Final Fantasy Anthologies

Final Fantasy Anthologies

11.10.2013 19:23:08

Final Fantasy 5 Walkthrough, v1.2, 2/14/00
by Vilurum,

Standard origin stuff:

I wrote this for self-reference a while back (mid to late '98) when
replaying Final Fantasy 5, due to the fact that at the time, there did
not exist any *highly* detailed walkthroughs. So I decided I'd make one
for myself, to refer to. I then thought I'd expand it a little, fleshing
out the shorthand notes, and put it on my homepage on the web. There it
sat, gathering dust, being of no use to anyone despite (imho) being
fairly well-written and informative, so I thought, why not actually send
it somewhere people would see it, and possibly even *gasp* help me out by
sending me advice, strategies, and secrets to help me improve it? So,
off it went to GameFAQs; although by this time there are already a few
good, in-depth FAQs which weren't there when I originally wrote this,
none of them are in the style of incorporating the majority of the
information into the walkthrough itself (thereby saving on much scrolling
and searching). Uniqueness, however arguable, rules.

Standard info stuff:

Anyway, the history lesson being over with, this walkthrough is based on
RPGe's ROM patch (I've heard all the arguments, don't bother) of Final
Fantasy 5, version 1.10, released sometime in October, 1998. The names,
therefore, will only refer to that version of that translation of the
game. I have recently gotten Final Fantasy Anthology, and have played it
a bit, but until I have the time to sit down and play through the whole
game, I'm not going to update the names. Most are similar anyway, I'll
give you credit enough to figure them out. Besides, I personally like
RPGe's translation better. Square butchered my beloved Faris' language
by enforcing a stereotype. :(

I tended to use magic-based jobs when I made this walkthrough, and the
boss strategies reflect that. I may, at some future time, go through the
game again using different classes to come up with other strategies. Keep
in mind, however, that this *will* work. The only jobs I had mastered at
the end of the game were Thief, White Mage, Blue Mage, Berserker (for
what reason, I still do not know), Time Mage, Geomancer, and Mimic.
Black Mage, Summoner, and Red Mage were all short one level of being
mastered, Knight, Monk, Mystic Knight, and Mediator had a few levels
each, and everything else was untouched. Say what you will. As it was,
except for occasionally running out of money for equipment, I breezed
through the game pretty easily with these jobs.

I would appreciate all contributions, strategies, and information which I
don't already have covered. Flames will be ignored, although I am well
aware that this walkthrough is very much in need of *constructive*
criticism, editing, and contributions (and should anyone help out, I will
be deeply grateful and on top of that put you at or near the top of a new
credits section).

Standard disclaimer stuff:

This document is Copyright 1998-2000 Cyrus Rodgers (Vilurum). I wrote
this. By myself. When playing through the game, I referred to Tatsushi
Nakao's walkthrough for a checklist of treasures and also for particular
boss strategies that I didn't know about. I also cruised around the web
(mainly at RPG Classics, a bit at GameFAQs which then had a rather dismal
collection of FF5 info) to make sure I didn't miss too many "secrets."
This walkthrough, however, is entirely my own creation. If you want to
copy it and use it on your own page, that's fine, just as long as you
give me credit and leave this disclaimer in here. And, preferably, let
me know about it - although if you're afraid I'll turn you down because
your page is too boring, you don't have to. (Besides, you can't top my
page, which you'll find the original of this on, for being boring anyway.
And no, I'm not releasing the URL, I'm no longer updating that site

Standard version history stuff (beginning to see a pattern here?):

v1.2 Can be found at GameFAQs. Introduced version history. Updated with
mention of FF Anthology, included a shop listing (after walkthrough).
Still no Omega/Shinryuu strategies; I lost my save games and haven't
gotten around to getting up to that point in the game yet.

v1.1 Released, but only on my aforementioned boring homepage. Covered the
entire game, including all secrets (that I know of) except for Omega and

v1.0 Not released. Covered from the beginning of the game through to
getting the airship in the third world.

That being said, on to the walkthrough!



Meteor at Tycoon
Treasures: Phoenix Down

You'll start off riding a Chocobo (Boco). Go east to the meteor and
follow the path inside (you'll hop off Boco at the entrance). At the end
of the path you'll find a girl with pink hair being accosted by some
Goblins. Kill them. Watch the event. Name yourself when the occasion
arises. When you can move, go to the upper right and talk to the man
lying on the ground. Watch this event. Go to the lower right of this
area and look for a secret passage to a chest with a Phoenix Down. (Don't
pass this up: Phoenix Downs are 1000 gil in this game!) Then leave the
way you came in, talking to Boco to climb back on.

Pirate Base
Treasures: Leather Helmet

Ride Boco west, then north until you reach a canyon. Then ride north
through the canyon, fending off Goblins, and rescue Lenna and Galuf. Sit
through the event scene, then ride north to reach a cave. Save, then
ride in. You'll hop off Boco at the entrance (again). Follow the path
through the cave. It's pretty straightforward. There's a recovery
spring right near the door to the second room.

You'll see a treasure chest in the second room, but you have to go around
and get it from the right. Before you get there, though, you see a
pirate. Watch what he does to open the door. After he's gone, collect
the treasure (a Leather Helmet) and equip it on someone (doesn't really
matter who). Then go and do as the pirate did to open the door (i.e.
push the skull switch on the wall).

In the third room, you'll see a ship sailing without wind. Ignore the
door you see it through (it just leads outside to an enclosed and
featureless two squares of grass), and continue through the cave. You'll
soon reach another door, and this one actually leads into an interesting
place: the pirate base! Try to go left and a short event will occur.
Don't worry, all the pirates are asleep.

Just go up to the stern of the ship (the top, in this case), and inspect
the wheel. Then watch the long event.

Town of Tule
Treasures: 100 gil, 150 gil, Ether, Leather Shoes x2, Phoenix Down x2,
Potion x2, Tent

Sail the ship out of the cove and a pirate will offer to take it to the
Wind Shrine. Decline, since you want to visit a town and do some
shopping first (makes the Wind Shrine a lot easier if everyone has
broadswords). Sail west along the coast until you see the town.
Disembark and enter the town. All the pirates run into the pub looking
for beer and Faris joins them. Enter the pub yourself and sit down in
the chair by the stage to get the dancers off the stage and onto you.
When they're finished, go onto the stage yourself and play the piano (1st
piano). You're pathetic right now, but when you get up to the 7th or
8th, you sound pretty good (as far as video game piano music is
concerned). Note that you can't play one piano over and over to get
better: you have to play many different pianos once (or more if you feel
like it) each. Go to the second floor of the pub, and go right to see an
event. When that's done, go back downstairs and out of the pub.

Go to the lower left corner of town to find the Beginner's House. Even
if you're not a beginner, say you are to go inside and collect the
treasures. The three non-chest objects in the upper left corner of the
first room have a Tent, Phoenix Down, and Potion inside (right to left).
You can walk through the wall on the left to reach the chest in the
corner (Ether), and you can collect the other chest (100 gil) either from
there or as you're going up the stairs. The chest upstairs has a monster
in it, but also has Leather Shoes. Talk to everyone if you've never
played the game before, otherwise you can leave now (talk to the lady who
let you in to get out).

Go to the top center of the town. By the bridge are a bunch of barrels
and crates. The right one in the top row holds a Potion. If you go
across the bridge, Lenna will point out Zokk's house. Since you haven't
finished the Wind Shrine yet, he's not here, and Butz will suggest (as
you're leaving) that you try back later. If you go left from Zokk's
house (staying on that side of the river), you'll find a small path
through the trees leading to a bush. Search the bush for a Phoenix Down.
Then if you go right from the house you'll find a waterwheel. The crate
next to it contains Leather Shoes. Finally, if you go around the right
side of the inn, the barrel there contains 150 gil.

Now you can go shopping. For the time being, buy 2 Broad Swords (Butz
has one, and there's one for free in the Wind Shrine, and Faris can
survive until then with just a Dagger), 3 Leather Shields (Faris has
one), and either 2 or 3 Leather Helmets (there's one of these in the Wind
Shrine too, but they're so cheap you may as well just buy one now).
Equip all your new stuff, including your two pairs of Leather Shoes on
whomever you please. Sell your old stuff, but be careful not to sell
anything you got for Faris.

If you still have money left over, buy some spells. The great thing
about this game is that you only have to buy a spell once, not once per
character. (Of course, this is kind of made up for by the fact that you
can't share progress in Jobs with other characters.) Anyway, if you feel
like sticking around the town and killing wimpy stuff, go ahead and buy
as many spells as you can afford, then kill and earn money until you can
buy the rest. If not, then buy a few spells and leave town. Faris will
rejoin you if you leave, and return to the pub again should you return.
In other words, he'll always be with you outside of town and never inside
of town (at least for a while). Don't forget to equip any new stuff for

Wind Shrine
Treasures: Broad Sword, Potion x5, Leather Helmet, Phoenix Down, Staff,

When you're done in Tule, sail your ship along the northern/western coast
until you reach a small forest with what looks like a temple inside it.
This is the Wind Shrine. Disembark, save, and enter. The first floor
has no enemies. Go to the left and meet with the people from Tycoon.
Look at the pot to rejuvenate your HP/MP/status/life, and talk to the
person to the left of the pot to get 5 Potions. Go to the far right and
climb the stairs.

On the second floor, go up, then left (past the central path), and down
to find a chest containing a Tent. Then go up, down the central path,
and into the door there. That glowing circle is a Save Point. If you
step on it, you can use a Tent or Cabin and/or save your game. Don't
waste a Tent just yet, but do save your game. Exit the room through the
lower door and go right and up the stairs. Collect the treasure (the
Leather Helmet I mentioned earlier) and go back downstairs.

Go up the stairs on the left, and go all the way around the room. When
you get to the center area, DO NOT approach the bird just yet. Go into
the door on the left to get a Broad Sword (equip on Faris). Either go
back downstairs and save, or just take your chances with the boss. If
you're level 5, he's really easy. He's moderately easy on level 4, but
anything lower than that and you die pretty quickly. Heal up with
Potions before approaching him.

BOSS: Wing Raptor
Generally, just whack him as fast as you can, heal with Potions when
necessary, and don't attack while his wings are closed. He should die in
2-3 rounds if everyone's got Broad Swords. You get a Phoenix Down for
defeating him.

Continue upstairs and poke around below the lower right pillar thing to
find a secret passage leading right. It leads to a chest containing a
Staff. Get that, then go up the stairs in the middle of the room to
reach the Wind Crystal. Go straight up and sit through the long event.
You then get the Crystal shards, which give you the following Jobs:

Knight, Monk, Thief, White Mage, Black Mage, Blue Mage.

Lenna directs you to a warp gate behind the altar. Go step on it. In
the ensuing darkness, a Chocobo shows up and offers to teach you how to
use the Job and Ability system. If you don't already know (it's the same
as what the appropriate guy in the Beginner's Hall said), say yes.
Otherwise, say no (it takes a long time).

Torna Canal
Blue spells: Aero, Goblin Punch, Vampire
Treasures: 300 gil, Ether, Potion x8, Tent x2

You'll end up outside. Return to the Town of Tule and go to Zokk's house
at the top of town. He'll be home now. Watch the event. In the
morning, try to leave town. Faris and the pirates will have a little
event of their own, then Faris joins up with you for good (town-wise).

Get on your ship (another short event), and sail back south. Remember
where the cave to the pirate base was? Land as close to it as possible
and go through there. Be sure to pick up the Blue spell "Vampire" from
the Steel Bats here, and "Goblin Punch" from the Goblins outside. Talk
to the pirates when you get to the base. One of the first ones you meet
will give you 8 Potions (this guy and some others won't be here until
Faris has sent them home from Tule). In the lower left of the big room
is a skull switch. Go into the left door after you hit it, and the wall
inside will be open. The chests beyond contain a Tent, an Ether, and 300
gil. Beyond the right door is an injured Boco. Watch the short event,
then talk to the rest of the pirates and leave.

Return to your ship and sail to the Wind Shrine. Go up at least to the
second floor (third or fourth would work better) and meet a creature
called Mold Wind. Learn the Blue spell "Aero" from it. Be sure to be in
good health: it does about 70 HP damage or so. Go back downstairs and
heal at the pot, then leave the Wind Shrine.

Pick a combination of Jobs and Abilities (you should have learned one or
two by now) as your working party. My advice is to stick with this
working party until you reach a town, then (even if you don't pick any
new Jobs) switch the Jobs around between your characters so they all get
moderately good at everything. The reason to wait until you reach a town
is so you can buy equipment and rest at the inn when you're done changing
your party around.

South of the Wind Shrine is a place that looks a bit like a claw, with a
river flowing back from it through the mountains. Go there. That's the
Torna Canal. Search the gate to open it with a bit of dialogue, then go
through the canal. There are random monsters here: a good whack with a
Knight or Monk, or a Bolt spell by a Black Mage will deal with them.
Pretty soon a whirlpool will appear, followed by a boss.

BOSS: Karlabos
Knights, Thieves, and Monks should attack, White Mages should cast Cure,
Black Mages should cast Bolt, and Blue Mages should cast either Aero or
Goblin Punch. It's a pretty easily dispatched monster. If you have the
Build Up command (Monk level 1), then stick it on your Monk or Knight to
do a lot of damage. Use that instead of attacking. You'll get a Tent
for defeating it.

Watch the sad event.

Ship's Graveyard
Treasures: 990 gil, Antidote x2, Bronze Shield, Flail, Phoenix Down x2,
Potion, Tent, World Map

First off, keep in mind that if you ever get weak, you can always return
to your ship (provided you're nearby), go down the stairs, and go into
the right room to sleep. Secondly, almost all (if not all) the monsters
here are undead, and thus are weak against Cure (used as an attack) or
Fire magic. Some are immune to Fire, though.

From the deck of the ship, go right to the first plank, then down to what
looks like a dead end. While standing on the rock, search (A button) and
some more rocks will show up. Hop along and you'll eventually find a
Flail. Give it to your White Mage. Hop back up along the rocks and go
right at the fork, unless you need to go back to your ship and heal while
it's still nearby.

Go up and into the door in the ship. Go right and down the stairs, then
left and into the door to find a Tent. Go back out of the small room and
go right and down to find a doorway into the lower part of the room. Go
left and your party will talk about going through the water. The steps
into the water are on the left side of the room.

NOTE: On some emulators, you cannot see yourself while in the water. If
that happens, turn off layer 2. Turn it back on when you enter a battle
if you want the background. This only works for rooms which are
partially underwater. For completely underwater rooms (like the next
one), you'll need to rely on either another emulator :) or step-by-step
directions. I'll give them.

From the place where the water is lapping against your feet, go down 7
(you should hit a wall if you try to go down any further), right 6, and
down one. New room. Left 3, down 3, left 3, face up, search (A) for 990
gil, left 1, up 2, left 1, up 6, right 1, up 5, right 3, up 2. New room.
You should be able to see in part of this room. I'll give directions
anyway. Left 4, down 2, right 1, up 6, right 1, search for a Phoenix
Down. This room is just for treasure, so, left 1, down 6, left 1, up 2,
right 4, down 1 to retrace your steps and get out of the room.
Underwater again. Down 3. New room. Down 12, right 3. New room.
Right 2, up 5, search for a Potion, left 2, up 5. Left 1, down 2, right
1 (or right 1, down 2, left 1, doesn't matter), down 6. You're out!

The stairs to the lower level (don't they ever drown?) are in the lower
right corner of the underwater area. In the next room, go left, down the
steps, and left over to the box with the skull and crossbones. Search it
for 990 gil. Then go left and up the ramp. Soon you will see two doors.
Go into the upper one, then go left, down the ramp, right, and up to get
to a chest containing a Phoenix Down. Retrace your steps to the two
doors and enter the lower one.

Go straight down to descend the ramp. The stairs are in the lower right
corner. In the next room, go right and up to find a chest containing a
Potion. Then go left a bit and up the stairs. In the next room, go
around the stairs on either side, but then center yourself again and walk
straight down and out the door.

In the next (dry!) room you get an event and automatically rest; you can
come back here to be healed. Go through the upper right door and save at
the Save Point. Go straight up through two empty rooms and then you'll
be out in the open air again. Go right, then down (you can hop across
the rock to the ship, but there's nothing there ‹ and you can just walk
through those small patches of water between the boards), then hop right
to get to the ship. Go in the door and look at the yellow thing (a map,
surprisingly intact for something that's been sitting around the ship's
graveyard for who knows how many years) to get the World Map. When you
get outside to the world map you can look at it by pushing Y. Go right
and down the stairs and get the three chests (2 Antidotes and a Phoenix

Go back upstairs and go outside. Go right and hop along the rocks. Open
the chest (it's empty) to make the ship you're on resurface. Then go up
(be sure to be healed) and hop across the rocks to get an event and a

BOSS: Siren
Same as usual. Have your fighters attack while your White Mage heals and
your Black Mage attacks (magic is ineffective). When she turns into an
undead, have your White Mage attack with Cure since the fighters won't be
doing as much damage. Your Black Mage can also use Fire very effectively
now. You'll win a Bronze Shield for defeating her.

Leave by going up. You'll find yourself back outside again (finally), so
save and also check out your World Map. The big cross is you and the
little crosses are locations to visit. There's a little cross right
under you, in fact, for the Ship's Graveyard. Note the closest one below
you (there's one off to your right that you'll visit soon, but not now)
and go there.

Treasures: 1000 gil, Antidote, Ice Rod

Carwen is a ways off, so you might need to use a Tent. When you get
there, go up, a bit right, and under the walkway. Search the second from
the left of the five barrels you see to get an Antidote. Visit the shops
and buy equipment and spells. New spells are Sleep (Black) and Mute and
Armor (White). Buy Daggers for Black Mages and Thieves (unless you've
already got 4 by winning them from Skeletons in the ship's graveyard),
Regal Cutlasses and Bronze armor for Knights, Copper Plate for Monks, and
Cotton Robes for White and Black Mages.

Down below the pub is a ramp leading to the lower level, and a woman is
standing in a garden or somesuch right next to the ramp. Talk to her for
a very short event. After that, enter the pub, play the piano (number
two), and go upstairs and talk to the man there for another short event.
On the first floor of the pub, there's a secret passage in the lower left
corner. It leads to three barrels or pots. Search the topmost one for
1000 gil. Down below the woman who told you about Worus are some crates
by the dock. Walk between and look for a secret passage to some more
crates. The bottom crate there contains an Ice Rod. Drop by the item
shop to pick up supplies if you need to, and heal up at the inn. Leave

North Mountain
Treasures: Mythril Helmet, Phoenix Down, Power Drink, Soft, Whip

Remember that mark on the map right of the Ship's Graveyard? Go there
now. It's a long walk, so use a tent when you get to the North Mountain.
Save and enter. Go straight up and into the door. Go down first, and
collect the chest with the Phoenix Down. Then go up, past where you came
in, and follow the path until you see the exit from the cave and a path
going down. Follow the path down to a chest containing a Soft potion.
Go back up and out the door. Go up, following the path until you see
another door. Go in there and follow the path until you reach the exit.

Out here are purple flowers. Don't step on them: they'll poison you. Go
right, up the long ramp, and left (either around or through the flowers)
to the door. Inside is a save point. Use a tent, save, and continue
through the door on the left. Go left to have an event and a boss.
(King Tycoon's helmet is added to your inventory as a Mythril Helmet.)

BOSS: Magisa and Forza

Note that Lenna starts this battle poisoned. Hit them for all you're
worth. At first it'll only be Magisa, but soon Forza will show up. Get
either one out of the picture, then take out the other. Ice works well
on both, as does plain old whacking. The White Mage should use Cure or
(if given the opportunity) Armor. You get a Power Drink and a Whip for
beating them. It is possible to beat Magisa before Forza arrives, but
you only get a Whip if you do that. Then again, you save yourself a lot
of trouble.

Continue left and go through the door. Go up for an event. Now you can
fly around everywhere you want, except over mountains (which kind of
limits the places you can go in this mountain-surrounded area). The
Hiryuu can only land on grass (the meteor's rut counts as grass, btw).

Blue spells: Frog Song
Treasures: 490 gil, 1000 gil x2, Drag (spell), Elf Cape, Glasses, Ice
Rod, Phoenix Down, Tent

Worus is almost due south (slightly west) of Carwen. Fly there on the
Hiryuu. First, enter Castle Worus. Go up through the main gate and into
the castle, then go up to enter the throne room for an event. Time to
explore the castle.

From the throne room, go down, right, through the door, up, right, down,
and down the stairs to the storage room. Of the three barrels in the
lower right corner, search the top one to find a Phoenix Down. Search
the barrel in the upper left for a Tent, and the right crate in the upper
left for 490 gil. There aren't any other easily gotten treasures in the

There are some well guarded ones, though. Go back outside and save, and
make everyone a Monk (high HP), preferably with White magic as an
ability. Then make your way back to the main hall (the room before the
throne room). Go down the stairs this time, then go right, up through
two doors, and down the stairs. Down here the only monster you meet is
Garkimasera, who can quite easily kill you. So if you have a Thief with
the Escape ability, use it. Otherwise, just run. You want to follow the
path until it forks, then take the right fork. Search all three pots.
The middle one contains Dimension magic Drag, and the two on the sides
each contain 1000 gil. Return to the fork and go left. Follow the path
until you get to a chest containing an Elf Cape. Then get back to the
stairs and leave. It's extremely unlikely that you'll survive a trip
down there at this point in the game, but give it a shot or two. Don't
waste any more than one Phoenix Down (remember they cost 1000 gil each).

The other well guarded treasure is the Esper Shiva, who is held atop the
water tower of the castle. To get to her, go down the stairs from the
main hall and out the door in the lower right. Then follow the path to
the waterway, and go up until you reach a big waterfall. Head into the
center of the waterfall to enter the water tower. Go over to the ramp on
the left, descend, and go through the door. Then just go around the
central block in each room and climb the stairs. You can learn "Frog
Song" from the Elf Toads here. Shiva is on 4F. Talk to her if you dare.
At this point in the game, the battle is very tough. The boss strategy
is in the Karnak section. If you don't want to fight her, either go back
down or go straight down from where she is to go out a door and fall down
the waterfall you saw.

One last thing about Castle Worus: don't let the prisoners out of jail.
Lone Wolf is the only one you can actually let out, and so far I've found
no benefit to doing so, and even a disadvantage (he steals two treasures
later in the game).

Anyway, when you're done with the castle, head into town. Buy new
equipment (I'm not going to tell you what to get for who: I trust that
you have sense enough to figure it out yourself) and spells. Actually,
if you're low on cash the spells can wait until later, since you can't
use these spells until you get the Summoner and Time Mage Jobs. But if
you have money, just buy them all now. That Drag spell in the basement
of the castle is also something you need a Time Mage to use, so you can
use that as an excuse not to go down there just yet.

When you're done shopping, head to the lower left of the area you've been
running around in (in town), and there you will find a ramp leading into
the water. Go down the ramp and up another one just to the left to enter
a building. On the far right is a pot which contains Glasses. That's
all the treasures in this town, so leave and climb aboard your Hiryuu
again. (And no, there's no pub, so no piano, so you can't improve your
skills here.)

Worus Tower
Treasures: Ether, Hi-Potion, Maiden's Kiss, Silk Robe, Silver Ring

Fly the Hiryuu to the Worus Tower, save, and enter. Talk to the two
downed soldiers to learn about the situation, then start climbing. You
find the King on 4F, near a pillar covered with vines. Enter the pool on
the left from the top, and climb the pillar (face it from below).
There's a chest up there, containing a Silk Robe (equip on a mage). Step
on the hole to drop back down, and go up the stairs. There's a
semi-hidden passage to the right of the save point here, leading to a
chest containing a Maiden's Kiss (cures frog status). Rest and save at
the save point.

Continue onward, until you reach 8F. There aren't any stairs here, just
three vines. Ignore the pillar and go up the left vine on the wall.
Collect the treasure (Silver Ring) and go back down the hole, then climb
up the right vine. Collect the treasure there (Ether), and go up the
stairs. You can't climb the vines here.

The Water Crystal is here on 10F. Galura proceeds to dispatch a warrior
and attack you.

BOSS: Galura
This guy hits hard and fast. The best way to beat him is to Mute him and
cast Frog Song on him to turn him into a frog. Then pummel him with
weapons and Ice magic (Aero also works well) while the White Mage heals
everyone up from the damage he caused before you turned him into a frog.
Keep in mind that eventually the Mute will wear off, and he'll change
back, but hopefully you can kill him by that time. Alternatively you
could fight a defensive battle, but it's much slower. You get a Hi
Potion for beating him.

You get a short event. Go around and pick up the Crystal shards (there's
one you can't get). Here are the Jobs you get:

Berserker, Mystic Knight, Time Mage, Summoner, Red Mage

After you pick up the fifth one (and are going over to try to reach for
the sixth), the tower starts shaking, and a door appears nearby. Since
you can't get the last Crystal shard anyway, go out the door. Watch the
sad event.

Worus Revisited
Treasures: None (unless you want to get some that you didn't get before)

You and the Hiryuu end up near the meteor. Hop on the Hiryuu and fly
back to Worus. Change your jobs around (since you have new ones; you can
always keep the old ones if you want to). My suggestion would be to have
a Mystic Knight, a Red Mage (since you don't know any level 4+ white or
black magic yet, it doesn't limit you), a Time Mage, and a Summoner. You
can always tack on the old abilities of previous classes, remember.
Outfit your equipment in the town (keep in mind that Red Mages can use
swords), then head to the castle.

Go to the throne room, then right and up the stairs. Talk to the two
women (you'll be following the left one's advice in the next section) and
then the king for a short event. Also go to the soldiers' room and talk
to the wounded soldier from Karnak (pretty obvious how to get to Karnak
now). Leave the castle and hop on the Hiryuu.

Treasures: Cabin, Elixir x2, Ether x2, Giyaman's Bell, Healing Staff,
Hi-Potion, Katana, Maiden's Kiss, Phoenix Down x2, Shuriken

Follow the mountains below you to the left until you reach a gap, then
fly into that gap and south (you should be in the area you started in).
Fly right over the meteor and land by the castle of Tycoon. Talk to the
guard to enter. First go straight up for an event.

Leave the room and go down the stairs. Search the right pot for a
Hi-Potion. Go through the other door to reach the main hall. Go up
through the central door to get to the throne room. Go through the upper
right door and go upstairs until you reach 4F (the room with all the
pots). Search the one just to right of the stairs down for an Elixir,
the next one to the right for a Phoenix Down, and the one on the right
wall for a Maiden's Kiss. The one next to the stairs on the left
contains an Ether, and the last two are empty. Go back downstairs
(nothing interesting up) and return to the main hall.

Go through the door and up the stairs on the right. Go into the door and
search the pot and barrel to the right for an Ether and a Cabin,
respectively. The barrel in the lower left corner contains an Elixir,
and the barrel next to it contains a Phoenix Down. Go back to the main
hall and exit via the bottom door.

Once in the courtyard, go left and down the ramp, then follow the path
until you get to a door. In this room, push the switch on the wall to
show a door, then walk into the door and move through the secret passage
(you can see it with a Thief or the Passages ability, otherwise you have
to blunder your way through). Talk to the Chancellor to get the Healing
Staff. Open the chests to get a Katana, Shuriken, and Giyaman's Bell.
Retrace your steps and leave the castle (talk to everyone, of course).

Meteor at Worus, Meteor at Karnak
Blue spells: ????

Fly the Hiryuu back to the meteor near Worus, and go inside (there's a
hole for that purpose). Go around and downstairs, and step on the warp
for a little event. You'll be warped to the meteor near (actually quite
far from) Karnak. Check out your map. That flashing cross
west-northwest of you is Karnak, but you'll have to go around and
approach from the north. So start trudging. Sylph is a good Summon to
use for now, since it both heals you and does a respectable 150-200
damage (most of the time). Also, learn "????" from the Wild Nack
monsters in the forest. It'll do to you the total damage you've done to
the monster (it does Max HP - HP, thus injuring the enemy as much as the
caster is injured), so wait for them to use an attack, with a slight
pause beforehand, which does 0 damage. (There will *not* be a name
popping up at the top of the screen.)

Treasures: Shiva (spell)

When you do get to Karnak, they won't let you into the castle or the
steamship, so look around the town. Go to the pub and play the piano
(number three). Have a rest at the inn, then buy something at the weapon
or armor shop (I suggest a Mythril sword, since this is the only time you
can get it so cheaply). Another event will occur.

Trudge around in your jail cell for a while until an event happens. Go
right, up, and upstairs, then go straight up, around and down, and
upstairs. Go up and right and upstairs, then go right, down and out the
door. Note that there are lots of treasure chests around, but they're
all blocked by flames. Go down to see a tiny event, then go straight
down to get outside. Visit Karnak and buy stuff. The spell shop is open
now, and you can freely buy weapons and armor (but the prices have gone

Now that you have the Fire 2 spell, return to the Worus water tower (yes,
I know it's a long walk) and get the Shiva Esper. Trust me, it'll make
life much easier.

BOSS: Shiva
Throw Fire 2 around at all enemies, while you use Cure 2 on the party.
Mystic Knights should cast Fire 2 on their swords and then whack. Here's
where having a Red Mage, with other characters having White and Black
magic as abilities comes in handy. White can continually Cure 2, Black
can continually Fire 2, and Red can do whatever's necessary. Shiva isn't
too tough a boss, anyway. You get an Ice Rod for beating her.

Blue spells: Exploder, Flash
Treasures: Cabin, Elixir x3, Flame Scroll or Fire Bow, Full Moon, Green
Beret, Mythril Glove, Phoenix Down, Thief Glove

Once you've gotten yourself completely and utterly ready (Cid wasn't
joking when he said to be totally prepared), head to the steamship right
next to Castle Karnak. When you enter, Cid leads you to a door which you
automatically enter. Go right and down the stairs. Then go around and
down, and down the stairs. From here on, there are monsters. Be sure to
learn "Flash" from Crew Dust (it'll use it when alone). Also, if you
beat a solitary Defeater, it will leave two Motor Traps, and if you use
Bolt (not Bolt 2, since that would kill it) on one of them, it'll counter
with "Exploder," another Blue spell. Go left, up, and into the nearest
door to get a Mythril Glove. Leave the room and continue left, climb the
ramp, and go left, down, and up the stairs. Go right, up, and through
the door to find an Elixir. Retrace your steps back to the room below
and go up. Go down the ramp on the left and collect the chest (Cabin),
then go back up the ramp and right, down, and downstairs for an Elixir.

Go upstairs, up, left a bit, and up and through the door to the elevator.
Flip the red lever on the left to make it go, then go down to exit. Go
right and get the Phoenix Down, then go left, up, up the ramp, and
through the door to reach another elevator. Go back down and exit. Go
left and up and follow the pipe to a small ladder. Then follow that pipe
to another ladder, and then go straight up and through the door. Go up
the elevator, exit, and enter the rightmost of the four pipes on the
lower side of the room. It'll take you to a mess of conveyers, which
will drop you in another room. Go right, and enter and follow the pipes
to a Green Beret. Then go down the nearby ramp, across the conveyer, and
through the door. Go up the elevator to find yourself in the same room
with four pipes. Take the second from the right this time, and it'll
drop you by a chest you might've seen earlier. It contains a Thief
Glove. Hop on the conveyer and go up the ramp and through the pipes the
same way you did the first time.

When you get to the room with the four pipes again, go into the second
one from the left (the furthest left leads nowhere interesting). Go up
the nearby stairs and flip the switch. This one doesn't activate an
elevator, but it does open a door. Go inside, collect the Full Moon, and
return downstairs. This time enter the door on the left, then enter the
left door in the room that follows (the right door, across the conveyer,
takes you back to the other area). Here you'll find a save point. Do
the usual tent and save.

Go up through the door and as far up as you can go in the next room, then
hit the switch from the right. Hit the switch you end up next to, then
go down and hit the last switch in this area that you haven't touched
yet. Go right across the new bridge and hit both switches. Go down and
hit the upper switch while standing on the platform. (Don't hit the
lower switch while standing on the other platform: it'll take you back to
the beginning with no way to return.) Go left and up and get the chest
(Elixir), then go back down, right, and through the door. Here you find
the power room of the steamship. Watch the short event, and prepare to
fight a boss.

BOSS: Liquid Flame
Pound it with Ice 2, Shiva, and an Ice 2 enchanted sword. It'll change
forms every once in a while. Be careful when attacking it in hand form
(be ready to heal), but it'll change into something else after one hit.
You'll get a Flame Scroll or a Fire Bow when you beat it.

Listen to the Queen. Go straight up and through the pipe to reach the
Fire Crystal. Another event will occur.

Escape from Castle Karnak
Blue spells: Aero 2 (if you have time), Death Claw
Treasures: 2000 gil x3, Elf Cape, Elixir x6, Guardian, Heal (spell)
Ribbon, Shuriken, Thunder Scroll

First off, you're automatically dashing, and secondly, you need to dash
since you only have 10 minutes to get out of the castle. That wouldn't
be too much trouble except this is your only opportunity to get all those
chests that were oh, so conveniently blocked with flames earlier.
Anyway, you start off in a room with a save point, so save quickly and
reset if you don't manage to get however many chests you want and get out
of the castle. Oh, and thirdly... all but three of the chests contain
monsters in addition to treasures. Have fun!

Go down, left, and search the pot to heal since your status isn't
recovered automatically. OR use a Tent, which might actually take less
time. Regardless, you *will* need to heal. Go straight up from the save
point, then up and right and into the nearest cell. Open the chest for
2000 gil(the ones which contain money are the ones which have no
monsters). Then run around and enter the upper right cell and open the
chest there. Kill off all the monsters using Shiva and Ice 2 (this
applies to every last battle), and you'll get an Elixir from the chest.
Go right, up, and upstairs. On each side of this room is a treasure.
The chest on the right contains a Shuriken. I forgot to mention, that
some of the chests contain a monster called Gigas. He'll use "Aero 2" on
you (Blue spell), but don't kill time trying to get him to use it. The
chest on the left contains a Ribbon. Go up through the center door, then
go around, down, and upstairs again (no treasures in this room). Go up
and right and upstairs (again, no treasures). Go into the nearest door
and upstairs. Collect the treasures from this room (2 Elixirs and 2000
gil) and go up the stairs in the upper left corner. Run along the castle
wall and go down the stairs. Go down and downstairs, then up and
downstairs, and then down to a chest containing an Elf Cape. Go back to
the room with all the chests (up and upstairs, down and upstairs, up and
upstairs, along the wall, downstairs) and go out the door you came in (in
the middle). Go across the hall and go into the equivalent door on the
other side (there's nothing up the center aisle). Repeat the exact same
process on this side. The chests in the big room contain 2000 gil and 3
Elixirs, and the chest that you have to run all that way for contains a
Guardian dagger. Return to the main hall, and this time go down. Get
the chests on the left and right for the Heal spell and a Thunder Scroll.
Now, heal up, and go out the door. Go down and you'll be attacked.

BOSS: Iron Claw
At first this may seem to be another one of those random battles against
a Sergeant and three Karnaks, but soon the Sergeant's true form will be
revealed. If you have time, try to learn "Death Claw" from him. If not,
don't. Iron Claw is still pretty wimpy. Use Ice 2 and Shiva. Whacking
is fairly ineffective: you'll do damage, but not too much. If you're low
on time, try going into a magic menu while spell effects are taking
place. You need at least a minute to beat him. You don't get any
treasure when he dies.

After the battle, hurry and run down and out. You get a short event and
some new jobs. You'll get the following jobs from them:

Ninja, Mediator, Geomancer.

Be sure to give the Mediator to someone. The Control ability (level 2)
is incredibly useful.

The Ancient Library
Blue spells: Aero 2 (if you didn't get it in Castle Karnak), Fusion,
Level 5 Doom, Magic Hammer, Moon Flute
Treasures: Ether, Fire Rod, Flame Scroll, Ifrit (spell), Phoenix Down,
Protect Drink, Stealth Robe

Go to the steamship and talk to Cid, and he'll run off. Visit Karnak and
heal up, buy items, whatever you need to do. There's a new guy selling
weapons in the weapon/armor shop. Also, visit Cid on the second floor of
the pub for a tiny event. Before you leave, go to the castle wall
(stairs are in the upper right) and go left along the wall until you
reach a barrel. Search the barrel for a Fire Rod. Leave town and go
west. Part of the wall that was blocking the path blew up with the
castle. Just follow the map to the next flashing cross. Oh, and try not
to be attacked in the desert. The Dohlm Chimera is very dangerous. Run
(if you can) if you meet it.

Hopefully your party's levels are around 15. If they're 15 exactly, kill
one person and keep fighting with everyone else until they gain a level.
If they're under 15, get everyone up to level 14, close to level 15, then
kill three people and have the last person gain a level. If they're over
15, well... come back here when you near 20. In any case, one person in
your party should be level 15, and the rest should be either 14 or 16.

When you reach the Ancient Library, the scholars will be going around
fussing over Mid being missing. Talk to everyone, look at the pot in the
second room for healing, and go back outside and save. Now go back in,
and up to the roof of the library. Look at the right hand book to be
attacked. In this battle, you will (hopefully) cycle through all four of
the Page enemies before winning. If you don't, meet the appropriate
monsters randomly lower in the library, and learn the spells then. If
you do, try to learn "Aero 2" from Page 32 (if you didn't get it from the
Gigas monsters), "Level 5 Doom" from Page 64 (that's why you wanted one,
and only one person to be level 15), and "Moon Flute" from Page 256.
Apparently Page 128 doesn't have any useful Blue spells. Talk to the
people on the roof, look at the other two books, and heal yourself again.
Now get everyone in your party to level 16 or above, because you don't
want to have Level 5 Doom working on you any more, now that you've
learned it. Remember that you can always heal yourself on the second
floor of the library. While you're leveling up outside, try to learn
"Fusion" from the Mithril Dragon monsters. There are two ways to get it.
First, have a Mediator get the Control command, and use that. Second,
kill off all but one of them (should there be more than one), then get
its HP pretty low and cast Charm on it. With any luck it'll use Fusion
on you.

If you want to risk going down a short ways into the library, you might
want to get the Esper Ifrit. If so, then do the following: Enter the
door on the lower floor of the Ancient Library. Go straight up and the
bookshelf will move. Step into the gap between books on your left, and
the bookshelf will move back. Go through the bookshelves on the right
using the gaps, and climb up the ramp. Walk along the top of the
bookshelves to the right, and when you reach the end of the path, another
bookshelf should move to allow you to continue further. Keep going to
the end of the path (skip the ramp), and the bookshelf should move back.
Now go down the ramp and search the bookshelf with the black bit below
it. It'll move to reveal a stairway (the big black blob). Go
downstairs. You can now be attacked by random monsters. Go down and
right and open the chest (Ether). Go all the way left, down, right and
out the door. Go down the ramp, left, up, all the way left, up the ramp,
and search the bookshelf. Go into the gap, walk along the bookshelf, and
go through the gap to reach a room with a book. Search the book to get
into a battle with Ifrit.

BOSS: Ifrit
Really easy. He only uses Flame (hits all allies for 80-100 damage) with
the occasional Fire 2 (hits one ally for about 250 damage). Use Ice 2
and Shiva, and have someone cast Cure 2 every round, either on one person
(Fire 2) or the whole group (Flame). You win a Flame Scroll.

Once you've gotten Ifrit, get out of there. Retrace your steps to the
room with the shifting bookshelves. Go stand in the lower right corner
to get the bookshelf to move to the right, then make your way back to the
ramp down. Go all the way left from the bottom of the ramp and the
bookshelf will move. Return to where you stepped in the gap to move the
bookshelf. There, just face the bookshelf where it opens up, and it'll
move. Go down, out the door, upstairs to heal, and outside to save. And
now you have Ifrit!

Once you've gotten Ifrit, battles outside are a little easier. But don't
venture down into the library if you've still got a level multiple of 5.
It's very irritating to get almost all the way down to be killed by Level
5 Doom. When you're ready, retrace your steps to the area where you got
Ifrit, but instead of going up the ramp, go into the nearby door. If you
tried this earlier, the bookshelf would block your way, but Ifrit ...
makes it behave. Ifrit's a mandatory summon, unlike Shiva (who's
optional but useful). From there, go past the bookshelf, left, and down
through the gap in the books and down the ramp. Open the chest (Stealth
Robe) and return to the room with the bookshelf, this time taking the
upper gap.

Go right, down the ramp, left (right leads to a dead end), and all the
way down. Open the chest for a Phoenix Down. Go up, take the first
right, and go out the door. Go right and into the gap. Go up and stand
at the left end of the bookshelf to get it to move. Go up, right, and
search the upper bookshelf from the small ramp to get the lower bookshelf
to move. Go down, right, and search the bookshelf from the small ramp
there to find a book (containing a monster of course), and then opening
into a passage. Go into the newly created gap (the door below leads
nowhere). There's a save point here. Rest, save, and go down the ramp
on the right. Go left and into the door, then up. You'll be attacked by
a mean boss.

BOSS: Byblos
Hit him with fire-element attacks, Fire 2 and Ifrit. Keep your HP up
with Cure 2, and try to learn his "Magic Hammer" Blue spell. The battle
is much easier if you use Haste (Dimension) and Armor (White) to defend
yourself. You get a Protect Drink for beating him.

After the battle, go up and talk to Mid for an event.

Karnak Revisited

Heal up at the pot at the Ancient Library, then trudge all the way back
to Karnak. Heal up at the inn there, then go to the second floor of the
pub for an event. Leave the pub and the town and go to the steamship
yourself. Watch the event. In the morning, go talk to the sleeping Cid.
After an event, you take control of the ship and sail off. You can sail
anywhere in the world (you can't land if there isn't a beach, of course),
but there's one little problem: unlike the pirate ship, monsters will
attack the steamship. But they're weak, and most of them are easily
dispatched with Bolt 2.


Sail south from Karnak, then east around the cape near the Ancient
Library, then due south from there until you hit land. If you look on
the map, a short ways west, and a little south is a flashing cross (it's
the furthest southwest cross on the map). Go there, though you'll have
to walk most of the way, since the path is surrounded by mountains.
Ignore the cave you pass on the way. This town is Jacole. There really
isn't much of anything interesting here. There's a piano at the pub
(number four), and the weapon and armor shops have good stuff, but there
aren't any new spells. One of the men in the pub has some useful
information about skull switches. When you're finished shopping, leave

Cave of Jacole
Treasures: Shuriken, Tent, Thunder Whip

Head back up to the cave you passed earlier, and save (important) and
enter. In this cave are only two types of enemies: Nut Eaters (which you
saw back near Tule) and Skull Eaters. Run from Skull Eaters. They can
easily do 1000+ HP damage in one hit. Sometimes they'll use Escape,
however, and you can get 5 ABP from them that way. But don't rely on it.
Make sure everyone can cast Life, or at least two people in case your
White magic user gets killed.

Go down and push the lower skull switch. Then go right, down, right,
down, and right to about the middle of the row of skull switches. When
all but one disappear, run over to that one and quickly push it before
the others reappear. When you succeed, go left, up, right, and up to the
empty chest. Search it to find a button, which you should push to open
the nearby door. Go down and into the door. Follow the path until it
forks, then go left, and left again. Open the chest to get a Shuriken.
Go back to the second fork (first going this way) and go down and around
and get that chest (Tent). Go back to the fork, and go right and right
again. Follow the path until you reach another fork, and this time go
down and left. Keep going until you reach a treasure chest. Open it for
a Thunder Whip.

Go back to the fork and return the way you came. If you'd gone up, you
would have come to a dead end wall which you could have climbed to get
outside in an enclosed area (like that door in the cave to the pirate
base). Just remember how to get here. Anyway, follow the path back to
the first fork you came to and go down, follow the path and go out the
door. In the next room (the first room), go down, left, and up, and push
the skull switch. Go left, up, and push the skull switch by the door to
open it. Then go out the door. Return to the steamship.

Treasures: Vitality Song

Go south along the coast until you reach a gap between two islands, then
go due east (there's a flashing cross in the lower right area of the map
if you're confused). You should eventually reach a crescent (backwards
C) shaped island. Get off the steamship and enter the town. Almost as
soon as you step inside, there will be an earthquake. Try to leave town.

Since you're stuck here, you may as well explore the town. Go to the
lower right corner and enter the house. Talk to the bard to learn the
Vitality song. Also play the piano (number five) while you're here.
Talk to the old man in the inn, who'll say something different depending
on which kid you talked to before him. The armor and spell shops have
nothing new, and you can't equip anything from the weapon shop. Rest at
the inn, buy some items, and leave town.

Go south to the small circular forest and step in the middle of it to
enter. Go up to see a black Chocobo. Butz will try to catch it. It's
not easy to catch. Talk to Galuf if you want to leave, but you have to
catch it eventually. When you finally do catch it, you get an event.
When it's over, you'll have two new jobs and a black Chocobo you can
control. You can only land in forests, though. The new Jobs you gained

Hunter, Bard.

Treasures: Charm Song

Fly your Chocobo either south or north until you get to the Wind Shrine,
then go just to the northwest to find a town surrounded by forests and
mountains. This is Lix, Butz's hometown. Talk to people around here if
you like. Butz's house is on a hill, right above the inn. Go in there
and look at the pink music box on the table. You'll get a flashback to
Butz's past. Talk to the bard after the flashback to get the Charm song.

Go outside and look for a scholar-like person near the central pond.
Talk to him for another flashback. Rest in the inn (for free, this time
and every time) for yet another flashback. The stores in town don't sell
much of anything interesting - although the item store is half price - so

Treasures: Love Song, Ramuh (spell), Toad (spell)

Fly over to the northwest cross on the world map and land in the forest
next to the town there. Enter the town. This is Istory. Go to the
upper left corner of town and walk around the flower bed until a toad
hops out. You'll automatically go over and get the Toad spell. Now go
to the big sheep pen and talk to the sheep in the upper left that
standing still. It ought to kick you over the fence. If it doesn't,
talk to it from behind (the left). Talk to the bard there and say Yes to
get the Love song. Then work your way through the trees and leave town.
Again, the shops have little of interest. The armor shop has some very
nice rings for sale, but at outrageous prices (50,000 gil apiece). One
person in town mentioned some man who throws thunder in the larger of the
forests to the east. Go there and check it out (heal first). Wander
around in the forest until you hear boss music and meet Ramuh.

BOSS: Ramuh
He uses thunder attacks a lot, so keep your HP up. If you can, use the
Blue magic Death Claw. Any elemental attack except Bolt works well. He
and Ifrit will have a short chat before the battle ends. You get the
item "Ramuh" when you beat him. Use it to add Ramuh to your Esper list.

Ancient Library Revisited

Hop on your black Chocobo again and fly to the Ancient Library. When you
enter, Cid and Mid will show up for an event. You end up outside of the
library. Go back inside to heal up at the pot. Then start walking
towards the Quicksand Desert.

Quicksand Desert

Save and heal before entering the desert. Try to step on the quicksand.
When Cid and Mid ask you if you're ready, say Yes and they'll call the
Sand Worm.

BOSS: Sand Worm
There are three holes in the ground, and the Sand Worm will continually
go down from where it is and pop up from another hole. Never attack a
hole. Always be certain that your attack will hit the Sand Worm.
Provided you attack carefully, this is a very easy battle. Use Ice 2 and
physical attacks. Avoid summons, since they hit all enemies (and thus
the holes). You could use Sylph summon though. Heal up after it uses

Go outside, rest and save, then return. Cross the worm bridge and go
down from the end of it. Ride the quicksand, then take two steps down
and ride the quicksand some more. Go two steps down, two steps left, and
two more steps down and ride the quicksand. Step down and ride the
quicksand. Step left, and go down and ride the quicksand, then go
straight down to get out. Walk south until you reach a town of sorts.

Ruined City
Treasures: Ice Bow, Shuriken x2, Size (spell)

Enter the town and try to go up the central stairway, and you'll see King
Tycoon. Follow him to the right and try to enter the lower right
building from the lower left corner. He'll show up and run off again.
Go back to the central stairs, and start to climb them, and he'll run
into a building at the top of the hill. Follow him into the building.

You fall into some strange place. Head left and up through the door. Go
straight up and stand in the square and you'll be teleported to some
place near Crescent. Go right and up the stairs. Go straight up, then
around and down through the door. Go straight down and go to sleep.

Look at the lever at the bottom of the left room. Say Yes to push it.
Go look at the furthest right flowers in the middle room, then at the
sheet of paper in the right room. Search the left pot in the left room,
then search the book that's been knocked down. After that, go look at
the lever again, and say Yes to pull it. Open the chests for 2 Shurikens
and the White magic of Size. (Alternatively, you could just have said No
to push the lever and would then have gotten the option to pull it.)

Leave this room entirely and push the lever at the top of the next room
to open the door at the top. Go through that door to find a save point.
You shouldn't need a tent, having just rested, but make sure to save. Go
through the door at the top, then go right, down the long ramp, and
through the door.

You'll find the sunken steamship, and if you continue to the right you'll
find a mysterious ship with propellers. You get an event. Go
downstairs, down and downstairs, and talk to Cid for more of the event.
Go left, up, and talk to Cid again for yet more of the event, but then
something finally decides to interrupt your event-watching and starts
pulling on the airship. You know what that means....

BOSS: Cray Claw
Use Bolt 2, Ramuh, and throw Thunder Scrolls (if you have a Ninja). Keep
your HP up, because he can hit pretty hard. Then again, if you attack
quickly enough he won't even have a chance to hit you. You get an Ice
bow for killing him.

You get a short event. Fly back to where the Ruined City is and watch as
the Lonka Ruins rise into the air. Go back to the Catapult (Mid refers
to this place by this name later in the game, so that's what I'll call
it). Approach the bridge to the steamship for an event.

Meteor at Tycoon Revisited
Treasures: Turtle Shell

Fly the airship back to the meteor near Tycoon, heal up, and enter. Make
your way to the meteor itself, and walk up to the center. Galuf will
find a hidden switch and open the door. Enter the meteor, and search the
purple blob on the back wall to get the Adamantium. As you're leaving,
however, a boss attacks.

BOSS: Adamantaimai
The easiest way to kill him is to use Level 5 Doom. If you don't have
that, or don't want to use that, hit him with Ice 2, Shiva, and heal
yourself with Cure 2 (and try to find some time to cast Armor to lessen
his attacks). You get a Turtle Shell for defeating him.

Exit the meteor area and return to the Catapult. When you approach the
bridge to the steamship, you get an event.

Lonka Ruins
Blue spells: Aqua Rake, Blowfish, Dark Shock, Emission, Missile, White
Treasures: 5000 gil, Ancient Sword, Cabin, Dark Matter, Elixir, Ether,
Full Moon, Gold Armor, Gold Shield, Hero Drink, Hi-Potion x3, Phoenix
Down, Power Ring, Shuriken

First off, land the airship and save. Then you might want to run around
and build up Jobs if you like. There's a grassy place over the mountains
south of Castle Tycoon where every battle below the halfway-down line
yields 3 ABP (battles above are just Goblins), but the monsters (Black
Flame) are hard to hit. Try to learn "Dark Shock" from them. If you get
your levels high enough, you might also want to try going to the desert
near the Ancient Library and fighting the Dohlm Chimeras there. They
also give 3 ABP, and you can learn "Aqua Rake" from them.

When you're ready, do as Cid said by pressing A and choosing to go up.
Go to the left and right of the ruins and fight the cannons, one at a
time. If you need to heal, you can always go back down: the cannons will
stay beaten. Be sure to learn "Missile" from the Rockets, and "Emission"
from the Flameguns. Death Claw works on all the cannons, though with
fairly low success rate. When you've beaten them all, the big cannon
(the boss) will appear. Be sure to be healed before taking on this one.

BOSS: Sol Cannon
It's accompanied by two annoying Launchers which shoot Aging missiles at
you. Use Level 5 Doom to get rid of them. After that, just pound the
boss with Bolt 2, Ramuh, and strong weapons. Use Cure 2 after it fires
(luckily, it takes a long time to recharge). You'll get 2 Hi-Potions and
some Dark Matter for killing it.

Fly into the hole left by the cannon to enter the Lonka Ruins. Be sure
to learn "White Wind" from the Whirl Demons here and "Blowfish" from the
Lamias. You'll have to Control both of them to get them to use it. Walk
down and leave your airship via the bridge. Go down, left, up, and down
the stairs on the left. Go down, and right (having the Passages ability
makes this place much easier), all the way to the other side. Then make
your way along the lower wall, down and to the left. Collect the chest
(Gold Armor) and go down the stairs below it.

Go down, left, down, and across the secret passage to the lower area. Go
left and up the second path from the right. Look for secret passages to
get to the chest, which contains an Elixir. Go back down and go up the
path on the far left. Go all the way up, then right, down, and all the
way to the right, picking up the chest with the Phoenix Down as you go.
Go all the way down, and downstairs, then go up the other stairs, and
head up and right until you reach a gap. Find a secret passage across
the gap and go up and left to get to a chest containing a Gold Shield.
Retrace your steps until you get back to the chest that held the Phoenix
Down. Go up the nearby stairs to find a save point. Rest, save, and go
back downstairs. Finally, go left, up, and down the stairs.

Go down, right, up, and upstairs. Go up, left, and downstairs, then down
and downstairs. Go down, right, down, and upstairs. Go up and get the
Hi-Potion from the chest, then go right and downstairs. Follow the path
and go upstairs. Don't go straight forward. The center square of the
row below the bottom row of chests is a hole. So is the square just to
the right of it. So go around and get the chests from the left side.
They contain (left to right): 5000 gil, Shuriken, Ancient Sword, Full
Moon, and Power Ring. Fall down the hole now (it's the fastest way) and
go up the stairs to the lower left. Go up, right, all the way down, and

Go down, left, and upstairs, then right, down, around the hole, further
down, left, up, left and up, and downstairs. Go down and upstairs to
reach a save point. Go back downstairs, left and up, through the door,
up and right, and upstairs. Go right, down, right, downstairs, down, and
collect the chests (Cabin and Ether). Then go up, upstairs, left, down,
down and right, and hit the switch. Go down the newly formed stairs
below you. Go around and up, heal, and talk to King Tycoon. He sends
you to kill the monster blocking the way to the Crystal.

BOSS: Archaeo Avis
Beat on this guy with magic. If your magic starts healing him, switch to
a different element. He changes his weakness every now and then. Be
sure to keep yourself healed, since this guy hits hard and a lot. After
you kill his first form, he'll revive. When he revives, use Level 5 Doom
to kill him easily. You'll get a Hero Drink when you beat him.

Follow King Tycoon through the door for a long event. You get some more
Crystal shards:

Dragoon, Samurai, Chemist, Dancer.

Meteors at Tycoon, Worus, Karnak, the Ruins
Treasures: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down, Potion, Titan (spell)

Land the airship for a short event. Return to the Catapult and make your
way back to the laboratory/bedroom area. Look at the piece of paper on
the left side of the table in the right hand room. Rest in the beds and
return to the airship. Go to the meteor at Tycoon and go inside. Watch
the event. Return to the airship and go to the meteor at Karnak. Save
before going inside. Talk to Cid. Go inside the meteor and inspect the
green aura around the warp point to fight a boss.

BOSS: Titan
He's really easily beaten, but he'll use Earth Shaker when he dies, and
that will probably kill you. One way to avoid that is to go to North
Mountain (where you found the Hiryuu) and Control a Gala Cat and make it
use Float on your party. Another way is to gain a lot of levels. When
fighting him, Bolt 2 and Ramuh seem to work the best, but fire and ice
elements probably work just as well. Be sure to have someone who can
cast Cure 2 when needed. You get a Hi-Potion for beating him.

You get to summon Titan once you've beaten him. Watch the tiny event.
Heal up and head to the meteor at Worus. Go inside, talk to Cid, watch,
and prepare to fight another boss.

BOSS: Puroburos
These guys are wimps if you have a Samurai in your party. Just use Gil
Toss once and they're all dead. Of course, it costs you, money-wise, but
there's no easier way to kill them. The moderately easy way is to use
some attack that hits all of them for more or less equal damage,
repeatedly (i.e. summons, Aqua Rake). The hard way is to kill them one
at a time, making sure they're muted when they die (because they cast
Life 2 on all their allies as they die). Much easier to use GP Rain.
You get a Potion for beating them.

Watch the tiny event. Heal up and head to the meteor at the ruins.
Save, go inside, talk to Cid, and watch. Go inside the meteor, go
around, up, and downstairs, and go down. There's a tiny event and then a

BOSS: Chimera Brain
The easiest way to beat this guy is to use Death Claw, then whack him
once. GP Rain will also do a decent amount of damage. Ice will heal
him. Fire doesn't hurt him any more than normal, so you might want to
stick with lightning or try out earth via Titan. If, of course, you want
to do it the hard way. You get a Phoenix Down for beating him.

Watch the tiny event and hop back into the airship. Drop by Tycoon and
have a tiny event with the chancellor, then rest for another event. You
can also see this flashback by talking to Jenica at the beginning of
world 3, but *only if* you did not see it now. If there's anything
you've been putting off doing (like going into the basement of Castle
Worus for the Drag spell), do it now. You're not going to be any
stronger in this world than you are right now.

By the way, just as a checklist, here are the spells that it is possible
to skip over (and therefore you should get before you leave):

Size, Catapult;
Toad, Istory;
Drag, Castle Worus basement;
Shiva, Castle Worus water tower;
Ramuh, forest east of Istory.

Warp Zone

Head to the spot on the map that all the moving crosses are moving
towards (it's due west of Worus). Save before entering, in case you
forgot something. When you're ready, enter the blue spot and watch the


The Solitary Island (by comparison with FFVI)
Treasures: Ether

Use a tent (if you don't have any, you can win them from enemies on the
island) and watch the event (you get a short event if you run around
fighting battles for a while beforehand, hinting you to use a tent).
Fight the boss that shows up with Butz alone.

BOSS: Abductor
This guy's really a wimp. So long as your job has good fighting skills,
just pound on him and use the occasional Hi-Potion (or Cure 2, if you
have White or Red magic as an ability) to heal. Watch out for its
Hurricane attack which will reduce your HP to single digits. Whether you
win or lose, the outcome is the same, so don't sweat it if you lose. You
get an Ether if you beat it, though.

If you win, open the chest. Watch the event that follows. If you lose,
just watch the event.

Escape from Exdeath Castle

If Galuf isn't one of the fighter classes, make him one. You need to get
down to the other party members and fight off a boss (who's a wimp) by
yourself. Also be sure that you have some means by which to heal
yourself. Go left, around the central structure, and down the stairs on
the left side. Ignore the doors. Go right along the lower wall and
downstairs. Go all the way left, until you can see a dead end to the
left, then go up, then left and downstairs. Go down, following the path
until you see a person. Heal up and approach.

BOSS: Gilgamesh
He's really a wimp. Pound on him with whatever you've got, and keep
yourself healed. It's an easy battle. And he doesn't have any Genji
stuff yet either, in case you've heard about that.

Go back the way you came until you reach the room with the doors. This
time, the bottom door will be open (the top is open too, and was before,
but leads nowhere). Go through it to get outside. Save, but don't heal

Big Bridge

Go south and west around the mountains until you reach a really long
bridge. Heal up and save before entering here. When you're ready, enter
and go straight up (it's easy for directions). You'll be attacked a few
times as you go, but the monsters are nothing to worry about. Halfway
across the bridge, you'll meet Gilgamesh again.

BOSS: Gilgamesh
He's not quite so much of a wimp as last time (after all, you've four
people now, so the game needs to toughen him up a bit), but still pretty
easy. Start off by casting Armor and Haste on everyone, while casting
Cure 2 to heal. When everyone's ready, set a White magic user to casting
Mute every round after the second, and have everyone pound on Gilgamesh
for all they're worth. Titan is particularly effective. If you don't
manage to Mute Gilgamesh by halfway through the battle, he casts Haste,
Armor, and Shell on himself, making it much harder to get rid of him. GP
Rain can be used for about 2000 damage in that state if you're getting
desperate. And no, he still doesn't have any Genji stuff.

When you reach the far end of the bridge, an event will occur and you'll
be thrown to another continent.


First thing you do, rest up and save. Next, head east. Check out your
map (funny how the world map from one world would show the other world as
well) and head for the nearest flashing cross. When you get there (it's
a long way), you'll be in the village of Rugor. Sort out your jobs, then
go shopping for new equipment. Buy all the new spells. Also visit the
pub and look for a secret passage in the lower left corner. It leads to
a piano (number six). Visit the inn and you'll stay for free (only once,
though). During the night there will be a small event. In the morning,
go out of town and run around and kill things. Keep killing until you
have enough money to buy everything you need in town. Alternatively, you
could just dance in the pub a whole bunch of times - each time you do,
the bartender will give you 100 gil.

Sealed Castle of Kuzar

After you're ready to move on from Rugor, go due south, and you'll soon
see a castle to the right. Note that you do not, by any means, need to
go in there, but if you do, you can hear Galuf's explanation of the
place, and also look around and see the treasures (which you can't take
yet). So, if you're going to go in, heal up and save, and (important)
give someone the Control command. If you don't have that ability yet
(Mediator level 2), just skip the castle for now and come back later.

Notes for when in the castle: Run from all enemies you can, but you can't
run from the Shield Dragon. So control it and make it use Flame on
itself several times until it dies. Piece of cake, and 1000 gil, 2500
experience and 5 ABP to boot. Enter the castle and go straight up and
into the next room. Go straight up again. Go straight up a third time
to get to the Sealed Room. Around this room are 12 treasures, apparently
turned to stone. You can't get them. Walk down and watch the short

The treasures, clockwise from the top are Excalibur (sword), Assassin
Dagger, Sasuke's Katana, Holy Lance, Rune Axe, Masamune, Yoichi's Bow,
Firebute (whip), Sage Staff, Wizard Rod, Apollo's Harp, and Earth Bell.

When you're done, leave the castle the same way you came in.

Underground River
Treasures: 4400 gil, Phoenix Down

After healing and saving, head south from Kuzar, then east along the
northern coast. When you can go north, do so. Save before going east
into the mountains and entering the forest there. Inside the forest, you
will find none other than a genuine moogle! Talk to it for a short
event. Jump into the hole after it. Go down into the river, then right
and down into the river, then right and down to the treasure chest (4400
gil) and down into the river. Go right and down into the river, then
left to the treasure chest (Phoenix Down). Go back to the right,
ignoring the stairs, and up the ramps to the moogle and a boss.

BOSS: Tyrasaurus
This guy has a number of hard attacks, but generally just treat him as
you would any undead, and keep your HP up so that Zombie Breath doesn't
turn you into zombies. Cure and Fire work wonders, but the easiest way
to kill him is to use Death Claw.

After you beat the boss, you get an event. Observe the route the moogle
takes, and the place he stops. The reason he doesn't go into the desert
is because there's a nasty monster there that you can't run from. In
fact, it's possible to take the long way around through grass and forest
and not be attacked at all (are there even any monsters there to attack
you?). So take the long way around, so you'll have the option of

Moogle Forest
Treasures: 1 gil, 10000 gil, Cabin, Dancing Dagger, Elf Cape, Ether,
Phoenix Down

When you get to the big forest, the place you want to go is the row just
past the last row of mountains in the little tip on the north side of the
gap, and just left of center (the center of the lower rows, anyway).
Wander around in that area and you'll find it. Go up and the moogles
will scatter. Your friend is in the upper right. Talk to him for a
short event. Open the chests inside the tree for Ether, Phoenix Down,
10,000 gil, 1 gil, the Dancing dagger, and a Cabin. Then go outside.
The moogles will be out and about now. Go more or less straight left and
enter the right tree. Inspect the moogle to find it's really a moogle
suit. Put it on. Exit this tree and enter the left tree. Talk to the
moogle in there, and it'll open the chest (Elf Cape) for you out of love.
You must be wearing a very beautiful moogle suit. Leave this tree and go
back to the first one you entered. Your moogle friend will be standing
outside. Talk to him for a longish event (your moogle suit disappears as
soon as your party splits up).

Castle Bal
Treasures: Angel Suit, Epee, Exit (spell), Hero Drink, Lamia Harp

When you can move, go to the left and open the chest for a Hero Drink,
then go down through a secret passage and open the chest there for the
Dimension magic of Exit. Go up, right, down and out the door. Go down
and out the door. Go down, left, and into the second (left) door.
Beyond the first door is an inn and item shop. Beyond this door are
spell, weapons, and armor shops. There's a bit of new stuff (okay, just
one piece of armor), but nothing much.

Go upstairs, down and upstairs, right and down the hidden stairs, and up
and downstairs. Open the chest for an Angel Suit. Look at the wall
behind the weapon and armor sellers. See the switch there? Go to the
same place behind the wall and search to open a door. Walk up to the
middle of the counter for a short scene, and you'll be given a Lamia
harp. Work your way back upstairs, downstairs, and out of the building.
Go straight down into the pool of water, then go left to be sucked out
into the moat. Go all the way around the moat until you reach the upper
left corner, then go left to the end of the moat. Search the lower left
corner of this dead end for an Epee. Work your way back to where you
started in the moat, and push the switch there to be sucked back into the
pool. Climb out of the pool and enter the castle proper (all the way to
the right).

Go up, then right and upstairs, then left, up, and upstairs. Go around
and down and out the door. Talk to Cara for an event. Go back down to
the main hall (the room below the throne room) and go down the stairs on
the right. Save at the save point there. If you're up for it, there's a
great place to gain ABP here. If you go downstairs from this room,
you'll find the basement of the castle, and in this basement you can meet
Statue monsters. They can easily be killed using Level 5 Doom or the
Soft item (directed at them). They come in groups of two or five. The
former gives about 1000 gil and 4 ABP, and the latter gives about 2500
gil and 8 ABP. If you've got a Blue Mage, or someone with the Blue
command, and you know Level 5 Doom, then you can just hang around here
and kill forever. You get enough money after each battle so that even if
you need to heal at the inn every time, you can easily afford to. Plus,
you'll be mastering jobs really quickly, and that'll give you an edge in
the rest of the game. Of course, it does take forever (even at 4 or 8
ABP per battle), so if you'd rather not do this, go ahead and continue
with the walkthrough. But I'd suggest taking out a few hours and
leveling up your jobs here. Besides, you'll be filthy rich if you do it
for long enough.

Ready to continue? Leave the castle proper and head toward the front
gate. There should be three soldiers standing there. Talk to the center
one (or one of the side ones while standing in between them all). Watch
the tiny event, say Yes, and prepare for a boss.

BOSS: Abductor
Remember this guy from the Solitary Island? Well, he's back, and
apparently no more difficult than before. In fact, he's easier, since
you have four party members. Just beat him up and continue on. Death
Claw will work, if you're lazy.

Go down to get outside.

Treasures: Corna Jar, Potion x24, Requiem Song

Now that you're outside of Castle Bal, head north and you'll soon see a
small town blocking the way between some mountains. So enter the town.
You'll notice that almost all the buildings are locked up, there are no
people around, and the gate at the back that you need to pass through is
also locked. So go into the center house. Go up and look at the locked
door, then try to leave. Watch the event.

Leave Kelgar's house and go to the lower left corner of town. Inspect
the well and an old man will jump out. Go to the upper right corner of
town and talk to the werewolves running around in a circle. One of them
will give you the Requiem song. Go to the inn and sit at the left chair
in the upper room three times. You'll get full healing and 8 Potions
each time. Of course, you could always save these free heals for later,
but inns are so cheap in this game that there's really no need to bother.

As for that old man who jumped out of the well, he wants a frog. If you
want to be nice and bring him one (and get a useful treasure in return),
here's what to do. Make one of your party members a Mediator (or someone
with the Catch command), go outside (preferably south), and walk around
until you meet a monster named Conago (an orange frog). Kill the
monsters it's with, then cast Stop on it and hit it with either multiple
Demi spells or Death Claw. Then Catch it (it needs to be at or below 1/8
of its max HP) and go back into town. Talk to the old man again (you
need to search the well to get him to pop out again), and he'll offer to
trade you a jar for the frog and 10,000 gil. If you have the money to
spare, say Yes. You'll get the Corna Jar, which lets you catch a monster
at or below 1/2 of its max HP. So it's very useful if you catch
monsters, and if you don't... well, it's still nice to have around in
case you do. Just be sure to equip it (it goes in the relic slot) before
you try to use it. It doesn't do any good just being carried around.

Hiryuu Valley
Blue spells: Magic Hammer (if you didn't get it earlier)
Treasures: 5000 gil, 7000 gil, Air Blade, Bone Mail, Cabin, Coronet,
Elixir, Golem (spell), Phoenix Down

Leave Kelb through the north gate and go north. Enter the valley. The
entrance is at the bottom of that solitary mountain in the middle of the
forest. Sometime when in this valley, you'll encounter a monster called
"Golem" fighting two other monsters. Help the Golem out (heal it, kill
the monsters), and then wait after killing the other monsters. It'll
talk to you a bit and then you'll get an item named Golem. Use it and
you'll be able to summon him. Also, the easily-encountered "Drippy" uses
Magic Hammer, if you missed it at Byblos. Anyway....

Go right, up, and into the first door you come to. Open the chest (5000
gil) and go back out the door. Go left, up, and into that door. Follow
the path and go out the door. Go right, up, and into the door. Go
right, down, and down the ramp on the right. Open the chest (Cabin), go
back up the ramp, and go down the ramp on the left. Go left and out the
door, then left across the bridge, down, and into the door. Follow the
path and go out the door.

Go left a bit, down, right, and down. Search the third group of bones on
that last down for Bone Mail. It's like the Relic Ring in FFVI (FF3
U.S.): it'll make you resistant to Doom-style attacks, but healing you in
battle will do damage. It's got high defense, though. Personally, I
avoid wearing it: it's easier just to heal someone who's injured or dead,
rather than dealing with all the problems of the armor. Problem is, the
game always equips it when you choose Optimum. So if you plan never to
use this armor, sell it.

Go left and into the door. This place apparently gives people a lot of
trouble, so I'll explain carefully. You want to fall through a hole in
the floor. The hole is over on the right, one space away from the gap
below and the walls above and to the right. Open the chest next to where
you land (7000 gil) and go into the door on the left. Ignore the ramp
and door on top for now. Push the skull switch and go back down through
the door. Now go right, up the ramp, and out the door, then left, down,
and out that door to get back outside.

Go right, down the new pathway, and into the door. Go left, down the
ramp, through the darkened passageway, and open the two chests for
Coronet and Air Blade. Go back through the darkened passageway, back up
the ramp, and down the ramp on the right side. Go through the darkened
passageway there, and open the chest when you come out (Phoenix Down).
After that, go down a few ramps, then straight down through the door (the
one which doesn't have light coming through it) to find a save point.
Rest up and save, then go back up through the door, left, and out the
door to get to the outside area. Go right, down, left, and down for a
short event and a boss.

BOSS: Hiryuu Plant
Ignore the Hiryuu Flowers that grow around it. If you got him, summon
Golem to block all physical attacks (when they start hitting you again,
summon him again). Try to use Death Claw on the Hiryuu Plant. If you
don't have it, use Demi. If you kill all the little flowers that you're
supposed to be ignoring, five will appear instead of three. Once the
Hiryuu Plant itself is dead, finish off the flowers with some strong
spells (Fire 2, Titan, something of that ilk). You get an Elixir when
you win.

When the short event following the battle is over and you have the Hiryuu
Plant, cast Exit or trudge down the mountain (if you don't have Exit) and
return to Castle Bal, again going through Kelb.

Castle Bal Revisited

Go up to the gate for a short event. You'll end up in the moat. Go
left, up, and hit the switch to end up in that pool inside the castle.
Wonderful defense they have here. Exdeath's army could get in that way
in a matter of minutes. Anyway, go into the castle and up to Cara's room
for an event. Go up and out to the tower (where you spoke with Cara
earlier) for another event, and when it's over you'll have the Hiryuu.
This Hiryuu is just like the one from the other world. It can't fly over
mountains, and it can only land on grass.

Guido's Cave

Go north to the Hiryuu Valley, then east, and north through the gap in
the mountains to reach the ocean. Go northeast and you'll almost
immediately see an island. Land there and enter the cave in the middle.
Watch the event. The island is now at the bottom of the sea. So much
for talking with Guido.

Castle Surgate
Treasures: 5000 gil, Float (spell), Speed Song

Check out your map and head to the nearest flashing cross to the west of
you. This is Castle Surgate. Enter the castle and try to push the
switch by the door. Watch the short event. From the throne room, go
left and take the lower set of stairs up. Go up and look at the book to
learn the Speed song. Go back downstairs and take the upper set of
stairs on the left. Go right, up, and into the door. Go left and
downstairs. Talk to the scholars (note the half-book, much like the one
in the Ancient Library), then go left and downstairs.

Pick up the open book on the table to your right, then go up to the
middle bookshelf in the top row (a bookshelf is the group, not the
individual square's worth). Go back down and pick up the closed book.
Put it in the far right bookshelf in the middle row. Pick up the last
open book, and put it in the second bookshelf from the left, in the
bottom row. If you did this right, the "Forbidden Book" should go in
DEF, "Monster Encyclopedia" in MNO, and "Secret of Lonka" in STU. Talk
to the librarian on the right and follow her through the new door and

Check out the book, and go downstairs at the bottom of the room. Get the
chest in the lower right corner (5000 gil), and go down through the door.
Go down a bit, and left, under the bridge, until you reach the wall, then
go up and into the door. Go down the stairs and open the chest for the
Float spell. Make your way all the way back, through the courtyard, the
various library rooms, and so on, until you reach the throne room. If
you go down the stairs on the right, you can reach the soldiers'
dormitory, and if you go down the stairs on the left side of that room,
you can reach the shops. The weapon shop has interesting stuff, but
besides that there's nothing new. Rest at the inn, return to the throne
room, and go straight down to leave the castle.

Zeza's Fleet
Blue spells: Death Claw, Missile (if you missed them earlier)
Treasures: Genji Glove, Gold Shield

Check out your map again. There are two flashing crosses you haven't
visited yet. Well, actually, one you kind of have visited. The one on
the far left is completely surrounded by mountains, and thus utterly
inaccessible to you on your Hiryuu. The one in the lower right is
Exdeath's castle. Fly there now. You'll notice you can't get near the
castle due to the barrier. So continue east and you'll find a fleet of
ships. Land on the ground nearby and save, then land on the largest of
the ships, on the right side. Watch the short event. You can talk to
the Hiryuu if you want to leave.

Go down the stairs behind the Hiryuu, then go around, all the way up, and
down the stairs. Go right, down, right, up, and into the door. Take a
nap, then go back up to the deck of the ship. Talk to Zeza for a short
event. Now, if you just want to get this over with, go down to the bow
of the ship and talk to the guy there. If you want to have a bit of
killing first, talk to the monsters running around to fight them. By the
way, if you need to rest, there's still time to go back downstairs and
take a nap. :)

When you're ready, talk to the guy at the bow of the ship, who turns out
to be none other than Gilgamesh. And, of course, that means you have to
fight him

BOSS: Gilgamesh and Enkidou
At first, there'll only be Gilgamesh, and if you summon Golem, he can
only hurt you with magic, which he rarely uses. So summon Golem. While
you're protected, take the opportunity to cast all your protection spells
on everyone: Haste, Armor, and Shell. Armor's kind of superfluous with
Golem, but it's useful for the time between when Golem wears off and when
you summon him again. Also, be sure to have a Thief, or someone who can
use Steal, in this battle, so you can steal the Genji Glove from
Gilgamesh (finally). When you're all prepared, start pounding him with
your strongest stuff. He's immune to Death Claw and Demi, but you have
Titan and a lot of Black magic to use instead (try Bio). Oh, and you can
learn "Death Claw" and "Missile" from him, and maybe others. This is a
good opportunity to learn Death Claw if you didn't get a chance while
escaping Castle Karnak. After he gets hurt a bit, he'll call Enkidou,
who'll promptly heal him with White Wind. So concentrate your attacks on
Enkidou (Death Claw and Demi DO work on him), then attack Gilgamesh as
before. You'll get a Gold Shield for defeating them.

Watch the short event, then go downstairs. On the second floor down, go
left instead of right, and into the door over there (don't worry about
healing just yet). Talk to Zeza, and search the chest across from him.
Go downstairs and rest, then go back up and talk to Zeza. Watch the
short event, then follow Zeza out the door and talk to him.

Barrier Tower
Blue spells: Guard Off, Level 4 Quarter, Time Slip
Treasures: 9000 gil, 18000 gil, Dark Matter, Drain Sword, Gold Hairpin

Go down through the door, and watch the event, then go down, left, and up
the stairs (don't bother going downstairs, Zeza won't let you past).
Save at the save point (you shouldn't need to rest) and go up through the
door. There are three monsters in this tower that you can learn Blue
spells from. The first is Traveler (a guy riding a moon), which may use
"Time Slip" on you. The second is Ziggurat (looks like a Gigas from
Castle Karnak), which may use "Guard Off," and the third is Tricker (a
computer screen on a stand), which may use "Level 4 Quarter." For the
last one your level would have to be a multiple of four to learn it.

Follow the path until it forks. Go up and follow the path to the chest.
Open it for a monster-in-a-box, and a Drain sword if you beat it. Go
back to the fork (return to the save point to heal if you need to), and
go down this time. Open the chest for 9000 gil, and go down through the
door. Once outside, go left, up the long ramp, and around to the door,
which you should enter. Go left, up the ramp, right, and out the door.
Repeat the process as for the previous outdoor portion, except go right
to get to the ramp. Once inside again, go left and open the chest (18000
gil), then go right, up the ramp, left, and out the door. The ramp's on
the left outdoors again, climb it and approach the upper door. When you
do, there'll be a short event.

Go in the door, left, up the ramp, right, and out the door. This time
there are ramps on both sides. First go right, up the ramp, in the door,
and save and heal at the save point. Then go out of this room the way
you came in, back down the ramp, left, up the other ramp, and into the
room. Heal up and open the chest to fight a monster and get a Gold
Hairpin. Return to the save point room, heal up again, save, and go
through the door below the save point.

Go around either side, up the ramp, back to the center, and up the long
ramp there. Heal before you reach the top platform. When you get there,
you get a short event and a boss.

BOSS: Atmos
This boss is one of my least favorites. You have to fight him with one
character dead, no matter what. Atmos kills someone with Comet right at
the start of the battle, and if you revive that person, he'll either kill
them again or kill someone else. Also, he apparently tries to suck the
dead people into his mouth (or whatever that is), and if they get there,
he uses Wormhole, they're gone for the battle and he kills another person
or two (!). So if the victim gets close to the mouth, revive that person
and let someone else die. Otherwise, he's not too bad a boss, and is
pretty easily killed with strong spells or attacks. Don't worry about
the dead character falling behind in experience. You only get ABP from
this battle, though you win some Dark Matter.

Watch the event. Talk to Galuf if you like, but just wait a while until
he's ready to come with you. Watch the event. You now have control of
the sub. If it's docked somewhere, you can run around inside it (and
rest downstairs). The map is different for the underwater world, and you
can press A to surface.

Ghido's Cave

Open your map and head to the cross roughly in the center, the place
where Ghido's cave sunk to. It still looks like a cave, and it's roughly
circled by those red flower things you see down there. Go inside, and
you'll find yourself in the submarine. Go downstairs and rest, then go
back upstairs and exit the sub.

Go down, right, and downstairs, then down and through the door at the
bottom. You should be in a room with five chests. Search the middle one
(which is closed) and pick up the rock. The chest you drop it into opens
one of the doors. Numbering the doors from one to five, going left to

Door 1: upper right chest
Door 2: center chest
Door 3: lower left chest
Door 4: upper left chest
Door 5: lower right chest

First open door four, go inside, and push the skull switch. Then open
door three and go up, right, down, and downstairs. Doors one and five
lead to dead ends, and two leads back out the way you came. Go left and
down to the lower left corner of this room and look for a darkened
passageway. Go down this, then right, and push the skull switch, then go
left, up, right, and down the stairs in the center that you just made

This next room is full of darkened passageways, so I'll just give
directions and not mention where each one is. Go down, left, down and
left, down, right, and down and out the door. Go down and say Yes to
jumping in the pond, then go up, climb out of the pond, and up across the
bridge. Watch the event. You'll get the Elder Branch, which allows you
access to the Great Forest of Mua. Cast Exit and warp out of the cave (a
lot faster than walking).

Obtaining Shoat
Treasures: Shoat (spell)

Once back in your sub, check out the map. There are only three flashing
crosses down here and you've already visited one. Head to the upper one
of the two that remain. There should be a yellow cave (or something)
there. Go inside, rest in the sub, and then exit the sub. Go down,
right, up the ramp, right, up the second ramp, right and down, and out
the door. Watch out for the Iron Dress monsters in this cave: they use
powerful physical attacks. The door will take you outside. Wander
around for a while in the forest until you meet Shoat (much like Ramuh).

BOSS: Shoat
This guy is really easy, in fact probably the easiest of all the summoned
monsters you have to fight. Use Golem to protect against physical
attacks, then just hit him with Titan three or four times. He'll
counterattack with Demon's Eye (stones target) against the caster each
time he's hit, so have a party of four Summoners with White magic level
4+ as an ability. Just cast Heal to the stoned character, and continue
hitting him with Titan. If the caster's wearing Gaia Gear, Titan will do
even more damage (I killed him in three shots).

Use the Shoat item to add him to your Esper list, then head back to your
sub the same way you came.

Treasures: Guardian

Heal up in your sub again, then check out your map. Go to the last of
the three flashing crosses (the lower left one). You'll want to go
around that continent on the west side, and approach from the south.
When you get there, you'll notice that there isn't actually anything
there. At least not underwater. Go all the way to the end of the dead
end, and surface your sub. You end up in a small lake in a
mountain-enclosed area, near the flashing cross your Hiryuu couldn't fly
to. Get off the sub and walk west to the town.

First off, go to the pub and play the piano (number seven). You'll be
surprised to note that you actually sound halfway decent. Note that it
says you ALMOST mastered the piano. There's still one more to play, but
you won't get to it for a while. Now visit the shops. The armor shop
has some cool Diamond stuff, and a bunch of equipment for your mages.
The weapon shop has a nice bow and a new dagger. And (big surprise),
there are actually some new spells at the spell shop. Buy your fifth
level White, Black, and Dimension magic spells. You should by now have
your spell list full up to level 5 for White, Black, and Dimension, and
up to level 3 for Espers. Finally, walk around behind the pub and search
the top barrel to the left to find a Guardian. If you changed Jobs, heal
up at the inn, otherwise you don't need to since you healed in the sub.
Leave town.

Great Forest of Mua
Blue spells: Aero 3, Aqua Rake (if you didn't get it earlier), Tiny Song
Treasures: 2500 gil, 4900 gil, 9500 gil, Aegis Shield, Cabin, Elixir,
Ether, Flame Shield (if you didn't get the Aegis Shield), Flame Tongue,
Giant Drink, Morning Star, Phoenix Down, Soot

Walk east from Mua, past the little lake where you left the sub, and
you'll easily see a huge forest across a river. So go to the bridge,
save, and then enter the forest. It's almost impossible to see anything
in here. If you're playing on an emulator, try turning off layer 2 when
not in battle. It'll make all the treetops disappear, and you can see
much more easily, but it'll also make battle backgrounds disappear. You
can learn "Tiny Song" from the Mini Mages here.

First go up, and maybe a step or two left, into the gap in the bushes.
Watch the short event. Then go all the way up and open the chest near
the trees for 2500 gil. Go down a bit and all the way right. Open the
chest for an Ether. Search the hole in the tree next to it to open a
path. Enter the doorway of sorts (from the bottom), and go up and out
the door. Go up, right, and up at the first opportunity. Go all the way
up, past the trees, and open the chest for 4900 gil. Go right, and up
through a small gap in the bushes. Open the chest for a Phoenix Down,
then go back down through the gap, all the way down, right, up a little,
then right and up. There are some trees at the top of this area. Go
around them on the right and you should find a chest containing 9500 gil.
Go back down and left, then go straight up and search the hole in the
tree for another doorway of sorts. Go through this one like you did the

Go up, and turn left when you reach the first tree. Open the chest for a
Cabin. Go all the way to the right and open the chest for a Giant Drink.
Go almost straight up from that chest to reach a welcome save point (the
monsters in this area are a pain). Go up from the save point, then all
the way to the left. Go up a tiny bit, then left (basically around the
tree) and open the chest to find an Elixir. Go right, and straight up
all the way, and open the chest for a Morning Star. Go left from this
chest, and watch the event. Go up between the flames, right, and up
(around the tree on the right), and open the chest for an Aegis Shield.
Then go back to the central fiery area and wait for a moogle to pop out
of the ground. Once it has, go jump into the hole it made.

Go down the ramp and touch the water for healing (it's a recovery
spring). Then wait a while until the moogle by the door starts moving,
and get past it and go out the door. Go right and up from the moogle's
hole to find a chest. Open it. If you got the Aegis Shield from it
earlier (it's the same chest), it's empty. Otherwise, it holds a Flame
Shield. Go left from the moogle's hole and up a bit to find a chest
containing something called Soot, which is, I think, a Chemist's "Mix"
ingredient. Go all the way left from this chest, up, and left (around
the rocks) and open the chest to get a Flame Tongue, which is a sword.
Go right to the main path and all the way up. Watch the event. Go up
through the newly created path and enter the tree. Heal yourself, then
go up, watch the short event, and prepare for the boss. Oh, and if you
want to learn some Blue spells from it (see below), give someone (doesn't
matter who, since the spells will hit everyone) the Learning ability.

BOSS: Guardians of the Seal
There are four parts to this boss. Being elemental, they each use a
different element. The top one is fire, left is wind, right is water,
bottom is earth. The strategy for this battle is very simple. Kill them
off one at a time, using whatever attacks work best (okay, so it's not
very specific). At first, they'll only use physical attacks, so if you
summon Golem, you're all set. When they get weaker, however, they'll
start using powerful magic spells, so cast Shell on everyone beforehand.
The water and wind pieces use "Aqua Rake" and "Aero 3" as their spells,
so try to learn them. The fire piece uses Fire 3 (very damaging), and
the earth piece uses Earth Shaker (very damaging, but easily avoided with
Float). Oh, and spells like Death Claw, Demi, and Quarter work against
these guys. One way to kill them is, after setting up your defenses,
pounding on the water one with Fire 3, then pounding on fire and wind
with Titan, and finally using Quarter a few times on earth and then
whacking it once or twice to kill it.

After you win this battle, you're in for a long, sad event. In the
battle with Exdeath, just whack him. You don't need to bother with
anything fancy (of course, you need to do a certain amount of damage
before the in-battle dialogue will start, so don't avoid spells either).
Watch more of the event after the battle. You need to wait for Cara just
like you needed to wait for Galuf back at the Barrier Tower. Watch yet
more of the event. When it's over, you'll be flying the Hiryuu. Fly
west and south, and out through the new gap in the mountains.

Money Cave
Treasures: 10 gil, 20 gil, 40 gil, 80 gil, 160 gil, 320 gil, 640 gil,
1280 gil, 2560 gil, 5120 gil, 10240 gil, 20480 gil, 40960 gil

Fly back to Kelb, and talk to Kelgar a few times (just so he knows about
Zeza and Galuf). That's optional of course. While in town, however, you
should stock up on supplies, especially Ethers, Hi-Potions, and Cabins.
Be sure to give Cara a job and ability while you're at it (if you don't
feel like buying new stuff, just give her whatever Galuf had). If anyone
needs equipment, buy it at Mua, since that's the best store in this

This section is optional, and if you'd like, you can skip on ahead to
Exdeath Castle. However, as you can see from the treasure list, you can
get a lot of money here. This cave doesn't actually have a name, so I
gave it one which suits it. It has two entrances: one east of Castle
Bal, the other directly over the mountains from the first. Don't go here
at all unless you've gotten Exit from Castle Bal. Either way, when you
enter the cave, you want to head towards the center, keeping down. At
the center, there is an easily missed path leading downward. If you
follow that path, you'll eventually get to a door. Beyond that door is a
long hallway leading to a dead end. However, each step on that hallway
yields money, and from the second step on it's twice the amount of the
previous step. There's only one problem, and that is that there's a
randomly encountered boss in that hallway. And not only is he almost
impossible to kill, you can even meet him again further along after
you've killed him once. He always attacks you on the last step (40960
gil). And, of course, it's impossible to run. When you get the last
bunch of money (40960 gil), cast Exit. The last space on the corridor
doesn't have anything interesting.

BOSS: Gil Turtle
This guy looks unassuming, but he hits hard. And when you do kill him,
he hits you with a 3500+ damage Quake spell. Here's your checklist of
things you need to make it through the battle:
Golem, Ice 3, Armor, Cure 3, Heal, Float, Haste 2, Regen (optional)
Everyone needs to be able to cast Golem at a moment's notice, because it
wears off quickly given how hard this guy hits. So you'll need either
four Summoners or four people with level 3+ summon ability, or some
combination of the two. You'll also need at least one White Mage, one
Black Mage, and one Time Mage (or people who can use level five spells in
those categories). My recommendation is to have four Summoners, with two
people having Black magic as an ability, and one each for White and
Dimension magic. Start out by summoning Golem, then casting Haste 2.
Before you start attacking, be sure everyone is in the back row, and then
have your White magic user start casting Armor on everyone. In the
meantime, the Dimension magic user should cast Float on the party (you
could do this before the battle, too) to protect against Quake. To save
on some trouble with healing, you might as well have the Dimension magic
user also cast Regen on everyone, although like Armor, you'll have to do
it one at a time. Summon Golem immediately, no matter which character is
up, should someone get hit, because that means the spell's worn off.
You'll have to summon Golem several times over the course of the battle.
Now, your Black magic users should start pounding on GP Turtle with Ice
3. Don't use Shiva, save your MPs for the more useful spells. Each time
he's hurt, he'll counterattack with Turtle Shell, which will hit either
two people once or one person twice, and (if it makes contact) poison and
blind the target, if the target is still alive. Most of the time,
unfortunately, your Golem shield will wear off just in time for you to be
hit by Turtle Shell. However, if you're in the back row with Armor, it
should only do 300-500 damage per hit. Either use Hi-Potions or Cure 3
(on everyone) for healing, depending on how many people need it. Cast
Heal on the people who get hit by Turtle Shell, because the poisoning
will kill you even if the attack itself didn't. When you finally kill
him (after something along the lines of 16 Ice 3 spells), he'll cast
Quake, but if you remembered to cast Float, it won't hurt you. If you
forgot, well... you're all dead. You get 3 ABP and 5000 gil for winning
this battle, which is hardly a suitable reward for your effort.

Exdeath Castle
Blue spells: Condemn, Level 2 Old, Level 3 Flare
Treasures: 8000 gil, 9900 gil, Carbunkle (spell), Diamond Shield, Double
Lance, Elixir x2, Ether x2, Excailbur, Gale Bow, Genji Helmet, Ice Brand,
Ice Shield, Kotetsu Sword, Partisan, Pinwheel, Turtle Shell

When you're ready (you can always build up jobs in the basement of Castle
Bal, you know), hop on your Hiryuu and fly to Exdeath's Castle. You'll
have to land outside the circle of mountains immediately around the
castle, and walk there, but it's not too long a walk. Be absolutely sure
you've done everything you need to do in this world (got Shoat?) before
you enter, because this is the last dungeon (not in the game, but in this

Talk to the soldiers lying around. Go through the upper door to reach a
save point, not that you need it yet. Go through the middle door (the
bottom leads outside), then go up and upstairs. Go to the left side of
the room and down, and go along the little path around the bottom of the
room. Open the chest toward the left end of the path for an Ether, and
open the chest toward the right end of the path for a Diamond Shield.
Exit the little path and go up the stairs on the lower side of the
central pillar.

Go up, left, down, left, look around, and go back right. Watch the
event. Exdeath's Castle is now MUCH more disgusting. Cast Exit, and go
back inside. Make use of the save point. Then go back up to the place
where you were. Go up and up the stairs. You can learn "Level 2 Old"
from the Magic Dragons up here. Go right, down, right, up, left, and hit
the switch. Go right and open the chest (Ice Shield), then go left, back
down, and down the right side. Go left, down, left, up, left, down,
left, and then through a secret passage left to the stairs, bypassing
going around up, left, down, right, and up. Go up the stairs, then go
all the way up, and right, and keep going right through a secret passage.
Open the chest (Ether), then go right and up through the door (that gray
thing that looks all bony is really a door). Go up, left, and down the
steps into the lava (try to have a Geomancer in your party to negate the
effects). Go all the way down, then through a secret passage right to a
chest containing a Gale bow. Go back left, up through the lava, left,
down, and then up the steps out of the lava. Then go down, right, up
(not upstairs), and open the chest to get an Elixir. Then go back down,
and upstairs.

Go up and step on the skull on the floor to start a bridge moving, and
press A to stop it. Try to get the two chests. The one on the left
contains an Ice Brand (a sword), and the one on the right contains the
Kotetsu sword. If you mess up you might have to fight that Abductor guy
(remember, from the beginning of this world and also Castle Bal?), so try
to time it properly. When you've got the treasures, get the bridge in
the middle, cross, and go through the door to find a very welcome save
point. Rest and save, then go through the door at the top. Go up,
right, down, and through a secret passage right to a chest (Elixir).
Keep in mind that the real entrance to the secret passage is on the
second row above the chest. Go back left, up, left, down, left, and up
the left path to a chest (9900 gil). Go back to the save point and
recover if you need to, then return to this place and go all the way up
the center path and through the door.

Ignore the stuff on the right side of this room for now, and just go up.
Go right, down, and put a Geomancer in your party before going into the
lava. Go down, right, up, all the way to the right through the big pool
of lava, and up the stairs. Open the chest for 8000 gil and go back
down. Go left, up, left, down at the first opportunity, and up the
stairs. Go right, don't worry about the skull switch. Walk across the
top switch in the left group of three, then go around to the top and walk
across the right switch (the other switches are holes which drop you in
the lava below). Step on the switch at the top and you'll be teleported.
Talk to the glowing green circle with the flame inside it to fight

BOSS: Carbunkle
The easiest way to beat him that I've found is to use Shoat. You'll have
to try over and over, but it does work. If you're going to fight him the
hard way, keep in mind that he's permanently reflective, so if you're
going to use anything other than a Summon or Blue spell on him, you'll
have to cast Wall (White magic level 5) on someone and bounce it off of
them. You win a Turtle Shell after the battle.

You'll get to call Carbunkle once you've beaten him. He'll cast Wall on
your whole party at once. He's a fourth level spell, though, so be sure
that if you summon by way of abilities, you're able to call him.

Go down the stairs and step on the switch to be teleported to a little
lava-free spot on the lower level. Put your Geomancer back (if you
changed jobs) and go back up the stairs directly below you. Cross the
left hand group at the top or bottom, don't step in the middle, and cross
the right hand group in the middle. Open the chest for a Double Lance,
then cross the right hand group again, and cross the lower group at the
middle. Step on the switch at the bottom, then cross the lower group at
the middle, the left group at the bottom, and go left (don't step on the
far left switch), and down. Make use of the save point, and go up the
stairs on the left.

Ignore the chest in the middle of the room for now. Go to the upper
right, and up the stairs, and collect the two chests (Partisan and
Pinwheel). Go back downstairs, open the chest, then go up, and try to go
up the stairs there. Gilgamesh will appear (*only* if you opened the
chest, and it closes itself whenever you leave the room). And you know
what happens when he shows up... no, besides your dancing to his cool
music.... :)

BOSS: Gilgamesh
Gilgamesh is really wimpy this time. Put up your usual defenses (Golem,
Shell, Haste 2), then start pounding him with weapons. Don't even waste
spells. If he happens to hit you with a magical attack, heal yourself
and keep on pounding. Eventually he'll start blabbing at you. Oh, and
about stealing, don't steal from him until after he's finished blabbing
(he'll look different). You'll get the Genji Helmet. Even after this,
he's still a wimp. In fact, just make sure Golem's working, and let him
hit you. The battle will end eventually without you needing to attack,
and you'll win the sword Gilgamesh was trying to use on you, Excailbur.

First off, never ever equip Excailbur. It is not, after all, Excalibur.
The supposed attack power is deceiving - it's actually very very weak.
Sell it at the first opportunity.

Return to the save point, and change your jobs around. Here's what I
recommend, if you've done the prerequisite development: Four Blue mages,
one with White magic ability, another with Black, another with Dimension,
and the last with Summon. This will let you cast all the spells you
know, and also equip some decent weapons and armor (we're going up
against Exdeath here, you know). Heal up with a cabin, and save.

Return to the stairway Gilgamesh stopped you from climbing, and climb it.
Go straight up and through the door. Go straight up here, and watch the
short event, followed by (you guessed it) a battle against Exdeath.

BOSS: Exdeath
He is MEAN. But then, that's what you'd expect. Throw up your barriers
as quickly as you can. You can learn "Level 3 Flare" and "Condemn" from
Exdeath, without much difficulty since he'll surely use them near the
beginning of the battle and you're all Blue mages (if he doesn't, use
Reset (Dimension level 4)). If someone gets condemned, just be prepared
to revive them when they die and put your barriers around them. If your
barriers are up (Shell and Golem), he'll have a hard time doing more
than, say, 500 damage to you at a time. So he's really easy to pound
into a pulp. Just be careful about running out of MPs. Level 3 spells
(of the elemental variety, i.e. Ice 3, Aero 3) all work very well. Aero
3 in particular can be used by any of your Blue mage characters.

Watch the event (pretty short for how important it is), and when it's
over... check out your map!


Castle Tycoon

Walk north to Castle Tycoon and enter it. Talk to the guard to open the
gate, and go up and enter the castle. Watch the event. Head out one of
the lower side doors and talk to Cara. Watch the short event. Go back
to the throne room and leave through the upper right door. Go upstairs
to the king's room and search the book for a flashback. Return to the
throne room and leave through the main door at the bottom. Watch the
short event. When exploring the castle, go through the door and up the
stairs on the right of the main hall (not the throne room), and follow
the path. Talk to Jenica. You get a flashback if you didn't drop by
Tycoon for that event at the end of world one. When you're done, try to
leave the castle. Watch the event.

Wandering Around

Walk southwest from Castle Tycoon until you reach a river, then cross the
river using the bridge and head north until you reach a cave. Save and
enter. Approach the cave entrance and watch the event. You'll end up
back outside (you can press A to climb off Boco, and also to climb back
on). Take Boco back to Castle Tycoon, and head north. Cross the river
and head west, and follow the only route available until you reach the
town of Tule. Nothing much new here, a few people say different things,
the only major change is what happens if you say "No" to the person in
the Beginner's House who asks you if you're a beginner. Leave Tule and
go west, through the river, and down into the mountains. You'll enter
one of those little event areas (like the canyon at the beginning of the
game). Go down until you get an event. Watch, then fight the boss.

BOSS: Antlion
He's not too tough. Make Butz and Cara into Ninjas or something like
that if you're having trouble beating him. Just club him for a while and
eventually he'll run away.

After that battle, wait a while. A rope will drop down. Walk up to it.
Walk up to it again, and a third time. Walk up to it a fourth time and
watch the event.

Guido's Cave

Go west, then south, and enter the cave. Go up and enter the cave
proper, then go up and watch the event.

Ancient Library
Treasures: Magic Song

Continue watching the event that started in Guido's cave. When it's
over, you'll be on the second floor of the Ancient Library. Go up to the
roof and talk to the scholar on the right to learn the Magic song. Talk
to all the scholars and learn what they know, then heal up at the pot on
the second floor and leave the library.

Treasures: 8000 gil, 9000 gil, 10000 gil, 12000 gil, Black Suit, Cabin,
Crystal Armor, Cursed Ring, Dark Matter x6, Dark Suit, Earth Hammer,
Elixir x4, Flame Shield, Gold Hairpin, Guard Ring, Ice Shield, Ribbon,
Thornlet, White Suit

Note that you've got some cool new overworld music. Head west until you
reach the Elder Tree. Watch the short event, then continue out the other
side of the forest. Keep going west until you reach the desert. Watch
the short event at the entrance, then you can just walk directly over the
desert on the overworld and get to the pyramid. Save before entering,
because you'll finally be meeting some monsters. Go up and search the
door and you'll be attacked.

BOSS: Gargoyles
Pretty easy, so far as I can tell. Summon Golem to block their attacks,
then just hit them with Titan a few times. Maybe they're harder if you
kill them one at a time...?

Watch the short event. Go back outside, heal up and save, then go back
into the pyramid and in the door. Go left, past the door, all the way
up, and then right. Push the right button and the left button. Follow
the path between the spikes, go down through the door, continue down, and
go right and get knocked off by the stream of sand. Go left and open the
chest (you fight some monsters) for an Ice Shield. Go up, right, up,
left (killing the snakes), and upstairs. Go right, down, up through the
door, all the way up, and upstairs. Make it so you can see secret
passages, then go left through the rooms and downstairs. Go right and
walk into the coffin. Kill the Grand Mummy and walk inside the coffin.
Open the chest to get the Cursed Ring. Cast Exit, heal, save, reenter,
and go in the door again.

Go left, up through the door, up, and upstairs. Go right, down through
the door, and kill the two snakes. Push all three buttons, then go down,
left, down, right, up, and upstairs. Go up and open the three chests
(Flame Shield, Dark Matter, White Suit), then go down, kill the snakes,
and go right. Follow the path until you get to a bed of spikes and a
ramp, which lift the spikes and smooth out the ramp every so often. Move
right up next to the bed of spikes and wait for them to go down, then
dash up the ramp and into the door.

This next floor is crawling with Machine Heads. You have two options
with these guys: first, just make your way along and fight them when you
meet them; second, seek them all out and kill them, then make your way
along in peace. You can't run from them, so blast them with Bolt 3 and
Ramuh. In any case, make your way to the upper right corner and open the
chest for an Elixir. Go to the pedestal to the left and run into the
coffin to make it open. Fight the three Mummy monsters inside. Then go
up through the coffin and open the chest for a Thornlet. Go back down
out of the coffin and go to the left pedestal. The chest there also
contains an Elixir. Go to the lower left corner and push the switch in
the alcove to lower the spikes to the left. Run up there and open the
chest (you'll fight) for a Black Suit. Finally, go up the hallway right
of the alcove, open the coffin, kill the mummies, and go up and upstairs
to a welcome save point. Rest and save.

Go upstairs from the save point (there's a one-time enemy named Sekmet
around here - very hard to kill, chats a bit when he dies, you never meet
him again if you kill him), then go left, follow the path and go
upstairs. Open the two chests up here for Crystal Armor and Dark Matter.
Now go back downstairs, to the area where you came out from the save
point, and go through the coffin door, right, and all the way down.
Ignore the door that won't open. There are lots of secret passages here.
I'm not giving directions. Go through the passages down here to the
upper treasure room, and open the chest for a Dark Suit (guarded by
monsters, of course). Go back to the main path, continue left, follow
the path, and go upstairs. Walk into the first stream of sand and fall
back downstairs by a chest beyond that door you couldn't open. Open the
chest for some (guarded) Dark Matter.

Return upstairs and this time push the button on the wall. This will
stop the stream of sand. Go right, past the button, and into the door.
Go left and push the button on the left (the button on the right will
knock you down onto the stream of sand that you've already voluntarily
ridden on). Open the four chests, all guarded of course, for 2 Dark
Matters, 8000 gil, and 9000 gil. Go back downstairs via the stairs, and
push the nearby button on the wall. Go down, left, push the button,
down, right, up, and upstairs. Go left and upstairs (ignore the chests
for now). Make use of the moving floor and open the top chest of the
three you can see for a Guard Ring. Then stand where the floor will give
way and fall to the room below. Open the chest there for an Elixir. Go
up through the door and right for 10000 gil. Follow the secret passage
down to reach a chest containing a Cabin. Go back up, all the way left,
down, left, and open the chest for a (guarded) Earth Hammer. Go back
right, down, and upstairs.

Now make use of the moving floors (just stand on the ones that stay
solid) to get the Ribbon on the left and the Gold Hairpin on the right,
then make your way to the upper right stairs. Descend them, go down,
left, up, and open the chests for 12000 gil and some (guarded) Dark
Matter. Go back upstairs and make your way to the stairs in the upper
left. Descend them, go down, right, up, and open the chests for an
Elixir and some more (guarded, of course) Dark Matter. What's so great
about Dark Matter? Go down, right, and CAREFULLY up the ramp, along the
dark area, and through the door. Go straight up for an event. Now that
you're on top of the pyramid, go straight down to get out, and heal and
save immediately. Then go back the way you came, east.

Elder Tree

Enter the forest again, go right, and watch the event.

BOSS: Merugene
She'll use a skill called "Barrier Change" to change her weak point, so
cast Scan on her every time she does that. Basically, you want to smack
her with whatever elemental spell is appropriate, and if you hit her
weakness, you'll do 4500-5000 damage with a level three spell. You can
put up your defenses if you want, but she dies so quickly you might not
need to bother.

Watch the short event. Note that since Lenna hasn't been with you for
this last excursion, she'll be quite a ways behind in terms of experience
and ABP. If you want to even her out, have her fight alone for a while.
For now, go east, then northeast and get your airship (it's east of the
castle north of where the Ancient Library used to be), and watch the
event. For future reference, every location is in just about the same
place on the world map as it used to be. The landmarks around them have
(obviously) changed, however.

Pirate Base Revisited
Treasures: Syldra (spell)

Fly back to the pirate base, and trudge through the cave until you get to
the base proper. Try to go left and an event will occur (a touch sad -
I've always liked Syldra). Afterward, you'll be able to summon Syldra
(fourth level spell).

Sealed Castle of Kuzar
Treasures: 3 of the sealed weapons

The sealed castle is east and a tiny bit north of Tule. Fly there in
your airship, and make sure you have someone with the Escape command and
someone with the Control command, then enter. In the first room, there
are no monsters. The people from the Wind Shrine are here now. Talk to
the guy in the lower right corner, and he'll reveal a pot of recovery
spring water. When you're done chatting, go straight up through the door
in this room and the next two rooms. Search the sparkly gray thing right
below you in the sealed room, then go pick three weapons. When you've
gotten three, go back to the central pedestal (the tablet will shatter),
and go out the door. Watch the event. Then Exit out of the castle, walk
back in, and heal up at the pot (you've got to talk to the guy to have
him make it reappear, it disappears each time you leave the room).

Treasures: Power Song

Fly to Crescent, which, like everything else, is in the same place as it
always was, just with more stuff around it. Inside the town, Mid is
running around freaking out about Cid. Never mind him for the moment.
Go to the lower right house, where the bard lives, and play the piano.
Talk to the bard and he'll give you the Power song. That only leaves one
song remaining. Nothing much else interesting here at the moment, so
leave town.

Treasures: Mirage Vest, Thief's Knife

Go to the third forest south of Crescent (should be at about the bottom
of that big loop), and wander around in it. If you're lucky, you may get
teleported to the town of Mirage (there isn't one specific teleport
spot). Inside the town, first go to the pub, and go around the back, and
look for a door there. Then go down and search the second barrel from
the bottom for a Thief's Knife. Go down the stairs at the back of the
pub, then go outside the building through the door there. Go straight
down and into the building there. Go up, heal at the pot if you need to,
and go downstairs. Go down, left through two secret passages, and play
the piano (number eight, the last one). Go back right through one secret
passage and go up the stairs. There's a black Chocobo here, not that you
need it at the moment. Go back down, right through the secret passage,
and continue right. You can check out the door if you like, but you
can't get through. Never mind it for now. Go up the stairs on the right
and you'll be in the weapon shop. Talk to the guy in the back for the
second set of weapons (one of the people you passed gave you a valuable
hint about shopping in this town). Go back downstairs, left, up,
upstairs (this guy was the one I just referred to), down, right, up, in
the door, upstairs, right, out the door, and around to the front of the
pub again. Go down and into the spell shop. If you missed any of the
"found" spells (summons excluded), you can buy them here. Size, Toad,
Drag, Float, Exit, and also the buyable summons are for sale here. But
you don't need those! What you want are level six spells. Leave the
spell shop and go around to the left side and push against the building
in the upper left corner to find a secret door. Talk to the guy here,
and buy the spells. You now have all the spells money can buy. That
doesn't mean you have all the spells, though. The best White, Black, and
Dimension spells you'll have to find on your search for the tablets. If
you go to the armor shop (right side of town), you can buy Crystal stuff
(woohoo!) from the normal dealer. Search the crate to open the way to
the second dealer. It's a secret passage going left from behind the
counter. The second dealer sells accessories though (big letdown). The
second weapon dealer you already met, and you could also have met the
first at that point too. To get to the weapon shop you go left, down,
and left from the armor shop. The item shop is in the upper floor of the
inn. Both sellers are visible here. You can buy Elixirs at this shop
for 50,000 gil apiece.

Leave Mirage the way you came in, and fly your airship back to Guido's
cave and, more importantly, Boco. Ride him all the way around the world.
(Go east, and head south, not north, at Tule. From there on the trial
and error is pretty easy with the different routes.) Eventually you will
end up at Guido's cave again, coming from the west. Hop back on your
airship, fly back to Mirage's forest, and get yourself back into Mirage
again. Go in the back door of the pub, go downstairs, and talk to the
guy there (he was the one who challenged you to ride around the world on
a chocobo). He'll give you a Mirage Vest as a prize. Once again, leave
Mirage. You might want to leave Mirage by climbing on the black
chocobo... that way you can then land it in the forest and have it
available for future use without having to return to Mirage to collect

Crescent Revisited
Treasures: Hero Song

Having played all eight pianos, return to Crescent, play the piano, and
talk to the bard to get the Hero song. You are now "officially" a piano

Treasures: Ribbon

Go to the armor shop, and go through the secret passage so as to be able
to talk to the girl without a counter in the way. Do so, and she'll give
you a Ribbon.

Istory Falls
Treasures: Magic Lamp

Hop on Boco again (poor chocobo's getting all this exercise, running all
the way around the world and all) and ride east to Tule, then north to
Rugor, then west until you hit a series of rivers. Follow these rivers
(it isn't too hard to find your way around) until you come to Istory
Falls. Enter the center square above the falls to reach a small,
uninteresting sub-area. Take one step down and search to receive the
Magic Lamp.

Using this in battle will summon an Esper, starting with Bahamut and
working its way down to Chocobo (includes any Espers you don't have in
between, in other words, it goes through the whole list). Return here
and search the same spot to get the lamp powered up again in the future
after it winds down. For now, ride Boco back to Guido's cave and your

Cave of Jacole
Treasures: Guard Ring, Odin (spell)

Fly to Castle Bal, then a tiny bit west, and you'll see the cave of
Jacole. Go in there, and go through the same way you did last time.
That is, hit the lower switch, hit the switch which appears by itself,
push the button in the upper chest, then take the right fork in the next
room, then the upper fork. You'll end up at that climbable wall which
used to lead outside. You may or may not have noticed, however, but that
little grassy space in the mountains isn't there any more. So... where
does that lead you?

To the basement of Castle Bal! You pop up through a hole on the other
side of that locked door. First thing you do, go down, unlock the door,
then head upstairs to heal, if necessary. If you go up (the door will
stay unlocked in the future) a long way, you'll find a green and red
summon monster. This is Odin. He's not nice. In fact, you might even
call him mean... say Yes, twice, to fight him.

BOSS: Odin
You only have one minute to win this battle, so make it count. When your
minute's up, the battle will end, you will fall down on the ground, and
the game will act as if you'd died normally. (In other words, there's no
way to survive his kill-all attack, like there was in FF4 with high
levels.) Cast Haste 2 on your first turn (i.e. Cara had better have
Dimension magic as an ability), then set to pounding on him. Try casting
Break or Shoat - they will work, with a few tries. If you have time (and
you probably won't), you can steal a Guard Ring from Odin.

After the battle, you can summon Odin (he's the last level 4 monster).
Head back down and upstairs to heal. Go up to the Hiryuu's tower, talk
to the Hiryuu, and choose to fly. Whereupon you can promptly land if you
so desire. This is just so the Hiryuu will be available as a mode of
transportation, although I somehow wonder why this is even an option, now
that you have your airship.... Leave Castle Bal and walk a short ways
west to collect your airship.

Solitary Island Temple
Blue spells: Level 2 Old, Level 3 Flare, Level 4 Quarter, Level 5 Doom
(if you didn't get them earlier), Mind Blast
Treasures: 9000 gil, 12000 gil, Beastkiller, Circlet, Crystal Helmet,
Dark Matter, Dragon Fang, Elixir, Ether x2, Guard Ring, Rising Sun

Fly your airship east and slightly north from Castle Bal to find the big
bridge. (Unfortunately you can no longer enter it to hear Gilgamesh's
theme music.) Walk east along there to find the Solitary Island Temple,
resting place of the second tablet. Enter, and go up to fight some more
gargoyles, like at the pyramid. Kill them in the same way, i.e.
simultaneously. Go up to have the Sealed Book open the door, then head
upstairs. By the way, in this dungeon you can encounter "Ixecrator," who
will use all of the level-based Blue spells on you, so you can learn them
now if you missed them before. In this room, there's a secret passage in
the lower right, which leads around and up to a chest containing 12000
gil. Collect it and return to the main part of the room.

Go downstairs and right to the air duct. You'll be dropped by two
switches. Push the right one down and leave the left one up, and return
to the air duct. You'll be dropped by a chest containing an Elixir. Go
back through the air duct to the two switches, and push the left one down
also. Re-enter the air duct, once again, to be dumped by a chest
containing 9000 gil. Finally, return to the switch room and push the
right switch back up (so the left one is down alone), and re-enter the
air duct for the last time to continue on in the dungeon.

Be prepared, then open the chest on your left to fight Invisible (boss
music and all). He'll cast Image partway through the battle, which
seems, rather than just making two hits miss like with your party, to
create a copy of him. Not pleasant. Beat him up with repeated
summonings of Odin - it won't do the instant kill thing, but it will do
4000 damage per hit. You'll receive a Rising Sun from the chest after
you win.

Go right, giving yourself sufficient distance from the air duct so you
don't get sucked in, and go up through the door to find a very welcome
save point after that battle. Rest, save, and continue up. Go up the
left side of this room to find a chest with an Ether, then go right,
down, and right to find a chest with a guarded Guard Ring. Go right from
that chest, through a secret passage, to find a chest with a Crystal
Helmet. Return to the area around the Ether chest and go upstairs.

The next floor has a very confusing layout. Give someone the See
Pitfalls ability (Geomancer level 2), because you're gonna need it.
First go up, into the door, and open the chest for a Beastkiller. Leave
the room and go left (not right, there's a pit by the secret passage
there) and go around to the top of the room. Go upstairs (there's
nothing on that side of the room).

Go up through the door and upstairs for another confusing room. Ignore
the stairs on the sides, they're just for getting back up if you fall
down a hole. Go straight up, then up the right central path, then go
left for the chest (Ether). Next return to the right central path, then
go right when you're above the next chest, and open it from the top for a
Dragon Fang. Go up, then left (don't go straight up on the right central
path again, there's another hole), and upstairs.

Rest and save at the save point, then go upstairs. Before going up
through the door, go left and right to open the chests for Dark Matter
and Circlet, respectively. Go back downstairs to heal from the battles
you undoubtedly had while getting the chests, and also, if you want the
Mind Blast spell, give someone the Learning ability. Save and return
upstairs, then go straight up and search the tablet to fight a boss.

BOSS: Stalker
First off, every once in a blue moon, one of the Stalker segments will
cast Mind Blast. If it hits your learner, you're all set. If it
doesn't, either sit around and wait, or just give up. It's not that
useful a spell. Anyway, you want to protect yourself with Golem, then
start hitting Stalker. At first, all four will work as valid targets.
As such, just hit any one of them. After that, only one will work. If
you're using an emulator, this is a piece of cake. Just freeze your
state, use some physical attack on all enemies (the monk's Kick works
quite well) to see which is the real one - it'll be the only one which
takes damage - then defrost and use a powerful single enemy attack on
that one target. If you're not using an emulator, well... it's tougher.
Multiple-enemy magic attacks won't hurt him at all, and will earn you a
nice counterattack. Probably the best way, otherwise, is to give
everyone something really powerful, and have them each attack a
predefined segment. Hitting the wrong segment will not, I think, switch
them around. Although it might. Anyway, after you spend eternity
beating the real one, the others will die off on their own soon after.

You get the second tablet when you win. The Fork Tower near Crescent is
also opened, and you can drop by the Sealed Castle of Kuzar and pick up
three more of the weapons. But first, you have to get out of the temple
- isn't Exit great?

Fork Tower
Treasures: Defender, Ether, Flare (spell), Hi-Potion, Holy (spell),
Wonder Rod

Trudge over to your airship, fly back to the Sealed Castle of Kuzar, and
get your second set of the legendary weapons. Before leaving, change
your jobs around so Butz and Faris are very powerful physically, and
Lenna and Cara are very powerful magically (that's the way they are
anyway, so you may as well accentuate the difference). Then fly to the
Fork Tower and enter.

Send Butz and Faris up the right tower, and Lenna and Cara up the left.
First, you have to climb the magic tower. Pretty simple, really, since
there's only one path to take. On 4F there's an Ether, and on 7F a
Wonder Rod. When you reach the top you'll switch to the other group. Do
the same for the power tower. On 4F there's a Hi-Potion, and on 7F a
Defender. When you reach the top here, you can go in the door. Search
the green glow for a short event, followed by *two* bosses.

BOSS: Minotauros
Do *not* use holy-elemental weapons. They'll heal him. Have one person
use the Defender sword, and the other... use something or other. You'll
have to heal using Hi-Potions. Using the monk's BuildUp ability in
conjunction with a strong weapon should do a few thousand damage each
hit. At the end of the battle he'll cast Holy, but for me anyway, he
didn't have enough MP. :)

You'll get Holy, the final White magic spell, after the battle, but you
can't use it against the other boss.

BOSS: Omniscient
This guy will cast "Reset" if you hit him with a weapon, so if you're
losing badly, do so. Berserk, surprisingly, will work against him. So
use that, and Golem, and he can't touch you. Alternatively, you could
cast Carbuncle to bounce his spells back at him. Beating him's not too
tough - hit him with Dispel whenever he casts a beneficial status spell
on himself, and otherwise pound him with level 3 black magic, and Odin
(if you got him) or Syldra. At the end of the battle he'll cast Flare,
and he *will* have enough MP for it. Flare is, unfortunately for him,
reflectable. :)

You'll get Flare, the final Black magic spell, after the battle. The
tower will disappear and you'll end up back in the overworld.


In the place of the Fork Tower is your old friend, the Catapult. You
know, where Cid and Mid hang out, except Mid's been freaking out in
Crescent recently? Right. That place. Go there, and head downstairs
continually until you find Cid. Watch the event. Afterwards, your
airship will be able to be a submarine, which is just as well since the
submarine is apparently the only vehicle besides the pirates' ship (which
has long since become useless) which did not reappear in the third world.

Obtaining Big Guard
Blue spells: Big Guard (duh)

Ok, time to get a cool Blue magic spell. Even if you never use Blue
magic, this spell might just be cool enough to make you change your mind.
It casts Armor, Shell, and Float on the whole party in one fell swoop.
Pretty cool, huh? Anyway, here's where you go. Find Carwen. Fly west.
See the desert? Good. See the tower in the lower left corner? Good.
Fly so your airship's shadow is just south of the tower, then fly east
and land in the water in the first place you can. Before getting into
any battles, make sure someone in the party can learn Blue magic, and
someone has the Control ability, and your party in general is capable of
inflicting some major damage. Now sail around in this general area,
which is as close to Worus Tower's present location as you can get.
Eventually you'll meet a creature called "Stingray." Control it, use Big
Guard on the party, and then settle down to the tedious task of killing
it. Once you do so, you'll know Big Guard!

Sunken Worus Tower

Now that you're in possession of that super cool Blue magic spell (which,
I might add, you will not really need here :), give someone the Dash
ability, and someone the Escape ability - or make someone a Thief, but
it's important that you can dash - then heal up, and submerge. Right in
the area where you were, because that is, after all, where the Worus
Tower is. Enter the tower, watch Butz notice that he can hold his breath
for only (only!) seven minutes. Thus the need for dashing, and the need
to be able to escape from battle because you really don't have the time
to fight them. Then, just descend down to the first floor. Directions
are fairly straightforward.

Go down, around the crystal platform, and downstairs. Go right, and up
into the hole to fall downstairs. Go down and out the door. Go around
the room in a clockwise manner, then downstairs. Go straight down and
downstairs. Go straight down and downstairs, again. If you find
yourself low on air, you can now go left, down into the pool, climb up
the pillar, and go up and open the chest for an air bubble (in other
words, your timer is reset to 7 minutes). Either go down through the
hole, up out of the pool, then down and out the door, or, if you didn't
climb up in the first place, straight down, once again. Go around this
room in a counter-clockwise fashion, then downstairs. Go around to the
top of this room, on either side, and go downstairs. Go straight down
and search the crystal chip (remember that one you couldn't get, way back
at the beginning of the game?) for a question. Answer No to fight Gogo.

BOSS: Gogo
Players of FF6 will recognize this tune. :) Gogo is, as you might
expect, a Mimic. He chats with you at the beginning of the battle. Pay
attention to him, and do *exactly as he says.* If you do, you won't
suffer a single HP of damage, and eventually the fight will automatically
end, after a bit more chatting.

You then gain the following Job (just to follow my standard format,


And that's the final,
ook-at-your-underwater-map, very useful Job. (You'll notice that Mimics
don't automatically have Fight and Item commands - although they do show
up under abilities if you want to add them yourself.) Congrats! Save
yourself the trouble of walking out and just cast Exit. :)

Phoenix Tower
Blue spells: Roulette
Treasures: 5000 gil, 10000 gil, 15000 gil, 20000 gil, 25000 gil,
Aviskiller, Phoenix (spell), Phoenix Down x4

Keep in mind that this section, and the next for that matter, are
completely optional. We're just going off to get some cool Espers.
However, Phoenix and, more importantly, Bahamut (whom you're getting
next), along with the incredibly useful Mimic command, will let you win
boss fights very easily - after all, all you have to do is summon Bahamut
once and mimic away. :)

Anyway, first we're heading off to the Phoenix Tower. You remember that
tower you saw when I was giving directions to find Big Guard? Right.
That one. If you fly around in the area, you'll notice there's no place
to land your airship. The Hiryuu can't fly over mountains, and can't
land anywhere the airship can't anyway, and Boco can't run over
mountains. What does that leave us? The black chocobo from Mirage! If
you haven't gotten it out of Mirage yet, do so. If you have, hop on and
fly to that area. There's a forest far northeast of the Phoenix Tower.
Land there, and walk southwest to get there.

Okay, in this tower are a great many rooms which don't happen to have any
up staircases. In those rooms, you want to search the wall (the lower
wall, where the staircases would appear). In almost every case, it's the
wall immediately right or left of the center, although sometimes it's an
extra space away, I think. One side will open the staircase for you, the
other will send you into a battle, and *then* open the staircase. Unless
you want the experience, it's probably wise to stick with the former.
The pattern changes randomly from game to game, however, so unless you're
playing on an emulator and have the advantage of freeze state, it's pure
guesswork. Do your best. For the record, the pattern I had in the game
I wrote this walkthrough was:

L, L, R, L, L, R, L, L, R, L, L, R, R, L, R, L, L, R, Center

In this tower, you will randomly (and commonly) meet Bella Donna, a
monster which looks like a lamia - snake's body, woman's head. It'll
cast Roulette from time to time, and if it manages to kill someone with
the Learning ability (or a mimic or normal person, if the blue mage is
mastered), then you'll learn it after the battle. This should, if you've
been getting them all along, be the last Blue spell. You should now have
all 24. :)

Also, on certain floors (every 5th to be exact), there are pots on either
side of the floor. One pot contains gil, the other contains a Magic Pot
enemy, and also a Phoenix Down after the battle - except the one on 25F,
which contains an Aviskiller after the battle. Use an Elixir on it, then
Mimic until it runs away and leaves you a whopping 100 ABP. You
definitely need mimics for these guys unless you have a very large supply
of Elixirs. The pot on 5F contains 5000 gil, the one on 10F contains
10000 gil, etc.

The final door is always in the center, and always results in a battle.
After that battle, the stairs will open up, so go upstairs for a sad
event. I suggest you say "No" during the event, although it doesn't
really make much of a difference. Afterwards, you'll have the Esper
Phoenix. Cast Exit to get out of the tower.

North Mountain
Treasures: Bahamut (spell)

Trudge a very, very, very long way to the north, then head east.
Eventually you will reach North Mountain, which is, if you recall, the
place where you got the now-deceased Hiryuu in world one. And, lucky
you, the monsters are just as wimpy as they were before. Climb up the
mountain in the same way as last time. At the top, you'll find and fight
Bahamut. Be prepared.

BOSS: Bahamut
I don't usually quote HP figures, but you might want to be warned that
he's got 40,000 HP or so on his side. And his attacks are well worth
guarding against. Put up your barriers (Big Guard, Golem, Haste 2), cast
Slow on him, and then, well, just hit him with everything you've got!
It'll still take a while, and you might possibly even die. Eventually,
you *will* win. ... On the other hand, you might have a disgustingly easy
time with him. He only did 300 damage to all my party members, once, and
that's all he did the whole battle. Guess it's just luck.

After the battle, you get to summon the almighty Bahamut! Woohoo! Cast
Exit, heal up with a Cabin, and trudge back to your black chocobo. Fly
it back to the forest where you left the airship, and then hop back on
your airship.

Great Trench
Blue spells: Condemn (if you didn't learn it already)
Treasures: Dragon Fang, Ether, Flame Ring, Kaiser Knuckles, Meteo
(spell), Phoenix Down, Water Scroll

Fly your airship roughly east from Crescent, and land in the ocean.
Submerge and look at your map. Somewhere nearby, there should be a
flashing cross. Go there. It should look like a crack in the ocean
floor. Enter, heal up in the sub if need be, then exit the sub and go
down and right to fight the ubiquitous gargoyles. With Bahamut, they're
pathetic. Heal up in the sub if need be, then enter the now-open door.

All the monsters here are called "Unknown." One of them is a skeletal
type that hangs from the ceiling. It might cast Condemn on you, if you
haven't learned it yet. Go right until you reach a fork, then down to a
chest containing a Water Scroll. Return to the fork and continue right.
Go downstairs to find a very early save point, so heal up, save, and go
downstairs again. Push the switch and follow the path until you reach a
second switch, which you *should not push.* It'll remove the bridge
nearby. Cross the bridge and go up through the door.

The next room has a lot of switches. Don't push any of them, except for
the upper right. That one will make a bridge (above the second switch in
this room) to a treasure chest containing a Flame Ring. Having gotten
that, go down and hit the nearest switch. It's faster than taking the
stairs. Go right, up, and open the chest for a Dragon Fang. Go back
down, right, and downstairs.

Follow the path until it forks. Take the bottom fork and walk through
the lava to reach a chest containing an Ether. From there, continue
right and up, and up the first ramp you come to. Follow the path back
down into the lava, and go open the chest to your left for a Phoenix
Down. Go right, up, up the ramp, and out the door to reach the kingdom
of the dwarves (a kingdom of only five people, I might add).

There's a save point (save, but do not heal) in the middle of the center
room. The dwarf in the upper right room sells armor and weapons you can
also buy in Mirage. If you take the upper left exit, there are two
dwarves to talk to, and the lower left leads to a long path. At the end
is Lalibo, who'll show you a strange place on the surface of the world.
Which is, of course, the forest where you can enter Mirage. Return to
the save point and take the lower right exit to continue on. Walk into
the pool and go to the little corner directly below the exit door for
healing, then go up and leave the room.

Follow the path until you enter the lava (a geomancer, or the damage
floor ability, is a must-have in this room). Go right, past the ramp up,
then down and hit all four switches around the room. The one in the
upper right will open a door to a chest containing Kaiser Knuckles, while
the three at the bottom will open a path to the boss. Collect the chest,
then go up the ramp I told you to go past, and this time go up, and open
the empty chest to open the door. Go up and into the tablet room. Try
to take the tablet, and you'll fight a boss trio.

BOSS: Triton, Neregeid, Phobos
The easy way to win this battle is just to use Bahamut and mimic away.
The hard way is to use spells which will damage all three, and won't heal
any of them. Triton (red) is healed by fire, Neregeid (blue) by ice, and
Phobos (green) by poison. Thus, bolt spells, Syldra and Titan summons -
and of course Bahamut - will all work. They aren't too tough. If they
use their combination attack, use a Soft to cure the petrified party
member, and continue.

You get the third tablet, and the final dimension magic, Meteo, after the
battle. Cast Exit, re-enter, heal in your sub, and leave.

Istory Falls
Treasures: 12000 gil, Aegis Shield, Air Lancet, Artemis's Bow, Enhancer,
Ether, Giant Drink, Guard Ring, Leviathan (spell), Pinwheel, Phoenix
Down, Rune Edge, Turtle Shell, Wall Ring x2

Return to the sealed castle of Kuzar to pick up three more of the
legendary weapons (you should have nine by now), then get back in your
airship. Fly to Istory Falls, then south until you reach the ocean.
Submerge and you should see a cave nearby. Enter it. Leave the sub,
make your way through the cave, and you'll end up outside. Walk west up
to the falls, save, and enter. Kill the gargoyles, open the door, then
go back outside to heal.

Re-enter the falls, and go up and up the ramp, then left and down one of
the waterfalls. (Directions, in case you hadn't noticed by now, will be
very difficult in here.) Go left and up the big ramp, then go more or
less straight up ramps to reach a chest containing a Turtle Shell. Go
down from the chest to the top of the first ramp, then go down the ramp
on the left. Follow that path up another ramp, then jump down the nearby
waterfall and open the chest for an Ether. Jump down this waterfall and
go right and up the ramp over there. Go right and get the chest (Air
Lancet), then go back left and enter the door.

In the next room, go around and out the door on the right. Then go down,
and up the set of ramps on the right to reach a chest containing a Giant
Drink. Descend the ramps again, and look for a secret passage in the
lower right corner of the pool. It leads straight right to a chest
containing a Rune Edge. Return through the passage, and go up the ramp
on the left. Continue left, going back into the water, then emerging
again, and go up. Give someone the dash ability, if you don't already
have it on, then hit the switch and *quickly* run right and open the
chest for a Guard Ring. The waterfall will promptly knock you into the
water again, whether or not you got the chest, so either go back and try
again, if you failed, or climb out of the water using the steps on the
left and go down and into the next room.

Here, follow the path until it forks, then take the top fork for a chest
with a Phoenix Down. Return to the fork and go left, following the path
until you reach another fork. This time, go down, and left (down and
down is quite visibly boring) to a chest containing a Wall Ring, then
return to the fork and go right, following the path until you reach some
more stairs down. These lead to a welcome save point. Rest, save,
continue on down.

In this room, there are a number of paths to take. Having the "See
Pitfalls" ability will be useful here, because there's a pit every now
and then. First, go down and down the ramp, then up the ramp to the left
and into the door. Go around and open the chest for Artemis's Bow, then
exit the room. Go back down that ramp and continue left, past the fork,
and open the chest over there for 12000 gil. Return to the fork you
passed and go up and into the door. Open the chest for an Enhancer.
Return back downstairs, down to the fork, go right, then go downstairs.

Go right and up from the entrance, and open the chest for a Pinwheel. Go
straight left and open the chest - from the bottom - for an Aegis Shield.
From there, go down, hit the switch to remove the spikes, and open the
chest from the right to get a Giant's Axe (which is, notably, stronger
than the legendary weapon, the Rune Axe). Then do the unthinkable and
fall into one of the nearby holes intentionally. You'll end up by the
tablet. Run down and grab it. Go up for a short event. You can, if you
so desire, just go around and down and leave. But that wouldn't be any
fun, would it? Instead, talk to Leviathan to fight him for his powers.

BOSS: Leviathan
Okay, he's a water monster. So if you indulged yourself and spent
200,000 gil on Coral Rings, good for you. Equip them beforehand and he
won't really be able to hurt you. If you're a normal, cheap person, you
probably didn't. So cast your usual defensive spells and start pounding
him with Bolt 3, Bahamut, Flare, Holy, Meteo (hey, you do have strong
spells, after all), and your strongest weapons. Bolt 3 will probably
actually be the most damaging of the lot of them. He shouldn't last all
that long, but watch out for his Tidal Wave attack, which does 400-ish
damage to everyone even with Shell (Big Guard) active - in other words
800-ish normally. You win a Wall Ring after the battle.

After that, you get Leviathan as an Esper, which means you now have every
spell in the game! Now, go around and down, and hop onto the waterfall
to get out of here. Return to the cave and retrace your steps to your
sub, where you should heal, then leave and change it back into an airship
again. Drop by the sealed castle of Kuzar and pick up the remaining
legendary weapons. They should all have names identical - or a shortened
version anyway - to the name you see when you get them. The only
exceptions are Sasuke's Katana, which shows up in your item list as
Hardened, and the Firebute whip, which shows up as Flame.

Treasures: Chicken Knife or Brave Blade

Fly to Mua (west of the desert with the pyramid), go around behind the
pub, and enter the small building from the top. Walk all the way down,
through a door that was locked in world two, until you can't go down any
more. Then go left twice, down six times, left twice, and down five
times to make an old man and two crates appear. Talk to him, then search
a crate accordingly.

The one on the left contains the Brave Blade, which starts out being very
strong but becomes weaker every time you run. The one on the right
contains the Chicken Knife, which is stronger the more times you run
before you take it, but doesn't increase in strength after that.
(Attacking with the Chicken Knife will also randomly make you run away,
although abilities which make you attack (Capture for instance) won't
have that effect.) Whichever you choose, retrace your steps to get out
of here, then hop back in your airship.

Cleft of Dimension (*drumroll*)

It's time. Time for the final dungeon, and the final showdown with
Exdeath. Are you ready? Probably not, but you're going anyway. :) Fly
back to where Tycoon used to be, and fly over the big black hole. You
will get a short event and enter the Cleft of Dimension. Since this
dungeon is so long, I'm dividing it up into smaller areas, categorized by
appearance. Shouldn't be too hard to figure out. Oh, and you can cast
Exit to get all the way out of here and back to your airship in the world
map, all the way up until and including the "Castle" section.


Leave your airship. Follow the path until you reach some moving sand,
then hop on the top strip and ride over. Continue following the path
(the Cleft of Dimension is, for the most part, surprisingly
straightforward) until you reach some more sand, then hop on the left
strip and ride along. Step up and ride some more. Take two steps up and
ride yet more. Walk right and ride, then step in front of the door for a
short event. Enter the door.

Treasures: Cabin, Dark Matter, Drain Sword, Elixir x2, Ether

This place bears a distinct resemblance to the floating ruins of Lonka.
You can ride the chains up and down here. Head up and ride the chain
down to the next room, and go down through the door. First go right and
left for chests containing a Cabin and an Ether, respectively. Go back
to the center, and down through the doors. The chests on the right and
left down here contain some Dark Matter and an Elixir, respectively. Go
down through the exit.

Ride the chains down, then go right until you reach three chains. First
ride up the right one and open the chest for an Elixir. Then go back
down and ride up the left one to reach the exit (center has nothing of
interest). Go right and up the right ramp to reach a chest containing a
Drain Sword, then back down and up the other ramp to reach the exit.
Ride up the chain and go out the door.

Town (Mirage)

Well, now you know where that mystery door led. The people here can't
talk to you, being frozen in time or somesuch. Head up the path on your
left and go upstairs. Go down and search the pot for healing (yay!),
then continue down and out the door. Go right, up, and into the door,
then upstairs, then right and out the door, then right, down, and right
to leave the town.

Treasures: Diamond Plate, Dragon Fang, Enhancer, Lillith Rod, Ribbon

Go right, past the tree, and up until you hit a second tree. Go around
the tree on the left, then continue up and right and go through the very
narrow path to reach a chest containing a Dragon Fang. Return to the
tree and take the side path to the left, then follow that path until you
reach a fairly open, tree-filled area. Go straight down from the
entrance until you reach a tree with a chest in front of it (on your
right). Open that chest for a Ribbon. Go down from there, a little bit
right, and around the tree at the bottom to find a chest containing an
Enhancer. Go back up to the level of the other chest, then right from
there to reach another chest in front of another tree, this one
containing a Lillith Rod. Go right and down to reach a tree with a hole
in the trunk. Search the hole to make a path appear. Try to enter the
path to meet and fight a boss.

BOSS: Calofisteri
Not terribly tough. She casts a number of effect spells, like Old, Stop
and Wall. Use Dispel to take care of those. Otherwise, just the usual
boss stuff - most powerful attacks you can dig up, keep yourself healed,
cast defensive spells (i.e. Big Guard, which is a must in the Cleft of
Dimension) if you're getting beaten on, etc. She should go down without
much of a fight. You win a Diamond Plate (yeah, like you need that now)
after the battle.

Enter the path to leave the forest.

Treasures: Angel Ring, Coral Ring

Go down all the steps to find yourself in a place filled with waterfalls.
Just walk through them - they won't wash you away. Go right until you
reach a door. Ignore it for now and go right until you reach another
waterfall. This one *can* wash you down if you push down, so don't.
Instead, push up to enter a secret cave. Open the chest in here for an
Angel Ring.

Leave the cave and return to the door. Now enter it. Go right and up
the ramp to reach the chest containing a Coral Ring, then go back down
the ramp and continue right and downstairs. Here you will find a welcome
save point. Heal up, and make sure to save, then leave via the lower
left door. Go right, and, just for kicks, bump into the metal creature
walking around (he's the famous Omega). Fun, huh? You're probably dead
from his first attack. Thus, you want to *avoid* this guy. Load up your
saved game, and this time wait until he's at the top or the bottom, then
go around him. Continue right and enter the door, then enter the door in
that room.

Treasures: Soot

Okay, so this is a very short section. Never mind that. Read the two
books on the bookshelves, then heal up (if necessary) and search the book
on the table to meet and fight another boss.

BOSS: Apanda
He's weak against Fire, so Fire 3 will do some 5000 damage or so. Do
not, however, use Ifrit. Not only does he only do a measly 1000 damage,
but Apanda will then heal himself as a counterattack. You can cast
Berserk (on him) and Golem to guard yourself from Apanda's effect spells,
but it really shouldn't be necessary. Then again, Apanda's effect spells
(Toad, Charm... that annoying sort which enemies always use more
effectively than you do) are definitely worth taking the trouble to
avoid. You get some Soot after the battle.

Notice the screen flashing blue. Each time you search that book from now
on, it will flash blue. This changes the exit back and forth from the
Cave section to the Towers section. Right now it's only been hit once,
thus walking out the door will get you into the Towers section.


Give someone the Passages ability, and someone the Escape ability.
Almost all travel around here is by secret passages (which are over sky,
rather than through walls, this time), and the enemies here are both mean
and hard to hit, thus you probably don't want to fight them. That being
said, just follow the path until you reach a door, and enter the door to
get out of this place.

Blue spells: Just about all of them!
Treasures: Dragon Fang x6, Man Eater, Rainbow Suit, Red Shoes, Running
Shoes, Soft, Thor's Hammer

Go up and search the gate to open it, then enter. Go up, around the
central pillar, and down the staircase. Go down, left, and talk to the
guy in the lower left cell. Say Yes to fight a boss (note: this guy is
completely optional).

BOSS: Apocalypse
First, and most importantly, Apocalypse can use just about every Blue
magic spell in the game. So, if you need to learn any, now's your
chance. Otherwise, just be careful, because his spell arsenal is
actually comparable to yours. He's weak against poison, so cast Bio on
him. Of course, Flare/Holy/Bahamut/Meteo all work better, but Bio's much
cheaper. :)

A save point appears after you beat Apocalypse. Make good use of it,
then go back up the same stairs you came from. Head left and out the
lower left door, then walk down and into the tower. Open the chest for
Thor's Hammer. Return to the main room and go to the right tower in a
similar manner, for a chest containing Running Shoes. Return back to the
prison area (going upstairs leads to a blocked door). Heal up and save
at the save point, then head to the right, to those cells with the green
old men running around in them. You're gonna have to fight them to get
to the chests they're guarding, and each of the six of them could easily
be considered a boss. Therefore...

BOSS: Alte Roite/Jura Avis
Pound on him with your strongest attacks, as usual. Quarter will work on
him, although Death Claw probably won't. Partway through the battle,
Alte Roite will reveal its "true form" - Jura Avis. Odin will work on
him now. So he's not too terribly difficult - just really annoying.
Sometimes Alte Roite will erase a character from the battle. If that
happens, use the Dimension spell "Reset" - or reset the game yourself, if
your Dimension magic user got toasted. You win a Dragon Fang after the

After you kill one group of three Alte Roite, open the chest in the cell
they were guarding. The top chest contains Red Shoes, while the bottom
chest contains a Rainbow Suit. After healing up from the Alte
Roite-killing, go to the far right cell in the upper right, and face the
gray thing through the bars. It'll dash out of the cell, push you all
the way down the hall, and *then* fight you. :)

BOSS: Catastrophe
He has no particular weakness, but no particular strength either. So
just use whatever attacks suit you. He will mainly attack using Earth
Shaker, and if you try to use Float to avoid that, he'll cast Gravity 100
which will negate your floating. Of course, when he's casting Gravity
100, he can't cast Earth Shaker... so if you continually float yourself,
even if he gets an Earth Shaker in now and then, he still won't hit you
nearly as much as he would otherwise. He also has a certain tendency to
petrify your party members... just heal and continue. You'll win a Soft
after the battle.

You end up right near the save point, so make use of it (once again...),
then head back over to the cell Catastrophe came out of. Watch the short
event, then head upstairs twice. Go right and upstairs. Go left, past
the door, and back downstairs, then right and downstairs twice, and open
the chest for a Man Eater. Return to the door you passed, and enter it

If you enter the door in the central pillar, then push the switch, you
can open that sealed door from earlier to return to the save point
quickly. You can't return back through the door once you leave the room,
though, because it reseals itself. In any case, head to the door at the
upper left. You'll be pushed back. Try again, watch the short event,
and then - you guessed it - fight yet another boss.

BOSS: Halikarnassos
Despite calling herself "king," I think this boss is actually a woman.
Don't believe me? Look at the graphic. Anyway, she uses a "Kurururu"
attack which will turn your entire party into frogs (cast Toad on the
party - it should heal more or less everyone), a Dynamo attack which will
shift you all to the back row - and possibly back to the front, I'm not
sure - plus a few powerful attacks which might well kill their targets.
Fun. Heal yourself from your frog status if need be, then throw up your
defenses and start pounding on her. As with Catastrophe, no particular
element works well, but none works badly either. She'll die eventually,
although she has a lot of HP.

If you need healing, you might want to return to the save point,
regardless of how out of the way you need to go to get back here. If
you're in pretty good health, proceed through the upper left door, go
upstairs, and then go straight up to face *another* boss.

BOSS: Twin Tania
Put up your defenses as usual, and start pounding. His normal attacks
only do about 300-500 damage to the party, which is nothing to be
concerned about at this point in the game. He's weak against water and
holy power, so use Leviathan, Holy, or whacks with most of the 12
legendary weapons (many of them are holy-elemental). Holy in particular
will do 6000-7000 damage per hit. Eventually, you will get the message,
"Charging up for Giga Flare!" If you remember the book in the library
section, it hints at this being when he drops his defenses. If you
summon Odin now, you can kill him in one shot. (Or, you can just
continue pelting him with whatever you were using.) Giga Flare is
decidedly boring looking, plus it does about 1500+ damage *with Shell
active,* so you should probably go with Odin. You win the Murasame
katana after the battle.

A bridge will appear where Twin Tania was. Head back down to the save
point to heal up, and then return all the way up here and stand in the
middle of the tower the new bridge connects to, to warp to the last part
of the Cleft of Dimension.

Treasures: Elixir, Genji Armor, Genji Shield, Pinwheel x2, Ragnarok

Note that you cannot cast Exit here. You must first make your way back
to the warp zone you entered through, until you're back in the Castle
section. You can use Exit there. Oh - and check out the new music, at
long last. Finally, you will occasionally meet creatures called "Mover"
here - in groups of 3. Kill them off for a whopping 199 ABP, 150,000 gil
per battle!

Go down and right to find a chest containing a Pinwheel. Then go left
and follow the path to reach a warp zone - with someone standing on it.
Someone familiar. Talk to him to fight him.

BOSS: Gilgamesh
Sadly, you don't get to hear his theme music in this battle. :( First
priority is to steal the Genji Shield. Second priority is to summon
Golem. After that, just pelt him with relatively minor attacks - he's
not terribly much stronger than he was the last time you fought him.
After a while he'll stop fighting and talk to you, then, as usual, run

Step onto the warp point Gilgamesh was guarding. Go up and follow the
path until you reach a chest. Open it for a Pinwheel, then continue
down, left, and up under an earlier part of the path. Before the next
warp point is another chest. Open it for an Elixir. Step on the next
warp point.

See that chest on the left side of the screen as you arrive? *Do not*
open it. Opening it will cause you to fight Shinryuu... if you thought
Omega was tough, get a load of this guy. He's even worse. He starts off
the battle with a Tidal Wave which does 7 or 8 thousand damage to
everyone in the party. Right. Anyway, when you get around to where you
can go down to get that treasure chest, well, don't. (If you did manage,
somehow, to defeat Shinryuu, you would receive Ragnarok from the chest
afterwards - or so I hear.)

Continue up from where you'd turn to get that chest, and you'll soon
reach a fork. Go left to find a chest containing another Pinwheel.
Return to the fork and go right, and you'll soon reach another warp
point. Follow the path - eventually you will come to a fork between a
long ramp going up, and a short ramp on the left with a green glow beyond
it. Go to the green glow and search it to fight Necrofobia - never mind
that it should be spelled Necrophobia. (By the way, give someone the
Steal ability before the battle.)

BOSS: Necrofobia
He has four barriers (as he points out to you), and until you destroy
them, you can't hurt Necrofobia himself. In the meantime, you're being
pelted with Holy and Flare and such from the barriers themselves. On top
of that, the barriers are reflective.... Whip out your defensive spells,
then counter with Bahamut. Eventually the barriers will die, and
Necrofobia will whine about it (note that he's still invincible if you
hit him between the barriers' destruction and his whining). Then he'll
actually start attacking you himself, using, among other things,
Exdeath's Vacuum Wave. Yuck. Golem will take care of that though.
Start beating on him - slowly. Eventually, provided you don't
accidentally kill him, Gilgamesh will show up! Take the opportunity to
steal Genji Armor from him, and then watch the in-battle event.

A very welcome save point will show up after the battle. Make use of it,
get your jobs straightened out for the final battle, and, by far most
importantly, save! You want to go through all this again? Then, go back
to that long ramp you passed earlier, go up it, and step on the warp
point. Head straight up to find Exdeath. Watch the long event. Note
that you can actually go down, save, even leave the Cleft of Dimension at
this point, but with extra towns gone, why would you want to? Go up to
fight Exdeath.

BOSS: Exdeath
First, the barriers. Pronto. Next, some nice powerful attacks would be
in order. I honestly can't suggest any definite strategy for beating
Exdeath. Whatever you normally do to defeat a boss, do to defeat
Exdeath. And be prepared to think on your feet, so to speak. In case
you hadn't noticed, I tend to rely on magic during boss battles. So what
I did was cast Big Guard, Golem, Haste 2, and then a vast quantity of
Meteo spells (mimicked) with an occasional Cure 3 thrown in when

After Exdeath is defeated, there's a short, in-battle event, and then you
fight the true final boss, Neo-Exdeath!

FINAL BOSS: Neo-Exdeath
All right. Your barriers from the previous battle are still in place, so
you don't need to worry about that. Healing is a much greater priority
now - the ending changes if one or more of your characters are
dead/zombied/petrified at the end of the battle. Also, there are four
targets, two in the "back row" even if you defeat the front two (if
you're using physical attacks, that is). They use a huge assortment of
highly damaging spells, and they move fast. Sound fun? Actually, it is.
Challenge is good. Do whatever you can think of to beat them. (I
switched from Meteo to Bahamut, but that's about it.)

Once you've won the final battle, sit back and enjoy the ending. :)



The shops in each town never change their stock (although Karnak does
change their price) through the whole course of the game, although
occasionally a new shop will pop up in a town (again, Karnak springs to
mind as the sole example).

W: Broad (Sword), 280
Rod (Rod), 200
Staff (Staff), 200
A: Leather (Shield), 90
Leather (Hat), 50
Leather (Cloth), 80
S: Fire (Black L.1), 150
Ice (Black L.1), 150
Bolt (Black L.1), 150
Cure (White L.1), 180
Scan (White L.1), 80
Antdt (White L.1), 90
I: Potion, 40
Tent, 250
Inn: 10 gil

W: Dagger (Dagger), 300
RegalCut (Sword), 480
Rod (Rod), 200
Staff (Staff), 200
A: Bronze (Shield), 290
Bronze (Helmet), 250
Bronze (Armor), 400
CopperPlt (Armor), 350
Cotton (Cloth), 300
S: Fire (Black L.1), 150
Ice (Black L.1), 150
Bolt (Black L.1), 150
Sleep (Black L.2), 300
Cure (White L.1), 180
Antdt (White L.1), 90
Mute (White L.2), 280
Armor (White L.2), 280
I: Potion, 40
Antidote, 30
Eyedrop, 20
MaidnKiss, 60
LuckMallet, 50
Soft, 150
PhenixDwn, 1000
Tent, 250
Inn: 10 gil

W: Battle (Axe), 650
RegalCut (Sword), 480
Dagger (Dagger), 300
A: Iron (Shield), 390
Iron (Helmet), 350
Iron (Armor), 500
Training (Cloth), 450
Cotton (Cloth), 300
S: Slow (Dimen L.1), 80
Regen (Dimen L.1), 100
Void (Dimen L.2), 320
Haste (Dimen L.2), 320
Chocob (Esper L.1), 300
Sylph (Esper L.1), 350
Remora (Esper L.1), 250
I: Potion, 40
Antidote, 30
Eyedrop, 20
MaidnKiss, 60
LuckMallet, 50
Soft, 150
PhenixDwn, 1000
Tent, 250
Inn: 20 gil

W1: Mythril (Dagger), 450
Mythril (Sword), 880
Mythril (Hammer), 1050
Fire (Rod), 750
Ice (Rod), 750
Thunder (Rod), 750
Flail (Special), 780
W2: Mythril (Spear), 790
Kunai (Dagger), 600
Whip (Whip), 1100
Giyaman (Bell), 500
A: Mythril (Shield), 590
Mythril (Helmet), 550
Plumed (Hat), 350
Mythril (Armor), 700
Silver (Armor), 600
Silk (Cloth), 500
Mythril (Glove), 600
Silver (Ring), 500
S1: Cure2 (White L.3), 620
Life (White L.3), 700
Charm (White L.3), 650
Mute (White L.2), 280
Armor (White L.2), 280
Cure (White L.1), 180
Scan (White L.1), 80
Antdt (White L.1), 90
S2: Fire2 (Black L.3), 600
Ice 2 (Black L.3), 600
Bolt2 (Black L.3), 600
Venom (Black L.2), 290
Sleep (Black L.2), 300
Fire (Black L.1), 150
Ice (Black L.1), 150
Bolt (Black L.1), 150
S3: Demi (Dimen L.3), 620
Stop (Dimen L.3), 580
Haste (Dimen L.2), 320
Void (Dimen L.2), 320
Slow (Dimen L.1), 80
Regen (Dimen L.1), 100
I: Potion, 40
Antidote, 30
Eyedrop, 20
MaidnKiss, 60
LuckMallet, 50
Soft, 150
PhenixDwn, 1000
Tent, 250
Inn: 20 gil

W: Ogre (Axe), 3200
Coral (Sword), 2800
MageMash (Dagger), 900
Trident (Spear), 2700
Katana (Katana), 5800
Silver (Bow), 1500
A: GrnBeret (Hat), 2500
Stealth (Cloth), 3000
Bard (Cloth), 1000
S: Cure2 (White L.3), 620
Life (White L.3), 700
Charm (White L.3), 650
Mute (White L.2), 280
Armor (White L.2), 280
Cure (White L.1), 180
Scan (White L.1), 80
Antdt (White L.1), 90
I: Potion, 40
Antidote, 30
Eyedrop, 20
MaidnKiss, 60
LuckMallet, 50
Soft, 150
PhenixDwn, 1000
Tent, 250
Inn: 30 gil

W: Fire (Bow), 2500
Ice (Bow), 2500
Thunder (Bow), 2500
Silver (Harp), 800
A: Plumed (Hat), 350
Bard (Cloth), 1000
S: Fire2 (Black L.3), 600
Ice 2 (Black L.3), 600
Bolt2 (Black L.3), 600
Venom (Black L.2), 290
Sleep (Black L.2), 300
Fire (Black L.1), 150
Ice (Black L.1), 150
Bolt (Black L.1), 150
I: Potion, 40
Antidote, 30
Eyedrop, 20
MaidnKiss, 60
LuckMallet, 50
Soft, 150
PhenixDwn, 1000
Tent, 250
Inn: 30 gil

W: no weapon shop
A: Flame (Ring), 50000
Coral (Ring), 50000
Angel (Ring), 50000
S: Demi (Dimen L.3), 620
Stop (Dimen L.3), 580
Haste (Dimen L.2), 320
Void (Dimen L.2), 320
Slow (Dimen L.1), 80
Regen (Dimen L.1), 100
I: Potion, 40
Antidote, 30
Eyedrop, 20
MaidnKiss, 60
LuckMallet, 50
Soft, 150
PhenixDwn, 1000
Tent, 250
Inn: 30 gil

W: Kunai (Dagger), 600
Shuriken (Shuriken), 2500
Flame (Scroll), 200
Water (Scroll), 200
Thunder (Scroll), 200
A: GrnBeret (Hat), 2500
Stealth (Cloth), 3000
S: Heal (White L.4), 3000
I: Ether, 750
Potion, 20
Antidote, 15
Eyedrop, 10
LuckMallet, 25
MaidnKiss, 30
Soft, 75
Tent, 125
Inn: free

(Note that the items in Lix are half price.)

W: Orihalcn (Dagger), 3400
War (Hammer), 6400
Katana (Katana), 5800
Slumber (Sword), 5600
Wind (Spear), 5400
Darkness (Bow), 3800
Dream (Harp), 1600
Chain (Whip), 3300
A: Gold (Shield), 3000
Gold (Helmet), 3500
GrnBeret (Hat), 2500
Tricorn (Hat), 1500
Gold (Armor), 4000
Stealth (Cloth), 3000
GaiaGear (Cloth), 2000
S1: Image (White L.4), 3000
Shell (White L.4), 3000
Heal (White L.4), 3000
S2: Drain (Black L.4), 3000
Break (Black L.4), 3000
Bio (Black L.4), 3000
S3: Comet (Dimen L.4), 3000
Slow2 (Dimen L.4), 3000
Reset (Dimen L.4), 3000
I1: HiPotion, 360
Potion, 40
PhenixDwn, 1000
Soft, 150
MaidnKiss, 60
LuckMallet, 50
Eyedrop, 20
Antidote, 30
I2: Ether, 1500
Revivify, 150
Cabin, 600
Giant (Drink), 110
Power (Drink), 110
Speed (Drink), 110
Protect (Drink), 110
Hero (Drink), 110
Inn: 40 gil

W: Orihalcn (Dagger), 3400
War (Hammer), 6400
Katana (Katana), 5800
Slumber (Sword), 5600
Wind (Spear), 5400
Darkness (Bow), 3800
Dream (Harp), 1600
Chain (Whip), 3300
A: Gold (Shield), 3000
Gold (Helmet), 3500
GrnBeret (Hat), 2500
Tricorn (Hat), 1500
Gold (Armor), 4000
Stealth (Cloth), 3000
GaiaGear (Cloth), 2000
Gauntlet (Glove), 3000
S1: Image (White L.4), 3000
Shell (White L.4), 3000
Heal (White L.4), 3000
S2: Drain (Black L.4), 3000
Break (Black L.4), 3000
Bio (Black L.4), 3000
S3: Comet (Dimen L.4), 3000
Slow2 (Dimen L.4), 3000
Reset (Dimen L.4), 3000
I1: HiPotion, 360
Potion, 40
PhenixDwn, 1000
Soft, 150
MaidnKiss, 60
LuckMallet, 50
Eyedrop, 20
Antidote, 30
I2: Ether, 1500
Revivify, 150
Cabin, 600
Giant (Drink), 110
Power (Drink), 110
Speed (Drink), 110
Protect (Drink), 110
Hero (Drink), 110
Inn: 50 gil


W1: Kodachi (Dagger), 5100
KillerBow (Bow), 5000
Venom (Rod), 1500
Shuriken (Shuriken), 2500
Flame (Scroll), 200
Water (Scroll), 200
Thunder (Scroll), 200
W2: Orihalcn (Dagger), 3400
War (Hammer), 6400
Katana (Katana), 5800
Slumber (Sword), 5600
Wind (Spear), 5400
Darkness (Bow), 3800
Dream (Harp), 1600
Chain (Whip), 3300
A1: Bandana (Hat), 3500
Strength (Cloth), 4500
Power (Ring), 2500
A2: Gold (Shield), 3000
Gold (Helmet), 3500
GrnBeret (Hat), 2500
Tricorn (Hat), 1500
Gold (Armor), 4000
Stealth (Cloth), 3000
GaiaGear (Cloth), 2000
Gauntlet (Glove), 3000
S1: Image (White L.4), 3000
Shell (White L.4), 3000
Heal (White L.4), 3000
S2: Drain (Black L.4), 3000
Break (Black L.4), 3000
Bio (Black L.4), 3000
S3: Comet (Dimen L.4), 3000
Slow2 (Dimen L.4), 3000
Reset (Dimen L.4), 3000
I1: HiPotion, 360
Potion, 40
PhenixDwn, 1000
Soft, 150
MaidnKiss, 60
LuckMallet, 50
Eyedrop, 20
Antidote, 30
I2: Ether, 1500
Revivify, 150
Cabin, 600
Giant (Drink), 110
Power (Drink), 110
Speed (Drink), 110
Protect (Drink), 110
Hero (Drink), 110
Inn: 60 gil


W: Epee (Sword), 8400
Gungnir (Spear), 8100
Bizen (Katana), 8800
Venom (Axe), 9600
A: Gold (Shield), 3000
Gold (Helmet), 3500
Bandana (Hat), 3500
Tricorn (Hat), 1500
Gold (Armor), 4000
Strength (Cloth), 4500
GaiaGear (Cloth), 2000
Gauntlet (Glove), 3000
S1: Image (White L.4), 3000
Shell (White L.4), 3000
Heal (White L.4), 3000
S2: Drain (Black L.4), 3000
Break (Black L.4), 3000
Bio (Black L.4), 3000
S3: Comet (Dimen L.4), 3000
Slow2 (Dimen L.4), 3000
Reset (Dimen L.4), 3000
I1: HiPotion, 360
Potion, 40
PhenixDwn, 1000
Soft, 150
MaidnKiss, 60
LuckMallet, 50
Eyedrop, 20
Antidote, 30
I2: Ether, 1500
Revivify, 150
Cabin, 600
Giant (Drink), 110
Power (Drink), 110
Speed (Drink), 110
Protect (Drink), 110
Hero (Drink), 110
Inn: 60 gil


W: Air Lance (Dagger), 6800
Elven (Bow), 7500
A: Diamond (Shield), 6000
Diamond (Helmet), 7000
TigrMask (Hat), 5000
Magus (Hat), 3000
Diamond (Armor), 8000
DiamondPlt (Armor), 6000
Lumina (Cloth), 4000
Diamond (Ring), 4000
S1: Cure3 (White L.5), 6000
Wall (White L.5), 6000
Bersk (White L.5), 6000
Image (White L.4), 3000
Shell (White L.4), 3000
Heal (White L.4), 3000
S2: Fire3 (Black L.5), 6000
Ice 3 (Black L.5), 6000
Bolt3 (Black L.5), 6000
Drain (Black L.4), 3000
Break (Black L.4), 3000
Bio (Black L.4), 3000
S3: Qrter (Dimen L.5), 6000
Hast2 (Dimen L.5), 6000
Old (Dimen L.5), 6000
Comet (Dimen L.4), 3000
Slow2 (Dimen L.4), 3000
Reset (Dimen L.4), 3000
I1: HiPotion, 360
Potion, 40
PhenixDwn, 1000
Soft, 150
MaidnKiss, 60
LuckMallet, 50
Eyedrop, 20
Antidote, 30
I2: Ether, 1500
Revivify, 150
Cabin, 600
Giant (Drink), 110
Power (Drink), 110
Speed (Drink), 110
Protect (Drink), 110
Hero (Drink), 110
Inn: 70 gil


W1: Flame (Sword), 10000
IceBrand (Sword), 11000
Earth (Hammer), 12800
MornStar (Special), 7800
AntiMagic (Bow), 10000
Forged (Katana), 14800
Partisan (Spear), 10200
W2: Pinwheel (Shuriken), 25000
Shuriken (Shuriken), 2500
DblLance (Special), 10800
Full Moon (Special), 1100
Flame (Scroll), 200
Water (Scroll), 200
Thunder (Scroll), 200
A1: Crystal (Shield), 9000
Crystal (Helmet), 10500
DarkHood (Hat), 6500
Circlet (Hat), 4500
Crystal (Armor), 12000
Dark (Cloth), 9000
Black (Cloth), 8000
White (Cloth), 8000
A2: Running (Shoes), 50000
Angel (Ring), 50000
Flame (Ring), 50000
Coral (Ring), 50000
Tiara (Hat), 2500
Angel (Cloth), 3000
S1: Size (White L.2), 300
Toad (Black L.2), 300
Drag (Dimen L.1), 30
Float (Dimen L.2), 300
Exit (Dimen L.3), 600
Chocob (Esper L.1), 300
Sylph (Esper L.1), 350
Remora (Esper L.1), 250
S2: Life2 (White L.6), 10000
Dispel (White L.6), 10000
Doom (Black L.6), 10000
Psych (Black L.6), 10000
Quick (Dimen L.6), 10000
XZone (Dimen L.6), 10000
I1: Potion, 40
HiPotion, 360
PhenixDwn, 1000
MaidnKiss, 60
Antidote, 30
Eyedrop, 20
Soft, 150
LuckMallet, 50
I2: Elixir, 50000
Ether, 1500
Revivify, 150
Giant (Drink), 110
Power (Drink), 110
Speed (Drink), 110
Protect (Drink), 110
Hero (Drink), 110
Inn: 70 gil


Future plans (none of which, btw, will happen unless I get some
indication that someone would appreciate the effort, in other words, ya
gotta e-mail me to lemme know if you want me to do any of these), in
order of priority:

- Clean up my writing style so I achieve a balance between good
directions and respect for the reader's intelligence. (This will require
the assistance of an editor.)
- Create boss strategies which don't depend on magic users. (Never mind
that magic users *work*.)
- Make a list of rare items (cannot be bought or easily found in great
quantities), and where to get them. (This is one thing any
self-respecting collection of information about an RPG should have.)
- Make a table of contents, and organize the walkthrough into easily
navigated sections. (It's navigable enough as is, but could be
- Complete a list of abilities. (This isn't too crucial for me to have,
there are plenty of these out there.)
- Note the "official" names in parentheses after the RPGe ones, where
they differ. (This doesn't strike me as being too terribly useful.)
- Standardize my capitalization of locations, jobs, abilities, and items.
(Pure semantics.)

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