Gran Turismo 2

Gran Turismo 2

17.10.2013 18:05:09
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G R A N T U R I S M O 2
by Polyphony for the Sony Playstation
Gran Turismo 2 License Guide V1.40
Last Updated: (4/19/00)


Unpublished work Copyright 2000 CNICK (

This FAQ is for private and personal use only. Feel free to distribute between
others, but this FAQ is not to be used for profitable/promotional purposes;
this includes being used by publishers of magazines, guides, books, etc. or
being incorporated into magazines, etc. in ANY way. Newest versions of this
FAQ can be found at:

I am no longer going to give permission to sites to put this FAQ up on their
sites. The above sites, are the only ones allowed now. Why you ask? Too many
sites won¹t have the most updated version of this guide, and I will get emails
about things I¹ve already added. IF YOU FIND ANY WEBSITE NOT POSTED OF ABOVE

When this guide is finished, I may decide to allow people to put it up on
their webpage, but for now, this is exclusive to only GameFAQs and my own
website. The only site permitted to ask for permission to put my FAQs and
GUIDES onto their webpage is

Gran Turismo 2 (c) 1999 Polyphony and SCEI


- C O N T E N T S -

1. Revision History
2. Introduction
3. Basics
4. License Tests
- B
- A
- IC
- IB
- IA
- Super
5. Cars earned
6. Gameshark Codes
- Regular
- V1.1
7. Extra Notes
8. Frequently Asked Questions
9. Credits
10. Authors Note


Version 0.1 (1/19/00) 10:48pm PST
Got through B1-B7...yay! Sort of a beta version to see if
this will work. Lets hope! Hopefully I will get gold on the
rest of B by tomorrow. Anyway, if you want to contribute,
e-mail me at Send in anything that
is related to the license tests. Tips for anything, even on
the tests I already have done. The more, the better!

Version 0.2 (2/20/00) 9:14pm PST
Through IC-5. I got to IC-7 but I am too lazy. I will
get those when I finish IC. Anyway, lots of new stuff,
especially on the harder ones like A-4, and IC-4. Ill
probably look over everything to make sure its pretty
accurate next version.

Version 0.3 (2/22/00) 12:30pm PST
Just sort of looked over the FAQ, made sure there was no
spelling errors, and added a new section to explain what
License tests you should do, and not to do.

Version 0.4 (2/24/00) 12:22pm PST
Heh, watching Letterman as I type. Added the basics
section, as well as some more License Tests I just got.
YAY! 3 more until that 3000GT! I switched the lay out a
bit more. Also, look for a lot more in the next few
versions, the next one will most likely have all of IB done.
I got some tips from a friend, so I wont have them done
myself, but he is like a god at this game. LOL!

Version 0.5 (2/26/00) 8:25pm PST
Took out what I got for each test. Realized it was
useless, and has nothing to do with this Guide. Went crazy
on Friday and got through IB. IA you are next. Not sure on
Super. The car is almost exactly the same as the one you
buy, and a guide on doing a full lap seems too hard. Maybe
Ill just put in tips for the harder turns, and tests. Like
Super-7, ugh, Laguna Seca with a Viper Oreca. IA coming by
Monday. Hmm, that is if I can get this version posted on

Version 0.6 (2/27/00) 7:25pm PST
Got posted (finally). I was so happy I went straight to
get IA done. Mission accomplished. Finally the FTO LM is
mine. Muhahahahahaha. I think that is it. Excuse me as I
drive my FTO LM.

Version 0.7 (2/27/00) 8:21pm PST
2 versions in one day? I decided, just before I hit send,
to do some more work. And considering I¹m running out of
things to do, I decided to create Version 0.7 (I got to get
to at least 1.0). I added a hyphen line (I guess that is
what you call it) to separate the tests. It should be
easier to find the exact one you need now. Also went
through the whole document to check spelling and spacing.
Also, I put this section in the contents and is now section
1, with the intro. being section 2. For those of you are
interested, I had 23 spelling mistakes, and one grammar.
Next version will hopefully consist of a Super Test Guide,
just on the tough turns. Maybe through the first 4. Also,
added a credits section.

Version 0.8 (2/28/00) 3:02pm PST
Ack, last 2 versions were not posted. Before this post,
I would write on word, and copy it to a macintosh program,
simpletext. Its the equilivant of a notepad. Problem
was that it had a 30k limit. After I tried this bogus
program that made the file 88k (Don¹t ask me why). Anyway,
I found something thats just like it that can hold more.
Nothing new from 0.7, other then a few minor changes. Did
some work on the Basics section. I hopefully will get
the super tips added in on tuesday.

Version 1.00 (2/28/00) 9:04pm pst
Decided that alot of work was done, so heres version 1.00!
Added the super section. Isn¹t much of a section because
its too difficult to add strategies for a whole lap. Anyone
who has gold through IA can nail them easy. FAQ is almost
done, an email wanting more direction is appreciated. I can
always do more maps. By the way, added gameshark codes. I
had a little problem with it, go down to section 6 for more

Version 1.01 (2/29/00) 4:15pm PST
Just correct some spelling, and grammar errors. Probably
the last version unless I get some contributions like other
tips, or even a comment on saying I need to elaberate more
on a test. Added v1.1 Gameshark Codes. Also, I¹m just
about to build up a webpage. Nothing spectacular, just
a front page, and a page with my FAQs. It will help to see
how many people actually read it, I suppose.

Version 1.1 (3/1/00) 3:05pm PST
Happy March. Got some tips from Gervais Leclerc. A huge
hint of Super-1 (Tahiti). Its so big you can make a crappy
run, and still get gold. Also, added a new section, Extra
Notes. Scroll down to learn more.

Version 1.2 (3/5/00) 9:53pm PST
Last update of the FAQ, unless I get contributions from
people. Minor things corrected, like the FAQ set up, and
I changed the authors note somewhat. Added a F.A.Q section.

Version 1.3 (3/15/00) 4:04pm PST
Minor changes made. Re-did the top of the FAQ, looks a bit
cleaner. I also slightly change some of the license strats.
Nothing major though.

Version 1.31 (3/19/00) 12:25am PST
Minor changes again. Actually its just to make my FAQs all
look the same. Thats about it, and this is also the LAST
version of this FAQ. Yes, you heard me correctly, my first
FAQ ever published is complete. (ok, you got me I lied. I¹ll
probably get another contribution in a week, but for now on,
I won¹t be updating the FAQ with my own information, as I
basically did everything possible).

Version 1.32 (3/22/00) 9:30pm PST
Cosmetic Changes. Just want each on my FAQs to look the same.
Notice: Although it does say Last Version, you can still
contribute strategies for license. Last Version just means
I won¹t be finding and adding more information down. By
the way, another low 50k FAQ...dang it. I want to add more
to this, but I can¹t think of something. SEND IN CONTRIBUTONS!

Version 1.35 (3/26/00) 12:44am PST
Check it out! I spent the last 4 hours trying to find how to
get some real ASCII art and boo yah! Also, took out the last
version thing. I¹ve had that since V1.31 and Ive updated it
twice since that, so I¹ll keep this FAQ open.

Version 1.35a (3/29/00) 6:14pm PST
Disclaimer problem. Fixed it. Later

Version 1.40 (4/19/00) 11:39 pm PST
Fixed disclaimer, switched lay-out to current setting. Maybe added a few
things, but nothing too important.


You are here for one very special reason. You are
probably struggling with the license tests to get gold!
Getting bronze was nothing, you want the 3000GT LM or the
FTO LM! But, like most people, youre getting sick of
silvers. This guide offers tips to complete gold. This
will help you out. The tips displayed is what I used for
guidelines. Dont expect to get gold on your 1st try after
you read this. I suggest you play through some of the game
first, since most of the harder tests occur in real tracks.
The more practice equals better results. Have fun with these!


Before you start going off getting these golds, I suggest
you make sure you know the basics of doing these. Not
knowing them will end with total frustration and no golds
past A.

Use the DEMONSTRATION!!! I cant emphasize this enough. Use
the square and circle buttons to get the correct view you
want. I suggest getting the view you use when you regularly

So the DEMO at least 3 times. Make sure you do it BEFORE
you done the test. It gives you exactly what you need to
do, and you dont want some nasty habits learned from
previous attempts.

*Note* Heh, frustrated on one test? Ill also have to admit
that when Polyphony did these demos, they were probably the
first and only time they did it. Some of them consist of
some of the most amazing turns and acceleration that no
one can learn and do. All LUCK! Sadly, these tests end
up being mostly luck, especially when you get down to
missing gold by .005. But looking at these demos will give
you a good idea on what to do, and thats a whole lot better
then guessing.

Read Brett ³Nemesis² Franklin¹s or JCulbert¹s Guide. Both
are extremely good, and will teach you basically all the
skills need to do these tests (acceleration, braking, etc).

Feathering the gas means you tap the gas button. You get a
small effect to what braking does, but you dont lose speed.
An example for feathering is the IC-6 test, on the final
turn. To take it faster, you dont have to slow down as
much and you still turn without crashing.

Getting gold requires lots of experience with this game.
You must know how to brake, reasonably well. And making
solid turns without losing speed. I may end up adding a
small drivers guide to help you out there, but Im not much
of a expert there.

Cutting the apex is something I made up. Its hard to
decribe, it so this crappy picture below should help.

| /-------------
| /
| M/--------------
| /|
| | |
| | |
| X| |

X-Beginning of car path
M-The apex (Don¹t know what an apex is? Then quit playing).


Yes these are evil. Bronze is easier to get, but who bought
GT2 only to give up on some great cars? This will help!

=B License=

Simple stuff. Very basic, and It shouldn¹t take you more
then a 2 hours.

B - 1
Toyota Vitz F 99
FF 67 hp Required for Gold: 38.650

Fairly simple but one of the tougher ones. There is little
room for error. Use automatic and cruise straight up. This
takes awhile...and is very annoying. My best tip, and what
I used is to break just before 35 seconds, so around 34.8-
34.9. You may not get gold on you first try, but theres
not much else someone can say.

B - 2
Fiat Coupe
FF 211 hp Required for Gold: 29.270

Same as B-1. Break hard just before 25 seconds. May take a
few tries... adjust after each run.

B - 3
Skyline GT-R V-Spec (R34)
4WD 323 hp Required for gold: 26.8??

Again, same as the 2 before this. This is rather tough
though. I needed to use MT, instead of AT. Didnt get
enough speed with auto. Anyway, using MT, break at around
22.5(this is tough). Adjust after each race.

B - 4
Nissan March G# 97
FF 75hp Required for gold:

Extremely easy, just takes a little patience. I suggest you
take the first-person view, as you can stay on the red/white
border edge easier. Do get gold, you must stay on there.
In 1st person, it shouldnt be too tough. 1st lap consists
of small right turns, but as you gain speed, you will have
to hold right harder as you turn. Took me 5 tried...fairly

B - 5
Impreza VRX STi VerV 99
4WD 283 hp Required for Gold:

Longer circle, 80 meters this time. Same strategy though.
Stay on the red/white border and your OK. Since the car is
faster, you will have to let go of the gas sometimes.
Letting go of the gas will allow you to turn back in, while
using the gas will lead you out. Although the track is a
circle, there is 4 main turns where you will have to left
off the gas. I did this on my first try, learned a lot from
my experience in B-4. I dont believe it should be much

B - 6
Mazda Demio G1-X 99 My time: 24.637
FF 96 hp Required for Gold:

At first glance, this is tough, but in reality its fairly
simple. NO BRAKING! Use it and forget about getting gold.
Follow the yellow line down the hill until you reach the
turn. Turn BEFORE you the yellow line does. IF done
correctly, you should turn right against the inside of the
turn and back on the outside of the last stretch of the
test. If youre having problems turning, turn at around the
10 seconds mark. Make sure, you turn from the outside, to
the inside, and back to the outside.

B - 7
Integra Type R (Japan Model)
FF 194 hp Required for Gold: 20.750

Whew, toughest one yet. Same track as B6 with a faster car.
The key in this test is to follow the YELLOW line. Speed
down following the line and as you begin to turn, brake, so
that you are in the turn. Accelerate off, following the
line and you should get gold. This is very tough because
you dont want to hit the red/white part on the inside. It
slows you down just long enough so that you will get 20.8s.
Try turning in at the 8 seconds mark if youre having

B - 8
Integra Type R (Japan Model)
FF 194 hp Required for Gold: 23.310

God, I didnt think it could get much harder. Best advice
is dont turn youre car like you did in the previous test.
It may be the and car, but that right turn is much
different. Follow the yellow line, break and turn at about
81 mph. You should slow down to only 63 or 64. Unlike
previous attempts where you just used the line as a small
guide, FOLLOW it exactly. Like I said, its much different
then B-7 or B-6. As always, make sure you get straight

B - 9
Ford Cougar
FF 172 hp Required for Gold: 23.550

Ack, Cougars! Follow the yellow line, turn in at 63 mph.
Dont follow the yellow line and no breaking! On this next
turn, get as far left as you can (without slowing down), let
go of the gas for a seconds and turn. You will be going to
slow if you understeer or oversteer. Follow the yellow line
through the finish. Not too tough.

B - 1 0
Ford Cougar
FF 172 hp Required for Gold: 20.300

Did it on my first try. Only difference is that you have a
6 mph launch time. Its STILL, the same exact turns. Follow
the yellow line, and brake in at about 77 mph. You should
always be on the yellow line. After this first turn, you
should lose enough speed to take the 2nd turn without
letting go of the gas. Shouldn¹t cause you too much trouble.

=A License=
The A tests arent too difficult (except A-4). I warn you
on A-4, god have mercy on your soul.

A - 1
Skyline GT-R Vspec (R32)
4WD 295 hp Required for Gold: 18.800

Yay, another braking test. Break at 14 seconds. Btw, in
the demo, the computer still accelerates as it breaks.
Anyone know if that would affect your braking distance?

A - 2
Subaru Legacy B4 RSX 98
4WD 285 hp Required for Gold: 21.100

I couldnt figure out really what to do, so I just followed
the demo. Stay on the right, turn in at 15, break at 16.5
(ya I know). Hold onto the brake for the rest of the time.
Turn in, and once you begin to turn off the track, turn
back right. You should end up sideways on the finish area.
Thought this one was going to be tough, but I got it within
10 tries.

A - 3
Integra Type R(Japan Model)
FF 194 hp Required for Gold: 19.200

The Integra returns! Follow the line, and brake in a little
after 5. Slow to 66, and stay inside. Tough turn to brake
on, but if you brake late, you will know it because you will
be laying in the dirt. Tough, but this is a piece of cake
to the next one.

A - 4
Toyota Altezza RS200 98
FR 202 hp Required for Gold: 19.300

Yikes! Brake at 100, or right after 5 seconds. Slow down
to 63 or so and the rest is just like A-3. But braking is
the key and this become the toughest test you have reached
(so far..heh heh heh).

A - 5
Integra Type R(Japan Model)
FF 194 hp Required for Gold: 12.600

Did it on my first try! Brake in at 4 seconds, nailing the
apex with the front of you car, and never slowing down past
75. You should end up on the right side of the last part of
the test, probably touching the red/white markers. Very
easy! Relief after A-4.

A - 6
Toyota Altezza RS200 98
FR 202 hp Required for Gold: 12.500

Whew, barely made it. Same test as A-5, and once again
brake in at 4 seconds. Make sure youre at the right side
of the road when you turn. You should end up doing the
exact same thing as A-5.

A - 7
3000GT Turbo MR
4WD 302 hp Required for Gold: 24.600

A S-turn test. Stay on the left side of the road, and brake
and 107. Turn in and drive to the right side of the
road to take the 2nd turn. No braking necessary. Let go of
the gas and turn in, accelerate once youre in the turn,
right before the apex.

A - 8
Toyota Supra RZ 97
FR 325 hp Required for Gold: 24.000

Exact same test from A-7. From the left side of the road,
brake at 110, and slow turn in. Accelerate once youre in
the turn well enough (shouldnt go below 65 mph.) The 2nd
turn can be done exactly like you did in A-7.

A - 9
3000GT Turbo MR
4WD 302 hp Required for Gold: 14.100

Oh, man, tough tough tough. Nice car though. Brake from the
right side of the road at 103, and accelerate thought the
apex. The key to the next part is that you need to be slow
enough not to fish-tail into the 2nd turn. Hopefully you
have enough traction that you can remain on the left side of
the road, where you can take the 2nd turn no problem,
without braking (cut through the apex). If youre fish-
tailing it, screw it. You wont get it that way.

A - 1 0
Toyota Supra RZ 97
FR 325 hp Required for Gold: 13.700

Same test as A-9. Use same braking path. Brake at 4
seconds, and everything else is exactly the same. The key
again to getting gold is that small area between the turns.

=IC License=

This is where they get tough. If you thought A was tough,
you have no clue what to expect. And it only gets harder.

IC - 1
Mazda MX-5 Miata 1.8 RS
FR 141 hp Required for Gold: 16.050

Took me 2 tries. Follow the yellow line, but turn in a
little before it does. Break at 4.5 seconds (not when you
first turn in). Accelerate through the apex and you should
end up almost driving off course. But the momentum should
bring you into perfect position to accelerate to the finish.

IC - 2
Nissan Silvia Spec R Aero
FR 244 hp Required for Gold: 15.450

Ack, same test as IC-1 but so much harder. The little
sentence sums it up - ³Easy to enter but hard to exit.²
Follow the yellow line and turn in at 4 seconds. Brake a
little past 4.5 seconds and slow to 60 mph. Straighten out
quick and finish. That sounds so much easier then what it
really is. But follow those guidelines and you should
eventually be successful.

IC - 3
Camaro Z28 Coupe 97
FR 285 hp Required for Gold: 20.200

Fairly easy to complete. Stay on the right side (Another
tip: make sure you hit the red/white markers, then begin
youre turn. It helped me a bunch). After hitting the
red/white border, turn left and brake at 7.5 roughly. Slow
to 65, cross the apex. Set yourself up to the right and
take the next turn by letting go of the gas. Accelerate
right after you pass the apex. This is easy, but have fun
with IC-4. If youre still having trouble, use those
red/white markers as guides on where you need to be.

IC - 4
Camaro Z28 Coupe 97
FR 285 hp Required for Gold: 20.200

Those walls seem to make the road a couple of feet smaller.
Very tough, but you gotta do the exact same thing as in IC-
3, its just you cant get too close or you will nail the
wall. Not much more I can say, but you will end up nailing
that first one inside the 1st turn a couple of times. Also,
the 2nd turn comes quick, so make sure youre not
celebrating on doing the 1st one good.

IC - 5
Toyota Supra RZ 97
FR 325 hp Required for Gold: 11.400

Easy. (As always, stay on the opposite side of the
direction youre turning)Let go of the gas when you get 110
and turn in, cutting the apex. Do exactly the same on the
2nd turn. You should almost fly off course towards the end.
You should have it done within a couple of tries.

IC - 6
Toyota Supra RZ 97
FR 325 hp Required for Gold: 22.500

Same thing as above, just a little longer. Look above if
you have a problem with that. After you take the 2nd turn,
stay on the left side, and brake as you reach the turn.
Slow to around 85 mph, and you should be able to accelerate
out with no problem, and getting gold. If youre having
some trouble getting around, feather the gas a little.

IC - 7
Toyota Celica SS-II 99
FF 182 hp Required for Gold: 15.100

Start by moving on the right, then left. Dont let go of
the acceleration as you make the right turn, so you have
ample time on the sharp 180 turn at the end. Notice the
left turn sign on the right side of the road? Brake from
there (You should be positioned on the right side of the
road). Brake to about 50, and speed out. Tough, but
the next one is much tougher.

IC - 8
Honda S2000
FR 241 hp Required for Gold: 14.600

Ack, this is amazingly tough. Do the exact as you did with
IC-7, only when you take the right turn, let go of the gas
before you turn (I know this is hard to do, but the demos
way seems to be the only one so far.) Again, brake at the
same spot, and to 50 mph.

IC - 9
Alfa 156 2.5 V6 24V
FF 195 hp Required for Gold: 20.150

Oh, boy. Nice car though. Its one of those picky tests
again. Start out by position left and turning into the right
turn. You want to be outside so that you can keep youre
speed above 100 mph. Going any slower and forget about it.
Remember, tap while you turn right to save speed. Brake at
the first gray spot on the right wall. Notice is blue,
gray, blue, and so on? Brake when you hit the gray, and turn
in. Speed is key here. Slower then 75 is a no no. Instead
of making a sharp turn here, do youre best to tap left
instead of a normal turn. You can gain speed as you turn
that way. Very tough test.

IC - 1 0
Corvette Gran Sport 96
FR 333 hp Required for Gold: 22.500

The first right turn is simple. And no, you cant do it
without braking. You should slow down too much. The next
right, and the 2 lefts can be taken without braking. The
2nd left should make you go on 2 wheels if you nail the
red/white borders. The final turn is a pain. Brake slowly
to around 50 mph, turn in, feather the gas, anything to turn
the car. Its a pain, but wasnt too tough after I went
through it.

=IB License=
Yes! Rally Races! Easy golds. Too bad theres only 2.

IB - 1
[R]Impreza Rally Car 99
4WD 476 hp Required for Gold: 27.100

Not much I can say. Just do whatever. You should make gold
on youre first or 2nd try. Dont follow the demo, and you
will make gold. Watch out for the hills though.
Straighten the car up when you hit them.

IB - 2
[R]Lancer EvoV Rally Car 99
4WD 428 hp Required for Gold: 19.250

Again, nothing hard. Rally tests are the easiest ones in
the game. Nothing much to say. 8 more to go. Try to hit
every single wall though. =)

IB - 3
Mitsubishi FTO GPX 97
FF 192 hp Required for Gold: 25.500

First turn is rather simple. If you dont know how to take
it, why are you even going for gold? Dont go below 65 mph
though. Feather the gas on the 2nd turn. No problem.
Sure doesnt feel like a FF car though. I spinned out on
a couple of occasions.

IB - 4
MR 284 hp Required for Gold: 24.300

Almost exactly the same thing as IB-3. On the 2nd turn,
brake before you turn as a MR car accelerates faster and
feathering wont work. Not too difficult. Gets harder

IB - 5
Mustang SVT Cobra 98
FR 302 hp Required for Gold: 17.900

Ack, toughie. Turn in at 116 mph, and brake. You should
slide right into perfect position to brake in and
accelerate out of the 2nd turn. Like how the game says -
"Start braking while you still feel the lateral G-Force of
the first turn. The key is to brake from the inside of the
first turn toward the outside of the second turn." Couldnt
have said it better myself.

IB - 6
Peugeot 106 1.6 Rally
FF 99 hp Required for Gold: 19.700

Hmmm, I have no clue how I got gold. For both slalom. Heh,
anyone have a tip? Just make sure you make small turns and
let go of acceleration when you turn. I basically followed
the demo, so brake when you first enter. Not much I can

IB - 7
Skyline GT-R Vsp.(R33) 97
4WD 309 hp Required for Gold: 19.750

OK, first off, the demo made a miracle turn on the 1st one.
Try to cut the apex, without losing too much speed. Before
you recover from the 1st turn, you should be braking in and
make sure you feather the gas while turning. This is a
Skyline, not no FTO LM. Extremely tough.

IB - 8
Honda S2000
FR 241 hp Required for Gold: 18.650

Same thing as IB-6, only youre going much faster. Same
rules apply. Dont brake.. The slaloms are further apart to
deal with the faster speeds.

IB - 9
Mazda RX-7 Type RS 98
FF 192 hp Required for Gold: 23.800

Red Rock Valley, at the end. You should be familiar with
it. The small S turn can be taken without braking and is no
problem. The sharp left turn. Brake in at around where the
red/white border begins on the left side of the road. Slow
to around 75 mph, and feather the gas as you make the turn.
Its a tough to turn to make it across all the way.

IB - 10
Viper GTS
FR 463 hp Required for Gold: 23.200

Not fun. You should notice by now that theres a small bump
just before the corkscrew. You need to brake before this!
If you dont youre flying into the wall for a nice looking
fail. Slow down, and move straight down the corkscrew,
cutting the corners (but make sure youre still on the road
so you dont fail). On the left turn you make, let go for
acceleration for a second, and turn in. I love that turn.
You have no problem making it. Very slow turning.


=IA License=

IA consists of some tough tests, along with 3 rally courses.
Although they are easy golds, the other 7 will get you
frustrated. Surprisingly, this was the easiest of the
international licenses (for me).

IA - 1
Viper GTS
FR 463 hp Required for Gold: 31.900

You have done something similar to this back in the B tests.
Same rules apply. The circle really consists of 4 hard
turns, and you want to stop accelerating on those turns.
Always stay on the red/white marker. You are almost always
turning in this. If you go past the white line in the
middle, forget about getting gold.

IA - 2
TVR Griffith 500
FR 338 hp Required for Gold: 23.900

A picky one. Speed down the hill, brake and turn in half
way into the red/white markers on the left. The turn should
send you straight up, on the right side of the road. This
next blind turn is a toughie. As soon as you reach the
red/white markers on the right, brake and turn in slowly.
The turn you get should allow you to accelerate as you reach
the apex. Speed is key in this one. Taking the first turn
correctly is the hardest thing to do in this test.

IA - 3
MR 284 hp Required for Gold: 30.000

This one involves almost no braking. This turn requires
early braking, as the speed you gain is too much to take it.
Stay on the right side of the road, and brake at 10 seconds.
Turn into the apex, and feather the gas. This requires a
lot of work, and its just the beginning. The next 3 turns
can be taken by feathering the gas. Still, they aren¹t a
walk in the park. They key to all 4, is to feather the gas,
and cut the apex:

1st turn:
| X/------------
| X/
| F |
| F |

X- Path of car.
F- Where you want to feather the gas

OK, its a little crappy, but this is the toughest turn to
do, because you can lose a lot of speed. Basically you want
to feather first, then turn. You gain momentum turning
easier. The path after the turn is to set up for the next
left turn. Same thing with that turn. The 2nd right can be
tough if you don¹t cut the apex sharply. If you don¹t, you
will fly across into the grass. Have fun with it. =)

IA - 4
[R]Ford Escort Rally Car
4WD 460 hp Required for Gold: 27.800

Rally test. All right! No skill involved. Just do whatever.
Again, looking at the demo is bad!

IA - 5
[R]Escudo Pikes Peak Version
4WD 981 hp Required for Gold: 27.000

Ok, another pretty easy one. But remember, this is the
Escudo. Power, sheer power. When taking most of these
turns, you are going 150 mph, so brake early on these sharp
turns. Again, its rally so you have a lot of room for

IA - 6
Peugeot 306 S16
FF 306 hp Required for Gold: 39.600

Same turns as IA-5. Only you are going about 100 mph
slower. Nothing like IA-5, extremely easy. I can¹t say
much more, but again, lots of room for error, but don¹t run
into every wall.

IA - 7
[R]Alfa 155 Touring Car
4WD 544 hp Required for Gold: 16.300

Nice car, tough test. You did the same test in IC-9, its
just a faster car. Its another picky one. Brake at the
point as you did in IC-8 (I hate to say the same thing so
scroll up). The car is faster so feather the gas as you
make that long turn to the finish. The DEMO is exactly what
you want to do. Its not too hard, but you got to do
everything right.

IA - 8
Jaguar XJ220 GT Race Car
MR 541 hp Required for Gold: 22.900

Consists of the last part of Midfield Race Way. The long U-
turn and be taken by feather the gas. Unlike in IC-7 and
IC-8, the small right turn should not be taken without
braking. Brake when you take it, and the rest is the exact
same as IC-7 and IC-8. Same braking point, but you may want
to make a sharper turn.

IA - 9
[R]Nissan R390 GT1 98
MR 663 hp Required for Gold: 19.900

Same test as in IC-10, except faster car. Should brake a
little early before the corkscrew and do the exact same
thing. Speed is key here. Take the corkscrew as fast as
possible, and feather the gas on that long left turn to the
finish. Brake at about 150 mph to do it. Again not too
tough, but a lot of practice is needed to precisely go down
the corkscrew.

IA - 10
[R]Toyota GT-ONE 98
MR 672 hp Required for Gold: 17.750

Love this car. Your turns should be similar to what you
previously have done on IA-2. Same braking point on the
right turn, as well as on the left turn. The key on this
one is to turn this monster of a car. Brake to around 85
mph, turn in, feather the gas. You should just barely make
the turn. Straighten up on grab the final gold.

=Super License=

You must do 1 full lap, and use everything you learned in B-IA
to get GOLD. The rally ones are easy, Laguna Seca is just

The courses: The cars:

Tahiti Road [R]Rover Mini 1275S Mark 1
Seattle Circuit Full Course Ford GT40
Smokey Mountain North Course [R]Impreza Rally Car 99
Midfield Raceway [R]Pennzoil Nismo GT-R GT 99
Grindelwald Lotus Europa
Rome Circuit Full Course Peugeot 406 Sedan
Laguna Seca Raceway [R]Viper GTS-R Team Oreca
Tahiti Maze [R]Lancer EvoVI Rally Car 99
Rome-Night [R]Alda 155 Touring Car
Apricot Hill Speedway [R]Toyota GT-ONE 99

I can¹t say much, but basically, play through the game before
you try and attempt these. Know them well, and nothing should
surprise you. Considering they are a full lap, GOLD comes
pretty quick, but I also had 34% of the game done when I tried
it. If people want tips on these, I suppose a later update
may include some tips on how to do the tougher turns. By the
way, the GT-ONE you use on test 10 is the car you win.

Tahiti Road Strategy
(By Gervais Leclerc)

Here's a trick to get gold on Special License 1 (requirement
1:13.000 on my version). Do as the demo, until the end of
the third section where there is a long right curve which
requires hard braking at its exit. But it's much quicker if
you take the curve full gas while sliding along the left wall.
Approach the curve with you left wheels in the grass and hit
the wall as late as possible. You can exit the curve at 85
mph instead of 65 for the demo. This way I have gained 1.7
second over the demo time only in the third section! If you
carry your speed over the fourth section you end up nearly 2
seconds faster than the demo and get an effortless gold.
First time I got gold I was having a lousy run, trailing the
demo by 1.5 seconds at the second split time, but I ended up
with a better time than the demo. With the above tactic my best
time is 1:11.647. Without it I got 1:13.468, I guess I could
get the gold in a regular way with a little more practice. But
who cares? Gold is gold.

Note: Thanks again Gervais, and good luck with Rome City Night!
I barely made it, myself, but barely making it on the US version
doesn¹t live up to European Gold. Still, if you ever get tired,
buy the GT-ONE 98, its almost the exact same car you get for all
golds on Super.


I would go after B, and IA first. They have really nice
cars, while the IC and Super do have good cars, they arent
exactly necessary and you cant use them in much races.

B - Spoon S2000: A great car! A must have at the beginning
of the game. You can save yourself a lot of trouble and
money by getting this first. You can almost go through the
nationals without tuning, and use the money for a 2nd great
car. I suggest you grab this first, before doing any of the

A - Concept Car: OK car. Its fast if you can upgrade it,
but it only gets up to 350 HP, and It may end up wasting
your time. Although, if you upgrade this only, you can race
the MR Race 3 and grab the GT40 Race Car, which is one of
the best cars in the game (You need some luck not getting
the GT40 in the race though, took me 3 tries)

IC - 3000GT LM: Nice powerful car. Not the same as it was
in GT1, but a very mad car. Great for the power races, so
guess what? You dont need to use the Escudo! I havent
found much time to use it.

IB - Del Sol LM: Has some more HP then in GT1. Great
car, very good overall. But it doesnt really have a chance
with the FTO LM, Cerbera LM, and Concept Car LM. Still,
I havent had much time to play with it.

IA - FTO LM: Beautiful car. Has great acceleration and
handling, and can almost beat any car head to head (Other
then the Escudo, but the Escudo just isnt a car). A
must have for anyone serious in this game.

Super - GT-One LM 99: A slightly better version of the
awesome GT-One you can buy for 1 million credits. I
havent found much reason to get this other then its LM
status, because the one you buy is almost the same. Still,
a great car.


OK, here they are, for you cheaters. There were 2 versions
on, Regular and V1.1. I don¹t use codes, so
I have no idea what they mean. Anyone want to help? For
now, I¹ll have both on.

=Regular Codes=

Gold Licenses B


Gold Licenses A

Gold Licenses I-C

Gold Licenses I-B


Gold Licenses I-A

Gold Super License

=V1.1 Codes=

Gold Licenses B

Gold Licenses A

Gold Licenses I-C

Gold Licenses I-B

Gold Licenses I-A

Gold Super License


Okay, this section just has some extra interesting things
about the GT2 License tests. Thanks for Gervais Leclerc,
for this info!

For example on IB-1 and IB-2 you get gold with 27.1
and 19.25 respectively. For the European Version, required
times are 26.4 and 18.55. Ouch! I suppose those Rally tests
aren¹t easy anymore. =). Lucky us. Most times are different,
but A-4 requires a .5 faster time. Though I must say, this
European Version sounds like a hardcore drivers dream.

Also, in his email, he stated that you can get 100%, instead
of 98.2%. Very cool. That almost wants me to go import it
right now.


Q: I can¹t do IC-4. What do I do?
A: Read the strategy for IC-4 =) And keep trying

Q: How long did it take you to get all gold?
A: Roughly 2 and a half months, but I really started
going for them around 2/20/00, so about 2 weeks.

Q: Screw this, I¹m using a gameshark.
A: Not really a question, but go ahead. This required
a lot of patience and I think my controller died from
so many bangings on the wall.

Q: Whats the hardest test?
A: hmmm, Super-7, Laguna Seca with the Viper Oreca. Ugh,
this was harder then hell. It took me 2 hours to get
it, and it was just on this test. IC-4 and A-4 were
also bitches, and the 2 slaloms were extremely tough.

Q: Whats the hardest/easiest license?
A: IC or IB. Easiest was probably B, or A.

Q: Where do I get-?
A: Stop before you ask. This is a license guide. Nothing
more. Check out the other FAQs to find out where you
get a certain car. You won¹t find it here, unless its
a car you get from getting all gold from licenses.


JCulbert - For his wonderful guide that got me interested in
GT, and I also based my disclaimer on his (His is great and
says exactly what mine did, only better).

CJAYC - For hosting this =) - For the Codes (duh!)

Gervais Leclerc - Tip on Tahiti Road for Super License. And
also brought up some interesting things with the European Game.

VFauransy - I saw how he set up the beginning of his FAQs and
loved the set up, so I took his and modified it a little.


Thanks to all who contributed so far. Feel free to submit
you¹re own strategy. Most likely, it will be added on. Also,
critique the ones posted, find out if theres a problem,
and the solution. All compliments, suggestions, tips, and
money donations (just kidding) can be sent to

For some self-appreciation [and boasting =)] heres a list of my FAQs:
about 340k; 11 FAQs

PC and Macintosh:
Diablo Multiplayer Guide
Brood War Multiplayer Guide

Sony Playstation:
Gran Turismo 2 License Guide
Mark Henry Move List
Acolytes Move List
Chyna Move List
Steve Blackman Move list

Nintendo 64:
Hydro Thunder FAQ

Super Nintendo:
Soul Blazer walkthrough
Top Gear FAQ
Top Gear 2 FAQ

I¹ve gotten some weird I decided to add this:

Emails I will read:
- Anything to do with the License test in GT2
- Contributions
- Compliments
- Strategies

Emails that I will throw away:
- Threats
- Idiotic Messages
- Mail asking for this Guide to be put on their site.
- Questions on regular GT gameplay.

-End of FAQ-

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