Machine Hunter information:
Press Square, Triangle, Circle Square at the "Vault" screen of Disc 1.
Spawn preview:
Press Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Circle at the main menu of Disc 2.
Crash Bandicoot 2 preview:
Press Circle, Triangle, Square, Circle at the main menu of Disc 2.
Blasto preview:
Press L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 at the main menu of Disc 2.
PlayStation second birthday FMV sequence:
Press Triangle, Circle, Square at the "Event Center" screen of Disc 1.
View Helene Sheeler:
Hold Square + Circle and press Triangle(2) at the "Code Archive" screen of Disc
Toggle music:
Press Start at the main menu of Disc 2.
engl. Cheats
17.Octombrie 2013