007 The World is not Enough

007: The World is not Enough

17.10.2013 02:19:02

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007 James Bond: The World is not Enough (PSX)
Version 1.02
Thursday, May 9 2002
by Carlos Miranda

Please use common sense and remove the "removethis" and use
philwebinc.com and hotmail.com. This is to prevent mailbots that
spammers use to get my real addresses.

To anyone who will read this please read the e-mail policy (except for
ones who don't have e-mail.)


A lot of people asked me about problems concerning not being able to
advance to the next level. BEFORE YOU CONTACT ME, be sure to turn of
_all_ cheats in the options menu and deactivate _all_ GameShark codes.

International Copyright Law protects this guide. Nothing in this FAQ can
be copied directly, that is, word for word without explicit permission
from the owner, me. It cannot be sold in any form, unless I will get the
money for it. It cannot be copied from other sites without permission. I
OWN THIS FAQ AND I CAN DO ANYTHING WITH IT. Exceptions are you can copy
this FAQ, indirectly, that is not word for word, and give me special

As for Webmasters, please ask my permission. Ones who already know me
don't need to. But if you do want my FAQ please let me know.

Note: For a quick search press CTRL+F for WordPad, Internet Explorer and
Netscape. To avoid conflicts, I used an _underscore_ for the spaces. For
example, GAME FAQS will be GAME_FAQS when you type the keywords. And
remember to check the "Match Case" and "Match whole word only" to avoid
conflicts. Also remember to type in capital letters and put an
underscore for the spaces.

Part 1 E-mail policy POLITE_MAIL

Part 2 Version histories REVISE_FAQ

Part 3 Walkthrough WALK_ME

Part 4 Miscellaneous MISC_INFO

Part 5 What do I think about this game MY_REVIEW

Part 6 Codes CHEAT_CODE

Part 7 Credits THANK_U

Part 1 E-mail policy

Now, if I expect e-mail, I want you to read the whole guide first.

Here are do's and don'ts:

1. Send me a comment, suggestion, complaint, etc.
2. Questions that cannot be found here.
3. Send e-mail in plain text only
4. Attached messages are allowed, but in plain text only, no HTML.
5. Include the title of the guide (on top) in the subject field or
message body.
6. Send e-mail in the language of the guide is written in (English).
7. Please excuse me for my bad English because Filipino is my language.

1. Send in an executable, HTML or any e-mail that are not text-based and
may carry viruses.
2. Attachments, which may also carry viruses.
3. Offensive mail.
4. Chain letters, ads, scams, threats etc (any junk mail).
5. Sending messages in other language (than the guide is written in, in
this case, English)
6. Large files/annoying messages (so that I get all confused and annoyed
just replying to one message). There is an exception, if you send in
comments, put a warning such as "LARGE FILE" in the subject field.

Sending in a good e-mail will quickly return with a reply. If I don't,
just send the message again within one week of me not replying.

Part 2 Version histories

Version 1.02 Thursday, May 9 2002
Added walkthrough for level 9, level 10, and level 11.
Completed walkthrough!

Version 1.01 Tuesday, April 16 2002
Added new walkthroughs for level 7 and level 8.
Updated incorrect mention of 10 levels, game has 11 levels.

Version 1 PR2 Sunday, March 31 2002
Finally! No, my PSX hasn't been fixed yesterday. It's only now that I
was able to update my guide. Sorry to everyone. Now that school is over
I can now update my guide. Schoolwork has been on me lately, and school
wasn't any easy, nor will it be easy during the next months. So I
decided to update my guide now.

Hmmm... how interesting! This release was started on a Sunday, same as
the last release. Easter Sunday, to be more specific. Hey what's with
all that? Anyway here's the major changes in this release:

1. Updated ASCII "gun logo". (replaced inaccurate idiotic SMG logo with
more accurate verion... hehehe.)

2. Due to privacy issues COMPLETELY removed names of people who sent
questions. Only answers are displayed.

3. New Hotmail address.

4. Updated walkthoughs for level 1 to 6, for some grammatical errors,
among other things (like mention of Type 20 instead of TMP for level
three walkthough, misspelling of "Aarkov", and lack of walkthough for a
room in level 1).

What to expect in the next version:
New walkthroughs for levels 7-11! I will most likely add walkthroughs
for level 7 and 8 next week, and level 9, 10 and 11 sometime April.

Version 1 (PreRelease) Sunday, June 03, 2001
you think I would really give up, do ya? Come on, keep sending the
mails! My PSX won't be up for about a month and I am not planning on
buying a PS2 for awhile. So just keep sending the mail!!! Go! If you
send me a walkthrough, I will list you as co-author!!!

NEW: Codes section

Version 0.87 Thursday, 15 February, 2001
Okay, so I'm a month behind. Sorry, my Memory Card saves got deleted so
I had to do everything all over again.
New mission: Masquerade

Version 0.85 Saturday, 20 January, 2001
Removed parts of the ASCII art (it sucks), moved FAQ

Version 0.8 Friday, January 5, 2001
Started on this...

Part 3 Walkthrough
Keyword: WALK_ME

For a quick search I put a keyword for each level. Remember to check
both Match Case and Match whole word only boxes to avoid conflicts
between keywords and other words.

NOTE: The controls specified are not buttons because I don't use default
configurations. View the MI6 message (select) at the very beginning of
the game to view your control config.

Level 1 Courier COURIER_NEW

Level 2 King's Ransom RANSOM_MONEY

Level 3 Cold Reception BRR_COLD

Level 4 Russian Roulette GAMBLE_CASINO

Level 5 Night watch NIGHT_WATCH

Level 6 Masquerade MAS_QUERADE

Level 7 Flashpoint FLASH_POINT

Level 8 City of Walkways WALK_CITY

Level 9 Turncoat TURN_COAT

Level 10 Fallen Angel FALL_ANGEL

Level 11 Meltdown MELT_DOWN

Level 1 Courier

This one is easy. View the MI6 message by pressing select. Then talk to
the person in front of you (see the MI6 message for the controls).
Activate your VLF disruptor and pass through the security. You will see
a guard near the door. Kill him, use your Wolfram. Pause, then
Inventory. Choose Wolfram P2K. After you kill him, go through the door
(Action button). You will be in the next room.

WAIT! Don't go yet. There are enemies. Take your Wolfram P2K and wait
till the guards are in front of you then SHOOT!. After they are dead,
take their ammo. Activate the elevator switch. The elevator door will
open. After that, go to the elevator and go up (press the switch).

In the next room, there are a few cameras. Remember not to get too close
when you see one. If you do, get away from it as far as possible. Equip
your Wolfram and shoot it. After that, there are more so watch out. Once
you take all out, find the door that leads to another room. Go straight,
and open the door.

The next room has two guards looking at the TV. You can choose to kill
them and take the armor, or not to kill them so as not to activate the
alarm. Go up the elevator to go to the next room.

You will receive an MI6 message. THE FIRST GUARD YOU SEE YOU KILL! Then
take his weapon. Equip it, since the alarm went off and more guards are
there. Look for an unlocked door that leads to a small library. There is
a frame that is not in place. Fix it, use the action button. The
bookshelf will move and there is a guard. Kill him, get his Frinesi
Shotgun. A piece of metal (not sure what it is) which right behind the
guard has his fingerprint. It has little red brackets around that turns
green when you're near. Use the Fingerprint Scanner to scan the guard's
fingerprint. See the electronically locked door, use the fingerprint
scanner on the lock. The door will be unlocked. There is another door
down the corridor, also electronically locked. Scan the electronic lock
with the fingerprint scanner. The door will be unlocked and the
briefcase is there.

Soon you find yourself trapped in the room. ESCAPE! Get the briefcase.
Smash the window in the corner of the room with with the briefcase. It
has colored brackets around it to tell you where it is so you can't miss
it. Mission complete!

After that you will see Bond escaping through the window.

TIPS: You must do the escape real fast. If they catch you, you will

Level 2 King's Ransom

You will see a movie that Bond tries to chase the woman.

Here you don't really need to do the boat scene. All you have to do is
chase the woman. Note that I will not provide you with the complete
walkthrough of this stage, but I will just mention the important parts.
Why? Because it's considered time wasting, since you will be going to do
just twists and turns here, no secret areas or other complicated stuff.

Now, get the Frinesi Auto at the left, near the wall. It is an automatic
shotgun. Now kill the guards, and keep watch for the ones on top of the
buildings. Make sure you get the Type 20 from them.

In the middle of the stage, there is a place where three barrels block
the way, and you can't use the other doors. Shoot the barrels. In one of
them there is a light armor.

At the and of the stage, Bond will pull out his grappling hook watch.
Aim for the rope, the one where the square indicates. Mission Complete!

There will be a movie where the woman will try to kill herself.

Level 3 Cold Reception

In this level, you will go against parahawks (snowmobiles with
parachutes). Don't mind them yet, kill the other guys first. There is a
sniper rifle on the ground. Pick it up, but don't use it yet. Go
straight ahead. Most of the time, there are enemies behind boxes, so be
ready to take them out.. Take his ammo. After that, go to the next part.
Elektra will be there. Kill the first batch of enemies with your sniper,
and finish off the remaining before attacking the parachute people. Then
equip your TMP. Shoot the parahawks. When they aim at you, hide. They
will just go around and around after that, you can shoot them now. Watch
out for enemies coming from where you came. After you destroy the last
one, Mission Complete!

Level 4 Russian Roulette

This level has no enemies. Find the door where Zukovski is. Go to the
door to exit, and look for the area near the bar where two guards are
there, each guarding a door.

Go to the woman at the bar. The guard near one door will talk to the
woman. Now, do this real fast. Put out your credit card lockpick. Use it
on the door. Zukovski is there. You will need to talk to him. Bond will
ask him about Renard, but first Bond must give $100,000. Zukovski will
give you a check with $25,000.

Now go to the other guard near the other door and show him the credit
card/lockpick. Now show him the check. Inside the room you can exchange
the money and play. Talk to the dealer at the table and play Blackjack.
If you do not know how to play BlackJack, read the M16 message sent to

An effective way of getting 100,000 is to bet low when you are low on
money, and if you are in 75,000+ bet the money needed to get just
exactly 100,000. For example, if you have $75,000, bet $25,000. After
that return to Zukovski. Mission Complete!

Level 5 Night Watch

This one is really complicated; a more than King's Ransom. Mainly
because there are tens of ways to finish this one. Also the steps which
you need to photograph stuff annd bug phones can be done in any order.
Oh, well. Here goes...

First, opposite the door is a room with a telephone, bug that one. There
is a piano, no need for that, but you can use the action button on it,
James Bond Theme! Equip your cell phone stunner, and stun any enemy that
you pass by, _before_ they call security. An area in the middle of the
place, below.

Here is a simple layout:

/ Door 1 \
/ \
_| |_
| |
_|Door 2 Guard/ Door 3|_
| Davidov |
| |
\Door 4 /
\______________ ________________/
| | Stairs | |

All doors except 4 are locked. You can unlock them with your lockpick.

Door 2 has ammo and armor in it.

In door 1 there is a room with a kitchen and an elevator. The kitchen
has a phone, bug it. Also there is a Davidov letter, use your Micro
Camera to take a picture. There is also another room there with another
phone. The elevator leads to a room with three phones, and a computer.
The computer has an e-mail, take a picture of it.

In room 3, there is a map, take a picture of it.

When all your objectives are almost complete, i.e. all phones bugged and
pictures taken, Davidov will be in the middle of the house, where the
guard was. Talk to him. Enemies will appear, kill them. When all of them
are killed, go into dooor 1 and find the door where the garage is. He
will be there. Kill him.

Mission complete!

Mission 6 Masquerade

Okay, okay. So I'm a bit behind. Sorry memory card saves got deleted.

Here goes:

At the beginning of the level pull out Aarkov's ID card. Head straight,
and show the guard the ID card. He will let you in. Inside there is an
electronic card. Go back to where you came from.

At the other way, which you should have seen, go there. There is a
soldier, but don't worry he won't harm you unless you pull your gun out
or punch him. There is a room to the right. Go there and you will get an
Ingalls Type 20, and a heavy armor. Then head back straight opposite
where you came from.

In the end there are two guard in your way. They won't let you pass.
WAIT! DON'T SHOOT! You saw the switch before? Use it to turn off the
lights. One of the guards will turn on the light while the other will
guard. When you have the opportunity slip past by them... and equip the
card you got from the first room and use it on the card reader. This
will unlock the door to the next room.

In the next room there is a door to the left and a passage to the right.
The left door is locked, so come back later. In the right room there is
a door with a guard. Show him the ID card and he will let you pass (hoo
boy it's very easy to trick these people in thinking you are actually
Mikhail Aarkov). Inside there is a radiation badge. Go outside and to
the next room. Show the badge to the guard by the door. Inside, a switch
can be used to door that you passed by (the left one, remember). Dr.
Jones is there.

Keep the enemies off Dr. Jones until she gets the door open. Go there
and kill all the enemies in the next room. Shoot the boxes (which will
explode). Renard is there. After the conversation James will look at a
box, keep shooting it until you get a warning to get out of there. James
will get his grappling hook, then use the grappling hook on the chain.


Mission 7 Flashpoint

Upon entering the game, go out into the main control room. A technician
will talk to you. After he does, go into Channel 1 (it really does not
matter, but it's faster).

Upon entering Channel 1, there are terrorists inside. Be careful. Once
you get the message "Terrorists Alerted" kill all of them quick, or
they'll shoot the civilians. After you kill them hit your use button on
the switch to place channel 1 offline. Make sure you look around all of
channel 1 because there are weapons in some of the rooms there. A door
leading to channel 2 is somewhere there, use it. Channel 2 and 3 should
be pretty linear.

After you rescued all civilians and cleared the pipeline, go to the main
control room again, and go to the door which says "Pipeline A". Make
sure you have your nightvision goggles equipped, since it's pretty dark

At the end of the pipeline, Dr. Jones is there. Keep the enemies off her
until she activates that "thing in the middle" (not sure what it is).
Once she does, there should be a red square highlighting the "thing",
and get close to it and it will turn green. If it is green hit your use

Mission 8 City Of Walkways

This is a tough one. Upon entering the level, make sure the enemies do
not harm the two. Take the sniper rifle and get out of there quick.

In the next area, there will be helicopters. Equip your rocket launcher
and take them out. If you run out of ammo take some new ones inside the
trunk. Once the case is empty, duck for cover. The time you are told to
escape across pipeline, look for the stairs leading down the pipeline
and get across to the next area.

After you get across, get inside the place. There will be plenty of
enemies so take them out quick. Take the wrench, it's up the stairs in
the other side of the place. Once you have it, get out of there.

This is the most difficult part. There are enemies, LOTS of them. Go to
the first cabin and take the flare gun. After that, go to the second
one. Open the valve to your left with the wrench. Equip your flare gun,
and once the helicopter is above the pipe, shoot it!


Mission 9 Turncoat

This mission isn't very easy, but it's very linear and I doubt if you
will ever get lost here.

When the level starts, quickly kill the enemy in front of you and take
his gun. Hide from the sniper. Once you are hidden, back a bit so you
can see his head, then kill him. Go to the alley to the left. There
should be a few more enemies and a sniper, kill them all and take their
guns. The subway entrace should be there, but before you go into the
subway, there is a narrow alley ahead to the left. Behind the last
dumpster is some heavy armor.

Upon entering the subway, there are four enemies hiding behind those
posts. Simply let them come out and take them out. Once you've entered
the train, everything gets a little bit easier. Simply look for hidden
enemies behind blind corners and you should be clear until you reach the
end of the train.

After you come out of the end of the train, don't go out up the stairs
yet, if you do, the mission will fail. _Quickly_ equip your explosive
pen and blow up the door in front of you. In the end of the hallway the
door opened up, is another door and heavy armor. Take the armor if you
need it, if not, just get it later.

At the end of the area from the door you were out of, you can see some
rotating panels around a big machine. Destroy the panels. Note here that
the more panels you destroy the faster they will rotate making it
extremely difficult to hit. Once you destroyed them all, equip the
cellphone stunner and electrocute the core to short circuit it. The
timer should stop.

Go back and go up the stairs I mentioned earlier, and chase Bullion, but
don't kill him. Just follow him to the dock and...


Mission 10 Fallen Angel

This is probably one of the most difficult levels of the game. The
layout of the map is overly complicated, so I will only mention most
important points here.

At the start of the level, you have no weapons whatsoever. See that
guard? When he is not looking, go to him and punch him until he's out,
then take his KA-57. Equip the gun and kill any other nearby enemies (if
present). Then search the small rooms for any weapons or armor, one of
them has your equipment.

Outside is a spiral staircase. Note that there are an infinite number of
enemies here, so when you have to pass this area, get out of there
quick. Go (quickly) to the door on the first floor.

Here in the first floor, there will be a hallway. At the end of the
hallway, there are keycard-locked doors, ignore them. Right now, kill
Bullion and his sidekicks. Take Bullion's key (it should be in his
corpse) and the heavy armor (again, if you need to, you will go again
here later on).

Go up the locked door in the second floor. In one of the rooms there
will be stairs leading to the cell M is currently in. M will give you a
keycard. Go back to the first floor and use the keycard on the locked
doors mentioned earlier. Take the Type 20 and the explosive pen. Go back
to M and blow up the cell door. Make sure to cover M as she tries to
unlock the third door.

Go up the newly unlocked door in the third floor. Gabor is there, and
he's VERY heavily armored and heavily armed. Hide from him and equip
your Grenade launcher. Gabor will sometimes call buddies to help him. If
he does, the room where his friends came from will have heavy armor.
Take them if you need to. Once you're out of grenades, equip the Satchel
(?). Otherwise, just hide. Wait for him to toss some pipe bombs. If he
does, grab the pipebomb and _quickly_ toss it back (otherwise you blow
yourself up). Do this until he falls. Now take his keycard dropped by
his corpse and in one of the rooms, there is a keycard reader. Use it
there and enter the room.

Elektra? No problem. One shot.


Mission 11 Meltdown

Upon entering the level, go to the hallway which leads to a door to the
left (or was it right? just enter the unlocked door). In here, there are
plenty of cabins. In one of them, the key to unlocking the next door can
be found. Grab the key and kill the enemies you find. Note that the guys
in beige vests using shotguns are armored, they can take a lot of fire
unless hit in the head. They also drop light armor. Unlock the key to
the next room, and go there.

In this next room are some enemies. There is also a room where you have
to exit below. Once you are now in the lower part of the sub, equip your
radiation meter, it helps. Push the button in order to move the missles
so you can take the small vent. Destroy the grates and enter the vents.
After you go outside the vents, Dr. Jones is there, locked.

Go to the next area. Note that the smoke will cause damage. When you
reach the room with radiation, make sure you are quick here. It is
similar to a maze, find your way to the exit. It's hard, so hurry and
turn back when the radiation meter turns red.

In the next room, there will be some panels in the middle. They are
those purple square glass things in the middle. Make sure you _destroy_
them. (the first time it's cracked, then destroyed). After you destroy
them, Renard will die. Go back to Dr. Jones. Once you rescue her, go
back, into and out the vent. Once you reach the other end of the vent,
where you came from...


Congratulations! You did a good job.

And remember...

Part 4 Miscellaneous
Here you can find everything else regarding the game that does not seem
to belong anywhere else.


Why am I not able to advance levels?

Some people have reported not being able to advance levels in the game.
If you are using ANY cheat in the "Cheats" section in the options menu
of the game, which can be unlocked using the Gameshark code below, TURN
OFF ALL CHEATS. Turning on ANY of the codes will prevent you from
advancing levels.

Part 5 What do I think about this game
Some may ask, are you a James Bond fan? I say no. I do like James Bond
games and movies.

This game is great. Good graphics and sound. The only flaw of this game
is it does not last very long after you finished it once. It only has 11
levels, which is a little disappointing.

As for _the_ James Bond fans, maybe you'll like this one.

Part 6 Codes
Unlock all cheats 8001F16A FFFF

This code was from Kevin. Thanks!
To be able to access the codes, go to options->cheats from the main

NOTE: Activating _ANY_ of the codes will not let you advance to the next
level. This was Kevin's problem before he mailed me.

Kevin still hadn't replied to me about the code. But I decided to post
it here for some information about people not being able to advance

Part 7 Credits

I would like to thank the following people:

CJayC for the contributor page, as well as hosting
other FAQs as well.

Al Amaloo for hosting other FAQs.

Kevin for the cheat

Because of all the scams and concerns about online privacy going on the
Internet right now, I allowed only these sites to post my FAQ:

My latest updates are ALWAYS available from GameFAQS, and Gameadvice.

NOTE: Not all these sites have my FAQ. They are the only ones who can
post it. For those people who own these sites below you can post my FAQ
freely even without permission, since I know you already.




Ultimate System

Andrew Clegg's site


(For my Playstation guides)
Playstation Cheat.Net

(For my PC guides)
Cheat Empire

Also, I would like to thank those people who own these sites. You can e-
mail me if you want my FAQ, but most likely I would not accept any more.
Don't worry I would credit you for having interest in my guide.

(c) Copyright 2001-2002 by Carlos Miranda

James Bond: The World is not Enough, 007 gun logo, and The World is not
Enough logo are copyright of their respective owners.
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The World is not Enough

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