Begin the game as Commander Jameson and save immediately. With your
Hex editor open the file JAMESON.CDR and find the Hex sequence:
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 E8 03 00 00
and replace all of them with 2E.
Load the game and you have 77000000 credits to play with and some
rather awesome equipment at your disposal. German
Gleich nach Spielstart speichert man ab, und wandelt in der
Spielstanddatei die "100.0" Credits in "10000.0" Credits um. Übrigens:
Mit [Strg]+[Alt]+[W] kann man angeblich in eine 9.Galaxie kommen.
Um das Geld zu erhöhen, trage in den Spielständen (*.CDR) an Offset 113
FF FF ein.