

12.10.2013 15:44:29
December 15, 2000 Version 1.0 Email:

*******************Casper Walkthrough************************

This is a simple FAQ/walkthrough for the Casper game for the
Playstation. I bought it for my little brother some years ago and recently
saw that there was a bounty issued for it! I decided then and there to create
an alter-ego: Boba Faqq - the FAQ bounty hunter. As I played through the
game I kinda began to like it. It's a clever little puzzle game that becomes
awfully addicting. If you have any comments, suggestions or complaints
please email me at I will be happy to acknowledge them.

Copyright 2000 by Boba Faqq. Please do not use this Faq or link to it
without letting me know. Thanks!

Walkthrough Introduction:

At times during this walkthrough, if you follow it step-by-step, it will
seem like there is no organization to my writing. THIS IS NOT TRUE. Casper
is the type of game where certain doors, rooms, etc. will not open until a
certain time in the game. That is why there are times where you will be zig-
zagging back and forth across the house. Just stick with it and if you are
loking for a certain key or whatever I suggest you use the "Find" option
under the "Edit" menu. It helped me even while I was writing this!!!


After the very choppy and short intro movie, the menu screen will
appear. Select "New Game" from the list of options. After another short,
this time still-frame movie, the first act begins.

Act I: Find Tokens of Friendship

You start in the main foyer. Pick up the food in front of you. This
food will act as your health and your morph energy for the rest of the game.
Go to the lower left room and pick up the iron key. Now go back to the foyer
and into the lower right room. Go up a room and get the food. Return to
foyer. Go into the room in the upper left, use the iron key, go right, get
the iron and gold keys. Make a mental note of the green'll be back
soon enough. Hit switch on wall causing a painting to move. Return to foyer
and go into the upper right room. Pick up the brass key in front of the
chest and open it to get another brass key. The picture frame of your uncles
will have moved revealing a switch. Hit it and go through the newly opened
door. Pick up the food and the two iron keys. Open the chest but back up
quickly because one of your uncles will pop out. This chest trick will come
in handy a lot during the beginning of the game. In the chest is a piece of
the painting in the foyer. Open the chest in the hall on the way back to the
foyer (using the chest trick) to get a weight. In the foyer, go back to the
lower left and use the key to go through the door. Hit the switch on the
wall to move the wall and go through. Pick up the brass key and piece of
painting. Examine the armor to open gate. Go through to get two sandwiches
and an iron key. Go to the room to the right and use key. Go in, pick up
iron key, use the chest trick to get a painting piece and leave. Now use the
weight on the sparkling piece of ground in front of the door to get the final
piece of the painting. Go back to the foyer and place all the pieces in the
frame to get the wisp morph. Now you can travel through the vents!
Return to the lower right room, pick up food and keys and hit the
switch. Go back to the room where you got the first painting piece and go
through the open door. Hit the switch on the wall to reveal a parchment.
Make note of the arrangement of the armor on this parchment. Now go through
the vent to the left hit the switch and return through the vent. Go down the
hall, arrange the armor the way the clue said to, and go through the new
door, picking up the food as you go. Go through the door to the south of the
row of armor. Go to first lower room and examine the bookshelf to get the
present for Dr. Harvey. Now go to the upper room and open the chest to get a
brass key. Be sure to get the iron key in this room as well. Go south down
the hall and use a key on the locked door. Go up and get the sandwich off
the table (remember this room). Go through the vent and into the bedroom to
get a weight. Go through south door and move chair to open door to the
right. Use the weight in the hall in front of the armor to open hall. Pick
up lots of food and the two keys and open the chest to get painting piece.
Go through the door and hit the left and middle switches. Now go to the hall
south of the room where you got the book and hit the new switch. Travel
right down this same hall till you see another switch. Hit that too. It
opens the gate to the garden in this hall. Go into the garden and head to
the right. Pick the rose (gift for Kat) and go south to get the gold from
the fountain. Now head left to get a painting piece. Return to the foyer.
Go up the right staircase. Pick up the food heading left down the hall. Go
up into Kat's room. Float toward them to initiate sequence which ends the
first act.

Act II: Assemble The Lazarus

You now need to build the Lazarus. Take the camera and key off the bed
and get the perfume and painting piece from the dresser. Leave the bedroom.
Go through the vent to the right of Kat's hallway and pick up a lot of food.
Go through the vent to the right to get even more food. Hit the switch in
this room, quickly go up the stairs to get the key, and then go back through
the vent to return to the upstairs hallway. Go back to the foyer and into
the lower left room. Go through the far left door. Avoid Fatso in the next
room and go through the northern door into the dining area. Pick up the
burgers and the wooden bucket. Go back to the previous room and use the
burgers to feed Fatso. When he is full he disappears and you get a piece of
the Lazarus.
Return to the foyer and go up the right stairs. Go in the middle door
between the armor and then wisp through the vent between the beds. Get all
the goodies in this room and then leave. Go to the right and open the chest
for another brass key. Also get the hidden food at the end of the hall. Go
back to the room with the armor arranging puzzle. You will hear a gate open
as you enter. Go north through the doors till you get to a new room with a
chest. Open it to get a bag of gold coins. Hit the switch on the wall to
open gate. Go into the next room and hit the far left and far right switches
to open gate. Open the chest using the chest trick to get the green key.
Remember the green door? Head back there and use your new key. Go to the
right and hit the switch on the wall. Go left and get the food. Now go
through the vent, pick up the key and food and hit the switch. Go through
the new door into the second painting room picking up the keys and food along
the way. Use these keys to open the two chests in the previous hall. Now go
back to the second painting room and place the pieces in the frame to obtain
the bouncing ball morph. Be careful when using it, all the new morphs will
take away from your health.
Try out your new trick on the left side of this room and bounce through
the hole. Hit the switch to get a clue. Go north into the next room. Pick
up the key and painting piece and push the barrel to expose a switch. Hit it
to open door. Go through the vent below the switch to get to a chest. Open
it to get the red key. Go back through the vent and go down the hall to pick
up the keys and food. Hit the switch at the end of the hall to move the
painting to the left. Go north through the door and then into the bathroom
to get a key. Use the key in the chest in the hall. Now go all the way back
to the room where you once took the sandwich from the table. Bounce through
the hole in the wall and hit the switch. This is painting room three. Now
go through the vent and down the hall to where the door opened to expose a
chest. Open it to get a painting piece. Now go back to the garden where you
got the rose. Go right to a new area. This is a simple garden maze. Hit
the twig. Go north, right, down, right, and then left until you see a twig.
Hit it and go right to grab the painting piece and food. Go north, left and
down; follow the path till you are back at the beginning of the maze. Go
north and right and hit the twig. Go back to the beginning and head south,
right, and then north (hitting the twig along the way) to find the playhouse.
Go in and get the items. After leaving, go right and north to get the blue
key. Now go on a little key hunt. Go to the foyer and up the left stairs.
Get the food and examine the armors to open door. Go in vent, get the keys,
and hit the switch. Now return to the second painting room. Go through the
vent and use the red key. Examine the armor for a brass key. Go down the
hall and hit the switch. Go into the next room and get the painting piece.
Push chair onto floor tile to leave. Go all the way back to the third
painting room and place the pieces in the frame to get the buzzsaw morph.
Now you can cut through boards!
Go through the vent and down the hall. Use the new morph to go into
northern room and get a key. Go through vent and get keys stopping along the
way to fill the bucket at one of the sinks. Go back through the vent and
upstairs. Go through the vent and down the hall. Go through right vent and
hit switch. Return and go through the other vent to find chest with purple
key. Go back to the beginning of this section and use purple key. Travel
through vent. Open the chest here to get another painting piece and key. Go
back through the vent. Hit the switch, go back, and hit the new switch. Go
back downstairs and North through the door. Hit armor to open door. Hit
switch. Go to where the armor moved and hit switch. Go to where the
painting moved and bounce through the hole. Hit the switch and go through
the door. Go to the end of the hall and hit the switch. Retrace your steps
and go right through the newly opened door. Pick up the key and painting
piece and position the chair on the floor tile to open a door. Go through
the vent. Go down the hall and into the newly opened room to get a painting
piece. Return to the foyer. Go up the left stairs and go in the left blue
door. Open the chest for coins and then go up and right and saw morph. Open
the chest here for an iron key. Go through the left open door. Examine all
of the armor except for the left to open a hole in the wall. Go through to
get food and painting piece. Buzzsaw through three doors and go down the
hall.. Hit the two outer switches to open the door. Open the chestto get a
painting piece and then go upstairs. Open the chest to get a hammer and
chisel. Go through the door to get a puzzle piece. Return to the garden
maze. Go all the way to the right side of the maze and into the new area
where your uncle chases you. Use the hammer and chisel on the rock to
confuse your uncle. He disappears and you get another Lazarus piece.
Return to second painting room. Go in the vent and travel down the
hall. Use the saw morph. This is painting room four. Bounce through the
hole in the wall, hit the switch, get the red key, leave. Go south through
red door. Use another red key to open door and pick up an iron and a brass
key. Make note of the floor tiles. Follow room to the end and open chest
for iron key. Collect all the chairs and place them on the floor tiles (get
the brass key behind the chair in the lower right) to open a door in the
upper right. Go through the vent to get the two keys and return. Hit the
switch in the hall north of the chair room. Open all the chests (you have
to) to get the winding key. Go through the door under the winding staircase.
Make the levers face R,R,L,R,L,L,R. Go through door. HEAVEN! Get al the
food and keys and weights. Open chest to the right to get gold. Place the
chairs in front of the organ on tiles and then play the organ to get painting
piece. Open chest to get gold key. Retrace your steps and go through the
door opened by the chair tile room. Buzz into the north room and go through
the right vent. Bounce through holes to get a blue key and food. Go back
and get the brass key behind the chair. Go through the left vent. Open the
chest to get the painting piece. Grab all the food too. Go back through the
vent. Go down the hall to the right and hit the switch. Go left and hit the
new switch to open a door. Examine both armor in area to open last door to
the right. Don't bother going through yet though. Return to painting room
four. Open the cabinet for a weight. Go to the foyer and up the left
stairs. Open the blue door. You can use the bucket to extinguish the fire
in the fireplace. Do so and wisp into it to get items. You need to do this
all over the house wherever there is a fireplace so remember to do it if you
seem to be low on keys. Hit the switch IGNORE THE VENT and open the cabinet
to get a painting piece. Place them in the frame to get the hammer morph.
Return to foyer. Open cabinet to get brass key. Go through vent on
left side of this area to get green key. Return to second painting room. Go
through the hole in the wall and follow hallway till you reach a fireplace.
Go through vent and follow hall all the way to the right. Open the chest in
the barrel room to get a purple key. Buzz through the door nearby and hit the
switch. Bounce through hole. Collect items and painting piece. Leave. Go
down the hall and up into a room. Open the chest to get ANOTHER weight.
Continue down hall and through green door. Bounce into room and get green
keys and food. Go back to the beginning of this section and open two more
green doors for food. Exit area and go straight south. Cut through the
board and bounce through the hole to get a painting piece. Go back and go
through door. Open the first door to get food and then open the door to the
far left. Place two weights, look at the note, and wisp through the vent.
Hit the switch go back to the hall and go through the middle door. Buzz
through. The left room in this area is painting room five. Go through the
middle door and use the weight to get a painting piece. Go through the vent
to get key and food. Open left chest to get key and right to get weight. Go
through far left southern door. Place a weight on the tile. Hit the switch
at the end of the hall, and then hit the one that appears next to it. Go
back through two rooms to get green key and hit switch. Go back to the hall
with new garden gate. Hit the switch and go into the garden to get the
painting piece. Go back to the second painting room. Go through vent,
south, buzz through door, move armor, expose vent. Go in. Hit switch, go
back. Go to foyer. Go up right stairs through purple door. Go up to the
attic. Go through lower right door. Follow path to upper right door. Use
the winding key on the carousel. Switch to hammer mode and pound Fatso's
tanks three times each. Then when fatso gets on the carousel hit him to get
the Lazarus part.
Exit and go south through the door. To the south is painting room six.
Go to the upper right and get the green key. Return to the room near
painting room two with all the green doors. Use the green keys. Cut through
the door, hit switch and go in vent to get painting piece. Go back, go down
the hall to the right, bounce through the hole and hit the switch. Return to
the courtyard you just passed to collect the goodies. Return to previous
room and go south and through vent. Stop to do the fireplace trick if you
haven't already and then head back to the room before the one where Fatso had
his tanks in the attic. Go south and open chest for painting piece. Go to
the room next door and place them in frame to get light bulb morph.
Turn into the light bulb and head south. Use the gold key. Hit the
switches and collect all the goodies including a painting piece. Make sure
you have done the fireplace trick everywhere you can. Then go back to puzzle
room four. Go through the hole to get the painting piece and then return to
the frame and place the pieces to get the fan morph.
Go through the vent maze by painting room three and into the door, not
up stairs. Go north and left and follow path around center room to collect
keys food and hit a switch. Continue on to hit another. Backtrack to hit a
switch by the bathroom. Then go to far right and through now open door.
Pillage chests and bounce through holes to get glue. Go back to painting
room four and go south. Go through the far right door, and then the far
right door in this section too. Use the glue on your uncle to get a Lazarus
Go back to painting room 2. Go through the vent and down hall to the
end room. Bounce through the hole in the wall. Pick up the two brass keys
and the painting piece. Go back to painting room five. Place the pieces to
get the cyclone morph.
Go to the garden maze and leave through the southern exit. Head south
two screens and use the cyclone and hover above the empty grave. Your uncle
will get sucked in and you will get a Lazarus piece.

Go to the foyer. Got back to your uncle's bedroom and into the door to
the upper right. Use the camera on fatso until he gets embarrassed and
disappears. Another Lazarus piece!
Return to the foyer. Go up the left stairs and into the far right door.
Shoot your uncle with the perfume until he goes away. The Lazarus machine is
almost complete.
Go back to the upstairs hallway and go into the far left door. Go down
the stairs and use the black key. Go down. Hit the switch to the right.
Hit switch in lower left room. Hit switch in lower right. Go through the
upper left door and pick up the goodies. Go into the pipe and get the
painting piece. Return to the first basement area. Exit south. This is
painting room seven. Behind the wine racks to the south is a hidden vent.
Go in it to get important keys. Return to room and continue right. Behind
these wine racks is a painting piece. Go back to the first basement and exit
through the upper right. Follow path and go through the pipe near north
door. Hit the switch and collect the stuff. Go back through the pipe and
through the new door to get a painting piece. Go into the nearby pipe and
hit switch. Go back to painting room two. Bounce through hole go through
two vents and head south. Place the weight on the tile to get a black key..
Return to the basement. Go back into the upper right room and head through
the north exit. Use the black key and make your way through the simple maze
collecting all the stuff along the way. There is a secret vent in the upper
left corner. It is important. Hit all the switches in this area too. When
you are done you should have a silver and red key and a painting piece. Go
back to painting room seven and complete it. You get screwdriver morph.
You can now go back to through the vent in your uncles bedroom and use
the silver key if you want to get the food. Then return to the basement and
go through the right door and south this time. Your uncles are playing
baseball. Get in the middle to get megacasper morph and then use it to scare
them away. You get the final Lazarus piece.
Go through south door. Get the key and the gold. Use the screwdriver
on the machine in the lower left to fix the Lazarus. End Act 2 (phew.).

Act III: Find the Cellular Integrator

This can be very short if you want it to be. Just pick up the white key
and go into the pipe by the two barrels in the basement maze. Use the key
and get the cellular integrator. Return to Lazarus. If you don't care about
the couple bonus things skip to the final section. If not, go back to the
first basement area and through the left door. Wisp into the furnace and use
your keys to get all the stuff. Then return to the garden maze and go
through the now open gate to the north. Open the gold door on the right.
Put the armor in an "X" pattern to open the door. By this time you should
have all the Casper pieces. Put them in the frame to get the spring morph.
Now return to the foyer. Use the spring in the middle of the room to
find a hidden room. Pick up the goodies and head right. Move the chair away
from the vent and go through it. Use the red key to go through the door and
another red key on the next door. Grab the food in this room and hit the
switch. Go to the room and through the vent. Examine the clock in this room
to get a piece of painting. Go back through the vent and go into the left
vent this time. Go right and get the gold, then go left and wisp on the wall
lamp. Hit the switch and go back through the vent. Return to the foyer. Go
back to the secret garden room. Move the bookcase out of the way and go
through the door. Open the chests to find a painting piece and collect the
food. Return to foyer and use the spring again. Go to the painting room in
this area and place the pieces to get the Casperman morph!
Now go back to the attic second room and use Casperman to move the chair
in the upper left. Go in the vent to find the bonus area! You RULE!

Final: Kerrigan

At the Lazarus, Kerrigan steals the cellular integrator. You are
transported to a new area. She chases you. Go left and follow the path to
the strange key. Pick it up and backtrack. Use it in the chest to defeat
her. You win!!! Sit back and enjoy no least you have

Thank yous:

-Sean for letting me borrow the game.
-Interplay for making it.
-GmaeFaqs for ruling and making a bounty for it. GameFaqs is the BEST!

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