Army Men: Air Attack

Army Men: Air Attack

14.10.2013 11:12:12
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Army Men: Air Attack FAQ/Walkthrough

A game from 3DO
For the Playstation
by JonL
ICQ: 74360442
Version 2.7
27 December 1999
10:05 p.m.

This FAQ may be reproduced electronically, printed, or copied FOR PRIVATE
AND PERSONAL USE ONLY and may not be altered in any way. It may not be
printed in a magazine, placed in a CD or disket, or anything else than
above. This FAQ is Copyright 1999 JonL. Please e-mail me when you read this
FAQ or if you want to correct some errors or mistakes. If you e-mail me to
correct any mistakes or errors, your name will be listed at the credits
section. The latest version of this FAQ can be found at:
My ICQ uin is 74360442.

Table of Contents

A. Version
B. Introduction
C. Features
D. Frequently Asked Questions
E. Controls
F. Main Menu
G. Walkthrough
I. Mission 1: Plastic Pandemonium
II. Mission 2: Going Car-Razy
III. Mission 3: The Train That Could
IV. Misiion 4: Tan Terror-Tory
V. Mission 5: Bug Bath
VI. Misiion 6: Uninvited Guests
VII. Mission 7: Ants In The Pants
VIII. Mission 8: Saucer Attack
IX. Mission 9: The Heat Is On
X. Mission 10: The Melting Pot
XI. Mission 11: River Rapids Riot
XII. Mission 12: Nighttime Teddy
XIII. Mission 13: Demolition Time
XIV. Mission 14: Pick Up The Pieces
XV. Mission 15: Have An Ice Day
XVI. Mission 16: Plastro's Revenge
H. Co-Pilots
I. Helicopters
J. Weapons
K. Mission Passwords
L. Cheat Codes and Hints
M. GameShark Codes
N. Credits

A. Version

This is my version history. Note: These dates are Malaysian dates.

Version 1.0 (27/12/1999)- The complete walktrough/FAQ. More updates need to
be done so e-mail me and give some comments about
this FAQ.
Version 1.5 (29/12/1999)- Corrected some mistakes and finally, the
Frequently Asked Questions section is up! Found the
Mission 16's briefings and two other secret
Version 2.0 (30/12/1999)- Added the mission objectives for every mission.
Corrected some walkthrough mistakes. Please e-mail
me and advice me what to put up. (Like a new
section, etc.) I would appreciate your
Version 2.5 (31/12/1999)- Changed the walkthrough format, go check it out!
I've been busy updating the Digimon World FAQ by
me and DavidF. Go check it out!
Version 2.6 (21/03/2000)- Ah, another fresh update. After spending hours of
work for my Fighting Force 2 FAQ/Walkthrough, I've
finally took a break and spent some time on this
FAQ. I really need comments. I've already got most
Of the info including helicopters to captain names.
I can't think of anything to add! Suggestions
Version 2.7 (16/05/2000)- Note that I changed my ICQ number.

B. Introduction

Another masterpiece from 3DO. After Army Men, Army Men 3D and Army Men 2, I
think this game is the best so far. This FAQ has the walkthrough for EVERY
level so when you are stuck or you are very eager to finish the game, take a
look at the walkthrough. Also, e-mail me when you visit my FAQ and give some
comments about this FAQ so that I can make it less confusing or correct some
errors and mistakes. My e-mail is available at the beginning of this FAQ.

C. Features

- Command 4 helicopters loaded with missiles, guided missiles, swarm
missiles, and napalm.

- The tools of war include: ground troops, fixed cannons, jeeps with mounted
guns, cargo trucks, half-tracks, tanks, zeppelins.

- "Our World"- the real world where Captain and the Air Cavalry explore a
toy-scaled environment and "Their World"- the homeland of the Army Men and
a world where plastic is the most important resource.

- 6 worlds including Beach, Campground, Arctic, Backyard, Alpine, and

- 22 missions for hours and hours of gameplay Screen resolution of
512 x 240.

- Supports DUAL SHOCKtm analog controller.

D. Frequently Asked Questions

Q: At Mission 15: Have An Ice Day, how am supposed I take care of three
people myself???
A: First, go to Sarge and destroy all the landmines and Tan forces blocking
his way. Then, go to the other two and destroy landmines and Tan forces
blocking his way. Whenever someone stops, that means there is something
in front or behind him. Repeat the process until they get to the jeep.

Q: How do you stop the robot???? I've blown up the batteries and the robot
still won't go down. What's the key.
A: Are you sure you've blown up ALL the batteries? If you did, Plastro won't
be invincible anymore. Try not to use machine guns because it is almost
useless against him. Use missiles like swarm missiles instead.
-by Charles-

Q: How do I get life?
A: Use your winch and collect the green boxes.

E. Controls

Configuration 1- Swinger.

D-Pad- Use this to move your helicopter. Up to go forward, down to go
backward, left to turn left and right to turn right.
X- Machine guns/Accept.
Square- Fire special.
Circle- Winch.
Triangle- Next weapon/Cancel.
L1- Strafe left.
L2- View map.
R1- Strafe right.
R2- Previous weapon.
Select- View map.
Start- Pause.
Left Analog Joystick (Analog Controller required)- Same as D-Pad.
Right Analog Joystick (Analog Controller required)- Strafe left or right.

Configuration 2- Sugar Loaf.

D-Pad- Use this to move your helicopter. Up to go forward, down to go
backward, left to turn left and right to turn right.
X- Machine guns/Accept.
Square- Fire special.
Circle- Next weapon.
Triangle- Winch/Cancel.
L1- Strafe left.
L2- View map.
R1- Strafe right.
R2- Previous weapon.
Select- View map.
Start- Pause.
Left Analog Joystick (Analog Controller required)- Same as D-Pad.
Right Analog Joystick (Analog Controller required)- Strafe left or right.

Configuration 3- Fowler

D-Pad- Use this to move your helicopter. Up to go forward, down to go
backward, left to turn left and right to turn right.
X- Fire special/Accept.
Square- Winch.
Circle- Machine guns.
Triangle- Next weapon/Cancel.
L1- Strafe left.
L2- View map.
R1- Strafe right.
R2- Previous weapon.
Select- View map.
Start- Pause.
Left Analog Joystick (Analog Controller required)- Same as D-Pad.
Right Analog Joystick (Analog Controller required)- Strafe left or right.

Configuration 4- Custom

Create your own controls. X to edit.

F. Main Menu

Start Game- Select one or two player game.
|________\ One player- Play as one player.
/ Two Player- Call a friend and join in the fun!
| / Briefing- Your current mission briefing.
| | Helicopter- Choose your helicopter for the current
|___\ | mission.
/ | Co-pilot (1 player only)- Choose your co-pilot.
\ Start Game- Starts your game.

Load Game - Loads your saved game.

Password - Type in a password.

Options - Configure your game settings.
|________\ Sound- Configure sound settings.
| / | Music Volume- Select your music volume.
| |_\ SFX Volume- Select your SFX volume.
| / Sound Mode- Select your sound mode (mono/stereo).
|________\ Controller Setup- Configure your controller settings.
| / | /Configure Controllers- Configure your
| | | controller.
| |___________\ |On/Off vibration- Select on/off your vibration
| / | (DUAL SHOCKtm controller
| \ required).
|________\ Credits- View the credits.
/ Exit To Main- Exit to Main Menu.

G. Walkthrough

All the missions in this game are easy because they actually tell you the
walkthrough of each level through the briefings so I don't have to write so
much. Also, at the beginning of every mission, press Select to on the map.
It will be much more less confusing that way. NOTE: It is wiser to use these
Walkthrough for reference if you're stuck in this game.

I. Mission 1: Plastic Pandemonium

Mission Briefings: Find our green base in the hills, pick up the plastic
supplies stored there, and fly them through the portal to
our boys on the other side. Check the overhead map for the
location of objectives.
Mission Objectives:- Pick up plastic supplies from secret base.
- Fly plastic supplies through portal.
Helicopters: Huey.
Co-pilots: Woodstock, Hardcore and Rawhide.
Recommended Players: 1 or 2 Players.
1 Player Walkthrough:
This mission is the easiest of all. At the beginning of the mission, fly
towards the purple dot on the map and you will find a green box. Use your
winch and pick up that box. Do not use your winch again because if you do,
you will let go the green box. Now look at your map. Fly towards the purple
dot on the map. That is the portal. Make sure you are still carrying the
green box.
2 Players Walkthrough:
One of the players go to the purple dot on the map and take the green box
while the other player take care of the Tan.

II. Mission 2: Going Car-Razy

Mission Briefings: This is no day at the races! Destroy the Tan garages
before 15 cars race precious tan military supplies through
the portal. Check the overhead map for the location of
Mission Objectives:- Stop 15 cars from entering the portal.
- Destroy all Tan garages.
Helicopters: Huey.
Co-pilots: Woodstock, Hardcore and Rawhide.
Recommended Players: 1 or 2 Players.
1 Player Walkthrough:
First, go to the purple dots on the map and destroy the garages before 15
cars go through the portal. To prevent this, often go check the road the
cars are using and destroy the cars you see traveling to the portal. Once
you destroyed all the garages, you win this mission.
2 Players Walkthrough:
First, one of the players should take care of the cars that are entering the
portal while the other one should go blasting garages. The player who is
destroying cars should always be ready to help the other player.

III. Mission 3: The Train That Could

Mission Briefings: The prego train carries our battle tank but a Tan
helicopter stole the power source. Destroy the helicopter,
return the battery, escort the train to the green base,
and fly through the portal.
Mission Objectives:- Destroy Tan helicopter.
- Return battery to train power pad.
- Escort prego train to green house.
- Fly through the portal.
Helicopters: Huey.
Co-pilots: Woodstock, Hardcore and Rawhide.
Recommended Players: 2 Players.
1 Player Walkthrough:
At the beginning of the game, find the helicopter and destroy it. Take the
battery and put it on the area behind the train. The train will move, so
remove any obstacles (the Tan forces, apples, jugs, etc.). Once the train
reaches the end, go through the portal.
2 Players Walkthrough:
At the beginning of the game, one of the players shall find the helicopter
and destroy it to obtain the battery while the other player destroy any Tan
forces. Put it at the area at the back of the train. Once the train is
moving, destroy or remove any obstacles mentioned above.

IV. Mission 4: Tan Terror-Tory

Mission Briefings: The Tan have started a top notch helicopter battalion of
their own. Let's show them who's boss. Destroy all Tan
helicopter hangars and then fly through the portal.
Mission Objectives:- Destroy all Tan hangars.
- Fly through the portal.
Helicopters: Huey.
Co-Pilots: Woodstock, Rawhide and Hardcore.
Recommended Players: 1 or 2 Players.
1 Player Walkthrough:
Head to the purple dots and blast the helicopter hangars. Then, after you
destroyed all the helicopter hangars a purple dot will appear on the map.
Head to the purple dot and go through the portal.
2 Players Walkthrough:
One of the players should head to the helicopter hangars while the other one
back him up.

-New Helicopter!: Chinook-

V. Mission 5: Bug Bath

Mission Briefings: The Tan have been mutating bugs into hideous
monstrosities. Free the mutated bugs inside the Tan bases,
and watch the bugs destroy their Tan captors.
Mission Objectives:- Open all bug boxes.
- Destroy all Tan bases.
Helicopters: Huey and Chinook.
Co-pilots: Woodstock, Rawhide and Hardcore.
Recommended Players: 1 or 2 Players
1 Player Walkthrough:
Go to the purple dots on the map and destroy the tan coloured weird boxes
and see the bugs destroy the Tan forces. After you freed all the bugs, you
win the game.
2 Players Walkthrough:
One of the players should go to one of the dots on the map while the other
one go to the other dot on the map. Try not to care about the Tan forces
until you freed the bugs. To free the bugs, just destroy the Tan coloured
boxes. You can just relax and watch the bugs do the destruction or help

VI. Mission 6: Uninvited Guests

Mission Briefings: Picnic food items are attracting ants. Our Green troops
are being massacred. Distract the ants away from our men
and destroy the Tan bases! Be careful, If you lose one
Green base it is game over.
Mission Objectives:- Protect all Green bases.
- Destroy the Tan bases.
Helicopters: Huey and Chinook.
Co-pilot: Woodstock, Rawhide and Hardcore.
Recommended Players: 1 or 2 Players.
Player 1 Walkthrough:
Distract the ants by taking picnic food (donuts, apples, etc.) and bring
them to the Tan base. Once the Tan problem is settled, you win the game.
Player 2 Walkthrough:
One player protect the bases while the other one distract the ants by using
picnic food.

VII. Mission 7: Ants In The Pants

Mission Briefings: Ants are attacking the Green base. Find the anthills and
drop cherry bombs down the holes. Once the green base have
been saved, find the Tan UFO and fly it through the
Mission Objectives:- Destroy all anthills.
- Stop destruction of Green base.
- Find UFO and fly through the portal.
Helicopters: Huey and Chinook.
Co-pilots: Woodstock, Rawhide and Hardcore.
Recommended Players: 2 Players.
1 Player Walkthrough:
Use the cherry bombs and head towards the purple dots. Drop it on the ant
holes. Be quick, though. The cherries will explode if you take too long to
reach the destination. The explosion won't damage your copter, but you have
sufficient cherry bombs so try not to waste any. After that, find the UFO
and fly through the portal.
2 Players Walkthrough:
One of the players should protect the Green base while the other one go
accomplish the ant holes problem or both of them go destroy the ant holes.

VIII. Mission 8: Saucer Attack

Mission Briefings: The Tan have unleashed a last ditch assault on our green
alpine bases. Defend the base from this vicious attack!
Once the area has been cleared of all Tan forces fly
through the portal.
Mission Objectives:- Prevent all Green base from being destroyed.
- Eliminate all Tan forces.
- Fly through portal.
Helicopters: Huey and Chinook.
Co-pilots: Woodstock, Rawhide and Hardcore.
Recommended Players: 1 or 2 Players
1 Player Walkthrough:
This mission is simple. Protect ONE base (yes, only one base, that means let
all the other bases get destroyed), wipe out ALL the Tan forces and go
through the portal. Simple.
2 Players Walkthrough:
Each of the players go protect one base or one of the players go destroy the
Tan forces while the other one protect one of the bases (only protect ONE

-New Helicopter!: Super Stallion-

IX. Mission 9: The Heat Is On

Mission Briefings: Sarge and three scientists have escaped from a Tan base
but are being melted by a giant magnifying glass. Find
Sarge and the others before they are turned into a puddle
of goo then return home.
Mission Objectives:- Save at least 2 scientists.
- Rescue Sarge.
- Return rescued people to Green base.
Helicopters: Huey, Chinook and Super Stallion.
Co-pilots: Woodstock, Rawhide and Hardcore.
Recommended Players: 1 Player.
1 Player Walkthrough:
Find the three scientists and Sarge. Pick them up with your winch. Be
careful! Strafe left or right to avoid these rays. Once you return to base,
mission accomplished.
2 Players Walkthrough:
One of the players go find for the scientists and Sarge while the other one
go help him destroy anything that blocks his way or both of them go find
for the scientists and Sarge.

X. Mission 10: The Melting Pot

Mission Briefings: The Tan have assembled a giant machine that seems to be
exerting some form of mind control over our troops! Find a
way to turn our men back to the green side before the
super battleship is fully manned with 30 Tan soldiers.
Mission Objectives:- Make machine produce Green army men.
- Prevent 30 Tan soldiers from entering super battleship.
- Defeat the super battleship.
Helicopters: Huey, Chinook and Super Stallion.
Co-pilots: Woodstock, Rawhide and Hardcore.
Recommended Players: 1 or 2 Players.
1 Player Walkthrough:
First, go to the yellow-orange coloured mat and pick up a green crayon. Go
to the purple dot and put the crayon on the tan coloured goo machine. Let
the soldiers take care of the super battleship. Note: The numbers at the top
right corner of the screen are the number of Tan soldiers that are needed to
fill the super battleship.
2 Players Walkthrough:
One of the players go to the orange mat and take a green crayon while the
other one help him get rid of whatever that blocks his way.

XI. Mission 11: River Rapids Riot

Mission Briefings: Retrieve and escort the teddy bear down the Tan's river
of sorrow. Keep the teddy bear alive at all costs! Once
the teddy bear has been secured, fly through the portal.
Mission Objectives:- Rescue teddy from Tan Chinook.
- Escort the teddy bear to waiting Green helicopters.
- Fly through the portal.
Helicopters: Huey, Chinook and Super Stallion.
Co-pilots: Woodstock, Rawhide and Hardcore.
Recommended Players: 1 or 2 Players.
1 Player Walkthrough:
Destroy any Tan forces that block your way. Halfway through the river, there
will be a message saying that there is a secret base somewhere near the
right side of the river in trouble. Go help them. After helping them,
continue on with the bear. Near the end, a big boat will block its way.
Destroy it and fly through the portal.
2 Players Walkthrough:
One of the players stay near the bear and protect it while the other one go
further down the river and destroy Tan forces, help the helicopters at the
secret base (see above), etc.

XII. Mission 12: Nighttime Teddy

Mission Briefings: Night is falling and the Tan have disabled our radar
dishes. Find power generators and drop them by the dishes
to bring the radar back on-line. Decimate the Tan base and
fly through the portal.
Mission Objectives:- Reactive all radar dishes.
- Destroy the Tan base.
- Fly through the portal.
Helicopters: Huey, Chinook and Super Stallion.
Co-pilots: Woodstock, Rawhide and Hardcore.
Recommended Players: 1 or 2 Players.
1 Player Walkthrough:
Find all the power generators and put them beside the dishes. Destroy all
Tan forces and go through the portal.
2 Players Walkthrough:
One of the players go find the power generators while the other one help him
destroy anything that comes in his way or each of them go find one power
generator and put them beside the dishes.

XIII. Mission 13: Demolition Time

Mission Briefings: Destroy the RC cars by toasting the remote control
devices. Hurry or the Green army will look like it's been
hit by a 4X4.
Mission Objectives:- Destroy all remote control devices.
Helicopters: Huey, Chinook and Super Stallion.
Co-pilots: Woodstock, Rawhide and Hardcore.
Recommended Players: 1 or 2 Players.
1 Player Walkthrough:
Go to the purple coloured dot and destroy the remote control there. Once all
the remote controls are toasted, you win the mission.
2 Players Walkthrough:
Each of them go destroy the one remote control devices. Once all the remote
controls are destroyed, you win the mission.

XIV. Mission 14: Pick Up The Pieces

Mission Briefings: The Tan army is building a new super helicopter. Find all
six pieces of the super helicopter. Return them to the
Green base marked with the white square, and fly through
the portal.
Mission Objectives:- Collect each super helicopter piece.
- Return each piece to the Green base.
- Fly through the portal.
Helicopters: Huey, Chinook and Super Stallion.
Co-pilots: Woodstock, Rawhide and Hardcore.
Recommended Players: 1 or 2 Players.
1 Player Walkthrough:
Go to the purple dots on the map and take all the pieces back to base. Once
all the pieces are taken back, you win the mission.
2 Players Walkthrough:
Each of the players go to the purple dots on the map and take the pieces and
bring them back to the Green base.

-New Helicopter!: Apache-

XV. Mission 15: Have An Ice Day

Mission Briefings: Sarge and his commandos have escaped from a nearby Tan
base. Clear their path of landmines and eliminate any Tan
search parties. Rendezvous at the landing pad and escort
the jeep to the portal.
Mission Objectives:- Keep all of the Green escapees alive.
- Escort the jeep and fly into portal.
Helicopters: Huey, Chinook, Super Stallion and Apache.
Co-pilots: Woodstock, Rawhide and Hardcore.
Recommended Players: 2 Players.
1 Player Walkthrough:
Keep an eye on those three. Destroy any search parties or landmines that
comes in their way. Escort them into the jeep and through the portal.
2 Players Walkthrough:
Both of the players take care of the three Green escapees by destroying
any search parties and landmines. Note: Landmines are the round Tan coloured
objects on the ground.

-New Co-pilot!: Sarge-

XVI. Mission 16: Plastro's Revenge

Mission Briefings: Good Luck!!!!!...You'll need it!
Mission Objectives:- Defeat any threat.
- Survive.
Helicopters: Huey, Chinook, Super Stallion and Apache.
Co-pilots: Woodstock, Rawhide, Hardcore and Sarge.
Recommended Players: 1 or 2 Players.
1 And 2 Players Walkthrough:
Alright, the final stage. See those cargo trucks coming out of the pipe?
Destroy them and sometimes, a cherry bomb will pop out. Take the cherry bomb
and put it at the battery (the purple dots). Once all the batteries are
destroyed, Plastro (the blue robot) is not invincible anymore. Destroy him
and enjoy the ending FMV.

H. Co-Pilots

LT. James Marshall
ID Tag: 070869
Don't let his nickname fool you. Peace and love are definitely not his bag.
His experience in the jungle wars of the '60's have made him a madman on the
machine guns.

LT. Dave Parker
ID Tag: 101671
Rawhide is as comfortable behind a rocket launcher as on a cattle drive.
Riding in a helicopter is easy compared to taming a bucking bronco. Rawhide
can winch any item with an uncanny steadiness of hand.

LT. John Lawless
ID Tag: 499140
Hardcore is cocky and headstrong. He often focuses on the fighting while
ignoring his other duties. He loves the homing rockets cause they're

Sargeant Hawk
ID Tag: 499201
The bravo company's unquestioned leader. A grizzled veteran who has seen it
all from battles over the sandbox dunes to frozen conflicts across the icy
wastes of unshoveled driveways.

LT. Felicity Wanmaker
ID Tag: 997263
When they made this plastic woman they should not have thrown away the mold.
She used her beguiling charms to ride shotgun with her true love, Capt.
Blade. She loves to set men afire with napalm.

I. Helicopters

Quick and agile, the Huey can avoid enemy fire with ease. The perfect copter
for a new pilot.
Armor: |||||
Mobility: ||||||||||
Weapons: ||||||
Winch: |||

The Chinook can carry a big payload with ease. Its extra armor helps make up
for limited quickness.
Armor: ||||||||
Mobility: |||||
Weapons: |||||||
Winch: |||||||||

Super Stallion
The Stallion's increased armor and weaponry makes it a deadly foe with no
loss of speed and mobility.
Armor: ||||||||||
Mobility: |||||||
Weapons: |||||||||
Winch: ||||||||

The ultimate helicopter, the Apache has no weakness. It has the best armor
and weapons plastic can buy.
Armor: ||||||||||
Mobility: ||||||||
Weapons: ||||||||||
Winch: |||||||

J. Weapons

Machine Guns- These machine guns has unlimited bullets. It's your main
weapon. It is good for destroying army men.

Missiles- Missiles move straight and are very effective against tanks,
helicopters and buildings.

Homing Missiles- Homing Missiles are very accurate. Use it when you need to
strafe while shooting.

Swarm Missiles- Swarm Missiles are the combination of Homing Missiles and
Missiles. It shoots out 4 missiles at once so it is VERY
useful against a group of tanks, helicopters or even Plastro.

Napalm- Napalms are good at destroying buildings and groups of Tan forces.

Flares- Flares let go men equipped with dynamite at their backs. I don't
usually use this weapon unless if I run out of rockets.

Laser- Hold the Fire Special weapon down you can shoot out lasers just like
the UFO and Teddy Bear. Hold the 'shoot' button down for more damage.

K. Mission Passwords

Go to the Password screen and type these mission passwords.

Mission 2: Going Car-Razy
X, Down, Left, Left, Square, Circle, Circle, Right.

Mission 3: The Train That Could
Triangle, Up, Left, Right, Down, Triangle, Circle, Up.

Mission 4: Tan Terror-Tory
Down, Down, Square, Square, Left, Right, Circle, X.

Mission 5: Bug Bath
Right, Right, X, Circle, Down, Up, Down, Up.

Mission 6: Uninvited Guest
Square, Circle, X, Square, Triangle, Left, Up, Right.

Mission 7: Ants In The Pants
Square, Circle, X, Square, Left, Up, Right.

Mission 8: Saucer Attack
Right, Down, Left, Up, Triangle, Down, Up, Down.

Mission 9: The Heat Is On
Circle, Circle, Right, Up, Right, Up, X, X.

Mission 10: The Melting Pot
X, Down, Down, Down, Down, X, Left, Right.

Mission 11: River Rapids Riot
Square, Up, Circle, Down, Square, X, Right.

Mission 12: Nightime Teddy
Up, Up, Triangle, Triangle, Left, Left, Circle, Circle.

Mission 13: Demolition Time
Left, Down, Left, Down, Square, Circle, Square, Circle.

Mission 14: Pick Up The Pieces
Down, Down, Down, Down, X, X, Circle, Circle.

Mission 15: Have An Ice Day
Square, Right, Left, Circle, Circle, Up, Down, Square.

Mission 16: Plastro's Revenge
Triangle, Down, Triangle, Down, Square, Up, Square, Up.

Some of these passwords can be found at

L. Cheat Codes and Hints

All these cheat codes has been tested by me.

All Co-Pilots
At the password screen, type Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down.

Get the Apache
Successfully complete Mission 14: Pick Up the Pieces.

Get the Chinnok
Successfully complete Mission 4: Tan Terror Troy.

Get the Stallion
Successfully complete Mission 8: Saucer Attack.

Have Sarge to be your Co-Pilot (1 Player Only)
On the last mission (Mission 16- Plastro's Revenge), you will be able to
play as Sarge by your side as the co-pilot. Just look for him in the
co-pilot selection screen.

All these codes and hints can be found at

M. GameShark Codes

Some of these codes (Get all missions, get all helicopters and get all
co-pilots) can't work. I don't know why. I am using GameShark version 9.9.
NOTE: I suggest you not to use these codes as they may spoil the game.

Get All Missions- E00EB1B20001
Get All Helicopters- E00EB1D30001
Get All Co-pilots- E00EB1D40003
Infinite Ammo For All Weapons- 800506422400
Infinite Health For P1 and P2- 8003BA662400
Infinite Health For P1- 8003BA500100
Infinite Health For P2- 8003BA500100

All these GameShark codes can be found at

N. Credits

I would like to thank all the people below:
- All the people at 3DO who brought this game to us.
- Visit the 3DO site at for more information!
- for providing me cheat codes and hints.
- for providing me GameShark codes.
-,, and for putting up this
- Another site, for putting up this FAQ.
- My friend, Foo Brian Lu (DavidF), who did research for me in the internet
and helped me on some things in the FAQ. Take a look at his Digimon World
- I would like to thank Chris and Brian for correcting some errors in this
- for informing me about a mistake on the FAQ.
- And YOU for reading this FAQ.
This FAQ finished at 16 May 2000, 5:07 p.m.

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17.Octombrie 2013

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PAL/NTSC Selector and +2 Trainer for the US Version by BAD

14.Octombrie 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector and +2 Trainer for the US Version

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