At the title screen press start and enter Z, A, Z, A, B, A, B, Y, C, A,
C, A
Refuel and Reload
At the Press Start screen input Left shift, A, Z, Y, A, Down, Down.
During the game prest start to refuel and reload.
Level Skip
At the Press Start Screen press and hold C, press and hold B, press and
hold A, Press and hold Up, press and hold Left Shift. Then Release A,
then C, then Left Shift, then Up. If done correctly you will hear the
phrase "Blackhole engaged". During the game press and hold A-B-C-Up+Left
shift to skip to the next level.
Invincible Code
At the Press Start screen press and hold A, press and hold B, press and
hold C, then release C, release B, release A. Then press B, A, B, Y,
press and hold X, press and hold Up, press and hold Down, release X,
Release Down. If done correctly you should hear the phrase "You are on
the Wrong Team".