and open the entrance. Notice that your
enemy would be Gillium, so if you want to fight more Gillium, just exit
re-enter again. Anyway, when the entrance is open, enter it and follow the
path. Take the path to the right before the save point to get Life
Go back and save your game. Notice the spring nearby, you can recover your
HP and MP here (good place to raise your and your magic level). Proceed to
the north to the next area. At the next intersection (after a sequence),
to the right to pick up Rainbow Jewel. Go back and head to the left. Enter
the door to the north. Follow the path and enter the next cave (after an
event with juggernaut). Enter the room on your way to pick up Golden Claw.
When you exit the cave, go north and enter the next area. Go to the upper
south and step on the blue sign on the floor outside to pick up Wonder
Amulet. Bo back to the previous room and enter the lower nort door first
pick up Unholy Icon. Go back and proceed to the upper north door. Go to
upper right corner to pick up Wonder Elixir. Now check the control panel
in the middle of the room. Check the right pannel and make it the default
(do not make the left pannel the default or you will fight Jette). Go back
to the upper south door and step the blue sign outside to pick up Great
Go back and save your game before enter the control room. Check the left
pannel and make it the default and Jette will come and change the default
to the middle one. Fight Jette and be careful of his Shadow Break that can
do 1000+ damage to all. His regular combo is devastating also. When he use
Clone to turn himself into 2, don't be confused by his clone. His clone
only do 4-10 damage to a single character. Just focus your attack on the
Jette (the real one is the one that could cast Shadow Break). You can
Miracle Water from his clone. Go back to the control pannel and make the
pannel the default. Go back again to the blue sign on the upper south and
onto it. Enter the next area and follow the path to the next intersection.
to the right to pick up Warrior icon. Go back and go north. Follow the
and take the elevator up. Pick up Lost Grail behind the elevator. Exit the
room and save your game before enter the next room. Continue going north
the next room and go to the mist generator to trigger the event with Cort.
You then will fight him. He will cast Mystic Shield at the first turn to
disable your regular attack. Thus, only art move that can hit him. Use
for the most damage. His Guilty Cross which do 1000+ damage is not a
for you. Be very careful when you break his shield, he will cast Evil Seru
Magic (Juggernaut) that can do 2200+ damage to all. His Mystic Circle can
1200+ damage to all. After you beat Cort, the mist generator will destroy
you got 40 seconds to escape (how the heck can you do that???). Try to
the room and the exit will be block (now what?). Hehehehehehe.....Did you
have any Door Of Light? If you do, use it, if not.....you're dead. Is it?
Just perform a panic attack and eventually Cara will come and save you.
the sequence where the heroes escape the death. After that, go back to
to find another sad story. (you must enter Conkram to trigger the story).
After an event, you'll be back at Rim Elm.

Final Showdown :

Rim Elm (before juggernaut come) :
Items : Mettle Gem.
Talk to everyone, but first talk to Tetsu and practice with him. Be
this time is for real. He is very tough to beat, but if you manage to beat
him, he will give you Mettle Gem. Talk to Noa at the elder house. Talk to
Mei at Mei house. Then head to the genesis tree to talk to Gala. Songi
come and Rim Elm will become seru town. Go south to exit Rim Elm. Now head
to Uru Mais.

Uru Mais / Seru-Kai (Noaru Valley) :
Items : Life Water, Triumph Armor, Magic Fruit, Healing Berry, Magic
Just go to the top of the shrine and watch the sequence and you'll be at
Seru-Kai World (Noaru Valley). Go up to the first intersection. Go to the
right to pick up Life Water. Go back and head to the left. At the next
section, go to the south to pick up Triumph Armor before head to the
At the next intersection, go to the lower right to get Magic Fruit. Take
upper right path after you got the treasure to the next intersection. Take
the upper right path to get Healing Berry. Go back and take the left path.
At the next intersection, take the upper right path to the next
Take the upper left path to get Magic Water.Go back and take the upper
path. Save your game and proceed to the north to the great genesis tree.
will then fight Songi for the last time. His Chaos Flare can do 1500+
to a single character. While his regular attack in the begining can do
2700+ if he hit successfully (but later on when his HP getting lower, his
regular attack become more and more weak). His Genocidal Cannon can do
damage to all. When you beat Songi, his seru will seperate from him and
gone for good. After a sequence where Hari come and give power to the
genesis tree and you Ra-Seru is power up, you'll be at Mt. Rikuroa. Check
genesis tree nearby to get Ra-Seru Terra magic. Also check secret Ra-Seru
magic section to pick up some new powerful magic before head to the last
stage. When you finish, head back to Rim Elm. You might want to stop by at
Hunter's Spring to recover your HP and MP before enter Rim Elm.

Rim Elm / Juggernaut (Bio Lab) :
Items : Ra-Seru Armor, Ra-Seru Robe, Ra-Seru Plate, Crimson Book, Ra-Seru
Seal, Ra-Seru Plume, Ra-Seru Helmet, Ra-Seru Boot, Life Armband,
Ra-Seru Shoes, Miracle Water, Mettle Goblet, Ra-Seru Thongs,
Club, Magic Armband, Ra-Seru Fangs, Ra-Seru Blade.
Go north from Rim Elm entrance. After the sequence, the Ra-Seru will open
a path through Juggernaut. Enter it from Juggernaut mouth. Just follow the
path down and enter another area. Go down, and enter another area. Just
follow the path and you will end up at the first intersection. Go to the
right to pick up Ra-Seru Armor. Go back and head to the north. Go left at
next intersection to pick up Ra-Seru Robe. Then go to the right and follow
the path. Pick up the Ra-Seru Plate on your way before you enter the next
area. Follow thw path to the next area. Go straight and dive into the
fron the sorta branch. Take the Crimson Book nearby where you are after
getting out from the rapids. Enter the next area, and follow the path to
next area. Follow the path to the next intersection. Go south and dive
the rapids. Pick up Ra-Seru Seal when you get out of the rapids. After
the treasure, go dive again into the rapids. When you're out of the
rapids, go
down and go to the right. There will be a branch on your right side that
can use to dive into the rapids. Press left while in the rapids to go to
left path and pick up Ra-Seru Plume. After that go dive again and when you
out of the rapids, go down and head to the right. Jump again on the same
but this time press right in the rapids to go to the right and pick up
Helmet. When you get out of the rapids, go down and then right all the
Save your game before proceed to the next area. Jump from one place to
and follow the path until you reach another intersection. Go north to get
Grail, and go back and head to the left. Talk to Maya and pick up Ra-Seru
in the chest near Maya before you proceed to the north. Follow the path
talk to Mei and she will give you Life Armband (I think she will give you
pendant if you don't get the pendant at the begining). At the next
after talking to Mei, go to the left to pick up Ra-Seru Shoes. Go back and
north. Follow the path to the north and pass the elder. At the next
tion, go north and talk to Val. He will give you Miracle Water. Go back
head to the left and follow thw path to the next area. At the next area
you pick up Ra-Seru Thongs in the chest, check the big red cell wall on
right to get Mettle Goble (It's the first big red cell wall on the right
you're going north to pick up the chest). Pick up Ra-Seru Thongs on your
before enter the next area. Follow the path to the next area. Follow the
until you reach the next intersection. Go to the right first to get
Club. Go back and head to the south. At the next intersection, go to the
to get Magic Armband. Go back and head to the south. At the next
go to the right to pick up Ra-Seru Fangs. Go back and head to the north.
next intersection, go to the right to get Ra-Seru Blade. Go back and go to
left to next area. Go down and save your game. Step on the brown thing on
north and south. Step it to make it flat and hurry to the next one before
first one grow again. Go north to trigger the event before the final fight
Cort. Everytime he use Ultra Charge, use spirit next turn because next
turn he
will cast Final Crisis which cause 2800+ damage to all. His Doomsday do
around 2200+ damage to all. Use your point card here and spend all of your
(hopefully you got plenty of point). Equip everyone with Spirit Talisman
and one
of your character be equipped with Light Talisman (just in case). Use your
Ra-Seru Magic for max damage and use your miracle arts after he hit you
Final Crisis. You can steal Evil Medallion from Cort (you won't get it
you steal it). Just stay healthy and this battle is a piece of cake. After
beat Cort, there will be a sequence where your Ra-Seru will seperate from
and use all their remaining power to recover Rim Elm and Cort (he become a
You then will start at the genesis tree and Dr. Usha will come and ask you
question. Depending on what answer you choose, the ending might different.
is a brief of what you got from the answer :
- To thank the people who helped me
Everyone is waiting for your return. Before you leave town, everyone
stand near the entrance and say goodbye to you.
- To see the Mist-free world
Mei will join you in your adventure, and before you leave town, everyone
will stand near the entance and say goodbye to you and Mei.
- To tell Noa my true felling
Noa is running away with Baby Cort and (for the punishment) Mei will
with Ixis. When you wanna leave town, Mei will stand next to Ixis along
with others to say goodbye to you.
- To train at Biron Monastery
Ixis will threat you that he will take Mei if you go practice for too
Maya and Mei won't be at the entrance saying goodbye to you.
I think they really need to make a better ending here. The ending is not
Moreover, there is no ending theme (only instrument). There is a fishy
at the end when they show you all your stat of the game. Like how many
how many knockout, how many monster you fight, how many times you escape,
Looks like some secret to me, but I can't find the answer yet. Anybody has


II. Art Moves and Combos


To be able execute the art move you need to get enough AP first. Notice
I still said that Miracle need 99 AP while others said just 90. It is just
but if you execute it when your AP below 99, it won't work (that's why I
said 99). Thus, do not misunderstand this ! For Super Art, you CAN'T put
command after it (you can put it before it), if not...it won't work. For
combos, you can link the arts with less command. For example, you can use
commands, you can link two 3 commands art, such as Hyper Elbow and Power
Hyper Elbow need LRL, and Power Punch LLD. Notice that the last command
Hyper Elbow similar to the first command of Power Punch. Thus, you do not
to press it twice. Just do this sequence LRLLD and you will get two combo
with less command. Another Example is Cross-Kick + PK Combo. Notice that
last 2 commands of the Cross-Kick are similar to the first two in PK
Thus, you can combine both with just 6 commands (while in regular, you
Here is the sequence DDDUUL. It's pretty useful in the begining when you
not learn Supert Art. In my next combo section, I will only put the short
like that instead of use the complete sequence. Of course, some art can't
link without the full sequence. For example Power Punch and Somersault.
need 6 commands to combine them. I will only put up to 6 commands combos.
First it would take alot of space to do all the combos (the size would be
twice). Second, you'll be able tu use Super Art when you can execute 7
(so I figure it out that you might not need any combos at this time).
if you still crazy enough to use regular combo instead of the super art or
miracle....I don't want to spoil your fun to create your own combo.
if there is a high demand (if many people email me to ask for the complete
list of the combos), I will post it (I have to if you want to). For the
coloum, L = Left, R = Right, U = Up, D = Down.

Vahn Art Moves :
Command Type Name of the move AP
RDLULURDL Miracle Vahn's Craze 99
UDRLLDUUL Super Rolling Combo 66
UDUUUDU Super Tri-Somersault 60
DRUDLLD Super Maximum Blow 54
LRLLDRU Super Fire Tackle 54
DRUDUDL Super Power Slash 54
RDLDL Hyper Burning Flare 40

RRDL Hyper Fire Blow 32
RRL Hyper Tornado Flame 24
DUUU Normal Cyclone 24
UUDD Normal Hurricane 24
DUUL Normal PK Combo 24
UDRL Normal Spin Combo 24
LRUL Normal Pyro Pummel 24
DDDU Normal Cross-Kick 24
LLD Normal Power Punch 18
UDL Normal Slash Kick 18
UDU Normal Somersault 18
DRU Normal Charging Scorch 18
LRL Normal Hyper Elbow 18

Vahn's Combos :
Command Description AP
LRLRL Hyper Elbow + Hyper Elbow 36
LRLLD Hyper Elbow + Power Punch 36
DRUDU Charging Scorch + Somersault 36
DRUDL Charging Scorch + Slash Kick 36
UDUDU Somersault + Somersault 36
UDUDL Somersault + Slash Kick 36
UDLRL Slash Kick + Hyper Elbow 36
UDLLD Slash Kick + Power Punch 36
LLDRU Power Punch + Charging Scorch 36
RRLRL* Tornado Flame + Hyper Elbow 42
RRLLD* Tornado Flame + Power Punch 42
DDDUDU Cross-Kick + Somersault 42
DDDUDL Cross-Kick + Slash Kick 42
LRULRL Pyro Pummel + Hyper Elbow 42
LRULLD Pyro Pummel + Power Punch 42
UDRLRL Spin Combo + Hyper Elbow 42
UDRLLD Spin Combo + Power Punch 42
DUULRL PK Combo + Hyper Elbow 42
DUULLD PK Combo + Power Punch 42
UUDDRU Hurricane + Charging Scorch 42
DUUUDU Cyclone + Somersault 42
DUUUDL Cyclone + Slash Kick 42
DDDUUL Cross-Kick + PK Combo 48
DDDUUU Cross-Kick + Cyclone 48
UUDDDU Hurricane + Cross-Kick 48
DUUUDD Cyclone + Hurricane 48
RRLRUL* Tornado Flame + Pyro Pummel 48
RRDLRL** Fire Blow + Hyper Elbow 50
RRDLLD** Fire Blow + Power Punch 50
* -you need to get Tornado Flame first
** -you need to get Fire Blow first

Noa Art Moves :
Command Type Name of the move AP
LURDULUDR Miracle Noa's Ark 99
RRUUDUDLR Super Love You 72
RRLRRLUUU Super Super Tempest 60
DDDUUUDU Super Triple Lizard 66
UDUUUDD Super Dragon Fangs 54
UULDRDR Super Super Javelin 48
LUUUUDR Hyper Hurricane Kick 56
LLRLR Hyper Vulture Blade 40
LLRR Hyper Frost Breath 32
RRLUUU Normal Tempest Break 36
UULDR Normal Rushing Gale 30
DUDLR Normal Tough Love 30
DUUU Normal Swan Driver 24
DDDU Normal Bird Step 24
RRLR Normal Dolphin Attack 24
RRUU Normal Mirage Lancer 24
RLD Normal Blizzard Bash 18
RDR Normal Sonic Javelin 18
UDD Normal Acrobatic Blitz 18
UDU Normal Lizard Tail 18

Noa's Combos :
Command Description AP
UDUDU Lizard Tail + Lizard Tail 36
UDUDD Lizard Tail + Acrobatic Blitz 36
RDRDR Sonic Javelin + Sonic Javelin 36
RDRLD Sonic Javelin + Blizzard Bash 36
UDDDU Acrobatic Blitz + Bird Step 42
UDDUUU Acrobatic Blitz + Swan Driver 42
RDRRUU Sonic Javelin + Mirage Lancer 42
RDRRLR Sonic Javelin + Dolphin Attack 42
RLDDDU Blizzard Bash + Birf Step 42
RLDUUU Blizzard Bash + Swan Driver 42
DDDUUU Bird Step + Swan Driver 48
UDUDLR Lizard Tail + Tough Love 48
LLRRDR* Frost Breath + Sonic Javelin 50
LLRRLD* Frost Breath + Blizzard Bash 50
LLRRUU* Frost Breath + Mirage Lancer 56
LLRRLR* Frost Breath + Dolphin Attack 56
* -you need to get Frost Breath

Gala Art Moves :
Command Type Name of the move AP
RRDUDUDLL Miracle Biron Rage 99
LRLULLRUL Super Neo Static Raising 66
DULUULDD Super Heaven's Drop 60
UDDULRL Super Back Punch X3 54
DULUUDD Super Super Ironhead 54
LRDULUU Super Rushing Crush 54
RRLLL Hyper Explosive Fist 40
RRUL Hyper Lightning Storm 32
RRL Hyper Thunder Punch 24
LURDL Normal Bull Horns 30
ULDRL Normal Electro Trash 30
LLRUL Normal Neo Raising 30
ULDD Normal Black Rain 24
DDUU Normal Side Kick 24
LUU Normal Head-Splitter 18
LUL Normal Guillotine 18
LRL Normal Back Punch 18
UDD Normal Ironhead 18
LRD Normal Battering Ram 18
DUL Normal Flying Knee Attack 18

Gala's Combos :
Command Description AP
DULRD Flying Knee Attack + Battering Ram 36
DULRL Flying Knee Attack + Back Punch 36
DULUL Flying Knee Attack + Guillotine 36
DULUU Flying Knee Attack + Head-Splitter 36
LRLRD Back Punch + Battering Ram 36
LRLRL Back Punch + Back Punch 36
LRLUL Back Punch + Guillotine 36
LRLUU Back Punch + Head-Splitter 36
LULRD Guillotine + Battering Ram 36
LULRL Guillotine + Back Punch 36
LULUL Guillotine + Guillotine 36
LULUU Guillotine + Head-Splitter 36
LUUDD Head-Splitter + Ironhead 36
DULDD Flying Knee Attack + Black Rain 42
UDDUU Ironhead + Side Kick 42
LULDD Guillotine + Black Rain 42
RRLRD* Thunder Punch + Battering Ram 42
RRLRL* Thunder Punch + Back Punch 42
RRLUL* Thunder Punch + Guillotine 42
RRLUU* Thunder Punch + Head-Splitter 42
LRDDUU Battering Ram + Side Kick 42
LUULDD Head-Splitter + Black Rain 42
DDUUDD Side Kick + Ironhead 42
ULDDUL Black Rain + Flying Knee Attack 42
ULDDUU Black Rain + Side-Kick 48
RRULRD** Lightning Storm + Battering Ram 50
RRULRL** Lightning Storm + Back Punch 50
RRULUL** Lightning Storm + Guillotine 50
RRULUU** Lightning Storm + Head-Splitter 50
RRULDD** Lightning Storm + Black Rain 56
* -you need to get Thunder Punch
** -you need to get Lightning Storm


III. Magic


In order to absorb the magic, you need to fight a seru monster. Look at
name of the monster. If he got a elemental symbol, than he is a seru
You need to kill the monster with your art moves (or regular attack), but
not kill the monster with magic (it won't absorb if you kill it with
The more stronger your attack (one attack that could kill the monster
instantly), the better your chance to absorb it. Try to equip Ivory Book
make the absorb thing easier. Here is the list of the magic :

Dark Magic :
* Nighto (13 MP)
- Attack Name : Hell's Music
- Additional Effect : None
- Targets : Single Enemy
- Where to find : - Lv.1 -West Voz Forest
- Lv.2 -Jeremi
- Lv.3 -Bio Castle
* Puera (120 MP)
- Attack Name : Dream Illusion
- Additional Effect : - Level 3 -Target's MP down 5%
- Level 5 -Target's MP down 10%
- Level 7 -Target's MP down 15%
- Level 9 -Target's MP down 20%
- Targets : All Enemies
- Where to find : - Lv.1 -Zora's Floating Castle
- Lv.2 -Jette's Absolute Fortress
- Lv.3 -Bio Castle

Earth Magic :
* Mushura (60 MP)
- Attack Name : Crazy Driver
- Additional Effect : - Level 3 -Target's DEF down 5%
- Level 5 -Target's DEF down 10%
- Level 7 -Target's DEF down 15%
- Level 9 -Target's DEF down 20%
- Targets : Single Enemy / Range
- Where to find : - Lv.1 -Mt. Letona
- Lv.2 -Zora's Floating Castle
- Bio Castle
* Kemaro (72 MP)
- Attack Name : Canine Fang
- Additional Effect : - Level 3 -Target's DEF down 5%
- Level 5 -Target's DEF down 10%
- Level 7 -Target's DEF down 15%
- Level 9 -Target's DEF down 20%
- Targets : Single Enemy
- Where to find : - Lv.1 -Ratayu (1) / Sol
- Lv.2 -Conkram / Jette's Absolute Fortress
- Lv.3 -Bio Castle
* Iota (90 MP)
- Attack Name : Odd Dimension
- Additional Effect : - Level 3 -Target's DEF down 5%
- Level 5 -Target's DEF down 10%
- Level 7 -Target's DEF down 15%
- Level 9 -Target's DEF down 20%
- Targets : All Enemies
- Where to find : - Lv.1 -Rogue Tower
- Lv.2 -Jette's Absolute Fortress
- Lv.3 -Bio Castle

Fire Magic :
* Gimard (10 MP)
- Attack Name : Burning Attack
- Additional Effect : - Level 3 -Target's ATK down 5%
- Level 5 -Target's ATK down 10%
- Level 7 -Target's ATK down 15%
- Level 9 -Target's ATK down 20%
- Targets : Single Enemy
- Where to find : - Lv.1 -Rim Elm / Dark Castle
- Lv.2 -Biron Monastery
- Lv.3 -Rim Elm (juggernaut)
* Zenoir (36 MP)
- Attack Name : Vertical Hammer
- Additional Effect : - Level 3 -Target's ATK down 5%
- Level 5 -Target's ATK down 10%
- Level 7 -Target's ATK down 15%
- Level 9 -Target's ATK down 20%
- Targets : Single Enemy / Range
- Where to find : - Lv.1 -Zeto's Dungeon
- Lv.2 -Dohati's Castle
- Lv.3 -Bio Castle
* Gola Gola (40 MP)
- Attack Name : Spinning Flare
- Additional Effect : - Level 3 -Target's ATK down 5%
- Level 5 -Target's ATK down 10%
- Level 7 -Target's ATK down 15%
- Level 9 -Target's ATK down 20%
- Targets : All Enemies
- Where to find : - Lv.1 -Fire Path
- Lv.2 -Rogue Tower
- Lv.3 -Bio Castle

Light Magic :
* Vera (6 MP)
- Attack Name : Mystic Care
- Additional Effect : - Level 3 -Cure Venom
- Level 5 -Cure Rot/Venom
- Level 7 -Cure Numb/Rot/Venom
- Level 9 -Recover some status & AP
- Targets : Single Ally
- Where to find : - Lv.1 -Mt. Rikuroa / Voz Forest
- Lv.2 -Zeto's Dungeon
- Lv.3 -Bio Castle
* Orb (18 MP)
- Attack Name : Holy Orb
- Additional Effect : - Level 3 -Cure Venom
- Level 5 -Cure Rot/Venom
- Level 7 -Cure Numb/Rot/Venom
- Level 9 -Recover some status & AP
- Targets : All Allies
- Where to find : - Lv.1 -Octam
- Lv.2 -Vidna
- Lv.3 -Rim Elm (juggernaut)
* Spoons (45 MP)
- Attack Name : Holy Eyes
- Additional Effect : - Level 3 -Cure Venom
- Level 5 -Cure Rot/Venom
- Level 7 -Cure Numb/Rot/Venom
- Level 9 -Recover some status & AP
- Targets : All Allies
- Where to find : - Lv.1 -Sol
- Lv.2 -Rogue Tower / Jette's Absolute Fortress
- Lv.3 -Bio Castle
* Aluru (90 MP)
- Attack Name : Final Blaster
- Additional Effect : None
- Targets : Single Enemy
- Where to find : - Lv.1 -Dohati's Castle
- Lv.2 -Nivora Ravine
- Lv.3 -Bio Castle

Thunder Magic :
* Theeder (24 MP)
- Attack Name : Turning Laser
- Additional Effect : - Level 3 -Target's INT down 5%
- Level 5 -Target's INT down 10%
- Level 7 -Target's INT down 15%
- Level 9 -Target's INT down 20%
- Targets : Single Enemy / Range
- Where to find : - Lv.1 -Snowdrift Cave / Mt. Rikuroa
- Lv.2 -Biron Monastery
- Lv.3 -Rim Elm (juggernaut)
* Viguro (64 MP)
- Attack Name : Plasma Storm
- Additional Effect : - Level 3 -Target's INT down 5%
- Level 5 -Target's INT down 10%
- Level 7 -Target's INT down 15%
- Level 9 -Target's INT down 20%
- Targets : All Enemies
- Where to find : - Lv.1 -East Voz Forest (1) / Ratayu
- Lv.2 -Ratayu
- Lv.3 -Bio Castle
* Gilium (160 MP)
- Attack Name : Space Cannon
- Additional Effect : - Level 3 -Target's INT down 5%
- Level 5 -Target's INT down 10%
- Level 7 -Target's INT down 15%
- Level 9 -Target's INT down 20%
- Targets : All Enemies
- Where to find : - Lv.1 -Jette's Absolute Fortress
- Lv.2 -Noaru Valley (Seru Kai)
- Lv.3 -Bio Castle

Water Magic :
* Gizam (28 MP)
- Attack Name : Bubble Crush
- Additional Effect : - Level 3 -Target's AGL down 5%
- Level 5 -Target's AGL down 10%
- Level 7 -Target's AGL down 15%
- Level 9 -Target's AGL down 20%
- Targets : All Enemies
- Where to find : - Lv.1 -West Voz Forest / Zeto's Dungeon
- Lv.2 -Shadow Gate
- Lv.3 -Bio Castle
* Freed (40 MP)
- Attack Name : Freezing Point
- Additional Effect : - Level 3 -Target's AGL down 5%
- Level 5 -Target's AGL down 10%
- Level 7 -Target's AGL down 15%
- Level 9 -Target's AGL down 20%
- Targets : All Enemies
- Where to find : - Lv.1 -Fire Path
- Lv.2 -Usha Research Center / Uru Mais
- Lv.3 -Bio Castle
* Slippery (110 MP)
- Attack Name : Deadly Rain
- Additional Effect : - Level 3 -Target's AGL down 5%
- Level 5 -Target's AGL down 10%
- Level 7 -Target's AGL down 15%
- Level 9 -Target's AGL down 20%
- Targets : All Enemies
- Where to find : - Lv.1 -Conkram
- Lv.2 -Rogue Tower
- Lv.3 -Bio Castle

Wind Magic :
* Swordie (32 MP)
- Attack Name : Sonicsizer
- Additional Effect : - Level 3 -Target's SPD down 5%
- Level 5 -Target's SPD down 10%
- Level 7 -Target's SPD down 15%
- Level 9 -Target's SPD down 20%
- Targets : Single Enemy
- Where to find : - Lv.1 -Jeremi / Dohati's Castle
- Lv.2 -Vidna
- Lv.3 -Bio Castle
* Nova (48 MP)
- Attack Name : Violent Wind
- Additional Effect : - Level 3 -Target's SPD down 5%
- Level 5 -Target's SPD down 10%
- Level 7 -Target's SPD down 15%
- Level 9 -Target's SPD down 20%
- Targets : Single Enemy
- Where to find : - Lv.1 -Fire Path
- Lv.2 -Dohati's Castle
- Lv.3 -Bio Castle
* Barra (85 MP)
- Attack Name : Hell Dive
- Additional Effect : - Level 3 -Target's SPD down 5%
- Level 5 -Target's SPD down 10%
- Level 7 -Target's SPD down 15%
- Level 9 -Target's SPD down 20%
- Targets : Single Enemy
- Where to find : - Lv.1 -Zora's Floating Castle / Rogue Tower
- Lv.2 -Jette's Absolute Fortress / Noaru Valley
- Lv.3 -Bio Castle


IV. Secret Ra-Seru Spell


Ra-Seru Jedo (200 MP)
- Attack Type : Dark
- Attack Name : Deadly Promise
- Targets : All Enemies
- How To Obtain : After the final battle with Songi at Seru-Kai, go to the
Voz Forest and pick up Dark Stone below the dead genesis
Bring the stone to Zalan and he'll change it into Dark
Talisman. Equip it and you'll be able to use Jedo.

Ra-Seru Palma (200 MP)
- Attack Type : Earth
- Attack Name : Meteor Cluster
- Targets : All Enemies
- How To Obtain : Try to win or get 100,000 coins and talk to the girl in
coin exchange place. She will offer to give you Earth
egg for 100,000 coins. Bring the egg to Zalan and he
Earth Talisman out of it.

Ra-Seru Horn (200 MP)
- Attack Type : Light
- Attack Name : Resurrector
- Targets : All Allies
- How To Obtain : After you revive the genesis tree in Buma, Cara will
Light Ra-Seru Egg (after Grantes come back to Cara).
Bring it
to Zalan and he'll make Light Talisman out of it. Equip
and you'll be able to use Horn.

Ra-Seru Mule (200 MP)
- Attack Type : Water
- Attack Name : Deep Avalanche
- Targets : All Enemies
- How To Obtain : Try to get 20,000 points of fishing and trade that
points on
the fishing spot near Buma for Water Ra-Seru Egg. Bring
egg to Zalan, and he will make Water Talisman out of it.

Ra-Seru Meta (240 MP)
- Attack Type : Fire
- Attack Name : Inferno
- Targets : All Enemies
- How To Obtain : Check the genesis tree in Sol after the final fight with
(must have learned all the art moves).

Ra-Seru Ozma (240 MP)
- Attack Type : Thunder
- Attack Name : Voltagor
- Targets : All Enemies
- How To Obtain : Check the genesis tree in East Voz Forest after the
with Songi (must have learned all the art moves).

Ra-Seru Terra (240 MP)
- Attack Type : Wind
- Attack Name : Queen Twister
- Targets : All Enemies
- How To Obtain : Check the genesis tree in Mt. Rikuroa after the final
with Songi (must have learned all the art moves).

Juggernaut (255 MP)
- Attack Type : Evil
- Attack Name : Dark Eclipse
- Targets : All Enemies
- How To Obtain : Level up all your characters to 99, then go to Ratayu
talk to Saryu. Get the key to enter the Juggernaut room.
Enter the Juggernaut room and you'll get Evil Talisman
that would enable you to use Juggernaut spell.


V. Slot Machine


There are two place where you could play the slot machine, Vidna and Sol.
need to buy some coin in order to play. 100 gold can only get 1 coin. This
a lucky game. It means, you need some luck to play this game. Also, you'll
need a turbo pad (a pad with auto-fire option) to make it easier. In Sol,
can play Baka Fighter to get more coins for free. Additional option is to
the Muscle Dome Fighting. You'll get 818 coins if you win the Beginner

Vidna Slot Machine Prizes : | Sol Slot Machine Prizes :
War Soul 1,000 | Evil God Icon 10,000
Spirit Jewel 800 | Lost Grail 8,000
Guardian Ring 400 | Life Armband 5,000
Fury Boost 150 | Deluxe Rod 2,500
Power Elixir 80 | Vitality Ring 1,000
Shield Elixir 80 | Magic Ring 500
Speed Elixir 80 | Healing Berry 250
Phoenix 50 | Incense 200
Heavy Lure 10 | Fury Boost 150
Normal Lure 5 | Soru Bread 100
Light Lure 2 | Gold Card 50

Here the tip for easy money and posibility unlimited money :
" You need turbo pada at least and cooling station (optional), start the
slot machine game and make sure the auto-fire is on and do whatever you
can to make sure all the three buttons (square, X, circle) be pressed at
all time. Just leave it for couple hours. If you have cooling station,
you could do this when you wanna sleep at night. Thus, when you wake up
in the morning you'll get plenty of coins. Plenty enough to get Earth
Ra-Seru Egg. You can exchange the coins with items (soru bread) and sell
them for high price. You won't need any more money after this. "


VI. Fishing


There are two places where you can fishing, Vidna and Buma. However, in
to fish, you need Rod and Lure. There are 3 Rods in the game. The first
you can found in Vidna before the mist arrive. The second one can be won
the slot machine in Sol. The third can be obtained in Usha Research Center
between the two beds after you open Nivora Ravine. And for the lure, you
actually got 3 for each when you get the Fishing Tackle Set in Vidna.
tip : use normal lure if you fishing near Vidna for best result, and use
heavy lure if you fishing near Buma.

Vidna Fishing Prizes : | Buma Fishing Prizes :
Mettle Armband 1,500 | Life Grail 6,500
Power Ring 1,000 | Magic Grail 6,500
Healing Fruit 500 | Spirit Talisman 4,000
Lippian Flute 200 | Lippian Flute 200
Spikefish Flute 200 | Spikefish Flute 200

Fishing Tip at Buma Fishing Spot :
- You notice that in the fishing pond in Buma there are two plants in the
and in the left. Here is the trick, cast your rod directly aligned with
LEFT PLANT and cast it at power of 50%. Meaning it is very close to the
and near the plant but not past it and everytime you cast (sometimes)
there is
always a fish, there is a fish named LIPPIAN,DEVOURER and SPIKEFISH
- To catch the fish easily, you need a turbo pad (again). When the fish
your lure, turn on the turbo and press X or square. It will looks like
press the button rapidly and so your rod tension won't go higher than
letter T (for Tension) above the tension bar.


VII. Sol's Entertainment


Sol Broadway :
Enter Sol Broadway and talk to Mon. He will ask Gala to help him. Gala
will help him and the show is a success. However, you don't get anything
except that now you can enter the show for free.

Sol Disco Fever :
You need to buy Gold Card from Muscle Dome first to be able to enter. With
500 gold, you can enter the dance contest (actually Noa). You need some
practice to be able to win. Talk to Disco King to learn how to dance.Here
the tip to use the special button (triangle) :
Use the triangle button for the last button in your dance step. For
you can use your first triangle in your first move. If your first move is
square, you can press triangle instead of square to execute the special
Your step will become 2. To use the next special, if your step is square
circle, you press square first and then triangle. The same with the third
special move. Do your special in the first 2 move, and then save the last
for the last move before the time running out. The first contest is easy,
second one is pretty hard coz you could not make any mistake and gotta use
special in a usefull way. You'll get swimsuit and 10,000 gold. See secret
section on how to use the swimsuit. Talk to Disco King again after you win
the contest and he'll give you Speed Chain.

Sol Muscle Dome :

Baka Fighter Game :
There are 14 Rounds in Baka Fighter game. There is a pattern where you can
the game easily. However, at the last round which you fight Songi, don't
him to always follow the pattern. Some enemy also sometimes change their
pattern. However, here are the pattern that I found (I do beat the game
time with this pattern) :
Round 1 : square
Round 2 : X
Round 3 : O
Round 4 : square - X
Round 5 : O - O - O - X - X - X
Round 6 : O - X
Round 7 : square - square - square - X - X - X - O - O - O
Round 8 : X - O - square - square - square - square
Round 9 : O - O - X
Round 10 : square - X - O
Round 11 : square - square - O - X
Round 12 : O - O - X - square
Round 13 : X - X - square - square - X - X - O - O
Round 14 : square - square - X - O - O - O - X
You gotta know first what beat what :
- square -X (square beat X)
- X -O (X beat O)
- O -square (O beat square)
Here the tip, at the first move, try to use the first pattern. If it's
then continue. If it's not, then look what move that the enemy use and
the pattern. For example, in round 12 if the enemy use O, then it means
the pattern start at X and then square, then X, etc. In round 14, stick
the pattern until you hit the pattern. Since Songi always change his
there is no use for you to try to find his path. Instead stick with your
until he hit the pattern again. You'll get 460 coins if you beat all

Muscle Paradise / Colliseum Zone :
Talk to the lady on the left to enter the game. You need to pay 100 coins.
are 3 level : Beginner Course, Expert Course, and Master Course. In the
and Expert Course, you can use your Ra-Seru magic (no item allowed). In
Course, you can't use any item and magic. To survive until the last
need 3 accesories :
- Wonder Amulet to nullify the status problem.
- Life Grail to recover some HP (200 HP every turn) since you can't use
magic, then this is your only way to heal.
- Defender Chain to block most of the attack (you can't survive if you
block their attack). If you can block the attack, you can recover 200 HP
every turn with Life Grail. If not, the Life Grail is no use because the
enemy attack usually above 200 in every round.
Tips to heal : spirit alot to block the attack until you recover your HP
(with Life Grail) to the max before you hit the enemy again. I would
you already learn Miracle. Here the enemy that you would encounter :

Beginner Course : Expert Course : Master Course :
----------------- --------------- ---------------
Round 1 : Red Piura Round 1 : Black Piura Round 1 : Ironman
Round 2 : Skeleton Round 2 : High Gomboo Round 2 : Viguro
Round 3 : Drake Ghost Round 3 : Dark Ogre Round 3 : Gold
Round 4 : Caruban Round 4 : Gold Bison Round 4 : Caruban
Round 5 : Gola - Gola Round 5 : Ironman Round 5 : Zeto
Round 6 : Zeto Round 6 : Caruban Round 6 :
Round 7 : Viguro Lv.2 Round 7 : Aluru Round 7 : Xain
Round 8 : Xain Round 8 : Xain Round 8 : Dohati
Round 9 : Lu
* You get 818 coins if you win the Beginner Course Round 10 : Che
* You get 1,532 coins if you win the Expert Course Round 11 : Gi
* You get 13,856 coins plus War God Icon if you win Round 12 : Zora
the Master Course Round 13 : Jette

PS : - In order to get War God Icon, you need to finish the Absolute
story, then play thie game at Master Course. I play this game
the Absolute Fortress and got War God Icon, but the item is not in
list. Be very careful !
- If you enter the Beginner, Expert, and Master Course and then run
first battle of each battle, you'll get Chicken King.


VIII. Dropped and Stolen Item


This list is taken from PSM May Edition. I did not change anything. If you
somehow find something wrong in the list (such as wrong stolen/dropped
and imcomplete enemy list), please email me and let me know about it.
Name Item Dropped Item Stolen
Acid Slime Healing Berry Silver Compass
Aluru Power Elixir Healing Fruit
Aluru Lv.2 Healing Berry Magic Leaf
Aluru Lv.3 Healing Fruit Magic Fruit
Amethyst Magic Leaf Magic Leaf
Barra Door Of Wind Life Water
Barra Lv.2 Magic Fruit Power Water
Barra Lv.3 Healing Fruit Guardian Water
Berserker Fire Book II Wonder Elixir
Berserker Lv.2 Miracle Water Wonder Elixir
Berserker Lv.3 Miracle Water Wonder Elixir
Black Piura Healing Leaf Healing Flower
Blue Piura Healing Leaf Good Luck Bell
Boogie Pump Fury Boost Magic Fruit
Caruban Healing Bloom Wonder Elixir
Caruban Lv.2 Miracle Water - none -
Caruban Lv.3 Miracle Water - none -
Che Delilas Thunder Book III Wisdom Water
Cort Magic Grail Wonder Elixir
Cort (juggernaut) - none - Evil Medallion
Curry Devil Door Of Wind Magic Fruit
Dark Ogre Power Elixir Healing Berry
Dead Bone Magic Fruit Incense
Death Trigger Healing Berry Healing Berry
Death Wings Antidote Medicine
Demon Fly Antidote Golden Compass
Devil Pump Swift Water Magic Leaf
Dohati Mettle Armband Wonder Elixir
Drake Ghost Door Of Light Power Elixir
Evil Fly Antidote Antidote
Evil Shadow Phoenix Magic Leaf
Freed Magic Leaf Healing Fruit
Freed Lv.2 Medicine Magic Leaf
Freed Lv.3 Medicine Magic Fruit
Frog Antidote Antidote
Garnet Magic Fruit Magic Fruit
Gaza - none - Life Water
Gaza with Sim Seru - none - Power Water
Gel Frog Antidote Medicine
Ghost Knight Door Of Light Speed Elixir
Gi Delilas Fire Book III Swift Water
Giant Rat Healing Flower Healing Berry
Gillium - none - Power Water
Gillium Lv.2 - none - Guardian Water
Gillium Lv.3 - none - Wonder Elixir
Gimard Healing Leaf Healing Leaf
Gimard Lv.2 Magic Leaf Healing Berry
Gimard Lv.3 Healing Berry Magic Fruit
Gizam Antidote Healing Leaf
Gizam Lv.2 Healing Fruit Magic Leaf
Gizam Lv.3 Healing Berry Magic Fruit
Gobu Gobu Healing Leaf Healing Flower
Gola Gola Healing Berry Healing Fruit
Gola Gola Lv.2 Healing Fruit Magic Leaf
Gola Gola Lv.3 Magic Fruit Magic Leaf
Gold Bison Healing Berry Healing Berry
Gold Face Magic Leaf Power Water
Golem Guardian Water Life Water
Gomboo Healing Leaf/Fruit Healing Fruit
Green Slime Healing Leaf Healing Leaf
Grude Healing Fruit Fury Boost
Guardian Door Of Wind Shield Elixir
Heavy Grude Healing Berry Fury Boost
Hell's Rat Magic Leaf Healing Flower
Hell's Trigger Healing Flower Healing Flower
High Gomboo Healing Fruit Healing Berry
High Mantis Healing Fruit Healing Fruit
Hornet Antidote Antidote
Iota Nature Amulet Swift Water
Iota Lv.2 Spirit Talisman Wisdom Water
Iota Lv.3 Spirit Talisman Life Grail
Ironman Power Water Life Water
Jette Miracle Water Wisdom Water
Kabuki Rat Healing Bloom Healing Leaf
Kemaro Healing Berry Swift Water
Kemaro Lv.2 Healing Fruit Wisdom Water
Kemaro Lv.3 Healing Fruit Spirit Talisman
Killer Bee Antidote Medicine
Killer Bison Healing Flower Healing Leaf
Killer Wolf Door Of Wind Healing Flower
King Frog Medicine Phoenix
Koru Healing Fruit - none -
Lamia Magic Fruit Magic Water
Lapis Evil Medallion - none -
Lava Face Magic Fruit Guardian Water
Lip Kid Magic Leaf Lippian Flute
Lip King Lippian Flute Lippian Flute
Lippian Medicine Lippian Flute
Lu Delilas Wind Book III Magic Water
Lucifer Magic Fruit Magic Water
Mad Bird Fury Boost Spikefish Flute
Mad Golem Healing Berry Magic Water
Mad Mantis Healing Bloom Healing Flower
Mad Ogre Power Elixir Healing Fruit
Mage Magic Fruit Magic Leaf
Medusa Magic Leaf Wisdom Water
Moldy Worm Medicine Phoenix
Mush Mush Medicine Healing Shroom
Mushrin Healing Shroom Healing Shroom
Mushroom Healing Shroom Healing Shroom
Mushura Speed Elixir Healing Flower
Mushura Lv.2 Healing Berry Healing Fruit
Mushura Lv.3 Healing Berry Healing Berry
Neo Bison Healing Fruit Healing Flower
Neo Grude Healing Fruit Fury Boost
Nightmare Magic Water Door Of Wind
Nighto Phoenix Healing Leaf
Nighto Lv.2 Magic Leaf Magic Leaf
Nighto Lv.3 Magic Fruit Magic Fruit
Nova Healing Berry Healing Leaf
Nova Lv.2 Shield Elixir Healing Flower
Nova Lv.3 Healing Fruit Healing Fruit
Nurga Magic Leaf Wisdom Water
Oak Slime Healing Bloom Healing Flower
Ogre Power Elixir Healing Bloom
Orb Magic Leaf Healing Flower
Orb Lv.2 Healing Bloom Healing Bloom
Orb Lv.3 Magic Fruit Healing Fruit
Ostrich Healing Lead Healing Leaf
Poisonous Worm Antidote Medicine
Pump Bat Phoenix Healing Leaf
Puera - none - Magic Water
Puera Lv.2 - none - Life Water
Puera Lv.3 - none - Crimson Book
Queen Bee Antidote Phoenix
Red Piura Healing Leaf Healing Leaf
Rock Lizard Healing Fruit Guardian Water
Rogue - none - Guardian Water
Scale Lizard Door Of Wind Swift Water
Shade Magic Fruit Magic Fruit
Skeleton Magic Leaf Incense
Skull Knight Magic Leaf Incense
Slippery Door Of Wind Power Water
Slippery Lv.2 Lost Grail Guardian Water
Slippery Lv.3 Lost Grail Magic Grail
Songi (1st encounter) Mettle Ring Wonder Elixir
Songi (2nd encounter) Thunder Book II Wonder Elixir
Songi (3rd encounter) - none - Magic Water
Sorcerer Magic Fruit Magic Fruit
Speed Wolf Swift Water Healing Berry
Spikefish Healing Flower Spikefish Flute
Spoon Healing Berry Magic Water
Spoon Lv.2 Healing Berry Life Water
Spoon Lv.3 Healing Berry Life Grail
Stone Lizard Healing Fruit Power Water
Swordie Speed Elixir Healing Flower
Swordie Lv.2 Healing Berry Healing Bloom
Swordie Lv.3 Healing Berry Healing Fruit
Terror Face Healing Fruit Swift Water
Theeder Healing Leaf Magic Leaf
Theeder Lv.2 Magic Leaf Magic Leaf
Theeder Lv.3 Healing Flower Magic Fruit
Thermo Magic Fruit Wisdom Water
Topaz Magic Fruit Wisdom Water
Twin Tomb Healing Bloom Healing Leaf
Van Saryu Lost Grail Wonder Elixir
Vera Healing Leaf Healing Leaf
Vera Lv.2 Healing Flower Healing Flower
Vera Lv.3 Healing Fuit Healing Berry
Verial Magic Fruit Phoenix
Viguro Golden Compass Wonder Elixir
Viguro Lv.2 Healing Fruit Healing Fruit
Viguro Lv.3 Healing Berry Healing Berry
Wailing Bird Healing Fruit Spikefish Flute
Warfish Medicine Incense
Warhalf Healing Flower Door Of Wind
Warman Healing Flower Door Of Light

Wolf Phoenix Healing Leaf
Worm Antidote Antidote
Xain Wind Book II Wonder Elixir
Zenoir Healing Flower Healing Leaf
Zenoir Lv.2 Magic Leaf Healing Flower
Zenoir Lv.3 Magic Fruit Healing Berry
Zeto Silver Compass Wonder Elixir
Zora - none - Swift Water

IX. Shop List

The secret items that you could get is the ones with the (*) signs in
front of
the items name. Here the shop list by area :

Rim Elm :

Variety Shop :
* Hunter Clothes 900
* Scarlet Jewel 2,000
* Azure Jewel 2,000
- Survival Knife 180
- Warrior Seal 240
- Warrior Boots 420
- Cure Amulet 800
- Healing Leaf 100
- Antidote 40
- Door Of Light 200

Hunter's Spring :
Lezam's sister would be at Hunter's Spring after you revive the genesis
at Mt. Rikuroa.

Variety Shop : (Lezam) Market : (Lezam's Sister)
---------------------- -------------------------
* Golden Compass 3,000 - Target Chain
* Silver Compass 3,000 - Defender Chain
- Target Chain 1,200 - Healing Leaf
- Defender Chain 1,200 - Healing Flower
- Healing Leaf 100 - Magic Leaf
- Antidote 40 - Medicine
- Door Of Light 200 - Door Of Light

Drake Castle :

Arm Shop : Items Shop :
---------- ------------
- Survival Knife 180 - Target Chain
- Nail Glove 160 - Defender Chain
- Warrior Seal 240 - Cure Amulet
- Warrior Boots 420 - Healing Leaf
- Guardian Clip 320 - Antidote
- Fightning Robe 1,100 - Medicine
- Electric Shoes 560 - Door Of Light

Biron Monastery :

Morlang : Corey :
--------- -------
- Survival Knife 180 * Healing Flower
- Nail Glove 160 * Healing Bloom
- Savior Clothes 1,800 * Magic Leaf
- Warrior Boots 420 - Earth Jewel
- Guardian Clip 320 - Deep Sea Jewel
- Fightning Robe 1,100 - Burning Jewel
- Electric Shoes 560 - Tempest Jewel
- Healing Leaf
Morlang (after the mist) : - Medicine
-------------------------- - Door Of Light
- Battle Knife 1,200
- Crimson Nails 980
- Survival Club 860
- Ironman Seal 940
- Savior Clothes 1,800
- Ironman Boots 1,400
- Power Earring 780
- Power Plate 2,100
- Power Shoes 1,300

Ancient Water / Wind Cave :

Arms Shop : Items Shop :
----------- ------------
* Short Sword 2,700 * Scarlet Jewel
* Fighter Claw 2,900 * Azure Jewel
- Battle Knife 1,200 - Golden Compass
- Crimson Nails 980 - Silver Compass
- Survival Club 860 - Earth Jewel
- Ironman Seal 940 - Deep Sea Jewel
- Savior Clothes 1,800 - Burning Jewel
- Ironman Boots 1,400 - Tempest Jewel
- Green Clip 1,000 - Target Chain
- Green Robe 2,800 - Defender Chain
- Tempest Shoes 1,900 - Cure Amulet
- Power Earring 780 - Healing Leaf
- Power Plate 2,100 - Medicine
- Power Shoes 1,300 - Door Of Light

Jeremi :

Arms Shop : Items Shop :
----------- ------------
- Short Sword 2,700 - Pure Amulet
- Fighter Claw 2,900 - Magic Amulet
- Warrior Armor 3,700 - Healing Leaf
- Master Boots 3,200 - Healing Flower
- Green Clip 1,000 - Medicine
- Green Robe 2,800 - Door Of Light
- Tempest Shoes 1,900 - Door Of Wind

Vidna :

Arms Shop : Gift Shop :
----------- -----------
- Short Sword 2,700 * Magic Leaf
- Fighter Claw 2,900 * Phoenix
- Red Club 3,600 - Mettle Ring
- Expert Seal 2,400 - Scarlet Jewel
- Warrior Armor 3,700 - Azure Jewel
- Master Boots 3,200 - Golden Compass
- Fightning Plate 4,600 - Silver Compass
- Pure Amulet
- Forest Amulet
- Healing Flower
- Healing Bloom
- Medicine
- Door Of Light
- Door Of Wind

Octam :
The shop on the surface will appear after you destroy Dohati's Castle.

Arms Shop : Items Shop :
----------- ------------
- Bloody Claw 9,500 - Earth Jewel
- Survival Axe 10,800 - Deep Sea Jewel
- Master Armor 15,400 - Burning Jewel
- Scarlet Robe 4,800 - Tempest Jewel
- Fighter's Band 2,600 - Madlight Jewel
- Valor Plate 13,800 - Luminous Jewel
- Ebony Jewel
- Healing Flower
- Healing Bloom
- Magic Leaf
- Medicine
- Phoenix
- Door Of Light
- Door Of Wind

Arms Shop I : (underground) Items Shop I :
--------------------------- --------------------------
- Force Blade 4,200 - Earth Jewel
- Hard Beat 3,800 - Deep Sea Jewel
- Red Club 3,600 - Burning Jewel
- Expert Seal 2,400 - Tempest Jewel
- Ironman Armor 5,300 - Madlight Jewel
- Master Boots 3,200 - Luminous Jewel
- Jeweled Clip 2,500 - Ebony Jewel
- Scarlet Robe 4,800 - Healing Flower
- Olive Shoes 3,900 - Healing Bloom
- Fighter's Band 2,600 - Magic Leaf
- Fighting Plate 4,600 - Medicine
- Fighting Boots 4,300 - Phoenix
- Door Of Light
- Door Of Wind

Ratayu :

Arms Shop : Items Shop :
----------- ------------
- Force Blade 4,200 * Life Ring
- Hard Beat 3,800 * Power Ring
- Survival Axe 10,800 * Guardian Ring
- Expert Seal 2,400 - Mettle Ring
- Ironman Armor 5,300 - Chicken Safe
- Expert Boots 8,800 - Chicken Guard
- Jeweled Clip 2,500 - Slowness Chain
- Tempest Robe 13,400 - Healing Flower
- Olive Shoes 3,900 - Healing Bloom
- Fighter's Band 2,600 - Magic Leaf
- Valor Plate 13,800 - Phoenix
- Fightning Boots 4,300 - Door Of Light
- Door Of Wind

Karisto Station :
The owner will come back and sell you items after you clear the mist.

Honest Person's Store : Camper :
----------------------- --------
Travel Kit : (3,000) * Life Source
- 5 Healing Blooms * Magic Source
- 1 Door Of Wind * Mettle Source
- 1 Door Of Light - Vitality Ring
- Healing Berry
- Door Of Light
- Door Of Wind

Sol :
The first shop will open after the mist is gone.

Arms Shop I : Item Shop I :
------------- -------------
- Holy Claw 17,000 - Guardian Ring
- Battle Axe 15,600 - Speed Ring
- Hero Seal 12,500 - Wisdom Ring
- Expert Armor 22,200 - Healing Berry
- Steel Boots 18,000 - Healing Bloom
- War God Plate 28,800 - Phoenix
- Door Of Light

Arms Shop II : Item Shop II (Bakery) :
-------------- -----------------------
- Beast Buster 14,500 * Life Ring
- Bloody Claw 9,500 * Power Ring
- Survival Axe 10,800 - Stone Amulet
- Master Armor 15,400 - Nature Amulet
- Hero Boots 15,500 - Healing Flower
- Royal Crown 9,400 - Magic Leaf
- Tempest Robe 13,400 - Door Of Wind

Buma :
The store in Buma will appear after you melt the ice.

Variety Store :
* Mettle Armband 40,000
* War Soul 60,000
- Chaos Breaker 32,000
- Battle Robe 35,000
- War God Band 21,000
- War God Boots 29,000
- Chicken Heart 10,000
- Healing Berry 3,000
- Healing Fruit 2,400
- Magic Fruit 5,000
- Medicine 300
- Phoenix 1,600
- Door Of Light 200
- Door Of Wind 200

Usah Research Center :

Ashif :
- Ivory Book 5,000
- Bronze Book 8,000
- Bad Luck Bell 13,000
- Healing Berry 3,000
- Magic Fruit 5,000
- Medicine 300
- Phoenix 1,600

Soren Camp :

Arms Shop : Item Shop :
----------- -----------
- Chaos Breaker 32,000 - Healing Berry
- Heavy Strike 34,000 - Healing Fruit
- Power Club 36,000 - Magic Fruit
- Hero Seal 12,500 - Medicine
- Hero Armor 40,000 - Phoenix
- Triumph Boots 31,000 - Door Of Light
- Pronged Crown 18,200 - Door Of Wind
- Battle Robe 35,000
- Steel Boots 18,000
- War God Band 21,000
- War God Plate 28,800
- War God Boots 29,000

Conkram :

Arms Shop : Items Shop :
----------- ------------
- Chaos Breaker 32,000 - Healing Berry
- Heavy Strike 34,000 - Healing Fruit
- Power Club 36,000 - Magic Fruit
- Hero Armor 40,000 - Medicine
- Battle Robe 35,000 - Phoenix
- War God Plate 28,800 - Door Of Light
- Door Of Wind

X. Secret


Honey In Rim Elm
Check the tree close to the wall near the windmill to fight some bees.
fight these bees at the begining because they are very hard and beside
got advantage of first attack. You can't use any magic while fighting
If you beat them, you can get honey which will increase all stats by 4. Do
not talk to Nene if you want to keep this honey. Unless, you use it first
before talk to Nene.

Point Card
After you revive the genesis tree in Rim Elm, exit the town and re-enter
again. Go to the 2nd floor of the Inn and check the drawer again (the
drawer before), the drawer should be unlock right now and you can pick up
Point Card. You can collect 5% of the total expense of your purchase and
could use the point card as an attack item. The damage base on your point
Point Card. However, after you use it, the point will be deducted. The
damage it could make is 9,999.

Chicken Heart
After you destroy Dohati Castle, go back to Vidna and talk to Danpas at
basement of his house and he'll give you Chicken Heart.

Karisto Station
When you arrived at Karisto Station for the first time (from Octam), there
a stand ("Honest Person's Store") that sells you the Survival Kit for 3000
golds. You can search the tree just left to the stand to get that 3000
Buy the kit AND pay! After the mists are gone, come back there and the
of the store will be grateful for your "honesty" and give u a vitality

Swimsuit and Camera Stone
Go to Vidna after you destroy Dohati's Castle and go to the house next to
right of PEPE house. Talk to the man that standing near that house to buy
Camera Stone for 100G. Talk to the girl on the beach after you get the
swimsuit and she will take your picture (Noa will be in her swimsuit).
There's also another place that you could use the camera. You can also use
the Camera Stone to :
- Rim Elm :
- Mei: first time you take her pictures, five will be taken so the
Camera will break; the next time you take her picture, only one will
be taken
- Vidna :
- Little girl on beach takes a group picture of Vahn's Group; one
- Girl in Swimsuit on Beach (before you get a Swimsuit); one
- After getting Swimsuit, Girl on Beach (different poses until Camera
- Guy in Trunks next to girl; one
- Guy in Machine Room, first floor; one
- Lady who was a messenger for Hari (house with Biron Monks); one
- Mrs. Danpas; one
- Mr. Danpas; one
- Old Man in what was Hot Spring; one
- USHA Research Center :
- Dr. Usha; might let you take his picture

PS : The Camera Stone will break after you use it 5 times. You could
buy a new one at the same person.

Platinum Card
After you talk to the King in Drake Castle after you revive the genesis
go to the room to the left and check the upper left corner for Platinum
It says that you could access secret item in the shop. Check the shop list
for the complete list !

Hidden Boss
After you visit Soren Camp, go to Mt. Dhini again and a hidden boss
will appears. If you beat him, you'll get Evil Medallion (It will enable
wearer to execute 0-15 arts per turn, but you can't control the wearer).
However, Lapis is very strong and always attack first and leave you with
MP. Thus, level up before you fight him. You could also steal the Evil
Medalion from the last boss. Yee.....haaa.....I found the easier way to
Lapis. Now he's not that hard anymore. Here the tips :
" Your level should be at least 45 (at least Noa)and you need to have a
lot of
Healing Berry. You also need couples accessories such as Luminous Jewel
War Soul (2), Light Talisman, Speed Chain, and Life Armband (3) or
(2) + Life Armband. Also, as a safety precautions...try to get the
Armor inside Bio Castle first. With level 45, your HP should be around
(except Noa) and that's should be OK coz Lapis attack just do around
with the Ra-Seru Armor and Luminous Jewel + Light Talisman. Equip Noa
Light Talisman (or Luminous Jewel) to reduce the damage of Lapis attack,
Armband to increase Noa's HP (coz she's low in HP and could be kill by
and finally Speed Chain to make Noa do the action first (coz she would
the healer). For Vahn and Gala, equip them with Luminous Jewel to reduce
attack, War Soul to increase the damage on Lapis, and finally Life
Armband or
Mettle Gem (Life Armband if your HP less than 3300+, and Mettle Gem if
your HP
above 3300+). With Luminous Jewel equiped, Lapis attack that normally do
damage around 5000-6000+ will reduce to 2800-3200+ and that's a big
my friend. Always heal (use Healing Berry) the person that Lapis attack
(that's Noa Jobs) and use Miracle Arts whenever you can use it (Vahn and
The battle should take a while but the victory is yours coz Lapis can't
annihilate you this time. No point card necessary for this battle. ^-^ "
XI. Credits
- Thanks to Prokion, Contrail, and SCEA to make this wonderful game.
- A thousand thanks to Scott Augustyn from Expert Gamer for the art and
Ra-Seru magic list. Also the secret and tips in playing this game.
- My roommate (TENCHI) for playing this game with me, so I already know
story and some important place to save before I play.
- For me to play it over again to make this walkthrough area by area (I
already half the game when I decided to make the walkthrough).
- Thanks for everyone that response for Mary's Diary : ,
, Anthony Cheng , Jeremiah Duck
, Marc Binda , ,
Yulius Leonard , Balancer ,
Brett Linscombe , Shock Charge ,
Reman jJonah Jalandoon , Zootie ,
, Tito , ,
Walker Roach , Dan Frey ,
Id , anh nguyen , Victoria Shen
, , ,
, Josh Calloway , Grtz ,
Jerry Mosher , Matt Callender ,
don sio , , Matthew Kloudas
, Ryan , Matthew W Pattison
, Edward Asano , Andrew Harrison
, Micah Lewis , Jason Simpson
<1love@hotbot.com, Ingrid Harjono , James
and Patrick Smith .
- Thanks to jj , Shock Charge ,
Reman jJonah Jalandoon , Guzman ,
Anthony Cheng ,
Walker Roach , Edward Asano ,
and Dungeon Master for the info about the swimsuit.
- Thanks to jj , Anthony Cheng ,
, Kraig Carlson , Anthony Cheng
, and to confirm about Ra-Seru
- Thanks to Hsing Chen for the Chicken King trick.
- Thanks to mstng69 , Eric G. Landru
, Ross Miyashiro , and Paul Mirick
for confirming about the Juggernaut magic is exist.
- Thanks to , Anthony Cheng ,
and Edward Asano for confirming about the Ra-Seru Mule
- Thanks to Valkryie_X , James Ong

for the info about Platinum Card.
- Thanks to PSM magazine and Hsing Chen for the info about
PSM issue on the dropped and stolen item. Also thanks to chibi chocobo
for some of the list.
- Thanks to PSM for the seru location.
- Thanks to chibi chocobo and Adrian Botez
for the tip on beating Berserker.
- Thanks to chibi chocobo for the info about Chicken
- Thanks to Adrian Botez , , Daniel
Greengrass , and ME (Asura) ^-^ to make the list of
secret items that you could get with Platinum card and where to get it.
- Thanks to Andrew de Peiza for the info about the changing
of item in the fire path after the magma is frozen.
- Thanks to Reman jJonah Jalandoon for the tip on fishing
near Buma.
- Thanks to Hsing Chen and Dan GC for the
info on Camera Stone and the list where we can use it.
- Thanks to chibi chocobo for the Karisto Station
- Thanks to chibi chocobo and
for the Magic Grail info in Uru Mais.
- Thanks to chibi chocobo for additional escape route
in Jette's Absolute Fortress.
- Thanks to , Funkmeister Gibson ,
Adrian Botez , and for the
correction on my faq.
- Thanks to GSandSDS for the info about the
location of the Mettle Goblet.
- Thanks to LrdRamza, Adrian Botez , Reman jJonah
Jalandoon , and Scott Jansen for
founding the item that I missed in the game.
- Thanks to Adrian Botez for the tip on raising the
Healing Magic faster.
Congratulation to read this far ^-^
Well, you can always find my lattest version at :

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Game Script

18.Oktober 2013
Baka Fighter

16.Oktober 2013
Vahn in Level 1 mit guten Gegenständen und über 10 Millionen Golmünzen.

17.Oktober 2013
Debug Mode FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Letzter Boss.

14.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Moves FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Misc Guide

17.Oktober 2013
Items Guide

12.Oktober 2013
Arts Moves

12.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats

15.Oktober 2013
engl. FAQ
13.Mei 2008
engl. Lösung
10.Oktober 2008
engl. FAQ 2
10.Oktober 2008
NTSC Patch für die [deutschsprachig]e PAL Version.

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