Toukon Retsuden

Toukon Retsuden

11.10.2013 22:44:57
Here is the new version of the FAQ for 'Toukon Retsuden - Toukon Retsuden':

Toukon Retsuden - Toukon Retsuden FAQ v1.1


Toukon Retsuden - Toukon Retsuden is a 3D wrestling game based on the
Japanese wrestling promotion of the same name. 12 of the top New Japan
wrestlers are represented in the game with and additional 4 hidden characters
at your disposal. The smooth graphics of the wrestlers in action are
reminiscent of the already classic Playstation game "Battle Arena Toshinden".

One of the first things you notice about the game, besides the graphics, is
the incredible amount of detail put into the game. Each of the gourad
shaded polygon wrestlers has their own personal style and set of moves that
mimic those of the real life wrestlers. I have a friend currently living in
Japan who sends me tapes of Toukon Retsuden and I can honestly say
that every move you see in the game are moves the real wrestler's do in
actual matches. Even the ring announcer and referee have the sampled voices
of the actual New Japan personnel. There's even blood in the game! Smash
your opponent's head into one of the ring barriers and watch his face become
a crimson mask.

When you combine the attention to detail with the solid gameplay and superior
graphics you're left with arguably the best wrestling game on any platform.
It's all quite a shame really when you realize that the game will probably
never be converted for an audience outside of Japan.


Main Menu

After turning on the game and pushing start, you should get the main menu.
There are four selections to choose from while you're on this screen. They

1. kaijo - This will take you directly to the Game Menu screen.

2. tatakai no kiseki - this is the records/results screen. There are 3
records/results listings to choose from.

results of the NJPW challenge
listing of IWGP champions
listing of GI Climax results

You can save to the memory card here. You can save games in progress, the
list of records/results, settings and even the hidden characters. To save
your game you must be in the records screen. Exit the records/results
screen. You'll get a screen that asks you if you want to save your current
game/results. The first option (starting from the left) is "hai" (Yes). The
second options is "iie" (No). Choose the first option. Your game should be
saved after a few moments.

3. Best Bout - Watch replays of your matches. Whenever you win a match, you
will be asked whether or not you wish to save. The first choice is "yes",
the second choice is "no". If you choose to save, go here and select the
match from the menu to watch it again.

4. Memory Card - use this option after you turn on the game to load everything
back up that you've saved (settings, records, hidden characters, etc.)

Game Menu

If you choose option 1 from the Main Menu you're presented with Game Menu. The
10 options on this screen are:

1. VS. Computer - you against the computer; you get to pick who you fight

2. VS. Player 2 -you and a friend play each other.

3. shiren no juniban shobu - the NJPW challenge is a contest against all of
the other wrestlers of NJPW; your opponents are selected at random.

4. shiren no juniban shobu (saikai) -if you stop or reset the NJPW challenge
at any time, you can choose this to continue where you left off.

5. IWGP senshu kenshai - fight to become the IWGP champion.

6. GI Climax League* -you're set up in a grueling league mode in which you
will wrestle every other wrestler. You are awarded points for winning (2)
or drawing (1). If you lose, you receive no points (0). The two wrestlers
with the most points at the end wrestle each other to determine the overall
league winner.

7. GI Climax League (saikai)* -choose this to continue wrestling in the same
league where ever you left off.

8. GI Climax Tournament* -as opposed to wrestling in a league, you wrestle
tournament style, with the winner of each match advancing to the next
bracket. If the match is a draw the wrestler who did the most damage
advances to the next round.

9. GI Climax Tournament (saikai)* -choose this to continue wrestling in the

10. Computer kansen -watch two computer wrestlers (your choice) square off
against each other.

* BTW, if you choose to participate in the leagues or tournaments, you can
make any computer controlled match skip to it's conclusion by pushing and
holding L1, R1, down (on the pad), and X. This avoids having to watch the
whole thing.

Game Options

Once you select an option from the Game Menu you will be taken to the Game
Options screen. The 7 options on this screen are:

1. nanido -choose the difficulty level of the game
(from left to right) TRAINING (essentially, VERY EASY level)

2. shaijikan -choose the time limit, from 5 to 60 minutes, or none at all (the
numbers represent minutes, while the option with no number means "no time

3. hikiwake -choose from either ON or OFF (default is ON); if a match ever
reaches it's time limit, the winner will be decided by whomever did better.
If it's ON both people draw. If not, whoever did the most damage during the
match will win.

4. shaikaijo -choose the venue/location of the fight:
Tokyo A, Tokyo B, Osaka, or okugai tokusetsu (outside).

5. ring -choose the ring you want to wrestle in, from NJPW 1 to NJPW 4.

6. kankyakuseki -choose the viewing mode. The choices are ringside (default),
and the second floor balcony.

7. speaker -choose from STEREO or MONO

Wrestler Selection Screen

Once the Game Options are selected you go to the wrestler selection screen.
Here you can pick your wrestler from the list below:

Tatsumi Fujinami

Riki Chosyu

Keiji Mutoh (Great Muta*)

Masahiro Chono

Shinya Hashimoto

Hiroshi Hase

Kensuke Sasaki (Power Warrior*)

Shiro Koshinaka

Jyushin "Thunder" Lyger

Hiroyoshi Tenzan (Kero-Chan*)

Kohji Kanemoto (Tiger Hattori*)

Scott Norton

*These are hidden wrestlers in the game. Read the section titled
"Hidden Characters" on how to access these wrestlers.

Note: Holding the L1 and R1 buttons will rotate the view of the
wrestler highlighted.


In Game

+ Directional Pad Moves your wrestler around the ring
Select Frame advance game while paused
Start Pauses the game
Triangle Submission Hold (see Wrestler Moves List)
Circle Strength Move (see Wrestler Moves List)
X Punch/Kick (see Wrestler Moves List)
Square (Action button) Run (when away from opponent)
Irish whip opponent into ropes/ring
barriers/turnbuckles (when near opponent)
Pick up opponent on the mat (when at opponent's head)
Roll opponent over on the mat (when at opponents
Drag opponent on the mat (when at opponent's head or
feet, combination of directional pad away from
opponent and Square button)
Turnbuckle/ring barrier smash (when near
turnbuckle/ring barrier)
Pin (when opponent is lying on his back, must be
slightly away from opponent)
Release hold (when opponent is in a submission hold)
Roll opponent back into ring (when outside the ring)
Back away from opponent ( press the Square button
twice in succession)
Turn around groggy opponent (combinantion of
directional pad towards opponent and Square button)
Kick out of pin attempt/reverse pin combination move
L1 Appeal for crowd reaction (opponent must be dazed)
R1 Appeal for crowd reaction (opponent must be dazed)
L2 Change camera angle, Left 90 degrees
R2 Change camera angle, Right 90 degrees
Select & Start Quick exit

Best Bout

Triangle Pause match, Un-pause match
Circle Change the camera mode (try moving the control pad to
change your view) Pressing Circle again will reset the
Camera angle back to normal
X Play the match in slo-mo/freeze frame (game must be
Square Exit the match
L2 Change camera angle, Left 90 degrees
R2 Change camera angle, Right 90 degrees


The following rules are used in the Toukon Retsuden federation:

When a wrestler reaches the ropes his opponent has 5 seconds to break the
hold. If he does not he is disqualified.

Wrestler's applying illegal holds have 5 seconds to break the hold or are

Wrestler's leaving the ring have 20 seconds to return or are counted out of
the ring and lose. Double countouts, when both wrestlers are counted out of
the ring, are deemed a draw.

A wrestler can win by either pin, submission, count out or disqualification.


Toukon Retsuden employs 3 basic attack techniques: Punch/Kick,
Strength Move and Submission Hold. Executing moves are dependent on a few
different variables. The first is your position in relation to your
opponent's position and condition. Your opponent can be in any combination of
the following conditions: facing you, with their back to you, lying prone on
the mat, outside the ring, running and/or groggy. The second variable is the
use of the directional pad. Whether this is pressed or not determines which
move to select. A combination of the 2 variables selects what move the
wrestler will execute. (For more information on each wrestler's moves refer
to the section titled "Wrestler Moves List")

Toukon Retsuden also employs a priority based system similar to the
rock/paper/scissors game that we all played as kids. The priority system in
the game works as follows: A Strength Move overrides a Punch/Kick, a
Submission Hold overrides a Strength Move and a Punch/Kick overrides a
Submission Hold.

Although unseen, all the wrestlers have Hit Points. The hit points are split
into 2 categories: Main HP and Sub HP. Main HP are depleted by doing
Punch/Kick or Strength Moves. Sub HP are depleted by executing submission

When in a submission hold press the directional pad in the direction of the
nearest ropes and press any button repeatedly. Your wrestler will move
towards the ropes, which will result in your opponent having to release the
hold. (see the section titled "Rules" for more information)

There are also times when, due to the crowd's influence, a wrestler will
become stronger and receive a brief advantage over their opponent. This
"rush" mode happens once the wrestler has been on the receiving end for a
while and has not been able to execute an offensive move. "Rush" mode is
indicated for a wrestler when the crowd's cheers become louder and the
wrestler's name begins to flash. This "rush" mode also enables you to perform
the hidden moves for each wrestler.

Hidden Characters

There are 4 hidden characters in the game. All codes must be entered at the
Title Screen

To use the Great Muta you must enter:

circle, right, triangle, up ,square, left , x, down , x, down, square, left,
triangle, up, circle, right, select
To select The Great Muta go to the wrestler selection screen and toggle to
Keiji Muto (the 3rd wrestler listed), and press select.

To use Power Warrior you must enter:

square, x, square, x, circle, triangle, circle, triangle, up, down, left,
right, select
To select Power Warrior go to the wrestler selection screen and toggle to
Kensuke Sasaki (the 7th wrestler listed), and press select.

To use the Ring Announcer (Kero-Chan) you must enter:

L1, L1, L2, R2, R2, R1, triangle, down, x, up, select
To select the Ring Announcer go to the wrestler selection screen and toggle to
Hiroyoshi Tenzan (the 3rd wrestler from the bottom), press select.

To use the Referee (Tiger Hattori) you must enter:

up, down, left, right , triangle, x, square, circle, L1, R1, L2, R2, select
To select the Referee go to the wrestler selection screen and toggle to Kohji
Kanemoto (the 2nd wrestler from the bottom), press select.

Wrestler Moves List


T Triangle
C Circle
+ Directional Pad
* Pin Combination Move

While compiling each wrestler's move list I have tried to use the actual names
for each move, but am sure they are not all correct. If you know the correct
name for a specific move or if I have made a mistake please let me know.

Common Moves

To execute any of the top rope turnbuckle moves you must be in one of the
corners of the ring, press the directional pad towards the corner and press X.

Top rope dives are performed by pressing X while standing near the ropes.
Your opponent must be outside the ring to execute this move. Please note: The
following wrestlers can not perform top rope dives on their opponent's:
Masahiro Chono, Shinya Hashimoto, Kensuke Sasaki, Scott Norton and Power

In a two player game if both wrestler's push against each other for a few
seconds without executing any moves they will enter a stare down and then
start slapping each other's face. Try it out, it's hilarious!

Each wrestler has hidden moves that can be accessed only during "rush" mode.
I have not included these moves in each wrestler's move list for a couple of
a) I want to leave something for individual players to find for themselves.
My reason for this is that while writing this FAQ, which involved alot of
game playing hours, the most enjoyable part was discovering new moves when
playing as each of the 16 wrestlers. If you already have the game I'm
sure you'll agree that the first time you hit your opponent with a
devastating top rope move a devilish little grin was etched upon you face.
The real joy of this game is discovering these new moves.
b) (and this is the real reason) To be honest I don't know all of the hidden
moves, but to get you started here's one: When Jyushin Lyger is in "rush"
mode knock down your opponent and the perform his top rope move from the
turnbuckle. All I can say is you'll be amazed! The only way I can
describe it is as a 360 degree splash with a twist thrown in for good
With all this said, if you do find a hidden move e-mail me with it. Once I
have enough moves listed you'll receive the FAQ version 2.0 with all the
secret moves I am aware of.

Tatsumi Fujinami

Facing Standing Opponent

T Headlock
T + Swinging Neckbreaker
C Snap Mare
C + Body Slam
X Kick
X + European Uppercut

Facing Standing Opponent (Groggy)

T Arm Stretch
T + Small Package*
C Suplex
C + Leg Sweep Takedown
X Forearm Smash / Flying Kick

Behind Standing Opponent (Groggy)

T Abdominal Stretch
T + Back Slide*
C Back Suplex
C + Dragon Suplex*
X Kick / Flying Kick

Opponent Face Down on Mat

T (when near opponent's head) Hammerlock
T (when near opponent's feet) Half Boston Crab
X Stomp

Opponent Face Up on Mat

T (when near opponent's head) Reverse Headlock
T (when near opponent's feet) Figure Four Leglock
X Knee Drop

Running Opponent (from Irish Whip)

T Sleeper Hold
C Back Body Drop
X Drop Kick

Running Opponent (from stationary position)

T Armbar Takedown
C Back Body Drop
X Kick

Top Rope Turnbuckle Moves

X (when opponent is standing) Cross Body Block
X (when opponent is on the mat) Flying Knee Drop
X (when facing standing, groggy opponent in corner) Superplex
X (when behind standing, groggy opponent in the corner) Top Rope Back Suplex
X (when opponent is outside the ring) N/A

Running Moves (Wrestler must be running to perform the following moves)

X (opponent in ring) Kick
X (opponent in corner) Kick
X (opponent outside ring) Dive Through Ropes
X (opponent groggy) Drop Kick

Riki Chosyu

Facing Standing Opponent

T Headlock
T + Swinging Neckbreaker
C Snap Mare
C + Body Slam
X Kick
X + Slap

Facing Standing Opponent (Groggy)

T Arm Stretch
T + Armbar Takedown
C Suplex
C + Power Bomb*
X Clothesline

Behind Standing Opponent (Groggy)

T Abdominal Stretch
T + Octopus Stretch
C Back Suplex
C + Back Suplex
X Flying Kick

Opponent Face Down on Mat

T (when near opponent's head) Hammerlock
T (when near opponent's feet) Half Boston Crab
X Stomp

Opponent Face Up on Mat

T (when near opponent's head) Headlock
T (when near opponent's feet) Scorpion Deathlock
X Stomp

Running Opponent (from Irish Whip)

T Sleeper Hold
C Back Body Drop
X Knee Lift

Running Opponent (from stationary position)

T Armbar Takedown
C Power Slam*
X Kick

Top Rope Turnbuckle Moves

X (when opponent is standing) Double Axehandle
X (when opponent is on the mat) Flying Kneedrop
X (when facing standing, groggy opponent in corner) Superplex
X (when behind standing, groggy opponent in the corner) Top Rope Back Suplex
X (when opponent is outside the ring) N/A

Running Moves (Wrestler must be running to perform the following moves)

X (opponent in ring) Clothesline
X (opponent in corner) Clothesline
X (opponent outside ring) N/A
X (opponent groggy) Clothesline

Keiji Mutoh

Facing Standing Opponent

T Headlock
T + Arm Stretch
C Snap Mare
C + Body Slam
X Forearm Smash
X + Spinning Back Kick

Facing Standing Opponent (Groggy)

T Armbar Takedown
T + Small Package*
C Backbreacker
C + Frankensteiner
X Drop Kick

Behind Standing Opponent (Groggy)

T Abdominal Stretch
T + Octopus Stretch
C Bulldog
C + Dragon Suplex*
X Forearm Smash

Opponent Face Down on Mat

T (when near opponent's head) Armbar
T (when near opponent's feet) Figure Four Leglock
X Elbowdrop

Opponent Face Up on Mat

T (when near opponent's head) Camel Clutch
T (when near opponent's feet) Twisting Leglock
X Leg Drop

Running Opponent (from Irish Whip)

T Sleeper Hold
C Back Body Drop
X Drop Kick

Running Opponent (from stationary position)

T Armbar Takedown
C Frankensteiner
X Forearm Smash

Top Rope Turnbuckle Moves

X (when opponent is standing) Flying Drop Kick
X (when opponent is on the mat) Moonsault
X (when facing standing, groggy opponent in corner) Top Rope Frankensteiner
X (when behind standing, groggy opponent in the corner) Top Rope Back Suplex
X (when opponent is outside the ring) Flying Cross Body Block

Running Moves (Wrestler must be running to perform the following moves)

X (opponent in ring) Flying Forearm
X (opponent in corner) Flying Forearm
X (opponent outside ring) N/A
X (opponent groggy) Drop Kick

Masahiro Chono

Facing Standing Opponent

T Headlock
T + Swinging Neckbreaker
C Snap Mare
C + Body Slam
X Chop
X + Kick

Facing Standing Opponent (Groggy)

T Arm Stretch
T + Reverse Neckbreaker
C Suplex
X European Uppercut/Flying Kick

Behind Standing Opponent (Groggy)

T Octopus Stretch
T + Octopus Stretch
C Back Suplex
C + Back Suplex
X Kick/Flying Kick

Opponent Face Down on Mat

T (when near opponent's head) Camel Clutch
T (when near opponent's feet) STF
X Stomp

Opponent Face Up on Mat

T (when near opponent's head) Headlock
T (when near opponent's feet) STF
X Stomp

Running Opponent (from Irish Whip)

T Sleeper Hold
C Back Body Drop
X Knee Lift

Running Opponent (from stationary position)

T Armbar Takedown
C Back Body Drop
X Chop

Top Rope Turnbuckle Moves

X (when opponent is standing) Flying Shoulder Block
X (when opponent is on the mat) Flying Knee Drop
X (when facing standing, groggy opponent in corner) Superplex
X (when behind standing, groggy opponent in the corner) Top Rope Back Suplex
X (when opponent is outside the ring) Flying Shoulder Block

Running Moves (Wrestler must be running to perform the following moves)

X (opponent in ring) Mafia Kick
X (opponent in corner) Mafia Kick
X (opponent outside ring) N/A
X (opponent groggy) Mafia Kick

Shinya Hashimoto

Facing Standing Opponent

T Headlock
T + Headlock
C Body Slam
C + Suplex
X Chop
X + Kick

Facing Standing Opponent (Groggy)

T Arm Stretch
T + Armbar Takedown
C + Fishermanbuster
X Chop

Behind Standing Opponent (Groggy)

T Armbar Takedown
T + Armbar Takedown
C Back Suplex
C + German Suplex*
X Sweep Kick

Opponent Face Down on Mat

T (when near opponent's head) Armbar
T (when near opponent's feet) Half Boston Crab
X Stomp

Opponent Face Up on Mat

T (when near opponent's head) Armbar
T (when near opponent's feet) Leglock
X Elbow Drop

Running Opponent (from Irish Whip)

T Sleeper Hold
C Power Slam*
X Chop

Running Opponent (from stationary position)

T Armbar Takedown
X Chop

Top Rope Turnbuckle Moves

X (when opponent is standing) Flying Drop Kick
X (when opponent is on the mat) Flying Elbow Drop
X (when facing standing, groggy opponent in corner) Top Rope DDT
X (when behind standing, groggy opponent in the corner) Top Rope Back Suplex
X (when opponent is outside the ring) N/A

Running Moves (Wrestler must be running to perform the following moves)

X (opponent in ring) Spinning Wheel Kick
X (opponent in corner) Spinning Wheel Kick
X (opponent outside ring) N/A
X (opponent groggy) Shortarm Clothesline

Hiroshi Hase

Facing Standing Opponent

T Headlock
T + Swinging Neckbreaker
C Snap Mare
C + Belly to Belly Suplex
X Slap
X + Chop

Facing Standing Opponent (Groggy)

T Arm Stretch
T + Armbar Takedown
C Choke Slam
C + Northern Lights Suplex*
X European Uppercut/Kick

Behind Standing Opponent (Groggy)

T Armbar Takedown
T + Back Slide*
C German Suplex*
C + Dragon Suplex*
X Clothesline

Opponent Face Down on Mat

T (when near opponent's head) Armbar
T (when near opponent's feet) Rolling STF
X Leg Drop

Opponent Face Up on Mat

T (when near opponent's head) Headlock
T (when near opponent's feet) Scorpion Deathlock/Giant Swing
X Stomp

Running Opponent (from Irish Whip)

T Sleeper Hold
C Back Body Drop
X Drop Kick

Running Opponent (from stationary position)

T Armbar Takedown
C Belly-to-Belly Suplex
X Slap

Top Rope Turnbuckle Moves

X (when opponent is standing) Flying Drop Kick
X (when opponent is on the mat) Flying Knee Drop
X (when facing standing, groggy opponent in corner) Top Rope Belly to Belly
X (when behind standing, groggy opponent in the corner) Top Rope Choke Slam
X (when opponent is outside the ring) N/A

Running Moves (Wrestler must be running to perform the following moves)

X (opponent in ring) Clothesline
X (opponent in corner) Clothesline
X (opponent outside ring) N/A
X (opponent groggy) Mafia Kick

Kensuke Sasaki

Facing Standing Opponent

T Headlock
T + Arm Stretch
C Body Slam
C + Suplex
X Slap
X + Chop

Facing Standing Opponent (Groggy)

T Armbar Takedown
T + Armbar Takedown
C Press Slam
C + Power Bomb*
X Kick

Behind Standing Opponent (Groggy)

T Sleeper Hold
T + Armbar Takedown
C Bulldog
C + Back Suplex
X Clothesline

Opponent Face Down on Mat

T (when near opponent's head) Armbar
T (when near opponent's feet) Half Boston Crab
X Stomp

Opponent Face Up on Mat

T (when near opponent's head) Armbar
T (when near opponent's feet) Scorpion Deathlock
X Stomp

Running Opponent (form Irish Whip)

T Sleeper Hold
C Power Slam*
X Drop Kick

Running Opponent (from stationary position)

T Armbar Takedown
C Armdrag Takedown
X Slap

Top Rope Turnbuckle Moves

X (when opponent is standing) Flying clothesline
X (when opponent is on the mat) Flying Elbow Drop
X (when facing standing, groggy opponent in corner) Superplex
X (when behind standing, groggy opponent in the corner) Top Rope Back Suplex
X (when opponent is outside the ring) N/A

Running Moves (Wrestler must be running to perform the following moves)

X (opponent in ring) Clothesline
X (opponent in corner) Clothesline
X (opponent outside ring) N/A
X (opponent groggy) Clothesline

Shiro Koshinaka

Facing Standing Opponent

T Headlock
T + Swinging Neckbreaker
C Body Slam
C + Suplex
X Slap
X + Chop

Facing Standing Opponent (Groggy)

T Arm Stretch
T + Armbar Takedown
C + Power Bomb*
X Kick/Drop Kick

Behind Standing Opponent (Groggy)

T Sleeper Hold
T + Armbar Takedown
C Bulldog
C + Dragon Suplex*
X Clothesline

Opponent Face Down on Mat

T (when near opponent's head) Hammerlock
T (when near opponent's feet) Boston Crab
X Stomp

Opponent Face Up on Mat

T (when near opponent's head) Armlock
T (when near opponent's feet) Boston Crab
X Stomp

Running Opponent (from Irish Whip)

T Sleeper Hold
C Back Body Drop
X Drop Kick

Running Opponent (from stationary position)

T Armbar Takedown
C Back Body Drop
X Slap

Top Rope Turnbuckle Moves

X (when opponent is standing) Flying Butt Smash
X (when opponent is on the mat) Flying Stomp
X (when facing standing, groggy opponent in corner) Superplex
X (when behind standing, groggy opponent in the corner) Top Rope Back Suplex
X (when opponent is outside the ring) N/A

Running Moves (Wrestler must be running to perform the following moves)

X (opponent in ring) Flying Butt Smash
X (opponent in corner) Flying Butt Smash
X (opponent outside ring) Slide Kick
X (opponent groggy) Clothesline

Jyushin "Thunder" Lyger

Facing Standing Opponent

T Headlock
T + Swinging Neckbreaker
C Suplex
C + Tombstone Piledriver
X Slaps
X + Punch

Facing Standing Opponent (Groggy)

T Arm Stretch
T + Armbar Takedown
C Frankensteiner
C + Power Bomb*
X Slap

Behind Standing Opponent (Groggy)

T Cross Face Chicken Wing
T + Cross Face Chicken Wing
C German Suplex*
C + Belly to Back Suplex*
X Drop Kick

Opponent Face Down on Mat

T (when near opponent's head) Camel Clutch
T (when near opponent's feet) Bow and Arrow
X Elbow Drop

Opponent Face Up on Mat

T (when near opponent's head) Armlock
T (when near opponent's feet) Figure Four Leglock
X Back Splash

Running Opponent (from Irish Whip)

T Sleeper Hold
C Tilt a Whirl Suplex
X Punch

Running Opponent (from stationary position)

T Frankensteiner*
C Frankensteiner
X Slap

Top Rope Turnbuckle Moves

X (when opponent is standing) Flying Drop Kick
X (when opponent is on the mat) Shooting Star Press
X (when facing standing, groggy opponent in corner) Standing Top Rope
Fishermanbuster suplex
X (when behind standing, groggy opponent in the corner) Top Rope Back Body Drop
X (when opponent is outside the ring) Flying Back Drop

Running Moves (Wrestler must be running to perform the following moves)

X (opponent in ring) Drop Kick/Rolling Kick
X (opponent in corner) Drop Kick/Rolling Kick
X (opponent outside ring) Slide Kick
X (opponent groggy) Clothesline

Hiroyoshi Tenzan

Facing Standing Opponent

T Headlock
T + Arm Stretch
C Body Slam
C + Suplex
X Slap
X + Chop

Facing Standing Opponent (Groggy)

T Bearhug
T + Bearhug
C Press Slam
C + Inverted Piledriver
X Kick

Behind Standing Opponent (Groggy)

T Sleeper Hold
T + Sleeper Hold
C Back Suplex
C + German Suplex*
X Forearm Smash

Opponent Face Down on Mat

T (when near opponent's head) Camel Clutch
T (when near opponent's feet) Boston Crab
X Stomp

Opponent Face Up on Mat

T (when near opponent's head) Eye Gouge
T (when near opponent's feet) Boston Crab
X Chop

Running Opponent (from Irish Whip)

T Sleeper Hold
C Fireman’s Carry Drop
X Chop

Running Opponent (from stationary position)

T Sleeper Hold
C Back Body Drop
X Slap

Top Rope Turnbuckle Moves

X (when opponent is standing) Double Axehandle
X (when opponent is on the mat) Flying Head Butt
X (when facing standing, groggy opponent in corner) Top Rope Fireman's
Carry Drop
X (when behind standing, groggy opponent in the corner) Top Rope Back Suplex
X (when opponent is outside the ring) N/A

Running Moves (Wrestler must be running to perform the following moves)

X (opponent in ring) Spinning Wheel Kick
X (opponent in corner) Spinning Wheel Kick
X (opponent outside ring) N/A
X (opponent groggy) Clothesline

Kohji Kanemoto

Facing Standing Opponent

T Headlock
T + Swinging Neckbreaker
C Snap Mare
C + Body Slam
X Slap
X + Kick

Facing Standing Opponent (Groggy)

T Armbar Takedown
T + Frankensteiner*
C Suplex
C + Backbreaker
X Drop Kick / Spinning Back Kick

Behind Standing Opponent (Groggy)

T Armbar Takedown
T + Cross Face Chicken Wing
C German Suplex*
C + Tiger Suplex*
X Forearm Smash

Opponent Face Down on Mat

T (when near opponent's head) Armlock
T (when near opponent's feet) Half Boston Crab
X Stomp

Opponent Face Up on Mat

T (when near opponent's head) Armlock
T (when near opponent's feet) Leglock
X Back Splash

Running Opponent (from Irish Whip)

T Sleeper Hold
C Frankensteiner
X Drop Kick

Running Opponent (from stationary position)

T Frankensteiner*
C Back Body Drop
X Slap

Top Rope Turnbuckle Moves

X (when opponent is standing) Flying Spin Kick
X (when opponent is on the mat) Moonsault
X (when facing standing, groggy opponent in corner) Top Rope Frankensteiner
X (when behind standing, groggy opponent in the corner) Top Rope Back Suplex
X (when opponent is outside the ring) Flying Cross Body Block

Running Moves (Wrestler must be running to perform the following moves)

X (opponent in ring) Spinning Back Kick
X (opponent in corner) Climbing Turnbuckle
X (opponent outside ring) Slide Kick
X (opponent groggy) Forearm Smash

Scott Norton

Facing Standing Opponent

T Reverse Neckbreaker
T + Bearhug
C Body Slam
C + Suplex
X Chop
X + Kick

Facing Standing Opponent (Groggy)

T Choke Lift
T + Armbar Takedown
C Press Slam
C + Backbreaker
X Clothesline

Behind Standing Opponent (Groggy)

T Sleeper Hold
T + Sleeper Hold
C Back Suplex
C + Back Suplex
X Clothesline

Opponent Face Down on Mat

T (when near opponent's head) Camel Clutch
T (when near opponent's feet) Boston Crab
X Kick

Opponent Face Up on Mat

T (when near opponent's head) Headlock
T (when near opponent's feet) Half Boston Crab
X Splash

Running Opponent (from Irish Whip)

T Bearhug
C Power Slam*
X Clothesline

Running Opponent (from stationary position)

T Bearhug
C Power Slam*
X Chop

Top Rope Turnbuckle Moves

X (when opponent is standing) Flying Clothesline
X (when opponent is on the mat) Flying Elbow Drop
X (when facing standing, groggy opponent in corner) Superplex
X (when behind standing, groggy opponent in the corner) Top Rope Back Suplex
X (when opponent is outside the ring) N/A

Running Moves (Wrestler must be running to perform the following moves)

X (opponent in ring) Shoulder Charge
X (opponent in corner) Splash
X (opponent outside ring) N/A
X (opponent groggy) Clothesline

The Great Muta

Facing Standing Opponent

T Headlock
T + Headlock
C Snap Mare
C + Body Slam
X Chop
X + Spinning Back Kick

Facing Standing Opponent (Groggy)

T Arm Stretch
T + Reverse Neckbreaker
C Suplex
C + Backbreaker
X Kick

Behind Standing Opponent (Groggy)

T Abdominal Stretch
T + Octopus Stretch
C Bulldog
C + German Suplex*
X Drop Kick

Opponent Face Down on Mat

T (when near opponent's head) Camel Clutch
T (when near opponent's feet) Figure Four Leglock
X Elbowdrop

Opponent Face Up on Mat

T (when near opponent's head) Eye Gouge
T (when near opponent's feet) Twisting Leglock
X Stomp

Running Opponent (from Irish Whip)

T Sleeper Hold
C Back Body Drop
X Spit Green Mist/Drop Kick

Running Opponent (from stationary position)

T Sleeper Hold
C Back Body Drop
X Chop

Top Rope Turnbuckle Moves

X (when opponent is standing) Double Axehandle
X (when opponent is on the mat) Moonsault
X (when facing standing, groggy opponent in corner) Superplex
X (when behind standing, groggy opponent in the corner) Top Rope Back Suplex
X (when opponent is outside the ring) Flying Cross Body Block

Running Moves (Wrestler must be running to perform the following moves)

X (opponent in ring) Kick
X (opponent in corner) Handspring Elbow Smash
X (opponent outside ring) N/A
X (opponent groggy) Clothesline

Power Warrior

Facing Standing Opponent

T Headlock
T + Headlock
C Body Slam
C + Suplex
X Slap
X + Chop

Facing Standing Opponent (Groggy)

T Arm Stretch
T + Armbar Takedown
C Press Slam
C + Power Bomb*
X Kick

Behind Standing Opponent (Groggy)

T Sleeper Hold
T + Sleeper Hold
C Back Suplex
C + Bulldog
X Clothesline

Opponent Face Down on Mat

T (when near opponent's head) Armbar
T (when near opponent's feet) Half Boston Crab
X Stomp

Opponent Face Up on Mat

T (when near opponent's head) Armbar
T (when near opponent's feet) Scorpion Deathlock
X Stomp

Running Opponent (from Irish Whip)

T Bearhug
C Power Slam*
X Knee Lift

Running Opponent (from stationary position)

T Armbar Takedown
C Armdrag Takedown
X Slap

Top Rope Turnbuckle Moves

X (when opponent is standing) Flying clothesline
X (when opponent is on the mat) Flying Elbow Drop
X (when facing standing, groggy opponent in corner) Superplex
X (when behind standing, groggy opponent in the corner) Top Rope Back Suplex
X (when opponent is outside the ring) N/A

Running Moves (Wrestler must be running to perform the following moves)

X (opponent in ring) Drop Kick
X (opponent in corner) Drop Kick/Clothesline
X (opponent outside ring) N/A
X (opponent groggy) Clothesline


Facing Standing Opponent

T Reverse Neckbreaker
T + Choke Lift
C Fireman's Carry Drop
C + Fishermanbuster
X Slap
X + Clothesline

Facing Standing Opponent (Groggy)

T Headlock
T + Bearhug
C Armdrag Takedown
C + Power Bomb*
X Flying Shoulder Block

Behind Standing Opponent (Groggy)

T Cross Face Chicken Wing
T + Octopus Stretch
C Bulldog
C + German Suplex*
X Flying Kick

Opponent Face Down on Mat

T (when near opponent's head) Armbar
T (when near opponent's feet) Bow and Arrow
X Chop

Opponent Face Up on Mat

T (when near opponent's head) Armbar
T (when near opponent's feet) Scorpion Deathlock
X Splash

Running Opponent (from Irish Whip)

T Small Package*
C Power Bomb*
X Double Chop

Running Opponent (from stationary position)

T Sleeper Hold
C Choke Slam
X Slap

Top Rope Turnbuckle Moves

X (when opponent is standing) Flying Clothesline
X (when opponent is on the mat) Flying Kneedrop
X (when facing standing, groggy opponent in corner) Top Rope Frankensteiner
X (when behind standing, groggy opponent in the corner) Top Rope Back Suplex
X (when opponent is outside the ring) Flying Cross Body Block

Running Moves (Wrestler must be running to perform the following moves)

X (opponent in ring) Sweep Kick
X (opponent in corner) Chop
X (opponent outside ring) Slide Kick
X (opponent groggy) Flying Kick

Tiger Hattori

Facing Standing Opponent

T Armbar Takedown
T + Small Package*
C Leg Sweep Takedown
C + Frankensteiner
X Kick
X + Spinning Back Kick

Facing Standing Opponent (Groggy)

T Swinging Neckbreaker
T + Frankensteiner*
C + Northern Lights Suplex*
X Punch

Behind Standing Opponent (Groggy)

T Back Slide*
T + Cross Face Chicken Wing
C Dragon Suplex*
C + Tiger Suplex*
X Leg Sweep

Opponent Face Down on Mat

T (when near opponent's head) Armbar
T (when near opponent's feet) Rolling STF
X Back Splash

Opponent Face Up on Mat

T (when near opponent's head) Armbar
T (when near opponent's feet) STF
X Legdrop

Running Opponent (from Irish Whip)

T Frankensteiner*
X Flying Kick

Running Opponent (from stationary position)

T Armbar Takedown
C Tilt-a-Whirl Suplex
X Kick

Top Rope Turnbuckle Moves

X (when opponent is standing) Shooting Star Press
X (when opponent is on the mat) Flying Cross Body Block
X (when facing standing, groggy opponent in corner) Top Rope Superplex
X (when behind standing, groggy opponent in the corner) Top Rope Choke Slam
X (when opponent is outside the ring) Flying Back Drop

Running Moves (Wrestler must be running to perform the following moves)

X (opponent in ring) Handspring Back Drop
X (opponent in corner) Handspring Back Smash
X (opponent outside ring) Dive Through Ropes
X (opponent groggy) Rolling Kick

Toukon Retsuden History

[ ] = number of times the wrestler/team held the title to this point

New Japan IWGP International Wrestling Grand Prix Title

Date Champion Defeated Location

83/06/02 Hulk Hogan Antonio Inoki Tokyo

Defeats Antonio Inoki by knockout in final of 10-man

84/06/14 Antonio Inoki Hulk Hogan Tokyo

Wins by countout after winning tournament to meet Hogan;
defeats tournament winner Andre the Giant by countout,
85/06/11, Tokyo; defeats Hulk Hogan by countout, 85/06/13,

86/05/16 VACANT

Inoki vacates the title to enter annual tournament

86/06/19 Antonio Inoki [2] Dick Murdoch Tokyo

Defeats Dick Murdoch in tournament final; defeats tournament
winner Masa Saito, 87/06/12, Tokyo; annual tournaments
discontinued after 1987

88/05 VACANT

Inoki breaks his foot

88/05/08 Tatsumi Fujinami Big Van Vader Tokyo

Defeats Big Van Vader; title held up 88/05/27 after a
no-contest match against Riki Chosyu in Sendai; Fujinami wins
rematch 88/06/24 in Osaka

89/04/05 VACANT

Fujinami abandons title

89/04/24 Big Van Vader Shinya Hashimoto Tokyo

Defeats Shinya Hashimoto in tournament final; referee: Lou

89/05/25 Salman Hashimikov Big Van Vader Osaka

89/07/12 Riki Chosyu Salman Hashimikov Osaka

89/08/10 Big Van Vader [2] Riki Chosyu Tokyo

90/08/19 Riki Chosyu [2] Big Van Vader Tokyo

90/12/26 Tatsumi Fujinami [2] Riki Chosyu Hamamatsu

91/01/17 Big Van Vader [3] Tatsumi Fujinami Yokohama

91/03/04 Tatsumi Fujinami [3] Big Van Vader Hiroshima

92/01/04 Riki Chosyu [3] Tatsumi Fujinami Tokyo

92/08/16 Great Muta Riki Chosyu Fukuoka
(Keiji Mutoh)

93/09/20 Shinya Hashimoto Great Muta Nagoya

94/04/04 Tatsumi Fujinami [4] Shinya Hashimoto Hiroshima

94/05/01 Shinya Hashimoto [2] Tatsumi Fujinami Fukuoka

95/05/03 Keiji Mutoh Shinya Hashimoto Fukuoka

This is Muto's first title reign as himself. The Great Muta,
Keiji Mutoh’s alter ego, won the title back in 1992.

96/01/04 Nobuhiko Takada Keiji Mutoh Tokyo

New Japan IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title

Date Champion Defeated Location

86/02/06 Shiro Koshinaka Cobra Tokyo

Defeats The Cobra in tournament final

86/05/19 Nobuhiko Takada Shiro Koshinaka Tokyo

86/09/15 Shiro Koshinaka [2] Nobuhiko Takada Fukuoka

87/07 VACANT

Koshinaka injured

87/08/20 Kuniaki Kobayashi Nobuhiko Takada Fukuoka

Defeats Nobuhiko Takada in tournament final

87/12/27 Hiroshi Hase Kuniaki Kobayashi Tokyo

88/05/27 Owen Hart Hiroshi Hase Sendai

88/06/24 Shiro Koshinaka [3] Owen Hart Osaka

89/03/16 Hiroshi Hase [2] Shiro Koshinaka Yokohama

89/05/25 Jyushin Lyger Hiroshi Hase Osaka

89/08/10 Naoki Sano Jyushin Lyger Tokyo

90/01/31 Jyushin Lyger [2] Naoki Sano Tokyo

90/08/19 Pegasus Kid Jyushin Lyger Tokyo
(Chris Benoit)

90/11/02 Jyushin Lyger [3] Pegasus Kid Tokyo

91/04 VACANT

Lyger vacates title before junior heavyweight tournament

91/04/29 Norio Honaga Jyushin Lyger Tokyo

Defeats Jyushin Lyger in tournament final

91/06/12 Jyushin Lyger [4] Norio Honaga Tokyo

91/08/09 Akira Nogami Jyushin Lyger Tokyo

91/11/05 Norio Honaga [2] Akira Nogami Tokyo

92/02/08 Jyushin Lyger [5] Norio Honaga Sapporo

92/06/26 El Samurai Jyushin Lyger Tokyo

92/11/22 Ultimate Dragon El Samurai Tokyo

93/01/04 Jyushin Lyger [6] Ultimate Dragon Tokyo

94/09/24 VACANT

Lyger breaks his leg in a tag match, teaming with Riki Chosyu
against Keiji Mutoh & Wild Pegasus

94/09/27 Norio Honaga [3] Wild Pegasus Osaka

Defeats Wild Pegasus (Chris Benoit) in tournament final

95/02/19 Kohji Kanemoto Norio Honaga Tokyo

95/05/03 Sabu Kohji Kanemoto Fukuoka

95/06/14 Kohji Kanemoto [2] Sabu Tokyo

95/01/04 Jushin Liger [7] Kohji Kanemoto Tokyo

New Japan IWGP Tag Team Title

Date Champions Defeated Location

85/12/12 Tatsumi Fujinami Antonio Inoki Sendai
& Kengo Kimura & Seiji Sakaguchi

Defeat Antonio Inoki & Seiji Sakaguchi in tournament final

86/08/05 Akira Maeda Tatsumi Fujinami Tokyo
& Osamu Kido & Kengo Kimura

86/09/23 Tatsumi Fujinami & Akira Maeda Tokyo
Kengo Kimura [2] & Osamu Kido


Fujinami and Kimura split

87/03/20 Keiji Mutoh Akira Maeda Tokyo
& Shiro Koshinaka & Nobuhiko Takada

87/03/26 Akira Maeda Keiji Mutoh Osaka
& Nobuhiko Takada & Shiro Koshinaka

87/09/01 Yoshiaki Fujiwara Akira Maeda Fukuoka
& Kazuo Yamazaki & Nobuhiko Takada

88/01/18 Tatsumi Fujinami Yoshiaki Fujiwara Takuyama
& Kengo Kimura [3] & Kazuo Yamazaki

88/06/10 Masa Saito Tatsumi Fujinami Hiroshima
& Riki Chosyu & Kengo Kimura

89/03/19 Super Strong Machine Masa Saito Yokohama
& George Takano & Riki Chosyu

89/07/13 Riki Chosyu Super Strong Machine Tokyo
& Takayuki Iizuka & George Takano

89/09/20 Masa Saito Riki Chosyu Osaka
& Shinya Hashimoto & Takayuki Iizuka

90/04/27 Keiji Mutoh Masa Saito Tokyo
& Masahiro Chono & Shinya Hashimoto

90/11/02 Hiroshi Hase Keiji Mutoh Tokyo
& Kensuke Sasaki & Masahiro Chono

90/12/26 Super Strong Machine Hiroshi Hase Hamamatsu
& Hiro Saito & Kensuke Sasaki

91/03/06 Hiroshi Hase Super Strong Machine Nagasaki
& Kensuke Sasaki [2] & Hiro Saito

91/03/21 Rick Steiner Hiroshi Hase Tokyo
& Scott Steiner & Kensuke Sasaki

91/11/05 Hiroshi Hase Rick Steiner Tokyo
& Keiji Mutoh & Scott Norton

Scott Norton substitutes for injured Scott Steiner

92/03/01 Big Van Vader Hiroshi Hase Yokohama
& Bam Bam Bigelow & Keiji Mutoh

92/06/26 Rick Steiner Big Van Vader Tokyo
& Scott Steiner [2] & Bam Bam Bigleow

92/11/22 Scott Norton Rick Steiner Tokyo
& Tony Halme & Scott Steiner

92/12/14 Hell Raisers: Hawk Scott Norton Tokyo
& Power Warrior & Tony Halme
(Kensuke Sasaki)

93/08/05 Jurassic Powers: Scott Hell Raisers: Hawk Tokyo
Norton & Hercules & Power Warrior

94/01/04 Hell Raisers: Hawk Jurassic Powers: Scott Tokyo
& Power Warrior [2] Norton & Hercules

94/11/25 Hiroshi Hase Hell Raisers: Hawk Iwate
& Keiji Mutoh [2] & Power Warrior

95/05/06 VACANT

Hase & Mutoh vacated the title after Mutoh won the IWGP
heavyweight title

95/06/10 Masahiro Chono Shinya Hashimoto Osaka
& Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Junji Hirata

Beat Shinya Hashimoto and Junji Hirata to fill vacant titles

95/07/07 VACANT

Chono and Tenzan stripped of titles when Chono failed to
appear at 7/7 show

95/07/13 Shinya Hashimoto Scott Norton Sapporo
& Junji Hirata & Mike Enos

Beat Scott Norton & Mike Enos to fill vacant titles

Taken from WRESTLING TITLE HISTORIES, Copyright 1995 by Royal Duncan and Gary

Toukon Retsuden - Toukon Retsuden FAQ Version 1.1

author: Wayne Baker

contributors: Alvin M.
D. Wu
Lowell M. Tyler

If you have any comments, suggestions, corrections or additions please contact
me at

Questions For You!!

I am still looking for more info on this great game. If anyone could provide
additional info on the following it would be greatly appreciated:

1) A translated manual. I do not speak or read Japanese, but if someone has
or can translate the manual I would be interested to hear from you. If
someone can speak Japanese I would also like a brief summary on what the
ring announcer says before the matches and at the end of the Climax modes.

2) Different Endings. I have finished the game on every level except Cement.
Does anyone know of any endings beside watching your wrestler in a demo
match. I would love to see a post match awards presentation. BTW, to
anyone unfamiliar with Japanese wrestling, when a wrestler wins a belt or
tournament he is usually awarded trophies and the championship belt after
the match in an awards ceremony. It would be really neat if it was also
included in the game.

3) Different Colours. I'm sure there must be some sort of cheat to change
the default colour of your wrestler's attire. For example, how does
player 1 select Jyushin Lyger's blue costume?

4) Hidden Moves. If you find any please let me know. I'm working on version
2.0 and would like to include the hidden moves for each wrestler.

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