Alone in the Dark 4: The New Nightmare

Alone in the Dark 4: The New Nightmare

15.10.2013 17:27:33

Alone In The Dark 4: The New Nightmare

(Revised) Final Version. Submitted by Iain Noble (

With thanks to Hezda ( the author of the other
walkthrough posted here for sharing his information with me and pointing
out some fairly glaring errors in my own work.

Also to 'Darkworks' who has posted several very useful replies on the
GameFAQs message board for this game.

Prima have produced an official strategy guide for this game.

Alone in the Dark 4: Official Strategy Guide
Prima Development
Paperback (1 October, 2000)
Prima Games; ISBN: 0761533389

A couple of UK Playstation magazines have also published walkthroughs for the

Station Solutions June 20001 has the first part of a very useful guide complete
with maps.
The July issue completes the guide.
Solutions for Playstation and PS2 June 2001 has a full walkthrough with lots of


Introduction & General Ramblings

Edward Carnby Scenario
Aline Cedrac Scenario
'Darkworks' Messages

Introduction & General Ramblings

I am all for the free exchange of information. I will be flattered if
anyone considers this walkthrough good enough to post elsewhere. Some
form of acknowledgment would be appreciated.


This step by step walkthrough, if followed slavishly, will significantly
reduce the time taken to complete the game, it will spoil the sense of
achievement and satisfaction that comes from solving puzzles on your own
and finally, it will remove the thrill of exploring the unknown, not
knowing what will leap out of the shadows next (but then you knew all
this anyway.)

This is to try to stop people posting stupid messages like:

"That walkthrough should never had been posted on this site or any other site
for that matter. Why? Because that is what gives this game a bad name.
No wonder it dosent last long :( Sorry if it sounds like im moaning, im not, as
I really like this game :) But this game was designed to be solved all by
yourself, hence why it is so short.
I know people want to find out the ending as quick as posible, I havent yet,
due to exams. But I read the messages and it seems that you are all trying to
encourage people to use the walkthroughs. Please, please if someone asks for
help, dont tell them to refer to walkthrough.As it is tempting to read the
whole thing, and spoil the story.
Thanx for reading. :) Sorry if its hard to understand.
(Insert any grammatical corrections, you feel suitable)"

Please note that I have played this game, written the walkthrough,
traded it in at my local video games store and moved onto other things.

Whilst my memory and enthusiasm last, I will be happy to try to answer
any questions you may have. However I reserve the right to lose my
memory or enthusiasm over time and to ignore any messages I don't feel
like answering.

As usual read the manual for an introduction to the game and the
characters and for details of the control system.

My 'route' is the result of a lot of wandering around and general
exploring. As with the various Resident Evil games I am sure there is an
ideal path that visits the required areas in the best order and the
minimum number of times. Some enemies seem to reappear if you go back to
an area or after certain trigger events.

I understand that a 'speed walkthrough' is being written. Look out for it at

When saving in a room the game has a habit of saving the state of the
game before you collect the items in that room. On several occasions I
left a room thinking I had the keys etc. that I had picked up before I
saved only to find they were missing from my inventory when I tried to
use them.

There are many files, books and other documents to examine in the game.
Although they go into your inventory after you read them for the first
time, they remain in their original locations. This can become
tiresome if you need to recheck an area only to find yourself reading
a diary for the umpteenth time.

I found the music added nothing to the atmosphere of the game and
quickly became very irritating and distracting. I would advise turning
it off from the Options screen. I would advise playing the game in a
darkened room for maximum visibility and impact.


There are limited charms of saving, first aid kits and ammunition. Use
all of these wisely. Use your torch in the gloom and search each area
thoroughly as it is easy to miss important items. Anything vital will
usually 'shine' in the light of your torch, so use the free view control
(left stick) to move the torch around an area.

You can choose to play as either Edward Carnby or Aline Cedrac at the
start of a new game. Edward's scenario tends to emphasize combat and is
probably the shortest and easiest. At least he starts off with some
firepower! Aline's scenario is more taken up with puzzle solving and
will take longer. She begins with very little in the way of weapons. As
I started with Carnby, by the time I played as Aline many of the
locations were familiar from the first scenario so I have not described
them in such detail.

Every video game seems to have one particular area or problem that generates
most questions. This game appears to have two. The library and the winged
creature you need to defeat there as Edward, plus the stone circle puzzle that
you have to solve as Edward. I have tried to include as much information about
these as possible.

1. As Edward Carnby.


Go right after landing in the woods. Note the blood on the steps and go
into the building to find a mangled man. After leaving the building you
hear shots and a scream. Return to find the man gone and a key left
behind. Use this to open the gate at the end of the path.

You should be able to get from the start to the sewers without firing a

First enemies

Collect the magnesium bullets from the wall and then go left through the
arch and through the gate to collect some more ammo. In the next area
collect a first aid kit from the fountain.

Run up the long flight of steps and if possible simply avoid the dogs
and go on up the steps. Along to the end and past the nasty 'thing' and
down some more steps. If you get through the gate quickly enough it
cannot follow.

Use the wheel to drain the water and once again try to run around the
monster and down the steps into the sewers.


Follow the sewers around until a 'tremor' on your controller warns you
of approaching danger. The 'gator' will attack you in the large open
area as you try to head for the exit in the top right. It is probably
best to take it out as you move very slowly though the water and it will
always drag you underwater back to the centre of the area. Pick up the
charm of saving before venturing through the door.

Then up a ladder, along a corridor and up some steps into the morgue.
Search this area thoroughly to find triple barreled shotgun, phosphorus
cartridges, magnesium bullets, first aid kit. Examine the coffin, get a
nasty surprise and a key. Use the key to open the door to the manor

The Mansion


Enter the lobby and get a message from Aline. Beware as after your chat
with Aline, the lights will dim and another nasty thing will attack you.
You have no real choice again but to finish it off. Use the shotgun for
preference as a single well aimed shot will kill it, the revolver takes
a lot more shots to do the job.

Go up the stairs and turn right to find the furniture blocking the door
to the room where Aline is trapped. Stand to the right of the chest of
drawers and walk towards it whilst pressing X to shift it out of the
way. She will also give you a hint about moving the statue in the lobby
below to see what is written on the back. Chat to Aline and then help
her up into the roof and out of your sight again. Examine the room to
find acrobat statue, dictaphone, photo and 'A' diary.

Go through the mirror door and down the stairs to the basement. Peek
through the spy hole in the sealed door and pick up the charm of saving

Back in the lobby the door opposite the stairs is now open. Check the
small table for a charm of saving and notice the clock (for later.) Go
through door and encounter Edenshaw the indian. He will give you a charm
of saving and clues about the library.

General Exploration

Go right, hear the scream, shots etc. and switch on the lights. Don't go
any further in this direction for now as danger lurks in the form of
zombies. Hard nuts to kill requiring 3 blasts from your shotgun. Instead
go left back along the corridor and pick up the bullets from the chest
of drawers. Then take the door next to the staircase and follow them up
to the attic to find the grenade launcher and to have another chat with
Aline who mentions a trapdoor.

Now back down the stairs and take the door to the left at the bottom.
Dispose of the zombies and pick up the first aid kit and bullets at the
end of the corridor. Retrace your steps and open the door at the
beginning of the corridor. Beware of spiders but you can avoid them if
you move quickly. One revolver round takes care of them. Examine the
display case with the ship, the photo and take the wolf mask, the
cartridges and the bullets.

Now go all the way back along the main corridor to the east end and open
the one unlocked door. Waste the 2 zombies you find there and go through
the first open door (the other is locked for now.) In the next room pick
up the crow bar, Richard Morton's will (more stuff about the library)
Beware the monsters that appear at one point. Read the copy of Science
magazine, unlock the door to the lobby, pick up the first aid kit,
cartridges, flask, fill the flask at the amphora and examine the 'O'
diary and the picture of the stone circle.

Now it is back to the room with the display case and use the filled
flask on the balance in the display case. This will open one of the 4
portraits in the lobby (the one with the Arctic explorer and the ship.)
Beware of zombies as you return to the lobby and pick up the first floor
east key from behind the picture.

This door is at the end of the zombie corridor to the east of the main
corridor outside the lobby. Beware of monsters that spring out at you.
Pick up the first aid kit and yet another key (first floor west.) Use
the wolf mask on the owl statue. The statue opens to reveal a steel key
(2nd floor east.) Back into the main corridor and along to the west until
you reach the stairs and the locked door at the top. Use the first floor
west key here.

As you go through the door you will get another message from Aline with
some more Morton family history. Go right and through the first open
door. As you approach the bed you are thrown back by the large tentacles
that emerge. Shoot the lamp over the bed causing a fire that fries the
monster. Pick up the rocket launcher, bullets, first aid kit and charm
of saving.

Back in the corridor the next set of double doors will lead you back
into the lobby balcony. To the far left of the corridor (beware monsters
as they keep springing out at you in this area) you will find a room
with a raised area reached by a couple of sets of stairs. Pick up the
first aid kit in here and also read the 'A' diary.

Make your way back to the lobby and look at the portrait furthest to
your right on the balcony. Note that it says the person resembles the
statue in the lobby below? Go down to the lobby and move the statue so
that it is front of the mirror. You will see the letters H M on the
back. Enter the code letters H and M on the two dials (H for Harold and
M for Morton) and the portrait will open just like the previous one. Go
back to collect the small rusty key which reads '3rd floor west' when
you examine it. Beware a monster attacks when you get the key. Go up to
the attic and use the key on the locked door at the far end.

The Attic

Beware monsters, some strange sort of armour plated thing with a long
tongue. They are scared of the light so you can keep them at a distance
with your torch. Search the area for a lighter and some cartridges. Go
through the door at the far end of this section of the attic, along the
corridor and through the next door. Use the crowbar on the hollow
sounding section of the floor to unearth 2 keys (2nd floor office and
3rd floor east.)

Go though the next door and watch the cut scene showing the spiders
scuttling over the beams. Search for the bullets and the cartridges. Note
the blood on the floor and use the 'free look' (L1 and R1) to locate and
shoot the spiders on the beams with your revolver. Find the candle and
use the lighter on it to reveal a draft from the partition. Use the
crowbar on the partition to open up the next area.

Beware monsters! Locate the first aid kit and go through the door into
the bedroom. Cut scene of an old lady who strongly reminded me of the
grandmother from 'Ello 'Ello. She directs you to burn the library. As a
librarian I find the anti-library prejudice that runs through this game
most objectionable! :-)

Exit the bedroom and use the gilded key on the next locked door. Go down
the long spiral staircase and on your way unlock the door to the 2nd
floor. At the bottom flick the light switch and go through the door.
Beware monsters (2 big zombies.) Unlock the door there and go along the
1st floor corridor to the stairs to the second floor.

Locate the office (room with stairs and desk area) and use the small key
on the desk drawer. Collect the torn photo (examine the back to see the
number 2518) and collect the 1st floor library key.

The Library

Now go down the long flight of spiral stairs to the first floor (beware
the zombies are back!) Use the ornate key on the large locked door and
enter the library. Now this is what I call a library! After the cut
scene you will get another call from Aline. Now go to the desk and read
Jeremy Morton's diary and then go to the lectern and read the Morton
biography. Go all the way to the right and up the stairs (pick up a box
of rockets on the way.) Once you reach the next level of the library
look for a control panel with 4 dials and tell tale scuff marks on the
floor from a hidden panel.

Enter the code 3926 which you get from adding the numbers on the two
halves of the torn photograph - 2518 + 1408 = 3926

[The other half is in the 2nd floor east room (at the end of the corridor
with the bust of Richard Morton.) Beware monsters. Another large key (to
the other library door) charm of saving, second half of the photo with
the number 1408 plus a scroll, 'O' diary and bullets.]

Inside switch on the light and check for a pyramid of statuettes with
one missing. Place the acrobat statue in the final place to open up a
wall panel with a set of switches numbered 1-0. Enter the code 1692 on
the control panel to open another portrait (you get this number from the
tower room using the telescope - see below)

Get the Bison statue inside here. Pick up the telescope. Also check the
shelves for Jeremy Morton's 'riddle' which reads in 'mirror writing' THE

This would give (moving from left to right along the 4 portraits in the lobby)

Richard Morton 1852
Archibald Morton 1874
Jeremy Morton 1899
Howard Morton 1931

To get the code for the control panel go to the very top of the library
(nasty flying thing which you will meet later.) Go up the ladder and
along the ledge to the left (beware monster!) Up the next ladder into a
turret room. Pick up the charm of saving. Put the telescope on the
bracket and look at the fort (use X to increase the magnification.) At
the highest magnification you will see the date 1692 carved over a
window. Cut scene of Obed Morton? in the fort and message from Aline in
which she reveals (shock horror) that she maybe Morton's daughter.

Back in the library you need to locate the 4 books mentioned in Richard
Morton's will and push them into place in the order given in the diagram
Light/Dark/Dark/Light The two 'light' books are on the top floor - one
at the very end of the walkway and the other further back behind a
pillar. The other 2 are on the bottom floor, one at the bottom of the
steps and one behind the ancient statue. The order is that given in the
diagram in the will. Once the last book is in place the final portrait
opens and the nasty flying creature (gargoyle?) comes back for real. It
is very difficult to kill and uses lightning attacks. The best way to
fight it is to stand in one place and try to hit/stun him when he is
charging up for another lightning bolt. You will use up most of your
stock of ammo defeating him/her/it.

See the 'Darkwing' messages for a potential bug here.

Back to the Lobby

Return to the lobby balcony to retrieve the metal plate (examine this
for the signs that will open the combination padlock on the cemetery
gate) a plasma cannon and an 'anonymous' key.

Now the blank name plates at the base of each portrait will be replaced by 4
number wheels. From left to right set them to the birth dates of the
featured people:

1852 - 1874 - 1899 - 1931 (press X at the end of each setting and you will get
the 'good' sound if they are correct.)

This opens the clock in the lobby below from which you get the large,
ornate mansion key.

Use this on the final locked set of double doors in the lobby.

Outside the Mansion

Go to the right after leaving the Mansion and find a garden shed with 3
first aid kits and a gas cartridge for the plasma cannon.
There is nothing else along this path, so retrace your steps and unlock
the gate with the bronze key.

Beware monsters!

Now you need to go back to where you started the game and then carry on
along the path to the gate with the combination lock.

Beware of monsters and zombies along the way.

Examine the engraved metal plate to find the code for the combination
lock and go through. Examine the corpse impaled on the gate to find
first aid kits and another gas cartridge.

The Moors.

Cross the bridge and get another message from Aline. Kill the creatures
and feel a tremor as the bridge collapses behind you. Find a severed
head. Go up the stairs to your left and go to the large stone stele at
the top of the screen. Identify it as the North stele. Now following
Aline's messages go to North, South East, West, South West, East, North
East. Aline will tell you that the gate can be opened tonight and so you
need to chant the ritual incantation right now. Go to the East stele
and then consult the dictaphone to find out the order for the words in
the spell. These change each time you play the game.

This message from one of the Darkworks developers may make this section
a little clearer?

"When you first enter the circle of stones, the game will display some
on-screen text to give you some hints (supposedly these are Carnby's
thoughts). There should be 3 successive on-screen texts. After that, you
can go to any stele and press [ACTION] (Cross button). This is the first
part of the puzzle when you have to orient yourself in the circle of
stone. Go either to the East, North or West stele and validate the
correct option. Then call Aline with the radio and she tells you to go
to the North Stele. Press [ACTION] on the North stele. A close up of the
stele should appear. Return to the game and call Aline once again. She
will tell you to go to the South East stele, etc. Repeat this operation
until you have examined all the steles. If you leave the circle of
stones, the puzzle is reinitialized."

A blue light appears on the central plinth, go over and collect the
stone stele and the bull statue.

Descend the stairs and continue left along the path. Aline will arrange
to meet you as she needs the stone stele. Go down the stairs ahead and
through the caves to reach the shore. Beware giant scorpion!

The Shore

Go to your left and up a ladder to get a box of rockets. Then back down
again and on through the caves and up some stairs to enter the swamp.

The Swamp

Zombies! Keep left until you see the crashed plane. Inside pick up 3
first aid kits, pliers, blue lens, charm of saving and box of rockets.
Chat to the pilot but get ready for a quick exit as you only have 15
seconds before it sinks into the swamp. Note that you cannot save the

Go back through the swamp until you come to an archway. Giant scorpion!
Combine the blue lens with the torch so that you can see the blood
trail. Follow this until you get to a fence. Meet up with Aline. Get
Obed Morton's seal. Examine the large rock nearby to see a symbol in

Now go down the ramp to the chapel (you have heard its bells for some
time.) Use the pliers on the chains on the door. Giant scorpion!

The Chapel

Inside pick up a first aid kit and a box of rockets. Use the torch plus
lens on the door to see another symbol in blood. Examine the pad next
the door and the sacrifice ritual book nearby. Press the symbols on the
pad that you have seen revealed by the torch - top row right - middle
row centre - bottom row right (I got this one by trial and error as I
did not spot it anywhere.)

The altar moves back and you can go down into the secret laboratory.

The Laboratory

Use the seal to operate the turnstile. Examine the other switch to see
that you need Alan Morton's seal to operate it.

Cut scene with nasty noises off. Proceed along the passageway until you
come to an iron door and enter the lab.

Notice several switches in the lab, empty cabinets, power generator,
tubes of human remains, lab bench and locked door (everything you would
expect in your average mad scientist's workplace.)

Eventually you stumble on Alan Morton doing a little research. He
escapes and locks you in the lab without any power.

Chat to Aline and discover that she has a map of the lab and can guide
you to the switches required to overload the power supply and open the
locked door.

Follow her directions to find the switches (killing any zombies that
leap out at you along the way.)

After you have found all 3 switches the door opens and you can leave the

Aline tells you about the trapdoor she has opened to the greenhouse from
the manor cellar.

Underground Passageway

Go down a lot of stairs and along a long passageway and up a whole heap
of stairs. Ominous noises, spiders and assorted monsters along the way.
Run as much as possible to avoid them.

Open the first door at the top of the final flight of stairs and operate
the tape recorder to listen to Obed Morton and Lamb exchanging
pleasantries. Then go through the other door to find yourself back in
the manor cellar.

The Manor Cellar

Edenshaw appears in his usual mysterious way and warns you that Alan is
about to perform the ritual. Go up the ladder and through the trapdoor
(which is now unlocked) into the greenhouse. Now everyone knows that no
greenhouse in a survival horror game is just going to have a nice
selection of pot plants, and this is no exception.

Several nasty creatures that you can keep at bay with your torch whilst
you shoot them. Explore to find some bullets and then climb the ladder
to get to a gangway above the greenhouse. Push the statue along the
gangway and then through the gap in the railings so that it falls to the
floor below and smashes.

Examine the wreckage to find Alan Morton's seal and a bear statue.

Now it is ALL THE WAY BACK to the turnstile at the start of the secret

Use the AM seal on the switch and pass through to a large cavern.


Meet up with Aline and let her decipher the inscription on the stone
tablets in the cavern. Then head along the passageway, over the bridge
and through the door at the end. You will see a trapdoor in an alcove in
the wall shortly afterwards. Open it to reveal all sorts of goodies.
Lightning gun, first aid kits, battery charger and charms of saving.

Now go through the door on the other side where you will see Alan
opening the gate. He will knock Edenshaw over before opening the gate
and pulling Edward through with him.

The World of Darkness

Carnby starts on a ledge above an abyss in a landscape heavily
influenced by H.R. Giger and Alien. As usual Aline chimes in and then
you can go through the door ahead. The lightning gun should be your
weapon of choice here, not least because you can refill the battery
charger used to reload it from the blue crystals dotted around the

This area is a real pain as the monsters just keep on coming so keep
moving and only stop and fight when absolutely necessary. I can't help
feeling that the developers ran out of time or inspiration here, and
instead of including some more novel problems or enemies, they just
decided to rack up the monster count.

It is very easy to become disoriented in this area as there are few
distinguishing features and you have to run around to avoid the
monsters. I would be very grateful to anyone who can come up with a
clearer description of how to get through here.

Go down the passageway taking out any 'dogs' as required. In the next
cavern keep to the left and try to avoid the re-spawning monsters. You
should look out for a small entrance and duck inside. Beware as a giant
scorpion thing is waiting for you and once again they just keep on

In the large passageway head around to your left and keep going until
you get to a small exit. Watch out for more 'dogs' and go through the
cave on the other side of the room. In the next area avoid the monsters
and go right to find a rope which you can climb.

Alan will appear and cut the rope letting Carnby drop to a ledge below.
Go into the cave nearby and examine the body inside. Read the journal
and collect the Photoelectric Pulsar and the Metal Flask.

Leave the same way you came in and climb down the rope on the left. Go
up the stairs (monsters, monsters, monsters) and see Alan again when you
reach the top. Pursue him. After many more monsters and several passages
and caverns Carnby and Aline corner Alan. Then a 'mutated' Obed appears
and shoves him into a HUGE cavern.

After viewing the cut scene, go into the small cave in front of you.
Follow the passageway and climb another rope. Ignore the cave entrance
at the top and go straight on and through the cave at the other side of
the bridge. Another passageway and another entrance on the other side.

Now you are in a large cavern full of lava (beware monster!) and go
around to your left. Continue left until you get to the exit. Then walk
over the bridge and you will get a message about Lamb and the imminent
arrival of a helicopter.

Go forwards and go to the top of the staircase. Then through the cave at
the top, go left, up the passageway and over the rock at the end. Drop
down, turn left and run forwards. Follow the cave around, climb up onto
a ledge at the end and drop down again. Run forwards and at the junction
go left and through the cave at the end.

Another large cavern. Message from Aline encouraging you. As you move
forward a large column falls down. Climb onto it and run across to the
other side. Turn right and fill the metal flask with water from the pool.
Turn around and run directly forwards. When you get to the large stone
disk turn right and go through the cave. You should be in a small cave
full of mummies with an altar and a large stone door.

Go right and climb down the rope. Walk forwards to see a stone head on a
pile of rocks. As you get near it Alan Morton in 'mutated' form will
attack you.

Before you fight him you need to find the weapon you will use to kill
him. It is a spear which is in a small passageway in the sw corner. You
can't get it as Alan blocks your path and throws you out of the
passageway. Now hit him with everything left in your arsenal. You won't
be able to kill him but if you keep hitting him and running away,
eventually he will drop to the ground. As soon as he does this run and
grab the spear. Carnby is changed into an indian warrior and kills Alan
with the spear. Then he changes back again.

Now run to the pile of rocks and collect the stone head. Go up to the
altar and place the stone head there. Aline appears with another head.
The door behind you opens. Go through and Edenshaw tells you to leave.
Carnby and Aline run out of the caves. End sequence.

2. As Aline Cedrac

The Manor

Aline lands on the roof of the manor armed with ..... well armed with her
trusty torch! Edward contacts her and tells her to hide. Go through the
lighted window and meet old Mrs. Morton. She gives you a key and then
asks you to check out the corner of the room. A 'snake' emerges from the
rug. As you are armed only with your torch, flash it in the creature's
face until it vanishes. Pick up charm of saving on the table and first
aid kit in the corner by the bed.

As soon as you leave the room run over to the door on the other side to
switch on the light to make the monsters disappear. The door is locked
(it is the 3rd floor east) and you need to find the key. Go back to the
junction and take the left turn and go through the door on your right.
Ignore any creatures as you have nothing with which to fight them. In
the room with 2 doors find a charm of saving and go through the door on
the right again. Go up the corridor and through the door at the end. In
the next room there are more monsters, try to keep them at bay with your
torch whilst you look for the key on the table to your left.

Now retrace your steps and unlock the door and go down the spiral
staircase. Halfway down pause at the door and eavesdrop on the
conversation. Then continue to the bottom of the stairs and enter the
only unlocked door in the lobby. In the museum turn off the lights to
see the hidden revolver in the base of the statue. Use the key given to
you by Mrs. Morton to unlock the base. Be ready for a quick exit through
the other door as a monster appears.

Catch a glimpse of Obed Morton and pursue him until you find him at the
dead end of the corridor by the staircase. He will drug you.

You wake up on a bed in a darkened room. Switch on the light and chat
with Edward. Search the room to find an allen key, some first aid kits
and a charm of saving. Go through the mirror door and down the steps
collecting the shotgun at the bottom. Continue on until you reach a
sealed door with a peephole. Collect the first aid kit on your way. Peer
through to see Obed talking to Lamb and then being punched out by a
'mystery man' (Alan Morton of course.)

Back to the bedroom (ominous noises and monsters appearing) where Edward
will join you. After your chat he will help you through the trapdoor
into the attic room above.

De Certo materializes in the mirror and makes a deal to reveal Aline's
past if she returns his mirror stolen by Edenshaw.

Leave the room and make your way back to corridor outside Mrs. Morton's
bedroom. The handle breaks off the door as you close it. Go down the
stairs again but this time when you try the door on the first landing
you 'teleport' through in a blue light.

Enter the study immediately on your left and pick up the mirror then go
up the stairs to collect the grenade launcher off the desk. Leave the
room and go along to the end of the corridor. Cut scene of blood flowing
out from under a door and nasty creatures appearing on the ceiling.

Go right and run to avoid the creepy crawlies. Go through the second
door on your left. Look around for a charm of saving and some bullets.
Then go round the side of the bed into the washroom. De Certo will appear
in the mirror and talk to you. Go through the mirror and he will ask you
to give him the other mirror you picked up. If you say Yes, he kills
you, game over. If you say No, you smash the mirror and kill him. I will
leave you to work out the best answer! You will get a bison statue and a
call from Carnby. As you go back through the bedroom you encounter
Edenshaw and you have another chat with Carnby.

Go through the door on the right into the lobby and down the stairs and
through the double doors at the back into the corridor. On your way
examine the mirror in the lobby to see that one of the decorations is
missing and watch out for various nasty creatures that attack you. Go
right and along to the end of the corridor and through the door to
Aline's right into Obed Morton's office. Make your way round the room to
a large mirror which you notice is cracked when you examine it (hint,
hint.) Shoot the mirror (I think it takes 3 shots) until it smashes.
Retrieve the journal from behind the mirror and a reminder to contact
Lucy Morton again. Once you leave the office you are 'transported' to
her bedroom where she gives you a glass prism.

Go back to the study where you picked up the grenade launcher and the
mirror, use the glass prism on the projector, then use your torch on
the projector plus prism to receive an engraved cube.
Examine this to see the code 1991. Note this for later use.

Now go back the main staircase and go through the door at the bottom and
then through the door on the right to enter the library. Turn on the
light and read the two documents to your left (on the desk) and your
right (on the lectern.) Go over to the second bookcase to your left and
activate the switch on it. You will see 4 books with number dials in
their spines. Enter the code number 1991 you obtained earlier to open
the secret door. Inside take the Abkanis tablets, first aid kits and
charm of saving. Now would be a good time to use the charm! Pull the
lever on the wall to raise a plinth in the centre of the library. Inside
is a nasty creature which breaks out and attacks you.

First encounter with the 'shadow demon.'

This 'boss' is very reminiscent of Nemesis in Resident Evil (and just as
tough!) When he is trying to attack you, he is invulnerable so try to
dodge the attack, run away and then hit him with your most powerful
weapons. It will take about 30 shotgun bullets or 5/6 grenades. Once he
is 'dead,' check the plinth to find a half medallion and yet another hint
to visit Old Mrs. Morton. Before you do, go up through the library
visiting the secret alcove to pick up some bullets and the turret room
outside to collect some grenades.

Once you leave the library you are back in Lucy Morton's bedroom again
and she will give you the other half of the medallion. Combine the two
pieces and then go back to the lobby and use the complete medallion on
the mirror to open the door into the manor cellar. Ominous FMV of the
shadow demon rising from the 'dead.'

Manor Cellar

Once in the cellar head to the right where the crates are stored. Climb
the ladder and open the trapdoor with the allen key. Once in the
greenhouse have another talk with Edenshaw and explore to find some more
grenades. Leave the greenhouse and prepare to meet the 'shadow demon'
yet again.

Just keep running until you get through the door at the end of the path
leading into the cemetery.

The Cemetery

Keep running as the shadow demon is still chasing you! Go through the
door at the end and be ready to take out 3 'dogs' that attack you. Turn
to the right and go down path. As you follow the path our old friend
pops up again. Keep running along the path until you pass a large crypt.

The Morton Crypt

Enter Jeremy Morton's crypt to collect a box of rockets and the
launcher. Walk up to the crypt to find a charm of saving and the metal
cover. Leave Jeremy's tomb and go to the far side of the crypt. You will
see a metallic rail with 'diodes' on. If you combine the metallic cover
with the torch to narrow the beam you can use it to spell the letter M
on the wall. The other walkthrough file here has an excellent diagram on
how to do this, but basically start at the bottom left and trace out the
letter. This will open Richard Morton's tomb (far left) and inside you
will find a corpse and a document. Now enter the cave on your left and
follow it around to the end, climb over the outcrop.


Follow the forest path keeping to the right. When you come to a small
wooden gate go through to reach the fort.

The Fort

Run over the bridge and then walk to the right side of the gate. Because
the gate is locked you need to climb up the rampart on the right. At the
top go around the ledge and go down to the main gate and unlock it. Go
down the stairs and through a small tunnel. Climb up onto the small
ledge to the left and go over the wall. Drop down the other side and go
up the stairs into the next room. Go left and up the stairs to enter the
cell at the end of the path. Encounter Obed Morton.

After chatting to him pick up the Black Metallic Card and the Charm of
Saving. Leave the cell and go through the passage in the other side of
the room and through the door on your left at the bottom. All the way to
the bottom of the stairs and turn left. At the other side get the Wire
Cutters, Blueprints, Tripod Support and the Journal and go up the stairs
behind you. Go around the platform (beware monsters!) and collect the
Mould next to the chest. Leave and climb back over the wall and go into
the cave on the other side. Go to the locked chest and use the Wire
Cutters to open it. Collect the Large Ornate Rusty Key and the Steel
Ingot. Go to the top of the fort and the door you saw when you climbed
the rampart earlier. Open it with the key and enter the lab. Go left and
collect the Weapon Butt, Orange Accelerator and the Weapon Barrel. Go to
the machine behind you and put the Mould into it. Then use the Ingot to
make the Perforator Barrel. Split the Tripod Support to get a Metallic
Half Ring, Carry on round the lab and examine the cupboard to get the
Glass Lens inside. Go out onto the battlements and use the Glass Lens in
the telescope and look through it.

As you walk along the battlement they will crumble and drop you into the
sewers. Go through the sewers and climb out on the other side. Through
the door, up the ladder and get the Golden, Red, and Silver Metallic
Cards. Unlock the door and up the stairs back into the lab. Exit the lab
and go down to the bottom, over the wall and into the room next to
Obed's cell. Go down the small passageway until you reach a door with 4
card slots and symbols on. Read Jeremy Morton's journal and on the last
page you will see the colours for each symbol on the door. Put the cards
into the correct slots to unlock the door.

Go through the door and turn left (Plasma Cannon, Charm of Saving.)
Carry on and find the Metallic Half Ring on the crate. Up the spiral
staircase and get a message from Carnby about the stone circle. At the
top collect the diagram from the machine and then call Carnby again. He
gives you the numbers from the stele as Aline calls them out. Transfer
the numbers into a date and input them into the machine. The date is
'10-31-2001' The planets will realign and show you that tonight is when
the gate can be opened. Chat to Carnby again and then go downstairs
(Large Bronze key, Alan Morton's Seal, Small Padlock Key and Snake
Abkanis Statue.)

Go to the back of the room and use the Bronze key to open the door. You
are back outside. Look at the totem at the end of the cliff. Call Carnby
and he tells you about the Stone disk he has found. You need this so go
back to where you started in the forest and talk to Carnby. He gives you
the disk. Return to the totem and use the disk to get an abkanis energy
stone and a fish statue.

Now you need to assemble the Peforator (combine the 2 metallic half
rings to get the metallic ring, combine the tripod support with the
barrel, the orange accelerator with the butt, the photoelectric pulsar
without the barrel with the orange accelerator with the barrel, the
metallic ring with the abkanis energy stone, the photoelectric pulsar
with orange accelerator with tripod support with perforator barrel, and
then finally the perforator without the abkanis energy stone with the
metallic ring with abkanis energy stone. You should now be the proud
owner of a complete perforator with energy stone.)

Make your way to the lab and climb up the ladder next to the machine.
Switch on the lights and go up the 2nd ladder on your left. Go along the
platform and go up the 3rd ladder on the other side. You are now on the
roof of the fort. Go to the door on the floor and use the padlock key to
open it. Go down the ladder and activate the switch on the gantry to
open the hatch for the electric conductor. Go down the ladder behind you
and down into the main room below. Use the switch to turn on the
conductor and a timer will start. You need to go all the way down to the
basement (where you got the wire cutters) and use the perforator on the
stand to blast a hole in the wall. All this before the timer runs out.
BUT just as you use the switch your old enemy the shadow demon returns
and you have to kill him before you can go down the ladder.

Weapons are no good. You have to make him jump at you through the
electric current. Wait until the charge is about to go down the pylon
and then run away from the demon. 2/3 jolts should finish him off. Wait
until the timer runs out and then start it up again. Now you can blast
your escape hole into the Abkanis ruins.

Abkanis Antechamber

As you walk forward pick up the Photoelectric Pulsar. Turn right and go
down the path and climb down the ladder to the river. Go along the bank,
around the edge of the cliff cross the bridge and through the cave on
the other side. You should be at the edge of a huge drop. Go down the
stairs to your left and go into the cave at the bottom. Descend the next
set of stairs and go along the passage until you meet Carnby. Follow him
and read the stone tablets. When you have finished translating leave the
cave, cross the large bridge and through the cave on the other side.
About halfway up the passage is a trapdoor concealing lots of goodies -
first aid kits, battery charger, lightning gun and charms of saving. Go
through the opening and witness the opening of the gate and Carnby being
sucked through. After talking to Edenshaw go through the gate yourself.

The World of Darkness

Go right and down the stairs, cross the bridge and then descend a 2nd
set of stairs. Speak to Carnby and then collect the luminescent crystal
and go into the cave ahead. You are in a big cavern with lots of
stalactites and another long drop. Go along the ledge and into the cave
on the other side. Go left and try to avoid all the creatures and climb
up onto the ledge at the end. Jump down and continue around the cave
climbing over the small ledge round the corner. Go left and through the
entrance on the other side. You will see the Abkanis Fortress. Go down
the stairs and then climb the ladder to reach the fortress.

Abkanis Fortress

Beware monsters! Go up the stairs to the courtyard. Go up the larger
staircase to the right and go into the shrine at the top. Go forwards
and around to the right and go into the cave at the end.

Walk towards the circular table in the middle of the area and see the 7
buttons. Press each button in turn to swivel the entrance to reveal a
stone seal. Collect all 6 seals each of which represents an animal. Once
you have all of them exit the shrine and go down the stairs into the
courtyard. Go right at the bottom climb up the ladder at the edge of the
little building. When you are on the roof climb through the skylight.
Collect the Indian Skin Flask. If you turn around you will see 6 stone
steles. You need to put the seals into the steles. They are arranged in
the correct order in your inventory looking from left to right. Now go
down the small corridor opposite the ladder and find the Stone Pyramid
and Charm of saving. Now leave the building and go back to the Abkanis
Shrine. Go up the steps and around the ledge until you find a large
statue with a funny looking base. Use the Stone Pyramid on the plinth
and it will change into a Stone Head. The 'god of gods' will speak to
you and then you can leave, go down the stairs and leave the fortress
using the ladder on the right.

World of Darkness

Now go down the stairs and into the cave at the bottom. In the lava room
go to the right. Go through the cave at the end into a large passage. Go
to the end and out the other side and over the bridge. Beware monster!
Use the Flask on the Pool to your right. Go around to the left and climb
the wall at the end. Beware 3 'dogs!' Go along the passage and climb the
steps at the end. Go around the ledge and up the stairs. At the top you
will see Alan making his escape. Go back the way you came until you get
to the bridge Alan was on. Go down the rope and go forwards to corner
Alan. A 'mutated' Obed drops down and knocks Alan into the abyss. Climb
down and collect the Eagle statue and then contact Carnby. Go through
the small opening behind you and drop down the hole. You are in an
embalming chamber. Go round the cave and talk to Johnson. He asks you to
finish the ritual. Go through the opening into a sewer. Jump into the
water and go right. Climb out the other side and go through another
small opening. Talk to Johnson again. Now drop off the ledge and run for
the cave entrance ahead. You are back in the big cave except this time
one of the stalactites has dropped down to create a bridge. Go across to
meet Obed, the final boss.

Use the Photoelectric Pulsar and wait for Obed to get close to you. Then
shoot him which pushes him backwards. Keep doing this until he is
defeated and smashes the bridge dropping the monsters and himself into
the pit.

Now go towards the large stone disk on your left and go through the cave
in front of it. You will be in a room filled with indian mummies. Go to
the altar at the back and use the stone head on the plinth. Carnby comes
in with the 3rd head and the door opens behind you. Edenshaw tells you
to leave. Carnby and Aline run out of the cave. End sequence.


I found these messages posted on the GameFAQs AITD4 message board from
one of the developers at Darkworks interesting and informative, so I
thought I would 'preserve' them here.

[In reply to a comment about the lack of replay value]

Well, I must confess that we never really bother about the replay value

In our opinion, an adventure-action game is pretty much like a movie or
a book. It is mainly meant to tell the player a story. Of course, if you
start all over again, you get the same story.

We felt like adding replay value would be to add a bonus character with
another scenario. You would not believe how time consuming it would be
to implement such a bonus scenario and how many assets (graphics,
voices, animations, ...) we would have to produce. Beside, there is no
room left on the cds.

Our main goals were: - most of the players finish the game (and are
addicted enough to do so) - most of the players play both characters

Someone mentionned on the board that a B scenario had been implemented
in RE2, but on the other hand you must admit that playing with Claire is
not to different from playing with Leon.

We created two different storylines, one for each character, and most
players agree that playing Carnby or Aline are two totally different

I think that many of you finished the game at least with one character.

Some people argue that the game is too short. It is longer than RE or
Silent Hill, actually. But I think that it undoubtedly means that they
were not bored. So we take it as a compliment.

Nevertheless, it is very interesting to read your comments as we are now
drawing the concepts for our next projects.

[In reply to a question about different costumes for Edward and Aline]

We have considered the possibility of including bonus outfits for both
characters that would become available when you finish the game.

Unfortunately, the way we handle the character ressources is different
from what Capcom does in Resident Evil. Basically, all ressources for
the hero character are loaded into the main psx memory each time the
players enters a level. This means that the graphic ressources,
including the outfit of the characters, are encapsuled in the level

Capcom uses a different technique: the graphic ressources for the hero
character are loaded only once into the main memory, at the very
beginning of the game (before the intro cgi movie actually). This allows
them to include bonus outfits or even bonus characters.

[In reply to the 'FAQ' - Why can't I kill the monster in the library?']

We have noticed that this problem of "immortal Triceraptor" (the monster
in the library) may occur when you save inside the secret room of the
library (on the 1st floor) when the triceraptor has already appeared.

The best solution would be to reload your last saved game before you
entered the library (or at least before the apparition of the


[In reply to the other 'FAQ' - How do I solve the puzzle of the stone

We can give you some details:

When you first enter the circle of stones, the game will display some
on-screen text to give you some hints (supposedly these are Carnby's
thoughts). There should be 3 successive on-screen texts.

After that, you can go to any stele and press [ACTION] (Cross button).
This is the first part of the puzzle when you have to orient yourself in
the circle of stone. Go either to the Est, North or West stele and
validate the correct option.

Then call Aline with the radio and she tells you to go to the North

Press [ACTION] on the North stele. A close up of the stele should
appear. Return to the game and call Aline once again. She will tell you
to go to the South East stele, etc Repeat this operation until you have
examined all the steles.

If you leave the circle of stones, the puzzle is reinitialized.


[In reply to comments that AITD4 is just another RE clone]

Actually, Alone in the Dark, definitely the father of the
survival-horror genre, was released by Infogrames in 1992, on PC.

It featured flatshaded non textured real-time 3D characters, monsters
and objects on fixed backgrounds.

The backgrounds were not CGI renderings as in most fixed backgrounds
games but 2D paintings.

This game was created by Frédéric Raynal and set up, in the first room
(the attic), most of the gameplay of survival-horror: - a monster behind
the window which suddenly crosses it - pushing crates and furnitures - a
zombie crawling through a trapdoor - etc

Before that, Delphine Software had released in the late 80's a game
called 'Cruise for a corpse', featuring a flatshaded non textured
real-time 2D character on painted 2D backgrounds, which obviously
inspired Frédéric Raynal.

After the released of Alone in the Dark, Frédéric Raynal left Infogrames
and teamed with Delphine Software to create Adeline Software.


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