Megaman Legends 2

Megaman Legends 2

14.10.2013 14:44:22
Mega Man Legends 2 Walkthought

By Mega Boy
Version 0.9 - November 11th 2000
- Changed the format a little
- Removed the story part, so I don't reveal too much :)
- Added emplacement of items
- Added a FAQ section

Things left to do:
- A few items to find here and there...

This walkthrought can be used for either Rockman Dash 2 or Mega Man Legends 2
Read all this file before sending me any questions.



1- Rescue Gramps

1.1- Save Data
Your mission is to put out the fire with the Aqua Blaster and save Data
(no, I didn't ask you to save your game :) Be careful in the living room, when
you extenguish the fire near the far left door, it will explode. Finally, get
to the kitchen and clear the area... and Data, if he gets burned.

1.2- Build Dropship
Flutter items: Rapid Fire, Broken Motor, Picnic Lunch, 9000Z
Yosyonke town items: Broken Vacuum, Mechanic Notes 1, Reaverbot Claw, 1000Z

1.3- Portal 1
Goal: Find Joe, beat the boss and get the Refractor A
Items: Broken Model Gun, Old Hoverjets, Refractor A, 900Z
You will be on a snowy field with rabbits and Reaverbots: Avoid contact
with both. Once inside the ruin, explore the rooms before going down one floor.
Guardian: Spike Giant
This boss has a weak spot, the pink spike in is butt. If you get close
enough, he won't have the time to move at all.

1.4- Enter the Forbidden Area
Goal: Beat the boss
Guardian: Giant Mammoth
Classic battle, run around and shoot. Be careful of its shockwave
thought, don't jump too fast because it is slow. It is a long, but easy battle
if you don't get stuck against a pillar while running.

1.5- Sulphur Bottom
Items: Heavy Duty Gear, 5300Z

Note: In each of the four Sealed Key ruins, you will have to find panels that
will give you the map and items location, unlock doors or help you access to
other parts of the ruins. Be sure to find them all.

2- Manda Sub-Gate

2.1- Portal 2
Goal: Get the Refractor B
Weapon suggested: Vacuum Arm
Items: Mechanic Notes 2, Bomb Schematic, Refractor B, 18800Z
Guardian: Spike Giant
Use the same strategy as the previous one.

2.2- Crabbot's attack!
Weapon suggested: Homing Missile
Tron's back, and she is more determined than ever to prove herself to Mega
Man. It's up to you if you want to preserve the village, you'll just have to
pay to rebuild it if you don't. Anyway, use your special weapon when you have a
clear shot, otherwise run around and shoot your buster. When she spins around,
there's not much you can do, except avoiding her.
Pokte Village items: Bowling Ball, Broken Drill, 7800Z

2.3- Manda Sub-Gate
Goal: Unlock the two doors, get the Card Key, raise the bridge, beat the
Guardian and get the first key
Weapon suggested: Drill Arm
Items: Thick Pipe, Rusted Mine, Normal Helmet, 37000Z
As you enter, you will see a blue monolith, you need the Card Key to
activate it and raise the bridge to upper part of the ruin.
Boss: Bola
The first time you encounter him, he is quite easy: run and shoot. When
he throws his knifes, you can jump, but you wouldn't need to if you run fast
Boss: Bola 2
A little more different: Five wheeled spikes on the floor prevent you
from running. Stay in place and shoot, but don't get to close to the wall or
you won't be able to jump over his knife he's throwing.
When you see him stop and tap his sword on his shoulder, jump away at
the last second to avoid his dashing attack. One last thing: when Bola gets
over the middle wheel and attracks the other one, they won't return at the same
place but rotate a little.
Guardian: Bubble Frog
Always stay on one of the four high columns, but never on the same
one of the boss, it could poison you. Once in a while, the frog will
eat the dragonfly to restore some of his energy, so destroy the fly
when you see it. The attacks you should worry about are its tongue
and the bubbles it produces, beside that, the battle is quite easy.

3- Nino Sub-Gate
Nino Platform items: 4500Z

3.1- Portal 3
Goal: Get money
Weapon suggested: Drill Arm
Items: 18000Z
Guardian: 2 Red Mantis
The mantis are not very hard, just run around.

3.2- BirdBots' attack!
Weapon suggested: Homing Missile or Buster Gun
The Birdbots are here to invade Nino. In each little missions, you'll have
to protect the fortress from being destroyed while the citizens prepare the
cannons to counter-attack. Go to each door one after the other and take to
elevator and ladder to the top.
Door #1: Shoot the Birdbots approaching the door, blow out the crates in
front of it and wait for the right switch to pass from red to blue to activate
it. Then you'll be called to door #2.
Door #2: Even more easy, just blow out the Birdbots until you are called to
door #3.
Door #3: That one's a little tougher, protect the door against the Birdbots
and take down the battleship.
Upper platform: Concentrate on the Birdbots until the battle with the plane
begins. When the plane drops on you, jump away.

4- Calbania
Items: 2000Z
Weapon suggested: Homing Missile

4.1- Portal 4
Goal: Get Refractor A
Items: Sniper Unit, Rusty Bazooka, Refractor A, 57500Z

4.2- BirdBots Fortress
Goal: Free the hostage girl
Items: Fried Chicken, Accessory Pack
This battle will be separated in six area:
Front: Take down the cannons and tanks and be careful that none of the two
kids get knowcked out, or else, you'll have to carry them to the side.
Fortress side #1: The kids will get you a boost to get inside. Destroy the
enemies and get the access key. You can get outside the fortress to save, Data
will be here.
Fortress side #2: Two cannons and an high tower. Shoot down the birdbots
throwing bombs at you. Don't forget to search the ruins of this fortress side.
You can get two important items here.
Fortress side #3: Fight against the planes and get back outside to save,
you'll need it.
Fortress side #4: Three big tanks need to be destroyed here, plus the
Birdbots. After the battle, equip the Lifter instead of your special weapon and
put the metal crates near the balcony, so you can get up there and enter.
Inside and front door: After knocking down the Birdbots and saving the
girl, a Birdbot will lauch the auto-destruct sequence. You'll have to act fast:
destroy the Birdbots, the tanks and the cannon over the big door. When it's
done, equip the Lifter and carry the girl over the door. If the countdown gets
to zero, everything blows up!

5- Nino again

5.1- Glyde's attack
Weapon suggested: Machine Gun Arm
Roll will activate the ultimate weapon to take down Glyde's ship, but
you'll have to protect her until the weapon is ready. Equip a weapon with high
range and blow out the missiles as quickly as you can. When the meter indicates
100%, Roll will be ready to active this weapon with... unexpected effects ;) Go
see the Guildmaster for two items: Firecracker, Rebreather

5.2- Nino Sub-Gate
Goal: Fill the ruin with water, beat the Guardians and get the second key
Weapon suggested: Drill Arm
Items: Mechanic Notes 3, Power Blaster, Range Booster Alpha, Sower, 121500Z
This ruin is special, because you can fill it with water with a control
panel. I suggest that you left the water on until you reach the fifth level.
You will move slower, but you will jump higher and be able to pick up heavy
blocks. Don't forget to wear your Hydrojets.
Guardians: Spark Medusas
Those three jellyfishes are not very dangerous, avoid the sparks and
you will win without a scratch. They are invincible when they spin. Also,
concentrate on one and then, lower the energy of the second one as low as
possible before destroying third one, because the last one is harder when it is

Boss: Claymore
Claymore don't like to move around, he'll stay in place and shoot
around. Just run around and he'll be gone before you know it. Althought, watch
where he shoots because he can shoot ahead of where you're running, so jump.

Boss: Claymore 2
Same battle, even if Claymore has learned some new tricks, the same
strategy applies here. Watch out for his lasers.

6- Saul Kada Sub-Gate

6.1- Portal 5 (Class S Licence)
Goal: Get the Refractor S
Weapon suggested: Hyper Shell
Items: Sensor, Mechanic Notes 6, Refractor S, 40000Z
Guardian: Spark Medusas

6.2- Tiesel's Attack!
Saul Kada Items: 6800Z
Weapon suggested: Hyper Shell
When you enter the city, you can choose either the right or left big door.
Choose the right door, you'll encounter a giant cannon and three turrets.
Instead of shooting them right away, open the left door and you'll be able to
attack from the back. You'll get the blue key and access a small room. Talk to
the big guy, return to the beginning of the city and go throught the big left
door. You'll arrive to a place with electric fences, but don't attack yet. Go
to the right, destroy the crates and talk to the big guy again who is waiting
for you. He'll give you a lift and destroy all the fences and mines. On the
other side, you'll encounter some citizens. Buy at the junk or gift shop and
find the red key hidden behind a counter. Finally, save your game with Data and
meet Tiesel.
Tiesel's back and he's got a ace up his sleeve: He stole the city statue
and put it on his mecha. Be careful not to destroy it or you'll have to pay it
back. Don't bother getting on the middle platform where Tiesel is, he'll
protect himself with the statue. Get on one of the four corner platform or run
around the center platform and shoot him slowly with a not too powerful weapon,
or else the statue will get damaged too. If the statue should be destroyed,
Tiesel will perform different attacks: he'll dive in the sand and get out to

6.3- Saur Kada Sub-Gate
Goal: Unlock the security systems A, B and C, beat the Lava Pillar
sub-boss, beat the Guardian, beat Tron and Bon and get the third key
Weapon suggested: Hyper Shell
Items: Autofire Unit Omega, Soft Ball, Mechanic Notes 5, 69000Z
Strangely, you will meet the guardian almost in the beginning, but you
cannot beat it yet, continue on your journey. Don't forget to wear your
Asbestos shoes. They won't protect you completly from lava, but you won't sink
in it.
Boss: Lava Pillar
With the help of the Bonnes, equip the Lifter, grab the Reaverbots and
throw them at the pillar in the middle of the room. Act quickly, because the
pillar regenerates itself slowly.
Guardian: Giant Skeleton
This boss too is easy: avoid his fire, sparks and shockwave and this
guy's a goner.
Boss: Tron's Gustav
Surprisingly, Tron is not that difficult: run around and shoot. If her
shield is up, stop shooting and resume as soon as she removes it. Keep your
distances, she's got a flame-thrower.
Boss: Bon
Bon too isn't too hard, just watch out for the lava. When he lauches
his fists, he is invincible.

7- Kalinka Sub-Gate

7.1- Villain's final attack!
Weapon Suggested: Hyper Shell with maximum range and attack
Glyde and the Bonnes attack you on a train race. You must protect your
train and destroy Glyde's and the Bonne's wagons. Choose a long range and
powerful weapon and you won't have any problem. The thing you should worry
about are the Servbots throwing bombs at you. But if you use a powerful weapon,
shoot at the main target and the shockwave will knock them away. Right after
the battle, get the Spike Chip in the area after the train was.

7.2- Kalinka Sub-Gate
Goal: Unlock the doors and the Crystals, trap the elephants, capture the
Keys, get the fourth key and beat the Guardian
Weapon suggested: Hyper Shell
Items: Laser Manual, Shield Generator, Turbo Charger Omega, 88000Z
While digging the ruin, you will encounter blue and red pyramid-shaped
crystals which blocks the way to another part of the ruin. You need the Blue
and Red key to unlock them at their panels. The Red Crystal is not neccessary,
but it leads to an important item. Wear the Cleated Shoes.
Guardian: Ice Cell
Is this the Yellow Devil from the classic Mega Man series? It's a
head incased into some jelly. Anyway, run around and keep your
distances. When platforms appears above you, climb them or else
you'll catch on "cold fire" because of the icy floor. After a while,
the cell will chase you rapidly, don't bother shooting it and run
away until it calms down.

8- Elysium Library
When the fourth key is returned to Bluecher, an important event will occur.
Pay attention to everything that will be told and done.

8.1- Geast's attack!
There is an aerial battle between the light-skinned guy (Geast) and the
dark skinned guy (Gast). Geast will win the duel, so you will have to beat
him. He is not very difficult, shoot him and avoid his dashs. When Geast has
lost most of his energy, he will not be able to fly anymore and he will
land. Continue to shoot him from a distance.

Finally, everything is revealed: Rock's past, why he lost his memory and
his mission. This can be confusing a little, so listen carefully.

8.2- Defense Area
Goal: Get the Giant Refractor
Weapon suggested: Hyper Shell
Items: Green Eye, Energizer Pack Omega, Booster Pack Omega, Sniper Unit
Omega, Giant Refractor, 146000Z
You land on Elysium for the final showdown! You must travel throught the
Defense Area to get to the Library. Some Reaverbots are new, some aren't.
Equip yourself correctly and you shouldn't have any problem. There are some
control rooms that will allow you to alter gravity and load data from Library's
system. Always put low-gravity, because some time, you will encounter some pink
beams that will put you in high gravity. High gravity are needed thought to
break some floors and access hidden control rooms and chests. Some doors will
be locked depending on the gravity. As usual, try to find the map and item
consoles to see if you have missed any items.

8.3- Side Area
Items: Accessory Pack Alpha, 60000Z
Finally outside! This area can be quite confusing at first, but it is
quite simple. There are little islands at each eight cardinal points and
you must get to the central island. You start at the South-West island
and there are four Warp Doors on each island. (Not all of them are
active) Some islands have a warp door to a far away island. Look at the map
to understand better. Start by moving counter-clockwise to get to South, there
is a warp to a chest on extreme South. Then move clockwise until you reach
East, get a chest on the extreme East and move to the Central island. There,
you should find an elevator that will lead you to the Shuttle Bay. Go back to
Terra (Earth) to upgrade and have Roll build the Shining Laser. Back on the
Central island, enter the building and save with Data.

8.4- Center Area
Weapon suggested: Shining Laser
Items: 250000Z
There are no Reaverbots or traps here but, you will encounter the four
guardians again. One by level, plus the final boss at the last one.
Finally, you get to the Library, save and follow the animation...

Final Battle!!
As you touch the Library's computer, Sera will try to "terminate your
program", as Juno would say. :)
First form: As usual, run around and jump when the boss attacks.
When you see her surrounded by many pods, the gravity will be very
high, so jump as high as you can when she creates a shockwave or run
Second form: This part is quite difficult, but the trick is to stay
as far as possible. Anticipating her attacks is the key by watching
her moves and listening to her. When she does her Black Hole attack,
dash to the opposite side. This attack doesn't hurt you, but makes
you an easy target because it attracks you down. Her various attack
includes: Meteors, Multi-Lasers, Giant Wave and Sweeping Ray.

Weapons and Items

- Body Parts
Normal Helmet
Padded Helmet
Normal Armor
Padded Armor
Padded Armor Omega
Link Armor
Link Armor Omega
Kevlar Armor
Kevlar Armor Omega
Jet Skates
Used for dashing
Hover Shoes
Protects against electrified floors
Used for dashing underwater
Asbestos Shoes
Protects from lava
Cleated Shoes
Prevents you from slipping on ice

- Buster Parts
Accessory Pack Atk+1 Eng+1 Rng+1 Rpd+1
Accessory Pack Alpha Atk+2 Eng+2 Rng+2 Rpd+1
Accessory Pack Omega Atk MAX Eng MAX Rng MAX Rpd Max
Autofire Unit Eng+2 Rpd+1
Autofire Unit Omega Eng+3 Rpd+2
Blaster Unit Atk+1 Eng+2
Blaster Unit Omega Atk+2 Eng+3
Booster Pack Atk+1 Eng+1 Rpd+1
Booster Pack Omega Atk+3 Eng+3 Rpd+1
Buster Unit Atk+1 Rng+2
Buster Unit Omega Atk+2 Rng+3
Energizer Pack Eng+1 Rng+1 Rpd+1
Energizer Pack Omega Eng+3 Rng+1 Rpd+3
Power Blaster Atk+2 Rpd+1
Power Blaster Omega Atk+3 Rpd+2
Power Raiser Atk+2
Power Raiser Alpha Atk+4
Power Raiser Omega Atk MAX
Range Booster Rng+2
Range Booster Alpha Rng+4
Range Booster Omega Rng MAX
Rapid Fire Rpd+2
Rapid Fire Alpha Rpd+4
Rapid Fire Omega Rpd MAX
Sniper Unit Eng+1 Rng+2
Sniper Unit Omega Eng+2 Rng+3
Turbo Charger Eng+2
Turbo Charge Alpha Eng+4
Turbo Charge Omega Eng MAX
Upgrade Pack Atk+1 Eng+1 Rng+1
Upgrade Pack Omega Atk+1 Eng+3 Rng+3

- Weapons
When you unequip your special weapon, you can grab items and enemies and
carry them along.
Buster Cannon (Thick Pipe + Artillery Note)
Shoots a energy ball
Very fast and powerful, but gives a little recoil
Hyper Shell (Rusty Bazooka + Firecracker)
Shoots a homing energy ball
Powerful weapon, but slow to recharge
Homing Missile (Bottle Rocket + Radar Notes)
Shoots homing missiles
Good all-around weapon
Ground Crawler (Bowling Ball + Rusted Mine)
Shoots little bug-like bombs. They crawl on the floor and walls until
they explode
Hard to predict when they explode
Vacuum Arm (Broken Motor + Broken Vacuum)
Sucks refractors and power-ups, no attack potential
Very cheap to upgrade. Useful when digging for money
Reflector Arm (Bomb Schematic + Superball)
Shoots iron balls that rebound on the walls
Shield Arm (Shield Generator + Shielding Notes)
Creates an energy field all around you
Does not protect against powerful attacks
Blade Arm (Zetsabre + Beam Blade Notes)
Sword-like attack. Press the button quickly to execute a combo
Shining Laser (Laser Manual + Green Eye)
Shoots a powerful continuous ray of light
Best weapon of the game, but incredibly hard to upgrade
Machine Gun Arm (Broken Model Gun + Long Barrel)
Shoots shells at a fast rate
Not very powerful
Spread Buster (Sower + Spread Fire Notes)
Shoots many small energy balls on a wide range
Aqua Blaster
Shoots water
Only used in the Flutter
Drill Arm (Broken Drill + Heavy Duty Gear)
A drill is attached to your arm, can broke some weak walls
Powerful, but low range. Cheap to upgrade
(I know, there's one more...)

- Junk Shop Items
Life Pack (5 in total)
Adds a unit to your life gauge
Energy Canteen
Used to refill your energy, can be refilled at the stores
Extra Pack (99 in total)
Adds a unit to your Energy Canteen
Medecine Bottle
Used to cure your status, can be refilled at the stores
Medicine Pack (99 in total)
Adds a unit to your Medecine Bottle
Hyper Cartridge (1 at a time)
Refills your Special Weapon energy
Flame Barrier
Protects against Fire status
Light Barrier
Protects against Numbed status
Used to make the Jet Skates
Joint Plug
Used to make the Adaptor Plug
Light Chip
Used to make the Hover Shoes
Aqua Chip
Used to make the Hydrojets
Resist Chip
Used to make the Asbestos Shoes
Spike Chip
Used to make the Cleated Shoes
Padded Helmet
Normal Armor
Padded Armor
Padded Armor Omega
Link Armor
Link Armor Omega
Kevlar Armor
Kevlar Armor Omega
Buster Parts (20 in total)
Refractor B (Can be sold)
Refractor A (Can be sold)
Refractor S (Can be sold)

- Gifts Shop Items
Gift to Roll
Gift to Roll
Sulphur Bottom Model
Gift to Roll
Comic Book
Game Cartridge

- Special Items
Class B Licence
Class A Licence
Class S Licence
Class SS Licence!
Letters from Servbots and the twins
Lots of keys from the Sub-gates

- Other Items
Mechanic Notes 1 -> Radar Notes
Mechanic Notes 2 -> Artillery Notes
Mechanic Notes 3 -> Spread Fire Notes
Mechanic Notes 4 -> Beam Blade Notes
Mechanic Notes 5 -> Shielding Notes
Mechanic Notes 6 -> ?
Candy Apple
Picnic Lunch
Fried Chicken

- Fire
You will take on fire and lose slowly your energy
- Numbed
Your abilities will be reduced by one half: jumping, running...
- Frozen
Same as fire status
- Jammed
You will not be able to shoot your Mega Buster and your Special Weapon
energy will drop drastically

Sub-Quests and Happenings
Roll's shower
This one is just for fun: When you get on the bridge and Roll is not there,
Go to the Bathroom and you'll surprise Roll taking a bath. Sadly, you don't
see anything...
As with MML, you have three races and you win money if you complete them
within the time required.
Licence upgrading
Upgrading your Digger Licence can allow you access to certain ruins. You
upgrade at two places:
- Kalinka, talk to the girl in the church.
- Nino, talk to the girl in the "Digout" room.
They will propose you a timed challenge inside a ruin without any upgrades,
just your normal buster. The higher the Licence, the harder the challenge.
Getting the Class S Licence is almost impossible, I suggest taking the Hard
Mode game instead, where you get a Class S Licence automatically.
Remember: The higher the licence, the tougher the Reaverbots get in the

Once you beat the game, you will have access to other modes:
- Easy: More money, easier enemies and the Accessory Pack Omega, that maxes
every stats of your Buster! You get a Class C Licence. You can enter any ruins
with it thought.
- Normal: That's the mode that you begin with a Class B Licence.
- Difficult: Less money, harder enemies, but you got a Class S Licence!
- Very Hard: Even tougher enemies and a Class SS Licence!!

Tips & Facts

Each time you find one of the four keys, you have to return to the Sulphur
Bottom, new items and upgrades will be available at the Junk Store.

Learn to attack an enemy while circling it as soon as possible.

However, when there are a lot of enemies around you, locking-on while circling
is not a good idea. I recommend another technique: Stay in place and tap
quickly on R2 as you shoot. You will attack every enemies quickly that way. It
works great with a powerful and fast weapon or weak enemies.

Main differences between the first and the second game
- Except for one (in Saul Kada Portal), all cracks in wall holds money.
- Roll doesn't develop Buster Parts anymore, you buy them or find them.
- You now got capsules to refill your weapons (the blue ones).
- The ruins are not connected together.
- You can move while locking-up on an enemy.

References to Mega Man and Mega Man X
- A black Zero poster in the Gift shop in Kalinka
- A Mega Man animation on the TV of the bar in Kalinka
- Comic books with Kalinka or Ice Man in some houses of Kalinka
- When you buy a Comic Book from a Gift Shop, you'll see it Rock's bedroom,
with Mega Man on the cover.
- If you read Barrel's books in his room, you learned that Roll named Mega
Man... after her favorite videogame.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the difference between a Portal and a Gub-gate?
A: You don't need to enter the Portals to complete the games. But the Sub-gates
containing the Sealed Keys need to be completed.

Q: Where is the "Heavy Duty Gear"?
A: On the lower deck of the Sulphur Bottom in a crate, hidden behind a column
next to the elevator.

Q: I'm in the Nino Sub-gate, I see a very high red wall. How can I jump over
I try to pick up the blocks around, but I cannot lift them.
A: You need first to fill the ruin with water, then you will be able to lift
the blocks and use them to jump over the wall.

Q: I'm in the Nino Sub-gate, on floor B-4 and there is a very far and high door
I can't reach.
A: When you enter the room, dash and press forward on the control pad, you
should jump high enough to grab the ledge of the door's platform.

Q: I'm in Saul Kada Sub-gate and the giant Reaverbot boss doesn't seem to
suffer from my attacks.
A: Don't waste time on it, continue in the ruins, unlocking gates. After you
beat the Pillar sub-boss, the giant boss will be vulnerable, not before.

Q: I'm in the Kalinka Sub-gate, on floor B-4 and I can't open the locked gates.
A: You need to lure the elephant-like Reaverbots to the pits to unlock the

Q: I'm in the Kalinka Sub-gate, on floor B-5 and I can't catch the three
Reaverbots Keys.
A: You need to sneak behind them by walking slowly. When you are close enough,
you'll get them automatically.

Q: What do I do with: Reaverbot Claw, Mug and Pokte Tea?
A: I don't know, maybe you have to give them to someone...
Mail me if you know the answer

Q: Can we win items in the races?
A: I don't know either, can anyone tell me? :)

Q: What do I do with the Soft Ball?
A: I think you need the Sensor found in the underwater Saul Kada Portal.


This walkthrought is copyright to Mega Boy.
Please do not put on the web without contacting me at
Rockman Dash 2, Mega Man Legends 2, Rockman, Mega Man and all related
characters and names are trademarks of Capcom Entertainment, Inc.

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