Play as Enzo:
Press Up, Left, Down, Left, Down, L1, R1, Right, Down, Right at the main menu.
Begin a new game to play as Enzo.
Restore Glitch energy:
Press Right, L1, Up, Right, Down, L1, R1, Up, Down, Left at the main menu.
Press Down, R1, Left, Right, Down, L2, R2, Left, Right, Up at the main menu. An
extra shield will appear with every Glitch.
Play as Dot Matrix:
Press LEFT, R1, RIGHT, UP, DOWN, R2, L1, RIGHT, UP DOWN at the main menu.
John Hudson >[johnhudson@bigpond.com]
Flight Mode:
Press LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT, UP, R2, L1, UP, LEFT, RIGHT at the main menu.
John Hudson >[johnhudson@bigpond.com]
Full Weapons:
Press UP, L1, DOWN, UP, LEFT, R1, L2, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT at the main menu.
John Hudson >[johnhudson@bigpond.com]
PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version.
17.Octombrie 2013
engl. Cheats
13.Octombrie 2013