All Cheats:
Enter the cheats screen and press L1, L2, R2, R1, L1, L2, R2, R1, L1, L2, R2, R1, L1, L2, R2, R1,
Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle, X, X, X, X, Square, Square, Square, Square,
Select, Select, Select, Select. This code will unlock allandd every code.
Enter the cheats screen and press L1, Square, Circle, Circle, Square, L1, L2.
Max Armor:
Enter the cheats screen and press L1, L1, R1, R1, X, X, Circle, Circle.
Level Select:
Enter the cheats screen and press Circle, X, Square, Square, X, Square, Circle.
All Weapons:
Enter the cheats screen and press R2, X, L1, Square, R1, Circle, L2.
Endless Ammo:
Enter the cheats screen and press L2, Circle, R2, Square, Circle, L2, R1.
Max Ego:
Enter the cheats screen and press R1, R1, Circle, Circle, L1, L1, R2.
Big Head Mode:
Enter the cheats screen and press Square, Square, X, Circle, Circle, X, Square.
24.Septembrie 2013
01.Octombrie 2013
16.Octombrie 2013
Land of Babes[deutschsprachig]
engl. Cheats
06.Octombrie 2013
engl. Cheats
06.Octombrie 2013
07.Octombrie 2013
engl. Cheats
29.Septembrie 2013
engl. Cheats
16.Octombrie 2013