The Legend of Dragoon

The Legend of Dragoon

13.10.2013 16:34:13

By, DragonMageNeo
Copywrite, 2000

-whats new-
-A Quick Plug-
-Monster/item list-
-Contact info-
-Thank yous-

If you Paid for this faq, you just got ripped off. This Faq is intended for free use
and Distrbution on the If you wish to use my faq e-mail me at and ask.

Well comeing to terms with the fact that one no longer has a life is a hard thing to do.
So in order to coop I decided to take on the tireless act of documenting all the Items droped
by the Baddies In Legend of Dragoon. Keep in mind that this list is Far from finished. All
info in this faq is belived to be accurate and near complete. If you find any thing a miss or
have other items to list that I have missed I will leave contact information at the bottom of
this faq. Thank you and I hope that all my efforts have made some ones life complete.

:::Whats New:::
v2.0 I have just added a bunch of new items and a few new monsters. Again I have fixed
a couple of spelling mistakes. Please if you guys find item i dont have on here please e-mail
me with it. I need all the help i can get, this is taking to much of my free time.

v1.1 I have fixed a few type-o's. I have also added a few more items. Other than that
not to much new. Notice the Note I added at the start of the Item list. I have also added a
few plugs.
v1.0 Well this is the first version of this faq so every thing is new. All I can say
about the makeing of this faq is, never again. You would not belive how long it took for me
to get some of the monsters to drop an item. As you can see I am still trying to get some of
them to do so. I can really use your help with this.

:::A Quick PLug:::
Ok this has nothing to do with LOD, but i am gonna say it ne wayz. I was turned onto a
new "Money making" game about 2 weeks ago. CASH WARS! The object in to drill for oil, use
the oil as cash to buy weapons, fortafications, stealth and what not, then you turn around
and steal money from other bases. You lose nothing (well no real money ne wayz). I haven't
got ne cash from it but it is fun to play and passes the time on those long down loads. Give
it a try. If you do please use me ,Dragonmageneo, as you referance. And then Join the "Wild
chat Crew" MDN. you'll understand when you start playing.

My second plug is for my Girlfriends web site. She is an up and coming photographer,
she deals with band porfolieos, weddings, and potriates, and just about any thing else you can
think of. If you are interested got to You will not be
able to beat her prices, and unlike me she can spell.

My third and final plug is for the hardess hitting local band I have ever heard. they
local to the south-east part of WisconSIN.They are RICTUS GRIN. If you like your music hard,
fast, and able to make your ears bleed check them out at
The only thing you have to loose is your hearing.

:::On with the Show:::
I am adding locations only to Rare and hard to find Enemys. If you are looking for
battle tips, secrets to the game or any thing thats NOT related to monsters and the items they
drop, take a look at Desmonds faqs. (R)=Hard to find or Rare monsters and (*)=An Item that is
worth trying to get at that point in the game. ******NOTE***** PIGGIES DO LEAVE SACHETS.
KNOW. Also the bosses do not always drop their items, so I know I have missed a couple of
those. If you dont get any thing you can only reset your playstation and try again.

||||||| |||||||||||| ||||||||
/*/Monster\*\ /*/Item Dropped\*\ /*/Location\*\
||||||| |||||||||||| ||||||||

00 parts(R) Spirit Potion Between Lohan and Kazas
Aqua King Angel's Prayer
Arcangel ---------
Arrow Shooter Bemusing Bow(*)
Assassin Cock Healing Potion
Baby Dragon Mind Purifier
Bar Sock Mouse Healing Potion
Baslisk depetrifier
Beastie Dragon Total Vanishing
Belzac Golden Stone(*)
Berserker Energy Girldle(*)
Blue Bird(R) --------- Between Home of Gigantos and Vally of
Corrupted Gravity
Bowling Attack Ball
Bursting Ball ----------
Cactus Recovery Ball
Canbria Dayfly Body Purifier
Caterpillar Moon Serenade
Claire ---------
Cleone ---------
Commander 1 Burn out
Commander 2 Attack Ball
Crafty Thief Pellet
Crescent Bee Body Purifier
Crocodile Pellet
Crystal Golem Sapphire Pin
Cursed Jar(R) Night Raid
Cute Cat
Damia Blue Sea Stone(*)
Dark Elf Depetrifier
Dark Doel ---------
Deadly Spider Body Purifier
Death Angel's Prayer
Death Purger Total Vanishing
Death Rose ----------
Divine Ball Dragon Sheild
Divine Cannon Gravitiy Grabber
Divine Dragon Flash Hall
Divine Dragon Spirit Flash Hall
Dragon fly Angel's Prayer
Dragon Soldier Knight Sheild
Dragoon Dole ----------
Drake Bandits Shoes/Bandits Ring
Erupting Chick Mind Purifier
Emperor Doel ----------
Evil Spider Angel's Prayer
Fairy Sun Rhapsody
Feyrbrand Down Burst/Plate Mail
Feyrbrand Spirit Down Burst
Fire Spirit Spirit Cloak(*)
Flying Rat Angel's Prayer
Forest Runner Recovery Ball
Fowl Fighter Mind Purifier
Freeze Knight Fatal Blizzard
Frilled Lizard Healing Potion
Fruegel1 Knight Shield
Fruegel2 Gravity Grabber
Gangster Diamond Claw(*)
Gargoyle Dark Mist
Gehrich Soul Headband
Ghost Knight ---------
Ghost Commander Night Raid
Glare Mind Purifier
Gnome Healing Potion
Grand Jewel Spectral Flash
Greham Jade Dragon Spirit
Guftas ----------
Guillatine Healing Breeze
Happy Troll
Harpy Panic Bell
Hell Hound
Hellena Warden Healing Potion
Human Hunter
Hyper Skeleton
Icicle ball Spirit Potion
Imago Healing Rain
Indora Indora's Ax(*)
Jelly Healing Fog
Jiango Sachet
Kamuy Darkness Stone(*)
Kanzas Violet Stone
Killer Bird Panic Bell
Kongol 1 Power Wrist
Kongol 2 -----------
Land Stalker Spear Frost
Last Kraken Pretty Hammer
Lenus1 ---------
Lenus2 ---------
Light Sword ---------
Living Statue
Lizard Man Beast Fang
Lloyd --------
Loner Knight Soul Eater(*)
Lucky Jar Moon Serenade
Madman Body Purifier
Magician Bogey ---------
Magician Faust Phantom Sheild(*) Get all 50 stardust
Magma Fish Healing Potion
Mammoth Stunning Hammer
Man eating Bud(R) Plate Mail Dragons Nest, in the last room before boss
Mandrake Sun Rhapsody
Mantis Pellet
Mappi1 Total Vanishing
Mappi2 ---------
Maximum Volt Flash Hall
Mega Sea Dragon Gushing Magma
Melbu Frahma ---------
Mermaid Spirit Potion
Merman Spear
Metal Fang Beast Fang
Michael ---------
Mole Angel's Prayer
Moss Dresser Healing Fog
Mountain Ape
Mr. Bone Bastard Sword
Myconids Body Purifier
Orc Dark Mist
Piggy Sachet(*) yes this is right so dont e-mail me about it

(see the note at top)
Piton Red-Eyed Stone
Plague Rat Body Purifier
Polter Armor-Armor Smoke Ball(*)
Polter Armor-Helmet ---------
Polter Armor-Sword Soul Eater(*)
Pot Belly
Professor Sage Cloak(*)
Psyche Droid
Puck Dancers Ring(*)
Pupa Sun Rhapsody
Rainbow Bird(R) Rainbow Dress Any Where While on the Queen Fury on disk 4
Red Bird(R) Pheonix Plume Between The Evergreen Forest and Denningrad
Red Hot
Regole Frozen Jet
Regole Spirit Frozen Jet
Roc Down Burst
Rocky Turtle Guard Badge
Rodriguez -------------
Run Fast Body Purifier
Salamander Sun Rhapsody
Sandora Elite Healing Breeze
Sandora Solder1 Healing Potion
Sandora Solder2 Sun Rhapsody
Sand Worm Spirit Potion
Scissor Hands Meteor Fall
Scorpion Posin Needle
Screaming Bat Healing Potion
Screw Shell Healing Potion
Scud Shark Body Purifier
Sea Dragon Burn Out
Sea Piranha Spear Frost
Senior Warden Healing Potion
Shadow Blade ---------
Shirley Silver Stone
Skeleton Broad Sword
Sky Chaser
Slime Posin Guard
Snow Cannon ---------
Spider Urchin Posin Needle
Spiky Beetle Attack Ball
Spinning Head Mind Purifier
Spring Hitter Healing Fog
Stern Fish Frozen Jet
Stinger Body Purifier
Strong Man Fake Power Wrist
Succubus Platinum Collar
Super Virage Arm1 ---------
Super Virage Body1 Healing Rain
Super Virage Head1 ---------
Swift Dragon Burning Wave
Syuveil Jade Stone(*)
Terminator Total Vanishing
Toad Stool Body Purifier
Trap Plant
Treasure Jar(R) Ruby Ring
Tricky Bat Mind Purifier
Ugly Ballon
Undead Mind Purifier
Urobolus Wargods Amulet
Vampire Kiwi Healing Potion
Virage Arm1 Mind Purifier
Virage Body1 Healing Potion
Virage Head1 Healing Potion
Virage Arm2 ---------
Virage Body2 ---------
Virage Head2 Moon Serenade
White Ape Healing Potion
WildMan Gigantos Ring
Will-O-Wisp Spirit Potion
Windigo Brass Knuckle
Wire ---------
Windy Weasel Rave Twister
Wounded Bear
Wyvern Down Burst
Yellow Bird(R) Elude Cloak
Zackwell Healing Rain
Zieg Feld ---------

------CONTACT INFO-------

If you want to contact me, to report on other items I missed, monsters I missed, My
wounderful Spelling, or to tell me how great of a guy I am, my E-mail is

------THANK YOUS-------

My Very Spelcial Thanks go to,
Desmond for the use of his monster list, making some of the best facts on the web, and
being surportive on the LOD message Board. Also I would like to thank him for the Items that
are dropped by The Loner Knights and all The birds as well as 00 parts.
Mountian Dew for caffine needed to stay focused on the task at hand.
Miller for the alchohal needed to become unfocused on the task at hand.
Sony for Making a Game that is not Crap.
Prima for absolutely nothing.
I would also like to thank some one who I only know as Sister from the "LOD" Message
board for the items that Crystal Golem, Puck, Wildman, and many others left. She also donated
a bunch more, but out of disoraganizaton, I seem to of lost them. But thank you once again.
A thank you also goes out to Belzac from the LOD board for his info on the Stern fish.
It seems I can not thank Sister enouph for helping me. When ever I least expect it she
helps me out.

Oh, Btw did I mention CopyWrite 2000 DragonMageNeo

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