Have All Courses and extra Tournament:
80104918 0005
Version 2.2 or Higher
Must Be On:
90000000 0000
Always Hole In One (Note 1):
D0108944 000F
50001204 0000
80104668 0001
All Extra Characters:
50000202 0000
801048C2 0101
Note 1: Please note to activate this code press L1, L2, R1 and R2 all together just before or as the
ball enters the hole, for a hole in one.
Alle Kurse und extra Turniere:
80104918 0005
Version 2.2 oder höher
Muss an sein:
90000000 0000
Immer Hole In One (Note 1):
D0108944 000F
50001204 0000
80104668 0001
Alle Extra Spieler:
50000202 0000
801048C2 0101
12.Octombrie 2013