Torneko: The Last Hope

Torneko: The Last Hope

29.09.2013 19:55:30

Torneko: The Last Hope
FAQ V. 2.1


Terii Senshi (

Table of contents

1.0 Getting Started
1.1 Story
1.2 Controls
1.3 Basic Tips
1.4 Warrior Class
1.5 Mage Class

2.0 Torneko Village
2.1 Torneko's House
2.2 The Castle
2.3 Town Square
2.4 Graveyard
2.5 Magic Shop
2.6 Old Man's House
2.7 Explorer's Inn
2.8 Melding Shop
2.9 Blacksmith
2.10 Decrepit Mansion

3.0 The Dungeons
3.1 Odd Field
3.2 Mansion
3.3 Castle Dungeon
3.4 Cemetery Dungeon
3.5 Mt. Fiery
3.6 Lost Forest
3.7 Toro Ruins
3.8 The Magic Dungeon
3.9 The Magic Dungeon Revisited
3.10 The Well
3.11 Mage Dungeon
3.12 Sword Dungeon
3.13 More Magical Dungeon
3.14 Ordeal Mansion

4.0 Exploration Log
4.1 Exploration Log List
4.2 Exploration Log Titles

5.0 Advanced Tips and Secrets
5.1 Gargoyle Shops
5.2 Identifying Items
5.3 Infinite Clone Trick
5.4 Start as a Warrior or Mage
5.5 Backing up Saves
5.6 Disappear Trick
5.7 Sacrifice Trick

6.0 Location of Rare Items
6.1 Monster Scroll
6.2 Golden Items
6.3 Loto Sword & Shield
6.4 Misc. Items

7.0 Monsters
7.1 Monster Table
7.2 Extended Monster List
7.3 Monster Abilities

8.0 Items
8.1 Item Tables
8.2 Extended Item Lists

9.0 Skills & Spells
9.1 Shield Skills
9.2 Sword Skills
9.3 Spells

10.0 Experience Chart

Version Changes:

2.1 Added methods to get a lot more sword skills. Also added which swords you
need to be equipped with to get the skills. Updated the prices of almost
all the items in the item list.

2.01 Just a minor update. I had the methods to get Invisible and Disappear
Warrior skills reversed so I switched them. Not much else.

2.0 A major update. The entire FAQ was reordered and reformatted. Added
sections for all the dungeons before the Magic Dungeon. Added a lot of
new information in other sections. Most noteworthy is some new tricks
in section 5.0. Also, now contains the location of all Golden items as
well as the Miracle and Falcon swords. Still has a few ?'s left, but
I won't be able to update it for a while, as my memory card decided to
erase my save.

1.11 A minor update. Added a section on how to get warrior skills. Made a few
other minor changes as well.

1.1 Updated and reformatted all existing lists. Added the following sections :
General Tips, Dungeon Tips, and Rare Item Locations.

1.0 The first version of this FAQ. Contained only a Monster List, Item List,
Skill List, and Exploration Log List. Not very complete.

1.0 Getting Started

1.1 The Story

"Legends told of the Joy Chest that lay hidden in the depths of the mysterious
Magic Dungeon. It was described as a mystic chest that bestowed happiness on
whomever held it. Many brave souls ventured into the Magic Dungeon seeking
the chest, but none were ever successful.

"Then Torneko, a man who dreamed of becoming the worlds greatest merchant
came to the kingdom. He began his dungeon exploration at the request of the
King. Soon he had his own store which grew bigger and more popular each time
he emerged from the dungeons with goods to sell.

"Thanks to the support of his wife Nina, his son Paulo, the friendly
carpenters Ed and Mondo, and store employees Gon and Polly, Torneko eventually
succeeded in fighting his way through the Magic Dungeon and bringing back the
Joy Chest. The magic song of the Chest not only made Torneko happy, but the
entire village as well.

"And so Torneko settled down to a peaceful life. However, just six months
after his original adventure, more troubles arose. Monsters appeared outside
of dungeons and began threatening people's homes. The King was distraught.
Eager to put things right, Torneko decides to once again set out on a grand
adventure." - Torneko Instruction booklet

1.2 The Controls

DIRECTIONAL BUTTONS - Selects command from menus.
Moves Torneko.

SELECT BUTTON - Displays the map in the dungeons.

START BUTTON - Not used.

SQUARE BUTTON - Changes Torneko's direction without moving. Hold and
press the direction you want Torneko to face.


CIRCLE BUTTON - Moves Torneko extra fast. Hold down and press the direction
you wish to move.
Cancels commands on the menu.

X BUTTON - Attacks directly in front of Torneko.
Accepts command on the menu.
Scrolls text messages.

CIRCLE & X - Hold both down to have Torneko sit and wait (used to heal).

L1 BUTTON - Shoots and arrows.

R1 BUTTON - Toggles Diagonal movement.

L2 BUTTON - Cast the selected spell. Can only be used if Torneko is a Mage.
Use skills set on sword. Can only be used if Torneko is a warrior.

R2 BUTTON - Not used.

1.3 General Tips

Learn the basics of the game in the Odd Field (the first dungeon Torneko
enters). It provides many helpful hints on how to play.

Watch Torneko's HP. If they fall too low, have Torneko sit and rest by
pressing CIRCLE and X.

Try items to see what they do. In later dungeons some items may be
unidentified, try using them or equipping them to see what they do. Just
watch out for cursed items. Check section 5.2 for ways to unidentify items.

There are many ways to escape from a dungeon -- Complete the objective, use
an Outside Scroll, have a priest teleport you out, use the Escape Sword
Skill, or use the Outside spell. If you are in trouble it's wise to not risk
defeat and exit so you can keep the items you found.

If you do get defeated it's usually best to reset the game, you don't want to
lose items that took you many hours to obtain.

Talk to the people in the village, they can give you many useful hints.

Don't stay on any floor too long. If you take 2000 steps on a floor a gale
force wind will blow Torneko out of the dungeon, this has the same effect as
if Torneko had died.

Use ranged attacks to beat monsters. If you are having trouble with monsters
try shooting them with arrows, or waving staves, or even hurling herbs at
them. There's no reason to risk getting hit if you don't have to.

Gargoyles are extremely tough. In later dungeons you will find shops run by
Gargoyles, do NOT try stealing from them, they will smite you with a single
blow. If you really feel like stealing though, check the Gargoyle Shop
section (5.1)

1.4 Warrior Class

After you defeat the Darkevil chest, you can change your job at Remi's Magic
Shop. You can be a Merchant, Mage, or Warrior.

The Warrior class can not equip rings, nor can it waves staves or read
scrolls. These can drawbacks can be annoying, but to make up for it a
Warrior can learn skills. There are a total of 100 warrior skills, 40
shield skills, and 60 sword skills.

Each sword and shield can have only 3 skills set on it, and once you set a
skill to one item it can't be set on another. Skills are set by the type of
equipment, so for example if you set Escape on a Copper sword, all Copper
swords can use that ability until you leave the dungeon. When you use a
skill, it reduces you belly, so be sure to bring lots of bread.

Setting skills on your equipment makes them breakable. If your equipped
sword and shield has one or more skills set on it, then it may break if
you step on certain traps (Land Mine, Falling Boulder, Flying Rock), they
also may break if you get hit by a brutal hit. This is why you should
always swing your sword before making a step, to reveal traps so you can
avoid them. Also try not to let monsters with that Charge Up ability hit
you with a brutal hit.

With the right skills, the Warrior is easily the most powerful class. The
problem is obtaining all those skills. In the skills section (9.0) it lists
all 100 possible skills. Also listed is methods to obtain most of the skills
(Unfortunately I don't have the methods to get every skill). You shield fairly
easily be able to obtain about 30 skills, the rest can be tricky to get.
Numerous skills have a random chance to get, sometimes that chance is
extremely low (less than 1%).

The most essential skill to get is Bread Drop. The chances to get it are
very low, but if you keep trying eventually you'll learn it. It's possible
to survive as a warrior without Bread Drop, but doing so severely limits the
amount of skills you can use. To get this skill you can go into the Lost
Forest and keep cloning and killing Oniono, about half the time they will
drop a bread. Just keeping picking up the breads, and eventually you'll get
Bread Drop (but it will take a while).

There is one item that will make your life much easier, the Lifedrain sword.
When you hit a monster with this sword it reduces the monster to 1 HP, or
kills it if it only had 1 HP. The sword also gains a number of plusses equal
to the amount of the damage it did. Unfortunately it breaks if it goes over
+99. Swinging the sword will also reduce the number of plusses by 1, but
don't go below -99 or it will break as well.

By itself the sword can be fairly useful. It can kill any monster in 2 hits.
If the sword starts getting too strong just sit still and swing the sword to
reduce it back down.

However, the sword's true power shines when you equip it with certain skills.
If you use an ability on the sword it won't lose it's plusses, and it also
won't gain plusses from dealing damage. The absolute best skill to use it
with is Miracler. Just get the sword up to +99 (or close to it), and start
using Miracler. Miracler does the same damage as a normal attack would do
(without the Lifedrain ability), so with a +99 Lifedrain sword, you can do
major damage and heal 10 HP as well! The only drawback is that Miracler
weakens the sword by 1 every time you use it. But with a LifeDrain that's not
a problem, just attack normally if it's start getting low. But be very
careful not to go over +99.

Their are a number of other useful Warrior Skills as well:

Bread Drop:
The most useful skill. The most powerful skill ever is worthless if you
don't have the belly to use it. For only 10 bread you can cause a monster
to drop a bread that restores 50 belly! With this skill food is no longer
a problem, and with almost every skill making you hungry, the skill is
a necessity.

Dragon Breath:
This is a good ranged attack. It lets you weaken the monster before it even
reaches you. At early levels it can easily kill monsters before they get a
chance to hit you.

Another very handy skill. With this you don't need to worry about finding
an Escape scroll (which you can't read anyway). Any time you have a sword
you can escape.

If you really get into a difficult spot, this skill can be a life saver. But
it reduces you to 1 HP so be careful.

Even better than Kamikaze, because it doesn't reduce your HP, but it does
reduce your belly by 15.

As mentioned above this skill is extremely powerful combined with a
Lifedrain sword. With other swords it just can't do enough damage though,
but still early on healing 10 HP can be very helpful. Another good use of
this skill is to equip it on a sword with another ability. If you equip it
with Multi-Cut or Spin-Cut, the sword will do the Multi-Cut or Spin-Cut
ability, but will also heal you 10 HP for each monster hit (possibly 80
with a Spin-Cut!).

One of the best abilities. It does good damage and can hit up to three
monsters. Very useful for finding invisible monsters. It does however weaken
the sword though, so try to equip it on a sword you have multiples of.

Quick Step:
Another very useful skill. It can allow you to kill monsters with them having
less chance to hit you, but can also be used to easily run from monsters.

Healing is always useful, which makes this skill a must. It can easily be
a lifesaver when facing tough monsters. It uses 10 hunger though so watch
your belly.

Reduces any damage to only 1 point, the only drawback is that your shield
strength is reduced by 1. Not a really huge problem though.

Defense Up:
This skill will increase your defense by 20. At the mid levels this can be
a life saver, but at the lower levels, the monsters will still be doing too
much damage. Of course if you have your +99 equipment on then this skill
isn't as necessary.

The skill so helpful that it has its own section (5.6). With this skill
set Torneko will be invisible and monsters will ignore you. It does however
use belly at the rate of 1 every 2 steps. Of course with Bread Drop, that's
not a problem.

Tied with Bread Drop as the most useful skill. This will eliminate the food
usage from walking around, so you can use all your bread on skills. But more
importantly it will let you stay on the floor until the wind comes, killing

Magic Back:
The equivalent of having a Magic shield. If you don't have the Spell Bounce
ability on your shield, this skill can be very helpful. It prevents the
Hypnotic attacks of the Clowns and Druinlords, as well as stopping other
annoying magic attacks.

Parry Pass:
This skill will save your life in Monster rooms. As long as 2 or more
monsters are near you, their attacks will hit each other instead of you.

The equivalent of having a Skill-X shield. If you don't have the Skill-X
ability on your shield, this skill can be very helpful. It prevents the
Executer family monsters from doing brutal hits that can destroy your
equipment, also stops monsters from charging up to do brutal hits. It stops
the Eyeball's confusion attack and other annoying skills as well.

With this skill you won't need to constantly swing your sword to find traps.
A must have skill. If you set this and Skill-X on a shield, it makes your
equipment unbreakable.

1.5 Mage Class

After you defeat the Darkevil chest, you can change your job at Remi's Magic
Shop. You can be a Merchant, Mage, or Warrior.

The Mage class can not equip a sword or shield, and the damage done
bare-handed does not increase past level 1. Basically this means that other
than slimes, and other little monsters, a Mage can not stand up to monsters
on their own. To make up for this large drawback, Mages learn spells that they
can cast. There are a total of 50 spells that a Mage can learn, however you
can only know 30 spells at any given time. One other advantage Mages have is
that they don't get hungry.

When you enter a dungeon, the only spells you know are Blaze and Sacrifice.
Every time you go up a level as a Mage you learn a random spell (or two,
sometimes you won't learn a spell). Since the spells you learn are random
you need to rely on luck to get the spells you need.

When you cast a spell it takes a certain number of HP. The more powerful
spells taking more HP. With spells taking HP, and Mages having extremely low
defense, you really need to be watch you HP carefully. Be sure to make good
use of Super Herbs and Healing Pots.

Whenever you learn a new spell that you've never known before it gets added
to your spell list in the Exploration Log. If you have an item called a
Spellbook, you can write the name of a spell you know on it, and use the
Spellbook to cast that spell. This can help reduce the reliance on luck of
getting the right spells.

The Sacrifice spell that you start with can sometimes get you out of tough
situations. When you cast the spell you have a 50% chance of immediately
dying, or slaying all monsters on the floor. You even get XP for the
monsters killed. If you're in a tough spot, you may want to try Sacrifice.

If you encounter a Mage type monster, you can be in some trouble. Torneko's
damaging spells will only do 1 damage to a Mage monster. However utility
spells such as Sleep and Disperse still work, as do instant death spells such
as Beat. If you run into a Mage monster (and you will run into many of them),
you can't rely on damaging spells to defeat them. For weaker Mages such as
Derangers and Druids you may be able to defeat them physically but anything
tougher and that's not an option. Hopefully you have an instant death spell
(Expel, Beat, Defeat, DefeatMax)

If Torneko is hit by a magic attack you may also lose a random spell you have
learned, some traps make you lose spells as well. This can make Mage monsters
even tougher. The Stopspell spell can prevent Mages from using there magic
attacks, so if you've learned that be sure to use it.

Of course, you don't have to rely entirely on spells. Be sure to make good
use of any items you have. Just remember that Mage monsters will be your
worst problem, other monsters you can use spells to deal with, so try and
save your best items for use against Mages.

One item that is extremely helpful for a Mage is the Heal Ring. This item will
restore 10 HP a turn, which can allow you to cast spells much easier. It's
drawback is that it makes you use food faster, but since Mages don't get
hungry, that's not a problem. Life Rings and Guard Rings also work well.
The Life Ring increases your HP by 50, which lets you cast more powerful
spells, plus you restore HP a little faster, and of course you can take
more hits from monsters. The Guard Ring increases you defense by 30, earlier
on this can be a real lifesaver.

Also since Mages don't get hungry, you should try and stay on each floor until
the wind comes. This way you can hopefully be a high enough level, and learn
enough spells to make it through the dungeon. Once you learn 30 spells
however, it's probably best to just run through the rest of the floors. By
that time you'll have enough HP, and since you can't learn any more spells,
leveling up won't have much of an impact. You may want to try and level up
to get more HP, but it depends on how easily you can defeat the monsters.

Here are some useful spells, try and write these in a Spellbook if you get one.

Blaze / Blazemore / Blazemost :
These don't do much damage, but early on they can kill monsters, and they
don't use many HP.

Bang / Boom/ Explodet / Hellblast / Big Bang :
These damage all monsters in the room. If you run into a monster house,
they can be a lifesaver. Bang and Boom are extremely useful early on.
They do decent damage at a low HP cost.

Infernos :
Good damage at a low cost, and it can hit more than one monster. The
higher level versions cost too much though.

Bolt :
A very nice ranged attack for early on. As with Infernos, the higher
versions aren't cost effective.

Expel / Beat / Defeat / DefeatMax :
Instantly slay monsters, even Mages. These spells are almost essential.
Expel doesn't give any XP though, but at least it's relatively cheap.
DefeatMax is like a Sacrifice that always works in monster houses. These
spells are rather expensive though, and won't be of use till the lower

Stopspell :
Won't defeat Mage creatures, but at least they can't use their abilities
and remove your spells.

Sleep :
Useful for running away from monsters. Good for getting away from Mages.

Rob Magic :
Early on this spell is extremely powerful, it actually heals you rather
than hurting you. Later on though, it doesn't do enough damage to be of any
use, the monsters will be able to do damage quicker that you can heal.

Farewell :
Unfortunately this spell goes away when you cast it. But you should be sure
to cast it as soon as possible. If you die it will bring you back from the
dead one time.

Radiant :
Not only allows you to quickly make your way to the exit, but also lets
you see where monsters are so you can avoid them. Another almost essential

Disperse :
If you can't beat a monster, this works almost as well. Another very good
spell for dealing with Mages.

Warp :
This spell can be very useful in getting out of ugly situations.

2.0 Torneko Village

2.1 Torneko's House

Torneko's House contains many things to do both inside and outside.

Inside there is the Joy Chest on the left side. Depending on whether the
Joy Chest is open or closed it changes what BGM is played in Torneko
Village, after you beat the Magic Dungeon, it also determines whether you
can visit the Magic Dungeon or the More Magical Dungeon.

On there right side are three Journals. The red journal contains tips on
exploring the dungeons, these can be helpful when you first start the game
so be sure to read them. The blue journal is used to save you game, you can
also sell items, and store them in your warehouse. The storehouse is not
available until after you beat the Castle Dungeon. The green journal contains
your exploration log, see the Exploration Log section (4.0) for more info.

There are also statues inside that you get for beating each dungeon. When you
start the game there aren't any but you get the following statues for each

Mansion Dungeon - Demonite
Castle Dungeon - Slime Nite
Cemetery Dungeon - Mummy
Mt. Fiery - Golem
Lost Forest - Hork
Toro Ruins - Spectet
Magic Dungeon - DarkEvil Chest

Outside you can find Ed the carpenter, by giving him 1000 GP you can increase
the number of items you storehouse can hold up to a maximum of 250 items.
Each time you give him 1000 GP he will increase the number of items your
storehouse can hold by 10, but you need to go into a dungeon, and come back
out before he is finished.

On the right side of Torneko's house is a bank. You can deposit money in the
bank so that you don't lose it when you get defeated in a dungeon. The bank
is not available until after you beat the Mansion Dungeon. After you beat Mt.
Fiery the banker will also give you gifts depending on how much money you
have in the bank. The gifts are as follows:

5,000 GP - Joy Herb
10,000 GP - World Leaf
30,000 GP - Melding Pot
50,000 GP - Joy Ring
100,000 GP - 3 Blank Scrolls
200,000 GP - Hunger-X Ring
400,000 GP - Club + 30
800,000 GP - Leather Shield + 30
1,500,000 GP - Clone Pot, Vacuum Scroll, Prayer Scroll

2.2 The Castle

To get to the Castle you must pass through Odd Field. After you beat Odd Field
once you can go straight to the Castle or go through Odd Field.

There's not much useful in the castle. There is an entrance to the Castle
Dungeon, but the guard won't let you pass until you beat the Mansion Dungeon.

There are numerous guards which will give you tips, you should talk to all of

After you beat the Darkevil Chest you can give the King small medals. Small
medals can be found on floor 20+ of the Ordeal Mansion, floor 40+ of the Magic
Dungeon, and any floor of the More Magical Dungeon. If you give the King 20
small medals you will receive the Metal King Sword, if you give him 40, you
receive the Metal King Shield. After that he alternates giving you a Metal
King sword or shield for every 20 small medals you give him.

2.3 Town Square

There are many people running around in the town square, some of them are
only there at certain times so you should definitely talk to them all.

After you beat the Cemetery Dungeon the baker will sell bread here. You can
buy Bread, Huge Bread, or Magic Bread.

After you beat the Odd Field, come back and you can enter the Mansion Dungeon.

2.4 Graveyard

The graveyard can be accessed after you beat the Castle Dungeon.

There is a magic shop (see section 2.5) in the graveyard as well as an
entrance to the Cemetery Dungeon.

2.5 Magic Shop

The Magic Shops is located next to the cemetery.

At the magic shop you can increase your level. It costs 1000 Gold per level,
and the maximum level you can reach is 5. Once you exit a dungeon however you
go back to level 1, but you can increase the level that you enter at.

You can also increase the numbers of used of your pots and staves (for a
charge of course). Pots can have up to 8 uses, and staves can have up to 99.

You can disperse down into a dungeon you've already entered as well. You can
only disperse down as far as you've gotten however. The lowest you can
disperse into the Magic Dungeon is floor 50, and the More Magical Dungeon
can't be dispersed into. Dispersal costs 1000 Gold per floor.

After beating the DarkEvil Chest, you can also change you class to a Mage or
Warrior for free.

2.6 Old Man's House

After you beat the Lost Forest you can go to the Old Man's house. You need to
go here after you beat the Lost Forest and talk to the guard outside, he'll
tell you that the Old Man went to the Toro Ruins. Now you can go to the Toro

After you beat the Toro Ruins, you need to talk to the Old Man here so that you
can visit the Magic Dungeon.

After you beat the Darkevil Chest, you can enter the Sword or Mage Dungeon
here. To enter these dungeons, exit through the back door of the house. If
you are a Warrior you enter the Sword Dungeon, as a Mage you enter the Mage
Dungeon, Merchants will be denied access.

The mayor is also outside the house, talk to him to rename the village.

2.7 Explorer's Inn

The explorer inn is full of adventurers that can give you tips on the game.
You can go to the inn after you beat the Lost Forest, but they won't let you
in until you beat the Toro Ruins.

2.8 Melding Shop

You get access to the Melding shop once you beat the Toro Ruins. At the shop
you can meld together weapons and shields. First you need to select a base
item, then you select an item to meld with the base item. The items are then
melded together and you get a more powerful sword or shield as a result. The
resulting item is of the same type as the base item. Its strength is equal to
the strength of the base item plus the strength of the other item. The
resulting item also all abilities that both items had. For example if the base
item is a Copper Sword + 2 with the Critical ability, and the other item is
a Metabble sword + 7 with the 3-space sweep, and 2x Damage: Demons, then the
resulting item would be a Copper Sword +9 with all 3 abilities. Since the
resulting item is the same as the base item, it's best to put the sword or
shield with the highest base strength as the base item.

There are 20 possible sword abilities:
2x Damage: Demon
2x Damage: Doll
2x Damage: Dragon
2x Damage: Fire
2x Damage: Flying
2x Damage: Zombie
3-Space sweep
Destroys Material
Gold Bonus
Hit & Heal
Tunneling Tool
Wont Break

If one sword has the Breakable ability and the other has the Wont Break ability
then the resulting sword will have neither ability, a weapon can't have both
those abilities. If one sword has the 360-degree ability and one has the
3-Space Sweep then the resulting item has the 360-degree ability, it overrides
the 3-Space Sweep ability. See the items section (8.2) for which weapons
have which abilities.

There are 12 possible shield abilities:
50% Fire Damage
50% Explosion Damage
50% Hunger Growth
Spell Bounce
2x Hunger Growth
Strength Maintenance

If one shield has the 50% Hunger Growth and one has the 2x Hunger Growth
ability, the resulting item will have neither, they cancel each other out.
See the items section (8.2) for which shields have which abilities

2.9 Blacksmith

You can go to the Blacksmith after beating the Toro Ruins.

At the blacksmith you can upgrade the power of your weapons. The blacksmith
will ask for two items (scrolls or herbs), if you give him the items, he will
increase the power of your weapon by 1. For every ten times you increase your
weapon he tells you a stupid rumor (please note the stupid part, these rumors
have no bearing on the game).

The Melding shop is generally a much easier way to increase the power of your

2.10 Decrepit Mansion

The Decrepit Mansion is located in the center of Torneko Village. You can not
get here until after you beat the Toro Ruins.

The main attraction here is the large mansion which is the Ordeal Mansion
(See section 3.14) however you can not enter until after you beat the
Darkevil chest. Be warned however, the monsters inside are very powerful, and
it is unwise to enter with strong weapons (+99 preferably).

On the left side of the mansion at the back is a man who will take you into
The Well (See section 3.10). You can enter The Well as soon as you beat the
Toro Ruins.

3.0 The Dungeons

3.1 Odd Field

Items : 2
Job : Any
Floors : 3
Items Found : Bread, Flame herb, Herb, Joy herb, Bang scroll, Thunder
staff, Bronze shield, Leather shield, Club, Copper Sword
Cursed Items : No
Unidentified Items: No
Traps : No
Save Points : No

This dungeon is quite easy and is here to introduce you to how the game
works. Each time you descend a floor it gives you some advice, be sure to
pay attention. If you lose 8 times, Nina will give you a Metabble Shield
and Metabble Sword. If you can't beat the dungeon with those, then you
probably shouldn't be playing this game.

3.2 Mansion

Items : 0
Job : Any
Floors : 6
Items Found : Bread, Herb, Life herb, Strength herb, HearAll scroll,
See-All scroll, Iron Arrows, Silver Arrows, Leather shield
Cursed Items : No
Unidentified Items: No
Traps : No
Save Points : No

There aren't any weapons in this dungeon, and the only shield you can get is
a Leather shield. However you will find a lot of arrows lying around. If you
find a Life or Strength herb be sure to eat them.

You'll need to rely on your arrows to defeat the monsters in here. Remember
that Iron arrows do the most damage, Silver arrows and Wooden arrows do less.
Silver arrows will however go through walls an enemies, so they can hit
multiple enemies. Be sure to use the right arrows for the right situation.

As long as you stay at a range, most of the monsters are relatively easy.
Phantoms can do a lot of damage at level 1, so stay away from them. Pillow Rats
can also do heavy damage, but luckily they won't advance Torneko making them
easy to shoot with arrows. If you find a Leather shield it can help reduce the
damage slightly.

3.3 Castle Dungeon

Items : 0
Job : Any
Floors : 6
Items Found : Bread, Herb, Life herb, Blowback staff, Panic Staff,
Sleep Staff, Thunder Staff
Cursed Items : No
Unidentified Items: No
Traps : No
Save Points : No

There are no weapon or shields in this dungeon, so you'll need to be careful
about staying away from monsters. Chew the Life herb if you find one, extra
HPs are always helpful. Try and save herbs for the lower floors when the
monsters can do higher damage. This dungeon focuses on staves, you'll find
plenty of them, and you need to rely on them, your regular attack won't do much
damage. Remember that if a staff has no uses you can still hurl it for one
last effect.

Blowback staves aren't very useful, they can kill the wimpy monsters, but
otherwise they're mostly useful for knocking away monsters so you can run.
The Panic staff can be quite helpful, it will allow you to attack the monster
without it attacking you, sometimes it can also cause a monster to attack
another monster. Sleep staves can be very helpful, allowing you to easily
kill the monster while it sleeps. Disperse staves can be used to get rid of
a monster temporarily. Thunder staves are the best however, they do enough
damage to kill any monster in this dungeon in one hit.

The two monsters to watch out for are Derangers and Demighouls. Derangers can
be very annoying as they can warp you away. Demighouls can split into two if
you hit them and they don't die. Even if they are asleep or confused they can
still clone themselves. Try and save your Thunder staves for them. Otherwise
try and kill them in corridors, where only one can attack you at a time. If
possible to get another monster behind the Demighoul so that it can't split.

3.4 Cemetery Dungeon

Items : 0
Job : Any
Floors : 6
Items Found : Bread, Antidote herb, Blinding herb, Dance herb, Herb,
Ironize herb, Life Herb, Panic Herb, Paralyze herb,
Sleep herb, Strength herb, Super herb, Warp herb
Cursed Items : No
Unidentified Items: No
Traps : No
Save Points : No

Another dungeon with no weapons or shields. In this dungeon you'll need to
rely on the many herbs that are lying around the dungeon. Dance, Panic, and
Sleep herbs are all useful for defeating monsters while they are incapacitated.
Ironize and Paralyze herbs are mostly useful for running from monsters. Warp
herbs can also get rid of a monster for a short while until it finds you again,
or you can chew one yourself to get out of a bad situation. Strength and
Life herbs should be eaten immediately to help make Torneko more powerful.
Herbs and Super herbs are of course used for healing. Make sure not to chew
bad herbs though.

The only two monsters that should be a problem are Bigshrooms and Hammermen.
Bigshrooms can reduce Torneko's strength. Be sure to use an antidote herb to
restore you strength, if you use a Strength herb it will only restore 1 point,
rather than increasing your max strength. If a Hammerman charges up, simply
step back a step and then attack, that way you won't get hit by a brutal hit.
Herbs are only one use items though, and you may need to attack some monsters
normally, try and save the herbs for tougher monsters like Mummymen or Iron

3.5 Mt. Fiery

Items : 2
Job : Any
Floors : 10
Items Found : Bread, Big Bread, Various herbs, pots, scrolls, staves,
shields, and swords
Cursed Items : No
Unidentified Items: No
Traps : Yes
Save Points : Yes

This is the first dungeon that you can bring items into. If you have them, be
sure to bring in a sword and shield. This is also the first dungeon with traps.
The main trap to be concerned with in this dungeon is this land mine, stepping
on it reduces your current HP by 1/2. Try swinging your sword before stepping
to reveal traps. This is also the first dungeon with save points, check
section 5.5 for how to back up saves.

The first three floors should pose no problem. On floors 4 to 6 the Flames
can be pretty tough, and remember not to throw anything at them (such as herbs,
staves or arrows) because they will burn up with no effect. If a Brunie
charges power step back and then attack. The last 4 floors have some tougher
monsters. To fight Iron Turtles alternate between attacking and stepping back,
since they move at half speed they will never get to attack if you do this. As
Watch out for Goopis, they can grab your feet so that you can't move and them
call for help from Stone Man, be sure to kill them fast. Of course Goopis can't
move making them easy to attack at a range.

3.6 Lost Forest

Items : 2
Job : Any
Floors : 12
Items Found : Gold Bags only. In the shops you can find various items
of all types except rings.
Cursed Items : No
Unidentified Items: No
Traps : Yes
Save Points : Yes

This is the first dungeon with Gargoyle shops. See section 5.1 for information
on shops. You'll find lots of gold lying around, and you'll need to buy
items in the shops. You'll even need to rely on shops for bread, as well as
a sword and shield.

You can bring in two items, you should have a decent sword and shield from Mt.
Fiery, so bring them in. If you are really having problems, try to save up
50,000 gold and put it in the bank, the Banker will give you a Joy ring. The
Joy ring gives you 1 XP for each step you take, this can get you to high
levels very quickly.

There are many traps in this dungeon, but the main one that will give you a
problem is the poison arrow trap, combined with the Bigshroom's poison you
can easily find yourself with 0 strength. At 0 strength even a +3 sword won't
do much damage. This is why I recommend having a Scale shield (or a shield
with the Strength maintenance ability melded). Of course you should make sure
to check for traps before you step as well.

As before floors 1 to 3 are easy, use them to level up. Floors 4 to 6 have
some mean monsters Pillow Rats have high HP and do high damage, try to avoid
them or kill them at a range. Bigshrooms can poison you so kill them quickly
as well.

Floors 7 to 10 get a lot tougher. The Iron Turtles are here, so make
sure to step back every other attack to avoid them from attacking you. Stay
away from Dance Vegi, their dance attack can prevent you from attacking for a
while, if you start dancing just run away till it wears off. Yetis always
come in groups of 4, but they will sleep until you attack one of them. If you
can't kill them in one hit, then leave them alone.

Floors 11 and 12 can be very nasty. The Horks can rust you shield, the Shaman
can curse your equipment, and Skeletors like to knock your shield off. The
biggest problem however is the Berserkers, they will attack anything, including
monsters. Every time they kill a monster they go up a level and get tougher.
A leveled up Berserker can kill Torneko in one hit. Another problem is that
every monster here is a zombie. When you kill them, they may leave a grave,
and if another monster wanders near the grave they will come back to life.
Because of this, try to kill the monsters individually while no other monsters
are around, that way they won't get right back up. However, since everything is
a zombie, if you have a Zombie-X sword you can kill them real easily.

3.7 Toro Ruins

Items : 5
Job : Any
Floors : 12
Items Found : Various types of all items except rings
Cursed Items : No
Unidentified Items: No
Traps : Yes
Save Points : Yes

Toro Ruins can be fairly difficult, it has 15 floors and some pretty tough
monsters at the bottom. You can find traps of all different varieties, so
it is wise to swing your sword to find traps.

You can bring in 5 items, so make good use of them. You should bring in a good
sword and shield. If you deposit 30,000 gold in the bank you'll get a Melding
Pot which you can use to make a good sword and/or shield. Make sure your shield
has the 50% Hunger Growth ability as well as Rust-Proof (meld with a Leather
shield to get this), Strength Maintenance ability can be useful as well. Good
sword abilities include all the 2x damage abilities as well as 3-Space Sweep.
But just make sure to get your weapons as strong as possible.

If you deposit 50,000 gold you'll get a Joy Ring. This can make the dungeon
much easier, so if you're having problems save up to get this. Otherwise you
should bring in an Outside Scroll, and maybe some good staves you've found.

The first three floors are really easy, so try to build up some levels on the
early floors. If you brought in some bread, you should be able to stay on each
floor long enough to gain a few levels.

The next floors can be a little trickier. The Druids and Derangers can be
annoying, but the biggest problem is the Demighouls. Try to fight them in
corridors, so that if they split only one can attack you. Of course if you can
kill them in one hit, then there is no need to worry.

On Floors 7 to 10, watch out for the Druins. If you see won't don't attack it,
just let it sleep. If you can kill them in one hit, then you may want to kill
them to gain experience. Be sure to kill the Evillamps in corridors, that way
they can only summon 1 monster.

On the last floor, be careful of the Enchanter, their staff can have many
different effects, and can be quite dangerous. The Skeletors can be dangerous
too, you don't want to lose a shield. There really isn't much you can do to
easily stop these creatures, so just make for the exit as quickly as possible.

3.8 The Magic Dungeon

Items : 10
Job : Any
Floors : 27
Items Found : Various items of all kinds
Cursed Items: Yes
Unidentified Items: Yes
Traps: Yes
Save Points : Yes

That dungeon can be quite hard, but you can bring in up to 10 different items.
You'll also have access to the Blacksmith and Melding Shop. If you are having
trouble, just keep upgrading your weapons and shield, with both at +99 this
dungeon is a breeze.

The best shield abilities are Spell Bounce, and Skill-X they can both prevent
incredibly annoying and dangerous monster abilities. 2x Damage vs. Demons is a
good sword ability too, lots of monsters count as Demons.

Plus you can now find rings in this dungeon, Joy Ring is obviously worth
bringing in. If you can find a Shadow Ring, or Trap-X Ring bring them in too,
you can bring in 10 items, so don't worry too much.

The first 10 or so floors just have the same old monsters you've seen before.
Nothing too difficult here. Floor 14 introduces Shadows. These monsters are
invisible, and you can't see them. If they attack you, try to run into a
corridor, that way you know they are directly in front of you. In a room,
you never know which direction they are attacking from. 3-Space Sweep sword
ability can really help find, and defeat them. If you have a Shadow Ring it
will let you see them.

At Floor 18 you start running into some tough monsters. A lot of them are
demons, so try to find a Demon-X sword. The Revirocks can revive a monster
you defeat, so try to defeat them first.

Starting at floor 23, You'll encounter much tougher monsters. Shadowers are
here (they are just tougher Shadows). Bomb Crags will explode if you reduce
them to below 10 HP without killing them. Pay attention to their HP to make
sure they don't explode. Eyeballs however are probably the toughest monsters
though, as long as they are in the same room as you, they can confuse you.
Confuse-X Ring can be very helpful, so can the Skill-X shield ability.

On Floor 27 you'll encounter the Darkevil Chest. On Floor 27 you'll run into
a huge room full of monsters, including Darkevil Chests. The Eyeballs like to
confuse you, so hopefully you have something to prevent it. If not, the 3-Space
Sweep sword ability can help you hit monsters even when you are confused.
If you don't kill a Darkevil Chest in one hit they'll split open into
multiple other monsters, plus Darkevil Chests can do high damage.

Try to have a Heal Pot, or some Super Herbs. Bang, Defense, Pause, and TieDown
scroll can all be helpful too. Once you kill all the monsters proceed to the
door on the north wall to find the Darkeveil chest.

Items to be found:

Floor 15 : 20 Gold Bags
These gold bags are easy to get. They're in a room with a locked door.
You can get keys in the well.

Floor 23 : 2 Melding Pots
You'll need a key to open the door to this room as well. Inside are 7 Bomb
Crags and 2 Melding Pots. Each Bomb Crag is also on a Mine trap, you'll need
a Trap-X Ring, to avoid them. You also need to be kill the Bomb Crags
without them exploding. If they explode, or get hit by a land mine explosion
it starts a chain reaction which will destroy the Melding Pots.

3.9 Magic Dungeon Revisited

Items : 10
Job : Any
Floors : 100
Items Found : Various items of all kinds
Cursed Items : Yes
Unidentified Items: Yes
Traps : Yes
Save Points : Yes

Since you can bring 10 items in to this dungeon, it's pretty easy as long
as you have a good sword and shield. If you're having trouble try to get
better equipment before attempting again. The Skill-X and Magic Bounce shield
abilities are extremely helpful in here so make sure your shield has them.
50% Hunger Growth is good too (you don't want to run out of food).

Basically if you have problems, just keep melding your sword and shield to make
them tougher. Try visiting the other dungeons to get some new items.

Items to be found:

Floor 15 : 20 Gold Bags
These gold bags are easy to get. They're in a room with a locked door.

Floor 23 : 2 Melding Pots
You'll need a key to open the door to this room as well. Inside are 7 Bomb
Crags and 2 Melding Pots. Each Bomb Crag is also on a Mine trap. You'll need
a Trap-X Ring, or the Trap-X / Bust Trap skill. You need to be kill the Bomb
Crags without them exploding. If they explode it starts a chain reaction
which will destroy the Melding Pots.

Floor 30 : Ice Sword
This sword is in a room with no entrance, you'll need to tunnel through the
wall to get in (a Pick or Tunnel / Tunneler skill will do). Inside is the
Ice Sword in the center and 8 Gargoyles around it. If you step on the Ice
Sword, it will activate the Gargoyles. If you can't fight them (which you
likely won't be able to) you'll need to escape immediately. Alternatively
you can use a Thief Pot to suck up the sword, it won't activate The

Floor 50 : Whirlwind
This is inside a room with a locked door at the entrance. The sword is at
the end of a large spiral. The spiral is filled with spikes, so you'll need
the stepguard scroll or skill. At each corner is a trapdoor, so you'll need
a Trap-X Ring or Trap-X / Bust Trap skill as well.

Floor 60 : Golden Pot & Golden Arrows
These are in the same type of room as floor 30. The first time you will
get a Golden Pot. If you come back again, you'll get the Golden Arrows,
inside a Magic Box. After that all you'll get is Magic Box with a Scrap
Scroll in it.

Floor 70 : Seal Sword
This sword is in a room with a locked door at the entrance. Inside the room
is a sort of cross-shaped ice patch. Since you can't control yourself on
ice, getting this sword can be difficult. To get it, lure a monster to right
in front of the door, now slide to the top and wait for the monster to be
one square in front on the intersection. Now slide down, the monster will
stop you at the intersection. Now slide to the right, and wait for the
monster to be two steps away, now slide into the monster then slide up to
where the sword is. There is a warp trap next to the sword, you can use it
to get back out of the room. There actually 4 items in this room, however 3
of them are mimics so you only need to get the one in the upper right corner

Floor 80 : Seal Shield
The Seal Shield is in a room identical to the Seal Sword, you can use the
same method to get it.

Floor 98 : Loto Sword & Golden Bread
On Floor 98 you can get the almighty Loto Sword. The sword is on an island
behind a locked door. This island is covered in warp traps so you can't get
to the bread. There are two ways to get this item.

1. Kill all the monsters on the floor. Equip a Passage Ring. Shoot a
Change Staff at a crystal so that it bounces back and turns Torneko into a
monsters. As a monster Torneko is immune to traps so just walk to where the
sword is and wait for the transformation to wear off.

2. If you come in a Warrior, set Ford and Trap-X to your shield, now you
can walk right over the water and traps to get the bread. If you don't have
Trap-X, you can use Bust Trap to destroy the traps instead.
The Sword is behind a second locked door, so you'll need 2 keys to get it.
If you come back in after having gotten the Loto Sword, you'll find the
Golden Bread here. Further attempts will yield a Scrap Scroll.

3.10 The Well

Items : 5
Job : Merchant
Floors : 10 (1)
Items Found : Various Scrolls, Herbs and Pots.
Cursed Items : No
Unidentified Items: Yes
Traps : Yes
Save Points : No

The well can be found by talking to the man behind the Decrepit Mansion. You
can only enter it after you beat the Toro Ruins, and he won't let you in
unless you're a Merchant.

The Well works differently than other dungeons. Each time you enter there is
only floor, but you get to choose what level you want to try before you enter.
There are a total of 10 levels, and how far you've made it in the Magic
Dungeon determines which levels you can enter. If you haven't gone into the
Magic Dungeon then you can only try level 1.

Leveling up to level 5 at the Magic Shop is almost a necessity. As long as
you have a good enough Sword and Shield, you should be able to handle the
appropriate level.

Be careful of Mimics, on the easier levels they can be quite dangerous. Just
Remember that the only items you can get in here are Scrolls, Herbs, Staves,
and Pots. If you see a Sword or Shield then you know it's a Mimic.

After finding the stair down, you'll enter a room with 3 gold bags, a key, and
a warp out. The Well is a good place to get keys, as well as a good place to
get money. The gold bags have the following amount of gold (and remember there
are 3 gold bags):

Level 1 - 5400
Level 2 - 12000
Level 3 - 21000
Level 4 - 30000
Level 5 - 39000
Level 6 - 54000
Level 7 - 60000
Level 8 - 69000
Level 9 - 84000
Level 10 - 90000

3.11 Mage Dungeon

Items : 0
Job : Mage
Floors : 35
Items Found : Ouside scroll, Spellbook, and various herbs, and staves
Cursed Items : No
Unidentified Items: Yes
Traps : Yes
Save Points : Yes

This dungeon can be found at the Old Man's house, you'll need to be a Mage
to enter though. Be sure to check the Mage section for good tips (Section 1.5).

You can't bring any items into this dungeon, although as a Mage that's not
as big of a drawback as with other classes. You'll really need to rely on the
luck of which spells you learn as well as which items you get. It can be very
difficult to beat this dungeon.

Be sure to check the Mage Section (1.5) on tips for playing as a Mage. The
easiest way to beat this dungeon is to disperse down as far as you can, and
then cast Sacrifice, if it works, you can make your way to the stairs, and
then next time you can disperse further down.

If you want to beat it the standard way, then it can be very hard. Make sure to
swing you fist to look for traps, and be sure to stick around on each floor to
level up.

This is the only dungeon where you can find Spellbooks. If you find one, be
sure to choose a good spell to write in it (Beat and DefeatMax come to mind).
If you find a Joy Herb, try saving it a while, and make sure to chew it
immediately after leveling up. You want to maximize it's effectiveness.
Disaster Herbs can be handy too. Chew it after leveling up, and you'll only
lose a small amount of experience, but you gain another chance at learning
new spells.

The first 4 floors are easy - no mage creatures. Derangers appear on floor 4,
and Druids on floor 5. These are probably the only mage creatures you can
defeat with physical attacks.

The next 3 floors are pretty easy. Use this chance to level up. But whatever
you do, leave the Druins alone. You don't want to deal with mage creatures.
Although if you have the beat spell (or one of its varieties), you can kill
them for experience.

The next 3 floors are full of Zombie creatures, not too hard, but try not
to get surrounded. Use these floors to level up as well.

Floor 13 is where it starts to get really hard. Shadows live here, and can
sneak up on you and attack. Use spells that damage everything in a room, they
can defeat Shadows even though you can't see them. There really isn't much
you can do against the Enchanters and MagiWyverns. If you can kill them then
good, otherwise StopSpell can at least prevent them from making you lose spells.

If you make it to floor 16 the monsters get even tougher. Shadowers live here,
and they hurt more than Shadows. Wing Sages and Healers are the mage creature
to watch for. Healers can actually be beneficial though. Try to get them to
heal you.

From here on down, the monsters just keep getting tougher. There really isn't
much you can do without an instant kill spell (and hopefully the Radiant spell).
Just keep running, and with luck you can make it to floor 35. On Floor 35 make
sure to find the Magic Sword before leaving.

Items to be found:

Floor 35 : Magic Sword

3.12 Sword Dungeon

Items : 0
Job : Warrior
Floors : 35
Items Found : All swords and shields, various herbs and breads
Cursed Items : Yes
Unidentified Items: No
Traps : Yes
Save Points : Yes

This dungeon can be found at the Old Man's house, you'll need to be a Warrior
to enter though. Be sure to check the Warrior section for good tips
(Section 1.4).

The Sword Dungeon can be very hard. You can't bring in any items, yet the
monsters get tougher much faster than in the Magic Dungeon. You'll need to
rely on your Warrior Skills if you plan on making it to the bottom.

The easiest way to make it to the bottom is to take advantage of the
Disappear trick (See section 5.6). Finding a sword that can use Bread Drop
shouldn't be too difficult, but it may take a few tries before you do. Once
you have a good sword and shield, you can easily breeze down to the bottom.
There are also save points so you can back up your save, and start over from
the last save point if you die.

If you find a LifeDrain sword and have the Miracler skill it can make the
dungeon a lot easier (See section 1.4). You won't be able to meld your
weapons in this dungeon, so you can't make a sword with lots of abilities.
The Demon-X sword works well as lots of monsters count as demons. Surehit and
Windshear swords have nice abilities too. Of course attack power wise the
best sword you can get is an Abacus. When you are setting skills on your
swords make sure to take into account what abilities the sword has, you'll
want a good sword as your standard attacking sword.

For shield abilities Defense Up is extremely useful, it can help you reach
the lower floors, although the monsters in the last 10 floors do enough
damage that you still won't be able to survive many hits. Hunger-X is
obviously good as it allows you to stay on the floor gaining levels, and
not having to worry about food (other than for skills) is nice too. Trap-X
can make the dungeon much easier as well. However, the most useful skills
are Skill-X and Magic Back. Skill-X will stop the abilities of more monsters
but Magic Back can stop the Hypnotic attack of the Clowns and Druinlords.
I personally recommend using Magic Back, but Skill-X is very helpful too.
Just remember that each shield can only have 3 skills so choose them wisely.

If you step on a falling boulder, steel ball trap or land mine, that you may
lose your equipment, so make sure to always swing your sword before you step
(or use the Find Trap / Trap-X skill).

You'll find a lot of helpful herbs, be sure to make good use of them. Save
the Super Herbs for lower floors. Joy Herbs should be used right after you
level up, and try to save them for when you are at a high level. Hopefully
you can find a World Leaf or two, they will save you life once each.

You first objective will be to find a sword and shield. If you don't manage
to find both a sword and shield then you won't make it very far. Once you find
a shield set Hunger-X on it. This will allow you to stay on each floor until
the wind comes, and go up many levels. Bread Drop can allow you to stay on
each floor as well, but it's more work.

Once you get a decent sword and shield, you should have little trouble getting
to floor 10. Dance Vegi can be annoying, and make sure to kill Evillamps in
a hallway so they can't call for help. If you can't kill a Yeti in one hit then
leave them alone.

Floors 10 to 12 can be very annoying, the Shaman can curse your equipment,
Hork can rust your shield, and Skeletor can knock you shield off. However, the
worst enemy is the Berserker, if it levels up it can easily kill Torneko in
one hit. It's best just to run through these floors down to floor 13. If you
have a Zombie-X sword it is helpful here.

Floor 13 to 15 is fairly easy just be careful because Shadows live here.
Zombies can be annoying too as they can rust your sword. Try to level up
on these floors.

Floors 16 to 20 is where it really starts to get hard. Ag Devil are fairly
easy to kill but do heavy damage, Arc Demon and Gigantes are tougher to kill
but don't do quite as much damage. A Demon-X sword will prove very beneficial
on these floors. Healers and Revirocks are also a problem as they make it
harder to kill the other enemies. If you haven't set Defense Up already,
you should do it now, these monsters do heavy damage.

Floors 21 to 25 can be very tough. You'll encounter Dragons, Troll Max,
KillArmors and other tough monsters. The Eyeball confusion attack can be
devastating, hopefully you have a Skill-X shield (or the Skill-X ability).
In addition Shadowers roam around on these floors. You may still be able
to stick around and level up, but you'll probably end up just running through
these floors. Quickstep can be extremely useful in running. If you feel like
fighting, then Dragon Breath can help defeat the monsters at a range.

Floors 26 to 35 are a nightmare. Druinlords, Devil Clowns, and Evil Clowns
all live on these floors. If you don't have Magic Back then their Hypnotic
Attack will be very nasty. Of course other powerful creatures live here
as well, Rock Doll, Eliminato, Hellcrab, etc. The Mandoras will reduce your
belly making it harder to use your skills, and the Revirocks like to revive
any thing you kill. Definitely just run through these levels, you'll likely
be high enough level anyway. Remember to grab the Life Ring on Floor 35,
you don't want to have to go all the way back down to floor 35 again.

Items to be found:

Floor 35 : Life Ring

3.13 More Magical Dungeon

Items : 0
Job : Any
Floors : 100
Items Found : Almost every item in the game
Cursed Items : Yes
Unidentified Items: Yes
Traps : Yes
Save Points : No

To get into this Dungeon, you must open the Joy Chest in Torneko's house.
Now you can leave town, and instead of the Magic Dungeon, you can enter the
More Magical Dungeon.

Not only can't you take any items into this dungeon, you also can't take an
money, plus you can't level up at the Magic Shop before coming in. And to
make if even worse, you can't go to the Magic Shop and Disperse down below
floor 1.

The easiest method is to use the Disappear trick (section 5.6). The
hardest part will be finding a sword that you can use Bread Drop. Once you
have a shield, and an appropriate sword. You can set Disappear on your
shield and Bread Drop and your sword. Since this dungeon is 100 floors it
would be a good idea to make sure you have some spare bread, in case you
run into an area where there aren't enough monsters. I also recommend setting
Trap-X on your shield, and be sure to add Ford if you want to get the special
items in the dungeon.

If you don't want to use that method, or don't have the skills, then here are
some more strategies:

The More Magical Dungeon, can be practically impossible, but with the right
strategy, it's definitely possible. You can enter as a Merchant, Mage, or
Warrior. I Strongly Recommend against a Merchant, The lowest I made it with
one was floor 21. Some people have suggested a Mage, personally I hate Mages,
however with right spells (Radiant, Beat, and DefeatMax), I can see how it may
be possible. If you choose to go in as a Mage, the tips for the Mage Dungeon
section (3.11) should work here too. The job I recommend using is a Warrior.

This dungeon can be a lot harder than the Sword Dungeon for a few reasons.
1. LifeDrain swords are very rare in here, and can only be found in shops. 2.
You'll end up getting a lot of useless scrolls, and rings. Staves aren't
completely useless though, you can hurl them once for an effect. 3. There are
more floors (100). 4. The items are unidentified, so you may end up putting
on a cursed item. That being said, you should be able to get further because
the monsters increase in toughness at a much slower rate. This gives you more
chances to level up.

As soon as you find a Shield, equip it and set the Hunger-X ability on it.
Now you can stay on each floor until the wind comes. Don't set any skills
on your sword though, and don't put any other skills on your shield. Wait till
the lower floors when the monsters start getting nasty.

Rather than swinging your sword every step to find traps, a good trick is to
have a shield with Find Trap set on it. Make sure it isn't your shield with
Hunger-X though. All you need to do is equip the shield when you first enter
a room, you can see the traps and go swing your sword to reveal them. Now equip
your other shield, and carry on as usual.

If you've equipped a cursed shield or sword don't worry about it too much
right now. A good trick is to find an unequip trap. Now you can equip each item
and see if it is cursed. The unequip trap will remove cursed items, so you
can drop them. Also try setting Havoc Cut on a cursed sword, it will destroy
the sword and let you equip another one.

To avoid the Zombie monsters rusting your equipment, you should have a set of
worthless equipment that you don't mind being rusted. Equip these when you
fight them. They don't do any damage so you don't need to worry. Of course
the Zombie family monsters don't ever attack, so you could just remove all
your equipment when fighting them as well.

Hopefully you've found some Melding Pots, in addition to the two on floor 23
try to make a really powerful Shield and Sword. Good abilities for a shield
are: 50% Fire Damage, Parry, Magic Bounce, and Skill-X. Unfortunately Skill-X
and Magic shields can only be found in shops. Good sword abilities are:
Demon-X, Surehit, and 3 space sweep. The other 2x damage abilities are good
as well, but there are a lot more monsters that take 2x damage from Demon-X.

Magic-X and Skill-X are almost a necessity. Magic-X prevents the hypnotic
attacks of the Druinlords and Clowns. Skill-X, can prevent brutal hits which
can destroy your equipment, it can also prevent some other nasty abilities.
Trap-X can also be very important, combined with Skill-X you don't have to
worry about your equipment breaking.

The three skills I usually put on my shield are: Defense Up, Skill-X, and
Magic-X. Sometimes I exchange Trap-X for Defense Up, and rely more on Surge
to stay alive. You only get three skills, so you have to choose wisely,
hopefully you can get a Skill-X or Magic shield, that will make the decision
a lot easier.

Of course all these skills can take a lot of hunger. You should have
stockpiled some bread at lower levels, but you'll still need to be using Bread
Drop a lot.

On Floor 22, the monsters start getting real nasty. If you found some Magic
Arrows, use them as much as possible, hopefully you can weaken the monsters
so that they can be killed in 1 hit, and never get a chance to hit you. If you
don't have Magic Arrows you'll need to rely on Dragon Breath.

This is also a good time to set Defense Up on your shield. Don't set it on
the same shield as Hunger-X though, you only get 3 abilities on your shield,
so use them wisely. You should put Defense Up on your strongest shield. You
need to rely on Bread Drop from now on though, so you should still try to
stay on each floor and level up.

Once you get lower, you'll most likely be using Quickstep constantly.
Critical works well too. Those two combined can frequently kill monsters
before they can hurt you. If you do get hurt though, Surge can come in handy.
Parry Pass can save your life in monster houses, and attack parry can be
helpful as well.

If you choose to go in as a Mage, then you really need to rely on the luck
of which spells and items you get. Check sections 1.5 (Mage class), and 3.11
(Mage Dungeon for some good tips. This dungeon can be a lot harder than the
Mage dungeon simply because it has 100 floors. However, you can find rings
in this dungeon, if you find a Heal Ring then it makes the dungeon a LOT
easier. Other good rings are Shadow and Trap-X. Unfortunately rings are fairly

Although there are no save points in the dungeon, if you come in as a Mage (or
Merchant) you'll have a Quicksave scroll. This means you get one opportunity
to create a save point. What I recommend doing is keep trying the dungeon
until you get just the right spells and items, preferably Radiant, Beat,
DefeatMax, and a Heal Ring. Now you can create a save point, and using the
backup save trick (See section 5.5) you can always start off where you saved
it with the good items and spells.

Mages need to watch out for traps just as much as Warriors (if not more). It
is extremely unwise to move around without first checking for traps, although
if you're running from a monster, it can be worth the risk. If you find a
Trap-X ring or Shadow ring then you won't need to worry about traps.

Another big problem is the fact the all the items are unidentified, not to
mention that you'll find a lot of worthless swords, shields, and breads. Be
sure to check section 5.2 for ways to unidentify items.

As with the Mage Dungeon be sure to stay on each floor going up levels and
getting new spells. However once you get 30 spells it's definitely wise to
keep running to stairs down, with 100 floors you don't want to take any
chances. The Radiant spell makes this task much easier.

One problem with doing it as a Mage is that you'll need to have good luck
and find a Passage Ring if you want most of the special items. The items that
you need to tunnel to get simply can't be obtained as a Mage, yet another
reason to try as a Warrior instead.

Items to be found:

Floor 15 : 5 1000 Gold Bags
These can be found behind a locked door. To get them you must slide across
the ice. Be sure to slide across on the left or you'll fall through a

Floor 23 : 2 Melding Pots
You'll need a key to open the door to this room as well. Inside are 7 Bomb
Crags and 2 Melding Pots. Each Bomb Crag is also on a Mine trap. You'll need
a Trap-X Ring, or the Trap-X / Bust Trap skill. You need to be kill the Bomb
Crags without them exploding. If they explode it starts a chain reaction
which will destroy the Melding Pots. These melding pots can be very helpful.

Floor 27 : Monster Scroll
It's found at the end of a spiral. There are 6 groups of two monsters
blocking your way through. Luckily the monsters will not act until you hit
them, so you only have to fight 6 of the monsters, and you can choose which
monster in each pair to fight.

Floor 35 : 20 Prayer Scrolls
These can be found behind a locked door.

Floor 50 : Golden Scroll
This can be found in a room with two locked doors. You only need to open
one door to enter though. Inside is an island much like on floor 98 of the
Magic Dungeon. Check that section on how to get on the island. This time
however, the island has trapdoors instead of warp traps. In addition, there
are two gargoyles which will activate when you get the scroll. With the right
skills you may be able to defeat them, otherwise use a Thief Pot to grab the
scroll without waking the gargoyles.

Floor 70 : Miracle Sword
The sword is on an island similar to that which is on floor 98 of the Magic
Dungeon. You'll need a key to open the door to the island. Then you need the
Ford skill to cross the water. The island is covered in Land Mine traps, so
you'll need Trap-X skill, unless you want to get hit by the mines. The door
with the sword behind it is on the north side of the island.

Floor 90 : Falcon Sword
The Falcon Sword is in a room with a locked door entrance, you'll need a
key top open it. At the top of the room is some water, use the Ford skill to
cross it, and you'll be in the inner room. The sword on the left is the
Falcon Sword, the sword on the right is a Mimic.

Floor 98 : GoldPick, Gold Staff & Gold Ring
These items are in a room with no entrance, you'll need to tunnel through
the wall to get in (a Pick or Tunnel / Tunneler skill will do). Inside is
the GoldPick the first time, the Gold Staff the second time, and the Gold
Ring the third time. The item is in the center and 8 Gargoyles are around it.
If you step on the item, it will activate the Gargoyles.

3.14 Ordeal Mansion

Items : 20
Job : Any
Floors : 50
Items : Found Identify Staff, Outside Scroll. Various items in shops.
Cursed Items : None
Unidentified Items: All
Traps : Yes
Save Points : No

This dungeon is much harder than the Magic Dungeon. In fact the strongest
monsters in the game can be found at the bottom (even tougher than the
Gargoyles). You can bring in any items you want so that really helps. Even on
the first floor you will fight tough monsters so I highly recommend leveling
up to 5 before entering. You'll also need as powerful of a sword and shield
as possible (preferably +99). As well as Skill-X, and Magic Bounce, your
shield should also have 50% Fire Damage as well, otherwise you won't stand a
chance against the Red Dragons. You should also bring in a few Heal Pots as
well as some Big Breads (you won't find any bread here).

One strange thing about this dungeon is that all the monsters are unidentified
until you hit them, this really isn't a big deal, but can sometimes be

Getting down to floor 20 shouldn't be too hard, but that's where three
insanely powerful monsters live:

Red Dragon:
Besides having the highest attack power in the game (600), and the highest
HP (220) second only to Gargoyles, they have the extremely annoying ability
to launch fireballs at you from anywhere on the floor; fireballs that can
go straight through walls. You'll have to try and find them as quickly as
possible, while they keep shooting fire at you (that's why you'll need the
50% Fire Damage). And they have the same defense as a Land Turtle (i.e.
very high) so they will take a few hits to kill.

Gold Slime:
These wouldn't be so hard except for their MegaMagic ability. This ability
will kill Torneko if he has under 200 HP. And if he has more, it will reduce
him to under 10 HP. With the Red Dragons lurking around, being that low can
easily be fatal, so you'll need to heal after every time they use this

Venom Zombie:
Not exactly a very tough monster, but they have the ability to permanently
remove abilities from you sword and shield. I highly recommend cloning your
equipment and keeping a backup in your vault at home. These guys can quickly
reduce your equipment to nothing.

One last note: the infinite clone trick is your friend. If you bring in a
clone pot, and two vacuum scrolls, you don't need to worry about all the
Heal Pots and bread. Just bring in a World Leaf and Big Bread, and keep
cloning them. You can also try cloning Strength herbs and Life herbs to max
out your strength and HP.

Items to be found:

Floor 30 : Loto Shield & Gold Shield
Although the Ordeal Mansion has 50 floors, it's floor 30 that you'll want
to get to. The first time through, the Loto Shield will be hiding somewhere
on this floor (in a Magic Box of course). Come back in again to find the
Golden Shield hiding on floor 30.

4.0 Exploration Log

4.1 Exploration Log List

Page 1:

Defeated the Darkevil chest
The Darkevil chest can be found on floor 27 of the magic dungeon the first
time through. After you defeat it, you "beat" the game, and that's when
the fun starts.
Read the Monster Scroll
The monster scroll can be found on floor 27 of the more magical dungeon.
Since the scrolls creates a monster room, it's best to use this while
standing on stairs so you can immediately go down.

Page 2:

Learned all skills
Getting all the Warrior skills can be very difficult. Check the skills
section for how to get each skill.
Learned all spells
Getting all the spells is a lot easier. One easy way to it is to disperse
down to floor 21 of the Ordeal Mansion, and cast Sacrifice. If you succeed
you'll get close to 30 spells. Just keep doing this until you get all the
spells. This can get expensive so make sure you have a lot of gold.
Gave the king X tiny medals
Tiny Medals can be found on floor 50+ of the Magic Dungeon, floor 20+ of
Ordeal Mansion, and any floor of the More Magical Dungeon. Once you get
one, you can clone more with the infinite clone trick.
Obtained Loto's sword & shield
Loto's Sword is on floor 98 of the Magic Dungeon.
Loto's Shield is on floor 30 of the Ordeal Mansion.
Check the rare items section (6.3) on how to get them.
Obtained Metalking sword & shield
Just give the king 40 Tiny Medals. The easy way is to get one Tiny Medal
and clone the rest.
Obtained all golden items
Golden Herb is dropped randomly by Gold Slimes
Golden Pot is on floor 60 of the Magic Dungeon
Golden Arrows are on floor 60 of the Magic Dungeon
Golden Bread is on floor 98 of the Magic Dungeon
Gold Shield is on floor 30 of the Ordeal Mansion
Gold Scroll is on floor 50 of the More Magical Dungeon
GoldPick is on floor 98 of the More Magical Dungeon
Gold Staff is on floor 98 of the More Magical Dungeon
Gold Ring is on floor 98 of the More Magical Dungeon
Check the rare items section (6.2) on how to get these.
Made a superb sword by melding
Meld a sword with all positive abilities. This includes: Seal, Tunneling
Tool, Destroys Material, Won't Break, 360 Degree, Hit & Heal, 2 Hit,
2x Damage: Flying, 2x Damage: Demon, 2x Damage: Doll, 2x Damage: Zombie,
Critical, Surehit, 2x Damage: Dragon, and 2x Damage: Fire. You'll also need
to use a Plating Scroll on it to make it rustproof. 2x Damage: Fire has a
negative side effect of reducing damage to 1 against ice creatures, so it's
a good idea to clone your sword before melding that ability to it.
Made a superb shield by melding
Meld a shield with all positive abilities. This includes: Seal, 50%
Explosion Damage, Skill-X, Thief-proof, Parry, Spell Bounce, Payback,
50% Fire Damage, Rustproof, Strength Maintenance, and 50% Hunger Growth

Page 3:

Felled by a trapdoor
Felled by a poison arrow
Felled by a falling boulder
Felled by a steel ball
To get these 4 you must be defeated by a specific trap. The best way to do
this is to go into the Magic Dungeon with a Shadow Ring to find the trap,
then just keep stepping on it. The trapdoor can only be stepped on once
before you fall, so you'll need to be below 5 HP before you step on it.
Defeated while asleep
Defeated while dancing
Defeated while confused
Defeated while berserk
To get these you need to be defeated while under a specific condition. The
easiest way is to get low on HP, then eat the appropriate herb, and get
killed by a monster.

Page 4:

Defeated a gargoyle
Check the Gargoyle Shop section(5.1) for how to kill a Gargoyle.
Brought home a mimic
There are two ways to do this. The first is to keep putting items into
a Change pot until you get a mimic. If the pot gets filled up simply vacuum
out it's contents and try again. The second method involves switching
places with a monster standing on a mimic. With a mimic staff or mimicize
skill you can change a monster into a mimic, then wait for another monster
to step on it and use a tradespot staff to switch places, then pick up the
Defeated a gold slime
Gold Slimes can be found rarely on floor 90+ of the Magic Dungeon. They are
more common on floor 20+ of the Ordeal Mansion.
Hit by megamagic
Gold Slimes use this, check above for where to find them.
Chain-exploded ten bomb crags
Since ten Bomb Crags can never be found anywhere, you'll need to find a
Bomb Crag and clone ten of them. In order to make sure the Bomb Crag
explodes and starts a chain reaction, try throwing an Exploding pot at it.
You should also make sure to stand in a corridor so that only one explosion
hits you, or be more than 1 space away when you throw the pot.
Felled by an explosion
Get this the same way you got the other defeated by traps ones, or you could
get it by letting a Bomb Crag explosion kill you.
Felled by an lv 5+ berserker
To get this you need to let a berserker kill at least 4 monsters and then
kill Torneko.
Smote by divine retribution
If you kill a priest and then take a step, the priest will use divine
retribution, reducing Torneko's HP to 1.

Page 5:

Thieved X times
Successfully thieved X times
Check the Gargoyle Shop section (5.1) on how to thief.
Returned alive X times
Pretty simple, just return from a dungeon alive.
Read a chance scroll
Chance scrolls can be found in the More Magical Dungeon. (See Rare Item
section 6.4) To read it you will need to equip a Shadow Ring because the
scroll is invisible.
Melded a weapon with a pick
Using a pot or the shop, meld any weapon with a pick. Try not to do this
with a weapon you like though, as picks are breakable.
Threw a melding pot through walls
Equip a Javelin Ring and throw a melding pot through a wall.
Felled by hunger
Not too hard here, just let Torneko run out of food and die.
Blown out by wind
Wait around on a floor for 2000 steps. Torneko will be blown out by the
wind and lose all the items he had.

4.2 Exploration Log Titles

This is your title that is listed in the Exploration log. As you fill up
the Exploration Log, your title will increase.

1. Dungeon Man
2. Dungeon Maniac
3. Dungeon Pro
4. Dungeonist
5. Cool Dungeonist
6. Super Dungeonist
7. Dungeon Victor
8. Dungeon Master
9. Dungeon King
10. Dungeon Emperor
11. Dungeon Lord

5.0 Advanced Tips and Secrets

5.1 Gargoyle Shops

In the Lost Forest, Magic Dungeon, More Magic Dungeon, and very rarely in the
Ordeal Mansion, you'll encounter shops run by Gargoyles. Each shop has 9
different items for sale. To buy an item simply pick it up. The gargoyle will
then block then exit, so talk to it, and you can buy the item. If you drop an
item in a gargoyle shop, you can talk to the gargoyle to sell it.

The main thing to do in shops, however is steal the items. If you want to
actually steal an item, and have it be recorded in your exploration log, you'll
need to remove an item from the shop without paying for it, and make it to the
next floor down. The easiest way to remove the item without paying for it is to
kill the gargoyle, so it doesn't block the exit. Normally the gargoyles are
friendly and you can't attack them, so you need to make them hostile first. The
way to do this is simply damage them or change their status. Any spell or
warrior skill that does damage or changes status will do the trick, as will
various staves, herbs, and scrolls. If you want you can just throw something at

However once a gargoyle becomes hostile it will attack you, and gargoyles are
VERY tough (500 HP, 200 attack, and 2 attacks per turn). Do not mess with them
unless you have a +99 sword and shield (preferably Loto sword and shield). In
addition once you leave the shop with an item, more gargoyles will be summoned
and chase you down. Generally taking the easy way out is not the best way to
steal. After you leave the shop, you won't be able to exit either. Thieves
can't use an outside scroll, spell, or skill.

There are other methods of getting items out of the shop that work much better.
The best is to use an ItemPull scroll, this will cause items on the floor,
including those in the shop to be pulled right next to you. Try to use this
next to the stairs down. You can then pick up the items you want and leave.
The gargoyles will still be summoned, but you should be able to go down the
stairs before they find you.

Another method is to chew a Warp herb after you've picked up the items you
want. You'll be warped out of the shop, and the gargoyles will be summoned,
but hopefully you'll be closer to the stairs down. You can also try tunneling
your way out of a shop. However, the ItemPull method is probably the safest,
most reliable method.

You can also try using a BigRoom scroll. This will cause the gargoyle to guard
the stairs down to the next floor, rather than the exit of the shop
(technically the stairs down are the new exit for the shop). Then you can pick
up the items you want, and get rid of the gargoyle, who will be standing on the
stairs. You don't need to kill the Gargoyle though, a warp herb or disperse
staff can get rid of it long enough for you to exit. However, this method is
not technically stealing, and won't show up in the exploration log.

One last word about stealing. If you pick up an item in a shop, then exit the
dungeon before you pay, you won't have the item when you get to town. Stealing
isn't quite that easy.

If you don't plan on stealing then you need to be careful in a shop. If you
break an item, the gargoyle will expect you to pay for it. If you don't have
enough gold then your out of luck. Be very careful of traps, Land Mines can
destroy items, forcing you to pay for them. Warp traps can warp you away, and
if you're carrying an item, the gargoyle will consider you a thief. Rocks can
cause you to trip, and drop items, which may land outside of the shop, at
which point the gargoyle will come to attack you. Sweep the shop for traps
so this won't be a problem.

You can also use the gargoyle shop to identify items. The price the gargoyle
buys / sells an item for can give an indication of which item it is. This
is especially helpful for swords and shields, if the price the gargoyle buys or
sells it for is less than the normal price, then you know it's cursed.

5.2 Identifying Items

The easiest way to identify items is with an X-Ray Pot, Scroll or Ring.
However you don't always have one of those handy.

Identifying items can be a tricky procedure. But here are some methods to help
discover what each item is:

#1) If you have identified an item, then any unidentified items can not be
the same item. It may be obvious but it can help rule out what the item is.

#2) Be sure to check where each item can appear. For example if you are in
the Magic Dungeon, and get an unidentified scroll, then you know it can't be
a Trap Scroll (which only appear in the More Magical Dungeon). Also some items
such as the Golden Items never appear randomly in any dungeons.

#3) Make use of Gargoyle shops. If you try to sell an item at a shop, the
Gargoyle will tell you how much it's worth. Combining with #1 & #2 this can
narrows down which items it can considerably. For swords and shields, this
can automatically identify the strength of the item. The base cost and cost
per "+" are listed in section 8.0. If it's a cursed item just sell it to the
shopkeeper and make some money.


The only place you'll ever find unidentified bread is the Ordeal Mansion so
this isn't much of a concern. Basically just eat the bread it will
automatically identify it.


Be sure to use the 3 tips listed above. If the item is likely to be a bad
herb throw at a monster. Judging by what happens you can get a good idea
of what it is. The problem is you won't be able to name the item after you
hurl it, so you'll need to keep track of what it is. Otherwise just chew the
herb yourself, this will automatically identify it, but try to do this near
stairs with no monsters around.


Pots are relatively easy to identify since there are only 14 types. Clone,
Golden and Magic pots will never be found lying around so you know it's not
one of those. Monster pots can only be found below floor 30 in the More
Magical Dungeon, so if you're not there you know it's not a Monster Pot.

Only Thief, Heal, and Monster pots can be used, and as stated above Monster
pots are usually not a possibility. If it can be used, just use it, neither a
Heal or Thief pot will have negative consequences.

Otherwise try putting an unidentified item you don't want in. If you can
remove the item, you know it's a Preserve pot. If the item changes it's
either a Change pot or Liar pot. To find out which just check the item again,
Liar pots will change what item it claims to be each time you look. If the
item disappears it's a Storage pot. If the item put in was unidentified and
you check and see that the item is identified it's an X-Ray pot, but be
careful it could be change pot that changed the item to one that you
previously identified.

That leaves only Exploding, Melding and No-Break. So hurl the pot against the
wall. If it explodes, it's an Exploding Pot. If it doesn't break, it's a
No-Break pot. If it breaks normally it's a melding pot.


About the only way to identify a scroll is just to read it. Make sure to be
near stairs when you do though. If it asks you to select an item when you
use it you know it's a Bread, Prayer, Vacuum or X-Ray scroll. Try using it
on an item you don't want, preferable an unidentified one. Remember that
Blank, Outside, Quicksave, and SpellBook scrolls are always unidentified,
and Chance scrolls are invisible.


Rings can be the hardest to identify, you'll need to equip it and see what
the effect is.


The only way to identify a staff is simply to wave it at an enemy. This won't
identify the staff, but you can get a good idea what it is from the effect it

Shields & Swords:

You always know what type of Shield or Sword it is, what you don't know is
its strength. If you equip it, it is automatically identified, but if its
cursed you can't remove it. Try to equip them near an unequip trap. That way
if it's cursed you can remove it. Gargoyle shops works wonders for identifying
Swords and Shields, you can figure the exact strength simply from the sell

5.3 Infinite Clone Trick

To clone an item as many times as you want all you'll need is a Clone Pot,
two Vacuum Scrolls, and of course the item you want to clone. If you don't
have two Vacuum Scrolls you can use a Blank Scroll instead. First put a
Vacuum Scroll into the Clone Pot. Second put in the item you want clone.
Third read the other Vacuum Scroll on the Clone Pot. Now you'll still have
a Clone pot and two Vacuum Scrolls, but now you'll have two of the item you
want. Just repeat this process as many times as you like.

5.4 Start as a Warrior or Mage

It's possible to start from the beginning of the game (at Odd Field) as
either a Warrior or a Mage, rather than a standard Merchant. To do this you
will need to have a save where Torneko is the class that you want to start as.
Make sure the save with that memory card is in slot 1. At the screen that lets
you continue or start a new game, choose to view the Exploration Log. When you
exit the Exploration Log, the game will reset. Now start a new game. You will
look like a Merchant while in town, but in the dungeons you will be a Warrior
or Mage.

5.5 Disappear Trick

The Disappear shield skill can make any dungeon very easy. To do this all you
need is a shield, and a sword that can use Bread Drop. Disappear makes you
invisible so that all monsters will ignore you, the drawback is that you use
1 belly every 2 turns. If you have Bread Drop however, you can rob enough
bread from monsters in order to keep Torneko well fed. You should probably
keep a few extra breads in case you run into an area with no monsters. If you
can find a Leather shield, or have a shield with the 50% hunger ability, it
reduces your food intake to 1 belly for every 3 turns making it even easier.
This trick can make the Sword Dungeon and More Magical Dungeon extremely easy.

5.6 Backing up Your Saves

It's always a good idea to back up your save onto the memory card in slot
1. That way if something unfortunate happens you can restore your save. However
the best use for backing up saves is the interruption points in dungeons.
If you use one your game will be saved, but you will exit the game. However
you can only reload this save once. To get around that problem copy your save
on memory card 1 into memory card 2. Now reload the save, and continue
playing. If you die then delete the save in slot 1 and copy your backup save
in slot 2 into slot 1. Now you can reload and try again.

5.7 Sacrifice trick

To do this trick all you need to do is disperse into a dungeon as far down
as you can go. Once there case Sacrifice, if it fails, try again. If it works
you can then make your way down to the next floor and try again. By doing this
you can slowly disperse down further and further and eventually make it to the
bottom of most dungeons. You'll also get lots of XP, and therefore spells from
all the monsters you kill so this is a good way to get all the spells in the
spell list in your Exploration Log. This works especially well in the Mage
Dungeon, as well as the Ordeal Mansion. You can't disperse below floor 50 of
the Magic Dungeon, and you can't disperse into the More Magical Dungeon at
all, and of course, you can't be a Mage in the Sword Dungeon.

6.0 Location of Rare Items

6.1 Monster Scroll

Floor 27 of the More Magical Dungeon (Section 3.13)

6.2 Golden Items

Golden Bread:
Floor 98 of the Magic Dungeon (Section 3.9)

Golden Herb:
Dropped by Gold Slimes, found in the Ordeal Mansion (Section 3.14)

Golden Pot:
Floor 60 of the Magic Dungeon (Section 3.9)

Gold Scroll:
Floor 50 of the More Magical Dungeon (Section 3.13)

Gold Ring:
Floor 98 of the More Magical Dungeon (Section 3.13)

Golden Arrows:
Floor 60 of the Magic Dungeon (Section 3.9)

Gold Staff:
Floor 98 of the More Magical Dungeon (Section 3.13)

Golden Shield:
Floor 30 of the Ordeal Mansion (Section 3.14)

Floor 98 of the More Magical Dungeon (Section 3.13)

6.3 Loto Sword & Shield

Loto Sword:
Floor 98 of the Magic Dungeon (Section 3.9)

Loto Shield:
Floor 30 of the Ordeal Mansion (Section 3.14)

6.4 Miscellaneous Items

Each time you complete a level of the well you will find a key. Keys can
also be found rarely in the Magic Dungeon and Ordeal Mansion. They can be
found more often in the More Magical Dungeon.

Tiny Medals:
Tiny Medals can be found rarely in the Magic Dungeon, Ordeal Mansion, and
More Magical Dungeon.

Clone Pot:
After depositing 1,500,000 or more gold in the bank for the first time, the
banker will give you a Clone Pot, Prayer Scroll, and Vacuum Scroll.

Chance Scroll:
Chance Scrolls can be found in the More Magical Dungeon. Chance Scrolls are
invisible, so unless you have equipped a Shadow Ring or the Find Traps skill
you won't see them, and will have to hope that you stumble over one. You
will also need a Shadow Ring or Find Traps skill to read one.

Guard Ring:
If you enter the Magic Dungeon with no items and make it safely to floor 28
and return, a man in the town square will give you a Guard Ring.

Life Ring:
Floor 35 of the Sword Dungeon (Section 3.12)

Seal Shield:
Floor 70 of the Magic Dungeon (Section 3.9)

Seal Sword:
Floor 80 of the Magic Dungeon (Section 3.9)

Magic Sword:
Floor 35 of the Mage Dungeon (Section 3.11)

Miracle Sword:
Floor 70 of the More Magical Dungeon (Section 3.13)

Falcon Sword:
Floor 90 of the More Magical Dungeon (Section 3.13)

7.0 Monsters

7.1 Monster Table

Ag Devil 70 300 22 18
Arc Demon 85 400 33 24
Army Ant 15 13 8 7
Army Crab 195 3500 480 35
Arrop 18 18 11 12
Atlas 125 4000 350 35
Avenger 180 3100 500 35
Bad Gopher 6 3 3 3
Batboon 140 3500 120 37
Bazuzu 120 1800 30 26
Berserker 35 55 10 15
Big Sloth 120 2000 70 25
Bigshroom 15 10 6 7
Blizzard 85 450 30 23
Blue Dragon 150 5000 150 37
Bomb Crag 100 550 20 23
Brunie 16 14 7 9
Cannibox 110 3000 50 30
Copycat 30 10 5 5
Crabus 24 20 12 11
Curer 130 2700 85 32
Dance Vegi 18 15 9 10
Darkevil Chest 165 3000 125 27
Dead Nite 140 2800 80 25
Demighoul 14 7 6 8
Demonica 120 2100 0 30
Demonite 35 70 0 15
Deranger 13 9 6 7
Devil Clown 120 2500 105 30
Dog Sniper 95 1800 80 23
Drackeema 100 1700 70 24
Dracky 5 3 4 4
Dragon 100 1250 50 26
Druid 14 14 7 7
Druin 30 35 14 12
Druinlord 85 900 30 25
Eliminato 130 2800 95 30
Enchanter 45 50 15 3
Evil Clown 130 3500 130 35
Evilamp 19 18 12 13
Executer 60 150 22 17
Eye Ball 95 800 38 25
Flame 18 11 10 8
Flufbeast 95 1700 50 25
Fly Mage 135 2500 130 33
Gargoyle 500 1 200 50
Ghoul 55 150 0 17
Giant Slug 6 3 3 3
Gigantes 65 250 30 22
Gold Slime 200 9000 250 35
Goldman 120 4000 380 38
Golem 48 155 26 17
Goopi 30 35 9 14
Gragoopi 120 2700 120 32
Grand Titan 220 4200 200 38
Hammerman 12 12 9 10
Healer 75 500 25 20
Hellcrab 120 3500 125 33
Hellnite 105 3300 520 35
Hork 30 45 0 13
Iceman 75 700 45 25
Iron Ant 55 130 20 17
Iron Turtle 18 20 23 24
Jellyfish 50 180 18 16
Killarmor 85 650 35 25
Land Turtle 70 3500 165 40
Last Ten 145 3900 100 30
Lavaman 40 110 23 16
Lilypa 10 8 6 7
Mad Gopher 7 4 4 3
Mage Monja 120 2300 80 25
Magestool 110 3000 100 33
Magic Ant 140 3900 135 32
MagiWyvern 39 115 22 15
Mandora 110 1900 50 25
Metabble 5 5500 100 197
Metal Hunter 105 5500 250 37
Metal Rider 24 20 12 11
Metaly 10 1500 50 70
Mimic 45 100 25 14
Minidemon 100 800 0 19
Mommonja 7 4 5 2
Mud Doll 30 60 10 11
Mummy 17 15 10 9
Mummy Man 14 10 8 9
Mystifier 65 500 30 22
Onion Man 95 800 40 20
Oniono 8 5 0 3
Phantom 7 6 6 4
Pillow Rat 20 20 12 12
Poltergeist 100 3100 90 31
Puppet Man 90 2000 250 30
Reaper 80 800 50 25
Red Dragon 220 8500 600 40
Red Slime 6 3 3 3
Revirock 75 300 15 22
Roboster 65 250 19 18
Rock Doll 85 1600 100 30
Rock Golem 120 3300 150 33
Roguenite 25 40 14 17
Shadow 40 175 23 14
Shadower 75 350 35 18
Shadownite 150 4500 330 30
Shaman 33 85 15 13
Skeletor 40 70 15 14
Slime 5 2 2 2
Slime Nite 20 8 9 6
Specter 145 3000 150 37
Spectet 45 50 20 13
Spooky 6 4 3 3
Star Wyvern 145 3000 135 33
Stone Man 23 25 13 14
Super Ten 115 2000 95 29
Tah Dracky 6 5 5 5
Tentsuk 33 75 13 14
Toadstool 100 1500 60 20
Tonghoul 120 1800 120 30
Toxarrop 100 2500 300 35
Trick Bag 15 6 0 6
Troll 30 30 14 12
Troll King 160 3000 150 34
Troll Max 110 1350 45 25
VenomZombie 95 3500 0 40
Voodoll 65 100 15 11
Voodoo Man 120 2500 70 25
War Doll 170 3500 350 35
Wing Sage 85 850 30 25
Wizard 130 3300 120 30
Wyvern 21 36 17 12
Yeti 17 30 10 8
Zarlox 130 2800 350 35
Zombie 40 45 0 14

7.2 Extended Monster List

Explanation of terms:

Dropped Item : If you defeat the monster it may drop this item. In
parenthesis next to the item is the percentage chance it will drop the item.
If no item is listed then the monster will drop a random item about 10% of
the time. If you defeat the monster with a sword that has the Babyfork
ability, then the monster will not drop the item listed but will instead
drop a gold bag 50% of the time (Random Item is an exception to this).

Type : What type of monster it is for determining if the 2x Damage abilities
will do 2x damage. Please note that 2x Damage Fire works differently than the
rest. It makes the sword an ice attack, so if the monster is weak to ice it
will do 2x damage, but if the monster is resistant to ice it will do 1 damage.

Mage : Whether the monster is a mage or not. Mage monsters takes 1 damage
from all mage spells that deal damage. They are however normally affected by
other spells.

Material : Whether the monster is considered material family. If it is then
any attack with a pick against it will instantly slay the monster while
breaking the pick.

Abilities : An abbreviated list of abilities the monster has. For specific
info on each ability check 7.3 Monster abilities.

Weak to : Which element(s) the monster takes double damage from.

Resistant to : Which element(s) the monster takes only 1 damage from.

Where found : Which dungeon(s) the monster can be found in. In parenthesis
is what floors of that dungeon the monster can be found on.

Ag Devil
HP : 70 XP : 300 ATK : 22 DEF : 18
Dropped Item : None
Type : Demon Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Double Move, Double Attacks
Weak to :
Resistant to :

Arc Demon
HP : 85 XP : 400 ATK : 33 DEF : 24
Dropped Item : None
Type : Demon Mage : No Material: No
Abilties : None
Weak to :
Resistant to :

Army Ant
HP : 15 XP : 13 ATK : 8 DEF : 7
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Tunnels, Help (1 Army Ant)
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

Army Crab
HP : 195 XP : 3000 ATK : 480 DEF : 35
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : None
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 18 XP : 18 ATK : 11 DEF : 12
Dropped Item : Iron Arrows
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Shoots Arrows
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 125 XP : 4000 ATK : 350 DEF : 35
Dropped Item : None
Type : Demon Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Charge Power
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 180 XP : 3100 ATK : 500 DEF : 35
Dropped Item : Reaper Axe
Type : Demon Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Brutal Hits
Weak to :
Resistant to :

Bad Gopher
HP : 6 XP : 3 ATK : 3 DEF : 3
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : None
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

HP : 140 XP : 3500 ATK : 120 DEF : 37
Dropped Item : None
Type : Demon Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Double Move, Double Attacks
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 120 XP : 1800 ATK : 30 DEF : 15
Dropped Item : None
Type : Demon Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Double Move, Double Attacks
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 35 XP : 55 ATK : 10 DEF : 15
Dropped Item : None
Type : Zombie Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Berserk, Double Move, Tunnels, Zombie
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

Big Sloth
HP : 120 XP : 2000 ATK : 70 DEF : 25
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Double Move
Weak to :
Resistant to : Ice

HP : 15 XP : 10 ATK : 6 DEF : 7
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Poison
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

HP : 85 XP : 450 ATK : 30 DEF : 23
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: Yes
Abilities : None
Weak to : Fire
Resistant to : Ice

Blue Dragon
HP : 150 XP : 5000 ATK : 150 DEF : 37
Dropped Item : None
Type : Dragon Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Fire Breath Level 2
Weak to :
Resistant to :

Bomb Crag
HP : 100 XP : 550 ATK : 20 DEF : 23
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: Yes
Abilities : Explodes
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 16 XP : 14 ATK : 7 DEF : 9
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Charge Power
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 110 XP : 3000 ATK : 50 DEF : 30
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: Yes
Abilities : Mimic
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 30 XP : 10 ATK : 5 DEF : 5
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Copycat
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

HP : 24 XP : 20 ATK : 12 DEF : 11
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : None
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 130 XP : 2700 ATK : 85 DEF : 32
Dropped Item : None
Type : Bird Mage : Yes Material: No
Abilities : Heal All Spell
Weak to :
Resistant to :

Dance Vegi
HP : 18 XP : 15 ATK : 9 DEF : 10
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Dance
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

Darkevil Chest
HP : 165 XP : 3000 ATK : 125 DEF : 27
Dropped Item : None
Type : ??? Mage : No Material: ???
Abilities : Double Move, Splits Open
Weak to :
Resistant to :

Dead Nite
HP : 140 XP : 2800 ATK : 80 DEF : 25
Dropped Item : None
Type : Zombie Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Remove Shield, Zombie
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 14 XP : 7 ATK : 6 DEF : 8
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Clones Self
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

HP : 120 XP : 2100 ATK : 0 DEF : 30
Dropped Item : Random Item
Type : Demon Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Steal Item
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 35 XP : 70 ATK : 0 DEF : 15
Dropped Item : Random Item
Type : Demon Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Steal Item
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 13 XP : 9 ATK : 6 DEF : 7
Dropped Item : Disperse Staff
Type : Demon Mage : Yes Material: No
Abilities : Disperse Spell
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

Devil Clown
HP : 120 XP : 2500 ATK : 105 DEF : 30
Dropped Item : None
Type : Demon Mage : Yes Material: No
Abilities : Hypnotic Attack
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

Dog Sniper
HP : 95 XP : 1800 ATK : 80 DEF : 23
Dropped Item : None
Type : Bird Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Double Move, Double Attacks, Shoots Arrows
Weak to :
Resisant to :

HP : 100 XP : 1700 ATK : 70 DEF : 24
Dropped Item : None
Type : Bird Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : None
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 5 XP : 3 ATK : 4 DEF : 4
Dropped Item : None
Type : Bird Mage : No Material: No
Abilities :
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 100 XP : 1250 ATK : 50 DEF : 26
Dropped Item : None
Type : Dragon Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Fire Breath Level 1
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 14 XP : 14 ATK : 7 DEF : 7
Dropped Item : Druid Staff
Type : Demon Mage : Yes Material: No
Abilities : Druid Staff
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

HP : 30 XP : 35 ATK : 14 DEF : 12
Dropped Item : None
Type : Demon Mage : Yes Material: No
Abilities : Sleep Spell
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

HP : 85 XP : 900 ATK : 30 DEF : 25
Dropped Item : None
Type : Demon Mage : Yes Material: No
Abilities : Hypnotic Attack
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

HP : 130 XP : 2800 ATK : 95 DEF : 30
Dropped Item : Eliminato Axe
Type : Demon Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Brutal Hits
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 45 XP : 50 ATK : 15 DEF : 3
Dropped Item : Enchanter Staff
Type : Demon Mage : Yes Material: No
Abilities : Enchanter Staff
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

Evil Clown
HP : 130 XP : 3500 ATK : 130 DEF : 35
Dropped Item : None
Type : Demon Mage : Yes Material: No
Abilities : Hypnotic Attack
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

Evil Lamp
HP : 19 XP : 18 ATK : 12 DEF : 13
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: Yes
Abilities : Help (Random)
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

HP : 60 XP : 150 ATK : 22 DEF : 17
Dropped Item : None
Type : Demon Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Brutal Hits
Weak to :
Resistant to :

Eye Ball
HP : 95 XP : 800 ATK : 38 DEF : 25
Dropped Item : None
Type : Demon Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Confusion Attack
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 18 XP : 11 ATK : 10 DEF : 8
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: Yes
Abilities : Flammable
Weak to : Ice
Resistant to : Fire

HP : 95 XP : 1700 ATK : 50 DEF : 25
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Double Move
Weak to :
Resistant to :

Fly Mage
HP : 135 XP : 2500 ATK : 130 DEF : 33
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : Yes Material: No
Abilities : Fly Spell
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

HP : 500 XP : 1 ATK : 200 DEF : 50
Dropped Item : None
Type : Bird Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Double Move, Double Attacks
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 55 XP : 150 ATK : 0 DEF : 17
Dropped Item : None
Type : Zombie Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Rotten Fluid: Either
Weak to :
Resistant to :

Giant Slug
HP : 6 XP : 3 ATK : 3 DEF : 3
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : None
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 65 XP : 250 ATK : 30 DEF : 22
Dropped Item : None
Type : Demon Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : None
Weak to :
Resistant to :

Gold Slime
HP : 200 XP : 9000 ATK : 250 DEF : 35
Dropped Item : Golden Herb
Type : ??? Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Megamagic
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 120 XP : 4000 ATK : 380 DEF : 38
Dropped Item : 5000 Gold
Type : Doll Mage : No Material: Yes
Abilities : None
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 48 XP : 155 ATK : 26 DEF : 17
Dropped Item : None
Type : Doll Mage : No Material: Yes
Abilities : None
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 30 XP : 35 ATK : 9 DEF : 14
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: Yes
Abilities : Help (1 Stone Man), Grab Foot
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 120 XP : 2700 ATK : 120 DEF : 32
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: Yes
Abilities : Help (1 Grand Titan), Grab Foot, Draw Close
Weak to :
Resistant to :

Grand Titan
HP : 220 XP : 4200 ATK : 200 DEF : 38
Dropped Item : None
Type : Doll Mage : No Material: Yes
Abilities : None
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 12 XP : 12 ATK : 9 DEF : 10
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Charge Power
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 75 XP : 500 ATK : 25 DEF : 20
Dropped Item : None
Type : Bird Mage : Yes Material: No
Abilities : Heal Spell
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

HP : 120 XP : 3500 ATK : 125 DEF : 33
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : None
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 105 XP : 3300 ATK : 520 DEF : 35
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: Yes
Abilities : None
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 30 XP : 45 ATK : 0 DEF : 13
Dropped Item : None
Type : Zombie Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Zombie, Rotten Fluid: -1 Shield
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 75 XP : 700 ATK : 45 DEF : 25
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: Yes
Abilities : Encircle, Ice Attack
Weak to : Fire
Resistant to : Ice

Iron Ant
HP : 55 XP : 130 ATK : 20 DEF : 17
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Tunnels
Weak to :
Resistant to :

Iron Turtle
HP : 18 XP : 20 ATK : 23 DEF : 24
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Half Speed
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : Wind

HP : 50 XP : 180 ATK : 18 DEF : 16
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Numb Attack
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 85 XP : 650 ATK : 35 DEF : 25
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: Yes
Abilities : None
Weak to :
Resistant to :

Land Turtle
HP : 70 XP : 3500 ATK : 165 DEF : 40
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Half Speed
Weak to :
Resistant to :

Last Ten
HP : 145 XP : 3900 ATK : 100 DEF : 30
Dropped Item : None
Type : Demon, Doll? Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Dance
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 40 XP : 110 ATK : 23 DEF : 16
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: Yes
Abilities : Encircle
Weak to : Ice
Resistant to : Fire

HP : 10 XP : 8 ATK : 6 DEF : 7
Dropped Item : Wooden Arrows
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Shoots Arrows
Weak to :
Resistant to :

Mad Gopher
HP : 7 XP : 4 ATK : 4 DEF : 3
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : None
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

Mage Monja
HP : 120 XP : 2300 ATK : 80 DEF : 25
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : Yes Material: No
Abilities : Mouthseal
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

HP : 110 XP : 3000 ATK : 100 DEF : 33
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Poison -3
Weak to :
Resistant to :

Magic Ant
HP : 140 XP : 3900 ATK : 135 DEF : 32
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : Yes Material: No
Abilities : Tunnels, Sleep Spell
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 39 XP : 115 ATK : 22 DEF : 15
Dropped Item : None
Type : Bird Mage : Yes Material: No
Abilities : Stopspell
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

HP : 110 XP : 1900 ATK : 50 DEF : 25
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Hunger Attack
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 5 XP : 5500 ATK : 100 DEF : 197
Dropped Item : Joy Herb
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: ???
Abilities : Double Move, Warps Away
Weak to :
Resistant to :

Metal Hunter
HP : 105 XP : 5500 ATK : 250 DEF : 37
Dropped Item : None
Type : Doll Mage : No Material: Yes
Abilities : Double Attacks
Weak to :
Resistant to :

Metal Rider
HP : 24 XP : 20 ATK : 12 DEF : 11
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Double Move
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : Wind

HP : 10 XP : 1500 ATK : 50 DEF : 70
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: ???
Abilities : Double Move
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 45 XP : 100 ATK : 25 DEF : 14
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: Yes
Abilities : Mimic
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 100 XP : 800 ATK : 0 DEF : 19
Dropped Item : Random Item
Type : Demon Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Steal Item
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 7 XP : 4 ATK : 5 DEF : 2
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : None
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

Mud Doll
HP : 30 XP : 60 ATK : 10 DEF : 11
Dropped Item : None
Type : Doll Mage : No Material: Yes
Abilities : Level - 1
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 17 XP : 15 ATK : 10 DEF : 9
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : None
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

Mummy Man
HP : 14 XP : 10 ATK : 8 DEF : 9
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : None
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 65 XP : 500 ATK : 30 DEF : 22
Dropped Item : Mystifier Staff
Type : Demon Mage : Yes Material: No
Abilities : Mystifier Staff
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

Onion Man
HP : 95 XP : 800 ATK : 40 DEF : 20
Dropped Item : Onion Bread
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Double Move
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 8 XP : 5 ATK : 0 DEF : 3
Dropped Item : Bread
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Double Move
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 7 XP : 6 ATK : 6 DEF : 4
Dropped Item : None
Type : Bird, Demon Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Flies
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

Pillow Rat
HP : 20 XP : 20 ATK : 12 DEF : 12
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Double Move
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

HP : 100 XP : 3100 ATK : 90 DEF : 31
Dropped Item : None
Type : Bird, Demon Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Double Move
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

Puppet Man
HP : 90 XP : 200 ATK : 250 DEF : 30
Dropped Item : None
Type : Doll Mage : No Material: Yes
Abilities : Level - 1
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 80 XP : 800 ATK : 50 DEF : 25
Dropped Item : None
Type : Bird, Demon Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Flies
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

Red Dragon
HP : 220 XP : 8500 ATK : 600 DEF : 40
Dropped Item : None
Type : Dragon Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Fire Breath Level 3
Weak to :
Resistant to :

Red Slime
HP : 6 XP : 3 ATK : 3 DEF : 3
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : None
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

HP : 75 XP : 300 ATK : 15 DEF : 22
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: Yes
Abilities : Sacrifice
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 65 XP : 250 ATK : 19 DEF : 18
Dropped Item : None
Type : Doll Mage : No Material: Yes
Abilities : Double Attacks
Weak to :
Where found :

Rock Doll
HP : 85 XP : 1600 ATK : 100 DEF : 30
Dropped Item : None
Type : Bird, Doll Mage : No Material: Yes
Abilities : Doll Attack Level 2
Weak to :
Resistant to :

Rock Golem
HP : 120 XP : 3300 ATK : 150 DEF : 33
Dropped Item : None
Type : Doll Mage : No Material: Yes
Abilities : None
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 25 XP : 40 ATK : 14 DEF : 17
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: Yes
Abilities : None
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

HP : 40 XP : 175 ATK : 23 DEF : 14
Dropped Item : None
Type : Bird, Demon Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Invisible
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

HP : 75 XP : 350 ATK : 35 DEF : 18
Dropped Item : None
Type : Bird, Demon Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Invisible
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

HP : 150 XP : 4500 ATK : 330 DEF : 30
Dropped Item : None
Type : Zombie Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Zombie, Remove Shield
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 33 XP : 85 ATK : 15 DEF : 13
Dropped Item : None
Type : Zombie Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Zombie, Curse
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

HP : 40 XP : 70 ATK : 15 DEF : 14
Dropped Item : None
Type : Zombie Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Remove Shield, Zombie
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 5 XP : 2 ATK : 2 DEF : 2
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : None
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

Slime Nite
HP : 20 XP : 8 ATK : 9 DEF : 6
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : None
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

HP : 145 XP : 3000 ATK : 150 DEF : 37
Dropped Item : None
Type : Bird, Demon Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Double Move
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

HP : 45 XP : 50 ATK : 20 DEF : 13
Dropped Item : None
Type : Demon Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Ironize
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 6 XP : 4 ATK : 3 DEF : 3
Dropped Item : None
Type : Bird, Demon Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Double Move
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

Star Wyvern
HP : 145 XP : 3000 ATK : 135 DEF : 33
Dropped Item : None
Type : Bird Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : None
Weak to :
Resistant to :

Stone Man
HP : 23 XP : 25 ATK : 13 DEF : 14
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: Yes
Abilities : None
Weak to :
Resistant to :

Super Ten
HP : 115 XP : 2000 ATK : 95 DEF : 29
Dropped Item : None
Type : Demon, Doll? Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Dance
Weak to :
Resistant to :

Tah Dracky
HP : 6 XP : 5 ATK : 5 DEF : 5
Dropped Item : None
Type : Bird Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : None
Weak to : Wind
Resistant to : N/A

HP : 33 XP : 75 ATK : 13 DEF : 14
Dropped Item : None
Type : Demon, Doll? Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Dance
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

HP : 100 XP : 1500 ATK : 60 DEF : 20
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Poison -2
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 120 XP : 1800 ATK : 120 DEF : 30
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Clones Self
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 100 XP : 2500 ATK : 300 DEF : 35
Dropped Item : Poison Arrows
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Shoots Poison Arrows
Weak to :
Resistant to :

Trick Bag
HP : 15 XP : 6 ATK : 0 DEF : 6
Dropped Item : Gold Bag
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Steal Gold
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 30 XP : 30 ATK : 14 DEF : 12
Dropped Item : None
Type : Demon Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Charge Power
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

Troll King
HP : 160 XP : 3000 ATK : 150 DEF : 34
Dropped Item : None
Type : Demon Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Charge Power
Weak to :
Resistant to :

Troll Max
HP : 110 XP : 1350 ATK : 45 DEF : 25
Dropped Item : None
Type : Demon Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Charge Power
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 95 XP : 3500 ATK : 0 DEF : 40
Dropped Item : None
Type : Zombie Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Rotten Fluid: Unmeld, Zombie
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 65 XP : 100 ATK : 15 DEF : 11
Dropped Item : None
Type : Bird, Doll Mage : No Material: Yes
Abilities : Doll Attack Level 1
Weak to :
Resistant to :

Voodoo Man
HP : 120 XP : 2500 ATK : 70 DEF : 25
Dropped Item : None
Type : Zombie Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Cut Usage, Zombie
Weak to :
Resistant to :

War Doll
HP : 170 XP : 3500 ATK : 350 DEF : 35
Dropped Item : None
Type : Bird, Doll Mage : No Material: Yes
Abilities : Doll Attack Level 3
Weak to :
Resistant to :

Wing Sage
HP : 85 XP : 850 ATK : 30 DEF : 25
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : Yes Material: No
Abilities : Fly Spell
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

HP : 130 XP : 3300 ATK : 120 DEF : 30
Dropped Item : Wizard Staff
Type : Demon Mage : Yes Material: No
Abilities : Wizard Staff
Weak to : N/A
Resistant to : N/A

HP : 21 XP : 36 ATK : 17 DEF : 12
Dropped Item : None
Type : Bird Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : None
Weak to : Wind
Resistant to : N/A

HP : 17 XP : 30 ATK : 10 DEF : 8
Dropped Item : None
Type : N/A Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Double Move
Weak to :
Resistant to : Ice

HP : 130 XP : 2800 ATK : 350 DEF : 35
Dropped Item : None
Type : Demon Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Charge Power
Weak to :
Resistant to :

HP : 40 XP : 45 ATK : 0 DEF : 14
Dropped Item : None
Type : Zombie Mage : No Material: No
Abilities : Rotten Fluid: Sword
Weak to :
Resistant to :

7.3 Monster Abilties

For each ability a description is listed. Stopped by tells what can be done to
stop the monster from using that ability. The seal ability of the seal sword
or Skill-X staff can stop monsters from using all abilities except Half Speed,
Copycat, Invisible, and Mimic. All abilities can only be used if the monster
is next to Torneko unless stated otherwise.

The following allow the monster to use the ability but it will have no effect.

50% Fire Damage : Fair Wind shield skill, 50% Fire Damage shield ability
Bomb-X : Bomb-X shield skill, 50% Explosion Damage shield ability
Brutal-X : Brutal-X shield skill
Confuse-X : Confuse-X shield skill, Confuse-X ring
Curse-X : Curse-X shield skill, Curse-X ring
Doll-X : Doll-X shield skill, Doll-X ring
Fly-X : Fly-X Shield skill
Invisible-X : Find Traps shield skill, Eyedrop Herb, Shadow Ring
Magic-X : Magic Back shield skill, Spell Bounce shield ability
Rustproof : Rustproof shield skill, Rustproof shield or sword ability,
Rustproof ring
Poison-X : Anti-Tox shield skill, Poison-X ring,
Skill-X : Skill-X shield ability, Skill-X shield skill
Sleep-X : Awaken shield skill, Sleep-X ring, Wakeup herb
Strength Maintenance shield skill
Slow-X : Slow-X shield skill
Thief-X : Thief-X shield skill, Thief-Proof shield ability

These completely stop the monster from using the ability

Dance-X : Dance-X sword skill
Magic-X : Magic-X sword skill, Stopspell spell
Skill-X : Skill-X sword skill
Staff-X : Staff-X sword skill

Description : Monster will randomly attack friend or foe. Levels up when
another monster is defeated.
Stopped by : Nothing

Brutal Hits
Description : Monster's normal attack will sometimes be a brutal hit.
Stopped by : Skill-X, Brutal-X reduces odds of being a brutal hit

Charge Power
Description : Monster will sometimes charge power, making the next hit a
brutal hit.
Stopped by : Skill-X

Clones Self
Description : If monster is hit and not killed, it may clone another copy
of itself.
Stopped by : Nothing

Confusion Attack
Description : If Torneko is in the same room as monster, it may confuses
Torneko for a short period of time.
Stopped by : Skill-X, Confuse-X

Description : Monster looks like a different monster that appears on the
same floor.
Stopped by : Nothing

Description : Monster can curse Torneko's equipped sword, shield of ring.
Stopped by : Curse-X

Cut Usage
Description : Monster can reduces the number of uses of a random staff in
Torneko's inventory by 1.
Stopped by : Skill-X

Description : Monster can make Torneko dance for a short period of time.
Stopped by : Dance-X

Disperse Staff
Description : Monster can wave the staff at a range. Staff causes Torneko to
warp to a random location on the same floor.
Stopped by : Magic-X, Staff-X

Doll Attack Level 1
Description : Monster can reduce Torneko's max strength by 1 or max HP by 5.
Stopped by : Doll-X, Skill-X

Doll Attack Level 2
Description : Monster can reduce Torneko's max strength by 2 or max HP by 10.
Stopped by : Doll-X, Skill-X

Doll Attack Level 3
Description : Monster can reduce Torneko's max strength by 3 or max HP by 15.
Stopped by : Doll-X, Skill-X

Double Attacks
Description : Monster attacks twice per turn.
Stopped by : Nothing

Double Move
Description : Monster moves twice per turn.
Stopped by : Nothing

Draw Close
Description : If Torneko is in the same room, monster can draw Torneko to
right next to the it.
Stopped by : Nothing

Druid Staff
Description : Monster can wave the staff at a range. Staff causes Torneko to
warp to a random location on the same floor, leaving Torneko
Stopped by : Magic-X, Staff-X, Sleep-X will stop the sleep portion

Enchanter Staff
Description : Has a random effect
Stopped by : Magic-X, Staff-X

Description : Monster can encircle Torneko, moving to the other side of him.
Stopped by : Nothing

Description : If monster is reduced to below 10 HP it explodes, killing
all monsters around it, and reducing Torneko to 1 HP.
Stopped by : Bomb-X will cause the explosion to reduce Torneko to 1/2
current HP instead of 1 HP

Fire Breath Level 1
Description : Monster can breathe fire in a straight line at a range. Fire
does 30 damage.
Stopped by : 50% Fire Damage will reduce damage to 15

Fire Breath Level 2
Description : If Torneko is in the same room, monster can breathes fire at a
range. Fire can go through enemies. Does 35 damage.
Stopped by : 50% Fire Damage will reduce damage to 17

Fire Breath Level 3
Description : If Torneko is on the same floor, monster can Breathe fire at
any range. Fire can go through all obstacles including walls.
Does 40 damage.
Stopped by : 50% Fire Damage will reduce damage to 20

Description : Any item hurled at monster, and any arrows shot at it will
burn up with no effect. If hit by a fire attack, monster will
clone a new copy of itself.
Stopped by : Nothing

Description : Monster can move over walls, water, and other obstacles.
Stopped by : Nothing

Fly Spell
Description : Monster can use strange spell that prevents Torneko from
recovering HP as he walks.
Stopped by : Magic-X, Fly-X

Grab Foot
Description : Monster can grab Torneko's foot, preventing him from moving.
Stopped by : Nothing

Half Speed
Description : Monster only moves and attacks once every other turn.
Stopped by : Nothing

Heal All Spell
Description : Monster can heal itself and all monsters (including Torneko)
around it for 100 HP.
Stopped by : Magic-X will stop Torneko from being healed but not other

Heal Spell
Description : Monster can heal itself and all monsters (including Torneko)
around it for 25 HP.
Stopped by : Magic-X will stop Torneko from being healed but not other
Description : Monster can call for other monsters to appear. for each monster
what monsters can be summoned is in parenthesis.
Stopped by : Nothing

Hunger Attack
Description : Monster can reduces Torneko's belly by 20.
Stopped by : Nothing

Hypnotic Attack
Description : Monster can make Torneko perform a random action next turn
Stopped by : Magic-X

Ice Attack
Description : Freezes Torneko
Stopped by : Skill-X

Instant Move
Description : If Torneko is in the same room, monsters teleports to right
next to Torneko
Stopped by : Nothing

Description : Monster cannot be seen
Stopped by : Invisible-X allows you to see the monster

Description : Monster can Ironize itself. While Ironize nothing can affect
it, but it while not do anything either.
Stopped by : Nothing

Level -1
Description : Monster can Reduce Torneko's level by 1. Sets experience to 1
less than needed for level up.
Stopped by : Doll-X

Description : If Torneko is below 200 HP, then it instantly slays him
Otherwise leaves Torneko with less than 10 HP. Also reduces
the monster's HP to 1.
Stopped by : Nothing

Description : Monster looks like a regular item. Turns into a monster if you
try to step on it.
Stopped by : Nothing

Description : Monster can seal Torneko's mouth. While his mouth is sealed,
he cannot cast spells, read scrolls, chew herbs, eat bread,
or talk to NPCs. Wears off when Torneko descends to the next
Stopped by : Skill-X

Mystifier Staff
Description : Monster can warps Torneko to a random location on the same floor
leaving him paralyzed.
Stopped by : Magic-X, Staff-X

Numb Attack
Description : Monster can paralyze Torneko.
Stopped by : Nothing

Poison - 1
Description : Monster can breath poison that reduces Torneko's strength by 1.
Stopped by : Poison-X

Poison - 2
Description : Monster can breath poison that reduces Torneko's strength by 2.
Stopped by : Poison-X

Poison - 3
Description : Monster can breath poison that reduces Torneko's strength by 3
The poison also slows Torneko.
Stopped by : Poison-X, Slow-X prevents the slow portion.

Remove Shield
Description : Monster can knock Torneko's shield off causing it to fly back.
Stopped by : Skill-X

Rotten Fluid Either
Description : Monster can spit a rotten fluid that can rusts Torneko's sword
or shield reducing it's strength by 1.
Stopped by : Rustproof

Rotten Fluid Shield
Description : Monster can spit a rotten fluid that can rusts Torneko's shield
reducing it's strength by 1.
Stopped by : Rustproof

Rotten Fluid Sword
Description : Monster can spit a rotten fluid that can rusts Torneko's sword
reducing it's strength by 1.
Stopped by : Rustproof

Rotten Fluid Unmeld
Description : Monster can spit a rotten fluid that can permanently remove a
melded ability from Torneko's shield. May cause Torneko to be
unable to distinguish items instead.
Stopped by : Nothing.

Description : If a monster dies next to this monster then it sacrifices
itself to revive a monster that was just killed.
Stopped by : Magic-X sword skill or Stopspell spell

Shoots Arrows
Description : Monster can shoot arrows at a range.
Stopped by : Arrow Grab skill

Shoots Poison Arrows
Description : Monster can shoots arrows at a range, if hit Torneko's
strength is reduced by 1.
Stopped by : Arrow Grab skill, Poison-X can stop the poison part

Sleep Spell
Description : Monster can puts Torneko to sleep
Stopped by : Magic-X

Splits Open
Description : If monster is hit and not killed, it may sacrifice itself to
summon other monsters.
Stopped by : Nothing

Steal Gold
Description : Monster can steal some of Torneko's gold and warp away to a
random location on the same floor. The gold can be recovered
by killing the monster.
Stopped by : Thief-X

Steal Item
Description : Monster can steal a random from Torneko's inventory and warp
away to a random location on the same floor. Item can be
recovered by killing the monster.
Stopped by : Thief-X

Description : Monster can prevents Torneko from casting spells or reading
scrolls for a short period of time.
Stopped by : Magic-X

Description : Monster can tunnel through walls.
Stopped by : Nothing

Warps Away
Description : If monster is hit, or if Torneko moves next to it, monster
will warp to random location on the same floor.
Stopped by : Skill-X sword skill, Skill-X staff

Wizard Staff
Description : Has random effects
Stopped by : Magic-X, Staff-X

Description : Monster will sometimes drop a grave when it dies. If
another monster comes near the grave, this monster will
Stopped by : Nothing

8.0 Items

8.1 Item Tables

Iron Safe 2000 1000 Key 1000 500
Mimic 0 0 Tiny Medal 1000 100

Big 200 100 Bread 100 50
Golden 5000 500 Huge 300 150
Onion 200 100 Magic 400 200
Moldy 30 1 Rotten 20 1

Agility 500 200 Antidote 400 200
BellyAche 50 25 Berserker 2000 500
Big Tum 500 200 Blinding 600 150
Bogus ??? ??? Dance 600 250
Disaster 1000 150 Eyedrop 200 50
Flame 400 100 Golden 8000 2500
Herb 200 50 Ironize 600 250
Joy 2000 500 Life 200 50
Misleader 600 150 Panic 600 150
Paralyze 1000 250 Poison 400 200
Sleep 600 150 Small Tum 500 200
Strength 500 200 Super Herb 400 100
WakeUp 400 100 Warp 200 50
Weed 100 25 World Leaf 5000 2500

Change 3000 + 150 500 + 25 Clone 10000 + 500 5000 + 250
Exploding 2000 + 100 500 + 25 Golden 30000 + 1500 5000 + 250
Heal 5000 + 250 1000 + 50 Liar 2500 + 125 1500 + 75
Magic Box 20000 + ??? 4000 + ??? Melding 7500 + ??? 1500 + ???
Monster 5000 + 250 1000 + 50 No-Break 2000 + 100 600 + 30
Preserve 3000 + 150 500 + 25 Storage 2000 + 100 500 + 25
Thief 2000 + 100 500 + 25 X-Ray 2500 + 125 500 + 25

Bang 1000 400 BigRoom 1000 300
Blank 9000 2500 Bread 200 100
Chance 10000 5000 CurseOff 1000 400
Defense 1000 500 Gold 15000 5000
GlueDown 200 100 Haven 6000 1000
HearAll 200 100 Identify 200 150
ItemPull 2000 1000 Monster 600 300
MouthSeal 200 100 Outside 500 250
QuickSave 200 100 Paralyze 1000 250
Pause 3000 150 Plating 2000 500
Prayer 1000 500 Radiant 200 100
Retry 200 100 Revive 1000 500
Scrap 500 100 See-All 200 100
ShinyHarp 1000 500 SpellBook 5000 500
StepGuard 200 100 TieDown 500 250
Trap 500 250 TwinHits 500 250
Typhoon 1000 500 Upper 500 250
Vacuum 4000 1000 X-Ray 500 150

Brutal 15000 7500 Confuse-X 3000 1500
Critical 15000 7500 Curse-X 5000 2500
Discount 10000 5000 Doll-X 20000 10000
Explode 5000 2500 Golden 100000 50000
Guard 50000 25000 Heal 10000 5000
Hunger 15000 7500 Hunger-X 15000 7500
ItemDrop 10000 5000 Javelin 3000 1500
Joy 10000 5000 Life 50000 25000
MonsterWake 20000 10000 Passage 3000 1500
Pretty 20000 10000 Poison-X 10000 5000
Rustproof 3000 1500 See-All 5000 2500
Shadow 3000 1500 Sleep-X 5000 2500
Strength 3000 1500 Thief 15000 7500
Trap-X 20000 10000 Warp 3000 1500
X-Ray 50000 25000

Golden 2000 400 Iron 40 10
Magic 400 80 Poison 800 160
Silver 80 20 Tractor 200 40

Beat 9000 + 450 1500 + 75 Berserker 500 + 25 100 + 5
Blowback 1500 + 75 250 + 12 Change 1000 + 50 250 + 12
Clone 1000 + 50 250 + 12 Disperse 1500 + 75 400 + 20
Druid 2000 + 100 500 + 25 Dual-Edge 400 + 20 100 + 5
Earner 1000 + 50 250 + 12 Enchanter 3000 + 150 750 + 37
Golden 10000 + ??? 2500 + ??? Heal ??? 500 + 25
Identify 400 + 20 100 + 5 Invisible 2000 + 100 500 + 25
Itemizer 4000 + 200 1000 + 50 Loser 800 + 40 200 + 10
Mimic 4000 + 200 1000 + 50 Mystifier 5000 + 250 1000 + 50
No-Trip 400 + 20 100 + 5 Panic 1000 + 50 250 + 12
Sap 1500 + 75 400 + 20 Scapegoat 2000 + 100 500 + 25
Skill-X 4000 + 200 1000 + 50 Sleep 1500 + 75 400 + 20
Slow 2000 + 100 500 + 25 SpeedUp 1500 + ??? 400 + ???
Terrify 5000 + 250 1000 + 50 Thunder 1000 + 50 250 + 12
TradeSpot 1500 + 75 400 + 20 Wizard 3000 + 150 750 + 37

Blade 4 6000 + ??? 2400 + ???
Bronze 4 400 + ??? 100 + ???
Dragon 7 5000 + 125 2000 + 50
Explode-X 6 12000 + ??? 5000 + ???
Golden 20 20000 + ??? 8000 + ???
Leather 2 1200 + 30 400 + 10
Loto 99 90000 + 4500 45000 + 2250
Magic 3 10000 + ??? 4000 + ???
Metabble 9 3000 + ??? 1200 + ???
MetalKing 40 80000 + ??? 40000 + ???
Ogre 13 2400 + 120 1000 + 45
Parry 6 12000 + 300 4000 + 100
Scale 3 800 + 40 300 + 7
Seal 5 15000 + ??? 6000 + ???
Silver 5 1000 + 40 400 + 15
Skill-X 2 10000 + 250 4000 + 100
Steel 7 1600 + 80 600 + 30
ThiefStop 4 4000 + 100 1000 + 25

Abacus 15 15000 + 750 4000 + 200
Babyfork 5 3200 + 100 900 + 30
Club 2 300 + 15 100 + 5
Copper 5 700 + 35 300 + 15
Demon-X 4 8000 + 200 3000 + 75
Doll-X 5 7000 + ??? 2500 + ???
Dragon-X 8 3600 + 90 1200 + 30
Eliminato Axe 4 6000 + 150 2400 + 60
Falcon 6 ??? + ??? 15000 + 325
Gold 3 4000 + 200 2000 + 100
GoldPick 1 ??? + ??? 20200 + 500
Ice 25 15000 + 375 6000 + 150
Iron Axe 7 900 + 45 400 + 20
LifeDrain 1 10000 + ??? 4000 + ???
Loto 99 50000 + 500 25000 + 250
Magic 30 4000 + ??? 1600 + ???
Metabble 12 7000 + 350 2000 + 100
MetalKing 40 40000 + ??? 20000 + ???
Miracle 7 22500 + ??? 10000 + ???
Pick 1 800 + 20 400 + 10
Reaper Axe 8 15000 + 525 4000 + 140
Seal 2 30000 + ??? 12000 + ???
Steel 9 3200 + 160 1500 + 75
Surehit 2 10000 + 250 5000 + 125
Whirlwind 3 16000 + ??? 8000 + ???
Wind 6 7000 + 400 3000 + 75
Windshear 3 5000 + 125 2000 + 50
Zombie-X 4 5000 + 125 2000 + 50

8.2 Extended Item Lists

Explanation of terms:

Buy cost : How much gold it takes to buy the item from a gargoyle shop.
Note that just because an item has a buy cost, does not mean it can ever be
found in any gargoyle shop.

Sell cost : How much gold you get from selling the item at Torneko's home
or in a gargoyle shop.

Description : The description of the item as listed in the game.

Effect : What effect the item has.

Where found : Which dungeons the item can be found in.


Iron Safe
Buy cost : 2000 Sell Cost : 1000
Description : Protects your money even if you are defeated in a Dungeon.
Effect : If you do while this is item is in your inventory, you won't
lose half of your gold.
Where found : Purchased at the magic shop

Buy cost : 1000 Sell cost : 500
Description : A key for opening a locked door in a Dungeon.
Effect : Opens a locked door. One use item.
Where found : Magic Dungeon (very rare), More Magical Dungeon, At the end of
the Well (any floor)

Buy cost : 0 Sell cost : 0
Description : It's a monster. Although it's been identified, it pretends to
be an item.
Effect : Looks like a normal item, if stepped on turns into a Mimic or
a Cannibox.
Where found : Almost everywhere

Tiny Medal
Buy cost : 1000 Sell cost : 100
Description : Collect to earn rewards.
Effect : Give to the king to get the Metalking Sword & Shield.
Where found : Magic Dungeon (40+), More Magical Dungeon, Ordeal Mansion (20+)


Breads are one use items and disappear when eaten.

Buy cost : 200 Sell cost : 100
Description : Fully relieves hunger.
Effect : Restores 100 belly. Increases Max Belly by 2 if at max belly
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 100 Sell cost : 50
Description : Slightly relieves hunger.
Effect : Restores 50 belly. Increase amx Belly by 1 if at max belly capacity
Where found : Various dungeons. Buy from thebaker in town Square

Buy cost : 5000 Sell cost : 500
Description : Fully relieves hunger. Causes bread to appear on every floor.
Effect : Completely restores belly. If it is in Torneko's inventory, then a
random bread appears next to Torneko every time he descends to a
new floor.
Where found : Floor 98 of the Magic Dungeon (See rare items section 6.2)

Buy cost : 300 Sell cost : 150
Description : Fully relieves hunger and boosts your belly capacity.
Effect : Restores belly to max capacity. Increases belly capacity by 5.
Where found : Magic Dungeon, Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon.
Buy from the baker in town Square

Buy cost : 400 Sell cost : 200
Description : Slightly relieves hunger. It may have other effects.
Effect : Restores 50 belly. Also has a random effect.
Where found : More Magical Dungeon. Buy from the baker in town Square

Buy cost : 30 Sell cost : 1
Description : Slightly relieves hunger, but will make you sick.
Effect : Restores 20 belly. Also has a random negative effect.
Where found : Magic Dungeon, Sword Dungeon, Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More
Magical Dungeon. Mold trap turns other breads into Moldy

Buy cost : 200 Sell cost : 100
Description : Slightly relieves hunger. It may have other effects.
Effect : Restores 50 belly. Also has a random effect.
Where found : Dropped by Onion Man

Buy cost : 20 Sell cost : 1
Description : Slightly relieves hunger, but will make you sick.
Effect : Restores 20 belly. Has a random negative effect, and decreases
Torneko's HP as he walks for a short period of time.
Where found : More Magical Dungeon


Herbs are one use items, and disappear when chewed. If hurled at enemy, then
the herb effects the enemy instead. Herbs also restore 5 belly when chewed.

Buy Cost : 500 Sell Cost : 200
Description : Temporarily doubles your speed.
Effect : For a short time, allows Torneko to move and attack twice per turn.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 400 Sell cost : 200
Description : Fully restores Strength that has been reduced by poison.
Effect : Restores Torneko's current strength to the maximum. No effect on
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 50 Sell cost : 25
Description : Prevents your belly from getting filled on one floor.
Effect : Torneko's belly capacity can't be restored. Wears off when Torneko
goes down to the next level. No effect on monsters.
Where found : More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 2000 Sell cost : 500
Description : Chew to go berserk.
Effect : Makes Torneko berserk for a short period of time.
Where found : Magic Dungeon, Sword Dungeon, Ordeal Mansion (Shop),
More Magical Dungeon

Big Tum
Buy cost : 500 Sell cost : 200
Description : Raises belly capacity by 10.
Effect : Increases belly capacity by 10. No effect on monsters.
Where found : Magic Dungeon, Sword Dungeon, Ordeal Mansion (Shop),
More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 600 Sell cost : 150
Description : Throw it at a monster to render it blind.
Effect : Makes Torneko blind for a short period of time.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : ??? Sell cost : ???
Description : ???
Effect : Torneko's can't distinguish items for a short period of time. No
effect on monsters.
Where found : More Magical Dungeon (Floor 30+)

Buy cost : 600 Sell cost : 250
Description : Throw at a monster to make it temporarily spin around.
Effect : Makes Torneko dance for a short period of time.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 1000 Sell cost : 150
Description : Reduces level by one.
Effect : Reduces Torneko's level by 1. Sets XP to 1 less than needed for
level up. No effect if Torneko is already level 1.
Where found : Mage Dungeon, More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 200 Sell cost : 50
Description : Makes hidden traps and monsters visible on one floor.
Effect : While Torneko is on the floor, he can see invisible items,
monsters and traps. No effect on monsters.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 400 Sell cost : 100
Description : Chew to breathe fire on the monster in front of you.
Effect : Does 80 fire damage to the creature directly in front of Torneko,
also hurts creature if it is hurled at it.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 8000 Sell cost : 2500
Description : Restores HP by a large amount. Causes an herb or seed to
appear on every floor.
Effect : Restores 100 HP. Raises max HP by 2 if fully healed. If it is in
Torneko's inventory then a random herb appears next to Torneko
every time he descends to a new floor.
Where found : Dropped by Gold Slime (see rare items section 6.2)

Buy cost : 200 Sell cost : 50
Description : Restores HP a little.
Effect : Restores 25 HP. Increases max HP by 1 if fully healed
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 600 Sell cost : 250
Description : Throw it at a monster to turn it into a chunk of iron
Effect : Ironizes Torneko for a short period of time.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 2000 Sell cost : 500
Description : Raises level by one.
Effect : Raises Torneko's level by 1. Sets XP to the minimum amount
required to reach that level.
Where found : Various dungeons. Dropped by Metabble

Buy cost : 200 Sell cost : 50
Description : Raises max HP by 5.
Effect : Raises Torneko's max HP by 5.
Where Found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 600 Sell cost : 150
Description : Throw it at a monster to make it wander off.
Effect : Misleads Torneko for a short period of time. While mislead can't
All items, traps, and stairs look like scrolls, and all monsters
look like priests.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 600 Sell cost : 150
Description : Throw it at a monster to confuse it temporarily.
Effect : Confuses Torneko for a short period of time
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 1000 Sell cost : 250
Description : Throw it at a monster to paralyze it until it is attacked.
Effect : Paralyzes Torneko until he is hit.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 400 Sell cost : 200
Description : Reduces Strength.
Effect : Reduces Torneko's strength by 1. Has the effect of slow on monsters?
Where found : More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 600 Sell cost : 150
Description : Throw it at a monster to make it sleep temporarily.
Effect : Make Torneko fall asleep
Where found : Various dungeons

Small Tum
Buy cost : 500 Sell cost : 200
Description : Lowers belly capacity by 10.
Effect : Reduces Torneko's belly capacity by 10. No effect on monsters?
Where found : More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 500 Sell cost : 200
Description : Raises your strength.
Effect : Increases Torneko's max strength by 1. No effect of monsters.
Where found : Various dungeons

Super Herb
Buy Cost : 400 Sell cost : 100
Description : Restores HP by a large amount.
Effect : Restores 100 HP. Increases max HP by 2 if fully healed.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 400 Sell cost : 100
Description : Prevents sleeping
Effect : While on this floor, Torneko can't be put to sleep.
Where found : Magic Dungeon, Sword Dungeon, Ordeal Mansion (Shop),
More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 200 Sell cost : 50
Description : Warps you away somewhere.
Effect : Warps Torneko to a random location on the same floor.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 100 Sell cost : 25
Description : It's just a weed.
Effect : None.
Where found : When a World Leaf revives Torneko it turns into a weed

World Leaf
Buy cost : 5000 Sell cost : 2500
Description : Revives you if your HP drops to '0'. It will not work if it
is in a Pot.
Effect : None if chewed or hurled. If it is in Torneko's inventory (not in
a pot) it will automatically revive Torneko to max HP if he dies,
and then change into a weed.
Where found : Various dungeons


Pots are used to carry items. Each pot has a set number of items it can hold.
Heal, Monster, and Thief are an exception. They have an effect when used.
Most pots can't have the items removed, to get at the items you need to hurl
it at a wall or other obstacle (or enemy) to break it, but this shatters the

Buy cost : 3000 + 150 per slot Sell cost : 500 + 25 per slot
Description : Transforms items placed inside.
Effect : Any item placed into it is changed into another item at random.
Where found : Magic Dungeon, Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 10000 + 500 per slot Sell cost : 5000 + 250 per slot
Description : Clones items.
Effect : When an item is inserted into it, an exact copy of that item is
created inside the Clone pot. Items cannot be removed once placed
Where found : Given by Banker once you have deposited 1,500,000 gold (see
rare items section 6.4)

Buy cost : 2000 + 100 per slot Sell cost : 500 + 25 per slot
Description : Explodes on breaking.
Effect : Has no effect on items placed inside. Explodes when broken,
destroying all items inside.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 30000 + 1500 per slot Sell cost : 5000 + 250 per slot
Description : Causes a pot to appear on every floor.
Effect : No effect on items placed inside. If it is in Torneko's inventory,
then a random pot appears next to Torneko every time he descends to a
new floor.
Where found : Floor 60 of the Magic Dungeon (see rare items section 6.2)

Buy cost : 500 + 250 per use Sell cost : 1000 + 50 per use
Description : Restores HP.
Effect : Fully restores Torneko's HP when used.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 2500 + 125 per slot Sell cost : 1500 + 75 per slot
Description : It lies.
Effect : Has no effect when an item is placed inside. If you check what
items are inside it shows that the items have changed to a random
item of the same type. The exact items changes each time you check.
Where found : Magic Dungeon, Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

Magic Box
Buy cost : 20000 + ??? per slot Sell cost : 4000 + ??? per slot
Description : Appears to have a big secret!
Effect : Basically it's a Preserve pot, that can't have the items removed.
Where found : Most special items are found inside a Magic Box.

Buy cost : 7500 + ??? per slot Sell cost : 1500 + ??? per slot
Description : Melds swords, shields, and staves. Pay attention to their
Effect : When a sword or shield is placed inside it is melded with any
other sword or shield already inside
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 5000 + 250 per use Sell cost : 1000 + 50 per use
Description : There are monsters inside!
Effect : When used it summons a number of monsters equal to the number of
uses it has. Disappears when used.
Where found : More Magical Dungeon (Floor 30+)

Buy cost : 1000 + ??? per slot Sell cost : 600 + 30 per slot
Description : Won't break.
Effect : Has no effect on items placed inside. Won't break when hurled at a
wall. The only way to get the items out is to put the pot in your
Where found : More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 3000 + 150 per slot Sell cost : 500 + 25 per slot
Description : Items can be inserted & removed.
Effect : Has no effect on items placed inside. Items can be freely removed.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 2000 + 100 per slot Sell cost : 500 + 25 per slot
Description : Sends any item placed in it to the storehouse.
Effect : When an items is placed inside, it disappears, and reappears
inside your storehouse. Can't be used if the storehouse is full.
Where found : Magic Dungeon, Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 2000 + 100 per slot Sell cost : 500 + 25 per slot
Description : Contains 'It'.
Effect : Sucks up any item directly in front of Torneko. Can be used to
suck up items at a gargoyle shop without branding Torneko a thief.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 2500 + 125 per slot Sell cost : 500 + 25 per slot
Description : Identifies any item placed inside it.
Effect : Any item placed inside is identified.
Where found : Magic Dungeon, Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon


Scrolls are one use items and disappear when read. Can only be read by a
Merchant or Mage.

Buy cost : 1000 Sell cost : 400
Description : An explosive attack affecting all the monsters in a room.
Effect : ??
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 1000 Sell cost : 300
Description : Turns the floor into one room.
Effect : ??
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 9000 Sell cost : 2500
Description : Can be given the name of any scroll you have already used.
Effect : You can write the name of another scroll on it. You can only write
the name of a scroll you have previously read, your exploration
log has a list of all names you can write. When read it has the
same effect as the scroll name you wrote on it.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 200 Sell cost : 100
Description : Changes an item into Big Bread.
Effect : After reading you select an item. Scroll changes that item into a
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 10000 Sell cost : 5000
Description : Who knows what could happen...
Effect : Has a random effect. Scroll is invisible, you will need to be able
to see invisible items to read it. ?
Where found : More Magical Dungeon (see rare items section 6.4)

Buy cost : 1000 Sell cost : 400
Description : Lifts curses from any equipment you have on.
Effect : Removes the curse from the equipped sword, shield, and ring.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 1000 Sell cost : 500
Description : Lowers a monster's defense.
Effect : ??
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 200 Sell cost : 100
Description : Prevents you from picking up items on the floor you are on.
Effect : While on this floor, Torneko can not pick up any items
Where found : More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 15000 Sell cost : 5000
Description : An explosive attack affecting all the monsters in a room.
Causes a scroll to appear on every floor.
Effect : ??
Where found : Floor 50 of the More Magical Dungeon (See rare items 6.2)

Buy cost : 6000 Buy cost : 1000
Description : Step on it to protect you from standard monster attacks.
Effect : Once dropped you can not pick it back up. If you stand on it then
monsters can't attack you with normal attacks.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 200 Sell cost : 100
Description : Identifies the locations of monsters on a floor.
Effect : All monsters show up as red dots on your map.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 200 Sell cost : 150
Description : Identifies all the monsters in the room you are in.
Effect : All monsters in the same room with Torneko are identified.
Where found : ??

Buy cost : 2000 Sell cost : 1000
Description : Gathers all the items on the floor to your location.
Effect : All items on the floor are moved to right next to Torneko. If a
Gargoyle Shop is on the floor, those items are moved as well, and
Torneko is labeled a thief.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 600 Sell cost : 300
Description : Creates a Monster House.
Effect : Turns the room Torneko is in into a monster house, complete with
monsters, traps, and treasures.
Where found : Floor 27 of the More Magical Dungeon (See rare items 6.1)

Buy cost : 200 Sell cost : 100
Description : Seals mouth for one floor.
Effect : Seals Torneko's mouth while on this floor. While your mouth is
sealed you can't chew herbs, eat bread, cast spells, read scrolls,
or talk to NPCs.
Where found : More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 500 Sell cost : 250
Description : For escaping from a Dungeon.
Effect : Allows Torneko to escape from a dungeon.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 1000 Sell cost : 250
Description : Paralyzes the monster in front of you until you attack it.
Effect : The monster in front of Torneko is paralyzed until hit.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 3000 Sell cost : 150
Description : Temporarily paralyzes all the monsters in a room. An attack
lifts paralysis.
Effect : Paralyzes all monsters in the same room with Torneko.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 2000 Sell cost : 500
Description : Permanently rustproofs the equipped sword and shield.
Effect : Adds the rustproof ability to the equipped sword and shield.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 1000 Sell cost : 500
Description : Raises the usage of Staves and Pots.
Effect : After reading you select an item. If the item is a Staff or Pot
it's number of uses is increased by 1.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 200 Sell cost : 100
Description : Lets you interrupt your adventure.
Effect : Causes an interruption point to appear the next time you go down
a floor.
Where found : Start with in any dungeon with interruption points

Buy cost : 200 Sell cost : 100
Description : Displays the full map including the locations of monsters
and items,
Effect : Completely uncovers the map. Also shows all monsters and items
on the map. Only lasts for the current floor.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 200 Sell cost : 100
Description : Enables you to redo a floor.
Effect : Rerandomizes the current floor. Warps Torneko to a random
location and resets everything to as though it was a new floor.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 1000 Sell cost : 500
Description : Resurrects monsters from their graves.
Effect : All graves in the same room as Torneko will be revived.
Where found : More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 500 Sell cost : 100
Description : There are no more Golden items on this floor. Continue your
search on a different floor.
Effect : No effect. Its only purpose is to show that there aren't any more
Golden items where you found it.
Where found : Anywhere there was a Golden item

Buy cost : 200 Sell cost : 100
Description : Indicates the locations of items on the floor you are on.
Effect : All items show up as blue dots on your map.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 1000 Sell cost : 500
Description : Summons monsters all around you.
Effect : Causes random monsters to appear around Torneko
Where found : More Magical Dungeon (Floor 30+)

Buy cost : 5000 Sell cost : 500
Description : Can be given the name of any spell you have learned before.
Effect : Similar to a Blank scroll. A spell can be written on it, and by
using it you can cast that spell. Can only write spells you have
previously cast. Can only be used by a Mage.
Where found : Mage Dungeon

Buy cost : 200 Sell cost : 100
Description : Fully protects you from spikes.
Effect : While on the current floor, Torneko takes no damage from spikes
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 500 Sell cost : 250
Description : Stops all the monsters in a room from moving.
Effect : Monsters in the same room as Torneko will no longer be able to move
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 500 Sell cost : 250
Description : Sets more traps on one floor.
Effect : Randomly places a bunch of traps on the current floor
Where found : More Magical Dungeon.

Buy cost : 500 Sell cost : 250
Description : Raises the equipped sword's power.
Effect : Increases the power of the equipped sword by 1. Removes any curse
on the sword.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 1000 Sell cost : 500
Description : Summons wind.
Effect : Summons wind. Torneko only had 200 turns before it blows him out
of the dungeon.
Where found : More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 500 Sell cost : 250
Description : Raises the equipped shield's power.
Effect : Increases the power of the equipped shield by 1. Removes any curse
on the shield
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 4000 Sell cost : 1000
Description : Vacuums all items out of a pot without smashing it.
Effect: Removes al items in a pot. Items are placed on ground around Torneko.
Where found : More Magical Dungeon, Given by Banker once you have deposited
1,500,000 gold.

Buy cost : 500 Sell cost : 150
Description : Identifies a found item.
Effect : After reading you select an item. That item is identified
Where found : Various dungeons


Rings must be equipped in order to take effect. Only one ring may be equipped
at a time, and only a Merchant or Mage can equip rings.

Buy cost : 15000 Sell cost : 7500
Description : Raises the chance that monsters will land a brutal hit.
Effect : Causes monsters to occasionally do brutal hits.
Where found : More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 3000 Sell cost : 1500
Description : Prevents confusion.
Effect : Torneko can not be confused.
Where found : Magic Dungeon, Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 15000 Sell cost : 7500
Description : Raises your critical hit ratio.
Effect : Increases the chance that Torneko will do a critical hit.
Where found : Magic Dungeon, Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 5000 Sell cost : 2500
Description : Prevents curses.
Effect : Torneko can not be cursed.
Where found : Magic Dungeon, Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 10000 Sell cost : 5000
Description : Earns discounts at shops.
Effect : Items bought at shops costs half as much.
Where found : Magic Dungeon, Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 20000 Sell cost : 10000
Description : Fully protects against the special attacks of doll family.
Effect : Torneko can not be affected by doll attacks
Where found : Magic Dungeon, Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 5000 Sell cost : 2500
Description : Randomly explodes.
Effect : ??
Where found : Magic Dungeon, Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 100000 Sell cost : 50000
Description : A Ring will always appear on every new floor.
Effect : ??. If it is in Torneko's inventory, then a random ring appears
next to Torneko every time he descends to a new floor.
Where found : Floor 98 of the More Magical Dungeon (See rare items 6.2)

Buy cost : 50000 Sell cost : 25000
Description : Improves your defense.
Effect : Increases Torneko's defense by 30.
Where found : Given by a man in the square if you enter the Magic Dungeon
with no equipment, make it down to floor 28 and escape.

Buy cost : 10000 Sell cost : 5000
Description : Restores HP every turn. However, it speeds up hunger.
Effect : Increases Torneko's HP by 10 each turn. ??
Where found : Magic Dungeon, Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 15000 Sell cost : 7500
Description : Promotes hunger.
Effect : ??
Where found : Magic Dungeon, Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 15000 Sell cost : 7500
Description : Stops hunger.
Effect : Torneko's belly will not decrease.
Where found : Magic Dungeon, Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 10000 Sell cost : 5000
Description : Makes you drop an item occasionally without warning.
Effect : Causes Torneko to occasionally drop an item from his inventory
onto the ground.
Where found : More Magical Dunegon

Buy cost : 3000 Sell cost : 1500
Description : Thrown items go straight through walls and keep flying.
Effect : Rather than stopping at a wall, thrown items will go straight
through walls.
Where found : Magic Dungeon, Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 10000 Sell cost : 5000
Description : You earn 1 EX Point every turn.
Effect : Torneko gains 1 XP every turn.
Where found : Magic Dungeon, Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon.
Given by Banker once you have deposited 50,000 gold

Buy cost : 50000 Sell cost : 25000
Description : Raises current and max HP by 50.
Effect : Increases Torneko's max HP by 50.
Where found : Floor 35 of the Sword Dungeon. (See rare items section 6.4)

Buy cost : 20000 Sell cost : 10000
Description : Instantly awakens all monsters when entering a room.
Effect : When Torneko enters a room, all monsters are awakened.
Where found : Magic Dungeon, Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 3000 Sell cost : 1500
Description : Enables walking on water.
Effect : Torneko can walk on water.
Where found : Magic Dungeon, Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 10000 Sell cost : 5000
Description : Prevents poison.
Effect : Torneko can not be poisoned.
Where found : Magic Dungeon, Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 20000 Sell cost : 10000
Description : Can be sold for a good price.
Effect : Has no effect.
Where found : Magic Dungeon, Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 3000 Sell cost : 1500
Description : Equip to protect your shield and sword from rusting.
Effect : Torneko's sword and shield can not be rusted.
Where found : Magic Dungeon, Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 5000 Sell cost : 2500
Description : Indicates the locations of monsters and items on the map.
Effect : All monsters appear as red dots on the map, all items appear as
blue dots.
Where found : Magic Dungeon, Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 3000 Sell cost :
Description : Enables you to see hidden traps and invisible monsters.
Effect : All invisible monsters and traps are now visible.
Where found : Magic Dungeon, Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 5000 Sell cost : 2500
Description : Prevents sleep.
Effect : Torneko can not be put to sleep
Where found : Magic Dungeon, Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 3000 Sell cost : 1500
Description : Raises your Strength.
Effect: Increases Torneko's strength by ??
Where found : Magic Dungeon, Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 15000 Sell cost : 7500
Description : Enables you to come and go without awakening monsters.
Effect : Torneko will not awaken sleeping monsters.
Where found : Magic Dungeon, Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 20000 Sell cost : 10000
Description : Will no longer set off traps.
Effect : Torneko can step on traps without activating them
Where found : Magic Dungeon, Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 3000 Sell cost : 1500
Description : It occasionally warps you.
Effect : Torneko occasionally is warped to a random location on the same
Where found : More Magical Dungeon (Floor 30+)

Buy cost : 50000 Sell cost : 25000
Description : Enables you to identify unknown items.
Effect : All items in Torneko's Inventory are identified
Where found : More Magical Dungeon


Arrows must be equipped to use. Once equipped press the L1 button to shoot
the arrow.

Buy cost : 2000 Sell cost : 400
Description : Can be fired at far away monsters. Causes arrows to appear
on every new floor.
Effect : ??. If it is in Torneko's inventory, then a random ring appears
next to Torneko every time he descends to a new floor.
Where found : Floor 60 of the Magic Dungeon (See rare items section 6.2)

Buy cost : 40 Sell cost : 10
Description : Can be fired at far away monsters.
Effect : ?? attack power.
Where found : Various dungeons. Dropped by Arrop.

Buy cost : 400 Sell cost : 80
Description : Can be fired at far away monsters. Won't disappear upon
Effect : ?? attack power. When it hits a monster, it drops on the floor
instead of disappearing.
Where found : More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 800 Sell cost : 160
Description : Reduces the Strength of the target.
Effect : ?? attack power. ??
Where found : More Magical Dungeon (Shop). Dropped by Toxarrop

Buy cost : 80 Sell cost : 20
Description : Keeps flying through walls and monsters.
Effect : ?? attack power. Does not stop when it hits a wall or monster.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 200 Sell cost :
Description : If it hits, it drags the targeted monster back to you.
Effect : ?? attack power. If it hits a monster, it confuses the monster
and moves it next to Torneko.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 20 Sell cost : 5
Description : Can be fired at far away monsters.
Effect : ?? attack power.
Where found : Various dungeons. Dropped by Lilypa


Staves have a limited number of uses. Each time Torneko waves the Staff, the
number of uses decreases by 1. If you hurl a staff at an enemy it has the same
effect as if you waved it at the enemy. To have a staff effect yourself, wave
it at a crystal. Only Merchants and Mages can wave a staff.

Buy cost : 9000 + 450 per use Sell cost : 1500 + 75 per use
Description : Instantly slays a monster. You earn EX Points too.
Effect : Kills the monster.
Where found : Magic Dungeon, Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 500 + 25 per use Sell cost : 100 + 5 per use
Description : Drives a monster berserk.
Effect : Makes the monster go berserk.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 1500 + 75 per use Sell cost : 250 + 12 per use
Description : Sends a monster flying.
Effect : Makes the monster go flying back 10 steps. If an obstacle is hit
then the monster takes 5 damage. If a monster is knocked into
another monster, then both take 5 damage.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 1000 + 50 per use Sell cost : 250 + 12 per use
Description : Transforms the target monster into a different one.
Effect : Changes the monster into another type of monster that can appear
on the same floor.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 1000 + 50 per use Sell cost : 250 + 12 per use
Description : Clones a monster.
Effect : Causes another monster of the same type to appear next to the
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 1500 + 75 per use Sell cost : 400 + 20 per use
Description : Warps a monster away.
Effect : Warps the monster to a random location on the same floor.
Where found : Various dungeons . Dropped by Deranger

Buy cost : 2000 + 100 per use Sell cost : 500 + 25 per use
Description : Warps a monster away, leaving it asleep.
Effect : Warps the monster to a random location on the same floor, leaving
it asleep.
Where found : Magic Dungeon (Shop), Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical
Dungeon. Dropped by Druid

Buy cost : 400 + 20 per use Sell cost : 100 + 5 per use
Description : Halves your HP, and cuts the target's HP to '1'.
Effect : The Monster's HP is reduced to 1, while Torneko's HP is reduced
to 1/2 his current HP (rounded up)
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 1000 + 50 per use Sell cost : 250 + 12 per use
Description : Steals the targeted monster's HP and restores your own.
Effect: ???
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 3000 + 150 per use Sell cost : 750 + 36 per use
Description : Has a variety of effects.
Effect: ???
Where found : Dropped by Enchanter

Buy cost : 10000 + ??? per use Sell cost : 2500 + ??? per use
Description : Has varying effects. Causes a staff to appear on every floor.
Effect : ??. If it is in Torneko's inventory, then a random staff appears
next to Torneko every time he descends to a new floor.
Where found : ??. Floor 98 of the More Magical Dungeon (See rare items 6.2)

Buy cost : ??? + ??? per use Sell cost : 500 + 25 per use
Description : Restores the HP of the target monster.
Effect : ???
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 400 + 20 per use Sell cost : 100 + 5 per use
Description : Identifies a monster.
Effect : Identifies the monster.
Where found : Ordeal Mansion

Buy cost : 2000 + 100 per use Sell cost : 500 + 25 per use
Description : Makes a monster invisible.
Effect : The monster becomes invisible.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 4000 + 200 per use Sell cost : 1000 + 50 per use
Description : Transforms a monster into an item.
Effect : The monster disappears and is replaced by a random item.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 800 + 40 per use Sell cost : 10 + ??? per use
Description : Gives half your HP to the target monster.
Effect : ???
Where found : More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 4000 + 200 per use Sell cost : 1000 + 50 per use
Description : Turns a monster into a Mimic.
Effect : The monster is replaced by a Mimic (or Cannibox) in its item form.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 5000 + 250 per use Sell cost : 1000 + 50 per use
Description : Warps a monster away, leaving it paralyzed.
Effect : Warps the monster to a random location on the same floor, leaving
it paralyzed.
Where found : Dropped by Mystifier

Buy cost : 400 + 20 per use Sell cost : 100 + 5 per use
Description : Saves you from tripping over hidden rocks.
Effect : No effect if waved or hurled. If it is in Torneko's inventory,
then you can not trip over rocks.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 1000 + 50 per use Sell cost : 250 + 12 per use
Description : Temporarily confuses the target monster.
Effect : The monster becomes confused for a short period of time.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 1500 + 75 per use Sell cost : 400 + 20 per use
Description : Reduces the defense of the targeted monster.
Effect : The monster now takes double normal damage from attacks.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 2000 + 100 per use Sell cost : 500 + 25 per use
Description : A monster is made your substitute for a short while.
Effect : The monster becomes a Fake Priest for a short period of time.
Monsters will attack the Fake Priest instead of Torneko.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 4000 + 200 per use Sell cost : 1000 + 50 per use
Description : Prevents special attacks.
Effect : Prevents the monster from using any of its special abilities.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 1500 + 75 per use Sell cost : 400 + 20 per use
Description : Temporarily puts the target monster to sleep.
Effect : The monster is put to sleep for a short period of time.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 2000 + 100 per use Sell cost : 500 + 25 per use
Description : Cuts the target monster's speed by half.
Effect : The monster can only move and attack once every other turn.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 1500 + ??? per use Sell cost : 400 + ??? per use
Description : Doubles a monster's speed.
Effect : The monster can move and attack twice each turn.
Where found : More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 5000 + 250 per use Sell cost : 1250 + 50 per use
Description : Frightens away a monster.
Effect : Causes the monster to run from Torneko at two moves per turn. Lasts
for only a short period of time.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 1000 + 50 per use Sell cost : 250 + 12 per use
Description : Wave to attack a monster from a distance.
Effect : Does 20 damage to the monster.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 1500 + 75 per use Sell cost : 400 + 20 per use
Description : Wave to switch places with the target monster.
Effect : Torneko and the monster switch locations.
Where found : Various dungeons

Wizard :
Buy cost : 3000 + 150 per use Sell cost : 750 + 37 per use
Description : Has a variety of effects.
Effect: ???
Where found : Dropped by Wizard


When equipped shields increase Torneko's defense. Some shields also have
other abilities. You can only equip one shield at a time.

Buy cost : 6000 + ??? per "+" Sell cost : 2400 + ??? per "+"
Description : Equip to improve defense. When hit, it strikes back lightly
against the attacker.
Defense : 4
Ability : Payback
Effect : If Torneko is hit, the monster that hit Torneko receives 1/3 as
much damage (rounded up).
Where found : Lost Forest (Shop), Magic Dungeon (Shop), Sword Dungeon,
Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 400 + ??? per "+" Sell cost : 100 + ??? per "+"
Description : Equip to improve defense.
Defense : 4
Ability : None
Effect : None
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 5000 + 125 per "+" Sell cost : 2000 + 50 per "+"
Description : Equip to improve defense. Reduces damage from fire.
Defense : 7
Ability : 50% Fire Damage
Effect : Damage from dragon's fire breath is reduced by 1/2.
Where found : Lost Forest (Shop), Magic Dungeon (Shop), Sword Dungeon,
Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 12000 + ??? per "+" Sell cost : 5000 + ??? per "+"
Description : Equip to improve defense. Reduces the damage from explosion
such as mines.
Defense : 6
Ability : 50% Explosion Damage
Effect : Halves damage from explosions.
Where found : Lost Forest (Shop), Magic Dungeon (Shop), Sword Dungeon,
Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 20000 + ??? per "+" Sell cost : 8000 + ??? per "+"
Description : Equip to improve defense. Causes a shield to appear on every
Defense : 20
Ability : None (Golden ability can not be melded to another shield)
Effect : If it is in Torneko's inventory, then a random shield appears next
to Torneko every time he descends to a new floor.
Where found : Floor 30 of the Ordeal Mansion (See rare items section 6.2)

Buy cost : 1200 + 30 per "+" Sell cost : 400 + 10 per "+"
Description : Equip to improve defense. Won't rust and slows hunger.
Defense : 2
Ability : Rustproof & 50% Hunger Growth
Effect : Shield does not rust. Torneko's belly decreases at 1/2 normal rate.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 90000 + 4500 per "+" Sell cost : 45000 + 2250 per "+"
Description : Equip to improve defense. ??? The legendary hero's shield. Its
protection is incomparable.
Defense : 99
Ability : None
Effect : None
Where found : Floor 30 of the Ordeal Mansion (See rare items section 6.3)

Buy cost : 10000 + ??? per "+" Sell cost : 4000 + ??? per "+"
Description : Equip to improve defense. Fully protects against spells cast
by monsters.
Defense : 3
Ability : Spell Bounce
Effect : Magic attacks will not affect Torneko.
Where found : Lost Forest (Shop), Magic Dungeon (Shop), Sword Dungeon,
Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon (Shop)

Buy cost : 3000 + ??? per "+" Sell cost : 1200 + ??? per "+"
Description : Equip to improve defense.
Defense : 9
Ability : None
Effect : None
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 80000 + ??? per "+" Sell cost : 40000 + ??? per "+"
Description : An incredibly protective shield!
Defense : 40
Ability : None
Effect : None
Where found : Give King 20 Tiny Medals (See rare items section 6.4)

Buy cost : 2400 + 120 per "+" Sell cost : 1000 + 45 per "+"
Description : Equip to improve defense. Speeds up hunger.
Defense : 13
Ability : 2x Hunger Growth
Effect : Torneko's belly decreases at 2x normal rate.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 12000 + 300 per "+" Sell cost : 4000 + 100 per "+"
Description : Equip to improve defense. Provides an increased chance of
dodging monster attacks.
Defense : 6
Ability : Parry
Effect : Increases the chance that attacks will miss Torneko
Where found : Lost Forest (Shop), Magic Dungeon (Shop), Sword Dungeon,
Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 800 + 40 per "+" Sell cost : 300 + 7 per "+"
Description : Equip to improve defense. Prevents poisoning.
Defense : 3
Ability : Strength Maintenance
Effect : Poison can not reduce Torneko's strength.
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 15000 + ??? per "+" Sell cost : 6000 + ??? per "+"
Description : Equip to improve defense. It forms a set with a sword.
Defense : 5
Ability : Seal
Effect : If the equipped sword also has the Seal ability, then any time a
monster is hit, its abilities are sealed and can not be used.
Where found : Floor 70 of the Magic Dungeon (See rare items section 6.4)

Buy cost : 1000 + 40 per "+" Sell cost : 400 + 15 per "+"
Description : Equip to improve defense. Won't rust.
Defense : 5
Ability : Rustproof
Effect : Shield does not rust.
Where found : Various Dungeons

Buy cost : 10000 + 250 per "+" Sell cost : 4000 + 100 per "+"
Description : Equip to improve defense. Fully protects against attacks
using skills.
Defense : 2
Ability : Skill-X
Effect : Monster's special skills will not affect Torneko.
Where found : Lost Forest (Shop), Magic Dungeon (Shop), Sword Dungeon,
Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon (Shop)

Buy cost : 1600 + 80 per "+" Sell cost : 600 + 30 per "+"
Description : Equip to improve defense.
Defense : 7
Ability : None
Effect : None
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 4000 + 100 per "+" Sell cost : 1000 + 25 per "+"
Description : Equip to improve defense. Prevents monsters from stealing
items or Gold.
Defense : 4
Ability : Thief-proof
Effect : Any attempt to steal gold or items from Torneko will fail.
Where found : Lost Forest (Shop), Magic Dungeon, Sword Dungeon, Ordeal
Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon


When equipped swords increase Torneko's attack. Some swords also have
other abilities. You can only equip one sword at a time.

Buy cost : 15000 + 750 per "+" Sell cost : 4000 + 200 per "+"
Description : Equip to improve your attack power.
Attack : 15
Ability : None
Effect : None
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 3200 + 100 per "+" Sell cost : 900 + 30 per "+"
Description : Equip to improve your attack power. Monsters slain by this
Sword often leave Gold.
Attack : 5
Ability : Gold Bonus
Effect : When a monster is slain, there is a high chance it will drop a
gold bag.
Where found : Lost Forest (Shop), Magic Dungeon (Shop), Sword Dungeon,
Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 300 + 15 per " +" Sell cost : 100 + 5 per "+"
Description : Equip to improve your attack power.
Attack : 2
Ability : None
Effect : None
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 700 + 35 per "+" Sell cost : 300 + 15 per "+"
Description : Equip to improve your attack power.
Attack : 5
Ability : None
Effect : None
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 8000 + 200 per "+" Sell cost : 3000 + 75 per "+"
Description : Equip to improve your attack power. Inflicts heavy damage on
demon family monsters.
Attack : 4
Ability : 2x Damage: Demon
Effect : Attacks against demon monsters will do 2x normal damage
Where found : Lost Forest (Shop), Magic Dungeon (Shop), Sword Dungeon,
Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 7000 + ??? per "+" Sell cost : 2500 + ??? per "+"
Description : Equip to improve your attack power. Inflicts heavy damage on
doll family monsters.
Attack : 5
Ability : 2x Damage: Doll
Effect : Attacks against doll monsters will do 2x normal damage
Where found : Lost Forest (Shop), Magic Dungeon (Shop), Sword Dungeon,
Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 3600 + 90 per "+" Sell cost : 1200 + 30 per "+"
Description : Equip to improve your attack power. Inflicts heavy damage on
dragon family monsters.
Attack : 8
Ability : 2x Damage: Dragon
Effect : Attacks against dragon monsters will do 2x normal damage
Where found : Lost Forest (Shop), Toro Ruins, Magic Dungeon (Shop), Sword
Dungeon, Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

Eliminato Axe
Buy cost : 6000 + 150 per "+" Sell cost : 2400 + 60 per "+"
Description : Equip to improve your attack power. Has high critical hit odds.
Attack : 4
Ability : Critical
Effect : Has a higher chance of doing critical hits
Where found : Dropped by Eliminato

Buy cost : ??? + ??? per "+" Sell cost : 15000 + 325 per "+"
Description : Equip to improve your attack power. Enables two strikes
against a monster in one turn.
Attack : 6
Ability : 2-hit
Effect : Torneko will attack twice each time the attack button is pressed.
Where found : Floor ?? of the More Magical Dungeon (See rare items 6.4)

Buy cost : 4000 + 200 per "+" Sell cost : 2000 + 100 per "+"
Description : Equip to improve your attack power.
Attack : 3
Ability : None
Effect : None
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : ??? + ??? per "+" Sell cost : 20200 + 500 per "+"
Description : Equip to improve your attack power. Won't break while
tunneling. Causes a weapon to appear on every floor.
Attack : 1
Ability : Tunneling Tool, Destroys Material & Won't Break (Golden ability
can not be melded to another sword)
Effect : Can tunnel through walls. Will slay material family monsters in
one hit. Won't break when tunneling or killing material family
monsters. If it is in Torneko's inventory, then a random sword
appears next to Torneko every time he descends to a new floor.
Where found : Floor 98 of the More Magical Dungeon (See rare items 6.2)

Buy cost : 15000 + 375 per "+" Sell cost : 6000 + 150 per "+"
Description : Equip to improve your attack power. Its icy blade is highly
effective against certain monsters.
Attack : 25
Ability : 2x Damage: Fire
Effect : Attacks against monsters weak to ice do 2x normal damage, attacks
against monsters resistant to ice do only 1 damage.
Where found : Floor ?? of the Magic Dungeon (See rare items 6.4)

Iron Axe
Buy cost : 900 + 45 per "+" Sell cost : 400 + 20 per "+"
Description : Equip to improve your attack power.
Attack : 7
Ability : None
Effect : None
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 10000 + ??? per "+" Sell cost : 4000 + ??? per "+"
Description : Equip to improve your attack power. If it hits, it reduces
the monster's HP to '1'. It breaks if it gets too strong.
Attack : 1
Ability : LifeDrain
Effect : (See Warrior section 1.4)
Where found : Sword Dungeon, More Magical Dungeon (Shop only)

Buy cost : 50000 + 500 per "+" Sell cost : 25000 + 250 per "+"
Description : The legendary hero's sword. Its power is incomparable.
Attack : 99
Ability : None
Effect : None
Where found : Floor 98 of the Magic Dungeon (See rare items section 6.3)

Buy cost : 4000 + ??? per "+" Sell cost : 1600 + ?? per "+"
Description : Equip to improve your attack power.
Attack : 30
Ability : None
Effect : None
Where found : Floor 35 of the Mage Dungeon (See rare items section 6.4)

Buy cost : 7000 + 350 per "+" Sell cost : 2000 + 100 per "+"
Description : Equip to improve your attack power.
Attack : 12
Ability : None
Effect : None
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 40000 + ??? per "+" Sell cost : 20000 + ??? per "+"
Description : An incredibly powerful sword!
Attack : 40
Ability : None
Effect : None
Where found : Give King 40 Tiny Medals (See rare items section 6.4)

Buy cost : 22500 + ??? per "+" Sell cost : 10000 + ??? per "+"
Description : Equip to improve your attack power. Strike a monster to
restore your HP.
Attack : 7
Ability : Hit & Heal
Effect : When you hit a monster your HP are restored by 10.
Where found : Floor ?? of the More Magical Dungeon (See rare items 6.4)

Buy cost : 800 + 20 per "+" Sell cost : 400 + 10 per "+"
Description : Equip to improve your attack power. Can tunnel through walls,
but easy to break.
Attack : 1
Ability : Tunneling Tool, Destroys Material, Breakable
Effect : Can tunnel through walls. Will slay material family monsters in
one hit. Will break after a short amount of use, always breaks
when it KOs material monsters.
Where found : Various dungeons

Reaper Axe
Buy cost : 15000 + 525 per "+" Sell cost : 4000 + 140 per "+"
Description : Equip to improve your attack power. Has high critical hit odds.
Attack : 8
Ability : Critical
Effect : Has a higher chance of doing critical hits.
Where found : Dropped by Avenger

Buy cost : 30000 + ??? per "+" Sell cost : 12000 + ??? per "+"
Description : Equip to improve your attack power. It forms a set with a
Attack : 2
Effect : If the equipped shield also has the Seal ability, then any time a
monster is hit, its abilities are sealed and can not be used.
Where found : Floor 60 of the Magic Dungeon (See rare items section 6.4)

Buy cots : 3200 + 160 per "+" Sell cost : 1500 + 75 per "+"
Description : Equip to improve your attack power.
Attack : 9
Ability : None
Effect : None
Where found : Various dungeons

Buy cost : 10000 + 250 per "+" Sell cost : 5000 + 125 per "+"
Description : Equip to improve your attack power. Never misses.
Attack : 2
Ability : Sure-hit
Effect : Attacks will never miss
Where found : Lost Forest (Shop), Magic Dungeon (Shop), Sword Dungeon,
Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 16000 + ??? per "+" Sell cost : 8000 + ??? per "+"
Description : Equip to improve your attack power. Enables a spin attack
striking all eight spaces around you.
Attack : 3
Ability : 360-degree
Effect : Torneko's attack will hit all monsters around him
Where found : Floor 50 of the Magic Dungeon (See rare items section 6.4)

Buy cost : 7000 + 400 per "+" Sell cost : 3000 + 75 per "+"
Description : Equip to improve your attack power. Inflicts heavy damage on
flying monsters.
Attack : 6
Ability : 2x Damage: Flying
Effect : Attacks against flying monsters will do 2x normal damage
Where found : Lost Forest (Shop), Magic Dungeon (Shop), Sword Dungeon,
Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

Windshear :
Buy cost : 5000 + 125 per "+" Sell cost : 2000 + 50 per "+"
Description : Equip to improve your attack power. Strikes three spaces in
Attack : 3
Ability : 3-space Sweep
Effect : Torneko's attack will hit all three monsters in front of him
Where found : Lost Forest (Shop), Magic Dungeon (Shop), Sword Dungeon,
Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

Buy cost : 5000 + 125 per "+" Sell cost : 2000 + 50 per "+"
Description : Equip to improve your attack power. Inflicts heavy damage on
zombie family monsters.
Attack : 4
Ability : 2x Damage: Zombie
Effect : Attacks against zombie monsters will do 2x normal damage
Where found : Lost Forest (Shop), Magic Dungeon (Shop), Sword Dungeon,
Ordeal Mansion (Shop), More Magical Dungeon

9.0 Skill & Spells

9.1 Shield Skills:

Explanation of terms:

Description : In game description of the skill.

Effect : What effect the skill has.

Obtained : How to obtain this skill. A lot of skills have ??'s because I
haven't been able to figure out how to obtain them yet.

Each shield can only have 3 skills set on it. The skills are automatically
activated when the appropriate situation arises.

1-Damage : Status : Hunger ??
Description : Reduces damage taken to '1', but weakens the shield by 1.
Effect : Any damage done to Torneko is reduced to 1. Each time this
happens, the shield's strength is reduced by 1.
Obtained : ???

1/2 Hunger : Status
Description : Suppresses hunger.
Effect : Torneko's belly decreases at 1/2 the normal rate.
Obtained : Walk around with 0 belly for 100 turns straight.

Accuracy Up : Status
Description : Raises attack accuracy. Promotes hunger while under use.
Effect : Torneko's attacks will miss less frequently.
Obtained : ???

Anti-Tox : Status
Description : Prevents poisoning.
Effect : Torneko can not be poisoned
Obtained : Have your strength reduced by poison

Arrow Grab : Status : Hunger 2
Description : Can grab flying arrows for own use.
Effect : Arrows do no damage to Torneko, and are instead added to your
Obtained : Get shot by an arrow (hit or missed)

Attack Block : Status
Description : Inflicts retaliatory damage, but weakens the shield by 1.
Effect : If Torneko is hit, then the monster that hit him takes 1/3
as much damage as Torneko, reduces the strength of the shield by
1 when it is used.
Obtained : Have the monster be damaged by payback damage (by the Blade
shield or other shield with the Payback ability)

Attack Parry : Status : Hunger 3
Description : Improves chances of dodging physical attacks.
Effect : Increases the chance that an attack will miss Torneko.
Obtained : Get missed by an attack

Awaken : Status
Description : Prevents sleep.
Effect : Torneko can not be put to sleep
Obtained : Wake up after sleeping

Bomb-X : Status
Description : Reduces explosion damage.
Effect : Reduces damage from explosions by 1/2.
Obtained : Step on a land mine trap

Brutal-X : Status : Hunger 3
Description : Reduces the odds of taking a brutal hit.
Effect : decreases the chance that a hit will be a brutal hit.
Obtained : Get hit by a brutal hit

Confuse-X : Status : Hunger 3
Description : Prevents confusion.
Effect : Torneko can not be confused.
Obtained : Return to normal after being confused

Curse-X : Status : Hunger 1
Description : Blocks curses.
Effect : Torneko can not be cursed
Obtained : Step on an equip remove trap

Dance-X : Status : Hunger 3
Description : Prevents dancing.
Effect : Torneko will not dance
Obtained : Return to normal after dancing

Defense Up : Status : Hunger 3
Description : Raises own defense.
Effect : Increases defense by 20.
Obtained : Chew a Strength herb

Disappear : Status
Description : Makes you invisible. Promotes hunger while used.
Effect : Torneko is invisible, and monsters will not attack.
Obtained : Kill 5 Shadows or Shadowers in a row

Doll-X : Status : Hunger 1
Description : Negates the special attacks of doll family monsters.
Effect : Doll attacks will not affect Torneko.
Obtained : Get hit by a doll ability

Drop-X : Status : Hunger ??
Description : Prevents falling through trapdoors.
Effect : Torneko can not fall through trapdoors.
Obtained : Fall through a trapdoor

Equip Lock : Status : Hunger 1
Description : Prevents equipment from being removed.
Effect : Torneko's equipment can not be removed by an equip-remove trap.
Obtained : Step on an equip remove trap

Fair Wind : Status : Hunger 1
Description : Reduces dragon-fire damage.
Effect : Fire attacks do 1/2 damage.
Obtained : Get hit by dragon breath

Find Trap : Status
Description : Traps become visible. Promotes hunger while in use.
Effect : Torneko can see invisible traps, items, and monsters.
Obtained : Chew an Eyedrop herb

Flail Parry : Status : Hunger ??
Description : Prevents flailing.
Effect : ???
Obtained : Be affected by "unable to identify items" (Eat a Bogus herb, or
have a VenomZombie's attack affect you)

Fly-X : Status : Hunger 1
Description : Prevents Fly Mage's special attack.
Effect : Fly Mage spell will not affect Torneko.
Obtained : Be affected by a Fly Mage's spell

Ford : Status
Description : For walking on water. Promotes hunger while under use.
Effect : Torneko can walk on water.
Obtained : Stand on water (to do this, trade spots with an enemy that is
over water).

Gold Throw : Status Hunger 1
Description : Allows you to throw gold for heavily damaging attacks
Effect : Torneko can hurl gold at enemies to do damage equal to amount
of gold / 10.
Obtained : Hurl gold bag at an enemy (to hurl a gold bag you need to use
the circle button to stand on it rather than picking it up)

Heal Block : Status : Hunger ??
Description : Restores HP, but weakens the shield by 1.
Effect : Automatically restores some HP when Torneko is hit, but reduces
the strength of the shield by 1.
Obtained : ???

Hunger-X : Status
Description : Fully suppresses hunger.
Effect : Torneko's Belly will not decrease as he moves.
Obtained : Move around at 0 belly

Iron-X : Status
Description : Prevents you from being ironized.
Effect : Torneko can not be ironized.
Obtained : Chew an Ironize herb

Magic Back : Status : Hunger 8
Description : Negates monster spells.
Effect : Magic attacks will not affect Torneko.
Obtained : Get hit by a magic atack

Magic Parry : Status : Hunger 3
Description : Improves chances of avoiding spell attacks.
Effect : Torneko has a chance of having magic attacks miss.
Obtained : Get hit by a magic attack

Mislead-X : Status : Hunger 3
Description : Prevents you from being misled.
Effect : Torneko can not be misled.
Obtained : Return to normal after being misled

MonsterWake : Status
Description : Awakens sleeping monsters. Promotes hunger while used.
Effect : When Torneko enters a room, all sleeping monsters wake up. ???
Obtained : Step into a monster room

Parry Pass : Status : Hunger 5
Description : Deflects a standard attack to the monster beside you.
Effect : If a monster attacks Torneko, and more than one monster is next to
Torneko, then the attack is redirected to a random enemy that is
next to Torneko.
Obtained : Get missed by an attack

Rustproof : Status
Description : Rustproofs the sword and shield
Effect : The equipped sword and shield can not be rusted.
Obtained : Have your sword or shield rusted

Skill-X : Status : Hunger 8
Description : Prevents monster skills.
Effect : Monster's special skills will not affect Torneko.
Obtained : Get hit by a special skill attack

Slow-X : Status : Hunger 3
Description : Prevents speed reduction.
Effect : Torneko can not be slowed.
Obtained : Return to normal speed after being slow

StepGuard : Status : Hunger ??
Description : Full protection from spikes.
Effect : Torneko can cross spikes without taking damage
Obtained : Step on 10 spikes in a row without stopping to heal

Thief : Status : Hunger ??
Description : Sleeping monsters stay asleep. Promotes hunger while used.
Effect : Torneko can move next to sleeping monsters without waking them up.
Obtained : Step next to a monster and have it wake up

Thief-X : Status : Hunger ??
Description : Prevents thieving by monsters.
Effect : Any attempt to steal gold or items from Torneko will fail.
Obtained : ???

Trap-X : Status : Hunger 8
Description : Renders traps useless.
Effect : Torneko can step on traps without activating them
Obtained : Obtain ??

Trip-X : Status : Hunger 1
Description : Prevents tripping over rocks.
Effect : Torneko can step on rocks without tripping
Obtained : Trip over an invisible rock (if you see the rock it won't work)

9.2 Sword Skills:

Explanation of terms:

Description : In game description of the skill.

Effect : What effect the skill has.

Swords : Which sword can use this skill.

Obtained : How to obtain this skill.

Obtained Swords: Which swords can obtain the skill

Each sword can only have 3 skills set on it. To use all the skills on your
equipped sword press L2 button. This will use all skills set to the sword.
All skills will affect only the monster directly in front of Torneko unless
otherwise stated.

1/2 HP : Extra : Hunger 1
Description : Halves a monster's HP.
Effect : Reduces the monster's HP to 1/2 its current amount (rounded up).
Swords : All
Obtained : Reduce a monster to exactly 1/2 maximum HP
Obtained Swords : Magic

Babyfork : Extra : Hunger 1
Description : Raises the chances of finding Gold after slaying a monster.
Effect : ???
Swords : Babyfork, Demon-X, Dragon-X, Eliminato, Gold, GoldPick, Ice, Loto,
Magic, Pick, Seal
Obtained : ???
Obtained Swords : Babyfork, Loto, Magic

Berserker : Special : Hunger 1
Description : Drives the monster in front berserk.
Effect : Causes the monster to go berserk.
Swords : GoldPick, Loto, Magic, Miracle, Seal, Surehit, Zombie-X
Obtained : Kill a monster while Torneko is berserked
Obtained Swords : Magic, Zombie-X

Bi-Attack : Coverage : Hunger 6
Description : Strikes a monster 1 to 3 times.
Effect : Does a normal attack either 1, 2, or 3 times.
Swords : Eliminato, Falcon, Ice, Iron Axe, Loto, Metabble, MetalKing, Pick,
Reaper, Steel, Surehit, Whirlwind, Zombie-X
Obtained : Attack while moving at double speed
Obtained Swords : Eliminato, Ice, Iron Axe, Loto, Magic, Metabble, MetalKing,
Pick, Reaper, Steel, Surehit, Zombie-X

Bird Cut : Extra : Hunger 2
Description : Inflicts heavy damage on birds.
Effect : Does a normal attack that deals 2x normal damage against flying
Swords : Abacus, Babyfork, Club, Copper, Eliminato, Gold, GoldPick, Iron Axe,
LifeDrain, Loto, Magic, Metabble, MetalKing, Miracle, Pick, Reaper,
Seal, Steel, Surehit, Whirlwind, Windshear
Obtained : Kill 5 wyverns in a row on one floor
Obtained Swords : Loto, Magic, Wind

Blind : Special : Hunger 7
Description : Blinds the monster in front.
Effect : The Monster becomes blinded for a short period of time.
Swords : GoldPick, Loto, Magic, MetalKing, Miracle, Pick, Reaper, Seal, Wind
Obtained : Kill a blinded monster
Obtained Swords : All

Bread Drop : Special : Hunger 10
Description : Can rob monsters of bread.
Effect : Causes a Bread to appear on the ground behind the monster. You can
only rob 1 bread from each monster.
Swords : Babyfork, Copper, Demon-X, Dragon-X, Eliminato, GoldPick, Loto,
Magic, Pick, Reaper, Seal
Obtained : Kill a monster and have it drop bread
Obtained Swords : Loto, Magic

Bust Trap : Special : Hunger 2
Description : Eliminates a trap in front.
Effect : If a trap is in front of Torneko, then the trap is removed.
Swords : Eliminato, GoldPick, Iron Axe, Loto, Magic, Pick, Reaper
Obtained : Swing sword to revel a trap
Obtained Swords : All

Change : Special
Description : Changes the monster in front into a different one.
Effect : Changes the monster into another type of monster that can appear
on the same floor.
Swords : Babyfork, GoldPick, Loto, Magic, Seal, Steel
Obtained : Attack a monster with a cursed weapon
Obtained Swords : All

Charge Up : Special
Description : The next hit will be a critical hit.
Effect : Does nothing this turn, but the successful hit will be a critical
Swords : All
Obtained : ???
Obtained Swords : Eliminato, Magic, Reaper

Clone : Special
Description : Clones the monster in front.
Effect : Causes another monster of the same type to appear next to the
Swords : Demon-X, GoldPick, Loto, Magic, Miracle
Obtained : Kill a Demighoul or Tonghoul
Obtained Swords : All

Confuse : Special : Hunger 7
Description : Confuses the monster in front.
Effect : The monster becomes confused for a short period of time.
Swords : Club, Demon-X, GoldPick, Loto, Magic, Seal
Obtained : Kill a confused monster
Obtained Swords : All

Critical : Extra : Hunger 8
Description : Inflicts critical hits all the time.
Effect : Does a critical hit to the monster.
Swords : Babyfork, Demon-X, Eliminato, GoldPick, Ice, Iron Axe, LifeDrain,
Loto, Magic, Metabble, Reaper, Seal, Zombie-X
Obtained : Do a critical hit
Obtained Swords : Eliminato, Loto, Magic, Reaper

Dance : Special : Hunger 3
Description : Makes the monster in front dance.
Effect : Causes the monster to dance for a short period of time.
Swords : Demon-X, GoldPick, Loto, Magic, MetalKing, Seal
Obtained : Start to dance
Obtained Swords : Loto, Magic, Surehit

Dance-X : Special : Hunger ??
Description : Negates dance attacks of monsters.
Effect : Prevents the monster from using Dance attacks.
Swords : Abacus, Goldpick, Loto, Magic, Seal,
Obtained : Step on a dance trap
Obtained Swords : All

Defense : Special : Hunger 5
Description : Lowers the defense of the monster in front.
Effect : Causes the monster in front to take 2x normal damage.
Swords : GoldPick, LifeDrain, Loto, Magic, MetalKing, Pick, Seal
Obtained : Attack a monster with a cursed weapon
Obtained Swords : All

Devil Cut : Extra : Hunger 2
Description : Inflicts heavy damage on demons.
Effect : Does a normal attack against the monster doing 2x damage if the
monster is a demon.
Swords : Abacus, Babyfork, Club, Copper, Eliminato, Falcon, Gold, GoldPick,
Iron Axe, LifeDrain, Loto, Magic, Metabble, MetalKing, Miracle,
Pick, Reaper, Seal, Steel, Surehit, Whirlwind, Windshear
Obtained : Kill 5 devil type monsters on one floor
Obtained Swords : Demon-X, Loto, Magic

Doll Cut : Extra : Hunger 2
Description : Inflicts heavy damage on dolls.
Effect : Does a normal attack against the monster doing 2x damage if the
monster is a doll.
Swords : Abacus, Babyfork, Club, Copper, Eliminato, Falcon, Gold, GoldPick,
Iron Axe, LifeDrain, Loto, Magic, Metabble, MetalKing, Miracle,
Pick, Reaper, Seal, Steel, Surehit, Whirlwind, Windshear
Obtained : Kill 5 doll type monsters on one floor
Obtained Swords : Doll-X, Loto, Magic

Dragon Breath : Special : Hunger 4
Description : Launch dragon fireballs in front in a straight line.
Effect : Shoots a fireball in a straight line in front of Torneko. Stops
when it hits a monster or other obstacle. This fireball does ??
damage to monsters.
Swords : Dragon-X, Eliminato, GoldPick, Loto, Magic, Reaper, Whirlwind,
Obtained : Get hit by dragon breath
Obtained Swords : All

Dragon Slash : Extra : Hunger 2
Description : Inflicts heavy damage on dragons.
Effect : Does a normal attack against the monster doing 2x damage if the
monster is a dragon.
Swords : Abacus, Babyfork, Club, Copper, Eliminato, Falcon, Gold, GoldPick,
Iron Axe, LifeDrain, Loto, Magic, Metabble, MetalKing, Miracle,
Pick, Reaper, Seal, Steel, Surehit, Whirlwind, Windshear
Obtained : Kill 5 dragon type monsters on one floor
Obtained Swords : Dragon-X, Loto, Magic

Encircle : Special : Hunger 2
Description : Circle around behind the monster facing you.
Effect : Instantly move to directly behind the monster. Fails if that space
is not empty.
Swords : Falcon, GoldPick, Ice, LifeDrain, Loto, Magic
Obtained : Be encircled (by a Lava Man)
Obtained Swords : All

Escape : Special
Description : Enables escape from a dungeon.
Effect : Allows Torneko to escape from a dungeon.
Swords : All
Obtained : Get warped by a warp trap
Obtained Swords : All

Evil Slash : Extra : Hunger 5
Description : May miss, but will occasionally inflict grave damage.
Effect : Does an attack that usually misses. If the attack hits ???
Swords : All
Obtained : ???
Obtained Swords : All

Falcon Cut : Extra : Hunger ??
Description : Enables two strikes against a monster in one turn.
Effect : Does 2 normal attacks against the monster.
Swords : Abacus, Babyfork, Copper, Gold, GoldPick, Windshear
Obtained: Attack twice against an enemy in one turn (with a Falcon sword, it
can be obtained without a Falcon sword, but I haven't been able to
determine how)
Obtained Swords : Falcon, Magic

Flail Cut : Coverage : Hunger 1
Description : 4-strike attack in random directions.
Effect : Does 4 normal attacks. Each attack is in a random direction,
Swords : Abacus, Babyfork, Club, Copper, Demon-X, Doll-X, Dragon-X, Falcon,
Gold, GoldPick, Miracle, Wind, Windshear
Obtained : ???
Obtained Swords : All

Havoc Cut : Extra
Description : Inflicts 100HP damage, but the sword breaks.
Effect : Does 100 HP damage to the monster, but the sword breaks.
Swords : All
Obtained : Kill a monster with a sword of +50 or more
Obtained Swords : All

Invisible : Special : Hunger 5
Description : Makes the monster in front invisible.
Effect : The monster becomes invisible.
Swords : GoldPick, Loto, Magic, Seal, Surehit, Wind
Obtained : Kill an invisible monster. (Not a Shadow or Shadower, to make
a monster invisible use an invisible staff)
Obtained Swords : All

Ironize : Special
Description : Ironizes the monster in front.
Effect : The monster is ironized for a short period of time.
Swords : GoldPick, Loto, Magic, Metabble, Pick, Seal
Obtained : Return to normal after being ironized
Obtained Swords : All

Item Drop : Special : Hunger 20
Description : Can rob monsters of items.
Effect : Causes a random item to appear on the ground behind the monster.
You can only rob 1 item from each monster.
Swords : Babyfork, Demon-X, Dragon-X, Elimianto, GoldPick, Iron Axe,
Lifedrain, Loto, Magic, Pick, Seal
Obtained : ???
Obtained Swords : Babyfork, Loto, Magic

Itemize : Special : Hunger 15
Description : Itemize : Changes the monster in front into an item.
Effect : The monster disappears and is replaced by a random item.
Swords : Abacus, Babyfork, GoldPick, Loto, Magic, Seal
Obtained : Itemize a monster (Use an Itemize staff)
Obtained Swords : All

Kamikaze : Extra
Description : Instantly slays a monster, but Torneko's HP also drops to '1'.
Effect : The monster is killed, but Torneko is reduced to only 1 HP.
Swords : All
Obtained : Kill a monster while Torneko's HP is under 10
Obtained Swords : All

KO-Hit : Extra : Hunger 15
Description : Instantly slays a target.
Effect : The monster is killed.
Swords : All
Obtained : Defeat a monster with a beat staff
Obtained Swords : All

Landfill : Special : Hunger 2
Description : Fills in a stream in front.
Effect : Removes a square of water directly on front of Torneko and replaces
it with dry land.
Swords : GoldPick, Loto, Magic, Pick
Obtained : Swing your sword over water
Obtained Swords : All

Magic-X : Special : Hunger 5
Description : Prevents a specific monster in front from using spells.
Effect : The monster can not use magic attacks
Swords : Demon-X, GoldPick, Loto, Magic, Metabble, Miracle, Seal, Wind
Obtained : Seal a monster with a magic ability and then kill it
Obtained Swords : Loto, Magic, Seal

Meditate : Special : Hunger 3
Description : Restores HP through meditation.
Effect : Torneko goes to sleep for a short period of time, and wakes up
fully healed.
Swords : All
Obtained : Get put to sleep while hurt and wake up fully healed
Obtained Swords : ???

Mimicize : Special : Hunger 5
Description : Changes the monster in front into a Mimic.
Effect : The monster is replaced by a Mimic (or Cannibox) in its item form.
Swords : Babyfork, Copper, GoldPick, Loto, Magic, Pick, Seal
Obtained : Mimicize a monster (Use a Mimic staff)
Obtained Swords : All

Miracler : Extra
Description : Restores HP, but the Sword's power drops by 1.
Effect : Does a normal attack, and restored 10 HP. The sword's strength is
then reduced by 1.
Swords : All
Obtained : Attack with a Miracle sword (it can be obtained without a
Miracle sword, but I haven't been able to determine how)
Obtained Swords : Loto, Magic, Miracle

Mislead : Special : Hunger 7
Description : Misleads the monster in front.
Effect : The monster in front becomes misled.
Swords : GoldPick, Iron Axe, Loto, Magic, Seal
Obtained : Kill a monster while misled
Obtained Swords : All

Multi Cut : Extra : Hunger 4
Description : 50HP damage on three spaces in front, but weakens the sword.
Effect : All monsters in the 3 squares in front of Torneko take 50 HP
damage. Reduces the strength of the sword by 1 for each monster hit.
Swords : All
Obtained : Kill 3 monsters in the 3 spaces in front with oen swing (need
the 3-space sweep or 360-degree ability)
Obtained Swords : All

Paralyze : Special : Hunger 7
Description : Paralyzes the monster in front.
Effect : The monster is paralyzed until hit.
Swords : GoldPick, Loto, Magic, Metabble, Seal, Steel
Obtained : Paralyze a monster (Use a Paralyze herb or Mystifier staff)
Obtained Swords : All

Quickstep : Special : Hunger 8
Description : Temporarily doubles speed.
Effect : Allows Torneko to move and attack twice per turn for a short period
of time.
Swords : Demon-X, Doll-X, Falcon, GoldPick, Ice, Loto, Magic, Metabble,
MetalKing, Wind, Zombie-X
Obtained : Move around at double speed (eat Agility herb to get double speed)
Obtained Swords : All

Scapegoat : Special : Hunger 7
Description : Turns the monster in front into Torneko's substitute.
Effect : The monster becomes a Fake Priest for a short period of time.
Monsters will attack the Fake Priest instead of Torneko.
Swords : Babyfork, GoldPick, Loto, Magic, MetalKing, Seal
Obtained : Kill a fake priest (use Scapegoat staff to turn an enemy into a
fake priest)
Obtained Swords : All

Shield-X : Special : Hunger ??
Description : Steals a shield from the monster in front.
Effect : Causes a random shield to appear on the ground behind the monster.
You can only rob 1 shield from each monster.
Swords : Falcon, Gold, GoldPick, Loto, Magic, Pick, Zombie-X
Obtained : Kill a monster and have it drop a shield
Obtained Swords : All

Skill-X : Special : Hunger 5
Description : Prevents a specific monster in front from using skills.
Effect : The monster can not use special skills.
Swords : Demon-X, GoldPick, Iron Axe, Loto, Magic, Seal
Obtained : Seal a monster with a skill ability and then kill it
Obtained Swords : Loto, Magic, Seal

Sleep : Special : Hunger 7
Description : Makes the monster in front sleep.
Effect : The monster is put to sleep for a short period of time.
Swords : Demon-X, Gold, GoldPick, Loto, Magic, Seal
Obtained : Put a monster to sleep (hurl a Sleep herb)
Obtained Swords : Demon-X, Loto, Magic, Surehit

Slow : Special : Hunger 5
Description : Slows the monster in front.
Effect : The monster can only move and attack once every other turn.
Swords : Demon-X, Doll-X, Falcon, GoldPick, Ice, LifeDrain, Loto, Magic
Metabble, Seal
Obtained : Walk around at half speed
Obtained Swords : All

Spin Cut : Coverage : Hunger 6
Description : Attacks in a full circle.
Effect : Does a normal attack to all monsters around Torneko.
Swords : Eliminato, Ice, Iron Axe, Loto, Magic, Metabble, MetalKing,
Pick, Reaper, Steel, Surehit, Whirlwind, Zombie-X
Obtained : Attack while confused
Obtained Swords : Loto, Magic

Staff-X : Special : Hunger 5
Description : Prevents a specific monster in front from using a staff.
Effect : The monster can not use its Staff.
Swords : Demon-X, Doll-X, GoldPick, Loto, Magic, Seal, Steel, Wind, Zombie-X
Obtained : Seal a monster (using Skill-X staff or Seal sword) that has a
staff ability then kill that monster
Obtained Swords : All

Strength Heal : Special : Hunger 1
Description : Fully recovers Strength.
Effect : Torneko strength is restored to is max.
Swords : Club, Falcon, GoldPick, Loto, Magic, Miracle, Surehit
Obtained : Chew an antidote herb
Obtained Swords : All

Summon : Special : Hunger
Description : Summons monsters.
Effect : Random monster appear around Torneko.
Swords : Babyfork, Goldpick,Loto, Magic, Miracle, Seal
Obtained : Step on a summon trap
Obtained Swords : Magic

Surehit : Extra : Hunger 8
Description : Attacks never miss.
Effect : Does a normal attack that can not miss.
Swords : Abacus, Babyfork, Club, Copper, Doll-X, Dragon-X, Gold, GoldPick,
Loto, Magic, Surehit, Wind, Windshear
Obtained : ???
Obtained Swords : Dragon-X, Loto, Magic

Surge : Special : Hunger 10
Description : Fully restores HP and cures status problems.
Effect : Torneko's HP are restored to max, and any status problem is removed.
Swords : All
Obtained : ???
Obtained Swords : ???

Sword-X : Special : Hunger ??
Description Steals a sword from the monster in front.
Effect : Causes a random sword to appear on the ground behind the monster.
You can only rob 1 sword from each monster.
Swords : Falcon, GoldPick, Loto, Magic, Pick, Zombie-X
Obtained : Use the Shield-X skill
Obtained Swords : All

Terrify : Special : Hunger 7
Description : Terrifies the monster in front.
Effect : The monster is terrified and runs from Torneko at 2x normal speed.
Swords : Copper, GoldPick, Loto, Magic, Seal
Obtained : Kill a terrified monster (Terrified monsters will run so make
sure the monster is trapped befoer terrifying it)
Obtained Swords : All

Tiger Trap : Extra : Hunger 3
Description : Holds a monster in place.
Effect : The monster can not move.
Swords : Abacus, GoldPick, Loto, Magic, Miracle
Obtained : Kill a monster while trapped in a tiger trap
Obtained Swords : All

Tractor : Special : Hunger 6
Description : Reels in close a distant monster in front.
Effect : Pulls the enemy next to you
Swords : Babyfork, GoldPick, Loto, Magic Miracle, Seal
Obtained : Hit a monster with a Tractor arrow
Obtained Swords : All

Tunnel : Special : Hunger 1
Description : Enables tunneling into walls.
Effect : Destroys the wall directly in front of Torneko.
Swords : Abacus, Babyfork, Club, Copper, Demon-X, Doll-X, Dragon-X, Falcon,
Gold, Miracle, Wind, Windshear
Obtained : Swing your sword at a wall. The sword must be able to use the
Tunnel skill.
Obtained Swords : ???

Tunneler : Special : Hunger 1
Description : High-speed tunneling.
Effect : Destroys 3 walls in a straight row in front of Torneko.
Swords : Eliminato, GoldPick, Ice, Loto, Magic, Metabble, MetalKing, Pick,
Reaper, Steel, Surehit, Whirlwind, Zombie-X
Obtained : Tunnel through walls
Obtained Swords : All

Twin Slash : Extra : Hunger 3
Description : Torneko's HP is halved while the target's HP is cut to '1'.
Effect : The monster's HP is reduced to 1. Torneko's HP is halved.
Swords : All
Obtained : Reduce a monster to exactly 1 HP
Obtained Swords : All

Zombie Cut : Extra : Hunger 1
Description : Inflicts heavy damage on zombies.
Effect : Does a normal attack against the monster doing 2x damage if the
monster is a zombie.
Swords : Abacus, Babyfork, Club, Copper, Eliminato, Falcon, Gold, GoldPick,
Iron Axe, LifeDrain, Loto, Magic, Metabble, MetalKing, Miracle,
Pick, Reaper, Seal, Steel, Surehit, Whirlwind, Windshear
Obtained : Kill 5 zombie type monsters on one floor
Obtained Swords : Loto, Magic, Zombie-X

9.3 Spells

Page 1:

Sacrifice HP use : 0 [Floor]
Instantly slays all monsters on the floor, or knocks you out
Blaze HP use : 2 [Front]
Attacks in front with a small fireball causing 10-HP damage
Blazemore HP use : 4 [Front]
Attacks in front with a big fireball causing 20-HP damage
Blazemost HP use : 6 [Front]
Attacks in front with a huge fireball causing 40-HP damage
Firebal HP use : 4 [3 space arc]
Hits 3 spaces in front with a small fireball causing 7 to 10-HP damage
Firebane HP use : 8 [3 space arc]
Hits 3 spaces in front with a big fireball causing 15 to 30-HP damage
Firebolt HP use : 25 [3 space arc]
Hits 3 spaces in front with a huge fireball causing 45 to 60-HP damage
Bang HP use : 5 [Room]
Strikes all monsters in a room with small explosions causing 10 to 25-HP
Boom HP use : 10 [Room]
Strikes all monsters in a room with big explosions causing 20 to 50-HP damage
Explodet HP use : 30 [Room]
Strikes all monsters in a room with huge explosions causing 30 to 70-HP

Page 2:

Hellblast HP use : 70 [Room]
Inflicts 75 to 100-HP damage on monsters in the same room
Big Bang HP use : 100 [Room]
Inflicts 95 to 120-HP damage on monsters in the same room
Ice Bolt HP use : 5 [Beside]
Strikes monsters around you with small ice blocks causing 8 to 12-HP damage
Snowstorm HP use : 9 [Beside]
Strikes monsters around you with big ice blocks causing 15 to 30-HP damage
Blizzard HP use : 20 [Beside]
Strikes monsters around you with huge ice blocks causing 35 to 55-HP damage
Blizmost HP use : 40 [Room]
Strikes all monsters in the same room with a small ice storm causing 50 to
80-HP damage
Infernos HP use : 4 [Beside]
Strikes monsters around you with a big tornado causing 15 to 20-HP Damage
Infermore HP use : 12 [Beside]
Strikes monsters around you with a big tornado causing 20 to 40-HP Damage
Infermost HP use : 35 [Beside]
Strikes monsters around you with a huge tornado causing 60 to 90-HP Damage
Bolt HP use : 3 [Range 10]
Attacks in front with a small lightning bolt causing 10 to 15-HP damage

Page 3:

Zap HP use : 15 [Range 10]
Attacks in front with a big lightning bolt causing 20 to 30-HP damage
Thordain HP use : 25 [Range 10]
Attacks in front with a huge lightning bolt causing 30 to 50-HP damage
Expel HP use : 55 [Range 10]
Makes a monster disappear. No EX Points are awarded
Beat HP use : 75 [Range 10]
Instantly slays the monster in front of you
DefeatMax HP use : 150 [Room]
Instantly slays all monsters in the same room
Defeat HP use : 125 [Range 10]
Instantly slays the monster in front and any other monster of the same kind
in the room
Slow HP use : 10 [Range 10]
Temporarily slows down the monster in front of you
StopSpell HP use : 10 [Room]
Prevents monsters in the same room from using special attacks
Sleep HP use : 15 [Range 10]
Puts the monster in front to sleep
Ironize HP use : 40 [Self]
Ironizes self

Page 4:

Panic HP use : 12 [Room]
Confuses all monsters in the same room
Surround HP use : 3 [3 space arc]
Reduces the standard attack accuracy of monsters for ten turns
Sap HP use : 5 [Range 10]
Lowers the defense of a monster
Defense HP use : 10 [Floor]
Lowers defense of all monsters on the same floor
Upper HP use : 40 [Self]
Raises defense on a floor. Cast twice to double defense
MagicWall HP use : 3 [Self]
Negates monster spells occasionally over ten turns
Bounce HP use : 10 [Self]
For ten turns, confuses all monsters that used attack spells
Transform HP use : 5 [Self]
You assume a monster's guise
Rob Magic HP use : 5 [Front]
Absorbs HP from the monster in front of you
Farewell HP use : 75 [Self]
Resurrects you if defeated. It is forgotten after one use

Page 5:

Curseoff HP use : 15 [Self]
Uncurses any equipped item
De-Chaos HP use : 15 [Self]
Eliminates confusion or blindness
Chance HP use : 150 [Self]
There's no telling what will happen...
Stepguard HP use : 20 [Self]
Fully protects against damaging floor tiles
Radiant HP use : 5 [Self]
Enables you to see all hidden items and monsters
Open HP use : 40 [Self]
Opens doors with locks
X-Ray HP use : 15 [Self]
Identifies items
Disperse HP use : 25 [Range 10]
Warps the monster in front to somewhere on the same floor
Outside HP use : 1 [Self]
Use to escape from a dungeon
Warp HP use : 20 [Self]
Warps yourself to somewhere on the same floor

10.0 Experience Chart

1 0 21 7000 41 160,000 61 750,000 81 1,670,000
2 10 22 8000 42 175,000 62 790,000 82 1,720,000
3 30 23 10,000 43 200,000 63 830,000 83 1,770,000
4 60 24 13,000 44 230,000 64 870,000 84 1,820,000
5 100 25 16,000 45 260,000 65 910,000 85 1,880,000
6 150 26 20,000 46 290,000 66 950,000 86 1,940,000
7 230 27 25,000 47 320,000 67 990,000 87 2,000,000
8 350 28 30,000 48 350,000 68 1,030,000 88 2,060,000
9 500 29 36,000 49 380,000 69 1,070,000 89 2,120,000
10 700 30 42,000 50 410,000 70 1,120,000 90 2,180,000
11 950 31 48,000 51 440,000 71 1,170,000 91 2,240,000
12 1200 32 54,000 52 470,000 72 1,220,000 92 2,300,000
13 1500 33 60,000 53 500,000 73 1,270,000 93 2,360,000
14 1800 34 70,000 54 530,000 74 1,320,000 94 2,420,000
15 2300 35 80,000 55 560,000 75 1,370,000 95 2,480,000
16 2800 36 90,000 56 590,000 76 1,420,000 96 2,540,000
17 3500 37 100,000 57 620,000 77 1,470,000 97 2,600,000
18 4200 38 115,000 58 650,000 78 1,520,000 98 2,660,000
19 5100 39 130,000 59 680,000 79 1,570,000 99 2,760,000
20 6000 40 145,000 60 710,000 80 1,620,000

Copyright notice:
This document is Copyright 2002 by Kris DeHart. I do not authorize any part
of this FAQ to be copied or used in anyone else's FAQ without my explicit
permission. The most recent version of this FAQ can always be found at
GameFAQs ( or my website
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