Twisted Metal 2

Twisted Metal 2

06.10.2013 16:16:57
Mini-Twisted Metal 2 Strategy guide
By Kent Wicklander
Version 0.1

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. The game
3. Stuff to blow up
4. tips on each level
5. tips on each character
6. CODES!!!!!!!!!!!
7. Advanced attacks

Code/Move Key-^=up v=down <=left >=right
Triangle=/\,Square=[],Circle=O,X,Start,Select,R1,R2,L1,L2 you can figure out
because they occasionally change.

1. Introduction
Well, this is my first FAQ Strategy guide thing and I hope that you like it. I
swear that all the codes are accurate. Really. I am a pro on this game (not to
brag or anything) and I have racked up at least 1000 hours playing this
awesome game. I woulden't lie. I know that now this game is kind of old but
for those dedicated fans out there, this Strategy guide is for you. I have my
personal techniques, tips, hints, and fun stuff in here so just read this
Strategy guide and I hope yo like it.

2. The Game
Basically you drive around and kill other cars. It isn't a complicated game.
It is VERY fun though. Codes make it exiting and make you want to keep
playing. There are a wide variety of cars. Thumper, Roadkill, Outlaw 2,
Twister, Mr Slam, Hammerhead, Axel, Shadow, Grasshopper, Warthog, Mr Grimm,
Spectre, Minion, and Sweettooth. All of theese cars have specials (their own
unique weapon) and an bombay of pickups and advanced attacks. You choose your
combattant and drive it into combat.

3. Stuff to blow up
In each level, there is a huge battleground and in some, there is something
really big to blow up.

Los Angeles-Hollywood sign (missiles),Bridge (remote)
Moscow-Bridges (remote),stupid signs (napalm) Lightning shooter (anything)
Paris-Eifel tower (remote),Paintings (napalm)
Amazonia-statues (anything), doorways (anything)
New York-Statue of liberty (anything)
Antartica-the whole place destroys itself
Holland-Windmills (anything)
Hong Kong-not really anything

4. tips on each level
oooh this is my favorite part
Las Angeles-This level is pretty fun and one of it's best features is the fire
pit. Here's something fun to do. Slowly drive into the pit CAREFULLY. Be sure
not to get burnt. stay right at the edge so you are okay. Tip: If you're up to
some real fun, go set a remote in the middle of the pit and get back to the
edge. The CPU is stupid so they drive right over your head and hit the remote
if you have one there. You turbo out and turn around. Now you can either sit
and wait for them to burn to death OR you can pelt the entire pit with napalm.
Also, a fun thing to do on 2 player challenge match is the Fire Pit Duel.
Stock up on weapons and drive into the burning fire pit and fight to the

Moscow-This is fun. Set a remote on the blue round thing in the middle. Wait
and a car will come and drive right over it. BOOM!!! Napalm and remotes are
fun in this level. Also, after th e remote trick, on 2 player, the 2nd person
can jump over the bridges and drop a remote in mid air, and it will fall on
the other one. Double boom.

Paris-This is definetly one of my favorite levels if not my very favorite.
Warp up into the tower and right where you end up, set a remote and get the
hell out of there. When an enemy warps up, BA BOOM!! he explodes along with
the entire eigel tower. On 2 player CO-OP, Warp up, go a little bit left, have
your partner warp up, go a little bit left, each set a remote, go to the exit
and turn around so you are facing the remotes and when they warp up, turbo out
backwards and each set off your remotes. Also, the Lourve can be fun. Go in
the top and you can jump to the buildings (u,u,< plus a little turbo). Warp
up to the top of the Lourve, drive back a little, when an enemy warps up,
Blast them to bits. When an enemy is driving up the main road and you are in
the Lourve, it's fun to pelt them with Napalm, Or Warthog's special or
Minion's special. (Minion's special for any one: ^v^^R2)

Amazonia-First off, blow up one of the tunnel entrances. Go in and turn
around. Set a remote at the edge and go reverse. Mines can add a little extra
"bang" to this. Make sure the other side stays sealed (unless you are 2 player
when your partner can do the same thing to the other side). Wait for a enemy
to come and when he does he will hit the remote/mines and blow up. Then you
hit him and if you are on 2player, your partner can come and help. This is
PERFECT against Minion. Minion Tip: Blow open all the doors (big building
places) and go inside. Set a remote in the doorway. He comes in and Boom! You
drive out and set a remote in the doorway again and when he tries to get
out...BOOM. Also, at the stairs, drive to the top, set a remote, go back a
little and tturn around and when an enemy drives up he gets blown up.

New York-Turbo is a big no-no.This level is big and has alot of area but, alot
of edges. on the ramp thing on the grey parking area, sit at the top with
Outlaw or Axel and when an enemy drives up, blast them with your special up
into the air and over the edge. If you're low on life, go in the locker room
and kill that guy alot. Another tip: drop into the pool and set a remote right
where you fall and when the enemy comes up, detonate the remote and hit him
with Napalm till he's dead. Other than that, just knock guys off the edge with
Ricos and you should be fine.

Antartica-Freeze a guy on a falling iceberg. Like New York, Turbo is a bad
choice. Keep moving and don't stay on a iceberg too long. Warp on the warp to
the seperate iceberg and when a enemy warps up, RICOS!!! Napalm is fun here.
Be careful, places that have fallen, sometimes look like solid ground. When
you see geysers of ice stuff and the ice berg starts having green lightning
looking cracks in it, get off that iceberg.

Holland-You don't need alot of tactics here. Remotes are fun, and so is
Napalm. Ricos can help too. Basically, just drive and kill. You can hide in
the windmills but they get demolished very quickly by the enemies. One of them
leaves a grey thing you can hide in. That's really about it for holland.

Hong Kong-This is the last level of Twisted Metal 2 and there are lots of
stuff to do. Go inside the room with the lightning shooter, warp th the top,
set a remotr, turbo off and on th one of the edges on the walls. When an enemy
comes, warps up, boom, then you hit him with lightning. Shoot tons of Ricos
all around the room too. They keep hitting enemies and it's just really fun.
This is perfect against DarkTooth. Also for a fun mess up thing, first, stock
up on napalm. Have the second player jump over the harbor fence into the bay.
Be sure homing napalm is on. Mega Rapid Fire (Gameshark) helps too. Your
partner has to be invincible. Start firing homing napalms at your friend. That
will keep him above the surface and he/she will hold in turbo. After a while,
you can stop firing napalm and your partner will be in a unlimited space area
and will be able to drive around in 2D backgrounds (This is sort of a game
mess up). Also, The Subway is fun too. Hitch a ride on a train to stock up on
weapons (code thing). This is a fun level and so is DarkTooth.

5. Tips on each Character

Spectre-His Ghost Missiles are very helpful in battle. His armor is a big
drawback though.

Character info:
Ken Masters, the driver of Spectre. Male, 32 years old. If he wins
Twisted Metal he wants to be famous.
Spectre/Sports Car
Special:Ghost missiles
Level Passwords:
Moscow - O /\ X X /\ _
Paris - _ /\ [] O O X
Amazonia - O X /\ [] /\ X
New York - _ X O X X /\
Antarctica - X _ _ _ O /\
Holland - /\ _ _ [] X []
Hong Kong - X /\ X /\ O []
Dark Tooth - X O O O _ /\

Strategies: Be careful because of his armor but his special is great. It goes
through anything. With unlimited, it's a blast. Use it at your advantage and
it is very powerful. With God mode, and Mega Rapid fire, it is VERY fun. Shoot
and Shoot and Shoot. Everybody dies very fast. He has good speed as well so I
usually Torbo around shooting specials (except in NY and Antartica) Just don't
get cocky and fast or you're dead. Use shield alot.

Thumper-His Flame is Very powerful. If you use it right, the most powerful in
the game. He has okay armor and fair speed so all in all he is a great
Character info:
Bruce Cochrane, the driver of Thumper. Male, 30 years old. When/If he
wins, he wants to have revenge on all who kept him down, To Have control
ove more than a mere neighborhood like in the last Twisted Metal
Thumper/Luxury car
Special: Ultre Flame Thrower
Level Passwords:
Moscow - O _ _ /\ X _
Paris - X [] [] O O /\
Amazonia - /\ X O _ [] _
New York - X X /\ /\ X /\
Antarctica - /\ /\ [] _ _ _
Holland - X /\ X _ [] /\
Hong Kong - /\ _ _ [] /\ _
Dark Tooth - /\ _ [] [] X O

Roadkill-A all around character. Good for starters at the game. Also, just a
really good all around.
Character info:
Marcus cane, driver of Roadkill. Male, 32 years old, homeless bum,
Insane. if he wins, his prize will to be sane.
Roadkill/Junk car
Special: Boomerang blast
Level Passwords:
Moscow - O X /\ [] [] _
Paris - /\ _ /\ _ _ O
Amazonia - X X /\ O [] /\
New York - O _ _ X _ X
Antarctica - _ /\ [] X O _
Holland - X _ _ /\ _ []
Hong Kong - /\ /\ [] /\ O /\
Dark Tooth - /\ O X /\ [] X

Sweettooth-He sucks. Just pure sucks. That's just about it.
Character info:
Level Passwords:
Strategies: Sorry, he just plain sucks.

Mr Slam-Cool, but hard to master. His special is not the easiest and he isn't
fast but when you got 'em, you really got 'em
Character info:
Simon Whittlebone, driver of Mr Slam. Male 30 years old, If he wins
Twisted metal, he wants to build a structure so tall, it will strech to
the gates of heaven.
Mr Slam/Front loader
Special: Grab and Slam
Level Passwords:
Moscow - X X /\ [] X _
Paris - X _ _ O X []
Amazonia - O /\ [] _ [] X
New York - /\ X O [] _ O
Antarctica - /\ _ /\ O /\ /\
Holland - _ O _ _ O _
Hong Kong - [] _ _ /\ _ /\
Dark Tooth - [] _ [] /\ O X

Hammerhead-Okay, but not as powerful as he was in the first. But not a bad
character at all.
Character info:
Mike N Stu, Drivers of Hammerhead. Males, 17 years old. Looking for
exitement (And chicks!) If they win, they want the ultimate high, To be
able to fly.
Hammerhead/Monster truck
Special: Monster crush
Level Passwords:
Moscow - _ /\ X X X _
Paris -_ X /\ [] X /\
Amazonia - /\ _ _ _ X O
New York - /\ /\ X /\ X X
Antarctica - /\ X /\ O X []
Holland - /\ [] [] X [] _
Hong Kong - O /\ O [] [] /\
Dark Tooth - O O O _ /\ X

Outlaw 2-Cool. This guy can shoot you from his side. No need to aim. He is a
all around car too.
Character info:
Capt. Jamie Roberts, Driver of Outlaw. Female 24 years old. Wants
revenge on Calypso because he banished her brother into space in the
last Twisted Metal contest.
Outlaw/Police car
Special: Omni Tazer
Level Passwords:
Moscow - _ X O _ /\ _
Paris - /\ /\ X O /\ _
Amazonia - /\ [] [] [] /\ _
New York - O X /\ /\ /\ _
Antarctica - X /\ O X /\ _
Holland - X [] [] _ /\
Hong Kong - _ /\ X [] X X
Dark Tooth - _ O X _ /\ _

Mr Grimm-Fast,Powerful,awesome. His specials don't home in but if you're a
good shot... also,he has weak armor.
Character info:
Mr Grimm, Driver of Mr Grimm. Male, Age unknown. Feeds off of souls.
Trying to cause the end of the world and wanting more souls is the
reason he joined Twisted Metal.
Mr Grimm/Motorcycle
Special: Screaming soul
Level Passwords:
Moscow - /\ /\ X X O _
Paris - O X /\ O /\ X
Amazonia - X O O /\ /\ /\
New York - /\ _ _ O X O
Antarctica - O /\ X /\ X _
Holland - X X /\ _ O X
Hong Kong - _ X O /\ [] []
Dark Tooth - _ [] /\ O O /\

Shadow-Fun. He is fun. His shots are like moving remotes. You detonate them
whenever and the explosion is the same as a remote.
Character info:
Mortimer, driver of Shadow. Male, age unknown. A keeper of lost souls
and Mortimer helps get revenge on their killers. Now Mortimer has a
cargo that wants Calypso...Dead
Special: Soul shadow
Level Passwords:
Moscow - [] _ _ /\ /\ _
Paris - X /\ X [] O /\
Amazonia - X X O _ /\ X
New York - X _ _ X O []
Antarctica - O X O O X O
Holland - O /\ [] /\ [] _
Hong Kong - O _ /\ _ [] X
Dark Tooth - O /\ _ /\ O _

Grasshopper-She isn't really all that good. Kinda sucks. Her special is
sometimes effective...
Character info:
Krista Sparks, The driver of Grasshopper. Female, 15 years old. She
wants to find her father. If she wins the Twisted Metal Tournament, She
wants to find her father.
Grasshopper/Dune buggy
Special:Leap n' Slam
Level Passwords:
Moscow - /\ X O _ _ _
Paris - X /\ O [] [] O
Amazonia - _ X O O /\ O
New York - O /\ X O _ []
Antarctica - X [] [] O _ /\
Holland - /\ /\ X [] O /\
Hong Kong - O [] [] O X /\
Dark Tooth - X _ X [] [] _

Axel-He is a pretty good character. His Supernova Shockwave rules. Nice all
Character info:
Axel, Driver of Axel. 32 years old, a prisoner in his own vehicle. His
prize, if he wins, will be to be free and able to confront his father,
the one who put him in his machine.
Axel/Daddy's revenge 209
Special: Supernova Shockwave
Level Passwords:
Moscow - X /\ X X _ _
Paris - O /\ [] _ /\ _
Amazonia - /\ /\ [] O O _
New York - _ /\ [] [] X _
Antarctica - X X /\ [] /\ O
Holland - O X O /\ O O
Hong Kong - /\ X O X X O

Twister-If you like speed, here is the fastest car in the game. Nice special
too. It sucks up everybody and whirls them around.
Character info:
Amanda Watts, Driver if Twister. Female, 22 years old. Obsessed with
speed. Her prize is to be able to go Light speed
Twister/Race car
Special: Tornado spin
Level Passwords:
Moscow - X _ _ /\ O _
Paris - /\ X O O X /\
Amazonia - _ /\ [] X [] O
New York - X /\ X O X _
Antarctica - O _ _ X [] /\
Holland - _ X X _ _ O
Hong Kong - X X /\ X [] _
Dark Tooth - X [] _ [] /\ O

Warthog-He reminds me of Minion. His special is awesome and easy to use. His
armor is great too but he's slow.
Character info:
Capt. Roberts, Driver of Warthog. Male 105 years old. If he wins Twisted
Metal, he wants his youth back and to be young again.
Warthog/Army vehicle
Special: Patriot missiles
Level Passwords:
Moscow - /\ _ _ /\ [] _
Paris - /\ [] [] [] X []
Amazonia - O [] [] O X X
New York - X [] [] _ X O
Antarctica - _ X O /\ _ []
Holland - /\ X /\ [] _ X
Hong Kong - O X /\ O _ O
Dark Tooth -O[]_OO[]

Minion-A bigger more powerful,faster Warthog. Lots of armor, apeed and an
awesome special. it's Warthog's with a freeze.
Character info:

Strategies: Minion is a awesome car. If you ask me, the best car in the game.
If your friends will let you, be him. He has no level passwords, but you don't
really need them. If you're him, you automatically have the advantage. Minion
has a fantastic special, used for freezing them and hitting some major damage
on them, and you can set them up for a ram that way. Minion is very good at
ramming. He works lik hammerhead in that he crushes. He can also ram if you
get enough speed and you hit 'em in the side.

Character codes: enter theese at the character select screen.
Minion-L1, ^, v, < (I havent played this game in awhile so I may be a little
wrong with the Minion code)
Sweettooth:^, L1, Triangle, >
In the 2 player head to head level select screen press:
To go to the neighborhood from TM1, Cyberbia, press Down, Up L1, R1
To go to The old rooftops from TM1, press down, right,R1,down
To go tho a Jet Moto stage press, up,down,right,R1
Mega guns:While playing, hold R2 and press
up,down,left,right,right,left,down,up. Your machine guns should be more
God Mode (combo of invincibility & infinate weapons): While playing,
hold R1,R2,L1, and L2. press up,down,left,right,right,left,down,up
Invincibility only: While playing, hold L1 & R1. Then press
Infinite weapons only: While playing hold R2 & L2. Then press
You can turn theese off at will by doing the code again exept mega guns.
these are without gameshark.

7.Advanced attacks
use theese During battle
Minion Special: up,down,up,up,R2
Sell Your Soul: down,up,right,left,up,up,down,down
freeze: left,right,up
napalm: right,left,up
shield: up,up,right
jump: up,up,left
mine: right,left,down
back move: left,right,down
invisibility: right,down,left,up
homing napalm: get at least 2 napalms and fire one and hold L2. while it
is falling, press up,down,down,left,left,left,right,right. All of the
following napalms will home in ot their target.

The following 2 codes only work when you have NO waepons.

Rear freeze: left,right,down,left,right,up
Rear napalm: left,right,down,right,left,up

Kent Wicklander

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15.Octombrie 2013

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engl. Cheats

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