Twisted Metal 2

Twisted Metal 2

06.10.2013 16:18:53
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Twisted Metal 2 World Tour FAQ
by Bonesnc v3.1

1. Characters
2. Stories of the cars
3. Level Information
4. Passwords
5. Weapons
6. Combos
7. Secret Cars
8. Secret Levels
9. Game Shark Codes

1. Characters
1. Alex Moore - Spectre
2. Andy Pearson - Twister
3. Axel - Axel
4. Capt. Roberts - Outlaw
5. Bruce - Thumper
6. Col. Dawson - Warthog
7. J.D.- Roadkill
8. Krista Sparks - Grasshopper
9. Simon Whittlebone - Mr. Slam
10. Mike and Stu - Hammerhead
11. Mr. Grimm - Mr.Grimm
12. Mortimor - Shadow
13. Sweet Tooth - Ice Cream Truck - Hidden Character
14. Minion - Back Bone Tank - Hidden Character
15. Calypso - Not Playable
16. Dark Tooth - End boss - Pretty tough guy to beat

2. Stories of Cars

1. Alex Moore: He's a guy who has never gotten the attention he thinks he
deserves. Maybe he has a little bit of an ego problem but he's got a
nice car.

2. Andy Pearson: Wants to reach a speed while driving where time changes and a
new realm is reached.

3. Axel: His sick inventor father strapped him in between two wheels long ago.
He's been hiding for 20 years wondering why his father did this to him

4. Capt. Roberts: Her brother won the last tournament but was sent into space.
Now she has entered the tournament and get back a Calypso some way

5. Bruce: A South Central gansta' who wants to be the king. He's sick of
ruling his own hood and wants the entire world.

6. Col. Dawson: A hardened but very old soldier-100 to exact. He knows what it
takes to win but his body ain't what it used to be.

7. J.D.: J.D. is a crazy homeless man who has been living in his car for the
past 10 years. He thinks the entire tournament is a figment of his mind.

8. Calypso:Since his daughter's death ,he is a changed man. Scarred for life,
he has turned to the dark side so to speak.

9. Krista Sparks: Calypso thought his daughter died in a fury crash long ago.
Could this somehow be her? Supposedly she's part cyborg.

10. Simon Whittlebone: He was fired from hid job for having crazy
architectural plans. He makes like Michael Douglas in Falling in Down and

11. Mike and Stu: Two teenage boys with girlies on their mind an too much on
their Hands ( and the keys to a monster truck ).

12. Mr. Grimm: Some people are addicted to drugs some are addicted to video
games-Mr. Grimm is addicted to the souls of the dead.

13. Mortimer:A super-natural undertaker who is hired by the innocent people
who were killed be Calypso in the first tournament

14. Sweet Tooth: He is an escaped mental patient with a serious problem. His
obsession with clowns drove him to take a hammer to his face and make it
look like his favorite clown

15. Minion: Minion the was sent to Hell 11 years ago and has entered the
tournament secretly.

3. Level Info
1. L.A. Its the sight of last year's TM. Now it looks like RoadKill. There are
plenty of Health and Weapon icons just learn and conserve.
Note: If Sweet Tooth is in the match take him out first. It's cool to blow
up the HOLLYWOOD sign. Get as close as you can (so you can see your
handywork) and nuke it with Fire missiles or Specials to watch
Hollywood go up in flames.
2. Moscow: Get the health icons as soon as you can. The main Idea in this
level is to Run and Shoot. Drop bomb in the center by the blue circle.
It will blow up the ramps and you can get the icons allot easier. You
can also burn the signs, that hang over the fence with Napalm, one of which
will reveal a code.

3. Paris:Go and get the remote bomb and place it in the Tower and Blow it up.
Then go up the tower and follow the path. Their are numerous power-ups on
roofs Inside the Museum there is a teleport that takes you to a good hiding
place. If you shoot a napalm in the rom the paintings will burn.
And the Mona Lisa will leave something special.

4. Lava Level: Stay out of the Lava. Blow up the two statues and it creates a
shortcut. Their are lots of secert doors they look like a different color
so you can see them easily. The are on all the buidings You face off
with Minion in this level to beat him just hit and run.

5. New York: The Big Leap: Stay away from the edge. Shoot a few fire missiles
at the statue of liberty and after cooling off she seems to have changed.
clothes and weight. Shoot her again and she changes weight, again. Shoot
her again and say goodbye to lady liberty. Also, on the different floors of
the office building you'll see a few elevator doors which you can destroy
for access to the elevator shafts. You can hide inside and shoot at passing
cars. Their is also like a square shaft on top of one of the roofs. Blow it
up and go down it. You will land in a swiming pool. Their are lots of
goodies down there.

6. Glacier Level: Try not to shoot the walls to much and keep moving. Try to
find all the weapons you can find then attack. Their are a lot of
weapons in a crack in the center of the stage.

7. Holland:Pick up all the weapons you can find. Then go into the windmills
and pick off anybody who comes in front of you.

8. Hong Kong: Try to get as high as you can in the level, but before that get
weapons. When you see a car blast it!

4. Passwords

Specter Thumper Mr. Slam Warthog Axel Shadow
2.o^xx^_ 2.o__^x_ 2.xx^[]x_ 2.^__^[]_ 2.x^xx__ 2.[]__^^_
3._^[]oox 3.x[][]oo^ 3.x__ox[] 3.^[][]x[] 3.o^[]_^o 3.[]__^^_
4.ox^[]^x 4.^xo_[]_ 4.o^[]_[]o 4.o[][]oxx 4.^^[]oo_ 4.x^x[]o^
5._xoxx^ 5.xx^^x^ 5.^xo[]_o 5.x[][]_xo 5._^[][]x_ 5._^[][]x
6.x___o^ 6.^^[]___ 6.^_^o^^ 6._xo^_[] 6.xx^[]^o 6.oxooxo
7.^__[]x[] 7.x^x_[]^ 7._o__o_ 7.^x^[]_x 7.oxo^oo 7.o^[]^[]_
8.x^x^o[] 8.^__[]^_ 8.[]__^_^ 8.oxto_o 8.^xoxxo 8.o_^_[]x
DT.xooo_^ DT.^_[][]xo DT.[]_[]^ox DT.o[]_oo[] DT.^[]^[]_[] DT.o^_^o_

Outlaw2 GrassHopper Hammerhead Mr.Grimm Roadkill Twister
2._xo_^_ 2.^xo___ 2._^xxx_ 2.^^xxo_ 2.ox^[][]_ 2._x__^o
3.^^xo^_ 3.x^o[][]o 3._x^[]x^ 3.ox^o^x 3.^_^__o 3.^xoox^
4.^[][][]^_ 4._xoo^o 4.^___xo 4.xoo^^^ 4.xx^o[]^ 4._^[]x[]o
5.ox^^^_ 5.o^xo_[] 5.^^x^xx 5.^__oxo 5.o__x_x 5.x^xox
6.x^ox^_ 6.x[][]o_^ 6.^x^ox[] 6.o^x^x_ 6._^[]xo_ 6.o__x[]^
7.x[][]__^ 7.^^x[]o^ 7.^[][]x[]_ 7.xx^_ox 7.x__^_[] 7._xx__o
8._^x[]xx 8.o[][]ox^ 8.o^o[][]x 8.xo^[][]_ 8.^^[]^o^ 8.xx^x[]_
DT._ox_^_ DT.x_x[][]_ DT.ooo_^x DT._[]^oo^ DT.^ox^[]x DT.o[]_oo[]_

DT=Dark Tooth


Fire Missile - Standard missile, medium damage, slight homing capability.
Homing Missile - Cabable of zeroing in on a enemy from a far distance away.
Power Missile - Most damaging missiles, can destroy fighting environment.

Napalm - anything touched by this instantly catches on fire.
Ricochet Bomb - Bounce of anything until they hit a car, longer in play the
more damage it does.

Lighting - Only can be used in certain battle grounds, shots a electrical bolt
off the highest point in that battle ground.

Remote Bomb - Most powerful of all weapons pick ups, you can control
when it explodes or it will explode when a car runs over it.

Specials - Their are different specials for every car. They all cause
more damage than any pick up.

6. Combos

1. Up Up Left - Jump
2. Up Up Right - Shield
3. Left Right Up - Freeze
4. Left Right Down - Rear attack
5. Right Left Up - Napalm Missile
6. Right Left Down - Landmine
7. Right, Down , Left, Up - Cloaking Device

7.Secret Cars
1. Enter this code at the character select screen. Up, L1, Triangle, Right.
You'll hear an explosion & you can now scroll over & select Sweet Tooth!
He is really good he is the second best car.
2. Enter this code at the character select screen. L1, Up, Down, Left.
You'll hear an explosion & you can now scroll over & select Minion
He is awsome he is the best car you can be. His super move is a killer.
It freezes you and hits you at the same time with 3 very powerful

8. Secret Levels
Enter these codes at the two player challenge match stage select screen.
It will take you directly to the select car screen. You won't have to
scroll over like you had to do for Minion and Sweet Tooth.

1. Cyburbia - Down, Up, L1, R1
2. Suicide Swamp - Up, Down, Right, R1
3. LA rooftops - Down, Left, R1, Down

9. Game Shark Codes
1. Infinite Specials P1__801882E6 0063
2. Infinite Fire Missiles P1__.801882E8 0063
3. Infinite Homing Missiles P1__.80188EEA 0063
4. Infinite Remote Bombs P1___801882EC 0063
5. Infinite Power Missiles P1 __..801882EE 0063
6. Infinite Napalms P1__.801882F0 0063
7. Infinite Richochet Bombs P1___801882F2 0063
8. Infinite Lightning P1__..801882F4 0063
9. Infinite Energy P1__.80187D00 0078
10. No Energy P1___80187D00 0000
11. 1-Hit Death P1..__..D0187D00 0078
80187D00 0001
12. 25% Energy P1__.. D0187D00 0078
80187D00 001E
13. 50% Energy P1 ___.D0187D00 0078
80187D00 003C
14. 75% Energy P1 ___D0187D00 0078
80187D00 005A
15. Infinite Turbo P1 __.8018830A 00C8
16. No Turbo P1 __8018830A 0000
17. Infinite Advanced Attack Energy Bar P1__..80188308 0400
18. No Advanced Attack Energy Bar P1 ___..80188308 0000
19. Mega Rapid Fire P1___.801882FE 0000
20. Infinite Specials P2 __..80188AFA 0063
21. Infinite Fire Missiles P2 ___80188AFC 0063
22. Infinite Homing Missiles P2 ___..80188AFE 0063
23. Infinite Remote Bombs P2 ____.80188B00 0063
24. Infinite Power Missiles P2___ 80188B02 0063
25. Infinite Napalms P2 __..80188B04 0063
26. Infinite Richochet Bombs P2 __..80188B06 0063
27. Infinite Lightning P2__..80188B08 0063
28. Infinite Energy P2__..80188514 0078
29. No Energy P2___80188514 0000
30. 1-Hit Death P2___..D0188514 0078
80188514 0001
31. 25% Energy P2___D0188514 0078
80188514 001E
32. 50% Energy P2__..D0188514 0078
80188514 003C
33. 75% Energy P2__..D0188514 0078
80188514 005A
34. Infinite Turbo P2__80188B1E 00C8
35. No Turbo P1___80188B1E 0000
36. Infinite Advanced Attack Energy Bar P2__..80188B1C 0400
37. No Advanced Attack Energy Bar P2___.80188B1C 0000
38. Mega Rapid Fire P2___.80188B12 0000

39. Background Select >8001A0A2 0?08Use These For The Above Code
4=New York
7=Hong Kong

40. Both Players Cars ___.8003434A 0?0E
41. Both Players Drivers___800347F2 0?0E
Use These For The Above Codes
1=Outlaw 2
3=Mr. Grimm
7=Road Kill
A=Mr. Slam
C=Sweet Tooth

Credits - Stories, Driver Names and Cars, Editing, Passwords - Minion and LA Rooftops Code - Game Shark Codes - Creating the FAQ, Cheats

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15.Octombrie 2013

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engl. Cheats

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Gamesharkcodes zur US-Version
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Bitte lesen Sie die Datei 2000AD.NFO für nähere Informationen zum Trainer.

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