Eternal Eyes

Eternal Eyes

17.10.2013 10:06:51


E T E R N A L E Y E S F A Q v 1 . 3

for the Sony Playstation (English version)
by Sugiyanto Yusup

Unpublished work Copyright 2000 Sugiyanto Yusup

This FAQ is for private and personal use only. It can only be reproduced
electronically, and if placed on a web page or site, may be altered as long
as this disclaimer and the above copyright notice appears in full. This FAQ
is not to be used for profitable/promotional purposes; this includes being
used by publishers of magazines, guides, books, etc. or being incorporated
into magazines, etc. in ANY way. This FAQ was created and is owned by me,
Sugiyanto Yusup . All copyrights and trademarks are
acknowledged that are not specifically mentioned in this FAQ. Please give
credit where it is due.

Eternal Eyes is (c) SunSoft and (c) Sony Entertainment of America.




- Add more muppets in Muppets Encyclopedia
- Add Gameshark Codes

VERSION 1.2 (December 4, 2000)
- Making fourth and fifth evolution
- Add more muppets in Muppets Encyclopedia

VERSION 1.1 (November 28, 2000)
- Finished Third Evolution

VERSION 1.0 (November 26, 2000)
- Complete First Evolution
- Complete Second Evolution
- Making Third Evolution
- Making Muppets Encyclopedia


Eternal Eyes is a role playing game based around the life of a young boy
known as Luke. Early on in the story Luke learns that he, like his father
before him, has the power to control and animate muppets through the use of
Jewels. With the aid of these Muppet Monsters and his friends, Luke must
embark upon an epic quest to thwart the plans of the evil General Vorless,
the main villain in the game, and his henchmen, who plan to reawaken the
Goddess of Destruction, Luna.

This is my third FAQ after Vanguard Bandits and Valkyrie Profile FAQS. If you
have comment, correction, suggestion send me e-mail at .
I am trying to complete the list of evolution. I worked very hard to find the
evolution, so please don't plagiarize my FAQS. Always check the newer version



Doll --> Red holiness --> Cardian
beasts --> Elekin
wisdom --> Pumpkin Head
power --> Powan


Doll --> Green holiness --> Holy Baby
beasts --> Jackal
wisdom --> Pipo
power --> Evil Cat

Light Blue

Doll --> Light Blue holiness --> Riverhood
beasts --> Flipper
wisdom --> Calab
power --> Screw


Doll --> Yellow holiness --> Planter
beasts --> Mantee
wisdom --> Justin
power --> Dolos


Doll --> Pink holiness --> Mooscue
beasts --> Kemo Kemo
wisdom --> Chuff
power --> Hals


Doll --> White holiness --> Phew
beasts --> Sleeper
wisdom --> Tsuitock
power --> Heyup


You can evolve at level 3 or higher.


|-- red --> Chalizadon
Doll --> Red holiness --|
(Cardian) |-- white --> Pumpkin Head

|-- red --> Chalizadon
Doll --> Red beasts --|
(Elekin) |-- yellow --> Card Knight

|-- green --> Card Knight
Doll --> Red wisdom --|
(Pumpkin Head) |-- light blue --> Head

|-- red --> Head
Doll --> Red power --|
(Powan) |-- green --> Card Knight


|-- green --> High Jackal
Doll --> Green holiness --|
(Holy Baby) |-- yellow --> Evil Cougar

|-- green --> High Jackal
Doll --> Green beasts --|
(Jackal) |-- red --> Pikuchi

|-- light blue --> Sheperin
Doll --> Green wisdom --|
(Pipo) |-- yellow --> Evil Cougar

|-- pink --> Pikuchi
Doll --> Green power --|
(Evil Cat) |-- green --> Evil Cougar

Light Blue

|-- light blue --> River Haze
Doll --> Light Blue holiness --|
(Riverhood) |-- yellow --> Baboon

|-- light blue --> Rayray
Doll --> Light Blue beasts --|
(Flipper) |-- pink --> Baboon

|-- red --> River Haze
Doll --> Light Blue wisdom --|
(Calab) |-- white --> Baboon

|-- green --> Baboon
Doll --> Light Blue power --|
(Screw) |-- yellow --> River Haze


|-- yellow --> Moh
Doll --> Yellow holiness --|
(Planter) |-- pink --> Dorothy

|-- red --> Powan
Doll --> Yellow beasts --|
(Mantee) |-- pink --> Moh

|-- green --> Dorothy
Doll --> Yellow wisdom --|
(Justin) |-- white --> Dogu 1

|-- red --> Pixie
Doll --> Yellow power --|
(Dolos) |-- light blue --> Moh


|-- pink --> Moosmoos
Doll --> Pink holiness --|
(Mooscue) |-- white --> Otogi

|-- white --> Otogi
Doll --> Pink beasts --|
(Kemo Kemo) |-- red --> Bolt

|-- light blue --> Bolt
Doll --> Pink wisdom --|
(Chuff) |-- green --> Otogi

|-- green --> Otogi
Doll --> Pink power --|
(Hals) |-- yellow --> Bolt


|-- white --> Jiparg
Doll --> White holiness --|
(Phew) |-- green --> Good Sleep

|-- red --> Good Sleep
Doll --> White beasts --|
(Sleeper) |-- pink --> Bone Rock

|-- red --> Bone Rock
Doll --> White wisdom --|
(Tsuitock) |-- white --> Death Bat

|-- red --> Rayray
Doll --> White power --|
(Heyup) |-- light blue --> Death Bat


D = Doll
Blue = Light Blue

You can evolve at level 8 or higher.


|-- green --> Magical Hat
|-- red --> red --|
| (Chalizadon) |-- yellow --> Kolizadon
D --> Red holiness --|
(Cardian) | |-- green --> Pera Pera
|-- white --> white --|
(Pumpkin Head) |-- yellow --> Mushini

|-- green --> Magical Hat
|-- red --> red --|
| (Chalizadon) |-- blue --> Kolizadon
D --> Red beasts --|
(Elekin) | |-- green --> Mushini
|-- yellow --> yellow --|
(Card Knight) |-- blue --> Crusher

|-- pink --> Mushini
|-- green --> green --|
| (Card Knight) |-- white --> Crusher
D --> Red wisdom --|
(Pumpkin Head) | |-- pink --> Magical Hat
|-- blue --> blue --|
(Head) |-- white --> Pera Pera

|-- blue --> Pera Pera
|-- red --> red --|
| (Head) |-- yellow --> Grey
D --> Red power --|
(Powan) | |-- blue --> Cross
|-- green --> green --|
(Card Knight) |-- yellow --> Mushini


|-- blue --> Hound Dog
|-- green --> green --|
| (High Jackal) |-- white --> Crusher
D --> Green holiness --|
(Holy Baby) | |-- blue --> Bug Beast
|-- yellow --> yellow --|
(Evil Cougar) |-- white --> Kirinji

|-- blue --> Bug Beast
|-- red --> red --|
| (Pikuchi) |-- pink --> Kirinji
D --> Green beasts --|
(Jackal) | |-- blue --> Hound Dog
|-- green --> green --|
(High Jackal) |-- pink --> Crusher

|-- green --> Kirinji
|-- blue --> blue --|
| (Sheperin) |-- blue --> Hound Dog
D --> Green wisdom --|
(Pipo) | |-- green --> Crusher
|-- yellow --> yellow --|
(Evil Cougar) |-- blue --> Bug Beast

|-- blue --> Hound Dog
|-- green --> green --|
| (Evil Cougar) |-- yellow --> Crusher
D --> Green power --|
(Evil Cat) | |-- blue --> Bug Beast
|-- pink --> pink --|
(Pikuchi) |-- yellow --> Kirinji


|-- red --> Cyboze
|-- blue --> blue --|
| (River Haze) |-- green --> Hurricane
D --> Blue holiness --|
(Riverhood) | |-- red --> Bubbley
|-- yellow --> yellow --|
(Baboon) |-- green --> Ziglariat

|-- yellow --> Brushy
|-- blue --> blue --|
| (Rayray) |-- white --> Hurricane
D --> Blue beasts --|
(Flipper) | |-- yellow --> Bubbley
|-- pink --> pink --|
(Baboon) |-- white --> Ziglariat

|-- red --> Hurricane
|-- red --> red --|
| (River Haze) |-- yellow --> Cyboze
D --> Blue wisdom --|
(Calab) | |-- red --> Ziglariat
|-- white --> white --|
(Baboon) |-- yellow --> Bubbley

|-- red --> Bubbley
|-- green --> green --|
| (Baboon) |-- yellow --> Hurricane
D --> Blue power --|
(Screw) | |-- red --> Cyboze
|-- yellow --> yellow --|
(River Haze) |-- yellow --> Ziglariat


|-- blue --> Dewberry
|-- yellow --> yellow --|
| (Moh) |-- white --> High Jackal
D --> Yellow holiness --|
(Planter) | |-- blue --> Piyo
|-- pink --> pink --|
(Dorothy) |-- white --> Ewan

|-- yellow --> Piyo
|-- red --> red --|
| (Powan) |-- white --> Ewan
D --> Yellow beasts --|
(Mantee) | |-- yellow --> Dewberry
|-- pink --> pink --|
(Moh) |-- white --> Manteeyo

|-- yellow --> Piyo
|-- green --> green --|
| (Dorothy) |-- pink --> Ewan
D --> Yellow wisdom --|
(Justin) | |-- yellow --> Manteeyo
|-- white --> white --|
(Dogu 1) |-- pink --> Dogu 2

|-- green --> Ewan
|-- red --> red --|
| (Pixie) |-- yellow --> Sylph
D --> Yellow power --|
(Dolos) | |-- green --> Dewberry
|-- blue --> blue --|
(Moh) |-- yellow --> Manteeyo


|-- red --> Fuwawa
|-- pink --> pink --|
| (Moosmoos) |-- blue --> Dogu 1
D --> Pink holiness --|
(Mooscue) | |-- red --> Dreamer
|-- white --> white --|
(Otogi) |-- blue --> Sakika

|-- blue --> Sakika
|-- red --> red --|
| (Bolt) |-- yellow --> Cross
D --> Pink beasts --|
(Kemo Kemo) | |-- blue --> Rayray
|-- white --> white --|
(Otogi) |-- yellow --> Dreamer

|-- yellow --> Dreamer
|-- green --> green --|
| (Otogi) |-- pink --> Fuwawa
D --> Pink wisdom --|
(Chuff) | |-- yellow --> Cross
|-- blue --> blue --|
(Bolt) |-- pink --> Sakika

|-- pink --> Fuwawa
|-- green --> green --|
| (Otogi) |-- white --> Dreamer
D --> Pink power --|
(Hals) | |-- pink --> Sakika
|-- yellow --> yellow --|
(Bolt) |-- white --> Cross


|-- red --> Joker
|-- green --> green --|
| (Good Sleep) |-- blue --> Nightmare
D --> White holiness --|
(Phew) | |-- red --> Spirit
|-- white --> white --|
(Jiparg) |-- blue --> Lady Phantom

|-- blue --> White Cross
|-- red --> red --|
| (Good Sleep) |-- yellow --> Shadow
D --> White beasts --|
(Sleeper) | |-- blue --> Nightmare
|-- pink --> pink --|
(Bone Rock) |-- yellow --> Mud Skeleton

|-- green --> Nightmare
|-- red --> red --|
| (Bone Rock) |-- blue --> Jiparg
D --> White wisdom --|
(Tsuitock) | |-- green --> Mud Skeleton
|-- white --> white --|
(Death Bat) |-- blue --> Spirit

|-- green --> Nightmare
|-- red --> red --|
| (Rayray) |-- yellow --> Jiparg
D --> White power --|
(Heyup) | |-- green --> Joker
|-- blue --> blue --|
(Death Bat) |-- yellow --> Shadow


You can evolve at level 15 or higher.
You can evolve at level 30 or higher. (The final evolution)

Blue = light blue
D = doll

Red Holiness

Doll --> Red holiness --> red --> red --> green --> red --> green --|
(Cardian) (Chalizadon) (Magical Hat) |
| |-- yellow --> red --> green --> yellow --> red --> R. H. puppet
|--| (Spell Hat)
|-- pink --> red --> green --> pink --> blue --> Big Head
(Spell Hat)

Doll --> Red holiness --> red --> red --> yellow --> red --> yellow --|
(Cardian) (Chalizadon) (Kolizadon) |
| |-- yellow --> red --> yellow --> yellow --> red --> King Kareen
|--| (Kareen)
|-- pink --> red --> yellow --> pink --> blue --> King Kareen

Doll --> Red holiness --> white --> white --> green --> white --> green --|
(Cardian) (Pumpkin Head) (Pera Pera) |
| |-- yellow --> white --> green --> yellow --> red --> Banri
|--| (Usui)
|-- pink --> white --> green --> pink --> blue --> Scream

Doll --> Red holiness --> white --> white --> yellow --> white --> yellow --|
(Cardian) (Pumpkin Head) (Mushini) |
| |-- yellow --> white --> yellow --> yellow --> red --> Apple Bat
|--| (Delamushini)
|-- pink --> white --> yellow --> pink --> blue --> Apple Bat

Red Beasts

Doll --> Red beasts --> red --> red --> green --> red --> green --|
(Elekin) (Chalizadon) (Magical Hat) |
| |-- green --> red --> green --> green --> red --> Crab Helm
|--| (Spell Hat)
|-- white --> red --> green --> white --> pink --> King Kareen

Doll --> Red beasts --> red --> red --> blue --> red --> blue --|
(Elekin) (Chalizadon) (Kolizadon) |
| |-- green --> red --> blue --> green --> red --> Big Head
|--| (Elekina)
|-- white --> red --> blue --> white --> pink --> Scream

Doll --> Red beasts --> yellow --> yellow --> green --> yellow --> green --|
(Elekin) (Card Knight) (Mushini) |
| |-- green --> yellow --> green --> green --> red --> Apple Bat
|--| (Delamushini)
|-- white --> yellow --> green --> white --> pink --> Apple Bat

Doll --> Red beasts --> yellow --> yellow --> blue --> yellow --> blue --|
(Elekin) (Card Knight) (Crusher) |
| |-- green --> yellow --> blue --> green --> red --> Medusa Ball
|--| (Red Eye)
|-- white --> yellow --> blue --> white --> pink --> Banri

Red Wisdom

Doll --> Red wisdom --> green --> green --> pink --> green --> pink --|
(Pumpkin Head) (Card Knight) (Mushini) |
| |-- red --> green --> pink --> red --> yellow --> Lizadon
|--| (Kareen)
|-- blue --> green --> pink --> blue --> green --> Lizadon

Doll --> Red wisdom --> green --> green --> white --> green --> white --|
(Pumpkin Head) (Card Knight) (Crusher) |
| |-- red --> green --> white --> red --> yellow --> R.W. puppet
|--| (Delamushini)
|-- blue --> green --> white --> blue --> green --> Big Head
(Spell Hat)

Doll --> Red wisdom --> blue --> blue --> pink --> blue --> pink --|
(Pumpkin Head) (Head) (Magical Hat) |
| |-- red --> blue --> pink --> red --> yellow --> Apple Bat
|--| (Elekina)
|-- blue --> blue --> pink --> blue --> green --> King Kareen

Doll --> Red wisdom --> blue --> blue --> white --> blue --> white --|
(Pumpkin Head) (Head) (Pera Pera) |
| |-- red --> blue --> white --> red --> yellow --> Banri
|--| (Usui)
|-- blue --> blue --> white --> blue --> green --> Banri

Red Power

Doll --> Red power --> red --> red --> blue --> red --> blue --|
(Powan) (Head) (Pera Pera) |
| |-- pink --> red --> blue --> pink --> yellow --> Banri
|--| (Usui)
|-- white --> red --> blue --> white --> red --> Banri

Doll --> Red power --> red --> red --> yellow --> red --> yellow --|
(Powan) (Head) (Grey) |
| |-- pink --> red --> yellow --> pink --> yellow --> Big Head
|--| (Hageem)
|-- white --> red --> yellow --> white --> red --> R.P. puppet

Doll --> Red power --> green --> green --> blue --> green --> blue --|
(Powan) (Card Knight) (Cross) |
| |-- pink --> green --> blue --> pink --> yellow --> Lizadon
|--| (Kareen)
|-- white --> green --> blue --> white --> red --> Big Head
(Mad Pumpkin)

Doll --> Red power --> green --> green --> yellow --> green --> yellow --|
(Powan) (Card Knight) (Mushini) |
| |-- pink --> green --> yellow --> pink --> yellow --> Apple Bat
|--| (Delamushini)
|-- white --> green --> yellow --> white --> red --> Apple Bat

Green Holiness

Doll --> Green holiness --> green --> green --> blue --> green --> blue --|
(Holy Baby) (High Jackal) (Hound Dog) |
| |-- red --> green --> blue --> red --> green --> Killer Bee
|--| (Pipot)
|-- yellow --> green --> blue --> yellow --> pink --> Killer Bee

Doll --> Green holiness --> green --> green --> white --> green --> white --|
(Holy Baby) (High Jackal) (Crusher) |
| |-- red --> green --> white --> red --> green --> Death Mail
|--| (Hell Armour)
|-- yellow --> green --> white --> yellow --> pink --> Death Mail
(Hell Armour)

Doll --> Green holiness --> yellow --> yellow --> blue --> yellow --> blue -|
(Holy Baby) (Evil Cougar) (Bug Beast) |
| |-- red --> yellow --> blue --> red --> green --> G. H. puppet
|--| (Nanai)
|-- yellow --> yellow --> blue --> yellow --> pink --> Chappy

D --> Green holiness --> yellow --> yellow --> white --> yellow --> white --|
(Holy Baby) (Evil Cougar) (Kirinji) |
| |-- red --> yellow --> blue --> red --> green --> Piporino
|--| (Unicorn)
|-- yellow --> yellow --> blue --> yellow --> pink --> Piporino

Green Beasts

Doll --> Green beasts --> red --> red --> blue --> red --> blue --|
(Jackal) (Pikuchi) (Bug Beast) |
| |-- yellow --> red --> blue --> yellow --> green --> Killer Bee
|--| (Nanai)
|-- white --> red --> blue --> white --> white --> Killer Bee

Doll --> Green beasts --> red --> red --> pink --> red --> pink --|
(Jackal) (Pikuchi) (Kirinji) |
| |-- yellow --> red --> pink --> yellow --> green --> Mimi
|--| (Unicorn)
|-- white --> red --> pink --> white --> white --> Mimi

Doll --> Green beasts --> green --> green --> blue --> green --> blue --|
(Jackal) (High Jackal) (Hound Dog) |
| |-- yellow --> green --> blue --> yellow --> green --> Piporino
|--| (Pipot)
|-- white --> green --> blue --> white --> white --> Chappy

Doll --> Green beasts --> green --> green --> pink --> green --> pink --|
(Jackal) (High Jackal) (Crusher) |
| |-- yellow --> green --> pink --> yellow --> green --> Death Mail
|--| (Hell Armour)
|-- white --> green --> pink --> white --> white --> Death Mail
(Hell Armour)

Green Wisdom

Doll --> Green wisdom --> blue --> blue --> green --> blue --> green --|
(Pipo) (Sheperin) (Kirinji) |
| |-- red --> blue --> green --> red --> green --> G. W. puppet
|--| (Pipot)
|-- white --> blue --> green --> white --> yellow --> Doctor Egg

Doll --> Green wisdom --> blue --> blue --> blue --> blue --> blue --|
(Pipo) (Sheperin) (Hound Dog) |
| |-- red --> blue --> blue --> red --> green --> Killer Bee
|--| (Baron)
|-- white --> blue --> blue --> white --> yellow --> Killer Bee

D --> Green wisdom --> yellow --> yellow --> green --> yellow --> green --|
(Pipo) (Evil Cougar) (Crusher) |
| |-- red --> yellow --> green --> red --> green --> Death Mail
|--| (Hell Armour)
|-- white --> yellow --> green --> white --> yellow --> Death Mail
(Hell Armour)

Doll --> Green wisdom --> yellow --> yellow --> blue --> yellow --> blue --|
(Pipo) (Evil Cougar) (Bug Beast) |
| |-- red --> yellow --> blue --> red --> green --> Mimi
|--| (Nanai)
|-- white --> yellow --> blue --> white --> yellow --> Mimi

I would be very happy if someone help me complete this list (Fourth and Fifth
Evolution). My Eternal Eye's CD is accidentally scratched, so I can't play
this CD anymore and I decided not to buy it again. I'm very sorry!!!


Species : Mooscue No. 001
Exa of Evo
Parent : Doll
Jew : pink
Att : pink holiness
Likes people. Often kept as a pet. It attacks because it wants to play with
Species : Moosmoos No. 002
Exa of Evo
Parent : Mooscue
Jew : pink
Att : pink holiness
Powered-up version of Mooscue. It wants to play more! You have to keep alert.
Species : Fuwawa No. 004
Exa of Evo
Parent : Moosmoos
Jew : pink red
Att : pink holiness
Improved version of Mooscue. Small wings. Unexpectedly good at attack.
Species : Pikuchi No. 007
Exa of Evo
Parent : Jackal
Jew : red
Att : green beasts
Looks like a slug, but actually a type of slime. Uses earth power as energy.
Species : Yunipikuchi No. 008
Exa of Evo
Parent : Hound Dog
Jew : green light blue white
Att : green beasts
Powered-up version of Pikuchi. Doesn't appear much; likes enclosed places.
Species : Tsuitock No. 009
Exa of Evo
Parent : Doll
Jew : white
Att : white wisdom
A tacked up Magical Puppet. Weapon a big needle. Will he sew himself back up
if he loses?
Species : Kareen No. 011
Exa of Evo
Parent : Kolizadon
Jew : red yellow yellow
Att : red holiness
Special spices are a decider. Strong at attack; be careful.
Species : King Kareen No. 012
Exa of Evo
Parent : Kareen
Jew : red yellow yellow red
Att : red holiness
Powered-up version of Kareen. Ability unknown. Seems to have special spices
from all over.
Species : Piyo No. 013
Exa of Evo
Parent : Dorothy
Jew : pink light blue
Att : yellow holiness
Cute from the back; ferocious in attack. Looks sinister, bites quickly.
Species : Mantee No. 015
Exa of Evo
Parent : Doll
Jew : yellow
Att : yellow beasts
A Latin insect. Dances when it hears music. Has a sharp sickle; dangerous to
Species : Manteeyo No. 016
Exa of Evo
Parent : Moh
Jew : pink white
Att : yellow beasts
Powered-up version of Mantee. Loves lively music and dancing; always dancing.
Species : Evil Cat No. 017
Exa of Evo
Parent : Doll
Jew : green
Att : green power
Caspricious, uneven in attack. Likes milk. Reacts to anything that moves.
Species : Evil Cougar No. 018
Exa of Evo
Parent : Evil Cat
Jew : green
Att : green power
Powered-up version of Evil Cat. Pretends to be asleep, but swift in attack.
Species : Kemo Kemo No. 019
Exa of Evo
Parent : Doll
Jew : pink
Att : pink beasts
Seems a mutation of Mooscue. Is protected by its thick fur. Likes people.
Species : Riverhood No. 021
Exa of Evo
Parent : Doll
Jew : light blue
Att : light blue holiness
Appears as a wild animal; true form unknown. Despite its appearance, seems
Species : River Haze No. 022
Exa of Evo
Parent : Riverhood
Jew : light blue
Att : light blue holiness
Powered-up version of Riverhood. Rumour says it has quite a good intellect.
Species : Mushini No. 023
Exa of Evo
Parent : Card Knight
Jew : green yellow
Att : red power
Kept a lot as a quiet pet. Friendly, but very timid.
Species : Delamushini No. 024
Exa of Evo
Parent : Mushini
Jew : green yellow pink
Att : red power
Powered-up version of Mushini. Timid. If it is surprised, who knows what will
Species : Flipper No. 025
Exa of Evo
Parent : Doll
Jew : light blue
Att : light blue beasts
Extremely brave. Found near water. Likes fish. Often mistaken for a penguin.
Species : Penguino No. 026
Exa of Evo
Parent : Bubbley
Jew : pink yellow red
Att : light blue beasts
Powered-up version of Flipper. Good in cold. Has a head harder than ice. Good
at swimming.
Species : Jackal No. 027
Exa of Evo
Parent : Doll
Jew : green
Att : green beasts
Wild instincts. Excellent smell and hearing. Difficult to tame. Some keep it
as a guard dog.
Species : High Jackal No. 028
Exa of Evo
Parent : Jackal
Jew : green
Att : green beasts
Powered-up version of Jackal. Difficult to tame. Faithful to those it trusts.
Species : Bug Beast No. 029
Exa of Evo
Parent : Pikuchi
Jew : red light blue
Att : green beasts
Insect type. Very aggressive. Always protects its own territory.
Species : Killer Bee No. 030
Exa of Evo
Parent : Nanai
Jew : red light blue yellow green
Att : green beasts
Powered-up version of Bug Beast. Destructive. Eager to grab the territory of
Species : Calab No. 031
Exa of Evo
Parent : Doll
Jew : light blue
Att : light blue wisdom
Seems to be an escaped pet which has evolved. Be careful of its sharp claws
and fangs.
Species : Heyup No. 033
Exa of Evo
Parent : Doll
Jew : white
Att : white power
True form unclear. Very capricious. Some say it is a messenger of a god.
Species : Beheyup No. 034
Exa of Evo
Parent : Jiparg
Jew : red yellow yellow
Att : white power
Powered-up version of Heyup. True form unclear. Sometimes friendly, sometimes
Species : Moh No. 035
Exa of Evo
Parent : Planter
Jew : yellow
Att : yellow holiness
Popular as a pet. Can be found among plants and trees.
Species : Planter No. 036
Exa of Evo
Parent : Doll
Jew : yellow
Att : yellow holiness
Plant form. Said to produce flowers. Often found where there is vegetation.
Species : Sakika No. 038
Exa of Evo
Parent : Otogi
Jew : white light blue
Att : pink holiness
Found near water. Very aggressive. Be careful of attack; strong suckers have
Species : Chalizadon No. 040
Exa of Evo
Parent : Cardian
Jew : red
Att : red holiness
Nocturnal. Has sharp claws. Body is covered with scales.
Species : Kolizadon No. 041
Exa of Evo
Parent : Chalizadon
Jew : red yellow
Att : red holiness
Powered-up version of Chalizadon. Body is covered with hard scales.
Species : Lizadon No. 042
Exa of Evo
Parent : Kareen
Jew : green white red yellow
Att : red wisdom
Upgrade of Kolizadon. Body is covered with steel scales.
Species : Elekin No. 043
Exa of Evo
Parent : Doll
Jew : red
Att : red beasts
Males only form a group. They croak. Males and females live separately.
Species : Elekina No. 044
Exa of Evo
Parent : Kolizadon
Jew : red light blue green
Att : red beasts
Powered-up version of Elekin. Female. Once a year the male and female groups
Species : Cyboze No. 045
Exa of Evo
Parent : River Haze
Jew : light blue red
Att : light blue holiness
Appears near water. Mistaken for a mermaid. Gentle; a blow from its front
feet is painful.
Species : Yamabo No. 046
Exa of Evo
Parent : Cyboze
Jew : light blue red green
Att : light blue holiness
Powered-up version of Cyboze. Lives in a damp mist-filled forests.
Species : Death Bat No. 048
Exa of Evo
Parent : Tsuitock
Jew : white
Att : white wisdom
Waits for prey suspended from dark ceilings. Sensitive to light, but always
wins in the dark.
Species : Bolt No. 050
Exa of Evo
Parent : Kemo Kemo
Jew : red
Att : pink beasts
Said to be the origin of Death Bat. Attacks prey spinning fast.
Species : Apple Bat No. 052
Exa of Evo
Parent : Boltet
Jew : pink light blue pink pink
Att : pink beasts
Upgrade of Boltet. Attacks prey spinning fastest.
Species : Dolos No. 053
Exa of Evo
Parent : Doll
Jew : yellow
Att : yellow power
Gigantic slime. Considered dangerous. Unclear if it has a will. Now being
Species : Dorothy No. 054
Exa of Evo
Parent : Justin
Jew : green
Att : yellow wisdom
Powered-up Dolos. Considered dangerous. Unclear if it has a will. Now being
Species : Spirit No. 055
Exa of Evo
Parent : Jiparg
Jew : white red
Att : white holiness
A malicious ghost. Has attacked many investigators.
Species : Screw No. 057
Exa of Evo
Parent : Doll
Jew : light blue
Att : light blue power
Draws opponent into a whirlpool. Continues till opponent sets dizzy and
Species : Hurricane No. 058
Exa of Evo
Parent : Baboon
Jew : green yellow
Att : light blue power
Powered-up Screw. High-speed rotation. Impossible to escape from whirlpool.
Species : Ziglariat No. 059
Exa of Evo
Parent : Baboon
Jew : yellow green
Att : light blue holiness
Known as a pirate. Has been seen attacking Sakika.
Species : Ewan No. 061
Exa of Evo
Parent : Dorothy
Jew : green pink
Att : yellow wisdom
Made completely of rock. Slow moving. Destructive and defensive power.
Species : Cardian No. 064
Exa of Evo
Parent : Doll
Jew : red
Att : red holiness
Card guard. Faithful to leader. 53 in a batallion.
Species : Card Knight No. 065
Exa of Evo
Parent : Elekin
Jew : yellow
Att : red beasts
Powered-up version of Cardian. Operates alone. Obeys leader, attacks whether
right or wrong.
Species : Magical Hat No. 066
Exa of Evo
Parent : Chalizadon
Jew : red green
Att : red holiness
Looks like an old-fashioned hat. Unexpectedly strong magic. Hates being
Species : Spell Hat No. 067
Exa of Evo
Parent : Magical Hat
Jew : red green yellow
Att : red holiness
Powered-up version of Magical Hat. Uses various kinds of magic. Hates being
Species : Dreamer No. 068
Exa of Evo
Parent : Otogi
Jew : green yellow
Att : pink wisdom
Manipulates dreams from demon realm. Mischievous. Magic causes travellers to
sleep a little.
Species : Chuff No. 070
Exa of Evo
Parent : Doll
Jew : pink
Att : pink wisdom
A cousin of dreamer. Mischievous. Hypnotises opponents with a lollipop.
Species : Otogi No. 071
Exa of Evo
Parent : Chuff
Jew : green
Att : pink wisdom
Powered-up version of Chuff. Perverse. Makes busy people sleepy and confused.
Species : Nightmare No. 072
Exa of Evo
Parent : Rayray
Jew : red green
Att : white power
Body covered in armour. Good at swordfighting. Can use weak magic that
dazzles the opponent.
Species : Death Arms No. 073
Exa of Evo
Parent : Nightmare
Jew : red green yellow
Att : white power
Powered-up version of Nightmare. Good at attack and defense. Has more magic.
Species : Phew No. 075
Exa of Evo
Parent : Doll
Jew : white
Att : white holiness
Ghost type. Likes quiet thought. Gets angry if disturbed when sleeping.
Species : Jiparg No. 076
Exa of Evo
Parent : Phew
Jew : white
Att : white holiness
Powered-up version of Phew. Peevish philosopher. Gets furious if disturbed.
Species : Justin No. 077
Exa of Evo
Parent : Doll
Jew : yellow
Att : yellow wisdom
Likes carnivals and festivals. Can't answer the riddle?
Species : Dewberry No. 078
Exa of Evo
Parent : Moh
Jew : light blue green
Att : yellow power
Powered-up version of Justin. High intellect. Seems lazy recently thinking up
new riddles.
Species : Bone Rock No. 079
Exa of Evo
Parent : Sleeper
Jew : pink
Att : white beasts
Undead type. Usually in groups. Looks terrifying; it's all a lack of calcium!
Species : Mud Skeleton No. 080
Exa of Evo
Parent : Bone Rock
Jew : pink yellow
Att : white beasts
Powered-up version of Bone Rock. Doesn't feel pain if hurt. Tenacious in
Species : Banri No. 083
Exa of Evo
Parent : Waller
Jew : white light blue yellow green
Att : pink holiness
Powered-up version of Waller. Made of hard brick. Twice its weight as well.
Species : White Cross No. 084
Exa of Evo
Parent : Good Sleep
Jew : red light blue
Att : white beasts
Undead type. Good at wrapping you in bandages. Waits to make travellers into
Species : Sceram No. 087
Exa of Evo
Parent : Elekina
Jew : white green pink light blue
Att : red holiness
A mistaken experiment combining Spirit and Phew. Born uttering curses.
Species : Sleeper No. 088
Exa of Evo
Parent : Doll
Jew : white
Att : white beasts
Always asleep. Harmless. Very bad tempered when woken up.
Species : Good Sleep No. 089
Exa of Evo
Parent : Sleeper
Jew : red
Att : white beasts
Powered-up version of Sleeper. Bad at waking up. Angry if aroused carelessly.
Species : Joker No. 090
Exa of Evo
Parent : Good Sleep
Jew : green red
Att : white holiness
True form unclear. A legend says it is Death. Few reports of sightings.
Species : Crusher No. 092
Exa of Evo
Parent : High Jackal
Jew : green pink
Att : green beasts
Soldier type. Body covered with armour. Good at attack and defense.
Species : Hell Armour No. 093
Exa of Evo
Parent : Crusher
Jew : green pink white
Att : green beasts
Powered-up version of Crusher. Continues attack until opponents are crushed.
Species : Death Mail No. 094
Exa of Evo
Parent : Hell Armour
Jew : green pink white white
Att : green beasts
Upgrade of Hell Armour. No reports of sightings. Unknown abilities.
Species : Pipo No. 095
Exa of Evo
Parent : Doll
Jew : green
Att : green wisdom
Nocturnal. Bulb on head lights as it walks. Popular with children scared of
the dark.
Species : Pipot No. 096
Exa of Evo
Parent : Kirinji
Jew : light blue green red
Att : green wisdom
Powered-up version of Pipo. Light bulb brighter. Lots of electricity in its
Species : Piporino No. 097
Exa of Evo
Parent : Pipot
Jew : light blue green red yellow
Att : green wisdom
Upgrade of Pipot. Light bulb is dazzling. Great amount of electricity fells
giant enemies.
Species : Baboon No. 098
Exa of Evo
Parent : Riverhood
Jew : yellow
Att : light blue holiness
A rare mushroom type. Blows out bubbles like mushroom spores.
Species : Bubbley No. 099
Exa of Evo
Parent : Baboon
Jew : yellow red
Att : light blue holiness
Powered-up version of Baboon. Surrounds dangerous enemies with bubbles.
Species : Hals No. 100
Exa of Evo
Parent : Doll
Jew : pink
Att : pink power
Hermit crab type. Lives on the ground. Quick. Retreats inside shell when
Species : Cross No. 102
Exa of Evo
Parent : Bolt
Jew : red yellow
Att : pink beasts
King crab type. Lives on the ground. Beginner. Tries to scare opponents.
Species : Crab Helm No. 104
Exa of Evo
Parent : Heracles
Jew : red yellow yellow pink
Att : pink beasts
Upgrade of Heracles. Attacks fiercely to protect territory.
Species : Kirinji No. 105
Exa of Evo
Parent : Evil Cougar
Jew : yellow white
Att : green holiness
Child of a demon beast. Few reports of sightings. Habitat unclear. Being
Species : Unicorn No. 106
Exa of Evo
Parent : Kirinji
Jew : yellow white yellow
Att : green holiness
Said to be a powered-up version of Kirinji. Reports of sightings flying
through the sky.
Species : Shadow No. 107
Exa of Evo
Parent : Death Bat
Jew : light blue yellow
Att : white power
Ghost type. Enters your shadow, drains your will. Leaves you drained of
Species : Shadow Move No. 108
Exa of Evo
Parent : Shadow
Jew : light blue yellow pink
Att : white power
Powered-up version of Shadow. Drains a vast amount of will. Take care.
Species : Pera Pera No. 109
Exa of Evo
Parent : Pumpkin Head
Jew : white green
Att : red holiness
Flutters in the sky. Burns as easily as paper. Put a lot together and make a
long kite.
Species : Usui No. 110
Exa of Evo
Parent : Pera Pera
Jew : white green yellow
Att : red holiness
Powered-up Pera Pera. Thin but strong. Easy to carry. Can get into any slit.
Species : Holy Baby No. 111
Exa of Evo
Parent : Doll
Jew : green
Att : green holiness
Probably an angel. Could be a demon though. Very few reports, but maybe in
the city.
Species : Pumpkin Head No. 112
Exa of Evo
Parent : Doll
Jew : red
Att : red wisdom
Plant type. Head is a pumpkin. A bit stupid. Derived from a scarecrow made
for a festival.
Species : Head No. 113
Exa of Evo
Parent : Pumpkin Head
Jew : light blue
Att : red wisdom
Powered-up version of Pumpkin Head. Too stupid to be scared.
Species : Mad Pumpkin No. 114
Exa of Evo
Parent : Dewberry
Jew : yellow light blue green
Att : yellow holiness
Giant plant type. Doesn't move much by itself. Lives in a group in one place.
Species : Big Head No. 115
Exa of Evo
Parent : Mad Pumpkin
Jew : yellow light blue green pink
Att : yellow holiness
Powered-up version of Mad Pumpkin. Sometimes explodes and becomes pumpkin
Species : Red Eye No. 116
Exa of Evo
Parent : Lady Phantom
Jew : white light blue pink
Att : white holiness
Has red eyes, as if over tired. Scares opponents with its piercing gaze.
Species : Medusa Ball No. 117
Exa of Evo
Parent : Red Eye
Jew : white light blue pink white
Att : white holiness
Powered-up version of Red Eye. Routs opponents with its cursed glare.
Species : Lady Phantom No. 118
Exa of Evo
Parent : Jiparg
Jew : white light blue
Att : white holiness
Legendary beauty. Proud scion of demon nobility. Petulant.
Species : Dogu 1 No. 120
Exa of Evo
Parent : Justin
Jew : white
Att : yellow wisdom
Magical figure made of clay. Use unclear. Mysterious ancient letters are
carved on it.
Species : Dogu 2 No. 121
Exa of Evo
Parent : Dogu 1
Jew : white pink
Att : yellow wisdom
Powered-up version of Dogu 1. Uses more powerful magic. How much is unknown.
Species : Grey No. 123
Exa of Evo
Parent : Head
Jew : red yellow
Att : red power
Hates demon realm. Skilled at unfair methods. Has ambition to become lord of
the demon realm.
Species : Hageem No. 124
Exa of Evo
Parent : Grey
Jew : red yellow pink
Att : red power
Powered-up version of Grey. Has a bad character. Leaves smell of sulphur
wherever it goes.
Species : Luna No. 126
Exa of Evo
Parent : Luna
Jew :
Att :
Species : Powan No. 128
Exa of Evo
Parent : Doll
Jew : red
Att : red power
People used to use its fur to make clothes. Even today there seems to be
Powan ranches.
Species : Rayray No. 129
Exa of Evo
Parent : Flipper
Jew : light blue
Att : light blue beasts
A broom easy to use and popular with mothers. Sweeps away simple curses.
Rarely breaks down.
Species : Brushy No. 130
Exa of Evo
Parent : Rayray
Jew : light blue yellow
Att : light blue beasts
Powered-up Rayray. High speed movement. Good at study. No dirt escapes.
Species : Pixie No. 132
Exa of Evo
Parent : Dolos
Jew : red
Att : yellow power
Lives deep in the forest; doesn't appear much. Mischievous and curious.
Species : Sylph No. 133
Exa of Evo
Parent : Pixie
Jew : red yellow
Att : yellow power
Powered-up version of Pixie. Lives to preserve the learning of the past.
Species : Matango No. 134
Exa of Evo
Parent : Hurricane
Jew : red red green
Att : light blue wisdom
Plant type. Poisonous mushroom. Spores cause sneezing and runny noses.
Species : Chappy No. 137
Exa of Evo
Parent : Clavell
Jew : green red red light blue
Att : light blue power
A Magical puppet lost to the memory of people. Is said to house the life of
the demon realm.
Species : Mimi No. 138
Exa of Evo
Parent : Nanai
Jew : yellow light blue red pink
Att : green holiness
A puppet used in ancient rituals, it is said. Makes incantations from a
sacred script.
Species : Sheperin No. 138
Exa of Evo
Parent : Pipo
Jew : light blue
Att : green wisdom
Originally developed to be a woodcutter. Stable, low centre of gravity. Good
Species : Baron No. 140
Exa of Evo
Parent : Hound Dog
Jew : light blue light blue red
Att : green wisdom
Powered-up version of Sheperin. Sometimes called Boss. A bit peevish.
Species : Doctor Egg No. 141
Exa of Evo
Parent : Unicorn
Jew : light blue green white green
Att : green wisdom
Upgrade of baron. Keenly dicerns opponent's weak points. Care!
Species : Nanai No. 142
Exa of Evo
Parent : Bug Beast
Jew : yellow light blue red
Att : green holiness
Originally made to use in ancient rituals. Makes incantations from a sacred
Species : Hound Dog No. 142
Exa of Evo
Parent : Manteeyo
Jew : pink white yellow
Att : yellow beasts
Forest hunter. Keen sense of smell and hearing. You can't escape once it's on
your trail!
Species : R. H. Puppet No. 146
Exa of Evo
Parent : Spell Hat
Jew : red green yellow red
Att : red holiness
Species : Demon No. 147
Exa of Evo
Parent : Demon
Jew :
Att :
A demon king in weird form. Abilities unknown. Said to return to life through
a special spell.
Species : Jaress No. 148
Exa of Evo
Parent : Jaress
Jew :
Att :
Species : Garland No. 149
Exa of Evo
Parent : Garland
Jew :
Att :
Species : Lolita No. 150
Exa of Evo
Parent : Lolita
Jew :
Att :
Species : Ceris No. 151
Exa of Evo
Parent : Ceris
Jew :
Att :
Species : Vorless No. 152
Exa of Evo
Parent : Vorless
Jew :
Att :
Species : R. W. Puppet No. 155
Exa of Evo
Parent : Delamushini
Jew : green pink red yellow
Att : red wisdom
Species : R. P. Puppet No. 156
Exa of Evo
Parent : Elekina
Jew : red yellow white red
Att : red power
Species : G. H. Puppet No. 165
Exa of Evo
Parent : Nanai
Jew : yellow light blue red green
Att : green holiness
Species : G. W. Puppet No. 167
Exa of Evo
Parent : Pipot
Jew : light blue green red green
Att : green wisdom
Species : G. P. Puppet No. 168
Exa of Evo
Parent : Hell Armour
Jew : green yellow red green
Att : green power



Why it is so hard to find these Gameshark Codes and evrybody kept asking me
about Gameshark Codes? I looked everywhere on the web and didn't find it
before. So after a long search I found it. These are all the Gameshark Codes
that I've got. Please remember I did't have Gameshark so I didn't test it. So
don't blame me if it didn't work. Send me e-mail if these codes didn't work.


8008DDC8 967F
8008DDCA 0098

5000C601 0000
3008DDOC 0063

50001801 0000
3008DE02 0009

5000BB01 0000
3008E294 0001


9008DD08 0098967F

B0C60001 00000000
3008DD0C 0063

B0180001 00000000
3008DE02 0009

B0BB0001 00000000
3008E294 0001


1. Sunsoft
- For making a great game

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17.Octombrie 2013

15.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor, +6 Trainer für die europäische UK PAL Version.

17.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013
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