The Legend of Dragoon

The Legend of Dragoon

17.10.2013 19:17:30
Legend of Dragoon
Secret Quest FAQ
By Event Omega
Version 0.5


-Revision History
-Introduction to this FAQ
-Key/Legend to this FAQ
-Legend of Dragoon Basics/Tips
-Translations (just thought I’d add it)
-Faust Secret Quest
-Magrad Stronghold Secret Quest
-Dragoon Towers Secret Quest
-Secret Items/Mini Quests
-Dialogue Section (SPOILERS)



Version 0.0 (9/5/00)
-Created this FAQ

Version 0.1 (9/5/00)
- Updates in the Legal section

Version 0.2 (9/6/00)
- Added basic controls
- Added the Key section
- Added Basics/Tips section
- Added Faust section

Version 0.3 (9/7/00)
- Added Magrad Stronghold section
- Added Dragoon Tower section
- Added Dialogue section
- Added Credits
- Finished rough draft version

Version 0.4 (9/8/00)
- Corrected mistakes
- Polished sections

Version 0.5
- Added new sites for this FAQ usage



Written By: Simon “Event Omega” P.
Version: 0.4
Status: About 1/3 done
Date Started: 9/5/00
Last Updated: 9/27/00



This FAQ is intended for personal usage only. It should not be used for the
purposes of financial gain, such as magazines, websites and any other form of
entertainment, online or off. You may use this FAQ for your own reasons, as
long as they are legal and binding. If you wish to use this guide on your own
website, I would be happy to let you. You must CONTACT ME about it first
though. Provide me a URL to your site also, as I would be interested to see
what other Legend of Dragoon sites or other RPG sites are out there. If I give
you permission to use it, which is VERY likely, please remember that I wrote
it. Do not alter it in any way, leave it as it is. You might want to wait
till it is done also. But most important, give ME credit, seeing as I wrote
the damn thing.

To stress, I do not want to see this FAQ, or any part of it, on a site that is
used for commercial gain. No profit is to be made off of this FAQ, it is
intended for the personal use of gaming fans everywhere.

I noticed the whole thing, so, this FAQ was written for the
use of CJayC, his website, and for the users of his website
only, unless I am notified of anyone else wanting to use it, then they may use
it also. If you wish to use it, read the first part of this notice.

Sites this should be in:

© by Simon “Event Omega“ P., 2000

Legend of Dragoon is © by SCEI.



Hello, I am Event Omega. This is my first ever attempt to write a FAQ, so
please bear with me. This FAQ is about the wonderful PSX RPG, Legend of
Dragoon. This happens to be a truly wonderful RPG, one of the best I have ever
played. Enough of that. On to important things.

This FAQ is based on the North American version of Legend of Dragoon, so no one
should have translation problems.

Like many others will say, I am not perfect. If you happen to see a mistake,
which is highly likely, contact me at I also would
like some constructive criticism, good or bad, it is all welcome.

I doubt that I will get a lot of e-mails, but if I do, I will try to reply as
often as possible.

I have tried my best to keep this spoiler free. You will notice that when a
story part happens, I will say something like, “More dialogue.” This is
because a lot of people, including myself, detest spoilers. I have added a
special dialogue section for those who want to know what happens during the
Secret Quests.



***: Separation of sections

===: Boss Fight

---: Sub-Section

[ ]: See Dialogue Section

Use CTRL+F to find Key Words



¦ Map ¦ Town/Dungeon ¦ Battle ¦
¦Circle: Cancel ¦ Cancel ¦ Counter/Cancel ¦
¦Triangle: Menu ¦ Menu ¦ Nothing ¦
¦Square: Nothing ¦ Nothing ¦ Nothing ¦
¦X: Confirm ¦ Talk/Confirm ¦ Confirm Action ¦
¦L1/R1: Rotate ¦ Turn Arrows ¦ Nothing ¦
¦ Map ¦ On/Off ¦ ¦
¦L2/R2: Alter ¦ Nothing ¦ Rotate ¦
¦ Map Size ¦ ¦ Camera Angle ¦
¦Start: Show ¦ Nothing ¦ Nothing ¦
¦ Town Names ¦ ¦ ¦
¦Select: Nothing ¦ Nothing ¦ Nothing ¦




-Additions: Combo attacks that are used with the attack sequence. You will
notice a blue box that appears before an attack. Press X when the box turns
white. An enemy might counter attack. You will notice the box turn red.
Press circle during when the box turns white to prevent the counter attack.
They must be equipped to be used.

-SP: Gained with doing additions. Once you get 100, you may become a dragoon,
providing that you have a dragoon spirit. You may increase the amount of SP
you can gain, up to 500, providing that you gain levels with your character.

-Dragoons: A person who has a dragoon spirit and uses it to fight. You must
have a dragoon spirit and 100 SP to access this stage. In this stage, you have
powerful magic and additions. You may get up to 5 dragoon levels.

-Always defend. You gain 10% of your HP back, and you prevent any status
abnormalities while defending.

-Turning into a dragoon removes all status abnormalities from your character.

-You can access SPECIAL by having all of your characters having their full SP
meters. SPECIAL turns all of your characters into Dragoons at once, and gives
the person who used it far greater power. Try not to use it so much on bosses,
as you will often need someone to heal your party.

-Run away if the enemy poses a great threat to you. Discretion is better part
of valor.

-Bring many healing items with you everywhere.

-When you get a new addition, wait until you have mastered the one before it,
then try to use the new one.

-Watch your enemies attacks. That way you may have a better strategy to
killing them without wasting time.


-Save often.

-Talk to everyone.

-Examine everything.

-Fight a lot. You need to gain levels to progress without getting killed.

-Always buy new equipment when you find when you enter a new town.

-Always go back to other towns later on, as something may have changed.

Any other tips or basics are welcomed and much obliged. Send them to



I know a some of the translations, so here:

Towns (Japanese-English)

Celes- Seles
Bel- Bale
Inderus Castle- Indelus Castle
Hocus- Hoax
Humid Terrain- Marshland
Loan- Lohan
Cathas- Kazas
Ridela- Lideria
Phino- Fueno
Farni- Furni
Neat- Neet
Belweb- Vellweb
Wuwara- Ulara
Luzu- Rogue

Characters (Japanese- English)

Ravits- Lavitz
Jiku- Zeig
Sharlie- Shirley

If you know anymore, please send them to


Now, what you all really wanted to see.
The Secret Quests.



Accessed: Disc 3-4

Location: Kashua Glacier, Flanavel Tower

Items Needed: Vanishing Stone

Recommendations: Lv 35+, DG Armor, Lots of healing items, Strong Additions,
Legendary Casques (optional), and anything that helps lessen/prevent magic

Treasure: Dancer’s Shoes, Dragon Helm, Holy Ankh, Phantom Shield, and Smoke

Enemies in the area: Basilisk, Dragon Soldier, Madman, Metal Fang

How to get there: To get there, you must enter Kashua Glacier. Continue along
the path until you can go either left or right. Go right, and you will end up
on a screen that has two merchants. It is highly suggested that you stock up
on healing items at this time, as they will be crucial for this quest.
Continue, you will see a lot of icicles you can go down. Get to the bottom,
and go to the next screen. You must then go up, and you will end up in
Flanavel Tower. Proceed as normal. (If you would like directions, I would
suggest that you read the FAQ/walkthroughs, as they are all wonderful.)
When you get to the top, you will see a save point. Take the teleporter to the
right, and the quest begins......

You start of this quest in a room with a teleporter and a treasure chest. Grab
the Therapy Ring in the chest. Anyway, as you try to access the teleporter, a
man will appear from thin air. He will introduce himself as Faust. [After
some dialogue], he will tell you to leave. Now here, you have two options. 1.
You may try to fight him with out the Vanishing Stone, but you will not win.
2. On the other hand, if you have the Vanishing stone, that is a whole
different story. Faust will then disappear. Now you may continue.

As you take the teleporter, you will end up in a maze similar to the one in
Flanavel Tower. You will see another teleporter. Take it. Keep proceeding,
and you will end up in a room with 5 teleporters, a treasure chest, and a save
point. Grab the Dragon Helm in the treasure chest. Save.

NOTE: This room is now known as the “base room.”

Now, take any path. You will end up in a room with 3 teleporters, 3 roads,
and a platform in the middle. Advance to the platform. As you do, Dart will
say that Faust is somewhere in one of these 3 paths. Then the path will
collapse. Go back to the base room, take another path, you will come to come
to a different part of the collapsing road room. Advance on the path, then it
too will crumble. Return back to the base room. Save. Try another path, you
will end up on the final path.


Here is a breakdown for the people who don’t want to find the path themselves:


-->= New Screen (you will be in a new area)

Only one: This means that there is only one 2 teleporters in the circle you are
EX: If you are in a circle with two teleporters, and there is a top and bottom
teleporter, and you came in the top one, it is obvious that you must take the
bottom on. That is the only one to take.

When I say top, bottom, or whatever, that means take that teleporter.
EX: If you are in a circle with 4 teleporters, and I say, lower right, take the
lower right one.

PATH: One of the 3 paths.

These paths all start from the base room.


Path 1: Top--> Bottom, lower right--> PATH

Path 2: Bottom--> only one, left--> only one, right--> PATH

Final Path: Upper left--> right--> only one--> PATH

NOTE: I don’t remember this exactly. I used Desmond’s walkthrough to get
through the teleporter maze, so it is not impounded in my memory. If you see
any mistakes, contact me.


Now that you are at the final path, and you are all ready, continue to the
platform. The platform will fall, and you will come face to face with Faust.
[You will get some dialogue], then two choices. Either one, you will fight


My Party

Lv 39
Addition: Moon Strike
Equip: Fairy Sword, Red DG Armor, Dragon Helm, Combat Boots, Giganto Ring

Lv 37
Addition: Gust of Wind Dance
Equip: Halberd, Jade DG Armor, Dragon Helm, Combat Boots, Giganto Ring

Lv 39
Addition: Demon’s Dance
Equip: Flamberge, Dark DG Armor, Magical Hat, Dancer’s Shoes, Physical Ring


BOSS: Faust
HP: About 30,000

Ok, I got killed the first time I fought him. It took me 4 tries to figure out
a good strategy for him. It worked for me, but it is not 100% surefire. Don’t
complain if it isn’t good. Figure it out yourself then.

First off, do not waste any time turning into a dragoon. Magic will not harm
him, as he is all about magic. Maybe you can change Albert for Rose Storm, and
Miranda for healing, but try to avoid it. Additions work the best on this
idiot, that being the reason for strong additions. Now Faust will cheat,
sometimes getting up to 5 attacks a turn! If you pay close attention, every
time you attack him, he will counter with your own element, thus the reason for
the DG Armor. So, I had Albert and Dart attack my 3rd try, and I had Rose
defend. I noticed that he didn’t attack as much as the first two tries. So
don’t attack with everyone. Have two people attack, the other use healing
rains or fogs or whatever. Sooner or later, he will die. I hope. He will use
a powerful spell every time you lower his HP a lot, from like blue to yellow,
and yellow to red. So keep that in mind. Basically, have a lot of magic
defense, hit hard, and don’t use magic. Helps to have healing items too.

You get a Smoke Bomb and a Phantom Shield for winning.


After that is done, you may collect the Dancer’s Shoes and the Holy Ankh and
leave. On to the next quest.



Accessed- Disc 3-4

Location: Snowfield

Recommendations: Lv 35+, Dragoon Special, Angel Prayer x2

Treasure: Midnight Terror, Stunning Hammer, Poison Needle, Armor of Yore, Panic
Bell, Soul Eater

Enemies in the area: Bowling, Mr. Bone, White Ape, Windy Weasel

How to get there: On disc 3, in the Snowfield. Go to the part where you see a
sign. You will fall. Then, Rose will talk, and you can go in....

This quest begins with Meru throwing snowballs at you, and [Rose educating you
on the place.] This is not really a dungeon or anything, so I shouldn’t have
to give you step by step instructions. Proceed, collecting the Midnight Terror
along the way. Upon entering the fort, [you will see a flashback]. After,
collecting the Stunning Hammer and continue to the next screen. You will see a
save point and a chest. Collect the Poison Needle, and save.


Go to the center, and [you will see another flashback]. After that, the red
sword will come out of the wall and attack.


My party:

Lv 40
Addition: Blazing Dynamo
Equip: Fairy Sword, Red DG Armor, Legendary Casque, Combat Boots, Giganto Ring

Lv 38
Addition: Gust of Wind Dance
Equip: Halberd, Jade DG Armor, Dragon Helm, Combat Boots, Ultimate Wargod

Lv 40
Addition: Demon’s Dance
Equip: Flamberge, Dark DG Armor, Dragon Helm, Dancer’s Shoes, Amulet


BOSS: Polter Armor
Polter Sword
Polter Helm
HP: 4000, 3250, 2500 (Estimates)

Well, I found this fight surprisingly easy. The armor will attack with nothing
but some magic stuff, and the helm does a block command attack. It isn’t too
much to worry about. But the sword, that is a different story. Every time you
kill a part of the boss, the sword will instantly kill a player. That is why I
recommend going after the sword first. Just use Regular Additions on it.
After it dies, it will kill the person who killed it. Revive him/her, then use
the Dragoon SPECIAL I told you to have, and the battle is very simple. First,
take out the armor with additions, then the helm with magic. I recommend using
Dart’s Flame Shot a lot, as well as Haschel’s Thunder Kid. They are both cheap
and will hurt the boss.

You get a Soul Eater for the win.


Collect the Armor of Yore and the Panic Bell and leave. Yay, the final secret



Accessed- Disc 3-4

Location: Vellweb

Recommendations: Lv 36+, DG Armor, use a variety of characters, healing items,
regain your SPECIAL after every boss

Treasure: Stones

Enemies in the area: Same as Vellweb

Note: These bosses will have ALL of the same attacks/spells as your own

How to get there: In Vellweb, the first time you go, you will encounter
Shirley. [Dialogue]. You cannot do this now, so come back later and do it.
Ok, you have now come back later. Shirley will appear again, and she will talk
to you again, then disappear. This spot will become a place for healing
benefits, so use it after every fight....


My Party:

Lv 45
Addition: Blazing Dynamo
Equip: Soul Eater, Red DG Armor, Legendary Casque, Combat Boots, Therapy Ring

Lv 43
Addition: Gust of Wind Dance
Equip: Halberd, Jade DG Armor, Dragon Helm, Combat Boots, Ultimate Wargod

Lv 45
Addition: Demon’s Dance
Equip: Flamberge, Dark DG Armor, Dragon Helm, Dancer’s Shoes, Amulet


Ok, lets start with the middle tower, then go counter clockwise, seeing as that
is how I went.

Tower 1: Rose’s Tower
-There is nothing in here except a stardust.

Tower 2: Syuevil’s Tower
- Syuevil’s soul still remains. You will get some [dialogue], then a boss


BOSS: Syuevil
HP: 9500-10,500 (?)

Syuevil has the wind Dragoon, so he fights just like Lavitz/Albert. He is very
good on physical defense, but bad on magical, so try to use people with strong
magical attacks and who are good strong against physical. He has all the same
attacks as Albert’s Dragoon, except more beefed up. He will attack 2 to 3
times a turn, giving you a disadvantage. His magic seems to be supered up
also. Watch out for it. I suggest you use a lot of magic, such as Dart’s
Flameshot, Rose’s Astral Storm, and any of Haschel’s spells. Use your Dragoon
special. Just pound him with magic attacks and he will fall.

You will get a Green Stone for winning.

After the battle, you will get some [dialogue], then Syuevil will depart.


Tower 3: Shirley’s Tower
- Nothing here, as Shirley is already gone.

Tower 4: Damia’s Tower
- Damia is still there. You will get some [dialogue], then a boss fight.


BOSS: Damia
HP: 8500-9000 (?)

Damia is Meru personified. She is Meru, on battle steroids. She is very fast,
strong with magic, but is wiped out with physical attacks. I suggest that you
use your Dragoon additions, as they will kill her in a matter of moments.
Watch out for her magic. She will attack often, and you will die if not
careful. If you want to lessen the blow of her magic, use Rose Storm. This is
a fairly simple battle.

You get a Sea Stone for winning.

You will get more [dialogue], then Damia will depart.


Tower 5: Zeig’s Tower
-Nothing to see here, unless you enjoy rock.

Tower 6: Belzac’s Tower
-He is here, and shoot, he is looking for a fight after some [dialogue].


BOSS: Belzac
HP: 15,000-17,000 (?)

Man, this fight is tough. It is Kongol, but with like 8 pairs of Dancer’s
Shoes. I suggest having high HP characters, seeing as his additions can wipe
you out very quickly if you are not careful. Belzac is very strong on the
physical scale, but not so good on the magical scale. Have characters with
great magical offense, such as Dart or Haschel. Use Albert’s Rose Storm to
lessen his addition attacks. This battle will end if you have the right

You get a Golden Stone for winning.

After the battle, you will get some [dialogue], then Belzac will depart.

Tower 7: Kanzas’ Tower
-Kanzas still resides here, and after some dialogue, he will fight you.


BOSS: Kanzas
HP: 11,000-12,000 (?)

This is probably the most difficult fight of all. Seeing as Kanzas is just
like Haschel, he is very adept in both areas, physical and magical. I highly
suggest you have the SPECIAL for this fight. Use it right away. Have Albert
cast Rose Storm, as his magic will kill you. He also gets roughly 3 turns to
your one, so make your attacks count. I would do magic attacks first with Dart
or Haschel, as they do not fail like additions. The exception is having the
person who cast special to use additions. If he is still alive after the
magic, pummel him to death (he is already dead!) with additions. The key to
this fight is having a good mix of both physical attributes as well as magical

You get a Purple Electric Stone for saving him.

After some [dialogue], he will depart.


Give yourself a pat on the back for
defeating the 3 major side quests.
Give me a thumbs up for a great FAQ.
I think.


(Coming Soon!)



This is the section with all the spoilers. If anyone wants to see the story
parts, look no further.

NOTE: This sections contains SPOILERS!


Faust Secret Quest:

- First time you meet him, he will claim to be the world’s most powerful
wizard. He tells about being the sidekick of Melbu Framha, and the ruler of
the supreme Flanavel Tower.

- Second time you meet him, he gives you a warm welcome. He talks about how it
is unfathomable how you could have the Dispell Illusion Stone that got rid of
his aparattion. Faust will then tell you about how he has used his magic to
survive the 11,000 years, and how he must conquer the world. Once he manages
to fix his precious tower, that is.


Magrad Stronghold Secret Quest:

- Rose taught you the history of the fort. It was the place that the humans,
led by Emperor Diaz, declared war on the Winglies 11,000 years ago.

- The first flashback is the people cheering for Emperor Diaz and the
glorification of their country.

- The second flashback is when Emperor Diaz talk to Rose and Zieg. It is
mentioned that they are to be wedded after the war.


Dragoon Towers Secret Quest :

- Shirley wishes for you to help the remaining Dragoons whose spirits that
still remain in the towers.



- Syuevil is in his tower, talking about his studies on the Death City Mayfil.
He is trying to find out how the Winglies controlled life and death with the

- After defeating Syuevil, he will thank you for freeing him, and now he can go
to Mayfil.



- Rose tells you about Damia. She is only 15 when she joins the war. Dart
will ask if a girl her age can control a Dragoon. The answer is yes, because
Damia is half mermaid. Damia will then talk about how the other Dragoons
accepted her.

- After beating Damia, she will ask Rose to go with her. She is afraid to go
by herself. Rose can’t go. She will then gain a little confidence and vanish.



- Belzac will notice Rose, and mistake Dart for Zeig. You learn he joined the
war to avenge the children killed by the Winglies. He will have a flashback of
the final battle, then attack you.

- Belzac will thank Rose for letting him have is rest after battle, then he
will vanish.



- Kanzas is angered at Rose. He wishes to kill her, I don’t know why.

- After the battle, you find out Kanzas joined the war because of Shirley. He
then vanishes.


That is the dialogue. If there is any problems, contact me at



Mom/Dad: For giving me life. They also got me the game.

SCEI: For making this game, which TOTALLY RULES!

CJayC: For making GameFAQ’s and taking in my sorry FAQ.

Elranzer: For giving me the idea for the japanese to english translations.

Desmond Xie: For his beautiful walkthrough, which helped me get through the
Faust part of Flanavel Tower.

Dyse: For his kick ass FAQ, which helped me a lot.

Happy Matt: For his extensive FAQ, which helped me remember the Kanzas dialogue
in the Dragoon Towers Secret Quest.

The Greatest One: For his wonderful story FAQ, which was a lot of fun to read.

DrkDivineDragoon: For telling me the name of the Armor of Yore.

GameFAQ’s: For being a sweet gaming website.

All GameFAQ users: You guys are cool.

Anyone else: I am sorry I didn’t mention you. I am sure I will remember


© by Simon “Event Omega” P., 2000 © by Simon “Event Omega” P., 2000


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