Harvest Moon: Back to Nature

Harvest Moon: Back to Nature

16.10.2013 09:52:02



Title: Full Harvest Moon FAQ
Author: DeadlySin
Last Update: 2/23/02
Version: 5.0
Current Size: 91KB
E-mail: TheEvilInside@hotmail.com


This walkthru is intended _ONLY_ for the American version of this game, please
do not e-mail about details in this walkthru if you have an imported version
of the game or if you need help on Harvest Moon 64

But if you have corrections or concerns for THIS walkthru, that's a completely
different story! Send them to TheEvilInside@hotmail.com

BUT, when you e-mail me, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE in the subject line write what it
is your writing about. If your writing about a "Question", "Comment",
"Complaint", "Suggestion"...etc then state that in your subject line. It makes
things SO much easier when it comes to e-mailing people back!

Thank you!
I've wrote this walkthru to help anybody that has problems or questions about
HM:BTN so enjoy.


[V 2.0]2/19/01--Built the FAQ, made some little adjustments after send in.
[V 2.4]2/20/01--Added the Festival Section and Updates Section.
[V 2.8]2/20/01--Added Walkthru and Updated tools list.
[V 3.2]2/21/01--Added 7 More Sections, Adjusted Size and Content
[V 3.4]2/24/01--Fixed/Adjusted Content of the Site to fit most web browsers.
[V 3.6]2/25/01--Added Intro To Gameshark Codes, And Gameshark Codes Section.
[V 3.8]2/26/01--Added FAQ Announcments Section, Updated.
[V 4.0]2/27/01--Announcments Update, Credits Update.
[V 4.2]3/09/01--Updated the Recipie Section.
[V 4.4]4/13/01--Created Brand New Gameshark Codes and Digits! NEVER FOUND
[V 4.6]6/16/01--Updated Some info, Controls, Raising Chickens, Gameshark
[V 4.8]8/5/01--Updated Nothing, Added No new content...I NEED SUGGESTIONS PEOPLE!
[v 5.0]2/23/02--YES IM STILL ALIVE!!! WOO HOOO!!!!!

FAQ Announcments:
2/23/02--ITS ALIVE...
Well im bringing some life back into this walkthru, it's been idle for the last
year or so i do believe, and now that i've got time on my hands...i've decided
that i would bring it back just for YOU *smiles a totally fake smile*. BUT THE
THING IS...I NEED SOME DAMN IDEAS!!!!! Everybody, now listen...if i've ever said
FULL CREDIT WILL BE GIVEN!! I really want to add to this walkthru, but im looking
and my brain is just about going numb from all of the words here. SO START EMAILING

8/5/01--Here we go again...
Blah...total feeling right now. I really dont have much to say, just needed to
add an email address

Goldwolf1@hotmail.com (This email address should be used whenever you want to get
help on imported versions of Harvest Moon: Back to Nature or Harvest Moon 64)

That's about all i've updated...although i have ALMOST enough suggestions to make
another _useful_ update to this faq. So if you wanna see some new material. Start
sending your suggestions in to me!

6/16/01--My god...it's been awhile...
I bet everybody thought i stopped updating my walkthru eh? Yea, for the most
part i did...had finals all this week. And for the last few months haven't had
"time" really for it, if anybody understands what having "free" time is...good
for you!! I'm happy for you! Actually i'm happy for myself right now because i
actually have free time. And i've also got a few updates for you as well! I've
gotten enough e-mails to make a FULL update so i'm gunna. Here's version 4.6
finally. Oh, and Also...for all those people out there that had a chance to
check out my OLD Harvest Moon: Back to Nature website...thank you. I have
completely remodeled it and if you would, i'd like everybody to give it a look
again. Tell me what you think about it!!theevilinside@hotmail.com (SUBJECT

4/16/01--A New Start
Well I had this inspiration to make another website today. But of course...the
Resident Evil Series has been done to death. SO...I decided to do one on my
next fav game...Harvest Moon. I personally love this game, and since i wrote
this walkthru on it...why not take all this info and make it into a website
format eh? Well i'm doing it, and I will be doing it for quite some time, check
it out if you have a chance alright?
http://www.angelfire.com/home/harvestmoon/index.html (That's my site)

4/13/01--Out of the Dust...
Well today I made a big breakthrough. I've been trying to crack some gameshark
codes for Harvest Moon: Back to Nature for a while...and today I did it! I've
made BRAND NEW CODES that cmgsccc.com and gameshark.com haven't discovered yet.
Some of these being codes that let you SPECIFY THE EXACT heart level you want
your girl to be at. No more taking the fun away by just placing them at the red
level. Now you can actually choose which level heart you want them to be. I
also found TONS MORE digits that give you things like eggs, milk, wool,
mayonaise, CHEESE, as well as being able to edit their size and quality!!!
Wouldn't it be nice to just start a new game and start selling GOLD MILK, YARN,
or even CHEESE right away, Without even needing livestock?? Or how about
getting PASTA?? Haven't you always wanted to take it home from the SeaSide
Lodge and put it in the fridge? Your in luck, virtually everything you want can
be found in my list of Digits in the Gameshark Section of this walkthru. Oh
well, i'm going to continue to hack codes for HMBTN so check back often! I'm
extremely excited if you can't tell...haha..

Well today was just one of those days I guess. I was parked in a space at Lowes
today...so I could pick up some paintbrushes to paint the wall. I buy the
brushes...come out...get in my car. I pull out, and totally knicked the Chevy
Pickup parked next to me because I was looking behind me. Ford ZX2 rubbed RIGHT
AGAINST the Bumber of this Pickup. Ohhhhh, I was pissed. Hmm? Oh well...it's

3/09/01--Oh boy...
Been awhile since I updated my FAQ. Sorry bout that, I've been super busy with
Homework and stuff. Kinda takes all the fun away from having a FAQ when you
can't work on it you know? Anyways, version 4.2 is here and here it shall
stay...until I figure out what else is wrong with it and needs to be updated.

3/1/01--Final Fantasy Tactics FAQ Up and Running...
I've finally got my FFT FAQ working. It's in HTML so it's not like regular FAQ
formating, check it out if your interested in Final Fantasy Tactics. My FAQ
covers Gameshark codes for it, in great detail, so if you want to know how to
make yourself a Special Class Job, Take a look.

2/27/01--Finally Over...
Well I spent the last few days studying for my 100 question exam I had in Class
today. I guess all my note-taking and studying paid off since I passed with a
96%...Yep...I'm feeling great now. Since my classes are over with for now, at
least 3 months...I wont have to go from 3-9 anymore meaning I can spend more
time working on my FAQ's. When I get my next FAQ up and running, I'll be sure
to announce it here. It's going to be on Final Fantasy Tactics, another one of
my favorite games. It goes into much detail about the way to use the gameshark
codes in it, fun fun. I like writing faq's though, when I have extra time that
is...Oh, by the way. Thanks to everybody who's reading this walkthru and
e-mailing me.

2/29/01--Secretary of State...
Well today, I had to go to the Secretary of State's office to get my license,
finally...But anyways, I can continue to update my FAQ on a daily basis...BUT I
need to know what else I should put in it! People, E-mail me and tell me what
you think I should put in it! But remember to put in the Subject line
"Suggestion". Thanks!

Today I had school from 7:20am-2:13pm...not a big deal, an everyday thing. But
AFTERWARDS, I had Another Class from 3-9pm, Im in a horrible mood right now,
I'm going to talk to my g/f, check my e-mail, and go to sleep. So please do not
e-mail me about things already explained in the FAQ today, because chances are,
I probably won't respond to them. Thank you...
:::Table of Contents:::

1) What Do You Want Out of Life??
2) Controlling _YOU_
3) Back to the Basics
4) Characters
5) Love at First...Hmmm??
6) Mineral Village
7) Items...Items everywhere
8) Guide to Cooking-1a/1b
9) Gardening Made simple-1a/1b
10) Tools/Upgrades
11) Home is Where the Heart is...
12) Raising Animals On The Farm
13) What's the Weather Like Outside?
14) Lets Enjoy The Festivals!
15) *Step by Step Walkthru*
16) Making the Most Out of Your Day
17) Power Berries
18) Introduction to Gameshark Codes
20) Legal Stuff
21) Credits
1) What do you want out of life??

Can you explain that to yourself? Everything in this Evil world we live in, out
of everything bad in it, there's always a little good. Do you know what you
want to pull out of that little bit of goodness? Whatever, who cares, in
Harvest Moon: Back to Nature, you live a new life. Basically the same points
are made, in order to succeed you'll need to put forth hard work, and many
hours of it. And with that hard work come rewards...look forward to these...as
there isn't many.

2) Controlling _YOU_

If your new to playing BTN then you'll need to know the basic operations to
move your character around. I'll explain which buttons do which...

Square Button- This button allows you to use the Tool your currently holding

Triangle Button- This button shows the items in your rucksack, and also shows
info about an item when pressed in the Rucksack view mode.

Circle Button- This button allows you to run, short and simple.

X Button- This button allow you to pick up items, and as well as give items to
other people. It also lets you talk or confirm something.

L1- Calls your Dog
L2- Calls your Horse
(L1 and L2 in town will call the attention of fast-moving villagers)
*Last submitted by Katie Sears*

R1- Changes the Tool currently held in your hands
R2- Pulls/Puts items into your rucksack

Start- Pauses the game
Select- Bring up the Map Screen

If you understand which buttons do what, it'll help make your farming
experience much more enjoyable.

3) Back to the Basics

If you've played any Harvest Moon Game before, you know what it's all about.
You have 3 years to raise your farm, Find the girl/s of your dreams, and raise
a family. If you can get it all done in 3 years...hmm, not bad. In the first
Harvest Moon on SNES, you have 3 1/2 years to get it all together before your
dad came back to see how you've done. Since then, Natsume's done away with the
only 3 1/2 year thing, and allowed you to play as long as you like after you
completed the objectives set. So we're going Back to the Basics in _Back to
Nature_, Harvest Moon Style.

In Harvest Moon: Back to Nature, your young man with a dream and a goal. Your
goal, to raise the broken farm your grandpa has left for you while gaining the
respect and trust of the townspeople. Your dream...to find the girl you've
played with so long ago...could it just have been a dream?

4) Characters

In the world of Back To Nature, you have plenty of things to do, and that
includes making friends with the townspeople. After all, without
friends...where would you be right now?
Duke: Manna's husband, he owns the AJA Winery, his wife helps him make wine.

Manna: Duke's Wife, she works at the AJA Winery, she often goes to the town
center to socialize with the other women. Talk to her if you want to buy wine.

Saibara: The owner of the Blacksmith, he's the one to talk to when you want a
tool upgraded.

Gray: He works at the Blacksmith, He's Saibara's Grandson (Rival if you like

Basil: Anna's husband, he's studies plants and has also written many books that
are at the library in town. (Take some time to read those books--HINT HINT)

Anna: Basil's wife, she often goes to the town square to socialize with the
other women in town.

Ellen: Lives with Stu and Elli, as both of them are her grandchildren.

Stu: Lives with Elli and her Grandma, He's a little troublemaker.

Doctor: He works at the Clinic and isn't the nicest guy in town, take some time
to get to know him. (Rival if you like Elli)

Doug: Ann's father, he owns and runs the Inn, he's a great cook, and he has a
phone to make those all-important calls.

Carter: The Priest of the Church, you'll see him in the church and outwalking
about sometimes.

Cliff: He lives at the Inn and goes to church fairly often(Rival if you like

Thomas: The Mayor of Mineral Village, Kano the Photographer lives with him at
his house.

Harris: He's the only police officer of Mineral Village.

Kano: He lives at the Mayors house and is a Photographer.

Zack: He's the Shipping guy, he'll pick-up your goods as well as deliver the
things you order off the Shopping Channel on TV.

Barley: He runs and owns the Yodel Ranch. His Grandaughter lives with him.

May: Little girl who lives at the Yodel Ranch, is Barley's Grandaugher.

Jeff: The Owner of the Supermarket, And is also Karen's father.

Sasha: Jeff(The Supermarket Owner)'s Wife.

Greg: He's a fisherman, you can find him at the beach early in the
morning...around 7 A.M.

Lilia: She owns and runs the Poultry farm.

Rick: Popuri's brother, he hates Kai, so if your not on Kai's goodside, make it
a point to befriend Rick. (Rival if you like Karen)

Won: Strange merchant that sells things like seeds and other no-need items.
You can find him at the inn around 1 P.M. or so.

Kai: Works at the Seaside Beach Resort, alot of people don't like him, but you
can befriend him if you like. (Rival if you like Popuri)

Louis: He lives with Gotz, He likes honey, Oh he's looking for a special Bee
too...(HINT HINT)

Gotz: The Woodcutter, his house is located near the Mountains...he's the one to
talk to when you need your house extended.
(Most of the Sprites have their own favorite things to do, but i've noticed
that ALL of them like flour!)

Chef: The Red Sprite.

Nappy: The Orange sprite.

Hoggy: The Yellow Sprite.

Timid: The Green Sprite.

Staid: The Blue Sprite.

Bold: The Purple Sprite.

Aqua: As his name implies, he's the Aqua colored Sprite.


5) Love at First...hmmm??

Yes, again Natsume has done it. They've given us plenty of Girls to choose from
to be our Lawfully wedded bride/s. I'll list them once I explain the Heart
Level System...it's important.

Black- Not close at all

Purple- Somewhat friends

Blue- Decent Friends

Green- She's Interested in you

Yellow- She's really getting flirty with you.

Orange- She's Dating you.

Red- Simple enough, she's in Love with you.

Okay, enough of that, on to the girls...

She lives with her Grandma and her brother Stu, She also works at the Clinic.
She's almost always at the clinic, Don't bother looking for her anywhere else
unless the clinic is closed. She is easily warmed up, Her Birthday is 16th of
Spring. (Your Rival for her is the Doctor)

(Where to find her)
Everyday Except Wednesday 9AM-7PM: At the Clinic
Wednesday 9:30AM to 1PM: Ellen's House
Wednesday 1:30PM to 4PM: Supermarket
Wednesday 4:30PM to 7PM: Ellen's House


She is probably the easiest one you can get to love you, mostly because she
likes things that are easy to find, and also every time you talk to her you get
points, raising your heart rating. Her Birthday is on the 3rd of Summer. (Your
Rival for her is Kai)

(Where to find her)

Monday thru Saturday 7:30AM-10:00AM: At the Hot Spring.
Monday thru Saturday 10:00AM-6:00PM: At the Poultry farm.
Sunday 9:30AM-1PM: At The Church.
Sunday 1:30PM-4 PM: At the Townsquare.
(During the Summer)
Sunday 8:30AM-10:00 AM: At the Beach.



Again, Ann's back, as nice as ever. Still a tom-boy too, no matter. If your
looking to make her your wife, cook for her. Try your recipies, show her your
animals...and you can't go wrong. Knowing her Birthday wouldn't hurt
either...its the 17th of Summer. (Your Rival for her is Cliff)

(Where to find her)
Most days around 7:30AM-10:00AM (On Nice Days): At the Hot Spring
Most days around 11AM-1PM: Upstairs in the Inn
Most days around 1PM-4PM: Around the Dining area of the Inn
Most days around 8PM-10PM: Around the Dining area of the Inn
(Don't ask what she does for those missing 4 hours of the day, I haven't the
slightest idea. I can't figure it out, she's not anywhere during that time.)


She works at the library, to impress her show her unusual things, like bugs and
poisonous mushrooms. Give her things that you wouldn't normally think
somebody'd like. Her Birthday is on the 20th of Winter. (Your rival for her is
Gray, no thanks...he can keep her.)

(Where to find her)
Tuesday thru Sunday 8AM-10AM: She's in her house (The house is locked up tight
this early.)
Tuesday thru Sunday 10AM-4PM: In the Library
Tuesday thru Sunday 4PM-6PM: Library (It's locked up tight though)


Karen is ALOT nicer in Back To Nature than she was in the 64 version of the
game, and easier to raise heart levels as well. BUT she'll warm up to you alot
faster if you give her wine. If you really want to raise those levels, try
cooking her one of your favorite dishes, she loves wine and food, wine more
though. Her Birthday is the 15th of Autumn (Your Rival for her is Rick)

(Where to find her)
Everyday 8AM-10AM: Outside of the Supermarket
Everyday 10AM-1PM: Inside the Supermarket
Everyday 1:30PM-6PM: Inside the Supermarket
(She'll leave at one to go somewhere, but she usually gets back at about 1:30PM
or so)
Almost Any Nice Day 7PM-10PM: At the Beach
I hope i've cleared any problems up! But if you found an error, or
what-not...just email me at TheEvilInside@hotmail.com

6) Mineral Village

The town has many different places to explore, and I'll list them all here with
their descriptions.

Mother's Hill: (Always Open) The hot sprigns, a hidden cave and mine are all on
Mother's Hill, the highest point for miles!!

Blacksmith: (Open 10AM-4PM, Except Thursdays) Upgrade your tools and buy new
machines and other helpful gadgests at Saibara's Blacksmith shop.

Library: (Open Mary works long and hard at the Library. You'll learn many
things about the village here.

AJA Winery: (Open 9AM-12PM, Except Saturdays) Here is where you can buy all of
your needs of wine, just walk in and talk to Manna, she'll give you whatever
you need!

Supermarket: (Open 9AM-5PM, Except Tuesdays and Sundays) You can buy seed,
rucksacks and cooking essentials here. This is usually where you'll find Karen
helpin her parents during the afternoon store hours.

Clinic: (Open 9AM-4PM, Except Wednesdays) If you work yourself to a state of
utter exhaustion or you feel sick, the CLinic is the place to go. Elli helps
the doctor by running the reception desk in the main foyer.

Church: (Open 9AM-8PM) Paster Carter works at the Church. Cliff spends a lot of
time here, thinking about his furture and his past. If you're lucky, you might
even get married her someday...

Inn: (Open 8AM-9PM) This is where you can go to get some rest from everyday
life, you an also buy a homecooked meal or just hang out. They even have a
phone to use to call to order things off of the Home Shopping Channel.

Mineral Beach: (Always Open) Karen, Greg, Zack, and Kai love to hang out at
Mineral Beach. You can catch fish off the pier or swim here on the first day of

Yodel Ranch: (Open 9AM-3PM, Except Mondays) If you need to buy a cow or a
sheep, see Barley at the YOdel Ranch. You can also buy feed and sheep at the
Yodel Ranch.

Poultry Farm: (12PM-4PM, Except Sundays) Popuri, Rick and Lillia work and live
here, which is where you need to go if you want to buy of sell your chickens.
You can also buy extra chicken feed here.

Woodcutter's House: (Open 9AM-Usually 4PM) Gotz the woodcutter is a legendary
craftsman and has the skills you need to remodel your farm, if you show up with
the proper amount of lumber and money.

Townsquare: (Always Open) This is where all of the towns major events usually
take place, almost all the events here at held at 10AM so make sure to have it
in your schedule somewhere!

I think i've hit almost every major place in Mineral Village. If you have
anything to add e-mail me, TheEvilInside@hotmail.com
7) Items...Items Everywhere

As you already know, there is an EXTENSIVE list of items to be found in Harvest
Moon Back to Nature, but my goal for this Walkthru is to cover every aspect
that is known about it. So part of that is the Items list...

Items From Blacksmith:

The Axe, Hammer, Hoe, Sickle, and Watering Can, can be upgraded from
Regular-Mystile here.
[Copper Upgrade = 1000 + Copper Ore + 100% Leveled up Tool]
[Silver Upgrade = 2000 + Silve Ore + 200% Leveled up Tool]
[Gold Upgrade = 3000 + Gold Ore + 300% Leveled up Tool]
[Mystrile Upgrade = 5000 + Mystrile Ore + 400% Leveled up Tool]
[Brush = 800]
[Clippers = 1800]
[Milker = 2000]
[Any Jewelry = 1000 + Orichale Ore]
[Mayonnaise Maker = 20000 + Adamantite Ore]
[Cheese Maker = 20000 + Adamantite Ore]
[Yarn Maker = 20000 + Adamantite Ore]

Items From Supermarket:

{Cooking Ingredients}
[Flour = 50]
[Oil = 50]
[Curry Powder = 50]
[Rice Balls = 100]
[Bread = 100]

{Regular Items}

*Spring Seeds Only*
[Cucumber Seeds = 200]
[Potato Seeds = 150]
[Turnip Seeds = 120]

*Summer Seeds Only*
[Onion Seeds = 150]
[Tomato Seeds = 200]
[Corn Seeds = 300]

*Fall Seeds Only*
[Eggplant Seeds = 120]
[Carrot Seeds = 300]
[Sweet Potato Seeds = 300]

[Fish Food = 20 a piece]
[Rucksack Medium = 3000]
[Rucksack Large = 5000]
[Basket = 5000] (Hold 38 Items, Very Handy in the Mine!)

Items from Aja Winery:

[Grape Juice = 200]
[Wine = 300]

Items from Clinic:

[Exam = 10]
[Bodigizer = 500]
[Bodigizer XL = 1000]
[TurboJolt = 1000]
[TurboJolt Xl = 2000]

Items From Poultry Farm:

[Medicine = 1000]
[Feed = 10 a piece]
[Chicken = 1500]

Items From Yodel Ranch:

[Feed = 20 a piece]
[Bell = 500]
[Medicine = 1000]
[Cow Potion = 3000]
[Sheep Potion = 3000]
[Cow = 6000]
[Sheep = 4000]

Items From the Inn:

[Telephone Call = 10]
[Cookie = 200]
[Cheesecake = 250]
[Salad = 300]
[Apple Pie = 300]
[Full Meal = 500]

{Items From Won at the Inn}
[Cabbage Seeds = 500]
[Strawberry Seeds = 120]
[Moon Drop Flower Seeds = 500]
[Toy Flower Seeds = 400]
[Pineapple Seeds = 1000]
[Pumpkin Seeds = 500]
[Pink Cat Mint Seeds = 300]
[Green Pepper Seeds= 200]
[Spinach = 150]

Items From Animals, What they sell For:
[Small Milk = 100]
[Medium Milk = 150]
[Large Milk = 200]
[Gold Milk = 300]
[Small Wool = 100]
[Medium Wool = 400]
[Large Wool = 500]
[Gold Wool = 600]
[Egg = 50]
[Gold Egg = 150]
8) Guide to Cooking: 1a

One of the most fun and interesting parts of Back To Nature, spending time in
the kitchen!!

If the Harvest Moon series is nothing new to you, then you know that cooking is
a new feature. In Harvest Moon 64, you could have a kitchen, but you couldn't
cook. You could have recipies, but couldn't use them for anything...(Ugh). But
now, you can! A great feature might I add...

I have a few things to say about the kitchen, I'll clear most of them up that
way i don't have a ton of e-mail about it.

1) The kitchen does NOT come with the house, It will cost you about $4700 plus
about 370 pieces of lumber...start saving up for it. Oh, and you can't get this
option UNTIL you upgrade your Chicken Coup first. The Chicken Coup costs $5000
and 420 pieces of lumber. Oh isn't cooking expensive nowadays??
(TIP--Save early: it's possible to have your kitchen in time for the Cooking
festival in Spring your first year if you save early and don't buy uneeded

2)You'll notice when you try to make things such as a pie, you can't just add
the ingredients to it and away-you-go. You'll need to buy tools for the kitchen
such as a knife, and a rolling pin. These items can _only_ be purchased off of
the TV on Saturdays, as this is the only day the Shopping Channel is on.

3) Once you watch the Shopping Channel on Saturday, and you see the product you
want, _INSTANTLY_ go to the Inn and walk over to the phone. Each call will cost
10 (I know, I know, it's not much at all, but just make sure you have it cause
you'll feel really stupid when you get there and realize you don't have enough
to make the phone call!!) After you order your product on the phone, you'll
recieve it in 3 days. Zack the Shipping guy will deliver it to you on a
Tuesday, how fortunate...just in time for the Cooking Hour!

Okay, now that I have that out of the way, I'll move on to the recipies. (Feel
Free to distribute these or put them on your site because you can find them
just about anywhere on the net.)
8) Guide to Cooking: 1b

| Name | Ingredients | Equipment |
Seasonings |
|Butter |Milk |Mixer |N/A
|Ketchup |Tomato/Onion |Mixer
|Salt/Sug/Vin |
|Grape Jam |Grapes |Pot |Sugar
|Apple Jam |Apples |Pot |Sugar
|Cookies |Flour/butter/Egg |Rollin Pin/Oven |Sugar
|Greens |Any Veggetable |Pot |Soy Sauce
|Hot Milk |Milk |Pot |N/A
|Fruit Juice |Lots of Fruit |Mixer |Sugar
|Grilled Fish |Medium/Large Fish |Frying Pan |N/A
|Pickled Turnips |Turnips |Knife |Vinegar
|Pickles |Cucumber |N/A |Vinegar/Salt
|Sashimi |Meduim/Large Fish |Knife |N/A
|Sushi |Rice Ball/Sashimi |N/A |Vinegar
|French Fries |Potato/Oil |Knife/Frying Pan |N/A
|Salad |Vegetables/Cheese |Knife |N/A
|Fried Rice |Rice Ball/Egg/Oil |Frying Pan |N/A
|Scrambled Eggs |Eggs/Oil |Frying Pan |N/A
|Truffle Rice |Rice Ball/Truffle |N/A |N/A
|Noodles |Flour |Knife/Pot/Rolling Pin |N/A
|Curry Noodles |Noodles/Curry Powder |Pot |N/A
|Fried Noodles |Noodles/Oil |Frying Pan |N/A
|Tempura Noodles |Tempura/ Noodles |Pot |N/A
|Tempura |Flour/Egg/Oil |Frying Pan |N/A
|Boiled Egg |Egg |Pot |N/A
|Sandwich |Tomato/Boiled Egg/Bread|Knife |N/A
|Stir Fry |Oil/Cabbage |Knife/Frying Pan |Soy Sauce
|Pizza |Cheese/Flour/Ketchup |Rolling Pin/Oven |N/A
|Omlet |Egg/Oil/Milk |Frying Pan/Whisk |N/A
|Apple Pie |Butter/Egg/Flour/Apple |Pot/Oven/Knife/Rolling Pin|Sugar
|Cheese Cake |Cheese/Milk/Egg |Whisk/Pot/Oven |Sugar
|Pumpkin Pudding |Milk/Pumpkin/Egg |Oven |Sugar
|Cheese Fondue |Cheese/Bread |Pot |N/A
|Dinner Roll |Bread/Butter |N/A |N/A
|Ice Cream |Milk/Egg |Whisk/Pot |Sugar
|Stew |Flour/Milk |Pot |Salt
|Strawberry Milk |Strawberry/Milk |Mixer |N/A
|Boiled Egg |Egg |Pot |N/A
|Truffle Rice |Rice Ball/Truffle |N/A |N/A
|Curry |Curry Powder/RiceBalls |Pot |N/A
|Bamboo Rice |Rice Balls/BambooShoot |N/A |N/A
|Fruit Latte |Lots Of Fruit/Milk |Mixer |Sugar
|Vegetable Latte |Lots of Veggies/Milk |Mixer |N/A
|Jam Bun |Apple Jam/Grape Jam |N/A |N/A
|Sweet Potato |Sweet Potato/Stone |Oven |Salt/Sugar
|Vegetable Juice |Lots of Vegetables |Mixer |N/A
|Fruit Juice |Lots of Fruit |Mixer |Sugar
|Veggie Pancake |Cabbage/Egg/Oil |Frying Pan/Knife |N/A
|Relaxation Tea |Relaxation Tea Leaves |Frying Pan/Knife |N/A
|Bamboo Rice |Bamboo Shoots/RiceBall |N/A |N/A
|Raisin Bread |Bread/Wild Grapes |N/A |N/A
|Chirashi Sushi |ScrabledEggs/Rice/Sushi|N/A |N/A

This list is now improved with almost all of the Recipies In Back to Nature
accurately. If you would like your own personal copy of the Recipie
listing...please E-mail me at TheEvilInside@hotmail.com

Also if you see anything wrong with this list...again, please contact me
telling me the problem...nicely!! :)

Thank you!
9) Gardening Made Simple 1a

The whole world of Harvest Moon Revolves around bringing in the Income, Without
incoming money...you're gonna have some problems. So If you don't know much
about Farming, I'll "Teach you the Ropes" on the subject alright? Let's go...

In order to grow crops, you first need to buy crops. And As we all know, they
start out as seeds, so therefore you'll need to make a trip to the Supermarket
to get started. Hmmm, let's plug in some variables here...let's say it's
spring, and we only have 500 bucks. Let's buy some.....Turnips. Cheap, fast,
easy income...

Now let's use our hoe to dig ourselves a nice little spot in the field to plant
the seeds...

Let's make the space a 3x3 area...


See that??? This is the stupidest way to plant crops, ESPECIALLY if the crops
are regrowing ones. The reason is: You can't reach the crop in the middle, to
water it OR to harvest it. So instead we have MANY other possible ways to
plant the seeds. I'll show you a few...

1)XXX(Most Commonly Used Planting Pattern)

2)XXX(Another Common Method, Note the loss of a crop in the middle...plant your
seeds wisely)

3)XXX (Newest Method of Planting, Reason why is that Natsume has added a nice
little feature in
X X Back to Nature that lets you jump over Crops, as well as rocks and
I am well aware that there is more ways to plant the crops, as ones like

4)X X


5)X X


Or even...

7)X X

All of them have their advantages and disadvantages, use your own judgement.
I've given you some examples...Feel Free to think of your own planting patterns
9) Guide to Gardening 1b

Now that I've discussed the different ways to plant the seeds, I'll list All
the different types of seeds you can buy.

(Spring ONLY Seeds)
Cucumbers-Cost 200, Sell for 100 a piece, 10 Days to grow, Every 3 Days

Potatoes-Cost 150, Sell for 80 a piece, 8 Days to grow, One Harvest

Turnips-Cost 120, Sell for 60 a piece, 5 Days to grow, One Harvest

*Cabbage-Cost 500, Sell for 250 Each, 15 Days to grow, One Harvest

*Strawberries- Cost 150, Sell for 30 a piece, 9 Days to grow, Harvest Every 2

*Moon Drop Flower- Cost 500, Cannot Sell, 6 Days to grow, One Harvest

*Toy Flower- Cost 400, Cannot Sell, 13 Days to grow, One Harvest

*Can only be bought from Won at the Inn, Check there during the weekday, from
9AM-3PM or so.
(Summer ONLY Seeds)

Onion-Cost 150, Sell 80 a piece, 8 Days to grow, One Harvest

Corn-Cost 300, Sell 100 a piece, 15 Days to grow, Harvest Every 3 Days

Tomato-Cost 200, Sell 60 a piece, 10 Days to grow, Harvest Every 3 Days

*Pinneaple-Cost 1000, Sell 500 a piece, 21 Days to grow, Harvest Every 5 Days

*Pumpkin-Cost 500, Sell 250 a piece, 15 Days to grow, One Harvest

*Pink Cat Mint-Cost 300, Cannot Sell, 6 Days to grow, One Harvest

*Can only be bought from Won at the Inn, Check there during the weekday, from
9AM-3PM or so.
(Fall ONLY Seeds)

Carrot- Cost 300, Sell 120 a piece, 8 Days to grow, One Harvest

Eggplant- Cost 120, Sell 80 a piece, 10 Days to grow, Harvest Every 3 Days

Sweet Potato- Cost 300, Sell 120 a piece, 6 Days to grow, Harvest Every 3 Days

*Green Pepper- Cost 150, Sell for 40 a piece, 8 Days to grow, Harvest Every 2

*Spinach- Cost 200, Sell for 80 a piece, 6 Days to grow, One Harvest

*Can only be bought from Won at the Inn, Check there during the weekday, from
9AM-3PM or so.
Grass- Cost 500, Cannot Sell (Use as Fodder), 30 Days to grow, Harvest Every 10

*Orange Cup- Cost 1000, Sell for 60 a piece, 9 Days to grow, One Harvest (Can
only be bought if you have built a greenhouse)

*Can only be bought from Won at the Inn, Check there during the weekday, from
9AM-3PM or so.

NOTE: Nothing can be bought in Winter Unless you have a Greenhouse, then you
can also purchase the Orange Cup which I have already covered.

If you have any corrections, comments, questions...TheEvilInside@hotmail.com
10) Tools

Since I've explained how you should design your fields, I guess the next thing
would be to tell you what tools are in the game.

Here they are as listed:

Hammer-This tool will break apart Boulders, Smash stones, and knock down broken

Axe-This tool chops branches, and Splits stumps up (But only in higher
levels..I'll explain more about levels later)

Sickle-This tool will cut grass and weeds.

Watering Can-This tool waters your crops, you'll need to refill it
every-so-often at a water hole.

Bell-This tool will call your animals to you, use it to help round them up.

Brush-To keep your cows, sheep and horse happy! Be sure that you brush them
every single day. You can find it for sale at the Blacksmith's Shop.

Clippers-Use it to cut the wool from your sheep, But them from the Blacksmith's

Milker-Used to Milk your adult cows, Again...you can buy it from the
Blacksmith's Shop.

Fishing Rod/Fishing Pole-This tool catches fish, you can only catch regular
fish with the Fishing Rod, but once you have 50 Fish in your pond, talk to Greg
the Fisherman and he'll give you the Fishing Pole which has a higher catch rate
and also will let you catch the "Legendary Fish".

Animal Medicene/s-This tool will cure your animals from a sickness, HURRY and
give it to them, if they die it shows up and counts against you at the end of
the game!

Seeds-This tool will be what later turns into a vegetable, plant, or grass.
**Just a Note: You'll need the levels of certain tools such as the Axe to be at
a certain percent before you can upgrade to another level. Say you work with
your Axe until it is at 300%, you'll then be able to upgrade it to Gold
(knowing from my chart below), so that means you need to have a "GOLD" ore, (it
can be found all year round at the Waterfall mine.**

Here is a list of what you can find at the Waterfall Mine:

[Junk Ore: Junk, no use]
[Copper Ore: Use it to upgrade a tool to Copper]
[Silver Ore: Use it to upgrade a tool to Silver]
[Gold Ore: Use it to upgrade a tool to Gold]
[Mystrile Ore: Use it to upgrade a tool to Mystrile]

Regular- Breaks small stones, Cannot Break Boulders
Copper- 3 Hits to break a Big Rock, Cannot Break Huge Rocks, 100% Upgraded
Silver- 2 Hits to break a Big Rock, 5 Hits to Break a Huge Rock, 200% Upgraded
Gold- 1 Hit to break a Big Rock, 3 Hits to Break a Huge Rock, 300% Upgraded
Mystrile- 1 Hit to break a Big Rock, 2 Hits to Break a Huge Rock 400% Upgraded

Regular- Chops Branches, Cannot Split Stumps,
Copper- Chops Branches, 6 Hits to Split a Stump, 100% Upgraded
Silver- Chops Branches, 3 Hits to SPlit a Stump, 200% Upgraded
Gold- Chops Branches, 2 Hits to Split a Stump, 300% Upgraded
Mystrile- Chops Branches, 1 Hit to Split a Stump, 400% Upgraded
Regular- 1 Square of Soil tilled
Copper- 2 Squares of Soil tilled, 100% Upgraded
Silver- 3 Squares of Soil tilled, 200% Upgraded
Gold- 4 Squares of Soil tilled, 300% Upgraded
Mystrile- 6 Squares of Soil tilled, 400% Upgraded

Regular- 1 Square of Grass Chopped
Copper- 1x3 Area of Grass Chopped, 100% Upgraded
Silver- 2x3 Area of Grass Chopped, 200% Upgraded
Gold- 3x3 Area of Grass Chopped, 300% Upgraded
Mystrile- 3x5 Area of Grass Chopped, 400% Upgraded

Watering Can:
Regular- 1 Square Watered
Copper- 1x3 Area Watered, 100% Upgraded
Silver- 2x3 Area Watered, 200% Upgraded
Gold- 3x3 Area Watered, 300% Upgraded
Mystrile- 3x5 Area Watered, 400% Upgraded

11) Home is where the heart is...

Ahhh yes, the place where we call home. Where we can kick off our shoes, relax
in our comfy chair, and watch the good old tube. Yup, the good life...except we
have alot of work to do on the farm so until then all we're gonna do is realize
it's there! Let's move on...

Your house is well...a shack...we need to fix that. But in order to do that
we're going to need money, wood, and lots of it! I'll tell you what you need to
fix up your old farm and get it more up-to-date, as well as how to go about
doing it.

What you need to realize is this, You have to upgrade the things on your farm
in order, you can't just pick what you want built or upgraded and have it be
done. Unfortunantly the game isn't like that, we have to follow what needs to
be built in order, and here they are as listed...

Chicken coop- Cost 5000, Lumber 420, It increases the amount of chickens that
can be held by 5 as well as gives you another Incubator to hatch your chickens.

First House Upgrade- Cost 4700, Lumber 370, It gives you a Kitchen (Fun) and
clears away those boxes on the floor.

Second House Upgrade- Cost 100000, Lumber 750, Major Upgrade...It gives you a
seperate bedroom plus adds other little details to the house like the rug under
the table, etc... (NOTE: You need to upgrade to this in order to get married!)

Barn- Cost 6800, Lumber 500, Gives you 10 more spaces to Raise Sheep or Cows

Hothouse- Cost 30000, Lumber 580, This is a must if you intend to grow crops
all year round, but it's EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE the first time, but after you get
a blizzard in the winter, or a typhoon in the Summer, you'll realize why I
don't build it anymore. 30000 a with 580 pieces of lumber a crack is a little
bit outragious especially when it's constantly destroyed. Oh well, that's
Tips for getting all the upgrades:

I can't tell you how to play your game, but I can tell you some things that
will help get you to where you want to be.

1) Don't waste money: Save it for the things you really _need_ .

2) Work hard everyday: Try to get as much work done in a day as possible,
Harvest your crops and chop wood everyday. Make it a point in your schedule to
do other things like talk to the townspeople too when you have a chance, but
work should always come first.

3) If somebody offers you a job, be sure to take it, It's usually pretty good
12) Raising Animals on the Farm

*Raising Cows/Sheep*
When you buy an Animal from the Yodel Ranch or the Poultry Farm, your making a
decision. Either you keep the animal take care of it, and collect and sell the
items it gives. OR, you sell it or let it die, and take the bad score points
that go with it. The choice is yours, I'll just tell you what you need to know
in order to Raise Happy Healthy Livestock.

Make sure you have enough grass for the animals! If you have 1 Cow, make sure
you have at least 3 Full bags of 3x3 Area's covered on the ground. It should
look something similar to this...

xxxxxxxxx {All of this space should be Grass, ...it's 3 full bags of seeds--|
xxxxxxxxx |

(It's important you get the most out of your hard earned cash.)

With all of that grass planted you should have enough grass to support your 1st
Cow. But just in case, buy some back up fodder in case...for one of those
REALLY bad days.

Now if you wanted to buy say 5 cows...just take this formula and put it into

You know if you have 1 Cow that you should have 3 Bags of Grass Growing Right?
So, 5 cows would need 15 Bags of Grass Growing, here's the formula.

3 x C(However Many Cows You want to buy) = G(The amount of Grass Seeds You'll
!!!{Just a little Tip for the Newbies Reading this}!!!

Now you should also know that you'll need to keep some animal medicine at your
fingertips at all time just in case one of your livestock happens to get sick.
It's super important to make sure you have medicine with you, because (It
ALWAYS happens to me) the day they get sick might be the day that the store is
closed! It's also Important to Keep some Back-Up Fodder Just in case you run
out of Regular fodder for some odd unexplained reason.

In order to get the most of your Livestock, make sure you buy the proper tools
for Taking Care of them!
You'll need a
2)Milker: So you can sell your Adult Cows milk, Don't bother trying to milk the
Little Cows...it just won't happen.
3)Cheese Maker: Cheese Sells for a LOT of money, make sure you buy this.
Although the price tag is very high, and the ore needed for it is extremely
rare, It's worth it. Trust me.
4)Yarn Maker: Same thing for Cheese Maker Applies Here.
5)Clippers: So you can shear your Sheep...
6)Animal Medicine: I already covered it.
7)Fodder: Again, Already Covered.

Make sure that you brush, feed, and talk to your animals everyday! The more
hearts you have, the better quality of goods they give! Allow me to explain

0-3 Hearts is a Small Milk(Cow) or Small Wool(Sheep)
4-7 Hearts is a Medium Milk(Cow) or a Medium Wool(Sheep)
8-10 Hearts is a Large Milk(Cow) or a Large Wool(Sheep)
Championship Animals(Animals that have won either the Cow Festival or the Sheep
Festival Produce special quality goods) Grand Cow Produces Gold Milk, and Grand
Sheep Produces Gold Wool. Each one sells for a high price. Take good care of
your animals and you can get them there!!

*Raising Chickens*

When you spend the 1500 to buy a chicken, you don't even realize the amount of
money that's coming into your hands. Each chicken you buy costs 1500, so why
not just raise them yourself and make tons of money...?? If you already have
the Upgraded Chicken Coup, you have 2 incubator egg holders, meaning you can
hatch 2 chicken eggs at the same time! Each chicken you sell puts 500 into your
pocket. Not too shabby...eh?

Raising Chickens Isn't very difficult, but it can be time consuming(Thankfully,
Natsume has added a feature in that allows us to walk OVER the chickens instead
of having to pick them up and move them, it was getting really old...really
fast). You need to know that when you place an egg into the incubator, it takes
3 full days to hatch into a chick, then you will be prompted to assign a name,
and then in an additional 7 days the chick becomes full-grown, and Ready to be

Let's do the math for selling eggs

(8 normal Chickens (you could raise ten if you really wanted too)laying 8 eggs
a day, times, the price of the egg, 50, times the number of days in each
month...30 equals what? It comes out to 12,000! That's alot of money from just
raising chickens and selling eggs, now add that extra 3,000 to it and it'll be
15,000. See how quickly things add up in Harvest Moon?? Like I've said before,
Saving is the key to getting the good score at the end of the game. When you
save your money, you have it to spend on other things.

But in order to GET all of that money, first you need to get the chickens
first, plus you need to take care of them. And in order to take care of the
chickens, your going to need
1)To feed them everyday
2)To Make sure their not outside, and if they are, in a fence surrounding them
on 4 SIDES!!!
3)Make sure that you pick them up everyday too, it makes them happier! :)

I think that's about it for Raising Animals...any questions or comments...you
know the e-mail address...
13) What's the Weather Like Outside?

In the world of Harvest Moon, Everything revolves around the Farm. In order to
succeed on the farm your going to need good weather...as life on the farm
depends on it. If you get a Typoon in the Middle of Summer right before your
entire crop of Corn and Tomatoes are harvested, it's not going to be a very
good thing now is it? You should always check the weather forcast the night
before, make it a standard practice, not only just for your Crops and Fields.
But also for your animals, they get upset when it rains or when there's a storm
or Blizzard, so make sure your extra nice to them the day afterwards. And
they'll get REALLY upset if you leave them OUTSIDE during a Storm or Typhoon!!
So make sure that we don't do anything stupid like that, because the next day
we might not find ourselves any livestock outside where we thought we put them

Checking the Weather should be important to you too, it lets you know if it's
going to rain either...so that way you can plan your next day ahead of time.
Like for example, if you know it's going to rain the next day, you know that
you won't have to water any of your crops unless you have any in the
greenhouse. It also tells you that you need to bring in any animals you have
outside and put food into their holding pens. A nice little way to do things I

Also, if you watch the forecast and see there's going to be a
storm/blizzard/typhoon, and you and the Harvest Sprites are good with each
other, you can hire one of them to do chores around your farm during the bad
weather. I'd hire them for at least 2-3 days because bad weather can last quite
some while.
14) Lets Enjoy the Festivals!

One of the best qualities in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature is the Festivals...so
I'll list all of the Festivals in order, where and when they occur, and what
happens at them. Here we go.

1st of Spring--New Year's Festival:
On this day You have 2 choices, you can either go to the Inn at 6PM for a
party, OR you can go to the townsquare for a bonfire. At the party you talk to
the people that showed up, and you can order food and what-not. At the Bondfire
you can dance and talk to people that attended. Choose Wisely.

8th of Spring--Goddess Festival:
MAKE SURE, if you know somebody likes you, that you talk to them on the 7th
about the Goddess Festival. If she accepts, she'll be waiting at your house 6AM
the next day...bright and early. So do all of your chores...water your crops
and feed your animals, and go talk to her saying your ready to go. (Tip: The
first year you might not be able to go with anybody because nobody had a chance
to like you unless you used a gameshark. Don't worry, you can still go there,
but you can't dance with anybody.)

14th of Spring--Spring Thanksgiving:
On this day you give cookies to all the girls in Rosebud Village. Giving them
cookies greatly improves their heart level towards you, (you probably won't
have a kitchen yet if your just in the first year) make sure that you make
those cookies!! Check my recipie list to find out how to make them.

18th of Spring--Horse Race:
Go to the Townsquare at 10AM to watch the horse race. It's a fun event because
you can bet on the horses and win medals that you can exchange for prizes. On
the 17th, Barley will come talk to you asking if you want to register your
horse for the Horse Race tomorrow, do what you wnat. (Again, the first year you
won't be able to enter your horse because he's too small.)

22nd of Spring--Cooking Festival:
One of the most fun festivals, you get to try out your recipies and cooking
talents. If your lucky enough to have a kitchen, make the best dish you can and
bring it to the festival at 10 AM. When i say "best", i mean the biggest meal
you can make. But make sure that you have ALL the necessary items in it, just
putting in the minimum won't cut it when it comes to choosing the winner of the
Festival. (EX: If you enter an omlet, make sure you use a whisk to make the
eggs nice and fluffy. This will help you win...you can also use Good or
Excellent level eggs.)

1st of Summer--Swimming Festival:
Go to the beach at 10AM to test your athletic abilities in the water. You'll
race with a few other townspeople, to see who can reach the goal-line first.
It's hard to win, but it can be done. (Tip: When the race starts...press x
repeatidly. Then when the face changes, hit the triangle button until your
stamina is back. You should be about halfway to the finish line now, just keep
pressing the x button like crazy and you'll pass everybody else up.)

7th of Summer--Chicken Festival:
Go to the Townsquare at 10AM to have your chicken fight other chickens. Bring
the chicken with the most hearts to this Festival. (It doesn't make it much
easier, but for simplist's purposes we'll use the chicken with the most
hearts.) In order to win, you need to scare the other chicken out of the ring
first. To do this you have to properly time your shouting "Urges" at your
chicken. 2 ways to do it people, 1) If your fighting a low level chicken, say
anywhere from 3-7 hearts, just wait until the other chicken jumps and press the
x button right before he lands, This should scare the other chicken away. 2) If
your fighting a high level chicken, meaning a chicken with more hearts than
yours, just press x Immediatly into the match, hopefully it will scare the
other chicken out of the ring first. If not, you could always just reset! :)

12th of Summer--Tomato Festival:
Probably the Most fun out of all of the Festival's. Go to the townsquare at
10AM and talk to some townspeople there...I dont want to ruin what happens for
anybody not reading it. And it's one of the easiest festivals to win too!!

20th of Summer--Cow Festival:
At 10AM on the 20th, go to Yodel Ranch to have your cow judged. On the 19th,
Barley will come by asking if you want to enter a cow, if you have one old
enough, and has alot of hearts, go for it. (Chances are you probably won't win,
no matter how many hearts you have. I still haven't won it.)

24th of Summer--Firework Festival:
At 6PM head over to the beach to enjoy the fireworks with the girl of your
choice. Not much to say here...plain and simple. Just make sure your there at 6

3rd of Fall--Music Festival:
At 6PM go to the Church to participate in the Music Festival. On the 2nd Carter
will come to your farm asking you if you want to help in the Festival the next
day. If you say yes he'll lend you an ocarina to play at the Festival.

9th of Fall--Harvest Festival:
At 10AM on Fall 9th everybody gets together at the townsquare to make a big
stew. Bring something with you to throw in the pot. (I've always brought an Egg
or Green pepper, there's probably more, but these always seem to make everybody
like the stew.)

13th of Fall--Moon Festival:
Go to the top of Mothers Hill at 6PM and you'll find the girl who likes you the
most waiting for you there. (I wonder what happens if more than one girl is in
love with you..? Has anybody ever seen two girls there?)

21st of Fall--Sheep Festival:
At 10 AM go to the Yodel Ranch to participate in the Sheep Festival. On the
20th Barley will come by asking if you want to participate. Make sure the sheep
your entering has a FULL COAT OF WOOL, that was important. It's stupid to try
an enter a bald sheep! (In my opinion this one is an easy festival to win
because sheep warm up faster to you than cows do! Just thought I'd say
something about it...)

10th of Winter--Dog Race:

At 10AM go to the Townsquare to participate in the Dog Race. In order to win
you must have bought the pinkish colored ball won wanted to sell you a while
back. Throw it for your dog a couple times a day to make him more intelligent.

14th of Winter--Winter Thanksgiving Festival:

Today you get to just stay at your farm and wait for girls that like you to
bring Chocolate for you. If they like you alot they might just give you a
Chocolate Cake, but i'd much rather have the Chocolate because you need it to
make Chocolate Cookies. (In order for girls to bring you Chocolate, you must
have at least a Blue-Green Heart with them. To make sure, get more than just
one with a blue or green heart.)

24th of Winter--Star Night Festival:

This one started in the First Harvest Moon wayyyyyy back, remember?? Oh well,
on the 24th you will go to a girls house to spend time with them. The one you
go to decides on who you ask on the 23rd, so make sure you go into town and
talk to everybody!!

30th of Winter--New Years Eve Festival:

Go to the Peak of Mother's Hill at Midnight, make sure you talk to _EVERYBODY_
to find out what they have to say to you.

I think that's about all the festivals, if I missed something please e-mail me
at TheEvilInside@hotmail.com

Thank you!
16) Step by Step Walkthru

If you still don't understand what's going on I'll give you a Walkthru to go by
until you get the hang of everything. My goal for this Walkthru is to help you
get some good cash coming in before the end of Spring.

(First Year--1st of Spring)

The first day of spring, the day you get the farm put in your name. You'll be
asked to go on a tour of the village to see what it's like, if you've never
played this game before...go. (If you don't go, don't worry about it, i'll
explain everything in my Walkthru.)
Once you get back to your farm (if you went on the tour), you're probably going
to want to go look around and see what's around the farm. Before you leave your
house though, bring your Axe and your Hammer. You'll need them both, so make
sure to take them out of the tool box. Go outside and look around. You see a
TON of garbage right? Stumps and rocks galore...get busy. You've got alot of
work to get done, even for me, it took about 2 full days of Clearing out the
field to get rid of everything.

2nd-4th of Spring:
Still Clearing up the farm, if you get done before the 4th...just forage for
Items to sell. If you _really_ want to get good money, buy the basket once you
have enough money. It'll cost 5000 so start saving up! Once you have that, you
can go to the mine and since time doesn't pass in there, you can mine as much
as you want...unless you get tired. DO NOT LET YOURSELF COLLAPSE IN THE
MINE!!!! If you do, you'll lose your basket there, and you'll have to go back
and find the floor you lost it at!!! (Just make sure you bring something to eat
with you and you can dig for a while! Oh, bringing the hoe helps too, since
you'll be using that to dig with.)

5th-6th of Spring:
On these days, just do whatever you want. Total blowoff days, just make sure
you're out foraging for things to sell on these days, get ready for the Spring
Goddess festival!

7th-8th of Spring:
On the 7th Day of Spring, you could go into town and talk to some of the
girls...but they won't want to go to the Goddess festival with you yet. Because
most likely there hearts are still black. Unless you decided to forget about
what I said when I said "forage" for things to sell, instead you went out
flirting with girls. Not a bad thing to do...BUT our goal is to get a enough
money so we can start upgrading things as soon as possible. So that means we
have to sacrifice something...unfortunantly it was the girls.

On the 8th Day of Spring, you could go to the Spring Festival if you want, but
i dont suggest doing it because there's no reason for you to go, you'd just be
wasting a full day of work! So whatever...

9th-13th of Spring:
During these days I want you to concentrate on Raising crops, look at how much
money you have. If you were foraging when I told you to, you'll probably have
somewhere between 1000-1500. Okay, now do whatever you have to do around the
farm, and head to the Supermarket to buy seeds. Remember my seeds section of
this FAQ? You should buy as many bags of POTATO seeds as you can...they cost
150 each. If you have something like 1000 dollars, buy 6 bags of seeds. Each
bag you sell will earn you 490, so if you take 490x6, it equals 2940, not bad
for 8 days of harvesting. Make sure that your pattern for growing the seeds
looks something like this
[XXX XXX XXX] (Potato Seed formations)
[X X X X X X] P=Potato
[ P P P ]
[X X X X X X]

If you have more seeds planted that's great! But you only have 17 days left!
Better work harder than ever now!

14th of Spring:
Today is the Spring Thanksgiving Day, your supposed to give all the girls in
the Village cookies, BUT since your on a tight schedule and you dont have a
kitchen to bake the cookies. Let's just forget this day even exists for now
Today is going to be a regular work day for you, (keep in mind that you'll need
5000 for the Chicken Coup which you NEED to have built in order to be able to
upgrade your house) today I want you to water your seeds and go out and chop as
much wood as you can in the forest, along the way pick up whatever you can take
back with you to put in the shipping box. Everything you forage for will help
you get that kitchen.

15th-17th of Spring:
On these days you need to do the same thing as the last couple days, chop and
gather wood as well as forage around. Plus on the 17th your potato plants
should be fully grown if you planted them on the 9th! Harvest them, you should
get 2940 and up if you planted more. Not to shabby, now you'll want to buy some
more seeds if you have any spare time. I'd make it a point to go to the
Supermarket on the 17th because the 18th is the Horse Race and everything is
locked on that day. Like any other festival...

18th of Spring:
Horse Race Festival, your not going...forget about it.

19th-21st of Spring:
Keep on chopping that wood!!! Your almost at the end of Spring, Hurry up and
work hard! Don't forget to take care of those potatoes if you planted any! If
you have any extra time in the day, go to the mine and get some ore, it's not
much, but everything you sell adds up..

22nd of Spring:
This just happens to be my favorite day all year, so I'll let you take today
off. It's the Cooking Festival, too bad you don't have a kitchen to cook yet.
But next year you will...TRUST ME! If you think your chores are all done, and
even if their not...head on over to the townsquare at about 10AM to enjoy the

23rd-30th of Spring:
The home stretch here people, During these last few days, if you've been
chopping wood everyday, PLUS saving all your money, Plus harvesting that last
bunch of potatoes you planted you should have around 4000-5000 dollars, plus
around 450 pieces of lumber. That's only if you worked EXTRA HARD and skipped
all of the festivals. If you didn't do all of that, don't worry about it, this
walkthru was designed to help you get a jump start in the first year of the

***By you following this format, it helped you understand the basic point of
the game, working in it is everything, if you don't work hard, you get nothing
in return.***
16) Making the Most of Your Day

To make the most of your day, you need to rest well the day before. It's
important not to work too hard in the rain, unless of course you ate that
'special' power berry that lets you work as long as you want in the rain
without getting sick. I'll explain that in the Secrets section of this FAQ in a
little bit. It's also important not to work yourself to exhaustion because it
messes up the next day when the doctor forces you to sleep in bed untill
12:00PM!! That wastes half of the day! Half the day you could have been taking
care of your animals or watering your crops or even talking to the townspeople!
Just don't do it, it's stupid, when your feeling tired, eat something, or soak
in the hotspring a couple times...just jump in and out repeatidly. It's much
faster than soaking in it for HOURS at a time just to refill your stamina a
little bit.

If you really want to make the best out of each and every single day, go out on
a hunt to find all of the Power Berryies in the game. Each Power Berry you
consume adds 10% more stamina to your life. That's a couple extra split stumps
in a day, not alot, but when you get around 5-8 Power Berries, that's almost
and extra days worth of work crammed into you. Think about how much more you
could do without getting tired? You could split stumps all day long, plot your
field, repair your fences, fish, water your crops, blah blah blah, etc. etc.
etc...you know? Just a little food for thought I guess. I'll explain how to get
some of the Power Berries in the Next Section.
17) Power Berries

As far as I know there are 10 Power Berries you can get. Here they are, these
are not in any particular order, Just from how I remembered them from my game I

1)Buy it off of the Shopping Network for 5000
2)Around the Outside of the Winter Mine
3)On one of the Floors in the Winter Mine
4)On one of the Floors in the Waterfall Mine
5)By fishing in the Ocean you can find one, if your patient enough to reel it
6)If you give The Goddess in the Spring harvested crops for 5 days straight,
she'll give you it.
7)If you win the Swimming Festival
8)If you try cutting the lone tree on Mother's Hill, the tree will ask you not
to chop it down, if you say you won't cut it down, it'll give you the Power
Berry as a Reward
9)If you plant more than 90 Flowers, a girl should come by and if you tell her
she can pick as many as she wants, she'll give you a power berry
10)You can buy it at the Horse Race for 1001 Medals
18) Gameshark Codes

I'm going to go into detail about the Gameshark Codes for Harvest Moon: Back to

In Order to understand how the codes work, you need to understand some things.
There are two parts of a Gameshark Code, The Address Code(Which Shows the
Gameshark which Part of the Game to Alter), And the Variable Code(Which Alters
a certain part of the game). I'll explain each of these in great detail...

There are many forms of prefixes on the address codes. The address codes direct
which part of the game the codes are supposed to override. This is a important
part of the code. The Address code will look something like this...

(Default for a new Code)

But for demonstration reasons, we'll use this code instead...

(The Address for Max Lumber)

*Notice the 8 at the begining of the code, this Prefix 8, affects the upper
byte of the address.
If you've had a gameshark for a while, I'm sure you've seen more than just the
prefix 8 in a code. But i'm pretty sure you have no idea what it does, Let me
explain briefly...
8=Upper Byte
3=Lower Byte
D=(Certain Game's like in Final Fantasy IX, This would be the prefix for
In-Battle Codes)
5=(Another Variation of other Prefixes for games, it all depends on place the
Variable you wish to change is located at in the Game's Memory Bank.)

Most of the codes you will use in this faq are of just Upper byte's...or as we
most commonly know as 8. This is not just a random # the people of Gameshark
decided to use, it's a "HEX BYTE" Number. The Hex alphabet ranges from 1-F.

Now there is a HANDY little accessory that comes with every computer, its
called the Calculator program, this will probably be your best friend when it
comes to adding and subtracting hex bytes from a code.

[Hex Alphabet]
1 Hex = 1 Dec
2 Hex = 2 Dec
3 Hex = 3 Dec
4 Hex = 4 Dec
5 Hex = 5 Dec
6 Hex = 6 Dec
7 Hex = 7 Dec
8 Hex = 8 Dec
9 Hex = 9 Dec
A Hex = 10 Dec
B Hex = 11 Dec
C Hex = 12 Dec
D Hex = 13 Dec
E Hex = 14 Dec
F Hex = 15 Dec
[Hex Alphabet]
(Confusing yet???)

All you need to do to get the Calculator to do your Hex Bidding is this.
1)Start the Calculator Program

2)Go to "View" at the top of the Calculator Program.

3)Select the Command mode "Scientific" (The Default should be Standard)

4)Underneath the "LCD Screen" which the numbers appear, you should see a bunch
of buttons correct? You'll see a Circle Button With a dot in it marked "Dec".
This is decimal mode, this deals with regular digits. (Like 5+5=10...ect)

5)Now we're going to throw a major wrench into everything, click the circle
button next to the "Dec" one marked "Hex". Of course, this button stands for
"Hexidecimal Mode". (You'll notice that when you click this button, the Letters
A-F, which were grey, light up in Blue. This tells you that you are now in Hex
mode, so you can use those letters as well. Each Letter has a certain value. So
if your not an expert with Hex Variables...the calculator will do it for you.)

6)Try different things with it like adding A+F, you'll get the number 19...This
is equivelant to the number 25 in Regular Decimal Digits.

(Everything you use in the Gameshark will be in Hex Digits, so you better get
used to them.)
An Address for a Gameshark Code is only the First Part. But get used to
entering them into the Gameshark, and the next time you put a code in for
something, and wonder what the digits are for and why they are the way they
are, you'll know.

The other Part for Making A Gameshark Code is the...

Variable Code:
This Code is the Last 4 Digit Part of a Code Entry. It will look something like

(Default for Variable Code)

But for Demonstration Reasons, we'll use the last part of the Max Lumber Code

(Max Lumber Code Hex Digits)

Now, when you look at that code, 03E7, You'll probably wonder what it means,
well...use your calculator and find out.
1) Open the Calculator, if not already opened, And Set it to "Scientific Mode".

2) Make Sure Your under the "Hex Mode" meaning that little circle button "Hex"
has a dot in it. (If it doesn't, click it to put one in it, this will set you
in Hex Mode)

3)Type the Expression 03E7(The Code we're using) in...

4)Okay, now we're going to switch the Mode from "Hex" to "Dec", so click the
"Dec" button and what do you see? You see the number 999, odd? Not really,
think about this, how much lumber can you can have in the game, 999 pieces
right? Now think about the Max Lumber Variable Code 03E7, we now know what the
03E7 stands for right? 999...so, thus explaining why those numbers were the
ones chosen, and why the code gives us 999 pieces of lumber. Easy?
Now, In order to Fully Understand the idea behind the gameshark codes, you'll
need to try things out yourself. Look for the differences between codes, this
is the biggest giveaway of them all. The Address Codeswon't usually change but
maybe 1-2 Digits in Sequence between each code, BUT, the Variable Code Can jump
all over the place because that is used for ajusting Variables...just like it's
name implies.

Putting It All Together:
When you put both These Codes Together, you get your results in the game...

The 80070D38, Address Code
And 03E7, The Variable Code

When you put it into the Blank Space

00000000 0000

In the Gameshark, you get this

80070D38 03E7

The Code For Max Lumber...not too hard, not to simple...but understanding
enough for you to try it on yourself right? Then why don't I move onto the
Gameshark Codes then hmm??

These Codes are NOT MINE, You can find most if not all of them at
What I have done is made a stockpile of codes and I've given a direct
explaination of what they do. CMGSCCC does a great job of making codes, but
they dont really give a good explaination of what they do...that's where I come
in at!

Max Lumber 80070D38 03E7 (999 Pieces of Lumber)

Max Fodder 80070D3A 03E7 (999 Pieces of Fodder)

Max Fish Food 80070D3E 03E7 (999 Pieces of Fish Food)

Max Chicken Feed 80070D40 03E7 (999 Pieces of Chicken Feed)

Have Maxed Power Fruit 800712BC 000A (All Power Berries Found)

Max RuckSack Storage 80071A1E 0002 (Full 8 Item and Tool Spaces In Rucksack)

Max Level Sickle 80071A40 FFFF (400% Leveled up Sickle)

Max Level Hoe 80071A42 FFFF (400% Leveled up Hoe)

Max Level Axe 80071A44 FFFF (400% Leveled up Axe)

Max Level Hammer 80071A46 FFFF (400% Leveled up Hammer)

Max Level Watering Can 80071A48 FFFF (400% Leveled up Watering Can)

Infinite Money 80071A5C FFFF (Gameshark MUST stay on)

Max Money 80071A5C 967F
80071A5E 0098

Infinite Medals 80071A60 FFFF (Gameshark MUST stay on)

Max Medals 80071A60 967F
80071A62 0098

Max Earnings 800711FC 967F (Gives you Max Earnings for the month)
800711FE 0098

Zero Reduction Expenses 80071200 0000 (Makes Expenses for the Month Zero)

Max Amount Shipped 50001502 0000 (Gives you full amount Shipped)
800711C4 03E7

Max Stamina 80071A12 003C (200% Stamina= 10 Powerberries Eaten)
NOTE: Does NOT Give you 10 Powerberries
For that Code Look at Maxed Power Fruit

Warning: These Following Codes Marked with "NEW" are created by me...as far as
I know www.cmgsccc.com and www.gameshark.com haven't come up with these yet, So
i'm the only one who has them. Feel free to pass them along, but please don't
say you created them.
Red Heart 800786B4 FFFF
Orange Heart(New) 800786B4 C350
Yellow Heart(New) 800786B4 9C40
Green Heart(New) 800786B4 7530
Light Blue(New) 800786B4 4E20
Blue Heart(New) 800786B4 3A98
Black Heart(New) 800786B4 0001

Red Heart Elli 80077298 FFFF
Orange Heart(New) 80077298 C350
Yellow Heart(New) 80077298 9C40
Green Heart(New) 80077298 7530
Light Blue(New) 80077298 4E20
Blue Heart(New) 80077298 3A98
Black Heart(New) 80077298 0001

Red Heart Karen 800767A0 FFFF
Orange Heart(New) 800767A0 C350
Yellow Heart(New) 800767A0 9C40
Green Heart(New) 800767A0 7530
Light Blue(New) 800767A0 4E20
Blue Heart(New) 800767A0 3A98
Black Heart(New) 800767A0 0001

Red Heart Ann 80076EF0 FFFF
Orange Heart(New) 80076EF0 C350
Yellow Heart(New) 80076EF0 9C40
Green Heart(New) 80076EF0 7530
Light Blue(New) 80076EF0 4E20
Blue Heart(New) 80076EF0 3A98
Black Heart(New) 80076EF0 0001

Red Heart Mary 80077BBC FFFF
Orange Heart(New) 80077BBC C530
Yellow Heart(New) 80077BBC 9C40
Green Heart(New) 80077BBC 7530
Light Blue(New) 80077BBC 4E20
Blue Heart(New) 80077BBC 3A98
Black Heart(New) 80077BBC 0001
Zero Dead Animals 80127232 0000 (No Animals Dead, Gameshark MUST stay on)

10 Hearts for Dog 8012724C 000A (Gameshark MUST stay on)

10 Hearts for Horse 80127258 000A (Gameshark MUST stay on)

*These Codes are used for Putting Items into your Rucksack or ToolBox, The
Digits to Accompany the Codes are at the Bottom of the listing*

Equipped Tool Modifier Codes (For Rucksack, If you have something in the
In Hand 80071A84 00??
Slot 1 80071A90 00??
Slot 2 80071A96 00??
Slot 3 80071A9C 00??
Slot 4 80071AA2 00??
Slot 5 80071AA8 00??
Slot 6 80071AAE 00??
Slot 7 80071AB4 00??
Slot 8 80071ABA 00??

Max Equipped Tool Codes (For Rucksack, If you have something in the slots)
In Hand 80071A88 0063
Slot 1 80071A94 0063
Slot 2 80071A9A 0063
Slot 3 80071AA0 0063
Slot 4 80071AA6 0063
Slot 5 80071AAC 0063
Slot 6 80071AB2 0063
Slot 7 80071AB8 0063
Slot 8 80071ABE 0063

Item Modifier Codes (For Rucksack)
In Hand 80071A8A 00??
Slot 1 80071AC0 00??
Slot 2 80071AC6 00??
Slot 3 80071ACC 00??
Slot 4 80071AD2 00??
Slot 5 80071AD8 00??
Slot 6 80071ADE 00??
Slot 7 80071AE4 00??
Slot 8 80071AEA 00??

Max Item Codes (For Rucksack)
In Hand 80071A8E 0063
Slot 1 80071AC4 0063
Slot 2 80071ACA 0063
Slot 3 80071AD0 0063
Slot 4 80071AD6 0063
Slot 5 80071ADC 0063
Slot 6 80071AE2 0063
Slot 7 80071AE8 0063
Slot 8 80071AEE 0063

Toolbox 1st Page Item Modifier Codes (Puts ??Variable in 1st Page)
Slot 1 80070EC2 00??
Slot 2 80070EC8 00??
Slot 3 80070ECE 00??
Slot 4 80070ED4 00??
Slot 5 80070EDA 00??
Slot 6 80070EE0 00??
Slot 7 80070EE6 00??
Slot 8 80070EEC 00??

Toolbox 2nd Page Item Modifier Codes (Puts ??Variable in 2nd Page)
Slot 1 80070EF2 00??
Slot 2 80070EF8 00??
Slot 3 80070EFE 00??
Slot 4 80070F04 00??
Slot 5 80070F0A 00??
Slot 6 80070F10 00??
Slot 7 80070F16 00??
Slot 8 80070F1C 00??

Toolbox 3rd Page Item Modifier Codes (Puts ??Variable in 3rd Page)
Slot 1 80070F22 00??
Slot 2 80070F28 00??
Slot 3 80070F2E 00??
Slot 4 80070F34 00??
Slot 5 80070F3A 00??
Slot 6 80070F40 00??
Slot 7 80070F46 00??
Slot 8 80070F4C 00??

Toolbox 4th Page Item Modifier Codes (Puts ??Variable in 4th Page)
Slot 1 80070F52 00??
Slot 2 80070F58 00??
Slot 3 80070F5E 00??
Slot 4 80070F64 00??
Slot 5 80070F6A 00??
Slot 6 80070F70 00??
Slot 7 80070F76 00??
Slot 8 80070F7C 00??

Toolbox 5th Page Item Modifier Codes (Puts ??Variable in 5th Page)
Slot 1 80070F82 00??
Slot 2 80070F88 00??
Slot 3 80070F8E 00??
Slot 4 80070F94 00??
Slot 5 80070F9A 00??
Slot 6 80070FA0 00??
Slot 7 80070FA6 00??
Slot 8 80070FAC 00??

Toolbox 6th Page Item Modifier Codes (Puts ??Variable in 6th Page)
Slot 1 80070FB2 00??
Slot 2 80070FB8 00??
Slot 3 80070FBE 00??
Slot 4 80070FC4 00??
Slot 5 80070FCA 00??
Slot 6 80070FD0 00??
Slot 7 80070FD6 00??
Slot 8 80070FDC 00??

Toolbox 7th Page Item Modifier Codes (Puts ??Variable in 7th Page)
Slot 1 80070FE2 00??
Slot 2 80070FE8 00??
Slot 3 80070FEE 00??
Slot 4 80070FF4 00??
Slot 5 80070FFA 00??
Slot 6 80071000 00??
Slot 7 80071006 00??
Slot 8 8007100C 00??

Toolbox 8th Page Item Modifier Codes (Puts ??Variable in 8th Page)
Slot 1 80071012 00??
Slot 2 80071018 00??
Slot 3 8007101E 00??
Slot 4 80071024 00??
Slot 5 8007102A 00??
Slot 6 80071030 00??
Slot 7 80071036 00??
Slot 8 8007103C 00??

Toolbox 1st Page Max Item Codes (Gives ??Variable Max Amount in 1st Page)
Slot 1 80070EC6 0063
Slot 2 80070ECC 0063
Slot 3 80070ED2 0063
Slot 4 80070ED8 0063
Slot 5 80070EDE 0063
Slot 6 80070EE4 0063
Slot 7 80070EEA 0063
Slot 8 80070EF0 0063

Toolbox 2nd Page Max Item Codes (Gives ??Variable Max Amount in 2nd Page)
Slot 1 80070EF6 0063
Slot 2 80070EFC 0063
Slot 3 80070F02 0063
Slot 4 80070F08 0063
Slot 5 80070F0E 0063
Slot 6 80070F14 0063
Slot 7 80070F1A 0063
Slot 8 80070F20 0063

Toolbox 3rd Page Max Item Codes (Gives ??Variable Max Amount in 3rd Page)
Slot 1 80070F26 0063
Slot 2 80070F2C 0063
Slot 3 80070F32 0063
Slot 4 80070F38 0063
Slot 5 80070F3E 0063
Slot 6 80070F44 0063
Slot 7 80070F4A 0063
Slot 8 80070F50 0063

Toolbox 4th Page Max Item Codes (Gives ??Variable Max Amount in 4th Page)
Slot 1 80070F56 0063
Slot 2 80070F5C 0063
Slot 3 80070F62 0063
Slot 4 80070F68 0063
Slot 5 80070F6E 0063
Slot 6 80070F74 0063
Slot 7 80070F7A 0063
Slot 8 80070F80 0063

Toolbox 5th Page Max Item Codes (Gives ??Variable Max Amount in 5th Page)
Slot 1 80070F86 0063
Slot 2 80070F8C 0063
Slot 3 80070F92 0063
Slot 4 80070F98 0063
Slot 5 80070F9E 0063
Slot 6 80070FA4 0063
Slot 7 80070FAA 0063
Slot 8 80070FB0 0063

Toolbox 6th Page Max Item Codes (Gives ??Variable Max Amount in 6th Page)
Slot 1 80070FB6 0063
Slot 2 80070FBC 0063
Slot 3 80070FC2 0063
Slot 4 80070FC8 0063
Slot 5 80070FCE 0063
Slot 6 80070FD4 0063
Slot 7 80070FDA 0063
Slot 8 80070FE0 0063

Toolbox 7th Page Max Item Codes (Gives ??Variable Max Amount in 7th Page)
Slot 1 80070FE6 0063
Slot 2 80070FEC 0063
Slot 3 80070FF2 0063
Slot 4 80070FF8 0063
Slot 5 80070FFE 0063
Slot 6 80071004 0063
Slot 7 8007100A 0063
Slot 8 80071010 0063

Toolbox 8th Page Max Item Codes (Gives ??Variable Max Amount in 8th Page)
Slot 1 80071016 0063
Slot 2 8007101C 0063
Slot 3 80071022 0063
Slot 4 80071028 0063
Slot 5 8007102E 0063
Slot 6 80071034 0063
Slot 7 8007103A 0063
Slot 8 80071040 0063

Digits for the ??:
00 - Nothing
01 - Sickle
02 - Copper Sickle
03 - Silver Sickle
04 - Gold Sickle
05 - Mystrile Sickle
06 - Hoe
07 - Copper Hoe
08 - Silver Hoe
09 - Gold Hoe
0A - Mystrile Hoe
0B - Ax
0C - Copper Ax
0D - Silver Ax
0E - Gold Ax
0F - Mystrile Ax
10 - Hammer
11 - Copper Hammer
12 - Silver Hammer
13 - Gold Hammer
14 - Mystrile Hammer
15 - Watering Can
16 - Copper Watering Can
17 - Silver Watering Can
18 - Gold Watering Can
19 - Mystrile Watering Can
1A - Milker
1B - Clippers
1C - Brush
1D - Bell
1E - Animal Medicine
1F - Cow Miracle Potion
20 - Sheep Miracle Potion
21 - Blue Feather
22 - Turnip Seeds
23 - Potato Seeds
24 - Cucumber Seeds
25 - Strawberry Seeds
26 - Cabbage Seeds
27 - Tomato Seeds
28 - Corn Seeds
29 - Onion Seeds
2A - Pumpkin Seeds
2B - Pineapple Seeds
2C - Eggplant Seeds
2D - Carrot Seeds
2E - Sweet Potato Seeds
2F - Spinach Seeds
30 - Green Pepper Seeds
31 - Moondrop Seeds
32 - Pink Cat Seeds
33 - Magic Red Seeds
34 - Toy Flower Seeds
35 - Orange Cup Seeds
36 - Grass Seeds
37 - Ocarina
38 - Fishing Rod
39 - Fishing Pole
3A - Stone
3B - Big Stone
3C - Rock
3D - Stump
3E - Branch
3F - Lumber
40 - Weeds
41 - Turnip
42 - Potato
43 - Cucumber
44 - Strawberry
45 - Cabbage
46 - Tomato
47 - Corn
48 - Onion
49 - Pumpkin
4A - Pineapple
4B - Eggplant
4C - Carrot
4D - Sweet Potato
4E - Spinach
4F - Green Pepper
50 - Grass
51 - Moon Drop Flower
52 - Pink Cat Flower
53 - Blue Magic Red Flower
54 - Red Magic Red Flower
55 - Toy Flower
56 - Orange Cup Fruit
57 - Apple
58 - Bamboo Shoot
59 - Wild Grape
5A - Mushroom
5B - Poisonous Mushroom
5C - Truffle
5D - Blue Grass
5E - Red Grass
5F - Green Grass
60 - Mystrile
61 - Orichalcum
62 - Adamantite
63 - Ketchup Recipie
64 - Shipping Basket
65 - Dog Ball
66 - Coin
67 - Power Berry
68 - Fodder
69 - Chicken Seed
6A - Cow Feed (Bagged)
6B - Chicken Feed (Bagged)
6C - Fish Feed
6D - Level 2 Rucksack (4 Tools, 4 Items)
6E - Level 3 Rucksack (8 Tools, 8 Items)
6F - Pocket Station (Have Harvest Sprites Train there)
70 - Wrapping Paper
71 - Blue Vase
72 - Knife (Does not actualy let you use)
73 - Frying Pan (Does not actualy let you use)
74 - Pot (Does not actualy let you use)
75 - Mixer (Does not actualy let you use)
76 - Whisk (Does not actualy let you use)
77 - Rolling Pin (Does not actualy let you use)
78 - Oven (Does not actualy let you use)
79 - Spice Rack (Does not actualy let you use)
7A - Gold Ore
7B - Silver Ore
7C - Copper Ore
7D - Carp Print (Does not actualy let you use)
7E - Char Print (Does not actualy let you use)
7F - Catfish Print (Does not actualy let you use)
80 - Squid Print (Does not actualy let you use)
81 - Angler Print (Does not actualy let you use)
82 - Sea Breen Print (Does not actualy let you use)
83 - Bee Hive
84 - Fish Feed
85 - Orange Cup Fruit
86 - Egg
87 - Spa-Boiled Egg
88 - Mayonaise S
89 - Mayonaise M
8A - Mayonaise L
8B - Milk S
8C - Milk M
8D - Milk L
8E - Cheese S
8F - Cheese M
90 - Cheese L
91 - Wool S
92 - Wool M
93 - Wool L
94 - Yarn S
95 - Yarn M
96 - Yarn L
97 - Honey
98 - Apple
99 - Rice Balls
9A - Bread
9B - Bodigizer
9C - Bodigizer XL
9D - TurboJolt
9E - TurboJolt XL
9F - Wine
0A0 - Grape Juice
0A1 - Fish L
0A2 - Fish M
0A3 - Fish S
0A4 - Gift
0A5 - Oil
0A6 - Flour
0A7 - Curry Powder
0A8 - Set Meal
0A9 - Wild Grape Wine
0AA - Milk
0AB - Water
0AC - Snowcone
0AD - Veggie Pancake
0AE - Fried Rice
0AF - Stir Fry
0B0 - Miso Soup
0B1 - Stew
0B2 - Curry
0B3 - Salad
0B4 - Fruit Juice
0B5 - Veggie Juice
0B6 - Mixed Juice
0B7 - Sandwich
0B8 - Pickled Turnips
0B9 - Fries
0BA - Pickles
0BB - Strawberry Jam
0BC - Strawberry Milk
0BD - Tomato Juice
0BE - Popcorn
0BF - Pumpkin Pudding
0C0 - Happy Eggplant
0C1 - Sweet Potato (recipe)
0C2 - Roasted Potatoes
0C3 - Greens
0C4 - Scrambled Eggs
0C5 - Omelet
0C6 - Boiled Egg
0C7 - Hot Milk
0C8 - Butter
0C9 - Cheese Cake
0CA - Cheese Fondue
0CB - Apple Jam
0CC - Apple Pie
0CD - Bamboo Rice
0CE - Mushroom Rice
0CF - Truffle Rice
0D0 - Grape Jam
0D1 - Sushi
0D2 - Chirashi Sushi
0D3 - Jam Bun
0D4 - Raisin Bread
0D5 - Dinner Roll
0D6 - Sashimi
0D7 - Grilled Fish
0D8 - Pizza
0D9 - Pasta
0DA - Noodles
0DB - Curry Noodles
0DC - Tempura Noodles
0DD - Fried Noodles
0DE - Tempura
0DF - Cookie
0E0 - Ice Cream
0E1 - Cake
0E2 - Food Fiasco
0E3 - Milk G
0E4 - Cheese G
0E5 - Mayonnaise G
0E6 - Yarn G
0E7 - Wool G
0E8 - Egg G
0E9 - Can
0EA - Message In Bottle
0EB - Boot
0EC - Dead Fish
0ED - Carp
0EE - Char
0EF - Catfish
0F0 - Squid
0F1 - Angler
0F2 - Sea Bream
0F4 - Chocolate Cookies
0F5 - Chocolate Cake
0F6 - Moonview Dumplings
0F7 - Bracelet
0F8 - Necklace
0F9 - Earings
0FA - Bandage
0FB - Relax Tea Leaves
0FC - Relaxation Tea
0FD - Fruit Latte
0FE - Veggie Latte
0FF - Mixed Latte
100 - Love Potion
101 - Cliff's Photo
102 - Letter
103 - Invitation
104 - Woodcutter Book
105 - Picturebook Of People
106 - Adult Dog
107 - Young Dog
108 - Cat
109 - Chicken
10A - Chick
10B - White Rabbit
10C - Brown Rabbit
10D - Suirrel
10E - Fox
10F - Monkey
110 - Snake
111 - Crab
112 - Butterfly
113 - Butterfly 2
114 - Beetle
115 - Stag Beetle
116 - Cicada
117 - Dragonfly
118 - Cricket
119 - Lady Bug
11A - Grasshopper
11B - Triangle Sandwich
11C - Deluxe Sandwich
11D - Riceball
11E - Red Bean Bun
11F - Pizza
120 - Meat
121 - Toast
122 - Egg N
123 - Egg G
124 - Egg E
125 - Popuri's Egg
126 - Mystic Berry
127 - Unclear Message In Bottle
128 - Spring Seeds
129 - Summer Seeds
12A - Spring Seeds
12B - Toy Chick
12C - Cow Reins
12D - God Map
12E - Ketchup
12F - Rice Omelet
130 - Salad
131 - Apple Pie
132 - Cheese Cake
133 - Cookie
134 - Water
135 - Roasted Corn
136 - Pasta
137 - Pizza
138 - Junk Ore
139 - Aja Grapes
13A - Dead Weed
13B - Winter Stone
13C - Winter Branch
13D - Winter Lumber
13E - Water
13F - Mayonnaise Maker

IF there is more digits...please e-mail them to me, your name will then be
added under the credits section!
20) Legal Stuff

This FAQ is Copywrite of me (DeadlySin), It is not to be used in any way other
than personal use UNLESS I am directly contacted and notified of what it wishes
to be used for. You may not borrow ANY part of this FAQ unless credit is given
to me, or UNLESS I have given special permission for you to do so somewhere in
my FAQ. Thank you!

Thank you to Natsume for a Great Game

I would like to thank SStrato2123 for the seed information, and for the Recipe
Although it can be found anywhere, It was the most useful when I played the
Check out SStrato2123's FAQ/Walkthru for another great guide to Back to Nature!

Also, thank you to hand_of_gOD for the info on Elli's Location. It's greatly

If anybody else has something to add, PLEASE, at the top of this FAQ there is
an introduction section which states how to address e-mails to me. Follow this
guideline otherwise your e-mail may not get read...

Thanks Everybody!
--end of file--
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