Discworld Noir

Discworld Noir

17.10.2013 12:51:48
Discworld Noir Walkthrough

Found on http://www.demon.lspace.org/games/discworld

After Carlotta leaves, go down the Wharf and speak to Mr Scoplett,
the First Mate, at the top of the gang plank. Make general chit-chat
with him then ask him about The Milka's Passengers (to learn about
the Mysterious Passengers), The Milka (to learn the location of Cafe
Ankh) and Mundy (to learn about the Enquisitive Stranger).

Go to the Cafe Ankh, enter the side alley where the golem is loading
barrels, and take the crowbar from the cart. Then, go into the cafe
and speak to Nobby, the watchman sitting at the table in the middle
of the room. Make general chit-chat with him then ask him about
Vimes (to learn the location of Pseudopolis Yard).

Next, go back to Lewton's Office, to meet Al Khali, the Dwarf, and
after a short encounter, you'll get the Al Khali topic. Go back to
the Wharf and speak to the First Mate about Al Khali to identify him
as the mysterious stranger who was asking questions. Then go left to
the side of the Wharf and use the crowbar on the crates to be taken
inside the ship. Once you're in the hold, pick up the label floating
in the water, and head out of the hold onto the deck. On the deck,
enter the cabin, and use the bed - the resultant search reveals a
small scrap of paper with a number on it. Leave the cabin and Lewton
will make a hasty departure from the ship, so when you dry out,
leave your office and head over to Pseudopolis Yard and speak to
Nobby about the Mysterious Passengers (to learn where one of them
can be found).

Leave the Yard, to be confronted by Malachite the Troll who will ask
you to find someone named Therma. This conversation yields one new
topic (Therma) and one new location (The Octarine Parrot). Go to the
Octarine Parrot, wait for the troll singer, Sapphire, to stop
singing, then speak to her about Malachite (to learn the location of
Rhodan's workshop location where Malachite is hiding out) and Therma
(to learn that Therma was known as Madame Lodestone).

Go back to Pseudopolis Yard and speak to Nobby about Madame Lodestone
(to learn the location of the Selaachi museum, where she's buried).
Go to the Selaachi mausoleum, and go down into the tombs (to learn
that you'll need assistance to find Madame Lodestone). Then leave
the tombs and go the Cafe Ankh. There you'll meet Ilsa, so speak to
her about the Mysterious Passengers (to learn that Ilsa and Two
Conkers were on the ship) and the label (to learn about the location
of Pier 5).

Go to Pier 5, and go down the side of the warehouse to see you'll
need assistance to get in. Then, go back to your office and pick up
the invitation from Carlotta you find next to the door (learning the
location of Carlotta's mansion and finding out that she's a Von
Uberwald). Go to the mansion, and give Carlotta's invitation to the
butler. When the butler leaves, look at the painting about the
fireplace. Carlotta will put in an appearance, so talk to her about
the Selaachi Mausoleum and she'll agree to help you find Madame
Lodestone's tomb. But before you can leave, the Count will ask to
see you. You don't need to say anything to him right now, so leave,
and Carlotta will take you to the Selaachi Mausoleum, and lead you
to Madame Lodestone's tomb. Carlotta will depart (now you've learnt
that Therma is in the Mausoleum), leaving you alone.

Go to Rhodan's workshop, and speak to Malachite, telling him that
Therma is in the Mausoleum. You'll both go to the Mausoleum, he'll
tell you that the body isn't Therma, hand you a grapnel and rope and
wander off - you've also now learned that Sapphire may have been
lying. Search the rubble that was formerly a troll, then take one of
the diamond teeth you find for later use. Then go back to Pier 5, go
round the side of the warehouse, and use the grapnel and rope on the
skylight. On the roof, use the crowbar on the skylight and go into
the warehouse. Pick up the torn matchbook you find there and leave
by the skylight. Go back to the Octarine Parrot and in your
inventory, use the scrap of paper with the matchbook to make it
whole, revealing that it says '9 Whalebone Lane', the address of the
Octarine Parrot. Talk to Mankin, the bar-elf about the matchbook,
which proves Mundy has been to the Parrot, adding the topic 'Lies'
to Mankin's conversation box. Talk to him about Lies, and! he'll
tell you where Mundy is - upstairs. So, go to the exit at the right
of the room to find Mundy - and to find yourself on the recieving
end of a rather nasty surprise, ending the act.


Now, aside from an aching head, you have two new tops - Mundy's
murder and the Counterweight Killings. You've also lost your rope.
Look at the message in blood on the wall, and look at the frayed
rope above the body, and at Mundy's boots. Search the boots then
leave the room and go into the bar. Speak to Mankin about Sapphire
lying. He'll tell you where Sapphire is so go into the dressing room
at the back left of the bar and speak to her. She'll tell you about
the money (learning about the Saphire's money topic) and the casino
(learning the location of Saturnalia). Speak to Mankin again about
Sapphire's money (to learn about Sapphire's secret meeting). Go to
Saturnalia and enter the casino - after the rucus with Ilsa and Two
Conkers, speak to Carlotta about Mundy's murder and then ask her if
she killed Mundy (to learn about the Temple of Small Gods).

Then leave the Casino and go to the Temple of Small Gods. Speak to
Macalyclpse, the conspiracy theorist in green, about the frayed rope
(to learn that Mundy was hung upside down). Go back to the Octarine
Parrot and speak to Mankin about Mundy being hung upside down, then
about Mundy being cut down and then Mundy's boots. Makin will become
co-operative (giving you the coin Mundy had in his boots). Go back
to your office to meet Al Khali again and be taken to see Horst.
Make general chit chat (to learn about the golden sword), then leave
(learning the location of Horts's quarters for when you need to come

Go to Saturnalia and speak to Carlotta about the Golden Sword. When
she's finished with you, you'll have learnt about Regin so speak to
the Count about him who gives you an iconograph of Regin and asks
you to find him. Go to the Wharf and show the iconograph to the
First Mate - you'll learn about Regin's carriage.Then, go to
Pseudopolis and ask Nobby about the carriage to find out that it was
seen heading to the Maudlin Bridge.. so visit the bridge and take
the bit of red cloth off the railings. Go to the Count and show it
to him to identify it as part of the carriage. Go to the now empty
wharf and use the grapnel on the mooring line to get the rope. Go
back to Maudlin bridge and use the grapnel and rope on the river to
dredge it and learn there's something in the river. Go to Rhodan's
workshop and speak to malachite about this something in the river,
then give him the rope and grapnel and he'll pull it out for you,
finding out about Regin's murder.

When Malachite leaves, look at Regin's body and use the iconograph to
to find the key. Speak to the Count about Regin's murder, if you
want, and then go to Saturnalia and speak to Whirl about your purse,
bribing him. Then ask him about Sapphire's money - learning that
Sapphire has had a losing streak, and the key, learning that it's a
key for a safety deposit box here. Head to the left of the casino,
to the deposit boxes, and use the key on the boxes to open Regin's
locker, getting an empty envelope and a charm bracelet. Go to the
Temple of Small Gods and ask Macalypse about the bracelet. Then go
to the Octarine Parrot and Speak to Sapphire about her money, her
secret meeting, her losing streak, and then confront her. She'll
agree to set up a meeting with Therma for you.

Go to the temple of Small Gods and ask Malaclypse about the bracelet,
and then go to the Count and ask him about the bracelet to. Go back
to your office and pick up the note telling you about the meeting
with Therma. Leave your office and go to the meeting at salis and
Phedre on the rooftops near Saturnalia. Go to Rhodan's workshop at
tell Malachite about this meeting and you'll both go there. Events
will take an unexpected twist and you'll be caught and questioned by
the watch - say anything you like to them, till you get the 'give
up' topic. Use this and you'll be put in a cell at the Patrician's
palace. In the cell, stand still till a Rat appears and wait till it
goes through the wall, revealing a crack. Use the crack to reveal a
loose block, then use the block to get into the cell next door -
Leonard Da Quirm's cell - look at the gaping hole to learn how you
can get back into the cell later, and then you'll be called back to
your cell and released.

Go to Salis and Phedre and speak to the gargoyle about Malachite's
murder (to learn about the strange beast that attacked the troll).
Go to Carlotta and ask her about the Milka's Cargo to get the
shipping order then go to the Pier Warehouse and give the order to
the watchman. He'll show you the ledger and you'll learn about the
Guild of Archeologists and the Varberg Crate. Go to the Cafe Ankh
and speak to Samael about the Milka's Cargo and then the wine
barrels. He'll give you the key to the wine cellar so go outside to
the wine cellar and use it on the trapdoor - inside you'll meet Ilsa
and Two-conkers. Speak to Ilsa about the Varberg crates - you'll
need to find a hiding place for Two Conkers for her to help you get
into the Archaologist's guild. So, go to the Patrician's palace and
click on the 'Hiding Place' topic in your book and then use it on
the wall of the Palace - now you know where to hide Two Conkers so
go back to the Wine Cellar.

Now Two Conkers will go and hide with Leonard Da Quirm and Ilsa will
let you into the Archaologist's guild. Speak to Laredo Cronk there
about Jasper Horst, then visit Horst and speak to him about Laredo
to arrange a meeting between them. Go back to Laredo and tell her
about Horst and she'll go away. Look at the bookcase and use the
hinged book that sticks out. Behind the fireplace, look at the
security notice next to the security system then go back to
Saturnalia and give the lucky bracelet to Warb and ask him about
Vault 51. He'll tell you how to get past the security system. Go
back to the vault and use the 'back passage' clue on the sign. Go
inside and use the Mundy was hung upside down clue on the Azile clue
to find out what he really meant to write - a number. Use the number
on the crates to find the display with the urns in it, and use the
diamond on the display to get the sword. Then leave the
Archeaologists guild and get ready for a big surprise, ending the


After waking up in a somewhat altered state, try turning into a wolf
again, and use the magenta sparkled trail to follow it to outside
the casino. Pick up the moss next to the chalk outline, and turn
into a wolf again. Use the magenta trail to follow it further,
ending up in the graveyard behind the temple of Small Gods. Look at
the stained glass window and the silouhette to see Mooncalf there.
Go back to your office to greet Nobby, and take the crowbar he
leaves behind. He'll also tell you about some of the other murders
that went on. You need to find out more details about each of these
three additional murders.

So, first off, go to the Patrician's Palace, go behind the palace and
turn into a wolf. Compare the scent of the serial killer with the
scent on one of the empty wine barrels to find out that the killer
got inside in a barrel. Then visit the Cafe Ankh wine cellar and use
the box of receipts to find out that the Patrician's Palace gets
wine delivered and is ordering some soon. Then, use the crowbar on
the wine barrels to hide in one and be taken to the Palace. From the
storeroom where you end up, go out into the corridors, and continue
till you reach the double doors. Turn into a werewolf and use the
doors to listen to what's going on inside, and to find out how the
Patrician's clerk was killed. After a brief distraction you'll end
up back in your office so after your visitor leaves, go to the
Octarine Parrot and use the notice board to find out about the job
at Unseen University's New Hall. Go backstage to Sapphire's dressing
room and turn into a wolf, look at the cyan stench,! then become
human again and take the bottle of perfume.

Go to the Von Uberwald mansion, and speak to the Count, or rather to
Death, who happens to be standing next to him. Mention the Moss and
the count will pipe up about it, and give you access to the Von
Uberwald library. Go to the library and look up (by using the
appropriate clue or item on the index cards) the moss, then the
sewers, learning about the entrance to the sewers. Leave the library
and speak to the Butler, asking to speak to Carlotta. Turn into a
werewolf to learn that Carlotta was the one who turned you, and then
go to the Cafe Ankh to meet her. When you've finished talking, visit
the sewers. Walk through the first sewer entrance, turn into a wolf,
and follow the trail twice till you find the strange nest - search
the debris, and take the gold pendant and after a brief but
non-essential-to-the-plot chat, leave the sewers. Go the Patrician's
palace, scale the wall with the grapple and speak to Leonard and Two
Conkers about the pendant to learn it's from the Temple o! f Anu Anu
at Al Khali. Return to the Von Uberwald library and look up the
Temple of Anu Anu to learn the copy of the book there has a page

Go to the New Hall at Unseen University and speak to Mrs Fomes about
the Bedmaker job, accepting it. Go into the dorms, and turn into a
wolf to find out what's on the blackboard. Open the sturdy locker,
and use the books to see what subjects are there. Then, use the
'Temple of Anu-Anu' clue on the board to write it in octarine chalk,
making it one of the required subjects for studying. Leave the Hall,
then return to find a book about temples featuring the pendant in
the locker. Use the pendant with the book on temples to open it and
get a list of members of the Cult of Anu Anu. Then, go through the
door at the left, into the hall outside the library. Speak to the
bledlow about the wizard's murder to get some more details about the
murder. Then, go and speak to Mrs Fomes about the murder of the
wizard to find out about the 'dead mens pointy boots' clue. Speak to
Nobby at Pseduopolis Yard about the merchant's murder, to learn the
location of the Merchants guild. Go to the Mercha! nts guild and
speak to the doorman about 'deadm mens pointy boots' and he'll spill
the beans on the Merchant's murder.

So go back to the Count, and speak to Death about the murder, and
he'll fill in the final details - now you know how he was killed.
Before you leave the mansion, speak to Carlotta Regin's murder, then
Malachite's murder, then her alibi and she'll tell you she worships
Errata. So go and look up Errata in the library to find out a little

Then go to the temple of Small Gods and tell Mooncalf, the person you
saw through the stained glass window, about the list to unsettle
him. Go back to the graveyard, stand just below the stained glass
window and turn into a werewolf. Look at the stained glass window
and use the window to listen to Mooncalf's conversation, and learn
about the true believers meeting. Go back inside the temple and
speak to Macaclypse about the true believers meeting, then Errata,
then the Inner Sanctum and he'll get you into the sanctum. Look at
the lectern, use it, so that you end up beneath the lecturn while
the sermon's going on. Then, use the perfume on Mooncalf's foot and
you'll follow him to the sanctuary. After you leave there and end up
in your office, go back to the sanctuary, and look at fresco, then
the strange symbol on the fresco, then use the strange symbol and
Lewton will make a note of it. Go back to the Von Uberwald libary
and look up the symbol, to find out it's the Elver Symbol! , and
also Nylonathep, to find out about the octagram of murders.

Use the wizard, clerk, and merchant murders clues and the
Counterweight murders clue on the map to produce an octogram of
murders, and also show you the location of the Dysk theatre, in the
middle of all of it. Then, use the octogram of murders clue on the
map to work out which murders are missing. Go to the Dysk theatre,
and get the flyer, then take it back to the Von Uberwald library and
look it up to find references to the various murders in the plays,
then look up the eight great tragedies in the library to find out
specific details. Go to Dagon Street, use the crowbar on the shop
front on the left, look at the debris, and look at the bone (you'll
work this one later). Go back to the Dysk theatre, walk close to the
base of the stage and turn into a wolf. This will show up the marks
on the stage base, so use the Elver Sign clue on the marks to open a
hidden passage. Go down into the passage and use the eight great
tragedies on the circle sea map to find out where the last m! urder
will take place. So, go to the Wizard's Pleasaunce and use the
bushes to hide, eventually ending the act in a none too pleasant

------ Use the inscription on the wall to make a note of it and
search the rubble near the now deceased Warb to get the Golden
Falchion. Leave, and head over to the Sanctuary. Head over to the
Sanctuary and you'll meet Kondo there, and when he's dead, search
his body to get the amulet. Go to the Von Uberwald mansion and look
up Nylonathep in the library to find out about a magical item called
the 'Radiant Trapezhedron'. Then go back to Leonard's cell in the
palace and ask him and Two Conkers about the Radiant Trapezhedron.

Go to the Temple of Small Gods, speak to Mooncalf about the Amulet,
then about Kondo, then speak to him about Foid, at which point he'll
come to a rather nasty end. After Mooncalf's end - go to Rhodan's
workshop, look where Malachite was, and pick up the plaster
encrusted bandages and speak to Rhodan about them, and about Foid,
to find out where Foid is hiding out. Visit Foid in Dagon street, in
the room opposite the Fishbar where you found the femur, and ask him
about the Amulet to learn about Gelid. Go to the New Hall at Unseen
University to be fired by Mrs Fomes, then speak to Nobby at
Pseudopolis Yard about Gelid to get a Search Warrant. Go back to the
New Hall, using the Search Warrant to get past Mrs Fomes. Go to the
concourse and turn into a wolf, and track Gelid's trail of blood
into the UU observatory. Inside you meet Satrap, so speak to him
about Horst, Gelid, and the Radiant Trapezohedron, and taunt him
using the 'Taunt Satrap' topic to send him to meet his maker.

In the Observatory, use the Star Map Two Conkers gave you with the
mosaics to learn which star groups are which, then use the star map
on the Small Group of Boring Stars, and then use the telescope to
find out where the Trapezohedron is. Take the Astrolabe then go to
the Mausoleum. At the Mausoleum, use the Astrolabe on the sky to
find out which crypt holds the Trapezohedron, go to the crypt and
use the Grotesque on top of the Crypt to open it. Go inside the
crypt and use Mundy's coin on the indent to open the Sarcophagus,
then talk to the zombie and threaten him with the sword to get the
Jewel - the Radiant Trapezohedron itself. When you leave, you'll be
confronted by Horst who will take the Golden Sword off you.

Look at the jewel and go to Maudlin bridge to take care of Horst,
Carlotta, and get the Golden Sword back into the bargain. Go to the
Patrician's palace and go into Leonard's cell, go through the Even
Larger Hole onto the roof, use the rubble, clearing it away, then go
back to Leonard's cell where the Flying Wing Device will be taken
out onto the roof, try to fly it, and when Ilsa warns you you need
proection, use the Sign of the Eel topic on the Flying Wing Device,
and use the device to finish the game.

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