Syphon Filter 2 Walkthrough Version 1 (for the Playstation game console) Email
This walkthrough took me a while and is still taking a while to make so please
don't rip me off by trying to sell it. Copyright 2000 Xdragon walkthroughs
989 Studios Tips and Hints line as if you'll need it is:
1-900-933-SONY In The US or 1-900-451-5757 in Canada and no,noone is paying me
to post the 900 line,it's just for people that still don't understand my
1. Q. How do I incapicitate Gregorov in Volkov Park?
A. Equip your Silencer rifle and aim at all the lights and shoot
them. This makes it dark and you can easily change to your hand
taser and zap Gregorov.
2. Q. How do I kill Chance, none of my weapons work against him?
A. Lure him to the rear copter blades and shoot him with UAS bullets
3. Q. How many levels are there in Syphon Filter 2?
A. 21
Suggestions for the sequel to Syphon Filter 2:
-The controls are very shoddy and sloppy and makes it hard to make it around
some corners when timing is everything
-My game had tons of bugs in it as in when you were on the regular part of the
ground and while staying crouched and walking the character would grab hold of
an invisible ledge and then fall through the ground to their death.
-The reload option is not very user friendly,as in when 1 gun is dried out of
bullets and your left helpless shooting a blank gun and not killing anyone. In
close range this is very frustrating since you then must scroll quickly to a
better weapon or one with ammo in it. I'll give an example that happened to me a
few times. I was shooting enemies in 1 mission and also had the M-79. I ran out
of bullets with the gun I was using I was number one losing my life and when I
changed guns the next one that popped up was the M-79 and in close range I was
dead shortly after. Make it where when you run out of ammo with 1 gun and your
shooting blanks that it automatically switches to a sensible gun so you don't
end up as part of the wall or floor.
-Where was the UAS auto reload shotgun in the rest of the missions? I only found
it when fighting the last guy and thought it was a cool weapon. I would've liked
seeing more of that gun in the game
-I liked the cut-scenes and sounds were great but isn't there a more realistic
way to make them look? The whole virtual look with the characters in the scenes
throws the whole scene out of whack. The in game graphics, as in when you're
playing the game, won't be as good, I know that, but the cut-scenes with the
characters looked rushed.
-The story was well written but the plot just seemed dull and uneventful. Is
making movies with good story and plot, that much different than in video games?
-Any chance this game could make it to the PC and have expansion packs?
-The other problem with the beginning screen or title screen is what Tomb 4
suffered from. If you're pressing the x button while the game is loading which I
do sometimes and before the title screen loads up you end up pushing new game.
Any way to after doing your first save,to make the default option when the title
screen loads to emphasize the load option instead?
Websites that pertain to this walkthrough are as follows(more will be added)
A pointless trick but not really a trick: Keep pressing the x button repeatedly
and Gabe or Lian will do curtseys in the game.
Mission Background:
Seemingly unrelated and troubling events headline International News reports.
Innocent civilians are gunned down in the Hiellongjang Province of China. A
Nuclear Missle is destroyed seconds before detonating over Kazahkstan. Tensions
surge between the US and China when sensitive data is leaked to a dissident
Chinese group.
Corrupt elements within the agency, a super secret US intelligence group,are the
driving force behind all these dangerous events. Using the biotech Pharcom,they
devoloped a virus called Syp Filter. Syphon Filter is the ultimate le. The buyer
will become the first superpower. Agency operatives Gabe Logan and Lian Xiang
discovered the plot within their own organazation. They are now attempting to
expose the Syphon Filter conspiritors and stop the sale. In response,the agency
has altered the military and law enforcement that Gabe Logan and Lian Xiang
should be eliminated.
Agency motives become clearer as Gabe discovers Pharcom CEO Jonathan Phagan's
private files on the virus. Then Lian,herself infected with Syphon Filter,is
kidnapped for use as an agency Guinea Pig. Gabe must find the vaccine to save
Lian's life as she attempts an escape from her captors.
Branded as criminals by their own government,Gabe and Lian must strike with
deadly efficiency while leaving innocent personnel unharmed. Ex-agent Teresa
Lipan,who operates a clandestine spy network,will assist both Gabe and Lian by
coordinating missions from her secret base. The agents make every move knowing
that a traitor could turn the knife at any moment.
Weaponry: (Note that the weapons mentioned below are mentioned in the
instruction manual. If you rented the game and didn't receive the manual then
you now can see what weapons are available. If you already know the weapons then
just skip this part.)
Combat Knife:
The US Marine weapon is designed for hand-to-hand combat. Use the knife when you
want to eliminate an enemy quietly.
9mm Silenced Handgun:
This standard military sidearm is an excellent short-range weapon. It's a lethal
weapon in the hands of a trained Pro.
.45 Handgun:
Devoloped in the days of trench warfare,this 1911 vintage design is a double-
action semi-suto weapon with strong recoil and tremendous stopping power.
M-16 assault rifle:
Standard issue for US military personnel,this combat proven light-weight weapon
is accurate and easy to control,m-16's fire a specially designed small
caliber.high velocity round.
G-18 Machine Pistol:
A furious 60 round per second fire rate makes this machine pistol the most
lethal ever made. Note that the 33 round clip will be in 1/2 second of
continuous fire. Don't get caught with an empty weapon.
Biz-2 Machine Pistol:
This machine pirtol is designed to maintain law and order in tight situations.
The horizontal clip design keeps the weapon compact and easy to fire while
holding enough ammo to pin down a platoon.
HK-5 Machine Pistol:
Favored by special forces and terrorists alike for its compactness,the HK-5 is
fast becoming the most popular machine gun around. There are more than 23
recognized variants and other customized versions,some fitted with silencers.
12 Guage Shotgun:
This fully choked version maximizes accuracy and minimizes collateral damage out
to 25 yards. It is commonly issued to law enforcement,DEA and secret service
agents. At close range,nothing you can carry hits harder.
UAS-12 Rapid Fire Shotgun:
Delivers a pounding in close range combat against multiple targets. Colletral
damage was not considered when devoloping this weapon.
PK-102 Assault Rifle:
This weapon is a variant of the popular Kalashnikov system (one of the most
widely used and modified designs in the world ). This is a full-featured assault
rifle,but is easy to conceal which makes it popular with the ladies errr
K3G4 Assault Rifle:
High Fire rate and Teflon coated bullets to punch through most Flak Jackets make
this a weapon to fear and respect.
H-11 Sniper Rifle:
The H-11 is a full auto-fire sniper rifle with a large clip and a non-zooming
Sniper Rifle:
This silenced rifle comes equipped with a classified digital scope using basic
optical character recognition. It is capable of classifying Human targets and
identifying human impact points prior to firing.
Nightvision Rifle:
This rifle is capable of extreme accuracy. It is designed to strike
moving,stationary, or camoflauged targets from great distances without
compromising the shooters position. This model uses the SVDN2 night scope and
Quieter than a silenced firearm,This is the weapon of choice for stealth
operations. It fires a narcotics laced bolt that can kill if fired at the head.
In manual targeting mode,a laser provides excellent accuracy.
Hand Taser:
This Non-lethal weapon delivers 80,000 volts of neural chaos and will drop a man
instantly. Use the hand taser on people you want to incapacitate without
harming. You must get very close to the target with this weapon and the element
of surprise is crucial. It is best to blind-side the target.
Air Taser:
Fire the Co2 powered air taser to lodge a probe into a targets body. A wire from
the weapon to the probe delivers a 500,000 volt shock. Press and hold the Square
button after implantation and the victim will burst into flames.
Incendiary Grenede:
Upon detonation,this incendiary weapon spreads Ammonium Perchlorate 3 meters
outward from the blast point. It is instantly ignited by the explosion and
quickly burns out,torching anyone within the blast area,but leaving minimum
collateral damage.
Nerve Gas Grenade:
Releases trace amounts of Soman nerve agent. After exposed targets are rendered
unconscious,fatatality follows in 15 minutes unless an antidote is administered.
The gas dissipates swiftly for fast entry into the area. This will stun the
agent for a brief moment if walked into.
M-79 Grenade Launcher:
This deadly single-shot,break barreled weapon was used in the Vietnam War and
nicknamed the "Blooper". It fires 40mm high explosive grenades capable of
producing 300 fragments within a 5 meter kill radius. Its range is up to 300
C-4 Explosive:
Called Plastic explosives,C-4 can be molded and stuck to objects. It is then
wired to a fuse and friction igniter for detonation from a remote or protected
Tear Gas Launcher:
Fires cartridges containing old N64 games Heh kidding,CS riot agent. Use this
weapon to create confusion in situations where the opposition cannot be attacked
with lethal force.
High Tech Accompanying Equipment:
Camera Scrambler:
A device that attaches to security cameras giving them a false picture.
Transponder Locator:
Use this device to pinpoint the position of a transmitting military aircraft
Celluar Modem:
Uploads Data covertly at extremely fast speeds.
These Binoculars use image stabilization technology to eliminate shaking and the
lenses zoom to 14x. The true compass heading and magnification are viewed in the
Navigation/Nightvision Goggles:
Capable of illuminating all nearby bodies,these nightvision goggles are use-only
(not available in inventory). They are automatically donned an area becomes too
dark for an agent to make out objects.
Flack Jacket:
Flak Jackets provide body protection against most firearms. You are still
vulnerable to head shots. Flak Jackets found in weapon boxes offer full
protection,while ones taken off casualties or guys you killed already give 1/4
protection. If you kill an enemy with a body shot or explosives,his jacket is
useless to you.
Rocky Mountains,Colorado
In the cut-scene I'd like to know how, when Gabe kicked the door open, he didn't
get sucked out of the plane, oh well.
1. Find Chance and The Transponder Locator. 2. Reach High Ground to get fix on
Transponder Signal. 3. Recover C-4 4. Clear Cave-In 5. Reach Highway 6. Take
Out Snipers 7. Defend Gi's
Weapons for this mission:
9mm and Knife
Mission Patameters: Don't Kill any GI's
Walk up to the crash site and watch the cut-scene. When done with the cut-scene
turn around and start running in the open and head left. Jump up a rocky ledge
and pick up a Flak Jacket but you can't since the one you have isn't damaged yet
so remember this area if you get hurt. Keep going straight ahead until you see
another comrade on a small knoll. Speak with the GI and watch the cut-scene.
Before following the private to the cave go to the right and you'll eventually
see a box with an M-16 in it. Open the box by pressing the triangle button to
receive the new gun. Enter the cave where your men are and run with them to an
open section and they instruct you where Chance went. Before going right fall
off the small ledge and then go left and you can run to another box with a
shotgun inside so take it. Further back a little ways is yet another box with a
Flak Jacket inside but you won't need it yet so just remember the location if
you get itno trouble. So now you can move forward into the cave to the right.
Fall down the small ledges until your at the main lower area of the cave. Hop up
the small ledge and enter the darkish part of the cave.
Run through the icey part of the cave and you'll see some more comrades and
another cut-scene ensues. Fall down the small ledge and you can now speak with
Chance. After the cut-scene and the talk with the girl your first objective is
complete and new ones are added. Okay first things first use your x button to
crouch so you won't get shot. Head to the left ledge and jump up it. As soon as
your atop be prepared to fire your weapon. My advice to you is equip your M-16.
Turn around completely and you'll see a waterfall that Gabe will jump across
automatically and if your flak jacket got damaged there is one in a box across
the chasm where the waterfall is. Now go to the lower part of where the water is
flowing and jump the cliff automatically. After leaping here walk backwards
slowly and drop off the cliff and you'll fall down another small ways and inside
this small cave is the H-11 so get it. Turn back around now and use triangle
button to leave this cave. Jump back across the small cliffy part where the
water is flowing now.
Re-enter the cave section where your troops are at and get in there very quickly
and use them as cover. If you pause you'll be killed by a enemy with a Grenade
Launcher. You will now have a cave-in on your hands and you will have a new
checkpoint and objective added. Go up the steep part of the cave and there will
be an opening ahead and 2 of your own men get killed. Look up and right and
shoot the guy on the high cliff. Crouch down now and look left and you'll easily
pull off a head shot on the guard that's there. Step back a small ways and look
right to shoot another guard to the right. Note that if you're using your M-16
make sure you press triangle once in a while to reload the gun. Drop off the
small ledge now and turn completely around and aim up and shoot the guard behind
you on the high ledge.
Be careful next by crouching and walking so aim for the guard on the right
cliffy part and take him out. Turn left now and look up and shoot another guard.
Hop up the cliffy area and get some M-16 and 9mm ammo. Now you'll be inside a
small opening of yet another cave. Leave this small cave on the other side is a
large opening and 2 guys to shoot. Keep your distance and get some safe
headshots off to take care of them and then move forward and collect their ammo.
Once you get their ammo run up to where your fallen comrade now rests and
objective 3 is complete and another checkpoint is found. This next part is
pretty hard so get that M-16 equipped and start shooting those paratroopers
before they land and wreak havok on you.
Now that you're done with that you'll probably want to climb the small knoll in
the area and get that Flak Jacket I told you about earlier. Head back the way
you came and hide under the small cliff and pop out every time another guard
appears and you'll have them mowed down in no time. Collect ammo and then go
back into the cave from earlier and there is a lot of troops again in this next
open area so shoot them down and at the top of the second cliff is a flak jacket
so collect it. Go up a small ways and a guard will be talking on his radio
saying you're somewhere up here and they didn't get you yet so go to the small
path near the cliff and crouch. Shoot 3 soldiers here and collect ammo. Jump up
the highest ridge and equip your transponder and use it with the traingle button
and a new objective and cut-scene ensues. You must now battle your way down the
mountain so climb down the high ridge and don't use your roll button the way I
did and die.
Head back to the main opening and kill 3 guards here 1 on the right and one on
the left and the last one in the middle. Now there is around 5 more guys to kill
so shoot them as quickly as possible from different areas and then head back to
where the cave in occured and use the c-4 on the rocks to clear the path. Set
the C-4 with the triangle button and run away to allow the explosion from a safe
distance. Now your new checkpoint and clear path objective are met. You run
through the cave and the enemies are infiltrating your plan to get down the
mountain. Best thing to do is run away forward and then go left cause a guy lobs
a grenade at you. Stand left and turn right immediately and shoot the guard up
there. Now turn back left again and kill the guy on the left and then the right
and then straight down the middle.
If you didn't fare too well there get the Flak Jacket near the waterfall and
then keep going straight. Head into the cave a small ways and when you reach the
first open area you'll have reached another check point. Go left now up the
small ledge and keep on heading straight. Drop down a small ledge and it gets
dangerous as 2 snipers are on top of a cliff and your men are low on ammo so a
cut-scene will ensue. They will provide cover and then yell out "Were Dry". Go
around the cliff and hop up when you get the chance. Crouch right away and a
sniper yells "I'm being Flanked" Equip that excellent weapon (The H11) from way
before and a guy will run in from the left side and he is wearing a Flak Jacket.
Shoot him with that speedy gun and kill him and only 1 more guy left to contend
with. Now if you climbed up to the first chance you got after killing the one
guy look immediately left and you should be able to pull of a clean head shot on
the other sniper and you will take the sniper objective away. Walk up to the box
and get the Grenades and then follow the path until you can take your first
right and go here and your Gi's will say there is more enemies and another
objective is added.
This part can be a pain in the ass but just equip the gun I told you to and
shoot the first 3 guys they wont shoot at you but the last 3 ground troops will.
Evade the best you can and only head shots count here so get the head shots and
make mincemeat of these idiots. Once done correctly you will have passed another
checkpoint. The area you went right from before where it said not all objectives
met is where you need to go to next to leave this level. Save if you like.
Colorado,McKenzie AFB
Mission Objectives: 1. Get Combat Gear 2. Escape Holding Facility 3. Find
Adrenline Booster.
Mission Parameters: 1. Don't kill any airbase personnel 2. Don't allow yourself
to be detected
This a timed base mission but the first part is pretty easy. Get into the crouch
position and follow behind the guard that's walking in the hallway. Take your
first right up a hall where the Doctor and some guy are talking. Let them go by
they won't see you and go right and enter a room to the right where the
adrenline shot is and your first checkpoint is found. Leave this room going left
and to the end of the hall. You'll see a security guard walking the halls here
and another one further up the hall. Run to the second window on the right for
cover and crouch here. Allow the guard to pass by without noticing you and let
him get a ways down the hall before crossing over to the next room right across
the hall. Enter this room and you'll have a cut-scene play from behind some
glass. Checkpoint 2.
There is a camera behind the glass recording the entire conversation and a
switch on the wall to the right. Activate the switch and the glass slides open
so you can go through. Leave here and go right using the crouch to sneak around.
Go up the first hall to your left and a guard will be walking up it. Let him get
up a small ways and you can run to another doorway/wall and hide here and you'll
hear 2 guards talking. Crawl up the hall and take your first right into the
locker room and you'll get your combat gear YIPEE. Watch the cut-scene and now
your last objective which is to escape the holding facility is at hand. The
guard in the small office is where you need to go to next. Use your taser but
you must be right behind him for it to work or you'll get caught. Hit him with
the taser and then hit the switch in the right corner of the office. Head out to
the main hallway and be very quick to get through the door to the right cause
there is another door further back you must get through or you'll get trapped
and caught. The controls on this part are very sloppy cause the damn girl always
runs too far and you gotta completely stop and adjust for the controls.
Run to the first doorway on the left and crouch and wait for the guard to walk
to the intercom. Get behind him right away and zap him and get his M-16 ammo.
Crouch/walk up the next hall and wait for the guard up the hallway on the right
to start heading the other way. When he does immediately run behind him about
halfway and then crouch/walk to the second window/wall. Stay there and when the
guard turns around wait for him to be in line with your taser and zap him as he
goes by. Walk up the hallway and a cut-scene shows a guard approaching Lian as
she tries so hard to make a silent getaway but she gets caught. Fortunately the
guard is very gullable and seems to want to help Lian by opening a window with
iron bars surrounding. This ends this mission.
Colorado USA: Interstate 70
Objectives: 1. Obtain weapons while Chance distracts guards. 2. Reach C-130
Crash Site. 3. Use Grenade To cut Tunnel Power.
Parameters: Protect Chance
Chance must be one warm-blooded guy he just kneels down talking calmly to Gabe
in the cut-scene while it snows in his short sleeves. Enter the tunnel and head
left to the door that's there and use your triangle button to kick it in. You'll
hear some guys say "There he is,get him" and some close sounding enemy fire but
I think they are referring to Chance. Run back here and somehow this creates a
diversion where the troops run further back and you can get by the 2 trucks
without being shot at with only knife in hand. Run to the second large truck and
now get the weapons stash in the back of the larger of the 2 trucks. Backtrack
and shoot all the guys that are now around and when you get back to the front of
the tunnel turn around and aim up and there is a large road sign above the
tunnel and a guy shooting at Chance. Shoot this guy and he plummets far to the
road and dies. Chance now appears from seemingly nowhere and joins your side.
Run back up the tunnel following Chance and you'll see a cut-scene and your
first checkpoint.
When you see the first truck again take the right way around and Chance goes
left and kills the guy ahead for you. Nothing wrong about conserving ammo. Run
up the road a small ways and Chance and Gabe will have to shoot about 3 guys so
collect the ammo and Chance takes the lead. Totally cool part comes next where
you get to control a flame thrower to kill enemies. Just simply listen to when
Chance tells you to watch behind you and fry your enemies and take ammo. Move up
the tunnel and you'll see another cut-scene and a guard all by his lonesome. Get
in an easy headshot on him and then you'll have some trouble. Some snipers were
set on the sides using the guard on the road as bait which is kinda sick in a
way. Use your roll technique and get out of range and Chance takes care of the
rest. Move up a small ways and Chance takes out a guy on a ledge and you gotta
shoot too and help take out the guy. Move a small ways forward and just behing
the truck ahead and a small ways right is another guard so shoot him.
You should now be directly in front of a big road mileage sign. It should be
Vail 100 and Denver 220 with you being on Interstate 70 so keep on going
straight. Just take cover behind the big truck and let Chance take the enemies
out here cause it's very hard here. Another truck is ahead and crouch around it
and use it for cover and Chance will take care of the guy on the left. Run into
the tunnel and Chance fires left at a guy and then moves forward. Go left here
and shoot the Flak Jacketed enemy at the door using a head shot and then kick
the door in. Don't bother entering here though since there is nothing back here
that I saw anyways. Go up the tunnel and meet with Chance again and a cut-scene
ensues. There is some tanks blocking the way and some way to blast the
electricity and make the tunnel dark so the tanks can't see you. All you need is
to find some C-4 but in the truck right where the tanks are that's an
interesting scenario.
Next part is rather tricky but you must go to the right side of the big truck
where Chance went to the left and surrendered. Look to the left where there is a
small opening between the truck and the bed of the truck and use triangle to
climb up here. Your on top of the truck now so walk to the back part of the
truck and do a drop down manuever being very careful not to stir attention. Drop
to the back side of the truck and take and grenades back here. Now go back to
where I told you earlier and kick the door in and go immediately right to the
power room. Use your aim button to aim the grenade and chuck it inside and the
power is gone and another cut-scene/nightvision goggle scene ensues with you
speaking to Chance.
Turn around now and leave this section and shoot 3 guards any way you like since
they can't see you anyways. Head back to where Chance turned himself over and
crouch down near the truck and ahead and to the right is another guard so shoot
him down. Keep in the crouched position and shoot 4 more enemies that are around
the tank. Kill around 4 more guys here and then head to the right side of the
tank where there is a sign that says Load Limit 9 tons Speed Limit 15 and keep
on going straight and the Mission ends so save if you so choose to.
Colorado,USA: I-70 Mountain Bridge
Objectives: 1. Find Silenced Weapon 2. Quietly Eliminate Commander 3. Disarm 4
C-4 Charges 4. Reach Plane Crash Site 5. Rescue Captured GI'S
Mission Parameters: 1. Don't get discovered on Bridge before C-4 is disarmed. 2.
Eliminate The Commander Before he detonates the C-4
Go to the right part of the bridge without being seen and then drop down and
he'll grab the ledge of the bridge. Use the hand over hand technique and when
you see the first jeep on the bridge pull up and then get in the road and
crouch. Go around the jeep to the back of the big truck and get the Silenced
Sniper Rifle and Nerve Grenade. First checkpoint is met and now you must get
back on the bridge ledge and go left back to where the commander and other guy
is. Equip the gas grenade and throw it at these 2 and the timer comes to a halt
and another checkpoint is met Phew. Run over and take the good commanders ammo
and then head back up the road crouching/walking.
This next part you must be very careful so go up the bridge a small ways to the
first truck once the guards pass by and hug the right side of the truck. Go to
the front of the truck and then go to the left side of the bridge ledge and use
the hand over hand technique also. You'll eventually see some red led flashing
lights under you when you pass over the bridge using the hand over hand. Drop to
the first one you see and stand in front of it. A new objective is added and you
reach another checkpoint after disarming the C-4 with your triangle button and
now 3 C-4's remain. Use hand over hand a small ways until you can drop a bigger
one here but don't worry he'll make it. Drop here and use the crouch button and
make your way to the middle of the bridge scaffolding, and fall a small ways to
more scaffolding below. Turn around making sure you're crouched and there is a
guard to the right side near the edge of the bridge so equip your knifw for
Crouch and walk to him or near him and use the knife on him and he plummets off
the large bridge. Disarm this explosive charge and you will be at your next
checkpoint. Now the guy in the back part of the right side of the scaffolding
that's still on your level needs to be rid of. Equip your silenced rifle and
wait for it to say head shot and fire away. Even if you miss don't worry since
this is a silenced gun he won't hear it anyways. Head to where you fell from the
side of the bridge and use hand over hand again to make it a small ways to where
Gabe can fall again and now land on this part of the scaffolding. Land where the
guy you killed with the silenced rifle was and take his ammo. Now disarm the
bomb and you will be at another checkpoint.
One more C-4 To go now so drop down 1 scaffoldings to saftey and then go back up
the bridge and use the hand over hand technique. Make your way over to the first
closest scaffolding drop and land here. Now drop down another scaffolding and to
the back right of this section is another gaurd so crouch to get a head shot and
this one is clean and even. Head back up the bridge and use hand over hand again
one set of scaffolding and then drop down. Here you must drop down 2
scaffoldings to reach the last C-4 in the corner. Disarm this one and head the
Hell outta this level using the hand over hand technique heading left until you
get to the end of the bridge. Crouch when you get to the end and slowly and
silently walk away into the next tunnel section and you'll reach the next
checkpoint and 2 more objectives to go so equip any gun you like now it's no
longer a stealth mission since the C-4's were disarmed.
Next part is a bit tricky but not too hard cause you have 2 GI's captured and 2
guards there. Wait for the 2 guards heads to be lined up and then blast them
with the M-16 but don't shoot your guys. Walk up to the Gi's and another Cut-
Scene ensues and another checkpoint. Use triangle button to receive radio
transmission. Next a big troop truck pulls up so help your buds out by getting
in all head shots as each enemy troop has a Flak Jacket on. This next section is
very tricky as you must get in head shots only and your GI's are aweful
shooters. 3 sets of army troop trucks pop up so the first set help your right
hand guy and kill the shotgun dude before your GI gets killed. Kill the other
guy and your left guy stays okay. Do the exact same thing with the next truck.
On the last troop truck help your left hand man cause the shotgun dude is now on
his side instead.
That part takes practice but stick to it and you'll get through it. This ends
the level and makes your efforts of saving the GI'S Fruitless watch the cut-
scene you'll see why.
Colorado,USA McKenzie AFB
Objectives: 1. Locate a silenced weapon 2. Create Distraction To Enter Tower 3.
Get Transponder Frequency 4. Steal Chopper 5. Get Information from Holman 6.
Eliminate Agency Pilot 7. Sabotage Agency Plane
Mission Parameters: 1. Don't kill any airbase Personnel 2. Don't put the base on
This level is another stealth level with Lian and looks very cool. Wait for the
commander to stop talking with his private and wait behind the bush on the right
for him to pass by. Sneak behind him using the crouch/walk button and zap him
with your taser. Turn around now and where the privates superior ran off to is
the direction you need to now be going. Follow the path between the buildings
and you'll come to a cut-scene. At the checkpoint now and you got a new
objective added. Go to the first part of the right building and crouch behind
the wall sticking out and wait for the guy wayyy on the left near the other
truck to walk the other way. When he does do a combination of runs and crouches
just don't be detected. Get to the bush over here and wait for the other guard
now to the left of you to walk away. When he's outta sight crouch/walk behind
this guard and use the taser on him. Now you have the big troop truck for cover.
Walk behind the large truck now and get the silenced sniper rifle and now while
the guard has his back to you walking around run to the bushes and then to the
lightpost and hide behind the lightpost. When he turns around for a brief period
use the crouch/walk button and sneak in behind him and use the taser. Enter the
open section with the walls of buildings on each side and climb to the rooftop.
Go to the left part of the rooftop and you can drop down onto a platform
sticking out of the wall. One of the guards says he hears something and he's
gonna check it out so be careful. Wait fot the troop to go around the left side
of the truck and then sneak behind him and zap him. Now sneak around the truck
behind the stacked green crates and climb the crates being careful to crouch
each time you climb up one. Go to the second crate and lower down the other side
and make a small fall. Creep around the corner and you're directly behind this
new guard and can easily zap him. Enter this next room and you're fine so go up
the hall and you'll hear 3 guys 2 of which are Flakan and Morgan talking. Just
sit there for now don't move yet.
As soon as the conversation ends get back over the green crates pronto and hide
on the other side. The guy will be practically looking at you but he doesen't
move anymore so go back up the green crates and go behind him and zap him. Walk
into the next room a small ways and you get a checkpoint and 2 new objectives.
Enter this open area and go right and hit the switch and open the large door.
Close the door behind you if you feel paranoid about more enemies. Enter the
hangar and you'll hear the Agency pilot speaking on the radio with someone. Get
to the far left side of the screen and crouch and equip your silenced rifle and
get a head shot and kill the Agency Pilot. Now walk under the plane and hit
triangle button when you see the words control panel and she will set some
explosives and then a cut-scene ensues. Be careful when the cut-scene ends and
wait for the troop to come around. When he turns the corner use the taser on
Leave this area hitting the switch and when in the open run right away to the
crate in the middle and crouch right away. Go to the right of the crate and the
one troop will walk right where your at so zap him. Now go to the 2 stacked
crates and crouch/walk around them and zap the guy standing guard here. Around
the next open area is a truck and a search light you must always avoid search
lights. Climb up the back side of the truck and equip your silencer and shoot
the light out and noone will detect you. Don't use a standard gun cause it's too
loud and you'll be easily detected. Drop off the front part of the truck and go
around the black and yellow striped gate and get to your next checkpoint. This
next part is kinda tricky but shows that the creators really put some good
thought into it. A truck will occasionally come by the main road where there is
tons of troops standing guard. Wait till the truck gets nearby and then run
alongside it utnil you see a crate to the right. Hide behind that crate and wait
for the next truck to come by and run beside it for a second and then break away
and enter the area on the left that's a building.
Go in this building and you'll see a big truck inside so get towards the outside
part and a cut-scene ensues and you reach another checkpoint. Go back inside the
building and follow Falkan and the guard until Falkan tells him he doesen't need
an escort and this is your que to sneak behing Holman and hit him and knock him
down to get info. Watch the cut-scene and you reach another checkpoint and
another objective completed. Go back to where the cut-scene with the doctor and
other guy was and zap the guard behind the truck. Go to the next opening where
there is the other green truck and go across this area and you'll see some more
green crates stacked. Jump across them really fast and land behind 2 stacked
green crates and then wait for the guard to turn around. He turns and walks away
really fast so be ready to trail him close enough to zap him. Go through the
hall and you'll see some more stacked,green crates which I reccommend you get
behind for a brief minute.
Use your crouch/sneak button and if you see the bright light coming your way
hide behind the green crates again. As soon as you're clear of the guard seeing
you sneak back out to the the middle part staying close to the green crate.
Equip your silenced rifle and aim and shoot out the white light to prevent being
detected that way. Also make sure you re-equip your hand taser so you won't be
detected. Now wait for the guard to come back around near the green crates where
you should be hiding now and sneak in behind him and zap him. Next part is kinda
unique as it provides you the chance to create a diversion let me explain. Walk
or sneak up to the truck and you'll see in white letters truck ignition so use
triangle button to do the task. The truck won't start moving for a good 3
seconds and in this time you need to find cover before the guards see you. The
truck goes in reverse and rams into a wall and guards run off leaving you with
the easy option to enter the building they were guarding.
Now you've completed another objective and your at a new checkpoint. Walk
through this building following the halls around until you see an elevator on
the right so get inside it and go down. Allow the troop to stop talking on his
radio while going right when exiting the elevator. Go completely around the
whole room and you'll see another troop looking at a map on the wall. Zap him
and the other troop that was talking on the radio asks his buddy to take a look
at something and when he doesen't answer he attempts to check on his friend. Run
back around to the other side of the room going back to where the elevator is
and zap this troop before he has a chance to discover his friend down and gets
you detected. Now look at the wall near the map and you'll see a switch which
has the transponder frequency so activate it and then you will automatically
have a checkpoint.
Get back in the elevator and go back up to the main floor and make your way
through the building and you'll eventually see a opening to the right and a cut-
scene will ensue. Once the cut-scene ends let Falkan Guy in the suit get a
little ways ahead and then zap the troop. Now just use the sneaky walk and gain
up to Falkan and when your close enough then zap him also and then just run up
to the chopper and Lian will steal it and this ends the level and another cut-
scene ensues. Save if you like.
Colorado,USA: United Pacific Train 101
Mission 5 Objectives: 1. Reach Engine and stop the train
Mission Parameters: Eliminate all operatives.
Starting on the train head forwards a small ways and wait for guys to fall out
of chopper and if you can believe this the last guy I shot at before he even
landed I got a head shot off of I was impressed. Anyways crouch down and keep
good distance so they can't hit you and use the shotgun or any gun you choose
and get head shots off for quick kills and then jump to the next railcar. Now
the next 2 guys are a tad tricky since the right guy lobs grenades with pinpoint
accuracy to your location shoot the granade guy first and then the guy on the
left. Jump over the next car and then another and immediately turn around and
shoot the guy above you on the railcar and then turn around and shoot the 2
guards now behind you. I might make a reccomendation that the shotgun works
quite well here as you don't need to focus on quick head shots.
Jump to the next railcar and one car up is 2 troops and they stand out like a
sore thumb so they are very easy kills. Go to the edge of the car where you just
shot the 2 troops and don't jump yet. The troop ahead on the 2nd car ahead is on
the right and shooting at you so get an easy head shot and take him out. His
buddy is to the left and he never even notices you so stay in the same place and
aim left and make an easy head shot kill. When you've killed them off jump 2
cars up and when you make it to the red railcar you'll finally reach a
checkpoint. Jump over one car and get on the black car and when you get to the
black metal part sticking out that looks like a ledge wait here and 2 troops
jump out from somewhere so kill them before they get too close. Try waiting for
the guy on the right to be ready to jump to your car and shoot him in mid-air
it's hilarious cause he goes flying through the air I was laughing till it hurt.
Go up a few cars and now 2 troops will be on a car with a blind side so if you
have grenades then wonderful just use your grenade aimer and lob on down there.
If your out of grenades then stay back a good,safe distance and kill the left
guy first as he can still see you. The right guy can't see you but he's restless
and won't stand still so just be a little patient here and wait to line up for
the head shot and kill him. The next railcar is a bit difficult since there is a
grenade lobber throwing grenades at you and 2 guys ina blind car shooting at
you. Again if you have grenades then use them on the guys below and then jump
over their car and shoot the guy on the next car. If your out of Grenades then
just jump over the 2 troops in blind car and ignore them completely and land on
the next car and shoot the troop here. Jump over now a couple cars until you can
see the red railcar ahead and then you will have your nightvision goggles on so
stand right where you are when nightvision comes on and just blast away only
with head shots will you prvail here. When the troops are all dead you return to
normal vision and you can go collect their dropped ammo.
Hop over and get the ammo and you'll hop over around 3-4 railcars and you'll
finally reach the engine and it enters into a cut-scene where a troop throws a
grenade at you and Gabe yells "NO" and "IDIOT" and the level ends.
Colorado,USA: United Pacific Train 101
Objectives: 1. Reach Lead Car and Stop Train
Mission Parameters: 1. Get To Lead Car before reaching bridge.
First off I'd like to know how,if the engine was destroyed it's still on course
and number 2 why Gabe needs to find the engine again if it's been blown up. Same
Damn train I might add.
This is a timed mission so no screwing around now. Head to the left part of the
train near the edge but don't fall off and use triangle button to climb above.
Shoot 2 troops here and then beging that train hopping once again. Jump over the
next car and drop down to where some crates are at and a guy will come at you
from the right so shoot him and then go around the crate and on the left now is
2 more troops to kill. Climb the crates here and jump to the next car and on the
next car is more crates so drop down here and run around the crates being
careful of the grenade throwing troop just ahead. Climb the wooden looking crate
and then hurry across up to the next car where the granade guy is and quickly
climb the crate and you should be right close to him and he wears a Flak Jacket
so get in a point blank range Head shot.
Go up a small ways on another car and kill 2 troops both wearing Flak Jackets so
head shots only. Next car is a blind car so walk up and get off 2 head shots on
the troops down there and then move on to the next car. Hop to the car now to
where there is more crates and a guy with a 9mm is here and a guy with a shotgun
too so be careful. Shoot them and collect their ammo and then climb up the
crates and on to the next railcar. Go up a small ways and some guys will yell
"LETS GET OFF THIS TRAIN" and they'll run away from you so chase them and the
guy on the right will be setting up to shoot at you so kill him and then the
other guy hides in a blind car so look for his head and then blast him off the
railcar. Go now to the other railcar with more crates and the stakes get raised
even more as 3 troops each have shotguns so be careful. Land on the main part of
the car and head to the left car and shoot the troop when you make the corner
right away.
Go now up a tiny bit and 2 more guys will be within range but they don't see you
so just stand right there and pick them off with headshots. Hop up the crates
and then head to a coal railcar and 2 guys are a few cars down so get a headshot
off on the first guy and then sneak up to the next guy below and stand on that
railcar and blast him with headshots and you can get some flak Jackets from them
if you needed them. Run to the front of the train now and kill the shotgun
wielding guy that's back here using a headshot again and Gabe will radio over to
Lian that the train won't stop in time. Watch the cut-scene and the Mission
ends. Save if you like.
Colorado,USA: C-130 Wreckage Site
Objectives: 1. Find Data Discs In Tail Of Airplane 2. Retreive Data Discs From
Mission Parameters: 1. None
Start this mission by landing with your chute and then crouching and killing the
2 troops over the small hill. Collect the Flak Jacket in the box and then run
back behind the Hill where you began this mission for cover. Equip your silenced
sniper rifle and look ahead and left and you can get ina head shot on the guard
ahead without being detected. Head now to the right of the small hill and kill
off the troop there but don't get his ammo yet. Go now to where you shot the guy
on the left and crawl to get his ammo and hug the front part of the crashed
plane. A troop will run in front of you so get in a headshot and now theres 2
more troops behind the crashed part of the plane. Now run to the right side of
where you killed the other troop and hang right next to the crashed plane part
and the other troop will see you so blast him with a headshot. Run back now to
the left side of the crashed part of the plane and hug that part. Crouch and
look right and the last guard is right out in the open totally unaware of where
you are which leaves you a perfect oppurtunity for a head shot so do it and now
all 3 guys are dead. Collect any unclaimed ammo and then head towards the rest
of the wreckage in the middle of the field.
It's just too damn quiet ya know? Go in the big tube looking part which is the
middle of the crashed plane and walk towards the back area. A guy will yell out
"HE'S IN POSITION" and then he'll say "NOW" and that's your cue to start rolling
around and get the hell outta there. keep on rolling and rolling leaving them no
clear headshot and find cover and use it. Go back to the scene of the madness
except now equip your own sniper rifle and beat them at their game. Crouch/walk
to the right side now and when you get to the last part of where they shot at
you last time get as far right of the screen as possible. Equip Sniper rifle and
look for the one sniper with the rifle and he'll barely be on screen. You'll
probably keep seeing body shot when you zoom in on him but occasionally you'll
get a head shot and then it quickly reverts back to body. Make the shot count
when it says head and kill this tricky opponent.
Just to the right and above on some type of structure is another guy but he
isn't a sniper and just move slightly a bit and he will never be able to hit
you. Shoot him with ease when your sniper rifle says head shot. Now go to the
hill where the hollowed part of the plane is and shoot 2 troops from a safe
distance. Go now to the left side of the wreckage and crouch/walk your way and
immediately go to the right side of this next wreckage. When you get near the
wreckage peek out and shoot the guy that's here. There is a grenade lobbing
maniac also in the corner so watch out for him. Go collect the Flak Jacket and
ammo from the last guy killed and then make your way to the back of the wreckage
where there is a wooden crate. Open crate and complete objective and watch the
Cut-Scene. As soon as you get control of Gabe again run around the big piece of
debris right away and take cover. You now have a sniper on the right of you and
left of you.
Take out the sniper on the right first by quickly strafing right and shooting
him with a headshot before he even realizes what hit him. Turn around now and
see that shiny green box? Go to it now and get the M-79 Grenade launcher. Now
the odds look more in your favor don't they? Go now to the left side and make
sure you have the M-79 equipped and kill that sniper with your new weapon. Now
walk up on the left side and collect ammo. You'll now be next to a peice of
debris that has an area of metal to block a head shot and the guys are right
there around the corner. Equip your new M-79 and strafe real fast left and blast
those 2 and now you've finally reached a checkpoint. Go now to a hilly area near
another piece of plane debris and more snipers get departed. Get to the hill
there and get beside the weird looking dead tree trunk and strafe right a few
taps only. Eventually you'll have him in headshot range and he won't even see
Now the next guy is a bit ahead so use the M-79 on him and he's history. Another
guy is near the back now and if you stay right near the debris your in at the
very back section he won't see you and you can make a clean headshot and reach
another checkpoint. This next part is very very hard but it is passable just
follow my instructions. There is wayyy too many traps that lie ahead and too
many men to kill so whats Gabe to do? The best method is to first run through
the debris your now at and collect M-16 ammo. Then run up the hill to the next
piece of debris and run on the right side of it and avoid the going through the
middle or left sides. Run right and Archer radios in to send in some snipers and
wow there is a lot of them. Get behind the next piece of plane debris sticking
out of the ground and get ready to rock. Start running past the debris and as
soon as your past it start using the tumble button continously and stay in a
straight line when tumbling or you're meat.
Get tumbling over to the wings and when you go under them you're safe for a bit.
Once you get over the small hill where the wings are start tumbling once past
the wings and stay in a straight line and try to look for the steepest parts of
the hills to go into cause it makes you harder to hit. Tumble your way to the
beginning of the level and the snipers eventually stop shooting,but your job
aint over yet. Archer is hanging onto his helicopter and he's trying to get
away. Equip your M-16 and just go nuts with the gun cause a head shot is
extremely hard here as you're shooting at a moving target. Keep on just shooting
him and he takes a lo of hits to knock off the copter but hey I did it so I know
it can be done. If you didn't get Archer then he'll get away and that means
mission failure and you must redo all that I just explained. I had to do it
around 10 times before getting it right and I don't have a guide for help. Once
Archer is dead on the ground Gabe gets the discs and the Mission ends. Save if
you like and sit back and watch long Cut-Scene.
Disc 2
New York,USA: Pharcom Expo Center
Objectives: 1. Recover Data Disks From Morgan 2. Plant Decoy To Distract
Morgan's Guards 3. Sneak In the Ancient Chinese Exhibit Via Ventilation shaft.
Mission Parameters: 1. Don't alert any GI's To Your Presence 2. Don't Kill Any
On the platform try using your Crossbow and get in a headshot on either guy and
then one guy yells "LOGAN'S HERE" so wait for him on the platform thing if you
choose or just jump down and kill him off. Go up the hall with a slight time for
the night vision and then to the main hall. Shoot the guard now and more will
run in so make sure you get in headshots and take them out. Now once you take
those suits out hop up the tall right ledge and then go up another ledge. Strafe
left and get behind the bush but you don't need to crouch. You will have a clean
headshot from by the bush so take that guy out.
Go up the sloped area where you shot the last suit and take his Flak Jacket and
silenced sniper ammo if you need it. Enter this new hall and follow it left and
it looks like a dead end. Well if you can look up you'll see a grate on the left
wall that you need to shoot out and enter the ventilation duct. Crawl through
here and follow it around to where you'll see a fan turning so take a right here
and you'll just follow the path and you'll come to another Grate to shoot out
and exit the duct and when you exit here you'll have reached your first
Turn right now and enter the dark hallway with night vision goggles equipped and
when you turn the corner there is a guy on the right you'll need to shoot in the
head so shoot him. Go through the hall a little more and on the right again is a
suit you'll need to take him out and he bears a HK silencer and it does piercing
damage to flak jackets. If he injures your jacket badly there is a box to your
right with a fresh jacket for the taking. Enter the next hall and night vision
goes off and you'll see some boxes stacked and on the left is a large opening
with a suit standing on a platform high above.
The box right ahead of you makes a great cover so crouch behind it and then aim
for the headshot and take him out from a safe distance. Now hop across the
crates and collect the guy you killed on the platforms' ammo and then get back
up the crates and climb and grab the platform and then run right when on the
platform and shoot out the grate ahead. Enter the Ventilation duct and like
before just follow it out until you get to 2 grates and shoot the second one out
on the right and now face the grate opening. There is a Army guy down here so
equip your crossbow and shoot him anywhere but the head so you won't fail the
mission. Go now further into the Vent and there is another grate back here so
shoot it and exit through here. As soon as you drop get in the crouch position
and hide behind the ledge. 2 more GI's check on their friend and one will stay
behind. Jump up the ledge but make sure you're behind the guy looking after his
friend and equip your taser and zap this guy.
Be very fast here by zapping the one guy cause you must run after the other guy
and zap him too before he can make the call that there is an intruder and you
must restart this part again. Now go back to the room you dropped into when you
zapped the first GI and see the stacked boxes in here? Go to the very last set
of boxes and climb up them this is towards the back of this room. Climb to the
top one and quietly climb down the tallest box and there is a troop to zap so
zap him and then enter the doors and you've made it to the second checkpoint.
In this area there is 2 troops when you go in to the right so allow the one who
is talking to get a ways ahead and the other is looking inside a locker. Zap him
first and then go around the brick walls in the middle part and zap the other
guy also. If you want to go to the locker and see what the soldier was talking
about and you'll get a girlie mag and Logan says " Got It" like it was part of
his mission objectives LOL. Now enter the rocket room and go around the corner
going right and climb the box down here. Now quietly go to the other side of the
box and get down to zap the soldier down here. Now get back on the box and climb
to the top. Stay low for a bit cause there is a GI up here so what you must do
is wait until he gets behind the corner wall to the right before leaping over.
Once you get over this area head to the left and run to the back where there is
some more boxes. Hide here for now and wait for the troop to come near there.
When he turns around then sneak in behind him and zap him.
Now that that guy is down you can go around to the grate and shoot it out and
enter the ventilation duct. Once you enter here a suit radios that "Logan Just
Went Rat,Get Some Men In Those Vents" Now you get to contend with more than just
crawling through the vents. Exit out the general follow around and then walk a
bit forward on the platform and Lian will speak with you and you'll be at
checkpoint number 4 and an objective is added. Head forward and a suit with
grenades will confront you so take him out and then turn the corner and kill the
guy behind the gate and get the grenades inside the box thats here.
Now turn and look up and right and you need to shoot out the grate here and
enter the Ventilation duct again. Exit the Vent and turn right and down the hall
on the metal platform is another suit with a flak jacket on so get a head shot
quickly and take his jacket if you need it. Turn around now and head the other
way and go up this big hallway that has some columns and a large opening to the
left. The column ahead and to the left has a suit behind it so sneak in just
right and you'll get in a clean headshot. Across the way is another suit so wait
for him to be aligned with the headshot and take him out sniper rifle style.
Walk up a small ways now and look left and up some stone steps is another suit
to pick off easily with a head shot. Now go right and fall down where the boxes
are at and then to the ground and when you see your first large column take
Wait for the suit that's here to turn around and then run out fast and get in a
quick head shot. Head around and collect all ammo if needed and then go back to
the floor where you killed the last guy behind the column. Go to where there is
a red looking window with red on it and lob a grenade in that direction and take
out the suit that's back there. Run up the hall and collect his ammo and you
will now be at another checkpoint and now you must equip your hand taser cause
there is more troops ahead. Wait for the troop ahead to turn his back and then
sneak behind him and zap him. Turn aroound now and go right and there is another
troop ahead behind the column so get behind him and zap him. Go right again and
plant the decoy and you'll see another cut-scene and you get another checkpoint.
Look to the right where you zapped the first troop and on the right is a box to
climb and a grate to shoot out and enter the vent.
Go through the vent a small ways and you'll eventually see a cut-scene. Don't
move too fast yet cause your right at the area where those guys are. Lob a
grenade down to them and things will work out. Drop down and collect ammo and
your at yet another checkpoint. Go to the other side now and jump into this vent
and crawl on through it. Once inside it you have to play dodge the grenade so
time it right and you'll make it through this part just fine. Go through the
grate now and walk up to the edge and there is 2 GI'S below so use your crossbow
on them hopefully you didn't use it any other time. Go to where the second troop
is and exit the doorway and you make it to your next checkpoint. This next room
is easy and the all around best thing to do is just ignore zapping or maiming
the troops here just be sneaky. Wait for the parameter troop to get to the top
of the room and then walk up the slope and hide behind the wall. Wait for the
other troop to walk the other way and now sneak a small ways up the slope and
then just run up it until you turn right and see a box so go around it and
you'll see a grate to shoot at so use your .45 silencer to shoot it out and
enter the vent. You'll get to a point in the grate where the power is out and a
cut-scene ensues when you go further. Once to the end of the vent there will be
2 troops in the dark and you'll need to use the crossbow to shoot them down.
Wait for the guy closest to you to get just to the left of where your at before
shooting him. Remember don't shoot GI'S in the head cause they'll die and the
mission fails.
Now aim for the other guys legs and take him down and now you can shoot the
grate with the silenced .45. Exit the vent and now fall and head left and zap a
troop standing over here. Collect his and other troops ammo and then go right
into the next hallway where the guy you just zapped was. Get to the room that
looks like stonehenge and you will get yet another checkpoint. Once you enter
the middle of the room you're infiltrated by 3 suits that also have nightvision
goggles on so run for cover back at the hall you were just at before entering
this room. Hide behind the box and equip your HK machine gun silencer and shoot
head shots on 2 suits and collect jackets and ammo. The last guy is in the back
probably cowering so proceed with caution with the same gun equipped. The last
guy is an easy kill just stick close to the second large stone and you'll get an
easy head shot and kill so collect ammo and jacket if needed.
Go now to the left side of the room and climb the boxes here and you can shoot
out a grate here. How to get there is easy, just go to the middle of the stone
formation and climb the smallest stone and now climb to the higher one and face
right. You'll have to be lined up just right for each jump here so jump across
the stones and you'll make it to this grate and to the end of this level. Save
if you like and watch the cut-scenes.
Pharcom Expo Center,NY: Ancient China Exhibit
Objectives: 1. Stop Morgan,before he destroys the Museum.
Mission Parameters: 1. Protect Teresa
Drop off the roof and turn around and go past where Teresa is and around and
there is a box with a Flak Jacket in it which you should for now just remember.
Head out going straight and around the tall box your behind. Go around and up
the ramp and then head up the steps,by this time Teresa will radio you about
finding another of the bombs. Head up the stairs and then be prepared to shoot
the suit that runs by you,don't worry it isn't Morgan yet. Now just follow the
hallway around and you'll see morgan closing a gate and he says " Thought you
were faster than that,Logan" After he says that Gabe radios back to Teresa that
he found another bomb. At this point you might want to equip a machine gun or
the silenced machine gun and take out 3 suits that are now shooting at you and
Teresa. As soon as Teresa starts running in go back to where she ran from and
stand by the left wall near the crates. Aim the gun at the middle part of the
crate on the right and wait for the suits to come running in. As soon as you
begin seeing heads start shooting and you'll get in 2 clean headshots. There is
a third suit you must run up a small ways to find. If he passes you before you
can kill him get on his ass and start shooting like a madman so he doesen't kill
Once you do this you get to the first checkpoint so now follow teresa back to
the room you began this mission on and Teresa will yell out " HE'S IN HERE" She
opens the gate on the left so now you can enter here and eventually you'll find
another bomb for Teresa to disarm and about 2 suits from either direction enter
so look behind Teresa first and kill off one guy and then immediately shoot 2
more suits coming from the right and turn again back the other way and kill the
last suit. Teresa will then complain saying " How many more are there?" and a
cut-scene ensues and Teresa runs off and finally spots Morgan. You make it to
another checkpoint and now you must enter the room where Morgan ran in and a
cut-scene ensues and shows Gabe and Teresa running toward Morgan and Gabe shoots
automatically at him. The sucker slipped away damn. Oddly Teresa detects another
bomb and she runs after it so stay right on her tail and don't lose her. You'll
enter the entrance of the mission again and then enter the right side of the
room and the hall looks exactly like the hall from where the last bomb was. On
the way there a guy shoots at you and tries running past you to kill Teresa so
once again shoot like a madman and kill this suit. Stay exactly where Teresa and
a suit runs in from the other hall on the right so get in a quick heas shot and
you will see another cut-scene.
The last suit you killed had a Flak Jacket so take it if you need it and then
turn around and go right and follow the hall along into the main room where you
began your mission and a cut-scene will ensue with Morgan still in control. This
next part can be a pain in the ass but is pretty easy once you know what to do.
The key here is to keep running constantly and never stop for one second
otherwise your meat. Don't run anywhere else except the parameter or the walk
around the entire room or you'll die. The whole idea is to keep Morgan
distracted enough for Teresa to diffuse the bomb so you can then go for the
kill. When the timer goes down to around 11 seconds left Teresa radios to you
that everything is okay and no more bombs remain. Fortunately you also get
another checkpoint,Thank you 989 studios for that. This battle is super easy
since the standard head shot pertains. You're right in front of where you need
to be when you gain control of Gabe. Walk up and hide beside of the stacked
boxes making sure you're on the left side of them. Just equip any gun you choose
and aim at the wall with your aimer button and watch the green enemy dot
approach that way you know he's coming. When he runs by just line up with the
headshot and battle is over. Now I had to do this a few times and one time
Morgan played a wild card on me and appeared from my backside but it was rare.
This level is over and you can save and watch cut-scenes.
Moscow,Russian Republic: Club 32
Objectives: 1. Pursue Gregorov
Mssion Parameters: 1. Don't kill Moscow Militia 2. Don't kill Gregorov.
This mission is in the very few tastless words gay as crap. I get a .45 caliber
friggin pistol and my enemies have war arsenal? Cmon thats crapola. I somehow
managed to do the first part and make it by the skin of my teeth. Bascially
shoot the guy on the top level that badmouths you and get in a headshot. Stay
where you're at and try and get 3 quick head shots. Basically what I did was
went nuts with the trigger shooting every part I could as fast as possible and
it worked but by that time I lost my flak jacket. I had a full health bar but at
least I killed off the 3 guys below. Once you kill all of these 3 goons below go
around the platform and collect the BZ something or other and this will be your
primary weapon of choice for the 3 goons below that don't show up fortunately
until you get to the floor and behind the DJ's Booth. Hide right here and get to
the right side. Take out the right guy first cause the part of the booth
provides cover from the other 2 goons. Duck again and wait for the shooting to
stop for a brief period. When it stops that's your cue to pop up and take out
the middle goon. The last guy is the shooter and he shoots alot. Wait for his
shooting to stop and then open up a can of whoopass in the form of your gun and
seperate his chest with lead.
Walk right or left whichever you choose and go get all the ammo left behind by
all the goons. Now leave the club and go out to the hallway and a checkpoint
will pop up,Finally. May I suggest equipping the shotgun for the next few walk
arounds. Immediately crouch when in the hallway and go up a teency bit and
you'll see around the corner a guy pop out so blast him with shotgun. Go now to
the right wall and keep close to it as it provides you with cover for the next
corridor. 2 guards from down the stairs pop out so schooch out a little bit and
the left guy paces so just aim down his way and wait for him to line up with the
headshot and he's history. Now just pop out and start running down the steps and
blast the other goon before he can even do anything. Now slowly go down the
stairs and don't get hasty by going after ammo from the guys you just shot just
yet. Go to the left when you go down the steps and then strafe right and when
you get the other goon by the stairs shoot him cause he's got a shotgun too.
Cool when you shot that last guy he tumbled down the steps so collect your ammo.
Go down the next set of stairs and crouch when you get to the bottom and walk a
little bit by the corner and you'll see a goon tumble to the left. Go out into
the hall here and straight ahead a goon pops out so shoot him quickly. Now there
is still the guy in the left cubby hole. Just stand normally and strafe right
and shoot him and he has some shotgun ammo for your collection. I don't know
what the point is but in the hole where you just collected shotgun ammo is some
telephones that you can climb onto and then fall off of wonder what the deal is
there? Next part is in a diner and is relatively easy if your timing is good.
Get your Biz machine gun out for this part and as soon as you hear glass
shattering this means the guys here are occupied by destroying the place first
before trying to get you so take advantage of this time and shoot these 3 goons.
The last goon has a flak jacket so go for a headshot on him and take his flak
Turn left now and you'll see a staircase to descend so do that and when you
reach the bottom you'll reach another checkpoint finally. Go up to the wall on
the right and do a peek around the corner and you'll see a bartender/goon to
shoot. Stay behind the wall and do a crouch and the bartender takes a bit but
he'll mock your move so now just simply move out into the open and you'll have a
clear headshot and he won't move at all so you have plenty to get ready. Now the
next part aint so easy cause at the back left corner of the next room is a
shooter and also at the back right. What you do is run across the room and do a
roll and then crouch behind the counter where the bartender/goon was and collect
his ammo. There is a box back here with more shotgun ammo in it so collect it
and stay low. As soon as you get the shotgun ammo look lefr while crouching and
get up real fast and blast the guy behind the counter. Now start hauling ass as
you'll see across the screen "FIRE IN THE HOLE" run back to the top of the
stairs and gain cover after you collect the goon behind the counters ammo and
Flak Jacket.
Go back to the same room where the explosion occured and now peer around the
corner hugging the wall. If you are good you can get into a perfect position to
shoot the guy in the back left part of the room with a clear head shot. The guy
on the right is a bit more difficult to hit as he is in a weird spot,but the
best way to hit him is wait till he tries hiding by the wall and then stand up
and go for the headshot. I reccommend using the machine gun for this operation
since it is a time sensitive kill. Go collect the flak jacket and ammo from both
goons and then head down the stairs. You'll see a grate ahead but don't go in it
yet. Go around the corner and taunt the goon hiding behind the corner to come
out a little. Go back to hiding behind the wall and then strafe left quickly and
kill this goon and now you can enter the ventilation duct. In here you just need
to follow it around basically and you can't go through the heavily grated areas
and you can't shoot through them. Eventually you'll come upon 2 goons having a
conversation in Russian so let their conversation end. Equip the machine gun and
get a free headshot on the guy on the right and then just scroll over to goon 2
and make short work of him and now switch back to the shotgun.
When you walk over to your fallen foes some guy on an intercom or megaphone says
to throw down your weapons and I don't see the throw down weapons option so I
guess you must disobey them what a shame. Anyways you'll walk a small ways up
the hall and the Russian Militia shows up and Teresa sends a transmission to
Gabe about not shooting the Russian Militia. When the radio conversation ends
and it says Open fire it doesen't mean for you to open fire cause the mission
will end and you must go back. Okay the guys end up losing the gun fight and now
behind the counter is another goon so do a roll and get beside the counter right
near the goon. He'll fire around 3 shots and then stop and then 3 rounds and
then stop. In pauses you have with that stay behind the counter and use the
aimer and you'll get a good headshot and collect some shotgun ammo too. Now to
the left of the cash register is a switch to pull so pull it and a secret door
to the left pops open. Enter here obvoiusly and go down the stairs and you'll
reach another checkpoint while hearing the police outside claiming they need to
hightail it.
Next to the right around the corner is 3 goons standing relatively close to one
another and a very easy kill for all 3. Get out your machine gun for this and
shoot the left guy first and then slightly move to the right while shooting and
you'll easily headshot the other 2. Took me around 2 seconds and all 3 were on
the ground that's cool and sneaky. Enter the boiler room and stay to the right
wall and then entering the next hallway. Once you enter the hallway 2 goons pop
out and one tries running past you so take out the guy ahead and on the right
first and then before goon 2 passes you blow him away up close. Now go right
around the corner and a goon runs in from the right so get him and then look
around the other right corner and standing at the steps is yet another goon to
shoot so just do small strafes left while crouching and you will eventually have
a clean and clear head shot all from the comfort of the corner. Go down the
stairs now and don't be hasty when going to collect ammo just wait at the steps
for a second cause a grenade gets lobbed there so wait for it to explode and the
goon that threw it is a chicken and runs away so now you can collect the ammo.
Now I don't or can't garuntee the next part will happen to you but try it and
see if it works. Go to the right side of the wall but don't hug it stay a small
ways off of it and just keep going forward in crouched position. The guy throws
a grenade cause he knows your on the other side of the wall but since he's on
the other side of the wall and can't throw grenades through the wall it explodes
and he blows himself up what a reject.
Now go to where the guy blew himself up and there is a grenade crate back here
so open it up and take some. Next leave by turning around and go up the hall and
equip the grenades. Peek around the corner from the safety of the walls and have
a lookie here. 2 goons waiting for you so crouch down and use your grenade aimer
button and then lob one in their direction and wait for the fireworks and those
2 goons are gone. Go now and collect ammo from your fallen foes and walk up
right the next hall and you'll reach another checkpoint. Use the triangle button
now and Teresa will kick in the double doors and you can enter another section
of the club again. Once you enter here you must deal with 3 goons and strobe
light effects and also the fact thet the double doors just slammed shut on you.
Go to the right speaker and duck to use for cover. Run left towards the next
speaker and dive if you need to. Duck behind this speaker and the dumb grenade
guy can't get you now. Use crouch button and strafe left a little bit till you
have a clear headshot of the guy who is halfway hiding behind the speaker up
here and shoot when you get a headshot. Now you're behind this speaker so strafe
left again little by little and you'll eventually get a clear headshot on him.
Now staying crouched walk back to the first speaker on the left and equip your
grenade. Get behind the speaker and walk back about 2 small paces and use your
grenade aimer. Make sure the aimer is on the ceiling before lobbing the grenade
or you'll end up getting it not the goon.
Just in case you're not sure move away anyways and wait and see what happens.
Now the speaker where your at you need to climb and then climb up to where the
grenade goon was and take his ammo. Now go along the upper stage area and go
right and you'll see a door you can't enter. So go to where the control room is
with all the sound equipment and stay next to that wall. A goon ahead and to the
left pops out and will most likely shoot out the sound controls. Wait for him to
pop out and while standing get ina quick headshot from a safe distance. Move
ahead and take his ammo and down the stairs lob a grenade on the guy down here
and once you go to the next room you'll see the Russian Militia and Goons having
a gun fight so go to the right and hide behind the steel cabinet. The goons lose
the gun battle and now you must run and leap out of the way of the Russian
Militia. Don't shoot them as you'll fail your mission just run straight ahead
into the bathroom for safety. Look to the back of the bathroom and shoot the
goon that's crouching beside the toilets. You get an incoming message from Gabe
who says to get out of the building. After taking the goons ammo turn around and
turn right and hop up the lockers. Then shoot out the window up here to end this
level. Watch the Cut-scenes and save if you like.
Moscow, Russian Republic: Industrail District
Objectives: 1. Pursue Gregorov 2. Find Teargas Gun
Mission Parameters: 1. Don't Kill Moscow Militia 2. Don't kill Gregorov.
Rememeber when you need it that in this first police car is a Flak Jacket when
or if you need it. Once you see the Look Out appear on screen then wait for the
Russian Mobsters to get blown up and then run right into the the next alley and
get the shotgun ready and kill 2 goons here. Collect their ammo quickly and then
run to the right and get behind the wall that's sticking out a bit and crouch.
Strafe slightly left until you have a perfect aiming alignment with the left
Goon and get a clear headshot. Now run left and dive to the other wall,this time
on the left and crouch here. Strafe right slightly like before and do the same
with this guy and if you were quick enough your Flak Jacket shoudln't have been
damaged. If it was badly damaged, then now would be a good time to head back to
the police car and get a fresh one but be careful of the Grenade Goon.
Head forward now and collect ammo from the 2 goons and Gregorov will say " Damn
You" and then run away so keep on following him. Go up a small ways and a goon
jumps out from the right so blast him with the shotgun. Go now to where the last
goon you shot was and before taking his ammo press triangle to transmit a
message to Gabe. Collect the Goons ammo and then see the bus stop bench looking
walls? Run and dive here and get behind the left side of it. Look up and left
and there is 2 goons over here so the one closer to you on the roof is the one
to shoot first. Strafe left a small ways and now you can take out the other goon
easily. Go collect the goons ammo and now you'll have a very excellent weapon.
Go up the street a little ways and you'll eventually get to a cut-scene and a
road block thanks to the Russian Police so now after the scene ends you better
start diving and get back to safety.
Switch to the taser now, although lame since you can't kill any civilian types.
Turn back around now since there is nothing you can do here and go to the other
end of the street. You'll see some police shooting at someone inside a building
so sneak up behind the guy by the Police car on the left and zap him with the
hand taser. Now head over to his buddy and zap him also. Before when you got an
objective added it was find the Teargas gun and it's inside of the police car
where you zapped the first guy. Walk up to the right side of the car and you'll
see the letters Tear Gas launcher. You'll need this for the 5 Russian Policeman
down the street and once you get the gun you reach your first checkpoint. Turn
around now since you have reached the boundaries of the level and head back up
the road. 2 goons run out after you, but don't worry cause a police car dashes
in and saves you some ammo by crashing into the car parked up ahead.
Now equip the tear gas gun and get beside the right wall. Get back a ways and
when you're ready then strafe left and shoot the guys with teargas. This action
took me 3 shots for the first 4 guys on the ground so it might take you less.
There is still a guy on the roof so do the following. Get back behind the right
wall and crouch down,and then strafe left a little bit until he's in your field
of view and then aim the gun on him and shoot. I realize that the idea is to not
harm the Police but the fall the guy on the roof takes looks to me like he
would've died. Head up this alley and Gregorov is just ahead and he tries
killing you with a headshot so turn around and dive away from the shot to avoid
being killed. Let Gregorov get ahead and he'll run right so go in the next alley
where he went except you go left instead.
Gregorov managed to get on a fire escape awfully quickly so what you must do is
run up a small ways and get ready for action. The white car behind you will
start it's engine and guess what it's target is. Nope not Gregorov it wants to
get you so run up and dive cause Gregorov still wants to kill you and when you
see the section on the right do a dive that way to avoid being hit. You will now
be at checkpoint 2 and the white car crashes into the alley wall if you did it
correctly. Now be careful and see the white car is on fire? You need to jump up
the middle part of the car to avoid being burned up. Walk up the middle part to
the ledge and use triangle to grab it. Once you pull yourself up go right when
you get to the corner and follow the alley to a place to leap over which she
does automatically. Go now to the next section and hang right and jump the area
here and some Goons shoot at you and when you land be ready to aim right and
kill the goon that's shooting at you.
Now drop down the roof into the alley and get the guys ammo and now ehad
straight up the alley where 2 white cars side by side try to once again run you
over but theres hope. See the metal bar stretching across the alley? Run as
close as you can to it and use triangle button to grab it and she will be out of
harms way. Now fall off this bar and quickly equip your teargas gun and you
hopefully will have 1 shot left cause I did. Anyways turn back around to where
the direction the cars went and there will suddenly be 2 goons up ahead so press
the target button and it most likely will land on the left goon but that's okay
cause they both get taken down. That's the best method I know of for taking
these guys down so go collect their ammo and flak jackets if needed. Also check
the car closest to you for some more PK-2 ammo.
Turn around now and head up the street and crouch and get behind the lightpost
to the right that's closest to where Gregorov is and stay there for a minute.
Look up and left and see the ledge up there? You need to run here very quickly
and use triangle button to get up here and you'll get another checkpoint. Hop
off the ledge and Gregorov is gone so head left up the alley and you'll be at a
big opening. When you go out to the open road you'll see in yellow letters
"Let's Get Out Of Here" So stand your ground and wait for the carnage to hit the
Russian Feds and white car nearby. Now run right from the alley across the
street and hide behind the wall sticking out here. Equip your night vision
silenced rifle and starfe left a small ways. Look up and left with the aimer and
you'll eventually see a figure on top of a roof. Aim for the head and take out
the Grenade goon.
Now crouch/walk by the dead Russian feds and Wait fot a green dot to appear on
screen and when it does freeze right where you are. Make sure you're crouched
and aim up and left and you will find another Grenade goon and he doesen't
suspect you so get the night vision rifle out and shoot him. Keep in the
crouched and walk position cause on the roof ahead is another grenade goon and
again like before wait for the green dot to appear and then freeze,aim and shoot
him down. Go through the streets now safely,no more grenade goons anymore I
promise. Go now straight ahead and stay near the lightpost and Gregorov shoots
at you so stay near the lightpost so he can't kill you. He will go right up the
next road and then stop at a point in the road. Go now to the left side of the
road and walk over to the right side of the road when you get past the road
where Gregorov is. Don't worry Gregorov won't see you until you crouch next to
the fence. Head to the farthest section of the fence here and let Gregorov shoot
the red car until it blows up.
Fortubately cars can only be blown up with bullets only once in this game.
Crouch/walk to the now blown up car that's providing you cover from Gregorov's
shots. Make sure you have your taser equipped at this point also cause you don't
wanna kill Gregorov even though the bastard wants to kill you, how unfair. You
will now see 2 other cars ahead and to avoid being killed by Gregorov when he
shoots at cars heres a better idea. Either shoot the extra cars down the road
with your .45 or whatever gun you choose and that makes it to where Gregorov
won't have a cheap and easy way to kill you and keeps things at a normal pace.
You can also use any extra grenades or the gun you had earlier which should have
given you one grenade gun shot to blow the cars up.
Now head to the next car and you must roll/dive here to avoid being hit in the
head so do 2 roll dives and then quickly press x button to crouch behind the
car. Do this a few more times making sure you shoot the cars ahead so Gregorov
doesen't get in a cheap shot. You will get to a red car at the end and now you
have traffic to contend with and it seems like all Russain cars must be hot rods
the way they sound. Look across the street and now you must cross it and enter
the park. Look both ways before crossing now and enter the park. This action
ends the level and a cut-scene ensues with Mara chasing after Gregorov only.
Save if you like and then watch the cut-scenes.
Moscow, Russian Republic: Volkov Park
Objectives: 1. Pursue Gregorov
Mission Parameters: 1. Don't Kill Gregorov 2. Don't Lose Gregorov
As soon as this level begins use your aimer button and shoot the guy straight
ahead with a head shot. Now go forward a small bit and use aimer button again
and a goon pops out from the right so get a headshot when you can. If you don't
hit him the first time do the following. Let go of your aim button for a
second,this prompts the goons to come out and show themselves. The bad part
is,is that when you reaim,it's off center which is an obvious sign that the
computer needs to cheat to win. Now go through the gate where you just shot the
last goon and then head right and hide behind the first tree. Run to where the
next tree is and hide behind it also. Gregorov is really itching at the trigger
now so when you get to this tree and duck you need to do some dives to avoid his
gunfire. I think 2 dives will be enough for you to get there safely.
Go now to the next tree by again, diving out of his way of gunshots and then
crouching behind the tree just to be safe. Go around now to the back of the
monument looking area where Gregorov is at and climb up the small ledge and
you'll reach a checkpoint. By this time Gregorov complains " Curse you
woman,Stop Hounding Me". What a winer. Next go to where Gregorov ran to and be
prepared for 3 goons to run after you so get a excellent weapon like the Biz-2
and shoot 3 goons and collect their ammo. Now run right and head up a small ways
and a goon from the left comes after you so shoot him and then inch your way
forward from here until a goon shows up on the right and there is another behind
him so shoot these 2 goons and then another is to the right of them. Get behind
the wall pretty good and hide and get ina headshot cause this goon has on a
flak Jacket.
Take all ammo and jacket if needed and then take a right into the next section
and keep on going until you get the night vision. Go left first and there is 2
goons ahead so shoot them with headshots. Now when you move towards your fallen
goons another goon shows up so shoot him. When you do another from farther right
pops up so shoot him also. The good part about this section is that even if you
miss the goons,They can't see you so they move closer and just stand there
begging for a headshot. Go left some more and another goon pops up so get rid of
him and then keep on going left. Eventually you should see 2 Flak Jackets on the
ground and ammo and the nightvision will turn off. Look right and there is a
road going up a hill so go this way now. When you run up the hill about halfway
then a checkpoint will be enabled finally.
Once you get to the top of the Hill you'll hear Gregorov Scream "GET BACK" and
go nuts and shoot out the only light to see. Luckily you will get nightvision
once again and can proceed with ease so go right now. Get to another section
that's lit up and now you will need to head down a road. Go to the right side
wall and hug it and crouch down and when you look around the corner you'll see a
goon standing next to a tree. Strafe left a teency bit until the goon is in the
picture and take a clear head shot. Go right and stay that way as you'll
approach a goon infested area. Stay right and head over to the tree over here .
Equip your night vision rifle and aim for the goons head as not to make any
noise and piss off the other goons.
Now go back a few paces and face left and this goon won't stop moving around so
just aim the silencer gun and wait for the perfect head alignment with the aimer
and squeeze the trigger and he's gone. Head around and collect the 2 guys ammo
and then go behind the tree just on the right past the last guy you just shot.
Step back a few paces from the tree and then go right a little and wait for this
next goon to be in range for the head shot. Head a little ways just a few yards
back from where you killed the last goon and couch. Aim left at the goon on the
left hill and take care of him before getting the closer goons ammo.
Take his ammo now and now head right down the next road. Just before you reach
the bridge on this road you'll reach another checkpoint. Once at the bridge some
guy yells " ATTACK" Don't worry,yet. Head left to the small pathway and then the
guy says " She's heading under the bridge don't let her get away". Go around the
small path and run left right away and when you can jump up the left wall do so.
Now run back a small ways to avoid gun fire. Crouch when up here and just barely
make small steps forward. Equip your nightvision rifle and creep forward until
you can see a guy on the bridge to the right shooting shotgun shells at you.
Don't worry though,he can't hit you and now you can make your first headshot and
get rid of one goon.
Look left now and you can see another guy shooting at you on the middle part of
the bridge so shoot him. Go up one step only and a guy from below will be
shooting at you but he can't hit you either so line up the headshot and now 3
guys are dead. This part is just like clockwork as you make yet another step
forward,back on top of the bridge is another goon to take care of so shoot him.
Every single goon had a flak jacket too so that's what I call a clean sweep so
collect ammo and jackets if needed and head over the bridge. This ends this
level so now you can save and watch the cut-scenes.
Moscow, Russian Republic: Volkov Park
Objectives: 1. Capture Gregorov Alive
Mission Parameters: 1. Don't Kill Gregorov
Okay it's cold and Lian still has the Syphon Filter virus and is coughing so
lets send her out into the cold. What's the deal there? This is the final answer
for everyone who is having trouble with this level and it's very simple. Okay
notice how there is lights you can shoot at in this park? I figured it out right
away when Gregorov shot out the lights in the previous level. First go to the
right and head to the back of the level and hide behind the tree here. Make sure
your all the way back as far away from Gregorov as possible. Now,with your
silenced Rifle only,shoot out 3 of the 4 lights that should be easy access
without attracting Gregorov's attention. When you shoot the third light then
Gregorov is on to you. Wait for him to go to the middle tree and he will pace
back and fourth. Schooch out a small bit left when he is behind the right side
of your tree and then shoot the last light. He will say " Damn You" and now
switch to the hand taser and you can literally walk right up to him and zap him
and this small mission ends. Watch the Cut-Scenes and then save. WOndering is
Kasey Kasum did the voice for Gabe Logan he sounds just like him.
Siberia, Russian Republic: Aljir Prison
Objectives: 1. Shut Off Prison Power 2. Rescue Gregorov 3. Protect Prisoner 4.
Protect Second Prisoner
Mission Parameters: 1. Avoid Detection 2. Don't Kill Any Prisoners
This is a timed mission and with there being 59 minutes on the clock it looks
like it's gonna be long. Head out of the showers and go right and you'll hear
some people speaking of the execution so when they stop speaking then go right.
Don't worry about them spotting you since they have their backs turned. Now head
up the hallway and when you can make a right into the hall do so and follow the
hallway around until you hear a girl screaming sort of. Another objective is
added and you can see some people to the left of you around the next hall. Equip
the taser and zap the guy standing there and now you'll see a woman prisoner
being whipped or hit by a woman Warden. Don't zap her yet that time will come.
Go back into the hall you just came from and go back to the hall where the 2
people near the showers were talking.
When you get to that hall take a right and go up this hall and another Warden
which is male is standing right next to the prisoner being abused. Zap him next
and then take cover behind the wall sticking out. Wait for the woman Warden to
come after Pavil and then zap her when she goes by and you'll have saved the
prisoner from unnecessary abuse. The prisoner coughs and Lian says everything
gonna be allright. Turn around now and start heading down the hallway. When you
see a doorway to the left wait for a moment when you're right in front and to
the left wall of it for the warden to come nearby. When he does zap him. Enter
the prison section now and when you hear a woman begging for water stop and wait
for the warden to dissappear. Go up one area and when you can enter a prison
doorway to the right crouch and so so. Equip your crossbow now and shoot the
farthest warden on the left, making sure you don't get any headshots or it's
mission over.
Now stay crouched and go up to the next doorway on the right and stop in front
of it and another warden comes out so make sure taser is equipped and zap him.
Now follow the hall around and some wardens are having a conversation. Wait for
them to stop speaking and get into a standing position so they are no longer
walking around. Look ahead and to the left and see the open section? Well get
into the crouch position and walk to the next area to the right for cover. Now
walk staying crouched to this big open ledge. While holding x walk to the ledge
and Lian will automatically grab the side of the floor here. Now shimmy left
right on past the wardens, Now that's sneaky if I ever saw it. As soon as you
can go no further on the ledge pull up and you're homefree of that section and
can enter the hallway straight ahead.
Go up a small ways up the hall and a warden is ahead and a second later another
woman warden with a prisoner enters the hall just ahead and another objective is
added. Now I warn you don't go up the right hallway here or you'll fail the
mission and have to restart this whole deal from the last checkpoint. Now just
go straight up the hall keeping some decent distance from the male warden. Get
behind him when he stops and zap him. Now do the same to the female warden and
you're objective is complete and you found another checkpoint. Now remember
where I said not to go earlier? Well turn around now and go this way and a small
cut-scene with 2 guards speaking will ensue. Wait for them to go down the hall
and then get on the elevator and use triangle to activate it and go down.
Walk straight up to the wall on the right and as soon as you hear the elevator
rising get over to where there is now a gap in the floor and grab the ledge to
hide. Wait for the Warden to patrol that area and he'll radio ahead that all is
quiet and then walk away. Now get back up and get in the crouch position.
Crouch/walk right back to the right wall and the 2 wardens will be in the middle
of the room and no longer walk around. You can now walk past them with the
crouch position into the next hallway where they just were. As soon as you see a
hallway going right you'll also see a warden standing there so zap him. Go back
up the main hall after zapping the last warden and at the end of the hall you'll
get another checkpoint and another cut-scene with Lian speaking with Gabe via
radio transmission.
Okay what you need to watch for is what most camcorders have when they are
recording the red light. Wait for the warden to go through the gate but hide
behind the wall and DONT zap him. When he goes by you watch the cameras light
and when it's not lit red hug the right wall and hide behind the wall sticking
out right by the gate and then wait. Another Warden will come in through this
section and open the gate which means it's time for you to sneak through but
make sure you're crouched. Get in behind the security desk and zap the woman
here and a cut-scene will ensue and Gregorov is being taken to the chamber right
away. Now you have only 1 minute and 30 to help Gregorov. Now hit the right
switch and wait for the warden to the right to come running in and zap him when
he gets in the room.
Enter the hall now and go up to the next doorway on the right and another warden
is walking around so wait for him to turn his back and crouch/walk behind him
and zap him to get by. Go through the hallway and take a right into another
hallway where just ahead is yet another warden so hug the right wall and hide
behind the wall sticking out and wait for him to walk near you and zap him. That
is the final warden to zap so run like mad into the room on the right and Lian
finally reaches the power room just in the nick of time and the level ends
PHEW!!! Watch the cut-scene and save if you like.
Siberia, Russian Republic: Aljir Prison
Objectives: 1. Find Gregorov 2. Reach Escape Point 3. Incapicitate Hostile
Mission Parameters: 1. Protect Gregorov 2. Don't kill any prisoners
This first part is an open fire mission so stay in the crouched position and
wait for the one warden to come your way and then blast him when he gets close
by. Now head to the back corner of this same section and the warden on the left
will be here. If you moved back in position you'll have an easy headshot. Now
move to the middle part of the room and look right while crouching. Wait for the
left warden to crouch and when he does stand up casually and you can get in an
easy headshot. The warden now left on the right bobs his head right in your line
of fire so get in this easy headshot and a short, sweet victory is all yours.
Go collect your ammo now and head left where the second warden on the left you
shot is and head through this hallway. Go all the way through and a guy runs in
from the left so go backwards into the hall again and wait for him to run in
center screen and then take the quick headshot before he starts piercing through
your flak jacket. Now press your target button and ease up a small bit enough to
see the blood splattering off of the guy to know you're hitting him and he'll be
dead soon. Now press the target button once again and to the left is another
warden so hold the target button and then blast this guy. Now head out left and
immediately be ready to do a headshot on the warden that pops out cause he has a
flak jacket on.
If you need the jacket then take it, if not then head up and collect his ammo
and then turn left at the doorway he was at. Follow this hallway around and when
you make a left around a corner hug the left wall and before going left use the
aimer button and get a headshot on the warden standing at the doorway. Now there
is another warden to the left and behind him so press your target button and
somehow the warden looks down and doesen't pay attention so while crouched ease
on out and you'll easily have a headshot on him without detection. Go down the
stairs after collecting ammo and stay right near the middle wall and hug it
while staying crouched. Strafe left a tiny bit until you have the left warden in
your sights and get an easy headshot. Strafe a tiny bit more and you can easily
get a headshot on the warden on the right.
This level is extremely easy it's just a matter of taking the time to do it
correctly without detection. Head down the stairs and collect the wardens ammo
and now stay close to the left side of the steps hugging the wall. This part is
a tad more difficult since you won't have the cover of the wall. Watch the
wardens jump out patterns and time it to where you can be in the open right as
he jumps out. Be careful though cause he shoots as soon as he comes out so get
in a quick headshot or you'll die since he only aims for you head as well.
Collect his ammo and head around left and kick in the red, bolted door and enter
the next platformed hallway. This next part kicked my ass dozens of times and I
couldn't figure it out so heres what to do. Once you enter the hallway this
prompts the 2 wardens on the rooftop to start shooting at you so move back
quickly. They also throw grenades so stay away until they throw the grenades and
the grenedes blow up. Get used to the time in between them throwing the grenades
until they blow up and how much time you have until they throw more.
Once you know the timing pattern heres what to do. Wait for the grenades to blow
up and then run through the smoke after the blast and when you get to the door
exit and on the platform, immediately press the target button and hold it and
then blast away and the right or left warden falls off the roof to his impending
doom with the ground. Implement the same tactic with whichever warden on
whichever side is left and this part will be cleared. Go now and collect their
ammo and head up the metal stairs but stop when you reach the second step up.
The door flies open and 2 wardens pop out so use target button on the one
closest to you and blast him and then let go of the target button and then
repress and hold it for the second warden and blast him next.
Now go up the stairs and collect the wardens ammo and go through the hall until
you reach another hall and a guy cowering in the corner. He looks like a warden
and probably is but don't shoot him since he isn't armed or it will fail the
mission. Go around the hall and in the next room is dead wardens and a radio
transmission to Gabe ensues. As soon as you gain control of Lian run away and
roll if needed to avoid gunshots and find a wall to hide behind. If you went
back to where the cowering warden is stay close to the right wall and strafe
left little by little until you can see the enemy warden on the left near the
wall and when you have him in sight get in an easy head shot. Stay right near
the wall and get behind the part of the wall sticking out. Another warden walks
in from the right so line up the headshot and take him out also.
Collect ammo now and then head out left and follow the hallway around till you
can go right and a dead warden is lying on the ground so go in this small
hallway and enter the room with chairs and a cut-scene with Gregorov, The ACTUAL
REAL GREGOROV ensues. Once you have that completed and have control of Lian
Gregorov yells " LIAN, BEHIND YOU" Turn around right away and shoot the warden
behind you and collect ammo QUICKLY and then turn around again and shoot the 2
wardens that are now on Gregorovs left side. If you don't protect Gregorov and
he dies it's mission failed. You must be very quick in this part with your
actions or you won't get through here. Watch the cut-scene and notice how
Gregorov has a striking resemblance to SGT. Slaughter from the WWF?
Okay head out of this room straight and walk up to the left wall staying very
close and in a crouched position. Strafe while crouched right little by little
until you can see the standing warden with the shotgun on the right and get a
headshot. Now strafe a tiny bit more little by little until you can get a
headshot on the warden just behind the radio. He runs back and fourth but stands
in place eventually for around 4-5 seconds so use that time to get in a
headshot. Now while still in the crouched position creep up behind the radio
using it for cover and watch the warden popping out on the rights' pattern. Get
used to it and when it's safe to move strafe right while staying crouched and
just start shooting, might I recommend the shotgun for you next couple of method
killings. Lian then tells Gregorov to get his ass moving and that it's clear.
Yuri will move near you saying he's okay so now hug the right wall and
crouch/walk until you can see a warden popping out. He stretches his neck out
for around 3 seconds so wait for his pattern and then blast him while he has his
neck stretched out. Make sure you're crouched and strafing left little by little
until he is in the field of headshot range. Take his ammo and Flak Jacket if
needed, and then stay to the right wall once again. Creep your way up and you'll
see a prisoner run by and get shot down by some wardens but don't worry you
won't fail the mission. Stay glued to the right wall using the crouch/walk
method until you can see 2 wardens on the right blocking a doorway. Stay
crouched and use the strafe left little by little and getting head shots on each
warden and then Lian will tell Yuri it's all clear and she receives a radio
transmission from Gabe. Listen to that and you'll arrive at another checkpoint.
Yuri will be facing the red, bolted door but,don't go that way yet,unless your
flak jacket is undamaged. Otherwise turn around after taking the 2 wardens PK-
102 ammos and head right when you can and on the right near the gate is a box
with a fresh flak jacket in it. Now go through the red, bolted door. When you
walk up to the door Lian claims she hears a lot of action on the other side and
tells Yuri to wait there so she can check it out. As soon as you kick the door
open you'll see 2 prisoners shooting up at some wardens and the prisoners soon
get shot down. As soon as the snipers cease fire creep out while crouching a
little and Yuri yells " SNIPERS, WATCH OUT" so turn and run towards Yuri again
and a cut-scene ensues. Once Yuri throws out the smoke grenade make a run for
it. You will have to do a dive towards the end but Yuri will most likely be
ahead of you.
He says you'll need to shoot the lock on the security gate so look ahead and
right while to the right of Yuri and shoot and if you hit it sparks fly. Now
Yuri will keep running so keep on following him and he will run into some
hostile women prisoners and you'll reach another checkpoint and another
objective is added. This next part with the women shooting at me like mad had me
stumped but do the following and you'll be through in no time. Go back through
the security gate and when you get past it go right and past the flames on the
left, just ahead. There is a corner of wall here and a warden bearing none other
than a tear gas gun. Get in a headshot when you line up and shoot the guy. Go
and take his flak jacket if you like and then his tear gas gun.
Now go back to the crazy women and when they generally take a shooting break
which lasts about a second and a half climb the wall and use your target button
very quickly and hold it and then shoot the gun and the women are motionless
YAHOO!!. Now you'll reach another checkpoint and your objective is complete.
Fall off the concrete wall and collect the PK-102 ammo from the prisoners and
then equip that gun. In the next part take your first right into the hall and go
about 1/4 of the way up the hall on the right. As soon as you see a guy run out
from the doorway in the middle, immediately turn around and blast the warden
behind you and make it a headshot or he easily takes you out.
Turn around now and make you way up the hall a bit and another warden wearing a
flak jacket makes his pesence known. As soon as you get a headshot he gets
really figity and it's hard to get him to where you can make a clear headshot.
Move up a small ways while staying crouched and then he will dive and come
closer to you so hurry now and get the headshot and then collect his flak jacket
if needed and ammo. Once you do that another warden pops out at you so get
prepared and then shoot the warden with a headshot and he also has a flak jacket
so get it if needed and then collect the .45 ammo also.
Head around the corner going left and another warden is in this hall with the
same stuff so get in a headshot and this hallway is clear. Now you must head
back to where Gregorov or Yuri is and a cut-scene ensues and she gives him a
weapon. Head back through the hallways you just cleared and now this next part
is very fast paced so keep close to Gregorov and take out Wardens left and right
and collect ammo. Just remember to follow Gregorovs lead, he knows where to go.
Once you make it to another red bolted door and if your flak jacket gets too
damaged in all the warden killings then head back to the halls from earlier and
get the jackets you couldn't get if there is any left. Head back to Gregorov and
the red bolted door and kick it in using the triangle button. Enter the door and
a cut-scene ensues and now your at another checkpoint.
Crouch down and go down the steps and look up and right and a warden is up here
and also a search light. Get in the easy headshot and then wait for the search
light to shine where the bulb is exposed and then shoot it out. Crouch/walk near
the right wall now and just ahead is another search light so shoot it out and
they spot you. Lian Yells " GREGOROV MOVE" Shoot the 2 wardens here and don't
worry about the one above just run and dive to avoid gunshots. Head to the left
doorway and enter here. Use the switch on the wall of the elevator to rise to
the the second story. Now run with Gregorov and he will provide distractions but
don't even worry about the left side, just keep running and diving. Kill any
wardens in your way on this path and keep on diving to dodge enemy fire and when
you get to some steps the level finally ends. Watch some long cut-scenes and
save if you like.
New York: Agency Bio-Lab
Objectives: 1. Penetrate Security Net 2. Retrieve Gear 3. Install Cellular Modem
4. Sythensize Vaccine 5. Find Gershon 6. Access Vents to Gershon's office 7.
Find Chance 8. Follow Elsa To Synthesis Lab
Mission Parameters: 1. Don't sound any alarms 2. Don't kill Chance 3. Don't kill
Ramirez 4. Don't kill Gershon
This is an extremely long mission so be prepared, also notice that crouching in
this mission is replaced by walking so don't freak out if Gabe doesen't crouch
when you want him to. Go out the door and take your first right on the sign
above which is marked A3. Walk up the hallway and take another right and head
around left until you see a cut-scene with the bad guys. Once in control of Gabe
enter the door ahead with the A3 above it. Make sure when you enter the door you
press and hold the x button to walk or you'll be detected by the suit on the
left. Head right after passing the suit and go up the ramped area over here.
As soon as you get to the top make sure you're walking again cause a suit is
walking in from the right just passing by. Don't face him at all or it's mission
over so turn around and let him pass by. Head right again and to the left was a
security camera if you noticed. Head around this section near some crates with
the biohazard symbol on it and another suit walks by. Head to the left wall and
face it to let him pass by. Walk around the boxes and before heading around the
corner kiss the wall and another suit passes you by. Always try to remember to
face a box or a wall to avoid the suits seeing it and you'll be okay in this
level. Walk in between the crates and then go right once again.
When you do get beside the right wall to be safe cause another suit is in the
vicinity. Wait for him to walk off left and then walk to the right where you can
hide near some more crates. Wait for the suit to come back around the other way
and when he is to the left of you walk on out and around the crates in the
middle of the hall. It's safe for the time being so when you get around these
halls go right when you see a red flashing light ahead and above some doors is
A1 so enter here. Walk through the doors and eventually you'll come across your
first checkpoint.
Go left now and walk the entire time don't run and follow the halls around and
you'll pass a suit eventually. Now walk forward after passing the suit on the
left and see the hospital gurnee ahead? Walk up to it and you'll see the word
Knife so take it with the action button and now you finally have a weapon
against the suits. Walk up behind the suit facing the room with windows and use
the knife on him and you'll gain a gun.
Go right after passing the suit and you'll come across a door to the left that
you radio in to Teresa about. She says it's some kind of security net so now
turn around while walking and head out the left side and then through the doors
marked A1 once again.
On your first right is a small door to enter and farther down is a suit you
needn't worry about so just enter the door now. As soon as you enter this room
take a left and then go around to a computer desk and a computer marked secutiry
net is here so activate it by pressing the triangle button.
Once you activate the computer terminal Gabe radios in about gaining access to
Teresa and also completes the first objective. Now another objective is added
and another checkpoint is found. Turn around now and leave this room by walking
and make your first right at this other door. Walk right away and don't hesitate
at all or the suit directly behind you will detect that you're Logan. Head back
to where the security net computer was and go left after exiting the hallway and
now head back to where the hospital gurnee was and there is a room to the right
for you to enter which was the door that was in openable from earlier. Enter
here and a voice decontaminates the room or announces it and now turn left and
exit out this other door.
Walk out the door here and to your left a suit stands guard so walk behind him
quickly and quietly and cut him with the knife and collect his ammo. Walk
forward after killing the last suit and you'll see a short cut-scene that also
shows you where the next suit is and a guy that's been probably wrongfully
imprisoned. Head right now and go to the back hallway here and take your first
left into a lab area with a white coat that's here. He'll see your face and
cower so just walk up to the computer that controls the elevator in white
letters and Press action. Teresa tells you exactly what the white letters just
did over radio transmission.
Now turn around and kill the white coat if you want to since the mission
parameters don't mention anything about not killing any of these guys. Kill
another white coat ahead and to the right just for kicks. Turn around after
killing the white coat and in the locker behind you is your combat gear so you
complete an objective, get a radio transmission and find a checkpoint all in 1
shot. Leave this room and head right to the main large hall. Stay to the right
wall and look right and you'll see a suit near a door farther back. Equip your
silencer .45 and shoot him with a headshot. Walk to the railing now and look to
where you saw the last cut-scene and shoot the suit down here guarding the
Once you shoot the suit a cut-scene of Gabe already near the now visible GI
Ramiez decides to find chance so an objective and checkpoint is found and added.
Collect the suits ammo after the conversation with Ramirez and head back up the
ramp to the back of this bottom lobby. Head left right near the door and collect
the suits ammo and another radio transmission from Teresa ensues with her saying
you need the network admin card for this area. Go past the door and take a left
on the metal flooring and your first right into the door. Don't get hasty and
run or walk for that matter through this door since there is a camera just
Part of your nifty gear is a camera scrambler so equip this now. Walk up to the
camera now and when it says in white letters security camera press triangle and
Gabe automatically attaches it and scrambles it. Head down the sloped floor now
and take a left when reaching the end of the hall and enter the doors with A2
above them. In this hall you walk up a little bit and Gabe tells Teresa he found
the vaccine for Shphon Filter virus but it's sealed so you can't get in. No you
can't shoot out the windows either I tried that so I imagine the glass is Plexi.
Enter the doors now and take a right and go up the hall marked A4. Walk up this
hall and this is where you began the mission so keep going straight and when you
get under the one light you'll reach another checkpoint.
At the end of the hall take a right and go through the double doors or really
just make them stay open and stay back. Shoot the suit up ahead with your
silencer and then turn back around and go up the hallway behind you. Take a
right when you can and you'll see some stacked crates with the biohazard symbol
on them. Hide behind the right crate and await the suit that will pass by with
silencer. Aim up and get his head into head shot and shoot him. Collect his ammo
and then head right at the end of this hallway and now equip your camera
scrambler and use it on the camera. Careful now as a suit walks up hurry and
insert the scrambler and then walk back so your not facing him. He'll walk away
down the hall so equip your silencer .45 and take him out with a headshot.
Collect the suits ammo now and shoot out the vent at the end of this hall and
Teresa again radios in and tells you what you just shot out. You will complete
another objective so now jump up into the vent. Go through the right turns only
vent and then shoot out the grate to Gershons office. Walk forward after landing
and a cut-scene with Gabe getting aggressive ensues and you get another
Equip your air taser right off the bat cause when you round the first corner
some white coat provides Gershon with a distraction and the best way to be
silent and reach this fiend so Gershon won't get away is with the air taser.
Tase him till he starts smoking and then get back to Gershon before he has a
chance to run away. You will walk to a door on the left now and again Gabe is
getting more irritated with Gershon. Equip the modem now and walk to the center
terminal which is the smaller looking desk area. Attach the modem by pressing
triangle and Gabe radios to Teresa about downloading the files. You will learn
that Elsa has the vaccine and a new objective is added a checkpoint is met and 3
snipers run in to see what's going on. I, presonally think Gershon found a way
to let out a distress to the suits that he was in trouble.
Right off the bat they will have headshots on you so dive dive dive to the
nearest tall computer mainframe and use it for cover. Try getting behind the one
that's near the windows to the back of the room and you will have a good,clear
headshot on the suit on the metal flooring. Now you finally gain the ability to
crouch so crouch and strafe right little by little until the other sniper above
and wayy back on the metal flooring is in headshot range so shoot him. By this
time another sniper runs in and has you in shooting range so dispose of him by
pressing the target button and shooting him. Now the last guy is right in front
of the mainframe you're hiding behind so strafe out into his line of fire and
hold target button and then pull the trigger and he's gone.
Once he's gone another guy on the metal flooring ahead runs in and shoots with a
machinegun so again use the target button, hold it down and shoot this guy and a
cut-scene ensues and another checkpoint is met. Leave this room now the same way
you entered with Gershon and you'll also notice that the crouch action is gone
again, what a pity. Head back now straight to the room where Ramirez is being
held captive. Remember the part where you didn't have access to the door and
Teresa mentioned you need Network Admin card? Go into this door now as it is
accessable. Enter this door and take a right around the hall and walk through
the doors marked B-1 and don't go through them yet.
Step back a small ways but make sure the doors stay open and when the white
coats say " INTRUDER ALERT" run into the room and shoot them quickly and kill
them. Run to the far left side of the room and up the ramp. There is a switch at
the top of the ramp and another white coat behind some glass so press the switch
and the gases are released on the white coat. This makes a cut-scene ensue and
you finally find Chance and complete another objective and another checkpoint as
well. Turn around now and go up the sloped part and go through the door up here
next. Go through the door with A2 above it and shoot the suit that's to the
right inside this hallway. Go through the next set of doors and a cut-scene
ensues so watch it and another mission objective is complete and another
checkpoint is to.
Walk to the right when you have control of Gabe and use your target button if
you're having trouble finding your target. When you have the white coat in sight
get in a headshot and another radio transmission to Teresa ensues. Fall down now
into the room where the white coat is and the victim and ad tempting as it may
be don't shoot out the really bright light above the patient cause it sets the
alarm off. Luckily that's what I'm playing for to see what happens when you do
different things. Walk up the small hall and through the doorway and follow the
halls around until you get to the vent at the end of the hall. Shoot out the
vent and now go through it and you'll see the doctor speaking in a cut-scene
when you get a quarter of the way through the vent.
Get to the next vent and shoot it out but don't get hasty and jump out just yet.
Aim right and when you can get Heng-Su in a headshot then shoot him and now jump
out of the vent. Go straight now and through the door ahead and watch the cut-
scene with Elsa. The mission ends now so save if you like and watch the cut-
New York, USA: Agency Bio-Lab
Objectives: 1. Escape Labs
Mission Parameters: 1. None
Okay this level is hard no doubt so lets start off by running and diving behind
the computer desk. This action makes the computers blow up and kills the guy off
that's shooting at you. There is another guy shooting the other way behind some
glass but he can't shoot you so don't worry about him. Collect the dead guys
ammo and then head into the next room. When you reach the next room and radio
over to Teresa listen to how she really sounds concerned. Now go to the back
left part of this room and shoot out the grate that's up here.
Go through the grate and when you land to the left is an inoperable camera so go
right and then take your first left. Don't even think of stopping from running
as 2 goons are sure to get behind you in no time. Keep on heading straight
avoiding all gunfire with dives and then go left at the hallway and then a
right, immediately. You'll see a door with A3 on it and you'll want to take a
right into the room before going past the big doors.
Once in this room enter the ventilation vent on the right of the room by
shooting the grate and climbing the table to get inside. Once you get to an area
with a fan blocking the vent go left and shoot out the grate and now you're in
the meat wagon room. Gabe radios to Teresa that he's in the meat wagon room more
or less and you finally make a checkpoint. Once in this room you'll see a guy
named Girdeux that's been burned beyond recognition. Don't pay any mind to the
body just go to where all the bodies are on the carosel and go left. Look up
here and shoot another grate out and enter it. While in the vent you'll hear
some guys shooting at you but they can't hit you while inside so don't worry.
Get to the back of the vent and shoot out the grate and then when you pop out
and land you'll see a computer on a desk to the right. Shoot the computer if you
want to end the annoying ass sirens. There is a locker to the left that you can
search and get a weapons cache. A fresh flak jacket is here and some excellent
ammo(Too bad the ammo isn't of any use I WANT GRENADES DAMMIT) Now run to the
right and where the bench is to the left is yet another grate to shoot so shoot
it and enter this vent and this vent is very small so shoot out the grate and
when you land look right. You must tumble left really fast and yeah your jacket
will take damage here so roll into the next room to the left where the door is.
There is more lockers to the right in this room but nothing in them:(
Go to the back left of the room and exit out the door that's here. Turn right
and equip your M-79 and shoot the goons ahead. This is the only weapon you can
use against these sorry excuses for A-I. Now head through the blown up doorway
and go left and the doorway to the right is not accessable so keep on going
straight until you can make a right. Make sure you still have the M-79 equipped
or you will not be able to kill these cheaters. Go to the left to lure out a
cheater and walk back a good ways and he will try to run away so use the target
button and shoot his sorry ass into next week. Go left around the next hall and
there is plexiglass windows here.
Look right and up and another grate to shoot so switch to any gun but the air
taser or the M-79 and shoot the grate out and now enter this vent. When you get
to the end of the vent and radio to Teresa get ready for some bad news. There is
no other way out and a very large fan is just below you so get yourself psyched
for this one. Okay aim Gabe right and keep pressing forward the entire time
while falling and he won't have eny problems making the grab to the vent just
above the fan. Go through this vent and go through a long ways around. You'll
surface in where Ramirez was being held prisoner and Ramirez is lying on the
ground bleeding and dead as a doornail. Gabe says " Dammit Chance where the hell
were you?" Go out of the cell and before searching the box to the right equip
the M-79 and shoot the cheater that's coming after you by holding the target
button and pulling the blow up trigger.
Now get the M-79's YESSS in the box to the right and run up the ramp going left
and then once up the ramp hold target button again and shoot the cheater to your
left and make him pay for cheating. Get to the top and press and hold target
once and shoot and then let go quickly and then press it and hold again and
shoot and let go quickly and thn press and hold one more time and shoot. 3
stupid I'm not even gonna say the words are up here and tear the Hell outta your
armor but be very fast with the timing of the target button and trigger and you
will kick their asses. Once at the top of the ramp go to where the siren light
is flashing and then take a left and hug the left wall. If you crouch and walk
forward enough to see the next cheater waiting for you on the left wall heres
what to do. Aim at the right wall and shoot the wall and that will take care of
Enter this next hall to the left and enter the next area and another cheater
pops out so run like the wind back to the big hall where you took care of the
last cheater. Aim at the back part of the wall near the doorway and shoot it and
the cheater in the doorway is taken care of. Walk up to the computer and press
triangle if you like and listen to words to live by, by Gabe Logan. "IT"S NEVER
EASY" aint that the damn truth. Turn around right away I mean FAST mister and
Press target button before he gets too close and blast the guy behind you. Take
a left out the doorway and walk to the elevator doors. This level finally ends
PHEW!!! Watch cut-scenes and SAVE THE GAME.
New York, USA: Slums District
Objectives: 1. Rendevous With Teresa At Chopper 2. Eliminate 2 Snipers 3.
Activate Sprinkler System To clear passage into main floor. 4. Rescue Swat
Officers 5. Clear Sniper Nest
Mission Parameters: 1. None
For this mission you have your work cut out for you so equip your HK-5 for this
mission. Turn around right away and shoot the suit that's shooting at you. Go to
where the grafitti is on the wall and turn left and down this tiny alley is a
fresh Flak Jacket to put on. Go back out to the main area where you killed the
suit now. Head to where the pink truck is and while walking up here press and
hold the target button and shoot the suit on the roof here and collect his ammo.
Turn right and get to the left sidewalk and you might hear shots up here so use
the target button and shoot the suit across the street.
Turn left now and there is a box in a small alley with G-18 ammo in it so get
that. Turn around now and a suit from the roof will be shooting at you. Run back
to where the pink truck is and get in an easy headshot from a distance on this
suit. Run up a small ways and if you look left you'll see a suits head here and
he's behind some concrete ramp. You can stand right near him and get an easy
headshot so colelct his ammo. Now head right around the road and head up this
road. Once you go up this road the feds show up in black vans closing the
streets down. Shoot the lock off the pawn shop and enter it. Once you enter to
the left is 2 suits so use target button to get a fix on them and then blast
both of them.
There is a grenade guy behind you with a flak jacket on and he's on the roof so
don't bother with him he's too hard to hit. Go to where you just shot the 2
suits and climb the small wall where the glass used to be and collect their
ammo. Now head into the twisting hallway until it straightens out and now hug
and crouch the right wall. As soon as you have a opening to the right stay close
to the wall and strafe left little by little until you have the headshot and
kill this suit. Go around left now and enter this empty room with holes in the
roof and a metal shelf in the middle of the room. There is no suits in this big
room so head to the left side and open the box and get an M-16 and also a
Before venturing so freely into the next open area like I did and got blown up
look right and up while crouching near the right side of the doorway. There is a
Suit grenade up there so shoot him with the sniper rifle when you get him in
sight. Once he's dead run on out and head left and take the flak jacket inside
the box near the drum that's on fire. Turn around now and on the left side near
the doorway you just came out of is a rusty dumpster to climb onto. Once on it
climb the wall here too and now your on a roof. As soon as you get on the roof a
suit starts shooting at you so get in the quickest headshot you can and when
he's gone Teresa radios you about the Swats getting taken out by Suits. Also you
make another checkpoint up here.
Once you kill that suit climb the air unit with steam coming from it and climb
the wall to the next roof. Head around the walls here and look left and a suit
comes out at you so shoot him. Upon collecting his armor another suit from above
is shooting at you so get rid of him by holding the target button and shooting.
Get on the small wall up here and use your aimer button to find a Awning
sticking out so you can land safely. A Swat member runs out and yells "ROSS IM
ON MY WAY" so don't shoot him. Fall off the left most part of the awning and
there is a box to the left with a Flak Jacket inside it so take if needed.
Now you have the daunting task of helping the swat team with the Suit Snipers.
Check out the Silvers Gym billboard, looks like Chyna is on it. Run left now and
you'll see the 2 Swat guys are dead and now run behind the police car for cover.
Wait for the suit to run in and then ease on out and get in a headshot. Now run
back to where you just were and a sniper who's difficult to kill and gets in
headshots on you rather easily is at. Look for the concrete cover with the ramp
and use it as cover. Ease your way up the ramp and get out your sniper rifle and
zoom in for the headshot and take this guy out. Creep up with the strafe button
again cause another suit is on the stoop across the street and he kills fast.
Keep strafing left until he's in plain view and use the sniper rifle to take him
Run on out of here and take a left right away and get to the other side of the
street. Now run up a small ways until you get a sniper on the roof to pop out on
your right hand side and then run back to safety. Crouch/walk forward making
sure the guy can't see you and you'll barely see him. Equip your sniper rifle
and shoot him down. Now go back to where you hid on the ramp and enter here. Go
to the bottom of the ramp and you'll see a fire in here and Teresa radios you
that the place might collapse. Go up the rusty metal thingy and go around the
fire and then fall down when it's safe. Stay right in this hall but avoid the
fire and when you get to the fire make sure you're behind it and turn around
quickly and shoot 2 suits behind you.
Equip the G-18 now and make a right when you turn around from killing the suits
and run right in and shoot this suit before he even has time to shoot you. Head
up the ramped area and when you take a right Gabe will radio over to Teresa and
an objective is added and you reach another checkpoint. Now notice the floor
tiles that have steam coming out of them? I found a major bug by walking up to
the tiles and Gabe will try to climb down the tiles and they fall down. You can
now fall to the next floor and activate the sprinlker system. The reason I say
it could be a major bug in the game is because the tiles make a bang on the
floor below when they land which if normally stepped onto might have killed
Gabe. I could be wrong but it looked really easy to get to the sprinkler system
and the way Gabe spoke to Teresa it seemed like it was gonna take him a while to
reach the system.
Turn around when you activate the sprinkler system and shoot the 2 suits that
run in after you. Head back up the ramp now and enter the room where you fell
through the floor and head left into the now unblocked doorway. As soon as you
enter here there is a big piece of wood above the one doorway on fire. When you
walk by it, it collapses so when you hear a bunch of noise don't panic you'll be
fine. This next part off to the left is another beam on fire and a sniper is
here. He runs after you from the left doorway but the beam lands on him and he
catches fire and dies. That was simple as pie you ddn't need to even kill this
Collect his ammo and Flak Jacket if needed and then head right at the end of
this hall. Another beam collapses to your left in a doorway so keep going until
you reach the end of this hall. Go left and then follow the hall around until
you see a doorway to your right and stop before going into it. Now there is a
suit in the middle of the room hiding behind what looks like a piano. Strafe
left little by little staying crouched until you have a clear headshot and shoot
him. As soon as you do keep your pants on cause another guy comes out from the
ceiling and is too chicken to show his face as he goes to the other side
shooting at the wall. Get up from here and do a dive to the other side and then
strafe right at the corner of the wall. He is figity too so use your aimer
button and wait for him for a minute. If he doesen't show his cowardly let go of
the aimer and then press it again when he pops his head in and get in a fast
headshot before he hides behind the wall again.
The damn thing wasn't a piano it was a table overturned so hop on the side of it
and then hop up the hole to the second floor. Once you get up here and walk up a
bit you'll reach another checkpoint. Head to the right wall and a Swat Team
member says " Sir send backup I have the terrorist cornered" 2 suits run in and
kill the swats and now run to the left side of the room your in now near the
hole in the floor. Crouch and aim at the doorway and a suit runs in so shoot him
with a headshot. Now hurry and run to the right hand wall cause another suit
with a grenade is over here so he will throw grenades. Watch his pattern and
when you got it down run on out into the open no crouching or nothing and shoot
this suit with the G18.
Head on out now and go up the hall a ways until you see a doorway to the left so
crouch and creep up to it and another table is turned sideways and a suit behind
it. Strafe right until you can get ina headshot and he's done. Stay very close
to the wall now and run past the doorway and dive if you feel the need and get
to the left corner of the left wall and hug it. A suit comes out of there so aim
out and right and he might dive out of the way so equip a G-18 and take him out
quickly and now go collect ammo. When going back out the room if you collected
ammo there is a suit that's very figity so when he runs out have your G-18
equipped and shoot him. Now go down and left and the next doorway to the right
is the second sniper. He's not too hard to kill just stay very close to the
right wall and keep in a standing position.
Starfe left and shoot like mad trying to aim for the head and this guy doesen't
stand a chance. Take his Flak Jacket now if you need to and objective is
complete and a checkpoint is found. Go into this room and jump out of the window
and you're near where those first 2 Swatties got killed. Now go up the road and
when you get to going back left run back to where you first entered the building
near the sloped concrete thing cause another Sniper wants you to fail your
mission. Hide down at the bottom near the entrance or doorway and get out your
trusty Sniper rifle. From there you can make a very easy headshot so please do
so. Starfe up right a small ways and look across the street at the billboard
and if you look left you'll see a suit up there. Stay crouched and shoot him
with body shots until he falls down.
Look straight ahead and on the street is another suit so strafe up right and
he's another jerky suit so line the gun up left when you can just barely see the
top of his head and shoot a warning shot at him and he stands up right away but
is still jerky. Aim left and keep it there and he will eventually pass by your
crosshairs and that's when you blast him. It's finally safe to come out now so
if you didn't get the flak jacket in the left corner earlier than nows your
chance if you need it. Now go to the other side of the street and enter the
small alley here. Crouch around the corner and walk keeping near the left wall.
Around the corner is a suit so keep strafing right little by little and you just
may get caught so get in the head shot quickly and collect ammo.
Now go through the broken gate and you'll see an old swingset to the left but no
suits here luckily. Walk a little further and Teresa radios to you that some
swats are trapped by some suits so another objective is added and a checkpoint.
Walk out of the old playground and head left into the opening and a swattie
tells you to throw your weapon down. As that occurs his vehicle is blown up and
he gets killed. A suit comes running out from the right doorway so hurry up and
blast him. Run out and dive and collect the suits armor if needed and then get
inside the section with the parking lot. Use target button on the roof suit and
kill him and then head out a small ways and get a quick headshot on the suit on
the right. Collect his ammo and Flak Jacket now if you choose to or need to.
Go back into the parking garage and now hug the left wall and strafe left little
by little until you can get a headshot on the suit on the left. Enter the
building now and go behind the counter and collect the suits ammo and flak
jacket if needed. Turn around now and take a left to the next room and this is a
suit free room. Go behind the desk on the left and back here is a box with G-18
ammo inside so take that and turn around and head to the court yard. Once out
here go around the corner and the lady officer needs help, helping her partner.
She is okay she doesen't say throw down your weapon or nothing like that.
Watch the cut-scene and a checkpoint is not found and now you have a daunting
task before you. Get in quick headshots on the right sniper and then use target
to barrage the left sniper. You will see a cut-scene of the girl covering you
while you make it in the building. A cut-scene ensues and the dumb bitch tries
shooting at Gabe after he just saved her life. The objective is complete a
checkpoint is met and a new objective takes it's place. Head up 2 sets of steps
now and take out the suit on the left. Head right now and when you get to the
end of the hall go into the doorway on the right and head to the back. This is
where the one sniper is at so be aware.
This is what I did and wow it worked well. Since the Suit is kneeling down press
target and hold and change to G-18 ammo and then strafe all at the same time and
when you round the corner start shooting and the sniper won't get off 1 single
shot. Hmm when you go to where the other sniper is right next door he's somehow
back alive even though you get in a headshot. The funny part is he's not even
holding his weapon. Go around the next part and on the right, just as you're
leaving this area another suit shows up. Run outta there and do a dive to avoid
his shots. Hug the left wall and do small strafes right until you have a perfect
headshot on him and then fire away. This prompts a cut-scene so watch it and
others and the level finally friggin ends. Save if you like.
New York, USA: Slums District
Objectives: 1. Eliminate Stevens 2. Escape In Helicopter With Teresa 3. Find
Sewage Drain Valve.
Mission Parameters: 1.Protect Teresa
Follow Teresa to the next room with 3 suits and kill them quickly. The best
method in this part is hold the target button down while shooting since the
suits aren't wearing any flak jackets. When you walk up to when Teresa says " OH
yeah agency training is really coming in handy now" Get ready with the H-11 you
just got and just shoot like a madman on a killing spree at the suits in this
area. When you make the left on the path turn left immediately when you round
the corner and take out this suit. Okay I'll admit this level is beyond being a
bitch cause there is tons a suits so heres what I've found to be the best
strategy. Hold down the target button that way you don't have to look for where
the suits are. Once you do that each time a suit dies let go of the target
button and press it again and it automatically zeroes in on the next suit to
For the first part where there is around 10 suits or so use the .45 and then
afterwards switch to the machine gun. Keep the target button method up and keep
following Teresa. If you can't find her or think you've lost her just look on
the radar thing, she'll be a blue flashing marker. Get to where she is in the
back room on the left and a cut-scene ensues and an objective is
added,Checkpoint. Turn around now and shoot suits coming at you and take your
first right but don't worry about killing all suits since they seem to magically
appear from all directions. I really have no clue why 989 made this damn level
so difficult cause it's getting me very pissed off.
When you take your first right collect ammo from the suits you killed before and
by this time your flak jacket is probably toast. Not 1 damn suit wearing a flak
jacket which adds to the frustration factor of this game. Also some more
checkpoints and saves would be a nice feature. I just don't and can't see the
fun in having to repeat myself killing the same suits and doing the same stupid
things 10 times because of difficulty. Turn around now after reaching this dead
and and crouch down and shoot the suit with a headshot behind you. Another damn
suit runs in from the left so hurry and kill this a hole off. Take a left asap
and keep running and just diving to avoid gunfire. Take another left and keep on
running till you reach a section to the left so go that way.
Enter here and be fast and take out the suit in the control room. Hide behind
the right wall and crouch. Aim your gun up and wait for the next suit to walk by
and get in a quick headshot. Get his Flak Jacket FINALLY and ammo and activate
the switch here and your objective is complete,checkpoint. Turn around now and
there is 2 suits with flak jackets behind you. You must get in headshots on both
and take the ammo and jackets. Leave this control room and when you get near the
exit hug the right wall. Look around the corner and get used to the suits patrol
pattern. Wait for him to have his back to you and then strafe out little by
little until you have the headshot and blast him. Creep out to the main path and
go up just a little bit until more green dots appear on the radar.
When they do run and hide behind the same wall which is the entry of the control
room. A suit on the other path runs in and is across from you so hurry and blast
him with a headshot. Another suit rushes in now on your side so strafe right and
get in a quick headshot before he begins shooting. Collect ammo from this guy
and others and then equip your HK-5 and be prepared to shoot like crazy at
bunches of suits. Go right and keep on the path and keep diving and shooting at
suits. Take another left and now go collect that flak jacket at the beginning of
the level. Run back out the way you entered and shoot 4 suits in this area. 1
across from you and 3 on the same path as you and then take a left when you get
to the end. Right away a suit runs up to you so shoot him and collect his ammo
and then immediately shoot another suit to your left on the other path.
Go to the other path now and shoot 2 suits up here and then turn around quickly
and shoot another suit. Turn back around and take your first right and shoot
like mad using the target button and diving when you must. Go to where Teresa
was just at and now you can fall down here without being killed in the sewage
and you'll reach another checkpoint. Climb up the concrete slab on the left and
blast the suit here. Press target button while running up here and shoot a suit
ahead. Let go when he's dead and press target again and shoot a suit on the left
path and then let go again and another suit on your path and blast him. Get
right beside the right wall now and stand there and hold target button until the
suit on the right across from you comes in and blast him.
Step back a bit from here and blast another suit that pops around the corner.
Make a right and crouch and walk right next to the right wall and look around
this other mini control room. 2 suits in here so strafe right until they are in
sight and get in 2 easy headshots. Go to the right most part of the controls now
and aim up and right while standing and don't worry the wall provides you with
cover for now. You just wait for the suit up there to turn his back and he'll
stay there for around 5 seconds which leaves you plenty of time to get in a
Get in a crouch now and head to the right side of this area where to the right
is a flak jacket but don't get it yet,checkpoint. Hop on the pipe extending over
and get to the middle and use your target button and shoot a suit just ahead and
then one below you and Teresa pops in and kills one guy WOWEE and tries taking
all the credit. Go back and get the Flak jacket now and you're full on armor
once again. Go now back across the pipe and go into the doorway and up the
stairs where Teresa killed 2 suits already. Keep heading up the steps till you
see Teresa crouched down behind a SWAT van.
Right away, like usual your being shot at so creep out and get a headshot on
this guy. WHen you get him aim right and now there is 2 guys here so shoot them
normally since they aren't wearing any Flak Jackets. Go to the left now after
killing these 3 suits and go up the ramps but stop at the left wall or you're
toast. Run out quickly and dive dive dive out of the oncoming vans way or you're
meat. Head left right away and make your way left once again and run back and
stay left near another black van and shoot the suit beside it quickly or Teresa
is dead. Once he is killed a small cut-scene ensues. This part is kinda bitchy
due to the timing needed. Equip a good machine gun with lots of ammo and then
run over to Teresa and she'll throw a smoke grenade into a doorway. Five suits
run out and get this, They each have M-79's equipped. The smoke will make them
incapicated for around 5 seconds so use target button and quickly with shooting
with a good machine gun take them all out.
It can be done it's just a metter of quickness. Another cut-scene with Teresa
ensues and you'll make another checkpoint. Enter the next room ahead and go up
the steps. Stay close to the right wall and use the strafe button going left
while crouched and shoot this guy any way ya like. Once up the next set of
stairs equip the M-79 and shoot up at the wall whe facing right and these suits
won't give you any problems. Crouch/walk up the steps now and aim right and
shoot the suit up here before he gives you trouble. Go up the next set of stairs
and equip a normal gun now and a suit stands at the bottom of the stairs. Shoot
him and then equip the M-79 again and aim at the left part of the wall and take
out 2 more suits just ahead.
Go up the stairs now and just use the M-79 on the next 2 sets of suits going up
the stairs. On the second set of Suits run back cause a suit with machine gun
runs after you and if you tried shooting him with the M-79 you'd take yourself
out too. Change to a machine gun now and strafe right when you get to him and
stay to the right wall. Strafe out till you get in a headshot and then go up the
stairs and another M-79 in in the box near the door marked roof. Head back down
the steps to where the doorway was and when you get out the doorway a little bit
shoot the van to the left with the M-79. A suit is hiding to the left of the van
so hug the left wall and get to where you can strafe right.
Shoot him with the headshot and collect his ammo. Now get out the M-79 and when
you turn right shoot the van ahead which make a sprinkler turn on above it. Go
to the center of the garage and hide behind the center slab and look up and
shoot the van on the right with the M-79. Change to machine gun ammo and strafe
right while staying crouched behind the slab and shoot the suit up here. Move
out a little more and shoot another suit that runs in from the right. Go up
towards the right ramp where the van is and turn around right away and kill the
suit behind you. Than a cut-scene with Teresa chasing Stevens ensues. This cut-
scene is hilarious especially when Gabe runs in.
As soon as you get the chance SHOOT STEVENS. Don't listen to his crapola speech
cause he's full of BS. Equip a weapon and shoot him. If you listen to what he
says he'll shoot you in the head and then you must restart from last checkpoint.
Watch the cut-scenes and now you learn that Chance is a bonified Traitor. Watch
cut-scenes and save since this ends the mission.
New York: Sykes Garage
Objectives: 1. Eliminate Chance
Mission Parameters: 1. Don't damage the Helicopter
Start this extremely hard misson by running out the doorway and dive dive dive
keep diving till you get to the front of the copter. Take a right and run over
towards the box on the right, just inside the helicopter and take a fresh flak
jacket if you need it. Now go to the middle part of the copter and dive
underneath it and on this other side is some UAS shotgun ammo. This handy little
weapon is all you'll need to take Chance to the cleaners. Dive back under the
copter where you got the Flak Jacket and once on the left side run down the ramp
to the left. Run all the way to the bottom and switch guns to the new UAS you
got. You have only 12 rounds so wait for Chance to stop his Grenade Cherade or
when he slows dwon from chucking them. When he seems like he's slowing down run
up the ramp and he should now be near the rear of the chopper near the rear
Get on his right side and start blasting him with this gun. This weapon doesen't
kill him but the recoil kicks him back so keep shooting him and eventually he
will end up getting chopped up by the copter blades. GAME OVER. Watch the cut-
scenes and save? Oh well,anyways you've completed the game so congratulate
yourself. The ending was pretty good and left room for a sequel. Too bad Teresa
had to die, she was so young.
16.Octombrie 2013
16.Octombrie 2013
engl. FAQ
10.Octombrie 2008
14.Octombrie 2013
11.Octombrie 2013
13.Octombrie 2013
17.Octombrie 2013
18.Octombrie 2013
16.Octombrie 2013
12.Octombrie 2013
16.Octombrie 2013
18.Octombrie 2013
16.Octombrie 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und +2 Trainer für die Europäische italienische PAL Version.
16.Octombrie 2013
engl. Cheats
14.Octombrie 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die US NTSC Version.
17.Octombrie 2013
engl. Cheats
10.Octombrie 2008
10.Octombrie 2008