Vagrant Story

Vagrant Story

17.10.2013 05:45:14
Vagrant Story FAQ
By: X-Calibur
Version 0.3
Copyright 2000 X-Calibur Productions

Table of Contents
1. Version History
2. Introduction
3. Walkthrough [incomplete]
4. Battle Abilities [incomplete]
5. Items [incomplete]
6. Credits

Version History

Version 0.3 – 07/05/00
- Added Abandoned Mines B2 Walkthrough
- Minor grammar changes
- Please Read Introduction for more details

Version 0.26 – 06/10/00
- Added Battle Abilities list
- Revised strats for Wyvern and Duane
- Confirmation that Sydney CAN be killed in fight against Grissom
- Please Read Introduction for more details

Version 0.25 – 05/22/00
- Added Undercity West and Snowfly Forest walkthrough
- Finished Abandoned Mines B1 walkthrough
- Changed "Crimson Knights" to Duane, guessing the leader was Duane,
Grissom kept on referring to his brother that was killed so I'm
guessing this is him; I called the other 2 "knights", if anyone can
get me accurate information on the names of the "Crimson Knights"
that would be greatly appreciated =)
- More minor revisions
- Updated Items list

Version 0.2 – 05/19/00
- Added Abandoned Mines to walkthrough
- Added Credits section
- Minor revisions, added solution to Sanctum puzzle

Version 0.15 - 05/15/00
- Finished and revised the walkthrough for the Sanctum.

Version 0.1 – 05/14/00
- Updated and revised walkthrough
- Added Items section - incomplete
- Added Hints and Tips section
- Added FAQ section

Version 0.05 – 05/09/00
- Very first one! Started walkthrough.


Well, this is my very first FAQ. I am writing this FAQ while playing it
through trying to make sure I get every last bit of detail =P

As of April 11th, 2001, I have stopped updating this FAQ and answering
e-mails. I have too much to do in life and been busy for the last long
while, I'll finish this FAQ when I get around to it, just like to thank
all who helped me out, until my next update, c ya!

Updated versions of this FAQ can be found at:

GameFAQs –

There may be other various places this FAQ can be found, but I have lost
contact with the other people and stopped keeping track. If you want to
use this FAQ on your site then go ahead, just let me know though.


It seems that when I started my FAQ is screwed up with the revision
numbers =P So I have fixed the numbers and this FAQ of mine you are
reading is the most up to date version (as of April. 11, 2001).

Hints and Tips

- Rotate the camera angle in every room, you'll never know what you'll
find around high areas
- When fighting a boss, check what type it is, use a weapon aligned with
that affinity to get more effective damage inflicted, a –8 dragon
affinity won't hurt a dragon much, but an 8 affinity will make a BIG
difference, sometimes it could mean life or death.
- Learn to chain attacks VERY well. I don't know how others do it, but I
watch the animation and press the button just before Ashley's attack
connects to the enemy. Or you could press it when the exclamation mark
appears, I find my way easier =P Don't forget you can chain MORE THAN
ONCE and learn how to time it all really well. My average chain on an
enemy is 10+ times. If you master this technique, the game should go WAY
- Early in the game, when you get your first chance to combine stuff,
combine the Fandango and Rapier to form a Spatha which is quite useful.

Many of you have been e-mailing me questions that were already asked and
I've been replying with the same messages, so I thought this would help
all of us out, you would get your answer faster and I would have less
things to reply to =P

1) How do I beat the Golem in the Sanctum?
Use the Bosom Cleaver with the Braveheart attached to it. Refer to
the walkthrough for more details.

2) How do I kill that damn dragon?
Refer to walkthrough for details, if all else fails e-mail me.

3) Are you making a combination section?
Not yet, I plan on completing the walkthrough or half of it before I
start on that.

4) May I use your FAQ on my website?
Go ahead, just send me an e-mail at to let
me know though.

Wine Cellar

Items: Tovarisch, Seventh Heaven, Buckler, Leather Glove, Reinforced
Glove, Cure Bulbs x10, Vera Bulbs x5, Cure Root x3, Vera Root x3, Cure

After the intro is over, go into the next room. To your left should be a
chest and your right a save point. Get the chest (Tovarisch, Buckler,
Leather Glove, Cure Bulbs x5, Vera Bulbs x5) and save if you want. Equip
the leather glove to your right hand and the buckler to your left and
proceed to the next room. Immediately, press the O button to ready
battle mode and tap it again to bring up the attack screen, the bat in
this room should be in range, one strike is all it takes to bring it
down. Press X to cancel battle mode and climb up the crates to reach
over the wall and into the next room. In this room you will here two
guards talking, after the scene, go up the stairs. Note there is a Trap:
Heal Panel in the little space next to the wall by the stairs leading up
to the door. This panel can be used repeatedly, so use it whenever your
low on hp. Remember this room! You will come back here later to open the
door you can't open yet! In the next room, after the scene, the two
knights will come at you. Don't get caught fighting both of them at the
same time (although it isn't hard, but you get hit hard). After taking
them out, climb back up onto the higher section and jump onto the
floating tile in this room. Note there is a save point here and a
container here. Take the floating tile across and enter the next room.
In the next room, take out the enemies and climb up the stairs, walk
against the wall towards the door, there is a Trap: Gust in the middle
area by the door, so keep to the wall. In the next room, defeat the
knight and climb over the ledge by using the crates. The knight on the
other side has a crossbow, so running from him won't safe you much.
Proceed to the next room after and kill the two bats here. Climb up onto
the upper left ledge and enter the side door. Upon entering, the door
will be locked, kill the bat in this room before it gets you, then
finish off the two Silver Wolves in this room. The door should unlock
afterwards. Grab the chest in this room and leave. (Seventh Heaven,
Reinforced Glove, Cure Root x3, Vera Root x3). Back in the room you came
from, head towards the other door you haven't been yet. In this new
room, you will have to carry a crate over to the other side to use to
get up onto the ledge and into the next room. In this room, check the
door, after the scene, carry a crate next to the ledge where the lever
is, once up there, pull the lever. You will now have 3 seconds to get
down and enter the door before it closes. After you get in, save your
game and grab the chest. (Cure Potion, Cure Bulb x5). Now enter the next
room and prepare to face your first boss =)

Boss: Minotaur
Special Attack(s): Giga Rush
Items Gained: Chamomile Sigil, Grimoire Guerir, Grimoire Debile

This boss is fairly easy, just get off the ledge once the battle starts
and rush him. Four blows to the head should kill him. The Minotaur's
Giga Rush attack doesn't do much either, so you should have absolutely
no problem beating him. After beating him, grab the chest in the
northern ledge of the room. (Pelta Shield, Vera Bulb x3, Yggdrasil's
Tears). Now attempt to exit the room and a scene with Sydney will start

After you are able to leave the room, you should now have chain and
defense skills. Pick the skills you like and practice using your chain
attacks on the "dummy" in that room. After you're done, you can save and
start heading back to the room with the door that the guards said you
couldn't open because of a Grimoire's doing. Back at that room, use the
Trap: Heal Panel here if you need to. (As explained earlier). Attempt to
open the door you couldn't before and you will automatically use the
Chamomile Sigil. You are now in the Catacombs.


Items: Rapier, Shandy Gaff, Soul Kiss, Knuckles x2, Bear Mask, Pink
Squirrel, Cross Guard, Rusty Nail, Cuirass, Long Boots, Braveheart,
Hearalis, Iocus, Cure Root x4, Cure Bulb x10, Mana Root x3, Elixir of
Kings, Elixir of Queens x2, Spirit Orison x3, Eye of Argon x3, Grimoire
Antidote, Lily Sigil

Upon entering the Catacombs, a scene with a Zombie Knight will occur.
Defeat the Zombie Knight and it will drop a Rapier. In the next room,
stay on the ledge you start on upon entering and attack the Zombie,
Ghoul, and Zombie Knight from above. The Zombie and Ghoul will both drop
Cure Roots x2 each, and the Zombie Knight will drop a Cure Bulb. In the
next room, you will face to Silver Wolves, defeat them and cure yourself
if you need to with the Grimoire Guerir, if you haven't used it yet.
Make sure your risk level is at 0, then go through the double doors for
another boss!

Boss: Dullahan
Special Attack(s): Life Drain
Items Gained: Elixir of Queens, Elixir of Mages, Grimoire Lux

Ok, this boss could be quite hard, you better know how to defend and
chain by now, cause you'll need it. Use Impact Guard when the Dullahan
attacks and chain your attacks with Gain Life and Heavy Shot. Make sure
your hp stays over 150 at all times. He will use his Drain Life spell on
you every now and then, now is a good time to use Grimoire Debile on the
Dullahan if you haven't used it yet. This guy's weakness is the abdomen
(I think), he'll go down after MANY slashes, and make sure your risk
level is LOW!

After the Dullahan is defeated, get the chest in the room (Rusty Nail,
Braveheart, Cure Bulb x3), and proceed to the next room.

In this room should be a save point and a container. Use the container
if you want and save. On the other side are two Trap: Heal Panels, use
them to gain life and enter the next room. Nothing special in this room,
just proceed after you kill the enemies here. In the next room, kill the
Hellhound and walk against the wall towards the door, there is a Trap:
Freeze in this room around the middle area. In this room, you will face
two new enemies, an Acrid Slime and a Skeleton. Take out the Acrid Slime
first by using the Grimoire Lux on it. In this room is a hidden path.
Bring the crate across the room to the other side (turn the camera
angles to find the hidden path indicated by the green arrow) and use the
crate to get up. In the hidden room, kill that dumb Skeleton and get the
chest (Pink Squirrel, Cross Guard, Cuirass, Long Boots, Iocus, Mana Root
x3, Cure Bulb x3). Return to the previous room and proceed through the
other door. In this room Ashley will say you'd need an earthquake to get
through the main door. Go through the side door and you will confront a
ghost. The ghost is fairly easy if you know what to do. You will have 1
minute to kill it before the ghost will disappear and you'll have to
start over again. Run from the ghost and make it appear near you, never
run after the ghost. When it appears near you, attack it and chain with
Heavy Shot. Defend with Impact Guard when it uses it's special attacks
on you. After defeating it, you will get Elixir of Kings and three Cure
Bulbs. Get the chest (Shandy Gaff, Knuckles, Elixer of Queens) and leave
the room.

Back in this room and earthquake will occur and the hinges will be
knocked off of the door. You can now proceed into the next room. In the
new room, defeat the enemies and search for a hidden door in the top
left area. Use the push block and place it under the hidden area. Use
the crate and put it on top of the push crate, now use it to get up. In
the hidden room, defeat all the enemies and find the corner where two
push crates are. Destroy the destructible one and push the
indestructible one against the edge of the higher area where the chest
is located. Get the crate in this room and stack it on top of the push
block and get up the ledge. You will have to push the push block at the
top under the chest before you can get it. (Soul Kiss, Targe, Knuckles,
Bear Mask, Spirit Orison x3, Eye of Argon x3). Return to the previous
room and enter the door at the top right area to proceed. In this room,
you will have to solve the puzzle here to get cross. Bring a crate to
the other side first. While on the other side, roll the push block under
the other push block on the edge. Climb up the push block and push the
push block on the edge towards the other side. Push it off the ledge and
use it to bring another crate across. Stack the two crates together and
climb up the higher ledge to proceed. When you reach the room with a
save point, there are four paths here. Take the left door to enter a
workshop, deposit some spare weapons in the container here, combine the
Pelta Shield and the Targe to make a Quad Shield. Attach whatever gem
you want to it and proceed through the right door in the previous room.
From this point on, all paths leading right are not necessary to go to
but to complete a proportion of the map, but if you don't care about the
map, continue heading straight until you reach a room where two
Lizardman will attack. Kill the two Lizardman and you should gain the
Lily Sigil, along with other items. Return to the room with the huge
double-doors and enter the next room. You will now have to solve a
puzzle to enter the Sanctum.

The crates look something like this:
1-4 are push crates
5-6 are stack crates
G represents the gap

1 2 G 3 4 5

Destroy 1, Push 2 next to 3
Stack 6 on top of 2
Stack 5 on top of 3
Climb onto 4 and stack 5 on top of 6

Results should look like this:

2 3 4

Now climb up onto 5 and climb over to enter the Sanctum.


Items: Bosom Cleaver, Dragonite, Cure Bulb x2, Elixer of Dragoons,
Grimoire Ameliorer, Grimoire Halte

Upon entering, head straight, defeat the bats and climb up the upper
ledge in this room by jumping onto the shelves. In the next room, defeat
the enemies and continue shelf hopping until you reach a chest, get the
chest and exit the room. (Bosom Cleaver, Dragonite, Grimoire Halte).
Head for the door in front of you, there is nothing special in this
room, just to get it marked on your map. After you exit the room, head
right. Defeat the enemies here and equip the Bosom Cleaver and attach
the Braveheart on it. Enter the next room and you will fight the boss.

Boss: Golem
Special Attack(s): Granite Punch
Items: Cure Bulb x2, Elixer of Dragoons, Grimoire Ameliorer

This guy is really easy if you have the right equipment. Use the Bosom
Cleaver and attach to it the Braveheart. Several swings with this weapon
should take him down fast, aim for the body! Never run away or let
distance come between you and the Golem, or else he'll use his Granite
Punch attack.

Another way to beat it is by combining your Rapier and Fandango to make
a stronger weapon to kill it, with the Braveheart attached.

After defeating the Golem, head back to the entrance of the Sanctum and
enter the left door. Defeat the enemies here and destroy the push crates
around the normal crate. Then use the normal crate and boost yourself up
the ledge, take the floating tile across. In the next room, there will
be a save point and a container. After your done saving, enter the door.

Boss: Dragon
Special Attacks: Tail Attack, Thermal Breath
Items: Cure Bulb x3, Elixir of Sages, Grimoire Analyse

Ok, this has to be one of the first bosses you actually may struggle at
and find impossible. Use the Fandango (your starting weapon) and run up
close to the dragon, never let distance come between you and the dragon.
Start running in circles and attack either the leg or the head. You can
do more damage to the head, but less accuracy. Vice versa for the leg.
Keep your risk no higher than 30 and hp above 120. When your hp is 150
or higher, use your Break Arts on the dragon. As long as you keep on
staying close to him and circle him during the whole fight, the dragon
won't even get a chance to hit you, unless you stop your attacks to
decrease your risk, then the dragon will hit you. This boss took me only
three tries to beat, if your having troubles, e-mail me and I'll see
what I can do for you.

Town Center West

Items: Magnolia Frau, Wizard Robe, Crimson Key, Grimoire Demolir,
Grimoire Clef

From the entrance, head left to the next screen and enter the first
house, it's a workshop. After your done with whatever, continue
proceeding on this screen and turn left to a cliff, there is a Trap:
Heal Panel here. Then proceed to the next screen, after the scene here,
return to the entrance and go the other path, after the scene here, you
in for a tough fight.

Boss: Duane + 2 Crimson Knights
Special Attack(s): Explosion Lv.1, Poison Mist
Items: Magnolia Frau, Wizard Robe, Crimson Key, Grimoire Demolir,
Grimoire Clef

Take the Knights down with a spear weapon with the Haeralis gem attached
and standing in the bottom area, waiting for them to come one by one.
Also, poisoning the knights here help a lot too! Once the two Crimson
Knights are defeated, Duane will come after you, he has some devastating
spells, but should go down easily, I managed to trap him in the corner
and pound on him =)

After the Cardinal is defeated, go heal at the Trap: Heal Panel
mentioned above and return to the entrance, unlock the door with the
Crimson Key and you will enter the City Walls West.

City Walls West/Abandoned Mines B1

Items: Stinger, Chain Sleeve, Ring Sleeve x2, Ring Mail, Ring Leggings,
Chain Coif, Salamander Ring, Manabreaker, Undine Jasper, White Queen,
Fern Sigil, Hyacinth Sigil, Cure Bulb x3, Cure Tonic, Elixir of Kings,
Elixir of Sages, Grimoire Ignifuge, Grimoire Rempart, Grimoire Undine,
Grimoire Visible

From the start of the level, head straight a couple of screens until you
reach a fork. Take the right path first, you will need the unlock spell
to unlock the chest in one of the rooms to the right. (Stinger, Ring
Sleeve, Ring Mail, Ring Leggings, White Queen, Grimoire Visible). Then
return to the fork and enter the middle door. In the second room after
the fork, you will face a Wyvern.

Boss: Wyvern
Special Attack(s): Flame Breath
Items: Hyacinth Sigil, Cure Tonic, Grimoire Ingifuge

Attacking the bosses tail seems to be the most effective way. You could
try to get around it and attack the tail or just stand there and attack
with a crossbow. This boss shouldn't be that hard to kill.

After defeating the Wyvern, proceed through the door and defeat the
enemies there, continue through the rooms until you reach a door that
says "unlatched the door" upon opening. Enter the unlatched door and
climb your way up to the top of the room. There are two doors at the
top, the right door will take you to a treasure chest, (Chain Coif,
Undine Jasper, Fern Sigil). The other door takes you back to the fork,
which you may want to go to gain map area if you haven't already.
Otherwise grab the chest in the room to the right, and go through the
door that is locked with the Hyacinth Sigil. Upon entering, you will be
given 15 seconds to get to the other side before the door on the other
side is locked on you. After you get through that area, you should reach
another fork. Take the top path to find a chest in that room. (Chain
Sleeve, Salamander Ring, Manabreaker, Elixir of Sages, Grimoire Undine).
Now enter the right room from the fork to fight another boss!

Boss: Flame Spirit
Special Attack(s): Fire Ball, Flame Sphere Lv. 1, Recharge 100 MP
Items: Grimoire Flamme, Elixer of Queens, Mana Tonic

Equip yourself with the Rapier with the Undine Jasper attached to it.
Attach the Salamander Ruby to your Quad Shield (suppsoing you have one).
Equip the Salamander Ring on and make sure you have the Vile Scar Break
Art, if not, then GET IT! It will help you out alot! Take the boss down
with the Vile Scar, which should do around 30-40 damage. Just make sure
your HP is higher than 35 at ALL TIMES! The Flame Spirit has
approximately 320-350 HP. Also, use Fire Proof if your receiving over 38
damage from the Flame Spirit, otherwise use Frost Fusion to increase
your attack.

After defeating the Flame Spirit, you may want to return to the previous
room to save. Then continue through the door which unlocked after the
fight with the boss. After heading past several more rooms, you should

Boss: Ogre
Special Attack(s): none
Items: Cure Bulb x3, Elixir of Kings, Grimoire Rempart

If you have a weapon that can deal a fair amount of damage to it, then
use it along with the Vile Scar Break Art. Otherwise, if your stuck
hopeless like most, then just stand there and keep your HP above 200!
Let the boss attack you and use the defense ability Reflect Damage. The
first way is the best and easiest way, but if you don't have a weapon
that can deal more and 20 damage to it, then use the second way, which
requires 100% skill in timing! The boss should go down in 5 mins.

After beating the Ogre, attempt to proceed and a scene with Sydney and
Hardin will begin, after the scene, leave and you'll be back in the Town
Center West!

Town Center West

Items: none

You're now back in the town. This place is over run with knights so
equip a human killing weapon with the Haeralis gem attached. Take some
time whipping the knights out and exploring. You should gain many useful
armor and weapons, which you may even want to combine back at the
blacksmith. After your done exploring, head to "Rue Sant Dalsa" (refer
to map, should show up if you explored the area well) and look for an
upper opening on a building, climb up the higher ledge and enter. Make
your way through and you should exit on the other side of the gate you
couldn't get through. Defeat the knight there and proceed towards the
Undercity West.

Undercity West

Items: Cure Bulb x3, Elixir of Queens, Grimoire Sylphe

Equip yourself with an anti-undead weapon and make your way through
until you reach "The Mother Load". Head through the east door and you
will face another FREAKEN boss, except this is easier =)

Boss: Giant Crab
Special Attack(s): Tidal Rush
Items: Cure Bulb x3, Elixir of Queens, Grimoire Sylphe

At last! An easy boss! =) Just use a weapon good against beast type and
attack it's pincers. Vile Scar is good here. I was able to poison the
boss with it =) Just chain the boss to death =)

Proceed into the next room and you should reach a save point. From here,
head right and exit through the only unlock door in the room and you'll
be in Snowfly Forest.

Snowfly Forest

Items: Angel Wing, Corpse Reviver, Shillelagh, Circle Shield, Swan Song,
Demonia, Vera Potion x2, Vera Tonic x3, Cure Bulb x3, Elixir of Queens,
Bronze Key, Grimoire Annuler, Grimoire Gnome, Grimoire Parebrise,

Ok, this has to be the MOST ANNOYING MAZE in any game. You are hinted
with "follow the snowflies". What a great hint! Too bad there are
SNOWFLIES EVERYWHERE! Well, first off, you may explore the place all you
want to gain map info, but I don't think it's worth it, you may get lost
=P When your done doing whatever, return to the beginning of the forest
and proceed straight in the next two areas. Now start using your map,
I'm going to refer to areas by their names and using the compass so you
won't be lost. You should be at "Which Way Home", head east three
screens and you shall arrive at "Fluttering Hope", from there head south
and you will face another DRAGON!

Boss: Earth Dragon
Special Attack(s): Acid Breath, Tail Attack
Items: Bronze Key, Vera Potion, Grimoire Parebrise

Ok, this dragon is annoying, but I killed it first try, so you should
too. I had a crappy weapon at the time at did almost nothing to the
boss. So if your in the same situation, then walk close to it and start
attacking it with chains, when it attacks you with his head or tail, use
Reflect Damage and keep your HP ABOVE 150! After attacking him numerous
times with your crap weapon and reflecting the dragon's damage, he
should go down 8-12 mins. For those of you who do have an effective
weapon against the dragon..... CHAIN HIM TO DEATH! Vile Scar may be
effective. Also, use Grimoire Sylphe, Grimoire Rempart is useless.

After the battle, go south, continue through the next screen, south
again, west, then south. You should arrive at "Where Soft Rains Fell"
and encounter a Fire Elemental. This guy is a lot easier than the
previous. After your done defeating the elemental, head south and you
should find a save point and container. You can also head back to the
entrance of the forest (bad idea) or continue on. I don't know why you
want to head back to town via the forest entrance, so jump to the other
side by using the pedestals. Get the chest, (Knuckle Guard, Circle
Shield, Chain Mail, Sylphid Ring, Nightkiller, Acolyte's Nostrum,
Grimoire Agilite). Then proceed. From here, head East, South, follow the
path, East, North, North. There is a freaken Flame Elemental on the way
to rough you up for the upcoming battle. Make sure your all ready before
you continue, a tough fight is up ahead.

Boss: Grissom
Special Attack(s): Drain Mind, Lightning Burst Lv.2
Items: Shillelagh, Swan Song, Grimoire Annuler, Grimoire Gnome

Boss: Dark Crusader
Special Attack(s): Drain Heart, Prostasia
Items: Angel Wing, Grimoire Deteriorer, Elixir of Queens

This is one of my favourite battles =) You get to fight alongside
Sydney! He'll cast Prostasia and Heal on you. Sydney rarely attacks
though. Grissom can litereally KILL YOU IN ONE HIT! His Lightning Burst
Lv.2 attack is DEADLY! So you want to take him out first. Just attack
and chain his ass to death, and drain his MP! Once you have stopped him
from casting his Lightning Burst Lv.2 attack, take him out really fast!
He'll use Drain Magic on you to gain some MP back. This is the most
annoying boss there is.

After Grissom is dead, attack the Dark Crusader. His abdomen is the weak
spot. You may want to use Sydney as a human shield and let your RISK
deplete and recover HP and MP. Using Phantom Ache on this boss is quite
effective =) This guy should go down easily.

And for those of you curious about whether or not you can kill Sydney,
YES YOU CAN! Thanks to Todd for finding this out. Sydney CAN be killed
during the fight, but it is pointless, he will not fight back, nor will
his "death" change the story line. After the battle if you "killed"
Sydney, he will come back and the storyline resumes like nothing
happened. =P

After the scene that takes place between Ashley and Sydney, grab the
chest (Corpse Reviver, Circle Shield, Grimoire Demonia, Vera Tonic x3,
Cure Bulb x3). Then follow Sydney to the next screen and save.

City Walls South

Items: none

There isn't anything here, just kill the stupid Lizards and make your
way through. Most of the doors are locked in here. There should be a
door that takes you to town, take this opportunity to fight some knights
in town to gain some good equipment. Don't forget to take it all to the
workshop to improve all your equipment and repair. Once you're done
that, you may return to the City Walls South and continue along until
you find the entrance to The Keep.

The Keep

Items: none

This place is simple enough to navigate through. Make your way to the
save point and save, note there is a workshop adjacent to the door you
just came from. After you save, attempt to proceed and you will engage a
battle with the Riskbreaker, Rosencrantz. He's an easy opponent and you
should have a sword that has strong affinity against humans by now.
After he's gone, proceed on to the City Walls South once again.

City Walls South

Items: none

Defeat the two knights here and climb to the top of the northeast area
to find a hidden passage. You should arrive at Rue Faltes. Continue onto
Rue Morgue and unlock the door here with the Bronze key.

Abandoned Mines B2

Items: Grimoire Foudre, Mana Bulb

In the second area of the mines, you will come to a huge gap with a
cloudstone floating still high above. You will need to push the crate at
the beginning of the area off the ledge so you can stand on it. Then
destroy a crate on the stack and take the other to the gap. Change
camera views to align Ashley with the cloudstone and place it there. Use
the other crate behind Ashley and stack it on top. Climb onto the stack
and jump towards the cloudstone. Ashley should just barely make it and
will have to boost himself up. Jump across and continue on. Kill the
enemies in the next area and heal up. A nasty boss is up ahead.

Boss: Air Elemental
Special Attack(s): Lightning Bolt, Lightning Burst Lv.1
Items: Grimoire Foudre, Mana Bulb

Use Soil Fusion to enhance Ashley's earth affinity and use the Magnolia
Frau or any other weapon with strong phantom affinity against it. Keep
your HP full at all times (or close to full), the boss can do A LOT of
damage in one attack.

After the fight with the Air Elemental, you can proceed into the next
room and save. There's a maze up ahead so get ready! Upon entering "Way
of Lost Children" a 2 minutes timer will start and you'll have to make
it to the end before the door closes. Here's the solution through this
maze, keep in mind to AVOID enemies and refer to the map for the compass
and to confirm your going the right way.

- Head east in "Way of Lost Children"
- Continue east in "Desire's Passage"
- In "Senses Lost" cling to the northern wall and follow it around the
corner to the northern door
- Head east in "Crossing of Blood"
- In "Fool's Gold, Fool's Loss" go north
- In "Tomb of the Reborn" you will have to battle the boss

Boss: Earth Elemental
Special Attack(s): Gaea Strike Lv.1, Vulcan Lance
Items: none

Use the Magnolia Frau once again and increase its air affinity with gems
you may have and cast Air Fusion. The boss should go down fast, using
Reflect Magic works well and KEEP YOU HP HIGH ONCE AGAIN!

The clock should still be ticking so make your butt north to "Lunatic
Veins" and east to "Bandits Hollow".

Battle Abilities

Chain Abilities

Name RISK Description
Heavy Shot 1 Inflicts 70% additional damage to foe
Gain Life 2 Regenerate 30% of HP equal to damage
Mind Assault 1 Reduces foe's MP by 30% of damage delt
Gain Magic 2 Regenerate 30% of MP equal to damage
Raging Ache 1 Deals 10% damage = HP Ashley sustained
Mind Ache 1 Drain 20% MP equal to MP Ashley used
Temper 2 Does +40% damage and repair weapon
Crimson Pain 2 Does +100% damage to foe and 30% Ashley
Instill 1 Does additional 10% damage & adds to PP
Phantom Pain 3 Does damage equal to weapon's PP
Paralysis Pulse 3 Adds Paralysis
Numbing Claw 3 Adds Numbness
Dulling Impact 3 Adds Silent
Snake Venom 3 Adds Poison

Defense Abilities

Name RISK Description
Ward 1 Prevent Paralysis and Numbness
Siphon Soul 6 Adds 50% of MP used by foe's spell
Reflect Magic 2 Reflects 40% damage done by magic
Reflect Damage 2 Reflects 40% damage done by physical
Impact Guard 4 Reduce physical damage by 50%
Terra Ward 4 Reduces earth affinity damage by 50%


Braveheart - Increases success of non-magical attacks by 20%
Dragonite - Slightly increases power against dragon
Haeralis - Slightly increases power against human
Iocus - Slightly increases power against undead
Manabreaker - Increases the chance to eveade magical attacks by 20%
Salamander Ruby - Slightly increases fire affinity
Undine Jasper - Slightly increases water affinity
White Queen - Increases the chance to evade Numbness by 20%

Bronze Key – Opens doors locked with the Bronze Key
Crimson Key - Opens doors locked with the Crimson Key
Cure Bulb - Restores 100 HP
Cure Potion - Restores all HP
Cure Tonic - Restores 150 HP
Cure Root - Restores 50 HP
Elixir of Dragoons - Adds a few points of AGL
Elixir of Kings - Adds a few points of STR
Elixir of Mages - Adds a few points of MP
Elixir of Queens - Adds a few points of HP
Elixir of Sages - Adds a few points of INT
Eye of Argon - Enables Ashley to see traps in room
Faerie Chortle - Cures Poison
Grimoire Ameliorer - Contains spell Prostasia
Grimoire Analyse - Contains spell Analysis
Grimoire Antidote - Contains spell Antidote
Grimoire Demolir - Contains spell Explosion
Grimoire Halte - Contains spell Fixate
Grimoire Ignifuge - Contains spell Pyro Guard
Grimoire Rempart - Contains spell Terra Guard
Grimoire Visible - Contains spell Eureka
Lily Sigil - Unseals door to Catacombs
Mana Root - Recharges 25 MP
Mana Tonic - Recharges 100 MP
Spirit Orison - Cures Numbness
Vera Root - Lowers RISK 25 points
Vera Bulb - Lowers RISK 50 points
Yggdrasil's Tears - Cures Paralysis


In no paticular order were these names mentioned. I put them down as I
read the e-mails.

SquareSoft for this wonderful game =)

Vic Palileo – correcting my grammar (affinity instead of infinity =P)

Duane Strat - Dan C Matthews, Kevin Sugawa, Mastah Bob

Wyvern Strat - E.J. Howson, GamePRO178, Marilyn Ganda, MaterGaea, Vic
Rattlehead8, Eric Johnson

Malek – Combination tip

Todd – Confirming Sydney can be killed in battle with Grissom

Joe – Confirming the first container appears before Minotaur boss

Comentariul dumneavoastră a fost salvat!!!
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17.Octombrie 2013
Secret's and Hints

17.Octombrie 2013
Portuguese FAQ

14.Octombrie 2013

12.Octombrie 2013
Ende des Spiels

17.Octombrie 2013
Plot FAQ

14.Octombrie 2013
Jazeraint Armor

14.Octombrie 2013
Boss FAQ

12.Octombrie 2013
First Play Speed FAQ

16.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013
engl. Cheats

18.Octombrie 2013
List FAQ

16.Octombrie 2013
Snowfly Forest FAQ

12.Octombrie 2013
Introduction FAQ

16.Octombrie 2013

16.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013
Playing Guide FAQ

17.Octombrie 2013
Patch und PAL/NTSC Selektor und +3 Trainer für die Europäische PAL GER/ENG Version.

15.Octombrie 2013
engl. Hinweise
10.Octombrie 2008
engl. FAQ
10.Octombrie 2008
Patch und PAL/NTSC Selektor für die Europäische PAL GER/ENG Version.

15.Octombrie 2013
Patch für die Europäische PAL Französiche Version.

17.Octombrie 2013
Patch for the European PAL UK Version.

17.Octombrie 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und +5 Trainer für die US NTSC Version.

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PAL/NTSC Selektor für die japanische NTSC Version.

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