Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage!

Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage!

15.10.2013 00:02:36

Y VERSION 2.7 - 05/07/02 P
2 E-MAIL : kiffa@hiswitzend.fsnet.co.uk O

Hello there and welcome to Christopher Hyde's magical guide to
Spyro 2!
The latest version of this walkthrough can always be found at:


{ A.Table of contents. }

The table of contents lists the stuff in my walkthrough.

1.Things you should know.
A.Table of contents.
B.Legal stuff.
D.About me.
G.Spyro News.
H.Controlling Spyro.
I.Special skills.
J.Spirit particles and powerups.
K.Powerup index.
L.Orbs and talismans.
N.Travelling through levels.
O.Speedways - a brief introduction.
P.The guide layout.

2.The walkthrough.
A.World 1 - Summer Forest.
A2.Idol Springs.
A5.Sunny Beach.
A6.Aquaria Towers.
A7.Crush's Dungeon.
A8.Ocean Speedway.
B.World 2 - Autumn Plains.
B1.Skelos Badlands.
B2.Crystal Glacier.
B3.Breeze Harbour.
B6.Fracture Hills.
B7.Magma Cone.
B8.Shady Oasis.
B9.Gulp's Overlook.
B10.Metro Speedway.
B11.Icy Speedway.
C.World 3 - Winter Tundra.
C1.Mystic Marsh.
C2.Cloud Temples.
C3.Robotica Farms.
C5.Ripto's Arena.
C6.Canyon Speedway.
D.Dragon Shores.
E.Skill Points.

3.The last few things.
B.Cheat cartridges.
C.Walkthrough history.
E.My other walkthroughs.

{ B.Legal stuff. }

Please, I stress this point, do NOT copy any part of this FAQ at all. It has taken me several months of doing and a lot of time and effort has gone into making this walkthrough what it is.
If anyone at all finds part of this FAQ copied anywhere else, please contact me at my e-mail address and I will get the thieving scum into deep trouble.
Thank you.

{ C.Introduction. }

Now I've got all the token stuff out of the way, let's roll!
Welcome to Christopher Hyde's Spyro 2 : Gateway to Glimmer Walkthrough. For this guide, I have been using the European version of the game (PAL). I don't know if the US version of the game is different, but I seriously doubt it.
If you have any comments, criticisms or anything at all, just e-mail me (kiffa@hiswitzend.fsnet.co.uk). When e-mailing, just follow these rules:

1.Please put 'Spyro 2 FAQ' as the subject. I get so many e-mails a day that, if you do this, there is a greater chance I will respond.

2.Any e-mail dissing my FAQ, making any rude comments or trying to cause trouble will instantly be deleted. OK?

3.Please read and re-read the FAQ before e-mailing me questions. Chances are, the answer will be in the guide. If it isn't then yes, I will help, but if the answer is in the guide, don't expect a reply. I have had loads of e-mails over the last few weeks asking daft questions with the answers in the guide and I am sick of it.

4.Erm...thats it.

{ D.About me. }

My name is Christopher Hyde and this is my first FAQ EVER (see section 3E for details on my others). I decided to write the FAQ because Spyro 2 is such a cool game and, even though I find it easy, some people get stuck on it (except Fracture Hills - GOD, I HATE THAT LEVEL).
I enjoy PlayStation games and have lots of PlayStation games. Here is a list of my games:

A Bug's Life MediEvil 2
Alundra 2 Metal Gear Solid
Ape Escape Metal Gear Solid VR Missions
Chicken Run Micro Machines V3
Dino Crisis 2 Micro Maniacs
Driver Resident Evil 2
Driver 2 Sheep, Dog 'n' Wolf
Final Fantasy VI Spyro 2 (!)
Final Fantasy VII Spyro 3 (Year of the Dragon)
Final Fantasy VIII The Italian Job
Final Fantasy IX Vib Ribbon
Gran Turismo World's Scariest Police Chases

As you can see, I'm into platformers, RPGs and driving games.

I first got into the Spyro games when a friend of mine got a PlayStation for Christmas '98. She got Spyro and I was instantly hooked. While the gameplay may seem a little crude next to it's sequel, it was extremely fun to play. I had it completed in about a day and I was thirsting for more. I then won a PlayStation, in a competition in an English newspaper in March of '99, so I borrowed Spyro and completed it again.
In late November of '99, Spyro 2 came out, which I bought. Again, I was addicted and had it completed in a week. In the Easter holidays of 2000, I began writing my guide to this awesome game and the rest is history.


Anyway, that is the end of the 'about me' section and now comes the beginner's guide to Spyro 2. This section basically covers the essential gameplaying and, if you are on Autumn Plains by now, you should know the stuff covered in this section, so you don't really need to use this section. As I said before, it is mainly for the beginner Spyro 2 player, but you may want to check out the news section (G) and you may want to refer to the guide layout (P) for a guide on how to use the walkthrough.

{ E.Story. }

It was the rainy season in the Dragon World. Spyro and his little dragonfly pal Sparx were charging through the Artisans land, bored, looking for something interesting to do. They charged about and left big muddy marks everywhere. Spyro didn't care. Since his defeating of Gnasty Gnorc (a large gnorc who had turned all the dragons of Dragon World into stone - all except Spyro. Spyro had had to free all his dragon buddies and then torch Gnasty Gnorc) several years ago, he didn't really get into trouble. Spyro was now a dragon deep into puberty. Several female dragons had a crush on him and he had dated several of them.
Spyro stopped on a hill and sighed. The only mildly interesting thing that had happened that day was Bruno, an enormous dragon, falling face first into a large mile of mud.
Spyro looked around him at the lands he could go to ; Stone Hill, Town Square... Suddenly, another portal gleamed at him. Dragon Shores! The wildest, craziest and most popular theme park around. Spyro grinned. He hadn't been there since the party after torching Gnasty Gnorc.
"Come on Sparx, let's go to Dragon Shores!" Spyro called to his small buddy. Sparx immediately perked up and the duo went through the portal...
"Is it finished yet, Professor?" Elora the faun impatiently asked the Professor.
"Almost - just a few more adjustments" came the reply.
Elora, the Professor and Hunter were a trio of Avalari. Their country was in deep trouble. An evil wizard named Ripto had taken over their land and was causing no end of chaos. There was nothing for it - they HAD to get some help.
Hunter was a cheetah with the IQ of a beetle on a bad day. The Professor was a small mole with the IQ of Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein combined. Unfortunately, this made him very forgetful. Elora was a faun with attitude. She had a high IQ for a faun and was very impatient. However, underneath her surly attitude, she has a heart of gold.
"Its working! ITS WORKING!" the Professor cried suddenly,with the gleeful voice of someone whose inventions rarely worked.
It had been Elora's idea to send for a dragon. Ripto, a small reptilian wizard and his dastardly companions (Crush, a dumb but aggressive lizard and Gulp, a triceratops who Ripto used as a steed - which also gives the impression of Ripto looking much taller) had been terrorising the land of Avalar for weeks. Elora, Hunter and the Professor had all set to work creating a super-portal to get a dragon. The super-portal had worked and a dragon was on it's way. Elora crossed her fingers and prayed. Hunter cried "Quick! He's coming!". Sure enough, Ripto and his companions were heading towards them.
Suddenly a blinding flash of light erupted from the super-portal. A dragon popped out. Guess who it was...

For a full explanation of the circumstances leading to Spyro ending up in Avalar, watch the introduction sequence.

{ F.Characters. }

Species - Dragon.
Sex - M.
Life's a riot being a dragon, especially a famous one like Spyro. He has become quite a celebrity since he defeated Gnasty Gnorc and freed his dragon brethren from their crystal prisons. Confident and cocky, he often finds that the older dragons don't appreciate his irreverence though they can't fail to admire his bravery.
Though they probably don't realise it yet, the people of Avalar are lucky to have a dragon as enthusiastic and good-natured as Spyro to help them.

Species - Dragonfly.
Sex - M.
Spyro's best friend is a dragonfly called Sparx. He's a busy little fella and loves to help Spyro collect treasure - after all, if he stays near Spyro he's more likely to get fed (Sparx just loves butterflies).
This might explain why, when Spyro's in danger, Sparx also defends him against attack. He can take up to 3 hits. After that he darts for cover. You can see how he's feeling by his colour.

Gold - Full health (3 hits left)
Blue - Medium health (2 hits left)
Green - Low health (Only 1 hit left)

If Spyro is atacked after Sparx has flown off, he'll lose a life. If Sparx is low on health, or gone, just flame some small creatures that release butterflies and he'll be back. When he eats a butterfly he gets one point of health until he's back to full health. Every now and again, Sparx will find a special butterfly (1 in 10) that restores him to full strength and gives Spyro an extra life. Keep a look out for creatures that might release butterflies and always try to make sure he's well-fed.

Species - Faun.
Sex - F.is the unofficial leader of the Avalari. This faun is the most level-headed of all the creatures that befriend Spyro and will always be willing to help out with good suggestions. Elora also keeps an eye on Ripto's whereabouts and can help Spyro find the baddie's hiding places.

Species - Fairy.
Sex - F.
Zoe is a fairy friend of Elora'a and the two love nothing better than catching up on the gossip - who's dating who, which satyr's been turned to stone this week, that kind of thing. Elora has asked Zoe to look after Spyro and act as a checkpoint for him. If he gets hurt, she'll bring him back to where she saw him last to save him starting all over again.

Species - Cheetah.
Sex - M.
Hunter the cheetah is not the bravest of animals, but then again he doesn't need to be as he's the fastest thing on two legs. A natural athlete, he loves to race and appreciates healthy competition, which is why he encourages Spyro to join in with some of his challenges. Of course, Hunter knows he'd outrun anyone if only he hadn't gone and lost his running shoes.

Species - Mole.
Sex - M.
The Professor is a mole that thinks on a different level to everyone else. It's as if he's playing chess on a thousand boards and winning on every game. Unfortunately, this means he often appears distracted and absent-minded. After Elora suggested asking a dragon for help in fighting Ripto, the Professor built a portal to bring one of them through to Avalar. Though Spyro isn't quite what he'd expected, the Professor is impressed by his enthusiasm and has every confidence in him. If nothing else, the young dragon will be able to help him find his missing pencil.

Species - Bear.
Sex - M.
Moneybags is obsessed with material wealth. He looks for any oppurtunity to fleece Spyro of his well-earned treasure and, unlike everyone else in Avalar, refuses to help him without some kind of financial incentive. He's not mean or unkind so much as self-obsessed and only out for himself. Even he is frightened of Ripto, though, and is trying to get enough treasure together to be able to buy a ticket out of Avalar as soon as he can.

Species - Lizard.
Sex - M.
Toad-like in more ways than one,Ripto is a classic example of the 'Napoleon complex' - a little guy who feels he must take on the world. He is always frustrated, short-tempered and spiteful, ever since since he was picked on at school as a child. He became so used to not joining in wih games that he now only wnats to ruin everybody else's fun. Having stolen a magic sceptre, Ripto is using his new-found power to pick on everyone and generally spoil the peace and quiet of Avalar. But now that he knows there's a dragon here, he'll pull out all the stops to make everyone's lives miserable - Ripto HATES dragons.

Species - Lizard.
Sex - M.
Crush has the IQ of a slug. He likes to smash things with his club. He likes to pound the ground with his club. He likes to beat himself with his club. Basically, he likes his club. He can often be found staring into space while his mind goes blank. He dislikes Spyro because he keeps taking all the 'shiny objects' that Crush likes to smash...with his club.

Species - Triceratops.
Sex - M.
Gulp is only slightly smarter than Crush. Often to be found giving Ripto a ride (and thereby making his master seem tall), his only real interests are eating, thinking about what to eat and finding things that he can eat. When he dreams, Gulp imagines he's a dancer...who can cook.

{ G.Spyro News. }

This section will get updated every time I get new information relating to Spyro.

Spyro 3 is definitely coming out! It will be subtitled, similar to Spyro 2's subtitle being 'Gateway to Glimmer/Ripto's Rage' and it's full name will be Spyro : Year of the Dragon.
The story goes that Spyro and Sparx return from their trip to Avalar and they have a party, along with all their other dragon friends. During the party, an evil sorceress (no name yet) steals all the dragon eggs (remember them? Those things you had to get off the thieves on the original Spyro?), leaving the dragons without a new generation. Obviously, Spyro and Sparx set off to retrieve them.
In this game, Spyro will be able to use vehicles to aid him, such as tanks, subs and speed boats. Mini-games, similar to the ones in Spyro 2, will be playable and feature activities like boxing, skateboarding and first person shooting (like Goldeneye on the N64).
Also, you won't just be able to play as Spyro. In a similar vein to Sonic Adventure on the Dreamcast, you will meet several characters who you can play the game as. At the moment, three other playable characters have been announced, which means the game will have at least 4 different endings!
The other playable characters have been identified as a kangaroo, a monkey and a caveman.
There will be at least 30 levels.

Spyro 2 may be going into the Platinum range before Christmas!
Just imagine - this amazing game for a bargain price!

More news on Spyro 3 -
It now seems that the other four playable characters will be a monkey, a kangaroo, a yeti and a penguin. Each will have their own abilities and their own worlds to explore.
As well as there being end-of-world bosses, as in the first two games, there will be 'mini-bosses', similar to Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles on the MegaDrive/Genesis.
The speedways will definitely be returning (either jump for joy or groan). They will be renamed Speed Rounds and Spyro will be able to use rockets, flame powerups, extra lives (so that you don't have to start all over again if you die, maybe?) and a mode where you race against the other characters. Does this mean Spyro 3 will be multi-player as well?

More news on Spyro 3...
The biggest piece of news this update is that this will be Spyro's last adventure! This, however, is a good year to end the Spyro chronicles as this year is the Chinese year of the dragon (similar to the Western world using 1974, 2000, 2050 etc to number years, the Chinese name each year after an animal. I was born in one of the years of the tiger, for instance).
You all now about the story being that a sorceress captures the dragon eggs, but more details have now been released about the story. The sorceress is very small and, when she conjures a portal to the dragon's world, Spyro is the only one left small enough to fit in(I have some suspicions about this sorceress - I think she is related to Ripto in some way). The sorceress' realm is called the Forgotten World and is inhabited by rhinoceros-esque enemies called the Rhynocs. Once in her realm, Spyro meets four other people who want a piece of her. As Spyro progresses through her realm, these characters come into play and are used to explore areas Spyro can't reach. At least 30% of the game is played through these other characters.
The other characters have now been confirmed. They are Sheila the kangaroo, Sergeant Byrd the penguin, Bentley the yeti and Agent 9, a space monkey. Well, he's not actually from space. The Professor from the current game has raised him in his lab.
Sheila has many different types of jumps. She can do many different types of double-jump to do various things, such as clearing wide gaps and hop up cliffs. Sergeant Byrd can fly, having been raised by hummingbirds. He can also pick enemies off using his rocket-launcher. He can pick things up with his flippers, which means some puzzles will be made taking advantage of the fact he can carry stuff. Bentley is the slowest, but his great strength and enormous club can be used to break stuff down, such as boulders and extra strong treasure chests. He can also use his club in a spin attack which deflects enemy fire. Finally, there's Agent 9. He wears a helmet and has a pistol to shoot with. This pistol is used in a sniper mode, which lets you zoom in on targets and pick them off.
More details on the mini-games have now also been released. Definire games in Spyro 3 are a skateboarding sim, more thief chases, games similar to the Speedway Rounds and a submarine game. A vertical shooter starring Sparx is also rumoured to be featured.
The levels have also had a lot of thought put into them. Effects such as lightning, sparks and smoke make Spyro's journey seem ever-more realistic. Also, on an ice themed level, Spyro's steamy breath can be seen. Another interesting idea for each level is that the enemies dress up in costumes matching the theme. The previously mentioned ice level features lederhosen clad Rhynocs terrorising sheep. These sheep, when talked to, speak in Swiss accents.

Two pieces of news this time.
The first concerns the current Spyro game (Spyro 2). It is definitely going into the Platinum range before the end of September.
The second piece of news is big. Very big.
Spyro 4 will be coming out.
Now before you say to yourself, "Hang on, he said earlier that Spyro 3 will be the last game". Well, in answer to that, yes it will and no it won't. It won't because Spyro 4 is coming out, but it will be the last Spyro game that Insomniac will be developing. This is because Universal Studios have the rights to decide who develops the games. They have given the rights to Hasbro Interactive (developers of Starcraft, Diablo and my all-time favourite PC game, RollerCoaster Tycoon), who have three years to develop another Spyro game.
Spyro 4 will not just be released on the PlayStation 2, but also Nintendo's new GameBoy Advance, the PC and Microsoft's X-Box. Work on the game began in April and the game will not be released until Spring 2002 at the earliest.
If Universal have decided that Spyro is such a good franchise that a big developer like Hasbro should do the fourth, then Spyro merchandise may be realeased. Think about Pokemon merchandise... Spyro might have cuddly toys, action figures (like the Crash Bandicoot action figures), calendars...heck, maybe even a TV show!
It is not impossible that Spyro 4 may depart from the style of the first three or that the various versions will have to be different (perhaps Spyro 4 will be a side-scrolling platformer, like Sonic, on the GameBoy Advance, because it is obviously not as powerful as PlayStation 2).

Spyro:YOTD has been released in the USA! It will be released here in the UK on November 8th, according to one website. However, as this date is a Wednesday, and all games as far as I can remember have been released on a Friday, I doubt this.
The front cover of the box features the extremely nice logo, along with Spyro and the rest of the new characters running towards you.
The sorceress (still no name) is stealing the dragon eggs to summon a giant planet-eating creature. There will be around 100 dragon eggs to collect. Collecting is neccessary, not only to defeat the sorceress, but also to open gates and doors along the way. Hunter, the Professor and that old rogue Moneybags all appear in the game, so Moneybags will doubtlessly be swindling Spyro of all his hard-earned eggs (although gems are appearing again, so perhaps Moneybags has realised that dragon eggs are more valuable than gems).
Inside each egg is a dragon. Each dragon has it's own name, features and personality. Clearly, Insomniac are taking a leaf out of Nintendo's book and using Pokemon-style statistics.
There will be nearly 40 levels to complete.
Skill Points make a return. This time, instead of a small noise, an on-screen confirmation appears. As well, the superflame makes a welcome comeback.
The homeworlds all have rather interesting names. Spyro 2's homeworlds were linked by being named after the seasons. Well, these homeworlds are linked through time. In order of appearance, the homeworlds are:
Sunrise Spring.
Midday Gardens.
Evening Lake.
Midnight Mountain.
During the skatepark minigame, points normally appear on-screen telling you how many points you have obtained when pulling off a special move. For some of the moves, they are named after bosses from the previous games. Ripto, Crush, Gulp, Big Gulp, Orange Crush, Gnasty Gnorc and Doctor Shemp are all bonuses.

14/11/00 -
Managed to tear myself off Spyro 3. I bought the game on the day it came out and it is FANTASTIC. If you love Spyro 2, you'll love this!
Needless to say, within the next couple of months, work will begin on a Spyro 3 guide in a similar vein to this one. Info regarding this can be found every time I update the guide.

Wow! Haven't put anything in this section for a while, because there hasn't been any new Spyro news. However, that will all change now...
Spyro 4 has been announced. It will be called 'Spyro: Season Of Ice' and will only be available on the GameBoy Advance. No news on any versions for any other formats yet...
The game looks fantastic. It looks like a much nicer looking Sonic 3D. The graphics are sharp and colourful (screenshots can be found at http://www.lby3.com/spyro/spyro4/index.html
The storyline is a little bizarre. It goes like this;
"After the defeat of the Sorceress, Spyro and his friends look forward to a well-earned, uninterrupted vacation at Dragon Shores.
"Meanwhile, a lowly Ryhnoc spell librarian see his chance for that career change he's always wanted. Finding a transforming spell in the Sorceress' vast magic library, he quickly recites it to turn his meager frame into a tower mass of strength and brains. Unfortunately the book was upside down. Now Grendoc has two heads, and a migraine in both of his thick skulls.
"The cure listed calls for the wings of a hundred fairies. He captures Zoe and freezes fairies throughout the Fairylands, sending his Ryhnoc buddies out to collect the frozen fairies. Using her last bit of magic, Zoe sends a magic balloon to Spyro for help.
"Along with Hunter and Sparx, Spyro sets out on a brand new adventure to save Zoe and the Fairies of the Dragon Realms!"
Features include 30 new levels, speedway rounds (which should look interesting in this game), Sparx levels, Spyro abilities (flaming, gliding, spitting objects etc) and the return of classic Spyro characters.
The game is scheduled for release in November this year.

For news on future Spyro games, check out

{ H.Controlling Spyro. }

D-pad or left analogue stick -
Makes Spyro move. When using the left stick, you can make Spyro run or walk depending on how far you move the stick.
When you are gliding, you can turn Spyro with these controls.
There is a move you can do whilst gliding that is not written in the manual! While gliding, press down on the D-pad or down on the stick. Spyro's wings will unfold and he uses them to float gently down to earth.
X button -
This lets Spyro jump. Use the D-pad or the stick to choose the direction of the jump.
If you hold down the X button, Spyro jumps a little higher.
To glide, press the X button to jump, then press it again. Spyro will now begin gliding. Use the D-pad or the left stick to change the direction of Spyro's glide.
[] button -
This makes Spyro charge. Hold it to carry on charging. Use the D-pad or the left stick to change direction.
T button - (Triangle button)
Press + hold this while Spyro is standing still to enter first person perspective. When Spyro has something in his mouth, press + hold this and a target also comes up, giving better aim. Use the D-pad or left stick to look around.
Press this button while Spyro is gliding and he performs a little hover. This gives you a bit more height and is essential for getting over gaps in the last few levels.
O button -
Makes Spyro flame. If he has something in his mouth, he'll spit it out. Use the T button target to make aiming easier and then press O to fire. Spyro always flames in the direction his head is pointing.
START button -
Brings up Spyro's guidebook and other options. From the guidebook, you can ckeck how well you are doing throughout the game. The other options let you do stuff like saving, messing about with various features in the Options menu and quit.
Shoulder buttons -
Also known as the camera buttons. Press + hold L1 or L2 to rotate the camera left. Press + hold R1 or R2 to rotate the camera right. Press L1 and R1 together to centre the camera behind Spyro (also works with L2 and R2).
Missing those last few gems and can't find them? Press + hold all four shoulder buttons and Sparx will point towards the gems.

{ I.Special skills. }

As Spyro proceeds though Avalar, he will need several skills to get certain orbs and gems. These can be bought off Moneybags, but beware, they don't come cheaply.

Swimming -
Bought for 500 gems in Summer Forest.
In shallow patches of water, Spyro is happy to paddle about. However, once he has learnt to swim, he can explore underwater and uncover hidden passages. Press the [] button to dive, then use the X button to swim and the D-pad/left stick to manoeuvre underwater. Press the [] button to charge at enemies. To resurface, swim towards the surface and Spyro will get out.

Climbing -
Bought for 500 gems in Autumn Plains.
Jump onto the ladder you wish to climb and Spyro will grab hold of it. Use the D-pad/left stick to move about. Press the X button and left or right to hop onto another ladder. Press X to jump off.

Headbash -
Bought for 1,000 gems in Winter Tundra.
Press the X button to jump, then press T. Spyro slams down with his horns.

{ J.Spirit particles and powerups. }

As each enemy is defeated, it releases a spirit particle. These particles are collected by a pair of pyramid-shaped posts located somewhere in the level. Between the posts is a number. This is how many spirit particles Spyro needs before the powerup is activated. Once it is activated a small icon will be floating in place of the number. Run through the posts to get the powerup.
Beware - powerups only last for a certain time. A bar appears, showing how long you have left until that power runs out. To get it back, run through the posts again.

{ K.Powerup index. }

I will list the powerup, the level(s) it appears in and the effect.
1.Fly - Glimmer, Crystal Glacier, Magma Cone - Lets Spyro fly until the timer runs out.
2.Spring jump - Colossus, Breeze Harbour, Mystic Marsh - Spyro jumps high into the air.
3.Supercharge - Idol Springs, Hurricos, Fracture Hills, Robotica Farms, Ripto's Arena - Spyro charges maniacally until you hit something or release the [] button.
4.Superflame - Sunny Beach, Aquaria Towers, Zephyr, Scorch, Ripto's Arena - Spyro releases a small comet everytime he flames. Also given as an end-of-game treat.
5.Lava trot - Skelos Badlands, Shady Oasis - Spyro can walk on lava without getting injured.
6.Icy breath - Cloud Temples - Spyro breathes ice instead of fire.
7.Energy breath - Ripto's Arena - Spyro unleashes a green sphere of energy from his mouth.
8.Superflame + Fly - Metropolis, Ripto's Arena - Avalar's first double powerup. This lets you fly and superflame at the same time.

{ L.Orbs and talismans. }

Talismans are given to Spyro by the people of Avalar as a reward for helping them. These are used to unlock Ripto's hiding places, so you need to colloect them all.
Orbs have a special meaning to the Avalari, as they are a unique source of power. It's rumoured that, should anyone collect every orb in Avalar, they would surely be the most powerful being ever! The Professor has managed to harness the power of orbs so that Spyro can use them to open portals and doors throughout Avalar.
Using this walkthrough, you should be able to get all the orbs with the minimum of fuss.

{ M.Gems. }

Gems are pieces of treasure that the Avalari keep in their lands. Spyro can collect them and give them to Moneybags in exchange for something good.
Gems come in several different colours, each one being a different denomination.
This short guide to gems lists the colour and then the denomination.
Red - 1.
Green - 2.
Blue - 5.
Yellow - 10.
Purple - 25.
Gems are either lying around or sealed in caskets. Spyro can open these caskets in the following ways.
Baskets - Your typical container. Can be flamed or charged to be opened.
Jar - The second most common container. Must be charged to be opened.
Sealed chest - These have no ordinary way of being opened. They must be superflamed, supercharged or have a rocket hit them to open.
Headbash chest - These have a red and white target on top. You must use the headbash to open them.
Firework jar - These are dangerous. Flame them to ignite the TNT, then get away quickly to avoid it's flames. It'll soar into the air, then, on landing, smash open.
Mystery jar - This is yellow with green stripes and has question marks around the side. It can be flamed or charged at to be opened. Once flamed or charged, it disappears and then reappears elsewhere in the level. You then have to track it down and repeat the flaming or charging. It then disappears and reappears...and so on, in a mad game of follow-the-leader. Eventually, the jar breaks and it releases it's cargo.

{ N.Travelling through levels. }

In each home world, there are portals. Enter these and you are taken to another land, with tasks to complete in each.

A level is deemed completed when Spyro has:
1.Helped the inhabitants resolve the problems caused by Ripto.
2.Defeated all the enemies.
3.Found the portal that leads back to the homeworld.
4.Collected all the gems you can currently get at (you may need to re-enter some levels with a special skill you didn't have before, which you need to do things).
If Spyro achieves these goals, he may get the following:
1.Gain an orb.
2.Collect spirit particles.
3.Receive a talisman or orb from the portal keeper.

Once the talismans have been collected in each world, you will be taken to face the boss. After defeating the boss, you will be taken to the next homeworld. You can get between homeworlds via portals.

{ O.Speedways - a brief introduction. }

There is 1 speedway in Summer Forest and in Winter Tundra and there are two in Autumn Plains.
The speedways used to be really popular with the people of Avalar, until it became clear that Hunter would win every single round, so they were closed. But now Spyro is on the scene, the speedways have been reopened. Once you are in a speedway, you have to achieve a number of tasks within a time limit. Objects, such as bungee jumpers and rams, have to be flamed to be destroyed. Vehicles, such as motorbikes and cars, have to be destroyed by landing on the track they are driving around and supercharging into them. Arches and hoops have to be destroyed by flying through them. You will get extra time for everything you destroy. If you complete all the tasks given, you get awarded gems.
Once a speedway is complete, you can re-enter it and enter time trial mode. See if you can beat the time you previously set!
Also, you can get the orb. There is one orb in each speedway and they are sometimes referred to as the 'secret orbs'.

{ P.The guide layout. }
The guide is set out in the following way. I have used Colossus as an example.

1.Section A3 - Colossus
2.Gems - 400 3.Orbs - 3 4.Talisman - Golden Statue
5.Species - Monks
6.Names - Harry, Arnie, Clive, Curtis, Ned, Kipp, the Professor
7.Butterfly Animals - Penguins 8.Total No. Of Enemies - 13
9.Do I need to come back - No
10.Enemies - Charger, Bouncin' Yak, Evil Spirit, Goalie, Hockey Player
11.A peaceful monastery set in some mountains is now the home of a fearsome yeti!
12.Orb 1 - Hockey vs. Goalie - ***^^ -

1.The section number and the name of the level.
2.Amount of gems available.
3.Amount of orbs available.
4.Name of talisman.
5.The inhabitants of this level.
6.Their names. I also include other characters that appear in the level eg Hunter, Moneybags etc.
7.The animal you have to flame to get a butterfly.
8.The total amount of enemies.
9.Do you need to come back with, say, a special skill which is needed to complete 100% of that level? This bit tells you if you do or don't.
10.The enemies' names. I have invented most of them. It is fairly easy to work out which one I am talking about, though.
11.I write a short piece of commentary about that level here.
12.The orbs are listed here. This tells you what definition is given in the Guidebook, the difficulty rating (In this case, the difficulty rating is 3/5, so **^^^ would be 2/5 and ****^ would be 4/5 etc) and a guide on how to get the orb.

I haven't listed the gem locations as it would take HOURS and I only want to give a basic guide, not give you a full, piece-by-piece walkthrough to every level.

Anyway, that's the first section done. Many of you have probably skipped straight to this section, but I recommend you read the guide layout above.
Now, we come to the bit you clicked on the link for.
That's right...it's time for the walkthrough!


{ A.Summer Forest }

Gems - 400 Orbs - 4 Talisman - N/A
Species - N/A
Names - Elora, Hunter, Moneybags,
Butterfly Animals - Frogs + Sheep Total No. Of Enemies - N/A
Do I need to come back - Yes, with the climbing ability.
Enemies - N/A
A castle situated in a beautiful natural environment is the first homeworld.
Orb 1 - Hunter's challenge - N/A - Once you've located Hunter, speak to him. Listen to his advice, then follow him, performing the tasks. This is excellent as a training course for the later levels and you even get an orb for it!!!
Orb 2 - On a secret ledge - N/A - Once you've got the swimming ability from Moneybags, return to the first courtyard, where the entrance to Glimmer is. Dive into the pool and follow the tunnel along. Surface at the far end and climb the steps to get the orb.
Orb 3 - Atop a ledge - N/A - Use the climbing ability to climb the ladder in the area with Hurricos and Sunny Beach. The orb is on the ledge running around the perimeter.
Orb 4 - Behind the door - N/A - Hmm, quite tricky to get. This had me stumped for a bit and then I realised how to get it! Go to the room with Ocean Speedway. Press the button there and you will notice it opens and closes the door. Leave the door nearest to you closed, then jump onto the window ledge. Turn left and glide to the window ledge on the left. Drop off it into the corridor beyond and the orb is in the room, waiting for you.

Section A1 - Glimmer
Gems - 400 Orbs - 3 Talisman - Magic Pick
Species - Gemcutters (some sort of kangaroo/mouse hybrid)
Names - Pogo, Whiskers, Twitchy, Kanga, Bounsa, Roo, Moneybags
Butterfly Animals - Ladybirds Total No. Of Enemies - 14
Do I need to come back - Yes, with the climbing ability
Enemies - Clubbasaurus, Timidasaur, Little Lizard
The first level of the game is set in the Gemcutter's gem mine
Orb 1 - Lizard Hunt - *^^^^ - Speak to Bounsa, who is in the cave in the last outside area. He sets you an orb task - kill all the little lizards using boulders to spit at them. This is a very simple task and introduces the amateur Spyro 2 player to the concept of spitting things at your enemies. The last couple of lizards are the only two who should prove to be a bit of a challenge. These two move about, so aim at one place, wait for them to step into you line of fire and hit the O button!
Orb 2 - Gem Lamp Flight outdoors - *^^^^ - You need 10 s.p. to do this task - Speak to the Gemcutter who is standing near the powerup. Use the powerup to glide around the area and flame the lamps at your leisure. The only snag with this is that you have to hit them all in one go, as they extinguish themselves.
Orb 3 - Gem Lamp Flight in cave - **^^^ - You need 10 s.p. to do this task - Almost exactly the same as before - the only real difference is the setting. Just use a similar strategy to before and you will be fine.

Section A2 - Idol Springs
Gems - 400 Orbs - 2 Talisman - Jade Idol
Species - Idol Tribe
Names - Foreman Bob, Hulagirl Stella, Foreman Bud, Foreman Max
Butterfly Animals - Beetles Total No. Of Enemies - 11
Do I need to come back - Yes, with the swimming ability
Enemies - Huge Idol, Medium Idols, Little Idols, Big Purple Idol
The idols that the Idol Tribe worship have come alive and turned against them!
Orb 1 - Foreman Bud's puzzles - Swim into the lake at the beginning and follow the passage. It brings you out in a room with Foreman Bud. He sets you a series of puzzles which you need to complete in order to get the orb.
Puzzle 1 - ***^^ - Although it looks fiendish, can be solved in four easy steps. Step on each corner tile, beginning with the lower-left one and continuing clockwise around. This lights them all up. Bingo!
Puzzle 2 - ***^^ - Next, Bud asks you to feed the enormous idol opposite the first door. He only likes 2 colours, but I can't tell you which two as they change with each game. Use trial-and-error and, once you know which he likes, feed him 10 of those colours.
Puzzle 3 - ***^^ - The final puzzle involves having to lower a group of tiles in the right order. Again, this seems to differ every time, so use trial-and-error. Congratulations! The orb is yours(and you've certainly earned it!)
Orb 2 - Hula Girl rescue - ***^^ - You need 8 s.p. to do this task - Speak to Hulagirl Stella by jumping over the platforms to the left of the exit. She asks you to free the hulagirls that the Big Purple Idol has imprisoned. Use the supercharge powerup to destroy the pedestals. Try and keep to the marked path and you should do it. Again, this is one of those tasks which sounds easy, but is difficult to pull off.

Section A3 - Colossus
Gems - 400 Orbs - 3 Talisman - Golden Statue
Species - Monks
Names - Harry, Arnie, Clive, Curtis, Ned, Kipp, the Professor
Butterfly Animals - Penguins Total No. Of Enemies - 13
Do I need to come back - No
Enemies - Chargers, Bouncin' Yaks, Evil Spirits, Goalie, Hockey Player
A peaceful monastery set in some mountains is now the home of a fearsome yeti!
Orb 1 - Hockey vs. Goalie - ***^^ - This a task which appears difficult but there is one strategy which makes it easy. When you start each round, the goalie will smack the puck away from the red goal. Retrieve it by following it and swallowing it (slide over it to swallow it). Then head for the goal. Head towards one side. This makes the goalie get in your way and stop you from getting it in that side. Then, at the last moment, turn for the other side and spit it in there. Repeat another four times and you get the orb.
Orb 2 - Hockey one on one - ***^^ - A bit harder. Repeat the tactics above for another easy win. If the red player gets the puck, flame him. Be careful when attempting to score a goal as the red player becomes a defender. You need to get past him as well.
Orb 3 - Evil spirit search - ***^^ - You need 11 s.p. to do this task - Speak to the Professor to begin this task. You need to find 10 statues, which have been taken over by spirits, and flame them. Just retrace your steps from the beginning of the level and flame every statue you see. The only one you may have difficulty in finding is the one above the yeti. Use the spring jump to get on top of the yeti's chamber and flame that statue!

Section A4 - Hurricos
Gems - 400 Orbs - 3 Talisman - Gear of Power
Species - Electrolls
Names - Zapp, Amper, Kosmos, Watt, Spike, Brainy
Butterfly Animals - Rats Total No. Of Enemies - 22
Do I need to come back - No
Enemies - Gear Grinders, Thieves, Alarmbots
Home to the Electrolls, Hurricos is being overrun by the Gear Grinders!
Orb 1 - Stone thief chase - ****^ - Wander around the area with the generators and place the stones into the sockets by swallowing them, then firing them. Carry on doing this until you hear an alarm. This means that a thief has been spotted. Charge back to the area you have done and flame the thief. Replace the lightning stone it will have stolen and repeat this until all 10 have been caught.
Orb 2 - Factory Glide I - ***^^ - You need 18 s.p. to do this task - Use the activated supercharge to charge into the windmills leaning against the walls of the area. Charge or flame the buttons they are hiding. These slow the large windmills down. Repeat this in the area beyond the electrical beams and climb the steps behind one of them. Speak to Kosmos and then jump across the windmill blades and from there to the factory. Jump across the black beams protruding from the factory and speak to Watt to get the orb.
Orb 3 - Factory Glide II - ***** - From getting orb 2, perform a glide+hover to the next windmill. From here, glide+hover to the other windmill, then glide+hover again to the top of the suspension bridge. From here, glide+hover to the raised grassy bank. Glide+hover across some more black beams thn press the switch in the noisy room to gain the orb.

Section A5 - Sunny Beach
Gems - 400 Orbs - 3 Talisman - Turtle Medallion
Species - Turtles
Names - Prince Tortiss, Advisor Gromit, Advisor Moppet, King Fromit, The 3 Babies
Butterfly Animals - Starfish Total No. Of Enemies - 17
Do I need to come back - Yes, with the climbing ability
Enemies - Diving Water Workers, Shock-stick Water Workers, Spaded Water Workers, the Chef
An underwater palace is being invaded by the Water Workers
Orb 1 - Blasting boxes - ****^ - You need 11 s.p. to do this task - Once the superflame is activated, use it. You need to find the 7 turtle boxes distributed around the level and blast them open to free the turtles inside. The only one you may have difficulty with is the one behind a door. Stand on the button, so the door opens, and flame it from there.
Orb 2 - Turtle Soup I - **^^^ - Speak to the Chef, who is in the area above the ladder near the end of the level. He tells you he is going to cook some of the turtles from Sunny Beach and you need to stop him! Run into the arena and the Chef will call the turtles. To get them away from the cauldron, charge into them or flame them (charging seems to get better results). The aim is to get them into the pool of water, which then sucks them up. Get rid of all the turtles and the orb is yours.
Orb 3 - Turtle Soup II - ***** - One of the only 5-star difficulty tasks in the game - fortunately! Very difficult - the turtles come faster and are harder to get into the pool. Repeat the above strategy and persist and you should get the orb.

Section A6 - Aquaria Towers
Gems - 400 Orbs - 3 Talisman - Enchanted Shell
Species - Seahorses
Names - Ripple, Hoppo, King Flippy, Moneybags, Hunter
Butterfly Animals - Sheep Total No. Of Enemies - 29
Do I need to come back - No
Enemies - Shock-stick Water Workers, Crabbs, Meta-Sharks
The Water Workers are draining the water from this palace!
Orb 1 - Seahorse rescue - ****^ - Speak to King Flippy. He asks you to swim to each of the numbered towers and rescue each of his children, who have been imprisoned in each tower. In each tower, there are obstacles, such as electric beams and crabbs. Once you have freed all 6, you win the orb.
Orb 2 - Manta ride I - **^^^ - Speak to Hunter (he is near King Flippy) and he asks you to help train his manta ray. Agree to it and he sets you off on a course around the area. One of King Flippy's servants makes rings out of bubbles, which you have to swim through. Once you have completed the course, Hunter gives you an orb.
Orb 3 - Manta ride II - ***^^ - Hunter sets you another course, this time with sharper turns and rings requiring you to swim fast. Just persevere - once you know the course, it'll be a doddle.

Section A7 - Crush's Dungeon
Gems - N/A Orbs - N/A Talisman - N/A
Species - N/A
Names - N/A
Butterfly Animals - Sheep Total No. Of Enemies - 0
Do I need to come back - No
Enemies - Crush
A dungeon deep beneath Summer Forest is now home to Crush.
The first boss, and a real pushover. Charge up to Crush. As you do, he will run onto a blue area on the floor. Stand back and jump over the blue electronic pulses as he fires them at you. Now flame him. Charge away as he retaliates by running after you and then bringing the house down (literally!).
Repeat this.
Now all the areas become red. When Crush stands on them, he fires fireballs at you. Charge around him as he does, wait until he is vulnerable and then flame him. Then charge away from him as he chases you.
Repeat this.
Now some turn blue and the others stay red. Depending on which colour area he stands on, apply the tactics above. When he chases you this time, he kills himself.

Section A8 - Ocean Speedway
Gems - 400 Orbs - 1 Talisman - N/A
Species - The Merpeople
Names - Queen Finny, Hunter
Butterfly Animals - N/A Total No. Of Enemies - N/A
Do I need to come back - No
Enemies - N/A
The first speedway is the home of the Merpeople.
Start off by getting the first four rings. After getting the fourth, ignore the rest for now and head through the arch in front of you. Collect the first six arches and, after the seventh, turn sharply to the right and collect the last four rings. Then, collect the last arch. Now, get the boats. They go around in a giant eight circuit so if you go in the opposite direction to them, then you can meet them all head on. After getting all eight, land on the road around the main island. Supercharge around it in the opposite way to the cars.
Orb 1 - Follow Hunter - ****^ - Speak to Queen Finny (she is in the audience on the left as you enter the speedway). She asks you to fly through some rings for the Merpeople's entertainment. Follow Hunter through the rings as he flys through them. As he flys through them, they shrink, so keep close to him. Fly through all of them and Queen Finny hands over the orb.

{ B.Autumn Plains }

Gems - 400 Orbs - 2 Talisman - N/A
Species - N/A
Names - Elora, Moneybags, the Professor
Butterfly Animals - Frogs, Sheep Total No. Of Enemies - N/A
Do I need to come back - No
Enemies - N/A
A large castle is the second homeworld
Orb 1 - The end of the wall - N/A - Use the whirlwind that takes you to Metro Speedway and glide onto the wall surrounding the grassy area. Follow it around and charge at the crumbling wall at the end. The orb is there, waiting for you to collect it.
Orb 2 - Long glide! - N/A - Near Gulp's Overlook is another crumbling wall. Charge it. Use the whirlwind and grab all the treasure on the rooftop. Now, use the fairy to save your progress in case you don't make the glide. Step into the second whirlwind and let it take you to the tower (the highest point of Autumn Plains). Glide across to the distant island which has several gems worth 25 and the final orb of Autumn Plains.

Section B1 - Skelos Badlands
Gems - 400 Orbs - 3 Talisman - Ancient Bone
Species - Bonebuilders
Names - Gronk, Glug, Lumpy, Ooga, the Tribespeople
Butterfly Animals - Lizards Total No. Of Enemies - 28
Do I need to come back - No
Enemies - Catbats, Flame Throwers, Lava Lizards, Lava Toads
The Bonebuilder's land has been taken over by the Lava Lizards and their companions
Orb 1 - Lava lizards I - ***^^ - Speak to Lumpy. He asks you to save the tribespeople from the lava lizards, who have invaded the village. Charge around the village, flaming the lava lizards as you go. You need to get them all in one go. They always follow a set pattern, so once you learn the pattern, it is relatively straightforward.
Orb 2 - Lava lizards II - ***** - Oh no! Another 5-star task! Fortunately, this one isn't too difficult. Again, the lava lizards follow a set pattern, so once you learn the pattern, it is fairly easy. Also, there are more eggs and they seem to hatch quicker.
Orb 3 - Dem bones - ****^ - You need 16 s.p. to do this task - You need to get the bones that have been stolen from Ooga. The lava toads have them in their mouths. To get them back, flame or spit a rock at the lava toads. Give them all back to Ooga and watch his bony friend's funky dance!

Section B2 - Crystal Glacier
Gems - 400 Orbs - 2 Talisman - Ice Crystal
Species - Ice Builders
Names - Widgie, Mankie, Kludgie, Iggy, Oggy, Shaman Tok, Shaman Tik, Chief Shaman Tuk, George
Butterfly Animals - Snowballs Total No. Of Enemies - 38
Do I need to come back - No
Enemies - Ice Wizards, Snorabbits, Draclets
An icy glacier has been taken over by the evil Ice Wizards
Orb 1 - Draclet cave - ****^ - You need 15 s.p. to do this task - Use the powerup to fly through the cave. Flame the draclets as you go. Some are pretty hard to get, but persevere to get them all. Also, you need to get them all in one go.
Orb 2 - George the snow leopard - **^^^ - Speak to Shaman Tok. He wants you to find his precious snow leopard for him. Find George and follow him to the various holes in the thick ice. He wants some food, which is why he is trying to get a fish. Fry one for him by flaming one as it jumps out. Repeat twice more. He takes a liking to Spyro and begins to follow him (All together now : Aaaaaaah!). Lead him back to Shaman Tok.

Section B3 - Breeze Harbour
Gems - 400 Orbs - 2 Talisman - Glass Anchor
Species - Breezebuilders
Names - Beaky, Gobble, Fisher, Squawk
Butterfly Animals - Blobs Total No. Of Enemies - 16
Do I need to come back - No
Enemies - Bucket Blubbers, Mines, Firemen Blubber
The Breezebuilder's harbour has been overrun by the Land Blubbers
Orb 1 - Mine blast - ****^ - Whenever you see a mine in the level, it needs to be destroyed. Leap into a cannon and fire at the mine (press O) There are eight of them in total. When you destroy them all, you receive an orb.
Orb 2 - Gear Grab - ***** - You need 14 s.p. to do this task - Aarrgghh!! One of the hardest orb tasks in the entire game.
When you get on the trolley, press O to fire at the sealed chest to open it. Jump over gaps in the track by pressing X. The arrows can be turned to let you go down different tracks by firing at them. TNT barrels need to be fired at to blow them up. Small crates need to be jumped over.
Once you get all 50 gears, you get a well-earned orb.

Section B4 - Zephyr
Gems - 400 Orbs - 4 Talisman - Ruby Bomb
Species - Land Blubbers
Names - Colonel Blub, Sergeant Tub, Bo Peep, Cowleks, Private Romeo, Juliet, the Professor, Corporal Glug
Butterfly Animals - Caterpillars Total No. Of Enemies - 29
Do I need to come back - No
Enemies - Bird Bombers, Eaglets, TNT Throwers
The Breezebuilders counterattack on the Land Blubbers!
(These two levels are confusing - who started on the other first - did the Land Blubbers start on the Breezebuilders or vice versa?)
Orb 1 - Cowlek corral I - ***^^ - Bo Peep asks you to find her escaped cowleks (they are a cross between a cow, an elephant and a giraffe). Once you have found them, they need to be herded back to her by flaming and charging them. 3 are in the general area of the pen, but two are in the area to the south (where Private Romeo is). Once you present her with all five, you get an orb, but...
Orb 2 - Cowlek corral II - ***^^ - You need 2 s.p. to do this task - Oh no! Bo Peep discovers that there are still 2 missing! Go to the area to the right of the cowlek corral. Use the superflame to flame the bird bombers, the sealed chest and the cowleks. The cowleks need to be superflamed up two 'shelves' to reach the pen. From there, just follow the usual procedure to get them into the pen.
Orb 3 - Sowing seeds I - ***^^ - You need to plant the seeds that the Professor gives you to reach Juliet. Swallow the first seed and sow it in the patch of soil to the east of the Professor. Spit it in the soil there, jump onto the platform there and claim a second one. Swallow this and plant it in the patch in front of the Professor. Retrieve the other one (flame the plant) and plant it in the next patch along. Use these two platforms to reach the third seed. Glide back to the second platform and plant it by using T. Jump to the large chessboard-esque platform and swallow the seed there. Sow it, using T, in the patch to the left. Jump up the three platforms that grow and get rid of the TNT throwers. Get their seed and spit it into the remaining patch. From here, glide+hover to the ledge with gems. Collect the gems and glide to the next platform. The Professor gives Spyro the next orb.
Orb 4 - Sowing seeds II - ****^ - Swallow one of the Professor's seeds and glide to the steps. Climb them and leave the seed on the platform at the top. Glide down and repeat. This time, plant the seed. Swallow the other Use the new platform to reach the other side and plant the seed. Use it to reach Juliet.
(There is a mistake on this level - the guidebook claims there are 29 enemies on this level, but there are 30!)

Section B5 - Scorch
Gems - 400 Orbs - 2 Talisman - Emerald Scarab
Species - N/A
Names - Handel, Greta, Hunter
Butterfly Animals - Baskets Total No. Of Enemies - 28
Do I need to come back - No
Enemies - Camels, Sharp Shooters, Swordmen
A desert palace is the base for Handel and Greta's spy shenanigans!1 - Barrel of Monkey - **^^^ - Speak to Hunter. He asks you to help him rescue the monkeys, who have escaped from the Avalar Zoo. Follow him around the raised area. When he stops under a tree, charge it. A monkey will fall out and into the basket. Repeat this five times and you get the orb. Don't let Hunter get hit - or Spyro, as it counts as a proper hit and Spyro changes colour.
Orb 2 - Capture the flags - ***** - You need 20 s.p. to do this task - Speak to Handel, who gives you the outline of this mission. You need to use the superflame powerup to fire at Bombo the Flagkeeper and retrieve the 3 flags. Each time, get as high up as possible and fire at him (or as close to him as possible). He will then fall down and challenge you to a race through Scorch, back to the palace. Charge after him, jumping and avoiding his bombs. When he gets close enough to Handel, he hands over the flag. Retrieve all 3 and Handel gives you an orb.

Section B6 - Fracture Hills
Gems - 400 Orbs - 3 Talisman - Bronze Flute
Species - Fauns and Satyrs
Names - Lila, Krista, Sheila, Spinner, Hunter, the Alchemist
Butterfly Animals - Pigs Total No. Of Enemies - 29
Do I need to come back - Yes, with the headbash ability.
Enemies - Earthshapers, Big Bad Bushes, Bee Trees
The satyr's ...erm, different music has been ruined by the Earthshapers.
(This is also my least favourite level in the entire game - I hate this level so much!)
Orb 1 - Free the faun - ****^ - You need 14 s.p. to do this task - Once the supercharge powerup is activated, use it to supercharge around the level, keeping to the marked path as you go and breaking down doors. Use the speed to break down the door which has locked the faun inside the small building.
Orb 2 - Alchemist escort - ****^ - Speak to the Alchemist (some sort of anthropomorphic goat). He asks you to escort him past the mean old Earthshapers so that he can use his special potion to free Hunter, whose boots he has accidentally turned to stone. Follow him around the area and charge into whichever Earthshaper he wanders near to. Don't worry if he gets hit; he has an infinite amount of potions. Just learn the pattern he walks in and it should be easy.
Orb 3 - Earthshaper bash - ****^ - Once Hunter has been freed by the Alchemist, he asks you to help him get the Earthshapers. He wanders around the area and fires arrows at the Earthshapers. Once they're down, they need to be headbashed quickly. Again, Hunter follows a set pattern, so learn the pattern. You also need to be on your toes, as Hunter tends to fire at Earthshapers before you can get to them. Once you have killed the evil Earthshapers, you receive an orb.
(The Fracture Hills pigs seem to like the satyr's music - watch the pig's reaction as you free the second satyr!)

Section B7 - Magma Cone
Gems - 400 Orbs - 3 Talisman - Volcano Idol
Species - Fauns
Names - Loonie, Bippo, Chedda, Hunter, Moneybags
Butterfly Animals - Snails Total No. Of Enemies - 19
Do I need to come back - No
Enemies - Ol' Crusties, Rockers, Party Crashers
A dormant volcano has been triggered back into life by the pesky Earthshapers.
Orb 1 - Party crashers - ***** - You need 2 s.p. to do this task - Once you have shut down the volcano and received the idol, glide to the platform supporting the volcano, which is behind Spyro. Speak to Chedda. He asks you to get rid of the party crashers. The only problem is that you can't get rid of them by flaming them. You need to swallow a small boulder (they are floating above the lava at the bottom) and fire it at one of them. Get all 12 and Chedda gives you the orb.
Orb 2 - Crystal geysers I - ***^^ - In the outside area there is a small volcano sculpture. You need to get inside it. Climb up a level and glide to one of the ladders which is raised above the ground. Climb into the sculpture and fall into the hole in the middle. You will find Hunter in a crystalline arena. He asks you if you want to play a game he has discovered. You need to collect 10 pieces of 'crystal popcorn' before he does. You can tell which hole they will come out of as steam moves towards that hole. Get 10 before Hunter and he gives you an orb.
Orb 3 - Crystal geysers II - ***** - I hate this orb task! It is definitely one of the hardest in the game. This time, you need to get 15 before Hunter. Follow the strategy above and persevere and you will get it (eventually).

Section B8 - Shady Oasis
Gems - 400 Orbs - 2 Talisman - Mystic Lamp
Species - Hippo
Names - Shorty, Grundy, Bruno, Grundy's relatives
Butterfly Animals - Peacocks Total No. Of Enemies - 21
Do I need to come back - Yes, with the headbash ability
Enemies - Genies, Swipesters, Shield Swipesters, Thieves
The Hippos of Shady Oasis have been separated from their sacred Great Berry Bush.
Orb 1 - Catch 3 thieves - ****^ - Those of you who have played the first Spyro game will recognise this and groan. You have to chase three thieves who have each stolen a lamp. Each one haunts a different area. Once you have found a thief, chase it. They will run away, but they aren't as fast as Spyro. Once you are fairly near it, flame it to retrieve the lamp. Repeat this for each of the three thieves and you receive an orb.
Orb 2 - Free Hippos - ***^^ - You need 18 s.p. to do this task - Speak to Grundy and accept her challenge. You need to rescue her relatives who have been petrified (turned to stone). They need to be freed by headbashing open the rock. Follow Grundy around the small area and free each hippo as they are released. Once completed, Grundy hands over the orb as thanks.

Section B9 - Gulp's Overlook
Gems - N/A Orbs - N/A Talisman - N/A
Species - N/A
Names - N/A
Butterfly Animals - Chickens Total No. Of Enemies - 0
Do I need to come back - No
Enemies - Gulp
A tower, high above Autumn Plains, is Gulp's residence.
Spyro needs to hit Gulp with the things the pterodactyls drop. After Gulp has taken a hit, he fires energy balls. The amount he fires changes as he takes more damage.
First off, some barrels are dropped. Put the camera behind Spyro and aim so that Gulp is in front of the barrel. Now charge. The barrel will fly up into the air and hit Gulp. Run to the perimeter of the arena and keep charging and jumping to avoid the energy balls.
Next up, bombs are dropped. Align the camera as before and flame them to send them crashing into Gulp. Again, charge and jump to avoid Gulp's retaliation.
Now rockets are dropped. Align the camera again and swallow and spit a rocket at Gulp. Charge and jump to avoid the enrgy balls.
Now Gulp gets really angry. He can now swallow these objects and use them against you. Avoid the results of his misguided chompings and repeat the steps above. After a while, Gulp will be defeated.

Section B10 - Metro Speedway
Gems - 400 Orbs - 1 Talisman - N/A
Species - Humans
Names - The Mayor, Hunter
Butterfly Animals - N/A Total No. Of Enemies - N/A
Do I need to come back - No
Enemies - Cat Burglars
The second speedway is set in an enormous city.
Get the first five pigeons and you will come out in an area with the other pigeons and some bungee jumpers. Get them all and go to the next area by Supercharging along the green road. You will come out in an area with badgers holding SLOW signs and several arches. Get all the badgers by going in a circle, flaming them as you go and then go through the arches. After the one perched on top of the wall, you will see another green road. Supercharge along it to go through the final arch.
Orb 1 - Grab the Loot - ***** - Fly into the waterfall in the area with the first five pigeons. The Mayor is on the other side. He asks you to help Hunter get rid of some cat burglars. Agree to his task. Hunter flies along with a ray gun (who would trust Hunter with a ray gun?!?). When he sees a burglar, he shoots it. It then drops the sack it was carrying. Get the sack by flying through it. Get all the sacks and the Mayor gives you the orb as a token of appreciation.

Section B11 - Icy Speedway
Gems - 400 Orbs - 1 Talisman - N/A
Species - Ice Builders
Names - Hunter
Butterfly Animals - M/A Total No. Of Enemies - N/A
Do I need to come back - No
Enemies - N/A
An island just off the coast of Crystal Glacier is the third speedway
Begin by diving straight down and supercharging into the four snowmobiles, heading in the opposite direction to them. After the last one, veer to the left and get the arch. Still supercharging, get the next four by leaping from island to island. After the fifth, stop supercharging and glide straight up. Go through the next arch and into the building. Glide down and get the next one. Get the final one and then go around the edge of the course, flaming each monster and skater as you go. After the last skater, glide up and get the gliders.
Orb 1 - Parasail through rings - ****^ - Supercharge into the igloo in the area with the snowmobiles. Hunter is hiding inside. He challenges you to a spot of paragliding. Say yes and Hunter takes you to his speedboat. Move Spyro left or right and go through each ring. Once you get all 50, Hunter rewards you with an orb.

{ C. Winter Tundra }

Gems - 400 Orbs - 3 Talisman - N/A
Species - N/A
Names - Elora, Moneybags, the Professor
Butterfly Animals - Penguins Total No. Of Enemies - N/A
Do I need to come back - N/A
Enemies - N/A
A scenic winter palace is the base of operations for Ripto's last attempt at taking over Avalar
Orb 1 - Top of the waterfall - N/A - Near Canyon Speedway is a waterfall with an orb floating in the water. To reach it, glide onto the wall surrounding the courtyard with the Super Portal (climb the steps leading up to Ripto and glide off) and walk along it until you reach an area with a waterfall on the other side of the wall. Fall into it and dive into the waters below. Follow the passage and you will come out in shallow water. Paddle along and you will reach the orb.
Orb 2 - On the tall wall - N/A - Using the strategy outlined above, get onto the wall and an orb is waiting for you on the
Orb 3 - Smash the rock - N/A - After gaining the headbash move from Moneybags, smash open the unusually large rock. Doing this to the smaller rocks also releases gems.

Section C1 - Mystic Marsh
Gems -400 Orbs - 3 Talisman - N/A
Species - Water Wizards
Names - Hydrar, Snoozle, the Professor, Basil the Explorer
Butterfly Animals - Frogs Total No. Of Enemies - 36
Do I need to come back - No
Enemies - Spider Monkeys, Meta-Snails, Tuskers, Dingo Thieves
The Mystic Marsh fountains have mysteriously turned off.
Orb 1 - Fix the fountain - N/A - You need 20 s.p. to do this task - Finish the level.
Orb 2 - Very versatile thieves! - ****^ - You need 20 s.p. to do this task - Speak to Basil. He asks you to hunt down the four dingo thieves who have stole his spark plugs. To capture them, you need to chase them. Apply the skills you learnt in the similar scenario in Shady Oasis here and it should be easy.
Orb 3 - Retrieve professor's pencil - ****^ - You need 20 s.p. to do this task - Speak to the Professor. He has lost his pencil and wants you to return it to him. He gives you an egg and asks you to trade the egg for the pencil.
Swallow the egg and take it to the bird's nest. Spit it into the nest using T. The bird gives you a seed.
Swallow the seed and take it to the plant pot. Spit it into the pot using T. The plant grows and a rubber duck grows.
Swallow the rubber duck and take it to the ducks on the lake. Spit it in the lake near the mother duck using T and she gives you an onion.
Swallow the onion and take it to the cauldron. Spit it into the cauldron using T and you receive a gold coin.
Swallow the coin and take it to the fountain. Investigate it using T. There are several coins set in it. Spit the coin into the gap where the missing one should go and the fountain spits out the pencil.
Give the pencil to the Professor and he hands over an orb out of gratitude.

Section C2 - Cloud Temples
Gems - 400 Orbs - 3 Talisman - N/A
Species - Wizards
Names - Alaric, Murgen, Bartle, Agent Zero
Butterfly Animals - Sheep Total No. Of Enemies - 23
Do I need to come back - No
Enemies - Warlocks, Rammers, Spitsters, Trolls
Evil warlocks have invaded the wizard's home
Orb 1 - Break down doors - N/A - Finish the level.
Orb 2 - Agent Zero's hideout - ****^ - Talk to Agent Zero (the big ginger guy) and he tells you about his secret hideout. You need to follow him to this secret hideout by hiding behind trees. When you hide behind a tree, he can't see you. To know whether he can or can't see you, rotate the camera so that Agent Zero is in the centre. If the tree blocks most of him out, he can't see you. Once you reach his hideout, he gives you an orb.
Orb 3 - Ring tower bells - ***^^ - You need 21 s.p. to do this task - Use the icy breath powerup to freeze the trolls and then use them as steps to ring the bells. It shouldn't take you long to work out the order to freeze them in and it is quite a fun task to do. Once you have rung the first two bells, you are transported up a level where there is another bell and a rocket. Use the rocket to open the sealed casket near Agent Zero.

Section C3 - Robotica Farms
Gems - 400 Orbs - 3 Talisman - N/A
Species - RoboFarmers
Names - Farmer GreeneBeene, Farmer Applebee, Farmer John, Farmer Barleycorn
Butterfly Animals - Sheep Total No. Of Enemies - 22
Do I need to come back - No
Enemies - Barrelbugs, Spinners, Bug Bombers
Pesky flies are eating all the Robotica Farms crops.
Orb 1 - Switch on bug light - N/A - Finish the level.
Orb 2 - Clear tractor path - ****^ - You need 15 s.p. to do this task - Once the supercharge powerup is activated, speak to Farmer Barleycorn. You need to supercharge around the tractor path, smashing large pumpkins as you go. Also, the barn needs opening. Open the doors by ramming into them.
Orb 3 - Exterminate crow bugs - ****^ - Converse with Farmer Applebee and he sets you an orb task. Go to the hilly field behind him. To exterminate the crow bugs, jump onto a mound near the scarecrow they are currently on. Glide towards one side of the scarecrow. As they evacuate the scarecrow, they will fly right in front of you. Quickly flame them. Repeat to get all four.

Section C4 - Metropolis
Gems - 400 Orbs - 4 Talisman - N/A
Species - Droids
Names - Manager Droid, Maintenance Droid, Logistics Droid, Inventor Droid
Butterfly Animals - Eggs Total No. Of Enemies - 22
Do I need to come back - No
Enemies - Death Cows, Laser Cows, Ox, Sheep Saucers, Oinkers
The Robotica Farms animals have rebelled against those who imprisoned them!
Orb 1 - Conquer invading cows - N/A - Finish the level.
Orb 2 - Shoot down sheep saucers I - ****^ - You need 9 s.p. to do this task - Speak to the Inventor Droid after she gives you orb 1. She asks you to help destroy the invading sheep saucers. Use the combination powerup and fly around the area, flaming the saucers as you go. It is a good idea to tackle them from the front, as they fire at you from the back. Once you get all 3, the Inventor Droid gives you the orb out of gratitude, but...
Orb 3 - Shoot down sheep saucers II - ***** - You need 9 s.p. to do this task - The previous three sent out a distress call - more saucers are attacking! This time, there are five sheep saucers to contend with. Fly around the area and get them from the front, or dart about a lot when getting them from behind, to avoid getting hurt. Once all five are down, you get another orb.
Orb 4 - Ox bombing - ****^ - Speak to the Logistics Droid. He shows you the troublesome ox and asks you to help get rid of it. You need to skate around the arena and fire bombs back at the ox as he fires them at you. The best way to do this is to stand on the normal platform (not on the ice) and stand as far forward as possible without actually treading on the ice. When the ox fires bombs in the middle, which will then head straight towards you, wait until they reach the centre of the arena and move forwards. Spyro will launch himself towards the bomb. Flame it and it will zoom off and hit the ox. Repeat a few more times and the ox is history.

Section C5 - Ripto's Arena
Gems - N/A Orbs - N/A Talisman - N/A
Species - N/A
Names - N/A
Butterfly Animals - Sheep Total No. Of Enemies - 0
Do I need to come back - No
Enemies - Ripto, Ripto+Mecha-Gulp, Ripto+Mecha-hawkarea behind the Winter Tundra castle is the setting for Spyro's final battle!
The final boss and very hard it is too. You need to destroy Ripto in each of his three different forms. It is very irritating when you get to his final form and he kills you - you have to start all over again!
In his first form, he just faces you in the normal manner. The aim is to collect three charged-up orbs and use them against him. When you collect three, you gain a powerup for a short time (see section 1:K for the powerup index and the effects).
Charge around the arena when Ripto attacks to avoid getting hit.
Next, Ripto summons a mechanical Gulp. Apply the same tactics as before, but keep in mind Ripto+Mecha-Gulp can also use the orbs against you.
Now things really heat up! Ripto and Spyro take to the skies in an almighty finale. A simple, but effective way to kill Ripto in his deadliest form is to fly really high up and then divebomb his Mecha-hawk. Alternatively, swoop down low and climb up underneath the mechanical beast.

Section C6 - Canyon Speedway
Gems - 400 Orbs - 1 Talisman - N/A
Species - Cowboys
Names - Hunter
Butterfly Animals - N/A Total No. Of Enemies - N/A
Do I need to come back - No
Enemies - N/A
A desert canyon is the setting for the final speedway.
This is by far the easiest speedway. Get the eight rams, then after the eighth, get the eight rings. Land on the road and supercharge around, getting all eight bikes as you go. After the last one, you will come out in a miniature canyon. Flame all eight vultures and you will have completed Canyon Speedway.
Orb 1 - Shoot down balloons - Hunter doesn't give a rating for this task! - To get the orb, go to the area with the vultures. In the cliff wall is a room with Hunter in it. Speak to him and do the task. The task is to shoot down several targets whilst flying in Hunter's remote controlled plane. The easiest way to do it is to hold down Circle to fire and just move the target around the screen. The last few are quite difficult to get but practice and you should be able to get them. When completed, Hunter gives you an orb.

{ D.Dragon Shores }

Gems - N/A Orbs - N/A Talisman - N/A
Species - Gnorcs
Names - Showman Gniles, Showman Gnick, Showman Gnelson, Showman Gnorm, Showman Gned, Showman Gnigel
Butterfly Animals - N/A Total No. Of Enemies - N/A
Do I need to come back - No
Enemies - N/A
Spyro and Sparx finally take their well-earned break at Dragon Shores.
Dragon Shores is a theme park with several attractions and sideshows. Win the sideshows and ride the attractions to win tokens. When you have all 10 tokens, you can access the renowned Dragon Shores theatre where you can watch your favourite cut-scenes again and again!
Showman Gnick's Dunking Booth - Spit the baseball at the target to dunk the Colossus yeti, a Fracture Hills Earthshaper and the Sunny Beach chef. Use the T button to aim.
Showman Gnelson's Shooting Gallery - Showman Gnelson challenges you to complete three rounds of shooting fun. First, you have to send 10 rubber ducks to oblivion. Aim for the back and keep firing - that way, you hit the ones at the back and any ones at the front who drift in the way!
Now you have to send 8 shock-stick Water Workers to hell. Keep on your toes and keep firing.
Finally, you have to give 10 lizards a fiery death. Keep the target close to the ground and keep firing.
Showman Gnorm's Tunnel Of Love - Spyro takes a trip on the Tunnel Of Love and wins a token. Who Spyro comes out with is randomly generated, which gives some very strange combinations!
Showman Gnigel's Rollercoaster - The aim of this rollercoaster is to avoid the obstacles and pop all the balloons.
The first time you ride, sections of the track are closed off. Jump over the Sunny Beach turtles and the Hurricos Electrolls and keep popping those balloons!
Now, Gnigel opens more track. Apply the same tactics as before and it is easy to get the next token.
For the last round, Gnigel installs a mini-cannon on your cart. Use the O button to fire. Pop all the green balloons and fire at the red balloons. Apart from this, the rest of the course is very similar.
Now, speak to Showman Gned. He will open the theatre for you (providing you have 10 tokens!).
Also, there is a door which requires 10,000 gems and 64 orbs to open (all gems and all orbs in game). By now, you should have the requirements. If not, go back and retrieve the last few gems and orbs.
When the door opens, there is a superflame powerup inside. Use it. You can now kiss the normal flame goodbye - this superflame is permanent! Now, let's go and get the Skill Points!

{ E.Skill Points }

At Dragon Shores, an extra page is added to the Guidebook - the Skill Points page.The Skill Points are sort of like a test set by Insomniac Games. They show how skilled you are at Spyro 2 and if you get all 16 of them, then you will be rewarded. Here is a complete list of the Skill Points as they appear in my guidebook.
Level Skill Point
1.Skelos Badlands All Cacti
2.Hurricos All Windmills
3.Colossus Perfect in Hockey
4.Fracture Hills 3 Laps of Supercharge
5.Crush's Dungeon Perfect
6.Gulp's Overlook Perfect
7.Ripto's Arena Perfect
8.Scorch All Trees
9.Ocean Speedway Under 1:10
10.Metro Speedway Under 1:15
11.Icy Speedway Under 1:15
12.Canyon Speedway Under 1:10
13.Idol Springs Land on Idol
14.Aquaria Towers All Seaweed
15.Gulp's Overlook Hit Ripto
16.Skelos Badlands Catbat Quartet
When you get each Skill Point, a small noise indicates that you have got it.
Here's a guide as to how to obtain the Skill Points:
-To get skills 1, 2, 8 and 14, you simply have to superflame all of that item on the level. For instance, Skill Point number 1 requires you to superflame all the cacti on Skelos Badlands, so you just complete the level again, flaming each cacti as you progress
-For number 3, you have to score 5:0 in the one-on-one hockey game, with you getting 5 and the opponent getting 0.
-For number 4, use the supercharge as you would normally do to rescue the trapped faun, but instead of charging into the door, turn left. Run through the two pyramids again. Repeat this for another two laps and the point is yours.
-For numbers 5, 6 and 7, you have to kill each boss without being hit yourself.
-For numbers 9, 10, 11 and 12, you have to complete each speedway under the relevant time.
-To get number 13, you need to glide onto the idol standing near the hulagirls.
-For number 15, use the superflame to target and hit Ripto.
-For number 16, go just past the portal back to Autumn Plains. There is an area with four Catbats in it. If you move towards them they fly up, preventing you from flaming them. To get them, pick each one off from a distance using the superflame.

You get a reward for every two you get in the form of an extra life. When you get 8, an epilogue is added to the guidebook, explaining what happened to each character after the events of the game. When you get all 16, an extra bit is added, showing you various enemies which were going to be in the game, but were taken out for various reasons.


{ A.Cheats. }

Here are all the cheats I have for Spyro 2. If anyone has any more, please e-mail them to me and I will put them on the walkthrough

Again, these cheats are based on the European (PAL) version of the game. There currently aren't any available for the North American (NTSC) version - sorry!

Crash Team Racing Demo -
To get the secret demo of CTR, press L1 and R2 and [] at the title screen. You can play the demo in 1-player, 2-player or even 4-player modes!

End credits -
Pause the game then press [], O, [], O, [], O, L, R, L, R, L, R

Get all abilities -
Pause the game then press O, O, O, O, []

Make Spyro pink -
Pause the game then press U, R, D, L, U, [], R1, R2, L1, L2, U,
L, D, R, U, []

Make Spyro yellow -
Pause the game then press U, R, D, L, U, [], R1, R2, L1, L2, U, L, D, R, U, U

Make Spyro black -
Pause the game then press U, R, D, L, U, [], R1, R2, L1, L2, U, L, D, R, U, D

Make Spyro red -
Pause the game then press U, R, D, L, U, [], R1, R2, L1, L2, U, L, D, R, U, O

Make Spyro green -
Pause the game then press U, R, D, L, U, [], R1, R2, L1, L2, U, L, D, R, U, T

Make Spyro blue -
Pause the game then press U, R, D, L, U, [], R1, R2, L1, L2, U, L, D, R, U, X

Big Head mode -
Pause the game then press U, U, U, U, R1, R1, R1, R1, O

Flat mode -
Pause the game then press L, R, L, R, L2, R2, L2, R2, []

Extra hit point -
Pause the game then press [], U, [], D, [], L, [], R, O

I haven't tested these, so I don't know if they work!!

{ B.Cheat cartridges. }

Here are some cheat cartridge codes for those of you who use them.
I have only managed to salvage GameShark/Pro Action Replay codes, but I will try and find some more in due course.

North American (Ripto's Rage - NSTC) version.

Unlimited lives:
8006712C 0063

Unlimited health:
8006A248 0003

Swimming Ability learned:
80064682 0001

Climbing ability learned:
80064686 0001

Headbash ability learned:
8006468A 0001

All gems:
800670CC FFFF

All orbs:
3006702C 00FF

D00683A0 0020
3006A1C9 000F

Unlock all levels:
50000F02 0000
8006B084 0101

European (Gateway to Glimmer - PAL) version.

Unlimited lives:
8006C614 0005

Unlimited health:
8006DE50 0003

D0070692 DFFF
8006DDD1 000F

{ C.Walkthrough history. }

Began writing the walkthrough.
Wrote from the start up to the beginning of the walkthough.

Finished off writing the walkthrough.
Went through and checked for spelling mistakes.

E-mailed entire file to GameFAQs asking if they could put it on the site.

Discovered that GameFAQs has put my walkthrough on it's site. I received an e-mail from a representative of GameAdvice and VideoGame Strategies who wanted to also have it on the sites. I let him. Follow his example. If you want the walkthrough, ask me.

Updated the walkthrough in a few places and renamed the walkthrough 'version 1.1'. I also added a few codes for a cheat cartridge under section 3B . Added some new info to the News section (1G). E-mailed new, updated walkthrough to both GameFAQs and GameAdvice/VideoGame Strategies.

Added more Spyro 3 news. Corrected section 1H (Controlling Spyro) after realising I had missed the START button controls.

Added more info to the news section. E-mailed new, updated walkthrough to both GameFAQs and GameAdvice/VideoGame Strategies.

Added the address for another site that wanted this walkthrough in several places. You can now find this walkthrough at PSXCodez as well.

Added the new section 3E, 'My other walkthroughs' as my project over the last few weeks has been a guide to Ape Escape. The details of it can be found in 3F.

Added a load more under section 1G (Spyro News).

Sent the latest edition of the FAQ to the usual sites, under the new version number - 1.5

After adding some stuff under section 1G, I posted the latest edition to the usual sites under verion 1.6

Recived an e-mail from Freshly Baked Games asking if they could use my guides, meaning the guide can be found at www.fbgames.com as well. Also got an e-mail from Cheat Code Central, meaning this can also be located there.
Sent the new walkthrough off under 1.7

Got an e-mail from Game Experts, meaning this guide can now be found at www.gamexperts.com

I wrote up the details of my newest guide, the guide to Spyro 3, in section 3F.

E-mailed the new version, with the Spyro 3 guide details, to the usual sites.

Recived an e-mail from Neoseeker, meaning the guide can now be found there.

Updated the Spyro 3 information.

Updated the entire walkthrough. Sent it off to all the sites under version 1.9

Added the details of my latest walkthrough (Chicken Run) to 3F.

Updated list of locations. Sent it off under version 2.0

After getting a new computer and spending hours transferring files, I got my guides over. I updated the site list.

Added a new cheat.

Updated the Chicken Run guide site list.

Updated the site list. Sent off guide under version 2.1

Updated the Spyro 3 site list.

Updated all the site lists. Classified it as version 2.2

Updated the site lists.

Updated the site lists.

Received an e-mail from GamesOver, meaning the guide can now be found there too. Updated site lists and sent guide off under version 2.3

Added some new information regarding Spyro 4 in the Spyro News section (1G).

Updated site lists and renamed guide version 2.4

Updated site lists.

Updated guide and renamed version 2.5

Updated site lists. Have begun work on my new FAQ.

Changed format of the section on my other walkthroughs.

Renamed guide version 2.6

Updated news section (1G).

Updated site list.

Renamed guide version 2.7

{ D.Credits. }

Here are my credits, in no particular order.
I thank:
The Telegraph company (an English newspaper) -
For accepting my entry to a competition and giving me first prize - my PlayStation!
Sony -
For making an excellent console and publishing a fine piece of software.
Insomniac -
For making one of the only sequels to a game which is a darn sight better than the first (the only other two I can think of are Sonic 2 and Alundra 2).
Claire Egan -
For being the owner of the PlayStation where I first witnessed Spyro. If it had not been for her, I probably wouldn't have Spyro 2!
Samy and Dim -
For their orb task scoring system. Nice one!
Ryuuko -
For letting me use his disclaimer in my walkthrough.
Luke Wagner -
For sending the extra hit point cheat.
GameFAQs -
For displaying my walkthrough on their site.
GameAdvice/VideoGame Strategies -
For also displaying my walkthrough on their site.
PSXCodez -
For also displaying my walkthrough on their site.
FBGames -
For displaying my walkthrough.
Cheat Code Central -
For having this walkthrough.
Game Experts -
For displaying this walkthrough.
Neoseeker -
For having the guide.
Gaming Planet -
For having the guide.
a2zweblinks -
For displaying the guide.
Spyro Club -
For showing the guide. Also an excellent Spyro fan site!
Ultimate FAQs -
For displaying the guide.
PSX Cheaters World -
For having the guide.
Xploded -
For showing the guide.
GamesOver -
For having the guide.
Australian Cheats -
For showing the guide.
CheatCodes -
For showing the guide.

{ F.My other walkthroughs. }

Hey, I know! How about a bit of shameless advertising while you are still here?
I have also done walkthroughs for:

Spyro 2 (PlayStation)
Spyro 3 (PlayStation)
Ape Escape (PlayStation)
Chicken Run (PlayStation)

Spyro: Season Of Ice (Gameboy Advance)

{ F.Peace. }

DO -
Own Spyro, Spyro 2 and Spyro 3.
Use this walkthrough to aid you on your quest in Avalar.

Copy any part of this walkthrough.

Erm, I think that's about it. Good luck on your quest in Avalar and e-mail me if you want anything else in the walkthrough or a walkthrough for one of my other games or permission to use the walkthrough on your site.

'Come with Spyro to a magical, enchanted kingdom...
And set fire to it.'
1999 Spyro 2 English advertising campaign.

Peace, man.

Christopher Hyde

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15.Octombrie 2013

16.Octombrie 2013
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13.Octombrie 2013
100\% komplett.

17.Octombrie 2013

14.Octombrie 2013
engl. Cheats
10.Octombrie 2008

17.Octombrie 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und +3 Trainer für die US Version

17.Octombrie 2013
Patch for the European PAL-Multilanguage Version

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engl. Hinweise
10.Octombrie 2008
engl. FAQ
10.Octombrie 2008
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