Vagrant Story

Vagrant Story

12.10.2013 20:27:43
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Vagrant Story FAQ v 1.2
Author: Tyranno (

Table of contents:
1) Introduction/ Author's notes/ Version History
2) Copyright
3) Walkthrough
3.1) Wine Cellar
3.2) Catacombs
3.3) Sanctum
3.4) Town Center West
3.5) City Walls West
3.6) Abandoned Mines B1
3.7) Town Center West (part 2)
3.8) Undercity West
3.9) Snowfly Forest
3.10) City Walls South
3.11) The Keep
3.12) Abandoned Mines B2
3.13) Town Centre East
3.14) Undercity East
3.15) Limestone Quarry
3.16) Temple of Kiltia
3.17) Great Cathedral
4) Extras
4.1) First Game
4.1.1) Iron Maiden B1
4.1.2) Undercity West (part2)
4.2) Subsequent Games
4.2.1) Platinum Key
4.2.2) Gold Key
4.2.3) Godhands Workshop
4.2.4) Steel Key
4.2.5) Iron Maiden B1 (part 2)
4.2.6) Iron Maiden B2
4.2.7) Iron Maiden B3
5) Magic List
6) Battle Abilities
6.1) Chain Abilities
6.2) Defense Abilities
7) Break Arts
8) Enemy Encyclopedia
9) Secrets
10) Titles list
11) Training Dummies
12) Weapon Guide
13) Shield Guide
14) Armour Guide
15) Credits

**1) Introduction/ Author's notes/ Version History **

Vagrant Story was released by Squaresoft in the summer of 2000.
It is one of the best games made by the company and the best on
the playstation alongside Final Fantasy Tactics. Many, including
myself, consider it to be the best playstation game. However poor
sales (in the region of 800,000 worldwide, short of Squaresoft's
anticipated 1,000,000) despite rave reviews from Critics caused
Squaresoft to consider the game a failure and there are rumors
that the production team were split up. The game has a
revolutionary new fighting system that takes the old Secret of
Mana games made by Squaresoft on the SNES. The game has a loyal
following who wait in baited breath for a sequel but we fear it
may never happen.

It takes place in an uninhabited city called Léa Monde. Léa Monde
is a city that was destroyed 25 years ago due to a Natural
Disaster reported to be an Earthquake, but could it be something
more sinister?

As the game opens Duke Bardorba's manor is being invaded by the
Mullenkamp Cult, the leader of which is a man called Sydney
Lasstarot. But the Duke is unharmed as he was at his secondary
residence that night.

The Knights of the Cross, led by Romeo Guildenstern and under
control of the Cardinal went in after Mullenkamp despite no
instructions to do so.

It is then that Ashley Riot, a member of the VKP(an elite group
of warriors, highly trained in the Killing Arts. Also an
espionage unit such as the FBI) is sent in to capture Sydney and
deliver him to the government. Dead or Alive.

However, Sydney escapes but not before Ashley hears about his
plans to go to Léa Monde. Along with Callo Merlose-A member of
the special investigations unit. She is renowned for her PhD’s
in both Criminal Psychology and Religious Psychology. The two head
for Léa Monde.

This is my first guide that I have written but I put my up most in
to it and I hope that you have fun playing the game and reading
the guide.

Version History:
1.2= 1/29/02
I got around to running the guide through a spellcheck.
1.1= 8/24/01
I updated the look of the guide. I also added a list of
weapon, sheild and armor combinations.
1.0= 7/14/01
Original version. Everything is new and accurate (I hope).

**2) Copyright**

This document is copyright 2001 James Murphy, this document may
not be used in any way, shape or form without my written consent.
As of this date, this document can be publicly viewed at:

I have worked long and hard to compile this guide and I am proud
of my work. If anyone is caught using this FAQ for anything OTHER
than what it was designed for, it is PLAGARISM. If I receive an
email telling me that this document is being misused on the web,
I will contact the webmaster and demand it be removed. If this is
not done within 14 days, I will be forced to take legal action,
and I don't want to go that far. Make my life and your life
easier, and don't plagiarize.

Vagrant Story is a trademark of Square Co. any trademark
infringements are unintentional

**3) Walkthrough **

This is the part you've been waiting for and here it is.

3.1) Wine Cellar:
After the intro you start off in the wine cellar by heading
forward. Get the items on the chest and save. In the next room
put one box on top of the other and head on to the next room.
Kill the men and save. Keep going through the next two rooms.
First go left, kill the enemies and pick up the chest (from now
on use this crossbow as your beast weapon). Go back and head
forward through the next two rooms. In the second destroy one
box, pick the other one up and place it near the bottom right
corner beside the leaver. Jump up and pull the leaver and go out.
Complete the next room and save, get the box and equip your

280 HP
3 MP
88 STR
86 INT
107 AGI

Fire + Edged

Remember to stay close and attack his head. Make sure to heal
when below 100 Hp and don't be scared he is the first boss so he
isn't too hard.

Win :
Charmole Sigil
Grimoire Guirer
Grimoire Debile

After the battle use the Grimoires to learn two spells (use the
Debile on an enemy and the Guirer on yourself) get the treasure
chest. Go back to the previous room. In this room set your new
abilities. You will also notice a dummy. If you attack this it
will give you both "Human class" and "Physical affinity" points
for your weapon, REMEMBER DO NOT USE CHAIN ATTACKS. You won't get
as many points. When you are done training go back to where the
two men were chatting about the sealed door. Now that you have
the Sigil you can open it. Inside you will face off against an
undead monster. Quickly kill him and he will drop a Rapier sword.
This will be your weapon of choice against the undead for a
while. Next kill the three undead. Continue until you meet.

182 HP
28 MP
108 STR
106 INT
100 AGI

Light + Physical + Piercing

Cast Degenerate on him and then attack his abdomen, arms and
chest. Try to use combos and when he attacks use Impact Guard.
Stay close so he can’t use magic attacks. Heal when low.

Elixir of Queens
Elixir of Mages
Grimoire Lux

When he is dead use the Elixirs (use these when ever you get
them) and collect the treasure chest items. Continue forward and
on area number two.

3.2) Catacombs:

Start off by saving your game. If you come back here later in the
game there will be an Undead dummy. Quickly run through the next
two rooms, avoiding damage. Continue through the next room and
then go left where there will be a called Ghost. There is a
thirty second time limit on this fight. There are two tactics for
this fight either attack from a distance with the crossbow
(recommended) or go in close with the weapon you will use for
phantoms, make sure you use the Grimoire you got from Dullahan to
learn a spell. After you win get the items from the chest and go
back through the last room and the once locked door. Here solve
the puzzle and continue to the left door where there are some
enemies and yes you guessed it a...... treasure chest with a nice
knife for use against undead or evil. I'll leave the choice up to
you. Go back and walk through the opposite door. Here is a hard
puzzle, you must form an 'L' shape out of the three cubes. Climb
on the lower box, pick up the upper box and place it on the
ledge. Now go to the other side of the ledge and roll the cube so
it is in line with the door. Get back on the ledge and roll the
other white cube on to this, after that place the third cube on
that. Then climb on this tower and jump to the other ledge and
continue onwards. Here head for the room on the left. Where
you'll find a WORKSHOP!!! Here you can combine: Bronze, Wood and
Leather. It may seem a little daunting at first but lust save
beforehand and you can start to combine and see what you get. If
you don't like the result you can reload and start again. When
you're finished go through the opposite door and continue on
straight through three rooms where you'll face a new type of
enemy- two lizzardmen. Take out your polearm weapon as this is
best against dragons. Be careful and attack the arms, they have a
long range. Attack them one at a time and head back to the room
after the one with the save and turn for the door you ignored
earlier. Once you complete this room go back to the workshop to
combine your new weapon(s). When done go through the double doors
in the previous room. That's the end of Catacombs now for:

3.3) Sanctum:

Destroy one of the push cubes so it is possible to make a line of
three, place the other two cubes on the three and make a three
block high L. Continue through this and the next room threes climb
up the ledge at on end of the room and go through where you'll
find a chest. Exit and head in the direction that it shows no map
in the corner of the room. Go through the door in there and heal,
if you are poisoned use Grimoire Lux. Equip your best blunt /
evil / air equipment because here comes

238 HP
15 MP
128 STR
117 INT
90 AGI

Air + Blunt

Start by casting Degenerate. Run behind him and attack from
there. He is very big and very slow but he makes up for the speed
with his awesome attack power. Degenerate will fix that. There are
two places to attack, the body which does a lot of damage but has
a high miss rate or the legs which do average damage but have a
very low miss rate.

Cure Bulb (x 2)
Elixir of Dragoons
Grimoire Ameliorer

When Golem is dead called Corridor of the Clerics on the map (it
starts to get complicated from here so I'll refer to the rooms by
name which can be seen in the map menu) and continue straight
straight then right in Advent Ground. Use the cloudstone to get
to the other side and back in to Advent Ground. Save and equip
your best Blunt weapon and Dragon armor, remember to equip the
dragonite gem to your weapon and heal fully.

481 HP
0 MP
116 STR
134 INT
96 AGI

Piercing (Tail = Edged)

Start by casting Prostansia on yourself. Run under his neck,
close to his chest as he isn't able to use breath attacks on you
here. Attack his head and stay close. When he uses Tail Attack
counter it with Reflect Damage defense ability, if you have it.

Cure Bulb (x 3)
Elixir of Sages
Grimoire Analyze

Keep going forward until you get outside you are now in

3.4) Town Center West:
Start by going through the door to the left. There is a workshop
to the right here where you can combine Iron and Bronze. When
ready equip your best Human weapon and equipment, continue
through the lower exit. When that's done turn around and go back
to Rue Vermillion. Here go through the other door where you will

Duane + two knights-Human
265 HP
124 MP
107 STR
101 INT
108 AGI

Physical + Edged

First drop the two knights and cast Prostansia. To attack Duane go
for the head as he is a magic user and try to keep close. Use
some of your spells if you wish.

Knight 1: Knight 2: Duane:
Rapier Guisarme Magnolia Frau
Mana Root Cure Root (x 3) Wizard Robe
Crimson Key
Grimoire Demolir
Grimoire Clef

When he is dead go back to Rue Vermillion and through the
previously locked door to.

3.5) City Walls West (part2):

The shortest level in the game only three screens long. Just go
straight and descend in to.

3.6) Abandoned Mines B1:

Continue straight in to The Crossing and save. Go right in to a
room called Miners' Resting Hall where there is a chest. Use the
Grimoire Clef to open it. Turn back to The Crossing and through
to the room in the centre The Suicide King and on to The
Battle's Beginning

338 HP
0 MP
135 STR
147 INT
98 AGI

Physical + Blunt (Tail = Edged)

Use your best Blunt Dragon weapon with the Dragonite gem. Cast
Degenerate on it and Prostansia on yourself. Stay under the neck
In addition, attack the Tail or Legs.

Hyacinth Sigil
Cure Tonic
Grimoire Ignifuse

Continue forward until you reach The Earthquake's Mark. Here
first go to the furthest upper room for the chest. Then use
either of the other doors. The lower door, The Passion of Lovers
is timed. When you reach The Dark Tunnel save and remember that if
you come back here later in the game there will be a Beast
training dummy. Go straight on to Rust In Peace where there is
another treasure chest. Then on to The Smeltery which is on the
left. Equip your best Phantom equipment.

Fire Elemental-Phantom
317 HP
142 MP
128 STR
110 INT
108 AGI

Blunt + Water

Start by casting either Frost Fusion or Pyro Guard on
yourself and equip Salamander Ring accessory. Stay close to it,
as it is an avid magic user. Have the Reflect Magic Defense
Ability equipped and use it every time Fire Elemental casts a

Grimoire Flamie
Elixir of Queens
Mana Tonic

Keep going until Ashley reaches Traitor's Parting

540 HP
0 MP
136 STR
137 INT
103 AGI

Fire + Piercing

Get ready for the hardest fight yet. It is extremely hard to
damage Ogre, but just continue to attack. Combos miss quite a lot
nevertheless, it is a good way to build up damage. Cast Degenerate on Ogre,
and Prostansia on Ashley. A good tactic is to counter all of his
attacks with Reflect Damage. Occasionally try attacking his

Cure Bulb (x 3)
Elixir of Kings
Grimoire Rempart

Continue forward and you will soon be back in.

3.7) Town Center West:

Save and go left to Glacialdra Kirk Ruins here there is a path
hidden behind a mound, use the small map in the corner to help
find it and go through. After the Cut-Scene go back and climb up
the ledge. Go through here and the next room to get to

3.8) Undercity West:
Continue to Way of the Mother Lode, here go to Underdark Fishtank
to fight the next boss.

Giant Crab-Beast
417 HP
0 MP
133 STR
134 INT
105 AGI

Air + Fire + Blunt (Mouth = Piercing)

This boss is straightforward, attack the Mouth. Cast stat
altering spells if you need. Air and Fire spells also work well.
This guy is nothing compared to Ogre but once again, it is hard to
hit with chain attacks.

Cure Bulb (x3)
Elixir of Queens
Grimoire Sylphe

Continue forward and save, then go right to Remembering the Days of
Yore and up until you get to

3.9) Snowfly Forest:

I HATE THIS PLACE! This has to be one of the most confusing areas
in any game. The confusing bit is that going up one screen might
not lead to the next screen. When you are ready save and go in.
Flip the screen so it is like this. Follow the arrows:
^ = Up, < = Left, > = Right, V = Down


| |
| |
| |
| 12 |
____ ____ _________
___ |__8 / | ^ | | ^ |
_| |_ / / | 11 | | 7 * |
|_ 13 _| /V/ \ \ | |
|_V_| |___| |_________|
___ ___ ___ __
_ __ _| |_ _| ^ |_ _| |_ _/^/_
_| |_ _|14|_ |_ 9 >_| |_ 10 _| |_ 5 > _| |__6__|
|_15 _||_<____| |___| |___| |___|
|V| ___
__ _| ^ |_
| | |_ 4 _|
|16| |___|
|V_| ___
_| ^ |_
_______ |_ 3 _|
| | |___|
| 17** | ___
| | | |
| | | ^ |
|___V___| |_2_|
_____ | ^ |
| | |__1_|

*This is the first boss
**This is the second boss
***This is the exit to the Snowfly forest

Earth Dragon-Dragon
513 HP
0 MP
143 STR
137 INT
110 AGI

Air + Piercing(Tail, Legs = Edged)

Run under its neck and cast Luft Fusion on Ashley. Attack its
head and legs for best affect. Watch out for Tail Attack and
counter with Reflect Damage. Equip your best dragon gems as well.
Try to get some good chains going

Bronze Key
Grimoire Parebrise
Vera Potion

Dark Crusader-Evil + Grissom-Human
376 HP 280 HP
82 MP 200 MP
122 STR 115 STR
133 INT 110 INT
108 AGI 108 AGI

Weaknesses: Weakness:
Air + Piercing Earth + Edged

A very unique fight as you will have a partner to help in the
fight. I suggest taking out Dark Crusader first. Cast Degenerate
on him and let your partner cast Prostansia on you. Attack his
Chest and Arms, with an Evil weapon. Now for Grissom. He is a magic
user and will try to run away but stay close and the fight should
be fairly easy because it is two-on-one.

Win: Win:
Angel Wing Shillelagh
Grimoire Deteriorer Swan Song
Elixir of Queens Grimoire Annuler
Grimoire Gnome

When you win get the treasure chest in the corner and follow your
fight partner. Save and go through the door. You are now out of
Snowfly Forest and in

3.10) City Walls South:

This area is crawling with Lizzardmen so equip your Dragon weapon
and continue straight forward.

3.11) The Keep:

Here you will see a lot of locked doors I will explain how to
open these in the "Secrets and Extras" section. Stay going
forward until you get to The Warrior's Rest. Here there is a
workshop, which allows you to combine Hagane, Iron and Bronze.
When you are ready, go through the door in The Warrior's Rest. Now
you will have to fight Rosencantz. Try to stay close as he will
use Break Arts and Physical attacks. You should use a human
affinity weapon. When you win, continue until you get to Rue
Morgue and descend down to.

3.12) Abandoned Mines B2:
Continue forward until you reach

Air Elemental-Phantom
379 HP
158 MP
138 STR
124 INT
116 AGI

Earth + Blunt

Cast Soil Fusion on Ashley and degenerate on Air Elemental. Use
your Phantom weapon and attack her arms. Stay close because she
uses magic. Use combos to get some good damage and use Vera items
when your Risk is high.

Grimoire Foundre
Mana Bulb

Go through the next room and save as the next section is timed
(If you run out of time, you will be brought back to this room
with everything you have collected) there are many treasures
in here but I suggest that you come back later and get them. Head
left to Desire's Passage, continue forward until you reach
Crossing of Blood and go right to a room called Fool's Gold. From
here jump left and go through to Fool's Loss. Left again to Tomb
of the Reborn where you'll face another elemental

Earth Elemental-Phantom
379 HP
159 MP
139 STR
124 INT
117 AGI

Weaknesses: Air + Blunt

If you did up to here quickly, you should have about 1:30 to kill
this boss. Once again, equip your Phantom weapon and use a similar
strategy. Replace Soil Fusion with Luft Fusion and Thunderburst
is also effective.

Grimoire Gaea

Run through the next room and you are finished. In here save and
prepare for

Sky Dragon-Dragon
677 HP
0 MP
149 STR
143 STR
113 AGI

Earth + Piercing (Tail = Edged)

Cast Soil Fusion and use the same tactics as you did against the
other dragons.

Tearose Sigil
Grimoire Demance
Elixir of Queens

Continue until you get to a save point and save. Unlatch the door
and go through the opposite door. Soon you will be in

3.13) Town Center East:

Here go forward until you get to Rue Fisserano. There is a
workshop here and it is the only place on your first play through
that you can combine Silver and Damascus. When ready goto
Shasras Hill Park and descend to.

3.14) Undercity East :
Continue forward until you reach Bazaar of the Bizarre
where the next boss will attack

121 HP
107 MP
134 STR
137 INT
119 AGI


Use the new Herakles spell that you found in the previous room
to give your Strength a boost and use Prostansia.
Stay close to Lich and watch out for its Radical Surge spell
which can kill Ashley, even at full health. Attack its Arms and
it should soon be dead.

Summoner Baton
Agale's Chain
Euelia Sigil
Mana Tonic
Elixir of Mages

You will also gain the Teleportation skill, which will teleport
you to any magic circle you have visited as long as you are
standing in one. This is a very useful spell especially for going
back and doing Side-quests (explained in the Extras section). You
should now go back and do some of the quests or continue forward.
If you wish to continue then go forward until you reach Weapons
Not Allowed where you will find the Iron Key.
Rooms now unlockable are:
Bandit's Hollow-Abandoned Mines B2
Crossroads of Rest-Undercity West
The Sunless Way-Undercity West
Remembering Days of Yore-Undercity West
Noble Gold and Silk-Undercity East
From Squire to Knight-City Walls North

Go back and get what are in these rooms, they hold many
treasures. When you are done continue through the door in Noble
Gold and Silk. In the next room called A Knight Sells his Sword
one of the doors leads to the next boss the other to City Walls
North. For now go and fight the boss.

259 HP
109 MP
129 STR
137 INT
115 AGI

Light + Blunt

Attack the arms and stay close as in the fight against Dullahan.
Nightstalker casts stat altering spells such as Tarnish so watch
out. Chain Attacks are very hard to hit just like the Ogre fight.
However, this guy is much easier than Ogre is. Degenerate and Herakles
work well but you might have to keep using them.

Melisa Sigil
Grimoire Eclairer
Angelic Pecan

Continue until you reach sale of the Sword and get the treasure
chest with the Stock Sigil. This opens the room in the Wine
Cellar where you fought Minotaur. If you have the Chest Key from
Iron Maiden then go back to fight Minotaur Zombie. The chest in
the room is opened with the Chest Key. When that is done open all
the previously un-openable doors. when you have both the Melissa
Sigil and Aster Sigil go to The Sunless Way-Undercity West and
descend to.

3.15) Limestone Quarry:

In the second room you will be plunged in to battle against

Water Elemental-Phantom
401 HP
168 MP
142 STR
129 INT
118 AGI

Fire + Blunt

Exactly the same as all the other Elementals. Use Spark Fusion
In addition, cast Psychodrain on it. Equip gems which will bring up the
fire element on your weapon.

Grimoire Avalanche
Elixir of Sages
Acolyte's Nostrum

Continue and in the next room save. You can take either path it
leads to the same place. First go to Bonds of friendship through a
room called The Air Stirs to get a treasure chest. Then make your
way to The Dreamer's Climb. Here get to the high up door and
continue until you reach The Auction Block, here save and
continue. First, take the lower door for another chest then go
back and use the upper door. Now you will have to fight possibly
the third hardest boss in the game.

Ogre Lord-Beast
565 HP
113 MP
145 STR
143 INT
117 AGI

Fire + Piercing

Remember Ogre? Well this is his bigger, meaner, smarter, and angrier
brother. Attack with fire spells and the Crossbow Break Art
Brimstone Hail. Cast the usual Stat altering spells and also try
Spark Fusion. Ogre Lord uses Regenerate so keep using magic.
Reflect Damage works well.

Agales Chain
Elixir of Queens
Mana Tonic (x3)
Cure Potion

Continue on to Way Down and save. First, go to Excavated Hollow
for a chest and then continue down the other path until you get
to Hall of the Wage Paying where there will be another boss

Snow Dragon-Dragon
722 HP
0 MP
152 STR
146 INT
118 AGI

Fire + Edged(Tail = Piercing)

Once again, cast Spark Fusion on yourself. As with all big dragons
stay close to his underbelly so he cannot use his breath attack.
Attack with fire spells and weapons against the head.

Grimoire Barrer
Elixir of Queens

Continue forward until you reach Tunnel of the Darkness. Here
there will be a very hard puzzle. The quickest thing to do is use
a Fairy Wing and jump to the exit.

3.16) Temple of Kiltia:

Go to the side of the Ravine where you'll find you can make your
way across. When on the other side save your game and continue
through the doors. Kill the enemy and go to Those who Drink the
Dark where there will be another very hard puzzle. Firstly, push
the block on the highest level to the platform where there are no
blocks. Now destroy the block in the corner just below the
previous block. Push the remaining cube in to the gap in front of
it. Beside this, there are two blocks on top of the other. Push
the top block on to the one in the gap and from here on to the
level where they are in another block. Make sure that there is at
least one space between the edge of the platform and the block.
Now destroy the block in the gap and push the block beside it out
one space. Push one of the blocks on the upper level on to it and
off in the same direction. Now push the block out on more space.
Push the other block on the lower level until it is on space in
front of the first block you moved in this room. Push the second
block on the upper level on to the one on the lower level and off
in the same direction. In the next room kill the Minotaur Lord
and get the chest, which contains the Silver Key.
Rooms now unlockable are:
Everwant Passage-Abandoned Mines B1
The Auction Block-Limestone Quarry
Those who Drink the Dark-Temple of Kiltia
Shelter from the Quake-Escapeway
Sewer of the Ravenous Rats-Undercity west
Beggars of the Mouthharp-Undercity West
The Washing Woman's Way-Undercity West

When you are ready to continue go to The Resentful Ones and
continue forward until you get to Chamber of Reason

501 HP
500 MP
138 STR
139 INT
129 AGI

R.Arm = Earth + Edged + Piercing
R.Arm 2 = Water + Blunt + Piercing
L.Arm = Air + Blunt + Edged
L.Arm 2 = Fire + Edged + Piercing
Head = Light
Legs = Water + Dark

Pick the limb which best suits your Human weapon and attack it.
Spells also work well. Watch out for Kali's magic as well as her
Heaven's Tear attack, which reduces both Hp and MP


After the battle, continue forward. Soon you will be paying a quick
stop in Town Center East. Go across the river where you'll find a
treasure chest and an Evil dummy in the next room. The chest is
locked with the Chest Key. Through the next door is another chest.
When you get these it would be a good idea to go back and do the
extras if you did not when you got the Teleportation skill. Once
ready go back to Plateia Lumitar and through the door to the
final level.

3.17) Great Cathedral:

There are actually six levels in here but since you will be going
up and down the floors of the Cathedral so often I will count them
all as one. Firstly, go down the steps to Struggle for the Soul.
Here there are two doors and a river. Jump across the river and
go through the door here. This room contains the first of many
bosses in the Great Cathedral.

500 HP
180 MP
142 STR
134 INT
124 AGI

Fire + Blunt

She is the Water Queen and so has a huge weakness towards fire
elemental attacks. Very similar to Water Elemental except
tougher. Use fire attacks such as Flame Sphere to stop her. The
body is a good spot to attack.

Elixir of Queens
Grimoire Avalanche

Go out the door you came in and through the door on the other
side of the river to fight the second elemental diva in the Great
Cathedral. If you are low on HP/MP, there is a Heal Panel near
the river.

496 HP
181 MP
145 STR
133 INT
122 AGI

Water + Blunt

Identical to the Marid fight except replace the Fire Spells with
their water counterparts. Similar to the Fire Elemental fight.

Elixir of Queens
Grimoire Flamme

One of the doors here leads to the next boss in a room called
Sanity and Madness.

Iron Crab-Beast
373 HP
0 MP
142 STR
136 INT
105 AGI

Fire + Blunt(Mouth = Piercing)

Possibly the easiest boss in the entire game. The best thing to
do is attack the Body or the Mouth(depending on which type your
Beast weapon is). He has less HP than Giant Crap who you fought
before the Snowfly Forest and the only other stat much higher is
his STR, which is only 10 higher. I do not know why this even counts
as a boss battle.

Elixir of Kings

Go back to Truth and Lies and use the other door to get to The
Victor's Laurels where the cloudstone was activated by the defeat
of Marid. Use it to go up and then through the door. Continue
until you get to The Flayed Confessional where the third
elemental diva will be waiting.

500 HP
181 MP
144 STR
136 UNT
121 AGI

Earth + Blunt

The same tactic as with the other divas again. This time use
earth spells and jewels. Like the Air Elemental fight with an
extra notch of difficulty.

Elixir of Queens
Grimoire Foundre

I am sure you noticed the treasure chest during the battle, well
now you will be able to get it. Destroy the block in the corner and
push the other one until it is in front of the chest. Go back to
Cracked Pleasures and go up on the cloudstone. In Free from
Base Desires use the door and in Abasement from Above go through
the door in the center platform. In the next room The Hall of
Broken Vows kill the Flame Dragon in the usual dragon way and
continue as far as you can in the rooms on either side and go back
to The Hall of Broken Vows and use the other door. In here you
have to pull the lever. Don't try to jump across to it because it
Will not work, instead go around the long way beside the wall. When
that is done go through the door and get the chest then drop down
the hole in the floor and get the chest down here also. Go back
up and back to Free from Base Desire’s and use the cloudstone to
go up. Continue until you get to The Heretics' Story. This in
very hard, you have to jump across the cloudstones to get to the
other side. Using the spell Fixate is extremely effective. When
you make it across there will be another boss in the next room.

500 HP
179 MP
146 STR
134 INT
122 AGI

Air + Blunt

What an entrance! The same tactics should be used again here.
Air spells should be put in place though. Once again similar to
the Earth Elemental fight without the timer.

Palm Sigil
Elixir of Queens
Grimoire Gaea

When you win make your way back to Order and Chaos where you
fought Marid. Go through the other door in here which you ignored
last time. Go forward until you get to A Light in the Dark. Kill
the Arch Dragon as in the same way as the others and now that you
have the Acacia Sigil go back to The Hall of Broken Vows and
through the previously locked door. Solve the puzzle by pushing
the lower frictionless block on to the platform below it then
across so it is below the other frictionless block. Now push the
brown block down so it is in line with the other blocks. Push the
second frictionless block until it is against the back wall, now
jump up and go through the door. The next, final and hardest
elemental diva will be in this room.

501 HP
180 MP
143 STR
135 INT
123 AGI

Light + Blunt

The name would suggest a hard battle and while she is harder than
the other divas she isn't that hard. If you have any Light magic
such as Radical Surge, they are extremely effective.

Grimoire Meteore
Elixir of Dragoons

Keep going forward until you get to The Atrium. Once here YOU
MUST SAVE because once you go up those steps you won't get the
opportunity again. If you still haven't gotten the extras in the
game this is your last chance. Walk up the stairs and soon you will
be fighting the boss of the game. It could be considered a
spoiler to reveal his name so don’t read on if you don't want to
know. Make sure you bring your eight best weapons in to the fight
and make sure at least one of them is a Crossbow. If you have the
Phantom Pain skill wake sure your weapons have full PP. If you
Do not have it I strongly suggest you go get it.

540 HP
90 MP
118 STR
135 INT
110 AGI

R.Arm, L.Arm, Head= Physical, Air, Fire, Earth, Water
Body, Legs= Physical, Air, Fire, Earth, Water
R.Arm, L.Arm= Piercing
Legs= Blunt

Guildenstern is not very hard it should take between 5-10 hits to
kill him. He is hard to hit however as he is constantly running
away. Equip your best Crossbow and put the best gems you have on
it. With the long range of the Crossbow, you should be able to hit
him but he cannot hit you. When you win, sit back, relax and enjoy.

But wait you did not think it was over yet did you? It is not that
easy to beat the game.

Dark Angel Guildenstern-Evil
666 HP
666 MP
170 STR
155 INT
132 AGI

R.Arm, L.Arm, Head= Physical, Air, Fire, Earth, Water

Without a doubt, the hardest normal boss in the game. He has the
most spells and attacks of any boss in the game and he is not
afraid to use them. Start by using Magic Ward and use this
after every spell he uses. If you did go to the bother of getting
Phantom Pain and filling your weapon's PP then this fight will not
be as hard. If not however then you are in trouble. If you go to
attack you'll see that it says 0 HP damage this means that the
damage will usually be between 1-4HP. The only solution is to do
Chain attacks. This is where Phantom Pain comes in. Make it one
of your Chain attacks and do it once with each weapon. It will
use the PP of your weapon and attack for that amount. Once you do
it with each weapon he should be nearly dead. Now attack him and
Chain as many times as you can. Don't worry about your Risk or
hit % yet. When low on MP either use items or run around the
center with your weapon not equipped. If the camera angle changes
and he flies over head you will have a few seconds to go in to
your items menu and reduce your Risk to zero before he does his
special attack- Bloody Sin, also if you have a Two-handed weapon
equipped then while in your items equip your best shield. Another
thing to do, is counter it with Reflect Damage as this will hurt
him a lot. When you win it is really time to sit back, relax and

Make sure you save at the end so the you can get all the Extras
in the replay mode. Just load the file at the main menu and you
will start at the beginning with all your old Weapons / Armour /
Shields / Stats and Titles.

**4) Extras**

These are the parts of the game where you will get the best
equipment and hopefully have the most fun.

4.1) First Game:

These are all the Extra levels available on the first game. Not
as good as the extras on the second game but still good.

4.1.1) Iron Maiden B1:

In the first room of The Iron Maiden go through the door and go down the
stairs in to The Cauldron. You will not be able to get past here
until you beat Sky Dragon and get the Tearose Sigil. There are a
lot of treasures and many hard enemies to fight down here.
Continue forward until a room called The Breast Ripper. To the
left there is a room with a chest. The chest in the room to the
right is locked with the Chest Key which is available here in the
Iron Maiden B1. In the next room there is a chest sealed by
magic. Get the chest and go right. Continue forward until Spanish
Tickler. here you will fight Wyvern Knight. When you win you'll
become the proud owner of the Chest Key. Keep going forward until
you reach Burial where you'll have to fight a boss.

Iron Golem-Evil
418 HP
0 MP
148 STR
142 INT
102 AGI

Air + Piercing

Run behind him and attack from there. He is very big and very
slow but he makes up for the speed with his awesome attack power.
Degenerate will fix that. There are two places to attack, the
body which does a lot of damage but has a high miss rate or the
legs, which do average, damage but have a very low miss rate.

Columbine Sigil
Elixir of Dragoons

Continue until Cleansing the Soul. Going straight will bring you
to another chest. Go right and on to Hanging, this is as far as
you can go on the first game. Return here in subsequent games
with the Steel Key to continue. Now make your way back to
Bootikens where you will have to solve another puzzle. Stand where
there is one Magnet block between two others. Pick up the blue
block and place it on the stack with the blue block on top. Now
get the other blue block an place it on the one you were standing
on a moment ago. Climb up on it and pick up the first cube. Put
this beside the Frictionless block. Now get the second Magnet
block and place it on the first. Jump to the level above and pick
up the block. Bring it to the ledge and jump up. When you get out
of Iron Maiden B1 save.

4.1.2) Undercity West (part2):

Now that you have the Mandrake Sigil go to Aliano in Town Center
South. Through here will be another chest. Continue until Rue
Volnac, here you can go through to an extra area. Continue
forward to The Cornered Savage, from here you can get to
Undercity West.

Dark Elemental-Phantom
382 HP
159 MP
136 STR
124 INT
115 AGI

Light + Blunt

The final of the five Elementals. Use a similar strategy as
against the other Elementals. If you have any Light magic such
as Radical Surge, they are extremely effective.

Cattleya Sigil
Grimoire Meteore

The Cattleya Sigil opens up another Workshop in Town Center East.
In this Workshop you can combine Wood, Leather, Bronze, Iron and
Hagane. Go in to the next room called Sinner's Corner and save.
Going left there is a door to Abandoned Mines B2. Straight ahead
there is a door locked with the Silver key which links up with
the rest of Undercity West.

4.2) Subsequent Games:

Now these are the best extras in the game. These are the places
where the best equipment and hardest enemies are. Some of the
best weapons are to be found, including the Holy Win-The best
weapon available and the Romphia-the best one-handed weapon.

4.2.1) Platinum Key:

First, complete all the extras from the first game then go to City
Walls East and a room called Train and Grow Strong. Here go
through the Rood inverse door to get to Snowfly Forest East. Here
there is no map but that does not matter as the place is only
three screens long. Continue forward for two screens and you'll
have to fight Damascus Crab. Use the same tactics as against the
other two crabs. When you win you'll get the Platinum Key.

4.2.2) Gold Key:

Now go to Glacialdra Kirk Ruins in Town Center West. Make sure you
have the Silver and Iron Keys. Go down the steps in to Undercity
West. Now go to Crossroads at Rest and through the door locked
with the Iron Key. Continue downward and go forward to Where Body
and Soul Part to get a treasure chest. Now go back to Shelter
From the Quake and through the Crumbling Market. Here make your
over to the side where the chest is. be careful because the area
is covered in traps. Now you have the Gold Key which opens the
following doors:
The Timely Dew of Sleep-Limestone Quarry
Shelter From the Quake-Escapeway
Tears from Empty Sockets-Undercity West
Corner of Prayers-Undercity West
The Solder’s Bedding-The Keep

4.2.3) Godhands Workshop:

When you have, the Gold Key go to either of the rooms in Undercity
West and continue until you are in Bite the Master's Wounds. From
here you can get to the workshop that allows you to combine

4.2.4) Steel Key:

Go to The Solder’s Bedding in The Keep and go through the Gold
door to Stair to the Sinners. Through here will be Damascus
Golem. Dispatch of him and go through the door. In the next room
go left to get a treasure chest, which contains the Iron Key.
There is also a treasure chest in the room to the right. The Iron
Key opens:
Hanging-Iron Maiden B1

4.2.5) Iron Maiden B1 (part 2):

Now that you have the Steel Key go to Hanging and through the
door. after two rooms you will have to Kill Wyvern Queen and go
to the next level.

4.2.6) Iron Maiden B2:

In here it is a lot like Snowfly Forest because forward does not
always lead to the next room. In addition, there is no map. The enemies
in this area are very hard. There are a lot of rooms which
contain unique enemies such as Ravana. Keep going forward and
killing the enemies until you get to Death and Ogre Zombie in the
same room. First kill Death so it can't cast any of its very
strong magic. Now kill Ogre Zombie. His right Arm is a good
target. In the next room there are treasure chests left and
right. When you've got these chests go in to the next room and
then go right then forward until you get to a room with an Ogre
and an Ogre Lord. Kill the pain then fully heal and prepare for
the hardest boss in the game.

4.2.7) Iron Maiden B3:


R.Arm = Earth + Edged + Piercing
R.Arm 2 = Water + Blunt + Piercing
L.Arm = Air + Blunt + Edged
L.Arm 2 = Fire + Edged + Piercing
Head = Light
Legs = Water + Dark

This is the hardest boss in Vagrant Story. She has great physical
and magical skills. At the start of the battle she casts
Regenerate on herself and could cast Curse on Ashley. Once again
use the 8-Weapon Phantom Pain tactic that you used against
Guildenstern. Pick the limb, which is most venerable to your Human
weapon and attack it. You will eventually win.

Tigertail Sigil
Cure Potion

Now in the next room there are rooms with treasure chests both
left and right, get them both and go straight out of the door.
You'll soon be back in The Keep at the entrance to Iron Maiden.
I highly recommend that you go and save.

**5) Magic**

This is a list of the magic in the game and the Grimoires needed
to learn them


Name |Spell |Affinity

WARLOCK (Attack):
Grimoire Banish |Banish(RARE) |
Grimoire Terre |Vulcan Lance(RARE) |Earth
Grimoire Teslae |Lightening Bolt(RARE)|Wind
Grimoire Glace |Aqua Blast(RARE) |Water
Grimoire Incendie |Fireball(RARE) |Fire
Grimoire Patire |Dark Chant(RARE) |Dark
Grimoire Lux |Spirit Surge |Light
Grimoire Zephyr |Solid Shock(RARE) |Physical
Grimoire Radius |Radial Surge(RARE) |Light
Grimoire Avalanche |Avalanche(RARE) |Water
Grimoire Foudre |Thunderburst(RARE) |Air
Grimoire Flamme |Flame Sphere(RARE) |Fire
Grimoire Gaea |Gaea Strike(RARE) |Earth
Grimoire Meteor |Meteor(RARE) |Dark
Grimoire Exorcer |Exorcism |
Grimoire Demolier |Explosion |Physical
Grimoire Egout |Drain Heart |
Grimoire Demance |Drain Mind |

SHAMAN (Recover):
Grimoire Guerir |Heal |Light
Grimoire Antidote |Antidote |
Grimoire Benir |Blessing |
Grimoire Purifier |Clearance |
Grimoire Vie |Surging Balm |Light

Grimoire Intensite |Herakles |
Grimoire Debile |Degenerate |
Grimoire Eclairer |Enlighten |
Grimoire Nuggeaux |Psychodrain |
Grimoire Agilite |Invigorate |
Grimoire Tardif |Leadbones |
Grimoire Ameliorer |Prostansia |
Grimoire Deteriorer |Tarnish |
Grimoire Muet |Silence |
Grimoire Annuler |Magic Ward |
Grimoire Paralysie |Stun Cloud |
Grimoire Venin |Poison Mist |
Grimoire Fleau |Curse |
Grimoire Halte |Fixate |
Grimoire Dissiper |Dispel |
Grimoire Clef |Unlock |
Grimoire Visible |Eureka |
Grimoire Analyse |Analysis |
Grimoire Mollesse |Restoration |

ENCHANTER (Affinity):
Grimoire Sylphe |Luft Fusion |Air
Grimoire Salamandre |Spark Fusion |Fire
Grimoire Gnome |Soil Fusion |Earth
Grimoire Udine |Frost Fusion |Water
Grimoire Parebrise |Aero Guard |Air
Grimoire Ignifuse |Pyro Guard |Fire
Grimoire Rempart |Terra Guard |Earth
Grimoire Barrer |Aqua Guard |Water

Rare Grimoire Locations:
Name |Enemy |Location |Drop%
Grimoire Banish |Harpy |Arms Against Invaders(UW) |13
Grimoire Terre |Ghost |The Witherd Spring(C) |8
------------------|Zombie Mage|The Washing-Woman's Way(UW) |8
------------------|Dark Eye |The Children's Hideout(UW) |8
Grimoire Teslae |Ghost |Rodent-Ridden Chamber(C) |8
------------------|Zombie Mage|Underdark Fishmarket(UW) |8
------------------|Dark Eye |Fear of the Fall(UW) |8
Grimoire Glace |Ghost |Thelogy Classroom(S) |8
------------------|Zombie Mage|Rembering Days of Yore(UW) |8
------------------|Dark Eye |Corner of Prayers(UW) |8
Grimoire Incendie |Ghost |Bandits' Hideout(C) |8
------------------|Zombie Mage|Sewer of Ravenous Rats(UW) |8
------------------|Dark Eye |Nameless Dark Oblivion(UW) |8
Grimoire Patir |Dark Eye |Sinners' Corner(UW) |8
------------------|Wraith |The Cauldron(IMB1) |8
Grimoire Zephyr |Ghost |The Lamenting Mother(C) |8
------------------|Dark Eye |Corner of Prayers(UW) |8
------------------|Wraith |Starvation(IMB1) |8
Grimoire Radius |Lich Lord |Maelstrom of Malice(GC) |100
------------------|Lich |Sale of the Sword(UE) |13
------------------|Lich |Weapons Not Allowed(UE) |13
------------------|Chest |Buried Alive(E) |100
Grimoire Avalanche|Marid |Order and Chaos(GC) |100
------------------|Water Elem.|Dream of the Holy Land(LQ) |100
------------------|Marid |Fear and Loathing(E) |100
------------------|Water Elem.|Hall of Prayer(ToK) |8
------------------|Shadow |The Ducking Stool(IMB1) |8
Grimoire Foudre |Djinn |The Flayed Confessional(GC) |100
------------------|Air Elemen.|The Miner's End(AMB2) |100
------------------|Air Elemen.|Those who Fear the Light(ToK)|8
------------------|Shadow |The Branks(IMB1) |8
Grimoire Flamme |Ifrit |Truth and Lies(GC) |100
------------------|Fire Eleme.|The Smeltry(AMB1) |100
------------------|Ifrit |Fear and Loathing(E) |100
------------------|Shadow |The Judas Cradle(IMB1) |8
------------------|Chest |Excavated Hollow(LQ) |100
Grimoire Gaea |Dao |Hopes of the Idealist(GC) |100
------------------|Earth Elem.|Tomb of the Reborn(AMB2) |100
------------------|Shadow |The Wheel(IMB1) |8
Grimoire Meteor |Nightmare |What Ails You, Kills You(GC) |100
------------------|Dark Eleme.|Fear of the Fall(UW) |100
------------------|Lich |Catspaw Blackmarket(UE) |8
------------------|Chest |Buried Alive(E) |100

(UW)= Undercity West
(AMB2)=Abandoned Mines B2
(UE)=Undercity East
(LQ)=Limestone Quarry
(ToK)=Temple of Kiltia
(GC)=Great Cathedral
(IMB1)=Iron Maiden B1

**6) Battle Abilities**

Battle Abilities are divided in to two groups, the first is for
attacking and the second is for defense. New Abilities are
learned by attacking. Each attack will give one point towards
learning a new ability.

6.1) Chain Abilities:
These are skills that you gain throughout the game which allow
you to chain on to your original attack by pressing the buttons
assigned to that attack. You can have up to three assigned at one
time. Press the button when the ! sign appears.

Name |Risk | Effect
Heavy Shot | 1 | Inflicts an extra 70% damage.
Gain Life | 2 | Gains HP equal to 30% of damage.
Mind Assault | 1 | Reduces foe's MP equal to 30% of damage.
Gain Magic | 2 | Gains MP equal to 30% of damage.
Raging Ache | 1 | Damage equal to 10% of HP lost.
Mind Ache | 1 | Reduces foe's MP equal to 20% of MP used.
Temper | 2 | Damage equal to 40% & restores a small
----------------| | amount of weapon DP.
Crimson Pain | 2 | Inflicts an extra 100% but deals 30% to
----------------| | Ashley.
Instill | 1 | Deals an extra 10% and adds that to PP.
Phantom Pain* | 3 | Inflicts damage equal to weapon's PP.
Paralysis Pulse | 3 | Adds Paralyse to attack.
Numbing Claw | 3 | Adds Numbness to attack.
Dulling Impact | 3 | Adds Silent to attack.
Snake Venom | 3 | Adds Poison to attack.

6.2) Defense Abilities:

These are skills that you gain throughout the game that allow you
to counter enemies attacks. When the ! sign appears when an enemy
attacks press the button you have assigned to the skill you want
to use. You can have up to three assigned at a time.

Name |Risk | Effect
Ward | 1 | Prevents Paralysis & Numbness.
Siphon Soul | 6 | Adds 1/2 of Mp used in foe's attack to
----------------| | Ashley's MP.
Reflect Magic | 2 | Reflects 40% of magic damage at foe.
Reflect Damage | 2 | Reflects 40% of non-magic damage at foe.
Absorb Magic | 4 | Reduces damage from magic by 20%.
Absorb Damage | 4 | Reduces damage by 20%.
Impact Guard | 4 | Halves Physical affinity damage.
Windbreak | 4 | Halves Air affinity damage.
Fireproof | 4 | Halves Fire affinity damage.
Terra Ward | 4 | Halves Earth affinity damage.
Aqua Ward | 4 | Halves Water affinity damage.
Shadow Guard | 4 | Halves Light affinity damage.
Demonscale | 4 | Halves Dark affinity damage.
Phantom Shield* | 6 | Reduces damage equal to shield's PP.

*These two skills can only be learned after all the others are.

**7) Break Arts**

Each weapon group has four Break arts. To learn a Break art you
must kill a certain amount of enemies with that weapon. The
break Arts are very powerful but they use HP to attack.
The first Break Art will use:
the second will use:

Weapon |Name |Affinity |Type
Dagger |Whistle Sting |As Weapon |Blunt
|Shadoweave |Dark |Blunt *
|Double Fang |As Weapon |Piercing
|Wyrm Scorn |As Weapon |Piercing
Sword |Rending Gale |As Weapon |Piercing
|Vile Scar |As Weapon |Edged
|Cherry Ronde |Water |Edged
|Papillion Reel |Light |Edged
Great Sword |Sunder |As Weapon |Piercing
|Thunderweave |Air |Edged *
|Swallow Slash |As Weapon |Edged
|Advent Sign |Light |Edged
Axe & Mace |Mistral Edge |As Weapon |Blunt
|Glacial Gale |Air |Blunt
|Killer Mantis |As Weapon |Edged **
|Black Nebula |Dark |Blunt
Great Axe |Bear Claw |As Weapon |Blunt
|Acursed Umbra |As Weapon |Blunt ***
|Iron Ripper |As Weapon |Blunt
|Emetic Bomb |As Weapon |Edged
Staff |Sirocco |Fire |Blunt
|Riskbreak |As Weapon |Piercing ****
|Gravis Anther |Earth |Blunt
|Trinity Pulse |As Weapon |Blunt
Heavy Mace |Bonecrusher |As Weapon |Blunt
|Quickshock |Air |Blunt *****
|Ignis Wheel |As Weapon & Fire |Blunt
|Hex Flux |Light & Dark |Blunt
Polearm |Runation |As Weapon |Piercing
|Sythe Wind |Air |Piercing
|Giga Tempest |As Weapon |Piercing
|Spiral Scourge |Water |Piercing
Crossbow |Brimstone Hail |Fire & Dark |Piercing
|Heaven's Scorn |Air & Light |Piercing
|Death Mail |Earth & Light |Piercing
|Sanctus Flare |Water & Light |Piercing
Bare Hands |Lotus Palm |Physical |Blunt
|Vertigo |Physical |Blunt
|Vermillion Aura |Light |Blunt *****
|Retribution |Dark |Blunt

* Causes Paralysis
** Also Reduces foe's MP
*** Causes Curse
**** Also Reduces Risk
***** Causes Numbness

**8) Enemy Encylopedia**

This is a full and completed list of the enemies in the game as
they appear in the game's Encyclopedia

No.1: Zombie-Undead
Once the inhabitants of Leá Monde, zombies emerge from the dark
to attack the living.

No.2: Mummy-Undead
Ancient Kildean corpses infuses with the power of the dark.

No.3: Ghoul-Undead
Ghouls lurk in the Catacombs, longing for human flesh. Attacking
their heads proves effective.

No.4: Ghast-Undead
The living dead, given power by demons of the Underworld.

No.5: Zombie Fighter-Undead
Corpses of Leá Monde's soldiers, brought back to life through the
Dark's taint.

No.6: Zombie Knight-Undead
Zombies of the Knights of the Cross, still in possession of
potent martial skills.

No.7: Zombie Mage-Undead
Zombies of Leá Monde's mages, who employ powerful offensive

No.8: Skeleton-Undead
Skeletal remains of zombie corpses. They lurk in darkness to
attack the living.

No.9: Dark Skeleton-Undead
Skeletons the dark has bestowed with more power and better

No.10: Skeleton Knight-Undead
The bleached skeletons of former Kingsguard knights. Still posses
skill with blades.

No.11: Ghost-Phantom
Souls of the deceased that attack any living thing in sight.

No.12: Wraith-Phantom
Ghosts of the Underworld capable of casting potent magic.

No.13: Goblin-Human
Stocky demihumans that form bands to attack their prey.

No.14: Goblin Leader-Human
Goblins endowed with the ability to use magic. They make their
abode in the Undercity.

No.15: Orc-Human
Porcine demihumans that are able to use magic spells and any
weapon they can find.

No.16: Orc Leader-Human
Commanders of the orcs. Like their kin they attack in packs with
weapons and magic.

No.17: Lizzardmen-Dragon
A species of demihumans known for their agility and strength.

No.18: Blood Lizard-Dragon
A subspecies of Lizzardmen with superior protection against fire
and heat.

No.19: Lich-Evil
Evil mages who have gained powerful magic and eternal life
through demonic pacts.

No.20: Lich Lord-Evil
Liches with even greater magical knowledge who are said to
practice ancient Kildean sorcery.

No.21: Death-Evil
The reaper of the Underworld, tasked with claiming the souls of
the powerful.

No.22: Gargoyle-Evil
Sculptures of mythical creatures that have come to life.

No.23: Imp-Evil
Messengers of the Underworld that swoop down to attack with
weapons and magic.

No.24: Gremlin-Evil
Pernicious demons that use varied weaponry and cast magic.

No.25: Mimic-Beast
Large insects that mimic chests of treasure to lure unwary
treasure hunters.

No.26: Shadow-Evil
Shadows bereft of bodies, commanded by the Dark.

No.27: Silver Wolf-Beast
Wolves, twisted in to ferocious man-hunters by the Dark's

No.28: Hellhound-Beast
These hounds once guarded the gates of the Underworld.

No.29: Bat-Beast
Large, agile bats that swoop down to strike from the air.

No.30: Stirge-Beast
Giant vampire bats rumored to drain a victim's life in a single

No.31: Slime-Beast
These normally slothful and large amoeba-like creatures can leap
to assault their prey.

No.32: Poison Slime-Beast
Slime with the ability to spew poisonous spores.

No.33:Dark Eye-Phantom
Often called "the Devil's Eye", these monsters are well versed in

No.34: Basilisk-Beast
Powerful jaws give these small, agile reptiles a savage attack.

No.35: Ichtious-Beast
Fish-like forest spirits with armored heads. Their magic gives
them an extra edge in battle.

No.36: Harpy-Beast
Birds of the Underworld feared for their unmerciful spell of

No.37: Quicksilver-Beast
Dolls possessed by the souls of children who lost their lives to
war or illness.

No.38: Shrieker-Beast
Dolls possessed by evil spirits. Their shrieks kill all within

No.39: Minotaur-Beast
Half-beast, half-human monster well known for its expert use of a
viciously heavy mace.

No.40: Minotaur Lord-Beast
Minotaurs with tattoos of magic protection enscribed upon their

No.41: Minotaur Zombie-Undead
Minotaur zombies. They feel no pain, and they fight till their

No. 42: Durahan-Evil
Knightly armor possessed by the Dark and capable of magical and
physical attacks.

No.43: Dark Crusader-Evil
An armor relic of the holy wars. Its only weakness is the gap
below its chest plate.

No.44: Nightstalker-Evil
Spirits of fallen soldiers, unaffected by chain abilities.

No.45: Last Crusader-Evil
Possessed crimson armor, once the special raiment of the Holy

No.46: Golem-Evil
Creatures moulded from granite, they deliver tremendous physical

No.47: Iron Golem-Evil
Golems crafted from iron. Their strong bodies are impervious to
physical attacks

No.48: Damascus Golem-Evil
Golem made of the rare alloy Damascus. Highly resistant to both
magical and physical attacks.

No.49: Ogre-Beast
Demons that fought humans in mythical times. Extremly agile and

No.50: Ogre Lord-Beast
Highly intelligent ogres with arcane spell knowledge.

No.51: Ogre Zombie-Undead
Dead ogres restored to life by necromancy.

No.52: Giant Crab-Beast
Giant crabs whose acidic breath can melt even the strongest

No.53: Iron Crab-Beast
Crabs with shells of iron. Employ their massive weight as a
lethal weapon.

No.54: Damascus Crab-Beast
Crabs with shells as hard as Damascus. Weapons made from their
shells are rare and valued.

No.55: Air Elemental-Phantom
Lesser air spirits. Use earth affinity spells against them.

No.56: Djinn-Phantom
Air daeva. This violent, angry spirit serves no moral master.

No.57: Fire Elemental-Phantom
Lesser fire spirits. Vicious opponents with firey magic at their

No.58: Ifreet(?)-Phantom
Fire daeva. An arrogant spirit who enjoys burning humans with its

No.59: Earth Elemental-Phantom
Low-level earth spirits. Originally benevolent spirits, magic has
twisted them to evil.

No.60: Dao-Phantom
Earth daeva. An evil spirit who casts baneful spells to state its
yearning for human life.

No.61: Water Elemental-Phantom
Lesser water spirits. Do not approach them without first
preparing a suitable defense.

No.62: Marid-Phantom
Water daeva. Sunk Leá Monde in to the waters 25 years ago with
the aid of Dao, the earth daeva.

No.63: Dark Elemental-Phantom
Lesser spirits of darkness. More powerful than the other
elemental spirits in Leá Monde.

No.64: Nightmare-Phantom
Dark daeva. It is filled with an unsatiable craving to see the
living suffer.

No.65: Wyvern-Dragon
Lesser wyrms with deadly breath attacks.

No.66: Wyvern Knight-Dragon
A ferocious subspecies of dragon. They rarely appear above

No.67: Wyvern Queen-Dragon
Queen of dragons. Her rule is total and her spawn would readily
give their lives for her.

No.68: Dragon-Dragon
These legendary creatures possess a cruel and cunning intellect.

No.69: Sky Dragon-Dragon
Large dragons inhabiting the clouds, they are also known as
Thunder Dragons.

No.70: Flame Dragon-Dragon
Large dragons who draw energy from magma.

No.71: Earth Dragon-Dragon
Also known as Land Dragons, their though hides are nigh
impossible to pierce.

No.72: Snow Dragon-Dragon
Because of their freezi8ng breath, these dragons are often called
the "Wyerms of Ice".

No.73: Arch Dragon-Dragon
The most intelligent of all dragons but at the same time, one of
the most evil.

No.74: Dark Dragon-Dragon
Dragons of the Underworld who feast on human flesh and souls.

No.75: Dragon Zombie-Undead
Powerful zombies who crave souls tainted by the Dark.

No.76: Kali-Human
Statue of the goddess of destruction that the Dark instilled with
unholy life.

No.77: Ravana-Human
A mechanical statue of a deity engineered in the era of

No.78: Ashura-Human
A deity that lay imprisoned in the depths of Leá Monde for

**9) Secrets**

In this section I will state the many secrets that Leá Monde
holds such as secret weapons and training dummies.

There are a total of three blades which CAN NOT be made in
workshops and have to be taken from enemies. Here is how to get

Range: 5
Risk: 3
Str: 30(S), 33(H) ,35(D)
Int: 1(I), 2(H), 3(D)
Agi: -6
Type: Edged
Available in: Silver, Hagane and Damascus.
Looks: A long thin sword, looks like a real-life Katana
Found in: Iron Maiden B2
Description: This is without a doubt the best single handed
weapon in the game. It has great attack power and looks cool too.
This is my favorite weapon.
How to get: Go in to the first room of Iron Maiden B2 with 150 HP
or less. There will be a Dark Crusader in there with a Hagane
Romphia. Kill him and get his weapon. If he doesn't drop it then
go back in to the last room of Iron Maiden B1 and then back in to
B2 and kill him again. Repeat thin until you have as many
Romphaias as you want.
Note: It may take upwards of an hour for him to drop the weapon,
but it is worth it. Also after he drops one he may drop two or
three within the next thirty minutes.
Marks out of 10: 9.5 / 10

Hand Of Light:
Heavy Mace
Range: 7
Risk: 1
Str: 34(I), 36(H)
Int: 1(I), 2(H)
Agi: -8
Type: Blunt
Available in: Iron, Hagane
Looks: Has a very long, thick shaft with a huge sphere at the
top. ( )
Found in: Time trial mode, Wine Cellar, Temple of Kiltia
Description: The best Great Mace, while it doesn't have the Str
of Destroyer, it has superior range and lower Risk. Has
extraordinary range for a non-projectile weapon. Has very low
risk. I use this as my blunt weapon.
How to get: There are three ways to get this weapon.
1-Get the Kalmia Sigil from Iron Maiden B1 and use it on the room
in The Keep. Inside is a Minotaur kill it and you might get an
Iron Hand of Light. If not then try again.
2-Go back to the room in Wine Cellar, where you fought Minotaur,
when you have the Stock Sigil. You will fight Minotaur Zombie.
After you kill him the first time teleport to Hall of Revenge in
Sanctum and then back and kill Minotaur Zombie again. Repeat this
until you get a Hagane Hand of Light.
3-In Temple of Kiltia there is a room where you fight Minotaur
Lord. After you kill him for the first time exit the temple. The
fastest way is through a small door in the room called Those who
Drink the Dark. It leads to Limestone Quarry and is locked with
the Silver key.
Marks out of 10: 8.5/10

Holy Win:
Great Sword
Range: 6
Risk: 5
Type: Edged
Available in: Damascus
Looks: A sword that has an X shape at the top. Some find it very
ugly(including me), while others love it.
Found in: Iron Maiden B2
Description: The best two-handed weapon in Leá Monde. Has the
ability to turn everything except Polearms, Great Axes and Heavy
Maces in to Damascus when they are combined. Has the highest
attack power in Vagrant Story.
How to get: In the last room of Iron Maiden B2. Go there when you
have beaten Ashura. Enter the room with 150 HP or less. There
will be a Last Crusader there. Kill him and get his weapon. If he
doesn't drop it then go back in to the first room of Iron Maiden
B3 and then back in to B2 and kill him again. Repeat thin until
you have as many Romphaias as you want.
Note: It may take upwards of an hour for him to drop the weapon,
but it is worth it. Also after he drops one he may drop two or
three within the next thirty minutes.
Marks out of 10: 9.5/10

Ultimate Weapons:
This is any weapon that has 100 in all Classes and Affinities. I
personally, prefer not to raise the Affinities as it does not make
any difference because the game will just choose Physical as the
Affinity (Physical is neutral). Get 3 blades of the weapon you
want and do this (If you don't want all the affinities then don't
get fire, dark, earth, water, air or light up. You also only need
2 blades):
Get Human, Beast, and Phantom on one blade, get the other 3 on
another. You will probably have the Undead, Dragon and Evil one at
100 physical by now. Then you just need the rest of the
affinities. Use the human one to beat on the dummy and get the
fire and dark up and earth up, get another one to do the same for
water, air, and light. Then combine them all into 1 blade and
also combine a Holy Win at the Godhands workshop so the weapon
will be damascus.

**10) Titles List**

This is a full list of all the titles in the game and their

1. Seeker of Truth-Finish the game once.
2. Conqueror of the Dark-Finish the game within ten hours.
3. Treasure Hunter-Checked all the chests in the game.
4. Wanderer in Darkness-Visited every map location in the game.
5. Destroyer of Gaeus-Defeated Damascus Golem in Forgotten
6. Hunter of the Snowplains-Defeated Damascus Crab in Snowfly
Forest East.
7. Ally of the Wood-Defeated Ravana in Iron Maiden B2.
8. Slayer of the Wyrm-Defeated Dragon Zombie in Iron Maiden B2.
9. Vanquisher of Death-Defeated Death and Ogre Zombie in Iron
Maiden B2.
10. Warrior of Asura-Defeated asura in Iron Maiden B3.
11. Conqueror of Time-Received an 'Excellent!!' rating for all
the Time Attack battles.
12. Knight of Brilliance-Turned out more than 30 Chain Abilities
in a row.
13. Bearer of the New World-Found the rare item Gold Key.
14. Hoard-Finder-Found the rare item Chest Key.
15. Hands of Might-Mastered all Break Arts.
16. Hands of Skill-Mastered all Battle Abilities.
17. Wanderer of the Wyrding-Finished the game without saving at
any point.
18. Adventurer of Legend-Finished the game without using magic.
19. Lone Warrior-Finished the game without using Battle
20. Knight of Pride-Finished the game without using Break Arts.
21. Blood-Thirsty Conqueror–Defeated over 5000 enemies in each
22. Respecter of Fighting-Attacked over 5000 times with a weapon
in each group.
23. Silent Assassin-Attacked over 500 times with a weapon in the
Dagger group.
24. Great Swordsman-Attacked over 500 times with a weapon in the
Sword Group.
25. Master of Blades-Attacked over 500 times with a weapon in the
Great Sword group.
26. Steel Dragoon-Attacked over 500 times with a weapon in the
Axe & Mace group.
27. The Earthshaker-Attacked over 500 times with a weapon in the
Great Axe group.
28. Sweeper of the Dark-Attacked over 500 times with a weapon in
the Staff group.
29. Acolyte of Iron-Attacked over 500 times with a weapon in the
Heavy Mace group.
30. Spearsman of the Gale-Attacked over 500 times with a weapon
in the Polearm group.
31. Heaven's Huntsman-Attacked over 500 times with a weapon in
the Crossbow group.
32. Master Martial Artist-Attacked over 500 times with bare

**11) Trainning Dummies**
These are inanimate creatures that are scattered throughout Leá
Monde. They allow you build up your points for a specific
class of enemy on them. There are seven in total-two human, a
beast, an undead, a phantom, a dragon and an evil.

The first Dummy is a Human one and it appears after you beat
Minotaur. Seeing as you just got your first Battle Abilities it
is a good place to train up and get new ones. It is also good to
train for Human points.

The Dummies are unlocked as you progress through the game but it
isn't worth going back to check until you get the Teleportation
magic. All of the Dummies are unlocked once you get to Plateia

Each Dummy is easy to locate because they are very near a Magic
Circle. This makes it very easy to get to the Dummies once you
gain Teleport.

The downside to the Dummies is that all except two build up
Physical as the affinity and this comes at the expense of the
affinity your weapon has been trained on.

Blackmarket, Wine Cellar (Crimson Blade)

Human/Earth/Fire/Dark/Water/Air *:
Worker's Restroom, Wine Cellar (Crimson Blade)

The Dark Tunnel, Abandoned Mines B1 (Ogre)

Hall of Sworn Revenge, Catacombs (Skeleton Knight)

From Boy To Hero, City Walls North (Ghost)

The Boy's Training Room, City Walls South (Lizzardman)

Gharmes Walk, Town Center East (Gremlin)

Note*: Each limb has a different Affinity
R.Arm raises Earth affinity.
L.Arm raises Water affinity.
Head raises Dark affinity.
Body raises Air affinity.
Legs raises Fire affinity.

**12) Weapon Combinations**
Combine With Result
=================== =================== ====================
Battle Knife |Battle Knife || Battle Knife |
Battle Knife |Scramasax || Battle Knife |
Battle Knife |Dirk ||+Throwing Knife |
Battle Knife |Throwing Knife || Throwing Knife |
Battle Knife |Kudi || Scramasax |
Battle Knife |Cinquedea || Dirk |
Battle Knife |Kris || Throwing Knife |
Battle Knife |Hatchet || Kudi |
Battle Knife |Khukuri || Cinquedea |
Battle Knife |Baselard || Kris |
Battle Knife |Stiletto || Hatchet |
Battle Knife |Jamadhar || Khukuri |
Scramasax |Scramasax || Scramasax |
Scramasax |Dirk ||+Throwing Knife |
Scramasax |Throwing Knife ||+Kudi |
Scramasax |Kudi || Kudi |
Scramasax |Cinquedea || Scramasax |
Scramasax |Kris || Dirk |
Scramasax |Hatchet || Throwing Knife |
Scramasax |Khukuri || Kudi |
Scramasax |Baselard || Cinquedea |
Scramasax |Stiletto || Kris |
Scramasax |Jamadhar || Hatchet |
Dirk |Dirk ||+Throwing Knife |
Dirk |Throwing Knife ||+Kudi |
Dirk |Kudi ||-Battle Knife |
Dirk |Cinquedea || Cinquedea |
Dirk |Kris ||-Scramasax |
Dirk |Hatchet || Dirk |
Dirk |Khukuri || Throwing Knife |
Dirk |Baselard || Kudi |
Dirk |Stiletto || Cinquedea |
Dirk |Jamadhar || Kris |
Throwing Knife |Throwing Knife || Throwing Knife |
Throwing Knife |Kudi ||+Cinquedea |
Throwing Knife |Cinquedea ||+Kris |
Throwing Knife |Kris ||-Battle Knife |
Throwing Knife |Hatchet ||-Scramasax |
Throwing Knife |Khukuri ||-Dirk |
Throwing Knife |Baselard || Throwing Knife |
Throwing Knife |Stiletto || Kudi |
Throwing Knife |Jamadhar || Cinquedea |
Kudi |Kudi || Kudi |
Kudi |Cinquedea ||+Kris |
Kudi |Kris ||+Hatchet |
Kudi |Hatchet || Kris |
Kudi |Khukuri ||-Scramasax |
Kudi |Baselard ||-Dirk |
Kudi |Stiletto ||-Throwing Knife |
Kudi |Jamadhar || Kudi |
Cinquedea |Cinquedea || Cinquedea |
Cinquedea |Kris ||+Hatchet |
Cinquedea |Hatchet ||-Battle Knife |
Cinquedea |Khukuri || Hatchet |
Cinquedea |Baselard ||-Scramasax |
Cinquedea |Stiletto ||-Dirk |
Cinquedea |Jamadhar ||-Throwing Knife |
Kris |Kris || Kris |
Kris |Hatchet ||+Khukuri |
Kris |Khukuri ||-Battle Knife |
Kris |Baselard || Hatchet |
Kris |Stiletto ||-Scramasax |
Kris |Jamadhar ||-Dirk |
Hatchet |Hatchet || Hatchet |
Hatchet |Khukuri ||+Baselard |
Hatchet |Baselard ||-Battle Knife |
Hatchet |Stiletto || Khukuri |
Hatchet |Jamadhar ||-Scramasax |
Khukuri |Khukuri || Khukuri |
Khukuri |Baselard ||-Battle Knife |
Khukuri |Stiletto || Baselard |
Khukuri |Jamadhar || Khukuri |
Baselard |Baselard ||+Stiletto |
Baselard |Stiletto ||-Battle Knife |
Baselard |Jamadhar ||-Battle Knife |
Stiletto |Stiletto ||+Jamadhar |
Stiletto |Jamadhar ||-Battle Knife |
Jamadhar |Jamadhar || Jamadhar |

Combine With Result
=================== =================== ====================
Spatha |Spatha || Spatha |
Spatha |Scimitar || Spatha |
Spatha |Rapier ||+Short Sword |
Spatha |Short Sword || Spatha |
Spatha |Firangi || Scimitar |
Spatha |Shamshir || Rapier |
Spatha |Falchion || Short Sword |
Spatha |Shotel || Firangi |
Spatha |Khora || Shamshir |
Spatha |Khopesh || Falchion |
Spatha |Wakizashi || Shotel |
Spatha |Rhomphaia || Spatha |
Scimitar |Scimitar || Scimitar |
Scimitar |Rapier ||-Spatha |
Scimitar |Short Sword || Scimitar |
Scimitar |Firangi || Short Sword |
Scimitar |Shamshir || Scimitar |
Scimitar |Falchion || Rapier |
Scimitar |Shotel || Short Sword |
Scimitar |Khora || Firangi |
Scimitar |Khopesh || Shamshir |
Scimitar |Wakizashi || Falchion |
Scimitar |Rhomphaia || Scimitar |
Rapier |Rapier || Rapier |
Rapier |Short Sword ||-Spatha |
Rapier |Firangi || Short Sword |
Rapier |Shamshir ||-Spatha |
Rapier |Falchion || Firangi |
Rapier |Shotel || Rapier |
Rapier |Khora || Short Sword |
Rapier |Khopesh || Firangi |
Rapier |Wakizashi || Shamshir |
Rapier |Rhomphaia || Rapier |
Short Sword |Short Sword || Short Sword |
Short Sword |Firangi ||+Shamshir |
Short Sword |Shamshir ||-Rapier |
Short Sword |Falchion ||-Spatha |
Short Sword |Shotel ||-Scimitar |
Short Sword |Khora ||-Rapier |
Short Sword |Khopesh || Short Sword |
Short Sword |Wakizashi || Firangi |
Short Sword |Rhomphaia || Short Sword |
Firangi |Firangi || Firangi |
Firangi |Shamshir ||+Falchion |
Firangi |Falchion || Shamshir |
Firangi |Shotel || Falchion |
Firangi |Khora ||-Scimitar |
Firangi |Khopesh ||-Rapier |
Firangi |Wakizashi ||-Short Sword |
Firangi |Rhomphaia || Firangi |
Shamshir |Shamshir || Shamshir |
Shamshir |Falchion ||+Shotel |
Shamshir |Shotel ||-Spatha |
Shamshir |Khora || Shamshir |
Shamshir |Khopesh ||-Scimitar |
Shamshir |Wakizashi ||-Rapier |
Shamshir |Rhomphaia || Shamshir |
Falchion |Falchion || Falchion |
Falchion |Shotel ||+Khora |
Falchion |Khora ||-Rapier |
Falchion |Khopesh || Khora |
Falchion |Wakizashi ||-Scimitar |
Falchion |Rhomphaia || Falchion |
Shotel |Shotel || Shotel |
Shotel |Khora ||-Spatha |
Shotel |Khopesh || Shotel |
Shotel |Wakizashi ||-Rapier |
Shotel |Rhomphaia || Shotel |
Khora |Khora ||+Khopesh |
Khora |Khopesh ||-Spatha |
Khora |Wakizashi || Khora |
Khora |Rhomphaia || Khora |
Khopesh |Khopesh ||+Wakizashi |
Khopesh |Wakizashi || Khopesh |
Khopesh |Rhomphaia || Khopesh |
Wakizashi |Wakizashi || Wakizashi |
Wakizashi |Rhomphaia || Wakizashi |
Rhomphaia |Rhomphaia || Rhomphaia |

Great Sword
Combine With Result
=================== =================== ====================
Broad Sword |Broad Sword || Broad Sword |
Broad Sword |Norse Sword || Broad Sword |
Broad Sword |Katana ||+Executioner |
Broad Sword |Executioner || Broad Sword |
Broad Sword |Claymore || Norse Sword |
Broad Sword |Schiavona || Katana |
Broad Sword |Bastard Sword || Executioner |
Broad Sword |Nodachi || Claymore |
Broad Sword |Rune Blade || Schiavona |
Broad Sword |Holy Win || Broad Sword |
Norse Sword |Norse Sword || Norse Sword |
Norse Sword |Katana ||-Broad Sword |
Norse Sword |Executioner ||-Broad Sword |
Norse Sword |Claymore || Katana |
Norse Sword |Schiavona || Norse Sword |
Norse Sword |Bastard Sword || Katana |
Norse Sword |Nodachi || Executioner |
Norse Sword |Rune Blade || Claymore |
Norse Sword |Holy Win || Norse Sword |
Katana |Katana || Katana |
Katana |Executioner ||+Claymore |
Katana |Claymore ||-Broad Sword |
Katana |Schiavona || Executioner |
Katana |Bastard Sword ||-Norse Sword |
Katana |Nodachi || Katana |
Katana |Rune Blade || Executioner |
Katana |Holy Win || Katana |
Executioner |Executioner || Executioner |
Executioner |Claymore ||+Schiavona |
Executioner |Schiavona ||-Broad Sword |
Executioner |Bastard Sword ||-Katana |
Executioner |Nodachi ||-Norse Sword |
Executioner |Rune Blade ||-Katana |
Executioner |Holy Win || Executioner |
Claymore |Claymore || Claymore |
Claymore |Schiavona ||+Bastard Sword |
Claymore |Bastard Sword || Claymore |
Claymore |Nodachi || Schiavona |
Claymore |Rune Blade ||-Norse Sword |
Claymore |Holy Win || Claymore |
Schiavona |Schiavona || Schiavona |
Schiavona |Bastard Sword ||-Broad Sword |
Schiavona |Nodachi || Bastard Sword |
Schiavona |Rune Blade || Schiavona |
Schiavona |Holy Win || Schiavona |
Bastard Sword |Bastard Sword ||+Nodachi |
Bastard Sword |Nodachi ||-Broad Sword |
Bastard Sword |Rune Blade ||-Broad Sword |
Bastard Sword |Holy Win || Bastard Sword |
Nodachi |Nodachi ||+Rune Blade |
Nodachi |Rune Blade ||-Bastard Sword |
Nodachi |Holy Win || Nodachi |
Rune Blade |Rune Blade || Rune Blade |
Rune Blade |Holy Win || Rune Blade |
Holy Win |Holy Win || Holy Win |

Combine With Result
=================== =================== ====================
Hand Axe |Hand Axe || Hand Axe |
Hand Axe |Battle Axe || Hand Axe |
Hand Axe |Francisca || Francisca |
Hand Axe |Tabarzin || Hand Axe |
Hand Axe |Chamkaq || Battle Axe |
Hand Axe |Tabar || Francisca |
Hand Axe |Bullova || Tabarzin |
Hand Axe |Crescent || Chamkaq |
Hand Axe |Goblin Club || Goblin Club |
Hand Axe |Spiked Club || Goblin Club |
Hand Axe |Ball Mace || Spiked Club |
Hand Axe |Footman's Mace 1H || Ball Mace |
Hand Axe |Morning Star || Footman's Mace 1H |
Hand Axe |War Hammer || Morning Star |
Hand Axe |Bec de Corbin || War Hammer |
Hand Axe |War Maul || Bec de Corbin |
Battle Axe |Battle Axe || Battle Axe |
Battle Axe |Francisca ||+Tabarzin |
Battle Axe |Tabarzin || Francisca |
Battle Axe |Chamkaq || Tabarzin |
Battle Axe |Tabar || Battle Axe |
Battle Axe |Bullova || Francisca |
Battle Axe |Crescent || Tabarzin |
Battle Axe |Goblin Club || Hand Axe |
Battle Axe |Spiked Club || Spiked Club |
Battle Axe |Ball Mace || Langdebeve |
Battle Axe |Footman's Mace 1H || Spiked Club |
Battle Axe |Morning Star || Ball Mace |
Battle Axe |War Hammer || Footman's Mace 1H |
Battle Axe |Bec de Corbin || Morning Star |
Battle Axe |War Maul || War Hammer |
Francisca |Francisca || Francisca |
Francisca |Tabarzin ||+Chamkaq |
Francisca |Chamkaq ||-Hand Axe |
Francisca |Tabar || Chamkaq |
Francisca |Bullova ||-Battle Axe |
Francisca |Crescent || Francisca |
Francisca |Goblin Club || Hand Axe |
Francisca |Spiked Club || Battle Axe |
Francisca |Ball Mace || Guisarme |
Francisca |Footman's Mace 1H || Sabre Mace |
Francisca |Morning Star || Ball Mace |
Francisca |War Hammer || Ball Mace |
Francisca |Bec de Corbin || Footman's Mace 1H |
Francisca |War Maul || Morning Star |
Tabarzin |Tabarzin || Tabarzin |
Tabarzin |Chamkaq ||+Tabar |
Tabarzin |Tabar || Tabarzin |
Tabarzin |Bullova || Tabar |
Tabarzin |Crescent ||-Battle Axe |
Tabarzin |Goblin Club || Battle Axe |
Tabarzin |Spiked Club || Battle Axe |
Tabarzin |Ball Mace || Wizard Staff |
Tabarzin |Footman's Mace 1H || Large Crescent |
Tabarzin |Morning Star || Footman's Mace 2H |
Tabarzin |War Hammer || Footman's Mace 1H |
Tabarzin |Bec de Corbin || Footman's Mace 1H |
Tabarzin |War Maul || Footman's Mace 1H |
Chamkaq |Chamkaq || Chamkaq |
Chamkaq |Tabar || Tabar |
Chamkaq |Bullova || Chamkaq |
Chamkaq |Crescent ||-Hand Axe |
Chamkaq |Goblin Club || Francisca |
Chamkaq |Spiked Club || Battle Axe |
Chamkaq |Ball Mace || Francisca |
Chamkaq |Footman's Mace 1H || Clergy Rod |
Chamkaq |Morning Star || Sabre Halberd |
Chamkaq |War Hammer || Gloomwing |
Chamkaq |Bec de Corbin || Morning Star |
Chamkaq |War Maul || Morning Star |
Tabar |Tabar ||+Bullova |
Tabar |Bullova ||-Hand Axe |
Tabar |Crescent || Tabar |
Tabar |Goblin Club || Tabarzin |
Tabar |Spiked Club || Francisca |
Tabar |Ball Mace || Francisca |
Tabar |Footman's Mace 1H || Tabarzin |
Tabar |Morning Star || Summoner Baton |
Tabar |War Hammer || Balbriggan |
Tabar |Bec de Corbin || Mjolnir |
Tabar |War Maul || War Hammer |
Bullova |Bullova ||+Crescent |
Bullova |Crescent ||-Hand Axe |
Bullova |Goblin Club || Chamkaq |
Bullova |Spiked Club || Tabarzin |
Bullova |Ball Mace || Francisca |
Bullova |Footman's Mace 1H || Tabarzin |
Bullova |Morning Star || Chamkaq |
Bullova |War Hammer || Shamanic Staff |
Bullova |Bec de Corbin || Double Blade |
Bullova |War Maul || Griever |
Crescent |Crescent || Crescent |
Crescent |Goblin Club || Tabar |
Crescent |Spiked Club || Chamkaq |
Crescent |Ball Mace || Tabarzin |
Crescent |Footman's Mace 1H || Tabarzin |
Crescent |Morning Star || Chamkaq |
Crescent |War Hammer || Tabar |
Crescent |Bec de Corbin || Bishop's Crosier |
Crescent |War Maul || Halberd |
Goblin Club |Goblin Club || Goblin Club |
Goblin Club |Spiked Club || Goblin Club |
Goblin Club |Ball Mace || Spiked Club |
Goblin Club |Footman's Mace 1H || Goblin Club |
Goblin Club |Morning Star || Spiked Club |
Goblin Club |War Hammer || Ball Mace |
Goblin Club |Bec de Corbin || Footman's Mace 1H |
Goblin Club |War Maul || Morning Star |
Spiked Club |Spiked Club || Spiked Club |
Spiked Club |Ball Mace ||+Footman's Mace 1H |
Spiked Club |Footman's Mace 1H || Spiked Club |
Spiked Club |Morning Star || Ball Mace |
Spiked Club |War Hammer || Spiked Club |
Spiked Club |Bec de Corbin || Ball Mace |
Spiked Club |War Maul || Footman's Mace 1H |
Ball Mace |Ball Mace || Ball Mace |
Ball Mace |Footman's Mace 1H ||+Morning Star |
Ball Mace |Morning Star || Footman's Mace 1H |
Ball Mace |War Hammer || Morning Star |
Ball Mace |Bec de Corbin ||-Spiked Club |
Ball Mace |War Maul || Ball Mace |
Footman's Mace 1H |Footman's Mace 1H || Footman's Mace 1H |
Footman's Mace 1H |Morning Star ||+War Hammer |
Footman's Mace 1H |War Hammer ||-Goblin Club |
Footman's Mace 1H |Bec de Corbin || War Hammer |
Footman's Mace 1H |War Maul ||-Spiked Club |
Morning Star |Morning Star || Morning Star |
Morning Star |War Hammer || Morning Star |
Morning Star |Bec de Corbin ||-Footman's Mace 1H |
Morning Star |War Maul ||-Goblin Club |
War Hammer |War Hammer ||+Bec de Corbin |
War Hammer |Bec de Corbin ||-Goblin Club |
War Hammer |War Maul || War Hammer |
Bec de Corbin |Bec de Corbin ||+War Maul |
Bec de Corbin |War Maul ||-Footman's Mace 1H |
War Maul |War Maul || War Maul |

Great Axe
Combine With Result
=================== =================== ====================
Guisarme |Guisarme || Guisarme |
Guisarme |Large Crescent || Guisarme |
Guisarme |Sabre Halberd || Sabre Halberd |
Guisarme |Balbriggan || Large Crescent |
Guisarme |Double Blade || Sabre Halberd |
Guisarme |Halberd || Balbriggan |
Large Crescent |Large Crescent || Large Crescent |
Large Crescent |Sabre Halberd ||+Balbriggan |
Large Crescent |Balbriggan || Sabre Halberd |
Large Crescent |Double Blade || Large Crescent |
Large Crescent |Halberd || Sabre Halberd |
Sabre Halberd |Sabre Halberd || Sabre Halberd |
Sabre Halberd |Balbriggan ||+Double Blade |
Sabre Halberd |Double Blade || Balbriggan |
Sabre Halberd |Halberd || Sabre Halberd |
Balbriggan |Balbriggan || Balbriggan |
Balbriggan |Double Blade ||-Guisarme |
Balbriggan |Halberd || Double Blade |
Double Blade |Double Blade ||+Halberd |
Double Blade |Halberd ||-Guisarme |
Halberd |Halberd || Halberd |

Combine With Result
=================== =================== ====================
Wizard Staff |Wizard Staff || Wizard Staff |
Wizard Staff |Clergy Rod || Wizard Staff |
Wizard Staff |Summoner Baton || Wizard Staff |
Wizard Staff |Shamanic Staff || Clergy Rod |
Wizard Staff |Bishop's Crosier || Summoner Baton |
Wizard Staff |Sage's Cane || Shamanic Staff |
Clergy Rod |Clergy Rod || Clergy Rod |
Clergy Rod |Summoner Baton ||+Shamanic Staff |
Clergy Rod |Shamanic Staff || Clergy Rod |
Clergy Rod |Bishop's Crosier || Clergy Rod |
Clergy Rod |Sage's Cane || Summoner Baton |
Summoner Baton |Summoner Baton || Summoner Baton |
Summoner Baton |Shamanic Staff ||+Bishop's Crosier |
Summoner Baton |Bishop's Crosier || Bishop's Crosier |
Summoner Baton |Sage's Cane ||-Clergy Rod |
Shamanic Staff |Shamanic Staff || Shamanic Staff |
Shamanic Staff |Bishop's Crosier ||-Wizard Staff |
Shamanic Staff |Sage's Cane || Shamanic Staff |
Bishop's Crosier |Bishop's Crosier ||+Sage's Cane |
Bishop's Crosier |Sage's Cane ||-Wizard Staff |
Sage's Cane |Sage's Cane || Sage's Cane

Heavy Mace
Combine With Result
=================== =================== ====================
Langdebeve |Langdebeve || Langdebeve |
Langdebeve |Sabre Mace || Langdebeve |
Langdebeve |Footman's Mace 2H || Langdebeve |
Langdebeve |Gloomwing || Sabre Mace |
Langdebeve |Mjolnir || Sabre Mace |
Langdebeve |Griever || Footman's Mace 2H |
Langdebeve |Destroyer || Gloomwing |
Langdebeve |Hand of Light || Langdebeve |
Sabre Mace |Sabre Mace || Sabre Mace |
Sabre Mace |Footman's Mace 2H ||+Gloomwing |
Sabre Mace |Gloomwing ||-Langdebeve |
Sabre Mace |Mjolnir || Footman's Mace 2H |
Sabre Mace |Griever || Sabre Mace |
Sabre Mace |Destroyer || Footman's Mace 2H |
Sabre Mace |Hand of Light || Sabre Mace |
Footman's Mace 2H |Footman's Mace 2H || Footman's Mace 2H |
Footman's Mace 2H |Gloomwing ||+Mjolnir |
Footman's Mace 2H |Mjolnir ||-Sabre Mace |
Footman's Mace 2H |Griever || Mjolnir |
Footman's Mace 2H |Destroyer ||-Sabre Mace |
Footman's Mace 2H |Hand of Light || Footman's Mace 2H |
Gloomwing |Gloomwing || Gloomwing |
Gloomwing |Mjolnir ||-Langdebeve |
Gloomwing |Griever || Gloomwing |
Gloomwing |Destroyer || Gloomwing |
Gloomwing |Hand of Light || Gloomwing |
Mjolnir |Mjolnir ||+Griever |
Mjolnir |Griever ||-Langdebeve |
Mjolnir |Destroyer || Mjolnir |
Mjolnir |Hand of Light || Mjolnir |
Griever |Griever ||+Destroyer |
Griever |Destroyer ||-Footman's Mace 2H |
Griever |Hand of Light || Griever |
Destroyer |Destroyer || Destroyer |
Destroyer |Hand of Light || Destroyer |
Hand of Light |Hand of Light || Hand of Light |

Combine With Result
=================== =================== ====================
Spear |Spear || Spear |
Spear |Glaive || Spear |
Spear |Scorpion || Scorpion |
Spear |Corcesca || Spear |
Spear |Trident || Glaive |
Spear |Awl Pike || Scorpion |
Spear |Boar Spear || Corcesca |
Spear |Fauchard || Trident |
Spear |Voulge || Awl Pike |
Spear |Pole Axe || Boar Spear |
Spear |Bardysh || Fauchard |
Spear |Brandestoc || Voulge |
Glaive |Glaive || Glaive |
Glaive |Scorpion ||+Corcesca |
Glaive |Corcesca ||-Spear |
Glaive |Trident || Scorpion |
Glaive |Awl Pike || Glaive |
Glaive |Boar Spear || Scorpion |
Glaive |Fauchard || Corcesca |
Glaive |Voulge || Trident |
Glaive |Pole Axe || Awl Pike |
Glaive |Bardysh || Boar Spear |
Glaive |Brandestoc || Fauchard |
Scorpion |Scorpion || Scorpion |
Scorpion |Corcesca ||+Trident |
Scorpion |Trident || Corcesca |
Scorpion |Awl Pike ||+Boar Spear |
Scorpion |Boar Spear ||-Glaive |
Scorpion |Fauchard || Scorpion |
Scorpion |Voulge || Corcesca |
Scorpion |Pole Axe || Trident |
Scorpion |Bardysh || Awl Pike |
Scorpion |Brandestoc || Boar Spear |
Corcesca |Corcesca || Corcesca |
Corcesca |Trident ||+Awl Pike |
Corcesca |Awl Pike || Corcesca |
Corcesca |Boar Spear || Trident |
Corcesca |Fauchard ||-Glaive |
Corcesca |Voulge ||-Scorpion |
Corcesca |Pole Axe || Corcesca |
Corcesca |Bardysh || Trident |
Corcesca |Brandestoc || Awl Pike |
Trident |Trident || Trident |
Trident |Awl Pike ||+Boar Spear |
Trident |Boar Spear ||+Fauchard |
Trident |Fauchard || Awl Pike |
Trident |Voulge ||-Glaive |
Trident |Pole Axe ||-Scorpion |
Trident |Bardysh ||-Corcesca |
Trident |Brandestoc || Trident |
Awl Pike |Awl Pike || Awl Pike |
Awl Pike |Boar Spear ||-Trident |
Awl Pike |Fauchard || Fauchard |
Awl Pike |Voulge || Boar Spear |
Awl Pike |Pole Axe ||-Glaive |
Awl Pike |Bardysh ||-Scorpion |
Awl Pike |Brandestoc ||-Corcesca |
Boar Spear |Boar Spear || Boar Spear |
Boar Spear |Fauchard ||+Voulge |
Boar Spear |Voulge ||-Awl Pike |
Boar Spear |Pole Axe || Voulge |
Boar Spear |Bardysh ||-Glaive |
Boar Spear |Brandestoc ||-Scorpion |
Fauchard |Fauchard || Fauchard |
Fauchard |Voulge ||+Pole Axe |
Fauchard |Pole Axe ||-Spear |
Fauchard |Bardysh || Voulge |
Fauchard |Brandestoc ||-Glaive |
Voulge |Voulge || Voulge |
Voulge |Pole Axe || Voulge |
Voulge |Bardysh ||-Fauchard |
Voulge |Brandestoc || Pole Axe |
Pole Axe |Pole Axe ||+Bardysh |
Pole Axe |Bardysh ||-Spear |
Pole Axe |Brandestoc ||-Boar Spear |
Bardysh |Bardysh ||+Brandestoc |
Bardysh |Brandestoc ||-Fauchard |
Brandestoc |Brandestoc || Brandestoc |

Combine With Result
=================== =================== ====================
Gastraph Bow |Gastraph Bow || Gastraph Bow |
Gastraph Bow |Light Crossbow || Gastraph Bow |
Gastraph Bow |Target Bow || Light Crossbow |
Gastraph Bow |Windlass || Gastraph Bow |
Gastraph Bow |Cranequin || Light Crossbow |
Gastraph Bow |Lug Crossbow || Target Bow |
Gastraph Bow |Siege Bow || Windlass |
Gastraph Bow |Arbalest || Cranequin |
Light Crossbow |Light Crossbow || Light Crossbow |
Light Crossbow |Target Bow ||+Windlass |
Light Crossbow |Windlass ||-Gastraph Bow |
Light Crossbow |Cranequin || Light Crossbow |
Light Crossbow |Lug Crossbow || Light Crossbow |
Light Crossbow |Siege Bow || Target Bow |
Light Crossbow |Arbalest || Windlass |
Target Bow |Target Bow || Target Bow |
Target Bow |Windlass ||+Cranequin |
Target Bow |Cranequin || Target Bow |
Target Bow |Lug Crossbow || Windlass |
Target Bow |Siege Bow ||-Light Crossbow |
Target Bow |Arbalest || Target Bow |
Windlass |Windlass || Windlass |
Windlass |Cranequin ||+Lug Crossbow |
Windlass |Lug Crossbow ||-Light Crossbow |
Windlass |Siege Bow || Cranequin |
Windlass |Arbalest ||-Light Crossbow |
Cranequin |Cranequin || Cranequin |
Cranequin |Lug Crossbow || Cranequin |
Cranequin |Siege Bow ||-Target Bow |
Cranequin |Arbalest ||-Windlass |
Lug Crossbow |Lug Crossbow ||+Siege Bow |
Lug Crossbow |Siege Bow ||-Gastraph Bow |
Lug Crossbow |Arbalest || Lug Crossbow |
Siege Bow |Siege Bow ||+Arbalest |
Siege Bow |Arbalest ||-Target Bow |
Arbalest |Arbalest || Arbalest |

**13)Sheild Combinations**

Combine With Result
=================== =================== ====================
Buckler |Buckler || Buckler |
Buckler |Pelta Shield || Buckler |
Buckler |Targe || Pelta Shield |
Buckler |Quad Shield || Buckler |
Buckler |Circle Shield || Targe |
Buckler |Tower Shield || Buckler |
Buckler |Spiked Shield || Quad Shield |
Buckler |Round Shield || Buckler |
Buckler |Kite Shield || Pelta Shield |
Buckler |Casserole Shield || Targe |
Buckler |Heater Shield || Quad Shield |
Buckler |Oval Shield || Circle Shield |
Buckler |Knight Shield || Tower Shield |
Buckler |Hoplite Shield || Spiked Shield |
Buckler |Jazeraint Shield || Round Shield |
Buckler |Dread Shield || Kite Shield |
Pelta Shield |Pelta Shield || Pelta Shield |
Pelta Shield |Targe ||+Quad Shield |
Pelta Shield |Quad Shield || Targe |
Pelta Shield |Circle Shield ||-Buckler |
Pelta Shield |Tower Shield || Pelta Shield |
Pelta Shield |Spiked Shield ||-Buckler |
Pelta Shield |Round Shield || Pelta Shield |
Pelta Shield |Kite Shield ||-Buckler |
Pelta Shield |Casserole Shield || Pelta Shield |
Pelta Shield |Heater Shield || Targe |
Pelta Shield |Oval Shield || Quad Shield |
Pelta Shield |Knight Shield || Circle Shield |
Pelta Shield |Hoplite Shield || Tower Shield |
Pelta Shield |Jazeraint Shield || Spiked Shield |
Pelta Shield |Dread Shield || Round Shield |
Targe |Targe || Targe |
Targe |Quad Shield ||+Circle Shield |
Targe |Circle Shield ||-Pelta Shield |
Targe |Tower Shield ||-Buckler |
Targe |Spiked Shield || Spiked Shield |
Targe |Round Shield ||-Buckler |
Targe |Kite Shield || Targe |
Targe |Casserole Shield || Spiked Shield |
Targe |Heater Shield ||-Pelta Shield |
Targe |Oval Shield || Targe |
Targe |Knight Shield || Quad Shield |
Targe |Hoplite Shield || Circle Shield |
Targe |Jazeraint Shield || Tower Shield |
Targe |Dread Shield || Spiked Shield |
Quad Shield |Quad Shield || Quad Shield |
Quad Shield |Circle Shield ||+Tower Shield |
Quad Shield |Tower Shield ||+Spiked Shield |
Quad Shield |Spiked Shield ||-Targe |
Quad Shield |Round Shield || Round Shield |
Quad Shield |Kite Shield ||-Buckler |
Quad Shield |Casserole Shield ||-Buckler |
Quad Shield |Heater Shield ||-Buckler |
Quad Shield |Oval Shield ||-Pelta Shield |
Quad Shield |Knight Shield ||-Targe |
Quad Shield |Hoplite Shield || Quad Shield |
Quad Shield |Jazeraint Shield || Circle Shield |
Quad Shield |Dread Shield || Tower Shield |
Circle Shield |Circle Shield || Circle Shield |
Circle Shield |Tower Shield ||+Spiked Shield |
Circle Shield |Spiked Shield ||+Round Shield |
Circle Shield |Round Shield ||-Buckler |
Circle Shield |Kite Shield || Spiked Shield |
Circle Shield |Casserole Shield || Kite Shield |
Circle Shield |Heater Shield ||-Quad Shield |
Circle Shield |Oval Shield ||-Buckler |
Circle Shield |Knight Shield ||-Pelta Shield |
Circle Shield |Hoplite Shield ||-Targe |
Circle Shield |Jazeraint Shield ||-Quad Shield |
Circle Shield |Dread Shield || Circle Shield |
Tower Shield |Tower Shield || Tower Shield |
Tower Shield |Spiked Shield ||+Round Shield |
Tower Shield |Round Shield ||+Kite Shield |
Tower Shield |Kite Shield ||-Buckler |
Tower Shield |Casserole Shield ||-Targe |
Tower Shield |Heater Shield || Kite Shield |
Tower Shield |Oval Shield ||-Targe |
Tower Shield |Knight Shield ||-Buckler |
Tower Shield |Hoplite Shield ||-Pelta Shield |
Tower Shield |Jazeraint Shield ||-Targe |
Tower Shield |Dread Shield ||-Quad Shield |
Spiked Shield |Spiked Shield || Spiked Shield |
Spiked Shield |Round Shield ||+Kite Shield |
Spiked Shield |Kite Shield ||+Casserole Shield |
Spiked Shield |Casserole Shield ||-Buckler |
Spiked Shield |Heater Shield || Round Shield |
Spiked Shield |Oval Shield || Kite Shield
Spiked Shield |Knight Shield || Casserole Shield |
Spiked Shield |Hoplite Shield ||-Buckler |
Spiked Shield |Jazeraint Shield ||-Pelta Shield |
Spiked Shield |Dread Shield ||-Targe |
Round Shield |Round Shield || Round Shield |
Round Shield |Kite Shield ||+Casserole Shield |
Round Shield |Casserole Shield ||+Heater Shield |
Round Shield |Heater Shield ||-Buckler |
Round Shield |Oval Shield || Casserole Shield |
Round Shield |Knight Shield ||-Circle Shield |
Round Shield |Hoplite Shield ||-Quad Shield |
Round Shield |Jazeraint Shield ||-Buckler |
Round Shield |Dread Shield ||-Pelta Shield |
Kite Shield |Kite Shield || Kite Shield |
Kite Shield |Casserole Shield ||+Heater Shield |
Kite Shield |Heater Shield ||-Buckler |
Kite Shield |Oval Shield ||-Targe |
Kite Shield |Knight Shield ||-Buckler |
Kite Shield |Hoplite Shield || Casserole Shield |
Kite Shield |Jazeraint Shield ||-Buckler |
Kite Shield |Dread Shield ||-Buckler |
Casserole Shield |Casserole Shield || Casserole Shield |
Casserole Shield |Heater Shield ||+Oval Shield |
Casserole Shield |Oval Shield ||-Spiked Shield |
Casserole Shield |Knight Shield ||-Round Shield |
Casserole Shield |Hoplite Shield ||-Buckler |
Casserole Shield |Jazeraint Shield ||-Buckler |
Casserole Shield |Dread Shield ||-Targe |
Heater Shield |Heater Shield || Heater Shield |
Heater Shield |Oval Shield ||+Knight Shield |
Heater Shield |Knight Shield ||-Targe |
Heater Shield |Hoplite Shield ||-Circle Shield |
Heater Shield |Jazeraint Shield ||-Kite Shield |
Heater Shield |Dread Shield ||-Buckler |
Oval Shield |Oval Shield || Oval Shield |
Oval Shield |Knight Shield ||+Hoplite Shield |
Oval Shield |Hoplite Shield ||-Quad Shield |
Oval Shield |Jazeraint Shield ||-Buckler |
Oval Shield |Dread Shield ||-Spiked Shield |
Knight Shield |Knight Shield || Knight Shield |
Knight Shield |Hoplite Shield ||-Buckler |
Knight Shield |Jazeraint Shield ||-Quad Shield |
Knight Shield |Dread Shield ||-Buckler |
Hoplite Shield |Hoplite Shield ||+Jazeraint Shield |
Hoplite Shield |Jazeraint Shield ||-Buckler |
Hoplite Shield |Dread Shield ||-Circle Shield |
Jazeraint Shield |Jazeraint Shield ||+Dread Shield |
Jazeraint Shield |Dread Shield ||-Buckler |
Dread Shield |Dread Shield || Dread Shield |

**14) Armor Combinations**

Combine With Result
=================== =================== ====================
Bandana |Bandana || Bandana |
Bandana |Bear Mask || Bear Mask |
Bandana |Wizard Hat || Wizard Hat |
Bandana |Bone Helm || Bone Helm |
Bandana |Chain Coif || Bone Helm |
Bandana |Spangenhelm || Bone Helm |
Bandana |Cabasset || Bone Helm |
Bandana |Sallet || Chain Coif |
Bandana |Barbut || Spangenhelm |
Bandana |Basinet || Cabasset |
Bandana |Armet || Sallet |
Bandana |Close Helm || Barbut |
Bandana |Burgonet || Basinet |
Bandana |Hoplite Helm || Armet |
Bandana |Jazeraint Helm || Close Helm |
Bandana |Dread Helm || Burgonet |
Bear Mask |Bear Mask || Bear Mask |
Bear Mask |Wizard Hat || Wizard Hat |
Bear Mask |Bone Helm || Bone Helm |
Bear Mask |Chain Coif ||+Spangenhelm |
Bear Mask |Spangenhelm ||+Cabasset |
Bear Mask |Cabasset || Bone Helm |
Bear Mask |Sallet || Spangenhelm |
Bear Mask |Barbut || Chain Coif |
Bear Mask |Basinet || Spangenhelm |
Bear Mask |Armet || Cabasset |
Bear Mask |Close Helm || Sallet |
Bear Mask |Burgonet || Barbut |
Bear Mask |Hoplite Helm || Basinet |
Bear Mask |Jazeraint Helm || Armet |
Bear Mask |Dread Helm || Close Helm |
Wizard Hat |Wizard Hat || Wizard Hat |
Wizard Hat |Bone Helm || Bone Helm |
Wizard Hat |Chain Coif || Bone Helm |
Wizard Hat |Spangenhelm || Bone Helm |
Wizard Hat |Cabasset || Spangenhelm |
Wizard Hat |Sallet || Chain Coif |
Wizard Hat |Barbut || Bone Helm |
Wizard Hat |Basinet || Chain Coif |
Wizard Hat |Armet || Spangenhelm |
Wizard Hat |Close Helm || Cabasset |
Wizard Hat |Burgonet || Sallet |
Wizard Hat |Hoplite Helm || Barbut |
Wizard Hat |Jazeraint Helm || Basinet |
Wizard Hat |Dread Helm || Armet |
Bone Helm |Bone Helm || Bone Helm |
Bone Helm |Chain Coif ||+Spangenhelm |
Bone Helm |Spangenhelm || Spangenhelm |
Bone Helm |Cabasset || Chain Coif |
Bone Helm |Sallet || Cabasset |
Bone Helm |Barbut || Bone Helm |
Bone Helm |Basinet || Cabasset |
Bone Helm |Armet || Chain Coif |
Bone Helm |Close Helm || Spangenhelm |
Bone Helm |Burgonet || Cabasset |
Bone Helm |Hoplite Helm || Sallet |
Bone Helm |Jazeraint Helm || Barbut |
Bone Helm |Dread Helm || Basinet |
Chain Coif |Chain Coif || Chain Coif |
Chain Coif |Spangenhelm ||+Cabasset |
Chain Coif |Cabasset || Cabasset |
Chain Coif |Sallet ||-Bone Helm |
Chain Coif |Barbut || Barbut |
Chain Coif |Basinet ||-Bone Helm |
Chain Coif |Armet || Cabasset |
Chain Coif |Close Helm || Chain Coif |
Chain Coif |Burgonet || Spangenhelm |
Chain Coif |Hoplite Helm || Cabasset |
Chain Coif |Jazeraint Helm || Sallet |
Chain Coif |Dread Helm || Barbut |
Spangenhelm |Spangenhelm || Spangenhelm |
Spangenhelm |Cabasset ||+Sallet |
Spangenhelm |Sallet || Sallet |
Spangenhelm |Barbut ||-Bone Helm |
Spangenhelm |Basinet || Sallet |
Spangenhelm |Armet || Barbut |
Spangenhelm |Close Helm || Barbut |
Spangenhelm |Burgonet ||-Chain Coif |
Spangenhelm |Hoplite Helm || Spangenhelm |
Spangenhelm |Jazeraint Helm || Cabasset |
Spangenhelm |Dread Helm || Sallet |
Cabasset |Cabasset || Cabasset |
Cabasset |Sallet || Sallet |
Cabasset |Barbut || Barbut |
Cabasset |Basinet || Basinet |
Cabasset |Armet || Barbut |
Cabasset |Close Helm || Sallet |
Cabasset |Burgonet || Barbut |
Cabasset |Hoplite Helm ||-Chain Coif |
Cabasset |Jazeraint Helm ||-Spangenhelm |
Cabasset |Dread Helm || Cabasset |
Sallet |Sallet || Sallet |
Sallet |Barbut ||+Basinet |
Sallet |Basinet || Barbut |
Sallet |Armet || Basinet |
Sallet |Close Helm || Barbut |
Sallet |Burgonet ||-Bone Helm |
Sallet |Hoplite Helm || Basinet |
Sallet |Jazeraint Helm ||-Chain Coif |
Sallet |Dread Helm ||-Spangenhelm |
Barbut |Barbut || Barbut |
Barbut |Basinet ||+Armet |
Barbut |Armet ||-Bone Helm |
Barbut |Close Helm || Armet |
Barbut |Burgonet || Armet |
Barbut |Hoplite Helm ||-Bone Helm |
Barbut |Jazeraint Helm ||-Sallet |
Barbut |Dread Helm ||-Chain Coif |
Basinet |Basinet || Basinet |
Basinet |Armet ||+Close Helm |
Basinet |Close Helm ||+Burgonet |
Basinet |Burgonet || Basinet |
Basinet |Hoplite Helm || Close Helm |
Basinet |Jazeraint Helm || Basinet |
Basinet |Dread Helm ||-Barbut |
Armet |Armet || Armet |
Armet |Close Helm || Close Helm |
Armet |Burgonet || Close Helm |
Armet |Hoplite Helm ||-Sallet |
Armet |Jazeraint Helm || Armet |
Armet |Dread Helm ||-Bone Helm |
Close Helm |Close Helm || Close Helm |
Close Helm |Burgonet ||+Hoplite Helm |
Close Helm |Hoplite Helm || Burgonet |
Close Helm |Jazeraint Helm ||-Basinet |
Close Helm |Dread Helm || Close Helm |
Burgonet |Burgonet || Burgonet |
Burgonet |Hoplite Helm ||-Close Helm |
Burgonet |Jazeraint Helm ||-Armet |
Burgonet |Dread Helm ||-Bone Helm |
Hoplite Helm |Hoplite Helm ||+Jazeraint Helm |
Hoplite Helm |Jazeraint Helm || Hoplite Helm |
Hoplite Helm |Dread Helm ||-Burgonet |
Jazeraint Helm |Jazeraint Helm ||+Dread Helm |
Jazeraint Helm |Dread Helm ||-Hoplite Helm |
Dread Helm |Dread Helm || Dread Helm |

Combine With Result
=================== =================== ====================
Jerkin |Jerkin || Jerkin |
Jerkin |Hauberk || Hauberk |
Jerkin |Wizard Robe || Wizard Robe |
Jerkin |Cuirass || Cuirass |
Jerkin |Banded Mail || Banded Mail |
Jerkin |Ring Mail || Banded Mail |
Jerkin |Chain Mail ||+Breastplate |
Jerkin |Breastplate || Banded Mail |
Jerkin |Segmentata || Ring Mail |
Jerkin |Scale Armor || Chain Mail |
Jerkin |Brigandine || Breastplate |
Jerkin |Plate Mail || Segmentata |
Jerkin |Fluted Armor || Scale Armor |
Jerkin |Hoplite Armor || Brigandine |
Jerkin |Jazeraint Armor || Plate Mail |
Jerkin |Dread Armor || Fluted Armor |
Hauberk |Hauberk || Hauberk |
Hauberk |Wizard Robe || Wizard Robe |
Hauberk |Cuirass || Cuirass |
Hauberk |Banded Mail || Banded Mail |
Hauberk |Ring Mail || Banded Mail |
Hauberk |Chain Mail ||+Segmentata |
Hauberk |Breastplate || Banded Mail |
Hauberk |Segmentata || Banded Mail |
Hauberk |Scale Armor || Ring Mail |
Hauberk |Brigandine || Chain Mail |
Hauberk |Plate Mail || Breastplate |
Hauberk |Fluted Armor || Segmentata |
Hauberk |Hoplite Armor || Scale Armor |
Hauberk |Jazeraint Armor || Brigandine |
Hauberk |Dread Armor || Plate Mail |
Wizard Robe |Wizard Robe || Wizard Robe |
Wizard Robe |Cuirass || Cuirass |
Wizard Robe |Banded Mail || Banded Mail |
Wizard Robe |Ring Mail ||+Breastplate |
Wizard Robe |Chain Mail || Banded Mail |
Wizard Robe |Breastplate || Banded Mail |
Wizard Robe |Segmentata || Banded Mail |
Wizard Robe |Scale Armor || Ring Mail |
Wizard Robe |Brigandine || Ring Mail |
Wizard Robe |Plate Mail || Chain Mail |
Wizard Robe |Fluted Armor || Breastplate |
Wizard Robe |Hoplite Armor || Segmentata |
Wizard Robe |Jazeraint Armor || Scale Armor |
Wizard Robe |Dread Armor || Brigandine |
Cuirass |Cuirass || Cuirass |
Cuirass |Banded Mail ||+Ring Mail |
Cuirass |Ring Mail || Ring Mail |
Cuirass |Chain Mail || Banded Mail |
Cuirass |Breastplate ||+Segmentata |
Cuirass |Segmentata || Banded Mail |
Cuirass |Scale Armor || Chain Mail |
Cuirass |Brigandine || Breastplate |
Cuirass |Plate Mail || Ring Mail |
Cuirass |Fluted Armor || Chain Mail |
Cuirass |Hoplite Armor || Breastplate |
Cuirass |Jazeraint Armor || Segmentata |
Cuirass |Dread Armor || Scale Armor |
Banded Mail |Banded Mail || Banded Mail |
Banded Mail |Ring Mail ||+Chain Mail |
Banded Mail |Chain Mail || Chain Mail |
Banded Mail |Breastplate || Breastplate |
Banded Mail |Segmentata || Chain Mail |
Banded Mail |Scale Armor || Banded Mail |
Banded Mail |Brigandine || Chain Mail |
Banded Mail |Plate Mail || Banded Mail |
Banded Mail |Fluted Armor || Ring Mail |
Banded Mail |Hoplite Armor || Chain Mail |
Banded Mail |Jazeraint Armor || Breastplate |
Banded Mail |Dread Armor || Segmentata |
Ring Mail |Ring Mail || Ring Mail |
Ring Mail |Chain Mail ||+Breastplate |
Ring Mail |Breastplate ||-Banded Mail |
Ring Mail |Segmentata ||-Banded Mail |
Ring Mail |Scale Armor || Breastplate |
Ring Mail |Brigandine || Ring Mail |
Ring Mail |Plate Mail || Segmentata |
Ring Mail |Fluted Armor || Scale Armor |
Ring Mail |Hoplite Armor || Ring Mail |
Ring Mail |Jazeraint Armor || Chain Mail |
Ring Mail |Dread Armor || Breastplate |
Chain Mail |Chain Mail || Chain Mail |
Chain Mail |Breastplate ||+Segmentata |
Chain Mail |Segmentata ||+Scale Armor |
Chain Mail |Scale Armor ||-Banded Mail |
Chain Mail |Brigandine || Scale Armor |
Chain Mail |Plate Mail ||-Banded Mail |
Chain Mail |Fluted Armor || Scale Armor |
Chain Mail |Hoplite Armor || Breastplate |
Chain Mail |Jazeraint Armor ||-Ring Mail |
Chain Mail |Dread Armor || Chain Mail |
Breastplate |Breastplate || Breastplate |
Breastplate |Segmentata ||+Scale Armor |
Breastplate |Scale Armor ||+Brigandine |
Breastplate |Brigandine ||+Plate Mail |
Breastplate |Plate Mail || Scale Armor |
Breastplate |Fluted Armor || Plate Mail |
Breastplate |Hoplite Armor || Fluted Armor |
Breastplate |Jazeraint Armor ||-Banded Mail |
Breastplate |Dread Armor ||-Ring Mail |
Segmentata |Segmentata || Segmentata |
Segmentata |Scale Armor ||+Brigandine |
Segmentata |Brigandine || Segmentata |
Segmentata |Plate Mail || Brigandine |
Segmentata |Fluted Armor ||-Banded Mail |
Segmentata |Hoplite Armor || Plate Mail |
Segmentata |Jazeraint Armor || Segmentata |
Segmentata |Dread Armor || Plate Mail |
Scale Armor |Scale Armor || Scale Armor |
Scale Armor |Brigandine ||+Plate Mail |
Scale Armor |Plate Mail ||-Banded Mail |
Scale Armor |Fluted Armor || Brigandine |
Scale Armor |Hoplite Armor ||-Ring Mail |
Scale Armor |Jazeraint Armor || Fluted Armor |
Scale Armor |Dread Armor ||-Banded Mail |
Brigandine |Brigandine || Brigandine |
Brigandine |Plate Mail ||+Fluted Armor |
Brigandine |Fluted Armor || Brigandine |
Brigandine |Hoplite Armor || Plate Mail |
Brigandine |Jazeraint Armor ||-Scale Armor |
Brigandine |Dread Armor || Fluted Armor |
Plate Mail |Plate Mail || Plate Mail |
Plate Mail |Fluted Armor ||+Hoplite Armor |
Plate Mail |Hoplite Armor ||-Brigandine |
Plate Mail |Jazeraint Armor ||-Brigandine |
Plate Mail |Dread Armor ||-Scale Armor |
Fluted Armor |Fluted Armor || Fluted Armor |
Fluted Armor |Hoplite Armor ||-Scale Armor |
Fluted Armor |Jazeraint Armor || Fluted Armor |
Fluted Armor |Dread Armor ||-Scale Armor |
Hoplite Armor |Hoplite Armor ||+Jazeraint Armor |
Hoplite Armor |Jazeraint Armor ||-Banded Mail |
Hoplite Armor |Dread Armor ||-Plate Mail |
Jazeraint Armor |Jazeraint Armor ||+Dread Armor |
Jazeraint Armor |Dread Armor ||-Banded Mail |
Dread Armor |Dread Armor || Dread Armor |

Combine With Result
=================== =================== ====================
Sandals |Sandals || Sandals |
Sandals |Boots || Boots |
Sandals |Long Boots || Long Boots |
Sandals |Cuisse || Cuisse |
Sandals |Light Greave ||+Ring Leggings |
Sandals |Ring Leggings || Cuisse |
Sandals |Chain Leggings || Light Greave |
Sandals |Fusskampf || Light Greave |
Sandals |Poleyn || Ring Leggings |
Sandals |Jambeau || Chain Leggings |
Sandals |Missaglia || Fusskampf |
Sandals |Plate Leggings || Poleyn |
Sandals |Fluted Leggings || Jambeau |
Sandals |Hoplite Leggings || Missaglia |
Sandals |Jazeraint Leggings || Plate Leggings |
Sandals |Dread Leggings || Fluted Leggings |
Boots |Boots || Boots |
Boots |Long Boots || Long Boots |
Boots |Cuisse || Cuisse |
Boots |Light Greave || Cuisse |
Boots |Ring Leggings ||+Chain Leggings |
Boots |Chain Leggings || Cuisse |
Boots |Fusskampf || Ring Leggings |
Boots |Poleyn || Light Greave |
Boots |Jambeau || Ring Leggings |
Boots |Missaglia || Chain Leggings |
Boots |Plate Leggings || Fusskampf |
Boots |Fluted Leggings || Poleyn |
Boots |Hoplite Leggings || Jambeau |
Boots |Jazeraint Leggings || Missaglia |
Boots |Dread Leggings || Plate Leggings |
Long Boots |Long Boots || Long Boots |
Long Boots |Cuisse ||+Light Greave |
Long Boots |Light Greave || Light Greave |
Long Boots |Ring Leggings || Cuisse |
Long Boots |Chain Leggings || Ring Leggings |
Long Boots |Fusskampf || Light Greave |
Long Boots |Poleyn || Fusskampf |
Long Boots |Jambeau || Light Greave |
Long Boots |Missaglia || Ring Leggings |
Long Boots |Plate Leggings || Chain Leggings |
Long Boots |Fluted Leggings || Fusskampf |
Long Boots |Hoplite Leggings || Poleyn |
Long Boots |Jazeraint Leggings || Jambeau |
Long Boots |Dread Leggings || Missaglia |
Cuisse |Cuisse || Cuisse |
Cuisse |Light Greave ||+Ring Leggings |
Cuisse |Ring Leggings || Ring Leggings |
Cuisse |Chain Leggings || Cuisse |
Cuisse |Fusskampf || Chain Leggings |
Cuisse |Poleyn || Cuisse |
Cuisse |Jambeau || Poleyn |
Cuisse |Missaglia || Light Greave |
Cuisse |Plate Leggings || Ring Leggings |
Cuisse |Fluted Leggings || Chain Leggings |
Cuisse |Hoplite Leggings || Fusskampf |
Cuisse |Jazeraint Leggings || Poleyn |
Cuisse |Dread Leggings || Jambeau |
Light Greave |Light Greave || Light Greave |
Light Greave |Ring Leggings ||+Chain Leggings |
Light Greave |Chain Leggings ||+Fusskampf |
Light Greave |Fusskampf ||+Poleyn |
Light Greave |Poleyn || Fusskampf |
Light Greave |Jambeau || Chain Leggings |
Light Greave |Missaglia || Poleyn |
Light Greave |Plate Leggings || Light Greave |
Light Greave |Fluted Leggings || Ring Leggings |
Light Greave |Hoplite Leggings || Chain Leggings |
Light Greave |Jazeraint Leggings || Fusskampf |
Light Greave |Dread Leggings || Poleyn |
Ring Leggings |Ring Leggings || Ring Leggings |
Ring Leggings |Chain Leggings ||+Fusskampf |
Ring Leggings |Fusskampf || Chain Leggings |
Ring Leggings |Poleyn || Poleyn |
Ring Leggings |Jambeau || Poleyn |
Ring Leggings |Missaglia || Fusskampf |
Ring Leggings |Plate Leggings ||-Cuisse |
Ring Leggings |Fluted Leggings ||-Light Greave |
Ring Leggings |Hoplite Leggings || Ring Leggings |
Ring Leggings |Jazeraint Leggings || Chain Leggings |
Ring Leggings |Dread Leggings || Fusskampf |
Chain Leggings |Chain Leggings ||+Poleyn |
Chain Leggings |Fusskampf ||+Poleyn |
Chain Leggings |Poleyn ||+Jambeau |
Chain Leggings |Jambeau ||+Missaglia |
Chain Leggings |Missaglia || Poleyn |
Chain Leggings |Plate Leggings || Missaglia |
Chain Leggings |Fluted Leggings || Missaglia |
Chain Leggings |Hoplite Leggings ||-Light Greave |
Chain Leggings |Jazeraint Leggings ||-Ring Leggings |
Chain Leggings |Dread Leggings || Chain Leggings |
Fusskampf |Fusskampf || Fusskampf |
Fusskampf |Poleyn ||+Jambeau |
Fusskampf |Jambeau ||-Cuisse |
Fusskampf |Missaglia || Jambeau |
Fusskampf |Plate Leggings || Jambeau |
Fusskampf |Fluted Leggings ||-Light Greave |
Fusskampf |Hoplite Leggings || Plate Leggings |
Fusskampf |Jazeraint Leggings ||-Light Greave |
Fusskampf |Dread Leggings ||-Ring Leggings |
Poleyn |Poleyn || Poleyn |
Poleyn |Jambeau ||+Missaglia |
Poleyn |Missaglia ||+Plate Leggings |
Poleyn |Plate Leggings || Poleyn |
Poleyn |Fluted Leggings || Plate Leggings |
Poleyn |Hoplite Leggings || Jambeau |
Poleyn |Jazeraint Leggings || Plate Leggings |
Poleyn |Dread Leggings ||-Light Greave |
Jambeau |Jambeau || Jambeau |
Jambeau |Missaglia ||-Fusskampf |
Jambeau |Plate Leggings || Missaglia |
Jambeau |Fluted Leggings || Missaglia |
Jambeau |Hoplite Leggings ||-Fusskampf |
Jambeau |Jazeraint Leggings || Fluted Leggings |
Jambeau |Dread Leggings ||-Cuisse |
Missaglia |Missaglia ||+Plate Leggings |
Missaglia |Plate Leggings ||+Fluted Leggings |
Missaglia |Fluted Leggings ||-Jambeau |
Missaglia |Hoplite Leggings || Fluted Leggings |
Missaglia |Jazeraint Leggings ||-Ring Leggings |
Missaglia |Dread Leggings || Plate Leggings |
Plate Leggings |Plate Leggings || Plate Leggings |
Plate Leggings |Fluted Leggings ||+Hoplite Leggings |
Plate Leggings |Hoplite Leggings ||-Poleyn |
Plate Leggings |Jazeraint Leggings || Fluted Leggings |
Plate Leggings |Dread Leggings ||-Poleyn |
Fluted Leggings |Fluted Leggings || Fluted Leggings |
Fluted Leggings |Hoplite Leggings ||-Missaglia |
Fluted Leggings |Jazeraint Leggings ||-Jambeau |
Fluted Leggings |Dread Leggings ||-Plate Leggings |
Hoplite Leggings |Hoplite Leggings ||+Jazeraint Leggings |
Hoplite Leggings |Jazeraint Leggings ||-Cuisse |
Hoplite Leggings |Dread Leggings ||-Fluted Leggings |
Jazeraint Leggings |Jazeraint Leggings ||+Dread Leggings |
Jazeraint Leggings |Dread Leggings ||-Jambeau |
Dread Leggings |Dread Leggings || Dread Leggings |

Combine With Result
=================== =================== ====================
Bandage |Bandage || Bandage |
Bandage |Leather Glove || Leather Glove |
Bandage |Reinforced Glove || Reinforced Glove |
Bandage |Knuckles || Knuckles |
Bandage |Ring Sleeve || Knuckles |
Bandage |Chain Sleeve || Knuckles |
Bandage |Gauntlet || Chain Sleeve |
Bandage |Vambrace || Ring Sleeve |
Bandage |Plate Glove || Chain Sleeve |
Bandage |Rondanche || Gauntlet |
Bandage |Tilt Glove || Vambrace |
Bandage |Freiturnier || Plate Glove |
Bandage |Fluted Glove || Rondanche |
Bandage |Hoplite Glove || Tilt Glove |
Bandage |Jazeraint Glove || Freiturnier |
Bandage |Dread Glove || Fluted Glove |
Leather Glove |Leather Glove || Leather Glove |
Leather Glove |Reinforced Glove || Reinforced Glove |
Leather Glove |Knuckles || Knuckles |
Leather Glove |Ring Sleeve ||+Chain Sleeve |
Leather Glove |Chain Sleeve || Ring Sleeve |
Leather Glove |Gauntlet || Knuckles |
Leather Glove |Vambrace || Chain Sleeve |
Leather Glove |Plate Glove || Ring Sleeve |
Leather Glove |Rondanche || Chain Sleeve |
Leather Glove |Tilt Glove || Gauntlet |
Leather Glove |Freiturnier || Vambrace |
Leather Glove |Fluted Glove || Plate Glove |
Leather Glove |Hoplite Glove || Rondanche |
Leather Glove |Jazeraint Glove || Tilt Glove |
Leather Glove |Dread Glove || Freiturnier |
Reinforced Glove |Reinforced Glove || Reinforced Glove |
Reinforced Glove |Knuckles ||+Ring Sleeve |
Reinforced Glove |Ring Sleeve || Knuckles |
Reinforced Glove |Chain Sleeve ||+Gauntlet |
Reinforced Glove |Gauntlet || Chain Sleeve |
Reinforced Glove |Vambrace || Vambrace |
Reinforced Glove |Plate Glove || Vambrace |
Reinforced Glove |Rondanche || Ring Sleeve |
Reinforced Glove |Tilt Glove || Chain Sleeve |
Reinforced Glove |Freiturnier || Gauntlet |
Reinforced Glove |Fluted Glove || Vambrace |
Reinforced Glove |Hoplite Glove || Plate Glove |
Reinforced Glove |Jazeraint Glove || Rondanche |
Reinforced Glove |Dread Glove || Tilt Glove |
Knuckles |Knuckles || Knuckles |
Knuckles |Ring Sleeve ||+Chain Sleeve |
Knuckles |Chain Sleeve || Chain Sleeve |
Knuckles |Gauntlet || Knuckles |
Knuckles |Vambrace || Gauntlet |
Knuckles |Plate Glove || Plate Glove |
Knuckles |Rondanche || Rondanche |
Knuckles |Tilt Glove || Ring Sleeve |
Knuckles |Freiturnier || Chain Sleeve |
Knuckles |Fluted Glove || Gauntlet |
Knuckles |Hoplite Glove || Vambrace |
Knuckles |Jazeraint Glove || Plate Glove |
Knuckles |Dread Glove || Rondanche |
Ring Sleeve |Ring Sleeve || Ring Sleeve |
Ring Sleeve |Chain Sleeve ||+Gauntlet |
Ring Sleeve |Gauntlet ||+Vambrace |
Ring Sleeve |Vambrace || Vambrace |
Ring Sleeve |Plate Glove || Ring Sleeve |
Ring Sleeve |Rondanche || Gauntlet |
Ring Sleeve |Tilt Glove || Plate Glove |
Ring Sleeve |Freiturnier || Ring Sleeve |
Ring Sleeve |Fluted Glove || Chain Sleeve |
Ring Sleeve |Hoplite Glove || Gauntlet |
Ring Sleeve |Jazeraint Glove || Vambrace |
Ring Sleeve |Dread Glove || Plate Glove |
Chain Sleeve |Chain Sleeve || Chain Sleeve |
Chain Sleeve |Gauntlet || Gauntlet |
Chain Sleeve |Vambrace ||-Knuckles |
Chain Sleeve |Plate Glove ||+Rondanche |
Chain Sleeve |Rondanche || Rondanche |
Chain Sleeve |Tilt Glove || Vambrace |
Chain Sleeve |Freiturnier || Rondanche |
Chain Sleeve |Fluted Glove ||-Ring Sleeve |
Chain Sleeve |Hoplite Glove || Chain Sleeve |
Chain Sleeve |Jazeraint Glove || Gauntlet |
Chain Sleeve |Dread Glove || Vambrace |
Gauntlet |Gauntlet || Gauntlet |
Gauntlet |Vambrace ||+Plate Glove |
Gauntlet |Plate Glove || Plate Glove |
Gauntlet |Rondanche ||-Knuckles |
Gauntlet |Tilt Glove || Tilt Glove |
Gauntlet |Freiturnier ||-Chain Sleeve |
Gauntlet |Fluted Glove || Freiturnier |
Gauntlet |Hoplite Glove ||-Ring Sleeve |
Gauntlet |Jazeraint Glove ||-Chain Sleeve |
Gauntlet |Dread Glove || Gauntlet |
Vambrace |Vambrace ||+Plate Glove |
Vambrace |Plate Glove ||+Rondanche |
Vambrace |Rondanche || Plate Glove |
Vambrace |Tilt Glove ||-Gauntlet |
Vambrace |Freiturnier || Freiturnier |
Vambrace |Fluted Glove || Tilt Glove |
Vambrace |Hoplite Glove ||-Knuckles |
Vambrace |Jazeraint Glove ||-Ring Sleeve |
Vambrace |Dread Glove ||-Chain Sleeve |
Plate Glove |Plate Glove || Plate Glove |
Plate Glove |Rondanche ||+Tilt Glove |
Plate Glove |Tilt Glove || Tilt Glove |
Plate Glove |Freiturnier || Plate Glove |
Plate Glove |Fluted Glove || Freiturnier |
Plate Glove |Hoplite Glove || Fluted Glove |
Plate Glove |Jazeraint Glove ||-Vambrace |
Plate Glove |Dread Glove ||-Ring Sleeve |
Rondanche |Rondanche || Rondanche |
Rondanche |Tilt Glove || Rondanche |
Rondanche |Freiturnier ||+Fluted Glove |
Rondanche |Fluted Glove ||-Knuckles |
Rondanche |Hoplite Glove || Freiturnier |
Rondanche |Jazeraint Glove || Rondanche |
Rondanche |Dread Glove || Freiturnier |
Tilt Glove |Tilt Glove ||+Freiturnier |
Tilt Glove |Freiturnier || Tilt Glove |
Tilt Glove |Fluted Glove || Fluted Glove |
Tilt Glove |Hoplite Glove ||-Plate Glove |
Tilt Glove |Jazeraint Glove || Fluted Glove |
Tilt Glove |Dread Glove ||-Gauntlet |
Freiturnier |Freiturnier || Freiturnier |
Freiturnier |Fluted Glove ||+Hoplite Glove |
Freiturnier |Hoplite Glove || Fluted Glove |
Freiturnier |Jazeraint Glove ||-Rondanche |
Freiturnier |Dread Glove ||-Tilt Glove |
Fluted Glove |Fluted Glove || Fluted Glove |
Fluted Glove |Hoplite Glove ||-Tilt Glove |
Fluted Glove |Jazeraint Glove ||-Freiturnier |
Fluted Glove |Dread Glove || Fluted Glove |
Hoplite Glove |Hoplite Glove ||+Jazeraint Glove |
Hoplite Glove |Jazeraint Glove ||-Knuckles |
Hoplite Glove |Dread Glove ||-Fluted Glove |
Jazeraint Glove |Jazeraint Glove ||+Dread Glove |
Jazeraint Glove |Dread Glove ||-Rondanche |
Dread Glove |Dread Glove || Dread Glove |

**15) Credits**

I would like to thank the following people

CJayC for his excellent site and making free, easy
access to everyone.

Zy Nicholson for his EXCELLENT walkthrough which inspired me to
write this.

jtilton for his equally EXCELLENT combinations guide which had me
spending many an hour in the Workshops. Also for helping me with
the Rare Grimoire list. Also the combinations list.

ElectricMuffin for his help also with the Grimoires and many
other things on my first game of Vagrant Story.

My cousins Declan and Kieran Murphy who introduced me to Vagrant

All the Guys and Gals at the gamefaqs message boards for all
their help and Comic Relief since I started playing the game

Squaresoft for making the best two games ever: Chrono Trigger and
Vagrant Story

You for reading my guide and lastly myself.
Comentariul dumneavoastră a fost salvat!!!
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Secret's and Hints

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Ende des Spiels

17.Octombrie 2013
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Patch und PAL/NTSC Selektor und +3 Trainer für die Europäische PAL GER/ENG Version.

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Patch und PAL/NTSC Selektor für die Europäische PAL GER/ENG Version.

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Patch für die Europäische PAL Französiche Version.

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Patch for the European PAL UK Version.

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