Crash Bash

Crash Bash

14.10.2013 02:58:20

Crash Bash
By: AnimeMaster
Version 2.0
I. Crash Bash Walkthru
A. Introduction
1. About Me
2. My Opinion of This Game
3. My Opinion on the Crash Bash Series
4. Legal Disclaimer
5. Version
B. About this game
1. The Layout
2. The Characters
3. The Arenas
C. The Adventure Walkthru
1. Warp Room 1
a. Crash Ball
b. Polar Panic
c. Pogo Painter
d. Jungle Bash
e. BOSS - Papu Pummel
2. Warp Room 2
a. Beach Ball
b. Tilt Panic
c. Pogo-A-Gogo
d. Space Bash
e. Desert Fox
f. BOSS - Bearminator
3. Warp Room 3
a. N. Ballism
b. Melt Panic
c. El Pogo Loco
d. Snow Bash
e. Metal Fox
f. Dot Dash
g. BOSS – Big Bad Fox
4. Warp Room 4
a. Sky Balls
b. Manic Panic
c. Pogo Padlock
d. Drain Bash
e. Jungle Fox
f. Toxic Dash
g. Ring Ding
h. BOSS – Oxide Ride
5. Warp Room 5
a. Splash Dash
b. Dragon Drop
D. Miscallaneous
1. Thanks!

I. Crash Bash Walkthru
A. Introduction
1. About Me

Well I am 13 years old, and I play a LOT of video games. I was a
nintendo buff up until the release of Playstation™ by Sony™. I mainly
enjoy Rpg's and stradegies. However, I like a good party game now and
then. I only like games that test skill basically, although most
people would say rpg's aren't challenging.
2. My Opinion of this game

Crash Bash™ is a decent party game. I like that it tests skill,
which I have tons of. Mwhahahaha. I beat it in two days. But yet I
played it again, and again, and again. It really doesn't live up to the
Crash name, because N. Brio became a good guy. And they had so many
bad guys to chose from. Why'd they bring in Rilla Roo? But besides
that it's good.

3. My opinion of the Crash Series

One of the first games I got with my playstation (I got three) was
Crash Bandicoot. I have all the Crash titles, because of the basic
"cartoon" feel of it. I think they went overboard with CTR, there are
two many Kart games out there. Above all, thumbs up.

4. Legal Disclaimer

This Faq is property of AnimeMaster ( under
copywrite law. All Crash Bandicoot and its affiliates are property of
Eurocom™ Software. Replecation for personal use must be permitted by

5. Versions

Version 1 - Initial Release

Version 2 – Current Release
- Fixed Grammatarical And Spelling Errors
- Updated Current Standings
- Added first two stages of Warproom 5
- Fixed Text Corruption errors

B. About this game
1. The Layout

At the main menu, there are 4 menus:

1. Adventure Mode
-New Game: Starts a new game
-Load Game: Continues game that has been saved on a memory card
2. Battle Mode
-First, choose the amount of players
-Next, choose characters
-Then, choose stage from unlocked levels
-Select whether it is team play or free-for-all
-Finally, choose difficulty and number of cups needed to win
3. Tournament
-First, choose the amount of players
-Second, choose characters
-Next, choose the type of arena (All 4 levels must be unlocked)
-Then, choose difficulty and number of cups needed to win
4. Options
-Change sound and controller settings here.

2. The Characters

Here are a list of characters and their stats:


Crash: In Crate crush, he can spin mulitple boxes at once. He picks up
boxes slowly, and throws them slowly. In polar Push, his bear can
unleash two not powerful charges in a row, and manuevers fairly well.
No one really has an advantage in Pogo Pandemonium, but if you must
know he uses a pogo stick. In ballistix, no one has an advantage. In
tank wars, shoots one medium speed, medium range, medium damage shots.
And in crash dash can get bumped easily.

Coco: Ha. In crate crush same as crash, in polar push, manuevers good,
but INCREDIBLY weak. Uses a pogo stick. Same as crash in tank wars, and
Crash Dash, be very, very passive, she's very WEAK!

Tiny: Roar baby! This is my personal favorite. Why? Here's the low-
down. Crate Crush, kicks boxes, but who cares? Picks em up and throws
them before Coco can say "hahaha". And they go FAR! Polar push, one
charge takes up almost the whole bar, but delivers one heck of a wammy.
Pogo Pandemoium uses springs… Tank Wars shoots one VERY powerful blast
with short range and slow speed. Crash Dash, can bump his way to the
front at record time. And besides, hes &$@#&@% HUGE! Like the book
says, good thing he's on Crash's side.

Dingodile: Grrr my butt, he stinks. Crate Crush, same as Crash,
except when he spins boxes he can't move. Polar push, takes the whole
bar, but's on the wimpy side like Cortex. Uses a pogo. Two volley shots
are pretty pointless, they're just like crash's basically. Crash Dash,
has medium resistance.


Cortex: Pshaw. Crate Crush, picks up and shoots them quick, but short
range. Polar push same as dingodile. Pogo. Tank wars – LONG range
(Very annoying) fast, yet weak. Crash Dash, wimpy.

N. Brio: Same as Cortex.

Koala Kong: Same as Tiny.

Rilla Roo: Same as Dingodile.

3. The Arenas

Here are all the different types, they're controls and what-not.

Crate Crush: My favorite besides Ballistix. Pick up boxes and throw
them at opponents. You can also Kick/Spin boxes at them. There are
three types of Boxes:

Stone Crate: Standard box, small blast radius.

TNT: If you pick up/ jump on/ hit these, they will count down to three
and then explode. You can still pick them up and throw them when
they're counting down.

Nitro: TOUCH IT AND IT EXPLODES! Simple as that. Hurts the most among
the three. A little tip: if you're enemy is near a NITRO, throw/ hit a
box into it. Heheheh, it's the simple things in life you treasure.

And Wumpa Fruit: Give Health

The controls are:

[ ]: Kick/ spin boxes
O : Pick up, press again to throw
/\: Cheer (Pointless, but it raises your EGO points)
X : Jumps (Most useful in Future Bash)

I'll explain the solitary stages in the Walkthru

Polar Push: You ride on your trusty polar bear, and charge the
opponents off the ice you run on. ALL the stages are slippery, so be
careful. Pretty simplistic. Until you see the floating thingy. IT
shoots down a beam that will do different things. It also gives you the


Lightning: When time runs out whoever has it is safe, but all OPPOSING
players are shocked and incapicitated. Take advantage and push em'

Weight: Whoever has it when time runs out is squashed and immediately

The beam also:

Inflates you: You're bigger and stronger, but easier to hit and slower
Shrinks you: You're smaller and weaker, but harder to hit and faster.


[ ]: Charge (Only if you have enough charge meter)
[ ] + Direction of stage: To kick yourself back on while hanging off
the edge.

Pogo Pandemonium: I HATE THIS GAME. My least favorite as you can tell.
Move around on a PogoStick/ Springs and color the floor with you're
feet. Get boxes to add the colored tiles to you're score. Pretty
simple right? NOT!


Fast Boots: Your most valuable item. Makes you faster. Abuse it.

Missle: Shoot people and stun them. DUH!

Arrows: Everything the arrow is pointing to turns your color. Only the
tiles that is!

Boxes: Get them to add your tiles to your score.

Ballistix: First Pong, then air hockey… or was it the other way around?
Anyway, this is the ULTIMATE test of reflexes. It may seem like you
can just twiddle your thumbs and win when its on easy. But then you
set it to hard and see what Pong Hell really looks like…


[ ] : Shoots a kicker that knocks the ball back with more force. Your
greatest asset.
/\ : Cheer (Pointless, but it's better than the one in Crate Crush)
R1/L1: Either one does the same thing. Makes you faster. Once you
know how to use the kicker affectively, hold this.

Tank Wars: Whoa. This is fun. Shoot them. Make sure to get use to
moving and changing the turret at the same time. And know how to
bounce your shots. The mines in the 2nd and third stage are pointless.


Wumpa Fruit: Gives health
Mines: Put them down and watch them explode.
Missle: Shoots long range with power
Bomb: Shoots over walls.


[ ] : Shoot
O : Lay Mine
L1, R1: Rotate Turret

Crash Dash: Difficult controls at first, but you get use to it.
Learn ot stasy on the inside by pressing the direction button
slightly. Weapons usually don't help.

Wumpa Fruit: Needed for speed boost
Weapon: Varies per stage


[ ]: Boost (Need Wumpa fruit)
O : Shoot weapon
R1: Move
Left and right: Turn

C. Adventure Walkthru
1. Warproom 1

First Select your character. This is actually an important
decision. I Recommend Tiny, but it's your choice. Koala's Stupid.
Remember, this Walkthru is written by AnimeMaster.

a. Crash Ball

Trophy: No added rules from the original. This is my favorite
ballistix stage, because of the air hockey feel.

Gem: Win with only 9 health. OR, if your playing two players, a
combined score of 18. If your teammate stinks this could be a problem.

Crystal: Win without the kicker! It's not as hard as it looks, though
the enemy will now use the kicker A LOT! Same rules but without the

b. Polar Panic

Trophy: No added rules. But there's ice around the stage, so you have
to break it before pushing them off.

Gem: Win Quickly. In 30 Seconds. You have to be aggressive. Now you
know why I like Tiny.

Crystal: The Floating thing shoots lighting at you and knocks you off
the stage. It also gives them power-ups. BE VERY QUICK! Stay away from
it and be careful of the power-ups.

c. Pogo Painter

Trophy: No added rules.

Gem: Deplete your score to zero, while your score is at 120 while there
are at 90. Your score goes backwards. This one does double combined
with the 2-players like Crash Ball.

Trophy: Win without touching the mushrooms. They tend to pop out on
front of you, so be careful. Especially with the speed boots.

d. Jungle Bash

Trophy: No added rules.

Gem: Kill them quick! No running away from them. Keep throwing as
fast as you can with TNT.

Crystal: Beware the Idols rath? Oh ok, the idol shoots nitro boxes
at you. Ok. Keep Moving. OF course, there is always a way to use it
in your advantage. Go near them, Let it fire, and then Jump away
(even though jumping moves the same as running)!

e. BOSS – Papu Pummel

Tips: Ok, he will shake the ground. When the tiles flip over, stay
away from them. Then he'll make a crash clone. Just hit them, don't
bother throwing things at them. When They're all dead, hurry up! Throw
a TNT at papu when you're close enough. Then Stay away from the
crates. They'll explode. He'll do the same thing again. Lather.
Rinse. Repeat.

2. Warproom 2

a. Beach Ball

Trophy: New variation. Heh, no there's magnetic power. Press X, and
when a ball hits your cart, it will stick. Realease X, and it shoots
it out with more force than a kickback. It eventually runs out of
power, so don't hold it to long. Also, after being hit by two
kickbacks, the ball will slow down. You can hold multiple balls at
once, and then let em' all rip! You now have only 12 points, which
calls for a slightly shorter game.

Gem: Win with a handicap… you have 9, they have 15. Do NOT, under any
circumstance think you're gonna win even after you have more points
than them. It's not over 'til it's over. This handicap goes double
"Team Score" under two players also.

Crystal: Who comes up with this crap! Enemies have alternating sheilds,
and there will always be one enemy that can't lose any points. Whewn
there's one enemy left, he occassionally gets it. It seems real HARD,
and for the first few times, it is.

b. Tilt Panic

Trophy: Not as hard as it looks. If a fish comes on the stage, stay
away from it. A walrus will jump on where it is, and tilt the whole
friggin' board in the process. Heavier players like tiny will actually
tilt the board more than lighter ones, so if you're using tiny, be
careful!!! OF course, there are always advantgeous handicaps…

Gem: 30 seconds… Tilt the board and let em' fly!

Crystal: Beware the Storm! Whoa, it tilts a lot! All tilting on your
part is pretty much non-existant, so don't even try. Try to keep in
the center though… And you better know how to pump the square button…

c. Pogo-A-Gogo

Trophy: Hmm… Slightly different. NOT! There are no more point boxes.
You must make squares on the floor, not filling in the center. Also
Rectangles. If you make one, you get all the points for it. Any other
space you have, though, will also add to your score. Missles shoot
four ways now, so be extra alert.

Gem: Down to zero, you start with 150, they start woth 90. Double
combined score with 2 players, also.

Crystal: Whoever has the biggest total wins. Meaning, this isn't like
a game of football, but now more like a fishing contest. Whoever gets
the biggest catch. Speed boots are a neccesity. Over 25 points should
suffice, they rarely get higher than that.

d. Space Bash

Trophy: This is my favorite box stage. You need to jumnp here. TNT and
NITRO blow up the floor. Blow up as much as possible, because their
stupid and will falll in the holes you make. If you touch a Nitro, you
die. That simple.

Gem: Kick Stone crates into Nitro that's are near them. TNT works
better actually. But you have to beat them in 30 seconds.

Crystal: !!! The first time I played through the game, I used Crash. I
had JUST gotten use to picking up the crates. And now this… There are
only Nitro and TNT now, and you can't pick up boxes. Not as hard as it
may seem if you have someone that spins. The enemy can pick up boxes.
Keep Settin' off TNT until they all fall through the floor.

e. Desert Fox

Trophy: Ah, this is the first Tank Stage. Beating this means you can
now play it in battle mode. There are 4 rows and 4 Vertical columns.
I suggest not stayting on the edge. Mines don't help, unless the enemy
uses them. Then they blow themselves up. No added rules.

Gem: 40 seconds, same rules.

Crystal: The water square in the center has a submarine in it. It will
shoot those overhead bombs. But the enemy will be hurt by these too.
Not too much more difficult.

f. BOSS – Bearminator

Tips: Ok, this is like tilt panic. At first, the bear will send out
one lil mettalic cub. It will remain still, but you can't push it. It
has a missle, that will shoot straight, so keep moving, and when it
shoots… DASH! Then simply push it off. It's not that hard to push off.
Then you will be given a missle. Get it, and shoot at the bears ugly
mug. Then, stay away from the upper-left portion of the arena.
Because he blows it up! Then he'll send two bears at you. They both
have missles, so this is gonna be hard! Dodge and attack. Even though
there's two, it's not that hard to knock them off. Then you'll get a
missle. Do it again. He'll blow up the upper-right portion, so
there's only half the arena left. He'll send THREE bears (ARE THEY
INSANE!) that will ALL have missles. Dodge them, than use your Christ
like powers to knock them off. If you don't know miracle powers, rely
on luck with a lil bit of skill on the side. Get the missle, and blow
his sorry butt away! If you miss with that missle, I am not at fault
for any serious physical injury you cause yourself.

3. Warp Room 3

Aha, now you're getting fired up! But, oddly enough, this warproom
holds basically the hardest stages! But the fourth warproom has insane
Gem and Crystal challenge, so this one is gonna be slightly easier.

a. N. Ballism

Trophy: Added rules? YEAH! Sometimes, a lil electricity will appear in
the corners. If it is one of the two corners near you, grab it! It is
a reppelent sheild, which will ward the balls away from you for a short
period of time. There is also N. Gin, who will appear and shoot balls
everywhere. Be on the alert, and make sure you know when you're Firce-
Field wears off!

Gem: Once again a handicap, same 2 player rule… You have 15 they have

Crystal: N. Gin will only shoot his balls at you're goal. BAD! Well,
if you know how to use the kickback effectively, you can use that as an
oppositional handicap! The persons to the right and left of you won't
know what hit em'!

b. Melt Panic

Trophy: My least favorite Polar Push game. Uka Uka will only harm you.
He will turn you to ice, a snowball that can slightly move around, only
give you the weight (Not the lightning), and melt the stage! After a
certain point, he'll stop melting the stage. He'll get the other
players most often though.

Gem: Beat them in the alloted time, same story.

Crystal: Win without the ability to save yourself. STAY AWAY FROM THE

c. El Pogo Loco

Trophy: So Ripper Roo did make an appearance. He's still as psychotic
as ever, and basically doing what he did in Crash 2. He'll put TNT on
the floor, which will explode after 3 seconds or when somebody jumps on
them. He will also occasionally shoot missles everywhere, so if you
get hit by nobody, you know who did it.

Gem: You have to decrease your score to zero, same stuff. You have
120, they have 80.

Crystal: Nitro. Now he uses Nitro, and if you step on it you lose.
Kinda like the mushrooms, except these also have a blast radius of 1
square. So don't try any heroic stunts in order to grab a box. It
won't help.

d. Snow Bash

Trophy: My least Favorite Crate Crush stage. You slip around, and the
penguin is irritating. If you want to try something risky, hit the
penguin. Stay on the outside until it starts making a BIG circle. Then
go to the center, and wait for it to slow down. When it does, go to
the outside. VIOLA!

Gem: Go with the penguin stradegy, and be reckless.

Crystal: Slippery Shoes? IT doesn't make much of a difference for me, I
don't even notice it.

e. Metal Fox

Trophy: Well, here's a twist! The boxes will change in different
formations. Sometimes, only horizontal or vertical passages are open.
But sometimes, there's an outer and inner ring, and sometimes there's a
"bone" in the center. You'll see what I mean. Oh, and just to let you
know, it starts off with only vertical passage.


Crystal: The lil' parachute thing you CANNOT touch. They will kill
you. Just keep in mind the phrase "HEAD'S UP!".

f. Dot Dash

Trophy: The first Dot Dash Stage. At first the controls are annoying,
but you get used to them. Remain away from the rest of the crowd, and
when you pass someone, NEVER go directly in front. This is due to
misslesd and the "boost" ability. Don't concentrate on getting
missles, get the wumpa fruit. Stay on the inside and turn lightly.
That's about it!

Gem: They start of at 8 laps, you have 10. You HAVE to finish before
time runs out.

Crystal: Stay AWAY from the front of other carts. Missles kill you.

g. Big Bad Fox

Tips: The Komodo brothers are back from Crash 2 and they're looking for
you! First, they'll run like sissy's into their building. Then, 3
Different Cannons will shoot the same thing tiny and koala shoot at
you. By the way, this is a tank boss. Aim carefully, because you have
bombs. You have to hit them each twice. When they're gone, the
building will sink and you have to deal with 4 cannons that shoot
Cortex's and Brio's blasts. Two shots each again. Keep an eye on
health. Then, the final level comes down. Two missle launchers will
shoot missles at you, so be careful. Although they don't mean instant
death, they do do maximum damage, and at this point you might not have
full. Two shots each. Now here come the Komodo's! It's exactly like
fighting Cortex and Brio. You now have MISSLES. If you are at low
health and they kill you, don't sweat it. When you retry, their fort
will already be dead, and you'll be at full health! Just take em

4. Warp Room 4

MWAHAHA. If you think you were good and beat EVERYTHING in the first
three warprooms, you're wrong. Now it's time for GOLD RELICS! GO back
to any old stage and try for them. You have to beat the computers two
times while their on hard. In ballistix, wimpy pong babies become the
ultimate reflexive opponents! In Polar Push, Cubs become
Catastrophically powerful! In Crate Crush, Pansies become persistantly
annoying! It's really hard. I actually like the idea though, because
you win because of skill. Those stupid handicap Gem and Crystal
matches are annoying, not challenging. So buckle down, and here's the
4th Warp Room!

a. Sky Balls

Trophy: Pretty Much like the original, except the stage tilts when
engines fail. Like Tilt Panic mixed with Crash Ball. 20 Points.

Gem: 9 to 15.

Crystal: AHHHHHHH! This is so annoying. They're kickbacks have a new
feature that's a red kickback. This makes the ball red (AKA "makes it
hot"), and if the ball touches you, you die! Everybody else can touch
it, and you all start with 10 points. If you hit it with your kickback
I think you still live, but I'm not sure (Verification on this, you do
die, because the #%#$#&% kickback doesn't work)! Very irritating. The
red balls do not count, just to let you know. So just let them go by
your goal.

b. Manic Panic

Trophy: My favorite Polar Push Stage. You can get bombs and shoot them
with O. This kills their polar bear, putting them on skates. On
skates, you can't save yourself, and you become severely weaker. If you
get hit again with a bomb, you explode! So even if you're Crash or
Coco, you can easily win!

Gem: 45 secs. You can't blow them up, it takes too long. Just try and
push em' off.

Crystal: You start off on foot. No biggie. Just blow everybody else

c. Pogo Padlock

Trophy: Few added rules. If you step on a square of your own color, you
lose all your SQUARES. IF you step on a padlock, no one can steal your
squares (AKA repaint them their color) and you can't lose your squares
by stepping on them. But if someone shoots you, they get all your
squares on their color, even with the padlock. So watch where your

Gem: They start off with 90, you 120.

Crystal: You can't color by yourself. You're pogo is out of paint. You
can only get squares by shooting other players and stealing theirs. I
found out if you step on a square of your color you don't lose it.
Also, after shooting someone you must quickly break a box or they will
re-color your stolen squares.

d. Drain Bash

Trophy: There are now extra items that you get from purple boxes.
That's about it. If you're hit when holding an item you lose it. Here
they are:

Electric Ball: 3 shots. Homes on the enemy.

8 way missle: 2 shots. Hits Basically everyone in range.

Sheild: 1 shot. Makes a barrier around you for a very short time and
you can hit the enemy with it.

Gem: Forget the weapons, just take TNT and take them out!

Crystal: If you kick the purple boxes you die. Throw them or don't
bother getting weapons.

e. Jungle Fox

Trophy: Now there are no more boxes. You are allowed to move freely.
The mines do not spread out in all four direction but are simply
proximity mines with a small blast radius. Not very useful. But the
missles are. Get them when you see them. The idol will eventually
come down in two pieces and start running around, which hurts you. The
first one goes down to the bottom-left, the other the bottom-right.

Gem: Get the missles and kill em quick!

Crystal: The idol spits something that kills you, beware!

f. Toxic Dash

Trophy: Instead of missles they have sheilds that bounce your opponent.
The slime balls spin you out, and the barrels explode.

Gem: Ugh, same as previous.

Crystal: Falling off will cause goop in your engines that will stall
you for a while. Stay in the center.

g. Ring Ding

Trophy: This is the first medieval mayhem. But all the medieval
mayhem's stages are different. So most people don't consider them to
be the same game. This one involves busting balloons of you're color
to gain points. The Controls are:

X : Jump
[ ] : Attack

There are also item boxes you break open.

Boots: Allow you to run at the same speed regardles of the stages

Vacuum: Sucks all balloons of your color (and the black balloon)
toward you. When you have this, people tend to run over to you and hit

The Black Balloon either

-Changes Stage Rotation
-Blows Up other people's balloons
-Turns all balloons your color (Ecspecially useful with the vacuum)

1st player is Yellow
2nd player is Red
3rd player is Green
4th player is Blue

Gem: Kinda like Pogo Pandemonium. Deplete your score to zero.

Crytal: Breaking balloons of the wrong color don't stun you but KILL

a. Oxide Ride

Tips: First, You will chase him through a big field, like Star Fox™.
He will leave Nitro Crates and shoot missles at you. If you run into
anything you die. Once this Hectic game is over, you have a one-on-one
game of ballistix with Oxide. In this game, you have health. Like
Big-Bad-Fox, if you die now you stay in the ballistix game. He will
lose more health than you when he let's a ball by, but you have your
own problems. There is one red ball, dodge it and that's one problem
down. Missles will shoot at you, and on top of all that, OXIDE IS
GOOD! But I beat em', and you can too (Eventually).

5. Warp Room 5

After that, you have Access to the fifth warp room with the remaining
locked games. But in order to play them you have to have enough
Crystals, Gems, or Gold Relics. I Have unlocked some of them with
116%. (24 Trophy's, 21 Gems, 20 Crystals, 19 Gold Relics, and all
bosses beat). I'll update when I beat more!

a. Splash Dash

Trophy: This is a Crash Dash Stage. The new controls are:

X : Jump

There are no missles or stars, and you ride sea animals. The controls
are kinda sloppy, so I don't like this stage. Why do you need to jump?
Oh, that's simple. There's an object in the center that will push out
poles. You have to jump em'. They can also push you off.

Gem: Same as the previous basically.

Crystal: Things speed up? Try things go Insane! The thing in the
middle will now spin… FAST! The poles will come out randomly and
continuosly. Prepared to be pushed off a lot! Good Luck…

b. Dragon Drop

Trophy: NOW THIS GAME IS FUN!!! You're on a Dragon. You have to get a
jewel, by either picking it up, or knocking it OUT of somebody and
picking it up. Then you haver to throw it at a target that moves back
and forth. Depending on where you shoot from you can get from 1 to 5
points per shot. Here are the controls:

[ ]: Dash (slide?) Attack
[ ]: Hold to power up Dash Attack
[ ]: Shoot Jewel (While Holding Jewel)

Pretty complicated controls eh? I think that the power of the dash
attack depends on who you are. Highest point total wins.

Gem: First person to reach zero wins. They start with 15, you start
with 20. Not very hard, you get a minute.

Crytal: You can only shoot from the flashing point area. Varies.

D. Miscallaneous
1. Thanks!

-To Myself, for actually finishing something I…, for posting my site
-The Makers of the Crash Series, for persistantly pumping out more
-That guy… um… I'm done!


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30. Decembrie 2013
13. Decembrie 2013
01. Decembrie 2014
30.Ianuarie 2018
24.Februarie 2018
04.Martie 2019