SaGa Frontier 2

SaGa Frontier 2

14.10.2013 10:48:28

for Sony Playstation


version 1.0

version info:
*version 1.0: first version
hey Hanes, thanks for the CD
minor update

This FAQ is protected by international law. This FAQ cannot be changed,
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and proper credit is given to me.

copyright (c) Nico Soe, 2000.

Wow this is really another great game from the master rpg-maker, Squaresoft.
For you rpg-mania, I think that you'll steal a lot of time of your daily
routines just to playing this game. This is a Europe version FAQ, but I think
it will work for American version too.

The game is made in basic 2D, but don't ever underestimate it, cause the
hand-drawn graphic will easily blown you to the dream world. With another
great rpg game is still in japanese version (like chrono cross), it's really
a good choice to take a look at this game first. I am stopping to play wild
arms 2 and my favourite winning eleven 4--for a while-- just to play this
awesome game (don't be angry hey my lovely cd's, I'll play you again later).

This FAQ is made under my opinion. This FAQ is basically made from what I
have played, so don't blame me if you play this game and get a different
story. I don't say that this FAQ is 100% correct (since I'm not a god) and
there a lot of cases in this FAQ that I don't excactly know how it's
happened. Watch!! Spoiler alert!! There are lots of spoilers in this FAQ.

You can send your comments or questions to me, but it will took a long time
for me to reply it (no guarantee, sometimes I just can't reply your comments,
critics or questions since I'm a very busy person and having a lot of another
works to do. And I don't have my own computer!!). And unfortunetly there's no
guarantee that I can answer your questions or solving your problems.

1. Basic Introduction
2. Walkthrough
3. Chronicle
4. Credits

Basic controller in this game:
1. D-pad: moving your character.
2. Square: pop up your menu screen by pressing square button.
3. X: confirm button, talking, etc.
4. Circle: cancel button (circle + D-pad: make your character running).
5. Triangle: quick save menu (will be lost if you turn the power off).
6. R1: equip arts--shortcut menu.
7. R2: character status--shortcut menu.
8. L1: equip item--shortcut menu.
9. L2: party status--shortcut menu.
10. Start: pause the game.
11. L1 + R1 + select + start: reset the game.
12. L1 + L2 + R1 + R2: (no 6-9).

Menu Screen: there are some menus in the menu screen, they are: party status,
character status, equip item, equip arts, battle style, player notes, system
config, items, and a save menu (yesss, you can save your game anywhere you
want). You can press triangle in menu screen to pop up help text (pretty

Character status in this game is not shown by 'level'. As a replacement they
are only shown by your HP, LP, SP, WP (and some other) stats. Each character
have capability to set two arms and four equipment in the equip item screen.

You can set your battle style in the battle style screen. You can also change
your party member in the battle style screen. There are some roles can be set
to your character, they are:
1. Solo Action: acts independently. Intuition rate up, combo rate down.
2. Heavy Attack: prioritizes weapon and martial arts attacks.
3. Blitz: attack full force without def. Shield and evasion success down.
4. War God: battles beyond physical limitations. Natural rate rec down.
5. WALL: minimizes damage taken.
6. Dodge: prioritizes evasion.
7. Heavy Spell: prioritizes spell attack power.
8. Spell Atk: uses all power on spell attack. Spell def down.
9. Recover: prioritizes recovery spell.
10. Protean: uses the land to reinforce spell recovery. SP rec rate up.
11. Marksman: prioritizes bow attack.
12. Versatile: atk with various actions. Lower chance of being countered.
13. Counter: aim for a counter attack.
14. Cannonball: conduct action as fast as possible.
15. Bandwagon: raises combo rate of following move.
16. Ace: raises combo rate from preceding move.
17. Preemptive: lowers chance of enemy attacking first.
18. Scout: lowers chance of melees.
19. Decoy: Lures enemy attack to self.
20. Diversion: prevents enemy combo attacks.
21. Perplexion: lowers enemy spell efficiency.
22. Support: raises party's attack and recovery.
23. Defense: raises party's defense.
24. Commander: raises party's attack, evasion, and recovery.
25. Leader: Guides all members to act swiftly.
26. Diplomat: Negotiates truce with friendly opponents.
27. Intimidate: negotiates truce with weaker opponents.
28. Getaway: Secures escape in a tight spot.

Check your player notes screen. Each art and combo you've already gained are
recorded here. You can watch the command of your art move too, so that you
can enter the right command while you are in duel battle mode. About battle
and arts, I'll explain them after this.

There are 3 kinds of battle mode here: party team battle (set up to 4
character max), duel battle (one-on-one only, can use your art by entering
commands), and war battle. Sometime you can gain arts in battle, it happen
when there's an arc lamp above your character (trademark of saga series).
Each type of weapon has some arts, called weapon arts. Weapon arts consumed
your WP points. There are another, they are spell/anima arts. It consumed
your SP point (Gustave does not has it). LP point can be used in battle to
recover your HP to max. Your HP will recover a bit each time you finished a
battle. Your status ailment will also be cured after you finished a battle.

All those system in this game are pretty complex. It's hard to understand
them clearly. But I think they're not too complex at all, especially if you
learn them patiently. Don't dizzy too much about the complex system, just hit
the cd and play the whole scenario for all day long, that's the most
important thing.

There are two scenarios that you can choose, Gustave scenario and Wil Knights
scenario. I'll mention all scenarios I've got below.

Gustave Scenario

Gustave Born 1220
This scenario will be automatically chosen as a prologue if you playing this
game for the first time. There's a battle scene beetween Gustave XII's army
versus Marquis of Otto's army. Gustave army is on the lead when suddenly a
messenger comes, reports that Queen Sophie, Gustave XII wife, has safely
given birth. Gustave then withdraw his army to see his heir, Gustave XIII--
the man who would change an era--born.

Gustave Exiled 1227
That day is the day Gustave XIII attempts the Firebrand Ceremony. Firebrand,
the ancestral Quell of the Eugene family. As its name suggests, it responds
to the Anima of fire. Upon reaching seven years of age, the prince undergoes
a ceremony to test whether he is worthy to wield Firebrand and become heir to
the throne.

Gustave XIII as a prince reaches 7 years of age and must face the firebrand
ceremony. However Gustave XIII has no anima (spell) spirit and fails the
ceremony. His father is being very angry with him and even says that Gustave
isn't his child. Then Gustave XIII is banished from the castle. Knowing
this, Sophie, Gustave XIII's mother following him to leave the castle,
leaving her other children (Phillipe and Marie) behind.

Departure from Homeland 1227
Gustave and his mother Sophie are banished from the palace. Cielmer, Gustave
tutor feels that he no longer has right to remain at the castle and asking
permission from the king to back to Gruegel. On his way back to Gruegel,
Cielmer suggests Queen Sophie to seek asylum from the King Sui of Na. Three
of them are moving to Gruegel, the capital of Na.

Gustave 12 Years Old 1232
After Gustave and Sophie transferred to Gruegel, they were given a mansion by
King Sui of Na. Five years have passed. Gustave has become infamous as a
violent child. The fact that he is ungifted, and that he is an outcast, has
twisted his mind as the years passed. His peculiar background as a member of
the royalty of the Eastern continent causes his peers to avoid him, taking
away the most important to a young boy..friends. Gustave has only one
follower, a boy named Flynn. Flynn patiently endures even Gustave's most
violent acts, and never leaves his side. For he, too, cannot use any spells.

Gustave and the Blacksmiths 1233-35
When Gustave reaches the age of 13, the King Sui of Na grants him territory
in the vicinity of Jade. Using this as an opportunity, Sophie takes Gustave
with her and moves to Jade. Many rumors spreads that the move is meant to
prevent Gustave from being treated as a vassal of King Sui, and as an excuse
to stay away from the king who has been repeatedly approaching Sophie.

You'll be able to control Gustave from this point. Do whatever you want, talk
to the townspeople. After that go to the house in the middle of the town.
Enter, then talk to the blacksmith. Gustave want to learn to make a weapon
(sword correctly) out of steel, which is very strange in that era. After all,
the blacksmith takes Gustave as his apprentice. Gustave got the idea of
forging a steel sword since he cannot use spell/anima arts. This steel weapon
is a replacement of his 'ungifted' condition. He builds his strength in
another way than people do.

Gustave 15 Years Old 1235
Older, Gustave moves to Jade. However, his bad attitude has not change.
Someday Gustave want to go to the cave of wind to test his skill and to test
the sword he has made. Although Flynn feels so scary with that place, as
usual, he keeps following Gustave. Worried about Gustave, Kelvin, the Count
of Jade's son, starts to look for Gustave. He too then, goes to the cave.

Enter the second cave there to trigger a scene showing Gustave and Flynn.
Take Gustave to another screen then the scene will switch to Kelvin. Enter
the first cave there to encounter a battle. Gustave will join you in this
battle. Then Gustave asks for Kelvin help to save Flynn who had been captured
by a gang of bandits.

There's a light spear in the first cave, take it. There's a buckler shield in
the fourth cave. Exit and enter the second cave (you can enter from the third
cave too). From the second cave go up to the next screen. Take your way
around the huge-mushroom and go down to reach another screen. Take the lower
left path to a room where Kelvin is. You then will do a duel battle with one
of the bandit. Use your best move. After that, prepare for a team battle
against the boss, not too hard after all.

Reunion 1236
Gustave goes to a party at the Count of Jade's mansion. There he meets
Leslie, his childhood friend.

Mother's sickbed 1239
Gustave at the age of 19. His mother, Sophie is on her deathbed. Suddenly
Sophie condition is getting worse. But Gustave isn't there during that time.
In panic, Leslie, who has been nursed Queen Sophie during her illness, asks
Kelvin to look for Gustave somewhere out there.

The scene then will switch to Gustave who is on the cave, training as usual.
Go all the way up to the next two screens. You'll meet Kelvin near the huge
mushroom. After a few scenes, go up then left to encounter a battle with a
Slime monster. Defeat him, and the scene will switch to Sophie's bed with
Gustave on her side. Sophie gives Gustave some final words before she passes

Conquest of Wide 1240
Gustave goes to seek an audience with the Count of Wide. After some scenes,
move your character to the bar. Talk to Leslie or Flynn in the second floor.
Then exit the bar. Enter the bar again and talk to Leslie again. She will
reports some information about Sir Mouton. Now go to the castle and talk to
the Count. There will be some scenes after that. Gustave then will be
sneaking to the castle that night.

Enter the door under the stairs. Go forward and enter Nebelstern's room.
Check the painting in the left corner of the room. A secret passage will then
opened. Go down from there.

Keep moving until you found a door (there are 120 and 80 cr near that door).
Enter the door and climb the staircase. Go left then down to another screen.
You'll find a lift-crank, rotate it to the right. A bridge will set below

Exit the room and go back to the first spot which you saw the door. Cross the
bridge to the left. Break the door on the upper right of the screen if you
want to get 1000 cr. But first you have to fight a Wide Ghost to open the
chest. Go to the left two screens to exit the place.

Gustave and the Pirates 1242
Mouton reporting about the condition of Wide to Gustave in his room. But
Gustave actually isn't listening to the reports. Mouton takes Gustave outside
the castle and orders the guard not to let Gustave inside until Gustave
feeling better.

Talk to the townspeople, do whatever you want. After finished, go behind the
town. Talk to the grey hair man in front of the door twice. He will say
something about Silver Sails Fleet. After that talk to a soldier in the house
above the bar. The men that blocking the bar will now disappear. Now enter
the bar in the middle of town. There will be some scenes which Gustave kicks
some foreign sailor butts. After that exit the bar.

Go talk to a soldier in front of the house. Gustave will ask him to tell his
leader that he wants to meet him. Now go behind the town and talk to the
pirate captain there. He is interested with Gustave's swordskill and offers
him to join.

After that go back to the house with soldier in front of it. Talk to him
again and you will be brought inside the house. Talk to their leader. Gustave
asks them to leave the town as soon as possible. The leader then will ask
Gustave a favor. He wants Gustave to take back an orb from the Silver Sails
Fleet (he claimed that Silver Sails Fleet, the pirates, has stole the orb
from him). He says that he cannot leave the town without this orb. Feeling
fun, Gustave agrees.

Go back behind the town and talk to the pirate captain. You'll then join
them. Then the scene will switch to Gustave in the pirate ship. After a scene
go downstairs and check the treasure box there. Than go back and talk to the
pirate captain. Ask him the first choice. Talk to all crew. Then go to pirate
captain's room. Exit the room after that. If you want an alternate scene,
don't go to the captain's room. Just help the man near the treasure chest
(the orb is over there). After doing so a lone slime will appear and it's
your job to handle it (you can let Bart handle it if you want).

Talk to Bart after the battle. Now go to the pirate captain's room and talk
to him. Talk to him again and he will ask your opinion about the map (you can
give any answer). After that exit the room. Bart will go down to meet the
pirate captain (if you don't get this scene, try to talk to Bart outside).
After this scene go to the room below the captain's room. Talk to the crew
there and you'll here what the leader and Bart talk about (Bart talk about
you. He suspicious your identity as a royal member. But the captain says that
even if so, Gustave will understand their dreams).

Suddenly slimes attack the ship and all of you will be in the ship deck by
now, helping other crew. Soon Gustave feels that he has a chance to steal the
orb while they are busy enough fighting the slimes. Fight all the slimes in
your way to the deck under the captain's room. Climb the staircase to go to
orb room. Go right from there to enter the captain's room.

Examine the map, it's actually the password for breaking the orb shield. The
lines on the map is the route and the mark on it is the days that the journey
taken each route. Go back to the orb room, go to the compass there and enter
the password (the map says: first route: south 3 days, second route:
southeast 2 days, third route: east 1 day, fourth route: northeast 2 days).

After that Bart and the captain start to know that you try to steal the orb.
While you argue with them, slimes come and attack them. Gustave realizes that
actually the pirates aren't bad guys after all. Then Gustave helps them.
Prepare for battles. Then Gustave returns to Wide.

Father's Sudden Death 1247
Gustave XII, King Finney, has already passed away and Gustave XIV, Gustave
XIII half brother, is chosen to replace the throne. Lack of experience in
commanding troops battle, Gustave doesn't want to start a war at first. But
Cielmer, former Gustave's tutor, convinces general Nebelstern to be the one
of Gustave's generals. Then the problem has already solved, and war is just
going to begin.

Landing 1247
Upon the death of Gustave XII, King Finney, Gustave XIV becomes the successor
to the throne. The Gustaves are half brothers. Gustave makes a claim as the
inheritor of Gustave XII's property or, in other words, the rights to the
Finney Kingdom, and gathers his troops.

Battle of Buckethill 1248
Succesfully landing at the Lordless Land, Gustave proceeds east and crosses
the Anath river. The King of Finney, Gustave XIV, gathers his vassal lords
and advances southward. Gustave's army blockades Zohl Peak and begins the
confrontation. The royal army forms a separate force under Cantal's command
to take advantage of their own superior numbers and moves to attack Gustave's
army from behind.

Noticing this movement, Gustave's army draws back and camouflages itself on
Zahl Peak. With fortune on their side, they regroup with the newly arrived
reinforcements under the Count of Jade's command. They initiate an attack on
Cantal's separate force.

Cantal avoids battle and withdraws. He stands by and observes the rest of the
battle. The royal army finally notices that Gustave's army has retreated from
Zohl Peak and begins to move in for an attack. Gustave's army also moves to
intercept. The two armies collide at Buckethill, near the Ruins of Hahn.
Gustave's day of destiny is about to begin. (Pheww actually I only write down
the text above from the game..spoiler.. there will be many more like this
later hehe ^_^)

This is the first war battle for you. This battle is a little bit confusing
for me at the first time. But actually is not too frustating (maybe I was too
dull). In this battle you will control your troops in the map. There are
three kinds of them, infantry, steel army (Gustave's army only, I think), and
archer (support other troops).

The concept is like this: you move your troops somewhere (depends on your
moves stats), and if you move your troops to the enemy troops then it will
results in a battle (similar to team battle but not the same). Each battle is
only done in one turn. After all player and enemy turn, the troops which less
then 4 character soldier will be added one soldier from the reserves. The
beaten troops will be drawback few steps on the map. You can end your turn by
pressing circle button and choose end turn.

When you end your turn the enemy will begin their turn. If one troop attacked
more than one in one player turn then their HP will reduce to 7/8 (second,
third) or 3/4 (fourth) from the start (called successive battle). All the
characters HP will be full after each turn (except the successive battle
condition). The victory and the defeat condition can be known by pressing
circle. Note: you can access the help menu by pressing circle too. All the
rules about this battle mode are written there. Quite simple, isn't it.

Your victory condition here is to defeat Gustave XIV troops. Just clear any
other troops that blocking your way to him. Send your best troops on him and
crash him (Nebelstern troops is a good choice).

Gustave's Reunion 1248
Gustave finally returns to Thermes for the first time in 20 years. Gustave is
in his throne room when Marie, wife of Marquis Cantal of Otto, come to seek
an audience. She asks for an alliance between them. Gustave agrees.

The other day Marie is in converse with Gustave when suddenly Phillipe comes
and try to kill Gustave. Gustave then shows their mother spirit and Phillipe
is calmed down. Then both Phillipe (he says that hard for him to forgive his
brother) and Marie go back to their domain.

Construction of Hahn Nova 1249
Well, what is this? You have to build your own city. Just put some districts
into any location. You will be given 3 districts to locate to. Those are
Blacksmith district, Shopping district and entertainment district. Note: if
you build your city with an entertainment district, Gustave will says
something different. If you build your city with three entertainment
districts, then it will become a metropolis city.

The Firebrand Tragedy 1250-1255
Since Gustave has moved to the currently under construction Hahn Nova,
Thermes castle is left in the hands of Philippe. Yet, since Philippe has not
undergone the Firebrand ceremony, he is a king, but not a real king.

Philippe is ready to undergo the ceremony. Meanwhile there's a rumor spread
among the townspeople that Philippe will fail the ceremony. Rumor say that
only men in a young age, while their anima is still weak, can do the
ceremony. An already grown man like Philippe will only let his anima being
absorbed by the Firebrand.

The rumor is true and Philippe failed the ceremony. Gustave then calm him
down and say that Philippe just only have to wait 5 more years until
his son, Philippe II, grown to the age of 7 and can take the ceremony.

Five years have passed and in 1255 Philippe II is ready to take the ceremony.
Philippe II passes the ceremony and will be the next King to the Finney
Kingdom. However suddenly a soldier runs through Philippe II and stabs him.
Philippe takes the Firebrand and burns down the assassin but he is getting
burned as well. Philippe then transforms to a red dragon. Then Philippe II is
taken to the sky by the dragon and Gustave can do nothing about that.

Anima Faith Fiasco 1256
See Wil scenario.

Johan the assassin 1260
It is a story about Johan as an assassin. The scorpion, the symbol of the
organization, is branded upon him. The scorpion's poison, the organization's
power is given to him as his power. However, the poison will kill him is he
ever betray the organization.

You will be controlling Johan. Just go forward to trigger a scene about his
baptism ceremony. Go to the upper right screen after the scene. There will be
another scene about Johan's final test.

There will be some more scenes and you will have to control him a little here
and there (you can take Johan's sword, Blast sword, if you want. But it's not
really a good sword after all). Johan then will meet Gustave. He doesn't know
why, but he feels comfortable to hear Gustave's order.

The General's Memory 1264
This scenario is a flashback one. You will be controlling Nebelstern in the
age of 23 at Gruegel. Exit the town, then go to Vogelang through the desert.
Go to the shop in the corner left to meet Cielmer. Cielmer will offers a help
to accompany you in your way back to Gruegel. Answer the first choice, and
then go to the bar. You will see Narcisse there. After some conversations,
take your men back to Gruegel through the desert.

The Southern Fort 1269
Gustave, Flynn and Ven are at the Southern Fort, waiting for Dirk's
reinforcement troop arrival. Gustave thinks that it's too dangerous to move
at night. That's why he orders his men to wait until daybreak. However, dawn
never comes. That night, the fort is attacked by countless monsters. Gustave
then orders Flynn and Ven to leave the fort immediately while he tries to
hold back the monsters. But Johan then comes out and replacing Gustave to
fight the monsters. Gustave agrees.

You'll be controlling Johan again. Prepare for some duel battles with
monsters. After each battle, the scorpion poison will take effect and reduce
your LP point by one. After your LP point reach 0, Johan will die.

Dirk's troops will arrive in the morning, but it's already too late. Gustave
and Johan have disappeared (sob..sob..Why? Why Gustave..sob), leaving only a
sword in the ground (hey, whose sword is it? I think it's Gustave's).

Gustave's Successor 1269
The news of Gustave's death spreads quickly throughout the continent, and
many lords and their armies begin to gather at Hahn Nova. But there are those
who do not appear. The most notable of them all is Marquis Cantal of Otto,
Marie's husband.

After Kelvin asked why he refused to join, Cantal gathers the troops to
invade neighboring country, showing his power. This is the reason why the
neighboring lords leave Hahn Nova and choose to defend their own country from
Cantal's attack. Kelvin then asks all the remaining lords in Hahn Nova to
join him fighting Cantal.

But, even after 20 days, the army still has not made its move against Cantal.
More than half of Merchmin's lords joined under Cantal. Those irritated by
the inconclusive meetings and their spectators begin to distance themselves
from Hahn Nova.

Hahn Nova in Flames 1271
With the arrival of the news about Cantal movement to the south, invading
Hahn Nova, the lords begin to evacuate Hahn Nova. Kelvin's men, too, suggest
Kelvin to return to Jade since their army are the last that left. It will be
impossible for them to defend Cantal after all.

In the other time, Cantal's army is ready to move when suddenly burglars and
monsters beginning to attack Hahn Nova. Knowing this, Cantal cancels his
invasion to Hahn Nova.
Kelvin is really sad knowing the condition of Hahn Nova. Knowing his father
sadness, Philippe (Philippe III) gathers a small troop to return to Hahn
Nova. The troops are in danger when suddenly a red dragon comes and blasts
the monsters. Philippe's troops are saved.

Death of Cantal 1288
At long last, the Anima of Kelvin's worthy rival departs on its journey.
Cantal, the Marquis of Otto, struggles for supremacy against Kelvin, and
finally conquers the Merchmin Region. However, in 1288, nineteen years after
Gustave's death, Cantal dies in the age of 59. His kingdom is divided among
so many of his offspring that it loses any influences it once had. Kelvin
takes the opportunity to advance into the lordless land. He gathers the lords
at Hahn Nova and successfully forms a pact to finally establish supremacy.
Kelvin finally obtains glory at the age of 67.

In the other place, Nicolette Drangueforde, a daughter of Cantal, is trying
to incite Duke Edmund of Laubholz to fight against Jade. Nicolette, too,
incites the King Sho of Na to invade Jade. Nicolette is doing this because
she holds a grudge against Charles, the Count of Jade's (Kelvin) son.

Kelvin's Last Battle 1292
After a scene about Duke Edmund invasion, you will face a war battle. Victory
condition: defeat the duke of Laubholz/defeat more than half of the enemy
army. Defeat condition: Kelvin is defeated. This is just an easy battle, you
don't need to worry.

Two years after this battle, Kelvin died in the age of 71. His life has been
one long, gruelling battle.

Fake Gustave Arrives 1300
There's a battle scene between a group of bandits against a group of
soldiers. After a few step the soldiers win the battle. The bandit leader,
however, is able to escape, wounded, before finally fall down somewhere on
the ground. Suddenly a grey hair man comes to the fallen bandit. This bandit
claims his self as a grandson of the famous Gustave. The man, however,
doesn't believe him.

Later, in the bar, there's a conversation among the townspeople, saying that
the bandit is just a suck impostor. Hearing this, the grey hair man--which in
the bar too--says that he is 'Gustave' and change his hair to the blonde
color. The townspeople are very impressed. Then after a few chats, this
'Gustave' leave the bar.

Edelritter 1301
A group of youngsters consist of Sargon, Watts, and Greta heard the news
about an unstoppable pack of monsters in the quarry. The monster population
is getting bigger everyday, and it means danger for the townspeople safety.
For the sake of the village, Sargon's group heads for the quarry to
exterminate the monsters that infest the village.

You will now controlling Sargon's party. This quarry is the place where you
defeated Alexei--you still remember the layout of this place, don't you. Take
your move to the place near the first cave. There will be a scene about the
fake Gustave there. He will offer a help to eliminate the monsters. But your
group seem don't believe him and ask Sargon to refuse his help. Sargon

Now go enter the first cave. Go all the way up until you find a rope. Climb
down the rope and go right from there. You will now face tons of slimes.
Fight them and enter the next room to the right. There are three panels
there. Look at the diagram below:


2 + 0 * 4

3 5

The concept is like this: The middle panel (0) is used to rotate your symbol.
The left panel (+) is used to reverse the condition of point 1, 2, and 3. The
right panel (*) is used to reverse the condition of point 2 and 4.

For example: if there's a symbol in point 1. Point 2 and 3 are blank. After
you press the left panel (+), the condition will reverse: point 1 is now
blank, symbols appear in point 2 and 3. Example: symbols appear in point 1,
2, and 3. Pressing the middle panel (0) will results on condition: the
symbols rotate to point 2, 3, and 5. Example: symbols appear in point 1 and
4. After you press the right panel (*), the condition will reverse: symbol
remains in point 1 (remember, the right panel has nothing to do with point
1), point 4 become blank, new symbol appear in point 2.

Well, as far as I know, the concept is like what I've said in the text above,
don't get mad at me if it isn't work. Anyway your point is to make all the
symbols in the floor appear at the same time. So, just try the combinations.

A door will open in the left room. Go back a screen and enter the door. Go to
the center. Suddenly your companions will transform into slimes, only Sargon
survived. When Sargon wakes up, the fake Gustave is already there. He will
say that Sargon was able to survive because of his strength. And after that
Sargon will become fake Gustave's loyal and powerful vassals.

Peace Conference 1305
After King Sho of Na's death, the lords gather to begin peace talks. Most of
the lords don't like the Count of Jade's act. As always, the conference is
result on nothing.

Meanwhile, Hahn Nova's elder committee has refused to deliver its quota of
supplies. They, too, intend to stop Charles' act with brute force. Among of
the committee's troops, there is who claims his self as Gustave.

Battle of Hahn Nova 1305
The fake Gustave has had many powerful men to support his rebellion.
Underestimates his power, Charles, the current Count of Jade, plans to subdue
him in battle in order to take over Hahn Nova.

This is not a hard battle. Just use your steel army to crush Charles. Avoid a
successive battle. Victory condition: defeat Charles, defeat condition:
Gustave is defeated.

In the peace conference David, Charles' son, receives the news about his
father death. David, as the new Count of Jade, asks all lords to unite the
troops in order to eliminate the impostor, fake Gustave, before his rebellion
power getting stronger.

Battle of South Moundtop 1305
Troops begin to gather under Gustave after his victory against Charles.
Meanwhile, the various lords sign a provisional treaty and form an allied
army, with the new Count of Jade, David, as the central figure. They approach
Hahn nova from the North, South, and West.

Gustave's army controls the western army, the primary force, while the troops
under Bolse's command intercept the relatively weaker northern army. Bolse's
army skillfully destroys the southern army. Gustave's strategy goes as
planned up to this point. However Bolse's army risks pursuit, despite orders.
Their return to Hahn Nova is delayed.

Upon Bolse's return, Gustave makes a plan to use his entire army to strike at
the center of the alliance, the western army under the command of David. But
Bolse's army doesn't return from the pursuit, and the southern army draws
close to Hahn Nova first. At this point, Gustave decides to commit his
current forces. In summer 1305, the most renowned historical event, the
Battle of South Moundtop, begins. Victory conditions: defeat Gustave/survive
until the Duke of Laubholz's army arrives. Defeat conditions: David is
defeated/headquarters is infiltrated.

This is a very very very hard battle! Defeating Gustave without using a PAR
code is nearly impossible, that's why the second victory condition is your
best option.

I really don't know how to guide you to win this battle. But, you can try my
strategy if you want. For the very first, place three infantry units to block
their move from the left, and place the rest in the right. Remember to
support them by archer, so that they can give an early 30 damage to all.

Gustave and his steel army units will not move for the first few turns. With
a little luck, your left side troops should wipe their left troops (including
Sargon's troops) out. And of course, you must hope your right side troops can
defeat their right side troops too.

This will buy some times (about 4 or 5 turns), and hopes that you can quickly
gather your troops to block Gustave's steel armies. After that, what you
should do is just defend (don't fight them if it isn't necessary)! You will
be forced all the way so that each turn you have to move one step back. In my
condition, Gustave's armies are only need one more step to beat me, but
that's happened right in the end of turn eight.

Well, this is the last Gustave's scenario. There are some scenes after you
beat the battle. See the scene for yourself this time (I'm already tired in

Wil Scenario

Wil's Departure 1235
This is the first time for Wil starting a journey as a quell-seeker. After
saying goodbye to his uncle and aunty he went to Westia, a town where the
quell-seeker gather. After this you'll be able to control him.

Do whatever you want at the town, after that go to the bar. Talk to Narcisse
to trigger an event about Cordelia suddenly enters the bar and blabbering
about something. Ask her to join. After that talk to Narcisse and ask him to
join you too. You can prepare yourself if you want, buying weapon or
something. After finished, exit the town.

Go to the Ruin of Hahn. At the very first you'll meet an intersection. Don't
bother going to the right as it will result to a dead end. Just go up or left
(there are some items outside such as bone breastplate--in the upper screen--
, and a steel amulet--somewhere near the underground entrance). Go to the
very left screen and enter the only building (actually an underground
passage) there.

There you'll meet Tyler (Wil thinks that he is a bandit). Ask him to join
your group. Get all your way to find a stairs that lead to the upper room.
There will be another stairs that lead your way to the southern exit. But
before that try to collect all items you found in this place, some of them
are very useful (100 cr, amber maleatte, kris knife--infinite, dragon pocket,

After finding the southern exit, go back to Westia. Enter the bar there.
Note: there's a room where Wil can't enter by now. You will be able to enter
it in the Anima Faith Fiasco scenario.

Desert Megalith 1236
Wil will start a new journey looking after Alexei Sergein, a man that know
about his parent death. After going home, Wil then return to Westia with his
aunt, Nina. There, once again, Wil asks for the help from Narcisse and
friends to accompany him. Ask Narcisse, Cordelia, and Tyler to join you
again, then exit the town. Go to Gruegel then exit. From there go to the
Continent Interior.

Go all the way left to the next screen, left again, then up to another
screen. Go to the lower left then down to find a water pool (it can heal you,
but sometimes..! see for yourself). From there go up, back another screen.
Take your way to the upper right screen. From there take the middle path
which lead you to the upper left screen. Go down to another screen then exit
trough the upper left. You'll reach another water pool there. Go left from
there to enter Vogelang city.

Go to the bar at the middle of the town and talk to the bartender from
behind. Ask about Henry Knights. Knowing you as Henry's son, the bartender
will give you a letter that Henry left.

Exit the town to automatically go to the desert megalith. There are a few
scenes there and the scenario will be finished.

Infiltrate! Alexei Gang 1238
There will be a scene in Thermes bar. Choose one of your party members. After
that exit the town and go to Westia city. Enter the bar there. Talk to a man
in green clothes and grey helmet.

The scene will then switch to your choosen member. You can first go to seek
for a room with three green panels. Reach them to turn off the city lamp. By
doing so you'll be able to see some items in the town. Items which I found:
sacred spear (near the first spot you stand up in the beginning of this
mission), fire charm (in the upper screen of Kisk's house--read section
below), rock axe (in the upper room of the old lady's room--which told you to
look after Kyle. Read section below), blue water (behind the bar). You can
skip this item founding section if you wish. Turn back on the city lamp.

Talk to the people at the bar, the bartender will suggests you to go to Old
Kisk's house. Go to the house, a woman will tell you that Kisk has already
passed away. Now go seek for Alexei, talk to him, choose any choice. After
that go to the upper right to an Old Lady's room. She'll ask you to look
after a boy named Kyle. Choose the first answer then go back and talk to
Alexei again, choose any choice.

Go to the side of the bar, talk to the hiding boy there (appear only if the
light turn on). Then go back to the place where you meet Alexei. From there,
go to the next right screen and enter the building there. Examine the hole
inside the building for a scene. Now go behind the bar. From there continue
to go down to reach a dead end. Look for a door near the stairs to proceed to
the roof (if you ever talk to a dog after a scene inside the most right
building, then the dog will stand near this door). Talk to the boy up there
and agree to go down to the tunnel. Save Kyle. Then exit through left.

Showdown! Alexei 1239
Go to the lower bridge, then go up to the next screen (you can broke the
bridge by releasing it rope, I don't know what
for, but I think if you broke the bridge, you'll be able to get items under
it somehow). Go to the middle right by crossing a mini bridge. Go down in the
next screen, continue to go down (there's 500 cr--or silver staff??--there if
you broke the lower bridge --I think).

Go down next two staircases, enter the cave for a stone shield, then go up
another staircase. Climb up the rope above the staircase and take the next
rope to the right. Go up to the cave on the top of the hill. Enter it to face
Alexei--results on a battle that you can't win (don't forget to bring your
aunt Nina while fighting Alexei's servants, I don't know what will happen if
you don't bring her in your party).

After some scene, you'll fight Alexei. Just unleash your best move direct on
him, soon he will fall. There will be a few scenes after that. Oh yeah some
of the enemy here is very tough, be careful to 'em.

At Mines 1244
Wil get his first job as a miner in Svendorf Mines. Before he starts the job,
he sensed some kind of unusual Anima there. He has got a bad feeling about
that. The miners there don't believe him, they laugh and ignore him.

Exit the Mine. There will be a scene in Westia bar, a news report about
monster attacking the Mine. Wil's instinct was right. Exit the town and go
back to the Mine. Save all the miners there and go back to the place where
you were talk with the miners in the first time (I don't know what will
happen if you don't save all the miners there). Move your step as quickly as
possible to the staircase in that room--where the three gremlins are waiting
(there will be unstoppable gremlin came out from the place--generator-- above
the staircase), if you done it right, when you caught in a battle your
character will say about some ideas.

What you have to do now is to defeat one of any gremlin in able to make a way
for one of your character to sneak into the enemy generator. There will be a
new window popup in your battle command to do this task. It called 'close
in'. Just defeat one of them and choose 'close in' in one of your character
menu. The character which shutdown the generator will face a duel combat with
the gremlin. Exit the mines. Note: you might want to take three kind of ore
here, it will be useful later. There's a treasure box that you can't take
right now (you're able to take it when you enter the Mine for the second time
later in Wil scenario).

Beyond Grand Valley 1246
Wil heads south to Weissland. He approaches the stone bridge of Grand Valley.
Grand Valley. A giant valley that splits the Eastern Continent into north and
south. During the era of the ancient empire, a stone bridge spanned the
valley. The bridge could not withstand the flow of time, and has now mostly
collapsed. Yet it still stands as the sole road connecting the north and the
south. To get to cross to the south, Wil now attempts to cross the bridge.

There's a scene in Westia bar. Wil now feel confident enough to face a 'real'
journey. Narcisse suggests him to go to Weissland, the land that's supposedly
the birthplace of the spell arts.

Exit Westia, go to the Grand Valley. Cross the bridge to the left, then go
down. You cannot pass to the southern continent via the normal gate since its
fee ridiculously expensive. Find a girl named Labelle in the middle right.
She says that she knows a different route, and asks you to join her since the
route is a little bit dangerous. They are planning to go through the valley
below instead of crossing the bridge. As you go down, Narcisse feels worried
about you and offering for help for at least the last time.

There will be a deep mist in the valley that will make you impossible to find
the way out. First you need to find a thing to clear the mist. Go all the way
down from the first spot. After Narcisse's scene, go to the next screen. Go
to the left until you come to the place where you can see the bridge or
something from there. Go left to the next screen from there.

In the next screen, go to the lower left corner of the screen. Enter the next
screen below you. Go to the lower left screen. Go up from there. In the next
screen, go to the upper right corner of the screen. Go up the next few
screens until you came in a huge place and your character will say something.
Find a shiny yellow thing (something like a staff or spear), and pull it.
You'll encounter a pretty tough boss, Volcanoid.

The death of Volcanoid will reduce the mist a little bit (you'll also get an
ice lance after defeating it), so that your character can see the way clearly
and now you can continue your way on. Go back down from the boss screen.
Proceed to the left on the next screen, and there will be a short scene. Just
go to the left from that point (is this the same way as before??). Keep
continuing left for the next two screens and you'll make your way out.

There is a blue chip behind the wall before you entering Laubohlz. In
Laubohlz, Narcisse will quit your party, saying that he's already too old for

Tycoon Wil 1247
You will start from Laubohlz. Enter the bar there to recruit Patrick (he's
pretty strong ya' know). Exit the town, then go north to Weissland. Enter the
shop and the bar there for some scene. In the bar you will meet with
Labelle's brother (his name is William too). He will ask your party to look
for an Ice Megalith in the south.

After that exit the town and move your tiny looking character to the left.
Keep going down, then left to the next screen. Up is a dead-end, so just
continue to the left until you reach a tent. Reach the tent and William will
say something. Go through the gate uphead after the scene. There will be an
awesome scene. After the bridge formed, go forward. After that you will see
an intersection. Take the left side, find a pit spider somewhere there, also
there's a glacier shield down in the next screen. If you don't want to take
those items just go to the right side in the first intersection and keep
moving forward.

Keep moving. There is a green glass somewhere. Go to the left then down to
get 1000 cr and a berserker axe. Go up then right then proceed down from that
point until you reached something like a gate (there's a silence bow and 1000
cr under the gate).

Enter the gate. Take the left side and then enter the right side. In the next
screen, take the very east circle. Enter the most east circle again, then
enter the big circle. You will be transferred to another room. Take the door
on the right, then go down two times, go up and enter the floating symbol
there. You'll get an ice lance. Exit the room.

Go to the middle room to proceed to the Megalith. Your party will collapse.
Suddenly Wil wake up and your party will converse about something. Talk to
all your party members and then enter the Megalith room again. There is
another scene. After that, once again, enter the Megalith room. Then William,
Labelle's brother will transform into a Megalith Beast.

Fight the Megalith beast until a retreat command is appear (kinda like a
final fantasy battle with X-ATM092). Retreat. Then fight him again. You'll
fight him three times. The last time is on the bridge near the tent. After
the last retreat, the bridge will collapsed and the Megalith Beast will
collapsed as well.

At Mines (Mines Collapsed) 1251
Wil accepts a job prospecting for ore in the Svendorf Mine. It's the second
time he has to enter the Mine.

There's really nothing important here. After some scene there will be an
earthquake and the Mine will start to collapse. Wil says that he has only ten
minutes before the ceiling fall down and blocked the way out (actually
there's only less than ten minutes before the Mine collapsed. It depends on
how many items you take and how many often you change screen).

Find all the way out of here as fast as possible. If you have time you might
want to take some items there. The items are gem band (on the box below the
waterfall which you couldn't take before), blue chip (I don't take this one,
it's only waste my time), hot stone, and silver staff. You can save some
miners too. As far as I know there are 3 miners there. If you're able to save
them all you'll get rewards from them (1000cr, 1000cr, and a sandwurm staff).

Anima Faith Fiasco 1256
Wil goes off to the Ruins of Hahn upon hearing rumors of the Anima Faith and
the Egg.

Go to bar, talk to Tyler. Tyler says that there are lots of rumors flying
around there. Such as Lord Philippe assassins were of the Faith, or, that
Gustave is going to annihilate the Anima Faith in the near future. But Wil
says that the rumor that caught his attention was that the Anima Followers
had got hold of the Egg. He wants to check it.

You'll get a new member, Raymond. Exit the town and go to the Ruins of Hahn.
I'm sure you know this place pretty much by now. Enter from the south
entrance. Head down and go to the place where you couldn't enter before. Go
right to the next screen from there (there's 500 cr below the stairs. A man
blocking your way to a door in the upstairs--remember this spot). Then go all
the way up to the next screen from there. Note: talk to all Faith followers
if you want to, there are items (moneys) behind some of them--pick these
items after Gustave scene.

Go up then right to the next screen (there will be a man and a woman blocking
an item). Go back then go down and enter the door below. There's an item
blocked by a man and a woman on the left. Just ignore them by now, go up to
the next screen. A door in the upper left corner is a dead end. Just go right
to the next screen. Go right again to find the High Priest, Wil will says

In the same time, a brigade of Gustave's army arrived, ready to annihilate
the Anima Faith followers (he claimed the Anima followers as the men that
must responsible for the Philippe death). The followers will be panic--this
letting you to pick the item that was blocked before (1713 cr, 1858 cr, 1429
cr). Go through the door that was blocked by a man before. Move forward and
you'll face some monsters (fish??). Prepare for an easy battle. (note: items
found in this area: ark stone, 500 cr, alligator shoes, 1713 cr, 1858 cr,
1429 cr).

Wil vs Egg 1257
Wil heard a rumor about the Egg, saying that it is in the pirate's hand by
now. In order to get the Egg, Wil spread a rumor to some informers about a
highly value Quell being discovered in certain towns. Since he, as a famous
digger Tycoon Wil, was the one that spread it, the informer believed his
words. Wil has already known that the informer works for the pirates. This
should draw the pirates to the town. He will then use this chance to sneak to
the pirate's ship and find the Egg.

Worrying about the townspeople safety, Narcisse doesn't agree with Wil's
plan. They were almost in fight when Tyler then says that he will gives a
hand to defend the townspeople safety.

After that scene you will now controlling Tyler. Exit the bar and go to the
City of Night. Note: there's a man that will exchange three kinds of orbs or
a mushroom tear with a cat's eye (I spend lots of time seeking a mushroom
tear in Hahn Nova, hoping it would be traded a great item by the man. But
the result is a cat's eye too??!!). Go to the room where there are
panels to switch the city lamp. Talk to Gustave there. Gustave will say that
Wil has already told him about the pirates. Hearing this, Tyler wondering why
Wil didn't explain it to Narcisse.

Now Gustave will accompany you. Since Gustave is in your party, you don't
need to worry about the enemies here. Defeat all the enemies here, including
the pirates (you can turn off the city lamp to take some items again.
Unfortunetly the items are the same as before). After defeating all the
enemies go to the place where you used to meet Alexei (Infilterate!Alexei
Gang scenario). Talk to the pirate and you will face a battle against Wyvern.

The scene then will switch into Wil. Go to the orb room and talk to a lady.
You will fight her. Go to the right from there, to the pirate's captain room.
Fight the slime there. After that go to the room below the orb room, upper
than your first spot. Fight the monsters there and check the thing like item
there. This item is actually a cork for the ship's hole. Then go to the deck
and fight the man there, use your best arts. The ship will begin to sink
after that.

Into the Forest 1275
Using an old document, Eleanor, Patrick, Raymond, and Rich--Wil's son head
for an ancient city, deep in the forest.

Look at the forest map (you can look at your map by entering the item screen
and use it). Your destination is to find a tower to the north. But it's not
as simple as its look. The layout isn't look like in the map. Sometimes when
you change screen and go back one step to the previous screen, it's not the
same screen as before!

I'm not sure about the way, but try my method if you want. Explore all the
way there (don't miss anything). After you've explored each inch of the
dungeon layout, move your step to the room with a circle in the middle of it
(this isn't the room where you start your journey from). You'll face a giant
monster, Wood Guard. Defeat him. (note: item found: ark stone, star dust).

After that (again, not really sure ..^_^'), explore the dungeon once more,
then go back to the circle room. From there go up to the next screen. If it
works, the screen above is a different screen as before (maybe I'm just lucky
to find it). Go down from there and enter the tower. Take a blast sword in
the upper left. Keep moving, pick the treasure along the way (there are
anthurium and a wysteria bow outside). You'll soon face another monster, Tree
Folk. Go all the way up to finish the scenario.

To the Monster Nest 1276
Go to the left, then climb the stair to the next screen. Go down to the next
screen to pick a lake robe. Go back, and enter the cave to the right. Next,
go down and exit the cave. There's a blue chip below. Go up from there. There
are two treasure boxes (a coral ring and a red ore) surrounded by four
gremlins--remember this spot. Go right from there.

Pick all items in this screen (1000 cr, wind shell, 1000 cr, and a ranger
bow), then go to the lower right screen (the upper right screen leads to a
scale visor). Go down two next screens to enter the Mine.

Explore the Mine (actually, there's nothing you can do here). Exit the Mine
then. Eleanor will say something. Go back to the place where four gremlins
surrounded two treasure boxes. Defeat the Gargoyle to finish the scenario.

Life Tree Island 1277
One day, Narcisse asks Rich, Wil's son, to go to a certain island and bring
back the seeds of a tree that grows there. Wil must do this job alone. He is
told not to tell the task to anybody else. Sounds like an easy job, Wil asks
Narcisse why doesn't he do it on his own. Narcisse says that he has already
too old for this kind of journey.

Borrow the boat in the town then go to the Fairy Island. Enter the cave above
you (there's an ark stone near your first spot). Inside, go through the upper
left of the screen. In the next screen, climb the rope on the ship, then move
to the lower left screen. Go up from there. You can take an ark stone in the
lower left and in the middle right. Ignore them, just go to the upper left
screen. Go up another screen to find the tree. Pick all the seeds there.

Go back to the ship in the middle of the cave. Climb down the robe. There
will be a scene, the ship will move and as usual, a boss (Mother Grendel)
will appear. His attack, big hammer, sometimes can be very annoying. Maybe
you'll need to recover your HP often. But the good thing is she doesn't have
a large amount of HP.

After defeating the boss, exit the cave and go back to your boat. Go back to
Westia. Report your mission to Narcisse. After that, exit the house, Rich
will sense a creepy feeling. A child carrying an Egg walks in front of him.
Rich feels scary about this thing and returns home to discuss it with his
father. After the scene, go back to Narcisse's house and talk to him.

To the Fossil Caves 1280
A cave with a never before seen fossil of giant creature is discovered in the
north continent. As a professional digger, Rich goes to explore the cave.

You'll controlling Rich at North Gate, the gateway to northern continent. Go
to cave in the middle right of the town. Don't do anything, exit the cave and
go to the bar. This will trigger a scene about you and your old companion,
Eleanor and Raymond (they won't appear if you don't enter the cave first).
Ask 'em to join. There's a girl (Diana) in the bar too. Ask her to join.

Now enter the cave. Go to the upper right screen from there (skeleton in the
lower right room is actually a bone glove). In the next screen there's an
item (scale visor, I think) down in the middle of the room. The upper right
screen will lead to a dead end, don't waste your time going there.

Go to the most right corner to the next screen. You will see a skeleton (a
real skeleton this time). Proceed through the room above. Take the fossil
dagger in the upper left screen. Take a lava shield near there. Keep moving
to the right. Get a skeleton and a lava shield (again??) along the way.

After a few walk you will face a boss, Fossil Beast. After defeating him, go
right to the next screen, the bridge will collapse. This will make a hole in
the room below. Just go down and enter the room. Reach the shiny green thing

To Cast a Rainbow 1285
To fulfill his girl's (Julie? How about Diana?) dream, Rich is planning to
refresh the water tower. Go to the town to seek for information. Go to the
bar there, talk to Eleanor. She, together with Sargon, will join you to
refresh the tower.

Go back to the water tower. The right underground passage will lead you to
some items (a coral ring and a coral spear). Other than those items, there's
nothing you can do here.

Go to the left underground passage. There's a bone-breastplate below. Go to
the most left screen and go to the next room. Go left again. To the up is an
empty room with an ark stone. Just go down to the right screen. Examine the
water generator there. Rich will notice that it's still works, only needs
some replacement on its part.

Go down from there. Then go to the lower left screen to find the second
generator. Examine the generator and you will find the replacement item
there. Now go back to the first generator to replace the broken part. You can
take a rock heart in the room below the first generator room (enter through
the lower right corner of the screen).

From the first generator room, go up to the next room. Take a spring orb
along the way. Down in the lower right screen is a flame rod. Just go up to
the next room. Go down from there. The third generator is here. Just ignore
it, go right to the next screen. There's a blue water in this room--remember
this spot. Go down to the lower left screen. Examine the fourth generator
there (there's a crystal wing behind).

Now go back to the third generator. Examine the generator. Go right to the
next room from there. Go to the most right screen (the spot where you take a
blue water from). Examine the dead end road, and you can go up to the next

Examine all generators in your way to the top of the tower. Take a gem band
along the way. Then the last, examine the most top generator.

Return of the Egg 1290
Diana goes to North Gate to tell Rich about their unborn baby. Before Rich
says anything, a girl with the Egg walks near them to the bar. Diana gets
angry and run to the dock.

Go to the bar. Enter the room below and talk to the girl. Rich will warn the
girl not to do anything stupid or she will regret. But the Egg-girl doesn't
afraid to Rich.

After that go to the dock and talk to Diana. Rich explain to her about the
situation. He tells her to leave the town immediately and go to his father
home in Wide. Diana feels worry about Rich, but Rich promises that he will
come home in the day their baby born.

Misty's Plot 1290
A mysterious epidemic befalls the townspeople of North Gate, putting them all
into a strange coma disease. Rich, knowing that the epidemic caused by the
Egg, goes to find the Egg-girl (Misty).

Go to the bar and talk to the bartender. The bartender will says that Misty,
the Egg-girl, headed for the bone cave. Enter the cave after that. Then go to
the most right screen. Go to the next room. Go down from there. Keep moving
to the next screen. Go up to the left screen. Keep moving until you see her
above you.

Enter the room to the left. Keep moving to find a place where Misty stands.
Reach the light blue Egg there. Misty creates a quell that absorbs anima and
puts it into another object. This process will probably resurrects an already
dead thing (maybe Gustave is resurrected by this and become the fake Gustave,
well..just maybe). You will then fight a boss, Anima Beast.

Deadly Battle with the Egg 1291
As usual, go talk to the bartender. Go to the cave after that. Rich is
wondering why he has to fight this Egg-girl, not to live with his family in

You will be transported to the Settlement. There, talk to the girl beside the
house. She will tell you that Misty waits for you in the middle of the ruins
(Insect Megalith Ruins).

Go to the left of the village to enter the ruin. Climb the root, then go
down. Go down to the next room. Go to the left if you want to get a silver
gloves (you will have to fight a tough monster..forgot the name). Down to the
middle left will lead you to a stardust robe. Go down to the right to make
your character looks tiny. Watch the route. Your goal is to make your way to
the upper right screen (there's an item along the way).

Keep moving until you find Misty. You will have to fight two monsters before
you get an option: fight her/not gonna harm a lady. If you choose the second
choice you will face another monster. Just choose the first one to end this
scenario. Sadly, Rich can't keep his promise to Diana.

Ginny's Departure 1305
Ginny is now fourteen years old. It's an age when she will face a big
adventure on her own.

One day, a messenger for Master Ventarbre comes to Wil's home. The messenger
says that his master, Ventarbre, request Wil to come to Thermes to discuss an
important matter. It is, of course, about the Egg. Hearing this, Wil agrees
to go. Ginny wants to follow, but is told by Wil not to leave her mother

In the night, Ginny disobeys her grandpa's order. She sneaks out the house,
looking for a way to Thermes. Bad for her, she stowes away a wrong ship and
get caught. The ship captain locks her in the deck.

Fortunately, a woman rescues her. In the morning Ginny and the woman are
almost escape when the pirates chase them and able to catch them on the port.
Again, lucky, a mediator named Roberto pass by and helps them. They're saved,
in one condition, have to pay the ship they lost.

Ginny's Adventure 1305
With the help from her new friends, Ginny begins her first adventure as a
real digger.

Do whatever you want in this town. After that go to the right of the town to
go to Giant Worm Hole. Actually there's nothing you need to do here. This
dungeon only offers you some items. If you don't want to take those items,
you can just go out whenever you want to finish this scenario. But, I suggest
you to take those items, cause some of them can be pretty handy.

Go to the place where you can see some insects were eating a big root. Go
down one screen and kill the monster there. Each time you kill one of them,
they will run to the screen above and they will start to eat the root too. Go
up to check the root condition then go down again to kill the monsters again.
Repeat those steps until the root is all eaten. This will allow you to cross
the root and go to the next screen.

Just explore the dungeon to take the items. The items I found: sea beast
horn, 5000 cr, ark stone, silver chain, blood, fossil sword. There are some
that you can pull in one of this dungeon room. Pulling it will make
an item drop from it. But sometime they don't drop item, but monster. The
items I found: obsidian axe, canary heat. Once you've done, exit the dungeon
and the scenario will finished.

Insect Megalith 1305
Feel boring, Ginny is so happy to hear Roberto's news about the next journey
that they will do. This time, they will explore the insect megalith, the same
megalith that is explored by Rich for the last time.

After the scene, go right (again, as usual ^_^) from the town to go to the
Settlement. Talk to the girl beside the inn. Then talk to Roberto. After that
go left from the town to go to insect megalith. Go to the place where Rich
fights Misty for their deadly duel. Prepare for battle. The monsters you have
to face is random, sometime, if you were lucky, you will face the weak enemy.
Better save the game before you fight them.

Pursuing the Egg 1305
Wil finally finds Ginny at North Gate in his way to Thermes, Wil asks Ginny
to come along with him. Roberto, Gustaf, and Primiera accompany her as well.
Five of them then head for Thermes.

You may want to buy some steel equipments here. They're pretty good. After
that go to the bar and talk to Ventarbre. Ventarbre asks Wil to help him
eliminating all impostors of Gustave. As the most of them is the famous Egg-
Gustave who is in Hahn Nova now, Wil is asked by Ven to head for Hahn Nova.
Of course, Wil always agrees if it is about 'Egg'.

You can go to district areas if you want. After that go to the commons area.
Wil will senses the Egg power within the fake Gustave. Since he has sensed
the Egg, the Egg must have sensed his anima as well. That's why they have to
leave the place immediately.

There are some items in the cave above (wild rose, 8000 cr, hydra suit, heavy
armor, snake staff), but if you take the items, you have to fight some
monsters in your way out from the cave. After that, just go down all the way
to exit the place.

Battle of South Moundtop 1305
Ginny and friends are in the top of a hill, watching the condition of the
battle between the Count of Jade's army and the fake Gustave's army. Both
army sides have been staring at each other for two days without doing
anything. This is because the Count of Jade is still waiting for the
reinforcement army from the Duke of Laubholz's. In the other side, the
impostor awaits the return of the force which dispatched the northern army.
Note: you can see this scenario clearly in Gustave's scenario.

Suddenly Gustaf (Philippe III's son) says that he want to help David, the
current Count of Jade. He says that he has ignored his father dying wishes
once and abandoned his home. He won't do the same mistake this time. He's
going to protect David. Then Ventarbre will gives him the Gustave's sword
(the best sword in this game, I think).

Into the Northern Continent 1306
After the battle of South Moundtop, the Egg disappears. In the Thermes' bar,
Wil's and the party get a news about the men they looked for in North Gate.
They then head for North Gate.

Exit the town and go to North Gate. Go right from the town and you will be
transported to the settlement. Go left from the town and you have to face 4
continuous battles.

The Last Megalith 1306
Finally, the last stage. There are 6 element bosses in this dungeon: tree,
stone, flame (Sargon), water, tone and beast. You can skip all of them if you
want. You will face water boss and flame boss in party battle mode. The rest
of them will face you in duel battle mode.

When you face the element bosses (except flame and water) you will be given
options: fight it/ignore it. If you choose the first option, your first
character in the reserve screen will fight it, while your main party retreat.
Each time you beat one element bosses, the final boss will lose one of his
element skills.

Walkthrough: go along the one way route until the road splits. To the left is
a Water Lords (water boss). If you want to skip it just go down. (From this
point if you accidentally back one screen, the trap route will work. How do
you pass this? Watch the screen. There are 6 kinds of elements along the
route. What you need to do is keep going to the left until you are in the
water element (it's looks like a Slime for me) screen. Go down from there and
then go right, you will pass the trap route and can continue your walk).

Keep going until you face a beast boss. You can ignore it if you want. After
that, the bosses you will face are: tone boss, stone boss, tree boss, and
flame boss (Sargon). Not far from the flame boss, you will face your final
battle. A very tough battle.

You can see your chronicle by first entering the Atlas (press X in Atlas icon
on your left/right corner of the map). After that enter the chronological
table on the corner. Below is the chronicle I've got.
XXXXX years ago Birth of Mankind on Southern Continent
(the birth of mankind occurs on the Southern Continent, before it becomes a

-2000 Spell Arts are discovered in Weissland
(spell arts are discovered in Weissland. A vast migration occurs, due to a
population explosion)

-400 Hahn expansion begins
(mankind quickly expands their power with the help of Quells)

0 The Empire is established
(the occumulation of Quells gives birth to a giant empire)

374 Rebellion of Nika
(this small rebellion sparks the beginning of the downfall of the Empire)

400 Migration to Southern Continent begins
(people of the Eastern Continent migrate to the Southern Continent. Spell
Arts expand to the Southern Continent)

465 Fall of the Empire
(the third assault on Hahn Nova completely destroys the Empire)

800 "Tool" invented in Southern Continent
(the system of producing Tools begins in Vogelang)

1000 "Tool" introduced to Eastern Continent
(the use of Spell Arts with Tools flourishes in the Eastern Continent)

1087 Gustave VIII, Marquis of Berth, takes over Finney Island
(the Finney Kingdom is born)

1278 Gustave XII and the Marquise of Nohl, Sophie weds
(the Finney Kingdom gains control of the Nohl territory)

1220 Gustave XIII is born
(a prince is born in the Finney Kingdom, Thermes, between Gustave XII and

1220 William Knights is born
(three days after the birth of Gustave, Henry Knights and Catherine have a

1221 Kelvin is born
(Thomas, Count of Jade, has a son)

1222 Philippe is born
(the second child between Gustave XII and Sophie is born)

1224 Egg is discovered
(the Sergein brothers excavate the Egg from the desert Megalith)

1227 Marie is born
(the third child between Gustave XII and Sophie is born)

1227 Gustave is banished
(Gustave is banished from the castle after failing the Firebrand Ceremony)

1227 Gustave is exiled
(Gustave and Sophie take refuge in Gruegel with the help of Cielmer)

1227~32 Gustave in Gruegel
(Gustave lives through a rough childhood in Gruegel)

1233 Gustave relocates to Jade
(Gustave begins forging a steel sword after moving to Jade)

1235 Gustave uses a steel sword in battle
(Gustave joins up with Kelvin to rescue Flynn from the thugs)

1235 Wil journeys to the Ruins of Hahn
(Wil discovers a Quell in the Ruins of Hahn on his first journey as a digger)

1236 Wil journeys to the desert Megalith
(Wil decides to solve the mystery of the desert Megalith but is unsuccessful)

1236 Gustave encounters Leslie once again
(they see each other for the first time in four years)

1238 Wil infiltrates Alexei's Gang
(Wil infiltrates the gang of Alexei, prossessor of the Egg)

1239 Wil - Showdown with Alexei
(Wil defeats Alexei in the granite Quarry. However, Aunt Nina does not

1239 Sophie passes away
(Sophie, Gustave's mother, dies of illness at the age 39)

1240 Gustave takes Wide
(Gustave successfully captures Wide behind the back of Nebelstern. Gustave
makes Wide as his stonghold)

1243 Finney Kingdom unites Merchmin
(Gustave XII removes the Marquis of Otto and completes his unification)

1244 Wil undertakes a mining job
(prospecting in the Svendorf Mine ends with the appearance of monsters)

1245 Marie marries Cantal, Marquis of Otto
(the Finney Kingdom gains half of the Otto territory through this marriage)

1245 Gustave XII dies
(Gustave XII dies suddenly during his southern campaign. There are rumors of
an assassination)

1246 Wil journeys beyond Grand Valley
(on his way to Weissland, Wil journeys south and passes through the canyons
of Grand Valley)

1247 Wil journeys to the glacier Megalith
(Wil is referred to as Tycoon Wil, after successfully exploring the glacier

1247 Gustave lands on the Eastern Continent
(vying for position as the heir, the two Gustaves begin their battle)

1248 Battle of Buckethill
(Gustave XIV loses to Gustave's steel army)

1248 Gustave enters Thermes Castle
(he returns home after 20 its ruler)

1249 Construction of Hahn Nova begins
(construction begins in the land of the ancient empire as a base to conquer
the world)

1250 Philippe fails the Firebrand Ceremony
(Philippe, who aimed to be the king, fails the ceremony)

1251 Svendorf mine collapses
(the mine collapses, possibly due to excessive mining. Wil barely escapes
with his life)

1255 Richard Knights is born
(Tycoon Wil's son is born)

1255 Philippe II is assassinated
(he is assassinated immediately after the ceremony. He is 7. Shocked,
Philippe transforms into a dragon)

1256 Gustave assaults the Anima Followers
(Gustave announces the intent to eradicate the Anima Followers, Philippe's

1256 Wil heads for the hidden base of the Anima Followers
(Wil looks for the Anima Faith, prossessors of the Egg, but gets caught up in
Gustave's assault on the Faith)

1257 Wil duels with the Egg
(Wil duels the Egg on the pirates ship and sinks the Egg to the bottom of the

1260 Gustave encounter Johan
(the assassin, Johanne, encounters Gustave and becomes Johan, his bodyguard)

1264 Nebelstern dies
(Gustave loses one of his greatest allies)

1269 Gustave dies
(Gustave, the hero of his generation, dies at 49)

1270 Cantal, the Marquis of Otto, gains control of the Merchmin territory
(Cantal gains popularity in Merchmin through tactical manipulation)

1271 Hahn Nova is detroyed by fire
(Kelvin retreats from Hahn Nova because of pressure from Cantal. The city
becomes a sea of flame)

1275 Eleanor explores the tower in the forest
(Eleanor discovers the tower in the forest)

1276 Eleanor goes to the lair of monsters
(Eleanor defeats the gargoyle in the lair of monsters)

1277 Rich - Encounter with the Egg
(Rich encounters a girl with the Egg after visiting the island of the tree of

1280 Rich journeys to the dungeon of fossils
(Rich tries to strike it rich on the Northern Continent)

1285 Rich journeys to the Water Tower
(Rich paints the sky with a rainbow)

1288 Cantal dies
(the man known as the Mephistophelian hero finally dies)

1289 Edmund, Duke of Laubholz, intervenes in the Heir War
(the daughter of Cantal, Nicolette, convinces Edmund to begin military

1289 King Sho of Na summons Kelvin
(King Sho, doubting Kelvin's intentions, summons him)

1290 Rich encounters the Egg once again
(the young girl who possessed the Egg has grown up)

1290 Battle of Salisbury
(Kelvin defeats Edmund's army)

1290 Rich battles the Egg in the dungeon of fossils
(Rich stops the Egg's plan and shows his power)

1291 Virginia Knights is born
(Richard Knights' daughter is born)

1291 Rich battles the Egg for the last time
(Rich takes his own life when the Egg almost possesses him)

1292 Kelvin dies
(Kelvin, Count of Jade, dies. He is 71)

1300 First appearance of Fake Gustave
(among all the impostors, the most famous fake Gustave appears)

1301 Sargon, the first Edelritter
(fake Gustave's loyal and powerful vassals, the Edelritters, are born)

1303 King Sho of Na dies - Peace Conference begins
(King Sho is 74. The peace conference begins)

1305 Ginny runs away
(Ginny, the granddaughter of Tycoon Wil, goes on her own adventure)

1305 Ginny's first adventure
(the adventure in the Northern Continent)

1305 Ginny journeys to the insect Megalith
(the adventure at the giant insect Megalith)

1305 Ginny goes to Thermes
(Ginny obtains information about the fake Gustave in Thermes)

1305 Battle of Hahn Nova
(fake Gustave's army defeats the Jade army and the Count of Jade, Charles,
dies in the process)

1305 Ginny infiltrates fake Gustave's military camp
(it is discovered that the mystery behind the fake Gustave is the Egg)

1305 Battle of South Moundtop
(David, Count of Jade, commands the united armies of the feudal lords and
defeats fake Gustave)

1305 Hahn Nova Treaty
(the very first worldwide peace treaty)

1306 Ginny journeys to the Northern Continent
(Ginny journeys to the Northern Continent--?)

1306 Ginny and friends battle with the Egg
(Ginny and friends battle with the Egg--?)

1. me, of course!
2. GameFAQs for publishing my FAQ.
3. Honk for his computer.
4. Hanes Tj for lending me his CD (I don't have my own ).
5. Marcus for the CD, PAR, lots info.
6. My eyes.
7. Squaresoft.

next update: arts move (maybe)
PAR Code (not really sure)
minor update (if I have time ^_^)


Finally done. Saga Frontier 2 FAQ.
Hope it would be useful for you. See you..


Copyright (C) 2000, Nico Soe.

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Combo FAQ

14.Octombrie 2013
Battle of Moundtop FAQ

17.Octombrie 2013

13.Octombrie 2013
Europe / American Version FAQ

14.Octombrie 2013
PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version.

16.Octombrie 2013
Patch für die Europäische [deutschsprachig]e PAL Version.

15.Octombrie 2013
Patch für die Europäische Französiche PAL Version.

17.Octombrie 2013
Patch für die Europäische italienische PAL Version.

15.Octombrie 2013
engl. Hinweis
10.Octombrie 2008

17.Octombrie 2013
engl. FAQ
10.Octombrie 2008
Instructions FAQ

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