Threads of Fate

Threads of Fate

14.10.2013 11:16:12

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This FAQ may only be posted at these sites w/out asking me

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thank you for reading this :)

This document is copyright(c)Firefly 2000


welcome to my to my second FAQ which is on the
short but sweet Threads of fate.I hope to someday
make this the greatest text based guide on the net
for Threads of fate.Any way I hope this helps
anyone stuck in the game or wants help.well on
with the guide.

+Table of Contents+

1. My review of Threads of Fate

2. About the characters

3. Items

4. coins

5. Rue walkthrough

6. Mint walkthrough

7. Credits

8. contribute

9. Fairwell


and now


SOUND-10-TOF sports some of the best music on playstation which isn't suprising for square.It
really makes you get right into the game.It feels like your down there fighting as rue To say the
least it has great music even for the all mighty Square.

GRAPHICS-8-IMO the graphics are cool. They look like something out of a book and it fits the feel of
the game quite nicely. The reason I gave it a 9 is because sometimes the camera can get a bad angle
and make it frustrating right before you make a jump but other then that good job square.

CONTROLS-9-right when I popped Threads of Fate in the playstation I knew the controls straight off
don't bother looking in the instruction booklet the game tells you the controls right at the
begining of the game. theres just one small problem. auto aim.This feature can be annoying because
you try to aim and the feature kicks in so you miss the target completly,but I myself have only
had a problem with this a few times and it was no biggie. So don't worry about it.

REPLAY VALUE-10-Two quest and Newgame+=good replay value.Plus this game is just fun to play.

OVERALL-9-This a great game with minor flaws I actually liked it short. If they dragged it out for
60 hours it would have gotten boring,it also gives it a different feel then alot of games. So I
would buy it you have the money and want an awesome game to last you for awhile. Or atleast till
Chrono Cross.



One snowy night Claire,Rue's guardian and the woman he loved as a sister,was killed by a mysterious
being known as the "Arm of Death" now Rue embarks on a journey in search of a powerful relic that
can bring Claire back to life.


Due to her selfish and irresposible ways,Mint lost her right to the throne of East Heaven Kindom to
here younger sister Maya.Now the only things on Mints mind are world domination and vengence against
her sister. To achieve these goals,she seeks a mysterious relic.


During ancient times,powerful Magicians called Aeons ruled the world,with there legendary powers.The
raised mountains and changed the orbits of the stars. But as time passed,their powers dwindled,and
the once great magicians ceased to exist. Now all that remains are the items they created centuries
ago-Items known as relics.

+ Transformation +

If you chose Rue as your character or are going to choose him
remeber that he has the power to transform. To transform into an enemy,just defeat it and when it
disapears it will leave behind a monster coin. In your inventory you can have up to 3 monster coins
at a time. Now whenever you want to morph you can just select the right monster coin and you will
retain the monsters shape as well as all of its attacks.


Unlike Rue Mint does not have the power to morph,instead she has some powerful magic at her
disposal. You can select her magic and spells the same way that you select Rues monster coins. At
some points in the game you will rescieve a stronger and more diverse
collection of magic.


Stones-You can find stones through out your quest and guess what? They serve no purpose at all. The
only reason to get them is for money. This is one of the lacking points in this game barely any

Weapons-You can get 5 sets of weapons through out the game and they are pretty much required to get
beat the game. You can get them at any time but try to get them when they first get there to avoid

Armor-Same as above.


Coins are a neat idea emplemented into this game.
the coins are used as cotinues when you die
and you can find them in hard to get places.
If you ever run low on coins go to the church
make a donation. :)

COIN-The first coin and the one I use most often. forget the hard to find platinums this is the only
one you need.Recovers 1/4 mp and wishes you back to life.

SILVER COIN-I only used my stock of these when I ran out of bronzes.wishes back to life and gives
2/4 mp back.

GOLD COIN-These are sometime good if you need mp for a boss and ran out of platinums or never got
any. recovers 3/4 of mp and wishs character back to life.

PLATINUM COIN-Cool coin. Wishes you back to life gives you full mp what more could you ask for. Well
you would be suprised. These suckers are so damn rare you probably wont get one on your first time
through.You dont really need these anyway so be happy.


After you watch the long cinema with the evil claw killing Claire.
then you will sail on a ship to a town and meet Blood and smokey
(Thinks of all the stupid enemies square has made)Now follow them to
the great city of corona.You will spend alot of time hear so If you want you can meet some of the
people on the town. When your ready head out of the two large double doors at the end of the town.
Now select Corona forest and your on your way.


This is sort of a training part of the game.You should raise your
hp to around 65. Follow the patheticly easy path to reach Blood and smokey again. Turn into pollywog
and go up and bite blood on his smelly ass. TO begin the boss fight.


Try to be offensive and hit them as much as you can. They don't have as much health as you do. Keep
up the offense and the battle will be yours. Just don't let them both get you in a crossfire or the
will take of alot and I mean alot of damage.

After the fight you will meet a new character named elena. Get used to her calling you polly thats
all I can say. After you meet her you have to follow her deeper into the forest which is relitively
short. At the end you will meet the rest of her family and mint, the selfish ex-princess. After the
dialogue travel through the cave and dont bother fighting any monsters just keep going down. Jump
through the hole press x near the picture at the top and

BOSS FIGHT-GARGOYLES-difficulty 2/10

defeat the 2 gargoyles then do what the picture said. Face the gargoyle. ALl you have to do is
transform into the gargoyle you defeated and stand on the platform next to the stone gargoyle and
the stairs will appear so make like the monkeys and climb up em.

BOSS FIGHT-NIGHT MARE-diffuculty easy way 0/10 hard way 6/10

When the start begins turn into the gargoyle. This will make the fight much easier. Just blast him
with the triangle move whenever its open and it will be gone in no time.

Step inside the atelier and climb up the stairs go all the way to the right and you will find a
treasure box containing a silver coin. then go back down and press x in front of the safe to start a
long conversation when elena calls you just go outside listen to her stupid remark and go back in
the atelier. Clause should be done and get the items in the safe. Now read the text(If you want to
that is)untill you get back to Corana.

When your done talking to Clause head to.....


Keep going though the maze at the forks go the direction that the redwalls are at. When you reach
three in a row go left at the next fork,follow it to the end and jump down the hole.

No you are in the second section of the ruins.First and foremost transform into a gargoyle.This
helps alot because arent losing 5 hp per second and arn't being pushed back all the
time. Now continue through the tunnel and collect each of the six disks.The sixth one is hidden
behind an icecube so turn into that salamander creature and melt it away. Now head all the way back
to the begining and you will notice the six disks lined up. Now jump on them clockwise starting with
the right side and you will rise up to anoher section of the ruins.

Now this parts tricky. make your way up the hill and talk to the ex-princess mint. Now runaway from
that boulder and win you see a shadow on oneside go to the other side. At the end 2 will come down
so jump to avoid them and quickly go left by the entrance to avoid the boulder Indian Jones
stile.Now go all the way down the hill and go through that passage.Another platform puzzle. All you
have to do is jump on the platform flashing.Do this six times and you will reach yet another section
of the ruins.

Continue right untill you reach ....

BOSS FIGHT-SKULL BEAST-diffuculty 2/10

quickly turn into the gargoyle and prepare for a fight.
dodge each of his attacks and when he flashes give him a sonic boom in his face. 3-4 more hits and
you beat this pathetic boss.

Continue right and step on the star shaped platform you will now be inside another atelier.Go insid
each of the rooms pick up the cube tiara and some coins then leave the atalier.Now you will be
confronted bye duke and Belle. Duke will now battle you.

BOSS FIGHT-DUKE-diffuculty 4/10

dodge his attacks and what for him to stop.Then slash him.Keep doing this over and over till his
life bar drops all the way down and you will win.

Then suddenly Belle grabs the tiara right out of your hand. Now follow them back to the past room.
Now face the skullbeast whack it once and get the hell out of there. Step on the star icon and it
will bring you to another level.Run along the left side of the stairs and you will both get up there
faster and dodge the rocks.
At the top Rue will trick the Skull Beast and kill it.

Now you will end up back in


Talk to clause and he well tell you to go meet Fancy Mel. So go to your new destination...


travel right till you reach her ugly little house and stand near the door. The puppole purries will
tell you to play with them.So complete their 3 minigames and ring on the door.Mel will aproach
and you will go inside.Read the story then when shes done head to Corana forest to look for her


Head to the place where you first battled Blood and Smokey.You will find their at it again. So stop


Thes guys are tough. Try to get them cornered but if they get you cornered its pretty much
gameover.Theres no real Strategy on this one except to be offensive.This may take you a couple of
tries but its not impossible.


Head back to mels and you will talk for awhile and she will give you back her research.Upon leaving
you will face Duke again.


transform into the blue imp you fond in the mingames and whenever duke falls on his ugly face blast
him with a star.Now normally you would only do 3 or 4 damage but with this move its in the mid
20s.So you will get rid of him pretty quickly


Go and talk to clause and you will start a long conversation.After this is done head to the new


cool door eh. First go to through door on the right and it will mysteriously open.Head down the
hallway and you'll meet a new enemy. The puppet.Head right at the corner again and face the
puppets.They should be easy if you have the new armor and weapon.
Now the door on the left will be unlocked so go through there.
ignore the creature and head through the other door. Continue down the hallway and jump over the
pits.Now destroy the puppet on the pedestal turn into it and stand where it was. Then head through
the unlocked door.


Jump away from his attacks and when he leaves an opening slice him in the back. Just don't let
yourself get hit and he should go down fairly easily.For defeating him you will get the left
solleret for the prima doll.

continue forward and kill the 4 skeletons that ambush you.You can now go right to recover your
health.The head left and continue through the new passageway.go in the room on the left and get the
monkey morph then turn into it and jump across the tall platforms and finding another door. Now kill
the skeleton on the right and take his place.


Now he has some new attacks but the same tactics apply. what for him to stop get him in the
back,Rinse and repeat. Then you will recieve the right solleret,see a pattern..

Continue through the passageway and use the monkey to jump over the high wall. Now keep going
through then destroy the skeleton and jump where it was standing. Then turn into the skeleton and
use the attack fall apart and the door will be unlocked.


This ones actually pretty tough. Dodge his attacks then when he leaves an opening tap the x
button,don't stop untill he hits you again. This strategy will hopefully make him easier.

No go through the next door and use the specters water moves to put out the fires. when you head
through the next door you will e back where you first saw the puppets. Go through the door on the
bottom left and now the left door at the begining will now be open. Continue up and you will see a
mysterious person. Follow it around and you will find out that it is Elena. after they talk for
awhile go around the corner where Elena was and you will find the first of many switches in this
temple. Slash it and it will open up the door to the upper left.Continue through and jump over the
gap.Then call Elena and when the doors shakego inside them and defeat the monsters inside of them.
At the top of the screen you will find a small hole. Turn into the mole and carefully travel through
dodging the moles attacks. Now hit the switch there and you will meet back up with Elena.Hit the
next switch walk into that room, and in the next room hit the switch there. After the switch breaks
go through the top door.Steo inside the room on the left and you will find a strange platform so
turn into the puppet and stand on top of

This guy is pathetic if you use my strategy. All you do is dodge each of his attacks and when he
tries to uppercut you slash him.

Now keep hacking at the door for a long time till it breaks.

as you walk out of the temple Duke will thank Elena for healing his wounds and give you the other

Now head back to Corana


Go to Klause's house to start a very large conversation. I dont want to spoil the story so read it
for yourself.

After he is done you will need that phantomite.So head up to the Raging mountain.


Head up the tall hill and at the first fork go straight. Now you will reach two platforms cross the
first one but on the second one go through the gap and hold right on the d-pad. You will reach an
area witha new creature,obtain its morph and return to the place with two platforms. Now this time
go straight and you will reach a new section on the mountain.

Go on the upper path and break the boulder with the creature you just obtained's hammer attack,and
grab the coins.

Then head back to the fork and this time head down. Dodge the polliwags and break the next boulder.

Now you will reach a place inside the mountain covered with lava.
The only way across this section are the floating platforms inhabited by powerful creatures. On this
part you have to be extremely careful because one fall in the lava will take more then 20 hp of. So
carefully make your way there and you will reach a
windy hill on the side of the mountain.

This part is pretty hard to because the creatures and wind will quickly annoy you. One word of
advice do not jump unless you hear the wind stop blowing,this is the only way to cross the
keep continuing forward and you will meet Belle,Duke, and the Hexagon.


Duke is really easy just keep slashing at him and he'll go down.
Next up is hexagon,to take his life of just slash belle on his back.If you run low on health,go to
the ar right of the screen and a polliwag will come out,kill it. 9/10 it will give you a potion.
yous the same tactics on Belle and you continue through the mountain.

Now just keep going up the mountain dodging the enemies attacks and you will reach the top where
Wylaf is.


when the fight starts just keep turning right and you will dodge most, If not all of his attacks.
when he lands jump up and slash him in the neck a couple times,this guy has really high defense so
it takes a good 20-30 hits to kill him. good luck.

After his life is pretty low he will give up and give you the phantomite.
return back to Corana.


You know what to do,go to Klause house and talk to him for the hundreth time,after the advance in
the story you need an expert opinion on what to do. So head to Fancy Mels crazy Atilier.


Ring on her door bell to start an important but short conversation. Now you need to look for
Goraton so head outside and
talk to the 3rd purrol to the right. You will find out that this is the same one that you saved from
Blood and Smokey,so he will do you a favor and fight Goraton. Once you enter talk to the little
flying creature to start the battle with the cheser cat from hell
AKA Goraton. :)


This guy is TOUGH! Make sure you have the best armor or its near impossible,and if all else fails
dont break a controller. GOOD LUCK!

when you beat him return to Corana and power up the Prima Doll.

Now you should go beat up those two idiots Blood and Smokey right so go to


continue through the forest and you will meet a new villain...


This guy is pathetic. If you lose to him just stop playing videogames it will help you alot in the
long run. All you have to do is jump at him and hit him a few times to finish the easiest battle in
the game.

after you kill him Blood and Smokey will have their turn to battle you.


These guys are extremely weak because of your new armor,so there is no real strategy just hack and
slash em' till they run away.
(the cowards).

After you return back to Klauses house he will tell you to take the Prima doll on a walk to take a
break from everything. After you have done this return to Klause's house to recieve the last piece
to the great Prima doll.(wait a minute the phantomite was green but somehow the amulet is red?).

Anyway now you need a boat,how do you get a boat you ask. Simple
between Klauses house and the inn is a passageway inside is Rod and he has a boat for you,but first
you have to fight him.

BOSS FIGHT-ROD-DIFFICULTY-easy way 0/10 hard way 6/10

This guy is nothing to worry about because you do not have to win the battle,I repeat you do not
need to win the battle. If you want to beat him though,just dodge his attacks and pretty much use
the same strategy as every other boss in this game.

After the battle he will take you to the lake ruins on his Pulsar-inferno Typhoon Omega:).

Once you reachthe lake ruins the story will have a huge advancement and I dont want to spoil
anything for anyone.

After you return to Corana follow mint to the Tavern to find out why Belle and duke saved you at the
Lake ruins.After their done talking return to the inn and go to sleep in Rues room on his bed to be
exact.Now you need to get to the tower right. So head to the lakeside and inside of the tower.Then
after the dolls talk you will return back to Corana at night so go to you rbed again.During the
night Rue hears a voice.Could it really be Claire. keep following her through the town and you will
eventually follow her inside the church. After Psycho master talks to you a Boss fight will begin.


this guy is nice and easy. whenever he is not doing an attack i.e. most of the time,hit him in the
back with your weapon.Rinse and repeat.

After the battle Phycho master will take Claire and tell you to come to the tower if you want to
save her.So leave the town and head to the tower of maya.


Inside of the tower climb up the nearly endless set of stairs then go into the door there and you
will reach a puzzle.Jump on the first pumkin then the next pumkin to the right,then the only pumkin
in the next row,After that jump to tthe pumkin to your left and finnaly to the end of the room and
through the door.In this room jump on the circular platform in the middle and you will reach another
set of stairs.

Through the next door is another puzzle that you solve just by jumping on the platforms. The last
platform will take you to another to door that leads to another room. Go up the stairs and into the
next room and you will meet up with Claire..........
Or should I say mode master! After the huge story advancement you will have a battle with Doll


This guy is extremely good,but your suppose to lose so don't worry about dying.remember you do have
a guard move that will make his attacks look stupid but still....he's tough.

After even more advances in the story you will appear inside the book of cosmos and engage in
another boss fight with atenacius.


This is a pretty cool boss fight,but he doesnt put up much of a challenge.Don't worry about dodging
his attacks because its just a waste of time,all you have to do is get in every attack possible and
you will win this fairly easy boss fight.

After everyone is finished talking you will finnaly return to Corana.


Be sure to get the mythril weapons and armor before you continue as it will make the next boss
fights much easier. Now we need to get to that fortress but to get there we need a pair of wings and
to get a pair of wings we need......Wylaf the Dragon. So head over to the Raging mountain.


Make your way through the mountain as usual dodging enemy attacks
along the way. After you get about midway you will reach a "fun" Boss fight. :)


This is a nice boss fight. Not to easy and not to hard. Remember the trapmaster from before. This is
pretty much an exact copy of that fight but the diffuculty is increased a little bit. Just use your
same strategy on this boss that you used on the other.

Continue through the second half of the mountain and you will eventually meet up with modemaster.


Dodge her attacks while jumping over and over again till she morphs human. Then hit your mirror in
the side and dont let him hit you,continue till she's dead.

Keep going up the last stretch of the mountain and up on the top is that dragon,Wylaf. After a very
short converstation Wylaf will give you his power. Now you can get to that fortress!

Before you leave to the last fortress of the game be sure to get the following things.

1.The mythril weapons and armor
2.At least 10 coins total
3.hp at 135 or higher and
4 save your game!

when your ready you can head on over to Valens Fortress.





(name of monster) (hp. low medium high)

pollywog low

sabertiger low

mandola low

Gargoyle medium

stinger low

Ootang medium

gudon medium

fungie medium

Imp low

cockadoo low

skelaton medium

Puppet medium-high

Specter high

Bubba high

fireblob low

pumpkin low

witch medium

wabbit medium

Jinn high

Shaolon medium-high

Hellhound medium

Behomoth medium

Nightmare high

Skullbeast high (low defense)


Blood medium

Chimera high


Weapon and Item list


|Item | Cost | what it does|
|Bronze bracer | 1,000g | +4 strength |
|Silver bracer | 3,000g | +8 strength |
| Gold bracer | 3,500g | +12 strength |
|Platinum bracer| 4,500g| +16 strength |
|Mythril bracer| 5,500g | +20 strength |
|Brave bracer | 6,500g| +24 strength |
|bronze belt | 1,000g | +4 defense |
| Silver belt | 3,000g | +8 defense |
| gold belt | 3,500g | +12 defense |
| Platinum belt| 4,500g | +16 defense |
| Mythril belt | 5,500g | +20 defense |
| Black belt | 6,500g | +24 defense |




Version 1.0 Monday,September 24
Hot off the press!


Sony- Its there console so I have to give them credit.

GameSages- I got the codes from them.

CjayC- For making such a great site . It holds thousands of walkthroughs.if you can't find help
here good luck finding some.

Square- For the greatest videogames on Earth.


you can send a question or a contribution to my FAQ through
e-mail at and I will give you credit for
anything you add to my FAQ. :)

I will except:

-questions that are not answered in the FAQ

-contributions to my FAQ

-questions about my FAQ

-asking me to put my FAQ on your site

I will not except:

-questions that are answered in the FAQ

-asking If you can sell my FAQ. DUH!

-e-mails with typos every other word

-HATE mail ect. ect.


If you want to send a contribution to the site or just wanna talk
e-mail me at


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North American Version FAQ

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Demo FAQ

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PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version.

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PAL/NTSC Selektor für die US NTSC Version (PDX).

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PAL/NTSC Selektor für die US NTSC Version.

16.Octombrie 2013
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