Hidden Wrestlers:
Great Muta
(), R, /\, U, [], L, ><, D, ><, D, [], L, /\, U, (), R, select><, D, ><, D, [], L, /\, U, (), R,
To choose The Great Muta go to the wrestler selection screen and select
Keiji Muto (the 3rd wrestler listed), and press select.
Power Warrior
[], ><, [], ><, (), /\, (), /\, U, D, L, R, select><, [], ><, (), /\, (), /\, U, D, L, R, select
To select Power Warrior go to the wrestler selection screen and select
Kensuke Sasaki (the 7th wrestler listed), and press select.
Ring Announcer (Kero-Chan)
L1, L1, L2, R2, R2, R1, /\, D, ><, U, select><, U, select
To select the Ring Announcer go to the wrestler selection screen and select
Hiroyoshi Tenzan (the 3rd wrestler from the bottom), press select.
Referee (Tiger Hattori)
U, D, L, R , /\, ><, [], (), L1, R1, L2, R2, select><, [], (), L1, R1, L2, R2, select
To select the Referee go to the wrestler selection screen and select Kohji
Kanemoto (the 2nd wrestler from the bottom), press select.
Submission: Damian Gick (
14.Octombrie 2013
16.Octombrie 2013
14.Octombrie 2013
16.Octombrie 2013
engl. Cheats
17.Octombrie 2013